Kisuki Line
Kisuki Line by hirorin 2013
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hirorin2013 · 1 year
Okuizmo Orochi go by hirorin 2013
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jetix · 2 years
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Okuizumo Tane Museum of Natural History
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Japanese Sword Production Lore As It Relates to Kimetsu no Yaiba – Master List
Master List of Teppi’s Adventures in Raw Sword Production
A very surface level look at transforming raw materials into something you can make a sword out of, looked at through the lens of KnY, with other tidbits of Swordsmith Village Lore throughout (especially names and names). This information is especially thanks to the Okuizumo Tatara Sword Museum (which has become a KnY hotspot for a black sword displayed there) and the Itohara Family Memorial, a historical iron making site. (Links shall be added momentarily) Part 1: Teppi is sent to Mt. Youkou and sees how Shoujouhi iron sand is gathered Part 2: Teppi gets put to work on making charcoal and clay Part 3: Teppi helps build and work the Tatara furnace for three exhausting days Part 4: Teppi sees the general process from kera to katana
Additional resources for nerds, KnY fic writers, or viewers who want to more deeply appreciate Nichirin blades (and Haganezuka says that should be all of you):
Please note, this is merely scratching the surface; it would be impossible to slice through all the Nihonto resources out there with a single starter list. I hope it covers a wide range of Nihonto topics helpful to both beginners and not-beginners. I am a not-beginner, but not at all any sort of expert whatsoever.
Text Based: An explanation of Nihonto and what makes them beautiful, written by the Former Senior Managing Director of the Society for Preservation of Japanese Art Sword & the associated Japanese Sword Museum. This society is best source for all things Nihonto related and a major reason we still get creative new blades to enjoy. This article is lengthy, but it’s the best place to start as a Nihonto nerd. A good glossary and diagrams of the different functional and structural parts of Nihonto Look, some jihada examples, pretty. Videos: A 10 minute, wordless overview of the Tatara process—basically what I’ve written about for Teppi but you get to watch it all unfold. A very ASMR video of sword polishing, to better appreciate Haganezuka’s battle in the Swordsmith Village Arc (includes English text in the video to explain some parts) Or, if you want the sword polishing process with English commentary (granted, it’s very dated sound quality): A beautiful video of basics of Japanese sword appreciation. Very clear and informative! …That is, if you speak Japanese. You can get auto-translations of the auto-generated Japanese subtitles, but those can be spotty. A much more detailed video, fully in English, taking apart the blade to better appreciate it. Excellent explanations both for beginners and not-beginners. Science! The light version explaining the curvature of a Japanese blade, with cool clips of the curve happening underwater. Science! The heavy version explaining the Hamon. I hope you like hearing about carbon. Oh, you want something more specific to Kimetsu no Yaiba? Was my conjecture not enough for you? Well, here’s a short one that’s been going around, proof of concept on the cutting ability of Inosuke’s sword, thank you, you excited nerds (Genya’s gonna be so upset about those watermelons though). And then when you’ve got a who-o-o-le lot more time on your hands, HOLY FUDGE, THIS GUY MADE IGURO’S SWORD. Not only that, he’s got video after video after video after video of the very, very, very extensive process of making the sword. You know what really blows me away? EVERY VIDEO HAS ENGLISH SUBTITLES AND THEY ARE GOOD. (Taisho Secret reminder from Chapter 190: Iguro’s sword was produced by Tecchikawahara’s son Gantetsu, with a special folding sheath that opens upward instead of drawing it out through the koiguchi (“carp mouth” because of its shape) like normal single-curve katana.) A note from a fanfic writer to other fanfic writers: There are no limits to nerdery. I fully encourage you to be a nerd. Go! Unleash yourself! Be a nerd! However, you can never assume that your readers have as much knowledge as you, or that they are there for a science or history lesson (though I assumed everyone who read Teppi’s adventure is here to learn). While being rich with details can draw people into your writing, don’t feel pressure to understand everything about a topic like Nihonto, because you don’t need to use everything in the topic. That daunting we don't need to do that to ourselves. Your readers are there for plot and characters (or lack of plot, even), so my advice is to use only as much detail as serves the readers’ enjoyment. Am I guilty of too much sword detail? Yes. Sometimes. I’m sure I am.
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eztouringjp · 6 months
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Introducing road trip spots in Japan! Learn more about this place👇😊
■Website【TOURING JP】 👉https://trip.kabudata-dll.com/ ■Youtube Channel 👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VvN0xi_IpIzMNYJhoUGLw
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oniwastagram · 2 years
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📸絲原氏庭園(絲原記念館)/ Itohara Museum Garden, Okuizumo, Shimane ② 島根県奥出雲町の『絲原記念館』の庭園『絲原氏庭園』が素敵…! “鬼滅の刃”の聖地『鬼の舌震』の程近く…江戸時代に“たたら製鉄”で栄えた“松江藩の五鉄師”の名家に残る国登録名勝の庭園は松江藩主や近衛文麿、与謝野鉄幹・晶子など各界の有名人も訪れた出雲流庭園。文化財のカフェ『茶房十五代』も! ...... 続き。主屋や客殿の二方向から見るために多くの要素が詰め込まれた素晴らしい庭園…山の斜面を活かした池泉回遊式庭園で、斜面部分のサツキ・ツツジの刈込は“遠州流”からの影響を感じつつ、平地部分は白砂の中に短冊石や丸石を組合わせた飛び石が配されたいわゆる“出雲流庭園”。 (公開されている出雲流庭園の中では珍しく、一部の白砂の中を歩く形の順路。きれいな砂紋を踏んでいく後ろめたさ…) . 出雲流庭園と言えば茶室。絲原氏庭園にも2つの茶室があります🍵 まずは主庭園の片隅にある「為楽庵」。松江にある国指定名勝『菅田庵』内にある #松平不昧 公設計の茶室『向月亭』(国指定重要文化財)の写しで、現在も菅田庵を引継ぐ松江藩家老・有澤家の9代目・有澤宗滴と十三代目絲原武太郎の“不昧流茶道”の再興の想いから造られました。 . もう一つが一面の紅葉🍁が見事な散策路“洗心乃路”の奥へと進んだ場所にある「庭玉軒」。 1935年に後の総理大臣・近衛文麿を迎える際に京都の大徳寺『真珠庵』にある金森宗和設計の同名の茶室を模して造ったもので、その扁額は近衛文麿によるもの。 . この茶室も元は主庭園内にあったそうですが、平成はじめに散策路や“楓滝”の公開をきっかけに現在の場所に移築されたそうで、現在の��地の作庭は八川の西尾芳春園さん。 . 記念館ではたたら製鉄に関する史料展示のほかにも松江藩主から拝領した美術品を所蔵・展示されており、中には円山応挙、池大雅、長沢蘆雪といった京都の有名画家の作品も。 あと2021年には現代の庭師 #村雨辰剛 さんも訪れたそうで記念写真が掲げられてました。あわせてチェック! . 島根・絲原氏庭園(絲原記念館)の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/itohara-museum-%e7%b5%b2%e5%8e%9f%e6%b0%8f%e5%ba%ad%e5%9c%92/ ーーーーーーーー #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanarchitect #japandesign #japanart #jardinjaponais #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #bonsai #landscapedesign #建築デザイン #庭園 #日本庭園 #京都庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #出雲流庭園 #島根旅行 #島根観光 #出雲三成 #奥出雲 #近衛文麿 #おにわさん (絲原記念館) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChW5w2-LEpM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanukiboya · 6 years
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【速報】奥出雲発の新しい雑誌『森と畑と牛と』β(創刊準備号)をデザインしましてござい♪ ナンかよーわからんけど気になるヒトは、648円(定価)握ってJR木次駅北のカフェ・オリゼへGo! ( ・∀・)/ お茶飲みながら読んでちょ♪ くわしくはタヌぼーからも近々。 #book #本 #design #デザイン #ishikawakiyoharu #石川陽春 #unnan #雲南市 #okuizumo #奥出雲 #shimane #島根 #狸坊出雲 #狸坊島根 #狸坊山陰 #Repost @cafeoryzae with @get_repost ・・・ 好評発売中!! 売ります‼︎買います‼︎募集中です。 #森と畑と牛と #カフェオリゼ (Café A.oryzae)
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go10kik · 7 years
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夏の駅はいいなー。 #駅 #station #train #奥出雲 #okuizumo #kamedake #亀嵩駅 #夏空 #夏 #summer #電車 #ロケハン #昼飯 #instagood (Kamedake Station)
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tmphoneme · 5 years
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木次乳業LOVER。 このシリーズ好き。 #VANAGA #okuizumo #木次乳業 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtpZxtWHLZV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ru01fc8840q7
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azflashjp · 4 years
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“Susanoo-kun“ Okuizumo town in Shimane.
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Okuizmo Orochi go by hirorin 2013
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lets-take-a-break · 5 years
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扇屋そば(亀嵩駅) OGIYASOBA(Kamedake Stasion)
島根県仁多郡奥出雲町 Okuizumo-cho, Nita-gun, Shimane, Japan
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demonslayedher · 1 year
If this franchise gave you a chance to collaborate with them on something like participating in a global fan event or otherwise, what would you have liked it to be about?
Clearly what I want is for Ufotable to hire me to direct a filler arc.
Aaaah! If it were a global event of my choosing, I would really want to ask you all first what you'd want and then see how much of it is possible! I get so spoiled with all the events in Japan--but on that note, I really want to see them use the Swordsmith Village arc to promote places associated with sword production, like the Okuizumo and Yasugi areas of Shimane, or Seki in Gifu (LiSA's hometown!). More official Haganezuka collab items would be such a treat, like how there were special Tamayo, Yushiro, and Muzan items at an Asakusa event.
A lot of tie-ins are with companies, and here's a Taisho Secret: a few years ago I turned down a corporate job with a company that later did a collab. I felt a slight sting of regret, but oh well! I also recently interviewed with a mobile game producer but didn't get offered the position (I'm not in the habit of playing any mobile or video games anyway, so that's fine), but during the process I had a daydream about what suggestions I would make for a KnY mobile-game--like what gimmicks you could throw in like playing as either demons or heroes, as well as everg character having both human and demon versions, and what art might be refreshingly different but still fitting, and how injury recovery and time left until daylight might affect game play mechanics. Didn’t develop it in a lot of depth, though.
I also recall watching a social-distancing special with Shimono Hiro and his Chinese and US dub counterparts asking each other pre-prepared interview questions and trying out the Thunderclap and Flash line in each others' languages. Shimono-san commented on how he felt they'd all get along so well in real life and how he wished he could go drinking with them someday. I thought, "I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that... no, wait, I speak those languages, let me be their interpreter!!"
Whatever the event, I would love to serve as an interpreter for the production staff, voice actors, or most humbling, for the mighty gator. I have always wanted to be available as a volunteer interpreter at anime cons but the timing has never been right.
I guess on that note... what I'd love most is to have an interview session with Gotouge-sense in which I ask questions from around the world!
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oniwastagram · 2 years
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📸絲原氏庭園(絲原記念館)/ Itohara Museum Garden, Okuizumo, Shimane 島根県奥出雲町の『絲原記念館』の庭園『絲原氏庭園』が素敵…! “鬼滅の刃”の聖地『鬼の舌震』の程近く…江戸時代に“たたら製鉄”で栄えた“松江藩の五鉄師”の名家に残る国登録名勝の庭園は松江藩主や近衛文麿、与謝野鉄幹・晶子など各界の有名人も訪れた出雲流庭園。文化財のカフェ『茶房十五代』も! 島根・絲原氏庭園(絲原記念館)の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/itohara-museum-%e7%b5%b2%e5%8e%9f%e6%b0%8f%e5%ba%ad%e5%9c%92/ ...... 「絲原記念館」は松江藩の五鉄師の一つだった絲原家の美術工芸品・古文書が収蔵/展示されている私立博物館。 敷地内には2018年に国登録記念物(名勝地)に選ばれた「絲原氏庭園」があるほか、主屋をはじめ9棟の建築が国登録有形文化財。日本遺産『出雲國たたら風土記 ~鉄づくり千年が生んだ物語~』の構成文化財。 . 2020年秋に初めて訪れ、2022年5月に1年半ぶりに再訪しました。その際の新緑の写真を紹介🍃 . 松江や出雲の市街地から約40〜50km…内陸部の奥出雲町にはこの庭園のほか国指定名勝の『櫻井氏庭園』(可部屋集成館)や奥出雲町指定名勝の『卜蔵庭園』など幾つかの文化財庭園が点在します。 またこの絲原家からは“鬼滅の刃”🏁の聖地にもなった国指定名勝『鬼の舌震』の雨川駐車場まで約1.5km(併せて巡れる)という距離感。 . 中世までは備後国の武士だった絲原家。江戸時代初め��出雲に移住し帰農した後、1636年からたたら製鉄を開始。 そこから幕末にかけては松江藩の鉄師頭取をつとめ、櫻井氏らとともに“鉄山御三家”として藩の財政に貢献。そのような背景から松江城から遠く離れたこの地にも藩主・松平公は何度か領内巡視で訪れ、その際の本陣にもなりました。 . 近代の十二代目~十三代目の当主・絲原武太郎は地元の名士として現・JR木次線🚉の鉄道敷設に尽力したほか、松江銀行頭取・取締役などを歴任。 貴族院多額納税者議員もつとめた存在で、昭和初期には与謝野鉄幹・与謝野晶子や画家・田能村直入🖼といった文人墨客も当地へ訪れました。 . 国の文化財のうち主屋・前座敷は明治時代~大正時代の近代に造営されたもので(その他、門柱・土塀・南蔵、金屋子神社も明治時代)、米蔵および松江藩主・松平公を迎えるための御成門、御成座敷として用いられた客殿が江戸時代の建造物として残ります。昭和初期に造られた茶室の待合も登録有形文化財。 . 現在は一部がカフェとして利用されている主屋は1924年(大正13年)の完成。その精巧な衣装が近代の和風建築らしさを感じます。 文化庁のサイトでは設計・小笠原祥光、棟梁は高田榮蔵…とあるけど、絲原家の案内板には設計が京都帝国大学の佐藤作造、大工棟梁は平田の長谷川松太郎とある。 . 主屋と客殿の間に江戸時代末期~大正時代の主屋完成にかけて作庭された庭園があります。 続く。 ーーーーーーーー #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanarchitect #japandesign #japanart #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #jardimjapones #landscapedesign #建築デザイン #庭園 #日本庭園 #京都庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #出雲流庭園 #島根庭園 #島根旅行 #島根観光 #出雲三成 #奥出雲 #古民家カフェ #レトロカフェ #文化財庭園 #おにわさん (絲原記念館) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChWNxYlPcU5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailytimesindiablog · 3 years
Japan has been forced to reconsider its plans to host Olympic teams due to the coronavirus
Japan has been forced to reconsider its plans to host Olympic teams due to the coronavirus
Japan has been forced to reconsider its plans to host Olympic teams due to the coronavirus Hundreds of Japanese cities have been forced to reconsider their plans to host Olympic teams due to the coronavirus, which would discourage public appearances and necessitate expensive safety measures. The western town of Okuizumo spent more than $5 million planning to host India’s hockey team for a…
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go10kik · 6 years
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可愛いたたらトートバッグをゲットして上機嫌の様子。 . 残りはわずかみたいですが、 奥出雲町「たたらと刀剣館」安来市「和鋼博物館」、雲南市「鉄の歴史博物館」で観光に関するアンケートに答える写真のオリジナルトートバッグがもらえますよー! . #トートバッグ #たたら #tatara #奥出雲 #okuizumo #deeptownokuizumo #trip #travel #イベント #雲南 #unnan #博物館 #museum #kids #kidsfashion #クリスマス #christmas #fashion #bag #instagood #instatravel . @deep.town.okuizumo . @unnan_area (DEEP TOWN OKUIZUMO)
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