ralph-with-coffee · 6 months
haha!there’s no one hereit’s darkness and emptiness all overnot a single light in sightalright thenlet me be the lightlet me shine as bright as possibleno matter how short lived it may be.let it reach the eyes of someone elsewho might be herethousands of light years away from herelet them see the lightand give them hopeto carry on 10.10.2023
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Easy Ways To Improve The Comfort Of Your Home
Don't neglect your home's comfort just because you're busy! There are easy ways to improve the comfort of your home, and you'll be glad you did when you can relax in a comfortable environment. Keep reading for some great tips.
Add some greenery
Turn your boring house parts into a cool green oasis by adding some greenery. Incorporating plants into your home is an easy and quick way to instantly boost the atmosphere. Including indoor plants in the house not only helps keep the air clean but also brings life to any room. You can strategically decorate with plants so that they are part of a beautiful display or you can mix them in with other pieces of decor for a more natural effect. Adding some greenery to your home is an effective solution for improving comfort levels, without needing much effort.
Let in the light
Letting in the light is an easy and effective way to instantly transform your home. Natural light has a calming presence and can help create an inviting atmosphere. Simple things, like rearranging furniture or snipping away stubborn window treatments, can make all the difference. Establishing habits such as opening curtains during the day helps maximize the amount of natural light coming into your house, which will undoubtedly improve the comfort of your home. Consider ways that you can incorporate more windows into existing spaces or add skylights in dark hallways to create beautiful lighting effects. By allowing natural light to come into your home, you are giving yourself an easy and rewarding step towards creating a comfortable living environment where stress melts away and relaxation takes over!
Make sure your furniture is comfortable 
Furniture can be an incredibly important factor when it comes to comfort in the home. If you're wanting to give your home a much-needed boost, make sure your furniture plays a role in that. Investing in comfortable yet stylish sofas, armchairs and other options will ensure you get the best of both worlds. Soft fabrics and cushioning are also key when finding a great piece for your living room, as properly supported seating can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying time spent in the home. Plus, as noted at Original Mattress Factory, not everybody sleeps the same way and we don't all have the same body. That's why it's important to choose the right mattress and bedding for your needs.
Create a cozy ambiance
Creating a cozy ambiance in your home is essential to achieving true relaxation. To achieve maximum comfort, think carefully about texture, color, and light. Replace any harsh surfaces — such as concrete countertops — with something soft (like a velvety carpet). Indulge in fabric-covered couches and armchairs for those important moments of cozying up with a cup of tea or coffee. And try decorating your walls with warm colors like beige and honey-tone browns to envelop the space with pleasant vibes. It'll make your home feel luminous and inviting; helping you to create an atmosphere of serenity.
Get rid of clutter
Clutter can be overwhelming and add a tremendous sense of disorganization to your home life. Rid yourself of the excess by evaluating what is truly important to you, discarding what doesn't have value, and donating whatever else is still in good condition. Simplifying your living space will offer an instant feeling of relief and comfort in your home environment, allowing you the freedom to enjoy the beauty of day-to-day life without the weight of unnecessary things getting in the way. Create an easy organizational system for items that are necessary for daily living such as mail or shoes going in their proper place, allowing everything to easily flow with intentionality instead of being bogged down by clutter.
Keep in mind that the key to comfort in your home lies within its atmosphere. These simple tips will help create a sense of relaxation that everyone in your household can enjoy! So, go ahead and start making those changes today to transform your home into an oasis of tranquility.
Improving the comfort of your home is a worthwhile and rewarding endeavor. Not only will it add to your overall satisfaction, but it can even bring physical and mental health benefits. Additionally, making changes doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming – as this article suggested, simply adding some plants, opening up blinds and drapes, replacing furniture with items that offer more support, lighting fragrances, and candles, and tidying up can instantly improve your space. Taking the time to make these small adjustments in your home can lead to big rewards—so take advantage of these easy ways for improving your home today!
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How to Fix the Issue of Kindle Not Charging Orange Light?
There are various types of lights on Kindles. Users need to understand the meaning of every light. A depleted battery or damaged charging cable may cause the Kindle won't to charge the orange light. Here we discuss the different ways to fix the Kindle not charging orange light. Users can understand the cause of the error and fix it quickly. 
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Methods To Fix Kindle Won’t Charge Orange Light
Let us check the ways to resolve the problem of the Kindle not charging the orange light. 
Pull the Charger Out of the Socket
Pull the charger out of the power outlet and plug it back in if the orange light appears, but your Kindle is not charging. There is a need to repeat this action many times when our Kindle is old or its USB jack is loose. It is vital to give the jack some pressure if it's loose. It may be necessary to repair the cable or replace it with another if this does not work. Take it to the repair shop or buy a new one if it's broken. 
Check for Damaged Charging Cables
When we use damaged cables to charge our Kindle, it shows the error "Kindle not charging." There is a need to test the adapter and connect it to the charger. We can also interchange cables to charge the Kindle. It makes it easy for us to charge and it fixes the Kindle's won’t charge orange light.
Leave Your Kindle Alone While Charging
We can leave our Kindle while it is charging. It also increases the device's battery life. It is also better to charge when the Kindle battery is half full. There is a need to take off the charger before it hits 100%. When you see the "plug it in" warning, the battery sensor is calibrated. 
Clean the USB Charging Port
Sometimes dust, lint, or debris can block the charging port. It now becomes a reason for the Kindle not charging. There is a need to clean the charging port using a bulb syringe or compressed air. First, we turn off the device. Here we can wrap small cotton balls on a toothpick. After this, there is a need to blow up a few shots. There is also an option for us to use isopropyl alcohol. Avoid getting water inside the port by holding the bulb syringe or compressed air can upright.
Charge Your Kindle Overnight
We can also charge our Kindle overnight to avoid errors The Kindle won't charge. Battery life decreases slowly when using the Kindle because of an out-of-sync battery. Now the battery will reduce quickly and will soon make the device idle. We can plug our Kindle into a power outlet and close it off. 
There is a need to leave the device to charge overnight. We must unplug the device in the morning and open it now. We can use our Kindle device for 15%. After this, close it and charge it again. It quickly fixes the Kindle not charging with the orange light.
Sum Up 
Users must fix the Kindle not charging error. There is no need to worry and you can continue to read books. It is also vital for users to charge their Kindles when they are not reading their favorite books.
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gummygoatgalaxy · 3 years
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Dawn, Alawn, Fawn Duck Run Cycle from the Opening Sequence!
I love these cuties
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This blog is a flytrap for lightlets.
And Heart players. Those guys love to come here questioning themselves.
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biplobice · 3 years
K-391 Lyrics "Ignite"
K-391 Lyrics “Ignite”
[Julie Bergan:]Fireflies, a million little piecesFeeds the dying light, and breathes me back to lifeIn your eyes, I see something to believe inYour hands are like a flameYour palms the sweetest pain Let the darkness lead us into the lightLet our dreams get lostFeel the temperature riseBaby, tell me one more beautiful lieOne touch and I igniteLike a starship speeding into the nightYou and I get…
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voillohiarchive · 2 years
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More deltaroom au … I loves them<3
so! i tried designing something that would fill the swatchling‘s role … still haven’t decided a name yet for these guys :/ lamplets? lightlets? lamplings? I have no idea ;-;
so they’re lamps! that r also wolves … love that for them <33
the “swatch” of the group is !! idk her name yet :/ but I love her! she runs the library :] she <333 girl in suits with crutches. she’s winning
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starinscriptions · 3 years
Happy Birthday Benjamin
Bless my little BenjaminLet your love fill his heartLet your light shine on himLet your hands keep him safeLet your eyes guard him through Bless my growing BenjaminHelp him grow everydayLet him be a shining lightLet his light shine so brightLead him through the paths of life Bless my blossoming BenjaminKeep him safe from pain and harmLet his days be long on earthLet his life be full of graceLet…
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jacob-cs · 6 years
ios에서의 thread 작업관련 요약
GCD (grand central dispatch)
original source : https://blog.bobthedeveloper.io/intro-to-grand-central-dispatch-in-swift-3-with-bob-lee-1d4b56f731b3 
gcd에서는 기본적으로 두가지의 종류의 작업자를 제공한다. (하나는 많은 리소스를 필요로하는 작업에 적합하고(heavy) 하나는 좀더 약한 작업에 적합하다(lightweight). 사용자가 추가로 필요한 경우 lightweigth 작업자를 추가 만들수 있다.)
let main = DispatchQueue.main // heavy 작업자 만들기
let background = DispatchQueue.global() // ios에서 제공하는 lightweight 작업자 만들기
let helper = DispatchQueue(label: "construction_worker_3") // 추가로 lightweight 작업자 만들기
func doSyncWork() { background.sync { for _ in 1...3 { print(“Light”) } } for _ in 1...3 { print(“Heavy”) } } // main
doSyncWork() // Light // Light // Light // Heavy // Heavy // Heavy
func doAsyncWork() { background.async { for _ in 1...3 { print(“Light”) } } for _ in 1...3 { print(“Heavy”) } }                // main
doAsyncWork() // Light // Heavy // Heavy // Light // Heavy // Light
let asianWorker = DispatchQueue(label: "construction_worker_1") let brownWorker = DispatchQueue(label: "construction_worker_2")
func doLightWork() { asianWorker.async { for _ in 1...10 { print("👷") } }
brownWorker.async { for _ in 1...10 { print("👷🏽") } } }
doLightWork() // 👷, 👷🏽, 👷, 👷🏽, 👷, 👷🏽, 👷, 👷🏽, 👷...
참조) https://learnappmaking.com/grand-central-dispatch-swift/
함수형태의 gcd 이용 예시 (swift 3 이전형태)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {      // Download file or perform expensive task    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {          // Update the UI      } }
oop 형태의 gcd 이용 예시 (swift 3 이후형태)
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {      // Download file or perform expensive task    DispatchQueue.main.async {          // Update the UI      } }
dispatch_async와 dispatch_sync 와의 차이
DispatchQueue에서의 qos, concurrency(제빠르게 threads간에 switch함으로써 동시에 일어나는 착각일으킴)
core data 
managed object context
performBlock:  Asynchronously performs a given block on the context’s queue.
performBlockAndWait:  Synchronously performs a given block on the context’s queue.
concurrency에 관한 tutorial
core data에서 concurrency를 이용하는 이유는 data persistence가 file에 저장하는데 시간이 걸리는데 이 동안 main ui thread가 막힘이 없게 하는것이 목적이다.
Operation Queue
참고사항) https://agostini.tech/2017/07/30/understanding-operation-and-operationqueue-in-swift/#comment-141
operation을 이용한 threading 작업은 GCD를 기반으로 한다.
class 클래스이름: Operation {
   init() {
   override func main() {         ...        }        
의 형태를 가진 작업을 만든다. 
// operationqueue를 생성한다.
private let operationQueue: OperationQueue = OperationQueue()
operationQueue.addOperations([생성된Operation, 생성된또다른Operation], waitUntilFinished: false)
수행하려는 작업이 다른 작업의 완료에 의존하는 경우(다른작업이 확실히 끝나고 나서 수행해야하는 경우)  
You might think that with OperationQueues and Operations there’s no need for GCD but they actually work together. Fun fact: Operations are built on top of GCD.Queue is a prioritised FIFO queue. he most common use of GCD is to run a piece of code on the main thread – like the ‘onCompleted’ closure in our example here: 
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {   onCompleted?(listItems) })
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zosantoryu · 7 years
Lightlet/Lawlight from Death Note? For the grading thingy.
A+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
In The House Of Stone And Light Song Lyrics – Martin Page
In The House Of Stone And Light Song Lyrics
In The House Of Stone And Light Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Martin Page from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Martin Page ” in Year 1995.
Lyrics of In The House Of Stone And Light :
o mount kailas uncover me come my restoration wash my body clean ive been walking along a crooked path where the walls have fallen and broken me in halfim telling you i will not rest till i lay down my head im gonna go in the house of stone and light i shall not cry for the blind man i leave behind when i go in the house of stone and light in the house of stone and lightholy lady show me my soul tell me of that place where i must surely go old man waiting at the gates for me give me the wisdom give me the keyim telling you i will not rest till i lay down my head in the house of stone and light ill make my way o gonna be such a beautiful day in the house of stone and light in the house of stone and lightlet me in beneath my skin yeah yeah oh oh in the house of stone and light its been to long my spirits been at war havasupai shaman let me be reborn and i will embrace the sun upon my face come the day i awake the child inside in the house of stone and light and when i go i will op op open my eyes in the house of stone and light i will see you in the house of stone and lightim looking in beneath my skin yeah yeah oh oh in the house of stone and light im coming inside in the house of stone and light looking for the child in the house of stone and light see myself got such a good shelter in the house of stone and light in the house of stone and light im gonna let this child come washing of water in the house of stone and light hes speaking softly to me i must go there to find my soul yeah in the house of stone and light i can see so clearly now i will go there to find my soul yeah in the house of stone and light well keep on knocking on my door i must go there to find my soul yeahin the house of stone and light i will go there to find my soul yeah in the house of stone and light i must go there to find my soul yeah
In The House Of Stone And Light Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Edit, English, Hollywood, In The House Of Stone And Light, Martin Page from WordPress https://ift.tt/3bVvOiB via IFTTT
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spotnominationlove · 6 years
Let there be #lightLet there be #light pic.twitter.com/B7kugSL59J
— SpotNomination (@SpotNomination) May 11, 2018
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Easy Ways To Improve The Comfort Of Your Home
Don't neglect your home's comfort just because you're busy! There are easy ways to improve the comfort of your home, and you'll be glad you did when you can relax in a comfortable environment. Keep reading for some great tips.
Add some greenery
Turn your boring house parts into a cool green oasis by adding some greenery. Incorporating plants into your home is an easy and quick way to instantly boost the atmosphere. Including indoor plants in the house not only helps keep the air clean but also brings life to any room. You can strategically decorate with plants so that they are part of a beautiful display or you can mix them in with other pieces of decor for a more natural effect. Adding some greenery to your home is an effective solution for improving comfort levels, without needing much effort.
Let in the light
Letting in the light is an easy and effective way to instantly transform your home. Natural light has a calming presence and can help create an inviting atmosphere. Simple things, like rearranging furniture or snipping away stubborn window treatments, can make all the difference. Establishing habits such as opening curtains during the day helps maximize the amount of natural light coming into your house, which will undoubtedly improve the comfort of your home. Consider ways that you can incorporate more windows into existing spaces or add skylights in dark hallways to create beautiful lighting effects. By allowing natural light to come into your home, you are giving yourself an easy and rewarding step towards creating a comfortable living environment where stress melts away and relaxation takes over!
Make sure your furniture is comfortable 
Furniture can be an incredibly important factor when it comes to comfort in the home. If you're wanting to give your home a much-needed boost, make sure your furniture plays a role in that. Investing in comfortable yet stylish sofas, armchairs and other options will ensure you get the best of both worlds. Soft fabrics and cushioning are also key when finding a great piece for your living room, as properly supported seating can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying time spent in the home. Plus, as noted at Original Mattress Factory, not everybody sleeps the same way and we don't all have the same body. That's why it's important to choose the right mattress and bedding for your needs.
Create a cozy ambiance
Creating a cozy ambiance in your home is essential to achieving true relaxation. To achieve maximum comfort, think carefully about texture, color, and light. Replace any harsh surfaces — such as concrete countertops — with something soft (like a velvety carpet). Indulge in fabric-covered couches and armchairs for those important moments of cozying up with a cup of tea or coffee. And try decorating your walls with warm colors like beige and honey-tone browns to envelop the space with pleasant vibes. It'll make your home feel luminous and inviting; helping you to create an atmosphere of serenity.
Get rid of clutter
Clutter can be overwhelming and add a tremendous sense of disorganization to your home life. Rid yourself of the excess by evaluating what is truly important to you, discarding what doesn't have value, and donating whatever else is still in good condition. Simplifying your living space will offer an instant feeling of relief and comfort in your home environment, allowing you the freedom to enjoy the beauty of day-to-day life without the weight of unnecessary things getting in the way. Create an easy organizational system for items that are necessary for daily living such as mail or shoes going in their proper place, allowing everything to easily flow with intentionality instead of being bogged down by clutter.
Keep in mind that the key to comfort in your home lies within its atmosphere. These simple tips will help create a sense of relaxation that everyone in your household can enjoy! So, go ahead and start making those changes today to transform your home into an oasis of tranquility.
Improving the comfort of your home is a worthwhile and rewarding endeavor. Not only will it add to your overall satisfaction, but it can even bring physical and mental health benefits. Additionally, making changes doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming – as this article suggested, simply adding some plants, opening up blinds and drapes, replacing furniture with items that offer more support, lighting fragrances, and candles, and tidying up can instantly improve your space. Taking the time to make these small adjustments in your home can lead to big rewards—so take advantage of these easy ways for improving your home today!
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gummygoatgalaxy · 3 years
Quack Pack version of Dawn, Vawn and Fawn!!
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Here's the pic i used:
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gummygoatgalaxy · 3 years
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Dawn, Alawn and Fawn Duck in my style!!
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gummygoatgalaxy · 3 years
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A sketch of Dawn, Alawn and Fawn Duck in the og Quack Pack style!!
Inspired by this screenshot:
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