#Plot Drop
wmu-cedes · 2 months
closed starter for @wmucody
Mercedes wrapped her arms around herself. There were too many people, all of whom seemed to be just as anxious as she was, and despite the fact that Brit had given her a 'survival' bag, there was only one person that she was yearning to see.
Her height put her at a disadvantage, but Mercedes had attempted to scan the crowd to the best of her abilities when she turned and spotted him. Ignoring the wave of relief that settled upon her, and instead thanking the Lord almighty that he was tall.
She made her way over to him as quickly as the crowd would allow and took a deep breath. "Cody!"
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stardomiscalling · 2 months
Open starter
Plot Drop Event
By he time Rachel reached the gymnasium, she was both annoyed and inebriated. Not a winning combination for her. She and Cody were having a fantastic time when the lights went out and chaos ensued. If she’d been home she would have had her candles, flashlights and color coded evacuation plan. Unfortunately for her, she’d chosen tonight to drink her troubles away. Once inside, she looked around the thankfully lit room in hopes of finding someone she recognized. Instead, she just saw a sea of strangers. Fabulous.
Feeling her head start to spin and stomach lurch, she found the nearest wall and slowly sat down. After a few deep cleansing and calming breaths, Rachel realized she was no longer alone. Slowly she lifted her head which now felt like a million pounds and groaned softly, “Oh how I wish we were all still in the pitch darkness. My head is killing me. You wouldn’t happen to have Advil, Tylenol or a sledge hammer to put me out of my misery?”
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svetavorshevsky · 23 days
FOR: @lismarstclair WHEN: 22nd of March, 2024. WHERE: Berekeley Estate. Following from SELF PARA
Those who'd told her to leave tonight had no idea that games had been underfoot all night. Waiting, watching, pretending that art was the most fascinating thing she could be interested in. No, she'd been watching, biding her time until something gave her a good enough time frame; and while they'd delivered the distraction, it hadn't come without loss. The video had simply been enough for her to accelerate her plans.
Sveta slowed like a cat stalking its prey while hatred leaked into something akin to a grimace that touched her lips, curling cruelly. Fingers clawed at the false bottom of her purse until fingers connected with that singular needle. Undetected, she'd held her breath, shoulders back when they'd searched them. Their misfortune of missing it in their 'thorough' search, brought a smirk to her lips.
One step closer, chaos erupted.
Two steps closer, people were erupting.
She checked, Vitaly eyeing her as he made his way over, and grinned something close to devilish as he nodded. The car was ready, and Pavel was in place. The time was now, and they had to act fast. Disregarding the handbag, which had been empty save for idle perfume she could replace, grasping the needle close to her person, until she was directly behind her target.
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"Say cheese, we've missed your smile."
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younggodshq · 8 months
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PLOT DROP I: A Grande Reunião.
O número de semideuses de volta ao Acampamento Meio-Sangue seria impressionante se não fosse óbvio. Logo na chegada, os filhos de Hermes precisaram abrir a lojinha outra vez, pois tudo vendia como água: lençóis novos, camisetas, itens de higiene pessoal... As harpias, por sua vez, não estavam nada felizes em ter que limpar todos os chalés, um por um, de uma só vez, mordendo algumas canelas de vez em quando.
A ordem precisava ser restaurada e instalada, e Quíron, o novo diretor, propôs uma reunião no Anfiteatro. Todos se reuníram junto aos sátiros e ninfas, e inicialmente, tudo parecia bem. Amigos antigos foram se cumprimentar e comentar sobre como haviam crescido e mudado, além de falar de suas vidas mortais. Quando o grande centauro apareceu no meio do Anfiteatro, a reunião começou. A maioria parecia recém-chegada novamente, com os olhos brilhando, ansiosos pelo que viria a seguir. As palavras de Quíron foram claras: "Os deuses não respondem há semanas. É hora de voltarmos ao bom e velho método do Acampamento Meio-Sangue, treinando e voltando a agir como heróis. Não sabemos o que está por vir uma vez que nosso Oráculo se foi há muito tempo, e precisamos agir rápido. O Acampamento e todos os semideuses correm grande perigo." Um silêncio desconfortável se instaurou. Muitos ali tinham cicatrizes recentes, e a enfermaria estava de fato lotada com semideuses mais jovens ou mais acometidos. Todos sabiam que algo estava mais que errado: as tecnologias dos Programadores de Hefesto não podiam ser mais usadas, viver livremente era um perigo. Antes que Quíron pudesse instruir sobre a nova grade de treinamentos e escolher novos monitores, um filho de Ares começou a briga e apontou para os Programadores de colocá-los em risco. Em contrapartida, os Programadores se defenderam acusando os Piratas de não terem feito nada, que acusaram os Castigados e todos os filhos dos deuses escuros de não avisarem sobre os monstros que não morrem mais. Parecia a Grécia Antiga outra vez, pelo menos aos olhos de Quíron. Todos gritando como animais, se acusando e culpando, apontando dedos o tempo todo e até levantando espadas para o alto. Queriam achar um culpado, mas ninguém parecia ter mais culpa que outra pessoa. Os sátiros tentavam separar as brigas, mas recebiam outros empurrões e também foram dar coices para proteger os semideuses que cuidaram desde sempre. O centauro antigo teve um vislumbre de choque antes de gritar tão alto, tão alto, que as árvores dançaram junto. Os semideuses pararam no lugar, estáticos, como se tivessem recebido uma maldição, encarando Quíron que apenas disse: "Não é uma luta por culpados! É uma luta para sobrevivermos! É melhor limparem seus chalés, recolherem todas as armas que tiverem e criarem mapas de rastreio de outros perdidos, semideuses. Percy Jackson, que os deuses tenham meu pobre garoto, foi apenas um aviso." A dor no olhar era perceptível e todos sentiram o peso das palavras. Aquele era mesmo só um aviso.
FILHOS DE DEUSES ESCUROS (Hades, Fobos, Deimos, Hécate, Tânatos, Nix e Perséfone + Castigados de Caronte): foram constantemente reafirmados de acusações, de não terem dito nada sobre os monstros, quando eles mesmos estavam correndo contra o tempo para se salvar. A maioria foi vista como cúmplice dos monstros que não podem morrer, sendo questionados do porquê não conseguiram levá-los eternamente outra vez.
FILHOS DE DEUSES DA JUSTIÇA E CAMINHOS (Atena, Ariadne, Hermes, Nice e Hefesto + Programadores de Hefesto): acusados de falta de tato para melhorar as tecnologias, mas também de atrair monstros com as falhas das mesmas. Outros, acusados de não terem pensado em nada para melhorias da nova realidade que os semideuses estão vivendo, sem pensar no coletivo.
FILHOS DE DEUSES DA NATUREZA (Zeus, Ártemis, Apolo, Pã, Deméter, Circe, Poseidon + Caçadoras de Ártemis): acusados de não proverem um refúgio para os semideuses que eram acusados, até mesmo da falta de proteção de sátiros que sofreram com ataques e muitos foram perdidos. Foi questionado porque as florestas não eram seguras mais, mesmo com a morte de Pã, que deixou para trás seus guardiões.
FILHOS DE DEUSES DO CAOS E EMOÇÕES (Ares, Afrodite, Harmonia, Hipnos, Morfeu, Dionísio + Piratas Piso Solar): acusados de não terem guiado Percy Jackson, sentido seu pavor e não terem protegido Annabeth Chase. A maioria foi interrogada do porque não terem estado por perto nos mares, próximo onde Percy Jackson vivia, para manter a guarda, e acusados de se manterem instáveis, não ajudando o coletivo.
Pessoal, esse é o nosso plot drop de abertura e esperamos que tenha sido bom de esperar. Não quisemos começar com algo tranquilo rsrs então, trouxemos o oposto. Nesse drop, os hormônios estão à flor da pele, todos acusando todos e há muita discórdia. Cabe aos personagens decidirem se vão resolver entre si ou não. Além disso, existem muitas informações importantes, que foram perguntadas por vocês, escondidas no drop. Fiquem de olho porque em breve precisaremos de semideuses para algumas atividades, e tudo será bem organizado. Para interação, usem a tag #youngstarters e usem do blog de reblogs. É obrigatório responder outros antes de postar o seu, caos já tenha algum. O plot drop se encerra no dia 16/09.
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sedaliahq · 9 months
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PLOT DROP DE ABERTURA: dada a largada da feira de verão!
A FEIRA DE VERÃO. desde que a cidade se consolidou, feiras são mais que comuns para venda de produtos, mas nenhuma supera a feira de verão pela variedade de produtos, diferentes dos que costumamos encontrar nas outras estações. mais frutas, flores e roupas são vendidas em grande novidade, e todo ano há algo diferente. a feira vem como objetivo de conseguir salvar um bom dinheiro e fazer boas compras; é sabido que no fim da estação, a grande seca ataca o estado de wisconsin, trazendo mais queimadas, problemas e a péssima qualidade dos produtos, portanto, no meio da estação, há a oportunidade perfeita de fazer a feira. NESSE ANO. como tradição, o prefeito limpou as praças e alocou pequenos stands para que todos possam vender suas coisas, mas há um diferencial: nesse ano, as barraquinhas devem ser alugadas pelos vendedores, algo que nunca aconteceu antes. a desculpa é que os cofres da prefeitura estão apertados e essa é uma oportunidade de ouro para os cidadãos contribuírem para que a cidade melhore e tenha um caixa de segurança para quando o verão acabar e o outono decidir colaborar com a seca. um pouco audacioso? talvez. há quem concorde com pierre e há quem o ache um verdadeiro dinheirista. o resultado será visto no fim da estação, é claro. AS NOVIDADES. mesmo que os produtos sejam os favoritos de todos, sabemos que em uma cidade pequena, novidades sempre chamam atenção não apenas da clientela, mas dos jornalistas locais e até mesmo vereadores que se empenham em estimular a continuidade dessas produções no futuro. é uma pena que seja tão difícil, mas há quem tenha a criatividade de ouro de mesclar dois vegetais, trazer um novo short-saia ou até mesmo vender cadernos feitos à mão.
boas vindas à abertura! esperamos que o plot drop seja um sucesso entre vocês e que abra um leque de oportunidades para participarem e investirem os personagens de vocês. a ideia da feira de verão veio a calhar agora que as temperaturas norte-americanas estão altíssimas antes de tudo pegar fogo (não literalmente... talvez sim...). vocês podem decidir se os personagens de vocês farão parte da feira ou dos clientes, e quem for fazer parte da feira, fique à vontade para postar o que vocês vão produzir e vender. em ic, a feira durará de duas a três semanas. em ic, deixaremos tudo aberto para que possam jogar como preferirem e até intercalaremos eventos ou algo no meio, rs. podem usar a tag #sedaliafeira para divulgar o que quiserem, e qualquer ideia será bem vinda para complementar o drop.
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pumpkinlvrsblog · 2 years
— a plot i came up with because of a reel🫶🏻
muse a is a registered assassin and in one of the biggest gangs in daegu. she had to fight back and forth to even be accepted since she was a female and was finally looked at as one of the men. until muse b came alone. muse b is the sexy, arrogant, cocky leader from another gang, a smaller one. their gangs have always been rivals and when muse a goes to college, she stops in shock once she sees muse b in the same class as her, giving her a lopsided smirk while winking because he *knew* there was nothing she’d be able to do. muse a’s position was being threatened and all she could do was bicker hatefully to muse b who was just entertained by her growing irritation.
option: one rainy day when muse b is out back smoking a cigarette during his free period, muse a comes out and presses a knife to his throat. but it seems that instead of killing him, all she wanted to do was kiss him with the passion of growing anger she had for him.
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the-institute-rpg · 5 months
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PLOT DROP : winter wonderland
On the morning of Sunday, November 26, residents of Malvolio Island wake to a sight rarely seen on their tropical island paradise--over night, the entire island has been covered in several inches of snow. More than that, every inch of non-residential space has been decorated for the holidays--garlands stretch across streets, wrapped in warmly glowing lights, and elaborate wreaths decorate buildings on campus and classroom doors. Trees in each neighborhood have been decorated with ornaments in different color-schemes--campus in the school colors of midnight indigo and raspberry; North Shore in simple green and white; downtown in silver and gold; Icaco District in classic red, gold, and green; South Malvolio in copper, brown, and red; and finally red, white, and silver in St. Andrew's Port. A letter from Headmistress Delecaille explains the abnormal weather and new decorations.
MY DEAR ISLAND RESIDENTS, No, your eyes don't deceive you--it really is snowing on Malvolio Island! I hope you've all kept your space heaters in working order, because it's only going to get colder; as my little gift to the island, we'll all be enjoying a white Christmas this year, and the snow will continue on through the new year. I'm inviting all of you to join me in decorating for the year! Trees have been placed on every floor of Delecaille House, including the basement, as well as in each department; students and faculty are encouraged to add ornaments to trees in the areas they live, work, and study in. In addition, I will be awarding 5 points to every business owner who decorates their storefront for the holiday season! If you're ill-equipped for this weather after so long here on Malvolio Island, don't fret. You'll find three stalls have been set up on campus, in the quad. The first will offer piping hot holiday beverages of from all over the world--from hot chocolate to coquito, Irish coffee to wassail. While you're warming your fingers on a hot cup, you can stop by the second stall, which will provide warm winter coats, free of charge! Once you're all bundled, you can visit the third stall, where you'll find an assortment of beautiful glass ornaments and other holiday decor. My thanks to everyone who helped to accomplish this little surprise, from the magic department to my maintenance crew and guards, who stepped in to provide manual labor where magic wouldn't do. Wishing you the happiest of holidays, Headmistress Delphine Delecaille
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deathlyrp · 1 year
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PLOT DROP: A Batalha do Ministério.
Se o intuito de Cornelius Fudge era ter todos os seus convidados falando sobre ele naquela noite, certamente poderia considerar o evento um sucesso. Entre dividir opiniões sobre seus acertos e infortúnios como ministro, especulações intrigadas quanto às razões para compor uma reunião tão pomposa e vasta, teorias e mais conjunturas sobre o possível lançamento de uma nova campanha eleitoral, os convidados tinham muito o que dizer. A variedade de tópicos disponíveis e os segredos do local abrem portas para infinitas possibilidades. 
Essa abundância do que entreter, no entanto, é o que contribui para cimentar o declínio repentino da noite, que de uma hora para outra tem seu foco alterado de maneira que nem mesmo o mais experiente especialista do gabinete do ministro poderia prever. Quando se procura abraçar o mundo com suas ambições, você convida para dentro também seus piores inimigos. O que deveria ser apenas uma réplica inofensiva de alguns setores pitorescos e lendários do Ministério da Magia, naquela noite enfeitiçada para espelhar um esboço da fascinante Sala das Profecias, acabou por ser clandestinamente enfeitiçada. O véu translúcido, que deveria apenas mostrar um espelho alegórico da hipnotizante sala, foi transformado sem autorização em uma chave de portal que transportava os sortudos que ousavam ali se aventurar para a versão real do local, demonstrando uma grave falha de segurança nos encantamentos até então considerados infalíveis do Ministério. Poderia parecer uma artimanha com baixa chance de sucesso, se não fosse pelo fato de alguns ilustres convidados parecerem ser atraídos misteriosamente para a sala, como se vozes pessoal e estrategicamente selecionadas os compelissem a cruzar a barreira mágica. 
Não sabia-se ao certo de que varinha aquele feitiço tinha vindo, mas a primeira pessoa atraída fora Harry Potter, seguida de várias outras que o viram suar frio enquanto rolava os olhos, garantindo que Sirius Black estava em perigo para os melhores amigos em uma visão manipulada pelo Lorde das Trevas. Em instantes, a luz de todo o salão de festas fora apagada e não conseguia ser reativada nem pelos melhores feitiços, causando um pânico e correria. Pouco tempo demorou para que sombras negras viessem pelos céus, algumas em formas perfeitas de Dementadores ou de Comensais que foram chamados pela Marca Negra... No lugar errado. A chave de portal causou um problema grande, levando o que era para ser feito no Ministério tão vazio e distante de atenção para o lugar que mais tinha atenção no mundo.
Fudge não estava ali para controle e a segurança era pouca para a festa inocente. Muitos aparataram para longe enquanto outros preferiram correr. A porta logo se fechou, e quem entrou na sala não sairia mais, sendo uma peça daquela primeira de muitas batalhas. Não demorou para que Comensais atacassem e a Ordem se unisse, revelando cada membro de uma vez por todas e seus aliados, assim como o outro lado. Bellatrix Lestrange em carne e osso, fugitiva de Azkaban, ordenava todo o grupo de maneira hostil e ninguém pensava duas vezes antes de atirar feitiços contra os rivais, derrubando as diversas profecias que se partiam e viraram pó sobre o vidro lascado. Perceberam, então, que era a profecia de Harry Potter que era procurava incansavelmente no meio daquelas milhares. A luta era para sobreviver e achar a profecia de Harry, para protegê-la ou entregá-la.
Com o redemoinho de novos e bombásticos eventos, ninguém mais sequer citava o nome de Cornelius Fudge. A notícia da noite era outra: o Lorde das Trevas havia retornado.
E viemos aqui com uma adaptação da famosa Batalha do Departamento de Mistérios que se passa nos livros e nos filmes ‘Ordem da Fênix’. Preparamos algo que possa abranger qualquer um que queira participar e se envolver, por isso, pedimos que façam suas escolhas.
As interações antigas não precisam parar se não quiserem, mas pedimos pelo menos um POV de reação para quem não quiser se envolver de maneira interativa com a reação. Todos que decidirem se envolver verão Voldemort e a escolha é livre para vocês desde que fiquem do lado de acordo com os personagens.
Se seu personagem não cabe de qualquer maneira nessa batalha e preferir sair de cena, não há problema. Deixamos aberto para que façam as adaptações que preferirem desde que haja uma explicação em POV pelo menos. Não precisa ser gigante! É só uma breve menção de como seu personagem saiu. Seria importante para definirmos melhor.
Esse é o verdadeiro estopim para a Segunda Guerra Bruxa, com mais acontecimentos catastróficos. Encerraremos o evento + drop com um outro post ao fim da data de encerramento.
Vamos deixar rolar até domingo (19/03) com a possibilidade de extensão caso haja necessidade ou vocês queiram.
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maytheoddshq · 11 days
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Evening on the third day comes with expectations for further chaos, as park security is once again expected to be deployed and rid the park of any trespassers. However, something altogether different happens. Just as the sun slips below the horizon, when the lights are expected to flick on, they fail to do so, and in fact, there is a momentary loud buzzing noise from the northwestern corner of the Arena. It is the sound of the power failing on the electric fence that closes the animals into the safari, and it is followed by a whooshing sound as all of the water is drained from the river that had separated the animals from the rest of the Arena.
Throughout the park, all of the power has failed, so rides are no longer operable and there is minimal light, only that from the full moon. The tributes have bigger concerns, however, as now that the animals are not confined to their area, they catch a whiff of tributes and fried food on the air and come running into the rest of the park.
The elephants, zebras, giraffes, wild dogs, lions, snakes, and yes, even the crocodiles now roam the rest of the Arena. Snakes slither beneath rides, ready to jump upon their prey; the elephants stampede across the open ground; the lions stalk their prey in silence. The security guards which might have actually been helpful are nowhere to be found; it's man versus wild in this manmade jungle of fun.
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hexmorehq · 2 months
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In the eerie shadows of the Hexmore court, an ominous hush blankets the air, thick with the unsettling whispers of clandestine rumours that slither through the marble corridors like serpents in the night. The very essence of mystery curls around the enigma that is the disappearance of Supreme witch Hazel Mora, a chilling riddle that has gripped the supernatural elite in the heart of Hexmore.
Amidst the Gothic grandeur of Hexmore Academy, a haunting piece of evidence has emerged – a cryptic ring discovered by a local vampire, bearing the indelible mark of the Mora family. This malevolent token, found within the hallowed grounds of the academy. Although the knowledge of the ring is spreading around the town like wildfire, the true story of what happened when they found lies with Tej Virani.
Questions claw at the minds of the gathered supernatural assembly: What dark purpose lured the Supreme witch to this unhallowed sanctuary? How did she vanish without a trace, leaving only the l echo of her presence lingering in the cold embrace of Hexmore's forsaken halls?
The Hexmore court has concluded its own investigation. Now they have reluctantly permitted the intrusion of mortal authorities onto e the site.
As the moon casts its silvery sheen upon the empty corridors of the once-bustling academy, the decision to send the academy's students and academics home for now has been made. The library and museums have been closed to the public until the investigation can be completed. However... with no bodies inside the academy, that doesn't mean sneaking in isn't an option.
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prythiansfm · 9 months
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The summit had begun, and the discussions were enlightening and understanding, furious and hurtful. Each court had its priorities and wishes, and the high king would be told them all, written down by the priestess under the mountain Talia Carys who seemed to pay attention more than some of the high rulers. For five days on no end, they met to discuss, and on the sixth, the princesses gave their father's demands and commands. However, their brother was nowhere to be seen. The day courts hospitality never ended with the offers of fae wine, sleeping quarters, and excellent dinners, and after the king had given his orders and the high ruler's wishes and discussions had ended, the high lord of the day court declared that the last day of the summit would be spent together, celebrating their union and the common ground they had reached. But while Keelan Vularis made his speech and welcomed everyone to the festivities - a certain runaway fae of Hybern stormed through the doors with bloody hands, eyes wild and pleading.
Safiya declared how she had found Tahir Ventura bleeding on the ground from a head injury and what seemed like bitemarks and cuts, and he was not responsive. Chaos was about to erupt, but the high lord of the day court had his legions storm out to find everyone's court members but the autumn fae safe and sound. Tahir was immediately given aid but has been lost in endless sleep since the attack. However, throughout the search for several wounded, each court had their chambers broken into, and the following items had gone missing:
The chains which had held Sibili Ventura powerless and captured for two-hundred years had gone missing from the Autumn court.
Aurora Rosethorne, who had kept a necklace from her deceased wife, had now been stolen.
Dawn Court had lost a heirloom, a pendant containing the power of Irin Vihaan.
The night court siblings had been given each a token that was split in half. One piece for the daughter, and one for the brother, given to them by their deceased mother, is also gone.
From the day court, Feodosia's wedding ring was now gone.
The summer court has lost a heirloom, a coral containing the power of the ocean, given to the high lord when he ascended his position.
The prince from the royal family has lost the legendary sword Ghost Reaver, given to him by his father after the war.
The journal of the high lord of winter has been stolen as well.
Every court has lost something valuable, and everyone is now more on edge than before. However, the day court has decided to proceed with the celebrations, and the guard has been fortified. The night is still young and the ball will be held. A celebration of dancing, singing, and drinking is at the front but how will each court proceed? And who is the culprit of these stolen treasures?
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Welcome to our first plot drop! We are so excited to get this kick-started with you all. We ask that current threads are either "completed" or interlaced into the plot drop for the plot event. This celebration is the standard ball; everyone will dress up and interact together as everyone will be gathered. Remember to tag all threads with: prythians.event02 when writing starters.
We also wish to add that everyone will be representing their court at the ball! So if you wish to make a graphic/template/self-para explaining what your character(s) are wearing, you are free to do so! This event will last from 20.07.23 until 27.07.23, the last week of our opening event. We will once more give more information about what will happen after the event ends. Happy writing, everyone!
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nocturnerpg · 7 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐄, 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒅.
trigger warnings: NPC death and mentions of dead bodies.
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As the evening comes to a close, the guests return from their interrogations. Most were still alive, several were withering, and many had perished. In the midst of uncertainty and fear, the Princess of Forever presents a still warm corpse to those in attendance.
"The Red Cloaks have infiltrated the castle." 
Bearing the insignia of the insurgent group tattooed over its unbeating heart, the evidence confirms what most of the vampires already fear. She presents emptied bottles with vestiges of silver nitrate, scattering them with a flick of her wrist. Its remaining droplets glitter as they splatter on the white marble flooring and the lycans amongst the crowd bare their teeth, sensitive snouts picking up the poison that's afflicted their bodies along with their oppressors. 
One council member is enough to present evidence. Another's required to confirm it, and the Beastmaster endorses the accusation. "The human confessed." 
His confirmation sends a ripple of unease across the ballroom, especially to those closely associated with the faction. The Undying King and the Blood Count move to stand with the rest of the Eternal Council as a unified front. 
"These rebels chose to spit their poisonous agenda on a celebration of peace." The King lowers his head before tipping his chin up. Lips twist into a smile that never reaches his eyes. "But what kind of ruler would I be if I were to not respond to this insidious threat? So here is my answer: let a bounty be placed on every Red Cloak's head. Anyone who catches these lawless brigands—dead or alive—will be rewarded handsomely for their loyalty and efforts. No longer will the Red Cloaks find mercy or pardon in any country of La Patrie." 
Whether such heinous act was truly the Red Cloaks’ doing, the crack in the peace of La Patrie widens even further. Seeds of discord were planted that night. Suspicions brew beneath the masks that filled the Undying Castle. Malevolence looms just under the surface. 
And the hunt begins.
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danceofdragonsrphq · 1 year
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following the private execution of the false queen of the reach, lady sienna merryweather, there came the great trial that the continent seemed to await. within one of the hallowed halls of highgarden's main castle, a shadowy figure was escorted upon the stand before the council of the kingdom of the reach. each played the role of judge, including lord gwayne hightower who was present to bless the proceedings and the trial. and the shadowy figure that stood before them was the eldest son of house tyrell, alaric - the man whose claim to the throne had ripped the realm apart.
weeks had passed since the civil war ended in the siege of longtable, and as the days passed, the false king stood for rounds and rounds of questioning. or was he the false king?
in a shocking twist, on the second day, alaric tyrell swears upon the seven that the lord of horn hill is not the rightful lord of horn hill at all - harlon tarly was never a legitimised tarly bastard, but a tyrell bastard brought up within the walls of horn hill. and thus, he cites that the rights of house tarly have been entirely usurped. 
ooc notes: alaric's trial spans over the course of three days - the atmosphere and tension during this time within highgarden is high. your characters are able to come and witness the trial, and so, feel free to have any interactions within this time. naturally, they cannot speak or ask questions themselves, but they can be there for the many testimonies & shock revelation regarding harlon. it is up to you to decide whether your character believes it or not. please feel free to have interactions on the dash based around the trial.
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svetavorshevsky · 23 days
Mentions: Konstantin, Misha, Ilya, Pavel, Vitaly, Yuli, and unknown. Part: 01/02 Where: Watched the video via her phone.
Sickness coiled in her gut, fear had now turned into undiluted rage.
"No." was all she managed.
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The phone dropped from her hand with a thud, nostrils flaring while painted lips drew back over her teeth. A wholly Un-Sveta-sounding pained snarl ripped from her throat. One of their own had been...She was already looking for them: Konstantin and Misha -- it was always them before everyone else. Amongst the sea of silence that washed over them as screens blinked to nothing, coldness seeped into her very being. It wouldn't be long before this place turned into a blood bath, but his face kept replaying in her mind.
Butchered like a pig in a slaughterhouse.
Miami, the sentiment had been no one fucked with the Vorshevskys. And they'd just fucking done it. Snapping her gaze to her husband, looking every bit ready to run in head first, she, for just a fraction of a second knew she'd never love a man more. For that rage was lit in both of their chests, burning and twisting.
If they could get to Kosta's second, they could get to him and that was enough to light fear inside of a woman who often felt little emotion. After what she'd heard about the previous year's awards after-party, she felt more and more like this was a setup. To get them all into the same room, head snapping left and right. Ilya was dead, it kept coming back like it was slamming into the forefront of her mind.
Those fuckers had killed his friend.
Sveta, leveling with herself, reminded herself that she was here for more reasons than she'd initially let on. After what felt like an eternity, her gaze found Konstantin's, using her head to gesture, with fire-blazing eyes, towards the woman who was thankfully standing apart from everyone else. Brows raising, saying what she needed too: we've got a perfect fucking opening.
An eye for an eye was what they wanted? She'd take another.
"Fuck. I want a part of this." Fingers curled into her palms until she left crescent moons in her skin. Getting the confirmation she needed from across the now maddening ground, was enough to have her draw a steady breath. "I hope they kill them all," Sveta growled, hand slipping into the crook of her husband's arm, voice dropping to nothing but a low whisper. "I got the confirmation. You know what to do -- get the car out the front," scanning the room for his brother. "Have Vitaly waiting to help me. He's waiting for the signal."
Slowly, even as chaos began to consume the place, Sveta kept her shoulders back as the two parted ways: allowing herself one second to look for Yuli, scanning once, then twice before she huffed out air between her lips with a grimance. She'd have to check later, time was ticking and if she was going to get this done -- she had to move fast.
Face devoid of emotion, without little care for what was going to happen next, she opened her bag and kept her head down, ripping quietly at the interior.
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caleb-lycaon · 7 months
TEAM: @caleb-lycaon (leader) @esmeraldabheriya @leon-blachedone @lucasxholt
The party stocks up with fire arms and kevlar courtesy of Luke. Caleb, Esme and Luke have kevlar and guns, while Leon only takes a gun and refuses kevlar.
They near the abandoned residential building together. Caleb is the leader, but he soon defers to Esme for reasons of his own. Esme takes charge and with the tactical help of Luke and Caleb, organises them to enter the building.
The team enters the building with specific orders to stay together.
They find no one on the first floor and proceed to the second.
As they reach the second floor, the 2 hunters patrolling notice them and alert the rest via walkie-talkie.
Given that all of them are still formidable enough despite the magic depowering barrier, they easily take out the first 2 hunters.
As they are regrouping, Leon decides to separate from the group because he prefers to take out hunters on his own rather than in a group.
There are 2 hunters patrolling this floor.
Leon manages to sneakily take down one of the hunters solo and steathily makes his way to the barricaded room
Esme, Caleb and Luke make it up to the 3rd floor and encounter the remaining hunter.
In the fight, Esme is physically depowered by a magic bomb trap that was meant for Caleb and injures the hunter in the process.
Luke takes down the hunter before he is physically depowered by another magic bomb.
Caleb assumes leadership as they move on.
Leon enters the barricaded room first and is magic bombed in the process and depowered. In the scuffle, he manages to kill one hunter before the other one incapacitates him and takes him hostage alongside Atlas.
Caleb enters the room after the fight outside to assess the situation. He is mindful enough of traps by now and does not step on any.
He tries talking the remaining hunter into letting Leon and Atlas go.
Esme and Luke enter the room behind him as back up.
Seeing that talking is not doing anything, Caleb uses his werewolf speed and strength to kill the final hunter.
The team is able to rescue Atlas way before the clock strikes midnight and they leave the premises.
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krovscastlerpg · 1 year
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Dear residents of Krovs,
It's likely not a secret that last week councilmen Eros Romanov and Stigr Anselm were attacked separately in Krovs Town and Krovs Castle. The council is doing everything they can in order to find leads into who may be behind these. Mr. Romanov has brought it to the council's attention in a delayed email that it is very likely these attacks inside Krovs are connected to the previous murders, if that hasn't already been stated.
Yesterday it was discovered that Italian councilman Raphael De Luca was attacked in Krovs Castle's gardens in a similar manner. He was uninjured due to swift reflexes and took the liberty of scheduling a trial against recently arrived slave Roman Thomson. The slave's name came up in Rhys Dasior's investigation of the Portuguese councilman's death and Mr. De Luca pursued the lead, which he claims is enough to suspect Roman being guilty of some level of involvement.
The trial against Roman Thomson will begin proceedings on Saturday, May 13th. Guard Hwan Seu has already collected the suspect and imprisoned him until then. Hwan, Rhys Dasior and slave Raven Astor are being called as witnesses on Mr. De Luca's behalf.
The council again urges anyone who might have any information into this matter to come forward as it will greatly help in establishing leads and putting an end to these assaults.
– The Vampire Council
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