#Libra Education Horoscope
bejandaruwallaindia · 2 years
This will bring immense growth in your love affair, marriage, career, and education this year. Talk to astrologers online about problems, you will give the best possible solutions and remedies for the problem. And also gives the right guidance in your life.
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astroaid · 18 days
April Horoscope 2024
Astrologically, April is a big month this year. Here are some predictions. This is a general read. Please take it as entertainment. Don’t stress it & Don’t get your hopes up for super positive life changing events.
Tip for ALL rising signs: Look back to 2017 April - May. This is the last time mercury went retro in aries. Those themes may repeat. & prominent people from your 2017 may desire contact.
Aries- Libra Risings
Aries ASC:
Mercury Retro April 1st:
You might have a difficult time expressing yourself at this time. Therefore, this month is not the best time to change your look or life direction. Although, you could be tempted to make drastic & impulsive changes. Your chart ruler is in your 12th, this can create inner turmoil. You may be trying to heal from past hurts. Having a conversation with someone from the past may be important. However, do not feel you need to reach out if you do not want to. And don’t hold your breath waiting for someone. Aries is independent energy. You might need to reorganize your plans, heal without the apology & move forward. It is easier said than done so take your time.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
When venus enters our first house, we can feel more focus on your appearances/beauty. You could feel very beautiful. And/or you may desire to make changes to your appearance to enhance your beauty. Venus rules your first house and relationship house. Money & relationships can be on your mind like crazy this month.
What you should be cautious of is any impulsive urge. Watch out for making purchases or physical changes you could regret. Make sure you aren’t changing yourself for someone else. Generally during this time you could find yourself being more cooperative. But make sure it is YOUR choice to agree to any changes. With your 7th in 1st, it is possible for some that other people are trying to control/change you. However, if this applies you are likely already aware of these people.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
The closer you have your rising or planets to 19 degrees in aries, the more likely you will see the huge changes. This is a fresh start in your life. The changes you take in the next 6 months, will drastically influence your character. For some, this is making significant changes to your appearance. For others, it is the life direction you are taking. Your mindset towards life in general could be changing. Since chiron is in your first house these changes offer opportunity to heal yourself. Chiron has been in your sign since 2019, it can bring struggles your physical appearance. And struggle with how you move in life. You could have experienced events that make you lack confidence in yourself. Or that have angered you and made you very vengeful or less kind to all people in general. It’s hard to say exactly because this is a general read. The eclipse is at a libra degree though. So to me, this suggests these changes are about physical aesthetics and the body. Over the next 6 months, you could better the relationship you have with your body & self. Since it’s aries, it likely has to do with movement/action.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 2nd house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 2nd house is our income, material possessions, our face, mouth, dietary habits.
This is a “surprise sudden” event or idea that is coming. So it is hard to predict but I’ll try anyways. In your 2nd this can manifest in many ways, here are examples:
Making more money.
Getting a new material possession could be an electronic. Could be having to purchase a new possession unexpectedly - phone, laptop or something may break.
May be able to get some procedure for the face. Invisalign, acne treatment, healing a scar.
Could be suddenly deciding to better your relationship with food. Becoming more educated on nutrients, what your body needs.
Taurus Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1.
This is in your 12th house. The 12th deals with what’s hidden, the subconscious, closure/endings, healing. With mercury being retro, you could have healing conversations. Possibly with people from the past. Don’t reach out to people who hurt you if you do not want to though. Not everybody heals that way and it could bring more frustration. Do what you feel is best.
There may be random inconveniences as well - power outage, wifi not working, plans cancelled last minute.
Ruler of this retrograde is in your 11th. This could be people from the past reaching out. Not every retrograde is important in our lives though. So you may just cruise through this month without noticing anything especially since it’s in your “hidden” house.
Venus in aries April 5-29:
Enters your 12th house. This is your chart ruler, so april may be the month you go into hiding. That’s a dramatic way to put it. You won’t actually be hiding but you may want to isolate from people. For some, this could be due to ending a relationship this month. Relationship isn’t limited to lovers, could be a friend, business partner or activity you used to enjoy doing.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
Over the next 6th months, you could be confronting 12th house topics. Examples: Becoming more independent through ending codependent connections. Could be quitting a bad habit or addiction. If you have planets in aries close to 19 degrees, the more likely this affects you. How depends on the planets in your chart it touches.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 1st house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 1st House deals with body, expression, life outlook/direction/approach.
This is a “surprise sudden” event or idea that is coming so it is hard to predict. Possible examples:
You may change something about your appearance. Your life outlook may change. You may plan a trip. You may become interested in a new topic that will change your life direction.
Gemini Rising
Mercury Retro April 1:
As a gemini rising, you’re generally restless. You’re used to being in constant motion - scanning the room, hand & body movement, fast thinking, fast wit. GENERALLY, gemini risings can have an anxious personality, other times you get a extroverted charming personality.
When mercury, your chart ruler, goes retro, you’re generally pushed back a bit. This month it’s happening in your 11th house. The push back from the universe is asking you to reanalyze your social circles, social awareness, goals/wishes for the future. The ruler of this is retrograde is in your 10th. In May, you could have been taking action in your career. There could have been some hostility at work. You could have been seen as being aggressive, brave, independent, selfish. It may be these changes in your reputation or at work that have you reconsidering your friend group or long term goals. This is just a general example though. Sometimes mercury retro means nothing to us in our real lives. Especially since it is your chart ruler. You may be naturally used to the quick thinking, replanning and analysis this cycle causes.
For some, it may be someone from the past, possibly an old friend or old work opportunities, reaching out to you. Due to some reflection, it could even be you reaching out to people from the past. Don’t feel pressured to do so.
There may be random inconveniences as well - power outage, wifi not working, plans cancelled last minute.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
You could be forming harmonious friendships through a new activity. You could be enjoying present friendships more than usual. A specific few could find a new crush through a friend or social event. While you are likely having fun, you could feel a bit detached from the connections you’re forming. If you or someone else did reach back out, there is a possibility of forgiveness. Chiron has been in aries since 2019, it’s likely brought hostility to some friendships. You could heal those now by getting closure. But remember not everyone needs a conversation for closure. So don’t let this post make you think you need to reach out to people who have upset/hurt you in the past.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, you could be finding new friendships. These friendships could be very healing. It is also possible you are finding chances to achieve goals you’ve been working towards for a long time. Some may feel pulled towards doing humanitarian work.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 12th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. The 12th house is what’s hidden, sub conscious, endings/closure, isolation.
Since it’s a sudden surprise event or idea coming and it’s related to the house of what’s hidden, it’s difficult for me to predict what this is. I’ll try anyways, so examples:
You could travel far from home. It may be healing. Inspire creativity.
There could be an end to relationships, romantic, business or friendship. This could lead to a period of isolation.
Some one could relapse but that’s so fucking negative omg seriously hope it isn’t this one
Cancer Rising
Mercury Retro April 1
This month you expect miscommunications at work. You may even rethink/restructure your long term career plans. You could have misinformed gossip going around about your reputation. The ruler of this retrograde is in your 9th. You may be picking or reconsidering a university, program/major, or whether you even want to enrol. For some this could be you or someone from the past reaching out. However, since this is your 10th it is unlikely unless natal indicates it.
Venus in aries April 5-29:
Venus allows you the chance to appear charming, friendly and cooperative. You could put the gossip around your reputation to a rest. You are more likely to seen in a positive light at work. You could be more social this month than usual.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
Over the next 6 months you are getting a new start in your 10th house. You could start a new job or role. You could create a new reputation yourself.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 11th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality.
The 11th house is our social circle, technology, goals/wishes for the future. It’s hard to predict this since it is a “surprise sudden” event or idea.
But here are some possible examples:
New friend or friend group. New electronic. New knowledge that raises your humanitarian concerns/social awareness.
Leo Risings:
Mercury Retro April 1:
This month there could be some miscommunication in regard to travel or education. It could be related to money or resources. For example, your university program requires you to do a certain amount of volunteer hours to graduate. The paperwork showing you did it goes missing or isn’t filed correctly.
Retrogrades arent aren’t always notable events in our lives though. So you may be in the clear but it’s a good idea to double check your emails, assignments and any forms you’re submitting.
You could be considering reaching out to someone from the past. But generally speaking since it is in your 9th it isn’t likely. However, we don’t know what’s going on in other people’s lives so someone you haven’t talked to in a while may want to reach out to you.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
In your 9th house, this indicates education or foreign people or places appeal more now than before. Someone or some place you didn’t find attractive before could be suddenly attractive. You’re more open minded this month. You could have a trip on your mind that you want to plan. You could be celebrating a graduation. You could have crushes on foreign people or people in the education space. Or want to take a trip with your partner.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, you are getting a fresh start in your 9th house. New luck, possibly new trips planned, newness around education. Some may change or start a new program. Some may be finishing an educational program. These trips or fresh starts could bring healing and closure.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 10th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 10th house is your career, reputation, father, authority figures.
It’s hard to predict what it could be since it’s a sudden surprise event. But I will try anyways. Examples:
Starting a new career or new job role.
Receiving status in your reputation or career.
Making your father proud. Impressing an authority figure.
Combining traditional goals and values with new rebellious or revolutionary goals and values.
Virgo Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1:
This is your chart ruler, & as a virgo rising you’re more used to this analytical and cautious type of thinking. You don’t need to be warned to double check and pay attention to the small details. Your mind is already adjusted to the mercurial cycle. This time the retro is happening in your 8th house. Look back to 2017, for themes or ideas of how this manifested in your life.
There could be miscommunications or delays regarding other people’s resources. Or in regard to taboo topics like sex, death, occult.
The ruler of this retro is in your 7th, so this could be related to your relationships (romantic, platonic or business). Someone may reach out to you or you could reach out to someone else.
Sometimes retrogrades aren’t notable events in our lives. So you may see no delays or notable events in your life.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
If you are in an intimate relationship, it can be very intense in april. This could be do to passion or you could be on the verge of an ending. It depends on your personal chart. You can probably already tell where it’s going.
Some may receive help through other people’s resources/unearned money or possessions.
Solar Eclipse April 8
Over the next 6 months, you could be going through a death and rebirth. This could be related to a relationship ending or going to the next level (marriage, moving in). This transformation could be related to taboo topics such as sex or death. You could be going through a death and rebirth process.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 9th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 9th house is your higher education, beliefs, travel, law and luck.
It’s hard to predict because it’s a sudden surprise event. But i’ll try anyways. Example:
You could be going on a trip.
You could be making a sudden choice in regard to university or education.
You could become more knowledgeable on culture or foreign affairs.
Libra Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1
Out of all the signs, you’re most likely to get a message from a past person. Could be an ex or an ex friend. Remember you don’t have to respond if you don’t want to. Not everyone needs closure that way. With chiron in your 7th since 2019, your relationships have been tough. People may have betrayed you or really hurt you. Not everyone deserves your time or energy again. But if you want a conversation for closure or want to forgive, this month may be your time.
Venus in Aries April 5-29
You could be more interested in relationships this month. If you dating, you could be getting extra attention from your partner. If you aren’t, you could develop a crush or long for a more stable serious connection. This is your chart ruler so you could feel more bold. You could take action in regard to relationships.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, there is a fresh start to your relationships. This can be very healing. It’ll be different for everyone. Some may gain independence through a breakup. Some may start a relationship. Some could end friendships. Some could find new friendships. Relationships are a big focus this month and this year in general.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
You could receive help through other people’s resources. This can be an inheritance, a parent giving you money for something or buying you something. It could be help from the government like unemployment or related to taxes. You could take out a loan. You could go into debt. It is likely positive for most though since jupiter is involved.
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earth-psyche · 1 year
Astro Simplified Pt.2
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➡️The Houses and their Rulers🌏
In vedic astrology too, there are 12 houses in a horoscope which rules different aspect of a native's life. The houses have different rulers and each has an assigned zodiac sign. The zodiac signs start from Aries and end on Pisces. The different aspect of a horoscope can be useful in understanding the overview of native's life.
♈1st house- Aries- Mars-Personal self, First impression, Rising Sign, How people see you, Appearance
♉2nd house- Tauras- Venus-Possessions, Self-esteem, 5 senses, Income, Money, Physical Environment
♊3rd house- Gemini- Mercury-Siblings, Communication, School, Teachers, Neighborhood, Libraries
♋4th house- Cancer- Moon-Mother, Home, Privacy, Comfort, Privacy, Security, Mothering ability
♌5th house- Leo- Sun-Children, Dating, Self-expression, Drama, Creativity, Color, Attention, Hair, Kind of ego*
♍6th house- Virgo- Mercury-Service, Routine, Job, Health, Natural living, Helping others, Schedules, Organizations
♎7th house- Libra- Venus-Relationships, Contract, Marriage, Legal contracts, Business deals
♏8th house- Scorpio- Pluto (Mars-vedic)- Death, In-laws, S*x, Bonding, Birth, Transformation, Taxes, Others Property
♐9th house- Sagittarius- Jupiter-Travel, Philosophy, Higher education, Books, Publishing, Universities
♑10th house- Capricorn- Saturn-Father, Awards, Career, Position, Public Image, Tradition, Corporation, Discipline
♒11th house- Aquarius- Uranus (Saturn-vedic)-Friends, Society, Humanitarian things, Science Fiction
♓12th house- Pisces- Neptune (Jupiter-vedic)-Endings, Imaginations, Subconscious mind, Hospitals, Jails
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That's all for today loves...if you want more of such just stay in touch...lets meet in other post...ilysm💕
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Zodiac signs and Professions
The present world is extremely different from Vedic civilization, when everything was based on people's Varnashrama-Dharma, which came from their nature and showed itself in both a person's innate character traits and some of his acts, or guna-karma.
Teachers at gurukulas carefully studied their pupils' interests from an early age, preparing them for careers in the three higher varnas of vaishyas, kshatriyas, and brahmins. Shudras, if trained, often learned their trades within the confines of their families.
Being born into a certain family did not automatically make you a member of that varna; rather, as you became older, you had to prove your qualities. In contrast to the so-called caste system, there were four varnas in the Vedic society: brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, and sudras.
Many new professions that are not mentioned in the Vedic treatises have emerged in our time along with the advancement of materialistic science and technology, but the science of jyotish provides the answers for figuring out a person's inclinations because it is based on the energies of the planets, horoscope houses, zodiac signs, and nakshatras.
12 signs of the zodiac are divided into several categories:
1) by gender (male and female);
2) according to mobility (mobile, immobile and dual) and 3) according to the elements (fiery, earthly, airy and watery).
The location of the planets in the signs of a certain category enhances certain energies in human nature and encourages him to engage in certain activities in society, in the outside world - which often becomes the native's profession.
Male and female signs
All odd signs (1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11) are masculine: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
The dominant of male signs, that is, when most of the planets or key planets (lagnesh, Sun, Moon) fall into male signs, this makes the native more decisive, active, proactive, inclined to make decisions quickly and be a leader (leader).
In the case of women, this gives a more masculine type of psyche and a masculine model of behavior.
Creates difficulties in personal life.
All even signs (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) have a feminine nature: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
With the dominance of female signs, when either most of the planets or key planets (lagnesh, Sun, Moon) fall into female signs, gentleness of character, indecision, and a tendency to follow rather than lead are manifested.
In male charts, this gives either very suave and gentle men, or a creative, dreamy and compassionate nature, or a weakness of character.
Movable, fixed and dual signs
Movable (Cardinal) signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn are Chara-Rashi
Immovable (Fixed) signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - this is Sthira-Rashi
Dual (Dual, Mutable) signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces are Dvisvabhava-Rashi
Understanding a person's manner of life can be aided by knowledge about the degree of mobility of their indicators (moving, sedentary, harmonious).
A dominating mobile indication makes a person more likely to engage in sports, movement, work in transportation, and travel.
Mobility represents the guna (energy) of action and passion.
The state of being immobile represents conservatism, extreme inertia, and stupidity.
The native becomes nomadic, prone to danger and change, and able to bring in money from far-off regions when all or the majority of the planets are in moveable signs.
Such people typically select a line of work that involves travel, athletics, risk-taking, tenacity, and frequent change.
If the natal chart's planets are distributed primarily or entirely according to fixed signs, then this combination occurs:
Such locals like education and information acquisition.
They frequently obtain owing to long-standing social links and enjoy well-deserved respect in society.
Natives frequently pick pursuits that emphasise stability, consistency, and predictability.
These indicators provide patience and the capacity to carry out everyday tasks in conventional and traditional settings.
When most or all of the planets are in dual signs, the following occurs: These locals frequently have dexterous hands and excel in a variety of artistic mediums.
Additionally, they frequently pursue careers in knowledge-related fields such as accounting, editing, economics, education, law, counselling, psychology, and spirituality.
- where the processing and sharing of information and knowledge is required.
They frequently attempt to multitask since they find it challenging to concentrate on just one thing at a time.
Signs of fire, earth, air and water
The dominance of different elements induces the native to seek refuge in the activity that corresponds to this element.
It is traditionally believed that the element of Water gives birth to brahmins, the element of Fire - kshatriyas, the element of Air - vaishyas and the elements of Earth - shudras. In reality, everything is much more complicated now, because.
all varnas in our era are mixed.
(when many planets are in the signs of Fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) makes the native a revolutionary, a leader, a transformer of ideas, a passionary.
Just as fire transforms other elements, fire people are catalysts for change.
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) makes the native a conservative, not prone to change, stable, practical and pragmatic.
These people are good at developing structures and giving shape to ideas.
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) makes the native fickle (windy), unstable, intellectual, easy in relationships, easily adapting to circumstances.
They are easy to remember and easy to forget.
Not vindictive.
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) makes the native emotional, creative, deep, intuitive, sensitive, inclined to make decisions based on feelings rather than reason.
Professions of the twelve signs of the zodiac
Of course, if each profession were clearly represented by a single zodiac sign, life would be a lot simpler. However, in reality, we must deal with a variety of combinations and identify the main influences of the energies of the signs - the rising sign (where the ascendant or lagna is), the sign of location, etc. The sign of the Moon (Chandra Lagna), the sign of the Sun's position (Surya Lagna), the sign of the owner of the first house or Lagnesh (Paka Lagna), the sign of a group of planets (from three or more), the sign of the tenth house (career, profession), the sign of the tenth house's owner, etc.
All of these things go into making a person, and the astrologer's job is to distribute and synthesise all of the aforementioned energies in the proper order of significance. They need tenacity, stamina, and response.
These include members of the armed forces, athletes, first responders, firefighters, ministry of emergency personnel, police officers, soldiers in special operations units, mechanics, electricians, builders, travellers, chemists, pyrotechnicians, security guards, shooters, managers, workers in the metallurgical industry, cattle slaughterers, carpenters, repairmen who are constantly sawing and drilling, etc.
Aries: In Aries, all planets develop a sharply concentrated piercing strength.
Aries connected to the soil, flowers, plants, real estate, the arts, beauty, cuisine, money, stocks trading, fashion and apparel, and the entertainment business that calls for patience, consistency, and good taste.
Taurus: The character of planets in Taurus is one that is obstinate, sluggish, and steady. in fields including data, facts and numbers, statistics, media, translation, literature, editing, publishing, and advertising.
Gemini: They frequently engage in marketing, trade, air transportation, logistics, mail, Internet projects, computers, bookkeeping, secretarial labour, education, courier services, diplomacy, intermediates, and mediators.
Planets in Gemini become as information transmitters.
Cancer: fishing and all marine occupations, including the military and trade.Car washes, laundry services, and the commerce in other liquid substances are all tied to water. Doctors, nurses, furniture and interior designers, purveyors, warehouse workers, restaurants, hotels, nurses, "mother" professions including care for others, social workers, historians, psychologists, teachers, and preachers are examples of occupations that fall under this category.
Planets in Cancer become sentimental and softer.
Leo: Leos are  public employees, politicians, ministers, leaders of all ranks, performers ranging from musicians to theatre directors, investors, physicians (if the Sun is strong), soldiers, conservationists, farmers, real estate experts (fixed sign), well-known TV hosts of entertainment programmes, impresario.
The planets in Leo have a regal colour.
Virgo: Analytics, accounting, auditing, economics, arithmetic, medicine, pharmacology, counselling, psychology, agriculture, education, computer science, astrology, paperwork and papers, critical analysis, creation of curricula, methodologies, algorithms, and systematisation are all Virgo-related fields.
Planets in Virgo have a graceful hue, refine their characteristics, and develop irrational and obstinate traits.
Libra: Lawyers, judges, sociologists, marketers, middlemen, merchants, mediators, advertising professionals, musicians, fashion designers, stylists, decorators, photographers, artists, actors, dancers, models, pilots, stewardesses, drivers, perfumers, restaurateurs, hotel workers, sexologists, and event planners are all members of the Libra family.
Planets in Libra develop elegance, pliability, elasticity, and lightness.
Scorpio: Scorpio is suited for all work with liquids, chemicals, drugs, poisons, and the funeral industry. Scorpios frequently work as mechanics, scientists, researchers, police officers, sailors, physicians, mediums, astrologers, fortune-tellers, magicians, philosophers, secret service operatives, jailers, notaries, and insurance agents. Scorpion-ruled planets become "biting," tense, and reminiscent of a warrior being ambushed.
Sagittarius : Military, leadership, working with horses, extreme sports, shooting, tourism, making and selling shoes, all legal professions, teaching, philosophy, international relations, diplomacy, finance, religion, spirituality, preaching, foreign trade, geography, cartography, geopolitics, and the exploration of new lands are all favoured professions for the Sagittarius sign.
The planets in Sagittarius have a noble, resolute air about them (like an arrow shot by a shooter).
Capricorn: who resides in the 10th house of the zodiac, has a thirst for strength and leadership roles. Due to his patience and consistency, he does regular job successfully. Coal, metal, minerals, timber, garbage, and commerce in all of these have a relationship to Saturn and the earth element.They might be agricultural labourers, plumbers, carpenters, builders, geologists, archaeologists, miners, or geologists.
Capricorns frequently build systems, methods, strategies, trade networks, and structures.
The sign's portability makes it useful for travel-related jobs. Planets in Capricorn develop qualities like pragmatism and earthiness (element of the Earth).
Aquarius : Public relations, social activities, charitable work, altruism, sociology, philosophy, computer science (particularly hardware), electronics for television and radio, information projects, IT, astrology, advisory work, theoretical science, and ground and air travel are all ruled by the sign of Aquarius.
psychological analysis, travel, publishing, and literary pursuits.
Pisces : Pisces physicians, nurses, resuscitators, representatives of humanitarian and charity organisations, sanatorium staff, commercial fisherman, rescuers, musicians, poets, and composers.
Priests, monks, preachers, ashram abbots, travellers, astronomers, astrologers, fortune tellers, explorers, scientists, and traders from far-off nations (export/import from across the sea) are just a few of the people that may be included in this category.
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inlibrariusvenefica · 9 months
Lunar Return July 13-August 8 2023
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LR Moon in 8H
Focus on ancestors, ceremonies in connection with the dead, tax and bill collectors, the dead (matters connected with), death, joint finances, friends of one’s parents, generative system, graveyards, heirs/heirlooms, inheritances, insurance, legacies, life after death, money of others, mortality, occultism, spiritual/mental regeneration, surgery, taxation, wills
Waning Crescent Moon Phase
The conclusion of the cycle. Reaping what you have sown. Carrying out your mission. Culminating karma. A time to rest and recuperate; reflect and meditate. Letting go of the past. Embracing the future.
Libra Ascendant (Theme of the Month)
Alliances, fine arts, lower half of the back, beauty/beauty parlors, bedrooms, boutiques, companionship, contracts, compromises, decorators, diplomacy, florists/flowers, fashion, fancy goods, friendliness, social gatherings, intermediaries, jewelry, justice, kidneys, love, lumbar region of the body, marriage, music, negotiations, partners, one’s dealings with the public, refinement, renal disorders, social affairs, spine (mainly lumbar region), truces, unions, weddings
Ascendant Ruler in 11H
Ankles, batteries, broadcasts, leg calves, clubs, colleagues, electricity, electronics, friends, idealism, humanitarianism, inventions, legs, motion pictures, nerve specialists, organizations, new teachings and occupations, photography, progressive, psychology, radio, rebellions, reform, research, science in general, sociability, societies, phones, tv, Internet, social media, advanced or free thought, hopes and wishes
Edit 7/17: Electronics/tv/Internet was unavailable due to a 12 hour power outage. UGH.
Other Things
Area of life important for the month= Ascendant at 21° Sagittarius degree= abundance, advertising, religious/philosophical books, ceremonies, churches, colleges, commerce, counselors, higher education, intestinal disorders, exploration, religious faith, foreign countries/travel, hips, judges/judicial matters, legal affairs, upper legs, liver, pelvis, philanthropy, philosophy, publishing, religion/spirituality, sciatic nerve, spine/sacral region of the spine, sportsmen/sporting goods, thighs, prophecy/visions
Cancer in 10H (where in your life you are able to work out some of your emotional challenges this month) = achievements, ancestors, bones, one’s career, cousins from the father’s side in a woman’s horoscope, employers, one’s father (in general) or the more authoritative parent, one’s goals, government, honors, knees, matters outside the home, one’s reputation, prestige, one’s profession, promotions, one’s public appearance, public life
Sun conjunct MC= Putting your attention on your career, reputation. Focusing more on success than home life
Chiron conjunct DC= May try to hide from your inner wounds and put on a mask of confidence.  Try not to project your own wounds on to others
Venus conjunct 11H cusp= Cheerfulness, harmony with friendships, clubs, colleagues, organizations
Neptune conjunct 6H cusp= Glamour, spirituality, illusion, compassion, delusion, idealism with care and health of body, clothing, comforts, cooks/cooking, diet, doctors, employees, father’s relatives, food, hygiene, illness, labor, nutrition, public health, restaurants, school strikes, stores, workplace environment
Moon square Saturn= Hard to connect to others. May feel sad and lonely
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subir-astrologer · 5 months
Saturn in own house is not necessarily harmful as per vedic astrology. It depends on the sign, house, and aspects of Saturn in the birth chart. Saturn is the planet of discipline, responsibility, and karma. It can bring delays, obstacles, and challenges, but also rewards, stability, and maturity. Saturn in own house can indicate a strong sense of duty, loyalty, and perseverance. However, it can also cause rigidity, isolation, and pessimism.
According to KP Vedic astrology a planet gives its results as per the significances in that horoscope. The planets will give results during its activation period and so it will differ from person to person as per their horoscope and the placements of the planet with respect to other planets of the horoscope.
Some of the effects of Saturn in general of own house for different ascendants are:
For Aries ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in law, administration, or politics. The native may face opposition from enemies, competitors, or authorities. The native may also have a late marriage or a serious partner.
For Taurus ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in finance, banking, or management. The native may have a stable and secure income, but also a lot of expenses. The native may also have a loyal and supportive partner, but also some conflicts or separations.
For Gemini ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in communication, education, or journalism. The native may have a lot of travel, learning, and networking opportunities, but also some delays or difficulties in these areas. The native may also have a partner who is intelligent, witty, or well-traveled, but also distant or detached.
For Cancer ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in real estate, agriculture, or hospitality. The native may have a strong connection with their roots, family, and homeland, but also some challenges or responsibilities in these areas. The native may also have a partner who is caring, nurturing, or domestic, but also conservative or restrictive.
For Leo ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in entertainment, sports, or leadership. The native may have a lot of creativity, charisma, and confidence, but also some struggles or hardships in achieving their goals. The native may also have a partner who is fun, playful, or romantic, but also demanding or controlling.
For Virgo ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in health, service, or analysis. The native may have a lot of skills, efficiency, and diligence, but also some stress or health issues. The native may also have a partner who is helpful, practical, or organized, but also critical or nagging.
For Libra ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in law, art, or diplomacy. The native may have a lot of balance, harmony, and justice, but also some compromises or conflicts. The native may also have a partner who is attractive, charming, or cooperative, but also indecisive or superficial.
For Scorpio ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in research, transformation, or occult. The native may have a lot of depth, intensity, and power, but also some secrets or fears. The native may also have a partner who is passionate, loyal, or mysterious, but also jealous or possessive.
For Sagittarius ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in religion, philosophy, or travel. The native may have a lot of wisdom, optimism, and adventure, but also some limitations or challenges in these areas. The native may also have a partner who is cheerful, generous, or spiritual, but also irresponsible or dogmatic.
For Capricorn ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in government, business, or engineering. The native may have a lot of ambition, authority, and achievement, but also some pressure or loneliness. The native may also have a partner who is mature, responsible, or reliable, but also cold or distant.
For Aquarius ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in science, technology, or social work. The native may have a lot of innovation, humanitarianism, and originality, but also some eccentricity or detachment. The native may also have a partner who is friendly, progressive, or unconventional, but also unpredictable or rebellious.
For Pisces ascendant, Saturn in own house can give a career in spirituality, healing, or art. The native may have a lot of compassion, intuition, and imagination, but also some confusion or escapism. The native may also have a partner who is sensitive, romantic, or artistic, but also unrealistic or deceptive.
The readers should note that this is in general to understand the nature and behavior of the planet and can not be applied straight forwardly as it will vary from person to person as per the placement of the Saturn with respect to other planets.
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Scorpion Ascendant:
Result of Jupiter transiting Pisces for Scorpion Ascendant people:
1) Success in education
2) Lots of opportunities for romance in love life
3) People will be attracted towards you
4) Child birth is possible
5) Increase in income
6) Good treatment at hospital
7) Progress in career
8) Success in stock market
9) You will have practical approach in every aspect of life.
This transit is good if you are Scorpion Ascendant with Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpion, Aquarius, and Pisces Moon sign people.
If you are Scorpion Ascendant but Moon sign is Aries, Gemini, Leo, or Capricorn, some ups and downs in life are also expected.
Scorpion Ascendant with Sagittarius Moon sign people will have normal growth in life.
Scorpion Ascendant with Libra Moon sign people may get some job opportunities and some setbacks too.
If you are Scorpion Ascendant, and Sun, Mercury, Venus, or Saturn are in Pisces in natal chart, this is the good time for things related to those planets.
If you are Scorpion Ascendant and Rahu-Ketu or Mars are in Pisces in natal horoscope, some ups and downs will be experienced.
If you are Scorpion Ascendant with Jupiter in Pisces in natal chart, all the results listed above will be fructified.
If you are Scorpion Ascendant and Venus is in Pisces in natal horoscope, your love life will enhance. (Applicable for boy and girl both)If you are Scorpion Ascendant girl and Mars is in Pisces in natal horoscope, you may get some love opportunities.
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astrologybyolga · 9 months
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August horoscope 🧿🪬💙🪐🌞🌊⛱
Aries - New moon on the 16th - You might have to spend some time with your kids & their activities or wellbeing. New opportunities to make new friends & new romance , if you’re interested!
Taurus - Jupiter in your sign & Venus square Uranus - You might argue with your partner or family about the amount of money you spent on education/travel/technology this month!
Gemini - Mercury retrograde 21-25 might create some misunderstandings with your siblings or family. You’re extra irritated and triggered by the slightest things. Venus retrograde , a text from ex?!
Cancer - New moon in Leo around the 13-18 , could bring plenty of new opportunities for financial stability. Mercury retrograde- careful with all correspondence, emails and contracts.
Leo - Best day for you is 13 - Venus & Sun - You feel loved , respected and appreciated by a partner, friends, colleagues and your boss. Buy something expensive for yourself 💗!
Virgo - Saturn in your 7th - is tiring. Might be reevaluating your choices & relationships. 9-11 Mars & Mercury in your sign - you might be a bit critical or bitchy!
Libra - Mars in Libra on the 27, is going to make you extra ambitious, restless, aggressive. Might create problems for your relationships.
Scorpio - August 13-17 - Is a great time to promote your business, ask for raise , get recognition, receive a bonus , buy a home , make a relationship official!
Sagittarius - Mars & Mercury in Virgo(9-11) - will create intense energy and friction within your career. You don’t want to piss off your boss or colleagues! Better to keep your distance!
Capricorn - Venus retrograde in your 8th - the whole month - might bring back an ex , some might experience infidelity, complicate relationships with your family ( cause of money ), Have issues with banks or have debts increase.
Aquarius - New moon in Leo 16- relationships are strengthen and renewed! You will reconnect or reconcile with a lot of ex friends or ex lovers!
Pisces - Saturn is a drag - you need a time out ! Might be overwhelmed with all the responsibilities you are facing , overworked cause you can’t say no ,exhausted, tired. Retreat & heal 💙
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
What happens when Ketu is in the 1st house?
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Ketu in the first house signifies that a person must push oneself beyond their capabilities and limits in order to obtain success and fortune. In life, you may experience worry, stress, conflict, and instability. Ketu in the first house might harm your health and cause financial problems. Ketu in the first bhava causes a person to succeed in athletics, and the native will be an adventurer. 
Know how Ketu in the first house will affect you? Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Ketu is the Moon’s South Node. This planet is not the owner of any House or the ruler of any Zodiac sign. Self-employment will result in success. Partnership efforts may also result in temporary success. Ketu in the first house might bring success in the medical field. At a certain age, a person may grow detached from materialistic interests, and familial relationships, and lost in their own world. Rahu is associated with afterlife experiences, karma, and reincarnation. Ketu, on the other hand, is the Karak of emancipation. Rahu is seen as the giver, whereas Ketu is regarded as the taker. Rahu will bring you bad luck. However, Ketu will make you realize that your path is incorrect and that you must become moral and virtuous in your actions. Ketu also makes amends for Rahu’s wrongdoing. Ketu in the first house influences the native’s personality and social standing, it demonstrates certain consequences on your pull toward spiritual deeds and workings.
Ketu in the First House with your Ascendant:
Ketu in the First House in Cancer (Cancer Ascendant) produces mixed outcomes. Ketu in the first bhava in Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Virgo Ascendant produces exceedingly inauspicious and malefic effects. Ketu in the first house produces the finest outcomes through the Libra, Pisces, Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius ascendants.
Rahu's position
Rahu represents the head, and Ketu represents the body. As a result, their placement in the chart will have an effect on each other. If you have Ketu in the first house and Rahu in the seventh house, they will affect each other on the axis. 
Some zodiac signs have a major impact on Ketu. For example, if the first house or Lagna house has a Virgo or Gemini zodiac sign, Ketu will operate favorably. However, if Ketu is in your first house and you are born under the sign of Leo or Cancer, things may be difficult for you.
Positive impacts
Ketu produces more bad than beneficial outcomes. However, with Ketu in your first residence, you can anticipate a lot of excellent things to happen in your life. You will have a charming personality. On the other side, you may be a bit difficult to comprehend.
People will want to meet and chat with you since you are their favorite. However, you would not be particularly direct in your selections. However, you will say things that have a deeper and more passionate meaning. With Ketu in your horoscope’s first house, you will like traveling. There might be frequent business or educational excursions.
There is also a good probability that you may get to see new cities, towns, and nations. You will also get access to several tours and excursions that will benefit your personal development. The same will please you to the greatest extent feasible. Because Ketu is the taker of everything, having Ketu in the first house of your kundali will help you discover where you go wrong in what areas of your life.
Read Also:- Benefits of reading Sunderkand Path
Negative impacts
You are adventurous, but this may cause you problems if Ketu is malefic in your first home. As a result, you must use caution in making life decisions. With Ketu in the first house, you may discover the sinful company. When this occurs, it is possible that you may find it difficult to remain rational or prosperous in your actions.
You can also become avaricious and self-centered. While working on your ethics, you must also ensure that degeneration of the same does not occur. If anything like this happens, you may find it difficult to focus on your life. If your Kundali has Ketu in the first house of your horoscope, it can have a detrimental impact on your health. Lack of stamina and persistent tiredness, along with minor health issues, may become your regular companions. The same thing might lead to low self-esteem and lack of confidence.
You can find yourself in a bad health position or in a bad circumstance in general. It will bring you all kinds of pressure, obstacles, and problems for the rest of your life. Things may not come to you easily, and you may get psychologically weak and anxious as a result.
Apply Saffron tilak on your brow, naval, neck, and hairline. This will aggravate Ketu’s negative energy.
Another solution suggests keeping white and black blankets at the temple for needy people.
If you are a parent, never give your kid money late at night or early in the morning.
Avoid being transparent to others and disclosing your flaws. Maintain control of your tone in front of others.
Every day, feed a black and white dog food. It can be both wild and domestic.
Offer Laddu to Lord Ganesha. It will protect you from the negative impacts of Ketu.
Read Also:- Impacts of Sun-Saturn conjunction on different houses
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taisoleil · 1 year
Full Horoscopes are on my Patreon + more on Patreon because I do a lot of heavy transit work in general: Patreon.com/Taisoleil
Sidereal Aries
Don’t sleep on the opportunity to find a less chaotic way to go about things, especially based on the advice you receive. With that said, it’s important to be mindful.
Sidereal Taurus
Thinking about your goals and going hard in the paint about it is very fitting for you at this point in time. However, you need to be mindful that you may be so tunnel visioned about what you’re doing, that you lose sight on a way to do things an easier way.
Sidereal Gemini
You may find yourself having some unfinished projects that need some ends to be tightened. You may want to also tighten your plans, taking a bigger look about where your energy is spent, and where your money is going.
Sidereal Cancer
People and their prior experience may make you scared to move forward. Just know that being educated is key and that’s going to help you a lot with making the final decision.
Sidereal Leo
What you’re doing may even take you awhile, and the results may take awhile, so you mine as well do something else in the meantime. Your life may be like a garden right now.
Sidereal Virgo
There’s a better way to go about things, and thinking about the details will tie everything together. Stop and think for a second.
Sidereal Libra
It’s okay to do things scared. Letting life worry and concern you can put you in a position that can lead to regret. You have a lot going for you, but you can be more hard on yourself than you need to be.
Sidereal Scorpio
If you feel like you’re being pushed against the wall, you should consider retreating for a bit. This can be a heavy time in which you need to be locked down and focused on what really matters to you.
Sidereal Sagittarius
Heavy importance on what you wish to create, as things can go a many of ways. Your main goals may be more of a reflection if anything, though. Is this really what you want? Are you truly going about things the right way that serve this purpose?
Sidereal Capricorn
Whew the high standards. Don’t be surprised when you start cutting people the fuck off for not being able to handle you nor what you have going. You’re going to be leveling up your experiences based on what you want.
Sidereal Aquarius
Sometimes what you don’t know you need to do means there’s a time to explore what could be. Things may make sense for you intuitively. You’re more in your graceful bag at this time.
Sidereal Pisces
There’s a lot you need to figure out and organize. One of that is probably working on your finances for sure. A balanced checkbook is a happy one. Some of you may not even have financial issues, but it’ll still be best for you to have a budget.
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braunfitzpatrick · 2 years
Undersand Your Chiron in Libra
This aspect is often associated sex. However, for Librans, it has a more personal meaning and spiritual significance. For example, Chiron in Libra often brings a desire for the closeness of others. These qualities can be detrimental to your overall health. You will need to practice self care and establish boundaries when your horoscope displays Chiron in Libra. Chiron in Libra can also cause problems in relationships, so you may need to heal any wounds caused by Chiron. In relationships, Chiron in Libra can show problems in harmony and co-dependence. Libra is the sign for beauty and harmony. It represents balance, cooperation and socializing as well as diplomacy. Libra also symbolizes justice, equality, respect and order. Libran Chiron can cause imbalance in relationships because they are unable to appreciate the achievements of others. Regardless of the reason, Librans need to learn to accept themselves and others. Chiron can bring lifelong wounds to Librans. Chiron in Libra may be a useful teacher or healer. Despite our fears of making mistakes or facing failures, we can make the most out of it and educate others to avoid them. Knowledge is the key for healing. Understanding Chiron in Libra can help you reach your goals. This aspect can come in many forms, as you might guess. Aquarius is a forward thinking, tech-loving Fixed Air Type that identifies and respects the individuality of others. Aquarius can be difficult if they aren't connected to their ideas and beliefs. Once they learn to trust their vision, Aquarius can be a tremendous help to others. Women with Chiron in Libra tend to be nurturing and kind. They are great friends and can smooth over rough patches in their relationships. They are creative and can be very successful in creative careers. Men with Chiron in Libra, on the other hand are gentle and can avoid physical confrontation. They will seek to end conflict or break up fights. If they feel threatened or have been abused, they may want to avoid the confrontation. Chiron was initially classified as an asteroid. However, it was later reclassified as a minor planet and a comet. It was named for the immortal centaur Chiron. He was a healer, teacher, and teacher. Although he's known for being a wildcard he can actually be quite medicinal. Chiron can help you heal if you have ever felt pain. Libra Chiron about this is that you don’t need to be an expert sailor to understand your horoscope. For those with Chiron in the seventh field, it may be hard to trust anyone. Despite the fact that a relationship may have ended, the heartfelt bond between a person and their lover may have been broken. People with Chiron in the seventh field are often unconsciously aggressive and sometimes aggressive towards others. These traits aren't necessarily bad for you. If you choose not to be friends with someone with Chiron Libran, it doesn’t mean that you are a bad person.
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suniastrology · 2 years
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Just to remind you (you may be aware but may be not) that we are under Mercury Retrograde period (motion Libra -Virgo), started on 09.09.2022 until 02.10.2022, and what are the general astrological tendencies under this energy:
Mercury, in astrology, is a planet of communication, thinking, our mind, short trips and communication devices (phones, tv, computers, etc.)
During this astrological period misinformation, miscommunications and forgetfulness are likely to be experiences. Our mind, thinking and analysing processes, communication abilities could be interrupted.
Problems with technical devices may occur – phones, computers, machinery, cars.
As Mercury also rules documents, administrative activities, data base, etc. mistakes with such matters could be the case too.
Therefore, be aware with signing contracts, double check when fill in up documents, applications and when dealing with administrative matters. Postpone, if possible, to sign documents, contracts, agreements because problems and mistakes could be easily made and you may have to deal with such consequences later.
Don’t fix devices, cars or any technical equipment during this period (if is not necessary) because it’s likely that they may break up again. It’s advisable also short distance travels to be reduced because travel problems, accidents, problems with vehicles may occur during such trips. Losing phones, documents, data, keys, etc. is another possibility during this retrograde season. Be careful with pins, passwords, bank details, emails, with whom and how you share such information. Be also aware with fraud emails, SMSs, scam phone calls, etc.
Because the retrograde motion of Mercury is in Libra – Virgo signs relationship issues – personal or professional may need to be revise and dealt with. Unresolved problems with friends, family, community, employees may be experienced and you have to fix, clear up or to address such issues during this time. It is also possible, an old friend or someone from you past (you haven’t heard from a long time) may surface in your life, or you may get news for a such person/people. Health issues (if you have any) connected to lungs, nervous system or hands may resurface or appear; especially, if you have been ignoring them for some time.
Mercury retrograde is a favourable astrological period for study, undertaking coursers, research, planning or preparing your future projects or ventures. Use this time for education and preparation rather than taking action. If you do your homework, then the result will be three times more rewarding, than you expect, after the retrograde period.
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
suni astrology
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Sun in Astrology & Sun in various houses
Sun in Astrology
Sun is a luminary, a star that shines bright enough to light the whole world. Without its heat and light, we are nothing but an ice-ball. Sun is what makes things up; it is the life giving force. Its energy is profound, and decides whether you become a radiant smiling face or hide behind the clouds of ego and aggression. Sun in Vedic astrology represents the Soul. It is the representation of your outer self, of how you project yourself to the world and what makes you stand apart from the rest. It is the crux of one’s identity and how it is preserved. It is the courage and confidence you employ to fight off the everyday challenges.
Astronomical Facts about Sun
Sun is the biggest celestial body human being is aware of. It is the center of the Solar System and when it comes to its composition, it is a giant ball of plasma, primarily made of hydrogen and helium. It is 149 million km far from Earth yet its influence is most profound on human being compared to other planets. Sun is stationery thus never turns retrograde as everything else in the universe revolves around it. Sun in Vedic astrology terms spends a month in each sign and takes around a year to complete its circle of the whole zodiac and the 12 signs.
Astrological Facts about Sun  
Transit in each sign  1 month
 Direction    East
 Metal    Gold
 Gem    Ruby
 Day    Sunday
 Color  Orange
 Temperament  Hot
 Gender  Male
 Ruling Body Part  Heart, hair, head, bones, eyes, and overall health
 Status in Imperial Stars
 Friends  Jupiter, Moon, Mars
 Enemies  Venus, Saturn
 Neutral  Mercury
 Own Sign  Leo
 Exalted in  Aries 10 Degree
 Debilitated in  Libra 10 Degree
 Mool Trikon  Leo 20 Degree
 Mahadasha Period  6 Years
 Relation  Father
 Professions  Government sector jobs, politicians, physicians, medicines, wheat, gold, copper, and ruby related.
Significance of Sun in Vedic astrology
Sun in Vedic astrology occupies the position of king due to being at the center of it all. Being our natural father, it stands for all the masculine influences in one’s life including Father, husband, and male children. It is the king so represents authority and relation with government too. While Sun represents our innermost self - the soul, we as individuals tend to only manifest the outer self or ego. It gives the natives the ability to lead, desire to earn name and fame, an ambitious attitude, optimism, and a strong will to tackle challenges effectively.
Sun in astrology is also considered to have a regal air so it rules royalty, state and the higher positions as well. It also signifies good health, vitality and wellbeing. A strong Sun in horoscope indicates a person with leadership qualities. Such a person usually enjoys a higher position in society and shares a cordial relationship with father. Native with positively placed Sun is also dependable, generous, and mature.
This fiery planet can be detrimental to health if negatively placed causing baldness, headaches, weak eyesight, blood circulation related problems, bone weakness, and heart problems. A weak Sun in horoscope can also affect one’s relation with father or cause problem to father. Natives with weak Sun usually suffer from low stamina, self-esteem, and indecisiveness. Too strong Sun can result in a domineering or aggressive personality. Such a person may be self-centered and someone who always seeks to be at the center of all action.
Sun In 1st House
Righteous- minded , healthy, bilious, eye-disease, intelligence, good morals, political success, stately appearance, humanitarian instincts, lazy in work, fond of daring deeds, hot constitution, careless of reputation, string will, caprice, generosity, neglect of personal credit or respect, good work, not combative or impetuous and pioneering.
Sun In 2nd House
Diseased face, ugly, losses from prosecution good earnings, inclined to waste, bright speech, enquiring, well-educated, scientific, stubborn and peevish temper, danger in the 25th year, will stammer.
Sun In 3rd House
Courageous, liberal, adventurous, famous, intelligent, wealthy, successful and restless.
Sun In 4th House
Mental worry, meditative defective organs, success in foreign countries, hatred of relations, keen-minded, sensitive, good reputation, success after middle age, quarrels without causes, weak constitution, introspective, unhappy, philosophical, squanders paternal property.
Sun In 5th House
Intelligent, poor, few children, paternal danger, corpulent, danger to father early, unhappy, disturbed in mind, lover of fine arts, and tactful in decision.
Sun In 6th House
Defier of customs and castes, good administrative ability, few cousins and few enemies, bold a successful, war-like, licentious, wealthy, gain from enemies, clever in planning, terror to enemies, executive ability, colic troubles.
Sun In 7th House
Late marriage and rather troubled, loose morals and irreligious, hatred by the fair sex, fond of traveling, submissive to wife, wealth through female agency, fond of foreign things, discontented, wife's character questionable, subservient to women and risk of dishonour and disgrace through them.
Sun In 8th House
Low vitality, poor health, problem with authorities. Possibility of connection of work with government. Strong emotional bonds. Poor happiness from father. Poor eyesight. Stable life.
Sun In 9th House
Well read in solar sciences, attracted by sublime phenomena, charitable, godly, lucky and successful, devoted, ordinary health, little patrimony, dutiful sons, a man of action and thought, self-acquired property, many lands, philosophical, glandular disease, lover of poetry and music, successful agriculturist, learned in esoteric and occult subjects, ambitious and enterprising.
Sun In 10th House
Bold, courageous, well known, famous, clever in acquiring wealth, superior knack, healthy, learned, adventurous, educated, quick decision, fond of music, founder of institutions, high position, dutiful sons, much personal influence, successful military or political career.
Sun In 11th House
Learned, wealthy, stately and persevering, success without much effort, famous, many enemies, wealth through fair means, good reputation, profound insight, capacity to befriend, many political enemies, man of principles, great sagacity, great success and position.
Sun In 12th House
Sinful, poor, fallen, thieving nature, unsuccessful, adulterous, neglected, long limbs, ceremonial minded and lover of esoteric and occult knowledge, no happiness from children
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
Introduction to Esoteric Astrology | Monkvyasa
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What is esoteric astrology?
Esoteric Astrology is astrology that specialises in the soul. Esoteric astrology is concerned with defining our soul’s contribution to the evolution of humanity in the area of our unique outward character or what will happen to us in this lifetime. It is taught as a means of reconciling the soul and character. To acquire our most self and live with soul consciousness, esoteric astrologers say we want to move past our fabric nature, using our character as a device of soul expression in the area of the alternative way around. If this sounds a bit woo-woo, it genuinely is because it is. Theosophy, or the “New Age” movement of the past, late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, gave birth to esoteric astrology.
History of esoteric astrology
The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875 as a home for upper-elegance intellectuals who had superior mediumship capabilities and were eager to find out about esotericism. Consider séances and Hilma Af Klint’s artwork. Along with Alice Bailey, the founder of esoteric astrology, Rudolf Steiner and Helena Blavatsky have been major members of the movement.
Alice Bailey’s five-quantity A Treatise on the Seven Rays, which she claimed to have channelled through her disembodied religious teacher, DK, codified esoteric astrology (read: a ghost). “Certain subjects I may additionally say will in all likelihood be seemed as revolutionary, or as erroneous, as unbelievable or unprovable with the useful resource of the usage of the educational and uninspired astrologer,” she writes withinside the introduction.
She is aware that her teachings are contentious and her delivery is untrustworthy—expect Instagram-well-known-crystal-healer vibes. Her teachings have been carried forward into the modern era with the useful resource of the artwork of Alan Leo (the particular sun sign horoscope writer) and modern intellectual astrologer Dane Rudhyar.
How is esoteric astrology different from the astrology I know?
The biggest significant distinction between esoteric astrology and modern intellectual astrology of sun sign horoscopes (and all of the one memes) is the usage of planetary rulers. The rulers of the signs and signs shake down like this in modern astrology:
Aries – Mars | Taurus – Venus | Gemini – Mercury | Cancer – Moon | Leo – Sun | Virgo – Mercury | Libra – Venus | Scorpio – Mars, Pluto | Sagittarius – Jupiter | Capricorn – Saturn | Aquarius – Saturn, Uranus | Pisces – Jupiter, Neptune
However, because of reality, esoteric astrology is all about transcending our nature and discovering our higher purpose within the collective (aka, manifesting our great existence similar to the great effects on the rest of the world). The planetary rulers reflect each sign’s higher octave or more calling. In esoteric astrology, each sign has an exoteric planetary ruler who knows the sign’s herbal outer expression, similarly to an esoteric planetary ruler who is The sign’s religious side. The exoteric rulers are much like in modern intellectual astrology, but the esoteric planetary rulers are very inside the subsequent ways:
Aries – Mercury | Taurus – Vulcan* | Gemini – Venus | Cancer – Neptune | Leo – Sun** | Virgo – Moon | Libra – Uranus | Scorpio – Mars** | Sagittarius – Earth | Capricorn – Saturn** | Aquarius – Jupiter | Pisces – Pluto
What can I research from an esoteric analysis of my chart?
We now understand that esoteric astrology differs drastically from modern intellectual astrology. It’s a complex device with murky origins, and now no longer like traditional sorts of astrology, working towards it necessitates studying the jargon language of “esoteric” and “exoteric” rulers, the seven rays, and soul consciousness. This sort of astrology, which specialises in the collective in the area of the individual, does not count on lifestyle activities or provide heat takes on the character. An esoteric chart analysis specialises in transformation and the way to better understand our soul. That’s a lifelong process.
Bottom line
Esoteric astrology is concerned with who we are coming to be in the area of who we are.
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