#Linked Data
Tag/Comment if it was a different one!
(I hate how it only gives ten options)
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omg-snakes · 5 months
Help Us Do Real Science!
@talesfromtreatment and I have an ask for our fellow corn snake keepers and breeders.
We're gathering information on corn snake size by age and we need community scientists like you to provide the largest possible body of data.
@talesfromtreatment will be using the information gathered to build an accurate, statistics-supported corn snake growth and feeding guide based on ACTUAL data from ACTUAL corn snake keepers like you! I'm just the numbers gal.
Here's what we need:
Your snake's age (in years)
Your snake's weight (in grams)
A top-down photo of your snake's entire body with an inch or centimeter reference. (see photo below)
All of this information entered in our online form, linked below or copy/pasta: https://forms.gle/QtAwmiFa6fpBewFs8
We'd love to get data on older snakes, younger snakes, fatter snakes, skinnier snakes. If you've got a corn snake we want their age, weight, and a photo of them with a measuring device.
Photos don't need to be fancy, just give us a top-down view of your snake and a ruler/tape measure/yardstick on a flat surface.
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The survey is anonymous and we won't share your photos with anyone nor use them for any purpose beyond collecting morphometric data for this specific study.
Please please please help us collect as much data as possible. Share with your reptile-keeping friends, signal boost, submit your metrics, and stay tuned for updates!
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curlicuecal · 2 years
Anyone else notice that, at least on certain browsers, tumblr has started generating links to posts like this? (1):
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Instead of the older, more typical way like this (2):
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I get different versions of the link depending where I click on a post:
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(If you're on your phone browser, make sure to click and HOLD #2 and select 'copy link'--clicking through on mobile redirects me to the new style.)
I tend to edit urls to do quick tag searches and such and you can't do that with the first url, which is why I noticed, but I've since noticed some other issues.
For example, if I post the new style link in discord it will embed a picture rather than the post's video (forcing people to click through). The second, older url still properly embeds the video on discord.
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And of course, the reason the new url wants to make you click through is tumblr is also using it to pressure people to sign up with tumblr.
Which becomes an issue when you're sharing a link with people who don't use tumblr, or, say, on discord, where anyone using the app's native browser is going to appear as not logged in.
Going to the first link when logged out and scrolling down quickly hits this wall:
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This blocks the whole blog, does not scroll, and cannot be opted out of. (Also adds this to the url:)
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On the other hand, clicking the orginal form of the URL and scrolling down only triggers the older, less intrusive "wanna try the tumblr app" prompt on mobile browser:
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And the "wanna sign up" prompt on PC browser:
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These appear only on a small part of the screen, still allow scrolling, and have an opt out option that banishes them making them INFINITELY MORE FUNCTIONAL AND LESS ANNOYING
tl;dr I think platforms increasingly gating their content behind log in prompts is extremely sketchy and a bad direction for the internet to go, and also if you're sharing tumblr links it's worth knowing which format will do u better
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butch-reidentified · 2 months
Women are kicking ass compared to men
in emotional intelligence (shocking lol)
academically, in higher education (especially in STEM) - and contrary to popular belief, this has been true and isn't new! the "crisis" of boys' educations is bullshit
in business, especially management
as entrepreneurs
as investors
as CEOs (especially of hedge funds which is really cool imho)
in leadership skills in general
as doctors - “We estimate that approximately 32,000 fewer patients would die if male physicians could achieve the same outcomes as female physicians every year." and as surgeons
at driving. and parking. and navigating while driving. oh - and this is in spite of the fact that feeling stereotyped as a bad driver actually makes women worse drivers. still better than men.
feel free to send me more! I just came across these ones incidentally while making the previous post 🥰
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reportwire · 2 years
The Importance of Semantics for Data Lakehouses
The Importance of Semantics for Data Lakehouses
Data lakehouses would not exist — especially not at enterprise scale — without semantic consistency. The provisioning of a universal semantic layer is not only one of the key attributes of this emergent data architecture, but also one of its cardinal enablers. In fact, the critical distinction between a data lake and a data lakehouse is that the latter supplies a vital semantic understanding of…
View On WordPress
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spacecravat · 2 days
the peril of reading old scifi/fantasy is i’m left trying to navigate author websites that were clearly hand coded in html 20 years ago and haven’t been updated since when i just want a nice neat list of all their books that they somehow don’t seem to have 😭
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sarcastic-sketches · 7 months
Out of curiosity how do you all access tumblr?
As per usual please reblog to share for increased results and then delete once the poll has ended, cheers~
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I made a smash or pass game for people who like objects and monsters, featuring pictures I already had saved on my computer (barring 2)
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"I love it when people have crossover ships like Seven/Data or Worf/B'Elanna for example. Even if I don't ship it, I'm glad people are being creative and having fun."
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unpretty · 3 days
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i don't actually think there's going to be a ton of interest in this bundle but i'm posting it anyway on the principle of "if i personally am tempted by a bundle i post it". i've bought a bunch of o'reilly book bundles from humble bundle before, they're pretty good and also drm-free. the cheapest bundle is only $1 but after that it's $18 and $25, tbh only the $1 tier is of interest to me personally. here is my affiliate link if you want to spend a dollar on books about data analytics
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staryarn · 9 months
This is so random but do you have the full image of the Ishmael CG from your pfp? The quality is so good and I’ve been searching for it
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(All 4.5 cgs)
(Ishmael icon)
Bonus: all cgs in game so far
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duckprintspress · 3 months
This is the best spam I've ever received.
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idk, AM I the master mind behind it all? 🤔🤔🤔
...I might be... 🤔🤔🤔
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everliving-everblaze · 4 months
made some things. :) spredsheet
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Interactive versions and the color-coded spreadsheet of data will be in the reblog!
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magic-magpie · 3 months
But yeah I'm obsessed w him and then I heard this song and edited him to it in my lectures in a fever dream
Violet Systems Promo Video
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butch-reidentified · 2 months
MRA's love to claim that if women were in charge the world would go to shit bc we'd "get our periods and declare war," which is obviously a batshit insane, uneducated, and maximally misogynistic belief to begin with. I shouldn't have to tell you that our periods don't actually make us emotionally unstable, that in fact fewer than 20% of college-age women (women who aren't even old enough for the prefrontal cortex to finish developing, and thus are far from old enough to, for example, be eligible to run for US president) even report "severe" psychological symptoms of PMS - and this includes symptoms like depressed mood and anxiety.
in fact, PMS isn't even something all women experience. and of those who do, there's a huge variety of ways it can present. most symptoms women associate with PMS are not emotional: bloating, body soreness, headaches, oversleeping, food cravings, nausea/vomiting, hot flashes, breast tenderness....
from the article linked above: "Definitions of PMS and diagnostic criteria to identify cases have varied substantially over the years and across studies, in large part due to the heterogeneity of women’s menstrual symptom experience. Over 150 symptoms have been associated with PMS."
overwhelmingly, research shows that the effect of PMS on women in the workplace is the same as that of any other medical problem/illness: some people miss some work if it's severe enough. which, considering that symptoms can often include various types of pain that can be quite severe, as well as common illness symptoms like nausea and vomiting, it makes perfect sense that some women would need to take a day off or leave a bit early at times. what the research does NOT say is that PMS causes women to behave in irrational ways that negatively impact the quality of her work.
so let's be truthful. why would female leaders mean more war when women and girls are so overwhelmingly and horrifically sexually victimized as a result?
if most women don't even experience severe mood symptoms with PMS, and having mood symptoms doesn't mean one is unable to control her actions/behaviors (I know this concept of self-control is foreign to most men, but we're pretty good at it!), and there's absolutely zero evidence to suggest that severe PMS mood symptoms would or could ever lead to declaring war, and women old enough to hold office in most countries have many years of experience managing their pre/peri-menstrual symptoms (if they even have any), and most world leaders are past the age women stop even having periods at all, and we see that women in other leadership positions are absolutely crushing it all over the world, and there IS significant evidence showing that women in numerous fields actually outperform male peers (despite feeling significantly less respected in higher-rank positions than males feel, as well as feeling more discouraged and frustrated) and are more emotionally intelligent, there IS evidence that women are less influenced by and better at regulating anger in the workplace, and there IS indisputable evidence that men are more violent than women in general, regardless of the reason, and there IS indisputable evidence that women and girls suffer mass victimization by men during wartime... then maybe, just maybe, women are actually less likely than men to start wars. but there's only one way to find out for sure 😏
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thirtysixsavefiles · 26 days
Let's say you eventually die and get transmigrated/isekai'd, but you get to choose what universe you get put into and who you become when you get there. Where are you going?
Oh boy I cannot think of a good answer to this question. 😅
...wait I do have an answer, and it's to check out the Library of the Dreaming because I would love to know what the classification schema is there.
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