#Plan of Dissent
The Clone Wars 4.09 ‘Plan of Dissent’ Reaction Take 2
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I think out of all of the episodes from the Umbara arc, this is my favourite. If it’s possible to have a favourite with everything that happens. There’s so much of the clones themselves in this episode. So much of their interactions and personalities and characteristics and lives.
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Hello to Fives' very nice thighs and crotch. There’s just something about a clone lying on their back, legs splayed, knee bent, as they do mechanical work on the underneath of a ship. Insert your own references to the 2 nickels meme here. Also inserting the gif of Tech doing the exact same thing because I can.
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There are definitely moments where Fives voice gets husky and it is very nice. I am not complaining at all.
Obi-Wan is looking rather boxy there
Krell completely changes when he’s talking to someone with equal or more power than him. Slimy bastard.
I know they mean arms as in weapons but every time they say ‘arm’ all can picture is crates full of actual arms.
That tiny head shake from Rex. He is so done.
Ugh that look up from Rex. Ugh.
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Ahahahaha it definitely looks like Fives is about to burst into an earnest and deeply emotional ballad in the music video as part of his 90s boy band. So, the important questions are: Who are the rest of the members of this clone boy band? And what is their name? These things, I must know them.
Look at Rex’s big beautiful brown eyes there
Paused the episode only to realise Jesse has an exclamation mark on the front of his chest plate.
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Tup waving his space screwdriver grabby thingy around to make his point. I think it’s a calliper? It looks similar to the one Tech has on his belt or in one of his 2000 pockets. Just noticed Tup has the same hairline as Tech too.
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“I do think his desire for victory has blinded him to the fact that there are lives at stake. I’ve never seen a General with these kind of casualties.” – I love this moment from Jesse. Especially because he doesn’t go after Dogma, he just calmly but firmly points out what isn’t right about this situation. The adorable nose scrunch is also out in full force.
“I don’t have a better plan.” Rex, you always have a better plan
Fives: Why don’t we just do the same thing we did before!
Lmao Fives’ little chaos face as he explains his plan
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Gif by @nickleister from this glorious post
That ‘do it’ from Rex was very Palpatine of him
“Yeah, he wasn’t really flying. More like avoiding crashing.” Tup going for the jugular there
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Omg that was not subtle at all. “What’s going on?” “Eh, nothing.” *awkward*
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Oh, Rex and Fives are fighting. That line from Fives about them all being not just another number really hit home too.
I know this is supposed to be a serious moment and all that but omg Fives is built like an absolute unit. Boy is thicc.
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Well this is going well. Fives, why are you standing underneath the fighter that Hardcase is barely able to control?
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Fives: Hardcase, what are you doing?! Hardcase: If I knew, I wouldn’t be doing it! CACKLING
Who's the random clone helping out Fives and Hardcase? They’ve got different paint but I can’t tell who they are.
“Great, this can’t get much worse” Well now you’ve gone and jinxed it
Oh, so that’s where that shot of Fives standing there comes from. Who knew the absolute chaos that was going on behind as Fives stands there looking all gorgeous.
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Fives: “Nothing’s out of control down here.” Hardcase: *actively destroying everything*
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Omg the absolutely over the top agonised full eye and body roll that Fives gives while he draws out a long “Uh” to try and come up with a cover story for what they’re doing. 
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That has got to be a homage or reference to Han Solo doing basically the same thing in A New Hope.
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“That’s gonna leave a mark.” Hardcase, you just melted the door!
“No harm done.” Says Hardcase, standing amongst the ruin he has just created
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Absolutely losing it at Hardcase’s cover story for what they were getting up to. To be fair to him, he actually sold it fairly well and it was a decently believable cover story to come up with on the spot. Fives, on the other hand, cannot lie to save himself. Rex is not falling for his bullshit one bit.
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Aaaaaaaaaah Hardcase’s little wiggly sneaky fingers. You utterly adorable dork. He looks so pleased with his idea at the end too. It’s the best idea guys!
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Hardcase is in. He wants chaos.
Anakin telling Fives that the trick to taking out a control ship is to hit the main reactor from the inside? Well that’s totally not going to come back and bite him in his shiny black asthmatic arse in approximately 20 cycles or so. 
Jesse and Hardcase’s doubtful scrunched up faces as the listen to Fives’ “plan” are utterly adorable
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"I can’t help you, when you get caught." — That exchange between Fives and Rex definitely sounds like Rex has put up Fives’ crazy bullshit before. And you can tell how much Rex cares and knows this is the right thing to do yet he’s stuck and he can’t do anything to help them or protect them when the shit hits the fan.
If those fighters are supposed to be locked down, then why are they conveniently sitting outside?
I found this scene of Dogma and Tup in the barracks really uncomfortable. I’ve been trying to reserve judgement on Dogma and not be so harsh on him because I know what happens in the end and he seems like a fan favourite. But it really felt like he was bullying Tup into snitching on Fives, Jesse and Hardcase. I don’t know what Dogma and Tup’s connection to each other is. They seem fairly close so I’m going with close or best friends, if not batch mates. I know Dogma thinks he’s doing the right thing (I know, please don’t come at me) but it felt really uncomfortable watching him bully his best friend/batch mate and vod into doing what he wanted. I think I’m reacting to this so much because I relate to Tup so much. The constant anxious worry. Being bullied and peer pressured into doing things you don’t want to do (hello school trauma). Out of everything that has happened, and a lot of truly awful things happen in this arc, it felt like this was the worst thing Dogma did. Even if he didn’t mean it, that doesn’t excuse it. 
Paused the episode at the start of the next scene and Rex is standing there in the dark looking down at his datapad and fuck me is he a tall glass of water.
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The look on Rex’s face when he sees Fives, Jesse and Hardcase fly off in the fighters! I mentioned this in my first reaction post but man, is that a multi-layered expression. Deep long suffering at putting up with their bullshit. Admiration and respect that the crazy bastards went and did it. Worry and concern about what they’re about to do and how they’re all going to deal with the fall out. And probably a bit of satisfaction and amusement that it’s going to piss off Krell.
“I’m just doing it for fun!” Hardcase knows what he’s about
Well that’s a shit fight
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Is that a blimp?
Fives, telling Hardcase not to get an itchy trigger finger is like telling you not to be a chaotic little shit. Utterly pointless
Omg the supply ship is even sphere shaped, just with a giant rectangle in the middle. It’s just a B-grade Death Star.
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“I’m sure the report will make your strategy more effective.” Rex you sly bastard
So I know everyone says clones can’t lie to save themselves but Rex was pretty damn believable right there, covering for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase. It didn’t feel like a cover story that was made up on the spot either, so Rex had to have come up with it already. He knew they were going to go off on their own hair brained mission, and, even though he was disagreeing with Fives, he still came up with a way to cover for them and protect them as best he could. So he’s bloody smart and cares deeply too. Ugh, I love him so much.
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Rex running interference for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase
“Regarding, what?” CACKLING
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” asdf;lkj why are you so badass. Though it does feel sad that all of this has started to pit the clones against each other. And doesn’t that come back in an even worse way later on.
Oh look, it’s a trench run to a reactor! I wonder where we’ve seen this before!
That tactical droid didn’t consider Fives in his equations
Oh man as soon as Hardcase’s fighter got hit, that was the moment you knew he wasn’t coming back. 
That gesture Fives made to stop his fighter made him look like he was using the Force
Nooooo Hardcase what are you doing
“This is for the 501st. Don’t wait for me.” *sobs*
Hardcase calls Fives sir. Again, I am baffled as to what the rank system is here, though I’m assuming ARC Troopers are at least above standard clone troopers in some way?
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“If I know Hardcase, we better leave.” That speaks to a lot of experience with Hardcase making things going boom
“Live to fight another day.” Dammit now I can’t see the screen through the tears. Hardcase had a little happy smile on his face too.
Guys, you only blew up half of it! Though I should imagine the rest of it went up too.
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That smirk from Rex. He knew.
Very interesting that Tup’s here with Rex. I wonder if Rex took him aside after intercepting him and Dogma or if Tup came to Rex.
It’s a tiny moment but Fives jumps out of the fighter and there’s a shot of his feet and legs landing on the ground and his kama is swooshing around his legs looking all badass
Rex’s look of concern when he sees only Fives and Jesse. He knew.
Oh Hardcase
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It’s an equally blink and you’ll miss it moment but this is where that gif of Rex glaring over his shoulder comes from. I think this is going to be like the “On your knees” moment for me. Definitely hot in isolation but now knowing that Fives and Jesse just told Rex and Tup that Hardcase died, it’s going to take me a while to separate what’s happening in the moment from the hot glare.
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Rex trying to take the blame for Fives and Jesse and then Fives refusing to accept this and making sure Rex and Jesse don’t get hurt and the agonised way Rex says “Fives!” and Jesse’s worried expression the whole time and just aaaaaaaaaaah *pained noises*
“Oh, do you?” I hate Krell even more. Piss off you overblown bullfrog
Being executed for disobeying orders seems way too steep. I could understand being reprimanded but shooting someone because they didn’t do what they were told? At least Krell gets what’s coming from him in the end.
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that-gay-jedi · 1 year
Rewatching the Umbara arc and not long after pointedly addressing Rex by his numerical designation like 15 times, Krell addresses Appo by his name like it's no problem. How I sat through this the first time not yet knowing Krell dies, I'll never know.
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cerunilea · 8 months
Just had the realization that if Etoiles manages to get his hands on the OP shield hidden in the nether (which knowing him he will succeed), whoever has the Federation sword that Cellbit found through his enigmas will then be able to get the shield as well, since the sword forces held items to be dropped. Even if Etoiles isn't holding it, they may just (try to) pick it off his dead body bc you can't really do any damage if your weapons are being constantly taken away and the sword itself does 25 damage, and idk if the codes are fast enough/able to remove golden apples and other healing items from Etoiles' hand (a staple part of his general battle strategy).
The only solutions I can think of is either getting away fast enough to hide it elsewhere (which could be thwarted depending on how fast the enemy is and if the can also force things like warp stones or other escape items from your hand), or fighting with several other teammates to back you up during the periods you are more vulnerable.
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randomnameless · 7 months
What's flabbergasting to me is how Supreme Leader is like Imma make sure my attackers never do this again by siding with them and pointing her blade at an organization that had nothing to do with what happened to her and didn't even know what happened? The logic makes no sense and we're supposed to buy it. I guess you could say she was conditioned by them but still.
That's why we have 4 years of discourse discussing the ins and outs of the Crust System (idk if the games even mention it!), and how Church BaD because it made people value Crusts so Supreme Leader's crusted present was offered because, uh, people wanted a leader to be super strong so with another Crust -
(the theory falls on its face pretty quickly, because if a Crust makes you stronger, Church or no Church, people would want one to be "stronger" !)
Then some people say Rhea BaD because she should have done something to prevent said experiments (but then she's also BaD for rekting people when they plan to kill her, so whether she takes action or not, she's BaD) - and it's like blaming the UN for a traffic accident in Paraguay.
That's why some other people (count me in!) theorised Supreme Leader's reasons were way too bullshitty, so either she was manipulated and buys something that doesn't make sense, or she knows it's senseless but uses her charisma to turn people against the Church and it somehow works (always be afraid of charismatic people!).
The entire premise of Ludwig directing the experiments is already shaky at best (he deposed Ionius who wanted to centralise everything on himself becoming too powerful and then... he went on create a super powerful emperor ?) and we know Ionius had a hard on for imperialism (like many Emperors before him) and Adrestia in general didn't like the CoS because they recognised Faerghus's existence, so add to that Mole People slithering around, and what's completely bullshitty is, still completely bullshitty, but it you suppose that the bullshit reasoning hides a deeper goal "get rid of the nabateans and conquer the world", it's a tool, like any other, to reach it.
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ravenkings · 9 months
arguing politics with my father (who is definitely conservative but also not stupid) these days is fascinating and kind of disturbing because i’m able to watch in real time how, in the absence of evidence for their beliefs, even more intelligent conservatives start to fall further and further down the conspiracy wormhole in order to justify said beliefs
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Little spinocon doodle, no they do not have a name yet i have to consult my list of names to add them as the 15th spinocon, yes it is just the bust and shoulder.
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sparrowlucero · 5 months
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Though their initial mutations were the result of long term nuclear war, it's actually an intense culture of propaganda and strictly enforced conformity policies that have kept the Daleks in their current state. Every Dalek undergoes surgery just after birth; not to mitigate the effects of irradiation, but to rid them of whatever is legally considered "imperfections to the Dalek form" (usually throwbacks to a humanoid body plan, such as teeth and hands) and physically ready them for their casing. Additional surgeries must occur throughout a Dalek's life to prevent them from becoming "rooted" - a painful, often fatal scenario in which the Dalek overgrows their own shell and cannot be safely removed. Not only does their homogeneity serve to reinforce their fervent belief in genetic superiority, but the resulting chronic health issues prevent insurrection; a Dalek's fear of losing access to regular healthcare colors much of their judgement, and most attempts at dissent end as soon as their painkillers run dry.
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eowyntheavenger · 3 months
Palestine and the US election
I’m done with Twitter soundbite takes that voting blue = supporting genocide. I see a lot of people making an argument that goes like this: "Biden has sent arms to Israel, helping its government commit genocide against Palestine. Therefore, voting for him in the 2024 US election, if he is the Democratic nominee, is supporting genocide, and NOT voting for him helps Palestine." There's a lot wrong with this view, so let's break it down.
It's true that Biden has sent a lot of arms to Israel and bypassed Congress multiple times to do it, and it's indefensible. I'm ashamed that any US politician would help Israel wage its brutal, genocidal war against the Palestinian people. As one of Israel's closest partners, the US could actually be using its leverage right now to put pressure on Israel’s government—I’m thinking about how apartheid in South Africa fell, in part, because of international pressure. That's what should be happening, but instead the US government is literally just helping Israel kill Palestinians.
I wish there were a strong pro-Palestine candidate in the upcoming election. The best bet in that regard would probably be Bernie Sanders, since he's prominent enough, well-liked enough, and has good ideas, not just on this issue but on many things (and yeah, he's way too old, but so are the current frontrunners). But he's already ruled out another run. Unless an amazing candidate materializes and wins the Democratic nomination (please vote in the primaries where you live), it will probably be Biden running against Trump. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s likely.
Here's what people need to understand: the election will not be "genocide Joe" vs. "pro-Palestine candidate." It will most likely be a choice between these two candidates:
On the one hand, Biden, who has armed Israel, but can be pressured to change his policies because he can be pushed left; who is not a wannabe dictator; who will not destroy what's left of the country's democratic norms; who will not encourage coups, political assassinations, or jail his political opponents; who will not utterly stifle dissent.
Or on the other hand, Trump, who is beholden to a fanatical evangelical base that backs Israel no matter what, that actually wants more conflict because they are part of a death cult. Trump, who is not susceptible in any way to pressure from the left, but is susceptible to pressure from the right and the far right. Trump, who has been clear all along about his desire to be a dictator; who will destroy what's left of democratic norms; who has already encouraged a coup to overthrow a democratic election, encouraged the assassination of his own vice president, and is openly planning to jail his political opponents if he returns to the White House.
(This isn't even touching on Trump's positions on trans rights, gay rights, women's rights, the environment, policing, immigration, or his racism against every group he could be racist against, or his liability for sexual assault, or a whole bunch of other issues).
There's a very convincing argument that Netanyahu actually wants Biden to lose the US election and Trump to win. That's because Netanyahu knows that Biden has in the past responded to pressure from his own party and the public. If there are a lot of people criticizing his policies, it gives him pause. Trump doesn't operate like that. If millions of Americans criticize his policies as inhumane he just lashes out at them. In short, Biden views criticism from the left as a liability that he has to act on. Trump views criticism from the left as an incentive to be even worse.
Biden is not the candidate I want. But you need to understand that if Trump wins the election, he won't just arm Israel like Biden is doing now: he will do that and more. Not only will he help Israel escalate its war, your very freedom of speech to support Palestine will be under attack. Trump might even decide that financial support for Palestinians or charities that help Palestine = financially supporting terrorism, and use that as a pretext to arrest and jail people. You think he and his far right goons wouldn't go that far? If Trump wins this election, you shouldn't be surprised if this kind of thing happens, and much worse.
Do you want the US to accept Palestinian refugees? Because it won't accept them under a Trump presidency. A key Republican talking point in this election is "the US shouldn't take Palestinian refugees because they're probably all terrorists." This isn't just a Trump thing, it's something other Republicans are saying, but obviously you can imagine where Trump would fall on this issue given his infamous Muslim ban and conflating refugees with terrorists. These are just a few examples of how Trump would actually be even worse for Palestine than Biden—which is saying something.
In this upcoming election there is no neutral option. There is no morally pure option. There just isn't, I'm sorry. Refusing to vote will not help Palestine. Refusing to vote will only help Trump win, and will give every single person in the United States who is fighting for a better world a significantly harder battle to fight.
It goes without saying that there are things everyone should do to help Palestine besides voting in an election. But I'm writing this post that is about voting because I'm genuinely worried by how many so-called leftists want to give up their right to vote—a right that older generations had to fight tooth and nail for—because they think it won't achieve anything. If voting didn't achieve anything, Republicans wouldn't be trying so hard to suppress your vote.
I'll conclude by saying that nuance is not this site's specialty, but please try to understand what I'm actually saying here before attacking me in the notes. Finally, people being antisemitic or islamophobic on this post will be blocked. People denying that Israel is committing genocide against Palestine will be blocked. Trump supporters, tankies, and people who say that Biden and Trump are the same will be blocked. So will people who say "voting is pointless" or "but Biden did this bad thing—" Biden fucking sucks, I know that very well, so if you're going to try to make that argument to me then stop right now and read the post again.
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mariacallous · 4 months
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Imagine being sacrificed to be eaten by some giant eldritch monster by your village due to being human and him just deciding you'll be the mother to his half breed babies and gently picking you up while carrying your face infront of the village who sacrificed you and the mosnter treating you as if you were glass and assuring how good of a dad he'll be
Yay more eldritch beasts! ^_^'
Eldritch beast (Castor) x female reader
Word Count: 1.5k
W: sfw monster fluff, some breeding talk
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“Hurry up!” the mayor of your town snarled as he dragged you behind him. 
“Please! Please don’t do this!” you howled as the sacrificial altar that had been newly built at the base of the mountain came into view. 
You tugged and pulled, trying to get away, but your hands were tied and they’d thrown a loop of rope around your neck, choking you whenever you pulled too hard. 
“Stop sniveling, (Y/N),” he snapped, “you’re a hero! Show some pride! Your sacrifice will bring prosperity to the village. We’ll raise a statue in your honor!” 
You didn’t want a statue, you wanted to go home and for your town to stop all this nonsense. Since they’d had a bad year, the crops failing and winter coming far sooner than they expected, somehow they’d gotten it into their heads that a sacrifice to the mountain spirit would bring them good fortune. Of course, you knew it was all superstition, but the rest of the town agreed with the mayor. Being the only dissenter at the meeting they’d held to announce their plan, you were chosen to be the sacrifice. 
Tears leaked down your cheeks as you were tightly strapped to the stone altar while the rest of your town gathered around to watch. 
The mayor cleared his throat and stood in front of you facing the mountain. 
“Oh great mountain spirit we come to you with this humble offering! We see the error of our ways and present to you the fairest maiden from our village as penance for our mistakes! We honor you with this gift of flesh…” 
His speech went on and on, full of apologies, lies, and pleas for a good harvest.
Castor’s ears perked as he made his way through the woods on his usual hunting route. He hardly paid attention to the village at the base of his mountain, humans were annoying and noisy so he avoided them at all costs, but this time there was an odd scent on the wind. It was a sweet scent. A scent he quite liked. He crept down the mountain on his many thick tentacles and peered through the trees to find an odd sight. 
The townspeople were all assembled at some strange stone table they’d erected. His eyes focused on you, strapped to the table, while a man stood over you squawking about something or another. He blinked at you, examining you from afar with his excellent eyesight, assisted by his many eyes. 
He usually didn’t bother in human affairs, but as he sniffed the air he discovered it was you that smelled so nice. What were the silly humans doing to you? When the stocky man yelling into the forest pulled out a bejeweled blade and waved it at you he found himself barrelling through the trees, flattening them as his bulk plowed through. He couldn’t let them hurt you!
The mayor’s eyes grew huge as he took in the massive beast looming over you, his large teeth bared and shining claws raised, and he froze where he stood.
“STOP!” Castor boomed in an ethereal and very deep voice that shook the leaves on the trees and made the mayor drop his sword with a clang. 
While the rest of your town trembled and watched, he turned his attention to you, your cheeks streaked with glittering tears. You were so incredibly frightened your scream was caught in your throat and you only let out a miserable whimper. 
The beast examining you was massive, moving on a tangle of thick tentacles. His torso was like a man’s but with a large mouth filled with dripping teeth in the center. There was no mouth on his face, only ten eyes blinking down at you with a look that might be…gentle? 
You found yourself a bit stunned and confused, searching his eyes as he studied you.
“Oh great mountain spirit!” your mayor broke in with a shaky voice, “p-please accept this sacrifice of fresh, beautiful meat to sate your hunger and soothe your anger! Bring us a good harvest and spare us game for our hunt!” 
Castor almost laughed. Sate his hunger? Bring a good harvest? He had no idea what the man was talking about. As you had suspected, Castor had nothing to do with the weather or the harvest. He simply lived in the mountain because it was a nice home away from humans. 
The last thing he wanted to do was eat you. You looked so pretty lying there, your hair fanned out around your face. He drifted closer to you, exploring you with his sensitive tentacles. Your skin was soft and smooth, feeling quite nice when he touched it and you smelled incredible. Like a mate. Your town watched eagerly with anticipation. They were sure if he killed you and ate you all of their problems would be solved. 
You felt his curious tentacles wind their way around your limbs, the little suckers exploring and tasting as they moved. Though your heart pounded in your chest, he didn’t seem to want to eat you. For one, his large gaping mouth was closed and his eyes were examining you very carefully…but not like food. His look was a different kind of hunger. 
“You’ll make a pretty wife, little human,” he said with incredible softness. 
“W-what?” you heard yourself squeak. 
He didn’t answer, but very gently snapped the straps holding you to the table and lifted you up into his two clawed arms, cradling you like you were fine china. 
“She’s for me?” he asked the mayor, still curious what exactly the town had been planning to do with you. 
“P-please! Gorge yourself on her tender flesh and gift us your favor!” the mayor went on. 
Castor opened his big mouth and laughed heartily, making everyone in the area tremble. 
“Foolish humans,” he boomed, “I have no interest in your petty problems, but I will accept your offering. Best of luck!” 
With a chuckle he hurried off into the woods, with you tucked in his arms, much faster than anyone could follow, leaving the townsfolk staring after him, their mouths agape. 
You peered up at him from around his biceps. 
“Y-you’re not going to improve the harvest?” you asked. 
“I’m not a god, that’s not within my power,” he snorted, “but I am very happy with their sacrifice.” 
He booped you on the nose with one of his claws and you blinked. 
“Th-then what are you going to do with me?” you questioned. 
A huge smile appeared on his large mouth, exposing his jagged, shiny teeth. 
“I’m going to make you my mate and fill you with my babies,” he explained. 
Your face blanched and he frowned. 
“Don’t be frightened,” he said, a tentacle stroking your head reassuringly, “I’ll take the very best care of you and be very gentle. You are my precious darling. I’m going to dress you in the warmest furs and keep you nice and cozy in my den. While those silly humans starve, scraping around in the dirt, I’m going to make you perfectly plump with the tenderest cuts of meat and the ripest fruits.” 
You considered the monster carrying you. He wasn’t exactly handsome in a normal human way, but he did smell nice, a bit like pine and moss, and his tentacles were very gentle. You certainly were in no danger if he was protecting you and being fed by a skilled hunter sounded much better than starving in your village. 
“O-okay,” you murmured as another tentacle lightly pinched your cheek, “my name’s (Y/N), what’s your name?” 
“Castor,” he said, preening with your interest in him. 
“I-I’m flattered you chose me,” you started, “but I’m not sure I’ll make a good mother to your babies.” 
A snort escaped his lips and the random tentacles he had wound around your limbs squeezed you just slightly. 
“You are sweet and small,” he assured you, “you’ll make a wonderful mother and I’m very responsible. I’ll help you through it. You won’t be alone. We’ll raise our children together…one big happy family.” 
While he carried you up the mountain, the snow started to fall silently around you signaling that winter had truly started and as you chatted with him about his life you felt yourself grow more and more relaxed in his warm arms. Finally, the adrenaline from the events of the day draining from you, you drifted off to sleep. When you woke up again, your new life would begin. 
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The Clone Wars 4x9 ‘Plan of Dissent’ Reaction
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Hardcase NO
I was tearing up at that. “Live to fight another day.” *sobs*
Fuck Krell. Absolute heartless bastard.
Really not impressed with Dogma at this stage so I’m guessing a lot happens in the final episode of this arc.
Poor Tup. He really reminds me of the friend that is pressured into doing things that they really don’t want to do. And the poor thing is so anxious and worried. I’m relating to him far too much.
Fives with his legs splayed open on his back under a ship doing mechanical work? HELLO?!?! First Tech, now this?! Though I guess technically (heh) it was Fives first then Tech. Either way, most excellent crotch and thigh shot. 
Speaking of thighs, this is where those gifs of Rex’s thigh plates come from! 
Help me why am I having thots when everything that’s happening is so awful
That was some look from Rex when he saw Fives, Jesse and Hardcase flying off in the Umbaran fighters. Long suffering “why are those idiots doing this” combined with admiration and respect that they actually went and did it.
Omg the chaos in the hanger with Hardcase trying to fly the fighter and destroying everything and Fives doing his best Han Solo impression of trying and failing to definitely not sound sus.
“That’s gonna leave a mark” CACKLING
Hardcase actually did a fairly decent job of coming up with a fairly believable story and making it believable enough. Not wholly believable but better than I expected. Fives though, baby, you really need to get better at acting. 
Speaking of, the shot of the clones at the start and Fives leaning on the wall looking down with his ankles crossed definitely looks like the start to some 90s boy band music video. I know I’ve seen this mentioned before but it’s hilarious how accurate that description is.
Rex trying to take the blame for Fives and Jesse and then Fives refusing to let him and Rex looking at him and saying “Fives!” all anguished and just ugh ALL OF MY EMOTIONS
Is Appo the one with the downward pointing white arrow surrounded by blue paint on the forehead of his bucket? Just checked Wookieepedia and yup, he is. Also, he's a CC. So why is he a Sergeant?
Hardcase with his little sneaky wiggly fingers. I love him so much.
I’ve noticed this with a few clones but they have these 3 lines of utterly adorable crows feet when they grimace or scrunch up their faces in certain ways and I just want to kiss them they’re so precious.
How is Rex keeping it all together? Poor man. I didn’t think it would be possible to want the walking disaster that is Anakin back but here we are. Do we ever find out why he was so suddenly and conveniently called back to Coruscant immediately? I’m assuming it’s Palps meddling.
Still loving Jesse and his little nose scrunch every time he turns up. There’s a heart and gentleness to him and that’s really evident in his little moment at the start about valuing the lives of the clones. I’m still not sure if I should be referring to them as clones or men so it’s just sort of bouncing between the two at the moment.
You can see why Jesse ends up becoming an ARC. I did have the heartbreaking thought the other day that seeing as Jesse becomes an ARC after Echo dies, does that mean Jesse replaces Echo as Fives’ ARC partner? *gross sobbing*
This is also the episode where that gif of Rex glaring over his shoulder comes from!
Tup gesturing with his space screwdriver thingy and waving it around. Bless.
The clones' voices are also starting to sound noticeably more distinct. Jesse’s is softer. Rex’s more gruff, no nonsense and laced with authority, which makes sense. Hardcase is utterly chaotic, rambling and slightly higher? You can hear the nervousness and worry in Tup’s voice. Dogma’s voice is also higher and much more tightly wound. I’m not sure how I’d describe Fives’ voice but it’s noticeably different to Rex’s and everyone else’s. I’m so glad they’re finally building out their characters and it’s not just generic clone voice for all of them.
Also, Rex running interference for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase and intercepting Dogma and Tup. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” UGH 
What’s Fives’ role in the 501st and Torrent? He seems like Rex’s second in command and right hand man but he doesn’t have a rank. Wookieepedia just lists him as an ARC Trooper. Are ARC Troopers just in their own special little box of bonkers BAMFness?
I keep adding to this reaction because I’m putting off watching the final episode of this arc. Ugh, MY EMOTIONS.
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transrevolutions · 5 months
While overall I felt like the tbosas movie was well done, there's one part that really bothered me. When Sejanus gets involved with the rebels in the book, he's fully on board, stealing them ammo and weapons from the base, and planning to hold guards at gunpoint to free the prisoners. In the movie, however, he just wants to run away and then is surprised and upset by the fact that the rebels were planning an act of violence.
This doesn't seem like a major change, but from a political standpoint (as tbosas is a very political book), it's a big one and one I very much do not like.
In the text, Sejanus plays the role of the moral compass. Whereas both Coriolanus and Lucy Gray having complex and subjective motivations, Sejanus is always driven by wanting to do the right thing, even if it costs him. He acts as a baseline, keeping the readers from getting lost in endless loops of justification for atrocities just because Coriolanus's internal narration is rhetorically persuasive.
So when Sejanus (who up until this point has been relatively pacifist) joins up with the rebels in the book and agrees to participate in an act of revolutionary violence, the text is pointing out that that act of rebellion is morally permissible. That even violence against the oppressor class can be an altruistic action. Sejanus planning to fight the guards with the rebels is not a sign of his corruption, it's a sign of the fact that his society has become so corrupt that not doing it would be morally worse than doing it. After all, someone's going to die either way, so why not have it be the oppressors?
If movie!Sejanus is still occupying the role of the moral compass (which he seems to be), then his dismay at the possibility of the rebels using violence acts as a narrative condemnation of the violence, when the opposite is true in the book. The movie tries to make a distinction between the "good" dissenters (pacifist, nonviolent, morally superior) and the "bad" dissenters (violent radicals/terrorists). In the current political climate, this idea and narrative is extremely unsettling. And I'm disappointed they did this, but not surprised. Like the other Hunger Games movies, it was produced by a large media company, and they can't follow the satire of the book too closely lest people realize the fundamental irony of it. People in positions of power do not want to tell a story where violent activism is portrayed as moral--at least when it's against a society that obviously mirrors our own. (The brutalist architecture style is another complaint that I have, but that can be discussed in another post.)
Changing that seemingly small detail about Sejanus's involvement with the rebels doesn't do much to change the continuity of the storyline, but it does a lot to change the underlying message of his character and the story. This was almost certainly intentional, because the same sort of thing was done in the original trilogy movies as well. Companies are scared of subversive media because it makes them look like the 'bad guys' too, so they wrap rebellion in a lens of fantasy and moderatism.
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queerbaitesque · 2 months
in less than a year and a half the italian government has: worsened the living conditions for immigrants (which were dire already) with new "reception centers" that is really just a fancy word for a place that is worse than a jail; continued to let hundreds of people die at sea or deport them back to libya; cut the funds for public healthcare and education; favored the gentrification of historical city centers; suppressed and silenced protests for palestine all around the country; called for the arrest of peace activists; turned a blind eye on the inhumane conditions of an italian antifascist activist detained in hungary; called for a daspo to all singers (lmao???) who express their dissent (or literally anything even vaguely political that doesnt align with their ideology) on live, PUBLIC state tv; put forward their plan to leave the south in utter subservience to the north and made the police beat up the southern mayors and governors who protested against it; made the police beat up the students and activists who protested outside RAI (state tv) buildings in several cities against its shameless censorship of those that speak up about palestine, as well as its continued support of the zionist narrative through which the news are filtered; done absolutely nothing to mitigate the embarrassingly high percentage of deaths in the workplace or the even more absurdly high percentage of femicide.
and now they're trying to pass a law that criminalizes any critique of israel by lumping up antisemitism and antizionism in the same category so that if you even dare say hey maybe we should stop killing palestinians you could be legally prosecuted.
but they opened a few parks so i guess they also did good things
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That the Editorial Board of the premier U.S. newspaper of record is finally warning about Donald Trump is significant. As such, this is a gift 🎁 link so that those who want to read the entire editorial can do so, even if they don't subscribe to The New York Times. Below are some excerpts:
As president, [Trump] wielded power carelessly and often cruelly and put his ego and his personal needs above the interests of his country. Now, as he campaigns again, his worst impulses remain as strong as ever — encouraging violence and lawlessness, exploiting fear and hate for political gain, undermining the rule of law and the Constitution, applauding dictators — and are escalating as he tries to regain power. He plots retribution, intent on eluding the institutional, legal and bureaucratic restraints that put limits on him in his first term. Our purpose at the start of the new year, therefore, is to sound a warning. Mr. Trump does not offer voters anything resembling a normal option of Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, big government or small. He confronts America with a far more fateful choice: between the continuance of the United States as a nation dedicated to “the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” and a man who has proudly shown open disdain for the law and the protections and ideals of the Constitution. [...] It is instructive in the aftermath of that administration to listen to the judgments of some of these officials on the president they served. John Kelly, a chief of staff to Mr. Trump, called him the “most flawed person I’ve ever met,” someone who could not understand why Americans admired those who sacrificed their lives in combat. Bill Barr, who served as attorney general, and Mark Esper, a former defense secretary, both said Mr. Trump repeatedly put his own interests over those of the country. Even the most loyal and conservative of them all, Vice President Mike Pence, who made the stand that helped provoke Mr. Trump and his followers to insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, saw through the man: “On that day, President Trump also demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution,” he said.
[See more under the cut.]
There will not be people like these in the White House should Mr. Trump be re-elected. The former president has no interest in being restrained, and he has surrounded himself with people who want to institutionalize the MAGA doctrine. According to reporting by the Times reporters Maggie Haberman, Charlie Savage and Jonathan Swan, Mr. Trump and his ideological allies have been planning for a second Trump term for many months already. Under the name Project 2025, one coalition of right-wing organizations has produced a thick handbook and recruited thousands of potential appointees in preparation for an all-out assault on the structures of American government and the democratic institutions that acted as checks on Mr. Trump’s power. [...] Mr. Trump has made clear his conviction that only “losers” accept legal, institutional or even constitutional constraints. He has promised vengeance against his political opponents, whom he has called “vermin” and threatened with execution. This is particularly disturbing at a time of heightened concern about political violence, with threats increasing against elected officials of both parties. He has repeatedly demonstrated a deep disdain for the First Amendment and the basic principles of democracy, chief among them the right to freely express peaceful dissent from those in power without fear of retaliation, and he has made no secret of his readiness to expand the powers of the presidency, including the deployment of the military and the Justice Department, to have his way. [...] Re-electing Mr. Trump would present serious dangers to our Republic and to the world. This is a time not to sit out but instead to re-engage. We appeal to Americans to set aside their political differences, grievances and party affiliations and to contemplate — as families, as parishes, as councils and clubs and as individuals — the real magnitude of the choice they will make in November.
I encourage people to use the above gift link and read the entire article.
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a-small-safe-place · 5 months
Platonic Yandere Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen w/ Adopted!Baby!Reader
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Rosalie had traveled to a hospital in a neighboring town to volunteer in the maternity ward. Her motivation wasn't solely selfless; she yearned to be in the presence of infants. Rosalie adored babies for their small size and pure innocence. Occasionally, she'd volunteer in the pediatrics ward, where the sick children often mistook her for a princess due to her beauty. However, on this day, her heart was set on spending time with the babies. It was her favorite pastime, second only to being with Emmett. She would occasionally downplay her attachment when her family questioned her about her frequent visits to the hospital.
As Rosalie left the hospital, an overwhelming urge to cry overcame her, though no tears escaped her eyes. Instead, her venom-filled eyes burned, but she didn't shed a tear. A pang of jealousy gripped her as she thought about how many parents took their children for granted, complaining about the demanding baby and toddler years. Her thoughts drifted to Renesmee, whom she had practically raised during her early, albeit brief, years. However, Rosalie could never be Renesmee's mother, as the girl knew Bella as her mother, despite their strained relationship. Rosalie had even harbored a shameful hope during Renesmee's birth that Bella wouldn't survive, leaving Renesmee to be solely Rosalie's and Emmett's daughter. Yet, fate had different plans, and Rosalie remained without a baby.
Suddenly, a loud cry from an infant in a nearby car disrupted her thoughts. Rosalie couldn't hear the sounds of parents or a running car engine, and the freezing weather made her worry. She exited her car and began searching for the source of the crying, only to discover an infant version of yourself inside a locked car. Your parents were absent, and you were clad only in a thin onesie. Through the window, Rosalie detected the odor of an unchanged diaper.
Rosalie knew she should call the hospital to report the situation, but she feared you would end up back with your neglectful parents. Thoughts of Emmett being a great father crossed her mind; he hadn't been overly involved with Renesmee, except for playtime, but you could be different as their own.
With a swift motion, Rosalie broke into the car, thankful that the alarm didn't sound, given the car's poor condition. She rented a hotel room with you tucked away in her jacket before calling Emmett and sharing her surprise. When he arrived, expecting something else entirely, Rosalie had you dressed in a fresh diaper and cozy footie pajamas. You were notably small and slender, even for a human infant.
Emmett asked, "Babe, what is this?" His tone was a mix of confusion and amusement.
"Our baby," Rosalie declared as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, her eyes fixed on you without interruption. "We don't have a baby," Emmett attempted to argue. He typically went along with what Rosalie said, as she was almost always right, but occasionally he voiced his dissent.
Rosalie's gaze shifted to Emmett. He didn't need to read her mind to grasp that she needed you to be theirs. Without further argument, he sat beside her to get a better look at you. "This is definitely one sweet baby," Emmett observed, running a cold finger down your cheek.
Emmett expressed his concern, "Carlisle will be furious. He might make you return the baby." Rosalie acknowledged this and understood she would face objections from Edward, Carlisle, and possibly even Alice and Jasper. However, she couldn't help but feel it was unfair that Edward could have his human and endanger the family, and then having his daughter, whom he barely appreciated, that also put the family at risk.
"We'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, I want us to be a family: a mommy, a daddy, and a sweet little baby," Rosalie's face lit up when she referred to you. Emmett loved to see his wife so joyful, so he indulged her, understanding why she was so enamored with you.
A few months passed, and you were introduced to the Cullen clan. After some persuasion, Carlisle allowed Rosalie to keep you. The presence of a human infant injected new life into the Cullen household. Rosalie and Emmett spent the most time with you and Rosalie became upset if anyone besides Esme tried to hold you. Edward and Jasper's unique abilities helped discern your needs quickly, even though you couldn't communicate them directly. Jasper secretly enjoyed caring for you without interference from your parents and loved the way Alice dressed you like a doll. Edward and Bella, engrossed in their own activities, didn't show much interest in you. Renesmee, on the other hand, enjoyed having you around, as you allowed her to partake in kid activities she had missed out on. Carlisle and Esme were the perfect grandparents, but nothing could compare to your parents. Emmett and Rosalie adored you. Rosalie was extremely protective and insisted on homeschooling, but she always wanted what was best for you in her mind. You were their angel, and they were determined to protect you from harm.
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anexperimentallife · 3 months
The US far right has been working on their plan since AT LEAST the 1960s, when I was a kid listening to evangelicals talking about their plan to take over the US, and eventually the world. It's called "Christian Dominionism," and it's a fascist ideology which goes hand in glove with the GOP's plans.
Although it was not expressed so much to the world at large, this plan was OPENLY and FREQUENTLY discussed in far right circles. We kids, if we asked about it, were told that it was "God's Will." Ask any exvangelical about it, and they'll confirm. (Part of why I know so much about these dangerous and deluded folks is I WAS ONE OF THEM in my youth.)
And where has that plan gotten them? Well, the GOP recently released a hundreds of pages long document filled with their intentions if they win--including a nationwide abortion ban and a repeal of anti-discrimination laws, among other things.
Trump has already signaled his intent to create a military dictatorship if elected, by repealing laws against using the military against US citizens on US soil sp he can deploy them against dissenters, etc., and if the GOP pick up a few more congressional seats, he can do it. The GOP has already pushed to repeal presidential term limits, and Trump has indicated he'd like to be president for life.
So I'm amazed at all the people who think withholding their vote and letting the GOP win is going to somehow fix things and "push the Dems left."
You wanna know how to push US politics leftward? You're not gonna like it, because it takes actual work beyond stomping your foot and pouting and performatively showing everyone how "pure" you are by refusing to vote.
You have to start the same way the far right did (and again, they've been OPENLY talking about and pursuing this plan since I was a kid in the 1960s, AT LEAST)--they started by getting the most extreme right wingers they possibly could into any position they could. Positions like school board member, police chief, sherrif, city prosecuter, city council member, municipal judge, mayor, governor, hell, fucking dog catcher.
They encouraged far right extremists to become police officers and military personnel and work their way up the ranks to the point at which even the famously-racist FBI reported that major city police departments across the nation were pretty much taken over by members of white supremacist organizations.
In formerly reasonable churches, right wingers pushed for the hiring and training of more and more right wing pastors and mire right-wing theology.
More affluent right-wingers bought local papers and broadcasters, and as their political power grew, they changed laws to make it easier for a single entity to control the news--until now a mere handful of entities own nearly every major media outlet in the US.
And then they used every victory as leverage for the next one, and worked their way up. I mean, there's more, like the capitalization on economic and social anxiety and their inentional exacerbation of same so they could take advantage of it, but that's intertwined with the rest.
Essentially, they got this far because they put the work in.
If the US left is going to turn things around (and if it's not already too late), we've got to do the same, but it takes RESEARCHING and PROMOTING your local and state candidates, attending city council and school board meetings, and shit like that. It's actual fucking work to fix a country.
And then, after you've done all that--and after you've shown up to primaries to try to get any non-authoritarian leftist candidate you can nominated--then you vote for the leftest folks you're able to in the general. If there are no remotely leftist candidates, you vote for the centrist or right winger who will do the least damage.
Again, that's what the US far right has been doing for decades. Taking action. Wherever possible, taking new ground, but when they couldn't do that, ceding as little ground as possible. If they couldn't win, they made damn sure to do everything in their power to try to keep actual decent human beings from winning.
Actually doing the work doesn't have the emotional satisfaction of a grand gesture, but it definitely shows who is serious about making a difference and who would rather let everything burn than sully their imagined purity by voting for anything less than perfection.
Listen, Trump is not going to end the genocide in Gaza--in fact he increased tensions between the Israeli occupation and Palestine. And the GOP will never be persuaded. Hell, they want to let Russia take Ukraine and declare open season on asylum seekers.
The Dems suck. But the GOP is far, far worse, and will do MORE damage, and kill FAR MORE innocents. And if allowed to do so, will make it even harder to change the system than it is now. They've already PUBLICLY ADMITTED that their only chance of victory is keeping people from voting. Don't play into their hands.
Under current circumstances, you know what the Dems are going to do if Biden and a bunch of other Dems lose for not being pure enough? You think they'll be all like, "Oh, no! The left sure taught us a lesson by handing the country to the GOP! We'd better shift to the left!"
No. They're going to sip champagne in their multi-million dollar mansions and have meetings about how they need to move FURTHER RIGHT to win elections, because the left doesn't vote.
And if the US becomes a military dictatorship, most of the high ranking ones will simply take their fortunes and leave.
Yup, it'd sure teach ol' Joe a lesson to force him to spend the rest of his days sipping cocktails on the Riviera.
Look beyond the single battle and think strategically. That's how the GOP keeps gaining power. And refusing to act strategically is why the left is losing. We cannot take the hill we want right now. But if we lose the hills we've already taken, we risk losing the entire goddamn war.
So fucking vote. Work to get every leftist you can in any office you can. And if you can't do that, support the one who will do the least harm.
And if it takes voting for that shitbag Biden to keep Trump and the GOP out, hold your fucking nose and pull the goddamn lever.
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