#Luc Montagnier Statement On Covid-19
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  - The UN must become the only alternative to the big countries in making decisions on global and regional problems in certain areas / new morality, ecology… /
/ The UN is not a world government, if it becomes one, there will be chaos in the whole world /;
                                                              -- Through a new morality to enter the       hypothesis of creating of High Moral Societie
–        - In the much more distant future, idealism (serving ideas) must defeat materialism (characterized by selfishness and covetousness).
 ●       Morality and humanity are in chaos. Many evils in personal, public and international life arise from it.
This chaos will continue until they are accepted and implemented:
–                    A new unified and generally accepted morality, which is the basis for a new world order, created on the basis of the golden rule "As you want people to treat you, so you must treat them." This rule applies both to relations between people and to relations between states and institutions. The new generally accepted morality includes a state program for high moral qualities, religious values, and the Ten Commandments;
–                    The new generally accepted morality, kindness, humanity… must dominate the world;
–                    The reformed and empowered UN /United Nations/, as an institution above all states, to solve by itself objectively and fairly global and regional problems of humanity in certain areas and to ensure global security;
–                    The emphasis in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights /Art. 1/
–                    „All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”;
–                    The world order under a new project - XXI century, created on the basis of a new unified generally accepted morality with included rules and priorities, proposed by an optimal number of large, medium and small countries from all continents;
–                    A new advanced project of globalization, included in the prerogatives of the UN, which is also used as the most effective tool for creating world order in a new project - XXI century.
In the context of globalization, countries must retain their rights, responsibilities and controls over health, education, culture, infrastructure, defense, security, sovereignty, their identity…
–                    The project of new technologies that change the world and are also the basis for a new world order.
–                    In the future, globally, the financial resource for new technologies in the field of healthcare (especially for medicines and vaccines) is imperative to predominate significantly over the resource in question for new combat weapons compared to the twentieth century.
●                   The conscious, eager implementation of the above factors by the population of countries on all continents for 4-5 decades, only then can the initial positive results be expected
–                    Building, creating new highly moral societies, more perfect people, more sincere, conscious, disciplined, free and equal in dignity and rights
–                    New societies with a leading role of states - democratic republics, not states - empires, which use the law for the right of the strong.
–                    Reduce aggression around the world to a large extent and use the law of the right of the stronger to a much lesser extent.
●                   This is the panacea!
●                   It is necessary to gradually create a United Europe through the United States of Europe on the basis of the European Union /EU/ in the context of a United Europe. United Europe /UE/ in the distant future to become one of the global powers in the world.
●                   Today the global problems of humanity are:
–                    Economic inequality between developed and developing countries, between rich and poor people in different countries;
–                    The health services of the population, especially children and mothers
–                    Global warming;
–                    Uncontrolled population growth;
–                    Migrant crises;
–                    General opposition to the dissolution of the world order, international terrorism, the threat of war, the construction of military bases… invasion, occupation, genocide…
 These problems can be objectively and fairly solved only under the leadership of a reformed and authorized UN as an institution over all countries./ See 5-9 /.
PP: The coronavirus identified in Wuhan /China, December, 2019/:
–                    It is the first global crisis in the global world and we were unprepared. That is why the virus paralyzes many countries on all continents;
–                    It changed people's thinking for the better, solidarity, unification against the invisible enemy;
–                    Reaffirms once again the idea of ​​the UN, with a think tank of scientists from around the world, to become an institution above all countries to solve the problems of humanity in the globalized world;
–                    Forced the World Health Organization /United Nations Agency as the coordinating body of international health/ to lead international projects for:
–               The creation of a cure against COVID-19 and to:
–               Establish that COVID - 19 is a common flu, such as bird flu or is genetically modified, biotechnology /Similar doubts were expressed by Ognyan Minchev - Political Scientist /Bulgaria/ - 13.03.2020, Luc Montagnier - Virologist /France/ - 18.04.2020. on the Internet… or this is a type of conspiracy theory/ and officially inform the world community about the results;
–                         Prompted the need for strategic thinking, such as redirecting financial resources to science and setting up many research laboratories to respond quickly to future diseases at the expense of a new combat weapon that no one needs…
But after COVID-19, does the world have wise leaders who, under the leadership of the United Nations, propose and implement global measures to move humanity on a new path in line with the challenges of the 21st century?
  1 – 9.  The new unified morality that will change the world and is the basis for the world order under a new project - XXI century.
●                   In the future, in order for humanity to survive, it is obligatory for the population of the countries to use common moral norms, approved by the UN, included in a new unified generally accepted morality, created on the basis of:
–                    The Golden Rule "As you want people to treat you, so you must treat them." This rule must form the basis of the world order under a new project - the XXI century, both for relations between people and for relations between states and institutions. The Golden Rule points the way to new, much more dignified relationships
–                    The emphasis in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights / Art. 1 /: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
In line with the above is the statement of the legendary Apostle of Freedom in Bulgaria, the genius Vasil Levski - "Today's century is a century of freedom and equality of all peoples… Everyone wants to live freely and enjoy God's nature, everyone wants to be human "(book "Holy and Pure Republic", Science and Art, 1971, page 31, Iv. Undjiev…)
●                   It is well known that morality is a system of social norms that people apply in life, such as justice, honesty etc. are characteristic of civilized society. But today they are less talked about. It is imperative to appeal at all times for humanity, kindness, compassion, love… In life one should strive to give more and take less. It is necessary through education to oppose envy, selfishness, hatred…
The concept of morality is relative. Its content varies depending on the general cultural level of a person and a nation, on the living conditions, on the epoch…
●                   Morality and humanity are in chaos. Many evils in personal, public and international life arise from it. This chaos will continue until a new common morality is generally accepted and applied by all countries.
●                   The same universally binding moral norms must be established in the minds of all people. There can't be excessive freedom in morality. There can't  be one morality for Europeans and another for Asians, one morality for the rich and another for the poor, one morality for large countries and another for medium-sized and small countries.
●                   That is why it is necessary to accept as a basic obligation the leaders of all levels in the UN, other institutions of world importance, the nation states, the political parties /which usually nominate the heads of state/, and of course the rest of the population of all countries as children to receive upbringing in the family, the temple, the school and the workplace of morality, knowledge and discipline, strictly fulfilling the requirements of:
–                    A new unified morality, created by each state on the basis of common moral norms approved by the UN, which includes:
–                    State program for high moral qualities - honesty, sincerity, openness, loyalty…;
–                     Christian values - faith, hope, love, compassion…;
–                     The Ten Commandments - do not lie, do not steal….;
●                   The obligatory introduction of a new unified morality is carried out with the active joint activity of all states and religious communities, as the parties with regard to education accept that science recognizes the classical norms, traditions, customs of religions and vice versa.
●                   Other educational activities, for example:
–                    Introduction in public and private schools of a subject, a discipline for compulsory study (and not as an optional subject) of the different types of major religions, acceptance and application of their values.
–                    Establishment /in stages/ in the settlements of religious /Sunday/ schools and choirs for children to the temples in the countries with financial support from the state budget.
●                   It is advisable in all countries for the young generation to follow the path of idealism /serving ideas/, and not the path of materialism /characterized by selfishness and covetousness/.
●                   In the future, the application of the new generally accepted morality by all countries will create new highly moral societies, more perfect people, more sincere, conscious, disciplined, free and equal in dignity and rights, a great reduction in aggression and to a much lesser extent the law of the right of the stronger will be used. Hoping that the new societies will adopt primarily the diplomatic way of resolving global and regional problems…
●                   Aggression is all over the world. The mentally ill are especially aggressive. Today they number over 450 million people /Mediapool, January 28, 2020/ and represent an unpredictable aggression. A concrete example - in New Zealand /March 15, 2019/ Breton Tarant, an Australian citizen, committed a terrorist attack on a mosque, killing 49 Muslims and wounding 40 others. In recent years, aggression has intensified, including shootings of civilians in public places in a number of countries.
●                   In order to significantly reduce such cases, among other means, it is necessary for states to impose large penalties provided for in the Penal Code for the guilty, as well as to finance the treatment of the mentally ill by registering them and keeping strict records.
●                   In this regard, the questions arise - Should there be:
–                    Liberalization for the carrying of weapons by any citizen for defense or prohibition?
–        Death penalty for serial killers?
●                   Competent answers must be given by the UN for their mandatory implementation by all countries. In the past, the death penalty has existed in all societies. Today there are death sentences in 58 countries in the world, in Europe only in Belarus, in Norway the highest punishment is 20 years in prison.
●                   With a proposal to abolish the death penalty in all nation states. And for serious crimes, including wrongful death, to impose a sentence - life imprisonment without parole, not recognizing mitigating circumstances and cooperation with the investigation and prosecution.
 It is indisputable that with the practical use, the introduction of a new common morality to the population of all countries, it will really change the world for the better.
 2 - 9. New technologies that change the world and are the basis for the world order in a new project - XXI century. 2 – 9.
●                   The future of artificial intelligence and robotics is undeniable!
●                   "Artificial intelligence is the science of the concepts, methods and tools for creating intelligent computer programs." Artificial intelligence is an essential element of information /computer/ technology. Artificial intelligence is used in national security, medical diagnostics, banks and others.
●                   And robots are machines with automatic control that can autonomously perform certain tasks using electronic hardware and programs. The robots are used in space and ocean research, in the industry for automation of operations - casting, metalworking, assembly operations…, as well as in many other areas. But robots threaten human jobs. Therefore, their mass production must be limited by being subject to large tax, with the exception of robots, which replace humans for hard physical labor, work in toxic environments, the study of oceans, space and the like.
●                   We will indicate some of the technologies of the future /up to 2055/:
–                    In 2029, breathable batteries may be ready to generate electricity from the air and reduce harmful emissions;
–                    In 2034 the quantum internet should be realized;
–                    In 2040, genetic computers will also appear;
–                    In 2045 it will be possible to use satellites that will take solar energy and send it to receiving stations on earth;
–                    In 2049, a technology for repairing the ozone layer of the earth will be ready;
–                    In 2055, technology will emerge to create floating and underwater cities." /ESA - 2019/.
●                   Given the great importance of new technologies, a Museum of the Future is to be opened in Dubai in 2020 as part of the Expo 2020 World Exhibition. Objective - The museum to serve as a basis for research into the biggest challenges and technologies that will shape the future from climate change to medical breakthroughs.
●                   The future project on new technologies, which will be created by scientists and approved by the UN, offers future challenges. The project in question does not limit the initiative of individuals and companies in the field of new technologies.
 New technologies are a colossal driving force for human progress. Even more ingenious future technologies will cause greater positive changes in the world and a new order on the planet "Earth"!
 3 – 9. Globalization and the world order under a new project - XXI century.
●                   Today, a particularly topical and important problem to solve is the creation of a new project of globalization.
●                   "Globalization is a process of integration of world culture, economy, infrastructure through transnational investments, rapid development of communications and information technologies and the impact of world market forces on regional and national economies" /page 277, BAS, ”Trud”, 2007/. Globalization is above all a technological phenomenon!
●                   Globalization has a future thanks to markets that have a constant tendency to expand and the dynamics of technology that cannot be stopped.
●                   Globalization is the result of ever-increasing labor productivity and the maximum desire of companies to increase the rate of profit using technology, capital and markets.
●                   Neoliberalism is directly related to globalization and is for complete freedom of monopolies, competition and non-interference of the state in the economy.
●                   Opponents of globalization are mainly against the neoliberal nature of globalization…
●                   The dispute between globalism and its opponents was organized through protests organized in 2000. in Washington and successively in Prague, Davos, London and other cities.
●                   In 2017 A report by the EC (European Commission) states that "Globalization is a positive force that leads to economic growth, stimulates prosperity and helps maintain competitiveness.... Brussels insists on:
–                    General rules on economic issues and rejects isolationism;
–                    Fair „distribution of wealth...” /Capital newspaper, 25.05.2017, Marina Staneva/
●                   In the 21st century, humanity faces many complex challenges that are elements of globalization:
–                    Destruction of a large part of plant and animal species;
–                    Global warming. Plastic waste in rivers, seas and oceans accounts for 80% of all waste and causes thousands of birds and sea creatures to die each year. The reason - the man. That is why it is necessary for all people to consciously follow the rules of a responsible lifestyle and to answer how to get involved in nature restoration activities?
●                   International environmental treaties are a good tool against environmental catastrophe, but due to the lack of an authorized institution over all countries (such as the UN could be) their implementation remains without control and criminal prosecution of the perpetrators, as has recently been the case with The United States - one of the big polluters, which abandoned the Paris Agreement to limit global warming /2015/ - a very bad example. The other major polluter - China - joined the agreement in question and set a good example to follow.
●                   11,000 scientists from 153 countries are worried about climate change. They presented an edition of the so-called "Clock of the Apocalypse" / Internet - 2019 /.
●                   Australian scientists warn that if climate change is not curbed, human civilization could disappear by 2050 /Metro newspaper, 24 chasa, June 5, 2019/.
–        The uncontrolled growth of the population /Limitation of the arbitrary reproduction of the population/. World population - expected: 2050 - 9.8 billion people; 2100 - 11 billion people /Internet, 2019/. There is an overpopulation! Overpopulation and increasing migration to advanced countries are problems before the global world. Only the UN can offer a strategic solution.
●                   The 21st century is the era of migrants /Mostly of economic migrants/. The fate of migrants passing through deserts, seas and oceans is a great human tragedy. In 2017, there were 270 million migrants worldwide. When the labor market in a country needs labor, it is normal to give migrants the right to participate in a competition if they meet the conditions. But when migrants invade spontaneously, countries must close their borders, and the countries from which migrants come must also have obligations. It is therefore imperative that the UN establish new binding legal rules for countries on migration.
●                   Uncontrolled population growth and migrant crises are also global problems and are expected to be addressed effectively by the UN.
●                   For better health of the woman-mother with regard to the recommended number of children. In order to limit the cases of births of an excessively large number of children by one woman-mother /as is the case in the Republic of Bulgaria in March 2019, 14th child, typical for mothers with many children in other countries/ is necessary under the initiative and leadership of the WHO /World Health Organization/ commission of doctor specialists from advanced countries to make the necessary research and propose a scientifically sound solution with an appeal to future women-mothers for the recommended number of children, if they wish to comply.
●                   Some minority ethnic groups have a large number of children and receive a lot of social benefits. These cases can be categorized as a type of business. Apparently, in this case, social benefits motivate parents not to seek education and a profession for realization in life.
In addition, with 2-3 children /and not with 14/ parents will have the opportunity to provide normal conditions for upbringing, education, health care and future prosperity of their children.
●                   Globally, the recommended normal number of children will also help reduce overpopulation.
●                   Therefore, it is imperative that parents be even more responsible for their children before the state by law, in order to seek criminal liability for the same in case of violations of the above normal conditions, including misconduct of children under 18 years of age.
–                    Reducing economic inequality between developed and developing countries, between rich and poor people.
●                   The income ratio between the richest and poorest countries is systematically increasing in favor of rich countries. The gap between citizens in different countries is extremely large and in the future it is possible to provoke a mass protest, for example:
●                   In 2015, there were 2473 billionaires in the world, who control 4% of the planet's wealth / "Mediapool", August 8, 2016 /
●                   Jeff Bezos - President of Amazon has accumulated in 2018 112 billion dollars / "Mediapool", January 20, 2019 /;
●                   Under the Arctic ice there are 90 billion barrels of oil and 48 trillion cubic meters. natural gas / Internet, 2019 /. both the riches of the Arctic and those of Antarctica and other such riches must be fairly distributed by the UN.
●                   Entities that invent, implement and exploit new technologies naturally receive a larger share of total income from globalization, but in the new project of globalization it is imperative that consumers - buyers in the global market also receive much more than in the old project. because they are an essential factor in increasing economic growth.
●                   The UN with the new project of globalization and other factors can find a positive solution to reduce the above-mentioned economic inequality.
●                   At the initiative and leadership of the UN Economic and Social Council, together with the United States, Europe / EU /, China, Japan…. it is desirable to propose a new project of globalization, taking into account the results of its implementation so far, reconsider its neoliberal nature and the demands of opponents.
●                   In the new project of globalization "to set the use of mechanisms through which free market exchange is realized - the moral values ​​of the community, order and law imposed by the state as mandatory norms of market behavior" / Ognian Minchev - Political Scientist /.
●                   The new project of globalization through a fair redistribution of world wealth will have the ability to prevent in the future a possible general economic crisis in the world, similar to the general crisis of 1929-1933.
 Human progress can be explained by the achievements of science, technology, trade, economic cooperation, moderate liberal order… Where globalization is the main driving force.
 4 – 9. A brief description of the world order under a new project - XXI century.
●                   There are different views on the world order. Of interest, for example, is Samuel Huntington's statement: "The components of order in today's world are within civilizations and in the relations between them. Where there is a core state, it is a key element in building a new international order based on civilizations. Order in the world will either be built on civilizations or there will be no order at all. ” /"The Clash of Civilizations", Obsidian, Sofia, 2015, S. Huntington, page 221,222/.
●                   According to Henry Kissinger, “The main features of the world order from World War II to the present day are:
–                    The division, opposition and constant threat of war;
–                    Military bases are being built abroad;
–                    International terrorism is the latest threat;
–                    "The disintegration of the world order." /article in FB, January 27, 2018, Henry Kissinger/.
●               The planet "Earth" is a common home of large, medium and small countries on all continents, as well as for all socio-political systems.
●               All countries need to be committed to the fight against hunger, poverty, disease, climate change, international crime and terrorism. In addition, it must be considered normal for all states to be equally free and equal, and for there to be mutual respect between them. These principles must be one of the essential elements of the world order - the XXI century.
●               The world order under a new project - XXI century is based on:
–                    The rules and priorities of the world order, proposed by the optimal number of representatives of large, medium and small countries from all continents;
–                    International law - observance of the rule of law by all countries;
–                    Moderate liberal democracy:
–        ideas:  – human rights, liberalism, individualism, market economy;
–        principles: free and fair elections, processes in conditions of competition, political pluralism - many different political parties. Liberal democracy must oppose protectionism, nationalism and populism;
–                    a new unified generally accepted morality with included moral norms, which are realized through the active joint activity of the states and the religious communities /see 1–9/;
–                    UN, authorized as an institution over all countries;
/The first attempt to create a legal order and an organization preserving world peace existed during the Enlightenment - Jean-Jacques Rousseau /1712 - 1778/, a Swiss philosopher, published an essay "On the Social Contract" /1762/, and Immanuel Kant /1724 - 1804/, German philosopher, in 1795 published his work "Perpetual Peace"; The second attempt was the establishment of the "League of Nations" /LN/ during the Paris Peace Conference /in 1919 and existed for 26 years. /1945 - 1919/; The third attempt is the creation of the United Nations"/UN/ - 1945. it exists for 75 years. /2020 - 1945/ and continues.Today, a fourth attempt to empower the UN as an institution over all nation states and a new world order - the XXI century is necessary/;
–                    Project of new technologies;
–                    The new project of globalization.
●                   In practice, there are universal rules and priorities that are of great importance to the world order and equally acceptable to all countries. They can be used to unite to certain causes and others for better, for example:
–                    The virtues - humanity and justice, which are extremely important, must be present in the relations between states and institutions:
–                    South Korea, if it so wishes, to offer North Korea a gradual unification, taking as an example the unification of the German Federal Republic with the German Democratic Republic (1990) and a united Korea becoming a federal republic;
–                    Russia /owner of the largest territory - 17 million square kilometers/, if it wants to return to Japan the Kuril Islands and other lands, and in return Japan /world leader in the field of new technologies/ to provide Russia with new technologies in desired areas and for Russia to become a high-tech country;
–                    As a permanent method of state relations, constructive diplomatic negotiations should be conducted between the countries with the aim of making a compromise obligatory and decisions should be made, regardless of ideological differences;
–                    Other suggestions of a recommendatory nature:
●                   We all need to take care of the world order;
●                   Today in the global world we need international institutions. That is why the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and others of global importance need to improve their systems in the spirit of a new common morality, globalization, the reformed and authorized UN and the world order on a new project - XXI century.
●                   Today, the United States is the largest superpower, but China and Russia also claim to be global powers. Therefore, in order to adopt the new world order, it is imperative to exchange rules and priorities with each other, including with the optimal number of other large, medium and small countries on all continents. There is a peculiarity that some countries have an established liberal democracy, while others are authoritarian and a mutual compromise will be needed in order for common priorities and rules to be adopted.
●                   Who should be the initiator of the constructive relations between the countries, one can assume the creation of a new project of globalization and a new world order?
–                    The United Nations Economic and Social Council or
–                    The view of the world-famous geopolitical scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski /USA/: "The USA must establish constructive relations with Russia and China… Washington must become the initiator of the change in the balance of world powers". /article "Towards the new world reorganization", Mediapool, April 21, 2016/.
●                   As early as the first half of the 21st century, it is necessary for all humanity to oppose: the disintegration of the world order, international terrorism, the threat of war, the construction of military bases - the invasion, the occupation, the genocide.
●                   What has been said so far indisputably proves the need for a new world order that meets the challenges of the 21st century.
 It all depends on us and starts with us, the population, the inhabitants of the planet "Earth".
 5 – 9. Organization of the United Nations and the world order on a new project - XXI century.
●                   The United Nations (UN) was established in 1945 and unites over 190 countries. It maintains international peace and security. Prevents military conflicts and imposes international sanctions. Carries out other activities and humanitarian aid.
●                   The current practice at the UN, involving only the major powers, such as the Security Council (SC) - the 5 permanent members - the United States, China, Russia, Great Britain and France - has not yielded the best results. The right of "Veto" blocks a large part of the proposed draft resolutions, most likely due to political, economic and other interests. Under this regulation, medium and small countries are affected - they have no representatives in the SC. The SC can offer a more efficient option, for example the SC should consist of an upper and lower house of an optimal number of representatives of large, medium and small countries on a rotating basis, with decisions taken by 2/3 of the votes of both chambers without the right of "Veto".
●                   In the future, the most erudite scientists, diplomats, entrepreneurs, businessmen need to be appointed to senior positions in the UN, as well as heads of state, leaders of political parties and others, to senior public activities… necessarily through competition or direct elections for one or two term, long before retirement age. Applicants must be physically, psychologically and mentally healthy /proven by an independent medical commission and a serious psychological test/. The above leaders need to understand the nature of power and moral values. They must recognize the superiority of scientists and their expertise, with the help of which to govern the world in moderation.
●                   The powers of presidents and prime ministers (in parliamentary republics) need to be limited by predominant rights in favor of parliament.
●                   From the observations and comments of ordinary people, it can be seen that the above-mentioned leaders who serve more than two terms usually qualify as dictators. It is characteristic of them that they introduce censorship of the mass media, they do not allow criticism. Dictators are in violation of Montesquieu's theory (1748) of the separation of powers, according to which one person or body should not unite all powers in their hands. They are against democracy. They encroach on the Constitution for changes in future benefits, such as becoming lifelong. And the more ingenious liquidate their opposition opponents through "Car Accidents…" Dictators - presidents and prime ministers /in parliamentary republics/ forget themselves and shout, as Louis XIV /France/ who ruled for 72 years, "L'etat, c'est moi ”/The state, this is me/.
In confirmation of the brief description of the dictators, we can point out Fidel Castro /Cuba/, who ruled for the longest time in the modern history of the world - 49 years and has not achieved the highest standard of living of his people. It is best for dictators to step down from the political scene, because new, younger leaders generate new ideas and come with more energy. Dictators around the world are really holding back the progressive development of humanity.
●                   Today, morality and humanity are in chaos. That is why the question rightly arises: is there a crisis of world leaders? Leaders to propose to the UN a new world order - the XXI century.
●                   Zbigniew Brzezinski (USA), a prominent geopolitical scientist, states: "Today's world... needs something being above the nation state to establish world peace "Nation states should be encouraged to cooperate in the context of a larger community… Only in… the UN can be collectively posed the problems of humanity, and by transforming its structure, it becomes more adequate to the realities of global power… "/p.223-226, book "Out of control… ", Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obsidian, Sf, 1994/
●                   Based on the brief notes on the UN and the statements of Z. Brzezinski, the following proposals for UN approval can be systematized:
–                    New geopolitical architecture;
–                    The UN as an institution above all states, authorized only to objectively and fairly solve global and regional problems of humanity in certain areas / ecology, new morals / and provides global security with the necessary diplomatic and military resources. The UN as an institution above all countries is not a world government, but an alternative to the big countries in decision-making in certain areas. / If the UN becomes a world government, there will be chaos in the whole world /;
–                    The UN, only through its decisions can create conditions for countries to develop their potential in the future, but the results depend on their skills and creative work;
–                    A new unified generally accepted morality with common moral norms;
–                    New world order under a project - XXI century.
–                    A new project of globalization and its inclusion in the prerogatives of the UN as a responsibility and exclusive right to discuss, decide and control, as well as the use of globalization as the most effective tool for implementing the World Order under a new project - XXI century;
–                    In the context of globalization, states must retain their rights, responsibilities and controls over health, education, culture, infrastructure, ecology, security and defense, pursuing long-term strategic goals, as well as preserving their religious identity;
–                    A new law on migration, as the UN plans and regulates the movement of migrants in different countries with the explicit consent of the latter, as migrants are obliged to integrate and do not try to impose another culture in the host country;
–                    The political status of the Arctic and Antarctica, in order to avoid future military conflicts between the great powers over their wealth;
●                   The UN obliges states to:
–                    Provide education of their citizens as children of morality, knowledge and discipline according to the new unified generally accepted morality /see 1 -9/;
–                    Include in their budgets financial resources for mandatory permanent treatment of mentally ill citizens;
–                    To implement the decisions of the United Nations, exercising systematic control and in case of violations of liability through the International Court of Justice, and in case of non-fulfillment of obligations under international treaties against environmental catastrophe and other important treaties and UN law in case of refusal to enforce decisions of the UN.
●                   The UN is able to make objective and fair decisions because it is based on weighted average factors and is guided by certain generally accepted UN causes for the good of humanity.
Only the UN as an institution above all countries is able to moderately govern the world in certain areas on the basis of a generally accepted world order on a new project - the XXI century.
●                   The big countries are not able to make objective and fair decisions on global issues, because they usually pursue various selfish interests and the countries contradict each other ...
Proof - under the influence of the Arab Spring in Syria - 2011 an uprising broke out. For 9 years /2020 - 2011/ the big countries have not yet made a lasting peaceful decision.
 The reformed and authorized UN with its active activity, the active participation of the states and the world order of a new project - XXI century could announce, register a new era in the present and tomorrow history of mankind on the planet "Earth".
 6 – 9. Universal peace and world order on a new project - XXI century.
●                   As a result of the long military conflicts in Europe /30 years/ in 1648 /in Münster, Germany/ the Peace Treaty of Westphalia was concluded and the sovereign territorial nation-state emerged as a new form of public life. And in 1748, according to the constitution, the authorities were divided into legislative, executive and judicial /according to Montesquieu's theory/.
●                   According to Henry Kissinger (former US Secretary of State, 1973-1977), the Westphalian system had a basic principle - "non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries". And according to Manfred Steger, the "Westphalian model established a new concept of international law, based on the principle that all states have an equal right to self-determination" /M. Steger, Globalization, Z. Stoyanov, Sofia, 2005./.
●                   For 372 years /1648-2020/ mainly the great powers in different periods unilaterally or with their satellites violate the basic principles of "non-interference" or "Equal right to self-determination", distributing in their interest parts of the world through wars of conquest, such as use the law of the right of the stronger.
●                   The big countries are the main engine for the progress of humanity, but some of the big countries / see the history textbook / are to blame for:
–                    75 /15 + 60/ million people killed only from World Wars I and II;
–                    The famine and misery that accompany millions of people as a result of the wars in question;
–                    Broken infrastructure in the countries where the wars were fought;
–                    Victims of local wars on ethnic and religious grounds, for example in the Middle East;
–                    Part of the migration, a consequence of the wars.
●                   There are similar examples in history of world domination - Genghis Khan /1155-1227/, Adolf Hitler /1889-1945/ through the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis, before that there were many empires with the same ambitions, but they also ended up in failure.
The great scientist Albert Einstein, disgusted by World War I, was committed to preventing nuclear war through protests.
In this regard, today biggest problem facing the United Nations and all countries is how to deter the Hitler-like people?
 ●                   Some of the big countries focus and accept the authoritarian regime, as well as isolationism, "My country first", neglecting the other over 190 countries and their interests by sanctioning some of them voluntarily, probably without a decision of the international court. Isn't it better for the big countries in question to accept the moderate liberal democracy and promote its implementation in all countries (that desire it) and together for humanity to move forward in harmony?
●                   For 71 years /1949 - 2020/ the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - maintains the security of the United States and Europe, prevents wars and seeks relief. At this stage, in the presence of NATO and when the United States remains at the head of the West in the future, Europe does not need an independent army for defense. But fair bilateral governance on an equal footing by NATO is needed, for example, decisions on proposals from the North Atlantic Council must be taken by the two legislatures, the US Congress and the European Parliament.
It is imperative, both now and in the future, that NATO, together with the respective country/s/ - border /of the EU/, to protect the EU's external borders from economic migrants.
NATO has a future! NATO's "brain death" cannot and should not be talked about.
 ●                   Recently in different circles of society the question arises whether there is a competition in the armament of some of the big countries? Yes, there is. Grounds:
–                    The statements of the presidents at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 of:
United States - "The United States will continue to build nuclear capacity until other nuclear states come to their senses";
China - "By 2050 we will create the strongest army in the world";
Russia - "Today we have the most powerful weapon that has no analogue in the world. For example, the Zircon rocket flies at nine times the speed of sound. We start the production of the S-500 missile.
 –        Information on warheads and other data /Internet, 2020/:
Military  budget /approximate data in billion dollars/
 Warheads  no.
 Military  bases
 Weapons  sales
2019 – 716
I m. in 98 countries
2016 – 228
After Germany
2017 – 66
II m. in 48 countries
 –        Military spending in the world for 2018 are 1.8 trillion dollars, equal to 2.6% of GDP /Internet, 2020/
●                   Today's new super weapons incl. and drones displace planes and bombs. But to prevent possible catastrophes, is there regulation, for example, of drones in outer space?
●                   Some of the largest countries are pleased to point out that they are the largest producers of deadly weapons (actually against humans), which have no analogue in the world, can hit anywhere in the world and without hesitation spread it through lucrative trade deals.
●                   And with the constant increase of military bases, won't the planet "Earth" become a burial ground in the future? It can be assumed that the great powers in question, well-armed, are a potential threat to world peace. That is why it is good in the first stage to reduce the pace of armament of nuclear states.
●                   Economic interests are always at the heart of military conflicts between countries.
If there are wars in the future, they will probably also be mostly economic, but in cyberspace, artificial intelligence and robotics.
●                   Today, a nuclear war for markets between the United States and Russia or between other nuclear states means the end of humanity. But in common sense, it can be assumed that any nuclear state will not take the initiative for a market war because it will liquidate humanity. If this hypothesis is true, then it turns out that the production of newer weapons and the creation of large armies only serve to instill fear in the enemy state(s) and to maintain balance in the world, ie. to keep the peace by preparing for war.
●                   Where is the world headed today - towards a bipolar model - the USA and China or towards a multipolar model - the USA, China, Japan, Europe-EU, India, Russia, Turkey…?
In the future:
–        If the United States makes a capital mistake by leaving the Europe-EU alliance and looking to Asia, is a Europe-EU-Russia alliance possible /Charles de Gaulle (France) had a similar view - "From Portugal to Vladivostok"/ or Europe, EU - Russia - Turkey?
–        In recent years, has the United States given up its leadership positions and does not allow other major countries to settle, such as the Middle East?
–        Is a cold war between the United States and China - Russia possible…?
●       At the beginning of the XXI century:
–        A century of even greater scientific and technological progress, but of:
–        Wars between ethnic groups and countries;
–        High inequality between developed and developing countries and between rich and poor people;
–        Over 2 billion people without drinking water;
–        Millions of poor people in rural areas;
–        Over 270 million migrants /2019/...,
–        As well as to avoid the very complicated procedure of authorizing the UN to solve global problems of humanity and the adoption of a new world order through an international conference and UN General Assembly and in the name of
–        "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights", if they so wish
–        Superpowers - USA, China, Russia - to unite around the significant statement of the youngest president of the USA /43/, the icon of American liberalism and great statesman John F. Kennedy /1961-1963/;
"The essential problems facing humanity today are not subject to a military solution." /book "Thoughts, Speeches", Fama, Sofia, 2006, J. Kennedy/
and to voluntarily empower the United Nations to address the global and regional problems of humanity in specific areas.
Other initiatives are possible, for example from the G20, G8, the World Economic Forum in Davos… to help the superpowers to discuss and resolve the above proposal.
●                   If the decision of the superpowers is negative for the voluntary authorization of the UN, it is imperative in the first half of the XXI century to be proposed to the UN to address:
–        Organizing an international conference for UN authorization and adoption of a world order on a new project of the XXI century;
–        Creation of new rules for peaceful coexistence, both in each state between the separate ethnic groups and at the international level /between the separate states/, including equality between white, black,yellow  ... races;
–        Ensure the independence of countries from all continents while maintaining the current borders. The world cannot be without borders (as claimed by G. Soros - billionaire, USA /Internet/, because anarchism will occur as an alternative form of social order:
–        Establishment of centuries-old nations, way of life, customs, traditions, culture, religion…;
–        Approval of a program for:
A small army for the defense and security of its states
–        Optimally large UN army, designed for the aggressor countries, to solve by force (if necessary) global and regional problems;
–        Approval of a program for:
Voluntary phasing out of large countries from foreign countries and
–        Voluntary phasing out of military bases in foreign countries;
–        Adopt a program to gradually reduce the military spending of all countries below 1% of GDP.
–        Adoption of a program for the step by step reduction and in the future elimination of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
 The SuperPowers like US, China, Russia… with the voluntary authorization of the UN to solve global and regional problems in certain areas and the approval of the above programs, only then the superpowers are able to help the world take a new path and become better.
 7 – 9. United Europe - United European States based on the European Union and the world order on a new project - XXI century.
●       Today in the world there is a process of decentralization, activation of nationalism, typical for the XVIII century.
●       The aspiration of some countries in the EU / European Union / to preserve their full independence makes Europe a nation state. This circumstance will create favorable conditions for some of the big countries to settle even better in Europe. In addition, Europe, the EU, cannot spread moderate liberal democracy… and, ultimately, Europe, the EU is emerging as a relatively weak player on the world stage.
●       Britain leaves the EU. This is a major mistake on the part of Britain itself. But with Britain leaving the EU, is it possible for Britain to break up (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)? A test for a very wise decision, but is there anyone to take it?
In the near future, the lack of a single market and other lost benefits will force Britain to return to the EU and help Europe become a global power.
Undoubtedly, Britain's departure from the EU is due to the colossal mistake of the old EU leadership, including Germany and France, that they did not include Britain, which is a strong economy (fifth in the world in terms of GDP), a nuclear state, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, аs a third largest country in the EU when making preliminary decisions...
●       Europe, the EU is a symbol of the liberal approach in international relations and must aim to build a new world governed by universally binding moral norms.
●       Today, Europe and the EU need to:
–        Makes and develops long-term policies in the field of federalism, creating common strategies with clear principles;
–        Oppositions to nationalism;
–        Stand up against populism;
–        Restore the idea of ​​a European constitution /2004/ and
–        The step by step unification of Europe will begin through the enlargement of the EU and creation of the United States of Europe/ USE / on a federal basis, on an equal footing with the states, without "two speeds" and on the basis of the existing EU.
–        It is going to be more efficient, if every country, EU candidate, first becomes a Republic on the federal-parliamentary base / with two chambers of Senate /. Such an initiative can be taken in the current EU Government, if there is a Wish of that, of course.
The unification of Europe /incl. The Western Balkans/ in the USE will define the future of Europe as one of the global powers in the world, but with the help of the United States.
●                   In this regard, these statements are of interest:
–        Zbigniew Brzezinski /USA/, world-famous geopolitical scientist - "Europe, continuing to be an ally of the USA, can actually become a player of global importance" /book "Strategic Vision", Obsidan, Sofia, 2012/;
–        George Washington /1732 - 1799/, President of the United States - "One day, following the example of the United States, the United States of Europe will emerge";
–        The leaders of the "European Community for Steel and Coal Production" have perceived it since the 50s as the basis of a future European federation. "
●       The United States should not be afraid of a strong Europe united by the United European States. On the contrary, the centuries-old successful cooperation in all areas up until now - politics, defense, economics, culture - must continue…
●       In order to strengthen the Europe-US alliance, Europe and the EU must play a more active role, not only because the United States is a superpower, but because it has established a lasting liberal democracy of governance, as well as other advantages…
●       Unfortunately, recently the United States, through Donald Trump - President, claims: "The United States is first", renegotiates trade agreements and wants bilateral relations, adopts protectionism and isolationism, conducts trade wars with China, Europe, EU, Russia… Encourage Britain for leaving the EU by promising her a lucrative contract. According to Ognyan Minchev - Political Scientist, "The isolating instincts of D. Trump destroy key prerequisites for maintaining the international position of the United States" /Ognyan Minchev's page on FB/.
Hopefully this unusual US policy through D. Trump is temporary. Not only should the United States not leave the alliance with Europe, but together it must offer the best option for a new world order.
It is imperative even before the upcoming US presidential election, at the initiative of the EU, to intensify the strengthening of the union between the US and Europe, the EU, starting with business meetings between the President of the European Commission /EC/ and the US President and leadership of the European Parliament and the US Congress, approving a specific program /concept/ for the future development of integration between them in all areas /mentioned above/, including the creation of a more sophisticated security architecture in Europe… and defining the role of the WEST in the global world in the 21st century.
●       Europe has a very high level of development of material and spiritual culture. Europe is truly a different civilization. The people of Europe are convinced of the universality of their culture and religion, especially in Christian values, as well as in the Ten Commandments of God, which build people as worthy persons.
●       That is why Christian values ​​and culture, including legal marriage between a man and a woman, family traditions, customs and morals, must be valued positively and disseminated throughout the world.
●       Today, in this regard, the address of Pope Francis was of interest /May 6, 2019 during his visit to the Republic of Bulgaria/ "For the unification of Christians, the individual churches, as well as the coexistence of religions around the world.
●       Islam was created after Christianity and has approximately 2 billion believing Muslims. They are also convinced of the superiority of their religion and culture.
It is imperative that there is a peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims in the world, similar to the good relations between Bulgarians and Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria. There is a need for respect between other ethnic groups and their religions in all countries.
●       In recent years, gender ideology, the so-called third gender, has been introduced in Europe. It is imperative to emphasize that biologically, the human sex can be male or female. Therefore, if you want to change gender, the choice is personal and should be only one of the two sexes and the Doctor will help. Gender ideology is a very big fabrication that is harmful, especially for young children. We must emphasize that gender ideology threatens Christian and other religious values. That is why the ideology in question has no place in Europe or on the other continents of the planet Earth.
  With the unification of Europe through the USE, Europe will more quickly regain much of its dominant power and influence in the world of the 19th and 20th centuries, and in the 21st century will establish its new role model as one of the global powers.
 8 – 9. International conference, UN General Assembly and the world order on a new project - XXI century.
●                   Proposition: Organizing an international conference in the period 2020 - 2023 with heads of institutions of world importance. Heads of state, scientists, diplomats, entrepreneurs, businessmen…, representatives of the optimal number of large, medium and small countries from all continents to propose rules and priorities regarding:
–        Reforming and empowering the UN as an institution over all countries to solve global and regional problems in certain areas of humanity on planet Earth.
–        Acceptance of new projects of:
–        Unified generally accepted morality;
–        New technologies;
–        Globalization;
–        The World Order - XXI century.
●                   The decisions of the International Conference to be proposed for approval by the UN General Assembly - 2025 with the participation of all UN member states.
 The organization of the international conference and the UN General Assembly should be carried out on the initiative and under the direction of the UN Secretary-General.
 9 – 9.          Presumed favorable result from the functioning of the reformed and authorized UN and the world order under a new project - XXI century.
●                   Achieving to govern the world through moderation; Restricting large nation-states from imperial ambitions and rivalries for more territory and power; Reducing the number of local wars on ethnic and religious grounds; Elimination of international corruption schemes, including offshore financial centers for tax cover of corporations and the rich; Eradication of terrorism; Exercising control over population growth and attempting to regulate; Positive solution to migration; A fair solution to global wealth; Positive solution in the field of ecology, of problems of cultural, economic, social and humanitarian nature: Promotion of freedom, democracy, human rights, scientific and technological progress; Ensuring universal and lasting peace.
 With a conscious attitude and a sense of responsibility from the UN leadership and the governments of countries on all continents, there is a high probability that the same will take the care of a good owner of the planet "Earth" by putting things in order, for the benefit of future generations.
                    ●                   This article is a modest attempt to facilitate and provoke a discussion on organizing an International Conference and the UN General Assembly to adopt a world order under a new project - XXI century and reform and empower the UN as an institution over all countries.
With an appeal to the heads of institutions of world importance - heads of state, scientists, diplomats, entrepreneurs, businessmen, experts… if they want to propose to the UN Secretary General their concept of world order on a new project - XXI century and reformed and authorized UN.
The Author
                                ●       I cordially thank:
–        The founders of this site for the opportunity to freely express my position on the UN and the world order, as well as
–                Readers of the article "Bulgaria, Europe and the UN on new projects".
With respect, the Author
                           ●                   With this article I "answer" to my good neighbor, grandfather Ivan /passed away long ago/, that "what he passed on to me in 1945 from his uncle /in 1870/ for 150 years /1870-2020/ : "The stallions /the big countries/ are kicking themselves, and the donkeys /the small countries/ take the punishment" is still being repeated.
I'm already 90 years old and I'm in a hurry to send you a text message: "Unfortunately, the Stallions don't care, they still continue to kick themselves mercilessly, and the donkeys suffer the consequences without a murmur.
For now, we are all expecting a change "From Above" and we are counting on Godot to come, but according to Samuel Beckett /he has a Nobel Prize for Literature/ Godot is not coming because he does not really exist… ???
I would also like to inform you that if there are aliens, they are probably frightened by our latest weapons and military bases at every kilometer and do not give a signal - a response to our SOS to the „Hubble” space telescope /NASA-ESA, 1990, already filmed over 20 thousand objects - planets, stars, galaxies…/”
                 Goran Yordanov /1931/, economist
University of Economics Varna, BG
Chief expert on financial and accounting issues
Additional qualification:
●       Company training IBM branch Vienna, Austria
●       Center for Executives, Sofia
●       US Peace Corps - American business practices
●       Worked for over 20 years as a designer of automated control systems based on EIM and head of the Research Center for Unified Social Information System Directorate "Design - Programming - Implementation" at the Territorial Computing Center and Departmental Computing Center - Varna.
●       Author of the book "Scientific and technical achievements based on the EIT in Varna, Bulgaria and advanced industrial countries", articles in the journal "ESSI Science Center", Internet…
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals - Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants'
Prof. Luc Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).
While it is understood that viruses mutate, causing variants, French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier contends that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”
The 2008 Nobel Laureate made the explosive comments as part of a larger interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media earlier this month. The clip was exclusively translated for RAIR Foundation USA, and is quite damning for the agenda-driven left-wing establishment.
As reported at RAIR in April of last year, Prof. Montagnier presented a powerful case that the coronavirus was created in a lab. His comments at the time offended the left-wing establishment so much that they aggressively attempted to discredit his statement. Now, the media is backpedaling on the origin of the coronavirus after prominent scientists called for further scrutiny.
Vaccines are Creating the Variants
Prof. Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an “unacceptable mistake”. Mass vaccinations are a “scientific error as well as a medical error,” he said. “It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants,” Prof. Luc Montagnier continued.
The prominent virologist explained that “there are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement
Prof. Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE). In the articles that mention ADE, the concerns expressed by Prof. Montagnier are dismissed. “Scientists say that ADE is pretty much a non-issue with COVID-19 vaccines,” an article at Medpage Today reported in March.
Prof. Montagnier explained that the trend is happening in “each country” where “the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”
ALSO SEE: Luc Montagnier Did NOT Say Vaccine Would Kill People in Two Years – Here’s What he DID Say (Video)
The Nobel Laureate’s point is emphasized by information revealed in an open letter from a long list of medical doctors to the European Medicines Agency. The letter stated in part that “there have been numerous media reports from around the world of care homes being struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents.”
Earlier this month, RAIR reported on a statement by French Virologist Christine Rouzioux:
“…the rise in new cases is occurring in vaccinated patients in nursing homes in ‘Montpellier, in the Sarte, in Rheims, in the Moselle…”
Prof. Luc Montagnier continued to say that he is doing his own experiments with those who become infected with the coronavirus after getting the vaccine. “I will show you that they are creating the variants that are resistant to the vaccine,” he said.
Watch the clip (transcribed below):
Many thanks to HeHa and Miss Piggy for the translation!
(Questions are bolded)
If we look at the curve from the WHO, since the vaccinations started in January, the curve showing new infections (contamination) has exploded, along with deaths.
Notably among young people.
—Yes. With thromboses, etc.
How do you view the mass vaccination program? Mass vaccination compared to treatments that work and aren’t expensive.
—It’s an enormous mistake, isn’t it? A scientific error as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.
—For the China virus, there are antibodies, created by the vaccine. What does the virus do? Does it die or find another solution?
—The new variants are a production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it’s the same: the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.
—I’m following this closely and I am doing experiments at the Institute with patients who became sick with Corona after being vaccinated. I will show you that they are creating the variants that are resistant to the vaccine.
Should we be vaccinating during a pandemic?
—It’s unthinkable.
—They’re silent… many people know this, epidemiologists know it.
—It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable an infection to become stronger.
—It’s what we call Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which means antibodies favor a certain infection. The antibody attaches to the virus, from that moment it has the receptors, the antibodies, we have them in the macrophage etc.
—It pokes the virus and not accidentally, but because of the fact that they’re linked to the antibodies.
—It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination. OK?
Read more of RAIR’s coverage on coronavirus vaccines:
Exposed: Virologist Reveals New Covid Cases Appearing in Vaccinated Patients in French Nursing Homes (Video)
Warning: Vaccines are Not ‘Approved’ – Media and Big Tech are Lying to You
Vaccine Coercion: Racist Democrats Target Pregnant Black Christian Women (Watch)
BEWARE: Disgraced Lincoln Project Unites with Left-Wing Group to Coerce Conservatives to Take Vaccine (Watch)
Warning: Young Women Experience Highest Blood Clot Risk from Leading Vaccines
WARNING: EU Medical Chief Pushing Fatal AstraZeneca Vaccine Exposed as Pharma Lobbyist (Video)
WARNING: Left-Wing Fights To Morph Pandemic Lockdowns into Climate Lockdowns
COVID PLOT: Gay Man Who Fled Venezuela Warns Communists Are Taking Over Canada (Video)
Breaking: Famous Doctor Develops Safe Vaccine Against COVID; Germany Prosecutes Him (Video)
BEWARE: Biden Targets ‘Vaccine Deniers;’ Smears Trump
5 Questions To Answer Before You Get the Coronavirus Vaccine
Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi: ‘Healthy People Aren’t Dangerous’ but the Vaccine IS (Video)
Netherlands Vaccine Propaganda: ‘Until We Are All Vaccinated – Wait To Get Pregnant’ (Video)
ALERT: Socialist Spain Keeps Register of Vaccine Refusers – 27 Countries Receive List of Names
Dire Warning: Prominent Virologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Exposes ‘Major Risks’ of Gene-Altering Vaccine (Video)
BREAKING: Left-Wing ‘Trusted News Initiative’ will Ban Posts Challenging Coronavirus Vaccine (Plot Exposed)
WARNING: Renowned Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi Warns Against Hastily Created Gene-Altering Coronavirus Vaccine (video)
ALERT: Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccinations Coming to Spain (Video)
Merkel Releases Ultimatum: Get Vaccinated or Be Banished (Video)
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iol247 · 4 years
Politicking, pandemics and prestige: What’s really behind the squabbles at South Africa’s high-level COVID-19 committee?
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By Mia Malan
The sphere of the politics of science is intense and complex — the larger the problem, the bigger the payoff to solve it. 
“It reads like a suspense novel.” 
My journalism professor’s feedback on my Master’s thesis in 2003 was unexpected for a 125-page academic document — and his comments had little to do with my writing skills.  
Instead, it was the subject of my research that lent itself to Agatha Christie-like plots and storylines. 
And it was completely accidental. 
I analysed the media’s reporting on HIV dissidence and expected my interviews with journalists to reveal gripping tales of political interference and editorial suppression. Reading up on the scientists, who spent their days behind microscopes in white lab coats examining viruses, was obviously going to be less dramatic.   
But I was so wrong. 
The real-life dramas contained within the sphere of the politics of science outstripped even the most intriguing of journalist narratives.  
Alleviating mankind’s suffering, I discovered, is not the only force driving medical researchers. (Sometimes, it’s not a force at all). Rewards for scientific discoveries are remarkably gratifying: international recognition, prestige, and in the case of diseases, lucrative patents for subsequent diagnostic tests. The larger the problem, the bigger the payoff for solving it.
And scientists, of course, need money to conduct their research; clinical trials are incredibly expensive. As a result, they all compete for visibility because they are in the running for the same pots of funding; the more a scientist stands out, the more likely they are to be noticed by donors. 
The incredible politics of the discovery of HIV
On a scientific level, few moments have illustrated these arguments as well as the discovery of the cause of Aids, HIV, in the early ’80s. That era revealed a scientific community far from noble and benevolent, far from cooperating with one another for the good of mankind, but instead “wretched and rank with politics”, as American epidemiologist Don Francis put it in a memorandum quoted in Randy Shilts’ best-selling non-fiction book, And the Band Played On,in 1987.
In fact, HIV uncovered scientific rivalry so ruthless and relentless that it required the intervention of heads of states. 
In short, a powerful American scientist, Robert Gallo, asked a less influential French scientist, Luc Montagnier, to lend him a virus (it turned out to be HIV) that the Frenchman had managed to isolate. Gallo used Montagnier’s virus for HIV-related experiments, but then claimed he achieved his results by using his own virus. Following that, Gallo became the acknowledged and much-heralded “discoverer” of HIV. He went on to develop an HIV test for which the US had been awarded patent rights, and with it, the right to an income derived from its sale. A while after that, Gallo was caught out by the French, and to prevent a drawn-out court battle, President Ronald Reagan and Jacques Chirac of France signed an agreement in 1987 according to which Gallo and Montagnier would henceforth be co-discoverers of HIV, and the royalties from the diagnostic test would be distributed accordingly.
There were, however, limits to what such an agreement could achieve: it may have settled some squabbles and doused a few fires, but it left behind a fragmented Aids research realm that would pave the way towards infinite and trivial disputes over the cause of one of the most devastating epidemics in history.  
Will the politics of COVID-19 be as intense as with HIV?  
So, here we are again, at the point when another virus is devastating the globe… Are the stakes as high as they were during the onset of HIV? Are the politics as intense? 
My bet is, yes: the virus has been with us for a mere five months, but the cracks in the scientific community are already showing.  
The politics of South Africa’s ministerial advisory committee, comprising 51 top scientists who advise the health minister on the country’s COVID-19 response, that emerged in the media over the past few weeks, I suspect, plays off against the background of all the usual scientific infighting… Although there are also legitimate concerns about the government’s reluctance to release the mathematical modelling data that it uses to make policy decisions with regards to testing and lockdown policies, as well as data around hot spots, contact tracing and the availability of high care beds, amongst others.  
In summary: Several members, including three subcommittee chairs — South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) president, Glenda Gray (research chair), infectious diseases specialist and UCT professor, Mark Mendelson (clinicians chair) and Wits professor and SAMRC respiratory and meningeal pathogens research unit head, Shabir Madhi (public health chair) — have published op-eds, or have been quoted in articles criticising government policy. Over the weekend Gray claimed, in a News24 article, that the government doesn’t take the committee’s recommendations seriously, and that the gradual phasing out of the lockdown, as well as some lockdown regulations, have no scientific basis.
But according to the committee’s chairperson, Salim Abdool Karim, members — who all serve on the structure for free — have submitted 50 advisories to the health department to date, and none of them has been rejected. The fact that we all have to wear cloth masks in public, was, for instance, one of the committee’s recommendations. According to a document provided by Abdool Karim, the committee is in the process of preparing advisories on at least 10 other issues, including serological (antibody) tests, the use of saliva for coronavirus testing, getting children back to school safely, the easing of lockdown regulations and daily testing targets.   
Throw a bunch of A-rated scientists on the same committee and you’re heading for trouble 
There are clearly considerable tensions among committee members. 
Over the weekend, following several media reports, allegations of vested interests and funding conflicts, criticism of members’ code of conduct and weaknesses in the structure of the committee that some say led to a few members using the media to make their voices heard, emerged on a WhatsApp group of industry leaders. 
Advisory committee members are high-ranking, often world-renowned scientists; many have impressive records of peer-reviewed publications focusing on HIV. Some head up large research organisations they created themselves, some play leading roles in state-owned enterprises such as the National Institute of Communicable Diseases or National Health Laboratory Service and some steer remarkable projects at universities.
South Africa has all these outstanding medical scientists, who would surely be the envy of many nations, at its disposal. To confront an emergency such as that presented by COVID-19, we couldn’t be better equipped on an intellectual level.  
But place a bunch of A-rated scientists on the same committee, many who are conducting COVID-19 research of their own and are therefore competing for funding and recognition, and you’re heading for trouble. Add a disease for which there is no cure or treatment, a lack of clear scientific guidance and a government reluctant to release data that committee members are demanding, and the problem gets more complex.  
This is the battle that’s now being fought in the media. 
The media is indeed an incredibly powerful tool. In fact, it was an investigation by the Chicago Tribune that finally ensured that Luc Montagnier got the royalties and recognition that he deserved. And in South Africa, the media played a crucial role in exposing the HIV denialism of President Thabo Mbeki and Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and its tragic consequences. But, the reporting practised by some publications at the time also resulted in equally polarising and damaging narratives that did little to help anyone, other than Mbeki and Tshabalala-Msimang and their acolytes.  
Right now, at the time of COVID-19, it’s important to use the media wisely: as a tool to foster constructive debate, rather than as an instrument of division. In ways that help people learn from differing viewpoints, rather than be confused by them.   
Media battles lead to confusion. Confusion leads to panic
Are there now more malnutrition cases at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital than before the lockdown? I’ve heard two committee members say “yes,” although one adjusted their statement in a media report afterwards. Following these statements, confused social media users have been quoting studies that argue that there have always been cases of malnutrition evident at Africa’s largest hospital, across platforms. So, they wonder, what is the truth? 
Is it wise to send our children back to school? Some committee members have argued for this, quoting studies that children rarely infect adults, decreasing the danger that they would infect vulnerable parents or grandparents. Yet many studies say it’s dangerous for kids to return to school, because the science just isn’t that clearcut, yet.
Should the lockdown be phased out or ended abruptly? Again, we really don’t have a lot to go on, so when a well-known and respected scientist says the lockdown should end NOW, it’s understandable that the public and the media believe the call to be scientifically sound. 
Confusion leads to panic. Panic leads to bad decisions being made.
I’m not a spin doctor or a public relations officer. But, as a member of the public and a health journalist, I think the committee members need to find a way to work together and try to sort out their differences internally rather than to snipe at one another in the media. I like a good argument and a sexy quote as much as any other reporter. But this is not the time for such luxuries. 
Those who don’t contribute to debate in an informed and rational way, and who don’t take decisions solely in the interests of the public, as the committee’s code of conduct requires them to do, should be called to order.
Scientists on the committee should declare their funding for COVID-19 research projects and the government should be transparent about the projections they use to make decisions, or publicly explain the reasoning behind not making such information available.  
If there’s anything we should learn from what has gone before in the realm of HIV, it’s that the payoffs from building trust during an epidemic far exceed the short-term and selfish gains from creating division. In the case of HIV, distrust paved the way for some communities to be receptive to a dissident movement that doubted HIV as the cause of Aids. How did that turn out?  
We have no cure, no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19, at this stage. But we cannot afford to allow this to be the only factor that unites us. We cannot afford for our chief weapons against an epidemic that is changing life as we know it, to blunt one another.
Mia Malan is the editor-in-chief of the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism.
0 notes
dailykhaleej · 4 years
COVID-19 origin: Virus shrouded in thriller, here’s why
TWO GIANTS IN VIROLOGY: Prof Shi Zhengli (left), aka Chinese language “Bat Woman”, of China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), and Prof. Luc Antoine Montagnier, of France’s Pasteur Institute, who earned a Nobel Prize for Drugs for locating HIV. Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej/Companies/Jay Hilotin
Chinese language scientists mentioned the virus didn’t bounce from the Wuhan moist market
There’s no direct proof of “patient zero” but
Regardless of strict biosafety protocols, laboratory-acquired infections should not unusual
The Wuhan biosafety lab, licensed in 2017, is a testing floor for harmful pathogens
US has lower funding for bat-related coronavirus analysis, together with the one finished in the Wuhan lab
DUBAI: Is the coronavirus a laboratory-acquired an infection (LAI) that by accident “escaped” a high-security biosafety facility in Wuhan, China?
It’s a query that has kicked up an unbroken chain of conspiracy theories. That is to not say it’s the flawed query to ask. It is the reply that continues to be elusive.
It is a declare, a believable one. But, no scientific info exists to again it.
By design, the Nationwide Biosafety Laboratory at Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), now on the centre of the worldwide coronavirus controversy, is Asia’s forefront in the battle to eradicate one of the vital harmful illnesses of current instances.
It is a double-edge sword: The same facility anyplace additionally poses untold danger of inflicting pandemics in case of leaks, which explains the high-security protocols adopted earlier than it was licensed as a Stage-4 (highest score) biosafety lab three years in the past.
WIV was based in 1956. The biosafety lab connected to it is just three years previous. The lab is essentially the most trendy facility of its variety, and has been engaged on a few of the world’s most harmful viruses. Picture Credit score: Wuhan Institute of Virology
WIV was based in 1956. The connected biosafety lab is its new grandchild and the one one in all its variety in Asia. Outfitted with ultra-modern amenities, the lab has been engaged on a few of the world’s most harmful viruses.
Had been sure protocols breached that precipitated this present pandemic? Or is that this bounce of SARS-CoV-2 from animals to people nature’s method of pushing us again?
There’s loads of unverified claims and counterclaims swirling round. Social media is rife with speak of a “bioweapons” assault. Behind the veil of uncertainty, the storm over the true origins of the lethal sickness has kicked up deep divisions in the scientific group.
It now threatens to additional tear the world aside, at the same time as we lick our collective wounds.
Right here’s what we all know up to now:
Q: Had been there any viral leaks from analysis labs in China earlier than?
Sure. Not less than two earlier incidents of SARS virus “escaping” from Chinese language labs have been reported in 2004, according to The Scientist.
These two incidents happened on the Chinese language Institute of Virology in Beijing, a part of China’s Heart for Illness Management, as confirmed by the WHO.
A 26-year-old feminine postgraduate pupil and a 31-year-old post-doctoral male, have been each contaminated, apparently in two separate incidents, WHO spokesman Bob Dietz in Beijing then informed The Scientist.
Contained in the Nationwide Biosafety Laboratory Stage-4 in Wuhan, China. Virologist Dr Shi Zhengli, , is seen carrying a particular lab swimsuit to maintain disease-causing brokers at bay. Photograph taken February 23, 2017. -JOHANNES EISELE/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Picture Credit score: AFP
Q: Can earlier leaks be a foundation for this huge one involving SARS-CoV-2?
Earlier circumstances of lab-acquired infections involving SARS-CoV (1) can’t be used as “evidence” for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic — simply as earlier inventory market positive factors can’t assure future efficiency.
It does, nonetheless, present the dangers concerned in a lab setting the place human beings cope with extremely infectious illnesses, together with these brought on by coronaviruses.
In high-security biosafe lab settings, one examine reveals that about 80% of laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) are brought on by inhalation (notably by aerosols) or direct contact between contaminated surfaces (gloves and arms).
The opposite routes of an infection are percutaneous inoculation (needlestick accidents, damaged glass damage, and/or animal bites or scratches). [https://bit.ly/2xfXTCQ]
Q: Did the US fund analysis in China’s Wuhan’s biosafety lab?
Not less than one challenge finished on bat coronaviruses in the Wuhan biosafety lab loved US funding help. As much as $3.7 million in federal funds have been reportedly spent in analysis finished in Wuhan by the EcoHealth Alliance, with monetary help from the US Nationwide Institutes of Well being, in accordance with US media studies.
Contained in the high-security P4 laboratory in Wuhan in 2017. That 12 months, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, by the intensive work of Prof Shi Zhengli (centre) and fellow researcher Prof. Jie Cui, proved that the lethal SARS virus originated from bats in “sub-tropical” southwestern Yunnan province, not from civet cats as beforehand thought. Picture Credit score: AFP
The US-based EcoHealth Alliance is a worldwide non-profit main scientific analysis into the important connections between human, animal and environmental well being.
It runs the PREDICT challenge which focuses on animal-related illnesses together with avian flu, HIV/AIDS, SARS, and Influenza H1N1.
Its web site states: “Zoonotic diseases–those that can be transmitted between animals and humans–represent approximately 75 percent of the newly emerging diseases currently affecting people. In the context of globalization and expansive trade and travel, these diseases can travel very quickly, posing serious public health, development and economic concerns.”
Q: Did the US authorities preserve the funding?
No. On Monday (April 26, 2020), the Trump administration announced the cuts in federal funding for bat virus studies, following studies linking the analysis work to the WIV.
Two days prior (Friday, April 24, 2020), the NIH had knowledgeable EcoHealth in regards to the funding shutdown.
The company additionally demanded that the New York-based analysis non-profit cease spending the $369,819 remaining from its 2020 grant.
Q: So what is the proof, up to now?
Scientific proof of the SARS-COV-2’s origins, if certainly it is a push-back from nature, could take time to come back by.
Virologists have to do intensive work — now greater than ever. SARS-CoV-2 is simply one of many quite a few presumably lethal “zoonotic” illnesses. There are greater than 100 identified virus households, 25 of which constains species transmissible to human beings.
Even inside these 25 households, an estimated 1.67 million species are but to be found. That will concerned a mountain of lab work, together with genetic sequencing and comparisons of samples taken from bats, in addition to the hosts (victims0.
If it jumped from a lab, it requires an intensive audit of what occurred.
The central monitor room at China’s Nationwide Bio-safety Laboratory, Wuhan Institute of Virology. Picture Credit score: Muyi Xiao / Nature https://go.nature.com/3aL5Spc
Q: What retains the coronavirus-jumped-from-the-Wuhan-lab ‘conspiracy idea’ alive?
Scientists can solely theorise till verifiable proof is discovered to validate — or negate — their idea.
Within the case of the SARS-CoV-2 (initially dubbed the “Wuhan virus”, then COVID-19), theories and counter-theories construct up alongside the rising demise toll the world over.
One scientist just lately added gas to the hearth.
On Friday (April 17, 2020), Prof. Luc Antoine Montagnier, a French virologist sparked a maelstrom. Montagnier, 88, who gained the 2008 Nobel Prize in Drugs for locating the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), made an outrageous declare that the brand new coronavirus was made in a lab.
Prof. Montagnier, acknowledged throughout a TV interview with a French CNews channel that parts of the HIV-1 retrovirus will be discovered in the genome of the brand new coronavirus. He additionally mentioned parts of the “malaria germ” – the parasite Plasmodium falciparum – can be seen in the virus’s genome. This precipitated an outrage amongst his fellow scientist in France, who dismissed Montagnier as “whimsical”, a free cannon.
Q: What is the response to Prof. Montagnier?
For one, the journal Nature pushed again on Montagnier’s declare, citing they know of “no evidence” to state that SARS-CoV-2 is a lab-generated chimera.
Olivier Schwartz, head of the virus and immunity division of France’s Pasteur Institute, cited research on the virus’s genes exhibiting clearly that it was not a virus synthesized in a laboratory.
“Professor Montagnier spreads whimsical theories,” he informed the French weekly L’Obs (Le Nouvel Observateur).
LOOSE CANNON? Why controversy will not go away: French Prof. Luc Montagnier, 88, who earned a Nobel Prize in Drugs in 2008 for locating HIV-1, informed AFP he believes the coronavirus was manufactured and leaked from Wuhan lab. Montagnier argued throughout a TV interview with a French TV channel that parts of the HIV-1 retrovirus and the “malaria germ” – the parasite Plasmodium falciparum – can be seen in the virus’s genome. Different scientists, nonetheless, trashed Montagnier’s statements.
“SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the COVID-19 disease, was not created in the laboratory. We see this by studying the genetic heritage of the virus, which has been sequenced by Chinese teams and then verified in many other laboratories, including the Pasteur Institute, which was the first in Europe to do so,” mentioned Schwartz.
“This virus is clearly a part of the coronavirus household tree. It is close to Sars-CoV-1, with which it has 80 percent homology,” Schwartz told Xinhuanet. [https://bit.ly/2W5G7L3]
Q: When was the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) based? When did it open its high-security Nationwide Biosafety Laboratory?
In 2015, WIV was cleared to work with essentially the most harmful pathogens. It lastly acquired its license to function as a BSL-4 (the very best stage) in 2017.
A Google Earth map exhibiting the areas of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Picture Credit score: Goodgle Earth
Being rated a maximum-security biolab rating allows it to study some of the world’s most dangerous pathogens. It additionally marked China’s entry into the league of countries that tinker with life on the genetic stage.
China deliberate “between 5 and 7” biosafety level-Four labs throughout the mainland.
Q: What provides gas to the thriller of its Wuhan virus origin? Was there a cover-up?
One: Scientific analysis finished by Chinese language consultants reported in peer-reviewed articles present that the virus didn’t bounce from the Wuhan seafood market.
They cited “gaps” in their data of the primary animal-to-human transmission of the virus.
Two: a Chinese language physician, Li Wenliang, who referred to as the eye of the medical group and Chinese language authorities a few extreme sort of pneumonia cross-infections for which no drug works, was initially silenced and penalized for blowing the whistle. He later died in the midst of the COVID-19 battle. Wenliang, who grew to become well-known around the globe, was given a posthumous award by Chinese language authorities.
This mixture of images created on February 7, 2020 reveals undated images obtained on February 7, 2020 of Chinese language physician Li Wenliang whose demise was confirmed on February 7 on the Wuhan Central Hospital, China. The demise of the ophthalmologist whose early warnings about China’s new coronavirus outbreak have been suppressed by the police has unleashed a wave of anger on the authorities’s dealing with of the disaster — and daring calls for for extra freedom. Picture Credit score: AFP
Q: What did Nature report about Wuhan Institute of Virology biosafety lab?
In 2017, Nature published an article stating how the Wuhan Institute of Virology‘s lab was poised to be licensed as Stage-Four Biosafety Laboratory (BSL-4) facility. It additionally reported that the maximum-security biolab was organised with the assistance of the French and Individuals.
“A laboratory in Wuhan is on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens. The move is part of a plan to build between five and seven biosafety level-4 (BSL-4) labs across the Chinese mainland by 2025, and has generated much excitement, as well as some concerns,” David Cyranoski wrote in an article dated February 12, 2017.
Wuhan Nationwide Biosafety Laboratory is positioned in Zhengdian Scientific Park of Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV, beneath the Chinese language Academy of Sciences, CAS), in Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, in central China.
Q: When was the thought for a biosafety lab first conceived?
The thought was born in 2003, after the SARS epidemic broke out. The authorities determined that it’s essential to take motion to organize for the subsequent outbreak of infectious illnesses.
The Chinese language Academy of Sciences (CAS) authorized the development of a BSL-Four laboratory in 2003, and SARS (extreme acute respiratory syndrome) epidemic across the similar time gave the challenge momentum.
Q: Did they get assist from exterior for the lab’s design and building?
The lab was designed and constructed with French help as a part of a 2004 cooperative settlement on the prevention and management of rising infectious illnesses.
On June 16th 2016, Maurice Goutrdault, the French Ambassador to China, representing the President of France, bestowed medals on Professor Zhiming Yuan and Professor Zhengli Shi (entrance, third from left), in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Hubei Province, China. Picture Credit score: Screengrab /
“But the complexity of the project, China’s lack of experience, difficulty in maintaining funding and long government approval procedures meant that construction wasn’t finished until the end of 2014,” Nature reported.
Q: Why was the BSL-Four score necessary — and controversial?
“Some scientists outside China worry about pathogens escaping, and the addition of a biological dimension to geopolitical tensions between China and other nations. But Chinese microbiologists are celebrating their entrance to the elite cadre empowered to wrestle with the world’s greatest biological threats,” Nature reported.
Q: When did the Individuals warn a few doable “escape” of lethal viruses from the lab?
In 2017, American consultants warned {that a} virus may escape the Chinese language laboratory. In January 2018, the US State Department received at least two cables from US Embassy officials in China.
The messages, despatched following a number of visits paid by the officers to the Wuhan analysis facility, warned Washington about “inadequate” security on the lab whereas conducting dangerous research on bats coronaviruses.
Q: How are labs that check harmful pathogens rated?
Laboratories testing pathogens obtain a score of 1 to 4. This is dependent upon the category of microbes they cope with — with 1 being the bottom danger and Four being the very best.
Wuhan Nationwide Biosafety Laboratory, on the biosecurity stage was rated 4 (BSL-4).
Which means that it might retailer essentially the most harmful pathogens, particularly those for which there’s nonetheless a no identified vaccine or antidote.
A employee contained in the P4 laboratory in Wuhan, capital of China’s Hubei province. The P4 epidemiological laboratory was constructed in co-operation with French bio-industrial agency Institut Merieux and the Chinese language Academy of Sciences. The ability is amongst a handful of labs around the globe cleared to deal with Class Four pathogens (P4) – harmful viruses that pose a excessive danger of person-to-person transmission. – Picture Credit score: AFP
Q: What are the particular procedures in a BSL-Four laboratory?
All individuals in the laboratory should put on particular protecting clothes, a few of them placed on strain fits to isolate themselves from dangerous pathogens.
After completion of the work, it’s essential to take a bathe and decontaminate all of the instruments used through the experiments.
The laboratory constructing should be positioned in a separate constructing or an insulated wing of the medical complicated. As well as, it should be geared up with its personal air filtration and decontamination programs.
These are the important options of a biosafety stage 4 (BSL-4) laboratory, in accordance with the US Nationwide Institute of Allergy and Infectious Ailments. A biosafety stage (BSL), or Pathogen/Safety stage, is a set of biocontainment precautions required to isolate harmful organic brokers in an enclosed laboratory facility. Picture Credit score: https://bit.ly/3f5JJpc
Q: The place is the lab? What number of extra such labs are deliberate in China?
Wuhan Nationwide Biosafety Laboratory is positioned in Zhengdian Scientific Park of Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV, beneath the Chinese language Academy of Sciences, CAS), in Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, in central China.
The nation plans to construct 5 to 7 BLS-Four class laboratories. At the moment, solely the Wuhan laboratory has permission to work with essentially the most harmful pathogens.
Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej
Q: From the place did Prof Shi Zhengli, the China’s so-called “Bat Woman” and her colleagues, discover their bat virus samples?
Prof. Zhengli, and her colleague Prof Jie Cui, are credited for locating the SARS virus (often known as SARS-CoV).
Scientific American states that China’s southern province of Yunnan, more than 1,000 km away, is the place Prof Zhengli and her staff discovered the bat coronavirus that precipitated SARS-CoV (1).
The climate in these areas are thought of “sub-tropical”, the place the “greatest risk” of coronavirus leaping from animals to people is more likely to occur.
Q: How far is Wuhan from Yunnan?
The gap from Wuhan to Yunnan is 1,887 km (south-west, by way of G60).
Q: How far can bats fly?
Most bats fly inside a couple of dozen miles earlier than returning to their base (cave). Just a few bat species can fly distances as much as 200 miles (321 km).
There are over 1,400 species of bats worldwide.
Debunking Montagnier’s claims
Science The Wire dismissed Montagnier’s claims in an April 22, 2020 article.
“He’s wrong,” it acknowledged, citing flaws in the Indian examine that Montagnier referred to. It cited that the staff from IIT Delhi, amongst others, had uploaded their manuscript to the bioRxiv preprint analysis database, however took it down after commentators identified quite a few errors in their evaluation.
Nature Medicine repoted they also analysed the new virus’s genome, and concluded: “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”
Its not clear, nonetheless, what genetic sequencing course of or standards was utilized by Nature Drugs.
The European Scientist wrote an intensive article dismissing the professor’s declare as “falsehood”.
The publication mentioned it was comparatively straightforward to debunk Montagnier’s declare, i.e. that some nucleotide sequences of HIV-1 will be discovered in the whole genome of SARS-CoV-2. The publication additionally acknowledged they’re up towards “Bradolini’s Law” (so-called “falsehood asymmetry principle”, which states a “conspiracy theory” like this one is difficult to debunk).
The publication referred to the whole genome of SARS-CoV-2 (Wuhan), often known as the Nationwide Heart for Biotechnology Info (NCBI) reference sequence NC_045512.2.
The SARS-CoV-2 genetic code begins as follows:
attaaaggtt tataccttcc caggtaacaa accaaccaac tttcgatctc … (whole: 29,903 characters)
European Scientist then cited the whole genome of the RNA model of the HIV-1, often known as the NCBI reference sequence NC_001802.1. [Source: https://ift.tt/3aMLl3M]
The HIV-1 genetic code begins as follows:
ggtctctctg gttagaccag atctgagcct gggagctctc tggctaacta gggaacccac …(whole: 9,181 characters)
Facet-by-side comparability of half the DNA code of SARS-CoV-2 (left) and HIV-1 Picture Credit score: https://ift.tt/35esqxs; https://ift.tt/3aMLl3M
There’s no sequence of the HIV-1 gene discovered in the SARS-CoV-2 gene. It acknowledged thus: “If we cannot find fragments of the latter sequence inside the former sequence, we can conclude that no part of HIV exists in SARS-CoV-2.”
“On the lookout for similarities may very well be considerably sophisticated: we must take a look at sequences that really encode for proteins. We can’t begin blindly alongside the sequences.
“Actually, HIV-1 has 39 open studying frames (ORF), which start with a begin codon and finish at a cease codon.
“We must search for these ORFs and attempt to discover the next codons inside SARS-CoV-2. We’d additionally should measure the ‘distance’ (similarity) between the sequences, someway.”
Supply: https://ift.tt/2W2HcmE
The Fundamental Native Alignment Search Device (BLAST), developed by the US Nationwide Institutes of Well being (NIH), helps geneticists finds areas of similarity between organic sequences.
This system compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance of mentioned similarities. For every similarity, it even paperwork which protein it encodes.
[Go to BLAST page https://ift.tt/2adwlwY]
“Using the MegaBLAST subprogram from the National Institute of Health (NIH), we can immediately conclude that no sequence of HIV-1 is present in SARS-CoV-2.”
The BLAST run search outcomes Picture Credit score: Screengrab
Utilizing solely the “BLAST run” to check the SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 genes, the publication mentioned “no significant similarity was found”.
In brief: “SARS-CoV-2 is not made of the bat coronavirus and small bits of the HIV virus.”
It additionally challenged individuals to verify the info on their very own: See the whole genome of SARS-CoV-2, click on “Run BLAST”. Then on the subsequent web page that pops up, add “HIV-1” (or every other HIV pressure) in the textual content field “Organism”. Then click on “BLAST”.
You could verify the BLAST run by yourself: (1) See the whole genome of SARS-CoV-2, click on “Run BLAST”. (2) On the subsequent web page, add HIV-1 (or every other HIV pressure) in the Organism textual content field after which click on “BLAST”. [Source: https://ift.tt/35esqxs] Picture Credit score: Supply: https://ift.tt/35esqxs
The HIV is a retrovirus, coronavirus is a retrovirus The HIV is a retrovirus. It’s a sort of RNA virus that inserts a replica of its genome into the DNA of a bunch cell that it invades, thus altering the genome of that cell. It’s transmitted as a single-stranded, positive-sense, enveloped RNA virus, packed right into a glycoprotein envelope. So, whereas the HIV has a DNA expression of itself, which is used for replication, it additionally has an RNA code (which is what will get transmitted between hosts.)
Q: Does the story finish there?
The European Scientist additionally acknowledges some “vague similarities” between some HIV-1 genetic sequences to another sequences of SARS-CoV-2.
It identified that if the “criterion” is modified, there are HIV-1 genetic sequences that might be “vaguely” much like another sequences of SARS-CoV-2.
Q: What ‘obscure similarities’ are seen between the HIV-1 and Sars-Cov-2 genes?
That is the attention-grabbing half.
The European Scientist requested and answered its personal query: “Are there vague similarities? The answer is obviously ‘yes’ as both viruses have a glycoprotein envelope. Even though if they belong to two completely different families – HIV is a lentivirus while SARS is a coronavirus – the two viruses are bound to have ‘something’ in common.”
Retroviruses: HIV and coronavirus
The HIV is a retrovirus, so is the coronavirus. HIV-1 is a sort of RNA virus that inserts a replica of its genome into the DNA of a bunch cell that it invades, thus altering the genome of that cell. It’s transmitted as a single-stranded, positive-sense, enveloped RNA virus, packed right into a glycoprotein envelope.
So, whereas the HIV has a DNA expression of itself, which is used for replication, it additionally has an RNA code (which is what will get transmitted between hosts.)
Q: Do all scientists agree with the vague-similarities-only conclusion and the single-criteria BLAST run outcomes?
Not all scientists are satisfied. Filippa Lentzos, biosecurity researcher at King’s School London, admits that whereas there may be presently no proof for the lab accident idea, there may be additionally “no real evidence” that the virus got here from the moist market.
She pointed to some indications “that could point to a potential lab accident from basic scientific research”.
“But all of this needs considerable investigation for anyone to say anything with any certainty on the pandemic origins.”
“For me,” Lentzos informed AFP, “the pandemic origin is still an open question.”
Q: Moreover BLAST, what number of different genetic sequence alignment software program are in use immediately?
BLAST, developed 30 years in the past, is a standard however comparatively older genetic alignment search software. There are newer instruments, with higher sensitivity. Actually, there are no less than 28 different such instruments.
One is the CS-BLAST method (sequence-context specific BLAST), developed in 2017. It is is described as “more sensitive than BLAST, FASTA, and SSEARCH”. Furthermore, a “position-specific iterative model CSI-BLAST is extra delicate than PSI-BLAST (developed in 1997).”
The genetic comparability run utilizing a single-criteria BLAST run between HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 virus, it seems, is simply the beginning of what quantities to a genetic sequencing marathon.
Q: Are lab employees at the next danger of publicity to laboratory-acquired infections?
Sure. In comparison with different laboratory settings the place there are not any aerosolized organisism, these working in high-security labs are susceptible to infections brought on by inadvertent exposures.
In a 20013 study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology (run the the American Society for Microbiology), a probe into 28 case studies of laboratory-acquired infections (from the 1982 to 2007), confirmed solely 11% of exposures have been on account of laboratory accidents.
A lion’s share of lab-acquired infections — 147 out of 167, or 88 per cent — have been on account of “aerosolisation” of organisms throughout routine identification actions. In solely 2 circumstances (1%) of exposures have been “unknown”.
There’s no direct proof of “patient zero” but.
Chinese language clinicians have acknowledged in peer-reviewed publications that the virus didn’t bounce from the Wuhan seafood market.
Some scientists consider the primary human transmission of what’s now often known as SARS-CoV-2 began as early as September 2019.
The dealing with of “whistleblower” Dr Li Wenliang’s case was dangerous PR for China, and has triggered extra questions than solutions.
There’s no substitute for open science, which should be allowed to have a say in establishing the origin of this SAR-CoV-2 pandemic
Till then, solely theories (of “conspiracy” or in any other case) in regards to the virus’ “Big Bang” second would thrive
Openness is the foreign money of fine science. Scientists in many nations, together with these in the UAE, have efficiently sequenced the SARS-CoV-2 full genome.
Working high-security biosafety labs is — by default — the realm of the world’s nice powers. China, whose first P-Four lab at Wuhan is barely three years previous, is a relative newcomer in this area.
An aerial view reveals the P-Four biosafety laboratory (heart) on the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Picture Credit score: AFP by way of Getty Photos
As WHO has reported, pathogens may generally “escape” even from high-security labs. At least two previous reported incidents of leaks from a Beijing lab 16 years ago (2004) involved live SARS-CoV pathogens, the elder sibling of the much more virulent SARS-CoV-2 now makings its lethal run.
This isn’t to say that different nations, those that have stored such biosafe laboratories amenities for much longer, have an immaculate report.
Q: What is the report of the US in phrases of lab-acquired an infection?
It is no higher. Generally, strict containment protocols are blithely flouted.
Lab-acquired infections (LAI) in US biosafety amenities are certainly not unusual. Over a 25-year interval from 1982 to 2007, no less than one leak per 12 months had been documented — 28 such leaks occurred throughout that interval that straight uncovered 167 lab employees, according to one study.
In January 2019, the US Military germ lab was shut down. CDC cited “serious” protocol violations. The CDC reported that a person partially entered a room a number of instances with out the required respiratory safety, whereas different individuals in that room have been performing procedures with a non-human primate on a necropsy desk.
Even the perfect scientists are human beings, too. Born to hypothesise, theorise, make errors, conclude. Repeat.
So the true story in regards to the SARS-CoV-2 bounce from bats to our lungs (and, sure, brains, too) could stay shrouded in thriller till good science, which depends upon openness, is allowed to run its full course.
It is also true that the perfect scientific instruments out there at man’s disposal can both enlighten or obscure…heal or destroy. But finally, man’s starvation for fact can solely be glad by the fact itself.
Science propels progress. It fosters man’s capability to innovate, push the bounds of data. It additionally signifies nice energy.
But our greatest guess can solely be this: bats gave us this virus. Spider Man, nonetheless, could not have mentioned it higher: “With great power comes great responsibility.”
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scienceblogtumbler · 4 years
Where did COVID-19 come from?
There is genetic evidence suggestive of human tinkering in the genome, and there are news stories suggesting the virus might have been developed either at the Wuhan Institute of Virology or at the American virology lab at Fort Detrick. There are even some suggestions that the American and Chinese bioweapons labs may be working together, sharing samples and exchanging funding.
Part 1: The Genetic Evidence
We rely on the scientific community as a context for almost every public policy decision. People who want to influence policy know this, and they don’t just lobby Congress, they also buy scientists, scientific reporting, and placement in prominent journals. Most scientists are honest, but they have to survive in a world where funding is tighter than it should be. It’s not surprising that some of them succumb and publish what powerful and corrupt institutions want them to.
The question of a laboratory origin for COVID is politically explosive, so we expect a heavy hand restraining the science establishment. Those of us seeking an honest answer, who have a little expertise, a little horse sense, and a lot of patience, are left to sift through information, misinformation, and disinformation in a politicized environment.
My personal opinion is that I don’t like having to wonder if global pandemics have been created, accidentally or otherwise, by my own government. Bioweapon research is extensive in several countries, but dominated by the US. The disclosed US budget is that the virus’s lethality comes from its attack on hemoglobin, the red blood molecule that carries oxygen around the body. 
The claim that the four insertions look suspiciously like HIV was considered shaky, but it is supported just today by a testimonial from a French Nobel laureate. In 2008, Dr Luc Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for having discovered (much earlier) the HIV virus that causes AIDS. In this radio interview (in French) with Dr Jean-François Lemoine, Montagnier expresses his conviction that the SARS-CoV2 genome points to a laboratory origin. 
“Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus, but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.”
Against these analyses, there is one prominent article in Nature Medicine that claims to “irrefutably” rule out a laboratory origin. Their basis for saying this is
That computations suggest that the virus’s surface proteins are not ideal for binding to a human enzyme called ACE2, and that if the virus were designed in a lab, the designers would certainly have found the ideal solution, and used that instead.
That the backbone of the virus contains a piece that looks like a pangolin virus, and the pangolin virus genome wasn’t published until very recently, so lab scientists could not have used it. 
(The pangolin is a rare, endangered species of armored anteater. It looks a bit like an armadillo.)
I’m always suspicious when scientists use words like “irrefutably” and “definitive”. But, more objectively, I would point out that none of the four bullet points above were refuted or even considered in the Nature Medicine paper.
There is also a statement in Lancet signed by 27 researchers which was prominently echoed in Science Magazine that “strongly condemns rumors and conspiracy theories”, without refuting any of the geneticists’ claims. They cite dozens of papers that they say support a natural origin, but, reviewing these papers, I find that they rather assume a natural origin. In fact several of the papers note difficulties with this hypothesis. One of the papers concludes on the basis of evolutionary models that, if SARS-CoV2 evolved naturally from a bat ancestor, it must have diverged at least 40 years ago. This is difficult to reconcile with the story that SARS-CoV2 jumped from bats to humans just last year.
My personal perspective inclines me to think the Lancet statement is politically motivated. I find it suspicious that prominent scientific publications have seen fit to deny claims that COVID had a laboratory origin, but none have refuted the considered details of those claims.
The US Military has been studying Coronaviruses as bioweapons 
It is undisputed that the US has an extensive bioweapons “research” program, and that modifying Coronaviruses to make them more dangerous is part of their program of work.
Here is the first person account of Judy Mikovits, who claims she worked in the 1990s at Fort Detrick, an Army biology lab in Maryland. Part of her job was to weaponize coronaviruses. This work was ongoing and controversial as late as 2015. President Obama approved and extended the programs. Three years ago, Nature reported that “the SARS virus has escaped from high level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times”. Only in China? Also in 2017, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce requested from CDC information about leaks from similar research facilities in the US, and they got back a 503-page document with all specifics redacted.
I find it suspicious that the debate over whether COVID came from a laboratory is being avoided with ad hominem attacks, blanket denials, and straw man arguments. I’m impressed that the people who are supporting a laboratory origin have promptly corrected their misstatements, while I see no such willingness on the other side.
The totality of evidence for the hypothesis is not conclusive. The most compelling evidence I see is 
Bats that are reputed to be source of the virus are found naturally more than 1,000 miles from Wuhan, but we know that the Wuhan Laboratory was studying just these bats and just this virus, and further that they were experimenting with modifying the spike protein that the virus uses for entry, to make it compatible with human ACE2. 
The virus gained several new abilities on emerging from bats. Usually, we would expect just one.
Closely related to this, the genome shows four RNA segments that differ substantially from the bat ancestor where, again, we would expect just one.
Genetic analysis indicates that the divergence from bats happened decades ago, and yet the disease only appeared in humans recently.
I take Francis Boyle’s testimony quite seriously. He’s a career expert in biological warfare. Luc Montagnier is as credible a source as they come, but I don’t know what to make of how certain he seems about genetic evidence that others have said is inconclusive.
In Part 2, I hope to tie in American bioweapons research. Linking the American and Chinese bioweapons programs seems stranger than science. Teaser: Evidence suggests that SARS-CoV2 has been in America longer than it has been in China.
source https://joshmitteldorf.scienceblog.com/2020/04/17/where-did-covid-19-come-from/
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giancarlonicoli · 4 years
COVID-19 Is A Man-Made Virus: HIV-Discoverer Says "Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab"
by Tyler Durden Fri, 04/17/2020 - 08:45
As the mainstream media and politicians begin to raise/admit the possibilities that the source of COVID-19 was likely a lab in Wuhan (accidentally leaked or otherwise) - something we first brought to the world's attention in January before being mocked, censored, and chastised - it appears more actual 'scientists' (at least those not paid by or working for a lab in Wuhan) are willing to admit what we noted all along - this virus is man-made.
GilmoreHealth.com's Robert Miller writes that contrary to the narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream that the COVID 19 virus was the result of a natural mutation and that it was transmitted to humans from bats via pangolins, Dr Luc Montagnier the man who discovered the HIV virus back in 1983 disagrees and is saying that the virus was man made.
Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
We knew that the Chinese version of how the coronavirus emerged was increasingly under attack, but here’s a thesis that tells a completely different story about the Covid-19 pandemic, which is already responsible for more than 110,000 deaths worldwide.
According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019.
According to Professor Montagnier, this laboratory, known for its work on coronaviruses, tried to use one of these viruses as a vector for HIV in the search for an AIDS vaccine!
“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue:
Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.
In a challenging question Dr Jean-François Lemoine inferred that the coronavirus under investigation may have come from a patient who is otherwise infected with HIV.
"No," says Luc Montagnier, "in order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory."
According to the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine, a plausible explanation would be an accident in the Wuhan laboratory. He also added that the purpose of this work was the search for an AIDS vaccine.
The truth will eventually come out
In any case, this thesis, defended by Professor Luc Montagnier, has a positive turn. According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads:
“Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”
Luc Montagnier added that with the help of interfering waves, we could eliminate these sequences and as a result stop the pandemic.
This is enough to feed some heated debates! So much so that Professor Montagnier’s statements could also place him in the category of “conspiracy theorists”:
“Conspirators are the opposite camp, hiding the truth,” he replies, without wanting to accuse anyone, but hoping that the Chinese will admit to what he believes happened in their laboratory.
To entice a confession from the Chinese he used the example of Iran which after taking full responsibility for accidentally hitting a Ukrainian plane was able to earn the respect of the global community. Hopefully the Chinese will do the right thing he adds.
“In any case, the truth always comes out, it is up to the Chinese government to take responsibility.”
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