obbydrawsstuff · 11 months
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Titlecard Dump time! Here’s a bunch of Youtube Titlecards I’ve made for various Toonkind D&D games. Really proud with how a lot of them turned out!!
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krakenator · 1 year
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Finally got around to finishing my line and color of @calista-222‘s sketch
Alibi & Lady Luck belong to @modmad
Mersel & the Wishing Star belong to @toonrevamp
Lucky Jack & Miss Fortune belong to @crankyteapot
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chloedoesart · 1 year
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Title card dump!
I've been playing quite a few Toonkind games lately, so here's a few of the title cards from them:
A Hawkward Situation featuring The Star Trio! This was the most fun I've ever had DMing. These three are a blast and I'm so honored I was able to be a part of their stories! The characters are Tobias @luisalecto), Primrose (@artist-of-obsessions), and Mersel (@toonrevamp).
So You Have a Child 2: The Other Parent featuring Magic's character, Moss. (my character, Cass, sort of... adopted her.)
A Terrible Interview featuring @luisalecto as Tobias and my character, Dr. Terrible, who was introduced in A Hawkward Situation.
And finally... Parent to Parent Communication (which I posted without words since I think it's prettier that way) featuring @authorticity as Gloo, the other parent of Moss!
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indefinite-pitch · 11 months
Mersel - Dragon Words
Buy & Support: Mersel - Niho EP
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hexasart · 1 year
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Started a new campaign and I am delighted with how it's set up so far.
It took me 3 hours to get the party together.
Wanna listen to Talent Stole? Go here!
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hexabeast · 1 year
Baph, Vava, Lucille 💐🌿🌳
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Baph: In denial about needing help. She is Fine. She does not need Help, really. She cared for her brother when he was sick and she can care for herself! Nevermind that she's so dang feverish. If Frank were the one to dote she'd accept it but everyone else she tries to push away. On the flip side, she is a doting and fussy caretaker. Making sure you have enough liquid, are eating things that help, and are resting. Checking in periodically, ect ect.
Vava: Actually very fussy when sick. Enjoys being doted on but won't admit it because she's a mom, dangit, this is her job. But she also knows when to ask for help and when she needs it, so she will accept help. Especially from Winn and Serul and, though she jokes and makes a fuss, Mersel. ("I'm your mother, shouldn't this be reversed?")
Lucille: Absolute Nightmare Patient. Is Not Sick. Does Not Need Help. They never had help once they got older, they don't need it now. Besides, it's their job to take care of others, not the other way around. They can't be sick, don't have time for it. Gotta be the strong and healthy one. Will not take help from anyone until they're too sick to even fight back. And by that point, good luck hauling the sick shark to get care.
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Baph: Fussing. Doting. Acts of service and doing what she can to make things easier. Also, just existing in a space near her is huge. Like quietly reading while leaned against each other? Peak goat affection. Physical affection is also a bit way to show you care about her. She might reject it at first, but...once she warms up to someone, she accepts it greedily.
Vava: Vava's Love Language is, shockingly, Not Gifts, it is Acts of Service and Physical Touch. She Mom's over you. Leans into you. Plays with your hair. Does what she can to help ease the stresses of the day, even if that's just. Offering a juice box or a shoulder to lean on. Small little acts. And she accepts those in kind as a way to show she's loved.
Lucille: She shows you things. Takes you places. Experiences. Things that are hard to replicate or that leave some kind of impact. They don't have many possessions, and don't really consider themself a materialistic person, so gifts, while appreciated and worn and treasured, are not the biggest show of love. The biggest show is Quality Time. Seeking them out, specifically, for their company? Dropping things to spend time with them? That's...such a huge thing for Lucy, because they know a lot of people tend to push them away once how long they live comes to light. So people who still love, who still want that bond? Huge. Huge.
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
Baph: Reading! But honestly goat doesn't destress well. At least not yet. Soon. Soon.
Vava: Bubble bath by candlelight. A bottle of wine nearby. The water scalding hot. A trashy romance novel and some quiet music playing. Oh she makes a whole evening of it.
Lucille: P Sure if Lucille has a stressful day they just fucking collapse on something and sleep. Usually won't seek people out because 'not your problem, my problem'. They sleep and sleep hard.
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toriel-2 · 2 years
"i want to die i should kill myself" = not funny
"i want tae die i should fookin kill mersel" = voice (funny)
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rotterdamvanalles · 11 months
De Sint-Barbarakerk aan de Crooswijkseweg op de hoek van de Pijperstraat en de Crooswijksestraat, december 1933.
De Sint-Barbarakerk was een rooms-katholieke kerk aan de Crooswijkseweg 38 in Rotterdam.
De Barbarakerk werd in 1921-1922 gebouwd voor de katholieke arbeiders in de wijk Crooswijk en was een van de grootste kerken in het bisdom. Het kerkbezoek liep na de Tweede Wereldoorlog echter snel terug, waardoor de kerk in 1974 werd gesloten en in 1977 werd afgebroken.
De parochie Heilige Barbara werd in 1906 gesticht door pastoor E.A.M. van Mersel, voor de in die periode sterk toenemende bevolking van Crooswijk. De eerste jaren maakte de parochie gebruik van een kleine houten noodkerk. Omdat de arbeidersbevolking van Crooswijk wel talrijk, maar armlastig was, werd landelijk geld ingezameld en geleend voor de bouw van een echte kerk. Het duurde lang voor er voldoende geld beschikbaar was, want de bouw kon pas in 1922 starten. De aanbesteding voor de bouw werd in december 1921 gewonnen door aannemer J.C. de Waal uit Rotterdam, die de kerk voor een bedrag van fl.298.480,- zou bouwen. De pastorie en klokkentoren waren buiten de aanbesteding gehouden. De totale bouwkosten bedroegen fl.369.500,-. De eerste steen werd op 18 mei 1922 gelegd. Op 20 september 1923 werd de kerk plechtig ingewijd door bisschop Callier.
De architect van de kerk was Jos Margry. Hij ontwierp een grote eenbeukige kruiskerk in neoromaanse en neobyzantijnse stijl. Een circa 60 meter hoge klokkentoren zou aan aan de linkerzijde van de hoofdingang verrijzen, maar uiteindelijk is door geldgebrek alleen de onderbouw van de toren gebouwd. Dat gold ook voor de door Margry ontworpen pastorie, die op de hoek met de Pijperstraat zou komen te staan..
De kerk was gebouwd met grijze waalsteen. Met een lengte van 60 meter en een maximale breedte van 47 meter was het een van de grootste kerken van het Bisdom Haarlem, waar Rotterdam toen nog onder viel. Het schip was 17 meter breed en kwam uit op het transept. Het centrale deel van het transept was een achthoekige ruimte. De centrale ruimte was overdekt met een 35 meter hoge koepel, met een doorsnede van 20 meter. Het plafond van de koepel in de kerk was 24 meter hoog. De beide armen van het transept en het priesterkoor hadden een halfronde vorm. De koepel werd aan de buitenzijde bekroond met een kruis en had op iedere hoek een hoektoren.
Al in de jaren 1950 nam het aantal kerkgangers sterk af en maakte de parochie zich zorgen om de toekomst. Jonge gezinnen trokken op zoek naar een woning weg uit de wijk en de groep wijkbewoners die nog wel regelmatig naar de kerk gingen vergrijsde. Het kerkbezoek bleef ook in de jaren 1960 afnemen en daarom werd besloten om de parochie in 1969 te laten fuseren met de parochie van de Allerheiligste Verlosserkerk aan de Goudserijweg, en de Barbarakerk op termijn af te stoten. De laatste mis werd in 1974 gehouden, waarna de kerk werd gesloten.
Aanvankelijk zou de kerk wel behouden blijven. De gemeente zou het kerkgebouw kopen voor fl 435.000 en wilde er een sporthal in vestigen, omdat de grote kerkzaal zonder pilaren daar geschikt voor zou zijn.. Maar terwijl de verbouwing tot sporthal al was gestart, bleken de kosten te hoog en bleek het kerkgebouw ook niet voor alle sporten geschikt. Er werd gekozen voor een andere locatie op het Schuttersveld, tegenover de kerk, voor de bouw van een nieuw sportcentrum. Aanvankelijk was er nog enig protest van de wijkbewoners, maar dat betrof vooral de zorg of de sporthal er wel kwam, niet of het monumentale gebouw behouden moest blijven. Nadat daar een nieuwe locatie voor was aangewezen, kon de kerk worden afgebroken.
De foto komt uit de fotocollectie van het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van Wikipedia.
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babblable · 2 years
2, 5, 28, 37 Winn Chimes
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
At the current moment? What happened to Craigory. That's his son, he loves him endlessly. The more he thinks about what little bits he knows, recalling seeing him after everything, the more guilty he feels. He thinks and he thinks and he frets and he regrets. He never wants to hurt his children, but sometimes mistakes are made and he is oblivious as shit despite trying. He will try and take what he knows and be better, he strives to learn.
That doesn't mean he won't feel guilty, still. The guilt, however, will not stop him from learning and trying.
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
Surface Level: Water. God he's terrified of water. He has no real reason for being afraid of it, he's never drowned! But dear lords it terrifies him.
Repressed: People touching his face. Anything related to his sister and that side of his family. Mersel is the One Good Thing to come from his sister and her side of family. He isn't afraid of him. But everyone else? They're the shadows that have been consuming his mind and he's terrified, but he doesn't want to address it. Not yet.
Deep Dark: He's terrified that he's a terrible person for where he's from and who his family is. He's terrified that this curse is going to permanently destroy his mind and turn him into a truely horrible person. Terrified he'll severely hurt someone he loves with his uncontrolled dark magic without realizing until it's far too late.
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them?
Someone who would purposefully hurt their children. Someone completely without remorse.
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away?
Winn started out without freedom, so to speak. He only became free when he ran off from the Great Wizards Hall. He understood true freedom when he met and studied under Xan.
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camilieroart · 2 years
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Colors of THIS POST by @calista-222 I don’t know much about Toonkind ? I mostly did it to surprise my friend jgerioger. Although I did learn about them as I drew and actually I love them all very much. The weird Gods of Luck my beloveds. I know like 4 things about you.
Also transparent line under the cut if any of you want to :)
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obbydrawsstuff · 9 months
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An Art Fight attack for @marzibird and @toonrevamp, featuring their chracters Mariz and Mersel!!
🎨 My Art Fight Account || ⭐ My Ko-fi || 🧚🏻 Mazibird's Art Fight Account || 🌟 Vvampire1234's Art Fight Account
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krakenator · 1 year
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the Talent Stole mini campaign is a delight and mersel is a BULLY @toonrevamp
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calista-222 · 2 years
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I thought I could finish this but then I didn’t and this drawing has been sitting in my files for ages, soo I’m just posting it as it is asfcf (If anyone feels like linearting/coloring it, feel free to do so! :D)
Lady Luck and Alibi : @modmad
Wishing Star and Mersel: @toonrevamp 
Miss Fortune and Lucky Jack: @crankyteapot
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indefinite-pitch · 1 year
Mersel - Material
Buy & Support: Mersel - Intermodulation
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furiouskettle · 3 years
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lemon parmesan.
@modmad @toonrevamp @artist-of-obsessions
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tsunamiholmes · 2 years
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Welcome to Bottomless Heights, where things are not always as they seem...
I thoroughly enjoyed creating these 10 custom resin pins for the players in the Bottomless Heights Toonkind campaign. It was my first time creating pins like these; I learned a lot from the process and I am excited to share them with the world!
A huge thank you to everyone involved in the campaign, even if you didn't get a pin. I can't wait to create this story with you, it's going to be a journey to remember.
Some of the amazing folks include: @megamagma17 @modmad @artist-of-obsessions @fletchier
Process photos below the cut.
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3D models created from the SVG versions I made from tracing the original symbol designs (which were not designed by me).
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I printed a prototype on my regular printer (about a 12 min print, super quick) to test for size and stability.
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Then I put the models in my slicing software for my resin printer and began prepping them to print! I chose resin for a nicer finish, durability, and so I wouldn't have to worry about not sanding in the cracks, since that's almost impossible.
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The prints on the bed right after printing and after cleaning in an alcohol bath.
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UV light to cure the resin completely.
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Sanding. For hours. But worth it!
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I hot glue them to toothpicks where I'll be attaching the pin backs and place them in my painting board (which is just an old piece of wood with holes in it). Then I give them a nice few coats of black enamel.
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Finally, I give them a nice coating of antique gold Rub 'n Buff (a nice wax finish) and use two part epoxy to glue on the pin backs.
And there you have it! Simple, 3D printed, metallic resin pins. I am in no way an expert and most of this was just me using my combined cosplay fabrication knowledge to whip these out, but I'm still happy with the result and I look forward to making more like this in the future!
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