inky-duchess · 3 months
Fantasy Guide to Royal and Noble Marriages
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Marriage is an important part of the life of both royal and nobles in any setting, either historical fiction or fantasy. Marriages are not only life long commitments but they are business and protection deals by families. These are strategies, not relationships. So how can we write them?
Why make a Marriage?
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Marriage is at its heart, the seal on an agreement. Two families may come to an agreement to share resources, connections and support one another. For a noble family, it could be about elevation. For example, if the daughter of an Earl marries a Duke, her siblings can now make higher marriages and her family would be more important thanks to this link. It could even be about money. In the late Victorian - Early Edwardian period, many impoverished English peers married wealthy American women for their fortunes. In exchange, the women became titled aristocrats. Royal marriages are made for more universal perks. A royal marriage can change the political layout of the world, it could isolate a kingdom or be the starting gun or a war or end a years long conflict. For example, Kingdom A might be being threatened by Kingdom B. Kingdom C has a powerful military. Kingdom A might offer up a marriage deal to Kingdom C, with the caveat that C protect A from B. C would obligated to act if A gets attacked by B, since A is now an ally. A marriage cements the deal as it creates family ties, which is seen as a sort of permanent stamp on negotiations. After all, would you screw over family?
Marriages of Choice vs Arranged Marriages
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Marriages can either be made on behalf of a royal/noble or made by themselves. An heir might be more restricted in this case whilst a younger children have a little more leeway especially if they are part of a large family.
Marriages are not always arranged. But that doesn't mean there aren't restrictions. Any royal or noble will have a list of certain attributes their spouse must have or certain attributes they cannot have. Marriages of choice have to be approved by parents (and the crown if you are a high ranking noble) and if you are royal, sometimes by the government itself.
Arranged marriages are agreements between two families. They might want each other's protection, support or they might simply want to do business together such as opening trade corridors or lifting embargoes on certain items. Arranged marriages are usually made on behalf of both spouses and they are expected to agree to the match for the sake of their family or country.
Screwing over the Deal
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Making a marriage doesn't mean that the deal will last forever. Alliances change and circumstances shift. Whilst everyone may be all friendly during negotiations and for some time after, politics is the aim of the game. Treaties can be broken, war can break out and marriages can become unpopular choices. If a country has welcomed a bride/groom one day and then their country becomes the enemy, the bride/groom could become an enemy as well and face isolation and disrespect from the public - even their new family. However they are expected to be loyal to their new family and country, even over their own family and kingdom. These marriages have no promise of happiness. They are a job, a duty to ensure the family is taken care of and securing their futures.
Timeline of a Royal Marriage between Two Royal Families
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Offer: The suggestion is made.
Negotiations: The discussion through ambassadors of what a marriage might entails, what each side is willing to provide or what they demand of the marriage. This can take weeks, months even years before a marriage is agreed.
Betrothal: Marriage is approved, treaty signed and the couple is engaged. Betrothals can last from anything from a few weeks to years
Wedding: If one spouse has to travel to their new home, they will travel to their new home and meet their new court, new family and their spouse. Once they arrive, the wedding will take place in a matter of days.
Married Life
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These marriages are public, so it is expected for the couple to at least act civil. If they do not like one another or can't stand the sight of another or they just don't love each other, is irrelevant to society and their expectations. They are expected to attend certain events together, sire children and do their duty. There's no rules saying they must live together, so many lived separate lives. The higher ranking spouse is expected to provide their spouse with an allowance and a staff. For international marriages, spouses are not permitted to hire a large party of their own attendants even if they accompany them to their new country. They may keep one or two for company but a newly minted royal should not be waited on by foreign servants, they are a royal of their new kingdom now.
What makes a "good" marriage?
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As mentioned above, marriages and relationships are expected to fall into certain perameters. Any spouse - chosen or assigned - should meet certain standards such as be of appropriate rank, follow societal norms and even sometimes be of the same religion. Marriages to anybody who falls out of these standards can be seen as a devasting move - the marriage of Edward IV is still remarked on as a contributing factor to the end of the Plantagenet dynasty. Making the wrong choice of spouse in society's eyes can lead to gossip, being shunned, being disrespected and even barred from succeeding to your birthright. Unequal marriages or morganatic marriages, can even bar children from succession, disallow the couple from attending events together and deny the spouse the style they ought to be entitled to - the marriage of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is a good example to study. A good marriage is seen as one that adheres to all the expectations of society - even if it is an unhappy one.
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lyralit · 2 years
nobility titles (in order of importance) - writing prompts
empress / emperor - rules over an empire, composed of several kingdoms or countries. highest rank
king / queen - rules over a kingdom. could be a part of an empire, but still quite powerful
duchess / duke - rule over a duchy (a part of a kingdom, ex. a province or large territory). second only to the literal king and queen
marquis / marchioness - support dukes and duchesses, don't usually own territory
countess / count/earl - rule over cities. have their own castles. pretty cool guys
viscount / viscountess - rule over smaller lands, like towns or villages. they can also be the children of counts/earls and countesses
baron / baroness - the 'servants' of nobility. usually only people who have their own land + a noble rank.
princess / prince - the descendants of royalty
knight / dame - usually military folk with titles (addressed as "sir")
lady / lord - addressing anyone below the rank of queen / king (unless their title is princess / prince)
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lililovesthings · 5 months
Ok, you know what I like about this happy ending?
There's nothing "romantic" about it.
There's no going off to get married or sacrificing something to be with the one he loves blah blah blah. No.
He retired to save himself and found his happy ending with family.
Now THAT is a realistic happy ending.
There's a lesson in there.
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Pimen Nikitich Orlov (Russian, 1812-1865) Group portrait of the sisters: writer Countess Elizaveta Vasilievna Salias de Tournemire, artist Sofia Vasilievna Sukhovo-Kobylina and Evdokia Vasilievna Petrovo-Solovo, 1847 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
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roughridingrednecks · 4 months
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Nobles in Texas
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serenexdreams · 1 year
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Part. 1 Part. 2
IN TEYVAT'S BEGINNER GUIDE TO GROWING FLOWERS, it cites that all native flowers flourish and bloom in their respective regions of birth--rarely away from home, do they choose to open their buds and blossom.
Kamisato Ayato had believed, for a very long time, that the flower unwillingly plucked and thrust to his side had withered. However, he was pleased to find that was not the case.
A DOWNCAST, OBEDIENT GAZE. Neatly combed strands of hair entwined backwards into a traditional Inazuman-style bun; pinned up by deep blue chrysanthemums. A delicate, snowy white kimono draped over your poised figure, embroidered with a flowery azure blue print.
Ayato's pale violet eyes drilled holes into your skull, silently observing your every move. The rich, comforting scent of matcha tea wafted through the air, as you brewed the hot liquid. Apathy clouded your (E/C) eyes, rendering your emotions unreadable. A faint spark of interest ignited within Ayato, as he calmly watched you bend forward, pouring him a cup of tea.
Had it not been for your unnaturally sharp facial structure, and (H/C) hair that stuck out like a sore thumb, you could have easily passed as any common Inazuman noblewoman. But these distinct features were easy to tell apart from a crowd; they screamed of Monstadt. Of the fact that you were a foreigner.
"...My lord, your tea is ready." Ayato was snapped out of his thoughts, gaze flitting to the cup of tea you offered him. "Please be careful, for it is quite hot."
Ayato took a sip. The refreshing, almost bitter taste instantly woke him up. A faint smile curved across his lips. "Your tea-brewing skills have improved since you arrived, dearest. I take it that you've learned from an expert--perhaps Ayaka?"
"Yes. Lady Ayaka was gracious enough to educate me on the process." You made no attempt at conversation, as an awkward silence stretched out between the two of you.
Nine months. It had been nine months, since you had been shipped overseas, like a bag of cargo--only to be wed off to the distant, elusive Yashiro Commissioner sitting in front of you. The only time you both had interacted, was during the engagement ceremony, the wedding reception, and the brief kiss you had shared during the vows. So what was he doing here?
You discreetly gulped down the bitter tea, tongue protesting in pain, as a searing hot sensation rushed down your throat. You held in a cough, retaining your composure. "...My lord, is there anything that you require of me? I believe I requested that you simply send a servant instead of personally coming to me. I understand that you are bu-"
"Is it wrong of me to want to visit my dear wife? I hold my family quite close to my heart." Ayato smoothly replied, taking a sip from his teacup. "I haven't visited you in a while, nor had a proper conversation in ages. I missed you."
You internally cringed at the unnatural, sappy words pouring from the typically dignified Yashiro Commissioner's mouth. Lies. All lies. What was he up to?
THE FIRSTBORN DAUGHTER OF TWO MONSTADT ARISTOCRATS--distant relatives of the Gunhildr clan, and one of the few families spared during Lady Venessa's rebellion. Your parents had been relatively lax; constantly busy with work, unable to make time for you in their lives. To compensate, they let you do as you wished; as long as you made sure to uphold family values, and study well.
Thus, your life had been filled with days immersed in your studies as an aristocrat and chasing crystal flies through the shadows of Whispering Woods. A simple and balanced life, filled with both freedom and rules. You had never resented your parents; they provided you with everything you needed and hired a nanny who raised you well. You and your parents held mutual respect and an indirect form of affection for each other.
Yet that all came shattering down when news of a marriage proposal from overseas arrived. The prospects were excellent, and your parents had hastily agreed in your stead. Nothing could be done; you were now engaged to the head of the Kamisato Clan, a man you had never met.
THAT NIGHT, you had bawled your eyes out in the lap of your beloved nanny; before begging your parents, for the first time ever, to not be sent to a foreign nation. Where you would be alone, once again.
That was when you realized it; it wasn't that they were always busy. They simply didn't care enough to constantly stand by your side. A political marriage like this was enough to ensure that you would be well-fed and sheltered, so they were satisfied. Their job was done.
Beneath the pale white moonlight, shining through the gaps between the branches of your favourite tree in the Whispering Woods, was a wet patch of soil. Your tears continued to roll down the edges of your eyes; watering the soil and tree. You had tasted what freedom was; but now, it was being ripped away from you.
Perhaps it was the Anemo crystal flies that took pity on you--or maybe even Barbatos himself, who knows. Either way, the next morning, you woke up in the woods; eyes puffy and cheeks red with dried tearstains. Next to you, a green glass orb glowed brilliantly; casting its emerald light down upon you. A secret friend that would forever accompany you on your endeavours.
At first, hope had sparked through your body; the vision was proof of your ambition and worth. Would it be enough to save you from your lonely fate?
However, when you had gleefully thrust your vision into the gaze of your nanny, her gentle demeanour turned sour.
"Milady--where did you get this?.... Please do not joke around. A noble lady, especially one getting married to a prestigious overseas commissioner, should not desire such things. Please always be reminded of your responsibilities. There is no longer room for freedom."
Cracks had slowly, one by one, crept across the glass mirror reflecting your once-perfect life. At first, you had despaired; confining yourself within the darkness of your room--refusing to eat or dress up for guests. It got worse--to the point, maids had to drag you kicking and screaming to take a bath. What was the point?
Regardless of how much ambition or intelligence you had, everything boiled down to how marriageable you were. Everything revolved around your pretty face and blue blood.
But did it really?
There's so much to explore, in this world. Why not try to chase for the stars, little lady? If you don't have a lot of time 'til you're shipped off overseas, you may as well enjoy it.
Some words of advice from some retired adventurers, lounging lazily around the warmth of a fire in the Whispering Woods.
A sharp, numb, pang of realization rang through you. They were right.
There was so much to see in Inazuma, as well, wasn't there?
"I haven't visited you in a while, nor had a proper conversation in ages. I missed you."
YOU RESISTED THE URGE TO ITCH AT A SPOT ON YOUR NECK. A mere distraction. Moving too much would cause the tiny pins in your hair to fall out of place, and wrinkle your kimono. You resisted the urge to clasp your fingers around the bronze locket hanging around your neck; to feel the comforting pulse of your vision, hidden inside the flimsy metal.
"I see." You dryly replied, uncomfortably looking away. From the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar blond, who gave you a short bow. An awkward smile graced your lips, as you tilted your head in greeting.
After you had arrived in Inazuma, you were greeted by a blond-haired, emerald-eyed man; one of your fiance's trusted servants, Thoma. He was a good conversation partner; a former Monstadter, now serving the Commissioner. If you wished, you could reach out to him for comfort. He'd surely sympathize with a lonely little lady, faraway from home. But you knew that he couldn't be trusted with your little secret. You could see the burning loyalty in his passionate emerald eyes, that he held for the Yashiro Commissioner.
"...Everybody, please leave the room." Ayato's sharp voice cut through your train of thought, as you refocused your attention on him. His once plaint, calm demeanour had disappeared. Hearing his order, your handmaidens and the servants all instantly disappeared. You hesitantly shuffled, unsure if you should follow. "No, you stay, Y/N."
"...Yes, my lord. How can I help?" You replied, gnashing your teeth, as you fiddled with the hem of your kimono. What on earth did this man want? He had shown zero interest in you, in the past; always busy with 'work-related matters,' never bothering to show up to any birthdays or formal events, just like your parents.
Not that you minded. The western wing of the Kamisato residence remained practically uninhabited until you had moved in. All the handmaidens and servants working in your quarters were on your side, in this household.
You were a noblewoman too. One of the talents you had picked up was exerting your own influence. Within weeks, you had completely won the staff over--including the handmaidens assigned by the Yashiro Commissioner himself, to watch over you.
Ayato calmly set his teacup down, steel gaze flicking to meet your eyes. Goosebumps trailed down your spine. "I would like to ask you something, and I'd prefer if you were as honest as possible."
Panic flew through your mind. Did he find out about the secret stash of Guides to Freedom you had commissioned an adventurer to transport to you? Or the wind glider hidden in the back of your closet? Or perhaps...
Your Anemo Vision?
A dull silence resounded through the room, as you froze in fear. His words slowly ticked through your mind, processing. Ayato tilted his head, amusement evident in his unreadable gaze. He leaned towards you, and you instinctively flinched, snapping out of your trance.
"...I'm afraid I do not understand your question, my lord." You replied stoically. "You are my husband. There is no reason for me to disli-"
"Really? Then I'd like to inquire why you decided to place your eyes upon Thoma, rather than me, your husband?" You stiffened, as those saccharine-sweet, sugarcoated words flowed easily from Ayato's mouth. "Tell me, my sweet wife. Since when did you begin to fancy my own servant?"
You felt your own typically-dormant temper flare. Since when did this man have the right to involve himself in your private affairs? However, you patiently gritted your teeth--a faux, thin-lipped smile of elegance curving across your delicate features.
"I don't know what you are talking about, my lord. You rarely visit me, and we've only spoken on a couple occasions, regarding formal matters. I apologize, but you have no right to inquire about my private affairs. " You bluntly replied. "I neither dislike nor favour you, my lord."
Ayato hummed softly, shifting slightly.
The eyes are the windows to one's soul. Scriptures from the Favonius Church cited this saying--that one's emotions and beliefs are evident, and can be identified by looking into their eyes.
But when you gazed into his eyes, it was like peering into a misty field, after a gentle spring shower. A thick fog veiled his intentions, yet Ayato's mesmerising violet irises were clearer than the waterfalls of Springvale.
He patted the empty spot next to him. "Perhaps I haven't been clear enough. We should have an amicable relationship, but I've been neglecting you. I apologize. WHy don't you have a seat next to me?"
You narrowed your eyes, watching his snake-like expression twist in amusement at your reluctance. What in Celestia's name was he planning now? Regardless, it appeared that the minor tantrum he was previously throwing, was over. You stood up, shuffling to his side. Your kimono rustled, the exquisite silk crinkling as you sat down next to him.
Unbeknownst to you, his gaze burned with vicious envy, as his mind formulated a plan.
THE GLOSSY FABRIC OF HIS GLOVES suddenly brushed against your cheek, as you steeled your unrelenting gaze--putting up an unfazed front. His face drew closer, fingers trailing to your shoulders.
You could feel it. His cool, indifferent touch crinkling the kimono--calculative gaze soaking in your every reaction. You nervously felt your teeth rake the edge of your lip--bruising it.
"...My lord, I'd like to ask of you to please maintain some personal space." You dryly commented, feeling your cheeks flush a rosy pink. You pursed your lips, forcibly yanking his wrists away from your body. The long, rigid fabric slid backwards, revealing the unblemished skin beneath. You watched as Ayato's eyes appreciatively soaked in the visual before him.
Suddenly, he chuckled. The smooth, elegant noise sent a shiver across your spine, as your stomach fluttered at the sound.
The man was heartless--you knew that more than anyone. Neither of you even bothered to try and hide the fact that your marriage was completely political. So why was he trying to get all buddy-buddy with you? You scowled, glaring viciously at him.
"...I had thought that you were withering away, due to lack of attention. But it appears I was completely wrong." He leaned forward. Your eyes widened, as alarm bells went off in your head. You shot backwards, mouth opening to hurl a line of crude insults at him.
"How dare you-"
AS MONTHS OF COLD SILENCE between the two of you fluttered by, Ayato had become curious; what was his new 'bride' like? He had, for a long time, assumed that you had resigned yourself to your fate; to live as a sacrificial lamb, for the sake of a political alliance--yet the opposite was true.
You were interesting. A delicate flower, desperately clinging onto your last hope, and against all odds, blooming in a foreign nation. He could still remember the first time he had seen you manipulate Anemo.
It had been a long, dreary evening of meeting after meeting. The hot, humid summer air sank into the thick, ceremonial white robes he wore, as beads of sweat trickled down his neck. The sky was a deep, midnight blue; slowly flushing into a glorious golden dawn. Another night, wasted away.
It was an accident. Ayato had merely been observing the back garden of the Kamisato compound, from his hidden sanctuary; a small fountain in a clearing, overlooking the western wing's garden. A faint flash of emerald green lit up the area.
His eyes widened, soaking in the view. In mere seconds, a figure had scaled the wall of the compound--darting effortlessly through the air, and landing with a thump on the other side. An intruder? Or perhaps an assassin-
No. That face looked familiar. Ayato watched, intrigued as your appearance morphed and distorted. Your long, (H/C) locks, once tainted with an unrecognizable dark brown colour, returned to their original state. Your facial structure changed, as did your other defining features.
Ah...Y/N was her name, I believe. He had almost forgotten about you--and the fact that you even existed. His memory flashed back to the submissive, weak gaze that you held when he first met you. Had it truly all been an act? From a distance, he watched as a handmaiden appeared from the shadows--placing a shawl around your shoulders and frantically whispering into your ears, before helping you brush away a few stray leaves from your clothes. Your lips curved into a dazzling smile, as you let out a breathless laugh, trying to catch your breath.
How had you done it? Curiosity overwhelmed his indifference, as he continued to observe the two of you slink back into the confines of the western wing. Your acting was on spot.
For the next couple of days, Ayato would remain perched next to the fountain, documents in hand, as he observed you skillfully creep in and out of the compound. Some days, you'd return with a beaming smile, unaware of his watchful eye. On rare occasions, you'd return dishevelled; with windswept hair, bruised and tired. The scent of the ocean accompanied you everywhere you went--but the couple times Ayato encountered you, while passing through the halls, the heavy scent of Sakura bloom perfume masked the salty sea breeze.
Whenever you returned from your nighttime adventures, it was like you had been rejuvenated with life. An ethereal, bright glow surrounded you in the morning; unbeknownst to Ayato, like a moth to a flame, he was slowly sinking into an uncontrollable obsession. Until he finally snapped.
One night, you didn't return.
Ayato remained motionless; gaze fixed upon the wall of the compound. The thick stack of documents sitting next to him, lay abandoned and forgotten. Perhaps he had forgotten; if you could leave so easily, why would you return?
His heart stung with hurt--was it because he had become so accustomed to watching you? To be so free, yet also poise as a restrained and delicate lady; you awakened something within Ayato.
"My lord, it is getting quite late." A warm, friendly voice echoed from behind Kamisato Ayato. It was Thoma. A warm blanket was draped across Ayato's shoulders. "You should head inside and get some rest. Are you still waiting for Lady Y/N?"
Thoma glanced worriedly at the Commissioner, whose unreadable gaze glittered with anxiety. "...Not yet. Just a little longer."
The sun continued to peer over the horizon, as the early morning slowly came. Ayato remained in the same position. What am I even doing? It was none of his business--he had come to an unspoken agreement with you; as long as you didn't cause trouble, you could do as you wish. He wasn't even against you taking a lover--or was he? In fact, had you?
The mere thought of it, now made his blood boil. He subconsciously felt a spike of insecurity, as the early morning birds began to sing.
Suddenly, a huge gust of wind billowed out to Ayato's position; ruffling his pastel-blue locks. In an instant, all of his worries vanished--before his eyes analyzed the situation.
YOU HAD RETURNED; BATTERED AND IN CRITICAL CONDITION. From far away, Ayato could see a group of servants rush to aid you to stand, before examing the bloody slash across the side of your ribcage. You staggered in pain, letting out a gasp as a damp cloth was wrapped around the injury.
Yet, why were you smiling? The brilliant, glowing smile on your face reflected the excitement of your nighttime adventure. Ayato narrowed his eyes. This wouldn't do. At this rate, rather than wither away, you'd be ruthlessly ripped apart by outside forces. The thought unsettled him. He had to do something quick.
"...You want us to trail Lady Y/N, my lord?" Ayato impassively stared at the pair of Shuumatsuban ninjas, looking up at him with confusion. "...As in, the lady of the house?"
"Correct. She needs the appropriate protection that a Lady of the clan deserves. Report every single detail about her day and what she does." His tone left no room for argument, as the pair of ninja at his feet bowed again. What sounded like protection, wasn't completely innocent. Ayato felt chills prickle down his spine, as the lonesome feeling of abandonment washed over his mind.
"We accept this mission."
Since when had he become so captivated by you? Ayato wasn't sure. But you were no longer just a scapegoat; he had firsthand witnessed how delicate and naive you were, of this world. Surely you didn't believe that he'd continue to let you risk your life all in the name of 'freedom?' You hadn't been able to even detect his presence!
You'd be safer by his side. After all, flowers far from home require extra assistance in order to bloom and remain healthy.
AYATO'S GAZE WAS UNREADABLE, AS ALWAYS. The Commissioner was unfazed by your sudden outburst.
In one swift motion, his long fingers ascended to the back of your head, holding you in place--sealing his lips against yours. You didn't even have time to protest, as you felt him snake his arm around your waist, pressing your body flush against his.
You had made a fatal mistake; you underestimated your enemy, believing that he hadn't noticed anything. Ayato let out a faint chuckle, violet eyes glittering with a deep obsession, as he wrapped his arms closer around you. You scrunched up your nose, a furious noise erupting from your throat as you tried to push him away.
Where had you gone wrong?
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illustratus · 7 months
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The Jacquerie (1358) by Henri Grobet
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bartholomeacorsair · 5 months
It was always supposed to be Noble's, Doctor's family.
With most of Modern who companions, like Rose (she looked up to him , was sorta dependent on him, in love with each other but yea shit happened), Martha (had a crush, looked up to him) , Ponds (Amy idolized him and again shit happened, Clara (too stubborn to even talk to each other , wrong timing) , Bill (yes, but she isn't there anymore), Ryan and Graham (sorting out themselves), Yaz (13 was not ready? Not sure ,but Yaz was depending on doctor)
It was always the Nobles, Donna who treated the Doctor as her equal and Wilfred , even if they were sorta mirroring each other (both almost at the end of lives, soldiers ) Wilfred was like a father figure to the Doctor the same as he is to Donna.
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neitimatch · 11 months
Noble: Princess Azula is once again showing her peasant around.
Noble 2: It seems so, my Lady. I cannot believe the Fire Lord would allow such a union to take place. Especially between two women. It's disgraceful, really.
Noble: Truly. And while their marriage did secure our alliance with the Northern Peasants, the least they could do is keep it hidden.
Noble 2: I completely agre-
Yue kissing Azula in the middle of a crowded room.
Noble: ...
Noble 2: ...
Noble: You know that doesn't look half bad. Maybe I should find a Water Tribe wife for myself as well.
Noble 2: Uh-huh
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dndcreaturesinfo · 9 months
Unseelie Queen by Critical Crafting
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inky-duchess · 11 months
Fantasy Guide to A Coronation
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Coronations are the ceremony in which your monarch is confirmed by church or state or the people by the bestowing of a crown and regalia and the taking of oaths. So how do we write them?
When does Coronation takes place?
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A Coronation usually takes place some time after death of the previous monarch. Past coronations would take place mere weeks after the death of a monarch as it was essential that the monarch be crowned to confirm their legitimacy. Modern coronations would take place months after the death of a monarch. In this time period, the new monarch IS the monarch - just uncrowned. This does not effect their powers in any way.
What’s in a Coronation?
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Coronations are usually very lavish affairs. These are not only just ceremonies, these are statements a sort of opening show to the monarch's reign. A Coronation will usually be accompanied by numerous parades, balls, pageants, military displays and concerts. It's usually framed as a celebration of the Royal family of the monarch or the nation as a whole. The population is expected to celebrate.
Who attends a Coronation?
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Coronations were big affairs. Many invitations would be sent out, inviting representatives from other nations, friends and allies, even uncertain friends and unfriendly nations. Other monarchs are generally not invited out of tradition but they will send heirs and relatives to represent them. Coronations were a display of wealth and power and it was in the monarch's best interest to get as many people there as possible. Coronations were also essential to monarchy for one very good reason: not only were you recognised by the state but it was a chance to accept fealty - promises of loyalty - from nobles. Many nobles from across the land would be invited to witness and then profess their loyalty to the Monarch.
What to Wear to a Coronation?
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Coronations were meant to be pageants so everybody wore their very best clothes, jewels and put their best foot forward. Peers or nobles would wear red velvet robes (see above) over their clothes along with coronets (also see above) denoting rank. Traditional clothing would also be encouraged, the Japanese Imperial family often don traditional garments for their enthronements. The Royal family would wear military uniform or royal robes usually purple velvet rather than red trimmed with ermine. They would also wear coronets. The monarch would usually be the most expensive dressed, yet however this can also backfire. The monarch has to be modest yet also outdone everybody. George IV made the grave faux pas of spending a shit ton of money on his outfit for the coronation which he only wore the once. Most monarchs tend to have their Robes and clothes embroidered with emblems of the nation and to wear significant relics during the ceremony.
The Ceremony
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After a procession through the streets the monarch and/or their Consort arrive on the scene. They will be wrapped in red velvet Robes on their arrival and accompanied by pages or maids of honour who help carry the train of their Robes.
Before the monarch, selected peers will carry the regalia. These are the relics that are bestowed on the monarch throughout the ceremony. These usually include the crown itself, the sceptres, the coronation ring, the coronation Robes and an orb.
In some instances, the monarch would be presented to the assembled crowd at each Cardinal point - North, south, east, west and proclaimed the undoubted king/queen/sovereign. It is then the crowd issue an acceptance.
Monarchs would then be asked to take oaths by the figure ordaining them before the assembled crowd. These oaths would be one of service, something along the lines of promising to uphold law and tradition, being merciful, trying not to murder the peasants too much, keep their deity on side and try not to be too much of a failure.
Then monarch will sit on the throne and be anointed. During this part, they usually put a linen smock over their clothes to protect their finery. The anointing in Western culture is usually linked to Christianity, with the application of holy oil. However, the annointing can be replaced with a blessing in any other setting. During this part of the ceremony, the monarch and/or the Consort is shielded by a canopy of cloth of gold held aloft by high ranking nobles. This part of the ceremony is not to be witnessed by the crowd. It is sacred.
Then the monarch is wrapped in their new Robes. They are presented the regalia. The orb represents the monarch's power. The ring is symbolic of wedding oneself to duty. The sceptre is symbolic of power over governance. Once the monarch has been wrapped up and given these items, the Crown is then lowered onto their head. The crown is usually a jewel stubbed coronet fitted over a velvet cap and trimmed with ermine. There would be the monarch's crown and the Consort's crown (which is usually that much smaller). Around them, the nobility will place their coronets on simultaneously while the military give a gun salute.
After this, the Royal family and the peers would then come and kneel before the monarch, removing their coronets and making their oath of "I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God." Once the path is made, they can step back and put their coronet back on.
Once homage is paid, the Consort would then be crowned if this is a married couple having their coronation. Consorts do not have to take an oath but they are given a coronation ring, a crown and sceptres.
Once everybody has made their oaths and the monarch can barely move under their Robes and regalia, it is time for the monarch to make a procession back through the streets - now a crowned monarch.
When Coronations go Wrong
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Like most ceremonies, things can go wrong at coronations. Most coronations go off without a hitch yet there are always downsides to a large, expensive ceremony of an unelected figurehead. Surprisingly.
Coronations are often long affairs. There are numerous historical accounts of peers and guests fainting from the exertion of standing in such heavy Robes. These Robes were not only deadly because of heat exhaustion but also their length. The elderly Lord Rolle actually fell down a flight of steps at Queen Victoria's coronation.
Many past coronations have failed due to poor planning. Nicholas II and his Consort Alexandra's coronation was a very lavish affair however due to terrible planning, a stampede occurred where thousands of Russian people where injured and killed. Despite the tragedy, the Couple did not visit the site or the injured, instead going to the French ambassador's ball on bad advice. History would remember him as Bloody Nicholas, made all the more bloody by the Revolution years after.
George IV, as per usual, caused consternation at his own coronation by constantly walking out from under his canopy which caused the nobles holding it to speed up making it all look rather silly.
Guestlists are often contentious points. It is very important not to jar international relations by snubbing foreign powers. While some of the nobles are invited, it is usually expected that the crown will invite representatives from all nations. If invitations are not issued, it can lead to issues. The Royal family is nearly always invited in its entirety even despite criminal activity (fuck you Andrew) but sometimes snubs are issued. Caroline of Brunswick, the rightful Queen Consort, was actually barred from being crowned by her husband. Its rumoured that her hammering on the door could be heard throughout George IV's coronation. Edward VIII, the King who abdicated over his love for Wallis Simpson, was not invited to either his brother's subsequent coronation or his niece's due to the optics of him being a former king and his rumoured ties to Britain's enemies.
Queen Victoria's coronation got off to a very bad start since the coronation ring had been made too small and then shoved onto the wrong ring. Victoria wrote in her diary that she had to rest her hand in ice for the rest of the day.
Coronations are framed as ceremonies of celebrations and national might and while that may be their intention, they are very often, rightly, subject to criticism. Coronations are widely expensive and very often are a display out outdated or unpopular ideals especially modern coronations. In a post WWI world the time of difference is now over and the media rightly critises such an expensive and outdated ceremony. Many monarchies have hastened to modernise to keep up with the new world, cutting down the budgets and revamping the ceremonies. The Swedish monarchs are no longer crowned but instead invested through an oath and sitting on their famous Silver Throne. However, many feel that coronations are becoming a thing of the past and may not be seen in the future.
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I’m longing for you
"Is that all you have to say?" asks Roesia, clinging to the Earl’s neck and forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Didn't you miss me, my lord?" Until he felt his wife's touch, he didn't even realize how much he wanted her. During all this time - this long and cruel time - all he did was look for a way through which he could be with her. Meetings that seemed more like a coincidence, furtive glances that remained unanswered, small, protocol touches - all these remind Jarlath of the fact that all this time, all he wanted was to find a gate that would lead at her. Something to make her anger pass. And when he was ready to give up, now this gate was wide open, with a fragrant invitation waving at his nose. As if nothing had happened. As if Roesia wasn't about to kill him some time ago. As if her sister, the baggy, proud and insolent Brenda, had not caused a huge scandal. No wonder Earl of Elkins was so shocked.
Her embrace is so firm that it slams Jarlath against the carved wooden door. Her dress rubbed against his velvet jacket, crumpling it. Her sweet perfume captures all his senses and the neckline of her dress deepens with every movement she makes. It would be a miracle for him to resist the temptation and truly a sacrilege to refuse it. He longed for her, he admitted to himself, as strongly as a fire whose flame burns, this time even stronger than before, and as he took her in his arms, he was ready to show her that. And this time nothing can stop him.
(Volume I, Part 2)
( © Jarlath and Roesia Elkins are my original characters and they are part of the project that my good friend @teodoraioana221  and I are working on together. )      
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