#Lyle's Golden Syrup
londonedge · 2 months
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Tate and Lyle factory in Plaistow Wharf, Silvertown where more than one million tins of Lyle’s Golden Syrup are made...every month!
A slight departure for LondonEdge in that I have now decide to include industrial sites. The Tate and Lyle's factory in Silvertown in East London is the first.
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karadin · 2 months
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Lyle's Golden Syrup - recognized by Guinness World Records for having the world’s oldest branding and packaging - gets new logo
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kaixokkiten · 2 months
lol apparently the world’s oldest unchanged brand finally removed a rotting lion from their default packaging
I've never heard of this brand of syrup before but have read this hilarious article about it.
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beautiful packaging. its been the same since 1883. however why is the logo a dead lion swarmed with bees.
I'm not a Christian and haven't read the bible so I've got to take this article's word for this,
The Book of Judges details Samson killing a lion with his bare hands before returning to the carcass a few days later to find a swarm of bees had created a hive in its body. In the story, Samson then took honey from the hive, and fed it to his parents without telling them where he got the honey from. He later asks guests at his wedding to solve the riddle: “Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet.” A version of the riddle: “Out of the strong came forth sweetness” was chosen for the logo of Lyle’s Golden Syrup, and has remained on the tins ever since.
lmao, horrifying, the implication is that the syrup is honey taken from a hive in the dead body of a lion Samson strangled to death. anyway because of "...fresh, contemporary design brings Lyle’s into the modern day, appealing to the everyday British household..." it now looks like this
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this isn't an ad for the syrup I've never had it they didn't pay me
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howardalondra · 19 days
Treacle Tart - UK and Ireland
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This recipe yields a simple and quick citrus-flavored tart. Try it with ice cream!
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They're Escaping the Asylum, and Running Things!
Here I go again, repeating myself, I know. As potentially boring as it may be, something tells me that you, my friend, may well be as exasperated as me by now. So, here we go. Let's share a common vent as we continue to highlight the sheer idiocy of others nowadays.
Where shall we begin? I know, how about The image of a dead lion being swarmed by bees to be dropped from some of Lyle's Golden Syrup packaging. Question one: who actually cares enough about a graphic on a tin can no one even notices anyway? Question two: What relevance, if any does an insignificant graphic have on a buying decision if someone wants a tin of golden syrup? Not me, for sure, and finally, Question three: who is the marketing numpty who considered this a good idea, and did it cause them to lose any sleep due to the graphic which has been in place for somewhere around 150 years without any bother whatsoever? Actually, I have just thought of one further question. Does this person not have a hobby, because clearly he/she/it has far too much time on their hands.
In a similar vein, I was asked by a news channel to participate in a live broadcast about the statue of Bristol's Edward Colston, earlier this week, as later on that day Bristol city council would be having a meeting regarding its future. My point is that the Colston statue has been in place since seventeen hundred and something, with millions of people passing it by since then on their way to and from work, to schools, universities, for business meetings and conferences, and tourists and shoppers alike, all going about whatever they had to do at the time.
To all intents and purposes, no one gave so much as a flying fig about it because it was just there, and pretty much invisible to all except a self-entitled minority over the past few years who suddenly felt oh, so offended by its presence - poor dears, pulled it down, and then returned home to, I presume, watch children's television following their petulant outburst without even the satisfaction of receiving so much as a Blue Peter badge for their efforts. Awww. Still, as long as it served to feed their oversized egos they were happy, bless them. Meanwhile, of course, the majority of Bristol 'adult's did the adult thing and averted their gaze to the Colston statue, as similarly, the same can be said for those who bought golden syrup over the years.
What next then? Aha, yes, here's another among the loonies who, newly born, deserved to have been baptised in a font of sulphuric acid to save the rest of us from their later life moronisitis (yes, I just made that word up). The prize pillock here is whichever employee of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS) decided to sack pensioner Fran Itkoff from her volunteer position with the charity because she "asked what pronouns meant". Fran Itkoff had served the non-profit for multiple sclerosis patients for 60 years, with her late husband running the Long Beach Lakewood chapter before his death.
She was left stunned when her bosses forced her to step down on January 19 following an exchange with a colleague who asked her to use her pronouns in email signatures. Well now, isn't this "colleague" just full of her own self-importance, or what? I'm surprised her ego doesn't get in the way of her entering whatever building doorway gives her access to her work. Aren't you? Pronouns, my arse, get over yourself woman before you fall off your high horse and injure yourself. These people aren't even worth the satire. Hence, as soon as people begin thrusting their inane pronouns at me in any communication I go incommunicado with immediate effect until they've got over themselves, or, penguins takeover Parliament. Whichever is sooner. I'm not fussed.
Shall we all now deep-breathe for a couple of minutes before I move on? Very well.
Ready for the next assault on your common sense, are you? Good. So, how about this one? Charity umbrella group Wildlife and Countryside Link claim that the British countryside is a "racist colonial" white space. You see, lunatics like this would be enough to drive the sane of our population on the phone to the Samaritans helpline 24/7, wouldn't they? I feel a headache coming on just from writing about it! Which, of course, leads me towards some smartarse saying, "Well, the majority of 'adults would avert their gaze," I suppose. Yeah, yeah, there's always one! Except, like most, I hope, normal, common-sense people with even a modicum of intelligence would recognise blatant, and quite unnecessary stupidity when they see it.
Whoever dreamed this idea up is clearly scraping whatever barrels of employment they can find that enables them to keep their, no doubt, high-paid job. Simply finding problems where none exist to justify their status and salary by stating the countryside as "'racist space dominated by white people' as well as, and wait for it. Yes, grip on to something firm now, "The UK’s role in the European colonial project has also driven the current climate and nature crises."
"European colonial project"? What the hell is that supposed to be? Do you know the worst part about this? Someone has probably been to university for three, or four years, to learn this tripe. It continues, "People of colour in the UK are significantly less likely to visit natural spaces." Give me a break! I'm surprised whoever didn't go further in stating that whenever a black person is seen in the countryside the locals assume it's an African missionary come to convert them all to Christianity because they are such a rare sight out in the sticks. I can just picture it now, loads of white people hurriedly retreating back to their homes, scared out of their wits at the sight of a black face.
Look, lighthearted humour aside, I don't know about you, but I've seen skin of all colours meandering around the countryside and enjoying it. Some people of ethnic minorities have even discovered we have things called buses, coaches, and even trains here in England. How cool is that! If people search hard enough they'll even find out how to use our buses, coaches, and trains too. Wow, twenty-first Britain, who'd have thought it? However, sometimes I do wonder for myself. So, despite this person's claims, and the transport systems we have in place, I'd say it's more a case of lack of interest combined with laziness that fewer people of colour are seen in the countryside, wouldn't you agree?
Finally, because I simply cannot continue with more of this lunacy without an entire month of Valium to calm my increasingly shredding nerves, I arrive at Pillock Central as the final destination on this particular journey, and Labour MP (seems about right so far - no pun intended) Charlotte Nichols, who was either taking the proverbial, or awaiting psychiatric intervention perhaps, and wanted to change the law to let dead people switch their gender. Hey hun, as much as I hate to state the bleeding obvious. Once you're dead, you're dead. It's a terminal thing, you know? No one is going to rise up out of their grave and complain. Trust me, and move on.
I'm done!
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luckystorein22 · 4 months
How much does Lyle’s Golden Syrup cost in the United Kingdom (UK) and where can you buy it?
Uncover the Sweet Secrets: Lyle's Golden Syrup Prices and Where to Snatch the Best Deals in the UK!
Indulge your taste buds in the golden goodness of Lyle's Golden Syrup without breaking the bank! Lucky Store, your go-to hub for imported delicacies, offers sweet nectar at unbeatable prices. For the latest deals and a delightful shopping experience, click here now!
Discover the joy of sweetness at Lucky Store – where quality meets affordability. Don't miss out on exclusive offers that turn your cravings into a golden experience. Click to savor the savings!
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sava4sava · 6 months
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Treacle Tart Recipe This recipe yields a simple and quick citrus-flavored tart. Try it with ice cream! 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 lemon zested, 1 pie crust pastry, 1 cup bread crumbs, 1/4 cup heavy cream, 1 cup golden syrup
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shelfjunkies · 7 months
Treacle Tart - UK and Ireland
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This recipe yields a simple and quick citrus-flavored tart. Try it with ice cream!
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mileymiller · 8 months
Treacle Tart - UK and Ireland
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This recipe yields a simple and quick citrus-flavored tart. Try it with ice cream!
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vaughnboyd · 10 months
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Treacle Tart This recipe yields a simple and quick citrus-flavored tart. Try it with ice cream!
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petermorwood · 18 days
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As usual we haven't bothered with chocolate Easter Eggs and instead, we (well, @dduane) baked a batch of Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.
She used this recipe, which is eggselent (and includes two).
A couple of variations: we didn't have molasses so used Black Treacle, and we're both pretty sure our chocolate chips are far more semi than sweet.
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Here's a tip: if you buy Lyle's Treacle or Golden Syrup in tins, warm the tin until the contents are very runny then transfer them to a jar - it's much easier to get into!
These - ours, anyway - made a very "grown-up" chocolate-chip cookie, rich, chewy, flavoursome but Not Too Sweet, which go eggs- (no, once is enough) extremely well with a cup of dark-roasted coffee or black tea...
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...although TBH the traditional glass of ice-cold milk is also just fine.
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londonedge · 17 days
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The predominantly blue and yellow coloured Tate and Lyle Sugar refinery in Silvertown, London
This is actually a different site to the white coloured Tate and Lyle Golden Syrup factory which is also in Silvertown.
This photo was originally posted by me as Day 2099 on An Every Day Thing.
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Making Yorkshire Parkin: When You Want to Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November (but you forgot)
I bought Lyle’s Golden Syrup on a whim in our international grocers months ago, nestled between the Marmite and jarred clotted cream. I didn’t know what golden syrup tasted like, I had no use for it, and no recipe I had ever read included it. Naturally, I bought it immediately. Walking by the racks of Japanese candy and multiple incidences of ramen noodles, I asked myself, “Is there a particular reason I’m buying this, or am I just pissed they don’t have Walker’s and don’t want to walk away empty-handed?” 
Months later, I end up watching a video on parkin. Uses golden syrup. In this moment, the stars align. 
How did I stumble on this? Well, I’m interested in historical food, and even more so historical baking, and November was coming up. Try the Guy Fawkes day cake, it proclaimed to me, and as I watched it, and it was described to me as an English gingerbread-style cake, i thought, “There’s nothing about that idea I don’t like! I can make parkin, it can’t be that hard. Not like i’m going to be able to buy it here to try it.” 
And hard is not the word for it. Let’s go on a journey. 
So the first thing is, that Yorkshire parkin isn’t the only parkin in town and so, as I glanced at recipes, i discovered that there were multiple theories of the business, and many of these theories involved insulting each others’ grandmothers. Lancashire parkin uses mainly golden syrup, resulting in a sweeter and softer-flavored cake, and I guess that’s why the only things a civilized human being knows about Lancashire is that it’s in the North of England, and it features in the Merrily Song from the Wind and the Willows. No, the more I read, the more I realized I wanted Yorkshire parkin, a dark, aggressive form of the cake that makes heavy use of black treacle and threatens to kick your teeth in. It’s no wonder that Yorkshire gets all the great wonders of the North, like Wuthering Heights, The Secret Garden, and that one pizza place I really liked. 
It turns out that Yorkshire parkin uses a very small amont of golden syrup, and so you may be saying to yourself at this point, “Doc are you unnecessarily complicating your life to say you literally opened this stupid plastic bottle of sugar syrup?” to which I say, ‘No one asked you, okay?” 
Black treacle is the first thing on this list, and this was actually the easy part. One of the ‘fun’ things about reading recipes from English to English (and sometimes even to English!) is that you have to make substitutions, and people’s attitude toward substitutions for ingredients run the gamut from questionable to hysteria. The good news is that this unites us all, and I am sure there will be several fine Brits yelling at me that unsulfured molasses is nothing like black treacle, in the same way that many Americans lost their mind at the mere suggestion that a digestive might be more or less equivalent to a graham cracker. I welcome your hatemail, Hail Satan , Lord of Spiders, just use unsulfured molasses and you’ll be fine. 
But then we have the problem of “medium oatmeal.” The Brits are running on a completely different system than we are with our paltry three or so styles of oatmeal: Rolled, steel cut (often called Irish oats), and instant. There are some outliers, but they are mostly the exclusive purview of places where one might buy free-range ostrich farts and consensually squeezed oranges. Meanwhile, on a rainy rock in the North, we have seventeen separate grades of oatmeal, some of which are only found on one specific moor where young maidens cry over it, keening into the wind (An expensive delicacy not unlike kopi luwak) Try as I might, I found it near impossible to get medium oatmeal, and so I took the most reasonable out possible: Buying steel cut oats and frantically googling photos of medium oatmeal until I had processed it down to the rough appearance. 
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This is medium oatmeal. Probably. 
The assembly of it is stunningly old-fashioned, and I’m not making a joke when I say it seems basically unchanged from the 1700s: You mix the sugar and butter ingredients together in a sauce pan until the sugar melts, and then throw it into the dry mix, putting it together and then throwing in an egg as some desperate attempt to give so loft to what is going to be a doorstop or perhaps the blunt object that was originally used to kill Guy Fawkes, as well as a splash of milk, though what it hopes to contribute to the action I can’t possibly imagine. 
Having read over all this at 9:30 pm on the 5th of November, I ready myrself to assemble the parkin so I can leave it out for King James or whatever. Then I read the cook time on the cake: Seventy to Ninety Minutes. 
“Fuck this shit, I’m American,” I said, cracking open a beer and heading upstairs with my sixteen guns while eagles cried and sang “God Bless The USA” overhead. 
So, I have followed the recipe. The cake is in the oven. What will it become? Stay tuned!
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the-overthinktank · 1 year
Yo drop the chocolate orange cake recipe
Ok well it's a modified version of my normal chocolate cake recipe:
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The cake batter is mostly the same but with orange blossom water instead of vanilla and regular non-dutched cocoa. Orange extract or zest would also work, use like only one teaspoon though.
The pudding i used Terry's oranges for the 4oz of chocolate and the blossom water instead of vanilla again.
The FROSTING. I used 2.5 oranges (which is over 12oz) and about half a cup of butter (one stick), maybe more. Also I added one more tablespoon of the Lyle's golden syrup, which is not an optional ingredient. it makes the frosting thicken. In the USA you can find it in the international/british imports section of grocery stores, usually.
In total i used 4 oranges and one for garnish. they are usually only available in stores around Christmas where i live.
So uh, good luck!
Edit: Goddamnit this doesn't tell you how to assemble the cake. Uh, so there's two pans of cake, you saw them in half hamburger style, and when you stack them, layer pudding in between and then the frosting goes of the outside of the stacked cake. If you haven't made a layer cake before i recommend watching a video or two to get a sense of how to do it without it turning into a very delicious pile of crumbled cake bits and pudding. Chocolate blackout cakes are a Thing and you can google recipes that are better written than mine.
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skippyv20 · 2 months
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Lyle’s Golden Syrup has changed its brand logo, in a move which is seen as an affront to Christians.  The original logo, of a lion surrounded by bees, is a reference to the story in the Book of Judges.  Samson killed a lion with his bare hands.  A few days later he returned to its carcass to find bees had taken up residence there.  He took their honey and fed it to his parents, with the observation that out of unpleasant things, goodness comes forth.  It is, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest advertising logo in the world.  It is thought that the modern re-brand, of a lion’s head and one bee, with no scripture quotation underneath, is supposed to appeal to muslims and other non-Christians.
Credit, The Telegraph
Oh cool!  Thank you🙂
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dartier · 10 months
Tumblr: Dartier
Ao3: Dart
My Pronouns: She/Her, but They/Them is fine
Minion Designation: QB-E1
Favorite Fictional Gadget: the Perfect Notebook—it solves all your organizational, time management and writer’s block-related problems. Doubles as a coaster.
Best Use for Duct Tape: The Thwarting of Diabolical Plots, naturally. But my favorite use is the subsequent Muting of SubPar Villain Monologue.
Favourite Tea and Biscuits: You’re probably going to have to pry the espresso out of my cold dead hand. But I’ll say the tea I picked up from Betty’s Tea Room in York. Stroopwafel. (But since I’m being difficult, I really just want McVitie's Lyle's Golden Syrup Cakes.)
Best Late-Night Takeaway: Tarte Flambée
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