#No idea what to name Solis' Prompto
omori-aus-archive · 2 years
This would be essentially an AU where each character simply takes another character’s role. However, the group would still share the development the FFXV cast did, while staying true to the personalities.
For example….
Sunny would be Noctis. His true name would be Solis.
Hero is Ignis.
Kel is Prompto.
Aubrey would be Gladiolus.
Basil would be Lunafreya (I had no idea what character would fit him, so this is subject to change).
Mari would be Regis. Her true name would be Veritas.
Ardyn (the main and tragic antagonist of FFXV) would either be Omori or an Omori-type doppelgänger of another character that Sunny is close to. This would fit the theme of Sunny facing against his own lineage (as Ardyn was one of Noctis’s ancestors).
The gods in the game would be replaced by either other Omori-type doppelgängers or the Three Great Beings of Headspace. Or perhaps a mix of both.
To fit with the coming of age story, Sunny, Aubrey, Kel, and Basil would be 18, while Hero and Mari are 21. After the 10 year timeskip, Hero would be 31, while our four lovable teens are now 28. Mari would probably die still during those ten years, but under different circumstances.
Some attire and physical traits that the FFXV characters have would carry over to the OMORI characters, both pre and post timeskip. For example, Sunny and Kel would receive Noctis and Prompto’s beards respectively, Hero and Aubrey would receive Ignis and Gladiolus’s scars respectively, etc.
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followthestars · 3 years
Some more information on the Solis AU involving Ardyn.
It takes him until the twins are 17 and Solis puts himself in danger to shield his older brother, to shield Ardyn with his own body at the risk of his father’s shield killing him For Ardyn to really start on forgiving and realizing that Solis was serious about atoning for his sins as Somnus.
He starts using old nicknames he used when his younger brother was Somnus after that.
Until that point, they do start to bond over pranking Gilgamesh in the Tempering Grounds, Nif nobility, the Lucis council, and a few others.
Noctis and Prompto get dragged into pranking the council.
Ardyn warms up to Noctis in a few months, jokingly calls him ‘littlest brother’ since Solis is the older twin.
Solis actually told his brother the truth after his talk with Ardyn, so Noctis and Prompto both know he’s a reincarnation.
Noctis did punch him for hurting Ardyn like he did.
Solis knows he deserves it.
Ardyn 100% snuck past all the trials and planted as many glitter bombs around every place Gilgamesh will be guaranteed to set them off.
He also manages to break Gilgamesh out of there just so he can watch the pained look on Solis’ face as Iris has a stare-down with this undead warrior over who is his shield.
Gilgamesh is slightly intimidated.
He ends up reluctantly asking to be Solis’ sword instead.
Solis is just silently sobbing because he knows exactly who is behind this.
Cor has to do a double take at seeing Gilgamesh in the citadel trying to act as a sword to the elder prince.
He is torn between fighting and informing Regis.
He reluctantly tells Regis about this.
There is PANIC
And they return to see Gilgamesh just staring hard at Solis.
“You’re the one that taught the Adagium to make glitter bombs.”
“Don’t call him that and yes, also told him where to find you to hit you with them.”
Regis actually sobs, his oldest son met the Adagium.
Noctis just grins and adds “I helped teach him how to make them.”
“Do you randomly set random objects on fire by accident like Somnus did as a teen.”
Gilgamesh calling out his King as revenge about all the stupid stuff he did in his past like as a teen.
“Noctis warps by accident, his friend Prompto has learned to dive out of the way if anything is thrown after the first time.”
Solis is 100% banned from council meetings until he stops accidentally setting things on fire.
Several of the more irritating members have been unfortunate victims.
After Ardyn starts forgiving Solis he 100% sneaks him into Niflheim and only leaves Noctis a note saying they’re gonna bond over tormenting some Nif nobles.
Ardyn 100% introduces Solis as his Little brother Somnus
They have fun pulling pranks and causing Chaos.
Solis gets his own blond clone by accident. The Defective MT imprinted on him when he saved him.
Prompto does not know how to feel about having a twin he didn’t know about.
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thedarkrose17 · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Eventual Relationships, Accidental Baby Acquisition Summary:
The first thing Prompto wakes up to is concerned voices and someone fussing or whining.
It takes a few moments to sit up, adjust in the tent and glance around. It’s just Ignis, Gladio and a fussing baby. He blinks and looks again. The baby wasn’t here last night. ☆ ☆ ☆ A.k.a The astrals get tired of Prompto and Noctis' pining and decide to try and get them together
Read under the cut or on the link :)
Noctis is almost asleep when he hears a familiar squeak.  He yawns and grabs his phone, unlocking it and checking the text.
‘He's cute (ᗒᗨᗕ)’
“Both of them are.” Noctis mutters back.
Noctis smiles and looks around for the familiar furry face and finds Carbuncle on the floor, legs too tiny to get him on the bed.
The Prince slowly and carefully frees his arm from around Prompto before carefully helping the tiny fennec fox up onto the bed.
He gets an emoji with heart eyes in response and chuckles quietly.
“Not dating.” Noctis mutters, another message coming through his phone.
‘Shame (╥_╥)’
‘Baby's cute though (* >ω<)’
Noctis nods and gently rubs Solis’ back.
“I feel like I'm texting Iris and not a magic messenger.”
‘Rude ( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮’
Noctis makes the most inhuman sound a person can ever make at the reply, Ignis even gives him a weird look for that. Gladio meanwhile tries not to laugh.
Noctis chooses to ignore them and reply to Carbuncle instead.
“What the fuck...You actually flipped me off.” He whispers.
“...You're a little shit. You know that.”
Noctis sighs and reaches out to touch him. Carbuncle carefully walks closer and sniffs Solis. Solis doesn't even stir.
‘(T⌓T) He's sick
“He's got a cold.” Noctis replies, sighing. “Hopefully he'll be alright in a few days.”
‘(╯°▽°)╯ ┻━┻ it's not fair!’
“Yep exactly.”
‘He's brave.’
“He is?”
‘He crawled over and pet me. When you first met me as a baby, you wailed.’
Noctis blushes and groans. “He takes after Prompto then, rushing off to pet soft animals.”
Carbuncle gently nuzzles Solis and Noctis gently scratches behind Carbuncle’s ear. He yawns and Carbuncle copies him moments later.
Solis slowly wakes up with a tiny yawn. He sniffles, blinking sleepily before he notices Carbuncle. Solis stares and grabs at the fennec fox with a tiny coo. He sneezes and whines before grabbing onto Carbuncle’s ear.
Noctis stares, mouth open slightly as he does. Solis can see Carbuncle. Just like he can. Honestly he doesn’t know if he should feel stressed by this or relieved.
“...I didn’t actually tell you his name.”
“Solis.” he replies and glances at his son. “And that’s Carbuncle….You’ll probably not be able to remember that or pronounce that for a while...So Carby for now...And you probably have no idea what I’m saying.”
Solis whines and clings to Noctis with one hand and Carbuncle’s ear with the other. He lets out an excited shriek before he starts coughing, Noctis carefully rubs his back and gently kisses his head.
‘Fatherhood suits you (* >ω<)’
Noctis smiles softly and glances at Solis.
“He’s a little ray of sunshine.”
‘(ᗒᗨᗕ) So pure.’
“Mmm?” a familiar voice groggily speaks up next to him and Carbuncle disappears much to Solis’ dislike as he whines about it.
Prompto yawns and gently reaches up, stroking Solis’ cheek.
“How’s my little soybean?” he yawns as Noctis huffs.
“No bean names.” he grumbles and Prompto tiredly smirks. “He’s not been awake long. Still has a cold.”
Prompto leans up, planting a kiss on Solis’ cheek. “My poor sunbeam.”
Solis whines and the boys attempt to soothe him.
* * *
A week later thankfully the cold is gone and everyone is relieved. Solis had cried a lot during his cold, it had been stressful and honestly heartbreaking at times to see him so miserable but now he was back to normal.
Noctis has put him in a little grey baby grow with “Ready player 3.” wrote across it, controller at the side, along with little cartoon chocobo face socks. Prompto claimed to have died the moment he saw it, the “I saw a cute thing” voice coming out the moment he saw Solis.
Ignis told them about a festival in Altissia, the chocobo moogle festival he’d heard about and Prompto almost yells about having to go as soon as possible. Solis squeals just happy to contribute to the conversation in his own little way.
Noctis looks like he’s not fully awake yet. He’s yawned about four times now, scratched at his stomach/happy trail which Prompto almost short circuited over and complained about the sun asking if it could turn the brightness down.
Ignis actually chuckled and agreed it would be a nice break for them all. Gladio asks if Iris can tag along and Ignis smiles.
“It would be a delight to have her.” the advisor says and Gladio shoots her a text. He gains a reply moments later of keysmashes and crying emojis. He takes that as a positive response.
“She’ll be here in five.” the shield replies, Noctis catches sight of the text and looks confused.
“You understood that?” he asks with a yawn.
“I’ve seen enough of it from Prompto.” Gladio replies.
“Hey! Check the internet, people do it.” Prompto huffs.
“Some of the lgbt youth online do it Gladio. I don’t actually know why.” Ignis says.
“...Iggy you’re twenty two, I’m twenty three. We’re all “youth.” still.” Gladio says putting an arm around him.
Ignis leans into it and rubs an one of his eyes. “I mean younger than us Gladio.”
“Small, bi and ready to try at your service.” Prompto replies, standing up straight. He’d salute if he wasn’t holding his precious sunbeam.
“Small, gay and ready to decay. It’s 6am, I’m practically a zombie.” Noctis mutters. “Small, ace and wielding a mace can work occasionally  too.”
Gladio snorts and rolls his eyes and Ignis sighs.
“Neither of you are small.” Ignis huffs.
* * *
Iris comes in with her luggage and a smile on her face.
She wore a black short sleeved shirt with red roses on it,some rounded sunglasses over her eyes, black shorts and knee high cat socks with her regular boots.  
The boys are wearing more casual outfits too. Noctis is the only one wearing his chocobo moogle festival outfit since he’s the only one who has one. Gladio meanwhile has decided today is a shirtless kind of day much to the complaints of Prompto, Noctis and Iris.
She asks if she can get a t-shirt from the festival when they get there and Gladio replies with a simple “We’ll see.” He’ll probably get her one.
Ignis during this decides to pull out his phone and check the weather forecast for the day.
The forecast apparently is set to be a nice hot day. Clear skies and warm temperatures until the evening. Perfect day for a trip.
* * *
They’d packed up and checked out by 7, finally reached Galdin by 9 and quickly headed down to the docks, heading up onto the royal vessel.
Iris stared up at the boat, slowly pushing her shades up onto her head. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever been on a boat before, she moves to step on before Prompto yells, causing her to freeze.
“Wait!” Prompto yells, handing Noctis baby Solis and rushing off leaving everyone except Solis confused.
Solis seems more focused on a seagull flying around. He flails in Noctis’ arms until Gladio speaks up.
Iris unfreezes and glances over, pulling her shades back down and heading over to Ignis.
“He’s starin’ at a seagull, I think he wants you to too. Or he has no idea what it is.” Gladio says.
Noctis looks confused until he spots it, and gently bounces on his feet with Solis in his arms.
“It’s a seagull. Smaller than the other bird at the hotel. Way smaller. These just steal food if they can.”
“One tried stealing my ice cream when I was five.” Iris chirps in.
“I saw one steal chips from a store online.’” Gladio adds making Noctis look back at him sceptical.
“It’s surprisingly real.” Ignis chirps in causing Noctis to whistle.
Solis bleps, getting a little squirmy in Noctis’ arms.
“Should we go hunt for Prom?”
“Relax. Kid’s probably taking a piss.” Gladio mutters.
“Gladdy!” Iris cries.
“Gladiolus!” Ignis huffs.
“Oh shit! He brought out the first name.” Noctis says with a smirk.
“Noctis!” Ignis huffs. “Infant present. I would prefer you both either watch  your language and not be crass or cover his ears.”
“To be honest I think he’s staring at the tourists...Or like five seconds from needing a change.”
Iris glances over. “Nope...He’s definitely staring.”
* * *
Prompto rushes back five minutes later, tripping up over his own feet on the dock. Luckily Gladio grabs his arm and heaves him up before he faceplants. He blushes and thanks Gladio.
The blonde has a very tiny hat, it seems to have a blue band around it filled with doodles of cartoony fish along with a bottle in his pants pocket.
Iris coos at how cute and small the hat is.
“All they had was fish themed hats.” Prompto says, carefully putting the hat on Solis’ head. “There we go~ Protect you a little from the sun...I got him sunscreen but...Um do we have sunscreen for us?”
“We have some stocked on the boat..” Ignis states and lets Noctis lead the way onto the boat but Noctis lets Iris on first before following her on.
“This is gonna be Sol’s first boat ride.” Gladio says and Prompto in front of him gasps.
“...Do people celebrate that? Would it be weird if I celebrated that?”
“You got excited about his first hotel stay.” Gladio adds. “So maybe not?”
“I’m celebrating it then~” Prompto replies planting a kiss on Solis’ hat.
Solis clings to Prompto and attempts to take off a sock. Noctis heads over and carefully stops him, he boops Solis on the nose and Solis grabs for him.
Prompto smiles and carefully hands Solis over to Noctis. Solis makes a happy squeal loud enough for the rest on the boat to hear him. He earns some smiles and awws from Iris and Prompto.
* * *
Noctis hands Solis back to Prompto so he can steer the boat.
Prompto seems happy enough to sit Solis on his lap and hold him close. Solis meanwhile seems fascinated by Prompto’s glove, he stares at it and attempts to grip onto said glove.
Ignis was sat next to Iris, the duo surprisingly drifting off during their journey and Gladio was reading.
Solis gets whiny the longer they stay on the sea and Prompto decides to lie down on the surprisingly comfortable sofas with Solis. The duo yawn and end up napping together.
Gladio throws a blanket over the sofa to shield them from the sun or try to and neither of the pair stir from this, maybe 6am was too early of a start for them.
Gladio hears Noctis yawn from the captain’s seat and heads in.
“Hey princess.”
“Hey.” Noctis blinks tiredly and glances over at him before his eyes return to the sea.
“Tired?” Gladio asks and Noctis nods.
“I was on baby duty last night. Prom’s stomach was acting up so he slept it off.” Noctis yawns and Gladio places his hand on his shoulder. “Alright stop the boat. Someone else is taking over.”
Noctis doesn’t even protest, he brings the boat to a stop and rubs at his eyes. “...Controls are pretty easy.” he mutters as Gladio scoops him up out of the seat and carries him back to the others.
He’s pretty much asleep in Gladio’s arms by the time Gladio realises there’s nowhere for the prince to lie other than the floor.
So for now he gets put there, near Prompto’s little sofa while Gladio decides to take over controlling the boat, he’s swiftly banned from continuing the moment Ignis wakes up.
Noctis after that is placed where Ignis was. He naps the rest of the trip near Iris.
* * *
They splash out for a more expensive room, they’re on the rare occasion allowed to nap due to the long boat trip and the fact they have a few hours until the festival.
Ignis decides instead to leave the room and browse the sights with Gladio and Iris in tow. Prompto is sure Iris only went to give him, Noctis and Solis some alone time.
Noctis sits on the bed, taking off his boots and putting them at the side of the bed before lying down on said bed.
Prompto smiles at the sight and heads over with Solis in his arms. He bites his lip before speaking up.
“Can you take Sol for a sec?”
Noctis sits up and carefully takes Solis from Prompto. Solis whines and Prompto feels guilty so much so he attempts to explain himself to the baby.
“I’ll be back like super quick ok? Just stay with Noct ok?” Prompto says, planting a kiss on Solis’ head. “Be good for daddy ok?”
Noctis blushes a little and gently soothes their son who honestly doesn’t understand any of this. Prompto is going to kill him one day. He’s only making the crush he has on him much worse at this point.
“You forgot to go pi-Pee before we left huh?” Noctis asks earning a whine from his best friend in the process.
“I thought I could hold it! But I’m dying.” he whines at the Prince who snorts a little. “Go on. We’ll be ok.”
Solis looks at Prompto and whines and Prompto looks conflicted as he heads into the bathroom.
Solis wails and Noctis hears a heartbroken cry of “I’m sorry!” practically yelled from the bathroom.
Noctis tries to get Solis’ attention, trying to distract him until Prompto returns.  He hums to him and gently rubs his back and when that fails, he sings which gets Solis’ attention immediately. It’s something from anime but Solis doesn’t know that.
He smiles when Solis calms down and hears the bathroom door open moments later, a flustered blonde quickly coming out.
“Papa’s here buddy don’t wo-” he pauses and looks over at Solis and Noctis, mouth slightly open. “You’re a baby whisperer too huh?” he mutters.
“He likes singing.” Noctis replies, smiling before sitting up. “Can you take him back for a second? I have to pi-”
“Sure!” Prompto interrupts and blushes, apologising before taking Solis back and sitting on the bed with him.  “You think your dad would have had a bathroom on that boat.”
Noctis gets up and agrees, heading over to the bathroom, opening the door but pausing when Prompto speaks again.
“Blue Exorcist.” the blonde mutters.
“You were singing something from Blue Exorcist to him.”
“...Oh yeah? What one?” Noctis replies with a smirk. No point in denying it.
“Itteki no Eikyou.” Prompto replies, sticking his tongue out. “We're a magical girl and boy anime house only mister.”
Noctis laughs a little and rolls his eyes before heading into the bathroom. “Like you’ve ever watched one.”
“Hey! I’ve watched-”
“Other than Sailor Moon.” Noctis replies from behind the door.
Prompto covers Solis’ ears before Noctis hears him clearly say “Fuck you.” with a snort which makes Noctis laugh.
* * *
Solis wailed again. It was a fairly short cry as Prompto decided to finish the anime song Noctis previously sang to the baby.
The song seemed to calm Solis and Prompto was so focused on soothing Solis with the song he almost missed Noctis come out of the bathroom.
“You finished the song?” Noctis asks, startling Prompto.
“Dude! Warn a guy first.” Prompto gasps and then makes a sound of confirmation to his question.
Noctis heads over and Prompto scoots up before lying down with Solis. Solis seems happy when Noctis lies next to them. He yawns and smiles a toothless smile.
“Hey sunshine.” Noctis mutters to him and he’s rewarded with their baby flailing. To Noctis it looks like an attempt at dancing honestly. It’s weirdly cute.
Prompting laughs quietly and carefully puts Solis between them. The baby sneezes and looks like an Anak in the headlights, prompting Prompto to blow a raspberry at him wondering how he'll react.
Solis jumps and stares up at Prompto looking utterly confused or as confused as a baby could look.
Prompto blows another raspberry at Solis and Solis rewards him with a burp.
“Nice.” Prompto mutters with a snort making Noctis laugh.
* * *
They undress Solis down to his nappy due to the room being a little warm and worrying the baby might overheat. Said baby attempts to crawl off in the process but the duo manage to keep him in one spot.
Then they decide to undress down themselves to just their boxers. They leave a balcony door open for a breeze, too lazy to put air conditioning on before napping together for a few hours, Solis safely in Prompto's arms.
* * *
Prompto awakes to cooing and yawns, carefully sitting up and gently holding Solis close. Solis naps peacefully, Prompto smiles and kisses his head.
Prompto spots Iris and the boys in the room and yawns wide. Iris at that point notices he's awake and rushes over, not phased by him and Noctis being half naked.
“I got you guys something.” she says with a smile and Prompto feels a chill from the breeze. He seems confused before glancing down and panicking, looking back at Iris with a look of embarrassment on his face.
“Y-You did?...Um...Can I just wake him up and we'll um look more...Presentable?” he nervously asks and Iris laughs a little.
“Sure! Do you want me to take Solis?” she asks and Prompto nods, carefully handing the sleeping baby over.
“H-He'll wake up pretty soon. He's due a feed.” Prompto stutters before elbowing Noctis when Iris heads over to Ignis and Gladio. “Dude wake up!” Prompto whisper yells to the Prince.
Noctis doesn't react.
* * *
It takes several attempts but Prompto manages to wake up Noctis and the duo quickly get re dressed.
The duo head over to the kitchen  where Ignis has set out some sandwiches for the group. Prompto smiles and the duo thank him, grabbing a sandwich each before Iris comes over with Solis.
Solis seems fascinated by her hair, attempting to reach while he clings to her shirt with his other hand.
“Hi buddy~” Prompto coos after he takes his first bite.
Noctis wiggles his fingers at Solis who giggles a little, Prompto nearly chokes over it so much Noctis thumps his back.
“T-That almost k-killed me.” Prompto gasps. “Cuteness overload.”
Noctis rolls his eyes and smiles at Solis. “That's Prompto speak for he's ok just being dramatic.” he mutters to Solis with a smirk, he laughs when he hears a dramatic gasp from Prompto.
“How dare you.” he says in his sassy voice, pulling a face and making Solis giggle harder than before, making Prompto and Noctis start laughing too. “Oh em gee, adorbs.” he mutters, Noctis making a noise of agreement around his sandwich as he takes a bite.
“Gladdy?” Iris looks over at her brother who's currently half way through his second sandwich.
“What?” he asks, mouth full to which Ignis sighs at.
“Can you take this little cutie?” she coos at the baby and Gladio carefully takes him.
Solis clings to him as Iris rushes off, quickly returning with a few bags. She thrusts the tiniest one at Prompto.
“It's for Solis but I got ones for you guys too.” she says with a smile. “I hope you like them.”
Prompto quickly finishes his sandwich and fishes in the little bag. He's weirdly excited as he carefully pulls out a tiny Moogle onesie.
His eyes light up as he looks at it. There's a little hood, with a tiny pom-pom antenna and little purple wings. It's adorable and he can't wait to put Solis in it.
Noctis stares, zoning out trying to imagine the baby in his little onesie. Maybe they can put him in it later, he’ll probably gain a new home screen on his mobile from it.
“Wait...We have ones too?” Noctis asks moments later.
Iris nods and grins, pulling one out identical to Solis’ but adult sized.  Prompto gasps and looks over at Noctis.
“Dude we have to.” he mutters and Noctis can't bring himself to say no.
“Later. After the festival.”  Noctis mutters. “Just no pictures of me.”
Prompto pouts but agrees as he holds his onesie. He smiles at Iris and gives her a hug or a side hug.
“Send me pics later of them.” she whispers to Prompto.
“Will do.” he whispers back.
* * *
They all head out later for the festival, Noctis carrying Solis while Prompto has the nappy bag across his shoulder along with his camera in hand.
The group part ways. Ignis heading off with Gladio and Iris. The duo seemed rather content to be around each other and Iris seemed happy enough to be around that even if her brother had his arm around the chef’s waist.
Prompto meanwhile walked around with Noctis and Solis, practically beaming when someone commented on how cute their son was. Noctis being Noctis had no idea how to respond to such so he awkwardly thanked people and agreed with them.
Solis just sat in the baby carrier on his dad's chest and was plain adorable. The usual honestly. Until they had to take a detour and go hunt for a bathroom to change him. He was grumpy at that time and rightfully so.
The trio after that continued to roam around the festival, Noctis explaining what happened last time he came and watching Prompto's eyes light up. He didn't miss the slightly betrayed look Prompto gave him when chocobo chicks was brought up.
They fell into a comfortable silence after that which only lasted for a few moments before Prompto spoke up again.
“...Do you think Gladio and Iggy seemed glad to like abandon us?” he asks and Noctis sighs before nodding.
“Gladio put his arm around Iggy, Prom.” Noctis replied. “So yeah.”
“Oh em gee! I thought I was seeing things!” Prompto gasps.
“Nope. Totally had his arm around him.” Noctis replies popping the p.  He smirks a little.
“...You think they're…”
“Dating?” Noctis asks and Prompto nods. “They've been close for years. Wouldn't surprise me.”
Prompto grins and pulls out his phone. “I'm totally asking them...What if they're married?”
“Prom, neither have rings.”
“Maybe they're allergic.”
“I think we'd know if they was.” Noctis adds.
Prompto gestures to the baby and his ears, Noctis catching on quickly and covering Solis’ ears much to the baby's dislike.
“...Suddenly all the fuck eyes make sense.” Prompto mutters and Noctis wheezes.
“...What?”  he asks trying not to laugh.
“I'd see them like giving each other bedroom eyes sometimes. Usually when they thought we was asleep or like busy. At first I thought it was just a weird staring contest”
“Gods if they've been keeping a relationship a secret from me I'll be pissed.” Noctis replies. “Like it's not a big deal but I figure they'd like tell us.”
Prompto pouts and agree.
“Anyway let's enjoy the festival.” Noctis says  leading the way. Prompto nods and follows him.
* * *
The trio explore, wandering around as Prompto takes pictures of the sights.
They walk around for a while before Prompto carefully pulls Noctis to a stop, bouncing on his feet a little as he does.
“Hey...I gotta go…” he mutters and Noctis gestures to a nearby bathroom with his head.
“There's one over there Prom.”
Prompto sighs with relief and rushes off.
“Bee are bee!” Prompto yells as he practically sprints off.
Noctis watches him with a smile before looking down at Solis.
“That's your father right there. He's a nerd but I love him..He's my nerd.” Noctis mutters to his baby son. “..Least you can't tell him I said that.”
Solis sneezes and whines, Noctis mutters comfort to him before the duo fall silent as the wait for Prompto. Solis flails on occasion which Noctis finds cute honestly.
He zones out, focusing on the baby. He smiles and gently runs a hand through feathery blonde baby hair. He's so out of it, he misses the mascot coming closer.
He hears a familiar caw and tenses up, eyes widening in fear. Noctis glances up his fears confirmed when he sees Kenny Crow.  He freezes honestly, breaking out in a cold sweat.
“Don't come closer. Don't come closer.” Noctis mutters to himself.
Solis wiggles in the baby carrier on Noctis’ chest. He grumbles and frowns. Noctis can't comfort him, too frozen as he stares at Kenny Crow.
Solis continues to frown and wiggle and Noctis comes to realise this is how Solis expresses anger. Wiggles.  Anger wiggles he calls it in his mind.
The baby continues his anger wiggles which in turn makes Kenny come over not realising what the wiggles mean. Noctis feels sick honestly.
The mascot attempts to talk to the terrified Prince and the baby, unaware he's the source of the Prince's fear.
“Noct?”  a familiar friendly voice speaks up before the person heads over. Prompto. He looks at Noctis, noticing how terrified he looks.
He notices Kenny and it all makes sense.  He also notices that Solis has stopped wiggling but he's managed to notice Kenny. The baby stares looking terrified before he wails loudly and Prompto realises at that point he has to be the knight in shining armour.
He apologises to Kenny Crow and quickly takes Noctis and Solis says far away from the mascot. Far enough for the duo to relax and calm down.
He carefully leads them to a table outside of a food joint and sighs.
“I'm sorry.” Prompto says.
“Why? You got us away from that daemon.” Noctis mutters. “I should be thanking you.”
Prompto smiles softly offering a hand to Noctis to hold. “Don't thank me. My boys was scared, I was just taking you both out of that.”
Noctis grabs his hand and squeezes it. “Can we sit here for a few seconds?”
Prompto nods and looks at Solis.
“It sucks he got scared.”
“Fear is a normal response to Kenny.” Noctis mutters and Prompto smirks.
“I like him.”
“You like birds.” Noctis replies.  “That's why.”
Prompto smiles and sighs.
“I just don't find him scary.” Prompto says, rubbing his thumb against Noctis’ hand. “I'll protect you both from him. Don't worry.”
Noctis smiles softly.
* * *
Noctis bottle feeds Solis while they sit there, Solis suckles greedily which prompts Prompto to speak up.
“Dude he'll get gas if you let him suckle so quick. He'll be uncomfortable.”
Noctis repositions Solis and adjusts the bottle, Solis suckles slower much to Noctis and Prompto’s relief.
“There's a Chocobo mascot wandering around. I think you'll like it if you're fine with dancing a Chocobo dance in front of people.”
Prompto blushes but looks excited. Noctis can see a spark in his eyes.
“We'll go find them after I burp him.” Noctis adds, laughing to himself as Prompto does his adorable little victory tune.
* * *
It takes longer than expected to burp Solis. Noctis wonders if the baby is dragging the waiting around process out or if said baby is having a difficult time.
Unfortunately Solis throws up a little during the process. Noctis’ face draining of colour the moment he gets baby vomit on his sleeve.
“Prom..We have an issue here.” Noctis speaks up and Prompto quickly rummages in the nappy bag, pulling out baby wipes.
He winces and opens the pack, carefully heading over and wiping Noctis’ sleeve and Solis’ mouth with wet wipes.
“He’s not sick right?” Prompto asks and Noctis shakes his head.
“He’s not fussing...Still want to see that mascot?”
Prompto practically beams and nods, rushing off the moment Noctis stands. The royal smiles as he watches him and then glances down at Solis who flails excitedly.
“He makes it hard not to get excited huh?” he mutters to his son who squeals in response. Noctis laughs and follows the direction Prompto went.
* * *
They catch up fairly quickly, Prompto having decided to wait for them and the small family head down to the Chocobo mascot.
Prompto beams when said mascot notices them, he beams a little more when the Chocobo mascot waves at them.
Prompto gets called over to do the dance and honestly Noctis has never seen someone so excited.
Solis flails a little as he stares at the sight, he seems fascinated, he squeals and giggles when the dance starts and gets more vocal than he has been before when Prompto copies the dance.
Noctis likes to think that this is a baby version of cheering Prompto on that or Solis is just making noises because he doesn’t know how to deal with emotions. He snaps a few photos off Prompto’s camera, Solis attempting to grab the camera from his little baby carrier.
The mascot hugs Prompto who returns it eagerly and the trio are on their way waving the mascot bye. Or Prompto is, Noctis just says bye awkwardly and prays the mascot wasn’t the same person from his visit previously.
Up next they head to the chocobo races. Noctis deciding his knight in shining armour deserves another treat.
“You sure you don’t want a go?” Prompto asks.
“Nah I’ll stay on baby duty.” Noctis replies. Plus his back is aching a little and last thing he wants is to annoy it further.
Prompto asks if he’s sure it’s ok he just goes and Noctis nods.
“Just go have fun.” he says with a smile , glancing down at Solis who’s looking at one of the nearby Chocobos. He’s not completely sure of the adult ones yet.
Noctis strokes his soft blonde baby hair and smiles making his way over to the course to cheer on Prompto as he’s lead away to pick a Chocobo.
* * *
Prompto had sped through the course in lightning time. Noctis is sure he beat his score from the last time but all that is forgotten the moment he sees Prompto’s bright smile.
Prompto coos over the race Chocobo, giving her a scritch and little cuddle before bidding her goodbye as he hands her back to her owner.
“How was it?” Noctis asks, already knowing the answer.
“Amazing! Noct she’s two and her name is Butterscotch and I would die for her.” the gunner cries.
“Don’t die, I need you for this parenting deal.”
Prompto blushes and smiles.
“No plan to.” he says, biting his lip. “Now let’s go to the prize counter!”
* * *
They get back into their hotel room at seven pm. The baby carrier is quickly removed from Noctis’ chest the moment Solis is out of it with a sigh of relief.
Solis is placed into a cot before Prompto and Noctis begin to undress.  Prompto without hesitation slips into the moogle onesie Iris got him.
“Aah~ Dude it’s so soft and warm~” he gasps and that’s enough to make Noctis change into his.
Prompto grins and grabs his phone, flicking on his camera app.
“Say Kupo!” he says with a grin, he puts an arm around Noct and the prince reluctantly says it as Prompto takes the photo, then sends the selfie to Iris.
After that they quickly change Solis before dressing him in his moogle onesie too. The duo freeze for a second before Prompto takes many photos, some going to Iris.
“Hey can you send one to me? I want one as my lockscreen.” Noctis asks.
Prompto smiles and quickly sends a couple for him to choose from.
* * *
They end up ordering room service. Ignis will kill them when he finds out they’re sure but for now it’s a good idea to have ice cream and catch a film on the hotel room’s tv.
Prompto snuggles up to Noctis’ side and Noctis puts an arm around him to get a little more comfortable. He tells himself it’s fine and Prompto looks comfortable and content at his side so he shouldn’t worry.
Prompto’s texting on the advert break. He’s texting Iris and gushing over the baby with her, among other things.
“She’s calling us old for being in bed at seven.” Prompto mutters.
“Tell her we’re only five years older than her.”
Prompto texts back and stretches against Noctis.
“Should I ask about Gladnis?”
“Glad...Nis?” Noctis asks, confused.
“Yeah...Like a couple name. People combine names together.”  Prompto replies.
“Oh that explains some stuff...Yeah ask.”
Prompto grins and texts back, gasping moments later.
“...What? What is it?” Noctis asks.
“...They’ve been dating since they was in high school.”
“What the fuck...How did I not know?”
“Iris says we’re just oblivious.”
Noctis huffs and carefully gets up, Prompto whines and reaches out for him.
“Noo you were comfy.” he huffs before pouting.
Noctis rolls his eyes and smiles.
“I’ll forgot something. I'll be back.” he says heading over to Solis’ cot. Said baby is wiggling around with a frown. “He’s angry.”
“How do you know?” Prompto asks.
“He wiggles and frowns.” Noctis says reaching over to open a drawer on the nightstand.
Prompto gasps and quickly heads over, he laughs a little at the sight and gently strokes Solis’ cheek.
“Dude...This is adorable.” he mutters. “Gods...Noct he’s too cute.”
Noctis smiles and agrees, pulling out the little Carbuncle statue from the drawer and placing it in Solis’ cot.
“Don’t be too grumpy for Carbuncle ok? He’ll let me know how you were.” Noctis mutters and plants a kiss on Solis’ head.
“Yeah be nice to….Carbuncle???? Why haven’t I seen him?” Prompto mutters, planting a kiss on Solis’ head. The kisses seemed to have quelled the baby’s anger who currently is staring at the statue.
“He’s only appeared to me and Solis. I don’t know why he likes making me look crazy by showing up on photos and not letting others see him.”
“Do they like each other?” Prompto asks.
Noctis nods and smiles. “He made it clear he thinks Sol is cute.”
Prompto beams and looks down at Solis. He holds onto the cot looking at their son, who’s staring up at him sleepily.
“Sleep. You’ll be sleepy and cranky if you don’t.” Prompto mutters.
“Also Carby’s waiting for you.” Noctis adds. Solis coos and yawns, Noctis strokes his cheek. “Yeah he’s waiting.”
Solis drifts off soon after, Prompto and Noctis heading back to curl up on the bed and watch their film. They return to their snuggling position and quietly talk to each other once it ends and a new one starts.
They might end up having a film marathon for hours. It extends past when Gladio, Ignis and Iris return at ten and even well past when the trio call it a night.
The boys are sleepy come the fifth or sixth film. They’ve lost count how many have played. They’re honestly blending together at this point plus they’re kind of stuffed due to the fact they ordered a large pizza and shared it together.
Prompto at this point is sluggishly pressed against Noctis and the royal is on his back, occasionally rubbing his stomach just as sluggish.
Prompto blinks slowly. He yawns and grunts. He wonders if the pizza was too much. Prompto hears a yawn right next to him and decides at that point film night is probably drawing to a close.
Neither have the time to turn the TV off. They just attempt to get comfortable and snuggle more against each other. Prompto’s almost asleep when he feels a kiss against his head. He drifts off with a smile on his face.
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autumn-maple13 · 5 years
Lost to Time - Chapter 21
Chapter 21: Surprises
Their return to Lestallum had been met by their friends eagerly awaiting the story of their little adventure, though the excitement of finding the tomb was short live when Noctis and Amara fell victim to another round of earthquake-triggered visions. The woman chose to go ahead and retire for the night once her head had stopped pounding, with Ignis promising to come check on her before he and the guys started making plans to go check out the Disc for themselves. She all but threw herself into a hot shower, spending several minutes doing nothing but letting the water warm her up before washing away the grime from the trek and examining her new scar. Ignis kept his promise, joining her in the room with excellent timing – sitting on the edge of her bed as she slipped under the covers. His hand, warm on her cheek was all she felt as she fell straight-away to sleep.
She could tell it was a deep sleep, something she hadn't had in years, when she awoke with heaviness still dragging her eyelids closed as she tried to burrow deeper into her blanket to escape the pain that was causing her body to stiffen up. However, a warm hand on her uncovered shoulder was gently shaking her awake, and when she looked up it was into the ridiculous grin Gladiolus had on his face.
"What do you want?"
"Sit up."
"Come on! Up, up!" he gently slipped a hand under her back and made her sit up when she seemed more content to rub her eyes, but when she finally looked at the foot of her bed she was shocked to see Ignis and the guys standing there – each with something in their hands.
"Happy birthday!" the four men spoke in unison, all but Ignis closing in to give her a hug. Prompto and Noctis were quick to drop what they were holding (gifts, she realized) so Ignis could step over with the cake he held. Gladio handed her a cup of coffee, dropping a small bag next to her before he walked over to claim one of the rooms seats, letting the younger guys each claim a spot at her side while she felt herself tearing up.
"It's my birthday? With everything that's going on I completely forgot." She wiped away a small tear as she smiled at her friends. "Thanks, guys."
Noctis chuckled next to her, watching his advisor cut everyone a piece of cake. "Ignis sure didn't forget. He's been planning this since we hit Lestallum."
"Aww Iggy!"
"Consider it half-payment for helping me keep his highness in check." The man smirked, giving her a wink that went unnoticed by the others. "The other half I have yet to figure out though."
"I think I have an idea." Gladio grinned mischievously from where he sat, looking between the two. Prompto was the first to catch on to whatever the shield was trying to say, bursting out in a poorly contained giggle fit as Ignis started handing out cake. Amara smiled as she got her (huge) slice, and as soon as a single bite made clear it was his handiwork, she beamed at him.
"Where did you find a kitchen to make this?"
"The café we went to yesterday. The owner was quite happy to lend me what I needed, in exchange for helping a little – of course." He motioned to her coffee, which she picked up to drink. She couldn't quite pinpoint the exact flavors of her cake, but once the coffee hit her tongue she understood. Orange and a slight coffee taste erupted, with just the tiniest tinge of chocolate: this angel food cake he had made for her was her mother's recipe (improved, of course). Amara felt herself tearing up again and put her plate and coffee aside so she could wipe her eyes, unable to bear the sudden thoughts of her parents and her home in Insomnia as they burst forth after having been buried for the past several days.
"Thank you." She sniffled, and felt the guys get up from her side before a pair of arms, then three, wrapped around her. Prompto and Noctis held her by her shoulders while Ignis knelt before her, arms around her waist as he buried his face carefully in her neck, allowing her to do the same as she started to cry. It was a soft crying this time, one that she soon was able to calm down from with her friend's help, with Ignis gently wiping away her stray tears with his gloved hand. He gave her a smile before he stood, as did the others, prompting her to wipe her face once more before she returned it.
"Where did you get mom's recipe?"
"She made the cake for the Crownsguard once, and I just happened to be there when she did."
"So, what, you just asked?" Noctis was looking curious now, having started eating his own slice now that Amara had begun on hers once more.
"Well yes. It was a good cake."
"And it has nothing to do with Amara, hm?"
"I may have overheard Lieutenant Solis telling Ms. Rosemary Amara would be disappointed to not get any of the cake," Ignis smirked, earning a laugh from the redhead. She had finished her breakfast now and was working on her coffee as Noctis and Prompto gave their own empty plates to the Advisor. They looked at her expectantly, then at her lap when she seemed confused, making her remember the gifts they had dropped on her. Setting aside her empty cup she decided to go ahead and open them.
The guys had certainly taken a fair amount of time with their gifts, so soon she was looking over Prompto's small album of photos of all of them (although there were more than a few photos of her and Ignis taken from questionable angles) and Noct's Assassin's emblem (which got a few questioning looks from the others, though Amara was quick to jump in and prove she loved the series as much as her Kingly counterpart). Gladiolus's bag held a small Moogle charm from Iris and a blank journal from Talcott and Jared, as well as a small glass bottle that he wasn't shy to reveal was a bottle of Ignis's cologne, earning him an empty coffee-cup to the head from the blushing redhead.
Ignis scoffed, giving his friend a look as he retrieved a small box from the hotel dresser, moving Noctis aside so he could sit beside her as she opened it. The woman looked at the box for a moment before she opened it, and gasped when she laid eyes on the item inside.
It was the Sylleblossom necklace she had mentioned the day before, though he had clearly had someone professionally replace the sapphires it had once been adorned by with rubies. The sterling silver piece was carefully lifted from the box by the advisor and fastened around her neck before she could say a word about it. She looked down at it, tracing her fingertips carefully over the precious blooms before giving her friend a slightly amazed look that he returned with a smile.
"Do you pay attention to everything?"
"Some things more than others." Noctis teased, jumping away so neither of the duo could smack him.
"I know, he's always so busy being your baby sitter isn't he?" Amara gave him a look that made the raven-haired man scowl at her, the others laughing at the exchange. Ignis shook his head, standing to make quick work of the little bit of cleaning up required. The other guys each gave her another 'happy birthday' (and Prompto a brief hug) before leaving her and the taller blond there. She had just stood to help him when he turned away, walking briskly over to the door and locking it firmly.
"Uh, Iggy?"
"We need to talk."
"Oh, Six, what did I do?"
The man returned to her side, standing tall in front of her and making their five-inch height difference suddenly much more imposing than she remembered, having to look up at him more than usual. He put his hands on her shoulders and leaned close to her, and with her heart racing for more than one reason she was almost unprepared for him to speak again.
"Amara, is the name Aera familiar to you?"
"Aera?" it did ring a bell, one she couldn't help but feel hadn't been rung in a while. "It… I want to say yes, but I don't know."
"What about Aera Mils Fleuret?" the vision of the white dress she had envisioned when she looked at the white shirt her father had given her suddenly burst to the front of her mind again, this time accompanied by fields of Sylleblossoms in whites and reds. The gold headpiece also had a place in this vision, adorning the forehead of a petite blonde woman she couldn't make out the features of beyond a warm smile.
It took a moment for Amara to realize tears had begun to stream down her face and had it not been for Ignis's sudden scurry to grab a nearby box of tissues she might not have.
"I don't know why, but that name makes me so sad…" she wiped away her tears, then looked at her friend. "Why do you ask?"
"I stayed in here with you again last night, in case you had another nightmare from the pain of Noctis getting another Arm. You didn't have one, but at one point you cried out for your mother, and in the same breath you called out to 'Oracle Aera'." The advisor was clearly showing his concern over the situation. "Knowing Noctis's connection to Lady Lunafreya, I asked him if he knew anything of Lady Aera while we were getting ready to surprise you, and he was able to tell me that Lunafreya had spoken of her to him once. She told him that Lady Aera had been "looking" for someone in our time, but because of Noctis, that person had been found."
"What, do you think I'm that person?" Amara's mind screamed, with a familiar laugh echoing somewhere in its deeper recesses.
"You did once tell Noctis and King Regis someone from the past had marked you, and there are also all the visions you had as a child that led to your joining the Glaive." He looked a bit more serious now and returned a hand to her shoulder. "Amara, if Lady Aera is the one who caused those visions, I think she may have something in store for you. Something that may even be triggering the pain in your connection when Noctis gathers the arms."
Tell him, child! A voice roared in her ear, making her look down. Your guilt will kill you at this rate and all will be for naught!
"Ignis, I need to show you something that you absolutely cannot tell anyone else about." She looked up at him again, locking eyes as she reached out to grab his hand that wasn't still on her shoulder and squeezing it until he flinched slightly. "Not even Noctis can know."
"If you can't swear to it, I can't show you."
He seemed to consider it for a moment, even glancing at the wall that separated her hotel room from the guys'. Ignis sighed slightly but soon returned her steeled gaze with a soft one. "Alright, I swear."
Giving his hand another squeeze before she took a few steps back, she kept her gaze focused on him as she summoned one of the Royal Arms to her hand, then the rest to float around her in the reddish-purple glow of her warp clones. The man face fell straight into a disbelief she hadn't thought would be possible to see on him – and for a brief second, she almost thought he was going to turn and run straight to Noctis.
But he didn't. Ignis stayed locked in his place, finally wrenching his confused glance back to her deeply concerned face. "How?"
"I don't know. All I know is that every time we find a tomb, I start hearing the voices of whichever ruler is buried there. I've heard them since the day I first connected to Regis, and what happened that day was caused by one of the past rulers trying to kill me. I don't know which one, but I do know that the others are trying to prevent it from happening again. Every time, every time we find a tomb, they present their power to me in a way that is different from how Noct gains it. It's almost like the Arm itself is going to Noctis, but a kind of copy of it is being given to me." Amara willed the arms to disappear before she walked back over to her friend. "They're giving me knowledge more than anything. Because Noctis is now the King, the past ruler that tried to kill me before is trying to use our connection for a second attempt which is what causes the pain. I don't know what is preventing them from a strong attack like before – unless it's due to the other rulers helping me or my close friendship with Noctis."
The man took a moment to take in what she was telling him, examining her quietly as he tried to piece it together. "Knowledge of what?"
"I don't know yet; I haven't spoken to enough of them."
"And you haven't told us, why?"
"Because I didn't even know how to explain it to myself, at least not properly." She reached out and took Ignis's hands in her own, closing the distance between them with a single step and looking up at him so he could see closely the truth in her eyes. "If I couldn't even do that, I knew there would be no way to explain it to the people I care so much about."
The man didn't flinch away from the intensity of her gaze, or the heat building between them from how close together they stood now. "Do you think that may be why the Chancellor wants to keep you alive? With Tenebrae under the Empire's rule, there's no telling what Lady Lunafreya may have been forced to tell him."
"If that's the case," he spoke as he finally took a step back from her, "we should tell the others."
She followed him step for step, not letting him distance himself. "Not yet. I need to learn more before I tell anyone else, or it could put all of us in danger."
"Then why tell me?"
"Ignis, I-" she was interrupted by banging on the door, followed by the door handle being jiggled violently.
"Guys c'mon! If we're going to the outlook, we need to go before it gets too crowded!" Noctis's voice cut through to them, gaining both of their attention and causing a shared glance.
"Just a minute!" Amara called harshly but gave her companion a smirk. "I still need to get dressed."
Now that seemed to knock something back into place, with the man giving her a quick once over before looking away, his ears turning red. "I should go make sure everything is ready to be packed away then."
The woman threw an arm up in front of him, making him pause just long enough for her to grab some clothes and a pair of boots from her bag. "Can you start with this then?"
He shot her a look, freezing momentarily when she leaned in close – whispering a soft 'please' in his ear before darting off to the bathroom to get dressed. When she re-emerged, she handed him her nightclothes to be put in her bag and set to fixing her headpiece, smirking at his slight blush all the while. The man dropped her bag beside her (neatly packed though!) and gently flicked her new necklace as he gave her another once-over through narrowed eyes, leaving her to lurch after him and drag him back to her side by his wrist.
"I told you because of how I feel. So, trust me to tell the others when I know more." She whispered in his ear, ignoring the look that crossed his face, before slipping around him to unlock her door. "Sorry for the wait Noct."
The King looked at her sage green halter top and dark brown pants with an arched brow, then at her also dark brown boots and the dark green straps of her shirt that ran across its cutout over her mid-section. "Showing off your abs today?"
"It's hot as hell outside. I'm sure you'd be showing off too if you actually had any muscle."
"Hey, I got muscle! You just can't see it..." he huffed, turning on his heel to stalk away as the duo shared a chuckle and followed after him – though Ignis returned her earlier favor with a soft brush of his lips across the scar on her cheek she had gained fleeing Insomnia. A whisper of 'our secret' was breathed against her ear before he walked quickly away, leaving her a blushing mess with no choice but to follow.
Gladio and Prompto were waiting in the lobby with the guys' bags, earning a brief check from Ignis before Iris made herself known.
"Happy birthday Amara. Did Gladdy actually give you the presents from Talcott and me?"
"Of course," the older woman motioned to the Moogle charm, which she had fastened to one of her holsters. "He can be trustworthy sometimes you know."
"Sometimes." Iris laughed, with Gladiolus only feigning a protest. "But hey, we should talk about it later. I hope you guys find out what's going on."
"Yeah, we'll let you know."
"Please? And be safe guys." She smiled and waved them off, leaving Prompto and Noctis to lead them to the outlook that was connected to the parking area. As soon as the older men had everything stowed away in the Regalia, they started the short walk towards the less crowded of the lookouts, not even noticing when Amara's expression changed completely.
'Are you shitting me?!'
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ardentmystacina · 6 years
I wrote a horror style AU and though I posted it on ao3 I forgot to post it here. I’m really happy with it, though would have liked to have been able to make it longer, and will be writing three snippets to go with it. Though tbh they are in-part just to add more words because MOAR WORDS. Writing anything a decent length is hard.
Title: Periapt Rating: T Warnings: None.
Coming here had been his worst idea ever. Prompto had had terrible ideas before, but this outstripped them all. Exploring the woods on the edge of town, sure. Listening to rumours around town from old people about an apparently haunted mansion, it happens. But actually coming out to the middle of the woods to investigate said haunted, abandoned mansion? Terrible idea.
 Because the mansion didn't quite seem to be as abandoned as everyone thought.
 The man standing in front of him was so tall, making Prompto feel small as he caught himself reflexively curling and willed his arms to stay at his sides. But it was the presence around him that made Prompto tremble. The feeling that he was being watched and judged by something lurking in the shadows, just out of sight. Something cold and dark and hungry. From the way the stranger's lips curled up into a faint smile Prompto was sure he had noticed.
 "You look somewhat lost," came a voice from behind him, crisply accented and it felt like an ice pick against his brain, "and so far from home."
 The sudden chill that came over him was startling, and Prompto hadn't heard him coming, he should have heard him coming.
 This was a terrible idea, Prompto thought as he whirled around to look at the other man and stepped back to keep both men in his sights, this was a terrible idea and I'm going to die.
 The newer man had moss green eyes that felt like chips of ice. "So lost and alone, so afraid," he mused, almost thoughtfully. "We should have never let you go. It's time to come back to us," the words were sharp and possessive and so, so cold.
 The first man, so tall and broad, smiled at his apparent companion before he returned his dark, amber gaze to Prompto. "Nostri solis, we've missed you," he said with that smile still on his lips. His rough-smooth voice was deep as stone and ground like sandpaper on Prompto's nerves.
 What the hell is going on!? Prompto, light on his feet but half-way paralyzed, stared at the men as they watched him, their eyes gleaming eerily in the gloom. It was hard to breathe through the thick, almost choking atmosphere, as if he were breathing smoke. The way the shadows were almost crawling in the fading evening light.
 Both men began to move forward, reaching out with beckoning hands and what could be expressions of fondness mixed in with their hunger. But Prompto didn't see it, didn't care. He pulled himself from where he stood to turn and run through the only door not blocked by the two strangers.
 Prompto sprinted through the vast halls of the mansion without aim or direction. There has to be a way out, there has to be. Doors blurred past him as he ran as fast as he could, fear and panic throwing him heedlessly through the seemingly endless maze of corridors and rooms.
 Prompto stopped.
 It was a dead end. The room was a dead end, just some weathered and broken furniture shoved against a wall. The last dregs of twilight were drifting through boarded windows. The pounding of blood was slowly fading from Prompto's ears, pulling away the gauze of terror as he caught his breath.
 He was alone and while he hadn't heard either of the men come after him, for all they were quiet he was faster than they'd be able to follow. Prompto watched the specks of dust floating on the faint, oddly cool breeze as he carefully made his way over to the window to inspect the frame.
 Could he pull the boards down? Prompto wondered as he pushed hard on the boards and tried to pry his fingers between them in an effort to loosen them, before letting out a quiet hiss of a sigh in frustration. The boards wouldn't budge and only creaked at his efforts. He didn't have any tools, he didn't even know what floor he was on.
 Ignoring the growing chill in the air Prompto gathered his thoughts. He couldn't leave from here so that only left finding another way out. He remembered going up stairs but he couldn't remember, it was all blurred together. How long had he been running? How long had he been here?
 Prompto's breath fogged in front of him, thick and cloudy in the suddenly icy air. I really should never have come here, he thought as he stepped back, ready to make a break for it.
  But almost warm arms wrapped around him in a tight hug.
 It felt like a bolt of frozen lightning down his spine and he couldn't move. Prompto couldn't move, couldn't see who was holding him, could only see wisps of black out of the corner of his eye. All he could do was feel soft, soft hair brushing against his neck and cheek as the stranger rested their chin on his shoulder.
 "I've finally found you, Prompto. I missed you so much," the words were just so happy. The sheer joy in the stranger's voice didn't make any sense. He thought he knew him? And before the others had acted like they knew him as well, what was happening?
 "H-how to you know my name?" Prompto forced out, his voice weak and shaking. He felt numb, hazy, as the shadows deepened. Stuck like a pinned butterfly, wrapped up like he was in the stranger's arms without the strength for even the weakest of struggles.
 "Because I'll always know you. 'Ever at your side', even if you don't remember," the stranger said, his voice as light and somehow warm in all the ways he wasn't. Prompto felt the feather soft hair brush against him as the stranger nuzzled against his cheek. It felt...nice, familiar in a distant way he couldn't quite grasp.
 He was so cold.
 Far off in the distance Prompto thought he could hear the chime of a grandfather clock, gentle bells reaching through the numbness and fog. Unable to help himself Prompto sagged against the other man, letting him take his weight and yielding to the embrace.
 "It's time to come home."
 Around them all light had faded, the shadows and gloom so thick he could barely see the faint twilight glow in front of him. Prompto closed his eyes as soft, warm lips pressed a smile to his cheek as he fell into darkness.
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thedarkrose17 · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Eventual Relationships, Accidental Baby Acquisition Summary:
The first thing Prompto wakes up to is concerned voices and someone fussing or whining.
It takes a few moments to sit up, adjust in the tent and glance around. It’s just Ignis, Gladio and a fussing baby. He blinks and looks again. The baby wasn’t here last night. ☆ ☆ ☆ A.k.a The astrals get tired of Prompto and Noctis' pining and decide to try and get them together
Read on the link or under the cut:
The first thing Prompto wakes up to is concerned voices and someone fussing or whining.
It takes a few moments to sit up, adjust in the tent and glance around. It’s just Ignis, Gladio and a fussing baby. He blinks and looks again. The baby wasn’t here last night.
Ignis notices him staring and speaks up.
“I’m as baffled as you are. I woke up to and found this infant next to your sleeping bag.“ Ignis states.
“Baby didn’t come with any of us. Maybe the kid’s lost.” Gladio mutters, looking concerned.
“I doubt an infant this young crawled all the way here and into our tent.” Ignis replies.
“Maybe someone left them?” Prompto adds. “That’s creepy if someone did just y'know sneak into our tent and place their kid here.”
Gladio offers the baby to Ignis who holds them and sighs.
“It’s rather troubling either way.” he says looking at the baby. “Strange.”
“What?” Prompto asks, looking distressed. He’s clueless with babies but this whole thing so far has him worried for the poor soul. He’s terrified something’s wrong with them.
“The infant kind of looks like Noct.” Ignis casually says.
“Looks like Blondie too.” Gladio adds which Ignis agrees with.
“W-What? Give ‘em here.” Prompto looks confused as he’s handed the baby and quickly corrected on his incorrect holding of them.
The baby is warm which makes him feel a little better. They seem to stop fussing in his arms so he gets the chance to look at them.
They’re kind of cute if he had to admit it with their pale skin, thick blonde baby hair and eyes similar to Noctis’ and lips too. The nose looks familiar too maybe similar to his own. He’s baffled and scared honestly, it looks like him and Noctis kind of. He’d remember if he had a kid right? He’s positive he would.
“H-Hey little um…”
“Guy.” Gladio adds to which Prompto raises a brow. “It’s not hard to figure out.”
“…Little guy. He’s wrapped in a blanket dude.How was I supposed to know?” Prompto mutters, offering a weak nervous smile to the baby boy. Said baby gurgles and yawns.
“Who do you think wrapped him up?” Gladio replies. Prompto huffs and complains about not being told sooner to which Gladio shrugs,muttering about it being the least important priority in this troubling situation.
Prompto goes quiet for a second before speaking up again.
“...He’s not gonna pee on me right? Or on the blanket?” Prompto asks, glancing at the baby and then Ignis and Gladio.
“Doubt it. Kid’s had nothing.” Gladio replies which makes Prompto relax and look back at the baby who this time offers a toothless smile which makes Prompto smile back.
“First time he’s smiled.” Gladio comments, watching the scene.
Prompto looks nervous as hell as he glances up at Gladio and then back to the baby. He doesn’t know what he’s doing here. What if he drops him.
“Try and wake princess up.” Gladio says noting the blonde’s nervousness. “Also you won’t drop the baby. Just saying. If that’s why you’re worrying.”
Prompto bites his lip and leans down a little to Noctis, he blushes and swallows. His crush on him has only been getting worse as the years go on and at twenty he doesn’t know if he can handle it potentially growing worse.
The baby looks at Noctis and coos almost in his ear before proceeding to pat his face. Surprisingly it wakes Noctis up and he opens his eyes looking at Prompto and the baby currently patting his face before attempting to drift back off.
The situation hits him seconds later and his eyes shoot open. He stares at the baby then up at Prompto a few times, like he’s trying to figure out if this is real or not.
“Who’s kid is this?” Noctis asks, watching as the baby notices he’s awake and stops patting. He seems happy Noctis is awake.
“Um we don’t know. Iggy and Gladio found him in here.” Prompto replies, glancing at the baby boy.
Said baby sneezes and startles himself, he whines and Prompto brings him close to comfort him. He rubs his back and mutters how everything’s ok.
“…Since when did you handle babies?” Noctis asks.
“I-I don’t know what I’m doing. I saw this on TV once.” Prompto mutters.
* * *
They get ready and have breakfast. Gladio offering Prompto a spare blanket to help keep the baby warm. It was a chilly morning.
Gladio bundles the baby up with it and the baby stares up at him. He seems almost content in that blanket.
“He’s got no diapers so we’re gonna have to get some.” the shield says to Ignis. “Also formula. He’s too young for solids.”
Ignis agrees but seems conflicted. He doesn’t like the idea of the child waiting for his meal for too long.
“We’ll get supplies after breakfast then.” Ignis replies watching as Prompto teaches Noctis how to hold the baby while holding toast in his mouth.
“Would the gods and goddesses be mad if we summon them to ask about the baby?” Prompto asks around his toast.
“Please don’t summ-” Ignis sighs as he looks at Noctis.
Noctis’ eyes glow pink and the baby stares before being to wail. He seems panicked as he glances at the baby, eyes still pink before he picks him up and attempts to summon still while trying comfort the scared baby.
The baby boy wails against him until Shiva arrives. He all but whimpers a little until he spots her and attempts to touch her.
Noctis quickly stops the baby and attempts to talk with the Glacian before he has to call Prompto over to hold the baby who seems to badly want to touch the goddess.
“Nah buddy I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’ll get turned into a popsicle.” Prompto mutters to the baby, said baby decides to hold onto his jacket much to Prompto’s relief.
* * *
Prompto talks with the baby for a while or it feels like a while. He just babbles to him but the baby doesn't mind or probably even understand him. He’s nervous and kind of cold and he doesn’t know if that’s due to Shiva or if it’s just the temperature dropping a little.
Either way he decides to tug the blanket around the baby more and hold him closer. The baby decides to whine and make grabby hands in Noctis’ general direction.
“Noct’s just asking the nice goddess about you ok kiddo? He’ll be back soon I promise.” Prompto mutters pacing around a little with the baby.
“Maybe she’ll know about you.Then we can help you out buddy.” he sounds unsure as he says but the baby is too young to notice honestly.
Prompto notices Noctis frown and say something. He can’t tell if he’s confused or annoyed but he prays Noctis isn’t arguing with the Glacian. Last thing he wants is them all to be frozen. She likes humans right? Would she do that?
Noctis gestures Prompto over once the Glacian has vanished. Prompto notices as he gets closer with the baby, Noctis is blushing a little. Maybe it was chilly around her? Maybe it was something she said, she did smile and say something before she left.
“What did she say?” Prompto asks.
“Good luck with him.” Noctis mutters.
“So she didn’t know who’s kid he is?”
“Um no she told me.” Noctis looked strange as he spoke like he was still trying to process something. “He’s um…Ours.”
Prompto glances down at the baby in his arms and snorts.
“Be serious.”
“I am. She said they created him basically cause they was tired of waiting for us to get together.” Noctis is blushing more now and Prompto is sure he is too.
The baby decides it’s time to pat his cheeks at that moment. It would be cute if he wasn't freaking out.
“…So the Gods and Goddesses got tired of possible pining and did this?” Prompto asks, certain his voice might have gone higher.
Noctis nods and glances at the baby. He’s a perfect mix of them if he’s honest and rather adorable. He decides to get closer and gently rub a cheek of his new baby son and said baby attempts to grab at his hand.
* * *
They’ve had a few hours to adjust to the baby. They’ve got him a limited amount supplies and he’s currently happy, full and wearing a little baby grow covered in fish which was a Noctis purchase, he’d beamed when he'd seen such a thing.
Gladio was a lifesaver, helping with the bottle and showing them what to do. Though he let them suffer figuring out how to put the nappy on the baby boy. Clothes wasn’t too difficult.
The baby is currently napping in Prompto’s arms. The blonde has been a little nervous about putting him down since he’s learned he was a gift basically from the astrals or Prompto classes him as a gift even if Gladio is saying the baby won’t be quiet for long.
For now the baby is quiet and napping and Prompto is just happy that the baby is comfortable.
He can’t help but smile as he comes up with a name for the baby. He’s almost scared by how much he already adores his son. He’s young and clueless but him and Noctis aren’t alone and he doubts the astrals would give them a baby if they didn’t think they was capable.
“Solis.” Prompto mutters.
“What?” Noctis asks looking over.
“His name…What do you think?”
Noctis glances at their baby and smiles softly. “It’s perfect.”
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