skinnbollen · 7 days
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May I present my mate Marcus in Piteå, Norrbotten. Photo taken back in 2022. For many years I have documented Swedish skinheads and have had a few small exhibitions in Göteborg and Öland. My idea is to document the wide variety of personalities that exists within the culture, with different lives, plans and dreams. I usually let the people speak for themselves, but Marcus hasn't spoken up yet (I hope one day he will), so at the moment the photos of him will have to speak for themselves. Skinhead culture is one of the most multicultural cultures there are, within its own frames. We exist all around the world and we come in a variety of colours and shapes. We truly connect beyond borders. All because of the clash between jamaican music and british working class style back in the 60's. Eventhough I myself am a quite lonely skin far away from the next one, I am forever thankful for being part of it and for all the good people it has brought into my life. Such as Marcus.
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sirnica · 1 year
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bryceedgar · 1 year
Everything Begins With Love
"I LOVE YOU" means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I don't wish to change you into someone else. It means that I do not expect perfection from you, just as you don't expect it from me. 'I Love You' means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times. It means loving you when you are in a bad mood or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you are down, not just when you're fun to be with.
Deanne Laura Gilbert
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piecabinet · 26 days
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when we made pite (albanian byrek with green onions)
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receptekelteve · 9 months
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mindennapikenyerem · 11 months
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Igy jar az, aki nem szamolja ki a tesztat
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bruceslatonpite · 1 year
example - Wiktionary
example – Wiktionary— Read on en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/example
View On WordPress
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tesztkonyha · 1 year
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Sütőtökös sajttorta
kekszes alap 
18 dkg háztartási keksz 
8 dkg pekándió 
1 csipet só 
2 ek juharszirup 
125 g vaj 
sütőtökös krém 
50 dkg sütőtök (sütve, héja lehúzva) 
1 csomag vanillincukor 
szegfűbors ízlés szerint 
szerecsendió ízlés szerint 
fahéj ízlés szerint
45 dkg krémsajt 
20 dkg nádcukor 
2 db tojás 
1 db tojássárgája 2 
ek finomliszt
kekszes alap
A kekszet, a pekándiót, a sót és a juharszirupot késes aprítóban morzsásra aprítjuk. Hozzáadjuk az olvasztott vajat, és alaposan elkeverjük.
Egy 23 cm-es, kapcsos tortaformát kivajazunk, és sütőpapírral kibélelünk. Beleegyengetjük a kekszmorzsát, egyletesen lelapogatjuk, majd 200°-os sütőben 15 percet sütjük.
sütőtökös krém
A sült sütőtöknek lehámozzuk a héját, egy tálba tesszük. Hozzáadjuk a vanillincukrot, a szerecsendiót, a szegfűborsot és a tejfölt, majd krémesre turmixoljuk.
Egy nagy tálban a krémsajtot habosra kikeverjük a nádcukorral. Hozzádolgozzuk egyesével a tojásokat, illetve a tojássárgáját. Beleszórunk egy kevés lisztet is, és csomómentesre keverjük.
Jöhet bele a sütőtökpüré, amit aztán több részletben, óvatos mozdulatokkal elkeverünk benne.
A sütőtökös krémsajtot ezután a közben kihűlt tortaalapra öntjük, és 150°C-os sütőben 70 percig sütjük.
A sütési idő lejártával kapcsoljuk le a sütőt, de a sajttortát még hagyjuk 10 percet csukott ajtó mögött pihenni, majd további fél órát pihentessük résnyire nyitott ajtó mellett.
A szobahőmérsékletűre hűt sajttortát rakjuk egy éjszakára hűtőbe, másnap pedig egy vizes kés segítségével szeleteljük fel.
eredeti: https://www.nosalty.hu/recept/sutotokos-sajttorta
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receptikuvaronline · 2 years
Pita sa jabukama - Verica Poznanović
New Post has been published on https://recepti-kuvar.rs/pita-sa-jabukama-verica-poznanovic-2/?Pita+sa+jabukama+-+Verica+Poznanovi%C4%87 Recepti+i+Kuvar+online
Pita sa jabukama - Verica Poznanović
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Pita sa jabukama. 
Prelepe jabuke sam dobila od drugarice. Napravila sam pitu, koja ne izuskuje mnogo truda i rada. Pravi se jako brzo. Ja sam već napomenula da ne volim dugo da se zadržavam u kuhinji. Postoji osoba u mome životu, koja je uvek bila rumena kao jabuka, a ja sam ga zvala kruško mamina.
Pita sa jabukama, sastojci:
500 g tankih kora,
1 kg jabuka,
4 kašike mlevenog keksa,
4 kašike šećera i
2 kesice vanilin šećera.
Za posipanje:
šećer u prahu.
Pita sa jabukama, priprema:
U pakovanju obično ima 12 kora i ja pravim četiri rolne.
Jabuke narendati, koru nisam ljuštila.
Uzeti po tri kore za svaku rolnu prskati sa malo ulja i slagati jednu preko druge.
Na treću koru na jednom kraju staviti narendane jabuke bez ceđenja soka, pošećeriti, posuti kašikom mlevenog keksa i vanilin šećerom.
Pitu ređati u okruglu tepsiju u krug. (Može, ne brinite, neće se lomiti)
Izvaditi iz rerne, prekriti suvom krpom i ostaviti da se prohladi.
Prohlađenu pitu posuti šećerom u prahu.
Verica Poznanović
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artioprotection · 5 months
Jame Somerton is awful but I really wanna say the anger I feel over the flat out lies about the very actively harmful politics of JK R*wling to justify and write off concerns people have about still giving her money. Saying she actually had a very pro trans streak till recently is just flat out erasing the very real harm she pointed towards trans woman all the way back to 2016 that people have been trying to bring awareness to before she flat out said it now with the edge of spreading harmful lies about trans men. These lies are made to make people that still give her money or want to not think about her pass works implications shrug off any self reflection and also the very real pain me and other trans people feel when talking to others about the harm she does to the trans community. When I tell people that it's not ok to be buying licence Harry Pot merch and give money to a video game that lead developer abused a women because there's better things out there that doesn't directly fund the harm of my community a James Somerton ass talking points come out about "who's to really say what's goin' on" and the infantilizing of a grown woman that's asking for me and my friends to disappear not really being that bad when she's very much a hand directing englands politics.
That man does a lot of downplay to lying about the harm other queers face that aren't a gay cis man. This part showed me how much of it was just for his own benefit. He wants to not think and eat up JK garbage so he's gonna lie or believe anything that's saying it's not a big deal.
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anticbrvtalist · 1 year
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Teresa Moller and Associates Unveiling the Landscape
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musicalchaos07 · 7 months
Btw if they sacrificed jargyle to give us stonathan I'm gonna lose it
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bryceedgar · 1 year
How The PiTe Project Started
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Join Me On MeWe To Get More Updates On The PiTe Concept and The PiTe Project. MeWe is a new social media experience without your personal information being sold. See you soon :)
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oldmacykerenew · 4 months
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Kezdek belejonni. Meggyes pite a csaladnak :D itt van a kis keresztlanyom - ez a meggyes, es csinaltam egy nagy tepsi almasat is😀🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
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poisonousquinzel · 2 years
♢ Harley Quinn breaking the fourth wall in Batman: The Animated Series "Harley's Holiday" ♢
Aired on October 15th, 1994
Fun Fact'a Tha' Day: "Harley's Holiday" aired 4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks and 5 days (or 1,669 Days in Total) before Wade Wilson officially broke the fourth wall in Deadpool (1997) #28, which was published on May 10th, 1999.
Making Harley Quinn, in fact, the OG out of the two to break the fourth wall and talk directly to the audience.
Not the other way around, as critics so hatefully love to claim and bitch about based on pure misinformation that a simple Google search would solve.
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receptekelteve · 10 months
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