i've always thought that dick, being raised in the circus, knew clowns and his parents were friends with clowns and all the people in the circus.
so, how did all those good memories with his parents in the circus twist once he met the joker?
yknow what babe i've always thought of haly's circus as an international travelling circus, ramshackle though it may be, and the international travelling circuses i've seen have clowns that are much less overtly clowny and more acrobaty-juggly-cool tricks-y, so i'm not sure dick would have much of a connection between them and the joker
however i am very fond of dick being like 😠😠 you have broken the clown code 😠 i know clowns who would consider you a disgrace 😠😠😠 prepare to feel my vengeance for the dishonour on my friends' noble clown profession 😠😠
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mooniebabyy · 2 years
tim drake uses skirts, dick grayson wears crop tops and damian uses eyeliner. i will not elaborate
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You know 99% of all Nightwing fan’s problems can be fixed by literally allowing Dick to grow past his previous editorial decisions and allow him to explore new friend groups, new love interests and create his own unique family. That way we continue the trend of Dick growing into a better more stable person while looking back fondly on the stepping stones that got him there.
This constant relying on stories, love interests and side characters that debuted like 20-30 years ago has got to end. It’s literally turning the fandom into something so toxic that even I considered leaving Nightwing. Pandering to nostalgia gets you nowhere. Let Hollywood show you how well pandering is looking for them! The MCU was successful because of NEW content!
Both Marvel and DC have a history of their best content being content that is new and novel. Batman didn’t get popular until he underwent multiple major changes. The Batman today isn’t the same Batman as he was 20-30 years ago. So why is it that Nightwing is the character where he has to repeat his greatest hits instead of growing past it.
We say we want Nightwing to be Alist and that we want Nightiwng to be up there with Superman or Spider-Man, but then at the same time we don’t allow him to have any other friends, stories or love interests outside the titans or Batfam. And now it’s become a war between both franchises. Dick can’t even get stable elseworld content. He was with both Kory and Babs in Future state, main continuity and in DCAU all so they can appease the fandoms. It’s ridiculous.
Young justice was a breath of fresh air before that got overtaken by fandom demands. You know for all the problems the Batman Arkham Games had, it probably for me had one of the better representations of Dick because he simply got to be Dick Grayson. No ties to anyone but Batman and Robin. That’s what I want. I want more of Dick Grayson being free from restraints and making his own content away from titans and batfam. I don’t want Titansfam or Batfam. I want Nightwingfam.
Idc if Dick has to join another franchise to do it. Idc if DC has to start his own editorial to do it. I just want them to DO IT! It’s so sad to see a once great character with so much potential become the laughing stock of the entire community all because writers, editors and fans can’t behave and care more about their head canons and fanfics than they do good content.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Only in Gotham memes part 2;
Part 2 to my Only in Gotham memes. Again, mainly ocs. Part 1 can be found here.
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(No, we don't know how it happened. Why would you think that? Stop being paranoid).
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(Also... Jason won't be seen for awhile).
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(No, I will not answer any questions about this).
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(Worst move ever. )
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(Worst day ever).
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(I have more regrets than I'd like to admit).
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cowboyabunga · 9 months
actually i've decided that no one's allowed to make nightwing ass jokes anymore. i'm taking those jokes from everyone and putting them on a high shelf and they're never coming down again
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idianaki · 2 years
Ilość "Reverse Robins AU" w których dziesięcioletni Damian, prosto z Ligi Zabójców oraz Batman, który przez brak dzieci nie wyszedł jeszcze ze swojej "I am Vengeance" fazy, wspólnie stwierdzili, że zieleń, czerwień i żółć oraz nazwa "Robin" to świetny pomysł, tylko potwierdza dla mnie, że ludzie w tym fandomie albo nie mają pojęcia jak osobisty i ważny Robin jest dla Dicka. Albo po prostu mają to w dupie. Nie wiem, która odpowiedź jest lepsza.
#you could say the same about nightwing#at least to certain degree#since later uniforms aren't very close to the original#and nightiwng is kryptonian legend#and i can't imagine DAMIAN getting superhero name from superman#maybe if he created a superhero duo with jon#but i would like these ficks to acknowledge this origin at least#in-universe names and identities are kind of important for BatFam#but i think when we talk about AU's Robin is the most important#since for the past decade every aspect of this was supposed to existed to honor Dick's parents#and before at least costume was taken from them#like#batman is called this bc bruce was afraid of bats#(valid)#red hood was taken from Jason's murderer#and from what I gathered it wasn't even#he took everything from me I'm going to take something from him#or#I thought if I could stole something his I would feel safer/feel as if i get some power back#no it was just to taunt Joker into escaping so Hood could do his dramatic speach#(i know it was kind of re-defined later but it's AU talk so we're only care about origins)#Spoiler is just 15-yo trying to come up with hero name#spoiling bad-guys plans#(i know but it still is just 15-yo trying to come up with hero name)#Red Robin is probably the worst#since it's basically Tim not coming to terms with his own mess#(he wanted there to be batman and just... assumed different batman won't change robin? srl? isn't he supposed to be genius?)#except these post-robin identities were supposed to be about becoming their own people?#dick-nightwing was about him keeping close to family legacy#(with his uniform being inspired by his father's and being closer in colors to Batman)
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rottonbear · 8 months
Analysis of knight terrors: nightwing
***** note *****
i didnt read the whole series, and prefer each character is independent than the others, which means what, for example, superman said in his series does not related to batman's.
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The main topic of knight terrors is the deepest terror of the character, such as batgirl is too reliant on computer, scarecrow is everything.
As a resident scare expert, scarecrow said, "I think it's your fears we should be scared of, nightwing."
so, what's nightwing's biggest fear?
Base on the scarecrow and oracle, insomnia turns people to their special variant and what they fear most.
Nightwing didnt finish his transforment in the story, but base on his hands and arms, it seems to be a creature like a bird.
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a blue bird, horror version of course.
in western culture, blue bird means hope. and in other cultures, beside hope, bird also mean power, and freedom. if we take the first statement, nightwing means hope, power and freedom. if we take the second, he afraid to it.
why does nightwing fear to hope?
there is a communicate between nightwing with robin (damian) in nightwing vol. 4 #20
"when your dad came back, there was a moment I thought it would be better for you if you stayed with me."
"but then i thought i was too young. too untethered. i thought i might not be able to handle the responsibility."
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he afraids of the responsibility which comes from when he was called to be the hope.
a blue bird borns to be hope, no need and cant forced to.
though dick did a really good job when bruce out, during bruce back, he is the son again. he is still the little bird enjoys soaring free most.
cause of his really great jobs with titans, in bludheaven, sometimes in gotham, and siblingship with other batfamily, people easy to forget he is also a son.
he is the eldest, he becomes a superhero just like bruce, but he is still a son.
when he is free, he is the hope of the family, when he takes responsibility, he is the batman.
he is the hope, but you cant tell him TO BE the hope. that's still too heavy to him.
this is never a shame to a kid just want to be a kid when their parents is there. it just proves how much love that the kid was given from his man, and also an evidence shows he is really see bruce as his father, a figure that can rely on, and learn from.
then, why scarecrow said they should be scared of nightwing's fear?
in the very beginning of the story, nightiwng lose his memory, and insomnia tried to bring it back to make him weak. however even nightwing remembers what happen, his first reaction was finding a way out to make sure what actually happen but to accept. he even can care what happen to batgirl. just like the TRUTH didnt bother him at all.
insomnia's power didnt work on him like the others.
cause of failure, insomnia tried harder, which make the situation also. and insomnia's failure also mean nightwing's fear is an unknown.
nothing horrible than an unknown (actually, he does fear, he just knows how to handle them so well)
During nightwing's transforment, Insomnia tried five things to stimulate him.
one, killing batman, cause of too shock, nightwing lost the memory
two, john and mary.
I dont think batgirl is one of them, they more like trap in the same dream or space, such as stephanie and cassandra.
three, tony zucco.
fourth, the circus.
fifth, the fire (happened before new52, nightwing #88)
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this is how nightwing reply.
To his parents,
"I've had nightmares like this before."
"Never so vivid...so real."
They are too real, he cant control himself tried to feel them again, and in the next second, they turned dust.
after that, he said "you're in my mind."
he sad but didnt fooled
he knows clearly his parents were gone, and never came back. just like he said in many series,
"I wouldn't trade being your partner for anything." batman superman world's world's finest #6
"I miss my parents with my whole heart, Batman, I do. But I wouldn't trade this for the world." batman gotham knights
"you know exactly who I'm the son of." pre new52 nightwing #100
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About three to five.
Insomnia said "Naturally. His (Zucco) face still haunts you, after all.", "Maybe we should turn up the heat in here. What do you say?"
Nightwing "You think I haven't lived this a thousand times?", "This is no longer my nightmare..."
here show clearly how nightwing deals with his fear.
face it, until it not a bother anymore.
it is also the reason why he is so special in the batfamily. when there is something bothers him, he talks (self talking is also a kind of talking) and asks for help (Bruce also mentions this in nightwing #100) but keep it aside, or let it drive him.
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He didnt step in the darkness and be a part of it, he fight hard until the dawn comes.
about the batman's part, analyze with the speech of him and scarecrow,
"I wont forget what happened here, crane."
"I know you wont. becauce a part of you liked it."
"that time you got to kill daddy."
"Darkness is a part of us."
"the thin margin between dread and desire..."
"tonight you tasted it. and it let you wanting more."
after dick real awaked, he didnt deny anything.
"bad dreams are only dreams."
"but some of them stay with us."
"...I'll be thinking about this one for a long time."
so, why does nightwing want to kill batman?
I think it is the visualize of his anger about bruce. in his subconscious, he afraids one day he will lose control.
Father and son issue is a canon topic in whatever creation.
the first one is the hardest.
and adoptive ever makes this more complicated.
Dick is bruce's first son, first partner, tons of things that even the world's greatest detective can find the correct answers, further may be there is no correct answer actullty.
Bruce is dick's second father, there is also alfred, before being part of wayne family, dick already knew whats a good father should be, and there must be sometimes he compared john with bruce, even he never told bruce or alfred face to face.
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in nightwing #89, bruce admitted to clark, "i ve made so many mistakes with dick and look how he turned out."
In Nightwing #100, nightwing showed his understanding to bruce.
"You were young, you were driven, and you were grieving. and you put all that aside to take in a kid who lost everything in an instant."
However, understanding doesnt mean forgiving. Dick didnt show his anger because he cares and knows bruce hv been do his best in the past.
just like he said to jon in world's finest sons part two, "I know how hard it is." and in his 2022 annual
alfred "but surely not without a break."
dick "it's for my own good, alfred."
jon "where'd you learn to be such a good teacher?"
nightwing "I learned it from batman."
one of the most touching thing between bruce and dick is the countless understanding and forgiving.
A heartwarming and realist relationship is not filled with love, but hate and love exist at the same time, and love is always the choice with no doubt.
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A son defeats his father meaning a real and full grow up.
so do nightwing and batman.
they argued, they fought, they separated, but never apart.
just like what the end of the story showed us, after the dummy broke down. countless bats fly through the sky. bruce always be the guy who saves dick in the very darkness. even there is full of heartbroke and tear, no matter how hard it is, the bat always guides his little blue bird home, the bat cant light the road, but his little bird do. when they are being gather, their world is bright by hope, and none of them will lost anymore.
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To the Dynamic Duo
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from nightwing fear stage
i pretty love this story. i think it takes batman and nightwing relationship to a different level, may be just my overthinking :D
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probablynormal · 2 months
drew some oc i made on wof[ea]
half nightiwng
some of the lineart is old + colors are VERRRY far from what i made in game i didn't have the color palette didn't wanna go get it
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would tell the name but im nervous
no theft please!!!
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yugiohz · 7 days
deku made a cameo in a nightiwng comic awwwww
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aprocessionofthoughts · 6 months
Let's Make a Deal
whumptober2023 day 20- you'll regret touching them fandom- batman TW- human trafficking mentioned summary- Jason come across a captured Nightwing while meeting with a gang leader.
ao3 whumptober23 masterlist
The warehouse was drab and dirty as most warehouses are. And this one was busy with goons scurrying around, unloading the most recent shipment.
Jason had only barely started working with the bats and most gangs didn’t know that yet.
Tonight that was going to work to his advantage. Villains were much more likely to talk to someone they thought was also on the wrong side of the law. Which, come to think of it, since vigilantes were illegal they were also on the wrong side of the law. Whatever. Jason didn’t have time to delve into semantics.
Tonight he was here to get information. The group not only dealt in drugs but also in human trafficking. And as much as Jason wanted to put a bullet in every single one of them, the Bat’s rules be damned, they needed to know where the victims were being held.
He’d already spoken with the leader of this particular operation, and they’d arranged to meet after Jason conveyed interest in partnering up.
He’d only made it three steps into the warehouse before he froze. Dangling upside down from the center of the warehouse and tied up with so many ropes Jason could hardly see any of the suit beneath them, was Nightwing. His face was red from being upside down so long, and he had a cloth stuffed in his mouth.
He needed to get this over with fast. He didn’t know how long Nightiwng had been upside down, but even for an acrobat the increased blood pressure from hanging upside down for too long could be dangerous. 
“Ah, Red Hood. I see you spotted our intruder.” said their leader who Jason remembered was named Dave. Seriously, if you were going to be an evil crime boss you could at least change your name to sound more intimidating. 
“I saw. The bats causing you problems?”
“Just that one. And he won’t be a problem for much longer. I’m planning on including him at our next auction.
Behind his helmet, Jason’s jaw tensed and he could feel his eyes glowing green.
“Unless, of course, you’d be interested in purchasing him? I know you’ve also had problems with the bats. And I’d even give you a discount, since we’ll be doing business together.”
Jason walked over and crouched so he was in front of Nightwing's face. “How did you even manage to capture him?”
“We hadn’t, not at first. We’d actually managed to nab Robin. We had him locked up in the back room, but when we went to check on him we found this idiot helping him escape. One of my men fired at the kid, but this one stepped in the way.”
Now that Jason was looking, he saw the messily done bandage covering Nightwing’s right shoulder.
“And Robin?” 
“Nightwing managed to hold us off while the kid escaped. It didn’t seem like he would at first, but the kid had a broken ankle and Nightwing told him to go. We managed to tase NIghtwing a few times after the kid left. My men may have gotten a little carried away, before I stepped in.”
Jason could feel his temper flaring. He wished he had already connected his helmet to the Batcomputer so that he could contact Oracle, see if they had eyes on Tim and get some backup over here. Because it was looking more and more likely that this warehouse would be full of bodies soon.
“And you aren’t afraid of the Bat coming?” Jason knew Batman was out of town, but hopefully this crew didn’t know that.
“Haven’t seen the Bat in a few days. And if he was coming he would've been here by know. Besides, we’ll be cleared out by morning.”
Jason stood. “Enough about vigilantes. I came here to talk business.”
“Of course, Red Hood, if you’ll follow me to my office.”
“I’m good here.” Jason said, looking and noting the position of all the men. There were only ten. Good. 
“Err… I mean, sure. Here’s good. What is it that you want to know?”
“How many drug shipments do you get per month, who’s your seller and buyer. The basics.”
Dave chuckled nervously. “Well we get shipments of the drugs every week. And our living shipments are about once a month. But I’m afraid I can’t tell you our buyer.”
“If we’re going to be working together I need to be able to vet everyone myself.”
“But you’re just going to be providing security.”
Jason shifted and Dave backed up a step.
“But! As a show of good faith. I can show some of our merchandise and let you have first pick. Or do you just want to take the vigilante?”
Jason looked over at Nightwing. “Vigilantes are too much trouble. Where’s the rest of your…cargo?”
“We’ve got them all at dock 9 in the old Weisemer cannery. I can show you around tomorrow before the action.”
Finally, he had the information he came for. 
“I don’t think that will be necessary.” Jason said before pulling out his gun.
“Now wait just a moment–” Dave started before Jason interrupted him with a bullet through his throat. 
Turning he got off twelve more shots aiming for joints this time. No need to make the Bat too angry. When the last goon had crumpled, and Jason had walked around removing weapons and tying them up he walked up to Nightwing.
He made quick work of the ropes, and was soon lowering Nightwing to the ground. He removed the gag and cut through the rest of the ropes.
Dick hissed. 
“Can you stand up?” Jason asked.
Dick sat up, grabbing his head. “I’m not sure. I’m really woozy.” he answered his voice raspy.
“Well, come on then.” Jason said, throwing Dick’s arm over his shoulder and helping him stand. “My bikes out front. Does your comm work?”
Dick shook his head. “It shorted out after all the tasing.”
Jason wished he had killed everyone.
“Are they…” Dick gestured to the goons.
“Only Dave is dead.”
“Their leader.”
Dick sighed. 
“You should be glad I restrained myself.” Jason said. He could feel himself tensing, waiting for a rebuke, for an argument. 
Dick gave him a small smile. “Very impressive.”
“What, you aren’t going to lecture me?” Jason said, feeling wrongfooted. Dick was the Golden Boy, surely he’d get all righteous about how killing was wrong.
Dick didn’t answer for a moment. Then, “I’m not Batman. I won’t judge you when you’re trying. Besides…” 
“Besides what?”
Dick shook his head. “Nevermind. You said you brought your bike?”
Jason paused. “Yeah. You’ll be riding up front. I don’t want to have to stop because you couldn’t hold on tight enough to keep from falling off.
Dick chuckled. “Sure.”
Once they had gotten situated on his motorcycle, Jason asked. “You want to go back to the manor?” 
“Yes, I need to check on Tim. Actually, do you have a phone on you? I should call them, make sure he made it back and let them know they don’t need to send anyone.”
Jason handed over his phone.
“This is Nightwing.” Dick said the string of code words to confirm it was really him and that he was alright. “Is Robin there? Good. No, I’m fine. I’ll be at the manor soon. Alright.” Dick hung up and handed the phone back.
“All good?”
“Yeah, Robin made it back and they were trying to contact Bluebird to rescue me.”
“I guess I’ll get you back to the manor then.” 
“Thank you, Hood.”
Jason was silent for a moment. “No problem.” Then he started his motorcycle and headed towards the cave.
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barbie0303 · 2 years
Re-reading Nightiwng (2011) #29 and feeling emo about the fact that a couple of hours after Dick gave Jen that speech about moving on and to focus on the positive in darker times, he was captured by the Crime Syndicate
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Nightwing (2011) #29
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Forever Evil #1
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belovedisaster · 1 year
just to quickly clarify not only are non british people allowed to laugh at the british nightiwngs post i actually disallow british people from taking enjoyment out of it
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mayese · 2 years
I'm late, I know. I'm also slow. But I knew Nightwing’s voice in “Harley Quinn” was so familiar to me 😟
Imagine my surprise when I found out that Harvey Guillén was the VA of Nightiwng 💀
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Wof ocs
1. Quercus, leafwing
2. Ginkgo, leafwing
3. ptarmigan, icewing
4. Wolverine, icewing/mudwing
5. Gaboon, sand/rain
6. Lettuce, rain/sky
7. Furycry, nightiwng
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I’m not a fan of BruceBabs but people really don’t know the history of characters or choose to just disregard it. There was once a time where comic readers couldn’t wrap their heads around Dick and Barbara! sending in letters to talk about how disturbed they were to see her paired with the young Dick compared to Bruce who was only 2-3 years older than her. Now that obviously has changed and people can’t wrap their heads around Bruce and Barbara. So yeah, comic characters change and are going to continue to change as time goes on.
They don’t. I mean people still act like BTAS had Dick Babs in any kind of capacity other than a few hints here and there. The reality is that Dick Babs were hardly a thing in BTAS and were only official in the Mr. Freeze movie. I don’t think it’s changed at all. Most people outside comics asume Batgirl is older than Robin and mostly hanging with Batman. Besides, when she is known for being with Robin, it’s not always Dick! Because most people don’t know there is more than one Robin. The Tim Babs thing in the games wasn’t even a majorly complaint. And Killing Joke sold 3 million copies despite people yelling into the clouds about it how bad it was for portraying Babs Jason. My point is that Dick Babs isn’t as well known as people like to think it is. I’ll give it to starfire and Robin for Teen Titans, but that ship also isn’t exactly the most well known either.
The only Nightiwng ship that should matter right now is Nightwing x good content lol
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
Nightiwng 100 isn’t even a real event, this is the second time Nightwing reached 100 and it does suck that’s it’s Taylor writing it when Seeley did majority of the leg work with Nightwing Rebirth and I don’t even think Nightwing 100 by Taylor is even gonna reference that since he dropped everything from rebirth into oblivion. I think even Seeley sorta subtweeted about this as well lol
Oh man, I'm sorry I missed that. I love when comic writers I'm not personally invested in fight, its like this is so much more entertaining than their actual comics themselves but hey it still counts as being entertained by them right?
But seriously, it is a bummer that we stan a character who has made it to issue #100 of a solo series not once, but twice, and we.....don't want to claim either of those #100 issues. Like....we almost had something, and then we got a do-over and almost had it again and now its like.....y'know I'm probably gonna be dead before we get around to trying for a third go at this, right? So now you've not only failed to engage me with your first two attempts at a pivotal and iconic issue #100, you've forced me to contemplate my own mortality too, when I literally didn't even ask. Thanks a lot, guys. Real nice.
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