sarcasmandsugar · 10 months
one thing about me is that i am meant for anxiously attached people. wdym you can drop people at the drop of a hat and not think about them. i still miss my childhood best friend from 8 years ago
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tinyroseperson · 2 years
i did not expect to have Big Feelings over a fucking owl tonight, and yet here we are
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sonnet77 · 3 years
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mike cutter • law & order → and that one piece of hair that’s cutely disheveled and you just want to slowly brush away from his face
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mothers-moonchild · 3 years
What questions may I ask during tarot readings?
A lot of people I've met and given free readings to, they often do not know how to ask a proper question to tarot or even state it! Don't worry, I'm here to help you 🕊. Here are some ideas, not limited to, you can ask these questions to gain more perspective and help during your readings that you request!
Twinflame readings:
-What energies are my twin and I mirroring?
-What is my twinflame trying to teach me?
-What is the purpose of this sacred connection?
-What shadow aspects do my twin and I share that must be healed?
-What do I need to change in my life to allow harmonious union with my twin?
-How do I handle this blockage I am in currently?
-Future for my twin and I
-What is my twins inner child trying to tell me?
-What is my twinflames intention/feelings towards me?
Soulmate readings:
-What does my soulmate look like? What's their personality like? How does our personality differ from one another?
-How do I call in my soulmate?
-What will I learn from my soulmate?
-How my soulmate heals me
-How can I grow with my soulmate?
-The purpose of meeting this soulmate
-Future reading for you and your soulmate
Love readings:
-How can I cultivate more compassion and kindness in this relationship? Why is it hard for me to do so in the first place?
-I'm having this conflict...how do I resolve it with my partner? What is my role in this conflict? What is my partner trying to convey to me that I am not seeing?
-What is my significant other trying to teach me here?
-What is holding me back from beginning this new relationship?
-Just met a new person...could they be the one?
-Intentions/feelings of a specific person towards you. What do they want with you? What do they see the both of you creating?
General Life Readings:
-Why are my routines not working?
-What do I need to change in my life?
-How do I overcome this challenge?
-How can I make more room for play and pleasure in my life?
-What do I need in order to move foward?
-I'm thinking about moving to a new home...how will it be?
-I'm thinking about switching jobs...how will it be?
-I'm thinking about starting a side job...how will it be?
Mental Clarity Readings:
-What emotion is blocking my ability to see beyond this conflict? What is the higher truth here?
-What is my mindset like currently?
-Why do I view this conflict this way?
-How do I support my mental health from now on?
-I'm feeling down...why is that? And how can I improve from here?
-Am I projecting anything onto this situation? If so, what is it?
Financial readings:
-I got this offer from another place...what will it bring into my life?
-Am I thinking from a place of creation and relation with others, or the ego? What has my ego been telling me that I have been believing?
-How do I help my financial struggles?
-What do I need to clear from my life in order to receive financial abundance?
-Why am I stuck financially? How do I help this?
-What's the best way I can make money based off of doing what I love?
Karmic Readings:
-What is this person teaching me? How do I learn from this pattern and resolve it so I can move forward?
-Im noticing a pattern but cannot identify it...what is it?
-How do I release karmic connections?
-What is the purpose of these karmic connections in my life?
-What is the root cause of this repeating pattern?
-What will happen if I ignore this problem?
-What is my inner light trying to tell me?
-How this karma is playing out right now
-Past life connection
-What you are bringing to the situation and why it's possibly not working. What the other person is bringing to the situation and why it's possibly not working as well.
Feel free to add on! I hope this helps <3
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intoclouds · 3 years
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🔸 Porto, Portugal
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faerie-harlequin · 4 years
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King and Oslow New Year’s 2018 postcard
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I hope y'all enjoy the Agent Carter Spam! I started rewatching the show for the first time since I watched it as season 2 was premiering, and I forgot how much I love that show. 😂
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I’ve reading the Gail Simone run on Birds of Prey from 2000 (iirc). And it´s real good! I love the dynamic between Oracle and Black Canary and I actually like a lot the villains that have appeared so far, Savant, Lady Shiva, Chesire...
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It does have a biiig case of early 2000s superheroine cheese. Lots of butt shots and those impractical swimsuits. I’m not here for it. It’s not a make it or break it thing for me personally, I’m on the opinion that for some characters the idea of showing some skin or be drawn more attractive than practical makes sense (Emma Frost is always the go-to example because, I mean, yeah, of course she is). But it’s annoying. Black Canary and Huntress are both actually really believable as badasses and even if they lampshade it (lmao at that famous line of Huntress saying her costume is to show off her abs) it does distract a bit too much for me and not in a way I would come to read the comic book for. I know that for some people this kind of thing was integral to comics books at the time but it’s just not my taste and not for these characters.
Also how the hell does that ab window even work.
And that’s a shame because I actually LOVE some designs for these characters. I will now gush about them because why not.
First there’s Black Canary.
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This the version of Black Canary from Brendan Fletcher’s run back in 2015. It´s part of the New 52 iirc so it´s an “alternate take” on the Canary. 
And I love it
So, she’s a superpowered martial-arts trained ex-soldier that ends up fronting up a punk rock band and goes all goth diva. And THEN proceeds to fight crime with her rockstar get-up.
I love this version so much and I love that it 100% justifies those “kevlar fishnets” (?). 
Of course we will never see punk rock diva Black Canary ever again. I don’t think that version of the character has appeared ever since and I don´t think this mini-series was that popular. Apparently folk didn´t like how it retconned her relationship with Green Arrow, which apparently is the main draw for the character for a lot of people. Oh, well. Also, is it me or doesn´t she look like Katie White from The Ting Tings? What a random inspiration, but, again, I’m game. I LOVE this series and I highly recommend to anyone that would say “fuck yes” at the idea of a punk rocker superheroine. The plot is a bit meh tbh so I can’t blame it’s lack of popularity on not admiring the greatness of the concept.
But good god, look at those drawings. 
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Annie Wu, the artist, is amazing on this. Definitive visual candy.
The OTHER other design I love is the one for Huntress in the Birds of Prey movie with the ridiculously long title:
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There was a lot of dumb hate on the costumbes for this film and I do think it has its issues but overall I liked it quite a bit and I actually loved most of the costumbe design. I love the super tacky clothes Harley uses and I LOVE this design for the Huntress. It’s functional but it keeps a very 90s anti-hero sensibility and I actually it has a lot of personality. I haven’t read the Huntress that much but so far what I’ve seen in the series tells me more of a very practical, no-nonsense character. I think it makes more sense to portray a character like that with baggy clothes and muted colors, rather than showing off the midriff in an impossible middriff window or using huge-ass headresses. Thing is, how do you include personality when you go practical? I think that’s a legitimate issue in a visual media, but I think this design does it for me. And it even shows her mid-riff in a way that is cool and not impossible by the standards of physics!
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Seriously, i don´t wanna go into discussions well past I have no idea why some people were angry in that the movie made the superheroines “ugly”. Wth.
My main issue with the Birds of Prey movie now that I’ve read the comic book is that Simone made this A+ dynamic with the characters and the movie just doesn’t do that as much. It has to juggle with like 3 other storylines so I´m surprised, just disappointed.
In my dreams, there’s an adaptation of Birds of Prey in some media with Oracle, Huntress and Black Canary. And Black Canary is a goth/punk/indie/whatever goddess and Huntress has that amazing vigilante design. I CAN DREAM.
(Also Oracle is my favorite version of Barbara but that’s another topic.)
Anyway these were just my personal opinions and takes because I think too much about this kind of dumb stuff and I can either explode here or attack my friends with specific canons on 20 year old comic books.
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nonsolomodanews · 3 years
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Posted @withregram • @francivox Fatti trasportare dal vento in un luogo dove non esistono rumori... Grazie a: @brunoangeloporcellana ☘️ #photonature #portraitfanpage #portraitmood #portrait_vision #portrait #portraitphotographer #naturstyle #love #lovemyjob #sassomarconifoto #postbyme #repost #picoftheday #fashion #brunoangeloporcellanaph #nonsolomodanews #igersitalia #igers #igersbologna #water #fashionstyle #flowers (presso Bologna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRUZh01Mbyj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I try make the worst seem bettrer , Lord, show me the way !
Lady GaGa
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comeandsee-me-blog · 7 years
life of a borderline girl
Olá, me chamo Lara, eu sou 8 ou 80, mudo como quem muda de roupa, instável como uma pólvora. “Brinca” que é bipolar (diagnóstico errado, ops), mas nem eu sei quem sou ou o que sou. Sinto um misto de raiva e vazio indescritível e por isso posso ser a pessoa mais legal num dia e insuportável no outro dia – ou em questão de minutos. Estou sempre reclamando de tudo e todos, parece que só eu tenho razão e acho tudo insuportável e tedioso, exatamente pela incapacidade de sentir prazer ou satisfação com qualquer coisa. Nos meus relacionamentos costumo ser um desastre. Me entrego enlouquecidamente como se aquela fosse a minha única chance no amor. Me dou como nunca. Me atiro de cabeça e sofro horrores por cada detalhe que saia do previsto ou das minhas expectativas. Meu desejo de que cada vírgula seja correspondida na mesma medida que eu sinto me faz calcular quantas vezes a pessoa retorna suas ligações ou mensagens no celular. Existe uma necessidade em mim de certificar o amor da outra pessoa, perguntando e checando várias vezes os seus sentimentos em relação à mim, os meus valores e demajs coisas não importa a ocasião. Minha intolerância à solidão é muito evidente e eu faço qualquer coisa, literalmente, para nunca ficar só. Costumo me envolver com pessoas passivas ou dominadoras demais e não é raro me envolver com pessoas problemáticas como eu. No meu campo sexual me esforço para ser muito intensa, afinal esse é um dos principais mecanismos para “prender” alguém, segundo o que eu creio. Em alguns casos faço práticas sexuais não convencionais (sado-masoquistas) para evitar o abandono ou para sentir meu corpo ser levado às últimas consequências. Melodrama é comigo mesma e pode chegar num ponto em que esta tensão emocional vira machucado de verdade. Levando-me à automutilação e a ter comportamentos autodestrutivos (beber além da conta, me drogar, compras compulsivas e distúrbios alimentares). Minhas tentativas de suicídio também são frequentes, e eu torço para que um dia dê certo. Será difícil a tentativa de me descrever, afinal tudo depende de com quem eu estou convivendo no momento. Minha habilidade em mergulhar na vida de outra pessoa e me transformar numa cópia é muito grande. Quando eu amo é exagerado e quando odeio é insuportável. Aliás, consigo amar e desprezar a mesma pessoa em menos de vinte e quatro horas muitas vezes. A minha maneira de amar é dependente, grudenta, submissa e viscosa, pois costuma agir de forma controladora e chantagista, o que acaba sendo ruim para a pessoa que está comigo. Nas minhas amizades tenho uma tendência a ter ídolos nos quais me apego como um braço-direito e sinto um misto de admiração e inveja. Essa inveja é corrosiva em muitos momentos e acaba por prejudicar as minhas amizades, porque chega uma hora em que fica um pouco desagradável notar como consegue ser competitiva até com aqueles que ama. O meu ciúme descontrolado e o sentimento de posse levam já me levaram a ter brigas terríveis com pessoas amadas por pura paranóia, impulsividade e irracionalidade. Mas insisto em alegar que é o meu descontrole que faz com que eu estrague tudo em minha vida, aliás sempre me lamento que a minha família, vida estudantil e vida amorosa estão sempre uma bagunça. E muitas vezes me dou conta que os outros me olham com um misto de medo e dó, já que eu sou um turbilhão de emoções que ninguém quer mergulhar. Minha vida é um mar de justificativas exatamente porque eu não consigo explicar quantas oportunidades perdi por falta de controle, por não saber me controlar e controlar o que eu sinto. Do mesmo jeito que posso ser incrível e intensa, posso me afogar num mar de autopiedade e destrutividade em questão de segundos. Sou afetada por sentimentos de não saber quem eu sou ou de não estar encaixada no mundo, que muitas vezes são confundidos com quadros de pânico. Com frequência recorro a formas de idolatria fervorosa (ídolos musicais, religiosos ou de partido político) como maneira de me enquadrar num mundo que eu consider o caótico e confuso. Nessas horas sigo as diretrizes que vêm dos superiores até que eu me sinta contrariada e abandone tudo até encontrar o próximo local para reiniciar um novo ciclo de fanatismo. Na minha vida profissional posso ter dificuldade com as figuras de autoridade, pois do mesmo jeito que as admiro, tenho profundos ressentimentos e dificuldades em me filiar às ideias vigentes. Minha instabilidade emocional acaba afetando meu julgamento sobre as pessoas já que tem sempre uma desconfiança em minhas relaç��es. Eu sou a definição certa de bagunça. Uma definição em pessoa e essa é uma breve descrição sobre mim e sobre o meu Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline, e também sobre o que ele me causa. With love, Lara.
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frenchieherceg · 7 years
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Insta- looseunicorns 💚💚
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tinyroseperson · 2 years
broke: no curses AUs where Sukuna still has all his tattoos, including his facial tattoos cuz he’s Cool and Bad and Misunderstood like that
woke: no curses AUs where Sukuna still has his tattoos, but he draws the facial ones on every morning with eyeliner
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sonnet77 · 2 years
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law & order • michael cutter • best looks  [5/?]
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binbons · 7 years
I normally don’t participate in these tumblr ask things, but I love sense8 so much <3 I asked the dumbest question ever because it’s easily answered by looking up interviews tbh BUT NOTICE ME SENSATES I LOVE YOU
lol anyway, back to my regularly scheduled reblogging.
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intoclouds · 3 years
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Atei Mondim de Basto, Vila Real.
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