the-kitten69 · 28 days
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It's like night and day...
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helljunker · 7 months
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always had the hc nicer's visor was basically an idog's. awoo :3
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evilhorse · 11 months
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You know, you are much nicer as an ally, Black Canary.
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locomotive-idiot · 2 years
been a while since a shared art here
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as a sign of sorry, have my latest toby art (sorry for the quality)
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mrfelixfischoeder · 1 year
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also starting the year off with a kiss meme!! also cal got a new hairstyle 
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inkyquince · 10 months
Holy crap I didn’t mean to make u uncomfortable, I just read the tags on the original post. The thought just popped into my head and I decided to share.
Idk if the last / recent post implies that you don’t like it further but if it does I’m so sorry.
I shouldve read / been more observant.
Again sorry I didn’t mean to press the topic intentionally
-Spider-Man Robin anon
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No, no, I'm really sorry.
I was fully just... A fucking dick with my response and assumed you had seen the previous post.
It's not that it makes me uncomfortable, it's just a topic I'm not a huge fan of. I'm also just been a cranky fuck all morning from a nasty fucking sleep that only last 2 hours and I was a monster all day.
I was an asshole, and I'm sorry my love. It's okay, it's just something I was not really in the mood to engage with.
Very sorry again!
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allo-frouto · 1 year
Ahh, I like how I have to work for it. It will be worth it :)
That's the spirit!
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Hey, how do you do pride icons? I tried just making some images transparent and slapping some flags behind them but I'm terrible at doing the former, it turns out
(also in case you were disappointed that this wasn't a request, Glamrock Freddy icons please)
i'm gonna answer the question now and make the icons later because i'm too tired to edit rn but i didn't want to leave the question. i usually just look up official, pre-made transparent pictures on google (for fnaf characters there's usually at least a few official transparent renders on the wikipedia page or something) if you can't find anything official, sometimes people make and post transparent images but you should credit the person whenever possible. if i really can't find pre-made things, i go through the awful time-consuming process of erasing the background of an image on picsart. this is much easier on art with clear outlines than on detailed photos/3d stuff. but it's annoying no matter what and i suggest avoiding it whenever possible. i know there are apps that can remove backgrounds and i've heard you can do it kinda easily on photoshop but i don't have photoshop and i haven't found any good apps or websites for it yet
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bryanfeelz305 · 1 year
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my kitten normally brings her favourite toy to bed with her when we go to sleep at night but tonight she’s given it to me?? I know because I went to reposition the blankets and touched something disgustingly wet and discovered her soggy saliva toy next to my face. am I obligated to cuddle this like she normally does??? I really must stress the dripping saliva off this thing
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The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
Andy Rooney
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old-movies-stuff · 2 years
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helljunker · 6 months
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crs 10 !
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poggermilo · 2 years
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What Wears Your Skin (Scares me more than I'd admit) - Swap AU
The thing appears suddenly.
Cellbit does not recognize it (him?) at first. His grief is too much. Too all-consuming. 
He can not draw similarities in something so different. 
He does not realize what it is attempting to be.
It’s only when it speaks to him when it smiles in a way he never did, 
when it acts as if they were friends, does he realize who's skin it wears.
He could not remember anything after that, but he wakes up in the Ordo Theoritas base with his mentor fretting over him. 
(A memory of the war and being sick comes to him involuntarily.)
(For a moment, he wishes he was back to that point, it was simpler)
He has blood on his clothes.
He knows that it was not his own. 
His own blood rarely stains his clothes 
His mentor looked fine. 
As calm as always, 
He answers his (wards? comrades? sons?) friends questions easily
(Yes, Roier is perfectly fine, he’s with Jaiden.)
(Of course, Richas is okay! He’s with Etoiles and-)
he only hesitates when Cellbit asks if the thing that imitated his (best friend, partner, husband) Quackity is dead yet. 
He will come to his senses later. 
He will stand in front of the thing that calls itself by the name of one of the few people he’d ever bear his heart to willingly,
and he will keep his arms firmly pressed to his side.
He will not move his arms because if he does, he will strangle it long after it stops moving
(Quackity would’ve been almost touched by the gesture if he was here)
(As he looks at this thing, he knows for certain that he is not.)
He will look it in the eyes, selfishly wishing it had sunglasses so he wouldn’t have to. 
(El always wore his glasses for the aesthetic
(and because the light hurt his eyes)
(But only Roier and he know the second one)
He will hear its laugh, its friendly smile, and its kind demeanor, and he will barely stop himself from putting an axe in the creature's head for it.
(How dare it butcher his laugh?)
(How dare it act as if it’s friendliness was better than his cruelty?)
(How dare it make a mockery of one of the few he loves?)
He will apologize, but he will not be there for it.
His body says the words, his body smiles for it and touches the creature in a shake of the hand.
His body knows the importance of keeping your enemies guessing
(A lesson hard learned in prison)
His body hopes the man-like creature will think him sincere.
His mind cares little of that.
His mind is elsewhere.
His mind has been weeping since El disappeared.
(Not crying, to crying is to act as if this was real or final)
His mind has been mourning since El first went missing.
(Not mourning, never mourning, to mourn was to accept that he was gone.)
Internally, he has been plotting. 
Plotting with his husband (He won’t make the mistake of leaving Roier out of planning again)
Plotting to find their missing man.
Plotting to keep his mind sane.
This will all happen later.
But now, he sits and sobs
In a dark room that was far too large for the two people in it
into the black robes of the man who raised him (poorly? well?) the best he could
And wishes nothing more 
than to have his beloved husband by his side
(A man who is weeping into his own best friend's chest currently
 she whispers to him in a failed attempt at comfort)
And his closest companion on the other
(A man who currently feels nothing as he falls further into an abyss) 
Been awhile since I made anything for this au- Ignore any spelling mistakes
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littledeadling · 8 months
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Nervous Reunion
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