azzie-tangerine · 2 days
Let's do this thing once again shall we? @kirbyoctournament
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My oldest Kirby oc lets go!
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Name: Era Knight (you can also just call her Era)
Personality: Era's a very emotional puffball, and expresses her emotions in loud, exaggerated ways. This is usually in the forms of excitement, as she finds wonder in everything. She can talk for hours without tiring. This also means that when she's sad or angry, you'll be able to tell from a mile away. Era's also known for being a bit snarky and full of herself, usually when in combat with her main rival (we'll get to them later).
Lore: Era's past is one filled with mystery and confusion in everyone else but Era's point of view. She was born in a lone forest, a young waddle dee from the nearest town being her best friend. A forest fire hit one day, injuring both her and her waddle dee friend. Era saw a mysterious armored figure before a floralian saved her, throwing her and her friend into a mysterious portal.
And in the blink of an eye, she was in the same forest, but no longer on fire. There, she was found and raised by a young singer named Ottava, who looks very similar to the one who saved Era from the armored figure. And yet, Ottava has no recollection of such events even happening.
When Era returned to her childhood planet all grown up, she ran into both Pepper Dee, Loni Knight, and a strange orange butterfly that keeps following her around. And the more she gets to know Pepper Dee again, the more she fights Loni Knight, and the more she sees the butterfly, the more things just don't make sense. Why is she the only one who remembers the fire?
Little does she know, the reason she's the only one who remembers it is because it hasn't happened yet. In their timeline at least. Era and Pepper Dee are stuck in a time loop, and every time Era Knight dies at the end.
Maybe in this cycle, Era can break it.
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Her friend and family are vouching for her on this tournament, so you should vote for Era! If you want-
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sardies · 10 months
Ottava, vent’anni fa l’intitolazione della parrocchia al Santissimo Nome di Gesù
Domenica 9 luglio la messa con l’arcivescovo di Sassari. Concesso l’anno giubilare con il dono dell’indulgenza plenaria Continue reading Untitled
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acanadianmuggle · 1 year
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Based on the WB Yeats poem “Sailing to Byzantium”
Four part Ottava Rima on the Deathly Hallows.
Four part prose on Harry's thoughts after the final battle with Voldemort, inspired by the four stanzas of Sailing to Byzantium by WB Yeats.
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cybeout · 1 year
Samsung avvia la produzione in serie della sua memoria V-NAND di ottava generazione
Samsung avvia la produzione in serie della sua memoria V-NAND di ottava generazione
SAMSUNG ha iniziato a produrre in serie la sua ultima memoria V-NAND da 1 TB di ottava generazione. Secondo l’azienda coreana, questa tecnologia offre la densità di bit più alta del settore e con 1 TB offre anche la più alta capacità di archiviazione fino ad oggi. Ha affermato che ciò consentirà uno spazio di archiviazione più ampio nei server aziendali di nuova generazione in tutto il mondo. A…
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definegodliness · 3 months
A day in June
The meadow's Shamrock green, and, daisy strewn, A picnic blanket under lazy bones, And muscles, mellowed by this afternoon Wherein a blushing, bashful, Sun condones Our traveling hands, When, nude, we attune To the radiant river; rocks and stones, Aglow by one witness, who tardily sets; The meadow, so, draped with Gold silhouettes.
--- 16-1-2024, M.A. Tempels ©
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neon-vocalist · 5 months
proseka fans need to learn the difference between a key and an octave before they complain about shiho’s voice in the lost one’s weeping cover
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sunshades · 5 months
Sorry I do this with literally any book I read but the orlando furioso is legit so good why does nobody talk about this.
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elmartillosinmetre · 2 months
Mi crítica del concierto de Ottava Rima esta noche en el Espacio Turina.
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authormarialberg · 7 months
Rituals to Face Today
The Ritual by Maria L. Berg 2023 For today’s images, I played with the trope of the hooded figure performing rituals (and it gave me an excuse to pull out my pretty cape I made a long time ago for a Death costume). OctPoWriMo Last time I was in New Orleans, I found a book called Gumbo Ya-Ya: A Collection of Louisiana Folk Tales by Lyle Saxon, Robert Tallant and Edward Dreyer. At the back of my…
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batgovernor · 7 months
Marcus Bales, 'Sailing to Margaritaville'
That is the country we go to, all of us Made young again by music, smooth with oil And lust, all generations generous With youth and laughter. Couples coil And uncoil, casually amorous, With booze in the blender and shrimp beginning to boil. Everybody dreams they have the chance To chase the charms and challenge of romance. A laughing bard is the essential thing. A patterned shirt, an old…
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definegodliness · 10 months
Were I to know my heart, I would know you By heart, as so resounds your beat of song; Forgotten, yet familiar, through and through, Like sweet berceuses soothed: 'you belong In waking worlds’, when life devised me blue; When I divined this place, or time, as wrong To find a home where life would feel all right; Since finding you, I pondered no such plight.
--- 26-6-2023, M.A. Tempels ©
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italianiinguerra · 9 months
Le divisioni costiere nelle operazioni di difesa della Sicilia
Fin dalla primavera del 1941 lo Stato Maggiore aveva dato il via alla elaborazione dei principi per la difesa delle frontiere marittime. Oltre ai porti, vitali per il prosieguo della guerra bisognava difendere installazioni industriali portuali, reti di collegamento e arsenali. Si trattava di un articolato programma che prevedeva anche la creazione di nuove strutture difensive lungo i tratti di…
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emotionalsupportjedi · 10 months
i want to think that someday i will fly
soar above my grief and see the sun
a place for me where i need not cry
over whether my parents wanted a son
while asking which entity has cast my die
and screaming out because this is not fun
hoping that eventually i will breathe again
having proved to them all that i am not a trend.
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messinacalcio · 1 year
Il Messina rimedia a Foggia l’ottava sconfitta consecutiva fuori casa - VIDEO
Il Messina rimedia a Foggia l’ottava sconfitta consecutiva fuori casa – VIDEO
https://www.messinacalcio.org/video22-23/16-Foggia-Messina1-0.mp4 Cambiano i protagonisti in campo, ma il risultato finale è sempre lo stesso, il Messina perde l’ottava partita consecutiva fuori casa ed è mestamente ultimo in classifica. Mister Auteri, squalificato con il suo secondo Cinelli schierano un 3-4-3 con diverse novità. Torna Lewandowski in porta; in difesa Angileri, Ferrini e Filì; a…
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Will Viola sing in sktag asking for a friend
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