#Late night rants
kaal-naagin · 10 months
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I want to sit at Shri Rama's feet and look at Him. No words , no wishes and no rants. Just watch the Divine serenity of His face and lose myself His eyes. He is an ocean of peace. I don't have the merit to dive into it but what I can do is sit on its shores and admire it.
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And this is my Bestie. All I want to do is barge into the gardens where He is sitting and pour out all my problems to Him. He would listen to it all and pat my head and tell me "Don't worry Sakhi. Your Sakha is there, always has been"
Tagging:@nirmohi-premika @jukti-torko-golpo @krishnapriyakiduniya @krishna-sahacharini @krishna-priyatama @shyamsakhii @sanskari-kanya @shut-up-rabert @budugu @witchconnectingdotes @janaknandini-singh999 @themorguepoet @harinishivaa @suvarnarekha @softbeanofexistentialcrisis @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @avani-ki-jai @sagelesath-ll
(Hare Krishna Gopiblr, just torn between wanting to sit in front of Lord Rama and watch Him silently AND running to Kanha to RANT)
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belovedgrayson · 1 month
It kinda rubs me the wrong way when I see someone talking bitterly about the eldest child being the “favorite” or the “achiever”. Because they only see it from the outside. They don’t see how genuinely tiring it is having the whole family depend on you like you’ve got the answer to everything. They don’t see how you have to be everything for everyone because no one else will do it. You have to hold down the fort. Your siblings depend on you, your parents depend on you, your siblings depend on you to deal with things between them and your parents. Your parents complain to you about each other. You know things about your parents that none of your siblings will ever know. You play the mediator in every argument. You want to give your family all of you while simultaneously surgically extracting yourself from them. Your knees buckle under the weight of all the responsibilities but there’s no one else to carry them with you. You can’t trust anyone to carry the weight like you do without fumbling. People talk about getting burnout, you’ve been burned out for years. You don’t know how to be carefree anymore. You want to leave. You could never leave. You’ll always be here to help. You wish you could ask for help yourself, but you won’t. You wonder why you feel so guilty prioritizing yourself when everyone else seems to only be thinking about themselves.
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liesandnights · 9 months
Going to sleep to dream of worlds I don’t live in and lives I can’t have.
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floydsglasses · 5 months
Desperately need to see in TV Shows /Movies more is a girl straddling partner while they just listen to her rant about her day/niche topics, and the whole time they are looking at her with love and administration, it's so simple but it's so cute and so damn sexy knowing they care to listen
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marthajonesurastar · 2 months
I might be screaming into the void, but if it reaches even one person that needs to hear this, I'll be happy.
In case you're depressed and don't even remember how your life was like before you lost the ability to feel joy, let me tell you, I spent the majority of my twenties not knowing I was depressed, I thought life as an adult just sucked. After reaching rock bottom, a year of medication and another year of healthy habits (which I know I'm very privileged to have had), I can tell you, being an adult and being miserable are not intertwined, in fact, I'm even enjoying how freeing being a happy adult is.
When I was a kid, I was very imaginative and creative, as a teenager and young adult I thought I had nothing to say. Turns out, I have worlds bubbling inside me, my mind is full of light and I feel this need to create, to express myself, that I haven't felt in years. My heart is bursting with all the love trapped inside it, love that was hidden under the gloomy weight of being a walking, emotionless corpse. I was buried inside myself, but I'm alive again.
I want to cry, I want to experience things that might break my heart, I want to express my emotions even if the result is bad, I'm just so happy that I feel things, that I don't care if my art is bad, because I finally feel I'm good. I'm fine, and you will be too.
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lemonbee420 · 2 years
What time is it right now? It's rant time!!
Tonight's topic: Herb Kazzaz. Listen up, give this man the credit he deserves. He knew Bojack for YEARS. I think he was one of the few that could actually be considered a "friend" to him. Plus, there was practically zero toxicity coming from Herb's side of the friendship. The only thing he did was have a crush on Bojack, that was it. I personally think he was extremely forgiving when he got fired from Horsin' Around. Seeing how long these two knew each other (and Bojack was prime shitty back then) Herb could've easily taken Bojack down with him. I'm sure the press would've loved to hear how Bojack had sex with his literal co-star's mother. But Herb didn't do that. No, instead he kept to himself, and lived his life. He didn't even block Bojack or anything, Bj could've easily contacted Herb, and I think they could've even regained a slight friendship. But that didn't happen. Herb had to be fucking dying for Bojack to attempt to apologize. Even after he died Herb was still there in Bojack's mind. In the View From Halfway Down, Herb stayed until the end. Even if he wasn't real...he was. Because that's who Bojack remembered. Someone who stayed with him throughout the end until he fucked it up. Give Herb Kazzaz the credit he deserves.
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awaari · 1 year
I wonder if artists gets a boost from getting compliments on their art and achievements online is bc they never got it from their parents
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sweetestlamb · 9 months
It burns me up inside that Won's dad had a somewhat happy ending with no consequences for his actions, he literally pit his children against each other, allowed his wife to be banished and for Won to grow up motherless, tried to banish Sa-rang, invited said banished ex-wife to coffee like a psychopath who didn't do anything wrong. I'm a throw your toxic family away advocate. He needed to be thrown away.
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90frogsinatrenchcoat · 9 months
Minecraft: A short Essay on Nostalgia
I'm writing this rather late at night so excuse any spelling errors (Sorry it's not in MLA format, I'm not back in school yet and need a break)
I often find myself scrolling online late at night, stuck in the rabbit hole of youtube shorts, wondering how in the world I'll be able to function the next morning. Many times, the only thing that puts me to sleep on those restless nights, are playlists of "nostalgic" minecraft music. Why is that? Why is the music considered "nostalgic" in the first place?
Nostalgia is defined as making one think of or long for a familiar or comforting time. When I first received Minecraft back in 2016, I was still a little kid. I was in fourth grade and was longing to know what all the fuss was about. I remember booting it up for the first time, my sister sitting eagerly next to me. We only had one controller, so we had to take turns. In true older sister fashion, I did not share as I was supposed to. Eventually, though, I learned to share the game and enjoy what my sister created. I found that I was a natural at this game, I learned all of the mechanics with ease. My sister was not so lucky, she still struggles to fight in the game to this day. We spent many nights playing Minecraft. My mother worked the night shift at her work, and my father was always working on schoolwork to get his second degree. This left me and my sister to eat our spagettio's and play minecraft all night. I remember one night in particular, playing the "Little Big Planet" Mash up pack for the PS4 Edition of the game. We knew that nothing we did would be saved, but oddly enough we liked it that way. I was usually a creative player and my sister liked survival, though she wasn't very good at it. When we did play on a saved world, we would build massive cities and marveled at our own architectural prowess (Or, more often, the prowess of those we watched on youtube). I still have these old worlds, I visit them from time to time. I used to entice my sister to play with me by telling her I would do whatever she wanted me to in the game. This usually ended badly. Still, there are many old save files titled, "E's the Boss". I was young and simple, a stable built out of pink wool was just fine for me.
As I work with my therapist to uncover certain things about my past, I remember the nights that I would spend playing this game, desperately avoiding my bed time. This game, this simple game comprised of blocks and some funny red powder, had become virtually the only escape I had from the harsh reality that attacked me every time I left that infinite green wasteland that was a superflat world. Long before the aquatic update or the remodeled horses, I was building houses to replicate my own, creating worlds to escape the one that so vehemently tortured me each day. I remember, on the days that we were aloud to have the sound on on the TV, I would always play my favorite music disc. It was the one simply titled C4-18. I have so many memories attached to the music that plays in this game. And the only reason those memories mean so much, is because that is how I coped. Gen-Z, the silent generation, the generation that inherited all of the problems that everyone else was to stubborn to settle, has been left to our own devices to find some way to be happy in a world that revolves around hate. And for many children, including me, that device just so happened to be digital. We found some sliver of hope in the notion that we could still shape out destinies. The thought that we could choose to survive, adventure, or create was so enticing that we put hundreds of hours into buildings and bases, maps and achievements. On the occasions that we couldn't play the game, we would watch others play it. Roleplay channels like Little Kelly and Little Carly, mod channels like Unspeakable and Moose, Pat and Jen, even DanTDM, shaped out childhood. Often these channels exposed us to more mature themes through contact with more mature channels, such as Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and Pewdiepie. Now, we're all grown up. Many of us are going to college, getting jobs, some are even starting families. And so are our heros. Dan is a father, and Felix will be too. Mat has a son and wife, Pat and Jen split up, Jack has Evelyn, Mark has Amy. As we matured, so did our heros. And what does it al come back to?
A simple video game based on mining blocks, and using them to craft different blocks. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that the Minecraft soundtrack is so nostalgic, because it takes us back to a *bad* time. It reminds us of when everything was going downhill, and all we could do is watch and hope we didn't get hit when crap went flying. Minecraft, for many of us, was our first step into healing, our first step towards maturing, and our first step towards becoming our own people, all be it far to soon. Minecraft music makes us cry, makes us feel this deep nostalgic sadness, because we don't know if we'll be able to find that again. We're grown ups now.. there's no one else to guide us, and video games can only take us so far. How do we know what to trust, what to watch, what to smile and laugh at..
We don't. That's the unfortunate truth of nostalgia. We don't have that wonderful thing, that guide to help us through the tough times. Now we are the ones guiding, building, surviving.. In a weird way, Minecraft prepared an entire generation of struggling kids with a blueprint for life. It's as simple as this:
Start your Journey
Find someplace you like, and settle down there.
Go on adventures, make friends, learn new things, and never go into the dark without a light.
And if it all comes crashing down...
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slashfuhrer · 29 days
i vehemently hate being heterosexual
honestly it feels like a moral failing towards myself and my fellow women even if it is just my biology
but it eats away at me knowing that every man i've ever thirsted over is in one way or other complicit in the oppression of women (and more often than not the complicity will be direct, e.g. assorted abuse, rather than indirect, e.g. laughing at other men's rape jokes)
i despise them and i wish that my emotions about them would end at that, that i could just go on with my life and center my interests around all the amazing and intelligent and lovely women that inhabit this planet BUT NO the stupid parts of my brain (is it the reptilian ones or which? dunno feels like an insult to reptiles tbh) insist on going crazy horny and obsessive over the sad pieces of shit that men are, wasting my time and emotions
for years, i hoped that if i just read enough feminist theory and observed enough male violence and general assholery i would stop thirsting for them, i hoped that maybe i was just super deep in comp het and had to try extra hard to rediscover my true bisexual or lesbian nature or at least go asexual and become a political lesbian
but instead all i got was the realisation that whoops heterosexuality is innate for me and an important part of my emotional well-being and, as a nasty bonus, the cognitive dissonance of STILL thirsting over men even when fully aware of their horridness after tonnes of theory and observation
because my intellectual and emotional parts don't overlap at all??!! and the intellectual part has proven itself unable to influence the emotional part, whereas the emotional part is doing just fine occasionally subjugating the intellectual part (thence all my tumblr thirst posts)
honestly it's so frustrating it makes me wanna cry, the inescapability of it, the twisted joke of fate that my emotional well-being is contingent on actual evil
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the-anxious-artiste · 1 month
Ever since I moved out of my toxic childhood home, I have entirely lived on my own. The last six years, I took care of myself. Being alone was the only way I knew how to feel safe. It only reaffirmed this belief when my ex dumped me after a mere three months of living together (after 3 years of long distance dating). Needless to say, I was terrified to move back home, forced to face a life where I can no longer afford to live independently.
I ended up moving in with a couple of old friends. I was so scared to live with others again. I was sure that I would go crazy, not having the space to myself.
It's been almost two months since then already, and I am now realizing how much I needed this. Just simple human interaction. Quality banter. A little group to rely on when you have a rough day. Taking turns with chores and looking out for one another. This isn't even close to an ideal situation (since neither one of my roommates support my chosen pronouns and still use my deadname)... but the whole situation gives me faith for the future. This means I'm not a lost cause. I've not been ruined for having a social life. I'm not actually antisocial. Hell, I'm not even an introvert... I'm just traumatized and need help coming out of my shell. Learning how to trust again... It's hard shit!
Someday, I'll belong to a community that is healthy for me. Just a wholesome group of queers helping one another achieve our dreams in this unforgiving world.
I'm happy to have things to look forward to again.
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ilumina-tea · 2 months
Tw: late night rant misspellings possible, I wrote this the other night
I LOATHE the fact that in the Kanes Chromichles Anubis has short hair. So in Egypt (according to someone I know) long hair was seen as a symbol of power and knowledge. And the little round thing around Anubis's neck in ancient Egyptian art? That's the Egyptian equivalent of a ~bonnet~. Anubis had long (probably not straight more wavy or possibly curly bur don't kill me on that one Tumblr). Anyways, please Uncle Rick stop making every death God the same emo dude with short hair and pale skin, give Anubis some long hair or smthin'. And trust me, there are plenty of men with long hair that are attractive, we don't need another token emo short haired straight guy please I beg. Maybe if I stop procrastinating I'll draw a long haired Anubis, but there's a lot of art I've promised that I procrastinated on (Redraw of Argo 2 mainly, I suck at boats lol)
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liesandnights · 1 year
Brown eyes aren’t boring. Have you ever seen them catch the sunlight? They’re gorgeous.
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idontcareosaurus · 1 year
To notice yourself slipping. To be existing, and to watch the world around you move forwards while you move backwards. You see your friends moving on with their lives, while you seem stuck. Failing. You finally pick yourself back up, only for someone to knock you back down.
To return to old habits. You can't not return to them, because without them, you'd drop. The comfort of those habits, the habits that keep your mind whole, but send you ages away from those around you. You fail to connect with people. So you lean harder into your habits. Pulling away from people, because people are what make it worse. But somehow it's worse alone.
Yet you fall into old habits. You've regressed.
You finally think you're better. You've had time, and good experiences. But one thing. One thing will knock you back. It could be a death, an accident, a screw up, a stub of the toe, a drop of a phone. It's painful.
Yet you have to keep living, because you know it would be more painful to those you'd leave. So you don't even consider it. It's not allowed.
But you just want to be free.
Free of the screw ups, of the accidents, of the failures, of the responsibilities, of the pain.
So you fall into old habits.
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dreamsbeyondsleep · 1 year
Capricorn's dynamic could have been more interesting if Tristan was the straight one.
Their pre-trigger backstory could have gone something like: Byron's introversion being due to homophobia from his peers and parents, and his resentment of Tristan coming from people "subetly" urging him to go back/stay in the closet by comparing him to his brother. This resentment would be compounded by Tristan being an annoying Straight Ally type who is So Supportive of his brother when convenient, but not full-throatedly defending him out of fear being seen as gay too. Tristan would also encourage Byron to follow his example and more extroverted like he does in canon, with zero awareness of what that would mean for Byron.
(It sort of feels like it was originally written that way? "I defended my gay brother when we were younger, now I'm Mad At Him because people think I'm gay when I'm Not" is less compelling than "I defended my brother from homophobia when we were younger, now I'm experiencing homophobia and he doesn't care" in terms of getting us to care about Byron, which was definitely the authorial intent of those interludes)
The post-trigger dynamic is also significantly "improved" (made more narratively interesting and fucked up) because you'd have Tristan Vera, the extroverted charismatic hero who tries to sell himself as a Fierce Ally of the LGBTQ+ community while literally forcing his gay brother into the closet every chance he gets.
This would culminate in The Incident where, same as canon, Tristan would rationalize "killing" Byron to protect queer heroes from Paris, but in this case it would be juxtaposed with his treatment of Byron and the hypocrisy of erasing his gay brother from existence to stop bigoted violence.
Bonus points if he dates Moonsong because he thinks she can change, Furcate sees through Tristan's bullshit and Nate and Byron become a thing
I just feel like there is a compelling narrative about Byron's life being overshadowed by his overbearing brother that was bogged down by weird "Straight People Are Oppressed" metanarrative.
(As I'm writing this I'm noticing how much better this fits, how this version of Tristan could even be a foil for Victoria instead of Amy, showing her a version of her own self-righteousness that she never truly reflects on, and I'm genuinely wondering whether Byron was retconned to be the straight one because this makes too much sense to me)
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lemonbee420 · 2 years
Rant time, here we go again-
So I've been thinking a lot about Herb's final line of "There is no other side. This is it" in the View From Halfway Down. And it got me thinking about how well it applies to so many other aspects of the show. The biggest one that stands out to me is one that I feel is so often overlooked: Season 1 Episode 11. The ep where Bojack gets incredibly high and experiences what it could've been like if he had chosen to go with Charlotte to Maine. He's so genuinely happy living with her and raising Harper (his daughter) that it's too good to be true. And it is. Charlotte tells him "[I'm thinking about] how nice it could've been if you'd chosen this life." And that's what Bojack wants. He wants to be on the other side. The other side of if he had chosen to go with Charlotte. The side that isn't his shitty self-made reality. I think that when he died Bojack thought he could be on the other side. The one where he's happy. But Herb told him the truth, as he always did: There is no other side. It comes back to what Herb said all those seasons ago: that Bojack has to live with the shitty decisions he made and nothing will change that. Bojack has to live with never getting closure from Herb, he could've saved Sarah Lynn, what he did to Penny, that Hollyhock will never come back, that his mother wasn't capable of loving him. That he has to live and die with his choices. He made the jump without seeing the view from halfway down. There is no escape. There is no other side.
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