#OG Drunken peasants
plutocoffins666 · 3 years
Response to an Egghead https://youtu.be/9gYekh-bXdI
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f0xfordcomma · 3 years
Hello!! Happy FFWF!! Is there anything in particular that you find hard to write? Are there any WIPs that you've just absolutely given up on cause you think it'll go nowhere?? (would you share a bit of it? :D)
Croisty! Happy ffw tuesday (which tbh is earlier than I thought I'd be able to do these, so be proud of me lol)
I wish I had more to go off of in my writing portfolio to answer this question, but I think the thing I have the hardest time writing/ have avoided writing in my wips is just unfettered angst or like horror/ violence. Like character death? Gore? Fight scenes? (ooooh baby I SUCK at fight scenes) all of /that/ is just not really my forte as a writer. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to hurting my characters, but hurt/comfort is more where its at for me. You've read my stuff, so you know how emotionally driven a lot of my writing is. I think I would have a hard time writing more graphic/ heartbreaking/ violent *stuff* in my style. Idk, it would probably be a good thing for me to practice.... but.... I don't wanna (hands on hips) sooooo I'm not planning to really do anything quite like that anytime soon.
As far as abandoned wips go, I've got plentyyyy (or just verrrrrrry dusty wips that are not quite abandoned but are sitting very patiently on the shelf waiting for me to have the time to get back to them) Violent/ angsty/ deathy/ fighty abandoned wips though? Not so much.
But for you, mon petit croissant, have a bit of a miraculous ladybug reveal fic that I wrote one night after having a little ~ouid~ and convincing my husband to put on a sheet face mask with me that I now have no intention of finishing (oops, rip me).
okaaaaayyy so this is actually pretty dang long lol but I'm going to share the whole thing with you because I just re-read it for the first time in months and its pretty funny ~if you ask me~ so anyway... under the cut <3
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t a totally crazy idea to take a night off.
Besides, Shadowmoth’s akumatizations had slowed down considerably in the past few months, and he rarely ever sent out two akumas in one day. The battle that she and Chat had fought that morning was brutal, but they’d come out victorious against HoneyBadger. Still, the fight had left her exhausted and wound up. Shadowmoth was planning something, she was sure of it. She just couldn’t, for the life of her, figure out what it was.
Ladybug was stressed.
Add to that, the fact that end-of-term exams were starting up next week and she’d not had nearly enough time during dead week to actually cram. Something about black butterflies and cranky kwamis and a cheeky cat (who, in recent weeks, had been considerably less cheeky.) Not to mention, she had been receiving an awful lot of memes, seemingly without preamble, from Paris’ favorite male model. Nino thought it was hilarious. Alya thought it was suspicious. Marinette thought it was confusing.
Marinette was stressed.
All of it was stressful.
Alya knew when her best friend was stressed. She could usually gauge the amount of Marinette’s exasperation by the frequency with which her bangs went flying from her face, propelled by a huff and a heavy sigh. Right now, Marinette’s bangs were a mess.
“Okay, girl. You need a night off.”
“What? No, I’m fine! Really! Plus, I can’t really afford to take a night off right now, Alya… I don’t know what Shadowmoth ha—”
“Yeah, no. I’m stopping you right there. For the next twenty-four hours, this space is a Ladybug-talk free zone,” she gestured vaguely around her bedroom, which was scattered with printouts and pictures that Marinette had brought over to work on nailing down Hawkmoth’s possible location using Alya’s beloved akuma-map. “I know, I know. It pains me more than it pains you, truly. But I’m doing this for you. Tonight: you, me, drinks, distractions. You are taking a night off.”
“But Alya! What if—”
“Hush, you know that’s incredibly unlikely. And, in the event of this IF you are so set on, you know that cat boy and I will have your back. Even drunk ladybugs can purify akumas when they have the clawed crusaders on their side.”
“I can’t believe you gave in to his silly nickname.”
“It is a badass nickname and you are just jealous that we bonded.”
“I’m not jealous. I’m annoyed.”
“Mhmm… keep telling yourself that, girl. Now, back to the matter at hand: what kind of drunk do you want to get tonight? Classy or trashy? I still have that peach stuff from last month, but if we are thinking classy I might need to call in the reserves to get us some decent wine.”
“You won’t need to call in anybody, Al, because I am definitely not getting drunk tonight.”
“Night off, Marinette. Drunkenness is a prerequisite.”
“Can’t we just watch movies or something? I really don’t know if that’s too good of an idea…”
“Girl, we watch movies every night. This is a night off. Don’t think I don’t see you stressing all throughout movie night every week, anyway. You need to take your mind off Ladybug,” she gestured at the mess that had consumed her bedroom. “And get your mind back on Marinette. Superhero or no, you’re still a teenage girl who is supposed to be enjoying the last few months of college.”
Marinette pouted.
“Stop pouting. You know you deserve to have normal girl fun.”
“But Alya I—”
“No buts.” An unnervingly devious look crossed Alya’s face. “Unless it is your butt in that pair of skinny jeans that you and I both know you-know-who loves. Boys will be here in twenty. Get to it, girl.”
Marinette just gaped at her. She didn’t even notice that Alya had grabbed her phone, but alas, there was the tell-tale ping.
Alya Cesaire → Akuma class OGs chat
Alya: anyone down for a little last minute get together—my door is open and my bar is stocked
Nino: HELL YEAH babe!
NL: got a new mix i’ve been meaning to show you… so entertainments on me fam!
Alix: This thing got an itinerary or just drunkenness for drunkenness sake?
Alya: the latter, natch.
Alix: Sick! Count me in.
Kim: same!
Rose: Do you need us to bring anything?
Alya: anything you feel like sharing
Alya: otherwise, just yourselves!
Alya: Agreste~you better bring us some of that expensive shit that i know your pops keeps somewhere in that castle of yours
Alya: no fancy wine, no admittance
Alya: the rest of you peasants just bring wtvr
Adrien: uhhhhhhhhhh
Adrien: ALYA
Adrien: dang it! You know I feel obligated to steal wine from my dad’s cellar now
Adrien: do you know how scary my dad is!!!??
Nino: DO IT you wont!
Adrien: shuddup Nino
Marinette: Adrien you totally don’t have to! Alya is just being **extra** Alya today
Alya: i plan a night off for this girl
Alya: and this is the thanks i get??????
Alya: can ya’ll believe this?
Alya: ridiculous
Adrien: utterly ridic
Adrien: dangit
Zoe: lol first! sorry adrien
Marinette: ugh ty I guess Als xxxxx
Alya: awe she DOES care, youre welcome babe!
Alya: so sunshine… about that wine?
Adrien: yeah yeah yeah
Adrien: use my people pleasing against me why dontcha
Alya: gladly <3
“Alya, stop bullying Adrien.”
“No way, girl. Giving that boy a task is the only way to ensure he shows up. Speaking of which… butt, jeans, go, now!”
The doorbell rang. Nino had perfected the quickest route to Alya’s house from every part of Paris years ago. Yes, he was whipped; and yes, he was proud of it.
“ALYA! I have to clean all of this up and I have to go home to get those jeans that you’re so dead set on and…”
“No you don’t. Kaalki?”
“Right here, Ms. Rouge.”
“No way girl! Don’t be silly. Kaalki and Roaar just volunteered to be my errand kwamis.”
“You guys do realize that I am the guardian, right?”
“Of course, that’s why we worked so hard to get everything that you need for tonight.”
“I—you… wait is this my good bra? How did you—”
“Us kwamis pay attention, Marinette.” Tikki cuddled up to her cheek.
“Et tu, Tikki?”
The ladybug kwami just giggled and made her way to the pile of papers scattered across Alya’s bed, starting to organize them back into neat stacks.
“Night. Off.” Alya punctuated each word with a shove and a smack on the bum, directing Marinette toward the bathroom and shutting her in to get ready while she got the door for Nino.
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lovenicksherlock · 5 years
Michealangelo’s, The last supper
What we have here, is a classic case of “how are we splitting the bill?”
Being it the first Thursday of April AD 33, all of these boys knew that there would be a mad drinks special at the local watering hole, The Thirsty Hebrew. Sipping on that sweet Noah’s-drift red, planted by the OG vineyard planter Mr. Noah himself, JC’s closest man Simon, or known amongst his friends as Sudzy Ballz, knew that the brew-tang-clan were in for one hell of a piss-up. And although they were all there celebrating JC’s run as the incarnated son of Christianity, Sudzy knew that they were really here for the cheers. James, son of Alphaeus, the young gun amongst the group, yet to spend all his money on the devil’s lettuce AKA Blaze AKA Jerusalem Gold, still cared very deeply for the sacredness of this dinner and offered up to pay his portion of the bill, but claimed he didn’t have enough data to log onto Uber and split the fair back to the confession box.
“Refresh me with some of that red stuff, sustain me with raisin cakes, for I wish to get lit,” said James, the current record holder for stealing bibles out the nunnery. “Pop a bless my guy” responded Jacob. “Boys, boys, my sandals grow heavy, for we need to settle this bill, and all I’m saying is that space in heaven is getting tighter now that I’m going to be opening the gates.”
The clinging of tiny pieces of silver and bronze broke the awkward silence after his speech, as each disciple dug into the bottom of their pockets for shekels, it was as though they were mining deep into the souls of their robes.
“Bible I did not skip service last Sunday, boss! I was just at the back you didn’t see me!” “Cuz going to church makes you a good Jew just as much as standing in a stable makes you a horse!” “Oh, you post bible quotes on community rock? You’re definitely getting into heaven!” The Apostles were shouting over one another, trying to squeeze in as many brownie points as they could before the end of the dinner. “By Jehovah, I swear if you do not shut your…” Cling! Cling! The man of the moment hushed his crowd down. “A Toast” JC spoke over his boys. They all turned to him in silence, “In my time amongst you peasants, many a squad goal has been reached. We’ve given the salty Romans a good run for their jewels, but now I’m afraid, the hour has arrived, and we must settle this bill. And before I ascend the stairway to heaven, I want you to all join me in the recital of our most treasurable verse.” He continued, “And after he made the starts and the earth, on the seventh day he said…” They all joined in, “Let us be lit!”
The crowd went wild as they celebrated their final cheers. As the beer tang clan scurried and spoke amongst themselves, through the spilled wine and soggy bread, progress with the bill was being made. And by the end of the hour, after the poor waiter who had been back and forth several times, praying that one of these drunken sods would mistake a fifty for a hundred, had collected everyone’s part.
In the drunken smelly aftermath of the night, the Thirsty Hebrew cleaned the holy mess. And the night was documented thereafter as The Last Supper.
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Leonardo da Vinci
The Last Supper
The Last Supper is a late 15th-century mural painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.
Image found here: http://mentalfloss.com/article/64372/15-things-you-should-know-about-last-supper
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arthisour-blog · 7 years
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The Fat Kitchen. An Allegory Pieter Aertsen 1565-1575 From the collection of Statens Museum for Kunst The table is groaning under its load of meat, fish, bread, and fresh vegetables. To the right, behind the table, a peasant stands by his family, regarding us with an eloquent look. He pointedly turns his back to what goes on in the left half of the picture where we get a glimpse of a room with two couples, one young and the other old, gathered around the fireplace.
The young man is in high spirits, raising his jug of ale as he puts his arm around the girl. The old couple stare into space with a melancholy air, making them the key to understanding the picture: it is a warning against “voluptas carnis”, i.e. a life in the throes of the senses, leading to gluttony, drunkenness, and moral looseness.
The still life genre
The still life genre was created by Pieter Aertsen in an Antwerp that was the leading commercial centre in Europe at the time. To Aertsen, the arrangements of food – the symbolism of which was explained in the figure scenes in the background – were a necessary alternative to religious painting. During the early years of his career he created a number of altarpieces that he, to his great wrath and sorrow, saw destroyed during the iconoclastic riots of the Reformation. Details Title: The Fat Kitchen. An Allegory Creator: Pieter Aertsen Date Created: 1565-1575 Værktekst: Bordet bugner af kød, fisk, brød og friske grønsager. I højre side bag bordet står en bonde med sin familie og ser ud på os med et talende blik. Han vender demonstrativt ryggen til det, der foregår i venstre billedhalvdel, hvor man får et kig ind i et rum, med et ungt og et gammelt par samlet omkring ildstedet. Den unge mand, der er i højt humør, svinger ølkanden, mens han lægger armen om pigen. Det gamle par ser melankolsk frem for sig, hvorved de bliver nøglen til billedet: en advarsel mod “voluptas carnis”, det vil sige et liv i sansernes vold med grådighed, drikfældighed og løsagtighed til følge. Stillebenmaleriet som genre Stillebenmaleriet som genre skabtes med Pieter Aertsens pensel i et Antwerpen, der var Europas førende handelscenter. For Aertsen var opstillingerne af mad, hvis symbolik blev forklaret og understreget i baggrundenes figurscener, et nødvendigt alternativ til det religiøse maleri. I sine unge år havde han skabt en række altertavler, som han til sin store vrede og sorg måtte se blive tilintetgjort under reformationstidens billedstorme. Teknik: Olie på træ Proveniens: Erhvervet 1756 Provenance: Acquired 1756 Physical Dimensions: w213 x h110.5 cm (Without frame) Dansk link: http://www.smk.dk/index.php?id=2696 Dansk Titel: Det fede køkken. En allegori. (“Voluptas Carnis”) Type: Painting Rights: Statens Museum for Kunst, http://www.smk.dk/en/copyright/creative-commons/ Medium: Oil on panel
Statens Museum for Kunst København, Denmark
The collections at the National Gallery of Denmark comprise three main collections: The Royal Collection of Painting and Sculpture, The Royal Collection of Graphic Art, and The Royal Collection of Plaster Casts. As the names suggest, these collections have their roots in the art collections of Danish monarchs; they are believed to date back to King Christian II and the mid-16th century.
The Collection of Sculpture and Painting comprises approximately 10,500 paintings and sculptures, while the Collection of Graphic Art houses more than 245,000 works of art on paper. In addition to this, approximately 2,500 plaster casts are housed at the Royal Cast Collection.
New works are added to the collections every year. Generous donations and acquisitions have shaped the profile of the collections in recent years, but the starting point remains the collections built by Danish monarchs.
Pieter Aertsen 1508 – 1575
Pieter Aertsen, called Lange Pier because of his height, was a Dutch painter in the style of Northern Mannerism, who invented the monumental genre scene combining still life and genre painting, and very often also including a biblical scene in the background. He was born and died in Amsterdam, in his lifetime a relatively minor city, and painted there but mainly in Antwerp, then the centre of artistic life in the Netherlands. His genre scenes were influential on later Flemish Baroque painting, and also in Italy, and his peasant scenes preceded by a few years the much better-known paintings produced in Antwerp by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
The Fat Kitchen. An Allegory Pieter Aertsen 1565-1575 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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