#NCERT Class 12 Political Science
studiestoday123 · 11 months
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Access the comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science across all subjects. Enhance your understanding and excel in exams with detailed explanations and step-by-step problem-solving techniques.
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arfan039 · 1 year
First-year Mathematics Chapter-Wise Test Series
A first-year mathematics chapter-wise test series is a collection of tests designed to evaluate a student’s understanding and knowledge of the topics covered in the first-year mathematics syllabus. These tests are usually organized chapter-wise, which means that each test focuses on a specific chapter or topic. The purpose of a chapter-wise test series is to help students identify their strengths…
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NCERT Political Science (Civics) Class 6 to 12 Audiobook- Audicate
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शीर्षक: NCERT राजनीति विज्ञान (सिविक्स) की किताबें: अब Audicate पर ऑडियोबुक के रूप में उपलब्ध
राजनीति समाजों और राष्ट्रों को आकार देने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। राजनीति की जटिल दुनिया को समझना, सूचित नागरिकता और लोकतंत्र में भागीदारी के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। राष्ट्रीय शैक्षिक अनुसंधान और प्रशिक्षण परिषद (NCERT) राजनीतिक शिक्षा का महत्व समझता है और कक्षा 6 से 12 के छात्रों के लिए व्यापक रूप से राजनीतिक विज्ञान (सिविक्स) की पाठ्यपुस्तकों की एक श्रृंगारिक और आकर्षक तरीके से खोज करने का अवसर प्रदान किया है। ये पाठ्यपुस्तकें, अब Audicate ऐप के रूप में ऑडियोबुक के रूप में उपलब्ध हैं, छात्रों को राजनीति, शासन, और नागरिक जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं में डूबने के लिए एक गतिविधि और लोकप्रिय तरीके से प्रवेश कराती हैं।
NCERT राजनीतिक विज्ञान (सिविक्स) किताबों का महत्व
NCERT कक्षा 6 से 12 की राजनीतिक विज्ञान (सिविक्स) की पुस्तकें कई कारणों से महत्वपूर्ण हैं:
संग्रहण की व्यापकता: ये पुस्तकें राजनीतिक अवधारणाओं का व्यापक अन्वेषण प्रदान करती हैं, जैसे कि लोकतंत्र, शासन, अधिकार, और जिम्मेदारियों के विषय में।
सरल भाषा: सामग्री सरल भाषा में प्रस्तुत की जाती है, जिससे सभी स्तर के छात्रों को जटिल राजनीतिक विचारों को समझने में सुविधा होती है।
नागरिकता शिक्षा: इन पुस्तकों से जिम्मेदार नागरिकता के मूल्यों को प्रतिष्ठापित किया जाता है और छात्रों को लोकतंत्रिक प्रक्रिया में सक्रिय और सूचित भागीदार बनाने की शक्ति प्रदान की जाती है।
प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी: इन पुस्तकों से प्राप्त ज्ञान प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षाओं जैसे UPSC, राज्य PSCs, और अन्य सरकार से संबंधित परीक्षाओं के लिए मूल्यवान है।
क्रिटिकल थिंकिंग: राजनीतिक विज्ञान क्रिटिकल थिंकिंग और विश्लेषण को प्रोत्साहित करता है, राजनीतिक घटनाओं और नीतियों का म
ूल्यांकन करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण कौशल है।
ऑडियोबुक का लाभ
Audicate ऐप पर NCERT कक्षा 6 से 12 की राजनीतिक विज्ञान (सिविक्स) की पुस्तकों के ऑडियोबुक संस्करण के उपलब्ध होने के कई लाभ हैं:
पहुंचन: ऑडियोबुक्स को स्मार्टफ़ोन और टैबलेट पर आसानी से पहुंचा जा सकता है, जिससे छात्र सफर के दौरान या अन्य गतिविधियों के दौरान भी राजनीतिक शिक्षा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।
रोचक प्रस्तुति: ऑडियोबुक्स को कुशल पेशेवरों द्वारा सुनाया जाता है, जिससे राजनीतिक अवधारणाओं को जीवंत करने के लिए प्रेरित करने वाले कथनों और स्पष्टीकरणों के साथ बनाया जाता है।
समझ में सुधार: राजनीतिक अवधारणाओं को सुनकर समझ बढ़ सकती है, खासकर श्रवण शैली के छात्रों के लिए।
मल्टीटास्किंग: ऑडियोबुक्स छात्रों को अन्य कार्यों करते समय भी राजनीतिक शिक्षा करने की लचीलाता प्रदान करते हैं, चाहे वे सफर कर रहे हों या अन्य गतिविधियों में शामिल हों।
NCERT कक्षा 6 से 12 की राजनीतिक विज्ञान (सिविक्स) की पुस्तकें सिर्फ पाठ्यपुस्तकें नहीं हैं; ये हमारी राजनीति और शासन की जटिल दुनिया को समझने के मार्गदर्शक हैं। चाहे आप परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हों, एक राजनीतिक नेता बनने की आशा रख रहे हों, या फिर सिर्फ एक उत्सुक नाग
रिक हों जो शासन और नागरिक जीवन की गतिविधियों के गहरे पहलुओं की जिज्ञासा रखते हों, ये पुस्तकें अमूल्य संसाधन हैं।
अब Audicate ऐप पर NCERT कक्षा 6 से 12 की राजनीतिक विज्ञान (सिविक्स) की पुस्तकों के ऑडियोबुक संस्करण को पहुंचने के लिए, Audicate के गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर जाएं। राजनीतिक खोज के सफर पर निकलने और हमारी दुनिया को आकार देने वाली लोकतंत्रिक प्रक्रियाओं की गहरी समझ को बढ़ावा देने के लिए, आज ही Audicate पर आएं। राजनीतिक जगत की जटिलताओं को सुलझाने और हमारे दुनिया को आकार देने के लिए ऑडियोबुक की शक्ति को ग्रहण करें।
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Are NCERT Solutions Available for All Classes and Subjects?
When it comes to education in India, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) plays a pivotal role. NCERT is responsible for developing standardized educational materials and curricula that are used in schools across the country. One of the most sought-after resources provided by NCERT is NCERT Solutions. These solutions are designed to assist students in understanding and mastering the concepts taught in their textbooks. However, a common question that often arises is, "Are NCERT Solutions available for all classes and subjects, or are they limited to specific grade levels and subjects?" In this article, we will delve into this question and provide a comprehensive overview of NCERT Solutions.
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Understanding NCERT Solutions
NCERT Solutions are a set of well-structured answers and explanations to the questions and exercises found in NCERT textbooks. These solutions are created by subject matter experts and educators to aid students in comprehending the topics covered in their respective grade-level textbooks. The primary objective of NCERT Solutions is to promote a deeper understanding of the subject matter, improve problem-solving skills, and facilitate effective exam preparation.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9
NCERT Solutions are available for various grade levels, ranging from primary to secondary education. Let's take a closer look at NCERT Solutions for Class 9 as an example. Class 9 is a crucial stage in a student's academic journey, as it forms the foundation for the more advanced concepts that they will encounter in higher classes. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 cover subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, and more.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Mathematics
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Mathematics provides step-by-step explanations for each problem in the textbook. These solutions not only help students understand the concepts but also assist them in solving problems with ease. Whether it's algebra, geometry, or trigonometry, NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Mathematics has got it covered.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science
Science is another subject that demands a clear understanding of fundamental principles. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science are designed to make learning science an enjoyable experience. These solutions cover topics like physics, chemistry, and biology and provide explanations, diagrams, and experiments that enhance the learning process.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science
Social Science is a multidisciplinary subject that encompasses history, geography, political science, and economics. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science help students grasp the historical events, geographical concepts, and socio-political aspects of India and the world. These solutions make the subject more engaging and informative.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English
English is a language that holds global significance. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English focus on developing language skills, including reading, writing, and comprehension. These solutions offer explanations for literary texts and grammar exercises, aiding students in improving their command of the English language.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi
For students studying in Hindi medium schools, NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi are indispensable. These solutions provide detailed explanations of Hindi literature and grammar, making it easier for students to excel in their Hindi studies.
Availability of NCERT Solutions
Now that we have discussed NCERT Solutions for Class 9, it's essential to address the broader question of their availability for different grade levels and subjects.
NCERT Solutions for All Classes
The good news is that NCERT Solutions is available for all classes, from Class 1 to Class 12. This comprehensive coverage ensures that students can access assistance throughout their educational journey. Whether a student is just starting their academic career in Class 1 or preparing for the crucial Class 12 board exams, NCERT Solutions are readily available to support their learning needs.
NCERT Solutions for All Subjects
NCERT Solutions also cover a wide range of subjects. The subjects typically covered include Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, and others. This extensive subject coverage ensures that students can find solutions for all the subjects they are studying.
While NCERT Solutions are incredibly valuable and cover a broad spectrum of classes and subjects, there may be limitations in terms of additional study materials and resources. For extremely specialized subjects or those beyond the scope of the standard curriculum, students may need to seek additional resources. However, for the majority of students in India, NCERT Solutions serve as an excellent foundation for their academic studies.
Benefits of Using NCERT Solutions
Now that we know that NCERT Solutions are available for various classes and subjects, let's explore the benefits of using these solutions in your studies.
1. Standardized Content
NCERT Solutions are created by experts in their respective fields. This ensures that the content is accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with the curriculum prescribed by the NCERT. Students can rely on the quality of information provided in these solutions.
2. Clarity and Understanding
They break down complex concepts into easily understandable steps, making it easier for students to grasp the subject matter. This clarity aids in building a strong foundation in each subject.
3. Practice and Revision
In addition to explanations, NCERT Solutions also offer a wide range of practice questions and exercises. This practice is essential for reinforcing learning and improving problem-solving skills. Furthermore, students can use these solutions for effective revision before exams.
4. Board Exam Preparation
For students preparing for board exams, NCERT Solutions are invaluable. Since the question papers for board exams are often based on NCERT textbooks, studying with NCERT Solutions provides a significant advantage in scoring well in these crucial exams.
5. Accessibility
NCERT Solutions are widely available and accessible. Students can find them in physical bookstores, online stores, and even on the official NCERT website.
6. Cost-Effective
Compared to many other study materials and resources, NCERT Solutions are relatively affordable. This makes them an attractive option for students and parents looking for effective study aids without breaking the bank.
In conclusion, NCERT Solutions is a valuable resource for students in India. They are available for all classes and cover a wide range of subjects, including NCERT Solutions for Class 9. These solutions provide standardized, well-structured content that enhances students' understanding of their textbooks. While there may be limitations for extremely specialized subjects, NCERT Solutions serves as an excellent foundation for the majority of students. The benefits of using NCERT Solutions include clarity, practice, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them an indispensable tool for academic success. So, if you're a student in India, don't hesitate to make the most of NCERT Solutions to excel in your studies.
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yourexamguide · 8 months
NCERT Class 12 Books: Your Gateway to Academic Excellence
NCERT Class 12 Books: Overview
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on NCERT Class 12 books. If you're a student or a parent seeking the best educational resources, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will delve deep into the world of NCERT Class 12 books and why they are the key to unlocking academic success.
The Importance of Class 12
Class 12 is a crucial milestone in a student's educational journey. It's the final year of secondary education, and the knowledge gained during this period forms the foundation for higher studies. Therefore, choosing the right study materials is of paramount importance.
Why Choose NCERT Class 12 Books?
1. Aligned with the Curriculum
NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) is the apex organization for curriculum-related matters for school education in India. NCERT Class 12 books are meticulously crafted to align with the official curriculum. This ensures that students are well-prepared for their board exams.
2. Clarity and Conciseness
One of the standout features of NCERT books is their clarity. The language used is simple and easy to understand. Complex concepts are explained in a way that students can grasp quickly. This is invaluable for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, where a strong foundation is crucial.
3. Comprehensive Content
Each NCERT Class 12 book covers the entire syllabus comprehensively. They leave no stone unturned when it comes to providing students with in-depth knowledge. From historical events to mathematical theorems, everything is covered with precision.
Subject-wise Benefits
1. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics)
NCERT Class 12 Science books are the holy grail for students aiming for careers in medicine or engineering. The books provide a strong conceptual base, helping students excel in competitive exams like NEET and JEE.
2. Commerce (Accountancy, Business Studies, and Economics)
For commerce students, NCERT Class 12 Commerce books offer a clear understanding of financial concepts, business strategies, and economic principles. These books lay the groundwork for future entrepreneurs and economists.
3. Arts (History, Geography, Political Science, and Sociology)
NCERT Class 12 Arts books provide a comprehensive view of the world's history, politics, and societies. They are essential for students aspiring to pursue careers in social sciences, civil services, or academia.
In conclusion, NCERT Class 12 books are the epitome of quality education. Their simplicity, alignment with the curriculum, and comprehensive content make them the preferred choice for millions of students across India. Whether you aspire to be a doctor, engineer, economist, or historian, these books are your stepping stones to success.
So, make the smart choice today and embark on your journey toward academic excellence with NCERT Class 12 books.
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sagarrachnagrp · 11 months
Best CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Bank for Session 2023-24
‘Together with’ CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Bank for Session 2023-24 to prepare for Board exams. Chapter-wise Question Bank Political Science includes Solved NCERT Textbooks Exercises, Previous Year Questions, Competency/Case-based Questions, Practice Questions, CBSE Practice Papers.
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gauravmehra1612 · 11 months
Class 12 NCERT Book PDF: Chapter-wise Book PDF Download
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Class 12 is a crucial phase in a student's academic journey, where a strong foundation and comprehensive knowledge become paramount. NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) books are highly esteemed resources that cater to the diverse needs of Class 12 students. In this digital age, the availability of NCERT books in PDF format has revolutionized the way students access and engage with educational materials. This article explores the benefits of Class 12 NCERT book PDFs and provides insights into the process of downloading them.
Class 12 NCERT Book PDF
The advent of NCERT book PDFs has transformed the educational landscape by enabling students to access study materials conveniently. These PDF versions can be downloaded on various devices like laptops, tablets, or smartphones, providing flexibility and ease of use. Whether at home, in transit, or at the library, students can effortlessly access their Class 12 NCERT books without the constraints of carrying physical copies.
Free PDF Downloads
One of the most significant advantages of Class 12 NCERT book PDFs is their availability as free downloads. Students no longer need to invest in expensive textbooks, as these PDF versions can be accessed at no cost. This accessibility ensures that quality education is within reach for every student, regardless of their financial background.
Subject Coverage in PDF Format:
Class 12 NCERT book PDFs cover a wide range of subjects, including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Hindi, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, and more. The PDF format retains the original layout, font, and illustrations of the printed versions, ensuring a seamless transition from physical books to digital resources. The comprehensive subject coverage equips students with a solid foundation and an in-depth understanding of each topic.
Chapter-wise PDFs
Class 12 NCERT book PDFs are often available in a chapter-wise format, making it easier for students to focus on specific topics or chapters as per their requirements. This allows students to concentrate on areas that need additional attention, revise specific concepts, or prepare for examinations effectively. The chapter-wise PDFs facilitate targeted learning and efficient time management.
Answer Keys in PDF Format
Class 12 NCERT book PDFs often come with solutions and answer keys, providing students with comprehensive guidance. The inclusion of solutions aids in self-assessment, allowing students to practice and verify their understanding of the concepts. Having answers readily available ensures that students can clarify their doubts and enhance their problem-solving skills.
Language Options: English and Hindi Medium
Class 12 NCERT book PDFs are available in both English and Hindi mediums, catering to the linguistic preferences of students across the country. This inclusivity ensures that students can access high-quality educational materials in their preferred language, fostering better comprehension and engagement with the subject matter.
Easy Download Process
Downloading Class 12 NCERT book PDFs is a straightforward process. Various authorized platforms and websites offer official links for downloading these PDFs. Students can simply search for their desired subject, select the appropriate book, and click on the download link to save the PDF file on their devices. This user-friendly process eliminates the need for physical book procurement and empowers students to embark on their learning journey effortlessly.
Class 12 NCERT book PDFs have revolutionized the way students engage with their study materials. With the ease of accessibility, comprehensive subject coverage, and the availability of solutions, these PDFs have become an indispensable resource for Class 12 students. The free availability and the convenience of downloading make Class 12 NCERT book PDFs an economical and efficient alternative to traditional textbooks.
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razorblogz · 1 year
CUET Syllabus 2023: Download Section-Wise Syllabus for CUET Now At CUET MOCK
Over the course of time, the CUET exam has become highly competitive. Every year more than 10 lakh students appear for this examination. CUET mock test series by CUET MOCK is carefully designed for thorough coverage of the CUET syllabus. The test series is equipped with personalized performance reports after each test that will help the students evaluate their performance and work on it for a better outcome.
CUET 2023 is an all-India examination to be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admissions in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various central & state universities of India including Delhi University, BHU, Allahabad University, Tezpur University, the University of Hyderabad amongst others. NTA will also conduct CUET Exam in 13 languages (Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Odiya, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, English, Hindi and Urdu).
According to CUET MOCK, the CUET syllabus for the CUET exam 2023 for the domain-specific subjects will be the same as the NCERT syllabus for Class 12. NCERT books will be the best source of preparation for the domain-specific papers. The candidates may choose a maximum of 6 Subjects from the list provided below by NTA.
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Accountancy/ Book Keeping, Biology/ Biological Studies/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science/ Informatics Practices, Economics/ Business Economics, Engineering Graphics, Entrepreneurship, Geography/Geology, History, Home Science, Knowledge Tradition and Practices of India, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Physical Education/ NCC /Yoga, Physics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology are the different subjects that you can choose from according to CUET MOCK.
The complete CUET Syllabus has been discussed by CUET MOCK with every information provided by NTA for your reference. They also offer CUET Assessment tests which will assist you in revising the whole CUET Syllabus. Students who register with CUET MOCK will receive the most up-to-date and accurate practice material, which will comprise the most often asked and critical questions in the CUET exam.
The mock tests offered by CUET MOCK will help aspirants improve their problem-solving efficiency and speed. The questions for the test series are specially curated and hand-picked by India’s top faculties and domain subject experts. Register now at CUET MOCK and start your preparation for CUET 2023 with the CUET Syllabus offered by CUET MOCK.
PHONE NUMBER: +91 77176 28931
OFFICE ADDRESS: 701–702, Motia Royal business Park Zirakpur, Punjab — 140603
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wishallbook · 1 year
NCERT Contemporary World Politics | For Class 12
NCERT Contemporary World Politics | For Class 12
NCERT Contemporary World Politics | For Class 12 National Council Of Educational Research  And Training  ISBN -8174507108 Textbook In Political Science  For Class XII  Buy More NCERT Books→ Know  More About NCERT→
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saurabhblog7007 · 2 years
CBSE Class 12 Syllabus
Class 12 is an important stage for every student in their career. The students need to work hard for the entire year to score good marks in the board examination. For that, the students must go through the CBSE class 12 syllabus before starting their preparation. Owing to the Covid-19 situation, the board has reduced the syllabus for the academic year 2021-22 and divided the examination into two terms, as per the Special Scheme of Assessment for Classes 10 and 12 for the academic year 2021-22.
The CBSE syllabus for class 12 ensures that all the critical topics are covered even in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. Term 1 and term 2 of the examination are aimed at easing the load off the students in terms of the syllabus. Students must analyse the syllabus and strategise their preparation to score well in the exam. With the help of the syllabus, the students can make sure that no topic is left untouched while preparing for the board exam.
CBSE Class 12 Syllabus Term Wise All Subjects
CBSE Class 12 Syllabus
In this article, the students can find the CBSE syllabus for class 12 in detail. The students can get an idea of important topics that carry a lot of weightage in terms of marks in the exam. The students may click on the links provided and check the syllabus for their reference.
It is important to note that the CBSE syllabus for class 12 is very important for the students who are preparing for competitive examinations like JEE, NEET, etc. The students should first cover their NCERTs and then refer to other books to cover all the topics in the syllabus. This will help them in sailing smoothly through the board exam as well as the competitive exams.
Updated CBSE class 12 Syllabus For all Subjects 2021-22
The revised CBSE class 12 syllabus for Mathematics includes a new topic, i.e., Data Handling. It consists of data representation, collection, and data analysis. The weightage of class 11 topics in the board exams have been increased and the weightage of class 12 topics has been reduced.
In Physics, two new elective subjects have been introduced in the CBSE 2022 syllabus for class 12 and class 11.  These elective subjects are Electronics and Communication (EC) and Computer Science (CS).
In the revised syllabus for Chemistry, the CBSE has reduced 50 marks carried by the experimental questions in Physical Chemistry (section A).
The revised class 12 syllabus for Biology includes an additional topic under Ecology, namely, ‘Ecological Interrelationships’, which highlights the importance of an ecosystem. The old syllabus of biotechnology has been revised to ‘Microbes and bioremediation’ and it includes genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, synthetic biology etc.
The revised CBSE 12 syllabus for English for 2021-2022 saw a reduction of 50 marks from section A (Prose). Similarly, for Hindi, the revised syllabus comprises two sections, namely, prose and poetry, carrying the weightage of 150 and 100 marks, respectively.
The CBSE class 12 syllabus for Accountancy for 2021-22 again saw a reduction in 50 marks from section A (Financial reporting and Analysis).
For Business Studies, the CBSE board exam consists of two sections, namely, business environment and practices (BEP) & management accounting. The marks weightage are 150 and 100 marks, respectively.  
CBSE class 12 syllabus for physical education consists of four compulsory papers. There is a reduction of 50 marks from section A.
The revised syllabus of Economics for 2021-22 consists of two sections, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Again, there has been a reduction of 50 marks from section A (Microeconomics).
The revised CBSE class 12 syllabus for Political science for 2022 consists of four compulsory papers, each carrying 100 marks, and the duration for finishing each paper is 90 minutes. There has been a reduction of 50 marks from section A (Political Science).
The revised syllabus for Biotechnology is now known as ‘Microbes and Bioremediation’, and it includes genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, synthetic biology etc. the CBSE board exam 2021-22 consists of two sections- life sciences and non-life sciences. The marks distribution is 150 marks and 100 marks, respectively. The duration for each subject is 3 hours.
The CBSE class 12 syllabus for computer science was revised similarly. The board exam for the session 2021-22 will consist of four compulsory papers. The marks allocated for each paper are 100, to be completed in 90 minutes duration. There has been a reduction of 50 marks from section A (Computer Science).
The Importance of the CBSE class 12 Syllabus
Class 12th board exam is very critical for any student’s career and the CBSE class 12 syllabus plays a very crucial role in exam preparation. Following are the reasons why students must go through their syllabus while preparing for the exam:
The entire course structure is covered in the syllabus. Students get an idea of the mark distribution for each section and the time duration to answer the questions.
From the CBSE class 12 syllabus, the students get an idea of the exam pattern and the kind of questions that can be expected.
Since the exam paper is completely based on the syllabus, the students must cover every topic from the syllabus and practice from CBSE sample papers to gain an edge in the examination.
A thorough analysis of the syllabus and preparation in accordance with that will ensure that no topic is left behind.
The CBSE class 12 syllabus is a source of information for not just students, but also faculties in designing the teaching methodologies for the session.
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studiestoday123 · 18 days
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Get access to CBSE NCERT Class 12 Political Science worksheets with answers on StudiesToday. Enhance your understanding of political concepts and prepare effectively with our comprehensive worksheets tailored to the curriculum. Start learning now!
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prepguruu · 2 years
NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 [CUCET] Subject-Wise
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CUET (UG) — 2022 application opened on April sixth and got an enormous number of candidates. On the authority warning, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has likewise suggested the schedule for the Common Universities Entrance Test (CUET) 2022.
NTA CUET/CUCET Syllabus 2022
Those taking the test ought to concentrate on all courses from the NCERT schedule for class 12. There are four segments in the schedule: segment 1A, area 1B, area 2, and segment 3.
Language questions will be found in Sections 1A and 1B, area explicit inquiries in Section 2, and general fitness inquiries in Section 3.
As per the declaration, the test will happen in the first or second seven-day stretch of July 2022. Subsequently, it is basic to investigate the whole educational plan and orchestrate your readiness likewise.
NTA CUET UG Syllabus 2022
Subjects and the prospectus for class 12 are remembered for the NTA CUET Syllabus. The affirmation test will have four parts, as indicated by the CUCET Exam Pattern:
Segment 1A: Language assessment Segment 1B: Language test Segment 2: Tests that are specific to a space Segment 3: Aptitude test (general) Two movements will be held for the test. In the principal shift, you should show up for Section 1A (language paper), two space subjects of your decision, and the overall fitness test.
The other four space subjects, as well as a discretionary language test (Section 1B), will be regulated during the subsequent shift.
NTA CUET 2022 Syllabus of Language Test (Section 1A and 1B)
The primary segment of the
CUET Exam 2022
is this. The inquiries in this space will survey one’s language abilities given understanding sections, syntax establishments, and jargon.
You will be evaluated on your cognizance of an entry and its significant thought, as well as the implications of words utilized in the section.
Adjusting linguistically mistaken sentences, topping off spaces in phrases with appropriate terms, etc are all important for the language structure part.
Inquiries concerning equivalents and antonyms will test one’s grip on the English language.
Plan for Verbal Ability, Part Rearrangement, Correct Word Selection, Synonyms and Antonyms, and Vocabulary.
Segment 1A’s rundown of dialects is as per the following:
Assamese Kannada Bengali Malayalam English Marathi Gujarat Odiya Hindi Tamil Telugu Urdu
Segment 1 B’s rundown of dialects is as per the following:
Kashmiri French Konkani Spanish Bodo German Dogri Nepali Maithili Persian Manipuri Italian Santhali Arabic Tibetian Sindhi Japanese Russian Chinese Sanskrit Prospectus of Domain-Specific Subjects Test NTA CUET 2022 In this part, you’ll be posed inquiries about the space explicit subject.
The space explicit part will comprise 27 subjects from which you should choose six space subjects that you want to seek after in your undergrad program or that you accept you are capable in.
Likewise, if you’re applying to a particular school, investigate their subject prerequisites since you’ll need to pick either taking a test or reading up for a particular course.
Further, develop your Common Universities Entrance Test Preparation by surveying the nitty gritty educational plan for the area explicit part in the post beneath.
Bookkeeping Science/Biological Studies/Biotechnology/Biochemistry Business Studies Science Software engineering/Informatics Practices Lawful Studies Financial matters Designing Graphics Business Topography History Home Science Information Tradition and Practices of India Natural Science Arithmetic Actual Education/NCC/Yoga Material science Political Theory Brain science Social science Educating Aptitude Horticulture Broad communications/Mass Communication Humanities Expressive arts/Visual Arts (Sculpture/Painting)/Commercial Arts Performing Arts Sanskrit The area subjects will be no different for understudies from any stream who have concentrated on them from Class 12 onwards.
Shockingly, both the XI and XII meetings’ schedules can be addressed. To assist you with getting ready, we’ve featured the most important components from the schedule to gather the unique situation.
1 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Physics
Flow Electricity
Double Nature of Matter and Radiation
Attractive Effects of Current and Magnetism
Particles and Nuclei
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Electronic Devices
Electromagnetic Waves
Correspondence Systems
2 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Chemistry
Nuclear Structure
Natural Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Compound Bonding
Compound Kinetics
p-Block Elements
Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
Compound Equilibrium and Kinetics
d and f Block Element
Surface Chemistry
Science in Everyday Life
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Strong State
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
3 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 or Mathematics
Networks and sorts of Matrices
Request and level of differential conditions
Uniformity of Matrices, render of a Matrix,
Forming and tackling differential conditions
Variable-based math of Matrices
Arbitrary factors and the likelihood of appropriation
The opposite of a Matrix
The normal worth of an irregular variable
Settling concurrent conditions utilizing Matrix
Change and Standard Deviation of an irregular variable
Binomial Distribution
Higher-request subsidiaries
Digressions and Normals
Irregular factors and their likelihood of conveyance
Expanding and Decreasing Functions
The anticipated worth of an irregular variable
Maxima and Minima
Change and Standard Deviation of an irregular
Endless integrals of basic capabilities
Binomial Distribution
Assessment of endless integrals
Unmistakable Integrals
Utilization of Integration as the region under the bend
4 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Biology/Biological Studies/Biotechnology/Biochemistry
Hereditary qualities and Evolution
Science and HumanWelfare
Biotechnology and Its Applications
Nature and climate
5 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Accountancy
Bookkeeping Not-revenue drove Organization
Investigation of Financial Statements
Representing Partnership
Outline of Computerized Accounting System
Reconstitution of Partnership Using a Computerized Accounting System
The disintegration of Partnership Firm
Bookkeeping Using Database Management System (DBMS)
Representing Share and Debenture Capital
Bookkeeping Applications of Electronic Spreadsheet
Investigation of Financial Statements
6 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Business Studies
Nature and Significance of Management
Standards of Management
Business Environment
Business Finance
Monetary Markets
Shopper Protection
Business Development
7-NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Computer Science/Informatics Practices
Special case and File Handling in Python
PC Network
Data set Concepts
Information Handling utilizing Pandas — I
Organized Query Language
Prologue to Computer Networks
Cultural Impacts
Special case and File Handling in Python
Information Communication
Information Communication
Line Database Concepts
Organized Query Language
Arranging Computer Networks
Figuring out Data
Information Handling utilizing Pandas — I
Information Handling utilizing Pandas — 2
8 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Legal Studies
Legal Executive
Lawful Profession in India
Subjects of Law Legal Services
Discretion, Tribunal Adjunction, and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Worldwide Context
Basic liberties in India
Legitimate Maxims
9 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Economics
Starting Microeconomics
Shopper Behavior and Demand Maker Behavior and Supply Basic Applications of Tools of Demand and Supply Curves Types of Market and Price Determination Financial aspects/BUSINESS ECONOMICS-309
Assurance of Income and Employment Cash and Banking Government Budget and the Economy Equilibrium of Payments Starting Macroeconomics
Public Income and Related Aggregates — Basic Concepts and Measurement
10 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Legal Studies
Legal Executive
Legitimate Profession in India
Subjects of Law
Legitimate Services
Intervention, Tribunal Adjunction, and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Global Context
Basic liberties in India
Legitimate Maxims
11-NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Engineering Graphics
Isometric Projection of Solids
Isometric Projection of Solids
12-NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Entrepreneurship
Pioneering Opportunity
Pioneering Planning
Endeavor Marketing
Endeavor Growth Strategies
Business Arithmetic
Asset Mobilization
13 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Sanskrit
Inquiries from the Language Section will cover, however, are not restricted to, the accompanying subjects:
Understanding Comprehension: There will be three kinds of sections (greatest 300–350 words): Verifiable Account Verbal Ability Modifying the parts Picking the right word Equivalent words and Antonyms Jargon
14 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for History
The Story of the First Cities Harappan Archeology
Strict Histories: The Bhakti-Sufi Tradition
Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions recount a story
Middle age Society through Travelers’ Accounts
Social Histories utilizing the Mahabharata
Imperialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports
A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa
Portrayals of 1857
Agrarian Relations The Ain-I-Akbari
Imperialism and Indian Towns: Town Plans and Municipal Reports
The Mughal Court: Reconstructing Histories through Chronicles
Mahatma Gandhi through Contemporary Eyes
New Architecture: Hampi
Segment through Oral Sources
The Making of the Constitution
15 — NTA CUET Syllabus 2022 for Home Science
Human Development: Life Span ApproachSustenance for Self, Family, and CommunityHOME SCIENCE-315Cash Management and Consumer EducationAttire: Designing, Selection, and CareLocal area Development and ExtensionProfession
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explorerindex · 2 years
NCERT ebook pdf For Class 12 Political Science - Contemporary World Politics - Free PDF Download
NCERT ebook pdf For Class 12 Political Science – Contemporary World Politics – Free PDF Download
NCERT Book for Class 12 Political Science – Contemporary World Politics in English PDF   Chapter 1: The Cold War Era Chapter 2: The End of Bipolarity Chapter 3: US Hegemony in World Politics Chapter 4: Alternative Centres of Power Chapter 5: Contemporary South Asia Chapter 6: International Organisations Chapter 7: Security in the Contemporary World Chapter 8: Environment and Natural…
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NCERT Political Science (Civics) Class 6 to 12 Audiobook- Audicate
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Title: Unraveling the Complexities of Politics with NCERT Political Science (Civics) Books: Now in Audiobook on Audicate
Politics plays a pivotal role in shaping societies and nations. Understanding the intricate world of politics is crucial for informed citizenship and participation in a democracy. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) recognizes the significance of political education and has created a series of comprehensive Political Science (Civics) textbooks for students from Class 6 to 12. These textbooks, now available as audiobooks on the Audicate app, provide students with a dynamic and engaging way to delve into the diverse aspects of politics, governance, and civic life.
The Significance of NCERT Political Science (Civics) Books
NCERT Political Science (Civics) books from Class 6 to 12 hold immense significance for various reasons:
Holistic Coverage: These books offer a comprehensive exploration of political concepts, covering topics such as democracy, governance, rights, and responsibilities.
Simplified Language: The content is presented in an easy-to-understand language, making complex political ideas accessible to students of all levels.
Citizenship Education: These books instill the values of responsible citizenship and empower students to become active and informed participants in the democratic process.
Useful for Competitive Exams: The knowledge gained from these textbooks is valuable for students preparing for competitive exams like UPSC, state PSCs, and other government-related exams.
Critical Thinking: Political Science encourages critical thinking and analysis, essential skills for evaluating political events and policies.
The Audiobook Advantage
The availability of audiobook versions of NCERT Political Science (Civics) books from Class 6 to 12 on the Audicate app offers numerous advantages:
Accessibility: Audiobooks can be easily accessed on smartphones and tablets, allowing students to engage with political education even during commutes or other activities.
Engaging Narration: Audiobooks are narrated by skilled professionals, making political concepts come to life with compelling narratives and explanations.
Enhanced Understanding: Listening to political concepts can enhance comprehension, particularly for auditory learners.
Multitasking: Audiobooks enable students to study political science while multitasking, whether they are commuting or engaging in other activities.
NCERT Political Science (Civics) books from Class 6 to 12 are not just textbooks; they are guides to understanding the intricate world of politics and governance. Whether you are a student preparing for exams, an aspiring politician, or simply a curious citizen interested in the dynamics of governance and civic life, these books serve as invaluable resources.
With the audiobook versions now accessible on the Audicate app, the study of political science becomes more engaging and convenient. To access the audiobook versions of NCERT Political Science (Civics) Class 6 to 12 and embark on a journey of political discovery, visit Audicate on the Google Play Store today. Embrace the power of audiobooks to unravel the complexities of politics and foster a deeper understanding of the democratic processes that shape our world.
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Different Education Boards in India | Global Career Counsellor
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) International Baccalaureate (IB) Cambridge International Education (CIE) OR International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)State Boards
Since the modern world is more globalized than ever before, it has become increasingly essential to equip children with “global skills.” Therefore, educational choices these days are not just restricted to choosing a school or stream, but also deciding on the different education boards in India. The following guide provides all the information you need to know how to choose an education board in India.
 There are primarily 4 – 5 different education boards in India. Every board has different teaching methods, learning programs, curriculum requirements, assessment criteria, and procedures for conducting tests that contribute to the overall development of students. This article provides a detailed overview of five of the most prominent boards available in the country as well as the tips to choose the right education board, enabling you to compare their features and benefits to decide which one is right for you.
 Amongst the different types of education boards in India, CBSE is the most popular national education board for public and private schools which is managed and controlled by the Union Government of India. CBSE has over 24000 affiliated schools spread all over the country, and also has approximately 240 schools in 26 countries around the world.
This board offers various subjects after class 10th in Science, Commerce, Arts/Humanities stream and forms the base for all national entrance examinations, especially Medicine and Engineering domains conducted within the country.
CBSE curriculum enables students to develop their physical, intellectual, and social skills by integrating innovations in teaching, knowledge, and application. The learning methods are student-centred and incorporate job oriented skill set learning.
The CBSE conducts two examinations: The all India Secondary School Examination (AISSE) for Class 10 and the All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE) for Class 12.
The board emphasises the use of NCERT books, which form the basis for all entrance examinations in India.
Some of the major subjects offered by CBSE in 10+2 include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, English, History, Political Science, Psychology, Geography, and English.
In light of CBSE’s extensive presence, parents with transferable jobs or those who are moving between locations have a wide array of options. 
CBSE offers students the freedom to select subjects of their choice from a wide range of subjects (approximately 211). 
Students who wish to pursue schooling in distance mode can also apply for admissions and sit for exams. 
It has also started Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) from classes 6 to 10 which aims to test students throughout the year rather than a single exam at the end of the year. 
Exams for entrance to most national universities are based on the CBSE curriculum.
CISCE is privately operated and recognized as a non-governmental board of school education by the constitution of India. It was started as a national alternative to the British and American school systems. Over 2300 schools are affiliated with ICSE within India and abroad. The certificates provided by the board are recognized by universities and colleges in India as well as by the international educational boards. ICSE focuses primarily on maths and science but also gives equal emphasis to languages, arts, and humanities. This course has been designed to provide practical knowledge and build analytical skills required for the student’s overall development.
ICSE’s main objective is to provide practical education through high-quality instruction. In class 12th, students are encouraged to choose among diverse streams/subjects by placing equal emphasis on science, arts, and language courses, especially English, consequently, providing a wholesome and inclusive education.
CISCE conducts three examinations – the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) for Class 10th, the Indian School Certificate (ISC) for Class 12th and the Certificate of Vocational Education Examination (CVE) for students who have completed ISC exams.
For literature in English and other languages, the council prescribes textbooks/study materials but not for other subjects. Thus, schools are free to select the books they find most suitable for competent teaching and efficient learning. Occasionally the council may declare a certain book unsuitable for use in affiliated schools.
CISCE subjects and syllabus is more comprehensive and extensive than the CBSE syllabus.
CISCE emphasises more on language and art subjects more and has an application-based curriculum. 
Among the different types of education boards in India, this board can be useful for parents whose work requires them to travel abroad, making it much easier for their children to adapt to different schools.
The course curriculum provides more flexibility and a wider variety of subjects than CBSE. 
The students can follow any textbook of their choice. 
It focuses more on applied/practical knowledge rather than rote learning.
 Also Read: How to Choose the Right Curriculum | Parents vs Students
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) board of education is an autonomous body that comes under the Ministry of Education (MOE). The NIOS offers life enrichment and vocational and community-oriented courses at the secondary and senior secondary levels. NIOS enrols approximately 3,50,000 students every year, making it one of the world’s largest open schooling systems. It also offers Elementary level courses along with vocational training through its Open Basic Education (OBE) programme for children below 14 years of age and adults above 14 years of age who are eligible to sit for the examinations.
The main objective of NIOS is to make the educational system versatile and free for all students and increase access to education in remote areas. It is used as a system of education for both children and adults.
NIOS conducts secondary and post-secondary exams similar to the different types of education boards in India, such as CBSE and ICSE. Additionally, it offers a college education after secondary school. NIOS conducts board exams twice a year.
NCERT and NIOS books are recommended for this board. 
Open Basic Education (OBE) from classes 3 to 8 covers basic maths, environmental science and computer skills. In class 10 students can choose from 2 basic groups with at least five subjects and a language. In class 12 students can choose between commerce, science and humanities which is further divided into five groups out of which students have to select one or two subjects from each group.
It is a child-centred system and enables the student to choose what, how, and when to learn. 
The maximum time a student has to complete their exams is five years. 
This board is beneficial for students who wish to finish their education later in life or who wish to study at their own pace. 
The students can study from anywhere remotely. 
The IB curriculum aims to provide students with skills to help them grow and develop as successful individuals as well as better learners and people. It offers high quality and challenging educational programmes to students aged 3 to 19. The IB has over 5500 schools across 159 countries. The curriculum is planned upon many theories including language and knowledge acquisition, language and literature, individuals and societies, creativity and service, arts and mathematics. Students are encouraged to think critically, ask the right questions and challenge themselves to think beyond their discipline through the programmes.
IB offers 4 different types of educational programs.
Primary Years Programme ( 3-12 years) Through a student-centred approach to education, young students are nurtured and developed as caring, active participants in a lifetime of learning.
Middle Year Programme (11-16 years) Students are encouraged to make connections between their studies and the real world by using a challenging framework.
Diploma Programme (16-19 years) The program strives to develop students into well rounded, knowledgeable, emotionally mature, and moral individuals with excellent breadth and depth of knowledge.
Career-related Programme (16-19 years) The program is designed to meet the needs of students who are pursuing career-related education. Further/higher education can lead to an apprenticeship or employment.
It emphasises developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as fostering diversity, international mindedness, curiosity, and a quest for excellence throughout the program. The curriculum also emphasises analytical skills, language, arts, and humanities. The objective of the IB board is to create global citizens.
Two major exams IB Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP) are conducted in two sessions in November and May every year.
The IB does not prescribe fixed textbooks, so students have a lot of freedom and flexibility in learning.
A student can pick one subject from each of six distinct subject groups, allowing ample scope for adaptation. In addition, there are three required subjects that students need to study – Creativity Action Service (CAS), Extended Essays (EE), and Theory of Knowledge (TOK).
The IB programme fosters diversity, curiosity and a zest for learning. 
Most universities in the world recognize the IB board. 
The curriculum is skill-based and focuses majorly on arts and humanities and analytical skills, unlike the different education boards in India. 
The focus is on applied knowledge rather than rote learning. 
Students can choose a subject of their choice at the Diploma Program level each from 6 groups. 
This board is apt for students who are looking to go overseas for their college education or with parents that have jobs that may take them abroad or expatriate community members in India. 
Cambridge International Education conducts the IGCSE and AS & A Level exams and is a part of the University of Cambridge. IGCSE is considered to be the largest provider of educational programs across the world. There are more than 10,000 schools affiliated with Cambridge International across 160 countries around the world. Students with CIE credentials are accepted at universities in the United Kingdom (including Oxford and Cambridge), across the United States (including all Ivy League schools), in Canada, in the European Union, in the Middle East and West Asia, as well as in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
The Cambridge curriculum begins from Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary to Advanced which is called the Cambridge Pathway. This pathway gives students a clear path for educational progress from age 5 to 19.
The main objective of this curriculum is to prepare students for life, build a solid foundation of knowledge, and inspire a lifelong love of learning. 
The main examinations are the IGCSE, the AS level and the A level exams. Cambridge IGCSE exams are conducted in February (India only), May and October, and the results are declared in May, August and January respectively.
IGCSE exams are conducted at the end of Cambridge Upper Secondary (14 to 16-year-olds), and AS & A Level is conducted at the end of Cambridge Advanced (16 to 19-year-olds).
The IGCSE also does not prescribe any fixed textbooks, so students have a lot of freedom and flexibility in learning.
Over 70 subjects are offered at the IGCSE level and over 55 subjects at AS and A levels, making it one of the most flexible education boards among the different types of education boards in India. Students are encouraged to empower their creativity through creative writing, with a strong focus on the English language. There is also an added focus on foreign languages that will benefit the students in the long run. 
This board uses instructional methods and all instructors are supplied with a lot of resources that are incredibly useful for students. This helps them to learn and develop in a particular way. 
It also promotes creativity at a higher level, encouraging the students to understand outside classrooms. 
Amongst the various different types of education boards in India, this board lets students learn better through practice rather than theory with plenty of choices of subjects. 
It provides an international curriculum to class 9 and 10 students. 
 Every state in India has a state education department that conducts board exams for classes 10 and 12 and every state has its board and follows its syllabus and grading system. Students preparing for state-level engineering and medical entrance tests can take advantage of this course as it focuses on topics of regional relevance and content relevant to their local area. The syllabus is usually limited in comparison to other boards.
The state board covers state-level topics of local relevance. It also helps students to prepare for state-level engineering and medical entrance tests.
The State Board conducts two examinations: Secondary School Certificate (SSC) for class 10 students and Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) for class 12 students.
Regional languages and culture are the main subjects and an important part of the syllabus for state boards.
Some state boards use NCERT books only to prepare students for the national examinations.
Every state in India has its own curriculum. 
The state boards are slightly easier as compared to other different types of education boards in India. 
Students of all levels of ability will be able to succeed through the curriculum. 
Students can score well in public exams. 
Students who wish to score well in class 12 and prepare for competitive exams such as the JEE and NEET can benefit from this board. 
 There are different education boards in India that students today have the option to choose from when selecting a curriculum. However, knowing how to choose an education board in India correctly can be difficult. The right curriculum may be among the many options available to you, but you must consider various things, including the future goals of your children, extracurricular activities offered, and of course, the cost.  I hope you were able to benefit from our tips to choose the right education board for your students.
 If you want to help students more effectively, upskilling yourself is the best move.
 The Global Career Counsellor Program by Univariety in collaboration with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension is an all-in-one guide to Career Counselling. With over a decade of experience in dealing with students and parents, Univariety founded the GAP and collaborated with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension to create an online program for India’s first generation of career counsellors. The Global Career Counsellor program is more than just a counselling course. It is a unique program that has been created to equip individuals with blended learning through world-class instructors, skills and practical training to become career counsellors.
 Know More About the Program Here
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 12 Political Science (India) Chapter 6 The Crisis of Democratic Order
NCERT Class 12 Political Science Solutions (India Since Independence)
Chapter 6 The Crisis of Democratic Order 
TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED : Q l. State whether the following statements regarding the Emergency are correct or incorrect. (a) It was declared in 1975 by Indira Gandhi. (b) It led to the suspension of all fundamental rights. (c) It was proclaimed due to the deteriorating economic conditions. (d) Many Opposition leaders were arrested during the emergency. (e) CPI supported the proclamation of the Emergency.
Answer: (a) Correct, (b) Correct, (c) Wrong, (d) Correct, (e) Correct. Q 2. Find the odd one out in the context of proclamation of Emergency. (a) The call for ‘Total Revolution’. (b) The Railway Strike of 1974 (c) The Naxalite Movement (d) The Allahabad High Court verdict (e) The findings of the Shah Commission Report
Answer: (c) The Naxalite Movement Q 3. Match the following:
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Answer: (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv). Q 4. What were the reasons which led to the mid-term elections in 1980?
Answer: 1. Janata party lacked direction, leadership and a common programme. 2. Janata party government could not bring a fundamental change in policies pursued by Congress. 3. There was a split in Janata Party and the government led by Morarji Desai which lost its majority in less than 18 months. 4. Charan Singh government was formed due to support of Congress party which later decided to withdraw its support resulting resignation of Charan Singh government within four months. 5. All the above mentioned reasons led midterm elections of 1980, which defeated Janata Party and again Congress led by Indira Gandhi came back to power by winning 353 seats. Q 5. The Shah Commission was appointed in 1977 by the Janata Party Government. Why was it appointed and what were its findings?
Answer: The Shah commission was appointed in May 1977 by Janata Party government which was headed by J.C. Shah, retired chief justice of Supreme Court of India to look into the matters of: 1. Allegations of abuse of authority, excesses and malpractices as well as actions taken in the name of emergency proclaimed on 25 June 1975. 2. The Commission performed to examine various evidences to give testimonies even including Indira Gandhi to appear before Commission, but she refused to answer any questions. Findings of Shah Commission: (a) It found many ‘excesses’ committed during Emergency. (b) Under preventive detention laws nearly one lakh eleven thousand people were arrested. (c) Press censorship took place without any proper legal sanctions. (d) Even general manager of Delhi Power Supply Corporation received verbal orders from the officers of the Lt. Governor of Delhi to cut electricity to all newspapers press at 2 a.m. on 26 June 1975. Q 6. What reasons did the Government give for declaring a National Emergency in 1975?
Answer: Emergency was proclaimed in response to petition filed by Raj Narain to declare Indira Gandhi’s election invalid. (i) On June 25, 1975, the government declared the threat of internal disturbances to invoke Article 352 of constitution. (ii) Article 352 can declare emergency on ground of either internal or external disturbances. (iii) The government decided a grave crisis to be arisen to proclaim emergency to bring law and order, restore efficiency and implement pro-poor welfare programmes. (iv) The President Fakhruddin Adi Ahmad proclaimed emergency which became the most controversial episode in Indian Politics. Q 7. The 1977 elections for the first time saw the Opposition coming into power at the Centre. What would you consider as the reasons for this development?
Answer: The 1977 elections were evolved as a shock to everyone as Congress party was defeated for the very first time and opposition party came into power: 1. The opposition adopted the slogan ‘Save democracy’ against imposition of emergency earlier. 2. The opposition campaigned non- democratic character of rule which provided various excesses. 3. The opposition party highlighted the preventive detention and press censorship to favour public opinion. 4. Janata Party also ensured not to divide non-Congress votes. 5. Middle section of north India was moving away from Congress for whom Janata Party became a platform. 6. Hence, elections of 1977 emerged many other factors instead about emergency only. Q 8. Discuss the effects of Emergency on the following aspects of our polity.
(a) Effects on civil liberties for citizens. (b) Impact on relationship between the Executive and Judiciary. (c) Functioning of Mass Media. (d) Working of Police and Bureaucracy.
(a) Effects on Civil Liberties for Citizens: 1. The government made large scale arrests under preventive detention. 2. Arrested political persons could not challenge arrest even under Habeas Corpus petition. 3. Despite of filing many petitions government claimed it not to be necessary to be informed on grounds to arrested persons. 4. In April 1976, finally it was proved that the government could take away citizen’s right to life and liberty by overruling of high courts under supreme court and accept government’s plea.
(b) Impact on Relationship between the Executive and Judiciary: 1. The Parliament brought in many new changes in Constitution which made an amendment declaring that elections of Prime Minister, President and Vice¬President could not be challenged in the court. 2. The forty-second amendment (42nd) was also passed to bring a series of changes in constitution like duration of legislatures, elections can be postponed by one year during an emergency.
(c) Functioning of Mass Media: 1. Press censorship took place which banned freedom of press and newspapers w7ere supposed to prior approval before they publish any material i.e. RSS and Janata Island were banned. 2. Protests, strikes and public agitations were also banned. 3. Various fundamental rights were also suspended including even Right to move to court for restoration of Fundamental Rights. 4. Kannada writer Shivarama Karanth awarded with Padma Bhushan and Hindi writer Fanishwarnath Tlenu with Padmashri returned their awards in protest against suspension of democracy.
5. Newspapers mainly Indian Express, and the statesman protested against censorship by leaving blank spaces where news items were censored.
(d) Working of Police and Bureaucracy: Refer Part (a) + (b) of the same question. Q 9. In what way did the imposition of Emergency affect the party system in India? Elaborate your answer with examples.
Answer: 1. Due to absolute majority to party in power, leadership even dared to suspend democratic process. 2. The constitution makers presumed to be abide by laws and democratic orders, hence, wide and open ended powers were given to the government during emergency. 3. A tension and differences arose between institution based democracy and democracy based on spontaneous popular participation. 4. It was attributed to incapability of party system to incorporate aspirations of the people. 5. For the first time, opposition parties came together to form a new party ‘Janata Party’ not to divide the non-Congress votes. 6. 1977 elections brought an end to one party dominance and created coalition government. Q 10. Read the passage and answer the questions below:
“Indian democracy was never so close to a two-party system as it was during the 1977 elections. However, the next few years saw a complete change. Soon after its defeat, the Indian National Congress split into two groups The Janata Party also went through major convulsions David Butler, Ashok Lahiri and Prannoy Roy. —Partha Chatterjee (a) What made the party system in India look like a two-party system in 1977? (b) Many more than two parties existed in 1977. Why then are the authors describing this period as close to a two-party system? (c) What caused splits in Congress and the Janata Party?
Answer: (a) The imposition of emergency in 1977 and political crisis made the party system in India look like a two-party system. (b) Two parties existed in 1977 were Congress and non-Congress parties to be described as close to two party system because it ended the one party dominance and emerged Janata Party, umbrella of non¬Congress parties. (c) Split in Congress: Congress splitted on the issues of presidential elections in 1969. Split in Janata Party: On tensions among three leaders Morarji Desai, Charan Singh and Jagjivan Ram for leadership in 1979.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark]
Q 1. Mention the main reason for the defeat of Congress party in the elections 1977.
Answer: The opposition party adopted the slogan ‘Save democracy’ against the imposition of emergency. Q 2. In which year fifth general elections to Lok Sabha held?
Answer: 1971. Q 3. Name the political party which came to power at centre in 1977.
Answer: Janata Party Q 4. In January 1974, Students of Gujarat started an agitation against which two major problems?
Answer: 1. Rising prices of food grains, cooking oil and other essential commodities. 2. Corruption in high places. Q 5. Who was Charu Majumdar?
Answer: Charu Majumdar was a communist revolutionary and the leader of Naxalbari uprising. He founded the Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist). Q 6. Name the president who proclaimed emergency in 1975 in India.
Answer. President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad at midnight on 25 June 1975. Q 7. Who introduced Twenty Point Programme and Why?
Answer: Congress government led by Indira Gandhi introduced ‘Twenty Point Programme’ to maintain law and order and to restored efficiency including land reforms, eradication of bonded labour, land redistribution, workers participation in management etc. Q 8. Who became the symbol of restoration of democracy?
Answer: Jayaprakash Narayan, leader of Janata Party. Q 9. Mention the Historic decision given by the court in famous Kesavananda Bharati Case.
Answer: That there are some basic features of constitution not to be amended by parliament at all. It led to a crisis between the government and judiciary. Q 10. What was the controversy regarding the appointment of the chief justice A.N. Ray in 1973?
Answer: It became political controversial because in this appointment the government set aside the seniority of three judges who had given ruling against the stand of government. Q 11. Why did Congress win in Southern states?
Answer: 1. The impact of emergency was not felt equally in all the states. 2. The forced relocation and dis¬placements, the forced sterilisations were mostly concentrated in the northern states. Q 12. What do you mean by Preventive Detention?
Answer: In Preventive Detention Act, people are arrested and detained on the apprehension to commit any offence in future and government made large scale arrests under this during emergency.
Very Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Q 1. What factors led to crisis of democratic order in Indian Politics?
Answer: 1. Emergence of Indira Gandhi with a lot of popularity. 2. Party competitions had been created. 3. Relation between the government and judiciary had become tense. Q 2. Mention the factors which led Naxalite movement in backward states.
Answer: 1. Forced labour 2. Exploitation by moneylenders 3. Exploitation of resources by outsiders. Q 3. What was Shah Commission of inquiry? How did government react to it? “
Answer: The Shah commission was appointed in May 1977 by Janata Party government headed by S.C. Shah, retired chief justice of Supreme Court of India to look into the matter of: 1. Allegations of abuse of authority. 2. Excesses and malpractices. 3. Actions taken in the name of emergency proclaimed on 25 June 1975. The government appeared before commission against various evidences but she refused to answer any question. Q 4. Describe any two outcomes of Naxalite Movement.
Answer: The ‘Naxalites’ were the Marxist and Leninist Agricultural workers of Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar and adjoining areas who organised massive agitations against economic injustice and inequality and demanded redistribution of land to cultivators. Q 5. Mention circumstances to be characterised for imposition of emergency?
Answer: 1. Emergence of Indira Gandhi. 2. Power Politics became personalised and governmental authority was converted into personalization. 3. Bitter party competition. 4. Tense relations between the government and judiciary. Q 6. Who organised the first nationwide Satyagraha and Why?
Answer: It was organised by Jayaprakash Narayan for Indira Gandhi’s resignation, he appealed to people not to obey illegal and immoral orders by a massive demonstration on 25 June 1975. All these changed the political mood of the country against Congress.
Short Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Q 1. Explain the reasons for students movement of 1974 in Bihar and the role played by Jayaprakash Narayan in this movement.
Answer: Reasons for Student’s Movement of 1974: Students organised movement against: 1. Rising prices of food grains, cooking oil and other essential commodities. 2. Corruption in high places. Assess Role played by Jai Prakash Narayan: Satyagraha was organised by Jayaprakash Narayan for Indira Gandhi’s resignation, he appealed to people not to obey illegal and immoral orders by a massive demonstration on 25 June 1975. All these changed the political mood of the country against Congress. Q 2. Evaluate the consequences of declaration of emergency in 1975? 
Answer: 1. It effected civil liberties of peoples i.e. in April11976 it was proved that the government could take away citizens’ right to life and liberty by overruling of high courts under supreme courts and accepted government’s plea. 2. The forth-second Amendment was also passed to bring a series of changes in constitution. 3. It affected the functioning of mass media also as press censorship took place which banned freedom of press and newspapers, which were supposed to prior approval before they publish any material. 4. Despite of filing many petitions government claimed it not to be necessary to be informed the grounds to arrested persons. Q 3. Explain any two lessons learnt from emergency imposed in 1975.
Answer: The emergency brought out weaknesses and strengths both to India’s democracy: 1. First lesson was felt that it was extremely difficult to do away with democracy in India. 2. Secondly, it amended that internal emergency could be proclaimed only on the grounds of armed rebellion, on the advice to the president to proclaim emergency must be given in writing by council of ministers. 3. Thirdly, emergency made everyone more aware of civil liberties as well as courts also took an active role in protecting civil liberties of individuals. Q 4. Examine the legacy of emergency of 1975 in India.
Answer: The legacy of emergency was felt in every sphere of people’s life and politics: 1. Between the elections of 1977 and 1980, Congress identified itself with particular ideology, claiming to be only socialist and pro-poor party. 2. The concept of non-Congression was created among oppositions parties. 3. The issues of welfare of backward classes began to dominate politics i. e. northern states elected non¬Congress leaders of backward class since 1977. 4. This period of emergency saw the period of constitutional crisis to loose its origin in constitutional battle over jurisdiction of parliament and judiciary. 5. This period created political crisis also as the party in power enjoyed absolute majority, still decided to suspend the democratic process. 6. The emergency tensed between institution based democracy and democracy based on spontaneous popular participation for which party system was to be blamed. Q 5. Why is emergency and period around it known as the period of constitutional crisis? Explain.
Answer: 1. The Parliament brought in many new changes in constitution which made an amendment declaring that elections of Prime Minister, President and Vice President could not be challenged in the court. 2. The forty second amendment was also passed to bring a series of changes in constitution like duration of legislatures, elections can be postponed by one year during emergency. Q 6. How far do you agree that the government had misused its emergency powers during 1975-77? Explain.
Answer: No, the government hence misused its ‘Emergency Powers’. But it said that it wanted to use the emergency: 1. To bring law and order into society. 2. To restore efficiency into administra¬tion and system. 3. To implement the pro-poor welfare programmes. Q 7. How did emergency of 1975 benefit the Indian democratic set up?
Answer: 1. Between the elections of 1977 and 1980, Congress identified itself with particulars ideology, claiming to be only socialist and pro-poor party. 2. The concept of non-Congressism was created among opposition parties. 3. The issues of welfare of backward class began to dominate politics i. e. Northern states elected non- Congress leaders of backward class since 1977. 4. The emergency tensed between institution based democracy and democracy based on spontaneous popular participation for which party system was to be blamed. Q 8. Describe any four circumstances for proclamation of emergency in 1975.
Answer:1. Emergence of Indira Gandhi. 2. Power politics became personalised and governmental authority was converted into personalization. 3. Bitter party competition. 4. Tensed relations between the government and judiciary. Q 9. Discuss the role of Jayaprakash Narayan in Bihar movement and national politics.
Answer: 1. Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan from Janata Party was a Marxist of youth, who became a Gandhian and involved himself in a Bhoodan movement. 2. He led Bihar movement and opposed the emergency. 3. Bihar students invited him and he accepted on the condition of movement to be non-violent and not to limit only to Bihar territory. Hence, Bihar movement assumed a political character and national appeal. 4. This movement demanded dismissal of Congress government in Bihar and called for total revolution in social, economic and political aspects to establish a total democracy. 5. Bandhs, gheraos, strikes were organised in protest. Even employees of railways organised a strike which threatened to paralyse the country. 6. In 1975, Janata Party led people’s march to parliament to be one of the largest political rallies ever held in capital. 7. Janata was supported by non¬Congress parties like BJS, socialist parties etc., which projected JP as an alternative to Indira Gandhi. Q 10. ‘Emergency was a Blackmark in Indian History’. Comment.
Answer: 1. Emergency was declared on the ground of internal disturbances on 25 June 1975 to invoke Article 352 of constitution. 2. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi recommended to impose emergency to president Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad. 3. Emergency was one of the most controversial episode which possessed different virus regarding to impose emergency. 4. Emergency practically suspended the democratic functioning. 5. ‘Shah Commission’ exposed many excesses committed during emergency. 6. Emergency highlighted some hidden matters over constitutional battle between the parliament and judiciary. 7. Tensions or conflicts had been arisen between institution based democracy and popular participation of people.
Passage Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions: Once an emergency is proclaimed, the federal distribution of powers remains practically suspended and al 1 t be powc itc the hands of the union government. Secondly, the government also gets the power to curtail or restrict all or any of the Fundamental Rights during the emergency. From the wording of the provisions of the Constitution, it is clear that an Emergency is seen as an extra-iordinary condition in which normal democratic politics cannot function. Therefore, special powers are granted to the government.
Questions 1. When was emergency imposed? 2. Who recommended emergency to be imposed and to whom? 3. Mention the implications of emergency.
Answer: 1. 25 June 1975. 2. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi recommended to impose emergency to the president Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad. 3. (i) The federal distribution of powers remains practically suspended. (ii) All the powers are concentrated in the hands of Union government. (iii) The government also gets power to restrict all or any of Fundamental Rights during emergency. 2. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions: There were many acts of dissent and resistance to the Emergency. Many political workers who were not arrested in the first wave, went ‘underground’ and organised protests against the government. Newspapers like the Indian Express and the Statesman protested against censorship by leaving blank spaces where news items had been censored. Magazines like the Seminar and the Mainstream chose to close down rather than submit to censorship. Many journalists were arrested for writing against the Emergency. Many underground newsletters and leaflets were published to bypass censorship. Kannada writer Shivarama Karanth, awarded with Padma Bhushan, and Hindi writer Fanishwarnath Renu, awarded with Padma Shri, returned their awards in protest against the suspension of democracy. By and large, though, such open acts of defiance and resistance were rare.
Questions 1. Why did people began to protest against government? 2. How did newspapers protest against censorship? 3. How did writers protest against the emergency? 4. Which magazines protested against censorship?
Answer: 1. Against imposition of emergency. 2. Newspaper like Indian Express and the Statesman protested against censorship by leaving blank spaces where news items had been censored. 3. Kannada writer Shivarama Karanth awarded with Padma Bhushan and Hindi writer Fanishwarnath Renu awarded with Padma Shri returned their awards in protest against suspension of democracy. 4. Magazines like ‘Seminar’ and ‘Mainstream’ chose to close down rather than submit to censorship.
Long Answer Type Questions [6 Marks]
Q 1. Analyse any three lessons learnt from the emergency of 1975.
(i) The emergency of 1975 at once brought out both the weaknesses’ and the strengths of India’s democracy. Though there are many observers who think that India ceased to be democratic during the emergency, it is noteworthy that normal democratic functioning resumed within a short span of time. Thus, one lesson of Emergency is that it is extremely difficult to do away with democracy in India.
(ii) It brought out some ambiguities regarding the emergency provision in the constitution that have been rectified since. Now ‘internal’ emergency can be proclaimed only on the grounds of ‘armed rebellion’ and it is necessary that the advice to the President to proclaim emergency must be given in writing by the Council of Ministers.
(iii) The Emergency made everyone aware of the value of civil liberties. The courts, too, have taken an active role after the emergency in protecting the civil liberties of the individuals. This is in response to the inability of the judiciary to protect civil liberties effectively during the emergency. Many civil liberties organizations came up after this experience. Q 2. Examine the three consequences of emergency imposed in 1975.
(a) Effects on Civil Liberties of Citizens: 1. The government made large scale arrests under preventive detention. 2. Arrested political persons could not challenge arrest even under Habeas Corpus petition. 3. Despite filing many petitions government claimed it not to be necessary to be informed of grounds to arrested persons. 4. In April 1976, finally it was proved that the government could taken away citizen’s right to life and liberty by over ruling of high courts under supreme court and accepted government’s plea.
(b) Impact on Relationship between Parliament and Judiciary: 1. The parliament brought in many new changes in constitution which made an amendment declaring that election of Prime Minister, President and Vice¬president could not be challenged in the court. 2. The forty-second amendment (42nd) was also passed to bring a series of changes in constitution like duration of legislatures, elections can be postponed by one year during an emergency.
(c) Functioning of Mass Media: 1. Press censorship took place which banned freedom of press is newspapers were supposed to seek prior approval before they publish any material. 2. Protests, strikes and public agitations were also banned. 3. Various fundamental rights were also suspended including even Right to move to Court for Restoration of Fundamental Rights. 4. Kannada writer Shivarama Karnata awarded with Padma Bhushan and Hindi writer Fanishwarnath Renu with Padmashri returned their awards on protest against suspension of democracy. 5. Newspapers mainly Indian Express, and the Statesman protested against censorship by leaving blank editorial column. Q 3. Examine any six reasons for the imposition of emergency in India in 1975. Or Analyse any three reasons for imposing emergency on 25 June 1975. Did the government misuse its emergency powers? Give any three arguments in support of answers.
Answer: (i) Emergency was proclaimed in response to petition filed by Raj Narayan to declare Indira Gandhi’s election invalid. (ii) On June 25, 1975, the government declared the threat of internal disturbances to invoke Article 352 of constitution. (iii) Article 352 can declare emergency on ground of either internal or external disturbances. (iv) The government decided a grave crisis to be arisen to proclaim emergency to bring law and order, restore efficiency and implement pro-poor Welfare Programmes. (v) The President FakhruddinAli Ahmad proclaimed emergency which became the most controversial episode in Indian politics. (vi) Power politics became personalised and governmental authority was converted into personalization Q 4. Assess any three happenings which were responsible for the downfall of Congress Party in the 1977 elections. Or ‘The 1977 elections for the first time saw the opposition coming to power at the centre’. Examine any six reasons for this change.
Answer: The 1977 elections were evolved as a shock to everyone as Congress Party was defeated for the very first time and opposition party came into power: 1. The opposition adopted the slogan ‘save democracy’ against imposition of emergency earlier. 2. The opposition campaigned non- democratic character of rule which provided various excesses. 3. The opposition party highlighted the preventive detention and press censorship to favour public opinion. 4. Janata Party also ensured not to divide non-Congress votes. 5. Middle section of North India was moving away from Congress for whom Janata Party became a platform. 6. Hence, elections of 1977 emerged many other factors instead about emergency only. Q 5. Explain any three outcomes of Lok Sabha elections of 1977.
Answer: 1. In March 1977 elections, for the first time, Congress lost elections with winning 154 seats only. 2. Janata Party and its allies won 330 seats out of 542 seats. 3. Congress lost from the states of Bihar, U.P., Haryana, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh. 4. Janata Party was formed of coalitions under the leadership of Jayaprakash Narayana. 5. Janata Party called this election as a referendum on emergency. 6. Opposition party realised not to divide the votes to enjoy the power under one umbrella. 7. All these indicated a tough time for Congress ahead. Q 6. What is Naxalite movement? Evaluate its role in Indian politics.
Answer: The Naxalites were the Marxist and Leninist agricultural workers of Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar and adjoining areas which organised massive agilations against economic injustice and inequality and demanded redistribution of land to cultivators. Role in Indian Politics: 1. Naxalite, did not participate in the elections formally but these were actively associated with parties. 2. Naxalites ensured a better representation of demands of deprived social sections in party politics. 3. These movements retained associations or relations alongwith the political parties either as an individual or as an organisations.
Picture/Map Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
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Questions 1. What was the slogan of Janata Party to campaign in elections? 2. Identify the person who is sitting on ground holding the slogan. 3. Against which practices Jayaprakash Narayana agitated?
Answer: 1. Save Democracy. 2. Jayaprakash Narayan. 3. Corruption, lawlessness, violence, and most important against imposition of emergency. Q 2. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
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Question. 1. When did cartoon appear in the newspaper and why? 2. Identify the person behind Indira Gandhi. 3. Identify what does the ‘Political Crisis’ stand for. Explain.
Answer: 1. This cartoon appeared few days before the declaration of emergency to capture the sense of impending political crisis. 2. The then Congress president D.K. Barooah. 3. Political crisis in 1977 made the party system in India look like a two party system i.e. Congress and non¬Congress to end one party dominance and emergence of non-Congress party Janata Party as an umbrella for others. Q 3. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
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Questions 1. What situation does the picture refer to? 2. Which Commission is represented into the cartoon? 3. Mention some points of this Commission’s report.
Answer: 1. Appearance of Indira Gandhi before Commission but refused to answer any question. 2. Shah Commission’s report about emergency. 3. (i) There were many excesses committed during emergency. (ii) Several restrictions were put on the press sometimes without legal sanction. (iii) Many people were arrested under preventive detention law. (iv) Even general manager of Delhi Power Supply Corporation received verbal orders from the officers of Lt. Governor of Delhi to cut electricity to all newspaper presses at 2 a.m. on 26 June 1975.
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