kinocube · 9 months
Aftersun - Recomendacións de verán 2023
Xa aló vai a metade do verán, e nós non queriamos desaproveitar o que resta para convidarvos a ver películas. Por iso, adiantamos un chisco a programación para ofrecervos as recomendacións cinematográficas de verán de Kinocube canto antes. A gozar do mellor cinema!
À propos de Nice (Jean Vigo, 1930)
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Un fermoso documental que nos fala de realidades pasadas que seguen a ter ecos no presente: o turismo e a xentrificación, a fenda social e económica entre os habitantes dun lugar e os visitantes de verán, a exotización do propio... como diciamos, un discurso totalmente vixente na actualidade e un ritmo de montaxe incrible.
Rear window (Alfred Hitchcock, 1954)
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A propósito do último video da nosa canle, darlle un repaso a este clásico de Hitchcock que nos convida a ser espectadores por partida dobre -ver a quen mira-, xa que o seu protagonista, nun cálido verán en Greenwich Village, é un espectador coma nós dos feitos que se desenvolven -ou non!- diante dos seus ollos, a través da fiestra.
Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean, 1962)
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Como sempre nas nosas recomendacións, queremos engadir un filme deses calorosos, que fiquen ben ambientados na atmosfera cálida de Agosto. Neste caso, un clásico, unha grande epopea que fai da fata morgana unha arte.
Luca (Enrico Casarosa, 2021)
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Quizabes a nivel narrativo non é moi ambiciosa, pois a súa trama é unha vez máis a do "peixe fóra da auga" -a broma é a propósito- como no seu momento moitos filmes de animación. Porén, é deses filmes de conforto para crianzas e persoas xa medradas porque luce exactamente como debe facelo un verán ocioso da infancia e xuventude.
Aftersun (Charlotte Wells, 2022)
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A directora parteu dun trazo da súa infancia en forma de fotografía polaroid para reproducir unha atmosfera concreta do pasado, para revivir un momento conxelado no tempo e para procurarlle un sentido a unha incógnita, intuímos, difícil de abranguer.
E isto é todo, xa tedes deberes para este agosto.
Até o vindeiro episodio!
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chiosy · 2 months
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pandainthecar · 7 months
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«Lawrence de Arabia» 60 Aniversario – Una de las mejores películas de la historia
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myfavoritepeterotoole · 8 months
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Peter O'Toole 1961
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velvet4510 · 1 month
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klearilist · 2 years
bon allez. lawrence of arabia (1962) c'est parti. on se revoit dans 4h (pls be à life changing movie pls be a life changing movie pls be a-)
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almeriamovies · 1 year
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“Lawrence of Arabia” by David Lean (1962) Peter O’Toole and Omar Sharif in Rambla de Alfaro, Almeria.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 6 months
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Sahibini Bekleyen Tren!
Bu tren ayağa kalkmadığı süre işgal ihanet devam ediyor demektir.
Arabistanlı (ingiliz) Lawrence‘ın Hicaz Demiryolu’nda sabotaj düzenlediği Osmanlı treni...
101 yıldır sessizce çölün ortasında yatıyor...
Kimse ona dokunamıyor, bir ihanet anıtı gibi...
Ne zaman ki bu trenin rayları üzerinde Türk yapımı bir hızlı tren fotoğrafı görürüz o zaman bu kavganın zaferle sonuçlandığını konuşabiliriz...
Rabbim o günü görmeyi de nasip eylesin bizlere !
Train Waiting for Its Owner!
As long as this train does not stand up, the occupation and treason continues.
The Ottoman train that Lawrence of Arabia (British) sabotaged on the Hejaz Railway...
He has been lying quietly in the middle of the desert for 101 years...
No one can touch it, it's like a monument of betrayal...
Whenever we see a photo of a Turkish-made high-speed train on the rails of this train, we can say that this fight has ended in victory...
May God grant us the opportunity to see that day!
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esinofsardis · 1 year
To any vampire-loving friends who are confused about the "de" and "du" in Louis and Lestat's names, a quick explanation:
These last names function like "Robin of Locksley" or "Lawrence of Arabia". Pre-dating modern last names, people were identified most often by their parentage ("Martin son of John" or "Samuel Davidson") or in the case of land-owning nobility, by their land.
(Like how in Downtown Abbey Robert Crawley is the Earl of Grantham and often addressed as "Lord Grantham" but never as "Lord Crawley". He is associated with the land he owns--Lord Grantham is probably a shortened version of "Lord of Grantham", or in French "Monsieur de Grantham".)
The important part here is that French didn't drop the "of" in these titles. And these titles either referred to a place or family line. Therefore:
Lestat de Lioncourt = Lestat of [the family] Lioncourt*
Louis de Pointe du Lac = Louis of Peak of the Lake ("peak of the lake" being the name of the estate)
*Lestat's family name might well come from their coat of arms--a lion on the coat of arms could have turned into Lioncourt
So why all this context? Well it's interesting but because it brings me to grammar:
"de" = of
"du" = of the (this is a contraction of "de le")
So both Lestat's and Louis' names are followed by "de" to indicate who/what they are associated with. Louis then has "du" between pointe and lac because "peak of lake" doesn't make sense grammatically.
These little two letter words are easy to confuse especially if you don't know why they're different. Hopefully this helps!
tl;dr it's "Louis de Pointe du Lac/Louis of Peak of the Lake" and "Lestat de Lioncourt/Lestat of Lioncourt"
Happy writing and shipping!!
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tinyozlion · 9 months
“Little Prince” / “Prince of the Stars” - Literature References in GW
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I am so delighted to report that the phrase Relena uses in episode 2-- "Does that mean Heero is a... Little Prince?" (or "Star Prince" in Japanese)-- is exactly what it seems to be:
It’s a reference to "The Little Prince", by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
More specifically, it’s from one of the backstories in “Episode Zero”– giving you yet another reason to read this important supplementary manga! It’s also featured in the new manga adaptation of GW, “Glory Of Losers”, which is excellent.
--Saint-Exupéry was himself an aristocrat by birth, and a notable pilot. He flew both as a pioneer of international postal flights, and as a fighter for the liberation of occupied France in WWII. He was shot down on a reconnaissance mission, flying his P-38 Lightning over the Mediterranean, and disappeared without confirmation of a wreck or his death. He was presumed missing in action until in the final years of the 20th century, when a silver bracelet with his identifiers was discovered off the coast of Marseilles . 
Fun fact: if you read “The Little Prince” with Gundam Wing in mind, you will experience Several emotions!
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--Once upon a time, Relena Darlain encountered a lovely, somber young man who came from the sky and rescued her from danger. She did not trust him, because he had come in a Mobile Suit, a machine of war and death. He called her “princess”, almost without thinking, as if it were the natural thing to call her– this was terribly confusing, for she was certain she was not a princess of any kind. Thinking the young man was simply being whimsical, she asked whether that made him a knight, or a dragon? He looked distant for a moment, as if conflicted by something weighing heavily upon him, but then gave a response suiting the theme of the moment, saying “I’m a prince from the stars”.   The somber young man was indeed a little prince, who you might imagine came from a very small kingdom– home to a beautiful rose that was as fearless as she was helpless, with only little thorns to protect her that would not even deter a hungry sheep. He had run away from the responsibilities of this kingdom, and now could not return. When he’d first come to earth, he met a fox, who told him the only way to truly understand things was to tame them, and that one was responsible forever for the things that one tamed. The fox had said only that which was intangible really mattered. This had made him appreciate and love his rose even more, though she was far beyond his reach now, and the intangible goals he sought would only take him farther away. Years later, the girl Relena Darlain met another somber young man who had fallen from the sky as a shooting star– he was fierce and wild and not at all like the little prince she had met when she was a child. But he had come from the stars all the same, and something about him reminded her of that first encounter, and of the children's book of the same name. They were both hurt, and lost, and very alone. She said this thought aloud to herself dreamily, because at that moment she was still a child, though she wouldn’t be for very much longer. 
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–The title of the Japanese translation of Le Petit Prince is “Hoshi no ouji sama”-- the subtitles for this in the anime read “Star Prince”, which is correct for Japan, and in the dub it is “Little Prince”, which is correct for the English title. This is a lovely bit of translation synchrony that doesn’t help one single bit in understanding what Relena means when she says this! But that is why we have Episode Zero, and if you really need proof that this is indeed a reference to the childrens’ book, I believe Sumisawa brings it up explicitly in Frozen Teardrop.
Gundam Wing is chock FULL of references to western lit and film– Wizard of OZ, White Fang, Lawrence of Arabia, Roman Holiday; “Darlain” is close enough to “Darling” that I suspect it’s a Peter Pan reference, and even Lady Une’s name is likely a reference to My Fair Lady, due to a very early scrapped idea for her character where she was a sort of clumsy, provincial girl that Treize was teaching to be “elegant”-- an element that stayed on in the series, albeit in a MUCH different context from Henry Higgins / Eliza Doolittle, thank god.
“Come on Gundam, move your bloomin’ arse!”
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Harry Truman 💼, Doris Day🌤, Red China🇨🇳, Johnnie Ray 🤷‍♀️
South Pacific💧, Walter Winchell👨‍🦲, Joe DiMaggio🐤
Joe McCarthy😰, Richard Nixon🏈, Studebaker🇺🇲, television📺
North Korea↖️, South Korea↘️, Marilyn Monroe👗
Rosenbergs🌹, H-bomb💣, Sugar Ray🦅, Panmunjom😗
Brando🙅‍♀️, "The King and I"👑, and "The Catcher in the Rye"🍞
Eisenhower👔, Vaccine🪡, England's got a new queen👸
Marciano✨️, Liberace🗽, Santayana👿, goodbye👋
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning🔥, since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
No, we didn't light it🕯, but we tried to fight it👊
Joseph Stalin🫠, Malenkov🫢, Nasser and Prokofiev🫡
Rockefeller🫥, Campanella😶‍🌫️, Communist Bloc🫨
Roy Cohn🤠, Juan Peron🥳, Toscanini🥸, Dacron😥
Dien Bien Phu falls☺️, "Rock Around the Clock"⏰️
Einstein🦄, James Dean🎤, Brooklyn's got a winning team📣
Davy Crockett🤑, Peter Pan🧚‍♀️, Elvis Presley🔮, Disneyland🐭
Bardot😬, Budapest🧐, Alabama👬, Krushchev🥲
Princess Grace👑, Peyton Place⛳️, Trouble in the Suez 🤫
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning🔥, since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
No, we didn't light it🕯, but we tried to fight it👊
Little Rock🪨, Pasternak🤐, Mickey Mantle🏌‍♂️, Kerouac🫤
Sputnik🥔, Chou En-Lai😔, "Bridge on the River Kwai"🤒
Lebanon🖖, Charles de Gaulle,✌️ California baseball⚾️
Starkweather homicide🗡, children of thalidomide🚸
Buddy Holly😇, Ben Hur,🫠 space monkey,🐒 mafia💸
Hula hoops🛖, Castro😀, Edsel is a no-go🙅‍♀️
U2🕺, Syngman Rhee🤖, Payola and Kennedy🙈
Chubby Checker🫣, Psycho🎻, Belgians in the Congo😒
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning🔥, since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
No, we didn't light it🕯, but we tried to fight it👊
Hemingway, Eichmann😀, "Stranger in a Strange Land"😅
Dylan🤔, Berlin🅱️, Bay of Pigs invasion😴
"Lawrence of Arabia"🙄, British Beatlemania😬
Ole Miss😟, John Glenn,☹️ Liston beats Patterson🥹
Pope Paul✝️, Malcolm X😲, British politician sex😡
JFK – blown away😱, what else do I have to say?😫
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning🔥, since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
No, we didn't light it🕯, but we tried to fight it👊
Birth control👶, Ho Chi Minh,🤭 Richard Nixon back again🫢
Moonshot🌔, Woodstock🦢, Watergate💧, punk rock🎸
Begin🤯, Reagan🧐, Palestine😦, terror on the airline😰
Ayatollah's in Iran😉, Russians in Afghanistan🥲
"Wheel of Fortune"🎡, Sally Ride😊, heavy metal suicide😮‍💨
Foreign debts🤕, homeless vets🫤, AIDS😦, crack😲, Bernie Goetz😯
Hypodermics on the shore😗, China's under martial law🫢
Rock and roller🎸, cola wars☕️, I can't take it anymore😫
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning🔥, since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
But when we are gone💀
It will still burn on🔥, and on🔥, and on🔥, and on,🔥 and on🔥, and on🔥, and on🔥, and on🔥
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning🕯, since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
No, we didn't light it,🕯 but we tried to fight it👊
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning,🕯 since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
No, we didn't light it,🕯 but we tried to fight it👊
We didn't start the fire🔥
It was always burning🕯, since the world's been turning🌎
We didn't start the fire🔥
No, we didn't light it🕯, but we tried to fight it👊
Get the fuck outta my inbox
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Leading Actors
Gary Cooper & Ingrid Bergman
Saratoga Trunk ~ 1945
Clark Gable & Carole Lombard
No Man of Her Own ~ 1932
Cary Grant & Katharine Hepburn
Bringing Up Baby ~ 1938
Doris Day & Rock Hudson
Pillow Talk ~ 1959
James Dean & Julie Harris
East of Eden ~ 1955
Joanne Woodward & Paul Newman
The Long, Hot Summer ~ 1958
Sidney Poitier “To Sir with Love 1967”
Peter O’Toole & Omar Sharif
“Lawrence of Arabia 1962”
“Lawrence of Arabia 1962”
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Producer Sam Spiegel (November 11, 1901 – December 31, 1985), pictured with presenter Olivia de Havilland and his Best Picture Oscar for LAWRENCE OF ARABIA at the 1963 Academy Awards.
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gazpachoworld · 5 months
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Rafael López Espí.
Lawrence de Arabia.
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echanique · 7 months
100 películas que tienes que ver por lo menos una vez en la vida: 1. El Padrino 2. Pulp Fiction 3. El Club de la Lucha 4. Tiburón 5. Matrix 6. 12 hombres sin piedad 7. Forrest Gump 8. Apocalypse Now 9. 2001: Una odisea del espacio 10. Lawrence de Arabia 11. El silencio de los corderos 12. La Naranja Mecánica 13. Blade Runner 14. La Vida es Bella 15. Seven 16. Salvar al soldado Ryan 17. Cinema Paradiso 18. Ciudad de Dios 19. Amelie 20. Chinatown 21. Rocky 22. Parque Jurásico 23. La ventana indiscreta 24. La Gran Evasión 25. El puente sobre el río Kwai 26. Los intocables de Eliot Ness 27. Atrapado en el tiempo 28. El Gran lebowski 29. Fargo 30. Vertigo 31. Braveheart 32. Requiem por un sueño 33. Barry Lyndon 34. Birdman 35. American Beauty 36. Fargo 37. El nombre de la rosa 38. El graduado 39. La jungla de cristal 40. Memento 41. Magnolia 42. El viaje de Chihiro 43. La la land 44. El Exorcista 45. Regreso al Futuro 46. En busca del Arca perdida 47. E.T. el Extraterrestre 48. Reservoir Dogs 49. El bueno, el feo y el malo 50. El Padrino Parte II 51. Cadena Perpetua 52. Top Gun 53. Dune (2021) 54. Up 55. Joker 56. Call me by your name 57. Star Wars 58. InterStellar 59. Origen 60. El Señor de los Anillos 61. El caballero oscuro 62. JFK 63. The help 64. Casino 65. Uno de los nuestros 66. Shutter Island 67. El infierno 68. El Secreto de sus ojos 69. Old Boy 70. Ratatouille 71. Akira 72. 300 73. Infiltrados 74. Sin City 75. Match Point 76. La mejor juventud 77. Big Fish 78. Eduardo manostijeras 79. Beetlejuice 80. Para todos los gustos 81. Intocable 82. La cena de los idiotas 83. El guateque 84. Salvar al Soldado Ryan 85. Beautiful Girls 86. Trainspotting 87. Agárralo como puedas 88. Aterriza como puedas 89. La lista de Schindler 90. Terminator 2 91. La Chaqueta Metálica 92. Cazafantasmas 93. Koyaanisqatsi 94. El expreso de Medianoche 95. Las aventuras de Jeremiah Johnson 96. Cantando bajo la lluvia 97. Érase una vez en América 98. Amores Perros 99. Psicosis 100. El sexto Sentido
Javi Carnicero 🏴‍☠️ on X: "100 películas que tienes que ver por lo menos una vez en la vida: 1. El Padrino 2. Pulp Fiction 3. El Club de la Lucha 4. Tiburón 5. Matrix 6. 12 hombres sin piedad 7. Forrest Gump 8. Apocalypse Now 9. 2001: Una odisea del espacio 10. Lawrence de Arabia 11. El silencio de los… https://t.co/IUIr5TWWIe" / X
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