#Not like any of these could be handled once I get finish the prerequisites before student teaching
theliterarywolf · 3 years
California: "How come no one wants to be a teacher anymore~?"
Also California: *puts up hundreds of what are basically paywalls in-between prospective teachers and working in the field that go beyond the hassle of going to university and getting the actual credential*
California: "It's so weird..."
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krakenartificer · 3 years
When I got my ADHD diagnosis, I looked at the questions on the screening form and thought, "If this result comes back positive, then I'm definitely not the only person in my family who has it." Questions like
"Have difficulty finishing one activity before starting another one" and
"I finish others' sentences before they can finish it themselves" and
"have trouble staying on one topic when talking"
...I thought were just weird quirks of my family, but no. When I got my results, I contacted my cousin, and she contacted her sisters and mother, and .. .. yeah. Basically everyone in my dad's side of the family is ADHD.
Now there are some problems with that, obviously, (getting family reunions to stick to a schedule is lol no) but there are some really fantastic perks. For one thing, no one in that family minds if I interrupt them while they're talking ... everyone's happy to keep 3 conversations going at the same time .... and no one minds if you fidget constantly.
But the best perk -- at least that I've found so far -- is that all of our parents have coping mechanisms, and passed them on to us. When I found myself unable to handle tasks with more than one step, my father didn't say "WTF are you talking about? It's easy! Just do the thing! Stop being lazy!" No, he could relate completely, and he sat down and taught me how to handle that.
So today, I'm going to pass on to you the coping mechanism my dad taught me for handling the "cannot put tasks in order / cannot get started / forget what I'm doing" problem. You'll need to adjust it for your own needs and your own struggles, but hopefully it'll be helpful in setting up your own process.
I'm going to walk through it with a big project I'm doing at work, just to have a concrete example. That will make some of the discussion specific to computer programming and technical writing, but I do the same thing for all my projects, so hopefully it'll be generalizable.
So to set the stage:
I was supposed to modify this piece of code -- we'll call it "Rosetta" -- to make it handle call data as well as what it was already doing. I did that.... but we now need the code to be able to handle calls (if that's wanted) but also to be able to handle NOT having calls (if THAT'S wanted).
Which is just .... ugh. So much. SOOOOOOOO much.
So. Break it down.
Step one is to get some recording mechanism - pen and paper, whiteboard, blank computer document, whatever
(Technically, this is a different coping strategy, so we'll just take a quick detour: WRITE THINGS DOWN. Your brain is shit at remembering things, and anyway you've already got limits on your working memory; why would you choose to tie up some of that limited resource in something that could be accomplished with literal stone-age technology? Don't even try to remember things. WRITE THEM DOWN.)
I like sticky notes: they're readily available in all offices, they're pretty cheap, and (most importantly) they can be rearranged if it turns out that I forgot a step or put the steps in the wrong order (which, like, let's be honest, I am definitely going to do). But they kill trees and create unnecessary methane emissions, so I've recently switched over to using virtual sticky notes. That's the format I'm going to use for this example, but you can use anything that meets your purposes.
So, you've got something to write with, you're ready to start.
The first question is: what are you trying to accomplish here? What would "done" look like? What is our goal?
I need to end up with a version of Rosetta that will make the correct results if you don't want calls, and will also make the correct results if you do.
The goal here is that you end up with a statement that you can definitively say (a) Yes this is what I wanted or (b)No this is not right because _______
In this case, in order to do that, I'll need to define "correct results" for both call- and non-call versions. But if I have that nailed down, then this statement meets that criterion: I'll be able to say "Yes, this is what I wanted: see, it makes the correct result for calls, and it makes the correct result for not-calls". Or else I'll be able to say, "No, this is wrong: see, it makes the correct result for calls, but on not-calls it does X and we wanted Y."
I have a clear, definitive standard about what I need to do and whether or not I've done it.
But there was a prerequisite there: I need to define "correct results".
So that goes on a sticky note: Create test that will compare my results to existing call!Rosetta-results and to existing not-call!Rosetta-results.
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[ID: Two blue boxes, one on top of the other. The top one says in white text "Create test to compare my results to call!results" The bottom one says "Create test to compare my results to not-call!results"] OK. So now we know what we want. The second question is: what do we need to do in order to get that? Here's where the sticky-note recording system really shines, because you don't have to answer this question sequentially. You just start writing down every single thing that is not the way you want it to end up.
I need it to remove commas in the python script, not the bash script
I need to delete the first part of the get_runs() function, which doesn't do anything
I need to delete the rest of the parameters passed to build_query_script() function, because runs encompasses all the others
while we're on that subject, runs doesn't even need the group_variable, so let's pull that out of the parameter document
we also have a dmf defined, which the bash script demands but doesn't use; let's change that demand
since we're changing the structure of the parameter document, we don't need to pull new metrics for each run, so let's move that outside of the runs() loop and only run once
right now the parameter document is ALMOST but not quite "one row per template". Make it so it's actually one row per template.
among other things, that's going to require making it possible for a template to be followed by nothing at all, since it's the assumption that a template will have a metrics block after it that makes it not quite one row per template. So make it possible to publish a template with a null block
the other thing that's weirdly hard-coded is the definition of what a block looks like. Would it make more sense to separate that out into an input file, like the parameters document? On the one hand, that would make it much more flexible; on the other hand, that's another piece that can break. Don't know. Put a question mark on it.
Here's what it looks like at the end of this step:
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[ID: A black and white background showing many boxes in two different shades of blue, all with white text. Some of the boxes are overlapping each other.]
As you can see, at this phase you don't need to worry about any of the following:
ordering the tasks. Just stick 'em right on top of each other for now
how you're going to do any of this. Right now we just need to know what, not how
sticking to only one project. As I was working on this, it occurred to me that this whole process would have been a heck of a lot easier if someone had just made a user manual for this, and since I have to go through all the code line-by-line anyway, I might as well write up the documentation while I'm at it. (To help out future-me, if nothing else.) So I put those tasks on another color of sticky note.
making notes that make any ***ing sense to anyone else. This process is for you, and only you need to understand what you're talking about it. Phrase it in ways that make sense to your brain, and to hell with anyone else.
on that topic, also don't worry about making steps that are "too small" or "too dumb" to write down. This is for you. If "save document" feels like a step to you, then write it down.
You also don't need to get every single step involved in the project right now. Get as many as you can, to be sure, but the process is designed on the assumption that you ARE going to forget important steps, and is designed to handle that.
When you can't think of any more steps, then the third question is: what order does it make sense to do these in? Are there any steps that would be easier if you did another step first? Are there any that literally cannot be done unless another step is complete?
This is also a good place to group steps if they fit together nicely. When I used physical sticky notes, I used two different sizes; digitally I can of course make them whatever size I want.
So I have several documentation steps that (a) do need to be written to make sense to other people and (b) I really need to know what's going on before I can do that. I could write them now, but if I did, I'd just end up re-writing them based on things that change as I'm coding. So we'll move those to the end:
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[ID: Three dark blue boxes with white text. They read "Create step-by-step instructions for creating your own metric agg", "Create step-by-step instructions for modifying a metric", "Create step-by-step instructions for modifying a query."]
These parts, though -- if I had all the variable structures written down, I could look at them while I'm coding. Then I won't have to keep scrolling back and forth in the code, trying to remember if it's an array or a dictionary while also trying to remember what part of the code I was working on. Brilliant. Move that to the front.
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[ID: Seven dark blue boxes with white text, three large, four small. The first one is large and says "Write up explanation of how Rosetta works." The second one is large and says "Document structure of all variables." Attached to that one are four smaller boxes that say "All_blocks", "Runs", "metric", "New_block". The third large one says "Document what qb_parameters.csv contains"]
Also, while I'm at it, I should get the list of variables I need to document -- then I won't have to keep scrolling to find them. Make those sub-steps.
I definitely keep needing to look up what's in the parameters document, so I should write that down, too. For the user manual I also should write down what's in the metric document, but I don't need that for myself, so I can send that to the end.
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[ID: The same three dark blue boxes from two screenshots ago (create step-by-step instructions for metric agg, modifying a metric, and modifying a query), now with another dark blue box in front of them with white text that says "Document what granular_metrics.tsv contains."]
These five are all small steps, and are all related in that they don't actually (hopefully) change the functionality of the code; they're just stuff left over from prior versions of this code. So we can lump them all together.
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[ID: Five light blue boxes with white text that say "Delete first part of get_runs()", "Have build_query_script only receive the "run" parameter" "Delete dmf" "Move metrics=get_metrics() outside build_all_blocks (all the way up to the top level?" "Delete group_variable from qp_parameters"]
My brain likes this better, so that I can keep track of fewer "main steps", but that's just a peculiarity of me -- you should lump and split however you prefer to make this process easier for you.
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[ID: The same five boxes from the prior screenshot, now all made smaller and attached to a larger box that says "Remove Legacy Code"]
Keep going, step by step, sticky by sticky, until you've got them in order. If -- while you're doing this -- you remember another thing you need to do, write it on a sticky and slap it on the pile; you don't have to stop what you're doing to deal with it, because it's written down and it's on the pile and it will get processed; you can just keep working on the thing you're on right now.
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[ID: All the same boxes from the first screenshot, now in a neat row. Some of the original boxes have been grouped together. The ones that were said to be at the beginning of the process are on the left and the ones that were said to be at the end are on the right.]
Step four: for the love of all that's holy, SAVE THIS LIST.
Write it on your cubicle whiteboard where it won't be erased
write it on a piece of paper and tape it to the office wall
send an email to yourself
take a picture with your phone
I don't care but save it.
When I used physical sticky notes, I kept them all on the hood of my cubicle's shelf. Now, as you can see, I use Powerpoint, which is irritating af but does allow me to keep everything in a single document, which I can write down the path of.
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[ID: White text on a black background says "open ~/Documents/Rosetta\ Modifications\ and \Documentation.pptx" The next line says "Notes in Rocketbook pg 10-12, 16" The next line says "Turn that into documentation that can be used for making modifications."]
And now (finally) you can answer the question "How would I even get started on that?" You look at the first thing on the list, and you treat it as its own project. You can hyperfocus on this step and completely forget about everything else this project requires, because everything you need to remember for the rest of it is written down.
If, as you're working a step, you think of something else you need to do for the big project, write it on a sticky and slap it on the pile. Don't even worry about trying to order it or identify sub-steps; as long as it's not blocking the thing you need to work on right now, you don't have to care. Just stick that bugger anywhere at all on the list, and go back to what you were doing. When you un-hyperfocus and come back to look at your list, there'll be a big sticky note stuck sideways across all the rest of the steps, and you'll remember to file and order it then.
Other benefits of this system
1) The first question really helps with unclear directions from your boss. You can take whatever they told you to do, and translate it into a requirement that is clearly either met or not-met, and then run it back by the boss.
If they say, "No, no, we want ______" then phew! You just saved a huge miscommunication and weeks of wasted work! What a good employee you are! What an excellent team player with strong communication skills!
If they say "Yes, that's what I want," then you know -- for sure -- what it is you're trying to accomplish. Your anxiety is reduced, and your boss thinks you're super-conscientious.
(And if your boss is a jerk who likes to move the goalposts and blame it on their subordinates, then have this conversation over email, so you can show it to their boss or to HR should it become necessary.)
2) Having this project map means that when you spend an hour staring at the requirements and trying to figure out how to get started (which, let's be honest, you were definitely going to do anyway) ... When your boss/coworker comes by and says, "How's it going?" Instead of having to say "I haven't even started 😞" You can say, "Pretty well! I've got all the steps mapped out and am getting ready to start on implementation!" and show them your list, and they think you're very organized and meticulous. 3) Sometimes, especially in corporate jobs, you and your coworkers will run into a problem that's too big for even Neurotypicals to hold all in their heads. At that point, the NTs will be completely lost -- they've never had to develop a way to handle projects they can't just look at and know how to get started. So then you pipe up in the meeting and say, "OK, well, what exactly are we trying to accomplish?" and everybody at the conference table looks at you like you're a goddamned genius and you don't have to tell them that you use this exact same process to remember how to make a sandwich 😅
4) Having this project map makes it so much easier to stop work and then start it up again later, but this post is already really really really long, so I'm going to address that in a separate (really really long) post.
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shinglescat · 3 years
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Low-key disappointed in the game.  Gameplay wise it’s good, story wise - okay. It’s vast but ultimately empty. 
The first game made by CDPR that I finished (and sorta-kinda enjoyed).  Deffo better than their previous game *cough* tw3 *cough* Wasn’t waiting it, wasn’t hyped for it either, just needed a brand new game to play. I’d say it’s 6/10. Will definitely be 8/10 once they fix bugs and do something about that shitty optimization. I mean, it’s playable in its current state, but every bug breaks the immersion.
A mess of thoughts:
Despite my initial neutral to negative opinion of this game, it grew on me after the prologue; it started to pick up and all that stuff. I loved the side quests, I loved the main quests, and my main issue with the game is the writing for V. It’s not bad, it’s just... it’s more for a game like Skyrim with a generic avatara-protagonist, but not for a game where personality and persona matters the most, story wise. It had a lot of potential to turn into a mindblowing mindfuck, but instead it’s just... disappointing. V’s character and personality never gets defined either by the game or by the player, and the background does very little to help the matter. Feels like I bought another BG3, but without the EARLY ACCESS badge. Actually hoping Larian would handle this whole head parasite problem better. This whole “you’re turning into Johnny”  thingy is just there to, I dunno, just to add some more shits and giggles to the story, I guess. I’ve been expecting V to start turning into the guy, or the guy starting to turn into V, buuuuuuuuuut with exception to the smoking - there’s nothing. Thought at first that Johnny had a better writing compared to V, but in the end - they’re at the same level of shitty. Both need a lot more definition than that. The endings are all the same, it was obvious that there’s nothing that could help V to stay in the land of the living - so went with Arasaka to close the circle for the corpo kid. It was all alright up until the point where mr. Reeves started scolding me for my choice, like lmao, what the heck game, you don’t know my V and why we went this route. Sorta-kinda redemption, stfu Silverhand. I dunno, man. I was hopeful before the “point of no return” for the DLC to come out, but now I’m just depressed a bit, ‘cause well - the protag grows on you either way.
The game tries hard to be several games at the same time. It’s trying to be GTA-like, it’s trying to be an immersive sim like Deus Ex, it’s trying to be an rpg, but it fails miserably at almost everything. The game would be better, imo, as a linear experience, not as in corridor one, but rather in character development - haven’t seen those games in ages. Yeah, keep your rpg mechanics for leveling up, skills and yada-yada, but leave the character linear without any player input to better tell the story of Silverhand’s and V’s. Also, the city is E M P T Y. It’s pretty and all, but that’s just a shell. 
Did I mention the AI? It’s the fucking worst. Imagine Karens from NFS: Heat and multiply that by 100 - that’s the traffic in CP2077. Also, if you ever thought NFSH’s police was brutal - try Night City’s, it literally forces you to obey the law, and god forbid if you ever get a lot of wanted stars - it’s insta death.
Optimization is sucky too, dunno how people play it on non-Turing cards. I played on ultra with RT turned on at psycho ’cause I wanted to see if the lighting is still a piss with it to the max (spoiler - lighting is indeed a piss), DLSS set to auto, and maaaaaaaaaaaan, from 20 fps up to 60 down to 20 again in a heart bit just because I was playing the game for too long. Possible memory leak?  Disabled DLSS for funsies - fps cut in half. Oy vey.   Also, this game turns the PC into a really nice space heater. -15C outside, windows open, +50C radiates from the case and warms the footsies. Nice.
Sex scenes are hilarious, by the way. My V banged Meredith, and oh boy did I laugh hard at that. 
Aight, now to some positive parts that I still remember:
I loved River’s quest line (and prerequisites for it), tho a bit short, and yes, I’m gonna complain about the dude being not available for the dudes because I did not know that and did not started as a dudette. The Hunt quest was... it was thrilling, disgusting but amazing at the same time. Not a masterpiece, but it you get the idea. Would’ve loved more jobs with him, like a buddy cop stuff, idk. Then there’s Panam, her quests are great too, not gonna go into the details.  Judy’s quests, a thriller too. The main quest isn’t so bad too except for the protag duo who would benefit from a better writing.
To be honest tho, overall it was... a really plain experience. The only time I had goosebumps and some semblance of water in my eyes is with Alt’s part, Johnny’s memories and that stuff. Annnnnnnnnnnnnd that’s that. 
Gameplay is fine, I had a lot of fun dicing enemies with katanas.
Looking forward to see what DLCs would bring. Hopefully a happy-happy ending, because fuck this world is depressing as is already.
Edit: wanted to add, there are not enough of proper side quests. A lot of generic gigs, but a handful of normal side quests. 
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pi-cat000 · 5 years
MSA time travel idea (part 27)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vivi POV, 8, 9, 10, Lewis POV, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Lance POV 18, 19, Lewis POV 2, 21 , 22, Vivi POV 2, 24, 25  Lewis POV 3
Part 28: here
  Mystery watches his youngest charge, Vivi Yukino, strangle her new vehicle's steering wheel and is disproportionately concerned. Human emotional drama is an unfortunately common occurrence and, in his experience, rarely leads to any significant long-term consequences. Usually, its effects are fleeting and far beneath his interests.
  When had that changed?
  Mystery resists an inclination to climb onto Vivi's lap least he risks distracting her and causing an accident. Instead, he watches, somewhat at a loss, while she glares at the road, tense and obviously worried for her missing friend's wellbeing. The lack of room in the compact truck cab has Mystery squashed between the two humans, giving him a good view of both as they stew in silence, discontent rolling off them in angry waves. Lewis, equally upset by their third member's sudden departure, is staring obsessively at the note Arthur had left behind. Not a habit which denotes a healthy mindset from what Mystery understands. Fortunately, he does not have to worry about distracting Lewis, and he leans his full weight into the other. His leaning gets him a scratch on the head but nothing more. An internal sigh and a minor physical huff of exasperation. There is not a lot a dog can do in these situations aside from offer small comforts. The movement does have the additional desired effect of catching Vivi's attention. Her eyes flick in their direction. A few minutes later and they are pulling into a gas station.
  "Lewis. It's your turn to drive," Vivi orders, bringing the truck to a stop next to the appropriate pump. Lewis hastily hides the note and Mystery wonders who he thinks he is fooling with the action.
  "Sure. Sorry. Didn't realise we'd been on the road for so long. I would have offered sooner." There is some shuffling while everyone clambers onto solid ground, Vivi waving away the apology.
  "Don't worry about it. I kind of like it. It feels like I'm driving a tractor around with how high up it is. You know, when compared to the van."
  She holds the door for Mystery to exit. There is a convenient patch of grass adjacent to the gas station, and he knows what she wants of him. One of the few downsides to this dog form is the prerequisite that the humans meet his dog needs. At times such as these, he wishes that the youngest Yukino were aware of his true nature to save her from the additional, unneeded pressure. Luckily, Mystery is probably the best, most well-behaved, dog in existence because he's done and jumping back into the truck before Lewis has finished refuelling.
  "Where are you going?" Lewis asks after Vivi, catching her sleeve when she shuts the door on him and turns towards the gas station's attached burger stand. Mystery watches the humans share their small affectionate touches through the closed cab window. There has been a significant increase in this touchy-feely behaviour. Another indicator that all is not well.
  "I'm just grabbing breakfast. Lunch. Or whatever," Vivi answers, walking backward a few steps, "You keep filling her up. I'll get the grub."
  Lewis nods, "Don't get me anything with meat."
  "You're paranoid," Vivi snorts, moving away.
  "If you worked in a diner you'd be paranoid too. Not everyone is as clean as my parents," Lewis calls at her retreating form.
  "Give a wave when you're done so I can pay for the gas as well," Is Vivi light response. Mystery observes Lewis's dementor deflate the moment Vivi is out of sight. The tall human is staring blankly at the petrol pump, mind obviously far from the task. Mystery places his paws near the window ledge, drawing close to the glass to get a better view. He does not believe he has ever seen the human in such a melancholic state, slumped and drooping. Concerning.
  Ding. The pump clicks off, and Lewis does not seem to notice. Mystery, after another mental sigh, gives a loud yip to catch attention. Honestly, these human emotional states seemed to be as much a hindrance as they were a benefit. 
  Vivi returns not moments later with several packets of fries and three burgers, of which he is fed several meat paddies. All his dog food is gone with the van. It's not a terrible loss, dog food being a close contender for the worst part of being a dog.  
  As they return to the highway, Mystery can't help but admit that, as much as would criticise humans for their erratic and illogical behaviour, this disturbance has affected him in ways he could not have anticipated. When had Mystery lost that impartial distance, carefully cultivated and maintained over decades of human interactions? When had he started to care for the humans he had long sworn himself to? It has crept upon him like the summer fading slowly to autumn. All those blissful years spent pretending to be a dog and getting showed with attention and affection has blinded him to winters approach. This sense of attachment and concern is more binding than any oath.
  Of course, like many of his failures, it is only after the fact and long past the point of return, that he realises his blunder. Mystery cannot deny that he has grown to care. He cares not only for Vivi, a quirk he can attribute to duty, but also for her friends to which he has no obligation. Not only does he care, he cares immensely, about both their physical and emotional wellbeing. It is a grave misstep for a being of his longevity.
  Nevertheless, there is nothing to be done now but proceed according to his new priorities. It is a shame that he had not fully realised these priorities before Arthur's flight. Mystery, being the only one to have reason to suspect supernatural foul play, could have perhaps acted to prevent it. After Arthur's bright golden aura had simultaneously doubled in strength while also dulling in colour overnight, Mystery had been on the lookout for some form of interference. The sudden reduction of loving pets, riveting games of fetch-the-stick, and instances of Arthur chattering at him about his current interests,  also pointed towards Arthur having realised Mystery's secret. An unfortunate encounter with another being like himself fit somewhat in explaining the sudden aversion to all things supernatural.
  Mystery has been biding his time while he worked to discover the extent of the human's new knowledge. He had planned on pulling Arthur aside to offer an explanation, belay any understandable fear, and perhaps find a cause behind his changing aura. Now it is too late, and Mystery is left hoping that Arthur's abrupt exit is a result of human silliness and not something more sinister.
  "Viv, can you pull up a map to the hospital. I think that's the sign for the exit," Lewis's deeper voice breaks the silence which has been sitting about them like an itchy blanket for the past several hours. A quick glance at Vivi's watch tells Mystery that it is almost 5 pm and they have been on the road for almost four hours since their last stop. His dog body has gone stiff with disuse. Usually, he would play up his dog persona and whine for a break. Today, he lets the façade rest, if only minimally.
  "Oh yeah. Sure," Vivi pulls out her phone and begins typing, "We've been past the hospital a load of times. It's in the middle of town on the far side of Milton High. Near the university and that new research centre."
  As she talks, she pulls up the map, and, finding no space for on the cab's cramped dashboard, holds it out for Lewis to see.
  "I know," Lewis's eyes flicker to the phone and back to the road. The indicator for the turn signal is flipped on. "But I don't think I've ever actually been to the hospital. And this truck is harder to drive than the van, so there's more risk of me taking a wrong turn and getting lost."  
  Vivi nods in agreement, exhaling, propping up her arm so she can continue to hold the phone for Lewis, "You know, I bet this truck is close to the same weight as the van when you add up all the crap we carry around, but the van handles a million times smoother. Wonder why that is?"
  "Arthur does work on it obsessively. Maybe that has something to do with it?" Lewis points out before lapsing into silence his face pinched up in that strained way it does when he thinks of something unpleasant. Silence once again falls over the group.
  A traffic jam only servers to sour already frayed nerves, making Vivi jitterily and irritable and Lewis increasingly dourer. Thankfully, the negative vibes put out by the humans mostly disperses upon Vivi pointing out their destination fast approaching on the horizon. The pick-up truck, being too long for any of the hospital's provided parking, means they are forced to circle the block several times over. They find a rest space outdoors, and a five-minute walk from their destination. Mystery watches in slight bewilderment as the humans take exemptional offence to the setback. More erratic human behaviour. Concerning.
  The sooner they find their third member, the sooner all his charges can re-establish an equilibrium amongst each other, allowing his own worry and concern to abate. Then- after seeing to whatever supernatural force is interfering with Arthur-he can begin restoring his distance. As much as Mystery has adored watching this small group grow into a family unit, building their positive emotional bonds and being included among them, these erratically negative mood shifts are a harsh reminder that humans are as fickle as they are short-lived.
  Mystery releases a tiered snuff, allowing Vivi to carry him against her chest, to hasten the crossing of several intersections all crawling with various forms of transport. Humans did have a tendency towards packing themselves onto smaller and smaller plots of land.  
  "Excuse me! Mam! Madam!"
  Their entry into the hospital is barred by a thin man in uniform grey. The stranger steps suddenly into Vivi's path and Mystery has half a mind to growl in annoyance.
  "There are no animals allowed in the hospital. You'll have to leave the dog outside."
  "What," Vivi almost barges straight into the stranger, and Mystery feels her grip tighten slightly in irritation, "Crap. Right. Forgot about that."
  She swears again under her breath. Once again, Mystery is reminded of this form's disadvantages. Like the now fretting Vivi, he too forgets that dogs are often not welcome into human buildings.
  "You go ahead," Vivi is speaking to Lewis, who hovers to the side, "I'll take Mystery back to the truck."
  "You're sure?"
  "Yeah. Go find Arthur. That's more important. This should only take me ten minutes."
  When Lewis hesitates for a second too long she continues with a sympathetic hum, "I'll probably beat you to the room anyway, even with a head start. Hospitals are like mazes and your sense of direction is terrible."  
  A disgruntled but amused frown follows the joke. Lewis protests briefly, "That's a bit unfair. I only got lost once," turning. He continues into the building while Vivi spins, a few choice words of discontent directed at the still staring security guard, and powerwalks back in the direction they'd just come. They cut across several roads, dodging people and cars alike.
  It is not until they are back at the pick-up truck, Vivi having placed him on the ground so she can retrieve keys, that Mystery smells the tangy scent of a human who has had dealings with creatures not of this plane. A quick glance around and it is easy to spot the offending person. The man's aura is warped and stained in several places, and he's watching Vivi from several paces away. Mystery immediately lets out a small growl to alert Vivi to the potential danger. Usually, he would ignore such tainted humans, their presence, while not common, is hardly strange. Humans had an unfortunate tendency towards messing around with forces beyond their understanding. Today, with all the drama, he is on edge.
  Vivi's attention snaps to him and then to their surroundings in search of his enacted distress. The man, wearing a scuffed leather jacket and donning an aggressive expression, pushes himself forward upon their combined attention. Mystery notes the wrappings and sling, holding one arm secured, signalling severe injury.  The smell of blood and infection confirms his suspicion. With a significant amount of facial bruising, this man is looking awfully mangled in Mystery's expert opinion.
  "Hey. You got a moment?" The beat-up human asks in a gruff voice. Mystery growls from down by Vivi's feet to discourage any potential aggression. The action gets him a quick once over and nothing more.
  "Saw you arrive with that dude in purple, spotin the purple hair-do. He doesn't work at that weird-ass diner in Tempo, does he? Called 'Pepper and salt' or whatever."
  "Do I know you?" Vivi asks shorty, putting both hands on her hips, glaring.
  The action gets a grunted, "No. But you might know the guy I'm after.  Goes by the name of Arthur. That ring any bells?"
NOTE: Guess which character it is! Just kidding, there's only one supporting character left alive at this point (unless you count Claire the receptionist) so not a huge pool to guess from. Note to self: introduce larger supporting cast in early chapters.   Anyway, thanks for the comments on the last part it was genuinely encouraging to see people enjoying sections with heavier character introspection. I wasn't sure about this Mystery POV, so thanks again for giving me the push needed to finish it off.   On a somewhat related note, sorry about the wait between parts, it's that time of the semester where everything is due, so updates on this fic are going to be super slow for the next few months.  Trust me when I say that I'd pick writing fanfiction over work, essays and exam study any day of the week :(
Part 28: here
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heyauntieeee · 5 years
I don’t have anything specific but college Erik is my favorite Erik 🥰🥰🥰
Title: Study Buddy (Lame ass title I but I couldn’t come up withanything else lmao)
College!Erik X Black!Reader
Summary: Erik helps you study for your TEAS exam
Warnings: Language, Slight smut (my first time bear with me)
This would be my first time writing college!erik but I hope you enjoy it. This subject is currently relating to me because I’ve been studying for the entrance exam for nursing, so here it goes!
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The both of you were currently onspring break, however, while your roommates went home, you decided to stay atcampus to study for the TEAS exam and your boyfriend Erik is staying with yousince he doesn’t have any family outside of you. Since this test was one of theonly things, besides your grades, that was standing between you and the nursingprogram, you made it very clear that there couldn’t be much fooling around asyou were taking the test in two weeks time.
The two of you were sitting on yourcouch in your campus apartment. Your books and notes litters on the coffeetable. There was a highlighter between your teeth and a pen between your indexand middle fingers. You were deeply engrossed in your notes focusing on thescience section in particular seeing as it was the most important section ofthe exam. 
You could feel Erik staring a holein the back of your neck, so you sit up and squint your eyes at him.
“I thought you were gonna help mestudy.”
“You tryna be in them books, I’m tryna be in them guts. It’s beena minute since I seen you baby girl, I miss you.” Erik proceeds to startkissing your neck and while you missed him too, God knows you did, you couldn’t be distracted at themoment. You shrug him off of you and mush his face trying to push him to theother side of the couch not caring about the fact that he was so fucking bulkyhe didn’t budge, he snorts at your effort.
“Daka you know this test isimportant,” You whine. “I can’t be fucking around I need at least an 85% onthis thing.”
He sighs, knowing you were rightand not willing to come between you and your education. He had faith that youwould pass considering you excelled in your prerequisite courses. You were everthe over achiever, willing to succeed by any means necessary. He could recallnot being able see or talk to you for days, when you were in high school andthroughout your time in college because you had to study for exams or completeprojects and papers. Hell, if it weren’t Spring Break this would undoubtedly beone of those times. Trust and believe he was the same way, but for the week hejust wanted to lay up under his girl.
“Aight, how about this, every timeyou get an answer right, I’ll kiss you wherever you want.” The proposition, ascorny and cliché as it was, piqued your interest. As fly as Erik was, he’s had his fair share of being a cornballsometimes.
“Is this to help me or to helpyou?” You ask.
“I’m helping the both of us getwhat we need, princess.” Surely you weren’t gonna pass up on his offer. Youthink why the hell not.
“Ard, quiz me.”
Excited, he grabs one of the studybooks and tells you that they’ll do science questions sincethat’s what you’ve been focusing on for that particular day, then flips the pages to the back of thebook where the practice questions were. He looks over the question beforeraising his head to meet my eyes. His gaze makes you squirm.
“First question: What crystallinesolid contains ionic bonds with the least covalent character?”
You scrunch yourface up. “So, you just gon come out the gate with the hard questions? Youknow I hate chemistry.” 
“Ion give a fuck, you answering thequestion. Tic toc lil nigga.” You kiss your teeth and think hard. Chemistry wasnever your strong suit. In all honesty you still don’t know how you managed topull a ‘B’. Must’ve been by the grace of God. Finally, you just give upand guess.
“I don’t know, Sodium?”
There was a pause for about fiveseconds before he lets out this obnoxious buzzing noise scaring the living shitout of you.
“DAMN NIGGA! Did you have to be sofucking loud?!”
“Did you have to be so wrong?”
“Don’t make me smack you Erik.”
“You ain’t slapping shit over here,I dare you.” You roll your eyes.
“Anyway, what’s the answer,” you ask impatiently.
“Lithiumfluoride. We coming back to that question.”
“Or we canskip chem all together,” you mutter.
“NOT ON MYWATCH!” He yells as he slams his hand down on the book startling you onceagain.
“Aight,Iyanla Vanzant wannabe next question!”
He flipsthrough some pages again saying more slick shit under his breath. Some thingsto the effect of ‘not letting his babyfuck up her grade cause she don’t know the difference between coefficients andcovalent bonds. She gon learn today.’ When you think about it, it’s reallysweet, but he can be so damn aggravating. He finally finds another question andreads.
“What eventoccurs simultaneously with the end of systole?” This one you definitely knew.
“The rightventricular pressure reaches a minimum value.” Erik grins.
“That’s whatI’m talkin bout baby! Where you want it?”
You thinkabout where you want to be kissed and remember he didn’t kiss you when he camethrough the door earlier, he only greeted you with a weak ass half hug becausehe was on the phone when he walked in, which he knows you hate but themotherfucker still does it anyway.
You thenpoint to your lips with a pout. “I never got my kiss when you came in, justsome lame ass hug.”
“My bad mama,I was handling business.”
“I know.” Andyou knew exactly what that business was.
Erik goingaway on his secret missions, coming home bruise, bloodied, and new additions ofscars to his body. Of course, you didn’t like seeing him that way and everytime you fussed over him and cleaned him up, he’d remind you that this was allpart of the plan that he was destined for something, greater and that our timewould come.
You’rebrought out of your thoughts by the feeling of Erik’s soft full lips on yours. Youinstantly start kissing him back, your hands grip his forearms, longing tobring him closer. He leans more toward you, his large frame towering over youas he deepens the kiss. You lean back further into the couch and allow him torest between your legs. He brings one of his hands to your next and it reststhere for a second, then you feel the slight pressure of Erik squeezing yourneck with just enough pressure that causes you to gasp, letting his tongueenter your mouth. The taste of him is unreal, even after all these years ofbeing with him, kissing him like this, he still tastes better than the firsttime you kissed him. You let his tongue dominate yours and roam around in yourmouth. You let a small moan leave your mouth and get an ‘mhm’ in reply. Thebass in his voice sends a shock down your spine and straight to your core. Youmoan again as you feel the wetness between your thighs.
The sound ofthe book falling to the floor caused you to break apart. Erik gives you one morepeck and pulls away, picking up the book and flipping back to the questions asif nothing happened. Meanwhile you’re a panting mess lying on the couch.
“Come on lilbit, we gotta finish.”
Not wantingto move, you pout. “But-” He quickly interrupts.
“Ion wannahear that whining shit, you said you wanted to study so that’s what we doing.Sit ya thick ass up and get to work.”
“Ok” you sayin a hushed tone as you reluctantly sat up.
“Aight nextquestion…”
After a answeringa series of questions, getting only a few wrong and being subjected to Erik’sloud ass buzzing noise and the ones you got right, well… let’s just stay you’reglad you won’t really have to step out of the house for the week. You bothagreed to avoid kissing the lips to avoid further distraction. So, you had himkiss you in simpler places, your forehead, cheeks, the back of your hands. Butwhen he got to your neck and torso, you would’ve thought Erik was a wild animalthe way he marked you up. Dark hickies littered your neck and torso. What wassupposed to be a light peck and nibble, turn into a ravishing of your body. Hewas now examining his work with pride.
“And when wego out, you ain’t covering them shits either.” You scoff and roll your eyes asyou examine yourself in the mirror with horror.
“N’Jadaka Ican’t leave the house looking like this!”
“You thinkthat I give a fuck? Cause I don’t. You mine and everybody gonna know it. Andwhen they fade Imma put more on you.”
“Everybody oncampus already knows that I’m yourstrust me. You ain’t marking up my body no more nigga.”
“We’ll seebout that shit.” You make your way toward the couch with a yawn, ready to bedone with this study session. Your brain was officially fried, and you justwanted to go to bed.
“Aightprincess last question. You get this one right and I’ll pick where I get tokiss you ok?”
“Ok,” You sayready and nervous for the next question.
“What hormonehas rapid effects that are similar to effects associated with the activation ofthe sympathetic nervous system?”
You almostdrew a blank. You had studied the endocrine system from top to bottom and itwas just on the tip of your tongue.
There was along pause and you almost disappointed that you got it wrong until…
“YEAH BABY!HELLYEAH! WHO GETTING IN THAT NURSING PROGRAM? YOU GOT THAT SHIT IN THE BAG”his shouting startled you but excited you all the same. Erik picks you up andspins you around showering your face with kisses making you giggle. He settlesyou down to your feet and looks you deep in your eyes. His dark eyes staringinto the very depth of your soul.
“You got thisshit Y/N. No matter how much you doubt or worry or stress you one of thesmartest people I know. You getting ya ass in that program and you gon killthat shit. And know, no matter what happens, I got you, for life. You hear me?”
You stare upat him with tear in your eyes. You never thought it could be possible to lovein even more than you did in this moment. Struggling to find the words to say,you say the only words you can form. “I love you baby.”
“I love you more.Now lemme give you your reward. Lay down on the couch.”
You excitedlylay back look at Erik in all his glory. All you can think is how could you havegotten so lucky. You watch as he removes his hoodie with the shirt underneathto reveal his muscular form and scar riddled chest. You lick your lips inanticipation.
“You gon letDaddy reward you?” his voice was low and husky; his eyes were filled with lust.You bite your lower lip and nod your head.
“I need wordsbaby.”
“Yes please.”
He settles himselfbetween my legs like before. He places his lips on your and you start to kissback. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, and you moan into his mouth. Erikreleases your lips and trails more kisses down your neck, and you moan somemore. Everything about him drove you insane. You sit up and remove your shirtand bra. Erik immediately start put the left breast in his mouth, twirling histongue around the nipple letting the bud harden. You arch your back as he gentlybites the nipple.
“Ah!” yougasp.
“You alrightbabygirl.” Erik asks blowing air on the wet mound, making your nipple hardeneven more.
He gives you anotherkiss, repeats the actions on the other breast. He works his way down, nippingand licking your torso until he gets to the top of your shorts. You sit up on yourforearms and watch with anticipation. Erik looks up and peers at you intently.
“You ready?”
“I’m ready” yousay breathlessly.
He begins toslide your shorts off at an agonizingly slow pace and to his delight, you weren’twearing any underwear. He throws your shorts to the floor.
“Look at thatshit,” he hissed, dragging a finger along your glistening slit and you moan at thetouch. “You so fuckin wet, who all this for?”
It’s for yo-fuuuckkkk” You were cut off as her slid a finger inside your core. He leans forward,brining his lips to your ear.
“I didn’thear you, who you said it was for.” His voice was even deeper, and it was drivingyou crazy as he start to pump his finger inside you, brushing your spot withevery movement. You moan louder
“It’s for youDaddy!” That gains a growl from him.
“That’sfuckin right!” He inserts another finger and pumps faster, massaging your clitwith his thumb. You were panting at this point, gripping the back of the couchholding on for dear life.
“It feels sogood.” You cried.
“You bout tofeel even better.” He sits up, removes his fingers, brings them to his mouth andstarts to suck every drop of your juices, never taking his eyes off you. Youshudder. He pulls his fingers out with a pop and licks his lips.
“Damn yousweet.”
He lower himselfbetween your legs and began to kiss your inner thighs, nipping all the way downto your core. He smacks a loud kiss right on your clit.
“MWAH! Love thatpussy!”
“Stop playin,E.” you giggled.
“Ain’t nobodyplayin. I’m showing this pussy some love, putting respect on her name.”
“Are youfinished or are you done?” you decided to go alone with the Bird Man reference.
He growls andyanks you toward him throwing your legs over his shoulders and began devouringyour pussy.
He sucked onyour clit hard, swirling his tongue around it repeatedly. Erik dragged his tongueup and down dipping it inside your core every time. He lifted his face and spaton my clit, beard wet and all.
“Goddamn,”you say. “You so fuckin sexy keep doing that shit.”
“My pleasure.”
“Nigga thisain’t Chic-fil-a, eat my pussy!”
“You gon shutthat smart shit up Y/N keep playin.”
“Keep eatinand I won’t have nothing to say.”
He muttersabout having something for your ass later then lowers his head once again. Hebrought his face to your wetness once more and sucked on the clit while movingtwo fingers inside of you at a fast past. You gripped his dreads in one hand ashe curls his fingers to hit your spot once again.
“Fuck yess!” youscream feeling so close, you were almost there.
“Cum for mebabygirl, gimme that shit.” His words were more than enough to bring you to theedge. Your back arched as you moaned loudly, you could feel your wallstightening around his fingers. Erik lapped up your release, a deep growl camefrom his throat.
“So fuckin sweet.I’d eat you all day everyday if I could.” He kisses his way up your body as youpanted in exhaustion finally reaching your lips. He kissed you deeply dippinghis tongue in your mouth. You moaned as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Hereleases you from his mouth and looks you in the eyes.
“You likeyour reward?” you smiled.
“Yes, thankyou study buddy.”
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Need Help With Mental Health and Getting out of an Abusive Situation
Okay so here’s my deal. My mom has abused me (mostly mentally, emotionally, and financially, but there’s been a decent amount of physical abuse too) since I was about 12 years old. I’m 21 now. I went away to college for a few years but due to some unforeseen circumstances I’ve had to move back home until Fall 2020. It’s just me and my mom. We don’t talk to extended family, I don’t have a father or siblings.
When I was 14 I was diagnosed with Bipolar II, Bipoar Depression, and GAD. When I was 18, ADHD was officially added in, and within the past month I’ve accepted my ASD diagnosis. I’ve been fully medicated for the past 7.5 year’s, and in outpatient therapy with the same wonderful therapist for that entire time. When I was 15 I voluntarily (it was my idea) put myself into a partial program for a month for suicidal ideation and depression and self harm. When I was 16 almost 17 I voluntarily (again, my idea) took myself to the ER to go into inpatient therapy in psychology ward at New York Presbyterian, but was only there for a week because the counsellors there all came to the agreement that I was in better shape than I knew and released me, but with a binder of coping mechanisms and into the care of that same therapist I still have. At this point in my life, I’m very self aware, I can take care of myself and my mental healthy by myself, and I’m extremely proud of the progress I’ve made to better myself as a person and take care of my mental health. My friends, my therapist, my boyfriend of 5 years (best friend of 8), and my godmother all agree and praise me for my progress.
My mother, as I said, has abused me. Getting worse and worse over the years (as I contrarily got better). When she’s in a good mood, she dotes on me and does everything for me and lavishly spends money on me and pines for my attention. None of which I ask her to do because.... When she’s in a bad mood, whether or not because of me (when the only reason it’s “because of me” is when I’m not feeling great and liked to be alone) she takes it out on me. Hits me, curses at me, threatens me, berates me, tells me I’ve made no progress and I’m crazy, that she’s a perfect mother, that nothing is wrong with her, she attacks me with specific hurtful insults (“that’s why he doesn’t really love you!”), and holds all of her good mood antics over my head. She’s called the police on me >10 times since I was 14. They always take me for an evaluation, I’m always let go saying the cops are crazy. This past Friday, she threatened and tried to kill me. Then lost her mind rocking back and forth on her knees. So I called and ambulance. Ended up in her freaking out and calling the cops on ME for originally trying to de-escalate what did in fact turn out to be a hostile situation. I got released, but not without all the nurses and paramedics tending to me, as well as the crisis counsellor setting me free, all giving me some support saying they believed me, giving me numbers of support places in the area to help adult abuse victims.
My therapist has a lot of interaction with my mom, as she gives out her cell phone, comes to my graduation parties, has had sessions with me and my mom, and has had us to her house before. Plus my mother frequently texts her and emails her insanities and false stories, accusations, and ramblings about me. So at this point, my therapist has diagnosed my mother with Narcossistic Personality Disorder, as well as Borderline Peraonality Disorder. My mom has briefly (~6 weeks) gone to another therapist, but that was years ago. She constantly denies she has mental health issues besides her depression (which she deals with by drinking excessively, self harming, and attacking me). She denies that therapy works (yet says it does for me). She’s manipulative of the people around her- spewing lies to police officers even when I’m calm, open about my bipolar/therapy/medication, and looking for help, spewing lies to her friends who never interaction with me so they don’t know anything except that apparently I’m the problem, and spewing lies to her sister, my aunt, the only family we talk to still, and her best friend/former girlfriend/my other parent of over 35 years. No one believes me except my therapist and friends and boyfriend. No cops, not people who “love me”, and obviously not her. She frequently tries to get me arrested or admitted to a hospital involuntarily. She has ~$16k of my money in her account that she keeps procrastinating giving me.
I recently opened my own bank accounts not attached to hers. I work, I go to school. I’m an aspiring Marine Geologist and I’d like to get my Masters and PhD. When I hopefully graduate May 2021, I will move to California to go to graduate school and make my own life. Away from her, never to speak to her again.
I don’t have much money, even once she does actually give me the money from her account. To finish my BS I need a total of ~$23k. My saved money was for school, not living expenses or car insurance or groceries etc. Hence why I moved home while I completed some prerequisites around where I live. I will move out if I absolutely have to, by my 4 cats are here, two of which are senile and sick. I don’t love my mom. I can’t at this point. I have PTSD or the similar diagnosis from the trauma and abuse. I keep denying family therapy because I’m not sure it’ll work if she doesn’t accent any responsibility or open her mind to realise IM not the problem. I have a car, which is not under my name and while I could switch it I can’t afford car insurance. I have my own furniture and stuff to furnish a place that I will be allowed to take with me when I leave.
At this point, family therapy is necessary to entertain her until I leave. I’m looking for advice, resources, anything any of you can give me to help me handle this and make my life good and achieve my ambitions. I’m a generally pretty happy person; I like to read, write poetry/prose/short stories/songs, go hiking and enjoy nature, hang with my friends, make new ones, love animals, volunteer at the humane society, act, sing, improv, be in theatre, sew, and give advice and love to my friends who need it. I’m an advocate for sexual assault victims (twice in my life), mental health, animals, climate change, women, LGBTQ+ community (bisexual and genderqueer!), and eventually for abuse victims once I get out of here. (And by this I mean I actively take strides to advocate for these causes, joining clubs and marches etc, not just saying that because I experience some of them). I’m not a bad person, I don’t think. I try my hardest to always improve, and I wish I was dealt a better hand (don’t we all?). I’m not asking for money, I could never. I’m asking for advice and resources and a community. Anything yall got for me I’d appreciate more than anything. Thank you for listening/reading, I know it was a lot. If you got this far or offer help, I’ll hit you up with a follow even though that won’t be enough to repay your kindness. Ugh sorry that sounded textbook. Idk. But thank you so much. I really appreciate your time and advice.
-Jessica (I’m from downstate NY by the way)
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fairyscribbles · 6 years
Fart Machine. (BTS, Suga)
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Hello darlings! Long time no posts, I’m really sorry about that T_T Things are more stressful than I thought and it’s been a bit tough T^T. First off, thank you all for your kind messages. I kind of really know that I’m being irrational by being worried about things like these, but then there are moments where I just can’t help it, and I try keeping it bottled and it blows up like this. Your messages were so supportive and nice, they really helped me. Thank you for that.
I will be starting work today! I will be teaching my first two classes, and I hope they go well! So since I’m starting to work and get back into some kind of schedule, I’m also posting a little something that I thought of! I also have two or three other stories almost finished or finished, so I will post more when I come back home! In the mean time, please enjoy soft!yoongi (my heart ♥)
Being the mother of a four year old rambunctious Taehyungie, you have heard many strange things come out of his little mouth. Every time when you thought you heard it all, he would come up with something that swept you off your feet, just like this morning.
You were in the kitchen, preparing breakfast when you heard the soft pitter patter of bare feet and the silent steps of formal shoes.
“You be a good fart machine today!” Came the bright exclamation of your child, one that made you almost spit out your coffee.
Yoongi, on the other hand, didn’t seem affected in the slightest.
“That’s what I do, you know.”
“You…you be the best fart machine today!” Tae tried again, holding onto Yoongi's hand as they walked down the stairs, a prerequisite the man set when going down the stairs, ever since that one time when Tae took a tumble because of his socks. His fall was scarier than it was painful, but it still gave the man enough nightmares to strike a deal with the baby to always hold onto his hand when going down stairs.
“Is it so stair monster don’t grab me again?” Tae asked with a solemn look on his face, so serious that your face would break out in a smile.
Yoongi, on the other hand, looked like he was announcing the worst news ever, nodding briefly.
“Mommy and Yoon-Yoon would be very sad if it took you, bubba.” Tae seemed to think it through before nodding to himself, entwining his pinky finger with Yoongi's.
“Okay, I will.”
“You…you go be the best fart machine at wo~rk!”
“You bet I will, that’s what I do all day.” As Yoongi caught sight of you in the kitchen, he smiled at you briefly.
“You make sure to tell your mom to be a good fart machine, too.” Tae was already heading to you, babbling absent mindedly instead of replying. Yoongi, already late and with shoes on, blew you a soft kiss before heading out the door with a “love you, bubba. Bye,” leaving for work.
Tae was looking up at you with a grin, but something flickered in his eyes.
You leaned down with a big smile.
“Fart machine? What is that about?”
“I…I didn’t tell Dad I love him.” His sentence shocked you, and you could see that even though Tae was still smiling, it seemed like it was more of the muscles frozen than the actual emotions behind it.
Yoongi is not Taehyung's biological dad. He left the picture even before he was born, leaving the two of you alone. On one hand, you felt like you couldn’t blame him, the two of you being so young, but as little TaeTae was growing up, you started to find reasons why you detested him.
Taehyungie wasn’t strange or weird, he was just different. His young mind was very bright and sometimes his mouth didn’t catch up, making him babble incoherently. He also saw the world in a different, beautiful way. You do admit that sometimes his imagination was too wild and he might come off as weird to strangers.
You’ve dated other men in the past, yes – and most of your relationships crumbled on the fact that you had a child. Sometimes it was the responsibility of a child, and one special time someone hurt your precious boy so bad the guy was lucky he was able to leave on his own and not be wheeled out on a stretcher.
Taehyung was very enthusiastic about finding a dad. He knew that other kids had a dad and seeing them interact sometimes or hearing the kids show off their dads made him long for a father figure as well. And when you found a boyfriend, he was over the moon. He had something like a daddy!
You do admit that he started calling Seungho ‘daddy’ a bit earlier than the others. Maybe it was because he was Asian, a striking contrast to the blue eyed and blond guy that was before him. You apologized to Seungho about it and he waved it off with a chuckle and you thought everything was okay.
That is until you overheard a conversation between the two of them as you were making dinner. Seungho came from work and was splayed on the couch, barely able to take two breaths in before Taehyung swerved out of his room at lightning speed with a booming 'daddy!' coming from his mouth.
The annoyed sigh Seungho gave in reply made you concentrate on their conversation.
“Listen up Taehyung.” Seungho grabbed Taehyung by his shoulders, stopping his excited hopping.
“What, daddy?”
“Let’s get this straight. I’m not your daddy. Your daddy left and is never coming back, you hear? Just because I’m with your mom doesn’t mean I’m your daddy. I’m not, and I will never be, so stop calling me that.”
You were usually very caring and soft around Taehyung, but the second you snapped out from shock because of what you heard (it was right when you heard Taehyung’s soft 'oh' of rejection), you were hurling the plate full of food prepared for Seungho on the ground and stomping into the living room. You saw Taehyung holding his tears in, little fists clenched, biting down on lower lip, big eyes filled with so much hurt, and the piece of trash sitting beside him with the audacity to look shocked, you turned into rage personified. You didn’t give him a chance to explain or weasel himself out of it. He was barely able to get his things before you sent him off with a warning that if he ever came close to you and your family, he will never see sunlight again.
Taehyungie wasn’t the same after that. It took him a few days to grow back into his cheerful self, but you never heard him say the word daddy, and you vowed to yourself not to let your son go through that again. You promised you will never let another man hurt him like that again, and you took a long break from dating after that.
And then came Yoongi.
At first seemingly cold and distant, but you later realized the man held so much emotion in his soul, he was just unsure how to express himself well. Even though that, he was reliable, trusting and overall so perfect, you felt like you could introduce him to Taehyung.
Any weirdness Taehyung threw at him, he took it in stride. Whatever strange story Taehyung invented in his head, Yoongi expanded, never shutting him up, but on the contrary holding serious conversations over anything and everything his little mind produced.
But never in the year and a half you were a family has Taehyung called him daddy. At first he was MinMin mister, and then if he was sleepy he would be meow meow (a nickname which was wholly Yoongi’s fault when he stretched after a nap and let out a sound that sounded strangely like a meow) or Yoon Yoon.
But never daddy.
You snapped out of the trance as you saw Taehyung waddle over to the door quickly, trying to catch up with Yoongi.
“I love Dad! I love my dad!” he kept telling, fumbling with the door to open it. When the handle finally pressed down and Tae opened the door, he yelled out the longest and loudest “Da~d!!!!!” you ever heard.
To hear this coming from your son, something that you thought you would never hear him say, made you tear up.
“Daddy!” Tae wailed as he ran down the front yard to Yoongi’s car. He still hadn’t left, and he peeked out from the side of the car with wide eyes.
“What’s going on, buddy?”
“I love you, dad!” Taehyung reached Yoongi, sniffling as his little fists tried to wipe his tears.
“I love you, too, bubba, but why are you crying?” from where you stood, you couldn’t understand what he was saying, but it didn’t stop Yoongi from nodding and placing a soft kiss against the top of his head.
“I love you Daddy,” Taehyung mumbled almost pitifully as Yoongi stood up with one last kiss to his forehead.
“I love you, too, Taehyungie, you have a good day now, okay?”
“Okay, dad. I love you.” As he turned back to walk to you, he pointed at something that was on the side.
“I love that water,” he said even more pitifully and Yoongi looked at you, a wide smile on his face that you reciprocated.
“Love you, kitten,” he called out to you, and you called back with a “love you too, baby.”
“I love you, daddy!” Taehyung seemed to want to have the last word in the say as he waddled back inside.
“I miss daddy,” he confessed to you once you closed the door, still sniffling slightly.
“It’s sad when dad leaves for work, huh?” you cooed understandingly, crouching down to wipe his tears and snot. Taehyung nodded, his chin quivering in a clear threat that he might start crying again.
“Do you want to send a video to daddy? We can tell him to come back soon.” That idea seemed to intrigue him, and he nodded vigorously.
“But we can’t cry, because we don’t want daddy to be sad, right?” Taehyung agreed with you, already reaching for your phone (it didn’t matter that the kitchen counter was too high for him to reach).
You hoisted Taehyungie up into your arms, bouncing him on your hip as you kept one hand around his when he fumbled with your phone. He was a smart boy and you already sent a video to Yoongi before, so he knew very well to keep the phone up so the two of you could see each other in the camera.
“Are we not crying anymore?” you checked one last time, and Tae looked at himself closely before nodding.
“No cry.”
“Okay, I’m turning on the video!” and with that, you pressed the big red button on the screen, and waited for the time to show up on the top half.
“Okay Tae-Tae, go ahead.”
“Daddy!” he yelled out, a big smile on his face.
“Have fun at work! Make all the farts you want!” you laughed, waving at the screen and calling out a “love you daddy!” to prompt Taehyung from doing the same.
After hitting send, you sat down with Tae on the couch, waiting for Yoongi’s reply. You didn’t have to wait long, a notification with Yoongi’s video reply popping up. It was a simple reply with Yoongi still in the car, the most brilliant smile on his face as he called out to Tae to keep some farts for when he comes back home so the two of them can have a competition (a prospect that made Tae giggle with glee and you groan in disgust).
“I’m gonna tell Kooky about fart compeshion!” Tae called as he hopped off the couch, heading for the pink bunny resting near Tae’s play area. Almost as if it was planned, your phone dinged with another notification, a text from your fiancée.
“Daddy, huh? Wouldn’t mind you calling me that ;)”
Even though the idea made you blush, you laughed at the thought.
“Dream on, fart machine.”
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jendarknight-blog · 6 years
I found my notebook with my notes, and...well. Considering TYTNW, it’s going to be a long time since I write this out, so I’ll just post this verse’s version of the Heart / Romance events here. Check under the cut for details! <3
For those who haven’t seen my posts about this AU before, Izuku is a farmer who moved to the small town of Musutafu, and meets Katsuki, the young (and handsome) town doctor. They are childhood friends, but they don’t remember, since it’s been years since they last saw each other.  Full Cast: 
Izuku: Farmer (Toshinori used to own the land; Izuku inherited it) Katsuki: Town doctor (Aizawa was his mentor) Mina: Works as a pharmacist and nurse at the clinic. Aizawa: Former town doctor; lives in a small place not far from town. Ochaco: The town carpenter. She handles all the building and repairs. Sero: Works with Ochaco; specializes in furniture. Tokoyami: Runs the town library. Shouto: Chef at the inn. Rikidou: Sous Chef at the inn; specializes in cakes. Hagakure: Hired help at the inn. Usually does cleaning. Momo: Proprietress / Hostess at the inn. Iida: The farmer next door; he sells chickens and chicken-related products. Kirishima: A miner and a blacksmith’s apprentice. Mei: A genius blacksmith and inventor; Eijirou is her pupil. Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou: Run the town’s general store. Kouda: The town vet. Ojirou: Works with Koji. Kaminari: Works part-time at the general store. Mineta: A traveling merchant who likes to take up shop in the inn (to ogle Momo) Kyouka: A wandering musician. She officiates the music festival every year. Eri and Kouta: Two orphaned kids that live with Bakugou’s parents. They help out at the general store. Shinsou: Another doctor who studied under Aizawa. He visits in the winter. Aoyama: Runs the town winery, though he mostly handles the business end. Shouji: Handles the physical labor at the winery.
First, as a quick run-down, let’s go over the heart levels: 
In classic Harvest Moon games, a bachelor/ette’s affection goes from black to red, and the levels go a little like this:  Black: Who are you? You barely know each others’ names. Purple: You are acquaintances. Not really friends, but not strangers, either. Blue: You’re friends. You like each others’ company, but aren’t particularly close. Green: You’re close friends. You trust each other a lot. Yellow: You’re very close. Romantic feelings are starting to blossom. Orange: You’re dating, or at least close to it. There’s definitely mutual attraction. Red: You’re in love. Head-over-heels, marriage-and-babies love with each other. This AU has similar events, with an extra tacked on proposal event for good measure.  Okay, so we’re going in order from black to Proposal. These are just descriptions for now (with little gameplay notes, because I’m a friggin nerd), but I’ll probably write these as drabbles at some point. Here we go!  Black Heart Prerequisites: Walk into the clinic for the first time, or let Uraraka show you around on the first day. 
Deku moves into town, and Uraraka shows him around. As one of their last stops, they poke their heads into the clinic, where they hear Katsuki berating a patient. “If you’d listened to me, you wouldn’t have gotten worse! When I say to take your medication, I mean take it. Not when you feel like it, not just a little; take all of it, exactly how I prescribed. Now you’re even worse than you were before, and I’m going to have to prescribe a higher dose because of your negligent bullshit.” Ochaco chastises him for his lack of bedside manner, but Izuku assumes the best of him, which leaves Uraraka surprised and Katsuki flustered. He goes into the back to grab some things for his current patient, and Izuku continues on his tour. Purple Heart Prerequisites: Enter your farm after 5 PM with less than 10 percent of your stamina left. Izuku has been working all day, but his job is almost done. He trips, lands on his face, and gets knocked out. Katsuki, who went there on an errand from his mother (because Kaminari ‘was busy’, but it’s just a ploy to get him to actually leave his clinic and talk to people for once), finds him and helps him up, carrying him back to his home. When he wakes up the next morning, Izuku finds a note, some salve, and bandages. (He is also bandaged up around where he hurt himself.) The note tips him off that it’s from the town doctor, who addresses him as “Deku”. That name sounds familiar somehow, but he can’t pinpoint it (though he knows that it means ‘useless’, which gives him a bit of a twitch). The next time Izuku stops into the clinic, there will be a cutscene where he gives Katsuki some fresh milk and eggs as thanks for helping him. The moment is interrupted by Mina and Kirishima’s snickering, and Katsuki chases them away. Blue Heart Prerequisites: Enter the mines when Kirishima is there (Wednesday - Friday, noon - 3 PM), and be at less than 50 percent stamina. Izuku goes in the mines and starts digging for ore. Something moves in the distance, which spooks him; turns out it’s a cave bat, and Izuku falls through a mineshaft, down to another level. Kirishima panics, climbing down and bringing him back to the surface.  Deku wakes up in the clinic. "Where...?” “Hair-for-brains found you and brought you here after you fell down a mine shaft. How are you even working on that farm when you can’t even mine or take care of your fields without breaking something?” Izuku gives Katsuki a wry smile. “It’s a talent of mine, I guess.” Katsuki chuckles a little at that, and Deku thanks him for taking care of him, even though it is literally his job. Izuku thanks him anyway, and because he broke his arm with his fall (”You’re lucky that’s the only thing you broke, idiot”), he’s told to not use it until it heals. He has to come in once a week until he’s fully recovered (about four weeks). During this time, stamina will be down by 25 percent. Katsuki makes personal notes during Deku’s recovery, depending on how well he takes care of himself. Green Heart Prerequisites: Enter the Inn on a Tuesday night, when alcohol is available (5-9 PM).
Izuku stops at the bar after he’s done with work, and notices Katsuki at a table by himself.  “Kacchan! I never see you in here.” Deku asks if he wants to have a drink with him, and the two decide to drink together. Just a few, though -- they have to wake up bright and early tomorrow, after all. After a while, Kirishima and Kaminari crowd the table, and ask Izuku to get some drinks for all of them.  He does just that, heading to Shouto at the bar, who gives him an even look and says that Katsuki’s been happier since Izuku moved in. He’s no less of an asshole, but he’s not drowning himself in work nearly as much and even leaving his clinic every now and then -- he hopes Izuku stays friends with him for a long time. “Of course I will. Kacchan’s my best friend, after all.” As Izuku turns to join the others, Shouto smiles a little and says, to himself:  “Is that all...?” Yellow Heart Prerequisites: Enter the clinic on a snowy winter day with low stamina.  Izuku comes into the clinic, overhearing some good news: Momo’s pregnant! Katsuki gives his congratulations, but laments a world with more Todorokis running around in it. Izuku awkwardly gives his congratulations, as he’s sopping wet and his nose is stuffy, so it comes out less as words and more like hacking sounds. He keeps a good distance away from both Momo and Shouto, in case he gets either of them sick. Once they leave, he goes to sit on the examination table. “Wow, Deku, you look like shit.”
“And I came in before I fainted for once.”
“So miracles can happen.”
Though it isn’t long before Izuku ends up collapsing on the examination table, from a combination of being extremely cold, covered in snow, and sniffling from a cold.  He wakes up in Katsuki’s house, with the blankets tucked to his chin. Izuku tries sitting up, but Katsuki’s there, already easing him down. It’s winter, Hair-for-Brains can feed the animals for a few days, but he is going to rest. Izuku gets fed soup, takes medicine, and then notices a small trinket on Katsuki’s dresser: an All Might figure.  Izuku starts to remember...he gave one just like that to a little boy he used to play with before he moved away, but he never quite remembered him...And then he and Katsuki realize in unison: Izuku gave Katsuki that figure, and they were the kid they’d played with so long ago. 
Katsuki coughs to himself, and says: “Well, whatever. I’m not giving it back.”
“I’d never ask you to.”
And Izuku lays back down, warm for reasons other than his fever. Orange Heart Prerequisites: Own more than three pets, and leave your farmhouse, barn, or chicken coop after 5 PM on a clear day.
Katsuki shows up at the farm at around 5 at night, fiddling with his clothes. He asks if Izuku would like to have dinner at his place.  “That sounds great. I just finished here; let me take a shower first, though, okay? I don’t want to stink the place up.”
Katsuki comes in the farmhouse, ready to get comfortable, when Izuku’s swarm of pets greet them at the door. Izuku goes and showers, and sneaks towards the living room, where Katsuki is covered in his dogs and cats, contentedly petting one of them in his lap. Katsuki suggests a change of plans; his pets are holding him hostage, so they could eat here instead. The two have a quiet night in, and Izuku finds himself falling asleep on Katsuki’s shoulder, both with animals in their laps. Red Heart Prerequisites: Enter the clinic on a day it’s open (any day that isn’t a Wednesday) with a blue feather in your rucksack. You must have the max size house and the big bed, as well.
Izuku steps in the clinic...and sees that Katsuki isn’t inside. Mina tells him that he hasn’t been feeling well, but Izuku might be just what he needs. So he goes upstairs (Katsuki lives above the clinic) and finds him lying flat in bed.
“Mina told me you weren’t feeling well.”
“Raccoon Eyes needs to mind her own business. I told her not to let anyone up here.”
“I’m not just ‘anyone’, Kacchan.”
“Fuck off. I need to sleep.” After a lot of back and forth, and plenty of protesting, Katsuki relents to Izuku’s mother-henning, since he’s going to do it regardless of what he says, since he’s so stubborn. Izuku brings some hearty soup and some fresh fruit from the farm, and he sits by the bed, watching over him. “You know, Kacchan...this is pretty nice.” 
“What, seeing me flat on my back?”
“No! I mean--being with you. Like this. I wouldn’t mind doing it for the rest of my life.”
Katsuki, watching him for a moment, moves his hand towards the bedside table, but thinks better of it. Instead, he rolls over, covering his eyes. “I’ll hold you to that, nerd.”
Proposal Prerequisites: See the red heart event. This will take place a week later. After you receive the letter, go to the beach after 7 PM. A letter appears in Izuku’s mailbox:  Tonight. The Beach. Don’t be late. ~K
The two meet up at the beach, and it’s already dark. Both of them stumble over their words, increasingly frustrated, devolving into a bickering match, until fireworks shoot off overhead and distract them (thank you, Bakusquad).  They stare, transfixed, up at the sky, before they turn to each other. They look into one anothers’ eyes... And both pull out blue feathers at the same time.
They share a kiss under the fireworks, before pulling away just a little. “Hey, nerd.”
“Come home with me tonight.”
In the distance, the Bakusquad (Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido) exchange high fives, and Mina kisses Kirishima in her excitement.
...Izuku and Katsuki get married a week later.
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patrick-ch · 5 years
Ch.1 Valor Academy
In order to fully grasp the current situation, I have to take to you back to the beginning. Before we became Spartans..
The Year is 2568, a little over a decade after Fire Team Osiris retrieved Master Chief and his team. The 6 of us just graduated from Neo Los Angeles Prerequisite Academy and got accepted into Valor Academy of UNSC. Where are my manners;
my name is Will “Zero” Martinez Age: 21 Height:5′5 Weight: 160lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and Sniper Rifle, Specialty: Thinking Outside The Box, I’ve never been a fan of conventional thinking, always looking for new ways to come up with a solution. 
The tall islander looking one next to me is Pj “Sachi” Hidalgo Age: 20 Height:6′0 Weight: 156lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and Sniper Rifle and the occasional Rocket Launcher, Specialty: God Hand, He can tell how much bullets have been shot based on the vibration of each shot, which also allows him the perfect time to reload.
To his right we have Bernard “Relentless” Cabrera Age: 20  Height:5′5 Weight: 150lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and any Sniper Rifle, Specialty: God Eye, give him a scope and target and he will automatically know how high to aim and how much to lead his shot within seconds.
And then we have Nathan “Lucky” Nobleza Age: 19 Height: 5′7 Weight: 170lbs  , Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and his all time favorite Dual SMG, Specialty: Perfect Angles, he’s always finding new ways to use grenades or even off angles to shoot from. 
Next we have Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga and Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza, these two are the... “HEY MAKE SURE YOU DON’T GET KICKED OUT AND WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TWO!!” a woman screamed from a nearby van. “ YEAH WE GOT IT! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THEM! I hope...” Pj says with heavy sigh. “PHILLIP! I mean it, if anything were to happen to them I swear on my grave I will enlist myself and beat all of you in front of everyone! LOVE YOU LITTLE BROTHER!” Sher yells out loud. That’s Auntie Sher, after we lost all of our parents in the Invasion of New Los Angeles, we all moved in with her and her husband Nelson. 
We all head to the gate to check in, we are then greeted with an A.I. “Please Scan Your Identification Card.” *Scans ID* “William Martinez, Code Name: Zero, Welcome to Valor Academy” After the rest of us sign in we head to the field for Orientation, as we get to the field we see more and more Fire Teams. Some newbies, and some teams that have been there from the semester before. Pj notices the all female Fire Team. “YOOO! Who is that beautiful piece of everything?!” Pj says with a big smile on his face. 
Deneb stops Pj from approaching and tells him “DUDE! That’s Fire Team Demon Rose, Lead by Alexis Shon, call sign “Mercy”, next to her is Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Alice “Rose” Chan, and Logan “Logistx” Edra. They’re called Demon Rose, because they are not only beautiful but they’re also very lethal. Also they are Ranked #2 in the Elite Class, but rumor has it they could have been #1 but Mercy threw the match because she felt sorry for Team Oblivion.
 As they’re talking two figures start making their way towards Zero and Company. “DO YOU PUSSIES HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY THEN COME AND SAY IT! And for the record, we won fair in square. Mercy just couldn’t finish that’s her problem, SHE’S TOO SOFT AND DOESN’T BELONG IN THE SPARTAN PROGRAM!”
At that time the Head Master walks to the podium. *Clears Throat* “Welcome to those of you joining us for the first time and those of you that have returned. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kenneth “Sanctifyed” Obrique and I am the Head Master here at Valor Academy, We at Valor Academy expect the very best of you, as you do the same for the staff and instructors. Today I welcome all of you to a new year, and  with something new that myself and a couple of the Instructors here have come up with ourselves, to make sure you do your best. At any time you are allowed to challenge any of the Elite Teams for their spot in the Elite Class . The current rankings are as followed,
Oblivion: Jasen “HB/Steezee” Lau, Ralph “Samurai” Rumbaoa 
Demon Rose: Alexis “Mercy” Shon, Alice “Rose” Chan, Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Logan “Logistx” Edra 
 Atlantic: Ken “Ziggy” Dela Cruz, Bryan “Ah Hell Yeah(AHY)” Gutierrez, Andrew (T-Eyez) pronounce as Ties, Moses “Dandy” Galvan
Gamma : Jordan “BreezY” Barnachea, Gerald “Trigun” Barnachea, Jimmy “Uncreated” Baton, Bernard “Influent’ Credo
Elements: Kathleen “Ice” Tran, Jackie “Fire” Tran, Eric “EXT” Cordova
Fire Teams can have a minimum of 3 Members and a maximum of 4. Seeing how Fire Team Oblivion has two members, they will be demoted to the regular class and will have find one or two more members to make a squad. After this you will locate your quarters and fit yourself with an AI.  With this being said, I wish you all the best of luck and Welcome again to Valor Academy.”
“Excuse me sir, but does this mean we are allowed to challenge an Elite Team right now?” Someone says from the crowd. “Yes that is correct, who may I ask is asking?” the Head Master questions while squinting into the crowd of students. “Sorry for my rude behavior Sir, that would be I, Pj “Sachi” HIidalgo, First Year, of Fire Team Hayabusa.” Pj says as he stands and saultes. “Well cadet, what did you have in mind?” the Head Master asks in wonder. “I would like to challenge Fire Team Oblivion, Sir!” Pj says confidently. “Alright, well do you accept the challenge Fire Team Oblivion?” the Head Master asks. “ Yee we accept, easy claps! Am I right Samurai? We not gonna lose to a team that barely made it through the qualifying test” says HB as he high fives his only team mate. “Okay well that settles it we have our first challenge of the year, Fire Team Oblivion vs. Fire Team Haybusa. But before we can finalize the match we will need Oblivion to find two more team mates to fill in their squad.” “No need for that sir, we’ll take those the one with the big mouth and the one next to him.” HB says confidently. “And what are your names cadets?” Head Master questions. “My name is Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga, First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B, and I am Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza also a First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B.” the both of them said. 
“Okay, well as of now both of you are now a part of Fire Team Oblivion. The match well be a single match. To win the match you must immobilize the whole enemy squadron. You will be fitted with Mk4 Training armor once you are fitted with an AI, These Mk4 Armor can only handle one armor ability. Active Camo will not be available but Armor Lock, Evade, Bubble Shield, and Dash will be available. Also these Armors can only handle one ability, so choose wisely. Each of you will be given 2 Grenades, a weapon of choice, and pistol. All weapons are loaded with a Armor Locking Agent, that once it comes into contact with a surface and or air, it instantly hardens. As long as you can still move you can fight, so a headshot will only impair the vision. This will test your teams trust in one another. After receiving your AI, you will head to the armory, suit up, and choose your weapons. The best of luck to both teams.”
“YES SIR!” Both Teams yell.
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gurujonn · 3 years
For a greater part of us, learning at a legitimate college abroad is the fast approaching objective. While wanting to concentrate abroad, one should realize what to search for and where, and choose likewise on their best courses of action. You need to work productively all through your whole application measure.
What are your alternatives?
In Bangladesh, the most famous decisions for higher investigations abroad are the US, Canada, Australia and the Assembled Realm. Be that as it may, of late individuals have favored towards some excellent colleges in Asian nations - Singapore, Malaysia, India and Hong Kong. The decisions for objections rely upon a few factors, the most significant being simply the decision of the college, which is for the most part chosen by the College's positioning, course evaluating and furthermore the educational expenses and everyday costs. Another critical factor for a normal Bangladeshi imminent undergrad understudy is the accessibility of any kind of monetary guide, as concentrating abroad can be very costly. Yet, getting grants or educational cost waivers are a little intense and past scholarly accomplishments do matter all things considered, and some of the time even rely upon the extra tests needed by the college. Definitely for the financial factor, you should investigate European nations like Sweden or Germany on the grounds that advanced education there is generally reasonable.
"I decided to concentrate in Malaysia as the nature of training here is acceptable, and the everyday costs are generally less," says Prioti Hasan. "Also, the clincher is that the ticket back home is less expensive."
What tests do you require?
The prerequisites for extra tests that you need to take fluctuate in various nations and colleges and as indicated by your intrigued stream of studies. Most colleges all throughout the planet require an English language capability test for those whose local language isn't English. IELTS is the most ordinarily utilized and acknowledged global government sanctioned test for that. Getting to know the English Chamber for IELTS courses is the best thought, yet there are other private communities to assist you with it. You can read for IELTS without help from anyone else too and still progress nicely. Some European colleges, like those in Germany, require verification of capability in their language, given that English isn't the language of guidance in those colleges, and furthermore to work with your life there.
Then again, most colleges in USA favor TOEFL over IELTS. They likewise require government sanctioned tests for student and graduate examinations. SAT is a fundamental prerequisite for student schooling all around USA and tests your basic perusing, composing and math abilities. Graduate Records Assessment (GRE) is the alumni level likeness SAT, for induction into graduate schools. Additionally, your line of studies may require further tests, for example, LSAT, GMAT and so forth The American Place is the most supportive with regards to confirmations in US schools. Private foundations like Guides and The Princeton Survey can prove to be useful as well.
"The way to pro SAT is normal practice. SATs are significant in the event that you need great grants as well," says Bargeen Alam, learning at Ohio Wesleyan College. "TOEFL is a lot simpler and the key is being exact and just noting what you're inquired. Your intonation scarcely matters in the talking segment."
When and How to begin?
It is fitting to begin planning for and taking the necessary tests a year before at whatever point you wish to get enlisted. Furthermore, that is only the start. Make the college's site your course book for the present, and check the cutoff times and necessities. Do recollect that various schools and colleges have various necessities, so start the administrative work immediately. Assemble your records, scholarly and extra-curricular authentications, and set up a decent connection with the direction guide of your establishment, so they can take care of you.
Additionally work on your application. There are heaps of structures to be filled and papers to be composed. Take as much time as is needed and work on them, and make the most ideal utilization of this, since these structures and expositions are what will determine your destiny in that college. Most colleges have online application choice, which is by and large for nothing.
Maisha Fairuz, who is concentrating in Netherlands, said, "The application method is generally basic and is done through an online entry, so not exorbitant by any means. However, this may differ starting with one college then onto the next. As a worldwide candidate you are anyway needed to take either TOEFL or IELTS, so guarantee you have the accreditation of those prepared."
On the off chance that you are searching for any kind of monetary guide from the college, check their prerequisites and assemble the necessary papers, for example, charge paper, bank explanation and so on These will likewise be required for your visa preparing, regardless of whether you don't require monetary guide.
Credit Moves
At the point when you are taken a crack at a college here in Bangladesh, you actually have the alternative to learn at an unfamiliar college through a credit move. This implies that the measure of credit hours you have finished in your present organization will be moved to the college abroad, and accordingly you don't need to begin once more, and can set aside some cash. Be that as it may, the downside of this is a dismissal of many credit hours by the unfamiliar college, will they consider those superfluous for your certificate, and this may cause the time required for you to graduate to be broadened. Subsequently, it is prudent that you apply to members of your present college, so that more credit hours are acknowledged, and do as such inside the predefined credit range.
To apply as a student from another school you need to secure a record from your present college that contains a rundown of the courses you have finished, alongside other scholastic and non-scholarly declarations. Not for all credit moves in US is it basic that you complete SATs yet it builds your believability in case you're hoping to get into colleges with low acknowledgment rate. Timing is vital and you by and large require two records, one when you apply and one preceding your semester in the following college starts to represent the credit hours finished inside the time in the middle.
Nobel Mahtabuddin, a Bangladeshi student from another school at York College, shares, "You should analyze your present college and the unfamiliar college's educational plans, and take courses whose credits are not difficult to move. Try not to do the significant courses here, as those are typically not moved, yet decide on the auxiliary general schooling courses, whose credits are broadly acknowledged by unfamiliar colleges."
The Visa
As per most, this is the most agonizing and upsetting piece of the entire cycle. Given that you've been offered a confirmation by an unfamiliar college, you should confront the international safe haven of that country for numerous registration. The acknowledgment techniques for visas may differ from one country to another yet the primary concern is your funds. This may require bank articulations, dissolvability endorsements or other such similarly significant reports. Handling visas can consume a large chunk of the day, going from seven days to a couple of months. Also, that is the most difficult part - its unusualness. Be that as it may, you should be patient and never lose trust, regardless of whether months have passed since you applied for visa.
"Visas ought to be gotten quickly, however in the event that you are as of now conceded to an unfamiliar college, the college faculty will attempt to assist you with it however much as could reasonably be expected," says Talha Kamal, a Bangladeshi understudy at Hong Kong College.
Getting enlisted at a decent college abroad isn't something that happens to everybody. Be that as it may, it is achievable on the off chance that you realize what to accomplish and work appropriately and productively. Anything is possible for you.
0 notes
brooklyn-1918 · 3 years
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Day 24
Characters: OC Angel Moore and Avengers
Warnings: Fluff, possibly minor language
A/N: Holy crap! I cant believe that it’s Christmas Eve. It came all to fast, but im excited that it’s here. Without further adieu, here is the second to last of the 24 days stories.
If you would like to read the previous day’s story, you can read it HERE
If you would like to read the background to the OC Angel Moore, you can read it HERE
Angel was standing in front of her floor length mirror when the first of two knocks sounded at her door. She tugged at her jeans to straighten them out before she called to the visitor.
“Coming!” She gave one final tug, and glancing to make sure her hair was fine, she left her bedroom. Her hand on the handle, she paused and took a breath. 
“Merry Christmas Eve, Angel,” Wanda greeted happily. Angel smiled brightly, moving forward to give her a hug. 
“And to you too,” She said, standing straight again. She moved back so she could let Wanda through to enter her apartment. She shut the door, and waved her hand around the living space. 
Wanda grinned at the Christmas lights and decorations strewn around the space, bringing a festive uplift to the modern madness that was her Stark Industries decorated home. 
“You know, I think we should re-decorate,” Wanda observed, tapping her toe against the couch. Angel huffed a breath, and nodded. 
“I think that would be fun. But in the meantime, make yourself comfortable. Natasha should be here--” Another knock on the door cut her sentence off. Angel nodded again and pointed over her shoulder to the door. 
“Any minute,” Angel concluded, turning on her heel. Opening the door once more, she came face to face with the red headed assassin. With her makeup on point (as always), and beautiful gold earrings, she held a bottle of red wine. 
“Oooh, gimmie gimmie,” Angel said playfully, making grabby hands towards the bottle. Natasha threw her a playful smile, and held the glass bottle out of her reach. Angel chuckled and shook her head, once more standing out of the way so that Natasha could enter. 
“Where are your glasses?” Natasha asked, giving the wine a tiny shake. 
“Over the fridge for fancy, next to the sink for sippy cups,” Angel explained, moving to collect a few loose items off her coffee table. Natasha nodded and made her way into the kitchenette, pushing herself up on her toes to reach into the cabinet above the refrigerator. 
Angel plunked down in an armchair as she listened to the crystalline clink of the wine glasses. 
“Hold up, is Wanda even allowed to drink that?” Angel questioned. Wanda frowned and snatched a glass and the bottle, pouring herself a helping. 
“I’m 22, thank you so much for asking,” She grumbled, taking a sip. Natasha took the bottle away from the brunette’s hands, and carried on to pour herself and Angel each a glass. She raised her eyebrow at the young woman. 
“Then you should know how to pour it properly. Give it a twist as you pull it away.” Natahsa demonstrated, twirling the bottle on its axis as she pulled it up. Angel accepted her glass with a smile and a raise of the crystal. 
“Prevents dripping. And smooths it out,” Angel finished. Her and the redhead tapped their glasses together. They held them there for a moment, and Wanda grinned lightly before doing the same. 
The three women walked down the hallway, already with their shoes off, and carrying the empty wine bottle. They entered the common room, the tree lit up beautifully in the setting sun. A chorus of greeting and holiday cheer rose from the occupants, and the three women gave hugs to them all. 
“Hey, Angel, is Olivia coming?” Tony asked. Natasha chuckled as she set the bottle down on the already broken into bar, and Angel groaned. 
“I swear, you love my kid more than me! I’m wounded!” Angel playfully complained, dramatically putting the back of her hand to her forehead. But she glanced at her watch, and started to pull on her shoes. 
“How can we not love her?” Clint asked with a shrug. Angel chuckled and patted his shoulder as she stood. A few others laughed. 
“That's the right answer, Barton. I’m going to pick her up now, and I should be back by the time Peter swings over,” She explains, weaving her way through the group towards the elevator that will take her to the landing pad. 
Angel lands with little Olivia bundled in her arms. Her wings sent gusts of wind around them, and she set her daughter down. 
“Good job, mommy!” Olivia said with a clap of her hands. Angel chuckled and retracted her wings, reaching out to take the small girl’s hand. 
“Thank you, Livvey bear.” Angel’s whole chest warmed up as she looked at her child. In her little maroon dress coat, and her forest green dress that she insisted she wore that night. Her tiny black flats that almost fell off once or twice during the flight, the look completed by her Iron Man backpack, which held her pajamas and stocking for hanging with the other Avengers stockings. 
They walked through the tower, and entered the common area after dropping off her bag. Olivia ran around and gave them each a big hug. She began telling the story of her meeting Santa at Macy’s to Peter, who listened with great interest. 
Angel sat down on the couch, propping her feet up, and watching the group talk effortlessly. She sighed, leaning her head back to listen to the carols radiating from the room’s speaker system. 
Food was brought out, cooked by Wanda and Angel. Bacon wrapped candied dates, baked brie and apples, shrimp cocktail, vegetable platters, and much more lined the buffet table by the bar. 
People were laughing happily, bellies full and a sparkle in their eyes. No disagreements, minus the small political mutters that Sam nipped in the bud. 
After a much needed viewing of The Polar Express, a prerequisite on Christmas Eve, things were winding down. Olivia was curled into her mother’s lap, somewhere in between sleep and awake, face nuzzled into the soft fabric of Angel’s sweater. 
“Mommy, can you read me Jan Brett?” She asked quietly, as the room settled into silence. Angel ran her fingers through the small girl’s hair, and nodded, chin bumping lightly against the top of her daughter’s head so she could feel her answer. 
“Where is the book, sweetheart?” 
“Over there,” Olivia said, pointing to the side table, where she must have put it after she stopped back in Angel’s apartment. 
“Bucky, would you mind--” She pointed to the hardcover book, and he nodded. After picking it up, he held it to admire the art on the front, before handing it to his team mate. 
“Thanks,” She said and he hummed in response. She moved her daughter off her lap so she could open the book, the small girl quickly relocating onto the lap of the chemist. Bruce smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. 
“What one?” Angel asked quietly. WIth a yawn, Olivia replied. 
“The usual.”
“Alright.” Angel started to read out loud, drawing everyone to her voice. A soft melody of words, made even more joyous by the story on the page. She tucked her leg under herself, and continued on. 
Around her, Tony and Steve moved to sit on the floor around the coffee table, leaning their heads in their propped up arms. Wanda picked absent mindedly at the cookies in her lap, a smile creeping up her face. Thor listened intently to the tales that he had never heard, but was happy to learn.
As she came to the end of her first story, ending the tale of a girl trying to prepare Santa’s reindeer, she glanced at Olivia. She had her cheek mashed into the arm of Bruce, smiling with a droopy look that only a late night could bring. 
She read one last story. 
“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” Olivia made a face, a small sound of disgust escaping her lips at the mention of the rodent. A few small laughs sounded from around the group, and Angel carried on. 
After she was finished with the story, and half suspected that Olivia might be asleep, she shut the hard cover book. 
“Again!” Olivia mumbled airily. 
“Oh, no. Now we have to put out stockings and cookies so Santa can come,” Angel chuckled. Her daughter’s eyes popped open, and she picked her head up with little difficulty. Wanda stood and picked up the small girl, securing her tired body in her arms. 
“How about we go pick out a plate and glass?” The child nodded, and together, they walked off towards the kitchen. 
Angel stood with some effort, stretching out her back and legs. 
“Alright, everyone has their stockings, yes?” She asked. They nodded or hummed their answers, some pulling their cloth socks out of their pockets, others standing and retrieving them from wherever they hid them. Angel smiled.
Olivia placed the plate piled with cookies on the coffee table, Wanda setting the glass of cold milk next to it. 
“Friday, extend the hooks,” Tony said lazily. 
“Yes, boss.” With a few small clicking sounds, 11 hooks in total were extended from the wall. One for each Avenger, plus child. One by one, they stood and hung the festive bags on the wall. The stocking waited patiently to be filled, and the entire team stood back to admire them. 
“Mom, if there’s no fireplace, how will Santa get in?” Olivia asked as she tugged on her mother’s hand. Angel looked down, opening her mouth to answer, but no response came to mind. 
“The front guards would know to let him in. But fortunately, they don’t need to know that. Hit it, Fri,” Tony said as he waved his finger at the ceiling. Without responding, the AI lifted back part of the concrete wall, where a fireplace had been hidden seamlessly. Flames danced out of the glass pebbles, causing a warm glow to envelop the large room. 
They admired it for a few minutes, before they each said goodnight to each other, and went to sleep.
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@im-a-light-child​ @nomadicpixel​
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airoasis · 5 years
Learn Blockchain Programming (curriculum)
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Learn Blockchain Programming (curriculum)
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Hello world it’s Suraj and who’s ready to learn some blockchain for me to be able to write the decentralized applications book two years ago I needed to study blockchain technology hard AF and fast AF and efficiently AF since I was simultaneously traveling through different parts of Asia so if I were to start learning blockchain from scratch today this is the two-month study plan I’d make for myself but I’m gonna open-source it for you wizards since I love you this is a two month curriculum dedicated to in order one week of cryptography two weeks of Bitcoin two weeks of aetherium one week of other crypto currencies and lastly two weeks of decentralized applications but before you do anything else remember to hit the subscribe button if you haven’t yet to stay updated on my content this channel is my life’s work as you learn this technology make sure to follow several blockchain authorities on Twitter to keep up with the pulse in this space and yes in Soviet Russia blockchain authorities follow you oh and for more things to remember before we get started with this curriculum first watch videos at 2x speed and eventually 3x speed as your brain learns to adapt to faster pacing take notes by hand as you watch for memory retention dedicate at least 2 hours every single day to uninterrupted learning and yes that includes weekends and find a study buddy in our slack channel or someone in real life it will help keep you motivated remember this is not a game the links for everything will be in the video description before you get into the weeds with crypto currencies you have to understand why the word crypto is used in cryptocurrency crypto short for cryptography is the art of securing information given some sensitive data it asks the question how do we prevent a third party a an adversary from reading that data most people don’t realize just how crucial cryptography is for Humanity pretty much any kind of money transfer authentication flow and mission-critical system relies very heavily on cryptographic techniques to help maintain secrecy and cryptography itself sits at the intersection of math computer science and even physics but luckily for us its prerequisites aren’t worthy of dedicating weeks of study to we can pick them up in a single well structured cryptography course after reading some reviews it seems that the intro to cryptography course on Coursera is the best option here to get started it’s a seven week course that we’re going to complete in a single week don’t do any of the graded projects until you finish all of the videos knock them out one by one at the end of this week do the final exam for week seven really put in an effort then double check your answers to learn from your mistakes now on to weeks two and three we’re gonna focus on the blockchain that started it all Bitcoin so normally I almost never recommend reading books to learn this kind of thing since videos are so efficient but sometimes there are exceptional books out there like the deep learning book and Where’s Waldo in this case I’m gonna recommend my friend Andreas Antonopoulos book mastering Bitcoin it’s open source and available to read on github Andreas does such a great job of breaking down all the moving parts of the Bitcoin protocol his technical writing skills are next-level there are 12 chapters in this book we’re gonna read two to three chapters every single day until we finish them all pacing ourselves included in the book are technical instructions for configuring and using the Bitcoin protocol go ahead and do those via your terminal if you get an error at some point try to fix it but if no luck don’t get too caught up on it for too long just move on after you’ve completed the book go ahead and the official Bitcoin white paper specifically an annotated version to make it easier to understand those concepts then download a Bitcoin wallet and buy some Bitcoin it can be a really small amount but it’s mostly just to feel like you’re a part of the network and experience the cryptocurrency world firsthand for the second week of Bitcoin learning take the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies course on Coursera when you’re done with that spend the rest of the week building a blockchain that uses the proof-of-work consensus algorithm from scratch in your favorite programming language of choice I’d recommend either Python or JavaScript there’s a great article that explains how to do this that I’ll add to in the links add as many features to it as you can to get some hands-on experience in blockchain technology now that you’ve got a handle on Bitcoin it’s time to go down the second rabbit hole theory on Bitcoin removed the need for an intermediary when sending someone money over the Internet recording all transactions on a public database the etherium developers realized that they could use the same underlying blockchain technology to remove the need for an intermediary for running code think of it like a world computer a decentralized virtual machine to build unsensible applications on top of there’s a free really short aetherium course on udemy that you should first check out to help you understand the etherium architecture then you should read the annotated aetherium white paper for a better understanding it’s much more complex than the Bitcoin one so really take the time to go through all the details it will help you as soon as you start building aetherium apps using the solidity programming language oh and speaking of solidity once you’ve finished the course you can learn solidity using this crypto zombies game where you learn how smart contracts work by building them and applying them to this game world is actually pretty fun lastly black geeks.com has a collection of really in-depth articles on aetherium that I’d recommend checking out just hit them up one by one once you search for the etherium keyword until you understand all the parts of the architecture so Bitcoin and aetherium are out of the way but what about the other billion crypto currencies out there with all of their unique features and ideas are they worthless Yes No some of these projects have synthesized some really great ideas so we should dedicate this week to learning about some of those best ideas I’ve got a great playlist that goes over the crypto currencies I find the most interesting right here on YouTube that you should definitely check out remember to go through the Associated code and helpful learning links in the video description for each of them to get a better understanding you can spread this bit out to an entire week there are rabbit holes you could go down for any of the crypto currencies I talked about from Minh arrows ring signatures to cardano’s settlement slayer let your curiosity guide you this week and for the last part of this curriculum you’re going to wrap it all up by learning about the longer-term vision for all of these technologies decentralized applications start off by reading my book on the topic you can find a free version if you google the name with the word free afterwards also if someone posts a link to the free version in the comments I’ll pin it so you can check it out that’ll take you a full week and a lot of the code is deprecated now because of all the dependencies being updated over time but the pseudo code the ideas and the theories remain for the very last week build a decentralized application yourself pick an idea ride sharing or social networking for example and use the fastest method to prototype approach to build something in a single week and that’s it I just launched my decentralized applications course at the school of AI but we currently got a full class so sign up there if you want to be notified when the next course opens up I hope you found these tips useful please subscribe for more programming videos and for now I’ve got to upgrade the web so thanks for watching
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