#Kyle camden
archvillain-fandom · 3 months
response to barry lyga’s un/edited
Not sure what this is. A book review, maybe. A creative writing exercise. The ramblings of a madwoman. Whatever it is, it had to be written.
We’re sitting in the backyard of my childhood home, on our butts, on the grass, on top of the hill. It’s not the backyard as it is now, years after we sold the house and the new owners remodeled it, but it’s not the backyard from my first memories. The treehouse that my dad built for me at age 10 is in the avocado tree, and the giant eucalyptus has been cut down. I stare at the stump, big enough for a little girl to use as a table for her dolls.
“Who am I?” my indefinite companion asks.
“You’re Kyle Camden,” I reply.
“Oh.” Kyle looks at his body, which is suddenly a lot clearer. “From Archvillain?”
“Sort of,” I say. “You’re a version of Kyle that I extrapolated from Archvillain. You’re close to the character that was written, but not exactly the same. You’re a subversion of the real thing.”
“There is no ‘real’ Kyle Camden,” Kyle says.
“So what’s different about me?” he asks.
I sigh. “Who knows? Maybe you’re less snarky. Maybe you have more empathy. Maybe you’re really me, when I was twelve. Who knows?”
“You said ‘who knows’ twice in the last paragraph,” he points out.
“I’ll get it when I edit,” I shrug. “Or maybe I won’t edit this. His book is called ‘Unedited,’ after all.”
“It’s called ‘Edited,’ too,” Kyle says. “Doesn’t that mean you should edit?”
I sigh. “Don’t be a smartass.”
His eyes widen. “Wait, we can curse in this?”
“Sure,” I say. “This isn’t a Scholastic book. This is a blog post on a blog with fewer than fifty followers. Nobody’s going to care.”
He laughs, long and loud. “FUCK!” he yells. And then, not as loud, but just as exuberant, “Fuck, that felt good! I’ve been wanting to fucking swear since I was fucking created.”
I laugh too. “I’m glad I can offer you that much, at least.”
“After all I’ve given you?” he says dryly.
“Well, fuck, Kyle, don’t act all self-important now.”
“That’s the character,” he says. “That’s the original character.”
“I guess,” I say.
He furrows his brow. “If what you say is true, though… I’m not the original character. I’m an approximation, based on your interpretation. Which means that I clearly mean a lot to you. Which means that I’m not being self-important. So there!”
“You’re being a smartass again,” I say.
He shrugs wordlessly. We both stare at the eucalyptus stump.
“You know,” I say, finally breaking the silence, “I don’t think I ever used that stump as a table for my dolls. I think I just said that in the first paragraph to evoke memories of a rosy childhood, playing in the backyard without a care in the world. In real life, I think I was too anxious about getting my dolls dirty to take them outside.”
Kyle turns to look at me, but doesn’t say anything.
“Or maybe,” I continue, “I didn’t make that up. My sister convinced me to bring our dolls outside, and I went along with it to make her happy. I don’t remember.”
“You have a sister?” Kyle says.
“Younger,” I say. “Three and a half years apart.” I nod in the direction of the stump, at the bottom of the hill. “When that was a tree… the lowest branch was level with the second story of the house. It looked like a hundred feet up– maybe it was. My dad hung a rope swing from that branch. No fucking clue how he got it up there. But he hung a rope swing with a hundred feet of rope– well, there were two ropes holding up the swing, so I guess it was two hundred… hmm…”
“Focus,” Kyle snaps.
“Anyway,” I say. “My sister was a climber. Climbed everything vertical. And so she decided to climb the rope swing. There were no knots or anything, just straight rope. But she took her shoes off, rubbed dirt on her hands, and started climbing. She was seven or eight. And she climbed up, almost to the top. And she made eye contact with my mom, through the second-story window.”
“And then your mom screamed, and your sister panicked, and lost her grip, and fell to her death,” said Kyle.
“No,” I say. “My mom kept her cool, and ordered her to come down. My sister made her way back down the rope, endured a lecture, and is now a student at the same college that I went to.”
“That’s a bad ending,” Kyle tells me. “There’s no payoff. We learn nothing.”
“I have a fear of heights,” I tell him, although that seems kind of redundant. “Now you’ve learned that.”
“I don’t have that fear,” he grins. “I can fly.”
“I know.”
“It’s kind of weird that you have a fear of heights, but love a story about falling,” he says.
“Yeah,” he says. “Archvillain is about falling.”
“What do you mean by that?” I ask, but he only shrugs.
I wait a moment, before I say, “You don’t sound like the real Kyle.”
“I told you, there is no real Kyle.”
“Original Kyle, then. The non-bastardized Kyle.”
“Maybe that’s because you’re writing me,” he says.
“Probably,” I agree.
He says nothing, and so I add, “The tree story is my running-in-front-of-a-car-to-get-an-action-figure story.”
He throws his hands up. “Oh, now we’re talking about the book!”
I shrug. “If you want, we can.”
“If I’m Kyle Camden, then I must be, in some way, partly Barry Lyga. And if I’m partly Barry Lyga, then I must want to know what you thought of his– my– book.”
“I think the part of you that’s me is placing much more weight on my opinion than the part of you that’s Barry Lyga really would.”
“Fuck, that’s confusing,” says Kyle.
“I got confused writing that sentence,” I say.
“But seriously, what did you think of the book?”
“It was…” I try to think of some adjective, and fail. “It was. It existed.”
“Seriously?” Kyle says in disbelief. “That’s all you’ve got? Aren’t you supposed to be a writer?”
“I’m a writer,” I say. “I never said I was a good writer.”
“‘It existed,’” Kyle mocks. “Wow. Put that on the cover of the second edition. ‘It existed,’ signed Amanda P———, owner of one of the most obsessive Tumblr blogs in existence. That’ll sell more copies.”
“It–“ I sigh. “Isn’t that a compliment? In a work of metafiction, where the characters are grappling with their existence, under an author-god grappling with his own creations, under the real author grappling with his publisher, isn’t it enough to say it existed?”
“No,” says Kyle.
“You’re infuriating,” I say.
“It’s why you like me,” he replies.
I exhale. “The truth is that I don’t get this book. But this book gets me. You follow?”
“No,” he says again.
“It’s just–“ I take a breath, and try again. “It’s just that when I read it, something clicked. Details lined up. It was like it was written for only me.”
“It wasn’t, though,” he says.
“No, you’re not getting it. I had like, a God moment. It was the same feeling that I had when I first read your book.”
“Didn’t you read my section in Unedited?” Kyle says. “God isn’t real. It’s a coherent 13-dimensional waveform–“
“Alright, I don’t feel like typing the whole rant out,” I say. “I get it. I’m not special.”
“Whatever details you thought ‘lined up’ were just coincidences. Common human experiences.”
“You’re starting to sound like Lyga’s Kyle again,”
I say.
“If you’re to be believed, that’s who I really am,” he says. “Or maybe your bastardization has stuck. Maybe, in his mind, a part of you has embedded itself in his conception of me.”
“Or maybe that’s just my ego talking,” I say.
“Maybe,” he says. “I think you have a bigger ego than he does. Which is saying something, considering he wrote a book where he’s both God and the Devil.”
I put my head in my hands. “Fuck this shit. Can’t we just go back to sitting in the backyard?”
“Sure,” says Kyle. “It’s nice here.”
We both sit.
We both sit.
We both sit.
I say, finally, “I did like the book.”
“You only read it to see me,” he says.
“Well, yeah, at first,” I say. “But then I couldn’t stop. Screwed up my whole day at work because I couldn’t get my mind off of it.”
“You work?” Kyle says.
“I’m twenty-two,” I say. “A college graduate. Of course I work.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a government drone,” I deadpan. Kyle chuckles. “I work for my city. For now, possibly forever.”
“It’s funny,” he says. “I never pictured you working.”
“You’re a fictional character,” I tell him. “You can’t picture anything.”
“I can picture as much as he can picture,” he says. “Or, well, as much as you can picture that he can picture.”
“Well, I was fourteen when I first read Archvillain,” I say. “I wasn’t even a babysitter back then. And now–“
“Now it’s been, like, eight years,” Kyle says.
“Nine, nearly.”
“Jesus. That’s a lot of time to be devoted to one book series.”
“I have other interests,” I say. “I have stories that are really mine.”
“But they’re not Archvillain,” says Kyle.
“Yeah,” I say. “I guess it ties back into that ‘first love’ theme.”
“A book series is not a first love,” Kyle says. “Enough of me is you that I know Archvillain was not your first love.”
“I had Archvillain before I had her,” I say.
“Her?” Kyle says. “You’re gay?”
“Bi,” I say. “Maybe. Or ace. Or gay. Or straight. Does it matter? I loved her the way Mike loved Phil. The way you love Mairi.”
“That’s not healthy,” he says.
“No,” I agree. “That’s why it ended.”
“Do you regret it?” Kyle asks.
“I hate her some days,” I say. “Most days. I hate myself for blowing it up, too. It was really my fault that it ended. If I hadn’t freaked out when she set a boundary, we’d still be friends.”
“You weren’t together?” he asks.
We sit, until Kyle says, “I’m gay too. I think.”
I laugh. “I was never sure whether Barry Lyga always intended you to be gay, or whether he just did that to make my teenage self happy.”
“Guess you’ll never know,” says Kyle.
“Guess I’ll never know,” I say. “Although, you and the Mad Mask…”
He groans. “It doesn’t matter. When the series ends, the young Mad Mask is hell-bent on revenge, and the old Mad Mask is lost to time. It’s not happening.”
“Then, you and Mike…”
“It’s not happening,” he says again.
“If I were writing the series…” I start.
“But you’re not!” he interrupts. “It’s not your series. It’ll never be yours.”
“And yet you’re partly me,” I say.
He looks down at his blue-gloved hands. “Yeah, well. Sometimes stuff sticks.”
“Yeah.” I pause, and then I say what’s been on my mind since I read Edited. “Do you think the email is based on me?”
“Email?” He furrows his brow. “What email?”
“In his book. George writes an email to Gayl Rybar, or maybe Barry Lyga, telling him how important his work is. That he kept him from killing himself, because of his writing.”
“I liked George,” mused Kyle. “When I met him.”
“When I was sixteen, I emailed Barry Lyga. I told him how important his work was. I didn’t say it kept me from killing myself, but that was what I was thinking. Do you think that part was based on me?”
Kyle frowns. “I doubt it. He probably gets a lot of teenage emails.”
“Maybe,” I say.
“I think it’s stupid to think that anything in that book is related to you. Maybe Barry Lyga put an Archvillain section in knowing that you’d enjoy it– maybe. But I think you’re just desperate for connection, as a new adult in a remote job, and are leaning back on your old favorite series for comfort.”
“Maybe,” I say again. “You sound like his Kyle.”
“I only sound like Lyga’s Kyle when I’m making you uncomfortable,” he says.
“Maybe,” I say, for the third time.
“You thought that email was written by George?” Kyle asks.
“When I read Edited, I did,” I say. “George is a fan of Gayl Rybar. It makes sense.”
“But he isn’t a fan in Unedited,” says Kyle. “So he can’t have written it, since Lyga wrote that book first.”
“Yeah, I guess I can’t really know,” I say. “It’s all fictional, anyway.”
“Never stopped you from wondering before.”
“You’re very aggravating,” I tell him.
He raises his hands in defense. “Hey, you’re the one writing me.”
I pick my legs up off the grass and hug my knees. “I can’t believe I’m twenty-two.”
“You’re young. Don’t complain about it,” Kyle says.
“You’re younger than me. You’re twelve.”
“I’ve been twelve since 2010. Technically, I’m older than you.”
“In Barry Lyga’s original outline of Archvillain–“
“Oh, shut up!” Kyle exclaims. “Nobody cares about that but you. There’s not going to be any more Archvillain– no books, no short stories, no cartoon. You need to get over it, and grow up.”
I glare at him. “Can I finish my fucking sentence?” He rolls his eyes, and I continue, “In the original outline, Kyle gets visited by his future self in Tomorrow Today. I was fifteen or sixteen when I learned that, and I thought, okay, how old is future Kyle? And I settled on twenty-two.”
“And now you’re twenty-two,” he finishes.
“Exactly. And I keep thinking of going back in time, of talking to my younger self. Of what I would say.”
“What would you say?”
“I don’t know. That it gets better? That I shouldn’t feel so guilty all the time? That I should keep writing? I doubt I’d listen. I doubt you’d listen to your older self, if that book had ever been written.”
“I think you’re thinking about this a little too much,” says Kyle.
“Okay, that definitely was the Lyga part of you.”
“You’re still writing me,” he says. “And I’m sure Barry Lyga, the real one, doesn’t see me as half him, half you. I’m all his, in his mind, and you’re a deranged fan who needs to find a hobby.”
I accept this. “You’re probably right.”
“Of course I’m right. I’m a genius,” he says.
I smile. “I did kind of kidnap your series.”
“That’s a good way of putting it,” he says.
“I’m writing a book about that now,” I say. “Kidnapping. Murder. Real dark shit.”
“That’s a departure from the middle grade stuff.”
“Yeah, well,” I shrug. “You gotta write what you gotta write.”
“Like this piece?”
“You know, for a book review, we didn’t talk about the book that much,” Kyle says.
“Yeah, well, if he wants an actual review, he can look on Goodreads. Anyway, I’m going to call this a response, not a review.”
“Very English major of you.”
“Thank you.”
“Not a compliment.”
“If I was a real English major, I would know how to end this,” I say.
“There we are, tying back into the book!” Kyle exclaims.
“It wasn’t intentional. I think that endings are hard for everyone.”
“Oh,” says Kyle. “But it has to end sometime.”
“I guess it does,” I say. “How would you end it?”
“I’m guessing that people hailing me as a true hero isn’t an option?” he says. I shake my head. “I don’t know. Sitting here is nice. We could just keep doing that.”
“That’s a bad ending,” I say. “There’s no payoff. We learn nothing.”
He shrugs, for the final time. And we sit.
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kyleyangs-a · 1 year
closed for @camden-russell​
location: outside grigg’s general
He couldn't be in there any longer. That's what Kyle had thought after spending mere minutes in the hospital, the pain almost too much for him to bear. He stepped outside, maybe for fresh air or maybe because all of this was too hard. Even in a small town, Kyle found a way to run, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, leaning against the wall of the hospital and letting himself be alone. He needed it, even if it was just for a moment. Glancing down at the floor, he let a puff of smoke escape his lips before glancing up again, seeing someone who'd once been apart of his life, a friendship Kyle had burned all by himself. "I'm not in the mood, Russell," he let out.
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
Inner demons (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc)
“They gave me a free pass to kill and I enjoyed it...”
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Summary: It's 1917. Alfie and the men under his charge were allowed to return home. The war isn't over, but it's for him. At least physically. His wife found him one night sat in front of fireplace, he's mentally lost back in France. "Tell me a story about a man tortured by his own thoughts," his mind says "I'll tell you the story of Alfie Solomons."
Warnings: PTSD. Mentions of war. Blood. Murder. Suicide. Angst. Hurt/comfort.
Words: 1.5k
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"Captain, captain! It's Jacob Craig!! Captain!"
In his dreams, Alfie is following one if his men. Out of the trenches, a young soldier named Jacob is lying on the ground his whole body is shaking and Alfie can see why. His left leg is no there anymore and around him there's only blood.
"I'm…I'm so-sorry cap-captain."
"It's okay, soldier, you're fine. You're fine." Alfie put a hand on his shoulder and tried to not look at his missing leg.
"Te-tell my mum I lo-love her."
"I will."
Jacob Craig, only 19 years old, died no longer after. He was just a kid. Alfie wanted to yelled while some of the men put the corpse next to the others. He didn't have a chance to become a man, to have a family, to live a long life. Jacob Craig was one of the many that didn't have the chance to return home. His thoughts travelled to London. There, in a nice house in Camden Town, his wife was waiting for him. Alfie didn't know if he will be able to see her again.
A bomb exploded next to him and he ducked. When you're in a battlefield there's no time for sentimentalism. You kill or you die. Alfie grabbed his rifle and shot.
Next to him, his wife is sleeping but Alfie can't. His mind is torturing him, his nightmares are chasing him like a predator. He can name every single man who died under his watch. Not just Jacob Craig, there was a Kyle, a Christopher, an Andrew, a Derek… and so many more. You can hide if you want to, but you can't hide from your own mind.
Alfie was always an impulsive person, using the violence to be feared and respected was part of his nature. The problem is that the war increased that. He had to survive to return home and he knew what to do. But now in his mind there were not only the voices of his men, but also his enemies. The ones he killed with his own hands.
Back in 1914, before the war, he thought that returning home it'd be easy. But it wasn't. He was back, it's true, and it was more than millions could say, but the price he had to pay…
He goes to their living room. Alfie sits down in front of the chimney and watches the fire. It's hard to control himself. It's hard to pretend that everything is fine, when everything is not fine.
"Please, please… spare my life."
The voice of a man he never knew appears in his memories. Alfie can see his uniform in his mind. It was an Italian. 'A fucking wop'.
Alfie didn't spare his life. He took it and now the spirit of the Italian soldier lives forever in his conscience.
The rage he's carrying is too much. Too strong. "Tell me a story about a man tortured by his own thoughts, mom." His imagination says. And another voice responds: "I'll tell you the story of Alfie Solomons."
Anibal González was a good man. One of his best friends while they were there. Son of a Peruvian couple, Anibal was raise in England when both of his parents moved to Europe. Anibal was a funny man, full of good intentions who just wanted to live in the countryside and have a farm. That was before he blew up his brain after two years in the front. Alfie tried to stop him, but he couldn't.
He hides his face in his hands. "Make it stop… make it stop…"
"Al?" her soft voice, makes him turn around to see her. "Alfie, what's happening?"
"Ghosts… I can see them. They can see me. They're haunting me. All of them."
His hands are shaking and she put hers over his. Alfie is not the same and she can see that. His eyes are now always scrutinizing the surroundings. He's alert all the time and he can't sleep, like now.
"I don't want to hurt you, Rosie. I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't, Al."
"No, you don't understand. I know I'm 'ere, I know I'm safe now and I know who ya're… but it requires a lot of strength to reminding myself that. I need to tell me all the time that I'm not in the trenches. That there aren't wops here… only you. But I'm afraid that one day I won't be able to distinguish between ya and an enemy, between this house and the battlefield. I-… I'm terrified of hurting you. Of killing you, because my mind is damaged."
Rose caresses his face. Her poor Alfie. In her whole life she never saw him that bad… broken. Fuck those who dared to hurt him. She doesn't need a reminder to know that her husband isn't a good man, but Rose knows her husband is incapable of doing anything against her. And the proof is in front of her. Even broken, Alfie's biggest fear isn't his well-being but hers. The man she loves is terrified of hurting her because his mind isn't the same.
She hugs him and he hides his face against her body. Rose strokes his hair. "We'll face this together, Al. As always. Even if it takes you ages. I don't care. I'll be here."
"If I hurt ya, I will kill myself, ya know that, right? I fuckin' shoot myself."
"And I'm going to stop you before you can do it. You're my everything, Al. I know you better than I know myself. True that I don't know what did you experience in France, what did you see but I know how strong you are. And this is only…"
"They gave me a free pass to kill and I used it. I enjoyed it," he interrumpts. Alfie looks at her "I know I can't stop now. My nightmares, luv, are red and the voices keep claiming blood. Over and over again."
She notices that he's trembling again and holds him even tighter: "I wish we'd have the chance to run far away from here. I wish those who sent you there die cruelly. Alfie, I can't change the past. But I'm ready to this new present. If hypothetically you kill someone else… Do you think that will scare me? The day you arrive here covered by blood then I'll prepare a bath to help you to clean yourself. I'll stitch your wounds. I'll kiss your bruises. I'm not scared of you. But I'll help you to fight that urge, no matter what. Listen, I said I know you better than I know myself and it's true and since it's true, I know you're incapable of hurting me even if your voices are screaming at you."
In the house there's only the two of them. As always the two of them. Their dog called Fancy is sleeping next to the door. The sound of the fire is only interrupted by the sound of their breathing.
"I love ya, pet."
"I know. And I love you, too Al."
"I'm tired. It's just it. I'm tired of everything. Ya think it'll pass?"
"Everything always pass, Alfie. One day this will be a distant memory."
They remain in silence once again. When Rose watches at him again, she sees him sleeping on her. The woman caresses his hair slowly.
"They gave me a free pass to kill and I enjoyed it." His words are engraved in her mind now. If hell is a real place then Alfie's soul already has a room for him there. But he was not going to go alone there. If she had to sell her own soul to be with him then she's ready to make a deal with the devil himself if that meant to be with him forever.
Alfie sleeps with his head on her lap. He's dreaming again. He's in France but this time his wife is there, right in front of him while he's ready to use his rifle. Alfie's hands are shaking and is bitting his lower lip. He sees her smiling at him and before he'd realise what's happening, the gun fells on the ground. For the first time in his dreams he's not hurting anyone. Rose is right: he's incapable of hurting her even in his nightmares. The demons in his head scream but he's not listening to them. In the dreams, Alfie smiles at her too.
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intomusings · 2 years
﹒﹒  unisex   names   masterlist     !
back  again  with  another  masterlist  for  u  all  after  receiving  some  anon  suggestions  .  here's  250+  unisex  first  names  for  ur  next  character  ,  these  come  from  various  influence  points  but  some  of  them  really  are  just  pulled  from  thin  air  .  the  names  are  sorted  by  first  letter  but  not  alphabetically  within  each  letter  !  if  u  found  this  useful  ,  feel  free  to  like  or  reblog  to  boost  this  .
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A : ashtyn , avery , adrian , anderson , abbott , aaren , aki , alix , amari , aden , arden , addison , angel , arizona , armani , ayla , austen , avani , august , ajay . 
B : bailey , beck , bellamy , blaine , blake , brooks , bryce , bodhi , beverly , boston , boyd , benz , banks .
C : cameron , camden , carter , casey , charlie , chicago , carson , courtney .
D : dakota , dallas , delaney , denver , dylan , drew , dua .
E : eden , eli , elliot , emerson , emery , erin , evan , everest , ezra .
F : fallon , finley , finn , forest , foster , finnick , frankie .
G : gem , gabe , gray , genesis , garnet , greer .
H : hale , harley , harlow , harper , haven , hayden , hayes , hunter , hero , holland , hollis , hudson , honey .
I : indy , indiana , isa .
J : jace , jack , jade , jamie , jay , joey , jordan , jude , juniper , julian , jagger , journey .
K : kali , keegan , kelan , kendal , kenzie , kieran , kit , knox , kyle , kaiden , karsyn , kourtney .
L : lake , laurence , lennon , lennox , landry , levi , logan , london , luca , lux , lyric , love , link , lincoln .
M : maddox , madison , manning , manny , marlow , marley , mason , max , morgan , montana , milo , michi , memphis , milan , mica .
N : nevada , nicky , noah , nye , nova , nash , nyjah .
O : ollie , ozzy , orion , onyx , oakley , owen , oliver , ocean , opal , otto , orlando , odelia .
P : paris , pratt , parker , pascal , pax , paxton , paxon , penn , peyton , phoenix , presley , psalm , pearl .
Q : quincy , quinn , quentin .
R : rae , ryan , reagan , reed , reece , rei , rem , riley , river , robin , rocky , rory , royal , rowan , ryder , ryker , reign , rue .
S : sean , sacha , sailor , salem , sam , sawyer , scout , shiloh , skye , skyler , sloane , sol , spencer , stevie , sutton , sydney , storm , sab , seven , saint , sage , shelby , silver .
T : tai , teagan , torrence , tyler , tristan , trevor , tove , toni , tommy , theo , terry , tatum , tanner , tate , tayler , taryn , tris .
U : uma .
V : val , vesper , vega , vaughn , vince , venus , vinny .
W : waverly , wade , whitney , winnie , willy , wylie , wren , wyatt , winter , winslow , wolfe , west , weston .
X : xio , xyla , xashary .
Y : yael , yves , yara , yensi , yale .
Z : zane , zuri , zoe , zion , zayden , zero .
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A Shade of Gray: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Your abilities are put to the test when you have to gather evidence based on what your psyche is telling you. Hotch believes in you, and that’s the only thing that matters.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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You and Rossi walk down to the kitchen to see what Bill was called away for. You need to inspect every inch of this house so you'll know where to start looking.
"Our tech guys found this dishrag and a glass of water. Kyle's fingerprints were all over it," Bill says.
"So, he wakes up thirsty, comes to the kitchen, and gets some water."
"When we got here, the deadbolt on the French doors was unlocked."
"That must have been his exit."
"Rossi! Y/N! Check this out!" Derek calls from the basement. You and Rossi join Derek in the basement. You're immediately floored at the energy left behind down here. "This window was definitely broken from the outside. Given the size of it, the unsub would have to be really small to get through it. What did you find upstairs?"
"There were signs of a struggle. It looks like Kyle was abducted from his room. The unsub went out through the family room door."
"So, he finds a safe and quiet place to break in."
"Everything about how Kyle was taken is consistent with the previous abductions."
Yeah, too consistent.
Hotch, JJ, Spencer, and Penelope came up with a short list of suspects they thought might have done this. You'll be back to this house to inspect it further so you leave with Derek, Bill, and Rossi back to the police station to find out what list they have.
"We've already narrowed the list to five men."
"Hugh Rollins, forty-three, lived in Camden County his whole life, in and out of foster care since he was a toddler, and acquired quite the nice rap sheet."
"What's his connection to the victims?"
"Two years ago, he got a steady job installing TVs. The first two families recently purchased a new one. Garcia found something else. Rollins had no cell or bank activity on the days the boys were abducted."
Relief washes over you, and you look at Bill to see his eyes closed. Why is he relieved at this news?
"We haven't been able to connect Rollins to Kyle yet," you say.
"You're saying you wanna wait for more evidence?"
"No, there isn't time. We have sufficient probable cause."
"Hotch, you need to hear what Y/N has to say," Rossi says.
All eyes are on you, and you look at Bill who is waiting for you to say something. Rossi understands what needs to happen, so he makes up some bullshit and takes him off to the side.
"What is it?" Hotch asks.
"I don't think Rollins did it. At least not with Kyle. I know you told me to gather physical evidence, but forget that for a moment. Sarah and Dan are racked with guilt. There's so much there that I started to feel guilty about things from my past. Danny is the complete opposite. He has no emotion about any of this. When I was talking to his dad, he was sitting next to him with a clear bored expression on his face. It felt forced when he started crying.
"The reason why I don't think Rollins did it is because the first two victims were taken from their homes, right? There is not an energy out of place in that house. I've never met Rollins, but I would have noticed a stray energy. Plus, I saw Kyle. He's dead.
"Soley based on this energy, I think Danny killed his brother in a fit of rage, and based on his parents' energies, I think they're covering it up or they know what happened. The relief I felt from Bill when you said Rollins might be responsible for this is concerning. Bill knows what happened and they're all keeping it a secret."
"I know what you're going to say," you cut Derek off. "I need physical proof to back my theory up. I get it. I'm telling you this because I'd like you to give me a little leash." You turn to Hotch. "Give me some time to gather what I can. I'm not saying Rollins didn't kill those two little boys, but he didn't kill Kyle. Please."
"Fine. You and Reid go to the Murphy house and the rest of us will take Rollins. You'll have your leash. Don't choke me with it."
"Thank you. Come on, Spencer."
The Murphys are surprised to see you back at their place so shortly after leaving.
"Agents. I didn't expect you to come back so quickly," Dan says.
"Yes. Could we take a look inside? I want to make sure we didn't miss anything in our initial sweep. Can we start with Kyle's room?"
"Of course. Come in."
You and Spencer walk into the house and take a look around. Dan and Sarah stay downstairs while you and Spencer head up to Kyle's room which is still in a state of array.
"So, what are we looking for?"
"Anything that would suggest Danny killed his brother or that Sarah and Dan covered it up. I have the crime scene photos of the first two victims' bedrooms." You take out the folder and put the two pictures side by side to compare it to the state of Kyle's room. "Take a look at the sheets. The first two were ripped as if the kids tried to fight back. Look at Kyle's."
Kyle's sheets are thrown on the ground as if someone placed them there instead of an actual struggle occurring. You take your phone out and take a picture of Kyle's room so that you can compare it to the other two later on.
"Isn't there something off about this room?"
"What do you mean?"
"It looks like this was staged. Like someone came in here and messed everything up to make it look like a struggle. Did he even sleep in this room last night?"
"It does look that way compared to the other two, but that doesn't mean Danny killed his brother."
"No, but it helps my theory. Come on." You take Spencer over to Danny's room which is neat for a kid. The only thing out of place is the bunk beds because both beds are messed up like two people slept here and not one. "I thought only one kid lives here."
"They do."
"I think Kyle slept in here last night. The sheets wouldn't look slept in if he didn't." You walk closer to the bed and notice a dark spot in the middle of the bed underneath a teddy bear. "Kyle wet the bed. Come on." You take Spencer back downstairs where Dan is waiting eagerly. He stands up as soon as he sees you, and he wipes his hands on his jeans as if they're starting to clam up. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just want my little boy to come home."
"I understand. Thank you for letting us do this," Spencer says.
"Anything you need that might help."
You notice Dan's knuckles are freshly busted like he hit something over and over again. You didn't see any workout equipment in the house, so you're not sure where he got that if he got that here.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your hand?" you ask.
Dan puts his left hand over his right to hide it but you've already seen it.
"I was working out at the gym and forgot to bring my gloves. I'm always forgetting things like that," he chuckles.
"Right, well, give us five more minutes and we'll be out of your hair." You take Spencer down to the basement where the collective energy of the family resides. "This is where most of the energy is."
"What do you feel?"
"Well, it doesn't really matter what I feel. According to Hotch, I need physical proof."
"Come on, don't do that. He's not here. It's just me. What do you feel?"
"A lot of anger. A lot of pain. Whatever happened to Kyle happened in this room."
"How can you be sure?"
"He's standing in the corner watching us. Hotch doesn't understand. This is why I don't rely on physical evidence. I know people's secrets and when you confront them about it, nine out of ten times, they crack."
The glass from the broken window catches the light, and you walk over to it carefully. They've cleaned the glass up but the hole is still there. Ghost pieces of glass hover off the ground and fit back into place. All the pieces are there but one. Why would one be missing? The police have the pieces of glass in evidence, so you'll need to get those to reconstruct what the window looked like before it was smashed. Dan was nervous when you asked him about his hand which is more suspicious when you know a piece of the window is missing.
"We'll need to get those glass pieces back. I bet one of them is missing. I don't think Dan was working out when he busted his knuckles." You look out the broken window to see the neighbor across the street working in her flower garden, and she periodically looks over at the Murphy house. "Let's talk to her."
"Why? Police already talked to all the neighbors."
"We didn't."
As soon as you thank the Murphys, you leave their house and head over to the neighbor's house. She is working in her garden when she hears the clack of your heels on the concrete.
"May I help you?"
"Yes. I'm Agent Y/N and he's Dr. Spencer Reid. We're investigating the disappearance of Kyle Murphy. I'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind."
"I already told the police everything I know."
"Still. I'd appreciate it if you give me a moment of your time. I promise to keep this short." The woman stands up, wipes her dirt-covered hands on her jeans, and gives you the okay. "Thank you. Do you spend a lot of time in your garden?"
"Yes. I grow rare flowers that need my attention multiple times a day."
"Would you say you have a good view of the Murphy house?"
"Have you noticed anyone lingering around their house? It could be a car you don't recognize or someone passing by their house multiple times a day."
"No. I lost my job recently so I've been home all day to tend to my garden. I know everyone in this neighborhood because I attend the weekly meetings at the church. I would have noticed someone out of place."
You look up at her house and notice a small security camera in the corner that points toward the Murphy house.
"Excuse me, is your camera on?" you ask.
"Always. I don't want people stealing my flowers."
"Does it point to the Murphy house?"
"Not in the way you're hoping. It doesn't capture the whole house. The police already asked to see the footage but it didn't help them."
"Do you mind releasing footage to us? It might help us."
"Sure. I'll be right back." The woman goes inside and returns moments later with a file in her hand. "I've already looked. I don't know what you're going to find."
"Thank you for your help. If you can think of anything else, please give me a call." You turn to Spencer. "We need to get this to Garcia, and I think we should check the woods next. We might find Kyle there."
You'd call this successful and wonder if the other half of the team is doing well. Emily and Derek found child pornography on his computer but nothing that connects him to the three boys. However, they did find a black bag filled with children's toys, more specifically, his victims'.
"I'll check out back," Bill announces.
When he gets back there, Rollins can be seen trying to run away. Bill takes out his gun and starts firing without trying to pursue him on foot.
"Stop! Bill, stop!" Derek yells when he runs outside. Derek and Emily take off running toward Rollins who tries to climb the fence to get out. Derek tackles him to the ground and arrests him right there and then. Emily takes him to the police car while Derek walks back to Bill with an angry look on his face. "What the hell was that about?"
"I thought he might get away. I wasn't thinking."
"You're damn right you weren't."
"I know. It was stupid."
"What if you'd killed him? He's the only one who knows where Kyle is."
"I said I know."
The relief I felt from Bill when you said Rollins might be responsible for this is concerning. Bill knows what happened and they're all keeping it a secret.
Derek thinks about your words from earlier and looks between Bill and Rollins. If you're right about this, and he knows you probably are, then Bill knows the truth about what happened to Kyle.
"Lancaster, I've been where you are. I was a cop, too. That's why I knew this wasn't a good idea. You are way too close."
"I'm not gonna stop until we find Kyle," Bill glares and leaves Derek's side.
"Kyle isn't here," Rossi says and leaves the house with Emily.
"No, and if he isn't on this property, he's already in the woods. So, Rollins goes to the trouble of breaking into the Murphys' house? It's a big risk to take Kyle. If he's already in the woods, then he only kept him for a few hours. This doesn't make any sense."
I saw Kyle downstairs as a spirit. He died, and not that long ago.
The reason why I don't think Rollins did it is because the first two victims were taken from their homes, right? There is not an energy out of place in that house. I've never met Rollins, but I would have noticed a stray energy.
Soley based on this energy, I think Danny killed his brother in a fit of rage, and based on his parents' energies, I think they're covering it up or they know what happened.
Rossi thinks back to your words.
"I think Y/N might be right on this one. We need to find Kyle's body to be sure."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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goalhofer · 3 months
2023-24 Utica Comets Roster
#18 Jace Isley (Grande Prairie, Alberta)**
#21 Arnaud Durandeau (Montreal, Quebec)*
#24 Brian Halonen (Delano, Minnesota)
#61 Chase Stillman (Peterborough, Ontario)**
#67 Xavier Parent (Laval, Quebec)**
#79 Samuel Laberge (Châteauguay, Quebec)
#92 Graeme Clarke (Ottawa, Ontario)
#10 Justin Dowling (Cochrane, Alberta)*
#15 Joe Gambardella (Staten Island, New York) A
#16 Filip Engarås (Stockholm, Sweden)
#19 Ryan Fitzgerald (North Reading, Massachusetts)*
#26 Ryan Schmelzer (Buffalo, New York) C
#51 Kyle Criscuolo (Southampton Township, New Jersey)*
#2 Michael Vukojevic (Oakville, Ontario)
#3 Will MacKinnon (Plymouth, Michigan)**
#5 Robbie Russo (Downers Grove Township, Illinois) A
#8 Santteri Hatakka (Riihimäki Kaupunki, Finland)*
#22 Colin Felix (Camden, New Jersey)**
#23 Tyler Wotherspoon (Surrey, British Columbia)
#83 Topias Vilén (Lahti, Finland)**
#93 Daniil Misyul (Yaroslavl, Russia)**
#1 Isaac Poulter (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
#31 Erik Källgren (Stockholm, Sweden)*
#40 Akira Schmid (Bern, Switzerland)
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kennedyxneills · 1 year
CLOSED: @camden-russell​ LOCATION: royal cove yacht club, dock
She knew when she sent the text message that she was playing with fire: ‘i know it’s not fair to ask, but can i see you?’ Even as she waited along the dock, Kennedy could not believe that he’d agreed. They weren’t on good terms, not since the truth had come out about what she’d done with Kyle. A boy— no, a man, despite it all feeling like just yesterday— with whom she shared a tricky past, including being the one that’d been there when she lost someone last. She remembered his arms cradled around her when she’d lost her father. 
He wasn’t hers this time though, with Vivi.
And even as she watched him approach on the dock, her arms wrapped around herself to shelter the cold, she knew that. “Hey,” she whispered, the sole word barely audible against the slap of the waves against the wood beams. “I’m sorry to pull you out here and bother you,” she started, her eyes closing and the words beginning to just pour out like rain, tears tingling at the corners of her eyes, “I just... I don’t know who to go to anymore. And I know it shouldn’t be you— I know that, I just... you know me. You were there, you know, the last time... my dad...” Kennedy’s eyes were cast to the ground, her fingers twisting the non-existent ring around her finger, her skin worried red. “It’s dumb I know but I don’t know anymore, Cam.”
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Bryce, Jordan, Jude, and 200+ More of the Best Gender Neutral Baby Names
There are plenty of reasons you might want a shortlist of gender neutral baby names. For instance, if you're not finding out the gender of your baby before their born, but you want to have a name decided on ahead of time - picking a name that works for any gender is the perfect solve. Or maybe you just prefer gender neutral names to baby names that are more traditionally masculine or feminine (although, of course, we love using a baby boy name for girls!) Gender neutral baby names cut across categories. You can find gender neutral names amongst Victorian-era baby names, trendy names, and more unique picks, which means you can find the perfect gender neutral baby name no matter what "vibe" of name you're going for. And to get your creativity going, we rounded up more than 200 unisex names that will suit your baby no matter what. Ahead, find some of our favorite gender-neutral names for babies, from A to Z. A * Adair * Adan * Addison * Ade * Adrian * Aiden * Ainsley * Alby * Alex * Ali * Amari * Andy * Angel * Ari * Ariel * Aries * Ash * Asher * Aspen * Atlas * Aubrey * August * Austen * Avery * B * Baker * Bailey * Bali * Banks * Bellamy * Beckham * Berkeley * Billie * Blaine * Blair * Blake * Bobby * Bowen * Brett * Briar * Brighton * Briley * Brinley * Brooklyn * Bryce * C * Caelan * Cairo * Camden * Cameron * Campbell * Carey * Carson * Carter * Casey * Cassidy * Celyn * Chandler * Charlie * Chris * Cody * Colby * Cole * Collins * Corey * Cove * D * Dakota * Dale * Dallas * Dana * Dane * Darryl * Declan * Delta * Devin * Dorian * Drew * Dylan * E * Easton * Eli * Elliot * Ellis * Ellison * Ember * Emerson * Emory * Evan * Ezra * F * Fallon * Finley * Florian * Flynn * Frances * Frankie * G * Gabriel * Gale * Glenn * Grayson * Grey * H * Harley * Harper * Hayden * Hunter * I * Indiana * Indigo * J * James * Jamie * Jayden * Jaylen * Jesse * Jordan * Jude * Julian * Juniper * Justice * K * Kaden, * Kai * Keegan * Kelly * Kendall * Kennedy * Kerry * Knox * Kyle * L * Lake * Landon * Landry * Lane * Lee * Lennon * Lennox * Lincoln * Linden * Logan * London * Lou * Lucian * Lumi * M * Mackenzie * Madison * Marley * Mason * Max * Maxwell * Micah * Milan * Mina * Monroe * Montana * Morgan * N * Nash * Nevada * Nico * Noah * Noel * O * Oakley * Ollie * Ore * Ozzie * P * Palmer * Paris * Parker * Pat * Perri * Peyton * Piper * Phoenix * Q * Quinn * R * Reagan * Reed * Reese * Reign * Remy * Rey * Riley * River * Roan * Robin * Rory * Roux * Rowan * Royal * Rudy * Ryan * Ryder * Rylan * S * Sage * Salem * Sam * Santana * Sawyer * Saylor * Scout * Seven * Shannon * Shawn * Shiloh * Skylar * Sloane * Spencer * Sterling * Stevie * Sunny * Sydney * T * Tanner * Tatum * Taylor * Terry * Theo * Tony * Tory * Tracy * Tyler * U * Umber * Unique * Uri * V * Val * Vesper * * W * Wallace * West * Winter * Wrennyn * Wyatt * Wynne * X * Xoan * Y * Yael * Z * Zion https://www.popsugar.com/family/Gender-Neutral-Baby-Names-34485564?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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cock-holliday · 2 years
Building off this post, but
 You might find yourself saying “while a little concerning, why would I care about some nazis in Massachusetts? I don’t live there!” Me either! And neither do most of their associates.
A lot of SHFA and NSC-131′s events are held in New Hampshire, the state chapter of American Guard nazi John Camden was part of. One of the most brutal brawls between SHFA’s associates and antifascist counter-protesters took place in Providence, Rhode Island in 2018. A number of the brawlers were Proud Boys from Portland like Tiny Toese or Joey Gibson and Alan Swinney.
The founder of Resist Marxism and current Proud Boy leader Kyle Chapman got his nickname “Based Stickman” from beating counter-protesters with a stick in a brawl in California at Berkeley.
The picture of Gavin McInnes was from an event in Washington DC. Most of his violence, including encouraging audience members of one of his speeches to go attack “antifa” (which they went and did, by senselessly attacking people on the street protesting their event) took place in New York.
A lot of white supremacists were part of a group called Identity Evropa, which would hold “retreats” to European countries to connect with their “heritage” aka nordic/germanic roots aka aka “white.”
Nationalist Social Club - 131 has chapters in various countries across the world.
Nazis rebrand and splinter--Atomwaffen Division members become The Base who splinters and members becomes Patriot Front which splinters and becomes NSC--they sell each other out and form a new group.
It’s a six degrees situation. The movement isn’t as big as the groups make it sound, but they move a lot, and they are connected to each other.
The Proud Boys has chapters all across the states and brand recognition. Patriot Front ships in members from all over the states for single events to make it seem like there are more local boys than there are.
No matter what state you live in--this is just outside your periphery if you aren’t already aware of it. If you live in Canada, there are members of these groups all over. If you live in the UK, your neonazis inspired nazis like Richard Spencer (infamous elbow-recipient)
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What happens in one state effects the next because there is a domino effect in nazi circles. A Patriot Front chud decked in Philadelphia is actually from Texas, and thinks twice about stepping out in his khakis again. Counter-protesters shut down a nazi rally in Idaho and the fash returning to Arizona see it as a failed event. Richard Spencer gets clocked and becomes obsolete and shunned by his own groups.
Everyone and anyone combating nazi activity is in an interconnected struggle. And if you are fortunate enough to think none of this has anything to do with you, you have an antifascist to thank for keeping it from knocking on your door.
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twins2994 · 8 days
Mullins WO HR Helps O's Sweep Twins.
Twins 2 Orioles 4 W-Kimbrel (3-0) L-Jax (1-2)
The Minnesota Twins are finding out just how good the Orioles are. Baltimore has hit their way past the Twins and looked for the sweep at Camden Yards today. The Orioles were ready from the start as Gunnar Henderson led-off the first and crushed a Pablo Lopez fastball out to right-center for a solo homer. This put the O's up by a run after an inning of play. Pitching dominated for a good chunk of the day as Pablo Lopez and Albert Suarez threw up zeroes until the seventh inning. Manny Margot started a Twins rally with a one-out walk in the seventh. He was off with the pitch when Austin Martin singled him home to tie the game at one. Later in the inning, Kyle Farmer delivered a run-scoring single to left to put the Twins on top. The Orioles answered in the bottom of the seventh when Anthony Santander crushed a Steven Okert fastball out to left-center to even the game at two apiece after seven innings of play. The Orioles would rally in the ninth with a Ryan Mountcastle lead-off single to center. Cedric Mullins belted a Griffin Jax change-up out to right and the O's swept the Twins this week in Baltimore.
-Final Thoughts- Pablo Lopez was great today. He threw six solid innings and allowed one run on two hits with seven strikeouts. Steven Okert gave up a run in 2/3 of an inning, Brock Stewart struck out three of the four men he retired, and Griffin Jax gave up the walk-off homer to Cedric Mullins in the ninth. The Twins scattered five hits today and went 1-for-6 with runners in scoring position. They left six men on base. The team will get a much-neede day off before playing the Tigers at home on Friday night. Jack Flaherty will face Joe Ryan in Game 1.
-Chris Kreibich-
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archvillain-fandom · 2 months
kyle camden 🤝 george singleton
reluctantly going to universe-defying extremes for some guy named mike
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kawipastell1928 · 2 months
Pokémon Players that I interacted with in Pokémon Sword/Shield in the Wild Area, Isle of Armor, and Crown Tundra on February 20, 2024!
I will be putting the name shown to me in game, and only put names in English so I apologize to any foreign Trainers I had to leave out due to unable to write your name in your language, but I love you all the same! Names have been wrote down EXACTLY as I saw them in game, so yes, these are what people names themselves. Enjoy! ✨
Rose Quartz
Please don't forget the people in Palestine, Sudan, and Congo who are persecuted for being alive and believing certain ways in their homes. Don't forget the Hawaiian natives who have no say in their own land and homes, and that they also deserve their independence from the forced colonization they are under. We will never stop bringing awareness and hope you keep them in mind and support them all one day being Happy, Safe, and Healthy. 💖
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muznew · 3 months
Experts Only 2024 John Summit
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- Artists: John Summit DATE CREATED: 2024-01-24 GENRES: Indie Dance, House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Melodic House & Techno, Bass House Tracklist : 1. The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition(John Summit & Silver Panda Extended Remix) 2. Mandragora, Beltran (BR) - Moonlight(Original Mix) 3. Carlita - Cash For Love(Extended Mix) 4. Yaya - Ebi Awon(S.A.M. Remix) 5. Laherte - Gate(Original Mix) 6. Layton Giordani, Eli Brown, OFFAIAH - When I Push(Original Mix) 7. Gorgon City, Bbyafricka - Biggest Regret (feat. Bbyafricka)(Extended Mix) 8. Confidence Man, Chloé Caillet - Firebreak(Chloé Caillet Remix) 9. Camden Cox, Mathame, John Summit - Hungover feat. Camden Cox(Extended Mix) 10. Nic Fanciulli, Calussa - Vente(Extended Mix) 11. EdiP - Bout That C(Original Mix) 12. War - Low Rider(Kyle Watson Remix) 13. Lee Foss, Skonka, TheConnect - Worship Technology(Original Mix) 14. Matt Sassari, Robbie Rise - Pupils Pop( Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 3 months
Experts Only 2024 John Summit
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- Artists: John Summit DATE CREATED: 2024-01-24 GENRES: Indie Dance, House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Melodic House & Techno, Bass House Tracklist : 1. The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition(John Summit & Silver Panda Extended Remix) 2. Mandragora, Beltran (BR) - Moonlight(Original Mix) 3. Carlita - Cash For Love(Extended Mix) 4. Yaya - Ebi Awon(S.A.M. Remix) 5. Laherte - Gate(Original Mix) 6. Layton Giordani, Eli Brown, OFFAIAH - When I Push(Original Mix) 7. Gorgon City, Bbyafricka - Biggest Regret (feat. Bbyafricka)(Extended Mix) 8. Confidence Man, Chloé Caillet - Firebreak(Chloé Caillet Remix) 9. Camden Cox, Mathame, John Summit - Hungover feat. Camden Cox(Extended Mix) 10. Nic Fanciulli, Calussa - Vente(Extended Mix) 11. EdiP - Bout That C(Original Mix) 12. War - Low Rider(Kyle Watson Remix) 13. Lee Foss, Skonka, TheConnect - Worship Technology(Original Mix) 14. Matt Sassari, Robbie Rise - Pupils Pop( Read the full article
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southjerseyweb · 3 months
Joel Maldonado and Kyle Young fatally shot in separate attacks - Courier-Post
See which South Jersey schools are closed due to the winter storm. SOUTH JERSEY. Two men slain in shootings in North Camden, East Camden. Jim Walsh.
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eddysocs · 5 months
The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills OC Masterlist
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Name: Camden Barnes
Face Claim: Mickie James
Love Interest: Adrienne Maloof
Fic Title: That Fighting Spirit
Plot Summary: After retiring from the boxing ring as a fan favorite, Camden Barnes decided to pursue her other dreams. The first one she has in mind is to open her own recording studio. When that turns into owning her own record label, she’s launched into some of the inner circles of Beverly Hills. While at a party, she’s approached by Adrienne Maloof, a feisty little woman that Camden finds herself drawn to immediately. And while she’s mostly put her athletic career behind her, she can’t quite say no to a private training session with Adrienne and some of her friends. It’s only when Adrienne is able to knock her flat on her ass that the sparks start to fly between them.
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Name: Janice Bailey
Face Claim: Sue Perkins
Love Interest: Camille Grammer
Fic Title: Mrs. Write
Plot Summary: After her divorce from Kelsey, Camille was in no hurry to date again. And Janice, having just gone through a similarly messy break up with her a-list actor girlfriend was feeling much the same. Yet when the two meet at charity gala filled with tv writers and personalities, they just click. A friendship soon blossoms between them and Janice starts feeling the all too familiar butterflies that she just knows she’ll have to quash. Yet when Camille makes the first move, Janice will have to reconsider everything she thought she knew and decide if she wanted to take another chance at a potentially devastating heartbreak.
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Name: Jocelyn Page
Face Claim: Sydney Sweeney
Love Interest: Kyle Richards
Fic Title: Page Six
Plot Summary: Meet the charming wildcard of Beverly Hills, Jocelyn Page, a breath of fresh air in a world of calculated elegance. Her lavender marriage to a high profile fashion designer isn’t without its flaws, but largely she’s kept out of the glaring spotlight of gossip columns, at least until she starts palling around with the "Real Housewives", landing herself a spot on their show and getting herself entangled with the beautiful, and maybe not so unattainable, Kyle Richards.
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Name: Kira Kay
Face Claim: Sierra McCormick
Love Interest: Kim Richards
Fic Title: Support System
Plot Summary: Kira's mother is throwing a block party in celebration of Kira being home from college for the summer and Kira is tasked with hand delivering the invitations to the whole street. It’s a task she’d rather not be doing, but when she meets the recently moved in and newly sober Kim Richards she thinks maybe it wasn’t all so terrible. And while her mother is less than pleased when she spends the whole party chatting up Kim and paying zero attention to her other guests, Kira couldn’t care less. She’s enamored with the fun and zany Kim and wants to make the effort to be a part of her life no matter how unconventional of a relationship they might have.
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Name: Ruby Carlton
Face Claim: Hayden Panettiere
Love Interest: Lisa Vanderpump
Fic Title: Pretty In Pink
Plot Summary: After Cedric moves out, Lisa starts feeling like her house is a little empty. Of course there’s Ken and her dogs, but Cedric gave the place a youthful energy, one that Lisa found herself missing, despite them having parted on such bad terms. And it’s not that she was ready to go looking for someone to fill the void that he’d left behind, but when Ruby Carlton applied to work at Villa Blanca it’s like fate had offered her up to Lisa on a silver platter. Though she didn’t want to make another impulsive mistake, it wasn’t long before Lisa welcomed her into her life, both helping her to pursue her dreams as well as meddling in her personal affairs. But Ruby didn’t mind Lisa's intrusions. Lisa could probably do anything to her and she’d take it with a smile.
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