#Lmao sit tf down Rev
reverxnce · 2 years
|| Continued || 
B.J. hoisted Ezekiel off the tavern floor and brushed any dust and dirt from his clothing.
"Woah there, Reverend. Awful happy to see me, ain't'cha?"
Would you look at his cheeks? They're about as red as goddamn roses. Who knew a priest could drink so much? Who knew a priest was even allowed to drink? B.J. wanted to touch those cheeks, hold them gently and feel their warmth, but he didn't. He gave the Reverend a pat on the shoulder.
"How 'bout you take yourself a seat and have some water?"
An unhappy groan sounded from the Reverend as he had to be practically scraped off the floor, swaying on his feet as William brushed him down. 
“SsshhhhhhHUT IT-!!” He said suddenly, looking as if he were getting ready to square up to his friend. Of course, given the height difference, it looked quite comical. That paired with the fact that Ezekiel was practically cross-eyed at the moment...
“I’m- I’m aLWAYS happy toseeyouu - don’t. tell. me. I’m. not.” A clumsy, accusatory poke to B.J’s shoulder with each passing word. Although this very odd pick at a fight was then followed up by the contrasting gesture of grabbing William tenderly by the hand, attempting to pull him away, although exerting little to no force.
“C’monC’mon, let’s getaDRINK - !” He tugged at William’s hand like an excited child to that of his mother, before being interrupted by a sudden, violent hiccup. Ezekiel then tripped on his own feet, falling forwards onto William, the mishap followed by a loud and utterly miserable whine.
“Oh GOD, I feel terribleee...!!”
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wonderlandcrows · 7 years
Are y’all ready for another long ass resume of what happen this week on the kinkshamed squad show? Because it’s happening.
So last week, we fell asleep at a inn. We began the session by waking up at 5 pm. Nothing seemingly happened while we were sleeping.
First thing to do when you wake up is obviously convincing your (ex)bf to lockpick the door and then realize that he’s not totally a rogue and he doesn’t have lockpicks. Omaeri looking awkward af in the hallway of the inn, the Owner comes to ask what’s wrong and Omaeri just used Eah ( @roboloca ) as an excuse , saying she was sick .Since Nym ( @kaijucorps ) is tinier than Omaeri, he could hide behind him to sneak to that room.
Also, second order of the day is to rob this kind family. Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) goes to the owners room to steal their shit but doesn’t steal everything (you know , to be considerate). We obviously haven’t eaten in a while , so Omaeri asks about how much would it cost for them to eat. The group has to go to the tavern again (the same one we spent all last session in lmao also twice in the same day). After a long stretched out sigh , Omaeri tells Gneiss that they need to pay 30 sp for a meal (it wasn’t actually all that wrong lmaO) to mess with her. Like the little shit he is, Omaeri screams at the people in the room to wake tf up, Gneiss goes in and convince Surina ( @arigonartworks ) with food.
We get to the tavern to eat, Omaeri spots Immeral and sits with him and successfully flirts with him. They talked while the group was eating and deciding what to do ( aka thank u because I’m so bad at flirting irl I cant roleplay it to save my life)  Also asked him to join the group. Gneiss realized that Omaeri lied about the price. And Eah paid for the dinner (lolol lost 2gp). Also almost blown bucket’s cover there. (My bad)
To get the keys to Gneiss’s shop. First thing Rev ( @dieonik ) does is to try to loot the place. Not so stealthy , Gneiss notices and then he can’t (but he gets it in the end....bruh). Surina notices a switch by the fire place, before anyone else can do anything Omaeri press on it which opens up to a staircase going downstair. Looks like Gneiss cousin had an underground lab, before the party (except Omaeri) could explore it, creatures popped up also a dwarven vine men.
Before killing the vine man, Gneiss tries to talk to it. It responds! It was under Rev’s spell so it couldn‘t attack us, but it succeeded it’s str save so it attacked us again. Nym killed it while staring down Immeral (no one knows why....)
Gneiss has a plant kink™
There’s another vine creature, called Thorn and Gneiss persuades it that the group won’t attack it. They talk for a while, it’s shaped like a friend. Gneiss loves her new friend. Rev searches for loot and he finds 3 pair of gloves, but doesn’t tell the party and sneak away from the crime scene since he basically just stole from Gneiss. He goes upstairs and start looking around for more loot (you monster!). He finds a metal chest and pries it open, Omaeri tried to stop him but...(nat 20 vs nat 1 ). Inside there’s a snakeheaded wip (kinky™). Omaeri screams to Gneiss to tell her that Rev is stealing her shit but he bolt through the door which Omaeri was standing in front of, he tries to hit Rev with his quarterstaff, it doesn’t work.
Gneiss gets upstairs and starts fighting with Omaeri, which Surina stops just to be resume again in the basement because of chemicals. Her cousin was an alchemist and he had chemicals lying around (actually I took it from a box) and I tried to test their effects on a tree . Gneiss stopped Omaeri from doing that because the tree was/is(?) important to Siegfried (idk how to write his name). Then Omaeri tries to pour it onto the Thorn but Gneiss stops him again and kick him out of her new house. Omaeri asks Immeral if he wants to come with him, because why not really? . They go out, there’s a note on the door from Rev that says that Omaeri stole shit and that he locked up Rev out.
Omaeri shred the paper and takes a deep breath.
‘‘ I’m going to kill him . ‘‘
Good times.
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