nickeldalm · 2 years
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self-indulgent drawing
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shai-manahan · 1 year
I'm not sure if I'm too early or too late for this ask but what would Mother's Day look like for Ripper? I imagine it not being too great 😅
I won't lie to you, anon. Ripper wouldn't notice it's Mother's Day. Ripper wouldn't even keep track what day of the week it is, unless it's necessary for investigations or shenanigans. In fact, I don't think they'd realize it was Mother's Day until after a month has passed.
Not to say that Ripper would have no resurfacing issues about their mother in general, but at least it wouldn't be at that moment. Less suffering for them.
Alex, on the other hand, would have so many flashbacks, so many relived moments of his childhood that ended up disappearing in an instant. Feeling all sad and shit and wondering about all the what could have been. About all the things he could have done to avoid it. Feeling alone in a world of deceit, just very close to breaking down but he also can't because he has to stay steady for his sibling.
He won't be sleeping that night, nor the week to come.
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mrcspectr · 2 years
rn the roomie is showing off the House Weaponry and i was thinkin abt the way marc kind of . seems to ? avoid fighting with knives ? and was just like . exploding bc im. watching the way marc brawls on the rooftop & he . he constantly knocks knives to the ground but he keeps his own hands weapon-free. the moment marc gets his hands on a knife, the fight’s over too quick (at least for bad guy #1)- and suddenly steven takes the wheel.
and then the next time there’s a knife in Marc’s hand it’s certainly not nice and shiny like it was before- no, it’s buried in bad guy #1’s gut. there’s so much more blood.
… listen i came into this ask wondering if marc and jake had different styles of fighting with weapons- with knives specifically- and walked out with too many more questions than i had answers.. Marc’s movements with the knife were. very certain and fluid- well practiced, even. and yet he seems to shy away from picking one up- he sticks to his fists.
It doesn’t help that there’s not much footage on how jake uses a knife, we just see the .. result. anyways this is for you to munch on when you find a spare thought cos i know this’ll be rotating in my brain on repeat for a goooood long while. skdjdksj byeeee
Percy, have I ever mentioned how much I love when you talk to me about House Weaponry? lsdgjskljgs ANYWAY. I have.. commentary on this.
So, in that scene on the rooftop, there's three guys he's fighting total, five knives (the particularly flashy guys are carrying two. Y'know. For funsies, I guess.) The confrontation starts with Marc being, bless his heart, more himself than we see very often. A little sassy, a lighthearted jab here and there. Oh shit, you killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. Oh. What, are we dancin'? We fightin'? What are we gonna do? He's more comfortable, the situation more familiar.
And throughout the fight, he's more focused on getting the knives out of their hands. He disarms, but he doesn't necessarily take advantage of the weapon itself. (It's something we learn in combat self defense, your best chance of survival is to take the knife out of the fight entirely.) Marc's strategy is this:
Guy #1: Dodge the first slash so the knife is already directed away from him, takes his wrist holding the second knife, forces it in the same direction so both points are no longer a threat, and uses his own momentum to push him away, falling to the ground.
Kid and Guy #2: In the time it takes Marc to land a solid kick on someone else, the kid manages a good slash against his back, distracting him from the older men. When he tries again, Marc grabs at the wrist holding the knife, twisting the joint in a way that makes it fall from his grip. It's important to note too that he hesitates for a second, striking his back with an open palm instead of a closed fist. Less pain, more jarring or surprising than anything.
Guy #1 again: He crosses the guys arms across each other, making it pretty difficult to near impossible to stab forward. He brings his knee up to strike his wrist, and so another knife falls. The second knife comes up, and Marc strikes again to the same result.
With every motion and decision Marc makes, a weapon falls to the ground. But he doesn't reach for it, not until the end. And even then he's angry, the adrenaline is pumping, he's reaching for that familiar violence, but at the last moment, Steven steps in. That's enough.
And I used to think it was so strange, because Marc's very familiar with utilizing the crescent darts when he's wearing the suit. There are multiple times he uses them to stab, to cut, to slash, in the same way a knife would be handled. So why did he seem so against taking advantage of a dropped weapon, when he was very clearly outnumbered? And then I remember this line:
Or it was just a way for me to keep being what I've always been. A killer.
And that is Marc's entire struggle with his identity as Moon Knight, isn't it? He refuses to accept that certain satisfaction he finds in his own violence, because in doing so, he thinks he's confirming everything his mother ever made him believe. He finds it easier to use those weapons wearing the armor because he thinks he can almost.. draw a line between himself and what he becomes as an Avatar. He can separate the two.
And by trying to put those different parts into neat little boxes, that is what causes him to believe he hates being Moon Knight. Because he puts all that anger and violence, those things that he hates, all in that same box. That internal conflict arises when the line becomes blurry, or it disappears entirely, like that moment on the rooftop.
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thevillagequeer · 1 year
Please don't think just because Destiny's Children turned into a cult of personality, they didn't follow the typical counterculture talking points of that era. Spirituality, sexual freedom, civil rights, women's equality, definitely liberal drug use on the followers' part, and you better believe Dave wasn't the only one who heard Klaus' warnings about the Vietnam war -- he had those statistics right at the top of his head. Also keep in mind the first major protests didn't start until 1964.
Oh honey darling sweatheart, no no no, i am so sorry its your ask that is going to be on the recieving end of this onslaught you've just walked into the intersection of everything that makes my brain go brrrrrrr 
First of all, if we are going with the rule that klaus can't take part in things that hadn't at the time he was dropped into the past, he certainly cannot be starting a hippy dippy cult. Hell, he shouldn't be strutting around looking like a hippie either! 
If the beatles are still in liverpool, don't even think about the age of aquarius, you get what i'm saying?.  
Hippie culture was so heavily tied to the anti war movement for a multitude of reasons, you can't have the culture of one without the other. Its the same with music, its the same with the rise of cults in this era, it all ties back back to each other and none of these things were as we know them today until the mid to late 60s, certainly not prior to 1964 and definitely not 1960
So if its historically inaccurate to have Klaus fighting against the war in Vietnam in 1961, it's just as inaccurate for him to have started up a cult. 
But, for me at least, that doesn't matter one bit.  Because Klaus isn't a person of the 60s.  He was born nearly 3 decades after the fact. Everything he knows about this time, save for his ten months in the war itself, is how the rest of us learned.  Books, movies, music, the odd recollection from someone who lived through it, perhaps.
When you take someone with ideals influenced by a time or movement and put them into that time before those beliefs were created, it's nigh impossible to keep them from bringing those ideas in too early.
Its a common trope in time-travel fiction, but it's because characters are human. 
Most of them, at least, want to make the world a better place, and being put in the past feels like a key to that, because for once, you have a cheat sheet. No one knows what's going to happen in life, but now you do.  
Humans also love to impress.  They will play Chuck Berry at their parents prom years before it's released.  They will show someone the palm sized computer they can keep in their pocket that has more technology in it than what sent man to the moon.
And do we really think Klaus would be taking note of historical accuracy? The love of his life has less than a decade to live before dying tragically, he's just seen the world end, and for all he knows, he's the only one of his family who made it. If he knows there was a movement to stop the war, why the hell would he care if he joins it a couple years too early? 
Though, to be fair to the point, I will dive in a little bit to how the cults of the 60s functioned with the aesthetic Klaus and his followers adopted as well as with the anti war movement.
As you mentioned, all of this falls under what we now call the counterculture of the 1960s. It was called this because quite literally, it was *countering* the culture of the time.
the world the flower children of the 60s were born into was tight laced, kept up appearances, and abided by strict social rules.  they danced the foxtrot, they starched their shirts and sent their boys off to die.  
everything they did from then on was to fight against that. it was all an act of rebellion, an act of rejection. the status quo they were dying for needed to know they were not abiding
That's why the aesthetics of stereotypical cults and hippies were and honestly still often are used interchangeably, because a lot of cult leaders would use theseaesthetics and buzzwords to draw young, passionate folks in.
now, given how Klaus has an almost reverse view of all this, entering the decade with the knowledge of how it ends, this is how I can see him accidentally attracting a following by just bringing forth what the 60s were getting to, only sooner.
Because, honestly, if we are talking about cultural shifts and all that jazz and how that spurred these touchstones forward, if especially in line with season 2 of tua, the shift started when Kennedy was shot. That;s the turning point.
(As a history goof, i would argue that the real linchpin was the assassination of Robert Kennedy, not JFK, but we're not really talking about history history rn lol even though this is incredibly long already and I do apologize I just loveeeee this shit)
So, if Klaus wouldn't have been allowed to be an anti war activist prior to 1964, he couldn't be a cult leader in the way he was either. Because technically, historically, the true unrest of the 60s that spurred the attraction to cults, that got these social movements into unruly high gear, doesn't happen until the Hargreeves are all back together and Klaus has abandoned Destiny's Children. 
Charlie Manson wasn't getting shit into gear until around 1967 and the other well know American cult of the time that *did* run at the same time as Destiny's Children, the People's Temple (Jonestown ring any bells?) was specifically run as a Christian community under the guise of being marxist liberation. And they weren't even doing traditional cult shit until the mid-60s either. 
Now, onto Klaus. In s2, the cult is not much more than set dressing. It gives them a cool place to stay and a handful of characters to interact with. Either way you slice it, it was an underused aspect of the season.
But more importantly, what was the role the cult was supposed to fill in the story?
in my opinion it boils down to these points:
Klaus is a charismatic little bitch and he can attract all sorts of people to him with insane ease
Klaus is not good at dealing with things and instead throws his energy out to externalities, obsessions even
He needed to be infamous
Lets take stock of Klaus within the first days of arriving in Dallas, 1960
he is 59 years in the past with only his ghost brother 
they have just come an earth literal seconds away from total annihilation
days before his sibling ended the world, he was actually much closer to the time he is in now.  he's just spent 10 months in Vietnam, 1968
the last days in the war, he lost the love of his life to a gunshot wound to the chest.  he bled out in his arms.  
he's wearing bowling shoes
Literally, though, from Klaus' own words, we know he has never loved anyone like he loved Dave.  And now, he has nearly a decade to prevent his death.  
As viewers, we can see starting Destiny's Children as a distraction on Klaus' part, and that's understandable.  Who wouldn't want a lighthearted distraction to the tune of the summer of love? (which, again, wasn't until 1967 but..)
But, if we're to believe Klaus' goal of keeping Dave alive, shouldn't we also be inclined to think that maybe, even if it wasn't his intent, he was a bit too passionate about the cause to be read as anything but an anti war activist? That even if he tried to just blend in, he'd end up getting a little too heated in conversation? A little too pointed in what he said to kids debating on enlisting? Things that when overheard time and time again, would make certain people think he had a certain agenda?
Because really, what about Klaus in season 2 makes him a cult leader? The throngs of people? Fine, but why are they following him? The wild outfits? Sure, but that's just Klaus, isn't it? Even his followers seem to have taken more from him than he ever led them.  The whole time, it seems like Klaus attracted people with no intention of spreading shit.  He needed food and a place to stay, so he groveled.  It grew from there.  He got in over his head.  Because Klaus is smarter than he realizes.  Who the hell can accidentally start a cult? 
Anyway, its a disservice to the character.  because yes, its impressive, but what did it really do to further the character? we don't even get to see how it affected his relationship with substances! we are just told he's sober.  sober in the 1960s. in a supposedly hippie cult.  okkkkk. 
the plotline and concept on the whole just doesn't check any boxes and it doesn't add any depth.  that's why I am so critical of it.  I don't care if Klaus had a go at being an asshole cultist that he'd have to atone for, just if it's done well.  And it wasn't.  And I honestly do not believe it is in Klaus' character to act in that way.  That's why I think it would have made more sense for him to have ended up as an accidental activist rather than an accidental cult leader.  Because it'd be just as selfish– he'd be in it for one person and one person only. But maybe it wouldn't stay that way.  It'd lead to the same reach and infamy, without the blurriness and crude steterotyping and reliance on cheap humor.  
This got verryyyyy long and I bet it also makes 0 sense, but I do not have the braincells to try and make it more lucid, I'm sorry.  I just love both these topics very much sooooo a lot of words.  
If anyone ends up actually reading this you are amazing and I love you and we should probably be mutuals and talk 
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koridoru · 8 months
I should clarify that the reason I post and then disappear for like a month or so is because I have unmedicated adhd and I find it really hard to get myself to write, even when thinking about it I'm like "man I should write" and never get to it.
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cupcraft · 2 years
Wait . ? Tubbo is canonically a goat ?
OH poor phrasing i mean to say like seen in canon as a goat. i should say fanon
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naegashutyoassup · 2 years
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the-heaminator · 2 years
child you were summoned in the roleplay.
shit im coming
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magicomens · 5 months
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Ah yes. Anthony Justdontgetstabbed Crowley.
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pixlokita · 9 months
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Spent way too long on this :v but yeah anyway =w= time for coffee now.
Also a ref to the unused dialogue or whatever this is lol (ノ≧ڡ≦)
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enneamage · 1 year
Is there a glitch I don't know about where queueing a post just scraps the whole thing if it happens at the wrong time?
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bruciemilf · 1 year
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For personal reasons (im a whore), I need Harvey Dent to be an absolute unit
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gracekraft · 8 months
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Some bonus Utena-inspired fanart from over the years
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autumnhortsnort · 16 days
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heres one for @leilanising!
even an older version of your brother is still your brother
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wazzappp · 8 months
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Khaji Da does NOT like how vulnerable Jaime is when he’s sleeping. So they resolve that, once Jaime is asleep, they will position themselves into the optimal sleeping situation. Back to the wall (Khaji protected), attached to the corner ceiling (where they can see everything and have a height advantage), and keeping Jaime as close to his usual sleeping position as possible (stomach sleeper).
You may be wondering ‘how is it this gets found out if Khaji makes sure they do it while Jaime is asleep?’ Welllll….
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Leo getting hit with a truth curse but instead of forcing him to admit to super sad or worrying things it’s things like “it was me who broke the remote” “I saw Mikey prank Donnie and helped hide it because it’s way funnier if he didn’t know who it was” “I rip my clothes to look more like Raph’s because he’s really cool” “my stripes aren’t even red they’re pink!”
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#plot twist he COULD be admitting angsty stuff but he’s pushing the less oof truths forward instead on purpose#raph: hey leo what do you want for dinner#leo: *about to bare his soul on all his internal torment but pivots* I’m afraid of snakes#(no but fr Leo’s stripes being technically more pink instead of red is cute ngl)#(a very reddish pink to the point that in certain lighting it looks red but at the base they’re p pink)#(i also am very fond of the idea that Leo doesn’t just have questionable taste in fashion he also just loves Raph a lot and looks up to him)#but yeah I think that something like this would be 99% Leo admitting to unimportant things or admitting to how much he values everyone#like they all KNOW Leo loves them and he’s talked them up enough for them to know but it’s different when he’s like#‘I just wanna read my comics with you guys around - it’s my favorite place to be’#or again just random bs that doesn’t REALLY have a lot of weight like#‘I like using my portals to prank random people around the world’#‘I’m worried about being a bad influence on hueso jr’#‘sometimes I kinda wanna see hypno’s plans succeed’#‘it’s been way too long since I found this out and honestly it’s embarrassing but I actually don’t have a di-‘#SORRY COULDNT HELP MYSELF#(<-but did u know that that pink rather than red observation actually ties into this headcanon as well if u know about red eared sliders)
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