#Naomi (Nao-chan)
poorlydrawnmoriocs · 23 days
Kunio???? What the hell happened????
"I... Don't..."
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Kunio's eyes flutter open. Where...?
"Wah- Kuni-chan, you're awake!"
Nao...? No, that's not Naomi, why is she... Who is that? A doctor? But she sounds too young... What's going on? Where's Aizomi-sensei...?
"The inside of your head was really fascinating, but I've been dying to actually talk to you! Heehee! I was so excited when Ai-neesan brought you in!"
"Don't worry, I put you all back together again afterwards. There won't even be a scar! Maybe don't try to get up just yet, though."
What? WHAT?
He can't get up. He's restrained. What's happening.
"Awh, I told you not to. You'll hurt yourself!"
The girl puts down her... Drill... Thing? and approaches Kunio's chair.
"I need you to stay there for a bit since we're not done for today, but don't panic, okay? I'm just checking out your cute lil' psychic nubbies. I'm so curious how your telepathy works!"
She pokes one of them, and Kunio flinches. How does she know he-
-She pokes one of them...?
"Sorry about your pretty hair, by the way. It was getting in the way. But I'll put it back before we send you home, promise!"
What????? Did she seriously, actually open his fucking head????
He feels dizzy.
"Wah-! Noooo, don't faint!!! Kuni-chaaaan, I need you to be awake right nooooow!!!!!!!!"
"I don't want to talk about it."
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vaproductions · 1 year
May Writing Challenge Day 2
This one is based on Ouran High School Host Club, and related to yesterday's. This one feels a little cringy to me, but I just wrote it anyway, because cringe is dead and all that.
I became aware of the presence of other people in my room far too slowly in my opinion. I could hear their chattering first, the three boys that had proved themselves to be demons in my own personal hell cooing at both me and how "cutesy" my room was. Actually it might have been Honey who was exclaiming about that.
I sighed as I opened my eyes, looking at the boys who were now crouched by the side of my bed, "What the fuck are you guys doing here?"
Well, that was what I tried to say, it came out more like, "Whathefuck’reyahguysdoin’ere?"
"Naomi," Tamaki wailed at once, apparently understanding my sleep slurred speech, "don’t talk like that to Daddy! It isn’t appropriate for a lady such as yourself to use such foul language!"
It took a moment for his words to register, but I simply turned around once they did, burying my head into my pillow, bringing my blanket closer to my chin, and closing my eyes again.
"Mommy!!!" Tamaki wailed louder than before. I could also practically hear the tears that were now flowing down his face as fast as a salty river, "Our little girl is ignoring me!!!"
It took a moment for Kyoya to respond, presumably snooping for any speck of dirt he could get on me, "How many times have I told you not to call me that?"
"But Mama!" Tamaki yelled, before turning his attention back to me, "Naomi, you have to get up, we have to go and check on your darling sister! I had the most dreadful dream about Haruhi last night, living in poverty and serving us tea out of cracked, mismatched mugs," I could tell he was posing without turning to look at him, "We have to go and save her, I can’t spend a single second more thinking of my little girl living like that!!"
I turned with another sigh, rolling myself further in my blanket like a burrito, "Haruhi doesn’t live in poverty, she’s middle class. and she doesn’t serve guests with cracked mugs, just who do you take her for?"
The idiot trio seemed to hone in on that, if how fast their heads turned to look at me was any indication, "Say, how do you know that?" Karou questioned.
"Yeah, it’s not like you’ve been to Haruhi’s house, have you?" Hikaru added.
"Wrong," I stuck my tongue out at them, "She likes me a lot more than you losers, I’ve been to her house plenty of times."
"You two have been having play dates without Daddy!?!"
"Nao-chan, I’m not a loser, am I?"
Tamaki and Honey both yelled at the same time, Honey finally being pulled away from the small pile of stuffies I had stacked on an armchair in the corner of my room. I sent him a smile, completely ignoring Tamaki, "Nah, you and Mori are safe, Kyoya is stuck on the line between, but the rest of you are just straight up losers."
In the next moment Tamaki had situated himself in the corner of the room, bringing the vibes down, as Kyoya adjusted his glasses, causing a glare to distort the lenses. Honey cheered with a bright smile, and Mori gave me a thumbs up.
The twins advanced on my bed, grabbing at the blanket I was still wrapped up in, "How would you know anyway?" they spoke in unison, "Besides it doesn’t matter what you or Haruhi thinks, you’re our toys."
"I refuse to claim that title," I told them calmly, shifting my gaze to theirs. "and you guys don’t want to do that."
"Oh yeah?" they questioned, tugging slightly at the blanket, making it shift downwards a minuscule amount.
"Yeah," they shared a glance and I shrugged at them, seeing Mori tense from his spot behind Honey, "Don’t say I didn’t warn you."
"You’re bluffing," they said before yanking the blanket away. At the same time I threw my extra pillow at the two, managing to hit the both of them since they were standing both so close to each other and to me. The rest of the boys had turned away, Mori already half way to the twins before he jerked to a stop to turn away.
"Relax, I’ve got clothes on," I pulled at the hem of my shorts, straightening it out from where it had bunched up to my upper thigh.
I starfished out on my bed with another sigh as the boys slowly turned back to face me. Honey was peeking between the fingers he had slapped onto his face; Tamaki’s face was still shoved into Kyoya’s side, and the back of his neck and ears were beet red; Mori was standing menacingly behind the twins as they stared down at me sheepishly. The alarm I had set on my phone last night went off, letting me know that it was now 9 am.
"Let me get ready, I’m supposed to meet up with Haruhi today," Tamaki made a sound like he was dying, but everyone ignored him, "I’m not supposed to go until this afternoon, but I suppose it’s alright if we leave early."
Mori was the first to leave, dragging the twins out by their shirt collars, Kyoya and Tamaki following right behind, Tamaki crawling out on his hands and knees after being pushed away by Kyoya. Honey hesitated and I sent him a smile.
"What’s up?"
"Can you introduce me to your stuffies before we leave, Nao-chan?" Honey asked, wringing his hands together for a moment.
I looked at the pile and gave him a nod, "Yeah, I think they’d enjoy that."
"Ya think so?"
"Of course, as long as you introduce them to Usa-chan, it’s been a long time since some of them have met any new stuffed animals."
He gave me a brilliant smile before skipping to the door and closing it behind him.
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ariadnasdiary · 6 months
¿Ari, viste el nuevo look de Kino en el nuevo arte oficial? En lo personal, creo que ese peinado no le queda 😆. Y, ¿cómo te la pasaste en Halloween? ¿De qué te disfrazaste? 👀
Translation: Ari, did you see Kino's new look in the official art? Personally, I think that hairstyle doesn't suit him. And: how was Halloween? From what you dress yourself as?
Mun Ari: Many days later and latee of course... I'm sorry anon-chan :(
Ariadna: *nervous laugh*
Naomi: *holding back her laugh*
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Ariadna: W-Well… I… eh… A-About that…
*A loud door shuts in the distance*
Naomi: *laughs*
Ariadna: Nao! Don't laugh!
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Naomi: omg! what an amazing question!! *laughs*
Ariadna: *sighs* Well, anon-chan… the truth is that… I didn't r-recognized him when I first saw him…
Ariadna: I'm very used to his usual hair, so he went for a change and it me caught off guard that's all!
Naomi: Y-You should have seen it anon!! He was so offended! He started telling Ari she had betray him! 'How is it possible not to recognize me!?' When he does EXACTLY the same whenever Ari tries something different! He had a taste from his own medicine! *laughs*
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Ariadna: H-He didn't look THAT BAD! He was just… different. It did took me some time to process it… but once I got used to I did find him appealing!
Naomi: She had to resort to the power of love to find him handsome… love sure makes one go blind~
Ariadna: Nao! He looked nice, but if I'm asked: I prefer his usual hair. I love how fluffy and soft it is… it suits him better *blushes*
Naomi: She had to make up for it and that jerky received lots of pampering from Ari the rest of the day though… Ari is very permissive with him *sighs*
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Ariadna: Now… about Halloween: I dressed up as Christine from the Phantom of the Opera! I went for something simple! Kino dressed with me as Erik so we matched~
Ariadna: We all went together to the Makai and enjoyed the festivities there! I ate lots of yummy foods and then went back home. I was very tired from walking non stop and eating *giggles*. But I had lots of fun!!
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Mun Ari: Since finding this picrew game, I'm very much in love with how Naomi looks! I think I'll stay with this appeareance for her! She looks gourgeous! And yes: I'll change her eye color from hazel to grey, because I'm exhausted for never finding hazel color in any game! So, she will now have grey eyes! [I'll change her info later!]. Anyway! Thank you for the ask anon!!
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auriannamadyantara · 2 years
Renjana sang Puan menitik Tirta Amarta —
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️️ ️️ ️️️️️️⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Donika Yasa
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Dibalik panggung peragaan busana yang dilaksanakan oleh panitia Jakarta Fashion Week, berkumpul banyak model-model dari seluruh Indonesia yang sedang bersiap-siap untuk pameran adibusana milik seorang designer ternama Indonesia, Barli Asmara. Sampai ia dibalik panggung peragaan busana malam itu, terlihat sesak dengan banyaknya model yang sedang dirias, menunggu giliran, dan yang sedang beristirahat.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Salah satu dari sekian banyak model disitu adalah Donika Yasa, puan dengan paras elok yang tajam mengintimidasi namun sangat indah dan cantik seperti rembulan dimalam hari. Seorang model yang ia kenal melalui ajang peragaan busana yang sama dengan yang Aurianna hadiri sekarang, sudah hampir 3 tahun ia mengenalnya. Tak terasa waktu begitu cepat berlalu.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Kak Auriii!!! Aku rindu sekali rasanya! Kakak terlalu sibuk sampai melupakan adiknya yang cantik ini. Padahal adiknya yang satu ini juga butuh kasih sayang dari kakak Aurianna Madyantara. Jahat sekali," ucapnya dengan nada yang dibuat seakan sangat sedih setelah merasakan tepukan pelan pada pundak Donika dari belakang.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Aurianna hanya terkekeh melihat kelakuan Donika, terlalu terbiasa dengan kelakuan manjanya. Usapan pelan mendarat dipucuk kepala Donika, "Maaf, ya, adik cantik. Kakakmu ini terlalu sibuk untuk mencari uang, biar bisa membeli hadiah yang banyak untuk adiknya yang paling cantik ini."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Tawa pelan terdengar disekita mereka berdua, Donika tertawa dan memberikan sebuah pelukan hangat untuk Aurianna. Aurianna membalas pelukan itu dengan usapan pelan pada punggung Donika. Rasanya, Donika telah membangkitkan semangatnya lagi. Hari-hari yang awalnya terasa buruk akan membaik setelah bertemu Puan cantik ini, aura ceria yang terpancar disekitar Puan cantik Donika tak pernah kalah oleh sinar mentari. Ia memang selalu pandai dalam bermain dengan suasana tak tentu arah disekitarnya.
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️️ ️️ ️️️️️️⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Naomi Carissa
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Nao-chan, bagaimana sua panggilan seorang Auri terhadap adik kecil manis yang satu ini. Sangat manis, sangat menggemaskan, sangat lucu adalah pujian yang tak pernah hilang dari Aurianna untuk Naomi. Pipi yang terlihat berisi, pupil mata yang terlihat seperti boba, dan tubuh mungilnya membuat penampilan Naomi terlihat sangat menggemaskan dimata Aurianna.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Nao-chaaan! Kamu bertambah tinggi lagi? Lama-lama kamu akan mengalahkan tinggiku kalau begini," dengus Aurianna sembari duduk disamping Naomi yang sedang sibuk memilih cemilan apa yang akan ia santap kali ini. Namun, fokusnya teralihkan dengan sosok disampingnya, Naomi segera memeluk Aurianna erat seperti anak kucing yang telah lama ditinggal sang induk.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Naomi tidak bertambah tinggi ... kak Auri saja yang tidak tumbuh-tumbuh," ejek Naomi. Aurianna tergelak mendengar ucapan Naomi, mengusak pelan kepalanya dan mencubit pipi gemasnya. Sudah lama sejak Aurianna mengenal Naomi, kala itu, Aurianna sedang melakukan pemotretan dengan seorang anak kecil. Ia belum mengenalnya, namun anak kecil itu sangat pandai bergaya di depan kamera juga tak susah untuk diatur. Aurianna jatuh cinta dengannya, sejak saat itu lah, Aurianna mengenal Naomi Carissa. Seorang anak kecil menggemaskan yang telah menginjakkan kakinya di dunia permodelan diusia yang belia.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Tak sering memang Aurianna berjumpa dengan gadis gemas ini, namun rasanya Naomi telah memberikannya senyuman hangat disetiap pertemuannya dengan Naomi. Setiap kata yang diucapkan Naomi memberi rasa hangat untuk Aurianna, membantu Aurianna mendapatkan sebuah semangat baru secara percuma tanpa harus bersusah payah mengais semangat untuk dirinya sendiri.
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kura-tsuki · 3 years
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I'm made it!!! ≧∇≦♥♥♥≧∇≦♥♥♥≧∇≦♥♥♥ Happy Valentine's Day!!! Guys!!! Your girl Erin make friendship chocolate to you ~~~ @fifteenskies15 @itsmikatheghost @bingsu-chan @kaptainkoalaoshiz
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bongaboi · 3 years
ISML 2021: Nominations List
ISML 2021: Nominations List
Female Division
Rank Name Series Ballots
- Misaka Mikoto Toaru Series Auto
- Emilia Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Auto
- Iwanaga Kotoko Kyokō Suiri Auto
- Ichinose Chizuru (Mizuhara Chizuru) Kanojo, Okarishimasu Auto
- Shirogane Kei Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Elaina Majo no Tabitabi Auto
- Sakurajima Mai AoButa Auto
- Yuigahama Yui OreGairu Auto
- Tōsaka Rin Fate Series Auto
- Shiro No Game No Life Auto
- Isshiki Iroha OreGairu Auto
- Shokuhō Misaki Toaru Series Auto
- Fujiwara Chika Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Tokisaki Kurumi Date A Live Auto
- Hayasaka Ai Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Yūki Asuna Sword Art Online Auto
- Takanashi Rikka Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! Auto
- Shiina Mashiro Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo Auto
- Shinomiya Kaguya Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
1 Zero Two Darling in the FranXX 383
2 Tomori Nao Charlotte 148
3 Izumi Sagiri Eromanga Sensei 135
4 Isla Plastic Memories 123
5 Tachibana Kanade Angel Beats! 121
6 Nishimiya Shōko Koe no Katachi 120
7 Ichigo Darling in the FranXX 120
8 Miyamizu Mitsuha Kimi no Na wa 115
9 Saber Fate Series 111
10 Yuzaki Tsukasa Tonikaku Kawaii 109
11 Kochō Shinobu Kimetsu no Yaiba 102
12 Kasumigaoka Utaha Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 98
13 Kasugano Sora Yosuga no Sora 95
14 Miyazono Kaori Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 91
15 Kanna Kamui Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 90
16 Index L. Prohibitorum Toaru Series 89
17 Makise Kurisu Steins;Gate 85
18 Akiyama Mio K-ON! 84
19 Shirai Kuroko Toaru Series 83
20 Hirasawa Yui K-ON! 79
21 Kitashirakawa Tamako Tamako Market 78
22 Amano Hina Tenki no Ko 72
23 Sawamura Spencer Eriri Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 71
24 Kuriyama Mirai Kyōkai no Kanata 69
25 Schwi Dola No Game No Life 68
26 Furukawa Nagisa CLANNAD 68
27 Akame Akame ga Kill! 67
28 Aisaka Taiga Toradora! 66
29 Yoshino Date A Live 66
30 Aoyama Nanami Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo 66
31 Kaname Madoka Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica 65
32 Akemi Homura Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica 64
33 Horikita Suzune Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e 63
34 Ōmae Kumiko Hibike! Euphonium 61
35 Tōru Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 61
36 Kafū Chino Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka? 60
37 Sora Ginko Ryuō no Oshigoto! 59
38 Yatogami Tōka Date A Live 59
39 Nakano Azusa K-ON! 59
40 Ichigyō Ruri Hello World 58
41 Saten Ruiko Toaru Series 57
42 Doma Umaru Himōto! Umaru-chan 57
43 Megumin KonoSuba 54
44 Yuzuriha Inori Guilty Crown 54
45 Azusagawa Kaede AoButa 48
46 Makinohara Shōko AoButa 45
47 Yamauchi Sakura Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai 44
48 Chtholly Nota Seniorious SukaSuka 44
49 Kirisaki Chitoge Nisekoi 44
50 Hyūga Hinata NARUTO 44
51 Kōsaka Reina Hibike! Euphonium 44
52 Honma Meiko AnoHana 43
53 Illyasviel von Einzbern Fate Series 43
54 Hiiragi Shinoa Owari no Seraph 41
55 Kinomoto Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura 41
56 Takagi Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san 39
57 Matō Sakura Fate Series 38
58 Sakurasawa Sumi Kanojo, Okarishimasu 37
59 Sento Isuzu Amagi Brilliant Park 37
60 Sakura Chiyo Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun 36
61 Suzumiya Haruhi Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu 36
62 Tobiichi Origami Date A Live 36
63 Nibutani Shinka Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! 34
64 Rachel Gardner Satsuriku no Tenshi 33
65 Saya Majo no Tabitabi 33
66 Hoto Kokoa Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka? 33
67 Sarashina Ruka Kanojo, Okarishimasu 32
68 Futaba Rio AoButa 32
69 Nakamura Yuri Angel Beats! 31
70 Karuizawa Kei Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e 30
71 Kotobuki Tsumugi K-ON! 30
72 Kyaru Princess Connect! Re:Dive 29
73 Aqua KonoSuba 28
74 Nakano Yotsuba 5-tōbun no Hanayome 27
75 Misaki Mei Another 27
76 Dekomori Sanae Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! 27
77 Sōryū Asuka Langley Neon Genesis Evangelion 26
78 Krul Tepes Owari no Seraph 26
79 Nagato Yuki Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu 25
80 Honjō Kaede(Maple) BOFURI 24
81 Oshino Shinobu Monogatari Series 24
82 Alice Zuberg Sword Art Online 24
83 Beatrice Umineko no Naku Koro ni 24
84 Gasai Yuno Mirai Nikki 23
85 Uiharu Kazari Toaru Series 23
86 Jabami Yumeko Kakegurui 22
87 Gray Fate Series 22
88 Yue Arifureta Shokugyō de Sekai Saikyō 21
89 Shiba Miyuki Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei 21
90 Rias Gremory Highschool D×D 21
91 Ayanami Rei Neon Genesis Evangelion 21
92 Asada Shino Sword Art Online 21
93 Shichimiya Satone Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! 21
94 Furuhashi Fumino Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai 20
95 Tenma Gabriel White Gabriel Dropout 20
96 Iki Hiyori Noragami 20
97 Natsukawa Masuzu OreShura 20
98 Victorique de Blois GOSICK 20
99 C.C. Code Geass 19
100 Aragaki Ayase Ore no Imōto 19
101 Kokkoro Princess Connect! Re:Dive 19
102 Yūki Setsuna Love Live! NijiGaku 19
103 Holo Spice and Wolf 19
104 Sonozaki Noriko Kiznaiver 19
105 Raphtalia Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari 19
106 Kōsaka Kirino Ore no Imōto 19
Male Division
Rank Name Series Ballots
- Tachibana Taki Kimi no Na wa Auto
- Kanda Sorata Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo Auto
- Okazaki Tomoya CLANNAD Auto
- Satō Kazuma KonoSuba Auto
- Okabe Rintarō Steins;Gate Auto
- Saitama One-Punch Man Auto
- Totsuka Saika OreGairu Auto
- Archer Fate Series Auto
- Natsuki Subaru Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Auto
- Ayanokōji Kiyotaka Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e Auto
- Riku Dola No Game No Life Auto
- Togashi Yūta Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! Auto
- Ishigami Yū Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Kamijō Tōma Toaru Series Auto
- Azusagawa Sakuta AoButa Auto
- Gilgamesh Fate Series Auto
1 Hiro Darling in the FranXX 248
2 Kirigaya Kazuto Sword Art Online 86
3 Otosaka Yū Charlotte 76
4 Levi Shingeki no Kyojin 70
5 Yuzaki Nasa Tonikaku Kawaii 67
6 Kaneki Ken Tokyo Ghoul 67
7 Uchiha Itachi NARUTO 59
8 Otonashi Yuzuru Angel Beats! 51
9 Itadori Yūji Jujutsu Kaisen 50
10 Emiya Shirō Fate Series 50
11 Eren Yeager Shingeki no Kyojin 48
12 Ishigami Senkū Dr.STONE 44
13 Yato Noragami 43
14 Arima Kōsei Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 38
15 Takasu Ryūji Toradora! 38
16 Lelouch Lamperouge Code Geass 38
17 Hyakuya Mikaela Owari no Seraph 36
18 Itsuka Shidō Date A Live 36
19 Saiki Kusuo Saiki Kusuo no Ψ Nan 33
20 Ōma Shū Guilty Crown 33
21 Hyakuya Yūichirō Owari no Seraph 33
22 Morishima Hodaka Tenki no Ko 32
23 Ishida Shōya Koe no Katachi 32
24 Kūjō Jōtarō JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 32
25 Goro Darling in the FranXX 30
26 Isaac Foster Satsuriku no Tenshi 30
27 Kasugano Haruka Yosuga no Sora 30
28 Kuroba Kaito Detective Conan 30
29 Dazai Osamu Bungō Stray Dogs 28
30 Araragi Koyomi Monogatari Series 27
31 Katagaki Naomi Hello World 26
32 Sakata Gintoki Gintama 26
33 Uesugi Fūtarō 5-tōbun no Hanayome 25
34 Rengoku Kyōjurō Kimetsu no Yaiba 24
35 Ōji Mochizō Tamako Market 24
36 Fushiguro Megumi Jujutsu Kaisen 24
37 Shiota Nagisa Ansatsu Kyōshitsu 23
38 Uchiha Sasuke NARUTO 22
39 Tomioka Giyū Kimetsu no Yaiba 21
40 Fukube Satoshi Hyōka 21
41 Izumi Masamune Eromanga Sensei 20
42 Mizugaki Tsukasa Plastic Memories 20
43 Kanbara Akihito Kyōkai no Kanata 20
44 Waver Velvet Fate Series 20
45 Dio Brando JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 19
46 Ainz Ooal Gown Overlord 19
47 Kyon Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu 19
48 Iwatani Naofumi Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari 19
49 Kuzuryū Yaichi Ryuō no Oshigoto! 19
50 Yagami Light Death Note 18
51 Yugi Amane(Hanako-kun) Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun 18
52 Kurogane Ikki Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry 17
53 Kanie Seiya Amagi Brilliant Park 17
54 Son Goku Dragon Ball 17
55 Akasaka Ryūnosuke Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo 17
56 Ryūgūin Seiya Shinchō Yūsha: Kono Yūsha ga Ore TUEEE Kuse ni Shinchō Sugiru 16
57 Gilbert Bougainvillea Violet Evergarden 16
58 Sakamaki Izayoi Mondaiji 16
59 Uchiha Madara NARUTO 16
60 Narihisago Akihito Id:Invaded 15
61 Rudeus Greyrat Mushoku Tensei 15
62 Kinoshita Kazuya Kanojo, Okarishimasu 14
63 Aki Tomoya Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 14
64 Shinei Nouzen 86 -Eighty Six- 14
65 Inumaki Toge Jujutsu Kaisen 14
66 Emiya Kiritsugu Fate Series 14
67 Joseph Joestar JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 13
68 L Lawliet Death Note 13
69 Kurosaki Ichigo BLEACH 13
70 Shiba Tatsuya Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei 13
71 Bell Cranel DanMachi 13
72 Kageyama Shigeo Mob Psycho 100 13
73 Willem Kmetsch SukaSuka 13
74 Ryo Fu Hōsen Shūmatsu no Valkyrie 13
75 Akabane Karma Ansatsu Kyōshitsu 12
76 Hashibira Inosuke Kimetsu no Yaiba 12
77 Mochizuki Tōya Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. 12
78 Kaizaki Arata ReLIFE 12
79 Tatsumi Akame ga Kill! 12
80 Sakakibara Kōichi Another 12
81 Uchiha Obito NARUTO 12
82 Keyaru Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi 12
83 Hyōdō Issei Highschool D×D 11
84 Reigen Arataka Mob Psycho 100 11
85 Eugeo Sword Art Online 11
86 Ciel Phantomhive Kuroshitsuji 11
87 Edward Elric Fullmetal Alchemist 11
88 Glenn Radars Rokudenashi Majutsu Kōshi to Akashic Record 11
89 Ōsaka Sōgō Idolish7 11
90 Nishikata Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san 11
91 Anos Voldigoad Maō Gakuin no Futekigōsha 11
92 Asanaka Yomogi SSSS.DYNAZENON 11
93 Sano Manjirō Tokyo Revengers 10
94 Nagumo Hajime Arifureta Shokugyō de Sekai Saikyō 10
95 Tatsumi Kōtarō Zombieland Saga 10
96 Tomoe Kamisama Hajimemashita 10
97 Inuyasha InuYasha 10
98 Satoshi Pokémon 10
99 Nohara Shinnosuke Crayon Shin-chan 10
100 Sesshōmaru InuYasha 10
101 Erwin Smith Shingeki no Kyojin 10
102 Odokawa Hiroshi Odd Taxi 9
103 Yukihira Sōma Shokugeki no Sōma 9
104 Hinata Shōyō Haikyū!! 9
105 Yadomi Jinta AnoHana 9
106 Ikari Shinji Neon Genesis Evangelion 9
107 Nakahara Chūya Bungō Stray Dogs 9
108 Usui Takumi Kaichō wa Maid-sama! 9
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moonlightjinko-kun · 4 years
Merry Christmas everyone! Something small and done very quickly for @atsukyouweek day 3! 
Characters/ Pairing: Nakajima Atsushi and Izumi Kyouka // AtsuKyou
                                 Tanizaki Junichiro, Naomi
Prompts used: Mistletoes // Stuck in the airport 
Genre: Fluff, friendship 
Rating: General
Words: 1,200++
Summary: Due to a blizzard, both Nakajima Atsushi and Izumi Kyouka were stuck in the airport, unable to fly home. Atsushi extends his hand to Kyouka for friendship and ...?!
A/N 1: This is supposed to be a part of a special chapter for an upcoming AU I had in mind. The relevant parts to the prompts were used in this short short fic (preview?). Every relationship starts with a friendship, so yes I’m starting there with this fic. Enjoy!
 “Let’s start again, shall we? I’m Nakajima Atsushi.” He held out his right hand and waited.
Atsushi stood in front of her, hand outstretched, luggage resting by his side. Too tired from all the hiding for the past two hours, she sat down at a nearby bench. Not like there was anywhere else I could go, what with all the flights being grounded.
She looked into his eyes and saw the warmth in them. Images of yesterday’s events flashed through her mind, leaving her with a thin layer of embarrassment and a flushed cheek.
“Did you know that mistletoes are parasites?”
She turned at the voice. A man stood to her right, staring at the mistletoe on the tree. Alarm bells rang in her head as her gaze flickered up and down the man. The man was dressed in black, with his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Fear kicked in and she instinctively took a step back, away from him.
“Ah, sorry! Did I scare you? I thought… I thought you’d remember me… Izumi-san…”
Her eyes widened with fear at her name. She turned away from him and walked quickly.
“Ah, Izumi-san! Wait! Izu-“
The rest of his words were lost to her as she started to run. His words resonated in her mind as she threw the door to her apartment open. Shutting the door to the madness and fear outside, she slumped to the floor once within the safe confines of her apartment. She took in long and deep breaths and willed her heartbeat to slow.
“Kyouka-chan? Is that you?”
“Naomi-san… I’m home.” Kyouka slowly helped herself up and made her way towards the kitchen.
“Yes yes! Just in time too, Onii-chan’s gonna be here soon with his friend! Do you wanna shower first?”
“Naomi-san… the kitchen’s a mess.”
Naomi gave a sheepish grin in reply. Kyouka let out a small sigh and started washing the pots at the sink. “Kyouka-chan…? Ah Kyouka-chan, thank you!” Naomi picked up another sponge and started to wash the dishes. Kyouka reached out for Naomi’s hand, stopping her.
“Naomi-san, why don’t you set up the table first? I’ll finish up here.”
Naomi nodded and left Kyouka to it. The scrubbing and the steady stream of water helped to calm her down and take her mind off the incident just now. She had needed something to do, to distract her and she was thankful for the messy kitchen. He knew me was all she could think of, the fear of this knowledge was mounting in her, driving her heart to beat at a faster rate. No no, I have to stop. She scrubbed at the pot again, in a steady rhythm and aligned each breath with each scrub. The shrill ringing of the doorbell stopped her and drew her attention to the door.
“What to do, what to do? They’re so early oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my – Kyouka-chan!” Naomi shouted, panic frosting her voice. Kyouka washed her hands and came to Naomi’s side. “Kyouka-chan, the turkey in the oven! Can you get it?”
The ringing of the doorbell again sent Naomi into another panicked frenzy. “Naomi-san, why don’t you get changed? I’ll get the door and the turkey.” Naomi looked at Kyouka, wide-eyed with panic. Kyouka signalled Naomi to her room while moving to the door.
“Nao- ah, it’s you, Kyouka-chan! Naomi, I’m here!” Tanizaki looked around while taking his shoes off. Kyouka looked past Tanizaki, to the corridor. A puzzled expression crossed her face at the sight of the empty corridor. “Ah, Atsushi-kun would reach a little later.” Kyouka nodded and pulled the door shut behind Tanizaki.
“Naomi-san’s in her room.”
“Ah is it? Alright alright! Naomi, Naomi, I’m here!” Tanizaki shouted while running to her room.
Kyouka went back to the kitchen, and took the turkey out. She finished cleaning up the kitchen and setting up the table, before excusing herself to her room to change.
The doorbell rang for the third time. She heard the sound of the door opening and closing. Bright laughter drifted into her room. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and put on some makeup. Satisfied with a quick check in the mirror, she opened the door and walked into the living room. Her eyes widened with shock as she realised who Tanizaki’s friend was.
“Hello.” His voice was soft and soothing with a tinge of sweetness. A brilliant smile spread across his face as he looked at her with warmth in his eyes. With his sunglasses off, she could finally see his eyes. Purple and yellow. Senpai.
“Um… erm… hi,” Kyouka stammered awkwardly, a flush of heat spreading up her face.
“Ah, just now in the park… um … I’m sorry about –“
Kyouka shook her head hurriedly, stopping Atsushi. She quickly mumbled an excuse and ducked back into her room. Her heart was thudding faster out of shock. Her face was hot to the touch with embarrassment and a tinge of pink was spreading on her cheeks. With a closer look at him, she realised now who he was. Old memories flooded her mind. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she remembered those happy times. It’s been so long, she’d almost forgotten them.
A soft knock on her door jolted her. “Kyouka-chan, is everything okay?”
“Fine, Naomi-san! I’m coming out soon.” Kyouka pushed those memories to the back of her mind again and took in deep breaths of air. Her breathing settled into regularity and her heart slowed to its usual rate. She opened the door and went to the dining room, where they sat waiting at the table for her to begin the feast.
“Izumi-san?” Atsushi’s voice brought her back to her senses. Her lips turned up in a slight smile.
She looked up at the mistletoe decoration hanging above them – the bright red berry, a striking contrast to the darker green of the leaves. Parasites were what he had called them yesterday. Dependent and deadly, yet also a symbol of everlasting love. Much like any relationship between people. She looked back at him, at the smile he had on his face and at his outstretched hand.
She took it. “Izumi Kyouka. Nice to meet you.”
“And there, let’s forget about everything from yesterday and… maybe, also maybe elementary school?”
A small chuckle escaped her at his words as she shook her head. I’m never forgetting that.
“Coffee while we wait?” She nodded and they set off through the milling crowd in the airport. It’s been two hours since all flights have been grounded due to the blizzard. The crowd of stranded passengers in the airport was growing as time stretched. Tension and anxiety was thick in the air as people fretted that they would not be able to reach home in time for Christmas. Less than 5 hours to Christmas, yet it didn’t seem like there would be any flights available anytime soon.
A melodious voice drifted towards them from ahead. The beautiful voices of a choir carolling filled the air in the airport. Some stopped in their rush and joined in the chorus, encouraging others to as well. The festive cheers were being spread from one person to the next. The joy hung in the air, and with each carol, it lifted the spirits of the stranded passengers. Looking at Atsushi who was singing to ‘Deck the Halls’, she was glad that she had stopped avoiding him. His face was suffused with joy as he sang. Leaving behind the loneliness, she joined in the chorus, thankful that there was someone who would be with her for Christmas, even if they were unable to get onto a flight.
A/N 2: Thank you for reading to the end! Hope you enjoyed it! As always, comments, likes and shares are very much appreciated. ^^ 
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Hanabi-chan wa Okuregachi Pachislot Girl TV Anime Announces Its July 2022 Premiere Date
    Along with a key visual introducing its eight main characters, the official website for the forthcoming TV anime adaptation of Ranpu Shirogane (story) and Mamimu's (arts) comedy manga Hanabi-chan wa Okuregachi (Hanabi Tends to Fall Behind) announced today that it is set to start airing and streaming in July 2022. The anime adaptation project was revealed back in August 2021.
  Based on the original idea created by Japanese pachinko/pachislot manufacturer Universal Entertainment, the four-panel manga featuring pachislot machines that take bishoujo form has been serialized in HERO's' Comiplex website since November 2019. Its story centers on the famous pachislot machines that have made the pachinko and pachislot machine industry so popular - Hanabi, Versus, and Thunder V-, who are now working at the pachinko hall "God Heaven" in downtown Tokyo.
    Key visual:
    ????アニメ最新情報???? アニメ「ハナビちゃんは遅れがち」公式HPがオープンしました????キービジュアルも初公開 今後のアニメ情報はこちらの公式HPにて随時公開していきます????https://t.co/ekL3uyGKJt 要チェックです????????#ハナビちゃん #ハナビちゃんは遅れがち pic.twitter.com/R2dRqBRVto
— 『ハナビちゃんは遅れがち』公式/アニメ2022年7月放送・配信予定 (@hnb_off) April 7, 2022
    Main staff:
  Director/Series Composition/Screenplay: Hiromitsu Kanazawa (Seitokai Yakuindomo, K)
Character Design / Chief Animation Director: Mami Sodeyama
Art Director: Sho Ikeuchi
Color designer: Chie Yoshimura
Director of Photography/Editor: Takao Sato
Sound Director: Ryo Tanaka
Music: Tsukasa Yatoki
Music Production: Arte Refact
Animation Production: GAINA
Advertising and music produced by AOI Pro.
Copyright/Production: Downtown God Heaven Alumni Association
    Main vocie cast:
  Ariake Hanabi Hana: Azumi Waki
Takanawa Versus Ikusa: Sumire Uesaka
Nihonbashi Thunder Rai: M・A・O
Horie Tacoslot Sumi: Nao Toyama
Higashizakura Mogumogu Cho: Naomi Ozora
Isogami Condor Tsubasa: Yoshino Nanjo
Shinonome Musashi: Fumiya Imai
Kumazawa/Narrator: Toshiki Masuda
Ikkakukun: Mari Hino
Kojiro: Emiri Kato
    Source: TV anime "Hanabi-chan wa Okuregachi" official website / Twitter 
  © Ranpu Shirogane, Maminu/HERO'S © UNIVERSAL ENTERTATINMENT?Shitamachi God Heaven OB-kai
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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englishvisualnovels · 6 years
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Discover the Truth in a Mysterious Game — Fatal Twelve Launches on Steam
Developers: aiueoKompany & Sekai Project Publisher: Sekai Project Release Date: March 30, 2018 Platform: Windows, Mac, & Linux Age Rating: All-Ages Price: $19.99
Suspense story Fatal Twelve is now on sale on Steam. 
A free demo is available for download through the Fatal Twelve website and on Steam.
Relevant Links:
Where to Buy (Digital): Steam
Official Site (Demo available)
Rinka Shishimai was a high schooler who ran a small café named Lion House in place of her grandmother. She lived her life much like any other person her age, but one day, she was caught up in an explosion while returning home on the train alongside her friend, Naomi Hitsuji. In an attempt to save her friend’s life, she shields her on instinct the moment the explosion goes off, losing her life in the process. However, before she knew it, she was back at Lion House, happily chatting with her friends as if nothing had happened in the first place.
“Good evening, my lovely little slaves to fate.”
A few days later, she found herself in a strange world. Here she met Parca, an odd girl claiming to be a goddess. It turns out that she had somehow become a participant in Divine Selection, a ritual carried out over twelve weeks by twelve people, which allowed them to compete in order to undo their deaths. Yet, what shocked Rinka most of all, was the presence of her friend Miharu Mishima amongst the twelve.
In order to get through Divine Selection, one must eliminate others by gathering information regarding their name, cause of death and regret in the real world, then “electing” them.
This turn of events would lead to her learning about the truth behind her death, as well as her own personal regrets. She would also come to face the reality that Miharu was willing to throw her life away for her sake, as well as the extents to which the other participants would go to for the sake of living through to the end.
Far more experiences than she ever could have imagined awaited her now, but where will her resolve lead her once all is said and done…?
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Rinka Shishimai Voiced by: Eriko Matsui
(Known roles: Higuma from Kemono Friends, Nao Kamiya from THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls, Suzuka from Akama ga Kill!, etc.)
She currently runs a small café named Lion House in place of her grandmother, who returned to the countryside temporarily to take care of a relative. The blonde streaks in her hair are natural, but have caused her peers to label her as a delinquent. To that effect, she rarely speaks to anyone there other than her friends Miharu, Mao and Naomi. This fact doesn’t particularly bother her however, especially as she’s not one for keeping up with trends and adjusting her attitude to those around her. Ironically she’s also seen as cool and aloof thanks to that, when in reality she cares for her friends deeply.
She has no particular hobbies to speak of, though she does enjoy shopping and reading shoujo manga. Black coffee is a favorite of hers, though she dislikes anything either too bitter or too sweet.
One day while returning home with Naomi, she dies while shielding Naomi from an explosion, becoming a participant in Divine Selection in the process. Her memory is somewhat fuzzy however, possibly due the shock of being caught up in the explosion, leading her to participate while not knowing both her cause of death and her regret.
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Naomi Hitsuji Voiced by: Asuka Kakumoto
(Known roles: Elena Shimabara from THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!, Panotty from Puyo Puyo!! Quest, Niko Oono from Engaged to the Unidentified, etc.)
Rinka’s underclassman at Amecha Girls’ University High School.
Shy and introverted most of the time, though she has no issues talking to those she gets along with. Came to know Rinka through certain circumstances, and eventually became friends with Mao and Miharu through her. A bookworm at heart, she also enjoys making sweets often. Dark places and scary stories are two of her biggest weaknesses. She has a solid relationship with her parents.
Her tendency to keep her feelings to herself lead to her classmates assigning her as head of the committee for the cafe they plan on opening during the culture festival, but her dedication to doing the best possible job leads to her learning how to brew coffee from Rinka.
The events of Rinka’s death haunt her dreams despite said events having been erased due to Divine Selection, possibly because she was present at the time. While not a participant, she does help Rinka gather information for Divine Selection.
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Miharu Mishima Voiced by: Yuri Komagata
(Known roles: Sanguina from Fairy Fencer F, Sayoko Takayama from THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!, Yuri from KiraKira ☆ PreCure a la Mode, etc.)
A student at Amecha Girls’ University High School, and one of Rinka’s classmates. While beautiful with the brains to match, others consider her difficult to approach, which results in her being avoided much like Rinka. As one would imagine, studying is her speciality, to the point where she can go for long hours without any breaks once she gets into it. Her eating habits would indicate that she isn’t fussy in the slightest, but in reality she simply doesn’t care much for taste in the first place. She works part-time at a certain restaurant, but apparently she’s yet to ask Rinka and Mao to come along at some point.
While typically level-headed, she sometimes speaks her mind without hesitation, leading to some harsh takes now and then. Her circumstances while growing up seem to be somewhat complciated, but not even Rinka knows much about it.
Her feelings for Rinka surpass the boundaries of simple friendship, but Rinka herself seems to be completely clueless about this.
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Goddess Parca Voiced by: Kanako Nomura
(Known roles: Chizuru Nikaido from The iDOLM@STER Million Live, Lieura from Rage of Bahamut, Yuno Kashima from Little Battlers eXperience WARS, etc.)
An odd girl who claims to be a goddess.
She oversees Divine Selection, and only interacts with Rinka and the other participants within the strange dream world it takes place in. Unlike the participants, she can also move around freely in this space. She feels absolutely nothing over the events that take place during Divine Selection.
Her white dress and wool-like hair provide a fantastical air to her appearance, and while she may speak like a lady from the upper echelons of society, she has little issue saying some rather horrible things. Very little is known about her, including her preferences or even how she spends her time when not overseeing Divine Selection.
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Mao Oguma Voiced by: Megumi Nanase
Rinka’s classmate and the mood maker of the group.
Seemingly has little interest in her classmates other than Rinka and Miharu, though unlike them she does have other friends. She loves shopping like no other, to the point that her first priority at amusement parks is to hit up the gift stores.
Rinka makes it a point not to tell her about Divine Selection, though she has noticed that something isn’t quite right.
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Chan Chan Voiced by: Yuma Imaizumi
A young and cheerful lady.
Both her and her husband died in an accident while on their honeymoon, but Divine Selection made it so that both of them returned home safe and sound. To this effect, her elimination would result in her husband’s death as well, leading her to desperate measures.
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??? Voiced by: Miho Saito
A mysterious child who crossed paths with Rinka and Naomi as they were making their way home. Gender unknown; Rinka thinks female, while Naomi thinks male.
While later revealed to be a participant in Divine Selection, further details are unknown.
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Man Within the Dream Voiced by: Koto Nagatsuka
An androgynous man who appeared in Rinka’s dreams. He seems to live in the dream world, but it’s unknown if he has any ties to Parca. Rinka has no recollection of meeting him.
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Sofiya Priessnitz Alexeievna Voiced by: Rinne
Otherwise known as Sonja.
A girl from Russia who boldly confronts Rinka in the real world despite being a participant in Divine Selection. What could she be planning…?
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Shigetsugu Ushizuka Voiced by: Shouhei Murao
Seemingly the oldest participant in Divine Selection.
His attitude in the dream world makes him difficult to read, though this could be a façade in order to keep his emotions hidden.
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Ferderico Carminati Voiced by: Hiroshi Koide
The Italian Stallion.
Seemingly a member of the mafia until he stirred up a certain incident, resulting in his death and participation in Divine Selection. Develops something of a friendly rivalry with Odette, another participant, and they agree to help each other until they’re the final two left.
Incredibly proud of his homeland, and convinced that no other country boasts food better than Italy. This leads to plenty of disputes with Odette. His main priorities when it comes to women are their appearance and chest size.
While rather happy go lucky most of the time, he’s known to display his mafioso side when the circumstances call for it.
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Odette Melancon Voiced by: Minami Okamura
A French woman blessed with an incredible physique.
Apparently the representative for a shipping company affiliated with the underworld who were known for taking on illegal work. This led to her clashing with pirates and military forces often, much to her delight as a fighting nut. Formed a friendly rivalry with Federico not long after Divine Selection began, agreeing to help one another become the last two participants.
Has a very larger than life attitude, but boasts an impeccable perception and capacity for reasoning. To this effect, she rarely lets Federico handle important tasks, opting to work on her own.
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Alan Scorpion Voiced by: Kunihiro Maeda
(Known roles: Larry from Ayakashi Gohan, Suzuki from Matsutarou Notari, etc.)
An Indian man of little words.
His personality makes his actions hard to predict, though it’s apparent that he has every intention of eliminating every other Divine Selection participant without mercy. What motivates him is unknown, but there’s certainly more to him than meets the eye.
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Scale Jones Voiced by: Naoto Takeda
(Known roles: Hercules from Taiko no Tatsujin: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure, Koumei from Yakuza 6: Song of Life, Ryouta Kawamura from Yakuza Kiwami 2, etc.)
A man with an upbeat mentality.
He calmly observed the situation during the beginning of the Divine Selection and little he gets involved in gathering information on Divine Selection.He scrutinizes every action as good or evil and has stated that if the last one standing in Divine Selection is someone of justice, he’d gladly give up the right to be that person.
He’s been seen drinking at the bar with Federico and Odette but what exactly is his relationship with those two…?
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Chanho Ro Voiced by: Yoshiyuki Koba
(Known roles: Gentle Nakamura from Yakuza 5, Ren from Shugo Kishi ~Palladium Knights~, etc.)
A well-built middle aged man from China. Apparently works for one of the country’s most influential companies.
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Keiko Kamebushi Voiced by: Aoi Morinaka
A woman of many misfortunes, her weak constiution seemingly led to her being hospitalized for a long period of time.
While a participant in Divine Selection, Alan acquires her name card immediately after the ritual began.
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yanagiven · 6 years
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Naomi Watanabe now has her own gacha figurine!! 💛💛💛
For a mere 300 yen you can twist a knob to reveal your very own portable mini Nao chan!
A total of 5 to collect ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Akihabara at its finest 🎀🎀🎀
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shortstories-slp · 3 years
Kyoto, Japan 1860
Ito Heisuke woke up next to his wife. He looks over at her and smiles slightly before fixing her hair, planting a small kiss on the top of her head. He heard a faint crying and got up walking to his daughter's room.
"Naomi it's okay~" He says as he walks over to her crib picking her up and gently swaying himself. Heisuke dries her tears and starts to sing to her softly. Naomi starts to fall asleep and he takes her to his room. Dusk HuiYin had awoken once Heisuke left and she look over at him smiling.
"She was fussy wasn't she?" HuiYin asks and laughs a little, as her husband nods sleepily. HuiYin gets up and walks over to them, carefully grabbing Naomi.
"Do you think she will be strong enough?" She quietly asks Heisuke. He nods and smiles.
"Yes. She is as strong as you. She may even be stronger than the both of us combined." He says with a nervous laughs.
- 10 years later -
Heisuke comes back after a long trip, and he holds onto a present he got for Naomi. He smiles and watches a small figure running towards him in the distance.
"Nao-Chan? Is that you?" He asks and walks towards her. Naomi finally gets to her father and smiles up at him.
"Dad I haven't seen you in a few months." She says and pouts. Heisuke pouts back and says
"I know honey, but someone needs to protect us from the bad guys. An I need my strong daughter to take care of her mom and... I got you a friend. Close your eyes and hold out your hands." Naomi follows his directions and feels something in the palm of her hand, starting to move around. She giggles and opens her eyes jumping slightly.
"Gah! Dad it's a spi-..." Naomi exclaimed. He laughs and says
"He's a special guy though. He is a ninja spider. What do you wanna name him?" She looks at the small arachnid for a while and smiles brightly.
"Takahashi~" She says and looks back up at her father. Heisuke starts to explain to Naomi everything that Takahashi can do. Takahashi starts to crawl around her palm, before just resting in one spot almost like a dog. HuiYin looks outside and smiles weakly, sitting back on the bed. She looks at her old scythe and grabs it, looking at her reflection in the blade.
"I hope she is strong enough. Please.." She says quietly, as her eyes begin to tear up. A few weeks later, Heisuke packs up to leave again.
"You guys need to lay low... The bad guys are heading this way. Naomi protect your mother.. Takahashi protect both of them." He says his voice shaking a little, as he left the house quickly. HuiYin watches him and tries to hold back her tears.
"N-Naomi.. come here please." She says staring at the floor and Naomi walks over. She goes to lift her mother's head, but HuiYin hugs her tight.
"Please you need to go to your guardians house. Take Takahashi and go okay?" She says and pulls away, looking into her eyes. Naomi looks back into her mother's teary eyed and freezes up,
"B-But dad wanted me to p-protect you." She stutters out as tears roll down her cheeks. HuiYin gets up and packs a bag for her, then the sound of breaking glass is heard. Naomi quickly gets the bag and grabs her moms hand.
"Mom come on." She says in a strained voice, as HuiYin doesn't get pulled by the smaller.
"Mommy please let's go. The bad guys will get you. I need to-..!" She starts to say and freezes, seeing a man all in black holding onto Huisuke's bloody sword. Takahashi begins to attack the man, but Huiyin stops him and grabs her scythe.
"You two go now!" She shouts and runs towards the man cutting him down. Naomi runs through the woods with Takahashi sitting on her head. She continues to run with teary eyes, but she trips over her obi that had started to unwind. Naomi buries her face in the dirt and sobs, shakily getting to her feet and quickly stumbling into her guardians house. Zenjiro looks over at Naomi and frowns.
"Are you alright? What's wrong? Who is this? What happened?" He asks the small girl.
"N-No. The bad guys got dad and maybe m-mom." She stutters out and hyperventilates a little. Zenjiro pulls the smaller close and hugs her tight.
"It will be okay. Here. Give this to Takahashi and I will go check on your mother..." He says and leaves the house quickly. Naomi looks at the glowing blue liquid and then at Takahashi. She sits him down and opens the vial for him. He drinks some and then transforms into a human. Naomi jumps back a little and analyzes the taller a bit.
"Woah~ cool." She says and walks closer, petting the top of his head.
- 4 hours later -
“Give it back Takahashi!” She shouts and holds her hand out for the chocolate chip cookie he stole.
“No it’s mine.. I got it fair and square.” He says and sticks his tongue out at her. Takashashi eats the cookie quickly and runs off. Naomi balls up her fists, but refuses to chase after him.
“Nao. You’re safe.” She hears a familiar voice say behind her and she turns around sharply.
“Mommy! You’re safe.” She says and runs towards her mother, jumping into her open arms.
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worldnewsinpictures · 3 years
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Chan of official_#ACE7 has officially kicked off the #FavBoyzChallenge on TikTok! Who's joining in? -nulb***nulb Which member should attempt next? Let us know on A.C.E's account here #ACE Nao Mie Bang. Nope! You are hilarious. You lost me after the first 7 seconds.... Want to see more about this and see what people are saying? -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/chan #ChanFavBoyzChallenge #ChanFavBoyzChallengeTikTok #WhichLet #WhichLetACEs #NaoMie #NaoMieBang #YouYou #YouYouWant #officialACE7 #officially #kicked
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kura-tsuki · 3 years
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Finally done it, Erin's casual wear and outfits. This is the style which Erin would wear, and also I already decided the fantasy au for Erin and Nao-chan! Erin's hero costume finally released!
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ikotan-ir · 6 years
Comment on Ikoma Rina's Graduation Announcement (English Translation)
I'm compiling the translated celebrities / idols/ politician comments on her graduation announcement from stage48.
Almost all of the translations were done by me (and if there are mistakes, please correct me). And the last 2 were done by other people (see the credit).
TM Revolution Nishikawa Takanori
"Despite being really clumsy at first, Ikoma-chan works hard with a strong belief and sense of justice, so when I heard about the graduation announcement, instead of feeling surprised, I feel that it's really "Ikoma-chan like" (something that she would do). Until she graduates, and even after she graduates, I want to support that Ikoma-chan."
Source: https://twitter.com/TMR15/status/958483741252378624
Takahashi Minami
Disclaimer: This is a very rough translation based on what she said on her radio, so there are some of her words that I can't really catch the meaning and there will be mistakes.
"Is it okay for me to talk about this story? I was really surprised this morning when I saw that Nogizaka46's Ikoma Rina-chan is graduating. When I saw the news I was really surprised. After all, Ikoma-chan who has been supporting the group since the beginning chose this timing to graduate so I am shocked. Ikoma had kennin in AKB48 once, so I was allowed to work with her(*), she is really, really serious, and she is a really good kid. She likes shonen manga, just like me, so we talked about it together, she is really like a JUMP's protagonist (she really has the sense of justice). Before I realised it Ikoma is already 22 so I was a bit surprised. After all, when we reached 20 (I was like that as well) we start thinking about a lot of things. (...). She probably wants to take on more challenges, and I think that she still wants to do more things in challenges but she said that "current nogizaka is the strongest so I can entrust it to them, and would you please help be my guide and be the ones to push my back?". But her fans must be shocked when she suddenly announced it.....
I left some of the parts because it is unclear
Takamina really said "surprise, shocked" a lot
At the last part, Takamina said something about supporting her before she cuts to the song
Adachi Rika
I'm sorry. I'm not going to say anything here. Because I can't see her myself (lol). I have talked about my feelings directly to her. Please continue to back her up everyone. Please be supportive forever. That's it.
Source: https://twitter.com/adacchee/status/958904837516570624
Shinobu Mouri (Nogibingo's director)
Despite of carrying much expectations from people, Ikoma still has a bright and warm personality when she connects with others. Even at the production site of the program, we talked a lot and I got a lot of help from her. Indeed, I feel a bit lonely when I heard this...We will continue to support Ikoma Rina in the future. For sure.
Note: He actually already deleted the tweet, but seems like it got a lot of attention from matome sites.
Naito Honoka (Corpse Party's Sachiko)
I knew about it on the bus when I went school this morning. I thought it is not true but tears keep running out. When I attended class, I kept thinking about what's wrong. There are a lot of rumours in the surroundings. It is the first idol group that I admired and she is the one that I loved the most It was nervous for me to work with her. But she was gentle with the nervous me and we enjoyed a great time together when we are preparing for the acting. It was fortunate to have such an experience with her. To me,she is the sister that I love the most in this world. When i see comments on newspapers and news, I thought that she is a really wonderful person. I still don't know when you are graduating, but I am not going to miss the most bright, cute and cool form of the immovable center in my most favourite group. You will stay in showbiz industry after you graduated. And I will keep respecting my beloved sister with my life. I will keep loving Nao-neechan forever and ever as it is.
"Nao-neechan" is actually referring to Nakashima Naomi, Ikoma's character name in Corpse Party
Honoka's letter is the longest and the most emotional one about her graduation
Other Translators:
Iikubo Haruna (Morning Musume)
This is just a brief description of what she wrote about Ikoma on her blog
"Harunan talked about her friend Ikoma Rina, a "cute, serious, clumsy, delicate girl you want to protect, [...] a kind person who listens to you even when she's busy." She hopes she can work with her even after her graduation from Nogizaka."
Credit to: https://twitter.com/ainogundan/status/958900933596991488
Original blog post: https://t.co/4QGDNCESjl
Edano Yukio (Japanese Politician)
Here's a rough translation regarding the politician's reaction
News about Edano's?(the politician, not sure how to read his name) reaction.
During their regular meeting, he was asked about Ikoma-san's graduation.
I was surprised to read the news from Nikkan sports. I think it's regrettable, he answered.
Edano has been known to be a fan of AKB48,Nogi and Keya. Nogizaka's Influencer is one of his favorites in karaoke.
Shiraishi, Nishino probably has lots of fans but when you say Nogizaka46, a lot of people associate it with Ikoma-san. Since she supported the group from the beginning,her graduation is disappointing however she's not retiring from showbusiness (as what was written in Nikkan).
On the other hand, I'd like to see her take a new path in show business.
He was also asked about Mayuyu's graduation
Credit to: JuriRena on Stage48 (Source: http://stage48.net/forum/index.php?threads/ikoma-rina-ikomachan-1st-gen.4809/page-50)
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kamen-rider-mobi · 6 years
(Kamenrider-Digi-Saver; Little Nitou a long time ago) "Minako, Ericka, you're not gonna believe this!" Naomi said as she ran to Minako and Ericka.
"What is it, Nao-chan?" Minako asked.
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