#Meditation and Mindfulness Therapy
drlisaanapolitano · 2 years
Therapy and Coaching Services in New York and Florida | Dr. Napolitano
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Dr. Napolitano is an internationally renowned expert in both cognitive-behavioral (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) with over 15 years experience as a licensed clinical psychologist. Both of the approaches she employs, CBT and DBT, are backed by research demonstrating that they’re effective to treat a wide variety of problems including anxiety, worry, obsessive-compulsive disorder, perfectionism, depression, and problems in emotion regulation.
Dr. Napolitano specializes in the customized application of CBT and DBT with high functioning individuals to help them reach their personal and professional goals. Her approach reflects her extensive training in meditation and mindfulness. She helps individuals maximize their potential and create lives that reflect their values and priorities. Individual sessions are structured and focused on teaching clients the skills they need to change patterns in thinking, behavior and emotional responding that cause distress or interfere with optimal functioning.
Read More: https://drlisanapolitano.com/services/
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silenthillbunni · 2 months
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kyletwebster · 2 years
Check out more at Lines of Zen. 
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samuwhal · 1 year
We need to change how we talk about self-help techniques.
By self-help techniques, I’m talking about: grounding, mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, physical activity, and--the big one--yoga. I have struggled with my mental health since I was fifteen, and just now, I am realizing how much these things can actually help. I am almost twenty-six years old, and I will have been in therapy for ten years this fall. Let me tell you, I have spent so much of that time renouncing these tools. Recently, though I’ve realized that: holy shit, they can really work...but man they are offered to struggling people in the worst possible light.
TL;DR: Just because suggestions about ways to manage mental illness are framed as “you have to try it or you want to be sick” doesn’t mean that they can’t actually work or that you are invalidating yourself by trying or being helped by them. Featuring personal anecdotes and a boat metaphor.
I know I am not alone in that the idea of these techniques and exercises just made my skin crawl. They made me feel vulnerable in a way which really scared me, they felt impossible to initiate in the moments needed most, and--ultimately--they felt incredibly diminutive. Think about it: people getting sucked into rapids will drown cursing your name if all you do is insist they have to “ride the wave.” “Fuck you.”
When I began taking anti-depressants, it was not without a fight. I’m lucky; my parents were willing and able to put me in therapy as soon as I asked. But with medication, they were concerned it was a shortcut, that I would be on pills for the rest of my life, and that the chemicals would change me and do “the work” for me, as if this was an issue of character development and not brain malfunction. Why wouldn’t I just do something relaxing when I was upset? Why wasn’t I leaning more into my spirituality? Why wasn’t I letting anything else help me?
And that’s the problem! I tried to explain that I would be able to use those techniques easier if medication brought my overall symptoms down. You wouldn’t expect me to paddle upstream against a tsunami, but I could feasibly make progress against a strong current. Even at that point, if I go over rapids, I want a fucking life jacket, not somebody with their feet firmly planted on the riverbank shouting, “Try yoga!” Though I of course continued therapy in addition to medicine, I still resisted any advice having to do with self-help because of that sentiment.
To be clear, I’m still very pro-medication and for eliminating that stigma. Really, though, when somebody is having such debilitating symptoms--emotions--that they feel like they are getting pulled underwater and gasping for air, it’s not fair that the solution could be something as effortless as breathing in while counting until it’s better. That sounds like bullshit. Mental illness physically hurts, but to outsiders, it’s all in your head, and it would be fine if only you could step back and appreciate how good you have it. If “mindfulness” works, then maybe those people are right, and that can’t be true. It hurts too much to be true.
However, I want you to know that your struggles won’t be any less legitimate if something simple actually does end up helping. I have two stories here:
1. Last year, after wanting to start for ages, I finally began exercising: just going to the gym a couple of times a week. My goal was only to feel better in my body, not really to do anything for myself mentally. I even hired a personal trainer to write work-out routines for me to follow, both to hold myself accountable (I won’t skip if I’m paying someone) and just so I wouldn’t be totally lost the second I walked in. But I have felt so many unexpected mental benefits, as well:
Getting my heart rate and breathing elevated--and continuing to exert myself through it--has kept me steadier when anxiety starts to set in. I feel more confident knowing that I can lift heavy things, run distances, and because I did something productive. I’m not stress or bored-eating, not necessarily because I’m afraid I’ll “put the calories back,” but because I’m simply more regulated. I have been sleeping better since pushing my muscles has reduced my lower back pain. I don’t procrastinate showering if I’ve just gotten back from the gym. When I sit down to schoolwork, I focus easier if I had exercised. Something something endorphins. I know I’m starting to sound like a “bro,” but the point is that these are huge benefits to exercising that just don’t get mentioned by the people crudely suggesting that it will fix your depression.
2. A couple of months ago, I was having a bad night, and the “don’t believe any negative thoughts about yourself after 10 p.m.” rule had gone out the window. I did what many of us have taught ourselves to do and asked for a lifeline: I texted my girlfriend in the same room (because vocalizing it was too hard) asking if she would come over to sit with me. I didn’t even realize I was having an anxiety attack, but she did. At first, I felt too frozen and in-pain when she asked me to sit up from clutching the fetal position. Instrumentally, though, she said that she wanted to help, but I had to help myself, too. She was throwing me a ring, but I had to swim and meet her halfway. I sat up.
She held me and led me through a “find five things in the room” exercise, and fuck me: it helped. No, I wasn’t cured. I’m still not. But this broke my self-destructive loop, and I was able to go to sleep relaxed. This was an epiphany for me. I could have provided myself this tool, this comfort, the entire ten years I’ve been dealing with this shit! Instead, I’ve just been enduring it, hoping against everything pulling me down that--instead of drowning--I’ll eventually kick the riverbed where it’s shallow enough to stand.
When self-help techniques are offered to mentally ill people, they tend to be used as a “gotcha:” you could easily be better, if only you wanted to try. To be completely fair, this isn’t always the meaning. However, it only takes a couple of those microaggressions to ensure you shut down when your therapist or a concerned loved one asks if you've tried "grounding” before.
Please, take it from me: these tools aren’t just leaky arm floats that people who never even needed to learn how to swim offer just to feel better as they watch you struggle. They are a life jacket to keep you afloat when you tip, a wider paddle to outrun the rapids, a better rudder and tiller so you can actually steer, a bailing bucket for when things get dicey, or pontoons so you won’t tip so readily. Trying self-help techniques doesn’t disclaim what you’re going through, they just might make it more bearable.
And you’re worth that.
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joinvoda · 7 months
Being Queer and Happily Single
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Finding Joy in Being Single: A Journey to Self-Love and Happiness 🌈💫
Hey wonderful beings! 🌟
Sometimes it can feel like we’re constantly being pressured to find that special someone.
The pressure of singlehood can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
But the truth is, you can be happy no matter if you’re dating, in love, or single.
Here’s a short guide on we can find joy and self-love when we’re single.
🌷 Living in the Present: Whether you’re into monogamy, polyamory, or any form of connection, you can cultivate joy and practice gratitude while being single. Good coffee tastes good no matter if you’re single or partnered. You can still spend time with your friends, read your favourite books, or enjoy your special self-care rituals.
🍀 Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion: Often, it’s not the act of being single that is upsetting us, but the narratives we have woven around being single. Start observing your inner dialogue about being single. What stories do you tell yourself about your singlehood? Is it gentle? Or laden with shame and regret? 
💜 Speak to Yourself Kindly: Heighten your self-awareness and be kind to yourself. For example, instead of telling yourself, “I’m single because no one wants me,” you can reframe: “I’m currently single and this allows me to focus on myself and learn about what I truly want.” Remember that you have so many positive qualities; you’re funny, you have passions, and you’re worthy of love.
🔍 Being Complete in Solitude: Societal norms often paint singlehood as a phase of incompleteness, but embracing solitude or casual connections is equally valid. We are complete by ourselves, even though others can complement us, too. So many people find joy with just being in their own presence. Our existence is multifaceted, and not just confined to romantic bonds. 
🌈 Exploring Therapy: Growing up queer might have isolated many of us, hindering our emotional exploration. But now, we have the resilience and capabilities to learn from our past and embrace therapy to unravel our emotional narratives and foster self-love.
If singlehood feels overwhelming, and you desire to traverse this journey with support... We at Voda are here with you. 
Voda offers a variety of free features like queer-led meditations, daily mood check-ins, and a series of free self-guided therapy programmes on topics such as coming out, love, and gender dysphoria.
Please note that some programmes require a monthly subscription, we ensure that plenty of our features are available for free to the community, plus everything is accessible for free in the first 7 days. 
However, if you are in need of mental health support and facing financial constraints, please feel free to send us a message as we have scholarships available. Everyone deserves access to mental health support and we’re here for you.
You can download Voda here.
Stay radiant,
Voda 🌈💜
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Anon chilling on the precipice of madness again, and I’m so glad you liked that last ask! Truly, there is much joy to be found in discussing how much we enjoy (*cough* are dealt immense emotional damage on a daily basis by *cough*) the monkey show. Also, since I apparently can’t stop bugging you, for clarity’s sake I’m going to call myself Unhinged Anon if I submit any future asks lol. 
As always you make excellent points, and I am very normal about you bringing up the ‘MK smiling at his reflection’ thing because the motif of reflections in this show (see also: S2E5, S3E4, some others I’m probably missing, and especially S4E1) doesn’t make me even the tiniest bit insane. Nope! Not at all. But this time, it’s actually something you said in the tags that launched my marbles into the stratosphere for me to never find, because now I can’t stop thinking about how badly I want, like… a Sandy spinoff series or something. 
And I don’t mean a lore-heavy, epic adventure rich in heavy themes and conflicts like we have in the main series, just with Sandy at the center instead of MK. I want Sandy's series to be almost exclusively season one-style laid back episodes. But the good kind of laid back episodes, you know? Stuff like S1E6&7, that a lot of people dismiss, especially on a first watch, as nothing more than filler but actually serve as a subtle expansion/exploration of characters (“I also summoned monster trees with my stress, so. Should I see a doctor? We’ll worry about that later” still haunts me) and dynamics hidden under the guise of a silly little adventure with funny jokes, great animation, and fairly low stakes. 
I want to see what an appointment with Sandy’s therapist looks like, or even just the shenanigans he gets up to during those episodes where he’s mysteriously absent and only Tang seems to notice. 
I want to see Sandy teach Tang how to make tea, and maybe nerd out about those theories Sandy mentioned having about the gang's whole deal with the OG Companions.
I want to see Sandy’s endless teddy bear energy clash with Red-wants to seem intimidating but will also grab his new friends warm milk if they ask-Son. 
I want to see Wukong forced to have an extended conversation with Sandy, or really anyone from the team that isn’t MK or actively yelling at him, and getting to really see how they work off of each other. 
I want to see the secret ‘how do we help our clearly not okay friend?’ talks Mei and Sandy have behind MK’s back whenever he starts acting weird, and all the gossip that goes on during the yoga sessions they start doing together after Mei gets the Samadhi fire. 
I want to see Sandy talking with the little girl that LBD possessed, especially since something kind of similar happened to him during season 4, and accidentally becoming her new (and favorite) giant blue uncle. 
I want an episode of MK and Sandy hanging out. Just chilling on the boat, playing with Mo, going for a little walk around town until BOOM! Sandy brings MK to his unsuspecting therapist, who’s about to get the most interesting case of their career. And maybe, if we’re allowed a little angst, a discussion about how scary it is to be born with a lot of power that not only can, but will, hurt a lot of people if it isn't carefully controlled. About how they’ve tried, and failed, to avoid causing pain. About wanting to never cause pain, and how the futility of that sentiment almost outweighs the importance of trying anyways. 
And above all, I DEMAND a Pigsy-Sandy origin story! 
Anyways, this is basically just me edging ever closer to the brink of madness after you accidently inflicted No Thoughts, Only Sandy syndrome upon me with your last response. But, it's also an invitation to gush about Sandy some more, if you want, and also share anything you would want to see in a hypothetical Sandy show!
Unhinged Anon I got you, here's a motif post where I have every MK reflection in the whole show.
AND “I also summoned monster trees with my stress, so. Should I see a doctor? We’ll worry about that later” HAUNTS ME TOO. There's something about the way those shots are set up, cracking from blue to gold:
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MK also becoming a "master of focus" in this ep, with focus becoming important later in episodes like 1x09 and 3x11/12 with Mei.
Imma use this ask as a spring board for one of my fav personal theories, which is this: OG Sandy, from the original jttw pilgrimage, is also our current day Sandy!
I'll probably throw this into an official theory post later, but for now I'll go into this theory underneath the cut:
First, let's start with 2x08 To Catch a Leaf, during which Sandy has several PTSD flashbacks:
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So, the first one is some sort of battlefield, and the second one...
Is of Zhu Bajie?
Now, we know Pigsy has never worn an outfit like this based off of this comment in 4x05:
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Pigsy: "Blue ain't really my color, but it beats looking like that monster, Zhu Ganglie."
The Pig Demon in that flashback from 2x08 HAS to be Zhu Bajie of the original jttw pilgrimage. But why would Sandy have a memory like that?
Next is the fact that while everyone else in 4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids is compared to their past life, Sandy notably isn't.
Tang knows friendship, but unlike Tang Sanzang isn't studious.
Mei is bold and brave, but lacks Ao Lie's caution.
Pigsy like Zhu Bajie is stubborn, but he has the heart his predecessor originally lacked.
Yet this is all Subodhi has to say to Sandy:
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Subdohi: "You have nothing more to learn my hilariously blue student! Another star for you!" Sandy: "Dooww thank you wise master!" Subodhi: "But! You're far too nice for your own good." Sandy: "Uh huh, you noticed!"
(4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids)
It's exceedingly strange that in an episode where Subodhi breaks down everyone's character arcs, Sandy is told he's all good. He has nothing more to learn, and no more character development to go through.
Unless of course...Subodhi quite simply couldn't compare Sandy to his past life because there was no past life to compare him to.
Another detail in s4 that's always intrigued me is how Sandy is brought back to himself from Sha Wujing in 4x06.
Pigsy's heartfelt speech on the legacy of their past lives not defining their current one, or how they're not monsters, doesn't work. It's instead Mo offering Sandy wholehearted love that brings Sandy back:
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Which, of course Sandy has a close bond with Mo, but Pigsy's speech wasn't anything to scoff at either:
Pigsy: "No. No! Just cause we look a certain way, cause our monster ancestors were, well, monsters, none of that matters! I won't let his legacy define mine, and neither should you! Your the strongest, the biggest, the bluest guy I know! But all you've ever used those muscles for is to help people in need—your friends. That don't sound like a monster to me." (4x06 Show Me the Monster)
As far as we know, that should have been the exact thing Sandy needed to be freed from his past life, and yet it wasn't.
That would be because, at least under the confines of this theory, the guy Pigsy is saying Sandy wasn't like was indeed who Sandy used to be. Yes, Sandy has far outgrown the person who fought to establish his own place in the world, learning that "hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength". But here's the thing, who you used to be matters. Unlike Pigsy's relationship with Zhu Bajie, Sandy's relationship with who he was in the past can't as easily be written off. It's still a part of him.
There are also certain other details. like the fact that Sandy knows his way to Flower Fruit Mountain in "A Hero is Born", or how he's so knowledgeable on ancient powerful remedies like the crimson jimson weed. Of course these details could be chalked up to plot convenience—which is by no means a flaw or complaint—but I've always wondered if there was anything more to it.
But, Sandy's more laid back reaction to most things has always intrigued me, and it would re-contextualize certain scenes like this one from 2x10 in a fun way:
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Pigsy: "No! What could have been so important that you'd leave MK alone to face that- that thing! You're supposed to be his mentor-"
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Sandy: "ENOUGH!" "I think we should give Mr. Monkey King, a chance to explain."
(2x10 This is the End!)
Of course with this theory comes a few questions, like why Sandy didn't meet the same fate as the other pilgrims, or why he wouldn't let Sun Wukong know he was alive, or why he would bother to pretend he wasn't the OG Sha Wujing at all. And honestly? I don't have an answer to these questions!
But what I do know is that Sandy's friends are greatly important to him-
Sandy: "Hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength—took me a really long time to realize that. As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend, I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me. Cause at the end of the day, helping my friends is more important than anything else in the world!" (2x08 To Catch a Leaf)
-and losing them would affect him greatly.
Whatever happened to the og jttw crew, that could very easily be the reason Sandy was "the most dangerous, deadly, rage filled warrior [Pigsy] ever [knew]". Based off of that 2x08 Zhu Bajie flashback, Sandy could very well have watched his friend die.
But, now that Sandy has his friends back in his life? Of course he's going to do whatever he can for them!
Which would include anything from making tea to breaking his vow to never fight again.
And please for the love of god give us a Pigsy - Sandy origin story. I'm begging. WHAT IS THEIR HISTORY MAN. WHY DID PIGSY KNOW HOW TO COMMIT A JAILBREAK.
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handweavers · 9 months
I think it’s mostly just the way you phrased that post was like you were assuming whoever was reading it must be shallow and have no life or personality outside of “consuming media” (the most robotic internet term for enjoying art and stories). Which just feels ironic given that it’s on the self-proclaimed “fandom website” where people are bound to go onto their blogs to talk about, like, movies or whatever the hell. Not that I think that’s definitely how you feel because I don’t know you, but at least in my opinion that how most people read your post. It just feels kind of annoying in an especially Tumblr-y way to ask “can you even stand yourself when you aren’t reading a book? do you even have any personality outside of watching that show?”, get surprised when some people who see it think it’s dumb, then immediately go “well I must be right then if you’re all so offended by it… Maybe that’s something you should unpack”. Sorry people are being rude to you though lol, I’m sure you meant well and it was probably just meant to be like a 5-note-post for your mutuals or something.
it was a series of questions i wrote mainly for myself and maybe 5 people who i knew wouldn't interpret my words in bad faith and knew what i was trying to say because we are friends and they understand where i am coming from and the context i was talking in. it wasn't intended to blow up nor was it my goal and im actually quite frustrated that it did because it's only been a headache. even in this ask you are misinterpreting my words and reading into them in the worst possible way and making assumptions about me that are incorrect and you even acknowledge you're doing this in the ask lol so i don't even know what your goal was with sending this. i deleted the post(s) a while ago and want nothing more to do with this conversation sorry
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If you're unable to afford therapy, there are several self-care practices and resources you can explore to support your mental and emotional well-being. Here are some strategies that may be helpful:
Mindfulness and Meditation:
Practice mindfulness meditation to increase self-awareness and reduce stress.
Use mindfulness apps like Headspace, Calm, or Insight Timer for guided meditation.
Physical Exercise:
Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, yoga, or dancing.
Exercise helps release endorphins and promotes a sense of well-being.
Creative Outlets:
Explore creative activities like painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.
Expressing yourself creatively can serve as a form of emotional release and self-exploration.
Social Support:
Foster connections with friends, family, or support groups.
Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can provide emotional validation and understanding.
Write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a journal.
Journaling can help you process emotions and gain insights into your mental state.
Healthy Lifestyle Habits:
Maintain a balanced diet, prioritize regular sleep, and reduce the consumption of alcohol and recreational substances.
Establishing healthy lifestyle habits contributes to overall well-being and emotional stability.
Online Resources:
Utilize online mental health resources and communities for support and guidance.
Websites like 7 Cups, BetterHelp, and TherapyTribe offer online support and resources.
Self-Help Books and Podcasts:
Read self-help books or listen to podcasts focused on mental health and personal development.
Resources like "The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Edmund Bourne or podcasts like "The Hilarious World of Depression" can offer insights and coping strategies.
Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Compassion:
Establish healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life to avoid emotional burnout.
Practice self-compassion and avoid self-judgment, allowing yourself to acknowledge and accept your feelings without harsh criticism.
While self-care practices can be helpful for some periods of time, it's essential to seek professional help if you're experiencing severe or persistent mental health challenges. Many therapists offer sliding scale fees or pro bono services, and some community organizations provide free mental health support. Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance when needed.
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kaleidoscopevisualart · 4 months
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Kaleidoscope Calming Meditation 👉 Follow the Link for More Motion Background Videos 📺 Kaleidoscope Visuals - Colorful Visuals 📌 https://youtube.com/@KaleidoscopeVisuals
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eififah · 6 months
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Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t like your scrolling habits: Social media is for ‘building relationships,’ not just consuming content, that Facebook and Instagram are “addictive” and harmful Yup..., Bakalan tepat ditangan orang yang tepat, tapi keknya bukan gw deh, gw kadang suka adiktif aja sama medsos
Bbye Facebook. Bbye Twitter, and 20 Days Again Bbye Instagram ^^ “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.” – Albert Einstein. ^^
"The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is. I don't believe in 'super-men,' for the world is full of capable men, but it's the fellow with determination that wins out." - Charles M. Schwab. ^^
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You're Stressed? hmm, We got the solution!! Discover Cloud Gazing And say goodbye to stress and Hello to serenity
Discover Now
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Guilt Trip | Psychological Manipulation Terms Women Should Know
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Looking For Senior Woman With Strong Interest in Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment.
Spiritual Master needs to expand his spiritual movement. I am spending every dime that
I have on this project. I have a place of my own, but it is very small, and I am renting out
the main bedroom, and I am sleeping in the living room.
My daily activities are basically 10 hours per day on my laptop, all work-related, writing
for Amazon, etc. I am 55+, and I am very active in Health and fitness.
Must be open-minded in the area of spirituality. I am a contrarian Master.
Master has no pretense of piety. You will NEVER be asked for money. This is NOT "religion"
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kyletwebster · 2 years
My app, Lines of Zen, is the first ever Meditative Drawing app for iOS. Info and free download at LinesOfZen.com
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👉📺🎵 Pixel Kaleidoscope
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babyspacebatclone · 2 months
So, I have some honest questions about meditation.
Specifically, that I’m at a plateau, and looking for things to nudge me past it a bit.
For example, I recently went to a float therapy session, and while it was good - my home setup with my weighted blanket, eyemask and earplugs, and the body scan/“turn off” I’ve been doing for 30 years since I was a teenager gets close, and I was hoping to break past that.
If anyone has any specific recommendations for meditation practices or narrations for ADHD and/or Autism, that would probably be the most helpful.
Because right now the only way I can “clear my mind” is to run three parallel “programs” (a visualization, counting, and a mental fidget), and again I’d like to be able to more easily break past the effort on things other than the visualization if it’s possible…
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