shenanigumi · 6 years
Nagakura [in Okita Memories of Love 1]: Yo, Chizuru! Working hard?
Me, aloud, immediately: Working hard to keep my hands off you, sweet cheeks.
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sabraeal · 3 years
Whenever I view the moon on the battlefield
[Read on AO3]
Written for @bubblesthemonsterartist, on the occasion of her becoming older than me once again. Old as dirt really. Practically middle aged...😂
It had snowed the night before.
Kai can taste it; it’s a sharp bite in his nose, a vivid chill on his tongue. There’s nothing to show for it now; the engawa creaks beneath his tabi, but there’s no crunch, no wetness to tell it was once there. Only the lingering scent remains, and only for those who know to look for it.
Hah, reminds him of someone he knows. Oh, how it would annoy him to hear it, to hear his shadow wrapped in strokes and made solid on the page. Maybe he would whisper it in the Vice-Commander’s ear one day; at least then that bit of poetry could come from a welcome mouth.
He takes in another breath, the cold burning deep in his lungs, and-- ah, it’s not just winter on the air today, but something else. A buzz, a jangle of bells; something dissonant with the usual bustle and boom of the compounds. This is a place filled to the rafters with young men; it should be boisterous, a raucous din of swords clashing and chatter threading through the air, but instead--
Instead it is silent. Kai is not one to put a hand to hilt, not when there is no reason to draw, but in this loud lack, he considers it.
Kai is not a small man; we could put you in the ring, Nagakura would tell him when his wallet no longer made the sweet music it ought, really give those sumo a run for their money, eh, Raki-san? He would laugh-- what man wouldn’t, when Nagakura rolled his words in his mouth, undaunted by sake or sense-- but it was true he was of a size with those men, that he could make the ground thunder under his feet should he choose it.
But when he paces the engawa now, no boards sing beneath his feet. Sound is a choice, but silence takes practice, takes precision. Babes are born into this world wailing, but it takes a lifetime to learn how to stifle a step, how to sit with a quiet mind and a calm heart. When they write of him, they will say that Shimada Kai moved mountains when he walked, but only the Watch will know that he could breathe so slowly that dust would lie still.
Well, the Watch and Gen, who slides open the shoji with a sigh, wiping at his tonsure with a grimace, and promptly jumps.
“Shimada-san,” he laughs, weakly. “I didn’t hear you coming.”
Kai would assure him that he wouldn’t be the first, but considering his reputation, he doubts that will be much of a comfort. Besides, this is hardly the first time he’s caught one of the captains unaware. I’m going to put bells on you, the Vice-Commander told him more than once, frowning at his spilt tea, then at least I’ll know you’re coming before your shadow arrives.
There’s voices coming from behind the paper; the Vice-Commander’s low, intense rumble is one of them, as well as Okita’s higher, prodding tones. The two of them sharing a room without shouting was rare enough, but for Gen to have subjected himself to it-- “There’s a meeting of the captains?”
Gen’s men call him stern, an exacting task master as relentless as any dojo’s sensei-- but they never fail to remark upon his kindness either, nor the open warmth his smile radiates, like the gentle heat off a hibachi. Expressive, a learned man might say; it makes him a good captain, a lethal warrior, and a terrible diplomat.
“Ah...” His mouth pulls tight, a grimace that flashes before he is able to school his face. “Yes. Er, or should I say, among some. There was quite a commotion last night.”
“A commotion?” It had been Okita in that room and the Vice-Commander. It would be a necessity to have Kondo as well, to keep them from nipping at each other’s throats. Captains, with Gen but one among them, but not all-- the arithmetic alone makes his blood run cold. “You mean with the Furies.”
The word alone sets Gen’s face slack, his eyes pulsing wide as he searches the courtyard, fearing the ears that might hear them, unwitting. “Yes,” he replies slowly. “Two ran free last night.”
If Shimada cussed, he would be sorely tempted to do so now. “There were bodies then? Has Yamazaki-kun--?”
“Toshi sent him out last night,” Gen assures him. “Just after he returned with Saito and Souji. There will be nothing for anyone to find when they wake this morning.”
He would be back soon, then. Dawn leaked over the horizon, lazy as it always was in these last few winter months. “Then why have the captains met?”
Gen’s breath tumbles into the air, troubled. “There was a witness.”
“A witness?” Kai shifts, restless. That would make things complicated-- or simple, depending. With their luck, however...well, anticipating the worst made more answers seem sweet.
“It’s a boy, barely more than a child.” Every word bobs heavily between them, weighed down by Gen’s disapproval. “We’ve had him in custody since last night.”
“Even a child can hold a knife.” Something a man who knew Okita as a boy should know, if half of what he’s heard is true. “And those that can’t have eyes and tongue still.”
“You would say that,” There’s no heat behind Gen’s words, just a reluctant fondness. “But you still let them beg you for candy in the marketplace.”
Ah, he would bring that up. “Even a child can hold a knife,” Kai blusters, “but that doesn’t mean every one does.”
“Then you see what I mean.” Gen shuffles down the engawa, casting a thin scowl toward the shoji. “This boy’s cheeks are smooth, not a threat of stubble on them, and yet we have him bound hand and foot like some common criminal. And all because he had no choice but to witness...”
His words stumble, but Kai does not need to hear them to know just what those child’s eyes have seen. Yamazaki may be the one that cleans up after the Fury’s missteps, but he has seen what their bloodlust leaves behind. Pieces, never enough to be made into a whole; hardly enough to throw into furnace for ashes.
“Toshi wants me to bring him,” Gen mutters when Kai matches his recalcitrant pace. “A boy not old enough for a razor, but they’ll interrogate him to see what he knows.”
“No.” The answer rattles around in his chest, hollow. “They want to know what he thinks he’s seen.”
“They might as well ask a man asleep in his bed for all the good it will do them.” Gen’s mouth is little more than a blade’s edge, hardly parting as he grits out, “Fear paints uncertain memories, and the terror this boy must have witnessed...”
Kai does not speak, but in his silence, he agrees. The Vice Commander could fire his barrage of questions, as relentless as any Black Ship, but for a child to remember anything but the beating of his heart as he waited to die-- he would be a true warrior, not to be wasted on Okita’s blade.
“It won’t be so bad,” Gen says with a wave of his hand, as if the movement alone could banish their concerns. “Heisuke is of an age with him. You know he could hardly stand to see a potential comrade in distress.”
True enough. Shinpachi used to tease him about Serizawa’s page; to hear him tell it, the boy had barely awoken before Heisuke asked him to call him by the same, bandying about the name Ryunnoske like they were brothers rather than strangers. He doesn’t, not anymore, not since...
Well, perhaps this time Heisuke would not be so quick to adopt a stray. Not when the last had hardly washed clean from the river’s shore.
“And Shinpachi-san and Sano-san won’t suffer it either.” Gen’s voice bubbles brightly, like the sunshine over a still river’s rapids, danger lurking just beneath the surface. “They might sit quiet now, but once they see this child...”
That, Kai doubted. Both were good men, but they made better warriors. Perhaps if this boy were as pitiful as Gen claimed, he would have the right of it. But otherwise, his age might work against him; boy he might be to men such as them, but to two that were used to thinking of Heisuke as an equal rather than a child--
“Okita will want to kill him,” Kai reminds him instead; the largest danger. Shinpachi and Sano would bend whichever way the Vice Commander’s wind would blow, but Okita is ruled by his own whims-- or Kondo’s word. And Kai knew which of those were faster.
“There’s few enough men he doesn’t,” Gen grumbles. “He can say what he wishes. I doubt his word will carry much weight among the captains, after...”
Everything. The Shinsegumi’s name might be new enough to shine, but already it is smeared with blood, and most of it from Okita’s blade. No one would be eager to follow his lead, not when Serizawa’s influence sat heavy on him as a yoke.
Gen hesitates, steps stilling on the boards. “You’ll watch for him, won’t you?” He turns his head over his shoulder. “Yamazaki-kun, I mean. Toshi will want to speak to him, once all this is...decided.”
Between a body and a hostage, he means. “I will,” Kai promises. “We will be ready, when it’s time.”
One way or the other.
Kai knows better to linger when Gen brings the boy out-- he needs to make a show of normalcy, of everything being what his men expect to see, even if Shinpachi is not there to drill them when they stumble from their quarters, bleary-eyed and cotton-mouthed. He does, however, catch a glimpse later when he lingers at Nagi’s well. 
The boy’s a narrow thing, undersized, not dressed in the more subdued kimono of the emperor’s dictates, but a pale salmon. Not that it makes him strange among the men here, but still-- it’s odd, as is his lack of haori, and the way his hakama sit on his hips. There’s something strange in the way he walks too, in the flexibility of his spine, but Kai can’t put his finger on it, the answer just out of reach.
“There was a witness.”
He does not startle as Gen did; instead Kai peers up at the roof, gaze catching on the shadow that doesn’t sit right until it resolves into a man instead. Yamazaki isn’t a small man-- though he’s not tall either-- but he seems it crouched there, dressed in unrelenting back.
“There was,” Kai confirms, “but the captains mean to keep him.”
Yamazaki nods, eyes too serious above the cloth of his mask. “Until they know what he knows.”
Yamazaki had always been serious; Kai noticed it that first day in Nagi house, when they swore to uphold the name of the Roshigumi. Such gravity is not often seen the young; it marked him to Kai’s eye, made it easy to take him on as a colleague in the Watch, despite their difference in ages. But he had hoped, as he watched this young man take his first stumbling steps toward friendship, that it would lighten him, give him back some of the boy he still should be.
Whatever youth Ibuki had brought out in him, there’s no trace of it left now. All that remains is that stern intensity, that arrow-like focus.
It makes him afraid. Not of Yamazaki-- he is not the sort of man one needs to fear without reason-- but for him. He’s too young to throw himself away on the dreams of other men, but it’s useless to tell him so. At his age, Kai would have been much the same.
“Yamazaki, perhaps--”
There is a commotion in the courtyard; one loud enough that his hand is on his hilt before his thoughts catch up to him. The captains have converged already, all of them on a single door, and he can’t imagine why, until--
Until he catches that glimpse of salmon, and the wide, determined eyes of their captive.
“Idiot,” Yamazaki grumbles. “Who would try to escape when they know they have the notice of the Vice Commander?”
“I don’t think...” Kai slows his tongue to match his thoughts. “I don’t think he did. I think...he doesn’t know he’s of interest at all. He hardly even knows what he saw, let alone what it means.”
The air prickles with silence.
“Enough,” Yamazaki says, decisively. “He saw enough.”
By the time the Vice Commander calls for them, Yamazaki has changed into his jinbei; no longer the lethal ninja, but a mild-mannered acupuncturist. Still, it does not change the intensity his eyes take when he kneels across from Hijikata, nor the way his hands clench at his pants.
His head bows. “Vice Commander.”
“Shimada. Yamazaki. Thank you for handling our problem last night.” A faint smile lingers around his lips, but with his next breath, it’s gone. “But I’m about to hand you another one.”
Yamazaki jerks up at that, eyes pulled wide. “Sir?”
Every word is sour when Hijikata replies, “We’re keeping the girl.”
A pin could drop, and they all would hear it.
“Girl?” Kai’s voice lifts an octave. “You mean that the boy was--?”
“A poorly disguised girl? Yes. And that’s not all.” His mouth pulls thin with distaste. “She’s Kodo’s daughter.”
Were it in him to goggle, Yamazaki would. “Yukimura-sensei’s...?”
“Yes.” The word twists wryly in the air. “Quite the coincidence, isn’t it?”
Kai shifts restlessly on his knees. “Then does she know--?”
“She doesn’t know a damned thing about Kodo’s whereabouts,” he spits out, mouth rumpled in an irritated knot. “To hear her tell it, it’s been a year since she’s heard a single word. Came all the way down from Edo to look for him.”
“Alone?” Kai asks, too sharp.
Hijikata’s brows lift. “That’s what she said. She was coming down here to find Matsumoto, see if he’d heard anything since him and her dad were old friends. But apparently he’s out of town, and she’s out of luck.”
Kodo Yukimura’s daughter showing up on their doorstep mere weeks after his house burned to the ground with not a body to be found... it’s too good a story to be true, too convenient. Still, Kai find himself believing it, believing this girl he’s only seen a glimpse of.
Hijikata sighs into their silence, leaning an arm against his desk to lounge. “Sanan thinks that if we keep her here, Kodo might finally peek that shiny head out from where he’s hiding.”
“Do you think she’ll cooperate?” Yamazaki asks, every word dripping with doubt.
“Maybe. She’s quiet enough.” The Vice Commander huffs out a laugh. “Well, except when she tried to sneak out. But to be fair, I wouldn’t stick around if Souji said he’d kill me either.”
Yamazaki goes rigid at the sound of that name, knuckles blanching on his knees. Still, he stays silent.
“For the record, I don’t think the girl lying,” Hijikata mutters, already ill tempered from the thought. “But as long as we keep her, I want you two to keep an eye on her.”
“But Vice Commander--”
“Yamazaki.” The name cracks like a whip from Hijikata’s tongue. “Are you questioning my orders?”
He squirms on his knees, mouth bowing into a frown. “N-no, Vice Commander.”
“Good.” Hijikata’s mouth twitches. “Her identity stays between us. The men don’t need to know there’s a woman among us, no matter how she’s dressed.”
Kai considers that. “But if she’s meant to stay here, at Yagi House...”
“She’ll need a better cover. I know.” If anything, the Vice Commander turns...petulant. “Souji had the bright idea of putting her as my page, and Kondo thought it was a good idea--” the implication in his tone that he did not agree was impossible to miss-- “so make sure that’s the story that circulates.”
He nods. “Of course.”
“Good, then you’re both dismissed. And Yamazaki?”
The boy perks up, eager as any dog for his master. “Yes, Vice Commander?”
Hijikata hesitates, his face growing lean and wary, the way a hunter’s does before the hunt. “If she runs, you have my permission to deal with her.”
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elf-archaeology · 5 years
Hey all! This is my Hakuouki OC Akiko meeting Harada for the first time. I’ve written a couple of drabbles before but this is my first time posting anything so please be kind! Thank you to @eheartangel and @hakuyamazakisensei for encouraging me with this! 💙
Akiko turned as she heard more customers enter the shop. “Welcome!” She called. “Oh! Heisuke-kun! It’s good to see you again.”
“Hey Akiko-chan, I brought some friends with me today” She smiled at the man’s usual cheerful tone and turned to look at the two behind him.
“Pleased to meet you ....”
“Nagakura Shinpachi” offered the man with the bandana.
She smiled at him but quickly found her gaze drawn to the redhead beside him.
“Harada Sanosuke” he offered with a grin. “Heisuke tells us this is the best sweets shop in the city.”
Why was he so attractive?! And tall! Calm down, Akiko! You’re working! And those amber eyes were so striking she thought she might drown in them. Honestly, get a grip Akiko!
She blinked, realizing she had been staring and offered the men a smile. “We do our best. Please, take a seat. What can I get for you?”
Heisuke quickly ordered his usual with Nagakura asking for the same and Akiko turned to the third man “and for you Harada-san?”
“What do you recommend, Akiko-chan?”
Akiko rather liked the way he said her name and it took her a moment to process his question, her cheeks flushing. “The manju” she answered “I made them fresh this morning!”
“Then I have to try them” Harada winked at her and she felt her cheeks grow even hotter.
“I’ll have your orders out in a moment!” Akiko quickly retreated into the back of the shop hoping her blush wasn’t too obvious.
An hour later the shop had mostly cleared out and Akiko was cleaning up as the men prepared to leave. As they stepped toward the door she called out “Come back again soon!”
“I sure will!” Heisuke waved as he stepped outside Nagakura right behind him, offering her a grin and a wave.
“The food was great! I’ll be back for sure”
Harada turned to her before stepping outside “Your manju was delicious. I look forward to eating it again.” The smile he gave her as he turned to follow his friends brought the blush back to her cheeks.
I’d make him manju every day if he’d just keep smiling at me like that. She shook herself, turning back to her work. Harada-san couldn’t come back soon enough, she decided.
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Okay, Fictional Kiss Prompt #5: hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of bare skin that make them break the kiss with a gasp for Iba and Shiori.
Thank you @resshiiram for Iba and Shiori XD Here’s your prompt. Shiori is one of my OCs, and my lovely friend here gave me the pairing…Modern Cop AU! 
Officers walked around the station, carrying paperwork or guarding incoming convicts. The doors slammed open as a famed detective arrived with her latest arrest. Cold cyan glared at the man she threw at the officers that came forward to take him. “Just try groping another woman ever again!” She growled as the man ducked his head down, eagerly letting himself be led away by the officers. Her cyan eyes glanced back at her partner, a rather handsome detective with short brown hair that nicely framed his handsome and pretty features. He looked back at her, his head tilting in slight confusion, finishing the sweet bread in his hand.
“Ah, Shiori-san,” He smiled. “We need to write up that report.” He licked the sugar remains on his fingers and she quickly looked away, the man was always eating something sweet, and stormed to her desk. Iba Hachirō followed her and sat across from her in his own desk. He peered up from his computer as she watched her fingers move about on the keyboard, her expression fierce. Chuckling quietly to himself, he grabbed a wet towel from the inside of his desk drawer to wipe his fingers and opened up the shared document she was already working on.
Not long after turning in the report of assault, Shiori would be pressing charges against the man she’d been trying to find. The station had gotten numerous reports of a man that was groping women on two streets, near a bakery that Iba Hachirō only bought danishes from. She’d been hanging out there with her partner, Iba, undercover, to catch him, and today, the perp foolishly had tried to cop a feel of her ass. She’d twisted his arm and kicked him down, and if it weren’t for her more light-hearted partner, she would’ve given his face a few more bruises, maybe even a broken nose. He had stood by for a few moments and brought out the cuffs before Shiori could beat him completely senseless. He had to pluck her off of their perp.
He sighed dreamily. Even while bringing out her fists, she looked stunning.  
“Yo! Hachirō!” A larger man with vivid blue eyes and a green bandanna on his forehead clapped his back, startling him.
“A-ah, Nagakura-san…” He gave him a sheepish smile, as if he’d been caught eating sweets when he wasn’t supposed to.
He leaned down and peered over his shoulder to look at Shiori across from him. “Na, you’re staring more at Shiori-chan more than at your work, Hachirō~.” Shinpachi smirked and squeezed his shoulders.
A little pink dusted Hachirō’s cheeks. He didn’t think anyone was noticed him. “Nagakura-san!” He whispered and stood up, leading him away to the break room. Luckily, his partner was too engrossed in her work, so wasn’t going to miss his presence for a while.
Hachirō poured them both some coffee in mugs and they walked over to the little table that held sugar and various other things to add to their coffee. He liked his with three sugars and cream.
Shinpachi only added a bit of cream and a sugar. “So, when are you going to make a move, Hachirō, my man? You’re so stricken with her.” He chuckled and took a sip from his mug.
“That would be extremely unprofessional of me, Nagakura-san.” He sighed and stared down at the coffee in his mug. “Rather than me,” He noticed that his attention had shifted to the window. They had a good view of people coming into the station. Chuckling, he looked back at the older detective. “When will you make a move on Miura-chan?”
Shinpachi’s cheeks dusted with pink as he waved back at the cheerful girl that was approaching them. “..Not a word, Hachirō.”
“Nagakura-san!” Etsu had signed into the front desk and spotted Nagakura-san and Iba-san from the room. She was actually here at the station on business, but it never hurt to greet others. Besides, Nagakura-san looked rather dashing in his black v-neck and dark jeans. She admired the way the tight shirt fit him, her throat suddenly parched. She turned her head to avoid staring at him too much and noticed the other person present. “Ah, Iba-san’s here too! Hello!” She smiled sheepishly. She’d been excited to see Nagakura-san, she almost forgot that the gorgeous Iba-san was also present.
“O-oh! Etsu-chan! Hey, how’re ya?” Shinpachi admired how pretty she looked in her navy blue pencil skirt, white blouse, black pumps and her brown hair that was up in a bun today. He’d met her a while back when he was working on a case. Not all detectives and prosecutors get along, and he normally clashed heads with some of them, but he definitely had a weakness for the cute ones, especially Etsu. With her, there was more than just interest, but he just hadn’t found the right time to ask her out yet.
Hachirō took this chance to go back to his desk, pouring another cup of coffee for his partner. She took hers black, no sugar. He made his way back to his desk, placing the mug in front of her to interrupt her work.
Her sharp cyan blue eyes shifted over to his handsome face. Her heart did a little flip when he smiled that adorable smile of his.
“Shiori-san, we have a late shift tonight, don’t we?”
“Thank you…” She nodded, trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks as she glanced back at her computer screen, lifting her mug by the ear and blowing on it for a few seconds before bringing up to her lips. Perfect. Black coffee just like she liked it. “Iba, we know for sure that Takeda’s gonna be there tonight?”
Hachirō nodded and took out a case file from the locked compartment of his desk. “That’s what Chief Kondō told us, which is why he wants us to stake out tonight.” He furrowed his brows when he saw that look cross over her pretty and soft features. She was planning something. “Shiori-san…We’re there to keep tabs on Takeda tonight, we’re not going to bring him in tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Rolling her eyes and drinking the remainder of her coffee, she stood up and grabbed her gun holster and slipped it on over her white button-up shirt. “I’m going down to the range. I want to be ready for tonight.” She grabbed her jacket and didn’t wait up for him.
Entering the range, Shiori’s jaw clenched when she caught sight of the messy auburn haired man, wearing a dark red button-up and black jeans. He smirked , looking over at her, when he set his gun down and took off his red ear muffs. “Did you check the board? I’m still ahead by one arrest.”
Shiori grabbed her blue ear muffs, safety glasses and bullets at the counter before slipping into the stall next to his. “Shut up, Okita. I brought in another one this morning. We’re tied now.” She loaded her gun and glared over at him, noticing that he was also refilling his gun with bullets. The two had a long bet. At the beginning of the year, they’d bet who could make the most arrests by the end of the year. In exchange, the winner gets to ask something of the loser.
“Loser buys lunch?” He cocked the gun and glanced back at her.
“Fine. But you’re buying for all of us, Chinatsu-chan, Iba and me.” Shiori smirked, tightening her ponytail, making sure her long, wavy violet hair was in place, before putting her ear muffs and glasses on.
“I hope your wallet’s open, Shiori-chan.” Green eyes met her cyan eyes, determination and fire in both of them before they turned to wait for the targets to appear.
Hachirō sighed and lightly shook his head as he stepped into the range, going to the counter to grab his equipment. He spotted Chinatsu a few stalls away from the rivals and greeted her pleasantly as he entered the stall next to hers, “Hello, Chinatsu-chan. They’re at it again, aren’t they?”
Chinatsu lowered her purple ear muffs and smiled back at him, nodding. “Seems like it. At least we don’t have to pay for lunch today.” She shrugged and reloaded her gun.
Hachirō chuckled and loaded his gun after putting on his glasses and ear muffs to practice his precise shots. He and Chinatsu had known each other as children, and they’d passed through the academy together as well. They were very good friends, and unbeknownst to them, their partners were watching their friendly chit-chat with envious cyan eyes and green eyes.
They turned back to the targets after they reset.
Shiori happily dug into her pasta while a sour Souji grumbled as he stabbed his meatball. “Italian. We could’ve had lunch at the hot dog vendor.”
“I won, I get to choose lunch. You know the rule. Shouldn’t have made the bet if you knew you were going to lose.” Shiori haughtily turned her head to him, taking a large bite of her carbonara pasta. “Delicious. Besides, fucking whine. Last time you won, we went out for fucking steaks. Steaks are way more expensive than pasta dishes.”
“I’m paying for the four of us.” Souji crossed his arms bitterly after eating another meatball.
Iba and Chinatsu sat next to each other, doing their best to ignore the bickering pair and focus on their food, which their partners didn’t take too kindly to.
“Iba, hurry up and finish since we gotta go back to prepare for the stake out.” Shiori took another large bite of her pasta. The faster they finished, the faster they could go check on their equipment on their own.
Hachirō chuckled and wiped his mouth. “I’m done, let’s head out then.” The pair stood up and walked off. Shiori blew a kiss to Souji rather mockingly, which irked him.
Chinatsu stared after the pair and turned back to her partner. “They’re staking out Takeda, aren’t they?”
Souji nodded and sighed. “That’s going to put her so ahead if they actually wind up busting the deal.”
“The Chief’s orders were to just observe.”
“And how many times have we heard that and wound up making the big busts?” Souji smirked, reaching over to wipe some sauce off her lips with his thumb, tasting it for himself. “Hm, the alfredo’s not bad. Might have to go for it next time.”
Chinatsu opened her mouth in shock and a blush spread across her cheeks. “O-Okita-san! What are you doing?!”
“Just tasting the pasta. Why? Would you like a taste of mine?”
She wanted to hide behind her strawberry blonde locks. She stood up, not bothering to finish the last bit of her pasta. “P-pay the check. I’m going to the bathroom.” Chinatsu took rapid steps towards the bathroom.
Souji chuckled in amusement as he took out his wallet.
Guns. Check. Bullets. Check. The bugs. Check.
Shiori continued making a mental checklist as she looked over the equipment in the trunk of Iba’s car. His car was a bit more reliable than hers and would be fitting in more with the scenery they’d be going to. Her car was a bit older and had its issues. She didn’t drive much anywhere else besides the station and her apartment, so she didn’t see the need for a new car. They normally used his on stakeouts because it was newer. Guess it paid to be a wealthy politician’s son.
Hachirō slipped next to her, setting bullet proof vests in the trunk. “You forgot these.”
His sudden presence made her heart jump. “Th-thanks.”
“They’re just a precaution. We’re just observing.” He said firmly as he looked at her with his soft, but serious green eyes. Those eyes that just made her forget what the hell she was doing.
“Yeah…I know.” She repeated for the hundredth time that day. Of course, Shiori wasn’t just going to let Takeda go without a fight, and it seemed like her partner was painfully aware of it.
Hour five. The sun had already set a long time ago and Shiori was becoming restless just sitting in the driver’s seat. Nothing had happened yet, and she was wondering if the tip had been to throw them off.
She sighed loudly, blowing her violet bangs out of her face as she looked over at Iba, who was taking out another donut hole from the bag he had. With all the sweets he ate, it was no wonder he oozed sweetness.
Shaking her head, Shiori almost slapped herself. Her thoughts like this about her partner were becoming too frequent. Glancing back at him, she nodded to herself. The man was ridiculously good-looking. She’d been told too many times how jealous someone was because she got to work with him so closely.
Guess she was lucky. He was more than just a pretty face. Iba had the skills to back her up in any given situation, and had saved her ass more than just a few times with his quick thinking or sharp shooting skills. He was the calmer of the two. She liked to act more than think about acting, and with a short temper…she often jumped on the gun too quickly.
Her cyan eyes wandered back to him, watching his lips as he licked the sugar off of them. She licked her own and nearly slammed her head into the steering wheel. Just what the hell was she thinking?!
“Shiori-san, are you okay?”
NO. Shiori turned to face him. “Fine. Just irritated that we haven’t seen any sign of Takeda. Chief told us to give up at dawn, didn’t he?”
Hachirō patted her shoulder, smiling gently. “Yeah, but there’s always next time, Shiori-san.”
His touch sent little electric shocks through her, and she quickly shrugged his hand off. “Guess this tip was a fake.”
“Hold on,” Hachirō’s brows creased in confusion as he turned up the volume. The bugs they’d planted before the building was going to be used was picking up some new voices. “Listen.”
Shiori leaned closer to him to listen closer. “The fucker’s there, we have to get him Iba! There’s only like ten of them!”
“Shiori-san! We don’t-” She was already getting out of the car to grab her vest and gun. Hachirō sighed and followed after her after calling for backup. With that, the Chief and Captain would know what was going on.
The pair went around the back, and Hachirō nervously kept his ears open, hoping to hear sirens soon.
“Fuck it, I’m going in, Iba.”
How many times had he heard that phrase before he could stop her? He lingered outside for a few moments, letting her get ahead a bit. He ducked behind a large pile of crates as he heard someone approaching. He heard a gun cock. Someone had definitely seen Shiori go inside.
Shiori crept inside the warehouse, biding her time for backup before she took action. She managed to hide behind a pillar, able to catch what the voices were saying across the warehouse. It was a big deal.
She was pushed down and heard one gun go off, followed by several. “Iba!” She hissed, staring up at him. He’d tackled her behind a mess of boxes. “What the hell! You gave us away!”
“There was someone following you.” Hachirō scrambled off of her to take his position to shoot from behind the boxes.
“Fuck.” She muttered, peering from behind the boxes. She spotted Takeda, his long, dark purple hair flowing behind him as he made his escape. “Not today, you don’t! Cover me, Iba!” She managed to shoot he hand of a man closest to her to stop the oncoming barrage of bullets.
“Shiori-san!” Hachirō managed to get the next one that was about to shoot at his partner as she darted out to run after their prime target. He managed to walk forward and shoot their hands or arms to force them to stop shooting at them.
“Takeda!” She continued running forward, now outside. He was attempting to make his getaway in a black car. “You’re under arrest!”
A bullet grazed her cheek. They had counted he number of lackeys wrong. There was one more they’d missed. She tried to shoot his arm, but her gun clicked. Her gun was out of bullets. She wouldn’t have time to reload before he took another shot. From the corner of her eye, she could see Takeda smirk and roll up the window of the car.
Before she could brace herself for pain, the man let out a cry and fell to the floor.
“Shiori-san!” Hachirō yelled and gripped her shoulders tightly. They could finally hear sirens in the distance. “Do you know how reckless that was?!”
“Very…I thought we could get him…” She clicked her tongue in annoyance.
He shook her lightly, one of his hands taking her chin so she’d look into his wide eyes. “Shiori-san, you put yourself in too much danger tonight! You were too careless tonight! What would’ve you have done if I wasn’t here?!”
She’d never seen Hachirō lose his composure like this before. “Iba, I’m fine. I knew you’d cover me. I wouldn’t have taken the risk if you weren’t a good shot.”
“Do you trust my ability to shoot so much? If I had missed?!”
“You don’t.”
Hachirō was growing more frustrated by the second. Did she not see her injuries? Many bullets had grazed her arms and face. Even though she was wearing the vest, it didn’t mean it would stop her from receiving a bullet to other fatal parts of her body, like her head. “Shiori-san!” Before he could stop himself, his lips had already crashed onto hers.
Shiori closed her eyes and her fingers wove themselves in his hair, pulling him closer.
When the sirens grew louder, Hachirō reluctantly released her. “We need to get you a medic.” He turned away, embarrassed with himself. He couldn’t believe that he let his emotions get the better of him. He stood by as he heard Captain Hijikata bark orders. He knew a lecture was going to be coming.
“Fucking Kaneko Shiori!” Captain Hijikata’s loud outburst could be heard throughout the warehouse. He stormed towards the pair. “Intel. All you had to do was observe!”
Shiori quietly lined up next to her partner, letting the Captain scold her. She knew she was in the wrong, and though they managed to capture an integral part of the drug ring, Takeda had escaped them.
“Now, go see a fucking medic. Don’t ever do dumb shit like this again, Kaneko.” Captain Hijikata dismissed them.
They both saluted him. “Yes, sir!” She bowed deeply.
Hachirō forced her to get her wounds checked out and bandaged, though she insisted they were mere scratches. He wasn’t hearing any of it, and he was personally taking her home.
After that kiss, she’d wanted to escape from him, but he wasn’t giving her a chance. The car ride to her apartment was a bit of an awkward one. Iba just had to be a gentleman and walk her up to the door. She didn’t want to face him or her feelings right now.
But when she turned back to thank him, her hands automatically reached for his cheeks, her lips meeting his.
She wasn’t going to let him go now.
Shiori managed to unlock the door without breaking their kiss for long. She gasped when she felt his fingertips slip under her tank top and draw small circles on her sensitive skin. “I-Iba…”
He stilled his hands, loosening his grip on her waist. “…About earlier…I’m sorry, Shiori-san…I…”
“Fuck it all, Iba. I want you, hell, I’ll admit it,I like you…” Her cheeks reddened as she looked up at him. “And like hell do you think you’re going to get away tonight.” She growled and tugged him down from the collar of his shirt. 
“E-eh?” Her sudden confession had him both on cloud nine and rather confused. “Shiori-san?” Their kisses had been rather heated, so they were kind of past the point of talking it out….And he felt the same too…He never would’ve imagined it like this. 
“Kiss me again, Iba.”
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YEP, have fun with this one. BECAUSE I SURE DID(N’T). 
“What th’ hell are you still doing here, Etsu? You should’ve gone with Souji and Kondo-san to Osaka!”
Etsu ignored his blood-stained blue haori and tightly wrapped her arms around him, feeling his warmth, listening to his heartbeat. Just feeling his presence, that he was alive.
Shinpachi sighed and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer when he felt her tears on his bare chest. He honestly never knew what to do when a woman cried. “Ma, I’m here now, so…don’t cry…” He took her face in his large hands and wiped away her tears, kissing her forehead. “Na?”
She shook her head and placed her hands on his. “Shin…I was so afraid you weren’t going to come back…I was afraid…” She sobbed and he sighed, pulling her into his strong arms again.
“Do you know who you’re talkin’ to? I’m the Shinsengumi Captain of the Second Division, Nagakura Shinpachi!” He sat down and placed her in his lap. “I don’t go down easy without a fight!”
She managed to giggle at him as he flexed his biceps. “Yes, Shin, you’re right!”
They turned to hear Sano’s voice coming from outside. “Ah? What is it?”
“Hijikata-san wants to have a meeting about tomorrow’s battle. Shouldn’t take long.”
Shinpachi sighed and tightened his green bandanna, and gave his beloved a grin. “I’ll be right back, Etsu.”
She nodded, sighing a bit, making herself comfortable. Her hands wrapped around her middle, as if she were trying to protect it. No, she had to. She wanted to. She’d visited a doctor with Chizuru earlier in the day and received some news.
Etsu wasn’t sure how or when she should tell Shinpachi. War was breaking out, and if he found out, would he want to leave? Would he make her leave? What would happen?
She stewed for a bit before getting up to set the futon. She had every intention of staying the night with him. She knew she wasn’t supposed to, but…the thought of being away from him after such a day…
Her heart had been in her throat all day, anxiety had been eating away at her, wondering if he was coming back. If the others were coming back. Every time she heard sounds of war, she feared the worst.
The shoji door slid open, and she immediately looked up, noticing a very pensive look on his face. His brows were furrowed, thinking deeply about something. He took off his swords and leaned them against the wall. He’d gotten rid of his blood-stained haori and clothes, and even washed off the dried blood.
“…Shin? Is everything okay?”
His bright blue eyes snapped over to her, and he gave her a slight smile. “Of course it is! We just discussed tomorrow’s strategy to run off the Satchō bastards. It’ll be great!” He sat next to her on the futon, wrapping an arm around her waist, nuzzling his face into her neck. “It’ll be fine…” He murmured, more to himself than her. He lifted his head and met her lips hungrily, passionately.
“Shin…” She said breathlessly. “I’m not leaving tonight.”
“And I don’t want you to.” He pulled at her obi, eager to meet her skin underneath her light blue kimono. “I want you to stay with me.”
“I love you, Shin. I love you so much.”
She helped him into a fresh haori. There was a comfortable silence between the two of them, but something else hung in the air. She didn’t know what it was.
Shinpachi pulled her in for another kiss. “…Etsu,”
Her brown eyes met his blue eyes. “Shin?”
“…I’m just saying this, y’know, in case, but I have no intention of leaving you, but no matter what happens to me, I want you to be happy.”
“You make me happy. You’re my happiness, Shin, so please come back to me. Please.” She begged, pulling him down for another kiss. She couldn’t get enough of him.
“Ah. I will. I promise.”
They walked out to the common room, where everyone was gathered, ready to go. Chizuru stood in the back, hands clutched nervously. Etsu went to stand next to her, looking around the men, discussing final plans. Shinpachi looked so serious, so focused.
Finally, the group disbursed, and Shinpachi went over to her. He grinned at the pair of girls, who both wore worried expressions. “What’s with the long faces? We’re gonna win this!”
Etsu managed to smile back at him. She couldn’t bring it up, not now. She had faith that he’d return to her. When he did, she’d tell him. Nodding, she took his hands when he held them out. He gave them a squeeze, leaning in to give her a sweet kiss.
She watched his broad back as he walked away, already missing him.
The whole day, she spent it trying to busy herself with chores, any task she could get her hands on. After the first few times the cannons went off, she stopped jumping at the sound. She continued hoping, praying that everyone would come back. She wanted to tell him.
The sun was setting, and at long last, tired soldiers and captains were filing into the common room.
When Etsu heard noise, she rushed over, a slight wave of relief hitting her when she saw Hiji-san, Sano-san, and Saitō-san file in. Her heart beat faster, palms starting to sweat as she tried to catch sight of the Second Division Captain that was nowhere to be found.
She ran up to Sano-san, fear washing over her, squeezing her heart. “Sano-san!” Her eyes started watering. “Where’s Shin?” She managed to choke out, but by the look on his sad expression, she already knew. “Where’s Shin?!”
Shimada-san and another soldier placed a stretcher on the ground.
Etsu shook her head, rushing over, praying, begging, that we was just injured. “Shin! Shinpachi!”
But he made no movement when she called out to him.
Kneeling down, she grabbed his hand in hers. “Nagakura Shinpachi!”
It was cold.
He was cold.
She touched his face, calling out, screaming his name, hoping he’d open his eyes and give her a grin and a poor joke about his injuries.
Her sobs overtook her, and she buried her face into her hands. “Shinpachi! You promised! You promised me!” Her hands balled up into fists, her nails biting painfully into her palms, but she couldn’t feel it. She could only feel the emptiness of his presence, the painful beat of her own heart, reminding her that she was alive and he was not.
Sanosuke finally walked over to her, gently trying to get her to her feet, but she fought him, saying that she wasn’t going to move. “Etsu,” He sighed quietly. “We don’t have a lot of time. We have to lay him to rest.”
Hijikata Toshizō clenched his fist. Some leader he was. He watched a loved one grieve over a comrade, a friend, a brother. It was on him. Her suffering, their suffering, everyone’s suffering was because of the choice he’d made. If he’d made the choice to retreat, this wouldn’t have happened…But Shinpachi had been prepared for this outcome. He knew the risk, and he had been prepared to lay his life down. They all knew it. She probably wouldn’t understand it, but he couldn’t blame her.
Chizuru finally came forward, wiping her own tears to help Etsu up. “You must rest, Etsu-chan. You know why.” She whispered.
Her friend’s words brought her back to reality. Nodding, she let Sano-san help her up, glancing once more at her beloved.
Sanosuke stayed with Etsu while Chizuru went to make some tea. Etsu, her tears still trickling down her cheeks as she leaned against his shoulder for support. His presence was a bit of comfort. Her hand was in his large one. Neither of them spoke, both lost in their own thoughts.
Chizuru came back with tea and a bit of porridge. “Etsu-chan, you need to eat something.”
She lightly shook her head, taking the cup of tea that her friend offered her.
“Etsu,” Chizuru took a breath. “You need to think about your baby.”
Sanosuke looked a tad surprised and his amber eyes shifted between the women. “…Baby?”
“She is with child. We only found out just yesterday morning.”
“…Did Shinpachi know?” Sanosuke squeezed her hand in an attempt to comfort her.
Shaking her head, she set her tea down. “…I wasn’t able to…I was going to tell him today…but…” She didn’t know what to do. Her beloved was gone. She’d abandoned her family to be with Shinpachi, and there was no way they’d take her back especially with a child. She’d refused to marry the chosen suitor and had run away after she’d fallen in love with Shinpachi. But now…where could she go?
Sanosuke patted her back, a pensive look on his handsome face. “…I have to speak with Hijikata-san. I’ll return in a while. Chizuru, look after her.”
She nodded and continued to try to get her to eat a bit of the porridge she’d brought.
Etsu had tired herself out, and had managed to eat a bit, much to Chizuru’s relief. She was resting on the futon for now.
The shoji door slid quietly and Sanosuke stepped into the room, a determined look on his face.
Etsu stirred and sat up slightly when she heard the door open. “Sano-san?”
“Ah, Chizuru, do you think I could have a moment with Etsu?”
“Of course. I’ll be in the kitchen.” Chizuru cleared the tray and took it back to the kitchen with her.
Rubbing her eyes, Etsu blinked a few times and looked at him as he sat next to her. “Sano-san?”
“…Look…Before we charged out, Shinpachi came to me and asked me to look after you if something happened to him. I never could’ve imagined it…but here we are.” Sighing, he took her hand in his. “And I intend to keep that promise I made to Shinpachi. You don’t have anywhere to go, do you?”
Etsu looked down, shaking her head. Who could accept a woman with a child?
“Then come with me.”
Her brown eyes widened in surprise. “…Sano-san, I-I can’t…I’m…I…”
“I’m not tellin’ you to devote yourself to me. Just let me care for you and the little one. Let me look after you.” Brown met amber.
“…What about the Shinsengumi?”
Chuckling lightly, he shrugged. “I already spoke to Hijikata-san. I’m retiring. I told him what I intended to do and he just wished me luck.”
“Sano-san…I couldn’t possibly ask you to…do such a thing for me…”
“Etsu, I’m doing it for you and my best friend, my brother. Let me honor his final wish.”
Five years later.
 “Shinichi! Oi!” Sanosuke followed after the dark haired boy with bright blue eyes.
Etsu giggled as she finished hanging up the last bit of laundry, watching the tall, red-haired man struggle to chase a speedy five-year old Shinichi. Ever since he’d learned to walk and run, neither could get a moment’s rest. He loved chasing after frogs and all sorts of creatures that both flew and crawled on the ground, much to his mother’s horror. “Shinichi! Come back here!” She walked forward, and he ran right into her arms.
“Mama! A flower for you!” He held out his little palm with a small, white flower.
“It’s lovely, my son, thank you.” She kissed his cheek and the pair looked back at Sanosuke, who was catching his breath. “You’re getting older, Sano.”
He let out a bark of laughter, shaking his head. “I let him get ahead of me.” He came forward, enveloping the both of them in his arms.
Etsu brushed her nose against her son’s and set him down, letting him run free once more. The pair stood there, watching him as he crouched down to observe some ants. “He’s growing up more everyday.”
Sanosuke nodded in agreement, taking her hand in his large one. “Ah. That’s for sure.”
They remained silent for a moment.
“He looks like him, doesn’t he?”
“He does.”
Etsu looked back at her husband, a small smile on her lips. “Thank you for everything, Sano…You’re raising Shinichi as your own.”
“He is, as is the one in here.” He placed his hand on her middle.
At first, they comforted each other over Shinpachi’s death. After Shinichi was born, and Sanosuke had held him for the first time, he vowed to him and to Etsu that he would raise the boy as his own.
Slowly, their friendship grew into something more, though it took a while for either to realize it. Sanosuke remained quiet about it, out of respect for his friend and for Etsu.
It took a very long time for her to confess what she felt for Sanosuke, but Shinpachi had told her to be happy. She’d found that happiness with Shinichi and with Harada Sanosuke. He’d been hesitant to accept her feelings, but they were both honest people. They couldn’t deny their feelings for each other, or the attraction.
But there was still a part of her heart that belonged to Shinpachi. If there was another life, she’d want to spend it with him.
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Time Travel CH 18
Omg, 18! I’m having too much fun writing this! 
Part Seventeen
Shinpachi, Heisuke and Sanosuke had gone back to the gym to work out some more.
 “Yosh! Let’s work on some crunches now!”
 Sanosuke set his weights down, grabbing a towel from the bench. “Shinpachi! Haven’t we done enough today?” Heisuke flopped on the floor. “I’m with Sano-san! I can’t do this anymore!”
“Pshh, you two have such little stamina. Let’s take five and run on the treadmills then!” He sat down next to Heisuke, grabbing his green water bottle to take a swig of water.
 The little click-click of heels had Sanosuke snapping to attention. There was a reason that Shinpachi was so eager on dragging out his gym time, and this only made it clearer. He pretended not to see her as she approached the trio. He wiped his brow with his towel.
 Finally, the click-click of heels stopped right behind Shinpachi. He stiffened a bit, hesitant to turn around.
 “Shin!” Hands on her hips, a pout on her pink glossed lips, and her were eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.
 Shinpachi immediately stood up to face her. “A-ah, Etsu!” His heart skipped a beat, looking at her. She was wearing a flared red dress that hugged her curves that reached above her knees. “Wh-what brings you here?”
 “You know exactly what, Nagakura Shinpachi!” She crossed her arms. “You went to the club again, didn’t you?”
 “Just for a bit…just for a drink with Sano!” He knew he was better off telling the truth. Yeah, he liked going to the clubs, but it was mostly for the bar and ambiance. He had no interest in other women, only her. “Na, Sano?”
 Sanosuke gave her a sheepish smile. “I was watching this idiot the whole time, once he was drunk off his ass, he was listing things that he loved about you. I had to listen to him during the car ride home.” He chuckled.
 Etsu’s expression softened. She knew Sano-san never lied to her. Though she trusted Shinpachi, she couldn’t help but be doubtful once in a while. He was an attractive man, women and men looked his way when they walked out in public holding hands. She trusted he wouldn’t cheat on her, but she certainly didn’t trust the majority of girls at a club or bar. “Really, Shin?”
 “Maa, I don’t remember much, but I guess I can repeat it for you…” His cheeks were dusted with pink.
 “Ooooh, Shi~in!” She lunged forward, tackling him in a hug. “Tell me over dinner!”
 Shinpachi chuckled, giving her cheek a peck. “Okay, okay, let me get changed and I’ll meet you in my office.”
 Giggling, she nodded happily and tip-toed to kiss his cheek. Even with her three-inch heels, she still couldn’t reach his cheeks.
 “Geez…” Heisuke watched her leave for his office. “You two fight and make up over nothing.”
 “We do not fight, we have small disagreements from time to time. Besides, Etsu’s such a catch.” Shinpachi grinned like a fool in love, which was what he was. “She knows how to cook, she’s kind, beautiful, she’s got curves, she’s a D, and thick thighs for me to rest my head on-”
“Oi, oi, Shinpachi, save it for dinner.” Sanosuke shook his head, clapping him on the back as they went to hit the showers.
Chizuru and Hijikata-sensei had agreed that he would bring Okita-san as soon as the discharge papers went through. She decided to go home after changing to set things up for him.
 Souji was alone in the room. He closed his eyes and tried to take a nap, but little flashes of what he wanted to call memories came to him.
 Chizuru cooking, their first kiss, studying with Chizuru, Hajime-kun, and Heisuke-kun, little bits of things here and there he didn't understand.
 Just what the hell was going on? These thoughts, memories, weren't his, but they were in his head.
 "Oi, Souji." Hijikata-san opened the door.
 Souji chuckled, "The Hijikata-san I know also never knocks." He stood up and stretched until his back popped a bit.
 "Let's get going, the papers went through." He grabbed the file folder and opened a bit to check its contents. A birth certificate, an ID, even a high school diploma...He really did not want to know how Sannan-san got a hold of these documents.
 Souji followed him out to the parking lot, grimacing slightly when he heard a loud roar. "Hijikata-san, what are all these machines?" He looked around them. The machines were similar shapes, but different colors. They all were in neat rows, though some here and there were placed crookedly.
 “Cars. They’re like our modern horses.” Toshizō opened the passenger door of his black sports car. “Come on, Souji, I don’t have all day.” He glanced at his iPhone 4, smiling lightly as he got a reminder from Satomi to come home for dinner. He didn’t forget, but she knew to send him little reminders in case he did lose track of time. He shut the door after Souji and quickly responded that he’d be home after dropping Souji off at Chizuru’s.
 “Modern horses?” Souji mused, looking around the car. He had the urge to press buttons that lit up when Hijikata-san brought the modern horse to life. What had he called it, a car?
 “Souji! Don’t touch anything! It can be dangerous if you press the wrong thing while I’m driving.” He had spotted that devious glint in his eyes. Sighing, he started driving out of the parking lot, the car picking up speed once he was out on the road.
 Souji grasped the seat for support as Hijikata-san started to go faster. He didn’t like this car thing, though it was more convenient than a horse or walking. He had to admit that when Hijikata-san made the turns rather harshly, it made him a biiiiit scared for his life. He chuckled nervously. “Are these cars meant to go this fast?”
 Toshizō smirked, pressing down on the accelerator, passing other cars by. He wasn’t a reckless driver, but he certainly was a speed demon. “Oh sure, this one is built to go rather fast. She’s meant to drive fast.” He could see Souji was scared shitless by his driving, and he was relishing every moment of it. He smoothly parked the car near Chizuru’s apartment. “Well, here we are. Didn’t take long at all.” He probably broke over twenty traffic laws, but it was so worth it, especially when Souji crawled out of the car on all fours.
 Oh, sweet solid ground. Souji took a few moments before he stood up. He’d gotten a little nauseous with the car moving at such high velocity.
He never, ever wanted to get in the same car as Hijikata-san again.
 Toshizō led him to Chizuru’s apartment. “I can’t stay, but you’re going to tell him, right?”
 Chizuru nodded, looking over at Souji; he was busy staring at pictures she had up on the wall. “Yes, Hijikata-sensei.”
 “Good. Here’s his medicine, the file from Sannan-san, and the journals. Good luck, Yukimura.”
 Chizuru bowed and set the box inside, next to the coffee table.
 His jade green eyes stared at a few pictures on the wall. There was one of him, Heisuke-kun and Hajime-kun. They were wearing some type of uniform, Heisuke had his arms around the both of them, grinning, and even Hajime was sporting a slight smile. His future self was smiling so happily, it made him a little jealous.
 There was another picture that caught his eye of his future self, Hijikata-san, and Shinpachi-san. The three of them wore lab coats, making funny poses in front of a crowd of children.
 Chizuru came behind him, staring at the same picture, a smile spread instantly. “That’s one of my favorite. Kondō-san was out sick, but he was supposed to read to the children in the hospital, so he asked Hijikata-sensei, Nagakura-san, and Souji-kun to read it in his place instead.” She laughed at the memory. They had ended up doing a rather unorthodox version of Momotaro, thanks to Souji.* Hijikata-sensei and Nagakura-san chased him around the halls for deviating from the story by bringing in a gorilla instead of a monkey that Nagakura-san had to provide the voice for and the rest of the characters, and making Hijikata-sensei the demon. She’d been in the back, laughing with the rest of the children. They’d loved it so much.
 “Hmm, sounds interesting.” Souji stepped cautiously towards the living room as he looked around. This is where he would be living now. With Chizuru.
 “Ah, Okita-san…” Chizuru went to sit on the couch, taking out a packet from the box that Hijikata-sensei had given her. “…You probably have questions about the Shinsengumi, don’t you?”
Souji took the seat next to her, crossing his arms. “Many.”
 “...This packet of information should clear a few things up.”
 Souji took it from her, quickly scanning the first page. He skipped ahead to find out about Kondō-san.
 He nearly tore the damn paper in half. His jade green eyes furiously looked over at Chizuru. “Ne, Chizuru-chan, this is a lie, isn’t it?” His voice shook slightly. “Kondō-san would never surrender!”
 Chizuru remained silent as Souji reread the end of the paragraph that described Kondō-san’s death.
 “The fucking bastards didn’t even let him commit seppuku?! They beheaded him like some animal?! Where the hell was Hijikata-san?!” Souji threw the packet down, bowing his head. “Tell me that’s a lie, Chizuru-chan…tell me that he at least got to commit seppuku like the warrior he is…”
 They sat there for a few moments, Souji waiting for Chizuru to tell him the truth.
 “...He deserved that honor…He was…He…” His voice broke, unable to say anymore. He hated showing this side to anyone. He was Okita Souji, Captain of the First Division of the Shinsengumi. He didn’t shed tears. 
 Chizuru gently pulled him into her arms, burying her face into his hair, feeling his tears on her arm. There was nothing she could say to him that could ease the pain of losing a loved one in such a horrible manner. If her Souji had the same relationship with Kondō-san that Okita-san had with the Kondō-san in his time, he thought the world of him. She couldn’t do anything to ease the pain in his heart, so she just held him, hoping that her presence could be of even of even the slightest bit of comfort to him.
Part Nineteen
*This is actually from one of the Hakuouki SSL drama CDs, I seriously recommend listening to it LMAO, although idk if it has any translations out. 
On another note, I’ll slowllyyyy be adding in the OCs and interactions! I started with mine, since I know her the best LOL, but they’ll get their time to shine, I promise! 
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Time Travel CH 10
Here we gooooo~! Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I am filing them away for later and hopefully putting them to use in the story! Feel free to request an object for Souji to interact with later, it’s pretty entertaining to think about lol. 
Part Nine
“I can only answer so much about our Souji’s relationship with Chizuru.” Hajime sighed, slightly exasperated. He knew a great detail about their relationship, since he had seen it form ever since they were children and develop further after high school, but what went on between them was their business. He knew better than to ask questions about certain topics.  
 "Chizuru-chan and my future self were going to get married, huh." Souji found all that Hajime-kun said rather amusing. Back in his time, he couldn't really see himself settling down with a sweet and innocent girl like Chizuru-chan. He was so…different from her, and she was so pure, without a single drop of blood on her hands. His life was dedicated to Kondō-san and the Shinsengumi, so the thought of settling down never crossed his mind. Back in Ikeda Inn though, when that blond-haired man turned his sword onto Chizuru, anger, an indescribable anger had coursed into him when that Ronin cut into her. Sure, he could admit he didn’t hate her, but as to how he actually felt about her, that was something he didn’t have an answer to.  
 He was certainly going to have a field day when Chizuru-chan came by.
 "His death…was the hardest on her. It still is." Hajime could recall the month after their Souji's death that Chizuru stayed in his apartment because she couldn't even step foot into their shared apartment. "With the way Chizuru is, after that, she has tried to show how strong she is."
 “Yeah, Chizuru-chan is strong one.” Souji agreed, laying back on the bed. Hajime had showed him how to adjust the height, something really revolutionary.
 Hajime took out his iPhone X to check the time, wondering when Chizuru would get here.
 “Hajime-kun, what is that?” Souji stood up to peer over his shoulder to stare at the rectangle that lit up in his hand. “I’ve seen everyone carrying one of those things and talk into them or move their fingers over it.”
 Hajime patiently explained the concept of the “cellphone,” but he had to explain the concept of making calls, texting, and internet, all foreign concepts to Edo-era Souji. He lent the phone to Souji, letting him explore the apps he had on his phone.
 Souji cautiously tapped on the camera icon and was a bit startled when his face showed up on the little rectangle in his hands. “Hajime-kun, what is this? Why can I see myself? Is it a mirror?”
 Hajime chuckled quietly and exited out of the app. “It’s a camera. Most smart phones now have two. One in the front and one in the back.” He pointed to the cameras on both sides of the phone.
 “So…you take pictures with it?” He’d once heard about a western device that could capture people in things called “pictures.”
 The indigo-haired man nodded and navigated to the gallery app. Different folders appeared on the screen. “See,” He tapped on the folder that contained pictures that Souji had taken of himself when Hajime had left his phone unguarded.
 It was surreal, seeing his face in a picture but having no memory of when or how it was taken. No wonder people were so surprised to see him. He didn’t think he was exactly alike his counterpart, but now seeing it for himself, it was a bit frightening.
 Hajime fondly scrolled through the selfies that the future Souji had taken of himself and with other people.
 “Let me see this one,” Souji plucked the phone from Hajime’s hands when he’d come across a picture of his counterpart and Chizuru. In the picture, it looked to be winter, since they were both bundled up in warm clothing. His counterpart was leaning into Chizuru, arms wrapped around her, pressing his lips to her cheek and Chizuru was smiling brightly at the camera, holding onto him.
 “Souji asked me to take that one.”
 “They look so happy.” Souji didn’t know his face could make such a genuine smile. He looked so happy and content. “Let me see more pictures, Hajime-kun.”
“Na, have you seen Saitō around?”
 The nurse swooned as she turned to face the handsome, red-brown haired, blue-eyed Nagakura Shinpachi. It took her a moment to realize what he’d asked of her. “Ah, yes! Saitō-sensei went into room 109 a while back.”
 Shinpachi flashed her his pearly whites and slightly flexed his arms, he loved impressing the ladies. “Thanks!” Today, he wouldn’t leave Saitō alone. He had been working night shifts all this week, and he was due for a break. He heard from Shimada that he had to remind him to get some sleep earlier, but he didn’t sleep more than a few hours since he spotted him going up to the rooftop a while back.
 He was going to take him out to a bar with Sano and Heisuke, hell, maybe he’d drag Hijikata-san and Chizuru along. He knew today was a hard day for everyone, they could use a drink.
 Shinpachi took large strides to the room and and opened the door, not bothering to knock. “Oi, Saitō!”
 Hajime froze when the door opened, this was about to get chaotic and messy. He could feel it. Hijikata-sensei would not be pleased with this. He looked over at Souji, standing over him, still swiping through pictures.
 Shinpachi’s blue eyes widened so much, they looked as if they would pop out once he saw the other Souji. “S-SAITO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITH A GHOST?!”
 Before Hajime could explain or even move a muscle, Shinpachi was already sprinting down the hallway.
 “SANOOOOOO! SANOOOOOOOOOO!” His loud bellows could be heard all throughout the first floor.
Part Eleven
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