#Namaari just wants to have a dinner date
moon-spirit-yue · 2 months
(I just had a silly little idea. Aulia will refer to Raya as Ma and Namaari as Mom. The ao3 link will be up right after this bad boy. Enjoy!)
The dinner table was tense tonight. Raya got in a fight with Namaari earlier that morning and she's pretty sure the whole palace could feel it.
Genuine fights between Raya and her wife were surprisingly a rarity in their marriage. In the years they've been a couple, including the time they were dating, they've only had three or four truly serious fights. Even then, all of those fights were due to concern for each other and were wrapped up in a timely manner.
The little spat from the this morning is just that, a little spat. It was a minor issue that Raya knows will get resolved within the next couple days.
But as of right now, she will be glaring holes at the little binturi's head. The chief of Heart is very irritated and she will not hide it.
"Ma! Mom! Hi!" their daughter exclaimed as she ran up to the table.
Well, looks like now Raya has to hide it. She felt like her and Namaari were pretty good at not letting their daughter feel the effects of the few times they fight.
"Hello, Starlight. Did you have fun with grandpa?" Raya asked with a light smile.
"You better choose your answer wisely young lady!" Benja laughed behind her as he dropped her off.
"Yup! We got to ride on Tuk Tuk today! It was awesome!" the five year old princess exclaimed.
"What else did you guys do today? Sounds like you had a pretty big day, little one," Namaari grinned.
As Aulia continued on with talking about her day, Raya tried her best to focus on what her daughter was saying. Unfortunately, this task is more difficult than she hoped.
God, she hated fighting with her wife. It always leaves a small pit in her stomach that can't go away until their issues have been resolved. This totally sucks.
"How was your day Ma? Anything fun?" Aulia brightly asked.
"No, my day wasn't even half as interesting as yours. Man, I haven't been able to have a Tuk Tuk ride in a while," Raya said thoughtfully.
"Oh, maybe you me and Mom can go after dinner! It'll be fun!" Aulia offered excitedly.
Huh, maybe that is a good idea. That way Raya can kick Namaari off the damn pillbug.
"If Mom wants go then I think it's a great idea," Raya said while giving Namaari a quick glance.
"I'd love too. I need to get outside, anyways. I've been coped up in my office all day," Namaari responded.
Good answer, you evil little cockroach. After all, there's no reason to kill Aulia's joy just because they're in a disagreement.
Once Aulia found out she could see Tuk Tuk and hang out with her mothers, the little princess practically inhaled her food in an attempt to get going as fast as possible.
"Careful, Starlight, we can't go anywhere if you end up chocking," Namaari told her in amusement.
Aulia didn't verbally respond but she did eat slower. Oh, Raya's baby looked so excited. She had started kicking her feet and even while eating Raya can see the smile on her daughter's face. The Heart woman truly can not get enough of that adorable smile.
Within a few more minutes and a whole lot of rushing from her child, both Raya and Namaari were ready for a late night ride. Aulia practically flew out of the dining room to get to Tuk Tuk.
Both Raya and Namaari laughed as they watched their child dash away. When Aulia was out of their line of sight, the laughter died as they looked at each other. Raya was the first one to break eye contact and follow after Aulia.
Now is when Raya is starting to regret saying yes to this night time ride. It would have been better to wait for a couple days when this whole thing has blown over so that all participants could enjoy. It's not like they can just go back on their word so tonight is going to have to do.
Eventually, both Raya and Namaari made it down to the stables where Aulia was already chatting with Tuk Tuk.
"Man you guys are slow. Are all old people slow?" Aulia asked.
Both Raya and Namaari gasped in pure offense. How dare she say such things to her mothers!
"I'll have you know, young lady, that we walk normally. You're just a speedy girl," Raya huffed.
"You better be careful what you say, Starlight. You don't want the tickle hands to come out now do you?" Namaari asked as she began wiggling her fingers towards Aulia.
"Ah! No! Not the tickle hands! Ma, protect me!" Aulia yelped.
The little princess quickly moved to hide behind Raya. The Heart chief laughed when she felt little arms circle her leg.
"Oh I don't know if slow, old people can help you. You might be on your own this time," Raya drawled.
"No! I take it back! You guys aren't slow or old! Mercy please!" Aulia squealed.
"Alright, you're safe for now," Namaari relented.
"Phew!" Aulia yelled.
Yet again, both Raya and Namaari couldn't stop themselves from laughing. The little 'phew' noise she made is just too cute. If anything can drag the two chiefs out of a bad mood, it's Aulia.
"I want to sit up front! Grandpa let me! Pretty please?" Aulia asked.
Oh, and how she's batting her eyes up at Raya and Namaari. Man, she's gotten really good at the big puppy eyes. It couldn't have been Raya that taught her that, right?
"I suppose we can allow it. But, I will still be the one steering," Raya agreed.
Aulia pumped her fist in the air in celebration. Raya giggled as she got Tuk Tuk's saddle situated. Once the saddle was secure, Raya picked up her daughter and put her in her desired spot.
Once Raya herself got on the pillbug, she automatically reached a hand out for Namaari to take. Even after all these years, her wife still had difficulty getting onto Tuk Tuk without help.
To Raya's relief, Namaari decided she did not want to be petty and ended up accepting Raya's hand. The Fang chief hopped onto Tuk Tuk's shell with ease.
"Thank you," Namaari said.
Huh. Good to know binturis still have manners.
"You're welcome," Raya cordially replied.
"What are you waiting for? It's rolling time!" Aulia exclaimed excitedly.
"You got it, Boss! C'mon Tuk Tuk, you know what to do," Raya said while lightly kicking his sides.
And off the pillbug went. Tuk Tuk was trained well enough to know that when Aulia is on his back, he has to stay at a relatively slow pace. This isn't the Druun days, no need to roll so fast that Raya can't even hear her own breathing due to wind in her ears.
Raya looked up and smiled at how bright the stars are tonight. The moon was almost completely full and the night air felt incredible on her skin. This ride may not be so bad after all.
"Hey Ma, Mom, what was your favorite date you ever had with each other? Grandpa told me about the his favorite with Grandma," Aulia asked out of the blue.
God damn it, she doesn't want to reminisce on their cute memories while she's pissed at her wife. While Raya was contemplating if she should even answer, Namaari spoke up.
"Well my personal favorite was the first date we had after we officially got engaged. I was so thrilled that your ma said yes so I planned a night out for us the very next day. We went to a restaurant that had the best dumplings in all of Kumandra and we saw a play that I really loved but still can't remember the name of," Namaari huffed.
Raya can practically see Namaari's thinking face despite the fact that she's right behind her.
"It was called 'Now and Forever'. For someone who claims to love the play so much, you always forget the name when you bring it up," Raya said with a giggle. She couldn't help it, her wife literally could not remember the name for the life of her.
"The play itself was memorable but-" Namaari began.
"-but the title was not. Know how I know the end of the sentence? Because of how many times you forgot the title," Raya grinned.
The Heart chief glanced back at her wife to see a look of amusement on her face. Namaari was thankfully able to sense that the comment was intended to be playful instead of an actual insult.
"Sounds fun! Did anything else happen?" Aulia asked.
"There was a firework show after the play. It was beautiful," Namaari said with a very smug voice.
Raya was very happy about the fact that no one could see her face because it turned bright red. During that particular firework show, Namaari and Raya ended up slinking away from the crowd to have sex. In their defense, it had been a while since they'd seen each other.
They could not have cared less about those fireworks.
"Ma, your turn! Favorite date, go!" Aulia said (ordered).
Raya thought about it for a moment because honestly, there were so many good dates to choose from, but she was able to find the best one in her eyes.
"Mine happened while we were still just courting. I think we had been together for about two years at the time. Your mom was visiting Heart to 'help with festival preparations' but we all know she just wanted to see me so bad she couldn't wait," Raya explained.
"Yeah, Mom's got attachment issues," Aulia agreed.
"Woah, I did not come on this adventure to be ganged up on. Just because it's true doesn't mean you should say it," Namaari grumbled.
"As I was saying, she had come around a few days before the festival and I wanted to show her this field that had a bunch of flowers in it. I ended up getting us lost, but we found the most beautiful waterfall. It wasn't in the plans, but we ended up having way more fun at the waterfall than we would have with the flowers," Raya said.
Now that she's thinking about, that date also ended with sex. Man, that was a really good day.
"What other fun dates have you guys gone on?" Aulia asked.
Both Raya and Namaari spent the next half hour telling their daughter about their fun times together. They knew it was time to turn in when Aulia leaned against Raya's back and closed her eyes.
Raya made sure to gently steer Tuk Tuk back to the palace's direction. Due to how dark it is outside, the Heart woman didn't see the rock that Tuk Tuk rolled over. Raya gasped and quickly wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter. Namaari cursed quietly and leaned forward to wrap her arms around Raya so that she wouldn't fall.
"This is why I like my serlots," Namaari whispered.
"Not everyone can look those heartless creatures in their eyes and not get eaten when you hop on their back," the Heart woman whispered back.
"Oh don't even start, you and I both know you wouldn't let Bubbles leave your arms last time we were in Fang," Namaari pointed out.
"It's quiet time, Mothers. Some of us are growing girls that need rest," Aulia mumbled.
Raya snorted and she could feel Namaari shake her head. This kid. Good thing they were pretty much right at the palace.
Namaari slid off of Tuk Tuk first so that Raya could put Aulia in her arms. The Heart woman did just that and slid off herself.
"Night buddy. Hope you have good dreams about bugs," Raya cooed as she stroked the top of his head.
"Well, I'm going to put our little princess to bed and then I'm putting myself to bed. I'm exhausted. You turning in now or later?" Namaari asked.
"Later, I'm wide awake right now. I should finish my paperwork anyways," Raya sighed woefully. The joys of being chief.
"Alright. Say goodnight to Mama, Starlight," Namaari quietly told her.
"Mmm, night Mama. I love you," Aulia mumbled sleepily.
Raya had to physically bite her tongue to stop herself from cooing over how cute her daughter is.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Sweet dreams," Raya said before giving Aulia a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll probably be dead asleep when you come to bed, so goodnight. I love you," Namaari told her.
"I love you too. Goodnight," Raya smiled.
The Fang woman's lips quirked up ever so slightly as she walked off to Aulia's room. At this point, their stupid fight from this morning was a distant memory. Raya's positive that once she talks to Namaari tomorrow, it will be put behind them.
For now, Raya's going to have to suck it up and finish the paperwork she has been heavily procrastinating.
On the way to her study, Raya ended up running into her father.
"Hey Ba. What're you up to at this hour? Isn't it past your bedtime?" Raya smirked.
"You think you're so damn funny, don't you?" her father huffed.
"I really do," Raya sincerely told him.
"I just remembered a really good book that I never actually finished so I'm headed to the library to try and find it. How did your night ride with the girls go?" Benja asked.
"It went well. Wait, how did you know we went out?" Raya questioned.
"I overheard your discussion when I passed the dining hall. So do you want to talk about what's going on with you and your wife?" her father asked bluntly.
"Oh come on, we couldn't have been that obvious!" Raya groaned.
"You weren't, but it's like I said, I had to walk by the dining hall a couple times while you guys were eating. You two didn't even look at each other. I'm honestly surprised you both agreed to go out with Aulia," Benja explained.
"Well first of all, of course we agreed, who can say no to that little face? Second of all, we got into it this morning," the Heart chief frowned.
"To your first point, that's so true. As for your second, I'm an excellent listener if you need me to be," Benja reminded her.
Ah, well, Raya doesn't see why not.
"We haven't been able to figure out how to deal with the conflict in Tail. You know how it's getting out of control. I don't know, it just felt like Namaari was completely dismissing every idea I had. In a way that made it seem like she didn't hear a word I was saying. So when I get irritated, she got irritated and it kind of escalated. I probably reacted more severely than I should have but it really bugged me. I'll sort it out with her tomorrow, I'm pretty sure she's asleep by now," Raya sighed.
"I know just how you feel. Your mother and I had our own fair share of squabbles over how to best take care of Heart. It's just part of being chief. You guys will figure it out," Benja smiled.
"I know," Raya agreed.
Honestly, after that Tuk Tuk ride, Raya's not even that upset anymore. She just needs to talk it out with Namaari and all should be as it was before.
"Alright, I just wanted to check in and make sure everything's okay. Looks like you two have it under control. Goodnight Dewdrop, love you," Benja smiled.
"I love you too Ba. Sleep well!" Raya said as she walked away.
The Heart chief, unfortunately, made it to her study with speed. It was time to do to get shit done.
And get shit done she did. A few hours later that is. Raya ended up becoming hyper focused on her work which made her completely lose track of time.
Only when she looked away from her desk did she realize how tired she is. It burns to keep her eyes open right now. She needs to go to bed immediately.
Raya yawned before making the trek to her shared room with Namaari. The Heart woman has absolutely zero idea how some couple sleep in separate beds when they get into fights. Raya and Namaari find it to be almost impossible to sleep without each other. The utter relief she had felt when Namaari laid down in bed with her after an argument at the start of their relationship overwhelmed her.
Even though it felt like a ten mile hike, Raya managed to make it to her room. She walked to the edge of the bed and flopped right onto the bed. Damn, this is one comfy mattress.
She looked to the side only to realize that Namaari wasn't laying next to her. It wasn't uncommon for her to need to use the restroom or get water in the middle for the night, so Raya's not worried about it. She gave the ceiling one last glance before closing her eyes and succumbing to sleep.
Raya had one thought in her mind before she completely drifted off. Was her room smaller than before?
"MA! MOTHER! OH GOOD YOU'RE HERE!" Aulia yelled loudly.
Raya can't lie, hearing her daughter scream for her is a very startling way to wake up.
"Morning, Starlight. What's with the volume? It's way too early for that," Raya grumbled.
The Heart woman's eyes were still closed as she physically could not bring herself to open them. That's why it didn't really register in her mind that her child was crying.
"Ma, please don't get a divorce!" Aulia sobbed.
Divorce? The hell?
"What are you talking about? Who am I divorcing?" Raya yawned.
Now her eyes, with much effort, have blearily opened. That means she can see her poor baby clutching her stuffed bunny like a lifeline with tears streaming down her face.
"Oh baby, what's wrong? Come here," Raya frowned as she opened her arms.
Aulia quickly ran into Raya and curled into her. The Heart chief firmly wrapped her arms around her daughter as she cried. Seeing her daughter cry is easily one of the worst experiences as a mother. What on earth could have gotten her so upset?
"Starlight, talk to me. Why are you crying?" Raua asked worriedly.
"I-I don't want yo-you to divorce Mom," Aulia whimpered.
"Aulia, we're not getting a divorce. Where did you get that idea?" Raya frowned.
"My friend Lei's parents got a divorce and she said it started when they would argue and not sleep in the same room," Aulia explained sadly.
"Okay, I'm still not entirely sure why you think Mom and I are divorcing," Raya told her.
"Do I have to spell it out for you woman?! I know you guys fought yesterday! And you guys didn't sleep in the same room last night!" Aulia yelled with frustration.
Ah, shit, Raya thought they covered their tracks in the fighting regard better than they actually did. Still, one thing isn't right about this explanation.
"I'm sorry that you overheard our fight yesterday, but we still slept in the same room like we always do," Raya said.
"How silly do you think I am? This isn't your room, Ma," Aulia huffed.
"I think I know my own room-" Raya started as she looked to the side for her favorite painting.
Huh. So the painting isn't there. Odd.
Raya looked to the other side and noticed the bathroom isn't where it usually is. The bed is a lot smaller than it should. The room in general is a lot smaller than it should be. None of Namaari's things are here either.
"Aulia, I don't think this is my room," Raya bluntly stated.
"Oh gee, where did you get that idea?" Aulia deadpanned.
Raya desperately wants to know where her child got all this sass from. She would ask later. For now, she had to talk to her daughter and her wife. Namaari was probably flipping out without Raya next to her.
"Alright, Aulia, my beloved daughter, your mother and I are not getting a divorce. Yeah, we fought yesterday, but every couple has fights. We argue, then we work through it," the Heart woman gently told her.
"But then why did you sleep here?" Aulia asked.
"Well, I stayed up way past my bed time last night. I was so tired that I honestly thought this room was mine and your Mom's. It was just an accident," Raya shrugged.
"Oh," Aulia sniffled.
"Yeah, oh. Now dry those tears, young lady. There's not going to be any divorces in this palace," Raya confidently told her.
Aulia smiled rubbed her little hands over her eyes to dry off her tears. Poor baby. Raya pressed a small kiss on the top of her head.
"Can you tell me where Mom is? We've got chief things to discuss," Raya said once Aulia was finished drying her tears.
"Last time I saw her she was in your room. The real one," Aulia ever so kindly elaborated.
"Ha ha," Raya drawled causing Aulia to giggle. The Heart woman is just happy her daughter's feeling better.
As Raya walked down the hall, she couldn't help but wonder how she could have been exhausted enough to the point where she didn't even know where her room was. Now Raya's worried about Namaari. She doesn't know how seriously the Fang woman took Raya's absence.
Raya opened the door to her room to see her wife sitting on the bed. The Fang woman was hunched over with hands covering her face. Well now Raya's really worried.
"Namaari, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Raya questioned.
Her wife looked up, clearly startled, and Raya was heartbroken to see tears in her eyes. She sat down next to Namaari and held onto her arm. What a miserable morning this is turning out to be.
"I am so sorry about the stupid fight we had yesterday. I'll take full responsibility, just please don't do anything rash. You and Aulia are the best things that ever happened to me and I could not stand it if that stupid fight caused our divorce," Namaari rushed out.
"Wow, okay, what is with you Fang girls and talking about divorce! Nobody is even considering divorce!" Raya exclaimed.
"Wait, seriously?" Namaari asked, clearly surprised.
"Man do you want the divorce? I feel like everyone is talking divorce today but me!" Raya huffed.
"Of course I don't want a divor- wait what do you mean everyone?" Namaari frowned.
"Aulia came into my room and started crying because she thought we were divorcing. I guess her friend's parents got one and the fight plus me not coming to bed with you freaked her out," Raya explained.
"I had no idea. Our poor girl," Namaari sighed.
"I know. Seeing her cry like that was so awful. Took me a bit to convince her we're okay, but I managed," Raya said.
"Are we? Okay, I mean," Namaari asked.
"Of course. I just felt like you weren't really listening to what I was saying yesterday and I got upset. Granted, I blew it out of proportion, but I'm good now," Raya assured her.
"You were totally right. The Tail issue has been making me lose sleep. It wasn't just you, I haven't been able to focus on anything else lately. I'm sorry, dep la," Namaari apologized.
"It's okay, my love. It's just, did you really think we would divorce over something as small and dumb as that? I mean come on, give me a little credit to not bail on you the moment I'm annoyed," Raya huffed.
"It's nothing you did. I don't know, I've been incredibly critical about every aspect of my life, including our marriage. The past few months whenever we fought, I just had this voice in the back of my head telling me that this was your last straw and you're finally done with me. I mean, last night I thought we were fine but you never came to bed so my mind just leapt to worse case scenario," Namaari admitted.
Raya scowled and smacked Namaari's arm. This little binturi!
"Hey! I just poured my heart and soul out here and you attack me!" Namaari exclaimed.
"That's what you get! You need to tell me these things, idiot! Before it all explodes and you actually think our marriage is ending! Cause it's not! Honestly, as long as you don't cheat on me or become a violent serial killer, divorce isn't really an option," Raya explained.
"Well it's good thing I will not be doing either of those things," Namaari snorted.
"Exactly! You proposed, you knew what you were getting into. You're stuck with me now, binturi. No returns on this item," Raya smriked.
And finally, finally, Namaari laughed. The Fang woman then pulled Raya into such a warm hug she melted almost immediately.
"I love you so much," Namaari mumbled.
"I love you so much too. Just tell me the next time you feel like our little spats mean more than they really do, yeah?" Raya yawned.
"You got yourself a deal. Now, I need to ask this question. Why didn't you come to bed last night if you weren't legitimately upset?" Namaari wondered.
"I actually have a reasonable explanation for that," Raya smiled.
"So you say," the Fang woman teased.
"I do say. I didn't come back to bed because I honestly thought I made it to bed. When I finished my paperwork I was so exhausted that I ended up going to my favorite guest room instead of our bedroom. It was an honest mistake," Raya explained.
The Heart woman could see her wife's body visibly relax at the revelation.
"Oh thank toi. That was one of the worst sleeps of my life," Namaari admitted.
"I agree. It feels like I didn't sleep a wink last night," Raya frowned.
"I think in order to celebrate our reconciliation, we should take a nap," Namaari said as she crawled into bed.
She did not have to tell Raya twice. The Heart woman quickly got on her side of the bed and threw one of her legs over Namaari's body. The comfiest nap position there is.
"Hey Maari?" Raya mumbled.
"Hmm?" Nammari breathed out.
"You were the best thing to ever happen to me too. Along with our beautiful child, of course," Raya smiled.
The Fang woman gave no verbal response. She just wrapped her arms around Raya and held her close. Finally there were both at peace.
The young princess hopped on the bed which prompted Raya to grab Aulia and pull her under the covers with them.
"You are now my prisoner. You have been sentenced to a nap. Accept your fate," Raya told her.
"That is so rude," Aulia huffed.
"What's really rude is how bright the sun is. Can't even close my eyes," Namaari grumbled.
"I can fight the sun for you if you want. I'm a very good warrior," Aulia proudly told her.
"I believe it. If you can fight the sun, all previous crimes will be erased which means no nap for you," Namaari smiled.
"YEAH! WATCH OUT SUN! I'M COMING FOR YOU!" Aulia yelled as she scrambled out of bed.
"If anyone could fight the sun, it'd be her. I mean, look at how awesome her mothers are," Raya giggled.
"There's not a doubt in my mind she can make it happen. She's very good at making people bend to her will. Those puppy eyes certainly help," Namaari said.
"I know right? Wonder where she learned that trick."
"Oh you know damn you're the culprit I don't even want to hear your defense-"
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toastywarmhappyhats · 3 years
Raya: *Sprinting because she forgot that there’s a warrant out for her arrest in Tail* Honestly, it’s just nice to be wanted sometimes. 
Namaari: *who just wanted a night out with her girlfriend, now also sprinting* NOT BY THE LAW. 
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shy-peacock · 2 years
There is no way i miss the chance of giving smut Rayamaari prompts :
1 being caught by both their parents while doing it in the throne room
2 office AU in which they secretely date at work and they do it against namaari's office walls which are made of glass but people from the outside only sees a mirror
3 ThEre WaS OnLy OnE bEd
4 While sleeping in the same bed, Namaari hear Raya having an hot dream about her
5 Period s*x because either Raya or Namaari get veery turned on during it
6 Vibrator + remote + public situation
7 Literally anything that takes place during your college AU because i loved it
Sorry if i am late with these prompts, hope you like any of them
God I am so sorry for this.
Rated M/E- for incredibly awkward moment and a tiny bit of sexual content.
EDIT- 2/23 YALL I noticed a lot of mistakes and I may not have gotten them all but I decided to edit it all again- so if you see some changes, that’s why UwU
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
“No, I actually literally hate you right now.”
Namaari looked up, giving Raya a stern look, an eyebrow arched up at her as if this was all RAYA’S fault and not her own. It was definitely Namaari’s fault. Maybe Raya could take three percent of the blame given the fact that she had been the one wanting to have a quickie in the bathroom before joining everyone for dinner. But the situation now was ninety-seven percent all her.
This was their second summer together, as a couple.
Raya and Namaari chose to date after-…well, after a story that is way too long to explain happened! Choosing this summer as their first official summer presenting their relationship publicly to their massive family group. The same family group that each of them had visited every summer of their lives, the ones who knew these two women as the pair that hated each other and had spent these summers of their entire childhood competitively trying to better the other.
But again, a really long story!
Here and now, Raya and Namaari were dating.
As well as trying to get back to a dinner that the family surely would have noticed they’d left by now. Namely both their parents.
Raya’s Dad and Namaari’s Mom had known about them since last summer along with Namaari’s cousin Atitaya, each parent accepting it well enough. Wanting to wait a bit to let all of that to settle before coming out to the other families. Still, that didn’t excuse them from dinners and other events. No matter how much they were in love and wanted some privacy or weren’t hungry or whatever other excuse they could pull out of their ass; they had to make an appearance.
Namaari’s Mom specifically would not tolerate such rudeness from either of them.
Rudeness they had meant to avoid!
But then Raya was needy and Namaari was looking too fucking hot in that suit (because of course she owned a suit) and, amidst getting ready, Raya pulled her into the bathroom for a little fun before they made their way to dinner. Only then to excuse themselves five minutes in when Namaari’s grandmother made a comment that caused them both to go pale.
“Maari..where’s the ring I gave you?” Her Grandmother tsked, pointing to Namaari’s hand.
Yes, THAT hand.
“You were wearing it earlier..I hope you haven’t misplaced it.” she added, saddened.
Namaari looked at her digits in confusion, which quickly turned to utter horror as realization set in, immediately staring across the table at Raya.
Her girlfriend pointed to her finger and then Raya when she was sure nobody was looking. Not at Raya, beneath her. Raya getting the gist all too soon what she meant. The two retreating from the table back to their room, slamming it shut behind them as Raya yanked down her underwear . Both of them praying that a shiny object would fall onto the floor then. Dismay from Namaari and terror from Raya as they realized it wasn’t going to just simply fall out.
Namaari’s ring, fallen off during sex, was now inside of Raya’s vagina.
“Who doesn’t take their rings off during sex!” Raya hissed, mortified by all of this. Especially as Namaari slowly entered her again, feeling around for the ring.
“You jumped me!” Namaari spat back, “Excuse me for trying to give you what you wanted!”
“Listen here-..ah~..” Raya began to say, her face going bright red when Namaari moved further in and a tiny tremor of pleasure lifted up through her body. A moan slipping out, soon followed by a silence and eventually a snort from her girlfriend beneath her as she forced back a laugh. “Don’t…” Raya warned, knowing what she was gonna say.
Namaari bit back a smirk, smug as ever.
Another movement, another moan.
This time Raya smacked her hand against her shoulder when she saw her girlfriend laugh.
“Stop laughing, that’s not funny!”
“Oh, come on..it’s a little funny-”
“No, it’s a little embarrassing!”
“It’s okay, I know my effect I have on you-”
“Oh please.” Raya scoffed, “I’m sensitive cause you were just in there!”.
Namaari pressed her lips together, holding back a comment Raya knew she was just itching to say. Her fingers moving inside her in such a way that it was difficult for Raya not to get worked up again.
“God, have you found it!?” she yelled, “ I swear you have to be doing this on purpose.”
“I’m not!” Namaari laughed, pulling out of her slowly, “it’s just..really up there…?”
“Wait-...like it’s stuck?!” Raya asked, panicking.
“No, but..maybe if you pee-?”
“It’s not stuck THERE Namaari!?”
“How do you know, just pee?”
“I can’t pee on demand!?” Raya yelled, “and what if I pee and it comes out in the toilet and gets lost in the drain!?”
“Then pee right here?”
“Ugh, no!?”
“Oh my God-...calm down, you’ve literally peed on me before-”
Namaari rolled her eyes, “Okay, I’m going back in...hold still-”
Namaari moved closer, hiking Raya’s leg up on top of her shoulder for easier access. Raya squeaking in surprise as she nearly lost her balance, taking ahold of Namaari’s head and shoulders to stabilize her. Another miserable blush filling her cheeks when Raya felt her move up inside her. Using her grip as a form of friction, keeping her from moaning again just to stroke her stupid girlfriend’s ego.
“How does someone who knows how to make me cum in five minutes not know the basics of the vagina..” Raya grumbled, “we’re having a lesson after this-”
“So long as I get to school you-” Namaari husked, kissing her stomach.
“Not what I meant-…” Raya grunted in response, getting turned on still.
“After then?” Namaari asked, giving her those adorable eyes that she always did when she knew Raya was actually mad at her.
Raya huffed, “Maybe…”
Both knowing that maybe was definitely a yes.
Not even a minute later, Namaari gasped.
“I think I found it!” she beamed, shifting her hand then abruptly to the left.
Raya gasped as well, hers far less innocent as she let out a long moan when Namaari continued to try to fetch the ring. One she tried to reel back in, TRULY, she tried. But it came out all the same, her hips canting forward just once. Eyebrows knitted, mouth fallen open, the whole look of unbridled pleasure.
Of course...perfectly timed as ever..
And wouldn’t you know it, that’s when Virana stormed in.
“What in the hell is so important that-!” she snapped and then her voice was gone, lost, along with the color in her face as she went pale as a ghost. Seeing them, them seeing her. Of course Raya had to look like she was getting absolutely railed by Namaari in the moment, despite trying everything to NOT look like that. But it was hard to dispute the position they were in, Raya’s one hand even gripping a fistful of Namaari’s hair and Namaari’s face pressed right into Raya’s gut as if she had been kissing it. All of them frozen still until Atitaya walked in.
“Hey, grandma wants to know if you found her ring she gave yoooo-NOPE!” she called, walking into the room and literally doing a 180 and walking right back out. “Turn around Benja, your daughter is a little tangled up with her girlfriend at the moment.”
“Oh..” she heard her Dad say, and Raya thanked God above that he hadn’t been the one to walk in, “Uh..have fun, I guess?” he called, making it so much worse as Virana finally learned how to move again. People chattering down the hall, asking what was going on.
God, could it get any worse?
Nah..definitely not.
“I will give you, FIVE minutes…” Virana hissed, “get it together and be back at dinner and for GOD sakes Namaari, wash your hands!
“Yes, m’am..” Namaari mumbled, wincing when she finally shut the door.
Raya nearly brought her hands up to her face, wanting terribly then to find a hole in the woods and stay there for the rest of the trip. Hardly noticing Namaari had gotten ahold of the ring inside her, not until she was feeling it pull out of her like some sort of sex toy. Namaari showing it off then as if she had gone fishing and found buried treasure.
“Well..we got it?” she shrugged, “wanna use up that last four minutes?
Raya gave her a sour look.
“Shut up, Namaari.”
“So…that’s a no..?”
“I didn't say no.." she pouted, pulling Namaari up to her feet so they could kiss.
I mean-...they did have four minutes? Four minutes and then they'd announce their relationship to the others.
Although, given what just happened, they probably already knew.
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
Rayaari headcanon - let's get physical for a Doctor/Patient AU
(inspired by this lovely anon)
Raya's excuse for her far-too-regular emergency hospital visits is that she is a Badass...and also being an officer of the law is risky, resulting in a higher likelihood of injuries. Her partner, Officer Sisu, just calls her reckless and accident-prone, although it's all said in a voice full of fondness.
The first time Raya meets Doctor Fang, it's because she experienced a hard fall while tackling a suspect, and is now limping around on an ankle twice the size it should be. That pain seems secondary when such a beautiful woman is treating her however, so Raya valiantly tries a couple of smooth pick up lines whilst her sprained ankle is being tightly wrapped. The effect is ruined somewhat by her occasional grimacing and twitching however, as pain shoots up her leg.
Her efforts merely result in an unimpressed eyebrow being quirked her way, and then she is sent home with orders to ice and elevate her ankle for the next few days. It's a pity - Doctor Fang seemed mysterious and alluring, and it's not as if Raya will now ever get to see her again.
And yet, a month later, Raya is wheeled back into the hospital, this time with severe pain in her ribs - courtesy of a bullet hitting her vest. 'Doctor Faaang,' she manages to wheeze out as the good doctor enters the room, trying to wave but having to clutch her side in agony instead. 'Ms Heart,' the other woman replies, without even checking the paperwork, and Raya is more excited than she should be that Doctor Fang seems to have remembered her.
She feels rather self-conscious as she has to carefully strip off her shirt. Doctor Fang leans in close to examine her, her hands warm on Raya's skin as she probes the injury. 'Second date and you've already got my shirt off,' Raya manages to say. She swears she can hear a huff of laughter, but when Doctor Fang looks up, her face is carefully blank.
Raya goes home with a cracked rib, large amount of bruising, and an order to avoid visiting the hospital yet again in the near future.
The third time Raya meets Doctor Fang, she is bleeding from a long cut down her arm - all thanks to a perpetrator carrying one more knife than her and Sisu expected. She's shaking slightly this time, from the shock but also from a fear she is loathe to admit.
'No cheesy pick up lines this time?' Doctor Fang murmurs as she cleans the wound. Raya can tell she's attempting to distract her from the situation, but her mind is too occupied by the fact that the injury will clearly need stitches. 'I'm uh...scared of needles,' she admits, half-expecting the doctor to laugh at her.
But Doctor Fang merely drops a hand to her knee and squeezes it gently in reassurance, and then spends the rest of the time talking in a calm yet clear voice about a funny anecdote that happened to her during her medical student years. Raya is so wrapped up in the story that she almost misses the fact that the stitches have been completed.
Her legs are still shaking as she gets a ride home from Sisu, the adrenaline from the attack and pain wearing off. But there's a smile on her face as she remembers how Doctor Fang had softly said 'be careful out there' as she left.
'Raya? Can you hear me?' The fourth time Raya meets Doctor Fang, she doesn't even realize it at first. There is darkness surrounding her, and she just feels pain and confusion when she tries to remember what happened. There is a hand touching her face, pushing back her hair, and she turns slightly towards it, trying to mumble something - anything - through uncooperative lips.
She's diagnosed with a severe concussion, brought on by being knocked out by the suspect they've been hunting for a week. Raya's gratified to learn they caught the man, but frustrated to discover she'll be out of commission for a while.
'I thought I told you to be careful out there,' Doctor Fang admonishes. Raya's sure she should be off her shift by now, considering how many hours she's been at the hospital this time, but the doctor shows no sign of going home, seemingly content to sit next to Raya's bed for a while and talk quietly. 'I've got a hard head,' Raya says with a lopsided smirk in response. 'Tough to keep me down.'
When they finally release her, she's grateful to be able to go home at last, but she can't resist waiting until Doctor Fang pokes her head through the door again to say goodbye, before she allows Sisu to bring her to the car.
The fifth time Raya sees Doctor Fang, she is thankfully completely free of any and all injuries. Instead, she stands awkwardly in the reception area, hoping to catch a glimpse of the doctor, until a nurse takes pity on her, messaging Doctor Fang to come down to the entrance to meet 'her policewoman'.
'Raya?' she hears a voice from behind her. She spins around, and waves awkwardly at the woman now staring at her, her brow creased in confusion.
'I hope this isn't awkward or creepy,' Raya says in a rush. 'I wanted to wait until I was definitely not a patient of yours. But...I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me some time?' She breaks off, stopping herself from falling into a spiral of anxious babbling, and holds her breath while waiting for a response.
Doctor Fang stares at her for a moment, and then a small smile turns up the corners of her mouth. 'Namaari,' she says, taking Raya's hand in her own and shaking it gently. 'And yes, I'd like that.'
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RATLD Headcanons pt. 6
Drunk Rayamaari
Just a heads-up, I don't know much about alcohol. I've only taken a few drinks in my life since I'm 18 but don't worry, in my state I am allowed to drink small amounts with adult supervision and permission.
Let's say the drinking age in Kumandra is around 16-18, perhaps it's different in different nations. (Perhaps in Talon, Fang and Spine it's 16 and in Tail it's 17 and Heart it's 18?)
Raya obviously didn't have any time or anywhere safe to even try to drink during her six years
Namaari on the other hand use to spend her free time (at night) drinking, it helps with her anxiety and it's the only way she can sleep without nightmares (besides laying with Raya)
Namaari's drink of choice is Baijiu (I don't know much about alcohol or asian culture but I feel like this is what Namaari would drink, it's often compared to whiskey apparently) Correct me if I'm wrong, but Baijiu is often served with food that contains spice. She also enjoys Rice Wine.
The first time Raya tries alcohol, it's at some sort of get-together with all the nations gathering in Fang. Namaari is drinking Baijiu with her dinner and gets a bit tipsy.
She can handle her alcohol.
Raya mentions she's never had alcohol and Namaari offers her her glass.
"You can try mine if you want, dep la."
"It's always strange the first sip, but just keep going."
Raya does indeed gag at the first drink but after a few more drinks she starts to like Baijiu.
Raya gets drunk fast
On the outside Namaari seems her normal collected sober self but she's actually on her fourth glass, her walls lowered, and brain fuzzy.
Raya on the other hand just started a second drink and it's tripping and slurring, an utter but beautiful disaster.
Sisu utterly confused.
"why is this drink making her crazy?"
Sisu tries it and it has no effect on her and it's just disgusting, she might like rice wine for the taste
Namaari literally giggling when Raya trips on nothing. Sisu loosing her shit that Namaari fucking giggled
Raya slurs over her words.
They both get a bit handsy if you you what I'm saying.
Raya 100% will slap and pinch Namaari's ass because she's just so fine
*slap* "Raya! What the fuck?"
"That is highly inappropri-." *pinches her ass* "Raya! I'm serious!" (she's not)
Raya feeling up Namaari, especially her shoulders and arms.
"Dep la, you're muscles are so attractive..." *pretty much groping her arms* "your strong, sexy muscles...."
*leans up to moan in Namaari's ear to mess with her*
Namaari gets back at her though.
*slips her hand on Raya's thigh under the table* "What's with the blush, dep la?"
*leaning into Rayas ear and speaks in low sexy voice* "What's dripping, dep la?" "me"
*passionate drunk kiss* *leaves Raya against the wall, panting, and flashes her a wink*
Chief Benja and Chief Virana just watching their daughters drunk and being gay
Raya drinking too much the first time because she doesn't know when to stop
She just throws up in the floor in front of everyone
Sisu is so confused and worried
Namaari comforting Raya
"sisu, could you get her some water?"
Benja low-key freaking out cause he's not use to their daughter being an adult and NOW SHES THROWING UP OMFG CHIEF VIRANA WHAT DO I DO IS SHE OKAY DO I GET THE HEALERS?!
Virana comforting Benja saying that her daughter knows what to do
Raya's favorite is Bia (or beer in vietnamese). She hates Rice Wine, she will throw it up if she has to drink it. Luckily Benja doesn't mind if her daughter is seen drinking Bia.
If Namaari drinks at night in the safety of her own room and Raya is there, they may get a bit carried away.
4 times out of 10 they woohoo
Other times they just have stupid conversations or pass out in the middle of making out
"do you think this is poison?" "Alcohol is literally poison but go all out." "Say sike right now."
Raya asks the stupidest questions
"do you think the first person to try alcohol thought they were going to die?"
"Are dragons mammals? They have fur and lay eggs..."
"Raya, you're ruining my buzz."
Raya having only a little bit of a hangover the next morning, waking up at her normal time full for energy.
Namaari hiding in the seats, dreading life and wishing she was dead anD WHY IS THE SUN SO BRIGHT TURN IT OFF BENTURI
Namaari has a major headache
"Namaari, let's spar!" "Fuck off."
"Drank too much, dep la? You're usually up before the sun!" "Shut the fuck up, you're making my headache worse."
Raya taking care for her though but not without lots of teasing
Raya cuddles Namaari, food and water brought to the room while Namaari sobers up so they can go through their day
Virana not even phased seeing them in Namaari's room. "Get her up before noon, Raya."
Benja's unsure what to think. "Uhhhh... Is Namaari okay? Should I get you girls some food and water?"
Sisu not understanding what's wrong with tough Namaari
"Is she dying?"
"Should I go get healers!?"
*pulls the sheets off of Namaari* "what's wrong with you!?" *hissing at the sun trying to get the sheets back* "Sisu, leave her alone!"
"so the strange drink you guys drank last night made Namaari feel horrible but not you?" "Uhh yeah." "That doesn't make sense, you were the one crying because Namaari said she was dating someone and you didn't remember you two were dating." "Wait, I did what now?"
"so you don't remember anything last night?" "No, why?" "No reason at all." *Sisu probably made a stupid deal or dare with Raya or something*
"someone's looking... better." *Namaari drinking coffee or water with a blanket around her shoulders and bags under her eyes* "I don't want to hear it."
Raya finding Namaari utterly adorable when she's grouchy
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Raya gets her revenge
Part 2!
So, i think I might make this a mini series based off my own experiences because the things I have experienced are like so weird and my life should be one of those shows where the camera crew comes out and says "Ha! It's a prank" so let me know in the comments if I should.
She knew this was revenge. She knew because she was suffering the same way Raya did. She thought they were over this. She thought Raya would forget what she had put her through but instead, she remembered.
Every last detail.
Raya had called her that morning. Namaari’s phone rang as she finished feeding the cats and saw the contact was her best friend. She answered. “Hello?”
“Hey dep la. I need you to do me a favor” she didn’t know why, but when Raya said that, she felt her stomach churn. “Uh, sure what’s going on?” She asked. Raya sighed on the other side of the phone. “I got called into work this morning and I was rushing and didn’t get chance to let Tuk Tuk out. Do you think you can?” There it was. The ‘favor.’
“Please? I cleaned the dang cat litter for you, the least you can do is just take my dog out for a walk” she had a point. Namaari sighed. “Y-yeah, okay.”
“Thank you! You have the key to the apartment so you can get in. Thanks dep la” the girl hung up and Namaari found herself groaning. She liked animals, don’t get her wrong, but she wasn’t much of a dog person. She preferred cats.
They were easy to take care off and only meowed, not bark super loud. She grabbed her keys and mask before heading to the car.
The Fang girl entered the apartment building and went to Raya’s apartment. She unlocked the door, expecting it to be quiet like hers, instead a big long-haired dog came and scared her.
“Ah!” She yelped when Tuk Tuk ran towards her, barking in excitement. “Ow, shhh!” She shushed the dog, cringing at the volume. “Hi, I’m happy to see you too” she said as she pet the dog.
The dog calmed down as it ran off to the kitchen. Namaari spotted his blue leash and the set of black roll of poop bags on the table. She took a deep breath. This was easy, she cleans cat litter all the time, so she’s dealt with poop before, so if Tuk Tuk poops, it’s fine!
She grabbed the items before whistling. Tuk Tuk came to her panting and running in circles in excitement, knowing he was about to go on his walks he loved. Namaari couldn’t help but laugh at his excitement.
“Come on you big furball. Let's take you for a walk” she said as she clipped the leash on and lead him out the door.
They descended the stairs and Tuk Tuk did his business. This was easy! He’s peeing now, and maybe drop some poops but overall, it was running smoothly right now. They walked a few more steps before he did his stance that automatically told Namaari he was doing his business.
She pulled out the bag, ripping it off as she tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. She kept rubbing the bag to make it open but instead, it stayed closed and the smell was getting worse.
“Ugh, come on” she groaned. She was wearing a mask but the smell was going through. Finally, the bag opened and she bent down to grab it. “eww” she squealed as she closed the bag. “That’s disgusting” she said as she spotted an alley. She decided to walk to it to throw his business out when Tuk Tuk spotted a squirrel.
“What are you-ah!” She yelped when she was dragged across the sidewalk towards the tree as Tuk Tuk barked at a squirrel. “Tuk Tuk! Come on!” She groaned as she pulled him, but to avail.
She groaned as she waited for him to calm down and continued their walk. She would’ve pulled him, but she didn’t want to hurt him because if she did, Raya would never forgive her.
She walked through the neighborhood, admiring the trees and flowers as she walked. Things were going smoothly until she saw a guy coming towards her with what looked like a German shepherd. Namaari couldn’t help but panic slightly, not being a fan of those specifically when she got chased by one when she was 10.
From what she remembered, Tuk Tuk was a friendly dog, and liked making friends with both humans and dogs. Tuk Tuk and the dog both stopped to sniff each other.
The guy smiled at Namaari, but she could tell it was a flirty one. “Hi” he greeted. She smiled back, trying to be polite. “Hey” she responded. “You know, I’ve never seen you. You come here often?” He asked.
Namaari kept herself from groaning and hopefully he couldn’t see her cringe behind her mask as she recalled the amount of times men have asked her that when she was at the bar with Raya or another friend. Usually, it ended with her turning them down.
“U-uh, no. My friend just wanted me to walk her dog so you know” she gestured to Tuk Tuk. “Oh okay. What's your name?” He asked. “Namaari” she answered. She silently pleaded Tuk Tuk to hurry up so she could leave.
“Oh, I’m Mason. You’re cute by the way. Are you single?” He asked. Namaari tried so hard to not cringe. She also was single, but wasn’t looking for anyone.
“Uhm, yeah but I’m not looking to date right now” she answered. “Ah, well makes sense. But hey, if you’re looking to, I live down that street, so you can come by” he winked before continuing his walk with his dog. “See you, cutie” he said as he left.
Namaari couldn’t help but blush but also be absolutely uncomfortable. “You know, you could’ve been fast about sniffing the dog instead of leaving me there to burn” she said to Tuk Tuk who happily walked ahead of her, dragging her with him.
The walk was mostly calming but also had its moments when Tuk Tuk would run after a rodent. “No!” Namaari said as she struggled to pull the big dog back. How he went from a tiny pup to this big, 50 pound something dog will forever be a mystery.
“Ugh!” Namaari fell on her bottom as Tuk Tuk kept barking and she groaned as she got up. Raya knew this would happen. She knew Namaari would struggle to walk Tuk Tuk, since she’s only taken care of cats.
She knew this was revenge.
“Come on” she said as she dragged Tuk Tuk back to the apartment.
“And then, this guy comes up to me and starts flirting with me” Namaari explained her adventure on walking Tuk Tuk. Raya had come home early and decided to get some food for her and Namaari.
As they ate, Namaari told her about the walk. “Wait, wait. Was he kind of buff, short hair and a little taller than you?” She asked. Namaari furrowed a brow. “Yes” she answered.
Raya rolled her eyes. “Yup, that’s Mason. He's the neighborhood flirt. Loves flirting with girls to see who would jump in his bed. Trust me, he’s flirted with me a couple of times” she said as she took a bite of her rice.
Namaari rolled her eyes. “Men are so weird” she commented. Raya snorted as they finished their dinner.
Well, at least Namaari knew one thing; Raya got her revenge.
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moon-spirit-yue · 2 years
Raya, frantically whispering to Sisu: bestie I need help!
Sisu, raising an eyebrow: what’s going on?
Raya, dragging her away: so remember that old friend of mine we just met with? And she asked to go to dinner?! Apparently she meant it as a date! I didn’t know that!
Sisu, frowning: oh, yikes. That’s gotta be tough considering you’re courting Namaari
Raya, whining: that’s what I’m saying! I mean you were there, did I seem too flirtatious? I don’t have the best track record with flirting so just answer me honestly
Sisu, shaking her head: nah, you just wanted to catch up. She gave no real indication that she’s interested
Raya, nodding: I didn’t think so. So how do I let her down easy?
Sisu, patting her shoulder: just be tell her the truth without insulting her entire bloodline and you should be fine
Raya, sighing: worth a shot
*a couple hours later*
Raya, jogging up to Sisu: so good news, she took it really well. Bad news, now I need to tell Namaari
Sisu, waving her off: oh I’m sure she’ll understand. Namaari’s a reasonable person
Raya: I guess you’re right. Oh, there she is now. I even made her food to soften the blow. Alright, I’m off!
Namaari, smiling: hey dep la
Raya, kissing her cheek: good to see you, dep la. I’ve got a lil something to tell you that isn’t super major but I feel like you should know. Also, I made you some soup!
Namaari, narrowing her eyes: you’re cheating on me aren’t you?
Raya, in shock: w-what no?! Not on purpose!
Raya, gasping in offense: YOU BINTURI-
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moon-spirit-yue · 2 years
Raya was that girl I’m convinced:
Namaari, freaking out at the dinner table: I just can’t believe our daughter has a date! I really hope they’re not just messing around with our girl
Raya, waving her off: dep la, relax a little
Namaari, glaring: don’t you tell me to relax, you were literally the type of girl people warned their kids about so Benja never had to worry about you
Raya, gasping in offense: excuse me?! I was not!
Namaari, nodding and eating: yeah, you kinda were
Raya, crossing her arms: how dare you, you little worm. How was I the girl parents warned their kids about?! Give me examples please
Namaari, smirking: for starters, you had a sword on you at all times. Everyone thought you were all badass and intimidating
Raya, rolling her eyes: hey, I was trying reintegrate into society after I was a recluse for six years and could barely hold a conversation for longer than five minutes
Namaari, shrugging: which also made it so that people found you mysterious. They wanted to know more about you
Raya: this proves nothing
Namaari: you also had a lot of life experiences that made you way more interesting than the average person. Since a lot of them were dangerous it just made you more appealing
Raya, huffing: I was literally fighting for my life!
Namaari, laughing: besides, a lot of people were into you and you didn’t really pay them any mind
Raya, grinning: well I’ve always been drawn to one particular Fang warrior so I couldn’t really help that
Namaari, kissing her cheek: I always knew you were crushing on me from day one. The point is, a lot of people would not trust you to date their child
Raya, scoffing: that’s ridiculous, I mean it’s not like Virana warned you not to date me or anything
Virana: *quietly eats her peas and avoids eye contact*
Raya:……right? You……you were fine with me dating your daughter? Right?
Virana, clearing her throat awkwardly: so before you say anything I just want to express my point of view-
Raya, slamming her hands on the table: I can’t believe you warned Namaari about me!
Virana, sighing: you were kind of a wild card, Evening Mist
Raya: wow. My entire life is a lie
Benja: if it makes you feel any better, I also warned Namaari about you
Benja, shrugging: hey, be real, you would have been a terrible a girlfriend if you dated Namaari when you guys were catching feelings
Raya, grumbling: I did not come down to family dinner only for my good name to be utterly slandered
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moon-spirit-yue · 2 years
I wanted to make a part 2 of the last Nurse Raya and Firefighter Namaari post:
Raya: *sighing loudly as she tries to find her patient’s chart*
Sisu, who also needs to find a chart: you okay, bestie?
Raya, mumbling: I guess….
Sisu, narrowing her eyes: that’s a bullshit answer and you know it. Alright, what’s really going on?
Raya, frowning: well I just dropped by the station Namaari works at and I got an eyeful of her coworkers….
Sisu, raising an eyebrow: what’s the problem?
Raya, groaning: it’s just that they’re all so fit! I mean I get that they’re firefighters and they need to be in good shape but I mean damn! Their muscles have muscles Sisu!
Sisu, laughing: okay but I still don’t understand why you’re freaking out?
Raya, shaking Sisu’s shoulders: because I’m not even half as fit as those girls! Her coworkers are constantly running into fires to save people! I’m not that cool! Maybe I need to start working out more-
Sisu, mumbling to herself: I just gotta let her get it all out so that she can listen to reason-
*at around that same time in the station*
Firefighter, leaning against the table Namaari is sitting at: looking good today, Fang! You got any plans tonight?
Namaari: *not answering because she’s zoned out*
Firefighter, waving her hand in front of Namaari’s face: aye! Earth to Fang! What are you thinking about!?
Namaari, snapping out of it: oh, sorry! Anywho, what were you saying?
Firefighter, laughing: I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight!
Namaari, brightening up: oh I am! I get to see my girlfriend tonight! I’m taking her out for dinner!
Firefighter, disappointed: oh…
Namaari, not noticing and continuing: it feels like forever since I’ve seen Raya. Oh, I can’t wait to see her beautiful face. And she’s crazy smart! Have I mentioned how pretty she is?
Firefighter, now annoyed: yes, you have-
Namaari, getting out her phone: here! I’ll show you how pretty she is!
Firefighter, kind of in shock: that’s…that’s a lot of pictures of one woman
Namaari, nodding: yeah, I’ll be taking at least fifty more photos of her before our date is over
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moon-spirit-yue · 2 years
Jessie’s Girl
(besties I didn’t mean to make it 6000+ words help-)
“I’m sorry, what?” Raya asked, feeling her heart break a little at what Namaari was saying. A loud sigh erupts from the other end of the call.
“I said I can’t go to your concert tonight. I’m really sorry, Raya,” Namaari’s low voice said over the phone.
“Can I ask why you can’t?” the young singer whispered, surprising herself when she found that she was desperately trying not to cry. 
“Jess had a whole dinner thing planned tonight that I didn’t know about until literally right now. She’s been extra pissed at me lately so I really need to do this or else I’ll never hear the end of it,” Namaari grouched in an irritated tone. 
Ah yes, Namaari’s girlfriend, Jessie Draper. 
Truth be told, the singer was crushed when she found out that Namaari had gotten a girlfriend. Raya had been stupidly pining for the taller woman since they were teens, so finding out her feelings weren’t reciprocated was one hell of a blow. Worst part is, Raya can’t even find it in herself to be all that mad about who Namaari chose. Jessie’s actually one of Raya’s closest friends. Plus with her sleek black hair and bright green eyes, she’s a total knockout.  
There’s also the fact that Jessie is pretty much the only reason Raya passed her college classes. The two girls had almost the exact same schedule and college was around the point where she had started gaining attention from big labels and producers so her attention was incredibly divided. While she focused on her music, Jessie was the one that gave her all the homework and personally tutored her on the content she missed. Raya seriously owed her.
That’s why when Namaari told Raya she and Jessie were dating, the singer congratulated her with a smile then moped in the comfort of her own home in peace. If there’s anyone that deserves Namaari, it’s Jessie. So Raya just needs to suck it up and try to move on from her high school crush.
......hasn’t happened yet but it will one day. Maybe not today, but one day for sure. 
“Uh okay. I mean it’s fine, you could probably use a break from my voice anyway,” Raya faked laughed in a poor attempt to find humor in the situation.
“Raya, I really am sorry and would go if I could it’s just-,” Namaari began but Raya sincerely did not want to hear it.
“I totally understand. Maybe next time. Sisu just got here and you know how long preparations take. I’ll let you know how tonight goes, later!” Raya yelled and ended the call before Namaari could respond. 
“Damn it,” Raya mumbled as tears pricked her eyes. 
She hastily wiped them away before they could reach her cheeks because she is going to preform, and nothing is going to intervene with that! Not even Namaari! 
“Hey, girl! Do you know where Namaari is by any chance? I think I accidentally stole her shampoo,” Sisu laughed awkwardly. 
“She’s not coming, Sisu,” Raya sighed. She then leaned against the pillar she was sitting next to and close her eyes stop the stinging tears from falling. She didn’t even realize how much she relied on Namaari’s presence until now.
“Ha ha, very funny Raya. But seriously, I’m afraid Namaari is going to kill me if I keep her shampoo hostage a second longer so kindly show me the way to your number one fan so that I don’t die before this damn concert,” the blue haired girl whispered urgently.
“I’m not joking. Her and Jessie have a date so she can’t make it,” Raya sniffed. Sisu’s frown was almost immediate. 
“Wait you’re serious? Namaari’s been to more of your shows than me, and I’m your lead guitarist,” the shorter woman frowned. All Raya could do was shrug her shoulders.
“She’s got a girlfriend now. Jessie needs to be her first priority,” Raya simply said.
It’s true, after all. Girlfriend should always trump friend and Raya really is proud of Namaari for being a good partner. Naturally she would have to pull away from Raya but that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. 
“Oh Raya, I’m sorry,” the guitarist whispered, sitting down next to her. She then wrapped her arms around Raya in a sideways hug, allowing Raya to lean against her.
Sisu’s pretty much the only person Raya told about her crush on Namaari. Then again, basically everyone in the band found it out by themselves so it’s really only a secret from Namaari at this point. When Raya learned Namaari was with someone else, Sisu is the person whose arms she cried in for hours as they ate ice cream and laughed at people’s biggest fails on the internet for the world to see.
“It’s fine, Sisu. Really. Besides, all of this emotion will be great for the song we made a couple months ago,” Raya smiled, finding the internal will power to get up and start working. 
“Are you sure? We added in the song last minute and it’s only going to be played if the crowd wants an encore. We can just take it out entirely if you’re not up to it today,” Sisu offered, following Raya’s example in finally getting up.
“Oh, please, we’re Raya and the Dragon Gems! Of course they’re going to want an encore! We can’t just leave them hanging,” Raya grinned cockily, feeling a bit more like herself now that they’re talking about the concert. Sisu laughed and nodded in agreement. 
“That is a very fair point. So you’re really okay with the last song? Last chance to back out,” the guitarist told her.
“Yeah, I’m really okay with it. Besides, I honestly think Macy’s Girl is one of my favorite songs I wrote. It’s a catchy song, you have to admit. Plus I’m sure it’ll be relatable to the fans with a shitty unrequited love situation,” Raya assured, walking off the stage to find her bodyguard, Tong.
“Alright, Macy’s Girl it is! We’re going to crush this concert!” the blue haired woman cheered excitedly.
“Hell yeah we will!” Raya grinned as she found Tong entering the auditorium. 
Singing has always been Raya’s greatest joy in life and now that she has the opportunity to share that with others, she will not be ruining the night with her heartbreak. Even if Namaari can’t come, Raya is determined to make this performance a night to remember. In the good way. 
“Oh would you stop pouting already? You look like a kicked puppy,” Namaari’s girlfriend snapped.
“Well pardon me for being in a bit of a mood, Jess,” Namaari sighed. 
The undercut girl had been trying to bake some cookies to restock the bakery she owns and distract herself from how upset she really was, but it isn’t working. At all. 
“I don’t get why you’re so invested in going Raya’s concerts anyways. You’ve literally been to every single one! How are you not sick of it by now?” Jessie scowled before crossing her arms. 
“See, that’s the whole point! I’ve gone to every single one of her shows! From small gigs in diners to her first performance with a big record deal! It feels wrong to miss out on this concert!” Namaari retaliated.
Namaari is so tired of all of their arguments circling right back to Raya. It’s getting really old, really fast. 
“Look, if you’ve had sex with her, you can just admit it! I’m sure we can push past it but the first step is admitting you have a problem,” Jessie yelled, tears springing in her eyes.
Namaari damn near shoved herself out the window of her fifth floor apartment. The past couple of months Jessie’s been absolutely convinced that Namaari’s been cheating on her with Raya. Truth is, Jessie’s an absolute bitch to Raya and recently, it’s been way more evident how Jessie really feels.
Honestly, Namaari didn’t think much of her girlfriend at first. Truth be told, Namaari’s always been way too focused on Raya to give other girls a second thought. Her crush on Raya has always been rather painful, and painfully obvious. 
Raya had told Namaari all about her college friend that has been saving her ass in school but that’s really where her knowledge of Jessie ended. Because of their frequent study sessions, Namaari saw Jessie at Raya’s house practically every other day, meaning they got absolutely no alone time. The undercut woman was getting seriously fed up until shock overtook her when Jessie admitted she had a crush on her and asked Namaari on a date. 
At first, the muscular woman said she would think about it. As terrible as it may be, Namaari only said that so that she could scoop out Raya’s reaction to the idea of Namaari being in a relationship. Raya, unfortunately, showed no signs of jealously or any other negative emotions in any way. In fact, she encouraged Namaari to pursue Jessie.
Well, after Raya stomped Namaari’s undercut heart into a million baby pieces, she decided that she might as well date Jessie and see where it goes. Namaari knows that only dating someone because the person she actually liked didn’t reciprocate her feelings is horrible, but at the time she was hurt and needed a distraction. 
Namaari is slowly starting to realize she’s a terrible person. 
But that’s not the point. The point is that after that incident, the two started dating and it was fine. Or so Namaari thought.
Namaari overheard her girlfriend on a call with one of her friends and the words coming from her mouth almost made Namaari go into a complete frenzy. As it turned out, Jessie had only been offering to help tutor Raya and be her friend so that she could get with Namaari. From that point on, Namaari saw red.
The undercut woman is a rather confrontational person with anyone that isn’t her mother, so she had no trouble walking right up to Jessie and demanding an explanation. Obviously, all Jessie gave her was some bullshit excuse like “oh but then we really did become friends after spending so much time together” or some other thing that made the baker want to barf.  
It infuriated Namaari to no end! How on earth could anyone spend time with Raya and not do so simply because she is Raya? How can anyone not absolutely get lost in those big brown eyes that sparkle when talks about her music?
She almost broke up with Jessie right then and there, but then she started crying and Namaari got sucked back in. She always hated it when girls cried, even if it was from girls that really pissed her off. So she figured she’d try to give it another chance. After all, Namaari acknowledged the fact that she was also the bad guy here, pining for a woman she isn’t dating. It’s what Namaari felt she deserved. 
The thing is, is that after their fight whenever Namaari breathed in a slightly upset manner, Jessie assumed it was about Raya. Which it kind of is but we don’t need to discuss that-
This whole ‘Raya is the cause of all our relationship problems’ thing has been going on for a few weeks and Namaari is at her wits end. She is so tired of her girlfriend claiming that Raya is trying to come in between them when they’ve hardly exchanged three words in the past month!
“Jessie, I have never had sex with Raya. Especially not while we’re together. Though I won’t lie, I’m kind of noticing this pattern that whenever we’re slightly unhappy, Raya gets dragged into the conversation,” Namaari scowled as she waited for Jessie to respond. 
“Oh come on! You think I don’t see how she looks at you, constantly mooning over you with her big puppy eyes! She could literally commit murder and you’d be her alibi!” her girlfriend screeched back at her.
“Jessie! Enough about Raya! She hasn’t done anything wrong here! She doesn’t deserved to be pulled into our disagreements!” Namaari snapped.
“And there you go defending her again!” Jessie immediately retorted.
“Well it’s not like she’s here to do it herself!” Namaari said with irritation evident on her face. 
“Must be a shame for you since you just have to her around all the time!” the long haired girl screamed. Namaari breathed in deeply to regain her fleeting composure. 
“Okay, what can I do to prove to you that there’s nothing going on between us? You need to look through my texts? Snapchat? Instagram? I have nothing to hide,” Namaari said while pulling out her phone. 
“Cut Raya off. If there’s really nothing to hide then you should have no problem ditching her for good,” Jessie stated firmly. Namaari looked at her in surprise, laughed, then realized her girlfriend wasn’t laughing along with her.
“Wait, you’re serious?” Namaari asked with a raised brow. 
“Does it look like I’m joking?” she immediately shot back. 
“Are you actually making me choose between you and her?” Namaari questioned.
“Yes. I am,” Jessie said with the confidence of a mediocre white man.
It was at that moment Namaari knew this relationship was doomed. Oh hell, she always knew it was doomed but tried ignoring it. She wiped her hands with a towel and glanced at the clock to check the time. Yeah, she could totally make Raya’s concert on time.
“Well, in that case we’re over. I’ll drop off the rest of your things later. Have a good one!” Namaari casually said as she grabbed her purse and made her way out the door. 
“Namaari Fang, if you step one foot out of that door we are over-,” Jessie yelled. The baker managed to slam the door before her now ex-girlfriend could finish the sentence. How liberating.
So yeah, maybe the stunt she pulled was kind of a bitch move. However, Jessie’s been busting those out since before the relationship even began so it’s probably even.
Namaari threw herself in her car and immediately groaned thinking about what she had just done. She just broke with her girlfriend of over half a year from a quick spur of the moment instance. She frantically shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts because the reality of it is that their break up was a long time coming.
The started the car engine and the baker slammed her foot on the gas pedal. Namaari debated on whether she should text Raya she was coming or not but decided to make a surprise. It would be fun to see her reaction when she thought Namaari was a no show. 
“Are you pumped right now?!” Sisu exclaimed excitedly, hyping Raya up as she always did before they preformed.
“Hell yeah I’m pumped!” Raya grinned as she adjusted her tight black crop top. The thing is itchy as hell but it’s fine.
Sisu matched Raya’s beaming smile and opened the curtain slightly to see how many people were in the audience, and just stared at the center for several seconds before hastily closing the curtain. Raya barely blinked before Sisu moved from the curtain to right in front of her.
“Bestie, you know how Macy’s Girl was originally Jessie’s Girl?” Sisu asked.
Ugh, right. Raya wrote the song after having a full mental breakdown over how pathetic her love life is, as any good artist does, and really liked it so she presented it to the group. She called it Jessie’s Girl for obvious reasons. 
But then Sisu made an excellent point that titling it Jessie’s Girl means she may as well just straight up tell Namaari she’s is in love with her. In Raya’s defense, she wrote the song when she was almost blackout drunk. So they just changed the Jessie to Macy which was a pretty simple fix. It still fit the rhythm of the song and it was a pretty basic name. Plus, the only Macy Raya knew was back in high school and they never even exchanged a full conversation so she could play it off like some unrequited crush.  
“Yeah, why do you ask?” Raya questioned with a raised eyebrow. 
“Great! We need to change Macy’s Girl back to Jessie’s Girl,” Sisu told her.
“Bitch are you insane? Like truly?” Raya snorted, shaking her head in absolute disbelief. 
“Raya, when have I led you astray?” Sisu asked, blinking innocently up at her.
“Remember when we were in New York for a week and-,” Raya started only for Sisu to slam a hand over her mouth.
“What happens in the Big Apple, stays in the Big Apple. Look, the point is I know what I’m talking about! Just switch back to Jessie’s Girl. Besides, it’s not like Namaari is actually here anyways,” Sisu insisted. That was a good point but...
“You do realize in this modern era, someone’s gonna have their phone out to record this entire thing and post it on the internet, right?” Raya sighed. She had no idea why Sisu was so passionate about this particular subject.
“Look, here’s the thing. I, your bestest friend on this planet, is asking something very minor of you. And hey, if Namaari questions you about it I’ll back you up and say you know multiple Jessies! Please Raya, I am begging you!” Sisu whined, clutching Raya’s leather jacket for dramatic effect.
“Alright fine, you damn weirdo. Just let go of my jacket, would ya?” Raya huffed, prying the shorter girl off of her.
“Yay! Don’t forget to take off your glasses!” Sisu reminded her.
“Ah right, thanks. Hey Boun, can you put these in my dressing room for me?” Raya asked. 
“You got it, Raya!” the bright eyed teen intern exclaimed, grabbing her glasses and racing off to put them away.
“Yo, beloved band mates! Just letting everyone know before we get started that we’re now changing Macy’s Girl back to Jessie’s Girl for reasons even I’m not aware of. It’s not really going to change anything about our performance but I just wanted to tell you guys know so that there’s no confusion on stage. We cool?” Raya asked, addressing her band.
Everyone in the band gave her either a nod or a thumbs up, signaling that she was good to go. 
“Wonderful. In that case, it’s show time!”
Namaari fought her her way to the front row as she always did and sat down on her designated seat. Whenever Raya booked a gig, she always slid Namaari a ticket right up front. She’s thanking the stars above that she didn’t toss the ticket that Raya gave her a few months back. At this point she probably wouldn’t even need it considering the fact that the staff knew exactly who she was.
The now single woman grabbed her phone to distract her until the performance. Ew, thirty seven missed calls from Jessie. Namaari completely forgot to block her. Well, no time like the present!  
The baker took an unhealthy amount of pleasure in blocking Jessie from every kind of communication app she possessed. 
Namaari bit back a laugh when Raya made direct eye contact with her and not a dash of recognition crossed her face once the curtains pulled back. It brings her back to around five years ago when Raya was about read to sing in front of an audience for the first time and the poor girl was flipping out. She was pacing back and forth like a little psycho and totally started to freak when she peaked her head from behind the curtain to see so many people.  
As cute as it was, Namaari didn’t want her to throw up so she just pulled Raya’s glasses off her face so that the crowd became a bunch of meaningless blobs. She remembered with great fondness how Raya was so excited that she could no longer see everyone that she actually kissed Namaari’s cheek and rushed off to get ready. It was adorable.
She needs to stop thinking like this. It’s not like Raya even returned her feelings anyways. The baker just needs to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show like she always did. Namaari smiled as Raya started her typical welcoming words to the crowd then proceeded to jump right into the music.
Namaari loved going to her performances for multiple reasons with the most obvious one simply being able to support Raya in her dream and listen to her music. The closest runner up is witnessing how many people love Raya. Seeing people get so excited to see the woman she loves fills the baker with such a euphoria she can’t quite explain it. To put it simply, Namaari adores Raya being adored. She deserves every bit of it and more.
As Raya began singing, Namaari couldn’t help but notice the shirt she was wearing. Raya had been trying to pick her wardrobe for a concert a year or so ago when Namaari suggested the black crop top that tied in the back and, if Namaari was being completely honest, she just thought Raya would look hot in it. Seeing her wear it now proves that theory to be correct. 
Maybe Namaari’s a bit of creep.
Well, she can admire Raya’s singing and her beauty. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. The baker decided to shake those particular thoughts out of her head and listen to the lyrics being sung. She’s always found it enjoyable to try and decipher what their music means, like a puzzle. 
A couple hours have past and the band is still going strong. Namaari frowned when she realized she got the urge to pee in the middle of the chorus during one of her all time favorite songs. Might as well sneak off to the bathroom now rather than later. She memorized this song already. Besides, it’s not like Raya can see shit anyways. With that thought in mind, the baker stood up and carefully weaved through the crowd to find the nearest restroom. 
After wrapping it up and washing her hands, Namaari exited the bathroom and was slightly surprised at the melody being played as she’d never heard it before. Well, now that she thinks about it, she does remember Raya mentioning something about possibly releasing a new song if they had the time for it. Looks like they did. 
This new song was very pleasing to the ear. It had a bit of rock edge to it with how the drums and guitar were being played. Namaari’s always had a bit of a fondness for rock. 
Unfortunately, due to the sudden bathroom break, it turned out Namaari had missed the first bit of the song which was disappointing since she didn’t even know what this one was about. As she settled back into her seat, she focused in on the lyrics to try and make sense of the meaning of the song.
“-I play along with the charade. There doesn't seem to be a reason to change. You know, I feel so dirty when they start talking cute, I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is probably moot,” Raya sang out in that angelic voice of hers.
Huh, Namaari wonders who wrote this one. Every member of the band writes a song or two to preform, but this one really doesn’t seem like anyones style. Maybe it’s Sisu’s? She’s been mooning over Atitaya quite a bit lately so that’s a small possibility. 
“'Cause she's watching her with those eyes... And she's loving her with that body, I just know it! And she's holding her in her arms late, late at night. You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl! I wish that I had Jessie's girl!” Raya continued, causing the baker’s heart to drastically pick up the pace.
If Namaari was drinking something, she would have spit it all out immediately. The hell does she mean ‘she wishes she had Jessie’s girl’?! Is...is this song about Namaari?! 
“Where can I find a woman like that? Like Jessie's girl I wish that I had Jessie's girl! Where can I find a woman, where can I find a woman like that? And I'm looking in the mirror all the time, wondering what she don't see in me. I've been funny, I've been cool with the lines. Ain't that the way love supposed to be?” Raya passionately sang. 
As Sisu’s guitar solo picked up, Namaari’s brain was working over time to figure this out. Okay, usually Raya only sings with this much fervor in her voice when she wrote the song. It’s something Namaari’s picked up on over the years. Naturally, when Raya writes a song, it’s much easier to connect to it portray the character to the audience. She’s still incredibly talented at singing a song written by another band member, of course, but it’s just slightly different. That means Raya did make the song but now to address the next question, why?
“Tell me, where can I find a woman like that? You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl! I wish that I had Jessie's girl! I want Jessie's girl! Where can I find a woman like that? Like Jessie's girl! I wish that I had Jessie's girl! I want, I want Jessie's girl!” Raya finished, panting heavily as sweat gleamed on her skin. She looked like she was glowing. 
Namaari’s heart was beating a mile a minute. It was almost to be too much to hope for, but she just can’t get it out of her head. Could it be that Raya wrote that song about Namaari’s ex girlfriend? Which can only mean Raya is in love with her?
The baker was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t even realize that the curtain closed. She was snapped out of her pondering when several people bumped into her in an attempt to get out of the auditorium. 
Immediately, Namaari walked in the opposite direction of the crowd since that’s the only way to get to back stage. She’s memorized the route by now. Namaari had no trouble in making it there, greeting all the staff members by name as she walked by. Her presence is to be expected.
What she was about to say to Raya....not as much. 
There’s a special kind of high Raya gets after she preforms. Her heart beats erratically in her chest, her ears are flooded with the screams of her fans, sweat glistens her skin, and she is at her happiest point. 
After saying her goodbyes to the crowd, she jogs off the stage in glee. Raya just feels so alive tonight! She wants to do something she would never normally do in her right mind!
“Raya, whatever you want to do, do not do it!” Boun warned upon seeing her face alight with energy. The singer giggled and forced herself to settle down.
Raya has bit of a history with making rash decisions when she’s had her post performance high. One of them involved skinny dipping at 4:00 am which led to a whole other chain of problems. Part of Boun’s job description is making sure she doesn’t go crazy, so he gets paid a good amount of money.
“Right! Sisu, you killed it out there! I honestly think that’s the best you’ve ever played!” Raya squealed excitedly. Sisu laughed and hugged her tightly.
“What can I say, I’m pretty damn good! I was totally feeding off your energy tonight, you were on fire!” the guitarist cheered. 
“I know right? The only thing that could’ve made tonight better would be if,” Raya began happily before letting her voice trail off. If only Namaari had been here.
The vibrancy she once had diminished ever so slightly but Sisu seemed strangely unaffected. Usually, whenever Raya seemed to be even a little bit upset, Sisu was doing all sorts of crazy antics to make her feel better. But right now she’s not doing anything. That’s suspicious.
“Right well, I’m sure you’ll be fine!” Sisu grinned with a strange little smile on her face. 
“Uh huh,” Raya mumbled, narrowing her eyes at the guitarist. 
“Ohhhh, look who decided to show up! Hey girl!” the blue haired woman exclaimed happily, staring at someone behind Raya.
“Hey Sisu. Great job out there, by the way. You guys sounded great,” the voice that makes Raya’s heart skip a beat said. 
“What? I though you weren’t able to come,” Raya said, tilting her head to the side in confusion. The baker just shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Plans changed. I’m glad they did, though. You were amazing out there,” Namaari smiled, walking up to give Raya a gentle hug that she returned despite the fact that she had no idea what the hell was going on.
“Wow, this is unexpected but I’m glad you came too,” Raya honestly told her. 
Namaari began shuffling around awkwardly which seriously weirded Raya out. Why can’t the people in her life act normal tonight? Why would Namaari act so- 
Oh. Oh shit.
“Uh, Namaari?” Raya asked to get her attention.
“Yes?” she responded.
“How much of the concert did you hear? Like, just a couple songs? The beginning, the end, the middle, everything in between? Just out of, you know, morbid curiosity,” the singer laughed, trying and failing to not seem too obvious. 
“I heard the whole concert,” Namaari said, confirming Raya’s worst fear. 
“Ah, I see,” the singer mumbled nervously. 
“Raya, was Jessie’s Girl about me?” Namaari asked softly, apparently just getting right to the point. 
“What? Of course not! I know multiple Jessies! Right Sisu?” Raya said, looking pointedly at her best friend.
“Uh, no you don’t. Draper is the only Jessie you’ve met!” Sisu said cheerfully. What the fuck? Why would Sisu even say that?!
“Well, it was written a long time ago!” Raya laughed, desperately trying to recover the situation.
“No, I saw you write it a couple months ago!” Sisu laughed, eyes sparkling with happiness.
“You fucking snake-,” Raya seethed at her utter betrayal. Sisu literally said she would cover for Raya if the need should arise! That dirty liar! She’s going to shove that guitar pick so far up her-
“Raya, be honest. Do you like me?” Namaari tried again. 
Raya froze like a deer in headlights. How on earth is she is supposed to get out of this? It looks like there’s only one thing left to do. The singer gulped nervously and slowly took off her jacket. 
“Uh, DISTRACTION!” Raya yelled and threw her jacket in Namaari’s face before bolting in the opposite direction.
“RAYA HEART, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!” Namaari screamed as she ripped the jack off of her face.
Raya had barely made a turn down the right hall when she looked back to see her crush gaining on her. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and her already exhausted body felt as if it was being pushed to the breaking point. The singer was internally mapping out any potential escape route possible.
The young singer whimpered and willed her legs to move faster, but it was all for nought. Raya immediately paled when she realized she had run right into a dead end. She slowly skidded to a stop and began praying for a miracle.
.........yeah, no miracles arrived.
Namaari managed to corner her approximately two seconds after she realized she was doomed. The taller woman was panting heavily and had flushed cheeks that Raya wanted to kiss- FOCUS RAYA!
“Raya, we need to talk,” Namaari insisted, trying to take a step closer.
“Right, for sure, but what if we didn’t do that?” Raya laughed with a sheepish smile. Namaari’s deadpanned expression let her know she wasn’t buying it.
“Dep la, please,” Namaari whispered and damn it that was not fair. Not fair at all. Raya goes weak in the knees whenever Namaari calls her Dep la.
“You really want to talk about this?” Raya asked, crossing her arms.
“Yes, I do,” Namaari sighed, relieved that she seemed to be cooperating. The singer took note of how the other woman’s body relaxed ever so slightly, and that was all Raya could ask for. 
“THEN WE CAN TALK IN TWENTY YEARS WHEN YOU’VE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS WHOLE ORDEAL! BYEEEEEEEEE!” Raya yelled, managing to push Namaari to the ground when she thought she was safe.
Poor girl didn’t see it coming. Clearly she was much too startled to realize what happened because as Raya was running away she heard nothing. No voices or footsteps. For a split second, Raya felt peace.
“JUST WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU RAYA,” Namaari’s voice boomed. 
“Shit shit shit shit shit,” Raya mumbled.
She got to a slightly crowded hallway and that’s when she saw it. Raya’s only hope.
“Tong! Please help me! Namaari is going to kill me because she found out I like her because of my stupid song I wrote when I was drunk and sad and help me I beg of you-” Raya rushed out as a startled look broke across her bodyguard’s face.
“Say what now?” Tong asked in great confusion. Raya opened her mouth to elaborate when she was suddenly hoisted into the air by a pair of firm, muscular arms.
“Try running from me now, dep la, “ Namaari seethed, tossing Raya over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“Tong, this is literally in your job description. She is forcefully taking me somewhere against my will! Protect me from the consequences of my own actions!” Raya whined, desperately reaching out her hand for Tong to grab. 
“Tong, I like you. I do. So I’ll say this once. Don’t interfere with this,” Namaari said in a cold tone that sent shivers up Raya’s spine. 
“Hey, is your father paying for this bodyguard? No? Then you don’t get to order him around!” the singer snapped. Raya doesn’t have the best view from where she lays but she can vaguely see Namaari’s dark scowl when she turns her head back.
“Raya, you know I would take a bullet for you right? Even if it wasn’t part of my job? I’ve come to care for you as one of my own,” Tong told her kindly which struck fear in Raya’s heart.
Whenever Tong said anything with an extra gentle tone, it meant Raya was not going to like the next words that were going to come out of his mouth.
“That being said, I refuse to get in the middle of whatever this is,” Tong said firmly, moving away from them to give Namaari room to walk away.
“Thank you,” Namaari said sincerely as she began her journey with Raya dangling over her shoulder.
“TONG YOU BETTER GET OVER HERE AND FIX THIS OR I SWEAR I’LL FIRE YOU!” Raya screamed as she thrashed to get out of Namaari’s grasp with no avail.
“I’ll see you later tonight for dinner! Boun’s making shrimp congee!” Tong casually called over his shoulder.
“Tong no, please you were my last hope. Tong!” Raya cried out as her bodyguard’s form completely disappeared. The singer then went limp in utter defeat as Namaari carried her away to her dressing room that was unfortunately close by.
Namaari gently placed Raya onto a random wooden chair and walked back to the door to close it. Shit, she locked the door. Then Namaari walked calmly back to pull another chair right next to her and settled right on it. Raya couldn’t find the willpower to look her friend in the eyes. 
“I need you to talk to me. Just tell me the truth,” Namaari whispered, looking at Raya with pleading eyes. 
The singer’s resolve immediately crumbled and prepared herself to say some words that she never thought she would say. This is officially the last time she would ever listen to Sisu. 
“Yes, the song was about you. I’m so sorry, I thought you weren’t coming tonight which is the only reason why I sang it. I know you’re angry and you have every right to be, I don’t even know what I was thinking when I wrote it, much less preforming it. God, I’m such a dumbass. Please know I never meant for you to find out, at all. I respect you and Jessie too much for that so-,” Raya rambled before she was cut off by lips pressing against hers. Namaari’s lips. 
Oh, her lips were better than what she imagined. They were just so soft and she tasted like cherries. Raya loves cherries. The singer was about to kiss back when she remembered that this chick has a literal girlfriend. Despite Raya wanting nothing more than to continue, she wasn’t a home wrecker so she pushed Namaari back. And this bitch had the audacity to look startled when Raya pulled away. 
“What the fuck, Namaari?! You’re in a relationship what the hell-,” Raya was once more cut off by Namaari, only this time it was with her hand.
“Right, forgot to mention that Jessie and I broke up,” the baker shrugged. Raya calmed down significantly and waited for Namaari to remove her hand before she continued talking. 
“How the hell do you just forget to mention you broke up with your girlfriend of over six months?” Raya asked with a raised eyebrow. Namaari looked to the floor sheepishly which honestly just made Raya even more curious.
“Okay, full disclosure here, I don’t think I ever really liked Jessie all that much. I mean, I sorta kinda only dated her because I thought you didn’t like me back,” the baker sighed. 
“What on earth made you think I didn’t like you, idiot? I was crazy about you!” Raya huffed, knowing that the ‘crazy about you’ bit isn’t past tense. 
“When I told you Jessie asked me out, you were thrilled! Over the moon, even! How could I think you liked me when you were so enthusiastic about me dating another woman?!” Namaari exclaimed causing Raya to roll her eyes.
“I was trying to be supportive! I though that since you told me about Jessie you wanted to go out with her so I wanted to be happy for you!” Raya frowned. Namaari groaned and rubbed her face tiredly.
“So what I gathered from this conversation is that one, our feelings are reciprocated and two, we’re both really stupid,” Namaari said, leaning against the back of her chair.
“Yeah, I think that about sums it up,” Raya agreed. Then, a shit eating grin overtook the singer’s face as she leaned into Namaari’s personal space. “Oh my god, you like me binturi. Like, you want to kiss me and stuff. How embarrassing for you.”
“How is that embarrassing? You feel the same way!” Namaari snapped, ears clearly turning red. Raya laughed and reached out to gently rub her hands over the baker’s burning ears.
“You’re so cute when you’re flustered, Maari. I’m going to enjoy flirting with you,” Raya giggled. Namaari scoffed but allowed a smirk to spread across her face. 
“You want to flirt with me, dep la? Well I plan on doing a lot more than just a bit of flirting with you,” Namaari grinned and proceeded to kiss Raya on the mouth once more, only this time she didn’t pull away.
“You better get started then. You have a lot of time to make up for,” the singer responded cockily, giving Namaari all the courage she needed.
Before Raya knew it, Namaari was ripping off both of their shirts and Raya was getting to work on taking off their pants. 
“Looks like I’m Raya’s girl now,” Namaari whispered before pressing her lips to the base of Raya’s throat, earning her a strangled moan in response.
Thank you Sisu, for being a total snitch. Couldn’t do it without you. 
Taglist: @faithfulwarrior-og @isitbussinjanelle @tigerlillyruiz @ratld-sideblog @anywhere-but-here-plz @ihavenoideawhatiamdoingjustgay
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
Rayaari headcanon - travel through the emotions with tears
(inspired by this lovely anon)
Tears of sorrow and pain
Raya is so young when she loses her mother, that the concept of death is difficult for her to understand. The reality doesn't strike her until bedtime, when she slowly begins to realize that Ma will never again be there to sing her a lullaby, or hug her fear of the monsters away. Benja is unable to stop the tears for hours, as Raya screams and cries and hits her small fists on the bed. Finally, she upsets herself so much she throws up, and her crying trails off to quiet whimpers instead. For months afterwards, Benja and Raya both dread bedtime, for this is when sorrow hits the hardest for her.
Namaari is nine when her Ba dies. Death is not an unknown concept for her, unfortunately. She has already begun to see its cold grasp ensnaring Fang citizens as famine begins to sweep the lands. But nothing can prepare her for the news the young soldier delivers of her Ba's accident, nor the expression on Ma's face when they both realize he won't be coming home. She doesn't cry for the first week after his death, and people whisper about how stoic and brave she's being. In reality, she is too shocked and numb to demonstrate any further emotions, until one night she awakens to find Ma has crawled into bed next to her, hugging her close in her sleep. Hot tears fall down her cheek, and she burrows into her mother's embrace as she cries silently.
After the Druun return, after she loses her Ba, Raya finds herself scared and all alone in the world, besides faithful Tuk Tuk. During the day, she wraps herself in false bravado, learning how to be a confident young woman instead of an easy mark for people with questionable motives. She employs a 'fake it until she makes it' approach to life, and it carries her through well enough...except at night. At night, she can't help but remember both her parents, and in the darkness she softly sings her mother's lullaby to soothe herself as the tears fall.
When the magnitude of what she has done by trying to take the Dragon Gem hits Namaari, she is horrified with herself. She cries quietly at night for weeks on end, reluctant to talk to anyone about her guilt. And then one day, she wakes up and decides she has no right to cry over it – she should step up and be responsible for her own actions instead, and be the best leader she can be. For several years after that moment, she refuses to let herself cry. Then one scouting mission, she loses her first soldier to the Druun, watching him turn to stone over her shoulder as they flee. She manages to hold it together as she tells his family how brave he had been; then, she goes to the kitchen, stealing as much rice wine as she can carry. She hides with her serlots, drunkenly crying into their soft fur until she can barely breathe. After that, she allows herself to cry sometimes, but only ever when alone.
The first time Raya visits Talon, she is fourteen and half-starving. The market place is loud and confusing, but it’s also full of food and wonderful scents. Unfortunately, she has no jade pieces and the soldiers patrolling the stalls do not seem like people with whom she should risk get into trouble. She almost walks away instead of trying to buy anything, but her stomach cramps just at that moment, and she almost gasps in pain. It breaks her heart, but she slowly hands over a ring of gold in order to buy some food – the only thing she has with her that belonged to her mother. ‘You know, that vendor scammed you,’ a young boy tells her with a snort, as she walks away. ‘You should have gotten far more product for the worth of the ring.’ The food tastes like ashes in her mouth after that, and hot tears slip down her cheeks as she tries to choke down the rest of her dinner.
Namaari’s scouting party is ambushed, not by the Druun, but by angry citizens from Spine. She loses good people that day, watching in horror as they are overwhelmed by Spine’s army, still acting as good soldiers trying to protect their Princess until the end. The last warrior screams at her to run, and even though it is against her instincts, she turns and flees into the forest, not even stopping when a sharp pain pierces her side - an arrow hitting its mark. She collapses some distance later, crying in pain and fear. For the first time, she fears she will die alone, bleeding out amongst the trees. Then she remembers her mother, remembers her duties and the promises she made to herself, and staggers upright. Her serlot finds her as she slowly makes her way forwards, and when she finally manges to crawl onto her back, they take off towards Fang.
‘You’re a traitor to your people,’ someone snaps at Raya, as she tries to mediate between two disagreeing Heart citizens. ‘You try to tell us what to do, but you’re a Princess who doesn’t even know half of her own culture. Too busy cavorting with binturis from Fang and other lands to bother with your own.’ She can feel the tears coming on as the words cut deep into all the fears she has about herself – how she isn’t a good leader, how she lost so many years where she should have learnt about Heart and her role as Princess. A hand lands on her shoulder squeezing gently, yet the voice behind its owner is cutting. ‘Gentlemen, I suggest you leave now before you make me do something I regret,’ Namaari says, and when the men depart angrily, silence falls. Namaari doesn’t say anything at first, drawing Raya into an embrace instead. ‘You’re a better leader than they could hope to be,’ she whispers into Raya’s hair, kissing her head gently. Raya clings to her tightly, arms wrapped around her waist.
‘You’re not welcome here, binturi,’ comes the accusation thrown into her face, and Namaari flinches, much to her own disgust. The celebratory gathering is supposed to be for all the lands to come together, but she can understand Fang not being so warmly welcomed. She is trying though, trying to atone for her mistakes, and after a long day of talking herself into having the confidence to attend, she is now just feeling overwhelmed with their cutting remarks. She simply nods and tries to walk away while hiding her face, but Raya is already pushing past her, getting into the personal space of the other women with a snarl. ‘She’s more welcome here than you currently,’ she growls. Then she spins around, holds out an arm gallantly to Namaari with a smile, and says ‘shall we?’ with a wink. Namaari links their arms, and they walk away with their heads held high.
Tears of laughter and joy
There is something charming and fun in watching Sisu learn more about people and their odd behaviours. Namaari is still slightly in awe of dragons in general, but she finds it easier the more she spends time with Sisu and watches her do ridiculous things. Sisu often brings Tong, Boun and even Noi along to visit Raya, and Namaari loves this time especially, because Raya will go and join in on the fun, laughing at her friends’ antics until tears stream down her face. Namaari sits and watches them with a smile, until Raya runs over and grabs her by the hand, dragging her over to the group.
Raya likes to think she is excellently athletic and nimble on her feet, and to a certain extent this is true. Unfortunately, she has a rather clumsy side to her also, and she spectacularly demonstrates this in front of Namaari by mistake. She is trying to demonstrate how smooth her mounts and dismounts from Tuk Tuk’s saddle are, and even goes so far as to try and show off by standing up on his back. And yet, she slips sideways instead, arms windmilling in the air before she drops onto the floor. ‘Are you alright?’ Namaari calls, and as soon as Raya answers in the affirmative, she can hear a cackle of laughter. Namaari is laughing so hard that there are tears shining in her eyes, and Raya can’t feel too embarrassed by her tumble when it brings Namaari such joy.
At the end of a very long day of Council meetings, Raya wants nothing more than to escape the political grandstanding and disappear into the night instead of staying for dinner. She manages to grab some food from the kitchen before it is even brought out for the guests, and then steals Namaari herself as company. They sit under the stars, enjoying their picnic and complaining about the day. Namaari does a wonderful impersonation of the most annoying Councilor in the meeting, and Raya startles into loud laughter at how realistic it is. Soon they are lying next to each other, giggling loudly until they are both crying from laughter.
Namaari kisses Raya for the first time during a sparring session. They are fighting in a casual manner for once, not trying to be highly competitive as usual, but preferring to shoot as many teasing remarks towards the other as punches, enjoying the moment. Raya manages to pin Namaari down on the ground, leaning forwards slightly to highlight her triumphant and teasing expression, and instead sees Namaari staring up at her with a soft smile. Namaari brings both hands up to slide her fingers through Raya’s hair, drawing her down until their lips are touching softly. Raya feels tears welling up behind her eyes at she feels the love emanating from Namaari.
Raya proposes after two years of dating and several days of angsting over whether she has the correct words to say or the correct proposal gifts. But when it comes to the moment, she forgets everything, and just blurts out ‘I love you. Marry me?’ Namaari stares at her in shock for a moment, before stepping forward to kiss Raya. ‘Yes, yes of course,’ she says, her voice shaking from her emotions. Raya cups her cheeks in both hands, gently wiping away her tears before they kiss again.
When they marry, neither of them can get through their vows without some tears of happiness. No-one judges them for it though – most of their family and friends are crying also.
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
Fic: Love Languages
Headcanon suggested by a lovely anon, which spawned into a fic. Read on Ao3 or under the cut.
Words of affirmation
Receiving compliments or words of encouragement are not uncommon for Namaari. She has gone through life aiming to be the best at everything she does – the best leader, the best warrior, the best Princess – and along with her success come compliments on her fighting techniques, her decision-making skills, and even her ability to look formidable in her formal attire.
As royalty, people lavish her with praises when they see an opportunity to get into her good graces, despite the obvious lack of sincerity behind their words, and it tires her to deal with fawning citizens. She loves her people, but she’d rather they’d love her back truly; false words mean nothing.
Chief Virana does not give out compliments easily, and is often faster to critique than to encourage. Namaari pretends her mother’s approval is nothing more than something important to receive from her Chief, but in reality, she craves hearing soft words such as ‘well done, Morning Mist’, whenever she is lucky enough to have them bestowed upon her.
As she grows up, she decides that sweet words are nice to have, but ultimately unnecessary – nothing more than a nod of acknowledgement is needed, before one can place it aside and move on to more important things. And then Raya comes back into her life.
Raya, who can flirt endlessly with elaborate innuendos until Namaari rolls her eyes at her ridiculousness. Raya, who is quite happy to press herself closer than absolutely necessary in their sparring sessions, just to set out some unspoken physical challenge.
And yet, when it comes to providing a genuine compliment, Raya practically freezes.
‘I like…like your hair,’ she mumbles one day to Namaari, glancing off to the side in order to avoid making eye contact. Her cheeks are flushed bright red, even though earlier in the day she had made a lewd comment about a sword which didn’t even have her blinking.
For some reason, Raya’s lack of suaveness when it comes to providing true compliments delights Namaari, and she hoards each instance close to her heart, happy in the knowledge that every word spoken was genuine in its meaning.
In return, she starts to gift Raya with compliments of her own.
For Raya is not used to receiving compliments, at least not in a long time. Her Ba used to provide encouragement and compliments often, but that was many years ago, and now he hesitates to put them into words sometimes, unsure of how this new dynamic works when he’s looking at a grown-up daughter rather than a small child.
Namaari has no difficulty in sharing them though.
‘You look very beautiful today,’ she tells Raya softly one evening, when they are having dinner. Raya stammers out some incomprehensible response, and spends the rest of the meal staring down at her bowl, occasionally darting her eyes over to Namaari.
‘I love that hairstyle on you,’ Namaari says to her a few days later, watching as Raya braids her hair back with expert precision.
‘Umm…thanks?’ Raya squeaks.
‘Your techniques were excellent today,’ Namaari informs her after a sparring session. This time, Raya just nods, and clears her throat before trying to awkwardly change the subject. Namaari can still see the smile on her lips though.
Eventually, Raya becomes better at both giving and receiving words of affirmation. Namaari learns how true compliments can be more meaningful than expected.
It isn’t the most important aspect of their relationship, but they like to encourage each other all the same.
Acts of service
Raya sees how much of a burden Namaari perpetually takes onto her shoulders, in her duties for Fang. She is so focused on helping her people rebuild and expand, or going away on diplomatic missions to help form better relations with the other lands, that she forgets to take a moment to breath sometimes.
Raya wants to take some of her stress away, by helping her carry out some of her duties or at least be involved in organizing certain aspects of the expansion projects, but she discovers quickly that Namaari is somewhat of a perfectionist. It is almost more stressful for her to find herself out of the loop or uninformed about decisions, than it would be to allow her undertake the duties in the first place, and so Raya finds it more helpful to just back off from the work unless asked to provide support.
It’s also a way for Namaari to feel as if she is atoning for her past actions. Raya wishes she wouldn’t feel the need to do so, but it is something they’ve argued about before, and they always end up stuck in a perpetual loop.
One of the ways Raya can help however, is with her cooking.
Namaari is an awful cook (something Raya unfortunately discovers herself with one ill-fated meal), but she is fascinated by watching Raya conjure something up in the kitchen.
Gone are the days of living off jackfruit jerky; with so many fresh and interesting ingredients at her disposal, and with the occasional reminders from Ba when she is unsure about something, Raya makes a whole array of different foods over the months.
It’s one of the best ways of getting Namaari to relax, Raya finds. Every mealtime when Raya is behind the pot, Namaari will abandon whatever work she is doing, and will sit and watch Raya finish making the dishes. They’ll always eat it together, and for a short while, Raya can feel the stress lift free from Namaari as she laughs over Raya’s words and enjoys good food.
The first gift Namaari ever gave Raya has almost become a symbol for their entire complicated history. It represents new friendship, betrayal, and after so many years…forgiveness and a fresh start.
Namaari gives it back to her not long after the return of Kumandra, before she can second-guess herself.
‘It was a gift,’ she says, half-expecting it to be thrown back in her face. But Raya runs her finger gently over the surface of the dragon pendant, and then sends her a small smile. The next day, Namaari sees it hanging around her neck once more.
Once they start dating properly, Namaari can’t get it out of her mind how much the gift seemed to mean to Raya, both times.
‘She still doesn’t have that many personal belongings,’ Namaari informs Sisu, as an explanation as to why she was forcing the dragon to accompany her around endless market stalls in Talon, looking for the perfect gift for Raya. ‘I figure it’s because she was on the move so much in life, she couldn’t carry a lot.’
Sisu makes an ‘mmm’ sound, clearly not buying her reasoning completely, but allows the topic to drop when she’s distracted by shiny objects at the next stall.
Namaari finds a small knife that can be strapped to a wrist and slipped up the sleeve. She knows how much Raya prefers to be carrying at least one weapon with her at all times, and this would be perfect for diplomatic meetings – subtle, and easy to hide. And indeed, Raya wears it continuously after receiving it as a gift.
On another visit to another market, this time in Spine, Namaari spies a comb with a beautifully carved handle.
‘For your hair,’ she says in an attempt to be casual, thrusting it awkwardly in Raya’s direction that evening. Raya loves it, and it is indeed used every night before bed to comb out her braids.
Every time Namaari has to travel on diplomatic missions, she now ensures that she brings back something small for Raya.
‘I love the gifts,’ Raya tells her one day. ‘But I love even more how it shows you’re thinking of me when you’re away.’
One evening, as they are getting ready for bed, a small golden ring drops out of Namaari’s pocket by mistake.
‘Is…is that my old hair band?’ Raya asks, peering over the side of the bed as Namaari scoops it up in a hurry. ‘I thought I’d lost that years ago.’
‘I found it,’ Namaari says defensively, clutching it tight in her fist. ‘I guess…I never asked you if you wanted it back?’
Raya shakes her head with a smile, but the following evening, she steps up behind Namaari, sliding her hand into her pocket. Namaari watches as she pulls out the hair band and threads it onto a small gold chain.
From then on, they both wear a gift from the other around their necks.
Physical touch
Sometimes, everything can become overwhelming, the past traumas so great that it seems suffocating. And in that darkness, sometimes the gentle touch of another is the only thing keeping the world grounded.
Raya goes six long years without receiving a hug. At the time, she doesn’t see it as a big deal – she’s grown up fast, and learnt that the world isn’t the welcoming place her father once hoped it could be. Even moreso, her Ba was the last one to hug her, and she doesn’t mind keeping it that way.
Now though, she finds comfort in the small touches. It’s in the featherlight way Namaari’s nose brushes against her neck as they curl up together in bed, waiting for the morning sun to rise. It’s in the gentle trail of Namaari’s fingers across her back, as they stand talking to others, and Namaari absentmindedly reaches out for her. It’s in the soft kiss against her temple, when Namaari has to go back to work after lunch.
Occasionally, she will need to be encompassed by that comfort, and in this moment, she will go and find Namaari, stepping closer until her forehead rests on her shoulder. No matter what she was previously doing, Namaari will pause everything, wrapping her arms tightly around Raya, and they stand there until Raya can feel as if she can breathe again.
Namaari has a habit of falling too far into her own mind sometimes. She is an outwardly composed and pragmatic individual, but internally, all sorts of doubts and guilt still plague her, and there are days where she can’t shake off the feeling that she isn’t doing enough in her life to atone for her past, or that she is a fraud who has no right in stepping up and trying to lead her people when her previous actions cost them so much.
It’s difficult for her to ask for help in these moments. Raya learns instead to notice the signs of a bad day, or whenever Namaari gets trapped into a downwards spiral, and she will take Namaari by the hands and sit them somewhere quiet.
There they can actually talk, and sometimes Namaari feels comfortable enough to share her fears. But the most important thing, Raya finds, is to slide an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in tight and peppering her cheek and bare shoulder with small kisses.
Raya refuses to let her go until she sees at least one small smile.
Quality time
In the early days of the relationship, there is still so much separation between the two of them. Raya is in Heart, helping her Ba welcome back everyone to their lands, fixing up the buildings, ensuring the harvest gets started…There are so many jobs to do, and Raya knows Namaari is undergoing the same issues back in Fang, coupled with an expansion of their kingdom.
On top of all of this, there are endless council meetings and diplomatic missions, so if it isn’t Namaari being busy with politics, it is Raya, much to her annoyance.
Whenever they do get to spend time together, they ensure no minute is wasted. They have meals together, and spar together, and find all sorts of random ways to entertain themselves. Namaari loves to go out in the evenings and watch the night sky, attempting to teach the constellations to Raya; but Raya decides that these constellations are ridiculous, and so they create their own. Raya meanwhile loves to go for hikes in the woods, dragging Namaari along to discover new plants and wildlife, and occasionally climbing the trees.
They both love to sit in bed next to each other, quietly reading their books, or discussing their day. Sometimes, Raya will lie sideways on the bed, her stomach across Namaari’s legs and her arms hanging over the edge, so she can carve pieces of wood into intricate shapes, with Namaari reads out loud for the both of them.
Even after several years, and living together permanently, Raya finds herself reflecting on the fact that she never gets bored as long as she’s with Namaari.
They are currently lying in a field somewhere in the depths of Heart land, enjoying the sun shining onto their faces and the grass tickling their skin. She lazily wiggles her hand until it makes contact with Namaari.
‘Dep la?’ Raya whispers, and Namaari grunts in response. ‘You don’t get bored with me, right?’
Namaari merely shuffles closer without even opening an eye, resting her cheek against Raya’s shoulder.
‘Don’t be stupid,’ she mumbles, and she’s curled up so close that Raya can feel the vibrations of her voice on her skin.
‘Didn’t think so,’ Raya says in satisfaction. They continue to enjoy the peace.
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moon-spirit-yue · 3 years
More protective Tong because I love him. Oblivious Raya headcanon series:
Namaari, seeing Raya: hey dep la! What are you up to?
Raya, smiling at her: oh I’m just going to get some food. Wanna come with?
Namaari, internally: oh hell yeah alone time with the love of my life
Namaari externally: sure I guess. It’s not like I have anything else better to do
Raya: great! Let’s go!
Namaari, whistling nervously: hey Raya, I’ve got something to ask you
Raya, smiling at her: sure! What’s up?
Namaari: well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a da-
Tong, materializing out of nowhere: RAYA! NAMAARI! MY COMRADES!
Raya, surprised but happy: oh hey Tong! I didn’t know you were in the area
Tong, smiling fondly at her: yeah me neither! I need to talk to Namaari really quickly, give us a minute
Raya, confused: oh alright I’ll meet you at the restaurant
Namaari, also confused but going with it: see you then dep la. So Tong, what did you need to talk to me about?
Tong, dropping the happy act: now I want you to know what I’m about to say is not coming from a place of hatred towards you for what happened with a Druun. For the most part it was completely out of your control
Namaari, now scared as hell: uh okay?
Tong: excellent! Now I must say *glares at Namaari while crossing his arms* if you want to date Raya you’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that
Namaari, gaping at him: I…how did you know?!
Tong, scowling at her: excuse me miss girl I’ve emotionally adopted Noi, Boun, and Raya. I’m literally part of their family dinners now. Boun and Noi aren’t old enough to date yet so I need to focus on Raya
Namaari, trying her best to deal with this: uhhh alright but why isn’t Benja threatening me?
Tong, shrugging: Benja is much too passive to do what needs to be done. He’s all “I’m happy if my dewdrop is happy” but I know better! I know how you horrid people trying to date Raya think!
Namaari: I don’t even know what to say to this right now
Tong, squinting his eyes at her: watch your back, binturi. Watch your muscular, princess back. I’ve got my eye on you. If I catch you pulling moves on my child that isn’t actually my child, you’ll wish the Druun kept you as stone
Namaari, sweating nervously as he walks away: so apparently getting a girlfriend is way harder than I anticipated-
Taglist: @faithfulwarrior-og @isitbussinjanelle @tigerlillyruiz @ratld-sideblog @anywhere-but-here-plz
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moon-spirit-yue · 3 years
After one of my recent posts I decided I wanted to do more protective Benja. I feel like he low key hates the idea of Raya dating after he was returned from stone. I mean first of all he’s a dad, second of all he missed six years of his kid’s life he will be damned if he misses anymore. So Benja just wants to spend as much time with Raya as possible which she loves. Oblivious Raya headcanon series and overprotective Benja:
Namaari, about to ask Raya out: so I was thinking maybe we could go to dinner sometime? 
Raya: Oh sure!
Benja, materializing out of nowhere: that sounds fun! I can make some of my famous stew!
Raya, with stars in her eyes: really!? I haven’t had the stuff in forever I’d love some! 
Benja, smiling at her warmly: I’m glad you’re so excited for it! I’ll start making it right away! That way we can have dinner! All t h r e e of us
Raya, nodding happily: sounds good Ba! I’m gonna wash up first, see you two at dinner!
Namaaari, after Raya left: you purposefully interjected there, didn’t you?
Benja, smiling serenely: oh absolutely. I’m going to be spending as much time with my dewdrop as I can, I hope you don’t mind
Namaari, gritting her teeth: not at all sir, not at all
Benja: excellent! Well I’m off to prepare dinner
Namaari:.....it is SO on old man
Taglist: @faithfulwarrior-og, @isitbussinjanelle, @tigerlillyruiz
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Sparring and girlfriends
Chapter 3 of Raya and her brother oneshots. 
Sparring and girlfriends
“I swear, your brother hates me, Raya”  
“My brother does not hate you Namaari. You know how he is, he can be a bit hard to read”
“No, I’m sure he hates me”
Raya rolled her eyes as Namaari listed on about how Quan hated her. “’Maari, I think you need sleep” she excused. Namaari rolled her eyes. “No, Raya-”
“I’m not hearing any of this” Raya walked out the kitchen as Namaari sighed. No, she knew Quan had it out for her since they became Kumandra again. It began when her and Raya were starting to become friends again. Whenever she would hug the princess or even give her a kiss on her cheek, her older brother’s eyes were fixated on her, almost as if he was planning his revenge.  
Even when she wasn’t around Raya and was just in Heart in general, he would send a few glares her way. And when they started dating, it got worse. He would purposely hide her things or when he and Raya were sparring and Namaari wasn’t far from them, he would ‘accidently’ throw his spear at her, barely missing by a hair. “Sorry, Namaari. Didn’t see you there” he would say almost mockingly.  
She knew he hated her. No, DESPISED her. She knew it. But every time she would bring it up, Raya would roll her eyes. “You’re just being dramatic” she says.  
Namaari walked out the kitchen to find Raya when she almost ran into someone. “Sorry, I-” it was him. Quan looked at Namaari with irritation before turning into the kitchen, making sure to shoulder bump her as he did.  
She took a deep breath before going into the kitchen where the prince was. “Why do you hate me?” She demanded. Quan was pouring himself some soup when he heard her.  
“I don’t” he answered simply. Namaari scoffed. “Yeah, okay that’s why you’re always giving me glares right? Or always making sure you make my visits miserable?” She asked irritated.  
She knew Quan was losing his patience. “Fine.” He placed the bowl down and Namaari’s heart skipped a beat in nervousness. What was he going to do? Hit her? Fight her? What?  
“The reason I don’t like you is because of what you did. Yes, I know everyone has forgiven Fang, but I’m having a hard time. Especially because you hurt my little sister in the process of breaking the dragon gem”
Namaari stayed quiet as Quan explained. “And now, not only are you back here, but your dating my sister now. So now, it’s twice the paranoia” he said. Namaari scowled. “What, you don’t trust me?” She asked. Quan glared. “No, not at all. I don’t trust you with Kumandra, and I don’t trust you with my sister. Now that you’re dating her, now I gotta keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t hurt her. Because if you do, so help me Namaari, I will make sure you wish you were never born” he growled the last part before walking out the kitchen, leaving a shocked Namaari.  
“He threatened me! Can you believe it? And when I told Raya, she got mad and walked away and hasn’t spoke to me all day. What do I do now?” Namaari ranted as she paced back in forth in the Heart guest room. Her Serlot Mai was lying on the floor in front of the large bed as her rider ranted,  
“I need to do something”
“Do what?”  
Namaari yelped when she heard a voice appear behind her and noticed Sisu. “Sisu” she greeted as she bowed. The dragon laughed. “No need for that. I just wanted to see what was going on. Who are you talking to anyway?” She asked.  
Namaari glanced at her cat. “My...cat” she answered. Sisu nodded. “Okay, so what’s going on?” She asked. Namaari sighed. “Quan hates me” she revealed. She expected a shocked reaction from the dragon but instead she shrugged. “Yeah, everyone knows that” she said.  
Namaari’s eyes widened. “What?” She asked. “Namaari. Everyone knows that he isn’t a big fan of you. But the thing is, I’ll help you” she offered. Namaari raised an eyebrow. “How?” She asked.  
“Look, the thing is, you don’t need Quan to like you, but you need him to respect you” she explained. Namaari nodded in interest. “So, challenge him for Raya’s hand” she said. Namaari’s eyes widened. “What? B-but we’ve only been dating for a year”
“And he’ll be hating you for more. So, do it. Challenge him and make him respect you, and boom.” She explained. Namaari thought for a moment. This was a good way to ask Raya, and to have Quan’s respect. “Okay, let’s do it”
Quan fell to his back with an “oof” before a foot set lightly on his chest. “Too short, eh?” Raya stood above him as she pointed her sword to his chin. The older sibling chuckled before he pushed the blade with a gloved finger.  
“Touche, Ray” Raya removed her foot before leaning down and helping the taller up. Raya groaned as he ruffled her hair. “Stop! It took so long to get this look” she complained. “Oh shut up” he laughed.  
“Quan!” Both siblings looked up to see Namaari standing in the middle of the training grounds. Raya raised a brow. “’Maari? What are you doing here?” She asked.  
Namaari swallowed a lump in her throat. “I-I came to see your brother” she answered. “What? Why?” She asked. Namaari drew her swords. “Quan! I challenge you to Raya’s hand!” She yelled. Gasps of bystanders rose.  
Quan glared at the Fang princess. He felt a tug on his arm and looked to see Raya. “Don’t” she pleaded. He shook his head. “I have to” he took a few steps toward the princess. “So be it” he answered. Namaari felt her arms shake in nervousness when she realized everyone’s eyes were on them.  
Soon, they both ran at each other, their swords clashing and creating a spark as they did. Namaari twirled and knocked the prince off his feet and he landed on his behind before looking up at the girl in irritation. Namaari kept herself from flinching as he stood up again, and their swords clashed before she went at him but he jumped and flipped over her, and landing behind her. Gasps lit up at the action.  
Namaari felt sweat on her brow as they fought. She could feel his anger and hatred toward her through their fighting, his blows getting stronger while hers got sloppier by the minute. She dodged a blow before getting up and try to swing at him with one of her swords, but he caught her wrist and snatched the sword out of her hand and kicking her in the chest, making her fall on the ground.  
She landed on her back as the prince of Heart hovered over her. “Give up princess Namaari” he practically spat. He raised his sword when another knocked it out his hand. Both prince and princess looked over to see who had done it and saw Raya holding her father’s sword as a look of shock and anger, along with some sadness painted her features.  
“That’s enough! What is wrong with both of you?!” She demanded, her breathing getting ragged and heavy from emotion. Quan looked at his sister in shock before glancing at the Fang princess. “I just want you guys to at least tolerate each other. Is that so much to ask for? W-why can’t we have a nice dinner without you trying to rip out her throat and you trying to fight my brother?” She asked them both. She then put her sword back in its holder.  
“Talk to me when you’re mature” she finished before she walked out the training grounds, leaving both lover and brother behind.  
Namaari sat on the balcony of the palace as the sun set. She replayed the scene in her mind. Her and Quan fighting, and Raya stopping them before storming out the training area. She leaned against it as thoughts raced her mind.  
“Hi” she turned to see Quan standing next to her. Namaari glanced over. “Hi” she answered. Quan sighed. “I’m sorry” he apologized. Namaari looked over in surprise. “W-what?” She asked.  
Quan chewed his bottom lip before repeating it. “I said, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for always glaring at you, and sending you threats. It's just...” he trailed off before he continued with a deep breath.  
“Raya’s my baby sister, and after the Druun hit and we were alone for 6 years, I made it my job to protect her. Especially when you were chasing after us when she stole the Fang scroll” he explained and Namaari listened. “After everything, even though I know she’s 18 and grown, I can’t help but see the little 12-year-old that was always with me growing up. And now that you guys are serious, I know you guys might take the next step and... get married. And I know it’s supposed to be a dad thing, to get worried about their daughter, but I'm making it an older brother thing now. I love Raya, she’s my sister and I only want to protect her” he paused. “But I also want her to be happy. And if being with you, makes her happy, then so be it. You have my blessing to marry her” he finished. Namaari’s eyes widened. “Wow...thank you, I honestly thought you would fight me until the death” she chuckled. He let out a small laugh.  
“Hmph. I would, but I don’t think my sister would be happy with me killing her girlfriend” he joked. Namaari laughed. He stuck out a hand. “Friends?” He asked. Namaari smiled before shaking his hand. “Friends” she said. “Also, my statement still stands. If you hurt my sister, I’ll send Tuk Tuk after you” Namaari giggled. “Okay, I’ll remember. But we should probably talk to Raya” she suggested.  
“Are you guys done?” Raya asked while reading a book. Namaari and Quan stopped walking in shock. They found Raya at the royal library when they went to look for her. They were walking towards her, when she had spoken up. “Uh, well yeah. We’re done fighting each other. We realized that your feelings also matter and we’ll do our best to at least tolerate each other” Quan explained. Raya placed the book down and looked at the two. “You better” she said before getting up and pulling both warriors down for a hug.  
“I love you guys” Raya whispered.  
“We love you too”
“Quan stop glaring at Namaari”
“I’m trying!”
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