#Not My President
odinsblog · 8 months
One sunny day in January 2021 an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he’d been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, “I would like to go in and meet with President Trump.” The Marine looked at the man and said, “Sir, Mr. Trump is no longer President and no longer resides here.” The old man said, “Okay,” and walked away.
The following day, the same old man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, “I would like to go in and meet with President Trump.” The Marine repeated, “Sir, as I told you yesterday, Mr. Trump is no longer President and no longer resides here.” The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.
The third day, the old man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying again, “I would like to go in and meet with President Trump.” The Marine, understandably irritated at this point, looked at the man and said, “Sir, this is the third day in a row you’ve been here asking to speak to Mr. Trump. I’ve told you each time that he’s no longer the President and that he no longer resides here. Don’t you get it?”
The old man looked at the Marine and said, “Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it.”
The Marine snapped to attention and said, "See you tomorrow, sir.”
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An idea STRUCK me last night when I was thinking over my Lucy Gray Baird Text Post
Vote NO to Snow!
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nevertrump · 8 months
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wanderingaldecaldo · 4 months
Who the fuck is this??? I hate all these awful, yassified, buffed out fem NPC mods on Nexus. Just admit you hate 99% of women and be done with it.
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p0megranamanat · 12 days
btw if you're still going to vote for joe biden or show him support this election i hope one thousand wasps haunt you for the rest of your life
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mayrine · 10 months
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EXCUES ME????????????????????
Dude Dan will either come back and act like nothing happened OR come back and be like a soldier/spokesman for the federation Either way, i cant wait to see maxos reaction
OK EDIT: apparently this is faked :[ sorry everybody i have been bambozeled
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catch57 · 8 months
Obama outed as a zero star bisexual. These are the bisexuals we were warned of. he probably goes to pride with his wife
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ju-ji · 3 months
If I hadn’t made this abundantly clear by now I absolutely LOOOOOVE my boy day to the point where if he does something that upsets me it simply wasn’t day who did that it was some alternate universe doppleganger who jumped timelines and killed the real day. Day can’t, wouldn’t, and in fact, didn’t break up with mhok over one argument after mhok finally let himself be vulnerable and prioritized his own well being for the first time in 9+ months IF EVER in his whole life like we just don’t know. Day who doesn’t have quite such a one track mind and can definitely still be selfish still loves and needs mhok just as much as mhok loves and needs him and would never hear mhok’s trauma dumping no I’m just kidding I don’t know what to call it tho. Mhok’s fears and anxieties I guess and use that against him and also break his heart into fucking tiny little shards of glass. It wasn’t him, I just won’t believe it and I’ll live happily in my delusion that last twilight the series ended in episode 11 while they were still happy in songkhla :))))))
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omg-whathaveidone · 9 months
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nulbish101 · 9 months
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Nulbish sonet - the vast AAAA!!
ŋuŋuuvelobey nullolobey 10A (in the sacred cemetery)
beleeobey vilol neŋolubb 10B (the end of times will come)
ŋono uuŋe nullol neŋolubb 10B (the great fury of god will fall)
bolb nyne nənylubb benulobey 10A (and the world will rest in the ashes)
vilu bobo lolu ŋunulubby 10C (when the sun hides in the shadows)
lylo loŋəbolubb ŋunulovy 10D (a scream will emerge from the darkness)
bolb leluy nulolubb nənyovy 10D (and will shake every soul out of its sleep)
lobo nulby nəlubb ŋoluubby 10C (for nulby will descend from the heavens)
lylouy lebuo vuubullubb 10B (the screams of the masses will be drowned)
lyloeb vəbun ŋəbeebovy 10D (by the chanting shrieks from the abyss)
vəbubyl bebyol loŋəbolubb 10B (a chorus of pain will emerge)
vilu nyne eb beleeobey 10A (when the earth has burned at the end)
bolb leluy elu boleuubby 10C (and every soul is burning from the inside)
vil on loŋəbolubb benulobey 10A (a new time will be reborn in the ashes)
Anonymous author - ca. 140 BN (Before Nulby)
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Another version<3
Should I make another version for "Vote No to Snow"?
Not My President (young)
Not My President (Old)
Say No to Snow Original Version
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nevertrump · 1 year
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Trump supporters: “Biden kept classified documents too!!” - but the main difference is how both are handling it
What both parties should be working on is making sure this isn’t even possible to begin with
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stars-hockey · 1 month
That’s my president! 🫡
Benn PPG !!!
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goodhairbadmanners · 10 months
I would just like to thank everyone who ever watched Scandal and then proceeded to make it their personal mission to shit on Fitz publicly and for the rest of time. You are heros and the world is made brighter by your presence. Don't think we haven't noticed the creative, the scathing, the hilarious, and occasionally whimsical ways you have found to tell that manipulative, controlling, vicious, self-obsessed, predatory, poisonous man baby to go to hell. We salute you.🫡🍷
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unindoctrinated125 · 2 years
I am so impressed with what she says here. It is almost like she has been reading my page. She is waking up to the reality that her party has left "The People" and our Constitution.
At this time Tulsi is only pointing at these crazy things as a Democrat party issue. It doesn't sound like she has reached the conclusion that it is infact the sum of our government that is doing, and has been doing, these crazy things for quite a long time.
Her optimism lends me hope. If she can get the remaining thinking people in the Democrat party to join her, then there really is hope. If she can get people to think about the principles that made this nation great then she will be making great strides towards Repairing the Walls of this nation that are in such decay.
I'm going to make this a "Repair the Wall" post. The knowledge that our Rights and Freedom come from God, and not from the government is paramount in the thought process needed to make the necessary repairs that will restore our nation. A rational mind, able to see the destruction that is inevitable if we hold our current course, is needed to get America back on the right path. This video may be a starting point for many viewers as they endeavor to hold on to the Liberty that this nation was supposed to cherish and stand for.
If this is your first "Repair the Wall" post I would encourage you to look at my posts with the same hashtags. Remember that I am pulling for you and...
God bless America
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big-tecc · 7 months
Biblically accurate Joe Biden
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