#Michel Afton
gretsukoi · 3 months
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evan doesn't get along very well with his brother and who could blame him?
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tp2-randomness · 17 days
*bad father vibes*
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atalante241 · 11 months
Can you blame the Crying Child for crying constantly, he lived with 3 ppl of which each of them was about to gain a body count within the next 10 years
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0-rai · 10 months
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star-light-shadows · 4 months
"Is it hot in here, or is it just her?"
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matthew-and-tirreny · 8 months
I don't know why I can imagine this
Michael:*sitting and chilling in a void reading a newspaper*well that WASNT on my bingo card of 20XX! , what's next a gregtrap
*T-posing of the dude that created an actual comic of gregtrap ( kasugabee on twitter )*
Michael:and what's next a helltrap!?
C.C:*leans over* hope not, I don't wanna have to deal with the v.s (vengeful spirit aka cassidy)
Elizabeth:DADDYS ALIVE!? *looking happy*
Michael:shut it overly obsessed twisted version of Charlie
If someone where to draw this may god be ony oure side
(Kasugabee -> @kasugabee666 )
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cyancatart · 7 months
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cool ass foxy mask i made
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mechanicaldance · 6 months
are there many Vanessa’s about? Emelie still wants her dotter
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gretsukoi · 2 years
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Lo ciento se me olvido que tenia tumblr esto ya estaba en twiter xd
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crazyalpacawombat · 1 year
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hamscallion · 1 year
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Some art of factory freaks mike!! Absolutely love this goober. For those of you who might be confused the kid in front is pre-tour mike, the guy in the back is post-tour mike, and the lady to the left and the guy to the right is Mike's mom and dad respectively.
The words on the TVs read "SELF-MADE MONSTER"
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norcester · 1 year
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my versions of mr. and mrs. afton.
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sdxstudio · 8 months
I cosplayed Michelle Afton 🔦🌜
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So Michelle Afton is Michael Afton (It's a SWAP AU so he's in there a woman). Everything goes normal as in the canon story.
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Michelle jumpscare lol
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I just came up with an idea that I kinda wanna draw but I’m working another comic so this one won’t get done for a while. (This is the one universe where Mike and Olivia have kids. I usually don’t have that? But this au is for funsies)
Mike, Olivia, Michelle, and Lee-Lee are all at the beach house for the summer.
After listening to the forecast, the girls decided to enjoy the small window of sunshine in the day, and went out to play on the beach. Olivia turned to start cooking them all breakfast, and Mike picked up the morning paper. He couldn’t focus on it though, his eyes instead being drawn to the carefree figures on the beach.
After not even being sure him and Olivia could have kids… to not sure if they should given the whole… remnant thing, and that’s not even counting the reputation Afton kids have from their predecessor. Seeing two happy girls playing on the beach holds so much magic.
Shaking off the awe, Mike turned back to his paper. But not for long.
Mike turned back to find four purple eyes staring up at him.
“What is it? Did one of you get hurt?” he asked, worry slipping in around the accusatory parent voice.
“No!” piped up Michelle, doing an eye roll that made Mike wonder if she only inherited his looks, “It just started getting cloudy, and we wanted to come read the paper with you.”
“Yeah,” Lee-lee agreed, “We wanna sit in your lap and read the news.”
Mike looked at both of the girls confused.
“It hasn’t started raining yet, and there’s only a couple clouds. It’ll be raining all day once it starts, you don’t wanna waste the time you have reading boring news do you?”
Both girls looked at their feet embarrassed.
“We were gonna try to convince you to read the comics,” Michelle offered weakly.
Mike smiled a bit, “Well, that makes a little more sense at least. But still, you know you’ll be stuck in here with your Mom and I for the whole day? You can always read them then, that way we aren’t fighting over them.”
Lee-lee reached forward tentatively and put her small, 5 year old hand, on her dad’s leg.
“But that’s why we want to see them now,” she said wistfully, pleading eyes melting Mike’s heart, “We wanna hang out. Or you’ll get away like you always do.”
“Get away?” Mike asked bewildered more by the second.
“You do kinda tend to dump us on Mom whenever we try to spend time with you,” came the sassy response from Michelle.
Mike shot a glance at Olivia’s back, trying to signal to her that he needed help desperately. But the woman kept scrambling the eggs happily, humming a little tune, and working far too hard to try to seem like she wasn’t listening to the conversation happening behind her.
Mike glared at her for a second more before a pitiful “Please Daddy?” pulled him back to the other, little purple and black haired angels, at his side.
“If you’re really that adamant about wasting the beach time you have,” he sighed, pushing his chair away from the table and patting his lap.
“YAY!” both girls cheered as they jumped with glee.
“Don’t scare your Dad, more than he already is,” laughed Olivia, “You’ll spook him so much he might think you’re animatronics disguised as children.”
“Haha, you’re hilarious,” Mike halfheartedly returned, as the girls settled themselves on their perches.
Holding both wiggling, giggling girls close as they read the paper, Mike couldn’t shake the feeling of wonder that kept rising through him. His girls were healthy, happy, having fun, and wanted him to be a part of that fun. Michael Afton. The half dead, half animatronic. The night guard, who associated with horrible monstrosities. The high school bully that got his younger brother killed. But none of those things mattered to these two little sparkling, energetic balls of energy. He was Dad, and that’s all that mattered.
Mike hugged his daughters close, cherishing every moment they gave him. If he was Dad, he’d go through the scooper a hundred times before he let these girls lose faith in him. It wasn’t a hard bar to beat, but slipping to William’s level would be far more painful than any of the physical or mental trauma Mike had gone through.
“Wonder what old Henry would’ve thought of this,” Mike thought to himself, “Wish he were here so I could ask him advice. If he could handle Charlie, he would’ve loved Chell and Lee-lee.”
“Ok, you can finish reading the comics in a bit,” Olivia chirped happily. “Breakfast is gonna get cold. Get to your seats.”
Michelle and Lee-lee went to move, but the arms around them didn’t budge an inch. Another try garnered the same amount of success.
“Dad,” Michelle turned in confusion to meet her father’s smirk, “We gotta eat. Come on, let go.”
“Sorry Chell,” Mike shrugged, a bit too casually. “I must’ve had glue on me, I can’t seem to move.”
“Glue!? Oh no!” shrieked a horrified Lee-lee, starting to flail wildly.
Olivia raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, not impressed.
“Glue huh? That would stick your arms to the girls, you’re not even moving.”
“Well… I guess the endoskeleton’s servo’s locked up,” Mike said far too fast, a grin spreading across his face no matter how hard he tried to fight it back. “You know how the animatronics had to keep moving or they’d get stuck. I guess I just sat here too long.”
“Well, I spent too long on breakfast to let these girls go hungry,” returned the woman, matching Mike’s smirk, “What do you suggest we do?”
Mike thought for a moment, making sure to look like he was considering the question deeply.
“You could push their plates over here and they just keep sitting on me?” he finally offered.
“Then you won’t be able to eat, you goof,” laughed Olivia. “Will it be enough glue remover for me to just scoot the girls’ chairs over towards yours?”
Mike looked at Chell and Lee-lee in turn, then grinned back at Olivia.
“As long as you move yours closer too.”
The family laughed as they all huddled close that morning, happy to have each other. Each member precious and necessary.
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