hakutaichou · 3 years
[CN] Main Story: Chapter 37 (Gavin Route)
🚨 Warning: This post contains REALLY BIG spoiler from main story which some of them have not been released in JP, TW, Global, nor ASEAN servers. 🚨
A/N: “All Love Interest ANGST Route” takes place between Chapter 37-4 and Chapter 37-5.
Before read, please prepare a tissue and your HEART!!!
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- Part 1 -
Northern Suburbs, temporary base for STF.
Days of natural disasters have raised the disaster prevention alert of Loveland City by several levels.
In order to deal with the doomsday, all countries in the world have established doomsday rescue operations headquarters, and jointly formulated a number of rescue policies.
The last issue of "Miracle Finder" is to record the scenes of these soldiers fighting against disasters in the doomsday.
The car stopped at the base station gate, and I got out of the car with camera crew.
In the empty wilderness, several special officers in white uniforms patrolled the surrounding area.
According to the forecast, a tornado is about to hit Loveland City, and the STF troops will be here to stop the crisis.
Minor: Brother, where did your commander go?
STF Officer : Commander is very busy, and has no time to see you.
Minor: Hey, we are...
MC: Hello, we have made an appointment for an interview, can you let us in?
The officer looked suspiciously at the press card hanging around my neck.
STF Officer: You are waiting here, I will confirm it.
Eli: She doesn't need to make an appointment.
STF Officer: Captain Eli!
Eli walked leisurely with his hands in his pockets, and nodded at me.
Eli: MC, long time no see.
He looked at the serious-faced officer again.
Eli: Do you know who she is?
The officer looked at me and then at Eli, with a suddenly realized expression.
STF Officer: Eh, she is Commander's...
I slapped awkwardly, blocked the officer's unfinished words first.
MC: If it is not convenient, let's go back first.
Eli: There is nothing inconvenient. By the way, do you need me to help you call Gavin?
MC: No need! I don't want to interfere with your actions.
Eli: Then don't bother, you are free.
Eli: However, according to forecasts, there will be less than five minutes before the tornado enters the area of ​​the city.
Eli: You'd better shoot near here, don't get close to the edges of those wind barriers.
MC: I understand!
Eli's remarks made everyone start scrambling to set up shooting equipment.
The wind became louder and louder, and a large funnel-shaped cloud soon appeared on the horizon, so gloomy that almost covered the entire sky.
Minor: I heard that the central wind speed of a tornado can reach 200 meters per second, which means that it will blow us away with people and machines in five minutes...
Willow: Close your crow's mouth.
Minor: Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet. With Bro Gavin, there is nothing to worry about.
The film crew quickly set up the machine, ready to start filming the entire process of STF team repelling the tornado.
After a while, the circular wind barrier erected all around shook violently, the surrounding trees were rustling.
A thick black shadow appeared at the end of the horizon, hurriedly approaching here.
The tornado is coming.
Photographer: Producer, the wind and sand are too big, it is difficult for us to get close to shooting!
MC: Let me find a way.
I thought for a while and took out the portable DV machine from my bag.
Just now Eli has divided the safety range for us. As long as we do not exceed that range for shooting, there should be no problem.
The violent wind that came in on the verge of blowing in the gap made the gap bigger, many of the team members who were in the front were injured.
STF Officer: The wind is too strong, we can't approach from the inner wall!
Anxious shouts from the STF members came from afar, and everyone present couldn't help but grab their hearts.
A calm and cold voice came from the communicator.
Gavin: I will go.
It's Gavin.
I resisted the urge to scream, my eyes and the camera stared at the distant sky unblinkingly.
The shifted wind barrier was quickly pushed back to its original position by another strong wind, and returned to the array.
The wind weakened, the tornado gradually deviated from its path.
Everyone waited nervously, and a few minutes later, the shadow of the tornado disappeared without a trace on the horizon.
Photographer: Amazing!!
MC: Gavin, you are so handsome!
Several injured officers were quickly taken away by the resident doctor, and I nervously searched for Gavin on the court.
From a distance, I saw a familiar figure approaching me.
My eyes lit up, and I ran towards him without hesitation.
MC: Are you okay? Isn't it hurt?
A look of helplessness passed across Gavin's face, he stretched out his hand, help me straighten my hair.
MC: What you looked like just now...
"Gavin, you are so handsome!"
At some point, my hand accidentally pressed the play button of the video just recorded, and the sigh was recorded verbatim into the screen.
MC: …When editing, this sentence will be deleted.
A smile finally appeared on his stern face.
Gavin: Wait here, I’ll come to you later.
- Part 2 -
STF Officer A: When Commander was still tasked as B-7, we have heard his rumors.
STF Officer A: Whether it is natural or man-made disasters these days, we can survive it, thanks to his judgment and decision-making.
STF Officer B: Yes, everyone was injured in the last rescue. Thanks to Commander, the situation was stabilized and the casualties were avoided.
STF Officer B: …But after returning, he formulated more stringent training plan.
MC: I see...
MC: Is there any moment when Commander makes you feel particularly tender?
The young officer in front of me "umm" for seven full seconds, and finally shook his head.
STF Officer A: More like medical insurance, count it?
Gavin: You seem to be very free.
Gavin stood behind us at some point, his voice cold.
STF Officer A: Commander!
The two STF members who were still babbling a while ago immediately stood up, saluted to Gavin together.
MC: .....
I turned around with a guilty conscience and looked at Gavin in front of me. When I looked down, I noticed that his wrist under his cuff was wrapped in gauze several times.
He just left temporarily, so he should simply treat the wound.
The crowd scattered like birds and beasts, soon only I and Gavin were left.
Gavin: What happened just now?
MC: Well... I just want to interview STF's recent work routine.
Gavin: I'm not asking about that. Your actions just now were dangerous.
MC: I said hello to Eli, and confirmed that I was in the safe zone!
I vowed to raise my hand, swear in my ear. Gavin's serious expression finally eased a little.
Looking at Gavin, I remembered all the rumors I had heard from the officers, their respectful and scared look, I couldn't help but laugh.
Gavin: What are you laughing at?
MC: Nothing, I was thinking about the last issue of "Miracle Finder", would you like to give a personal interview as Commander...
MC: But I'm just kidding, if it bother you, forget it.
Gavin: It's not bother.
His gaze moved down, and he scanned the line of drafted titles on the open page of the notebook in my hand.
Gavin: "The Commander's outside and inside". Do you want to know the outside, or the inside?
I smiled awkwardly, and the corners of Gavin's lips raised slightly.
Minor: Bro Gavin! Are you OK!
A noisy voice came from behind, Gavin glanced back and frowned quickly.
I don't know when Minor ran over, but he was dragged out by Willow before he finished speaking.
After both of them left, the surrounding area became quiet again.
Gavin: It's too noisy here. Let's change place.
I nodded and walked out of the base with Gavin.
A whistling wind came from the sinkhole in the distance, and a shallow layer of rain accumulated on the ground, reflecting the clear night sky and a little bit of starlight.
I followed the arched ridge all the way forward and photographed the traces of the tornado, asking Gavin one after another.
MC: I listened to Eli...
MC: NW put all its forces into establishing an airtight underground base, and didn't join your joint rescue...
Gavin: They aren't upside down.
Gavin: As long as that day doesn't come, STF won't give up protecting everyone here.
His tone is very flat, but it makes people feel extremely reliable.
I thought about it, and re-adjusted the DV mode, aiming at Gavin.
MC: Next, I will start an official interview.
Gavin: …Why do you want to give me an interview.
MC: Because you are the Commander of STF, what you say is the most convincing.
This interview is a temporary motive. I was not prepared for the question, so I just asked what I thought.
MC: The first question: What is the most important thing for the commander at the moment?
Gavin: Protect everyone's safety, and prevent disasters from happening.
MC: The second question: The commander felt that in this situation, for every citizens, what is the most important thing?
Gavin: This is varies from person to another.
…This minimalist way of answering questions, it's really Gavin's style.
MC: The third question...
Suddenly, the flapping sound of bird wings interrupted my question, and large swarms of pigeons started to start from deep in the woods.
MC: That is...
Gavin raised his head, looking solemnly at the flock of white pigeons in the sky.
Gavin: The abnormal weather in the past few days has caused the magnetic field in the vicinity to be disordered, and the return route of the pigeons has also been affected.
In the deep night, the pigeon flock wandered anxiously over the woods, flapping its wings constantly, as if calling for the return of their companions.
However, after the tornado struck, many birds were injured or died, and white feathers were scattered everywhere on the ground.
Several faint calls came from the bushes not far away.
Gavin and I approached and found two injured pigeons
One of them was badly injured, and dying; the other was still struggling.
MC: Will they die?
Gavin didn't speak, and rescued the two pigeons from the strange orange bushes, with a little blood stained on their messy wings.
It seemed to be frightened, its body trembling, and the warning sound of "cooing" as soon as we approached.
MC: Great, it seems okay!
Gavin: Be careful, don't get hurt by them.
Gavin: This is a wild pigeon that has not been domesticated, and is very wary of humans.
Gavin avoided the beak pecked by the pigeon, picked it up and checked it.
Gavin: No injuries.
The pigeon struggled to escape from his palm.
MC: Do they continue to fly forward?
Gavin made a soft "Mm" sound.
Gavin untwisted the withered grass entangled in its ankles, and another small gust of wind rolled up in his palms, drying its wet wings.
Gavin: If the wings are not wet, the flight home can be easier.
Its eyes rolled steadily, as if understanding the intention of Gavin, obediently gave up the struggle.
Perhaps after waiting too long, the group hovering in the sky gradually moved away, flying behind the invisible gray sky.
MC: Can this pigeon find its friends?
Gavin: Difficult.
MC: I see...
Gavin seemed to notice my loss, and changed his words.
Gavin: But it is not impossible.
Gavin: The migration of pigeon, is actually a story about commitment.
MC: Committed?
Gavin: Fulfill their promise to go back.
Gavin: No matter how far you fly, you will definitely arrive where you want to fly as scheduled.
The pigeon in his palm seemed to sense Gavin's words and tried to wave its wings again.
The small gust of wind gradually increased, escorting this child to the sky.
Soon, it struggling to flap its wings forward, disappearing into the night sky and the end of the stars.
MC: In fact, whether it is them or the wind, they all know their direction.
MC: Even if it takes a long time to walk, even if it will go away, it will not stop.
MC: Is that right?
Gavin didn't speak, but gently held my hand.
At this time, a few STF members came towards us, saluted to Gavin, and solemnly reported the situation of the other bases.
Gavin's face was always calm, as if no matter what kind of danger he encountered, he would not have the slightest panic.
MC: Is there another task?
I couldn't help but whisper to Eli, who was beside me, and he nodded.
Eli: I heard that there was a violent conflict in the city, and the situation is not very optimistic. They have to come to support tonight.
MC: I see... thank you very much.
Eli: Don't worry, Gavin will stay in Loveland City to lead. He is the backbone of all of us.
I'm a little embarrassed to be guessed by Eli.
Eli: But we have to rush to deal with a flood tonight. The disaster is dangerous, so you can't follow.
MC: I know, you guys must come back safely.
The bonfire ignited at the distant base dispelled the darkness, and the constantly rising tongue of fire brightened the night sky red, and occasionally there were a few crisp clashes of wine glasses and laughter.
This temporary celebration and happiness seem extremely precious on such a night.
I involuntarily rubbed my palms tightly, and some hope that the "moment" in that prophecy would come soon.
No matter where I go or what I experience, it would be great if I could reverse the ending.
After the officers reported, Eli stepped forward and said something to Gavin, patted him on the shoulder, and suddenly looked at me again.
Eli: I'll leave first, and meet again later, the young couple get along well.
Eli left after speaking, waved goodbye to me before leaving.
There was a brief silence all around, only cheers from afar broke the silence between us.
MC: Are you leaving now?
Gavin: Mm, we will leave in two hours.
I stepped forward, took his hand gently, and sat down on a rock.
The wind in the wilderness is blowing on the long stretch of grass in the distance, and there is a green smell in the darkness that fluctuates with the night.
MC: Then you need a good rest now.
MC: I wonder if Mr. Commander, who has been busy all day, is willing to agree to my request.
Gavin: Can I take a rest?
I was stunned by him, after a few seconds, I didn't expect Gavin was directly rest on my knee.
Gavin: Thank you for coming.
MC: ...You're welcome.
I opened my mouth again, trying to remedy my stupid answer, but Gavin had already closed my eyes.
For a long time, long and even breathing sounded from my knees.
This land is shrouded in night and cold, but my heart is very bright and warm at this moment.
I gently stroked his finally showing tired eyebrows, my heart soft.
MC: Thank you for the hard work, Gavin.
I hope you can also have a good dream.
- Part 3 -
In the vast expanse of the universe, a swarm of comets quickly fell to the blue planet.
Cities, forests, mountains, rivers and oceans were all engulfed by heat waves and tongues of fire, and vanished in the blink of an eye.
It seems that I am the only one left in the whole world, and the stars gradually shrink, hitting my heart like a burning bullet hitting the bullseye---
I woke up from the nightmare and took a deep breath.
Gavin: Woke up?
MC: I'm sorry... I fell asleep too.
I raised my head, met Gavin's worried eyes.
Gavin: Had a nightmare?
MC: Not a manifest dream, but a sweet dream.
MC: I dreamt that we became super cosmic warriors, saving the world from the brink of destruction.
I cheered up, and made a joke pretending to be relaxed.
Gavin: It seems that dream should be kept longer, it is best not to wake up.
He sighed, and gathered the jacket over me again.
There are footsteps approaching behind him.
When Gavin got up, the officer came over and whispered something to Gavin.
I was stunned, and quickly reacted: He is going to the next temporary base to command the mission.
MC: Are you leaving soon?
Gavin: There are still ten minutes left.
MC: Then I have one last question to interview you.
I turned around, fixedly looked at Gavin.
MC: Before the end, what is your wish?
Gavin: ...My wish?
MC: This is the question I want to ask you, so you can answer me alone.
MC: I have interviewed many people these days, and heard many people’s wishes, but I haven't had a chance to ask your wishes.
MC: I want to know what Gavin's wish is.
Gavin's expression was a little surprised, and he didn't speak for a long time.
Perhaps, this question is too vain and slow, he never put his wishes on unrealistic things.
???: Look, there are meteors!
The cheers of the crowd came from far behind, and Gavin and I raised our heads together.
The sky was passing by a meteor, dragging a bright trail, from loneliness to grandeur.
Under this bright and grand light, everything becomes small and quiet.
MC: Beautiful...
The falling trajectory of the meteor is long and narrow in the night sky.
The ubiquitous light illuminates the mountains and valleys in the distance, the river at the end of the horizon, and the city.
It also illuminates every face looking up on the earth.
Gavin suddenly grabbed my hand, his voice was very soft.
Gavin: When I was seventeen, I did have a wish.
Suddenly a large swarm of snow-white flew across the sky.
The flying dove in the dark night fluttered its wings and dropped a large piece of white feathers, drowning his voice.
I looked up in a different place, saw his star-lit eyes, and wanted to ask him what it was.
He looked at me with a deep retention and sadness. I always felt, that there were many emotions that I didn't understand.
In a second of distraction, I almost blurted out if he knew that I was going to leave.
But I didn't have the courage to speak up to verify this conjecture.
I grabbed his hand and tried to make a smile.
MC: I used to see meteors and could only think of wishing. I didn't expect that one day the meteors would actually destroy the world.
Gavin: Are you scared?
I shook my head.
MC: In fact, as long as I'm by your side, I'm not afraid at all.
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Gavin lowered his head and put the kiss on our folded hands.
Gavin: I promise you.
Gavin: I won't leave you, until the last moment.
I heard his heartbeat on his chest, closed my eyes, and silently made a vow to the meteor.
May the world never end.
May he always be by my side.
- Part 4 -
The news broadcast the arrival time of the X1917 comet cluster, as expected, without any change.
As a commander, Gavin became more and more busy, and the occasional time together became exceptionally short.
Today, the STF is holding a major meeting.
Those present were all commanders from various countries' combat headquarters participating in this joint doomsday rescue.
After the meeting, I put down the interview draft and couldn't help but look at the meeting room.
Gavin came out last, and he was talking to a foreign man with a high nose and deep eyes.
The man seemed to notice me waiting on the side, he turned to me, his face stretched.
Foreign Commander: Eh, you are the producer. I have watched your show, Miracle Finder, which is great.
He gave me a thumbs up.
MC: ...Thank you!
I can't fully understand their small talk. I can only vaguely hear the commander's admiration and gratitude to Gavin.
After the conversation, he saluted to Gavin, and then left with his men.
I couldn't wait to walk to Gavin, wanting to open my mouth, but hesitated again.
The news specially told him today, perhaps compared with the important news he comes into contact with every day, is nothing at all.
Gavin: What's wrong?
MC: Gavin, I have good news for you.
MC: After the previous program was broadcast, some citizens contacted us and wanted to send you a loving lunch, medical supplies, and...
I counted the enthusiastic letters I received these days with my fingers. He listened carefully, his lips curled up unconsciously.
Gavin: STF doesn't need these for the time being, but it can be sent to disaster areas with more dangerous conditions.
Gavin: You can figure it out. I'll give you some addresses later.
MC: Okay!
Gavin's gaze flickered slightly, as if he had to say something, the communicator on his waist ticked.
Gavin: ...Wait for me.
MC: It's okay, go ahead.
I cheered up and bid farewell to Gavin, but the loss of separation was still unstoppable in my heart.
I let out a sigh of relief and began to think about how to arrange these supplies.
This time we are, fighting side by side with all mankind.
The last day of the countdown.
The days of waiting regretfully finally arrived, but it seemed to be no different from usual.
MC: How is the situation today?
STF Officer A: There were no casualties, and damaged communications and traffic are slowly recovering.
STF Officer B: That's right, Commander was not injured, so Sister-In-Law, don't worry.
MC: ...Okay.
While chatting, I looked around for Gavin's figures.
Soon, a figure dangled from behind the door of the headquarters.
Gavin, who had changed his uniform, walked towards me, the cuffs of the gray jacket were slightly rolled up, revealing a strong wrist.
At the moment when my eyes were facing each other, Gavin had already walked to me, and I was stunned for a second.
I raised my head and looked at him, as if I had guessed something in my heart.
Gavin: Come?
MC: You, there are no tasks today?
Gavin: I took half a day off.
MC: Eh....?
Gavin: I'll accompany you out for a walk.
Behind him, the whistle and the confession sounded one after another, Gavin faintly swept back, and the group of people suddenly made noise again.
MC: Is it really okay? I think it’s good to stay here...
Gavin took my hand and walked out. I turned around a little hesitantly, afraid that he would waste too much time.
Unexpectedly, Eli also waved at me and made a "rest assured" mouth shape.
Gavin: Leave them alone.
MC: I don't know why, but now I always have a feeling of occupying major public resources.
The corners of Gavin's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at me helplessly, sighed.
Gavin: Can't the Commander go on a date after get off work.
He stood still in front of me, a little serious in his amber eyes.
Gavin: What stands in front of you now, it's Gavin that belongs to you only.
There was no one on the street, and the few shadows of trees stretched to the end of the empty road.
We unknowingly walked to the vicinity of Loveland High School and ate the last bowl of noodles at the still-open Lynn's Kitchen.
A live interview of STF to fight off the tornado is being broadcast on TV, and the boss exclaims while watching.
Boss: Did you really repel the tornado?
Gavin: Some news likes to exaggerate, you don't have to believe it.
MC: Gavin, this was taken by me.
Gavin: …Hmm, it was repelled.
Boss: Add more beef for you. Do you want other side dishes?
MC: I want it!
Gavin: Are you sure you can eat it?
MC: I'm able to eat it!
Gavin put down his chopsticks, looked at the side dishes on the table and the pile of beef in the bowl, he expressed doubts to me with his eyes.
MC: Is this a new flavor of noodles? It seems that I have never eaten it before.
Boss: Did little girl eat it? I updated the recipe of the soup. How does it taste?
MC: Super invincible and delicious!
Boss: That's good.
Boss: There are too many things that have been missed in a lifetime, and it's not worth beating.
Boss: However, it is still a pity that more people haven't tasted this bowl of noodles.
Boss: Thank you for finishing it.
MC: I'm so full...!
Gavin: You ate all the side dishes the boss gave.
MC: Because I don’t want to be a starving ghost...
Gavin: Nonsense.
Gavin gently knocked on my forehead, his eyes turned to the school gate across the road, his expression suddenly softened.
Gavin: You saved a cat here.
MC: You have beaten a few people here.
Gavin laughed.
Unexpectedly the school door closed tightly. Gavin noticed the loss on my face and patted my shoulder lightly.
Gavin: Do you want to go elsewhere?
MC: What a pity... I still want to go back and have a look.
MC: Wait, I get it!
Gavin: Are you sure you want to do this?
MC: No one, is afraid of anything!
With Gavin's help, I finally climbed the outer wall of the back door of the school.
MC: I wanted to do this a long time ago.
I clapped my hands, turned my head, Gavin was still standing under the wall, looking at me with a little speechless and a little funny.
MC: It doesn't matter, there is no one in the security room and no one in the school building. Come up soon.
Gavin touched his lips, with an expression of defeat by me.
He easily climbed up the wall and sat down beside me.
Gavin: Ready?
He seemed to see my hesitation and looked at me holding back a smile.
Gavin: I will count down for you?
This is the end of the matter, regret is useless. I took a deep breath and slowly released the fingers that were holding behind me.
Gavin: Three, two---
Before "One" hasn’t shouted out, I subconsciously let go of my hand because of tension, and my falling body was quickly surrounded by a gust of wind.
The violent heartbeat hit the tympanic membrane, and we landed safely on the ground.
MC: I didn't seem to have eaten so much just now.
Gavin: Can't walk anymore?
MC: ...I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it.
Gavin: Hold tight.
As if to verify this sentence, his hand pierced my knees and hugged me to the direction of the school building.
MC: But like this...!!
Gavin gently raised the corners of her lips.
Gavin: No one, is afraid of anything.
We came to Gavin's classroom.
The classroom door was not locked. I turned on the light, saw that the writing on the blackboard had not been cleaned.
MC: Gavin, which table is yours?
Gavin was a little surprised. He looked around and pointed to the back of the classroom by the window.
Gavin: There.
MC: Is this one?
I walked to the back of the classroom and stared curiously at the graffiti on this table.
MC: "Early" was carved upside down on the table,... I can't tell that you are quite easy to learn.
Gavin: …It’s the back one.
I followed Gavin's gaze and looked back. A desk was in the corner next to the wall.
MC: But after so many years, It must have changed many seats, and the table may not be this one.
I took the opportunity to sit down in the seat where Gavin had been, and looked around.
MC: Um... the vision from the blackboard is not very good.
MC: But the ventilation is good, it should be comfortable to sleep here in the afternoon.
I don't know if it was because of listening to my serious comments, there was a sporadic smile on his lips.
Gavin: Why are you talking about that suddenly?
MC: I told you before, we organized ordinary citizens and Evolver to build a wishing wall.
MC: I thought I would see a lot of fanciful and weird wishes, but after seeing it, I realized that this was not the case.
MC: "I want to eat hot pot for the last time", "Reunion with my family", "I want to reconcile with the lover who broke up"...
MC: That’s why I realized, everyone’s strongest wish is, actually a regret that has not been realized.
MC: That's why...
I want to make up for these regrets.
We left the classroom, and walked down the stairs. The sound of different footsteps echoed in the dim staircase.
Gavin: Are you scared?
MC: Hm?
Gavin: I remember many horror legends circulated in schools.
He slowed down as he spoke, always keeping a step away from me in front of him.
I hesitated for a moment and wanted to tell Gavin that I was not afraid.
In other words, I'm more afraid that the road under my feet will be finished soon than I'm afraid of these stories.
I hope the stairs below my feet can be longer, preferably without end.
MC: .....Gavin.
I stood on the edge of the steps, turned my head, and could not help calling his name.
A repressed impulse, drove me to do something.
He stood on a step lower than me, stopped, and looked at me with some doubts.
The few rays of light that leaked out of the window fell between us, cutting light and dark apart.
This light is like a crease, and I stand in front of him now, as if witnessing the folding of the years that have separated us.
Gavin: I know what you want to say.
His voice was lightened for an instant, with a sure smile.
The next second, he bent down, clasped my chin, and kissed me.
- Part 5-
The dim lights on both sides of the road passed through the dense leaves, scattered on the ground.
The library didn’t open, Gavin and I were strolling around the empty campus.
There seemed to be a warm touch remaining on the lips, I looked away pretending to be calm, always embarrassed to meet Gavin's gaze.
The bell rang in the distance, and the ginkgo leaves rustled down.
For a time, none of us spoke.
The meteors in the sky are getting denser, and my heart is beating faster and faster.
An uneasy premonition told me, that moment was approaching.
MC: Although shooting stars can be seen every day, it seems that many wishes are too late.
I pretended to smile with ease, breaking the deadlock between us. Gavin seemed to perceive something, and his amber-colored eyes looked at me.
Gavin: MC, You haven't finished what you just said.
Gavin: You keep asking about my wishes, what about yours?
MC: My wish...
My voice couldn't help but stop.
The ginkgo leaves on the branches are crumbling, and some are knocking on the windows of the school building behind them.
These leaves rustle on the branches in summer, and they creak when they fall in autumn. Every leaf makes a nice sound, but I have never noticed it.
I suddenly knew what my wish was.
I want to walk slowly at the school gate before the class bell rings.
I want to look up in the library and take a good look at the teenager sleeping opposite me.
I want to catch the wind at the age of seventeen, and say goodbye to him before the ginkgo leaves fall.
I looked up at Gavin, suddenly I wanted to cry.
MC: What if my wish will never come true?
Gavin was taken aback, for a long time, he rubbed the top of my head.
Gavin: Then go ahead.
Gavin: The wish that may not be reached now, but if you come back one day, it's already by your side.
I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.
MC: Gavin, I am going to do something very important now.
MC: I kept busying myself a few days ago, thinking that if I didn't think about it, I wouldn't be sad until that time.
MC: But now I want to thank you, you gave me the courage to face it.
I felt like crying, but still managed to squeeze a smile.
MC: I'm leaving.
Gavin was silent, he gently stretched out his hand and stroked my face.
Gavin: I seem to be very bad at saying goodbye, and I have never been able to say goodbye to you every time.
Gavin didn't ask why or where I was going. He seemed to have known about this a long time ago.
Just hugged my arm hard and hot, as if to hold something at the last moment.
MC: This time it's my turn to say goodbye to you.
MC: We have experienced so many things, so this time is nothing.
I feel my body is getting lighter and lighter, and my limbs are gradually losing consciousness.
Perhaps that moment has come, my mind is getting harder and harder to concentrate, only vaguely seeing deeper and deeper sadness in my eyes.
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MC: You told me...
MC: Regardless of the wind, the pigeon has its own direction, and I think I should do the same.
MC: But I am a person who has no sense of direction. I may go the wrong way and it will take a long time to get back to you...
Tears still fell unconvincingly, I sucked my mouth and wanted to speak again, but Gavin interrupted my words firmly.
Gavin: It doesn't matter if you go the wrong way.
Gavin: It doesn't matter if you come late.
Gavin: When I was seventeen, you let me know the direction of the wind.
Gavin: So it’s the same for you, just walk in your direction, no matter where you lead...
Gavin: My wish, is to meet you.
The white light was like a trickle, slowly seeping from the girl's body, illuminating the whole night.
MC: When the time comes, please correct my direction.
Feathers fluttered slowly from the girl's body.
The sky seemed to show a gleam of light, and the wine fell on the white feathers piled up under the girl's feet.
Gavin stood there quietly for a long time, his eyes always on the place where the girl disappeared.
He looked at the feathers scattered on the ground and the ginkgo that was blown away by the wind, his lips moved slightly and his hands slowly dropped.
The clear and distant "ding dong" echoed in the empty campus---
The bell rang after class.
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