#OTP: Tamy
tamiisnthere · 1 year
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Them again, sorry 😅
(↓ Credits under Keep reading)
Programs: XNALara & Fire Alpaca
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad © Ubisoft
The Sims © Electronic Arts Games
Tami © Me (TamiIsntHere) Note: I don’t own the most Custom Content. These belong to their creators.
Thorton’s Hair © deexie (DeviantArt)
“Altaïr’s” n*de Model © carbint (DeviantArt) Note: This is Desmond’s model, which I edited textures on it.
Bedroom © amiamy111 and LexaKiness (DeviantArt)
Pillows and Blanket © OoFiLoO (DeviantArt)
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tamibae · 2 years
Even though a fair share of my otps are canon, I still think they could be written so much better. And the ones that aren't, deserve the world.
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hydesjackiespuddinpop · 7 months
How about Fiona & Lip Gallagher ?
• My NOTP for them: no one atm
• My BROTP for them: V!!! Also her and Kevin
• My OTP for them: Jimmy
• My second choice pairing for them: Veronica
• My fluffy pairing for them: Jimmy
• My angsty pairing for them: Jimmy
• My favorite poly ship for them: I liked seeing her, Veronica, and Jimmy interacting together in the second ep.
• My weirdest pairing for them: Does V count?
• My intrigued-by pairing for them: Sean & Mike (they seem cute from what I’ve heard)
• My NOTP for them: Mandy 10000%
• My BROTP for them: His family <3 but Ian is my fave bond
• My OTP for them: Tami
• My second choice pairing for them: Idk
• My fluffy pairing for them: Tami
• My angsty pairing for them: Tami
• My favorite poly ship for them: Tami & Lip & Ian
• My weirdest pairing for them: Nothing
• My intrigued-by pairing for them: idk
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zalrb · 2 years
Friday night lights?
Favorite character: Matt!
Least Favorite character: Becky.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Vince/Jess, Matt/Julie, Smash/Waverly, Tami/Eric, Tyra/Tim
Character I find most attractive: Matt
Character I would marry: Matt
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Jess
a random thought: lol where did Santiago GO?
An unpopular opinion: I hate Lyla and Tim.
My Canon OTP: Vince and Jess.
My Non-canon OTP: I don't think I have one.
Most Badass Character: I think Tami is kind of a badass.
Most Epic Villain: Buddy isn't really a villain but he causes so many issues.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I already said Lyla and Tim so I guess Becky and Luke.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Waverly.
Favourite Friendship: Landry and Matt.
Character I most identify with: I don't know if I actually identify with anyone.
Character I wish I could be: I don't really wish I could be anyone.
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bendermcpherson11 · 11 months
魏補充說,優化設備和服務以實現淨零目標將是訂單增長的主要驅動力。 只有符合我們嚴格評估標準的私人賣家才能在我們的平台上銷售。 為此,他們需要上傳兩張時鐘上設置的特定時間的照片。 這樣您就可以確定所宣傳的手錶歸私人賣家所有。 我們很樂意親自為您提供進一步的幫助。 我們的 40 人質量和安全團隊每天都在努力尋找可疑廣告並在潛在問題出現之前將其解決。 It 法國看到了核能的解決方案,因為電動汽車行業有巨大的能源需求——但電池工廠的能源需求和航空業所需的合成燃料也同樣巨大。 公司在 1-gamma 節點的情況下採取了不可避免的步驟。 2015年獲得國際攝影藝術聯合會攝影師資格證書(AFIAP),2017年獲得優秀資格證書(EFIAP)。 2018 年,他的工作獲得了 A-MAFOSZ 文憑,同年他獲得了 EFIAP 銅學位 (EFIAP/b)。 2019年,根據他的成績,他可以獲得MAFOSZ攝影文憑(A-MAFOSZ/b)的銅學位,一年後獲得EFIAP優秀資格證書(EFIAP/s)的銀學位。 需要強調的是,無論政治爭端如何,台灣都不是中國的一部分,說相反的話很快就會引起當地人的反感(他們不會打死你,但他們可能會避開我們公司)。 因此,中國對互聯網使用的限制不適用於台灣,我們可以像在匈牙利一樣使用谷歌、Facebook 等任何東西。 地址連接網絡是總部地址OPTEN連接網絡的改進版本。 TAMI總裁Larry Wei歡迎國際參觀者參觀TIMTOS 2023。 魏說,今年的TIMTOS,台灣機床製造商的活力和靈活性給國內外參觀者留下了深刻的印象。 如今,機床製造商只致力於減少碳排放,而不是降低成本。 黃對國際參與者的回歸表示興奮,其中包括四個國家展團(美國、瑞士、德國和丹麥)以及由來自印度、馬來西亞、泰國、越南、日本和土耳其的行業協會率領的代表團。 Huang 還指出,今年的 TIMTOS 突出了 ESG 趨勢及其對機床行業更高效、智能和可持續發展的影響。 在產品設計、生產和組裝過程中,Heartway 工程師致力於打造舒適、現代的設備,讓用戶的日常生活更加輕鬆。 Heartway 的母公司於 1995 年在台灣島的台中工業園區由在骨科技術領域擁有二十年經驗的經驗豐富的工程師創立。 我們的目標是將我們自己設計的最先進的設備帶到患者家中,以滿足他們的需求。 Heartway 代表著最現代和最高品質——產品是在全自動化設施中生產和組裝的。 公司工程團隊根據專業需求設計開發教具。 他在 20 歲時成為一名成熟的佛教僧侶。 成年後,他非常關注中國佛典的殘缺性。 任何形式的行動不便人士都可以使用我們的輪椅過上更充實的生活。 在他 17 年的旅程中,玄奘參觀了尼泊爾的佛寺,並在印度城市那爛陀與當時最偉大的佛教導師一起生活。 他與印度教和耆那教等其他宗教的擁護者進行哲學交流。 他應該在印度國王的法庭上贏得了一場有數千名聖人參加的辯論。 最簡單的方法之一是乘坐火車到台中站,然後乘坐人友巴士,直到您到達日月潭站。 這是僧人和他的“舍利子”的作品,在佛教修行者火化遺體後仍然存在,被尊為捨利子。
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隨時了解 OTP Bank Liga、Barclays Premier League 和其他聯賽的最新動態。 每間客房 1 名兒童可免費使用可用床鋪。 為了提供個性化服務,我們(與我們的外部合作夥伴一起)收集有關您如何以及何時使用 Skyscanner 的信息。 氣結 MASTERSTUDIES 使研究生更容易​​找到合適的學位。 使用我們的網站查找來自世界各地的學位和職業機會的信息,並直接與您感興趣的學校和大學的招生人員交談。
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hanssonglerup82 · 11 months
無論如何,值得輸入能夠很好地涵蓋帖子真實內容的元素。 默認情況下,系統會根據首次打開 search engine optimization 字段之前的最後狀態從博文中復制相應的元素。 © sportal.hu © 榮格體育傳媒集團版權所有! 頁面及其內容——尤其包括但不限於在其上發布的文本、圖像、照片、錄音和視頻等。 只有在權利所有者事先書面同意的情況下,才能使用所有這些內容。 隨時了解 OTP Bank Liga、Barclays Premier League 和其他聯賽的最新動態。 推拿 整復 推拿 整復 每間客房 1 名兒童可免費使用可用床鋪。 為了提供個性化服務,我們(與我們的外部合作夥伴一起)收集有關您如何以及何時使用 Skyscanner 的信息。 但是,您應該直接與賣家討論運輸細節。 如果未啟用此 cookie,我們將無法保存所選設置,這將導致需要在每次訪問時重複啟用 cookie。 魏補充說,優化設備和服務以實現淨零目標將是訂單增長的主要驅動力。 只有符合我們嚴格評估標準的私人賣家才能在我們的平台上銷售。 為此,他們需要上傳兩張時鐘上設置的特定時間的照片。 這樣您就可以確定所宣傳的手錶歸私人賣家所有。 非常適合檢查當前或未來的工作場所,或對供應商(服務提供商、供應商)進行財務和運營盡職調查。 檢查公司是否要求提前付款或在交付工作、服務或貨物之前提前付款可能尤為重要。 考慮一個錯誤的決定會損失多少,即有用的信息可以節省多少。 台灣對外貿易代表處宣布舉辦名為“採購台灣2023-台中”的商人會議,其中部分涵蓋造紙,印刷和木材工業(機械)部門。 台灣,2023 年 four 月 27 日 Heartway 的母公司於 1995 年在台灣島的台中工業園區由在骨科技術領域擁有二十年經驗的經驗豐富的工程師創立。 我們的目標是將我們自己設計的最先進的設備帶到患者家中,以滿足他們的需求。 Heartway 代表著最現代和最高品質——產品是在全自動化設施中生產和組裝的。 公司工程團隊根據專業需求設計開發教具。 他在 20 歲時成為一名成熟的佛教僧侶。 成年後,他非常關注中國佛典的殘缺性。 需要強調的是,無論政治爭端如何,台灣都不是中國的一部分,說相反的話很快就會引起當地人的反感(他們不會打死你,但他們可能會避開我們公司)。 因此,中國對互聯網使用的限制不適用於台灣,我們可以像在匈牙利一樣使用谷歌、Facebook 等任何東西。 地址連接網絡是總部地址OPTEN連接網絡的改進版本。 TAMI總裁Larry Wei歡迎國際參觀者參觀TIMTOS 2023。 魏說,今年的TIMTOS,台灣機床製造商的活力和靈活性給國內外參觀者留下了深刻的印象。 如今,機床製造商只致力於減少碳排放,而不是降低成本。 有了國際駕照,我們還可以選擇租車,或者如果有條件,可以租一輛小型摩托車。 不過要強調的是,台灣人往往有相當有趣的作風、方向標、謹慎等。 在不應用它的情況下駕駛,匈牙利未知的一些 KRESZ 規則使情況更加複雜。 正骨 如果我們不會說普通話/台灣語/客家方言中的一種,就會有。
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tamiettitami · 3 years
anything to do with tami learning about mickey or the gallaghers past, like i'd love to see her reaction to some of their random shenanigans n stuff (or go the angst route and have her learn some sadder stuff whichever) love ur writing so much <3
"wait," tami takes a swallow of her beer and raises the bottle towards mickey, "i don't think you ever told me why you were in prison?"
"which time?" ian chimes in, giving tami a shove with his elbow.
tami's eyes widen, her jaw going slack, "there's been more than once?"
"yeah," mickey's tone is nonchalant. he steals the joint out of his husband grip, letting it settle between his pointer and middle fingers.
"well, spill!" tami exclaims. she sets her beer bottle on the wooden coffee table next to ian and mickey's couch, and readjusts herself so she's leaning against the armrest.
mickey sighs, rubbing the crease between this eyebrows. "the guy ian was fuckin' shot me for stealin' a can of pringles—"
"you stole a lot more than a can of pringles," ian retorts, but mickey simply flips him off as he blows out a puff of smoke.
"so, you two haven't always been together?" tami asks, ian shaking his head and whispering, god, no beneath his breath.
mickey hands ian back the joint before continuing, "anyway, did a few months, it was whatever. punched a cop after, got me a bit longer."
"he was gonna kill frank," ian chimes in.
"why didn't you?!" tami inquires a little too enthusiastically considering frank's recent passing, and they both stare at her blankly. she holds up her hands in surrender, waiting for mickey to continue.
"actually tried to killed ian's half sister. see, i was just going to roofie that bitch for snitching on ian to the MPs, but she passed the fuck out."
tami reaches across ian to smack mickey's shoulder, "isn't that, like, 15 years?"
"up to 30," mickey adds casually, "compassionate release."
"mickey milkovich and 'compassionate release' aren't two words i ever expected to hear together," tami laughs, and mickey simply rolls his eyes.
"that's actually four words—"
"jesus christ, ian," mickey lightly smacks the top of his head and takes the joint without consent once more.
tami follows suit, giving ian's right side a hit to even out the pain, "alright, phrases," she corrects herself.
it's silent for a moment before tami opens her mouth again, "you know i like you, right? i don't think you're an awful person or anything..." she trails off, looking away from mickey and returning her gaze to her fingers picking at one another in her lap.
"you just like bustin' his balls?" ian grins, and tami raises her hand for a high five which ian graciously accepts.
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folklaurr · 3 years
I’m absolutely living for Heartland killing off Ty
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spobycabello-25 · 4 years
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tamiisnthere · 1 year
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I was planning to put it on Year of the OTP as First Kiss, so I decided to upload it on Altaïr's birthday! 💗🥰
(↓ Credits under Keep reading)
Programs: XNALara & Fire Alpaca
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad © Ubisoft
The Sims © Electronic Arts Games
Tami © Me (TamiIsntHere) Note: I don’t own the most Custom Content. These belong to their creators.
Altaïr’s Robes Model © milance941 (DeviantArt)
AC3 Desmond’s Head Model © ItalianUtent (DeviantArt) Note: I just edited textures.
Thorton’s Hair © deexie (DeviantArt)
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hyakunana · 6 years
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“My apologies. Did I wake you up?” 
My biased self is still enjoying the @persona-rrau ride //whoops
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manifestthesun · 5 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - glamie
for each “⭐️” i get, i’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
Camie bemuses Tamaki, but in the best way. She challenges him to be better, confusing and bright as she is, and he adores her for it.
If Camie asked him for the moon, Tamaki would do his best to get it for her. He’d give her anything she asked for that was within his power to get, and he’d do his best to get her the closest thing he could if it wasn’t within his power.
Camie was so completely unexpected for him. Meeting her was mostly an accident, and he definitely never expected to fall for her. But he did, and fell hard, and he’s not sure how it happened but one day she was just there and then he loved it like it was the most natural thing in the world.
He doesn’t understand emojis. He doesn’t get it. He tries. He always uses them wrong. When Camie texts him with only emojis he either has to ask her what it means, pretend he knows what it means, or ask someone else what it means.
He is always on her side. He knows she’s smarter than she seems, and she’s incredibly kind, and people underestimate her. Tamaki will always fight in Camie’s corner.
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you-show-me-love · 3 years
Breaking Down the Character
For @y0itsbri ❤
Lip "Ego" Gallagher
How I feel about this character: Lip's story has got to be one of the most heartbreaking in the show. There were things he faced that I almost couldn't handle watching. Lip is an incredibly strong character with some of the most relatable weaknesses. He's raw and real and keeps the show grounded when his siblings can be a bit more outrageous in their whacky storylines.
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All the people I ship romantically with this character: okay I get the "romance" part of this section but I choose to ignore for a moment to speak of what brings out the best in Lip in his relationships: family. If the chick has a kid Lip is in the best relationship for him because Lip is inherently a father. To him I don't think it matters as much who he is with as it matters what they build together for the kid involved.
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My non-romantic OTP for this character: I love Ian and Lip's brother dynamic. Its so good it gets ragged on in the last season (Ian looooves Lip). Also Brad, someone who came into Lip's life with the purpose of supporting him through his toughest point, seeing their friendship develop and be mutually supportive was great.
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My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't think Tami and Lip are in a loving relationship. Not that they don't love each other in some way. I think they are together for Fred and trying to work it out for him but at most I think they have a fondness for each other. They might make it last for decades on lukewarm feelings though maybe that's enough for them.
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One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: the person I was first watching this show really wanted Karen's baby to be Lips! Even that early I could tell he just was ready to be a father, but I acknowledge that Karen would not have made their relationship good like Tami does so I am also glad it didn't happen in the long run.
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Ian "Caveman" Gallagher
How I feel about this character: Ian is my baby. I want to put him in my pocket and not let anyone near him (except Mickey and even then sometimes he's on thin fucking ice) so that he's safe forever. He is dorky and funny and heartbreakingly lost in what life throws at him, but he attracts people who want to love him and help him and support him because he is a good person. In a show about shitty people and their shitty lives he is good.
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All the people I ship romantically with this character: the only person worthy of Ian's heart (100% not this 87% bullshit) is Mickey "Ride or Die" Milkovich. Hands down. No I will not be taking criticism.
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My non-romantic OTP for this character: Mandy Mandy Mandy. Also Svetlana before he stole the baby. I liked the time they all lived together in this found forced family dynamic. Seeing them all making the best of a situation no one wanted them to be in. I mean Ian had every right to hate her, hate Yevgeny, and he didn't.
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My unpopular opinion about this character: I did not think it was funny at all when Ian had sex with a woman. I almost exited the show at that point. Ian has been positive about his sexuality since the beginning (I also didn't think it was cool for Lip to force Karen on him but it was early and I moved past it). It was really fucked up for Caleb to make Ian doubt himself because he "hadn't tried everything" and it ultimately sent him into a manic episode. Ian questions so much of who he is and what is real and one thing he never questioned was that he liked men. Just flat out don't make someone feel bad for their sexual orientation or infer they don't know their true orientation because they haven't had sex with a particular gender/sex. Its not cool.
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One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: send Ian to Mexico with Mickey please just let them cross the boarder with Mickey in his dress and wig and they're holding hands on the center console while their fake passports are being reviewed and they're holding their breath and waiting and then they're in and they pull off to laugh and kiss and cry tears of joy that they made it and they're free together. I ask for a million happy endings for Ian and Mickey (thanks fanfiction for giving me that)
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tamy-sins · 6 years
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Doggu and Bunz
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tamiettitami · 3 years
HC: So you know how parents will get a babysitter for date night or whatever? Well Ian and Mickey have the opposite thing going--they ARE the go to date night babysitters.
It starts with them watching Franny once a week so Debbie can spend time with her flavor-of-the-month. Soon enough, Tami wants in. It surprises everyone, because she's a protective mother, but she loves Ian and she's seen how Mickey is reluctantly wonderful with children. So they start watching Freddie, too, with Liam along for the ride.
But it doesn't stop there. Their neighbors start to see all the kids coming and going, all happy and obviously cared for, and start asking for favors themselves. For a week or two, there a different kid at the dinner table every night.
And they both like it, they do, but it's maybe a bit much. So they compromise--all the couples they sit for schedule dates for the same night, and once a week, Ian and Mickey have a babysitting party at their place.
And while Ian and Mickey make crafts and tell stories and play with toddlers and babies all night, all of the parents end up at the same restaurant bar, and talk about their amazing babysitters. Then they all troop over to get their kids after, and discover that all of them were talking about the same couple.
Mickey opens the door with glitter in his hair and marker on his face to find them all laughing about it.
"flavor-of-the-month" made me laugh so hard and i do not know why because you're right LMAO anyway, i'm not surprised tami wants in. she totally is a protective mother, but i think if there's anyone she'd want to watch freddie it would be someone like ian or mickey who she's known the entire time he's been alive as opposed to hiring someone off care.com or some shit, you know? plus, she loves them, as you mentioned. regardless though, i love the thought of the neighbors getting in on the action because i definitely have given ian and mickey babysitting a ponder before, but just with, like, franny and freddie, i've never thought about it in the context of kids they don't know or at the very least have only seen wandering around the apartment complex.
as for the crafts, i can totally see ian having a pinterest board with ideas such as making a bunny puppet out of a brown paper bag or an octopus out of construction paper and a cupcake liner. he shares it with mickey and he eventually makes an account of his own to add to the board. he starts saving empty toilet paper tubes until they have enough for the children to make little frogs and crabs.
i like to think re: mickey opens the door with glitter in his hair and marker on his face that he let one of the children draw on his face to pretend they're one of the face painters at a local fair, but the glitter is purely ian's fault; he poured a bit from a shaker tube on mickey's head as a dare from a child, and they get in a fake wrestling match which all of the kids pretend is real. they all pick a side, but mickey ends up letting ian win purely to boost his ego.
i also love that all of the parents were referring to ian and mickey, they're just such a big hit that all of the parents had to rave.
send me your headcanons
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