#Louis x male reader
all-for-the-simps · 1 year
Imagine playing with Louis’ hair - Louis de Pointe du Lac x male reader 
Interview With a Vampire {IMAGINE}
Word count: 229 Trope: Established relationships, fluff, sweet and wholesome with that domestic feel. Pronouns: He/him Context: Reader isn’t a vampire, but he changed his sleep schedule to match Louis’. A/N: I’ve never read the books, I’ve only watched the film, (don’t come for me, please. I don’t like reading long novels, my attention span is very small–)
🚫female-aligned people DNI🚫
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Imagine sitting in the grass of a field at night, the shine of the stars and the glow of the moonlight lighting up Louis’ features as he lays on your lap, looking up at you. One of your hands traced his features as the other gently ran through his smooth hair, untangling the knots carefully. As Louis softly smiled up at you, his own hand slowly travels to your own hand tracing his face. He clasps your hand with his and strokes his thumb over yours, gently kissing your hand as you continue to play with his hair. He lets go of your hand, letting you use both your hands to play with his hair as he gazes up at you with loving eyes.
You’d start to gently braid his hair in random places, undoing them when you got to the end. You seemed so focused on what you were doing at times, Louis couldn’t help but bring his hand to your face and tap your nose. When your eyes would meet, you leant down slightly and kissed Louis’ forehead, earning you a sweet smile. 
The only sounds that could be heard were the surrounding nature, the cool breeze and the sound of the two of you breathing softly. Everything in the world was still, pleasantly silent and the soft light from the sky made the moment last forever.
Sorry, I’ve been gone so long, I have a life and I’m a pretty busy guy. I do have requests, and I’m trying to do them. I’ve started most of them, but forgive me if they take any longer.
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miniminiujb · 1 year
Gente, que vergonha, eu tenho Tumblr por um ano e não sei mexer nisso😭.
Não vou forçar você a fazer, mas vou pedir mesmo assim.
Você poderia fazer um do Louis com um gato carnívoro que é quase bem menor que ele, tipo do tamanho da Haru (no qual ele faz a piada com o próprio tamanho). Basicamente, o Louis ficando P da vida porque algum outro carnivoro (de qualquer gênero, não precisa ser específico) deu em cima da gente, ai ele começa a ter um ataque de ciúmes e começa a ficar muito grudento. Eu quero muito ver ele pedindo pra gente morder ele pra marcar ele como nosso😍😍 Isso iria ser muito engraçado de ler.
Específico, eu sei, mas se puder, você pode fazer?
Tenha um Otimo Dia! Tchau tchau 👋
Adoro pedidos detalhados! Gostei do pedido 😃
Luis com um gato carnívoro como namorado
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"Gostaria de ir tomar um café depois?", A pergunta veio de outro gato, ele tinha um sorriso doce no rosto. Você deu um aceno de cabeça e um sorriso confortante.
"É claro! Me leve aquele livro que você me falou também", você respondeu e se despedindo logo em seguida. Entrando em um corredor e cantarolando uma música qualquer. Você parou quando percebeu a presença de Louis parado no corredor, apoiado com as costas contra a parede.
"Pelo o jeito você vai estar ocupado mais tarde", Louis falou olhando para você de canto de olho.
"Sim", você respondeu olhando atentamente para o seu namorado. "Mas por enquanto estou livre". Caminhando na direção dele e agarrando um pedaço do terno dele, e puxando de leve.
"Interessante...", Ele respondeu caminhando em direção do quarto dele. Louis andava em passos pequenos, um costume que ele teve depois que percebeu que você não conseguia acompanhar os passos dele.
Louis abriu abriu a porta e deixou você entrar antes de fechar. O cervo sentou na cama e observou seus movimentos.
"O que está acontecendo com você?", Você perguntou estranhando a atitude do rapaz. "Você está com ciúmes? Qualquer coisa venha comigo, o meu amigo não vai se importar com isso", você comentou sentando ao lado dele.
"Não seja idiota, não estou com ciúmes", Louis respondeu calmo, ele ergueu uma das mãos e tocou o seu nariz delicadamente. Desceu levemente para os seus lábios, puxando-o levemente para cima e expondo suas presas. "Você é pequeno, um gatinho. Mas... Suas presas são grandes e afiadas", Louis falou pressionando a palma da mão contra os seus dentes afiados. "Me morda...". Você arregalou levemente os olhos, mas balançou a cabeça. Louis colocou a cabeça para o lado, expondo o pescoço para você. Sua boca tocou os pelos curtos do cervo, abrindo levemente e mordendo, seus dentes cravaram em um lugar que qualquer um poderia ver. Um gota de sangue manchou o pelo marrom do cervo, sua língua percorria a pelagem retirando todo o sangue.
"Não tente me enganar, Louis...", Você disse em um sussuro. "Posso mostrar um lado meu que você nunca viu". Você comentou, apertando de leve o pescoço dele. Sentindo a respiração dele engatar em suas mãos.
"Você vai se atrasar para o café", Louis disse deitando na cama.
"Isso pode esperar", você respondeu sorrindo, suas presas sendo mostradas para o seu namorado.
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lovelyela · 4 months
lorenzo berkshire x foreign!gn!reader
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synopsis: how lorenzo berkshire would act around a reader with culture (how do i word this help)
ela’s note: this was also a request but i don't have the ask, hopefully that anon can find this and hopefully you enjoy! :)
warnings: fluffy, maybe some cursing, cringe, maybe, uhhh, yeah that's it, lmk if there's anything else!!
word count: 447
okay so i feel like enzo is so open-minded
he would be so respectful of your culture
he'd be curious too!
he'd wanna try all of your country's foods
i think when he first learns your nationality/ethnicity, he'd already be super interested
he'd ask if you could speak your native language and if you could, he'd ask to learn!!
if you're referring to modern!enzo i think he would be a duolingo superstar LMAO. he'd do all his lessons daily, he would actually study and learn, etc etc.
if you're thinking more canon enzo, he would borrow bilingual or translation dictionaries to study
he would definitely learn the curse words and funny words first though..
sometimes, he'd ask you for help, like maybe on how to pronounce something or slang that might be useful and more appropriate in a casual conversation
him asking for help does in fact turn into full lessons from you, though😭
if you two were just friends, you'd probably award him with pieces of candy or something.
if you two were dating, you'd award each correct answer with a kiss on the cheek or forehead!!
i think lorenzo would have a fascination with the mythical parts of your culture.
like urban legends or wives tales that originated from your country.
also the superstitions are cool to him.
if you and him ever had a conversation about myths, stories, superstitions, or fantasy creatures in your culture, you best believe that man is all ears.
enzo probably has a bucket list and i think he'd add "going to your country" on there
going back to him wanting to try your country's foods, i think he'd want to watch you (if you can cook) or someone make it yk.
like he'd watch tutorials or if he knew your family he'd wanna watch your grandparents or parents cook a dish.
a random headcanon i have about modern!enzo is that he likes to watch asmr and mukbangs so i just imagine him in his dorm sitting on his bed watching like mukbangs of cultural foods
if your culture has any traditions like festivals or something like that, then he would wanna participate in them if that was okay and respectful
if you ever took him to a cultural event then he'd be SO happy.
i'd also like to clarify that enzo doesn't have like a weird obsession with your culture and stuff (like how some people are when it comes to anime and sushi and waifus).
he is simply just a curious soul and i think he's just innocently interested with your culture and wants to learn more and i personally don't think there is anything wrong with that.
reblogs, likes, and replies are ALWAYS appreciated <3
dni if you support pro-life, racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, sexism or anything along those lines!
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gulnarsultan · 1 month
Yandere King Louis XVI with Mistress reader?
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Yandere King Louis xvi and Mistress reader.
You probably come from a noble family or you are from a low class. When Louis saw you for the first time, he believed it was destiny. In fact, his shy nature and silence go a long way to mask his obsession and what he's up to. When he approached you, your fate was sealed forever. He is trying to win your heart by giving you lots of expensive gifts. Louis often insists that you eat meals together. He gets very jealous when you show attention to others (especially men). He gets very grumpy and grumpy when he gets jealous. However, it is not possible to say that you did not secretly get rid of someone or torture them when necessary. He will want to have at least a few children with you. He thinks you can't escape thanks to the kids.
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cece693 · 3 months
Pain (Lestat de Lioncourt x Male Vamp. Reader)
This small fic came to me while looking through Pinterest. You know those little 'aesthetic' quotes? Well, it came from this one specifically:
'I loved you even when it hurt.'
This fic includes things from both the movie and TV show, so no specific Lestat was used for inspiration. Enjoy.
Summary: On the anniversary of his transformation, m/r can't help but remember his past: one that includes his ex-lover and sire, Lestat de Lioncourt.
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M/n was tired. Though his outward appearance betrayed no signs of aging—no wrinkles, no gray hair, no creaking bones—the weight of centuries bore down on him. As he gazed at the midnight sun, a harbinger of his impending retreat to his coffin, m/n decided to indulge himself and spend more time out in the open. After all, this was the only time he could enjoy the new wonders of the world, yet this was not just any ordinary day. Tonight marked the anniversary of m/n's transformation into one of the undead.
Reflecting on the past, m/n reminisced about the persuasive allure of Lestat, the vampire who had sweet-talked his way around rationality, promising a life brimming with pleasure and abundance. In the initial decades, it was a splendid existence.
Lestat had a way of making m/n feel truly special. The once mundane aspects of mortal life were now elevated to extraordinary heights in the vampiric realm, and Lestat made sure m/n felt the full extent of his newfound powers.
There were moonlit strolls through shadowy alleyways, where Lestat shared the secrets of their immortal world. He spoke of the intoxicating thrill of the hunt, the taste of forbidden blood, and the freedom that came with transcending the limitations of mortality. Lestat created a world where every moment felt like an eternity of bliss. However, m/n should've known his novelty would wear off. Lestat was a man driven by desire and ambition, wanting to taste the newest and finest things in life. What would m/n offer to such a monster who had already taken everything? So when Lestat's attention was redirected to another human named Louis, m/n felt pain.
He was angry at Lestat for casting him aside, yet the blame couldn't be placed on him alone—m/n should've known that a creature such as Lestat could never be tied down, despite how much he proclaimed to love you. So, when the ethereally beautiful vampire introduced Louis as his newest creation, a realization dawned on m/n. Lestat wasn't his anymore.
And Louis, the unwitting figure in their love triangle, bore no blame for his and Lestat's fallout. M/n grappled with conflicting emotions, attempting to cultivate hatred towards the vampire who seemed to have stolen Lestat away. Yet, against his own efforts, all he could muster was pity. For as much as Louis and Lestat showcased their 'love' through tender kisses and clandestine touches, m/n saw through the facade.
In the quiet moments when Lestat thought no one was watching, m/n observed the flickers of longing and boredom in the vampire's blue eyes. It became evident that the passion between Louis and him, while palpable, was also marred by perpetual restlessness. Not even months into Louis' stay did the cracks in their relationship begin to manifest themselves.
"Out with Antoinette?" Louis would hiss, the accusatory tone hanging heavy in the air, ensuing another argument between the two. As the discord between Louis and Lestat escalated, M/n found himself unwittingly becoming a refuge for Lestat. The vampire, seeking solace in the familiar, turned to M/n whenever the storms of conflict raged with Louis. In those moments of anger, Lestat was M/n's again, yet it also drove him to the brink of madness and unhappiness.
He had days, if lucky, where things would go back to how they were—a semblance of the love they once shared. But whenever the storms settled between Louis and Lestat, m/n would be relegated to loneliness once more. One day, unable to bear the emotional rollercoaster any longer, he confronted Lestat. The air was thick with tension as they stood facing each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily between them.
"You can't keep doing this, Lestat." M/n pleaded, the frustration and anguish evident in his voice. "Keep me here when you clearly love Louis. How would you like it if I were to do the same?"
M/n regretted saying anything as Lestat's eyes darkened, and a snarl emerged on the vampire's lips. In a sudden, swift motion, Lestat pinned m/n to the wall, his grip firm and possessive. The room seemed to close in as Lestat hissed, "You belong to me."
"I don't belong to anyone." M/n retorted, anger engulfing his body.
Lestat laughed coldly in his face, grip tightening, he smirked. "That's where you're wrong, love," he taunted, his voice dripping with both amusement and cruelty. "I own you…"
The possessive declaration sent a chill down m/n's spine, his anger giving way to a growing sense of unease. Lestat's dark laughter reverberated in the confined space, echoing the shifting power dynamics between them. Trapped against the wall, m/n felt the weight of Lestat's control, a dominance that left him conflicted and vulnerable.
Lestat's smirk widened, his gaze predatory as he continued, "You're mine to protect, mine to control. I've tasted your blood, felt your heartbeat sync with mine. You're bound to me in ways you can't comprehend."
M/n, trapped against the wall, felt a cold chill run down his spine at Lestat's words. The once cherished intimacy between them now felt like chains, binding M/n to a fate he hadn't fully understood.
In a moment of intense emotion, Lestat, fueled by the strange dance of power and desire, leaned in, capturing m/n's lips in a possessive kiss. The meeting of their mouths was both a declaration of dominance and a desperate attempt of Lestat's to re-establish his control over m/n. Perhaps, in his pursuit of novelty and excitement, he had unknowingly neglected his first creation in favor of the alluring Louis. However, what neither m/n nor Louis knew was that, hidden beneath the layers of Lestat's charismatic exterior, there existed a capacity for love.
As Lestat's lips sought dominance in the heated kiss, there was an intricate play of emotions beneath the surface.
The neglect that m/n had felt wasn't an absence of love but rather a reflection of Lestat's internal struggle to navigate the complexities of immortal relationships. Lestat, a vampire with a history of numerous lovers, had reveled in the pleasures of passion without feeling a deep emotional connection—until m/n entered the picture. Even his intense relationship with Louis didn't compare to the profound connection he shared with m/n.
As the intensity of their heated kiss began to wane, Lestat pulled away, his eyes fixed on m/n with a mixture of possessiveness and intensity. "If you dare to run away," Lestat whispered, "Know that I'll drag you back to my side. And that's a promise."
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teaaagan · 10 months
Y/N: What if mayonnaise came in cans? 
Louis: Well, that would suck because you can’t microwave metal. 
Clementine: Good morning to everyone except these two people
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haggamennon · 1 year
♡Light Shower♡
How He treats you and one of your dates:
Louis x Herbivore!GN!Reader (Romantic)
(The Shishigumi Lions just being goofy and giving moral support to Louis)
TW: Fluff, Angst, and other things.
(not that much scary but if you feel uncomfortable reading, please, don't read)
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Since you are a Herbivore, he would have maximum protection over you. He notice that tou were really shy near the other, he thought it was cute.
When the night comes, when everyone is sleeping, He spends hours talking to you on video call (even if you have been talking all day).
(he became more protective over you, and always keeps in touch with you, afraid of losing you).
To him, you are everything, he even told his dad that He won't need an arranged marriage because he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
If there's anyone bothering or even taking your attention away from him. He'd make sure to show the person that you're taken.
When there are any holidays or when it is weekend, you two decide to have a movie night. In my mind, I think he's a huge fan of cartoon (Since he lost half of his childhood with... you know what....My Poor Baby😭😭😭)
He would sit with you on his lap while watching it. If any climax happens, he'll start asking a thousand questions about it...
He even gave you a gift. Two necklaces, one with a padlock and the other with a key, they were really special for both of you.
He stayed with the padlock collar and you stayed with the key one. (He said it was because he only had eyes for you and wanted to show you that he would never leave or betray you, and he kept his promise)
TW: Mentions of Anxiety, Depression and fear.
When He got disappeared during the festival, you started getting anxious, you couldn't find him anywhere.
You texted and tried to call him with your phone, but nothing. After a some months that looked like years, He appears just to unenroll from school...
When He comes to your dorm, to give you one last goodbye kiss. But all He saw was you with red eyes and your cheeks fur all wet from crying. He just realized that he might have made a big mistake by leaving you behind, but He didn't have a choice...
For the past one hour, He spent it by hugging you and apologizing a lot in between the hug.
He kept the promise. He never took off the necklace, nor did you.
You were so sad and worried that you just were happy and relieved that he was safe. You cried during the hug, making the crook of his neck all wet from your tears.
He keep contact with you after he left. He promised to hangout with you during weekends.
He always spoil you with gifts and flowers (you dorm basically is a garden from how much He cares about you)
When He told you that he was the Boss of the Shishigumi, you almost freaked out. You knew they're a gang made of Lions and they eat meat.
You were waiting for an day to tell him about your number mark...
One of your dates:
It was Saturday, you have finished your homework and were leaving the bathroom after a nice bath, you notice there was a left message from your Boyfriend.
"Hey. Ready to go out for dinner and spend some time together?"
"Yep. I just left the bathroom, I'll put my clothes and meet you outside the school. Just 15 minutes and I'm there, See you there♡"
"Okay, I'll be waiting♡"
You put on a casual outfit and uses a perfume and other things just to look perfect to go out with him. You pick up a jacket, to keep your dorm keys and your School ID Card with you all the time. You headed outside the building and went to the gates of the school. When you exit the place, you saw an expensive car parked near the school, Louis was leaning against the car, waiting for you while he thought about something else.
"Hey Louis!" You make him jump a little, making him look in your direction and give a slight passionate smile. "Sorry for making you wait here, hehe..."
"That's alright. How are you doing, anything new at school?" He asked as he walks towards you and give you a soft kiss on your lips.
"Just the usual things... Oh, right, Els told me that a new member entered the Drama Club, she said he's a Dall Sheep. He's quite a teasing type of guy, most of the carnivores hate him already..." You giggle at the end of your sentence.
He let out a soft laugh. "Looks like they are already replacing me, that's good, to be honest." He opens the car door and waits for you to enter. "Shall we go? There are some people who have been wanting to meet you for a while."
"Should I be scared about it?" You make a joke about it as you enter the car and wait for him to enter the car, you notice that there's a Lion driving the car and you get a little more nervous but you wave it off. "Oh, by the way. Where did you want to bring me?" You look at Louis with a soft smile.
He gives a slight chuckle. "You will know when we arrive there~" He says in a teasing and excited tone as he closes the door and tells to the Lion to start driving to the destination. During the way, you two start talking about some things, about the school, about his business, and how each other looks beautiful on this night.
Once you two arrive, a Lion opens the door for both of you to exit the car, you look up at the building. "W-woah, this sure is a huge building."
"I know right" He chuckles. You two start heading inside and he leads you to a dining room, that is covered in decorations and the table only has meatless food, it seems that Louis ended up asking them not to show any kind of meat in front of you... " Welcome to our major criminal organization that controls the Black Market, The Shishigumi"
You notice some Lions walking into the dining room and they seem really excited to meet you. Louis gives them an angry look, maybe he has to maintain a serious and dominant posture to keep them in line. When they see the expression on his face, they seem to chicken out and leave, having left a few more dishes on the table.
"Let's start eating then, those Lions don't eat vegetables so we'll have to enjoy it while there's still time, haha." He sits near you and both of you starts eating.
When the two of you were done eating, some Lions came over and started clearing the plates from the table. You sit there and talk for a while. When it was already late, the two of you started walking towards the main hall.
When you were at the gates of the building. You started talking with him. "I really liked this date..."
"Did you? What was the best part of our date?" Both of you stop outside the building gates.
"I think the best part of this date was hanging out with you. Every time you're around, time seems to stop. What I mean is I enjoy every moment when I'm around you" You hug him, time seems to stop and neither of you wants to break the hug.
"Was that a declaration of your love for me?" He makes a joke and you laugh, he breaks the hug and now he's looking at you with a passionate look on his eyes.
"You can think of it that way if you want." You look at him with a smile. "I think it's a 'see you next Saturday'..." you start walking towards the car but you stop and turn towards him, you kiss him and start running towards the car. "See you some other day! I love you! Bye!"
Louis froze, not knowing how to react. In the background, inside the building, you can hear male voices celebrating, it seems that they were spying on you two from afar, haha.
His face become all red and he couldn't even say a word. He could only see you walking away, his heart started beating wildly, it felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest.
As you entered the car, there was a Lion with a happy face. He starts driving to Cherryton then he breaks the silence "Haha, He sure loves you" He compliments your relationship. "I'm glad you make him feel happy, he seemed quite sad before unenroll from school..."
"Thank you, I really hope he isn't making so much trouble with you guys, ehe" You say to him, with a gentle voice. You keep looking outside the window, seeing some stores still open. As you arrive to your destination you say goodbye to the Driver and walk inside the school gates.
Once you arrived to your dorm room. There was just you there, probably your roommates went to a party... You go to the bathroom and take a nice shower again, and put a shorts and one of Louis T-shirt (that you stoled from him and now it is your pajama).
Once you lay down the bed, you check your phone and you see a message left from Louis.
"Did you arrive safe and sound?" He texted to you
"Yes, thanks for taking me on this date, I loved it^^" You sent it to him.
"Good. I'm happy you liked it, now take a rest. I love you ♡" He sends you a photo of him on his bed, smiling at the camera. "If you dare send this photo to someone else I will kill you😒"
You reply "You look cute on this one, I'll put it as my cell phone's wallpaper♡" You start to slightly laugh about it. "I love you too♡ Goodnight, Bambi"
"Night, Sweetie♡" He replies your message and you put your phone away to charge it.
You look up, staring at the ceiling with a passionate smile on your face. You start thinking about how lucky you are from having a wonderful boyfriend. You start to feel sleep consume you, you end up falling asleep with a small smile on your face.
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I hope it was nice enough to make your day a little better, took me 3 days to do it, cuz I'm lazy.... this was an Idea that I had, well then...
Byeee! 👋(Also, if you want any character, my door is always open for ideas, just ask me and I'll bring it to you all)
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storiesforftm · 2 months
His Haunted Memories
Louis Pointe Du Lac x Masc! Reader
Warnings: mentions of death
Synopsis: Louis and Y/N try to find Y/N’s gift
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“Some of us are born with gifts,” he explained to me. “I, unfortunately, do not have a gift. My maker was able to read minds, he could see people’s intentions.” He spoke softly of his maker, Lestat. I had been told about him before, but I never truly knew what he was like.
“Try it, Y/N. Can you read my mind?” Louis asked me. I tried, but I couldn’t hear a word. I shook my head no.
“That’s okay. We’ll try something else,” Louis started to think about what other gifts vampires could have. Perhaps there was more than the one he known about. He walked toward me steadily, his thin pale fingers grasping his chin, deep in his train of thought.
“Perhaps you can manipulate the elements. Look outside, and try to make the wind blow.” I obeyed, and looked out the window. Tonight wasn’t a windy night. Very rare in New Orleans this time of year, but I looked outside and not a leaf moved on the trees. We scratched it off the list.
“Louis, I may not have a gift either,” I said. “But I don’t mind if I do or if I don’t. Just as long as you’re here to guide me.”
“Oh, of course, my cherie. I will always be here,” he grabbed my face gently, and peered deep into my eyes. “You are such a handsome lad,” Louis said. His complement made me feel almost human again, and I swear I felt a flutter where my beating heart used to be. I placed my hand on his, which was cupping my cheek, and in a blink of an eye, I was seeing memories. Memories that didn’t belong to me.
Memories that belonged to Louis. I saw him, Lestat. I saw his wife, his child, their funerals, I saw his home, him burning it down. I saw everything he wanted me to see, but then I realized, the girl was there, then she was suddenly gone.
I took his hand off my cheek, and as I came back to reality, he looked shocked. “Y/N, what’s happened?”
“I can see people’s memories…” we stayed in silence for a few minutes before I asked who she was.
“Who was the girl?”
“What?” Louis said, in utter surprise.
“She had blonde curls, she looked like a doll. She was there, then suddenly, she vanished from your memories.” Louis stood up quickly and looked at me from above, and sighed. I understood his sigh as him not feeling ready to talk about who she was.
“Was she special to you?” I asked. He nodded his head, and he turned from me to conceal his face from mine. I stood up, and faced him towards me.
“You don’t have to tell me… You can show me, if it’s easier… Let me see?” I asked. Louis hesitantly allowed me to grab his hand and put it on my cheek. I went back into the same trance of memories, and was shown the girl, Claudia. Burned by the sunlight, and Louis finding her, and another female vampire, Madeline, who was burned alongside Claudia.
I had seen enough, and eventually snapped out of the trance. I hugged Louis so tight, and he hugged me tightly back. “I’m so sorry. When you’re ready, I’d love to know more about her.” Louis nodded his head as he quickly dried his eyes.
“Thank you for allowing me to see your most vulnerable self, Louis.”
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dreamxthetic · 23 days
Louis de Pointe du Lac | Jacob Anderson | Interview with a vampire | Bygones
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Two hundred years and counting. That is how long Louis has been on this earth—decades upon decades of ill misfortunes and fleeting 15-minute episodes of contentment and peace. More than two hundred years on this god-forsaken planet, yet your face continues to stalk his thoughts like a drug.
He remembered evidently the way you smiled—how your dimples would quirk as your eyes sheepishly fluttered when he showered you in the dearest of compliments. They were the highlight of his days, and Louis remembered all of it, especially the first date.
It was night out, beyond dark, so much so that the two of you would frequently stumble while trekking to your hidden location beneath the glistening stars. He isn't proud of it now, but looking closer at things, he could have been less ashamed of you and met more frequently within the daytime, but the times were sacred back then, and he was young and cautious. He had to catch you four times that night before insisting on leading the way, and when you reached your goal destination, he covered your eyes.
You had asked him, "What," in return, but he merely chuckled hoarsely and gave you a kiss on your cheek.
Louis smiles…oh how soft your skin was…
It was the night of a many first of the two of you, but nothing could upstage it being the night he confessed to you. A mere six words, double that of the usual endearing three, and yet they changed your lives forever…especially yours. He still recalls how your voice cracked with disbelief and joy when he uttered them to you—how the crickets chirped with applause around you while the moon beamed a light of approval onto you…His most cherished memory. And of course, he could never forget the kiss you be-granted his lips after that, would never forget. It was slow and endearing, the most passionate he had ever been with anyone—most vulnerable: more than with Lestat. You're bodies had intermingled beyond that of just flesh. You had claimed his soul, his destiny, something Lestat only had the pleasure of holding onto temporarily.
He regretted deeply not holding onto you more dearly. He could have fought harder, should have! Sure, the times were cruel to people his kind, and it didn't make it any better that he never held the courage to visit you out of the ours of the damned, but still! You were more than just the love of his life; his actions should have replicated and been in tune with his words—his promises. Louis was young and dumb—but in love, and because of that, your veiled relationship only lasted 3 years. An ironic outcome for how high of a standard he held you.
If only he had gotten you out when he promised…had given you that happily ever after in that cottage. Maybe then…only then would Lestat not have gotten to you—would the world not have gotten the chance to degrade you: your very own family…
But he didn't. He didn't, and that was his greatest regret. Louis was 25 when it happened, cursed that way after that enchanting night with Lestat. You were pushing 30, and it was 6 years after the breakup. He knew that because he never did stop loving you. He stalked you like a personal guardian angel. Though it appears he was an ass at the job because despite seeing you once every week, he still had no clue about the internal war you were waging within yourself. If anything, it only gave his infatuation with you over to Lestat. That is what set things truly ablaze.
To this day, Louis doesn't know what Lestat did to you, nor did anyone he asks, but the morning after, he was there, just standing in front of him with the most brim smile in town, eerie in all its glory. He should have instantly known then that something was wrong, but having been with the unpredictable Lestat de Lioncourt for so long, he merely grew docile to the older's eccentric behavior, something he repented for the next day. It was 2:00AM on 8/5/179 when they discovered the body, a mere year from the new century. Of course, to Louis, this was no big deal, having already deducted that it was one of Lestat's many feeding victims, but when he heard of where the body was located and how they had passed, everything changed. There were only 2 people aside from him that he firmly believed to know that place: You and Lestat. And if Lestat was okay…then…
He had to see for himself. I mean, it could have been literally anybody. But fate wasn't so kind for him to be mistaken this time. It was you.
Your body looked bruised and drained, and at first sight, he instantly thought of Lestat, but your body showed no signs of struggle, and that was a big deal, considering it was hanging from a thin rope. It was damaging to swallow, but you had killed yourself, hanged from the tree you and him had carved your initials into, a wretched sight.
He would never forgive himself for that, even up to this day. You haunted his dreams, both the good and bad. That gleaming smile of yours…It brightened his day and made him mourn for the loss of what could have been if only he was brave enough…
Lestat had once again taken something precious from him, and like the lonely fool he was—is—he continued to remain by him…
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: DC
Titles: Just Come Home
Series: Wheres My Love? (1/??)
Character(s): Jason Todd, Wally West, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Wally West, Connor kent, Stephanie Brown, Bruce Wayne, The Joker
Request: No
Genre: Angst,
TW: death, Joker(he’s seriously his own tw),
A/N: Reader is superman’s sidekick, Connor is superboy, (Y/S/N) stands for your superhero name, and it’s also a little rushed at the end
April 27th, 2016
You stood anxiously in the batcave, it should have been a quick and easy mission. Get in, stop the joker, get Jason, and get out. What was taking so long? You were good at masking your distress it was something you learned, when you first became Superman’s side kick. But there was one person who could always see through the wall you built.
That person being Connor, even though you weren’t blood related. If him being a clone and you being human, you two were brothers. The closest thing two of you had to family. He placed a hand on your shoulder, “He’ll be okay,” he assured you.
You hoped he was right, you went back to looking at the door to the batcave willing it to open. For Bruce and Jason to come in, then was Dick ran into the cave with Wally following not far behind. “He’s here!” Dick exclaimed. No one need to say anything else all four of you rushed to the door, the seconds feeling like hours as the door finally opened.
The four of you quickly moved out of the way letting Bruce drive the batcar in. You expected him to jump out of the car with Jason’s in his arms rushing him to the med unit but he didn’t. He stayed in the car, no one moved until he finally did. His helmet was gone, revealing the pained expression on his face. His baby blue eyes filled with tears.
No one moved. No one said a thing. For a good couple of minutes before Dick spoke up, “Wheres Jason?” He asked. Everyone knew, deep down they knew. They knew the second Bruce stepped out of that car, where Jason was. But nobody wanted to believe it not even Bruce himself who had just seen it happen.
Bruce for the fear of admitting he just lost his youngest son, Dick for his younger brother, Wally for the little brother he never had, you for your boyfriend and partner in crime, and Connor for the person who made his brother the happiest person ever.
Bruce stared at the four of you before clearing his throat, “I got there,” Bruce took a deep breathe, “I didn’t have much time to get to him before the bomb went off. I fought my hardest to get into the building but there were too many of them. And by the time I was about to open the door It was too late, the bomb blew and he was gone,” the tears began falling down his face, “i waited till the smoke cleared to look for him.
And once i did that’s when I saw him, the joker. He stood there in the middle of the wreckage, a crowbar in his hands and he was laughing so hard. Jason laid at his feet, I rushed over there. I tried everything but he gone,” Bruce told them.
Tears filled your eyes, you placed a hand over your mouth. “No,” you mumbled, you shook your head, “No,” you sobbed.
“I’m sorry,” Bruce told you, “I should been quicker.”
June 21, 2017
You read the headstone to yourself over and over again. Repeating in your head mantra like somehow, someway he would came back.
Jason Peter Todd
“A true hero,”
August 16th, 2001 - April 27th, 2016
It had been a year and you still weren’t over it. You still couldn’t believe he was gone, you sat down in front of the grave placing the flowers, you had brought with you, down at the bottom of the grave. “Hey, babe,” you smiled, “I miss you, everyone does,” Your smile only widened, “Bruce found a new Robin, he’s really sweet and funny. You would have liked him, his is Tim.”
Your eyes quickly lit up as you remembered something, “Oh! I almost forgot, I’m becoming independent, I’m no longer superkid. Connor is now the the only sidekick of Superman. I am now (Y/S/N), it’s cool I know,”
Tears filled your (E/C) eyes, “I really wish you were, it’s not the same without you.” You stared at the grave once again reading it like mantra, you were pulled from your trance like state by your phone going off.
You pulled it from your pocket, it was message from Dick. He needed you at the batcave, you responded with ‘be there in a sec’ then shut off your phone placing it back in your pocket. “I have to go, Dick needs me. I love you,” and with that you were off.
May 31st, 2018
You stared at the green haired man in front of you, anger filled your eyes. He just smiled at you, then extended his arms outward. “Do you know where we are, (Y/S/N)?” He asked.
You looked around quickly, never really taking your eyes off of the man before looking back at him. “No, please enlighten me. Where are we?” You asked.
The clown’s smile only grew, “Warehouse eight,” he whispered to you. The name sent a shiver down your spine, he must have seen your reaction because he began laughing manically. You looked around once more then confirmed what he said, you were at remains of warehouse eight. How couldn’t you have know? You asked yourself. “This is where your pathetic little bird boy died.”
“Don’t call him, he wasn’t pathetic,” you spat. The joker began laughing harder at your comment, staring at you as if you were the insane one.
“Oh but he was, you know. As I beat him with that crowbar, he begged for you,” he began to mimic Jason’s voice, “Superkid, save me.”
Rage built up in your system, you always knew the joker was crazy but you never he would slump this low. Killing a innocent kid, then mimicking his finally moments like it was some joke. The clown began talking again pulling you from your thoughts, “You know, he called for everyone, Batman, Nightwing, Arsenal, Kidflash, Superboy. But he called for you the most,” he shook his head as he took a step towards you, “but you didn’t come.”
That’s it, you thought as you lunged towards him. He must have seen this coming because he quickly moved out of the way. You pulled two Kunais out of the secret pocket on your boots. You through them at him, one grazed his left arm and the other one hit forearm making him stager back.
He stared at you in shock, “You bitch,” he mumbled. That was when the real fight began, you had the advantage with the state his arm was in. So within seconds you got him on the floor, you began delivering punch after punch to his face.
You too lost in your murderous rage to realize two other vigilantes, as shown up. They called your name but you didn’t hear them, all you could hear was the thumping in your ears. You felt yourself being pulled off of the Joker but you fought against whoever grip it was.
(Y/S/N),” they said, you knew that voice. Dick, you thought yourself. Rage slowly drained from your body as you calmed down. You realized Dick wasn’t the only vigilante here, Stephanie was too. She looked at you with genuine fear in her eyes, “What the hell was that?” Dick asked.
“I…I don’t know,” you told him. You looked at the joker and grimaced at his appearance, then it dawned upon you almost killed him. You wanted to kill him.
June 3rd, 2018
You felt Connor and Clark’s eyes on you as placed your clothes into the suitcase, “How long will you be gone?” Connor asked.
You didn’t look at Connor just keep your eyes on what you were doing, “if I have it my way, I won’t be coming back,” You told him.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and you didn’t need to look to know it was Clark’s, “You can’t do this,” he told you.
You shook your head and closed your suitcase before turning to your mentor, “Do what you?” You asked.
“Run from your problems,” He replied.
You pinched the bridge of nose and sighed, “Listen Clark, I’m not running from my problems because I don’t have any problems,” that was the lie and everyone in that room knew it. You had problems before Clark and Louis took you in and you problems after too.
“I know about what happened with the Joker,” you froze. How did he know? “Dick told me,” Clark said as if reading your mind.
You huffed, “oh fuck him,” you exclaimed, “look i’ll be honest with you, that shouldn’t have happened but it did. And me leaving doesn’t have anything to do with it, I’ve been thinking about leaving for a while now,” You explained.
“So that was, the thing that sent you over the edge?” The black haired man asked. You sighed as realized he wasn’t gonna let this go, you sat on your now sheet less bed. Clark and Connor both joining you, your on your left and your mentor on your right.
“Look, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was fine, when the fight first started as I chased him away from town. Then I just, I just got so anger and then the next thing I know in remains of warehouse eight. And he starts talking about how pathetic Jason was and then he was telling me how Jason scream my name.
And something inside of me just broke. I was blinded by rage, there was something telling me kill him and I would have if Dick and Steph never showed up. The joker would be dead and it would be all my fault, and as Dick was screaming at me asking what the hell was wrong with me I realized that.
I realized that I was gonna kill a man. He was gonna die, and then I,” You looked at Clark, “thought and Louis,” then you turned your brother, “and you and I thought about how disappointed you would be. And I wondered would you even look at me the same? What would have happened if Dick and Steph never showed up? I kept asking myself these questions. And it became clear, I need to leave because as long as I am here. Everything is gonna bring me back to that night,” You told them.
“But you didn’t kill him,” Connor replied.
“But I could have, and I can’t leave like that knowing every time I fight the joker and even see or get close to him. I might kill him. I can’t do that,” You explained.
Clark sighed and the both of you turned to him, “You know, (M/N). I always thought I did wrong with you, that I could have raised you better but now looking at you now. I know that me and Louis did well with raising you. You turned into a wonderful person and now I need to know. Is this really what you want?” He asked.
“It is,” You replied.
“Then i’ll be here to support you in anyway I can,” Your mentor replied, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you.” Connor and Clark helped you pack and soon you were on a train out of gotham. You had decided to head to New York, where you would stay with a friend. You made a promise to Clark, Connor, and Louis call them once you got to new york.
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marksbear · 1 year
can u do a poly!louis x reader x lestat? reader is human and gets flirted with by a different vampire and louis and lestat get jealous and protective? (both louis and lestat are vampires at this time) ty! :)
Your welcome and I hope you enjoy
Warnings- Sadist Lestat but light, club owner reader, poly, killing,implied sex but nothing happens,Red is lestat and blue is for the vampire drew. White is the reader and Louis.
Way before Lestat Y/n used to mess around with Louis. Y/n ran a strip club a busy one in fact. That's how Louis met Y/n at the club. He was there with some of his business "friends." The group Louis was in were a bunch of perverts and basically forced Louis to be there. That's when he saw you. One girl on your left thigh and a boy on your right. He was amazed how bold you were for doing that. The other men in the group didn't like it and gossiped around "How and why is that man just sitting there normally while a black woman on his thigh and a white man on the other!?" Louis turned around and started at the man. "Why don't you say it to his face?" The group becomes silent until the fat one speaks up "Because that's Mr L/n he owns the club. But I heard that his whole family including him are gangsters."
When Louis and Y/n officially met they fucked. Y/n was helping his workers close up the place until someone tapped his back. Once Y/n turned around he was met by a hand "Louis de pointe du lac nice to meet you sir." Louis gives Y/n a huge smile. "Y/n L/n nice to meet you too." Y/n gives Louis a firm shake with smiling. The two begin to talk like they knew each other for years they instantly clicked. Y/n made the first moves like holding on Louis thigh for too long or the flirty jokes. But when Louis finally got the hint Louis took him and Y/n to a motel.
When Lestat got in the picture he was stalking Louis.
Y/n and Louis were walking around the forest. Lestat was reading Y/n mind every second of the walk he was surprised when Y/n thoughts wasn't racist and sexual or just using Louis.
"Who was that boy Louis?" Lestat asks once Louis gets home. "No one. And why did you follow me again!?!" Louis shouts turning around at his lover. "Louis you could have been in danger. My love. Now who is he?" Lestat was closer to Louis wrapping his arms around his waist. "Y/n L/n. But you can't mess with him because him and his family gangsters he told me." Lestat chuckles and brings Louis to the coffin.
Louis and Lestat have been trying their hardest to get with Y/n and drop tiny hints about vampires and all of that. The trio goes on little group dates that Lestat calls them or just spends a lot of time with the L/n. What took them both surprised is that Y/n made the first move. "We're acting like a bunch of boyfriends. Which I don't mind" Y/n said on the bench looking into the sky with Lestat on the left side and Louis on the right. Louis lost the air in his lungs fiddling with his cane. The comment caught Lestat off guard but quickly gathered himself. "Really? Well I guess me or Louis wouldn't mind sharing you" Lestat says caressing Y/n cheek. "Then I guess were boyfriends." Y/n kisses both on the lips not caring if anyone saw him and walked away.
The couple spent all of their days together. Once Lestat fully trusted Y/n told him the truth of what monster he truly is and showed him how strong he is. Y/n watched as his boyfriend brutally murder a musician because Y/n wanted to hear something jazzy but the musician could only play classical upsetting Y/n. Once Louis finally got home he looked into the living and gasped. Y/n and Lestat naked both covered in blood. "Lestat what did you do!?!" Louis shouts rushing over to Y/n checking for any scars or marks. "Louis my love don't worry I haven't turned him yet. We invited a musician to play for us while we made love. But he didn't play what Y/n liked and got him out of the mood so I killed him to show my loyal devotion to him. Y/n simply told me I looked hot in blood and we began to continue where we left off."
Y/n was locking his club up. When he turned around he was face to face with someone his age and shorter than him looking up at him. "Are you Mr l/n? I-i need help..." Y/n signals the man to keep talking as he pulls out a cigarette lighting it more inhaling it and blows it to the man's face with a giggle. "I need you to walk me home please I beg you... There's someone out for me and my friends say you're the only man in town who's untouchable!" The man begs snatching Y/n hand tightly and desperately. "Okay okay relax. I'm only doing this for my good deed of the day let's go." The two walk is anything but silent the two and chatting and laughs can be heard from afar. Once they reach the house the stranger invites Y/n inside but he shakes his head no. "I'm sorry I can't maybe next time, But I never caught your name?" " Drew Jackson"
After that met up Y/n and Drew kept meeting each other in odd or normal places. This time Louis and Lestat were around when Drew crossed paths. They were in Y/n club. Louis and Lestat were in one of the open booths where they could see everything and anyone. Y/n was talking to one of his workers that was in his lap just laughing and talking. Lestat had slowly gotten used to all the attention and the platonic love and cuddling that his boyfriend gets from work and out of work. Then Lestat eyes shoot up when hes hears a certain thought "My y/n my beautiful strong Y/n. Maybe tonight i'll make you mine." Lestat tells Louis what he heard and the both of them get next to Y/n protectively having their guard up.
"Y/n!" Drew shouts at Y/n but Y/n couldn't hear him. Lestat and Louis share a look and look at the man. Lestat looks at the man and pauses time so only him Louis and the man are talking and moving. "So you are the man taking all of my love's time most nights---" "Lestat." Lestat turns to face Louis. "You're a vampire?" Louis asks looking at the man's eyes and nails. "I could ask the same thing. And lover! please Y/n has no love I mean you see the women and men basically wearing nothing on his lap and at his feet. If he ever has a love it will be me."
Time starts again and Y/n kisses the back of the girls neck as a comeback later. "Bye boss" The woman says kisses Y/n jaw before going back to work. Y/n looks at Louis tense face and takes his hand and gives it a squeeze before looking at Lestat and gives him a half hug before getting up and tells his lovers that he'll be right back. Lestat stops Y/n and whispers in his ear and Y/n nods in approval and walks away. "Well I asked Y/n could I bring someone over and he said yes. So follow us as we close up the club."
When the club closes Lestat and Louis take Drew into their house waiting for Y/n to come back from whatever he was doing. "Louis! Lestat! Im back." walking into the living staring at the three people in the house. "Drew? Why are you here?" Lestat quickly goes over to Y/n and kisses him deeply and says in french "Salut mortel!" He takes Y/n hand and takes him to the couch to watch "Did you know that your friend here is a vampire and wants you to be his." Lestat giggles caressing and running his sharp nails into Y/n mouth touching his teeth. Y/n playfully slaps Lestat's hands away from him and jokingly tries to bite Lestat. Louis gives the two a serious look and they both stop their childish antics. "Wait! Hes a vampire!" Y/n shouts after it finally registers in his head. "Yes Y/n and that's why we decided to show you one way to kill a vampire." Lestat gets up and picks up the tied up Drew and drags him outside. Drew is already bloody and messed up but screams for his life as they go outside. "The sun is coming up in two hours so you can watch him die a slow and painful death my sweet mortal." Lestat says tying the man up with chains this time. And he hands Y/n a stake with a smile. "Kill him if he somehow escapes."
Louis sucks on Y/n's neck deeply and says "Good night Y/n and be careful!" Lestat walks up from behind Y/n and kisses and sucks on his neck to give him hickeys like hes marking him as his. "Good night mortal" "I swear Lestat if you keep calling me that i'll run this stake in you instead!"
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miniminiujb · 9 months
Oie, eu denovo kk (o mesmo que pediu o post do Louis hehe)
Eu queria perguntar para você, você faz cenários platônicos com românticos? Se sim, você poderia fazer um com os Leões da Shishigumi com o Louis? Tipo, o Leitor namora o Louis e eles acabam saindo para um encontro no parque, porém o Leitor se sente observado e quando ele olha para trás tem uns 8 ou mais Leões seguindo os dois (eu imagino muito eles atrás dos arbustos pra não chamar atenção kkkkk)
O Louis fica irritado porém tenta manter uma postura na frente do namorado dele. E quando o Leitor não ta vendo, o Louis começa a mandar uns olhares ameaçadores na direção deles kkkkkkk (pode ser o mesmo Gato Leitor do post anterior do Louis ou ,se puder, pode ser um Cachorro ,tipo Shiba Inu, Leitor :3)
(Eu imagino muito o Leitor tentando não rir com o Louis olhando com raiva para um arbusto aleatório por causa de um dos Leões escondido atrás dele kkkk)
Na minha cabeça seria engraçado kkkk, eu tava rindo muito quando pensava em mandar esse ask, desculpa se estiver muito confuso esse ask :")
Não tenha pressa com o Ask, eu posso esperar. Tenha uma ótima noite/dia e eu estarei aguardando pacientemente por mais de seus posts, tchau tchau 😊
Desculpa a demora 😶
Momento engraçado
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Você estava observando o lago a sua frente, a luz do sol refletindo sobre as águas cristalinas. Louis, seu namorado, estava ao seu lado, admirando a beleza da natureza. Louis ignorou seu rabo enrolado se mexendo freneticamente, o cervo j�� tinha se acostumado com essa características que os caninos carregavam.
"Sabia que foi acabado um tanque de guerra em um lago? Ele ficou mais de 50 anos lá", você disse empolgado, seus olhos refletindo a luz do sol. Seu rabo balançava descontroladamente. "Será que tem algo nesse?", Você perguntou curioso.
"Não, ele foi construído pela a prefeitura", Louis respondeu, não deixando passar que seu rabo tinha parado de se mexer. "Mas pode se achar diversos objetos que caíram ali", Louis disse, prestando atenção quando você divagava sobre que objetos poderiam ter caído ali.
O cervo virou a cabeça na direção de barulho que estavam vindo do lado oposto, Louis acreditava que poderia ser o vento ou alguém que estava se aproximando. Seus olhos castanhos não acreditaram no que ele tinha visto. Sete leões espremidos em uma moita próxima. Arregalando os olhos e fixando nos leões, Louis não sabia o motivo deles estarem ali. O cervo vou para olhar seu companheiro Shiba Inu, seu pelo caramelo brilhando na luz do sol, Louis não queria estragar o momento falando com os leões.
Louis decidiu agitar os braços para chamar a atenção dos leões e fazê-los entender que precisam ir embora. Você virou o rosto na direção do seu namorado e achando engraçado a forma que ele estava agindo, você deduziu que ele estava imitando um pato do desenho infantil que vocês viram passando na tv.
Arqueando as sobrancelhas e perguntando com um sorriso no rosto: "Louis, o que você está fazendo?".
Louis, em um misto de constrangimento e estresse, responde: "Amor, apenas confie em mim"
Os leões do Shishigumi, inicialmente confusos e intrigados, começam a rir baixinho entre si. Eles ficam surpresos com a atitude de seu chefe, mas continuam a observar. Quando de repente uma risada alta chamou sua atenção, virando o corpo para observar leões rindo em uma moita, Free não conseguiu segurar a risada e acabou dando uma gargalhada alta. Você observou a cena e acompanhou as risadas.
Percebendo que conseguiu chamar a atenção, Louis para de agir como pato e olha para os leões com uma expressão séria. "Agora que nos divertimos um pouco, espero que vocês tenham entendido o recado. Por favor, nos deem um pouco de privacidade.", Ele disse com rispidez.
Os leões, ainda rindo e respeitando o pedido de seu chefe, retiram-se silenciosamente.
"Você é um louco, Louis, mas eu te amo", você diz, abraçando seu namorado.
Louis suspira aliviado e abraça você com força. Ele está grato por ter conseguido resolver a situação de uma maneira divertida para você.
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vyloy · 2 years
It all started with a ball~ || Moriarty brothers,mostly William ||
Minors and Female aligned DNI i will not hesitate to block and i do check.
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Tw: Exhibition, Vibrator, sadist William , foursome at the end, overstimulating, fucked dumb.
(Let's pretend vibrators were advanced back then for the sake of this fic)
This originally was a thirst i had sent to @/secretivemessenger ,please do check out his content,they're all amazing<3
This is the longer version!
Male reader(pronouns used and titles such as sir) AMAB reader!
Not proofread
You glare at william as he just smiles at you innocently from the other side of the room,though he is far from innocent.
Earlier that day you had agreed to go to a ball with him, originally Albert had been the one invited but he was too busy so William offered to take his place and asked you to be his partner for the evening, excited to go to a ball, you immediately agreed, though you did not anticipate having a vibrator up your ass, hitting your prostate just right. If you moaned just once, all the nobles will never forget it, your reputation would be ruined.
"How are you this fine evening, Sir (name)?" Asked a woman as she snaps you out of your daze, she had been eyeing you the whole night, you did have a pretty face afterall, "ah uhm, I'm doing splendid, thank you for asking,what about you, what is a fine lady like you doing here without a date?", you asked in return, flattering her, "why don't you be my date then?", she suggests, before you could answer, you feel the vibrator being turned on the highest level as a hand pulls you towards their shoulder as you look at the ground, "No thank you, he already has a date as you can tell", William' voice could be heard as you struggle to hide your moans of pleasure, the woman gives a disgusted look, mumbling about how same sex relationship was gross before stomping away, clearly furious at missing her chance. With your head still buried in his shoulder, William chuckles "You're not letting go?is my body really that comfortable, my dear?", "s-shut up and t-turn it ah...down!", you say,hitting your hands against his chest.
"Your expression was pretty cute might i say",William smiles at you, your out of breath face still embedded into his mind.
"Shut your trap", "now now,don't make a scene,people are looking, you wouldn't want them to see your fucked out expression, now would you~?" He teases, letting a smirk form on his face.
"Ladies and gentlemen alike,we will now proceed to the main event of the ball, dancing!", the MC says as they announce the dance, you turn to see William with his hand out for you "Shall we?", you take his hand as he kisses the back of it while reaching for something in his pocket, you suddenly feel the vibrator turned back on, the highest setting no less, letting an irk mark form, you whisper "you twat..." before dancing with William, your legs almost giving out on you as you try your best to continue dancing, "You don't look so good,my dear" William says in a fake worried tone while you struggle to not let any sounds out. Eventually your legs gave out as you fall on the ground, panting and trying to not moan, the host saw and stopped the music but before the host could reach you, William intervened "My partner is quite alright, this evening has just been tiring for him, we shall go back right away, i hope you dont mind..", William says with an apologetic face, the host eventually lets you both walk out to a carriage.
Once in the carriage, William begins to unbutton your pants, "William!stop...haven't you had your fun torturing me back there!?" You whisper yell,it was a long way home but the coachman was just infront you both.
"Shh,if you don't want him to hear you,you better be quiet" he whispers as he begins to unbutton his own pants,just enough to let his cock out, and then pulling you onto his lap, plunging you down his cock immediately. "A-agh-", you moaned out, William extends his finger to his mouth,hushing you before grabbing your hips and thrusting you down and up on his cock,everytime he would leave just the tip in and then thrust all the way in you, tears in your eyes as you bite down on your outer, muffling moans and screams, William just looks at you with a look of satisfaction.
"W-william~! st-stop...", you managed to whisper between muffled moans, it had been 45 minutes of being fucked dumb, he somehow showed no signs of being tired while you on the other hand, were being overstimulated, over and over again, you feel your hole burning with agony as he plunges into you again and again, "My dear, are you alright~?", he says smirking
looking up at you as you sat on his cock, "y-you bast- Ah!", your words were cut off by William hitting your prostate just right, going in balls deep, " are you okay ,Sir (Name)?", the coachman asks,stopping the carriage ,instantly making you panic as William just has an amused look plastered on his face, you hear the coachman walking to open the door and....
"Ah..is Sir (Name) asleep?", he asks
Your head was buried in William' chest, a coat placed over your body, "yes he is, he was pretty tired from all the dancing we did", William says,smiling at the coachman, "hurry up, we need to go home as soon as possible" "Yes ,Sir William", as soon as the door and curtains were closed, he wasted no time thrusting into you again, hitting your prostate everytime, making you cum in the matter of seconds.
By now, you have gotten home to the Moriarty Mansion, by now it was 2.54AM, it was quite late, you wanted to go back to your room but how could you with your hole fucked so much, your legs were basically useless at this point, only able to walk a couple steps before falling down.
William grabbed you before you plummeted onto the ground, "ah-ah, we aren't done yet, it would be a shame if my brothers didn't try your hole wouldn't it?", just as he says this, the other two moriarty brothers emerge from the dark corridor ,chuckling a bit before looking at you with hunger in their eyes, it was clear they wanted to devour you.
"Ah! Please sto- Ah~~!", your cries could be heard from miles away, getting fucked dumb by three brothers after being overstimulated just mere moments before.
You sat on Louis' cock facing the others, Albert sucking on your nipples, they have gotten quite sensitive by now.
William was sucking on your cock, bobbing his head on it, sucking it good.
"Are you feeling good..?", Louis asks not wanting to hurt you, he had always been the softest when it comes to sex, unless he had a bad day, is giving you a punishment or both. "Mmngh", was all you could say, it was too much for you.
The brothers had been devouring you for 2 hours now and they may continue to if you keep letting out those delicious moans just for them.
Here is your food
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pastel-omegas-blog · 1 year
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Marrav/Other members of the Vermillion ducal family 
In this au they are not the imperial family, but are members of the Vermillion grand duchy which has two branches. 
Valero is branch is for the members of Duke Nicolas family and Valryon is for the members of Marrav's family m
They are lions. African lions to be exact. To be even more detailed their super Lions ( super Lions are a small group of lions that are stronger and more mean and buff than the average lion.
Marrav is tall. Standing at 6'11. Has a muscular somewhat lean body. He's naturally athletic and doesn't need to do a lot to exercise because of his good genes.
His formerly sharp silver eyes now have an even more piercing look in them making both prey and predator hybrids alike freeze in their spots whenever they lock eyes with him.
Instead of his hair being all silky and flowy it somehow puffs a bit behind him like a lions mane, but it's still well taken care off. A pair of lion ears twitch every once in a while on his head and his long tail sways boredly behind him.
Dominant alpha
Always has a haughty smirk on his thin lip so can always see his sharp canines peaking out.
He's fucking Hot and he knows it.
He's got it all. The money, the looks, the genes, the power.
He's known through out the academy as the        ' Black beast '.  
He got this nickname mostly because of his thick black hair, but his monsterous gives the name another meaning. 
Like Leon he is a member of the student council, but he focuses more on the training regiment of students who want to dedicate their time to swordsman ship. ( He mostly recruits predator hybrids because he's fucking bias and thinks all prey species are weak ).
He doesn't know like restraining his strength when sparing with others far weaker than him.  Has broken limbs/ badly injured others because of this.
Instead of people being wary of him because of this, their like 
" ✨UWU ✨ Big murder kitty is so hot💕 "
These insane people are members of his fanclub.
Oh yes. 
He has a fanclub.
They call themselves ' the black kitty brigade '
He's embarrassed by them, but their praises always inflate his ego.
Every single student knows that he's trying to court Leon, including the freshmen.
His fans are torn between trying to get his attention or push him together with the blue haired lop bunny hybrid.
Members of his fan club are the main cause of M/N's torment. Their angry and disgusted that the sheep hybrid has the honour of being their murder kitty's future mate.
He's constantly butting heads with the other love intrests and his cousin.
An absolute prick. He's more of a hassle to handle than his Emperor self.
Also much more vocal about how he hates his engagement to M/N.
Sometimes does nice things for the sheep just so his fanclub have a reason to bully him, or he's the one verbally abusing/ berating him in the hallway in front of hundreds of other students.
An absolute jackass over all.
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 His family is still a major part of the holy temple and still places a major role in choosing the Pope candidate, but in this Au his older sister is the pope while he goes to the academy to study.
He's a tiger. 
A Bengal tiger. ( Bengal tigers are still tigers, they just have white fur, that's why I used them for Alvar because they match his aesthetic )
Another very pretty big kitty.
And unlike a certain someone he's a very gentle predator hybrid.
He's a just bit taller than Marrav standing at 6'12, also has a muscular lean form as well. Pretty silky waist length milky white hair paired with milk white cat like eyes top it all off with small fuzzy striped ears and a gentle swaying striped tale
Dominant alpha.
Like Marrav had the money, looks and power but is more humble about it.
Is known as the ' Gentle guardian ' by the students.
Predator and prey alike usually flock to him because of his comforting aura and how willing he is to help people in need.
Very smart and it almost always the top of his year.
The goody two shoes religious boi of the academy. 
He's the head of the schools religious sector and is known for being knowledgeable on the words of the holy text. Is also the leader of the school choir.
Has a very pretty voice, it's deep so he sings bass.
His voice alone has gotten some very weak willed omegas off during mandatory service.
Is also a member of the student council.
His role later s mostly to act as a guidance counselor of sorts for students in need or struggling and help to put them on the right path.
Also has a fan club.
His fan club member are call themselves the     ' Gentle snowflakes '.
They always knock heads with the black kitty brigade. 
Like Marrav Alvar has a crush on a certain lop bunny and everyone knows.
His fan club members think he's the one who deserves the right to court the pretty omega since a gentle giant alpha would be perfect for a small prey omega.
They don't start fight because they don't want to soil the name of their giant soft kitty.
In this au since M/N doesn't have a 'demon' inside him Alvar actually gets along well with the sheep hybrid.
They both share similar tastes in books and he's the one M/N goes to to talk about how the bullying is taking a toll on him.
Sadly because of this relationship his own fanclub also have it out for the sheep and have tagged him as a ' ship wrecker '
Because he's so busy with a lot of things Alvar doesn't really have time to constantly check on the h/c fluffy omega make sure he's doing alright.
Overall a pretty meh person.
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In this au he's not necessarily found starving by M/N on the streets, but his family is a poor barony who's indebted to M/N's family. Since he's an illegitimate child born from a prostitute his father took him in so they could send him off a servant as a way to pay of their debt. Despite this M/N still treated him like an equal instead of a servant and even managed to convince his parents to sponsor Basil's education in the academy.
Is more like a butler that's trained very well on self defense and is skilled with a sword.
Is a mixed breed.
His father is a red fox while his mother was a local dog breed that he isn't aware of. 
He got more of the fox genes so you can't tell he's mixed at all.
Has a lean body with a bit of muscle, stands at 6'0 pretty pink shoulder length hair that's tied in a ponytail. Pink furred fox ears and a soft fluffy fox tail that wags like a dog's tail when he's happy. Has a pretty face too.
Recessive alpha.
Isn't part of the school council, but is very popular among the student body.
Is considered a prodigy with the sword by students and teachers alike and has a lot of potential that can be unlocked.
He's received a lot of attention that his ego is almost as big as Marrav's.
Even though he's meant to be serving M/N he actively tries to avoid the sheep hybrid so his reputation doesn't get tarnished.
Even if the omega does manage to get a hold of him he likes to pretend he doesn't know him or give him the cold shoulder so it looks to others that he's annoyed by him.
Turns a blind eye to the bullying as well.
Doesn't have a fan club but the popularity he's gathered for himself make it look like he'll get one soon.
People know he's got a thing for Leon.
His normally lax tail starts wagging at the sight of the bunny.
People think it's cute that the normally stone faced fox becomes a cute kit at the sight of the pretty blue haired omega.
He's a shitty person that only cares about himself.
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Mommy Shiva in the house! Nothing really changes other than she's not the empress, but one of her older siblings is rulling in her place.
Snake hybrid or for better words a Naga.
Like M/N who has more animal traits ( like the fluffy wool growing around his wrist to his hooved feet and fluffy wool legs ) Shiva is also like this with the lower part of her body being a snake tail decorated with gold and silver scales, these same scales are scattered on her arms , shouldersand the side of her face. Her already teal reptilian eyes have an even more animalistic shine behind them.
Drop dead handsome/ gorgeous.
If she's ' standing ' upright she's a little over 10 feet, but that draws attention towards her ( even though she likes how both students and teachers are intimidated by her )  so she tends to slouch a bit and let more of her tail slither around. 
She's still 8'1 when she does this.
Long silky caramel hair, her face and body is an absolute work of art. Hot and she owns it.
People are in awe of her looks and also terrified of her beauty.
Dominant alpha.
Other than her height and intimidating looks another thing the student body fear about her is her venom.
Oh I forget to mention.
Shiva's breed of snake is the african boomslang.
Poisonous little fuckers.
Though she hides her fangs well and has never actually threatened anyone with it.
Well except Marrav, but she doesn't see him as a person anyways so that doesn't count.
She's not a student since she's older, but at the same time she doesn't really teach. She's part of the school board as a foreign education councillor representing Pentigria. 
She watches over the students from her Empire to avoid any bad things toward her people.
Keeps to her self most of the time and is generally a mystery to the students.
Her and M/N relationship is one of mutual acquaintances.
They both find peace in each other's company and can be found talking together in the school cafe about trivial things.
She originally wanted to only get to know him just to spite Marrav but now she genuinely enjoys his company.
No one dares to speak ill of the sheep hybrid in her presence.
A student did once and nobody has seen them till now.
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in this au he's still Alvar's illegitimate younger brother.
If you thought he had it bad in the original timeline well you thought wrong.
Cause it gets worse.
He's taken nothing from the Leoht family blood line. No milky white hair and eyes or earth dark skin. 
Blond hair, green eyes and pale as a ghost.
As if that isn't enough he's not even a tiger hybrid. 
I swear he's not even any thing in the cat species.
He's a horse.
A freaking horse.
He's breed of horse is a ' Thoroughbred '.
Recessive alpha.
One can only imagine the black lash and bullying he's experienced through out his life for this.
He's referred to as ' the curse '. People say that because they believe they believe the gods cursed him in the womb for being an illegitimate child , that's why he looks nothing like the rest of the family.
People originally thought his mother was playing tricks by saying that he even had Leoht blood. 
Magic proved that she was in fact telling the truth.
Is treated like an outcast by his peers who constantly remind him that he's a mistake.
He can be found huddled on his own in one of the schools abandoned green house all by himself.
Unlike his og self care who hides behind a facade by being vain, rude and condescending, this Louis is actually really sweet and nice. 
He and M/N are really close friends.
Hope you like this.
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male-fictioner · 6 months
One Direction
Louis Tomlinson
Liam Payne
Boyfriends [w Niall Horan] (smut)
Niall Horan
Boyfriends [w Liam Payne] (smut)
Zayn Malik
Harry Styles
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itsprashimusic · 2 years
After so long (famous!male singer x gn!reader)
A/N - just something i wrote quickly on the app. wanted to update since its been nearly a week. you can imagine any male singer in this but i wrote this with Louis Tomlinson in mind. kinda been wanting to write something for him and/or 1D lately so, gave this a shot. also ik that this gif has women in it, but it really matched what this blurb is gonna feel like sooooo anyhoo, happy reading! <3
- prashi
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mastlist is pinned
You lay on the fluffy carpet, back against the sofa where you were reading one of the new books your boyfriend bought for you. You were so engrossed in it you didn't hear a set of keys jingling in the lock and the door opening.
Only when you felt a presence near you did you realise someone was standing next to you. It was your boyfriend. He was on a nearly year long tour. You could only think of him the entire day and was able to distract yourself with great difficulty, by reading a mystery book.
Upon seeing him you threw your book aside, jumping up to hug him. You felt tears in your eyes and let them fall. Sure you'd text each other, video call etc but there is something different about the person being there physically.
Its not something that easily explainable, but if I have to, its like missing a part of you. You don't know how much you crave that person in your life until they are no longer there. And when they are with you, only then do you realise how much their absence affected you.
The empty home, the piano getting dusty, the broken guitar string you have no idea how to change (p.s. you broke it), the silence, all of that is about to fade away with just the coming home of your partner.
Putting his head on top of yours, he kisses your head. Holds you close, rubs your cold arms to warm them up. "I missed you so much, darling," he said while still holding you.
"I missed you too love, so much."
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divider by @firefly-graphics
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