#Princess Fala
bleh1bleh2 · 9 months
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I care about her so much <3
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noattentionsstuff · 15 days
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rubymoon-snape · 1 year
Disclaimer: I don't own Beast King GoLion.
Author Note: This is another scene of Fem Akira.
"Enter The Prince"
Sincline's ship circled the castle and ended up hovering in front of a large floor to ceiling window. "Inhabitants of Castle Gradam, listen carefully! I am Prince Imperial Sincline of the Galra Empire...heir of Emperor Daibazaal!"
During the last part of his speech, the pilots rushed to the window. Tsuyoshi was first, followed by Isamu, then Akira with Hiroshi right behind her, and Fala bringing up the rear. The princess stepped up beside Akira.
Sincline gasped at the princess. "Who's that pretty woman?"
Fala and Akira looked at each other, wordlessly asking who the prince was asking about. Akira cocked her head in Sincline's direction before minutely nodding in Fala's direction. Fala mouthed "me?" before shaking her head. "You."
Akira shook her head. "He's not asking about me, hime."
"But you /are/ beautiful," Fala replied with a blush.
Isamu was enjoying the back and forth between Akira and Fala, but he kept an eye on this Sincline character. Being a prince meant that he probably wouldn't take kindly to being ignored much longer.
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staralex20 · 2 years
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 3 months
Just imagine the in-universe forums for who the winner of the "Nagitobowl" will be.
"It's SO obviously Komamiki. The two just have so much in common."
"Nagito's not into girls, lol."
"He has gone on the record in interviews as being pan!"
"Oh please. They put him in an awkward on-the-spot situation. All he said was he admires the hope in people, regardless of gender."
"Sounded pretty fucking pan to me, dude. And we all saw the look on his face when she fell over in that position..."
"Nah. Soumaeda all the way! Our boy REALLY likes to hang around him a lot."
"He's just excited to have guy pals for once. Anyway, Kazuichi isn't into dudes."
"Shark boy is in denial!"
"Seriously guys? This matter was settled ages ago. We all heard that cry he let out* when Chiaki died."
"Our boy can't stay stuck in the past."
"Fuck off. They'll be reunited one day. Komanami 4ever!"
"If there was any of the deceased classmates he had something going on with, it would have been Fuyuhiko. RIP Short King."
"I dunno. That day when Nekomaru cheered Nagito up by helping build up his strength in the gym was pretty wholesome."
"If you ask me, I think there was potential for something with Imposter. When the two opened up about their pasts to each other they really seemed to relate to each other."
"Come on! Sonagito all the way. Nagito still likes to confide with her an awful lot."
"They're just good friends, and it's pretty obvious she already has something going on with Gundham. Besides, rumors are going around that Nagito might be a long lost second-cousin."
"Pfft! That's tame by royal standards. And no reason they couldn't have some poly love going on."
"You're all wrong. Komazumi is endgame all the fucking way. There was clearly SOMETHING going on there in the last two trials. And she's the one beside him the most in post-game Nagito sightings."
"I still think that pining for the Reserve Course boy from before the game was cute."
"What, Hajime Hinata? There's not much to go off of from what little information survived the Tragedy. And if he survived, wouldn't he have come forward by now?"
"Hold the fucking phone, guys. A video just got uploaded showing Nagito confronting that one short Despair. The other Ultimate Lucky Student. There's some serious Foe Yay shit going on."
"Oh great, the Junkomaeda stan's found a new ship."
"No seriously. They're doing a literal fucking tango."
"The Despair planted bombs or some shit and threatened to detonate them if Nagito didn't dance with him."
"Link. Now."
*= See "Spider-Man's Blood-curdling Scream" on YouTube.
absolutely losing my shit just picturing makoto forcing asking nagito to dance like:
Makoto: "Dance with me Nagito or I'll seriously cry! Fr fr! Also I'll blow up this entire building full of people. But mostly I'll cry!!!"
Nagito reluctantly dipping Makoto: *for the sake of hope ಠ╭╮ಠ*
Makoto: *wow I didn't think he'd actually do it lmao*
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bibiana112 · 2 years
Hehehe I got a date tomorrow :3
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capmangacap · 1 year
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amethvysts · 25 days
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𖥻 sumário: você apresenta um pouco do seu país pro seu namorado argentino. 𖥻 par: pipe x leitora!br 𖥻 avisos: homem argentino ⚠️ meio sugestivo. acho que só, qualquer coisa pode me avisar!
💭 nota da autora: não me aguentei. eu tô pensando nesse pedido desde que a anon me mandou, e acabou que meus dedos acabaram digitando isso aqui mais rápido do que meu cérebro pôde pensar. queria ter lançado este durante a semana, mas não guenteiii *emoji sofrendo*. espero que gostem!
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✮ㆍEle é o mais emocionado de todos, sem exagero nenhum. Mesmo que ele goste de se fazer de marrento, isso raramente vai pra frente. Quando ele tá apaixonado, vira um grande urso de pelúcia.
✮ㆍPor isso que eu acho que, assim que vocês têm que se separar, ele fica com graves sintomas de saudade. Te manda mensagem todo dia e te liga a qualquer hora, principalmente se ele estiver desocupado. Se você ainda não tinha seu celular no modo silencioso, vai ter que colocar – não por maldade, mas porque às vezes você tá no meio da aula e o nome dele aparece na tela.
✮ㆍNa real, vocês nem conseguem testar um namoro a distância porque em menos de duas semanas, ele compra uma passagem e só te manda uma mensagem falando que vai passar uns dias com você, sem especificar quantos.
✮ㆍNa minha cabeça de pipelover, acho que não demora quase nada pra ele gostar do Brasil. Mesmo que tenha aquela implicância inicial por conta de futebol e tudo mais, só pelo fato de você existir e ter nascido aqui já é motivo suficiente pra ele ter um carinho pelo país (que com certeza desaparece sempre que tem amistoso ou jogo entre os times de vocês). 
✮ㆍSe você morar em cidade litorânea, ele tá feito. E todo dia é a mesma coisa: você tá dormindo quando sente ele te cutucando, insistente. Assim que você abre os olhos, se depara com o Pipe todo arrumadinho, de bermuda, chinelo e o boné virado pra trás, te olhando com a maior cara de pidão, "'Cê não vai levantar pra gente ir pra praia, não, nena?"
✮ㆍSe você não morar perto de praia, eu tenho a maior certeza do mundo que ele vai te implorar pra vocês pegarem o carro e viajarem até uma. Óbvio que ele vai dirigindo e você vai só dando as direções, passenger princess total. 
✮ㆍAí que você desbloqueia a skin Pipe surfista, que é um escândalo. E do jeito que ele ama se exibir pra você, vai sugerir que ele te dê umas aulas. 
✮ㆍTem a maior paciência do mundo pra te ensinar a fazer o básico do básico na prancha, na areia mesmo. É todo carinhoso enquanto te dá as instruções, mesmo que os olhos sempre passeiem pelo teu corpo, fissurados nas suas pernas e bunda quando você se debruça pra praticar a remada. 
✮ㆍSinto que ele também é outro que vai amar rolês culturais, principalmente se tiver a ver com cinema. Se tiver alguma mostra de filme brasileiro, Pipe vai adorar assistir. E tenho pra mim que mesmo que seja o filme mais traumatizante da vida de vocês, ele vai, sim, querer passar o tempo inteirinho agarrado com você. Nem que seja só o braço descansando sob seus ombros, te puxando pra perto. 
✮ㆍVai amar os museus, e se for de futebol, melhor ainda. Mas não confia muito nele porque tem alto risco dele soltar um "mas o Maradona fazia melhor" perto de uma foto do Pelé, por exemplo. E ele fala em alto e bom-tom para que, mesmo em espanhol, todo mundo consiga entender.
✮ㆍQuer porque quer fazer tour pelos estádios, e vai tirar foto turistando em todos. Só se recusa a tirar foto perto do escudo dos times, principalmente se algum deles já tiver ganhado do River Plate em qualquer momento da história do clube – ele é uma enciclopédia de tudo que tem a ver com o River, então nem é de se espantar. 
✮ㆍMas vai comprar a camisa de um time totalmente nada a ver, tipo do Sousa só porque achou o escudo engraçadinho, ou a camisa nova do Bangu por causa do castorzinho – mesmo que você queira muito avisar o motivo do castor, não tem coragem quando você vê o Pipe todo alegre com a camisa nova, "nas cores do River!", ainda por cima.
✮ㆍAcho que a segunda coisa favorita dele (a primeira já estabelecemos que é você) é o churrasco. Nossa, se sua família ou seus amigos convidarem ele pra uma tarde de churras, acho que ele até chora de felicidade. O Felipe acha super legal da parte do grupo convidá-lo pra uma reunião mais íntima dessas. Pra ele, todo mundo que você gosta e que gosta de você já é parceiro, então ele vai com muita boa vontade. 
✮ㆍAliás, abrindo parênteses aqui: o Pipe compra teu lado pra tudo. Até quando ele diz que discorda de alguma atitude ou fala sua, ele vai estar nas trincheiras por você. Se você tiver uma briga, desentendimento ou não se sentir confortável perto de alguém e falar isso pra ele, acabou na hora.  "Ay, não vamo' ficar aqui não," ele insiste, fazendo até biquinho enquanto sussurra pra você. Os olhos azuis parando justamente na pessoa que você contou pra ele sobre. Fechando parênteses…
✮ㆍO Pipe fica tão contente que coloca até as Havaianas novas que comprou mais cedo. Vai com o melhor look genrinho-preferido-da-sua-mãe. Chinelinho de dedo, bermuda, camisa de time e a correntinha de ouro que ele não tira por nada. 
✮ㆍE acho que essa seria a primeira vez que ele ficaria longe de você porque ele vai ficar plantado do lado do churrasqueiro querendo saber todos os segredos pra fazer uma picanha tão gostosa. Não tem jeito, ele é a Ana Maria Braga do rolê.
✮ㆍVai se amarrar em muitos pratos típicos, dependendo da sua região. Pra mim ele tem muita cara de quem bate um prato de arroz e feijão com gosto, ama uma pamonha, queijinho coalho, galinhada, cocada… fica doido com tanta opção. 
✮ㆍMas também fica aterrorizado e encantado com as nossas barbaridades culinárias, tipo quando ele vai num rodízio com você e o garçom passa oferecendo pizza de estrogonofe. Ele experimenta mesmo assim. 
✮ㆍMesmo tendo tantas opções de bebidas refrescantes e tipicamente brasileiras, esse garoto vai arranjar de fazer mate debaixo de um sol de 40º. E ele leva a cuia e a garrafa térmica pra tudo quanto é lugar, também. É de entristecer qualquer um.
✮ㆍDo fundo do meu coração, eu acho que sempre quando ele estiver perto de ir embora, ele vai inventar algum motivo pra ficar mais. "Ah, mas tem aquele parque que a gente não visitou ainda", "E aquela biblioteca, hein?", "Não acredito que eu pensei em ir embora sem visitar a barraquinha de pastel do Seu Zé".
✮ㆍEle realmente só vai embora quando for de extrema necessidade. E quando ele volta pra Buenos Aires, todo dia te manda uma foto diferente de vocês juntos, dizendo que tá com saudade e não vê a hora de voltar pra você de novo. 
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masterlist | navigation ── oi! tô com os pedidos abertos pra headcanons, cenários e blurbs sobre os meninos de lsdln. me manda um alô, se quiser conversar!
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k9iriz · 1 year
𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭 / • 𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐣𝐫
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; 𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘮𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦…𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨…
𝗻𝗮𝘀𝘁𝘆, 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 (𝗰𝗮𝗻’𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁, 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴) 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘴, 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 + 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴.
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𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠/𝙛𝙚𝙢! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧.
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“𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦…𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦…”
smiling in the mirror as i applied the rest of my lip gloss, before backing up, looking at my dress, just taking in how fine i looked.
i looked so good.
as i fixed my dress, i walked out of the bathroom, until i was met downstairs by someone helping neymar with his suit tie, as i examined his whole outfit…
wet as hell you should say.
“excuse us.” Neymar dismissed his stylist as i stood at the end of the stairs, snatching my eyes off of him, to make it look like i wasn’t staring…
i can’t help but to stare, he’s so fine.
but that’s my best-friend, well. that title flew out the window when we did one night…have drunk sex, and it was intentional…but it was the best night of my life.
the way his ass made me scream, moan and beg, i was surprised nobody filed a noise complaint…and I still think about that day.
us just sneaking around with no strings attached, due to the media, but i could care less.
but i actually did care.
i always caught feelings and it was a burden wearing on me, like how could i tell him…i really love him? after all these years.
“não aja como se eu não tivesse pego você olhando para mim me vestindo, amor.” neymar smirked, before lifting my head up with his finger. [don't act like i didn't catch you looking at me getting dressed, love.]
it’s so sexy when he speaks his own language…let alone english..
“você não viu nada.” i smirked, as i leaned in, before i kissed his lips, but only neymar deepening it… [you didn’t see nothing]
tongue and all.
i could swallow his face in one…because, it’s something about him.
we both been so busy with shit, we barely got to “sneak” with each other…im just missing his touch…his hands all over my body.
“okay! okay! stop it before we get caught…” i smiled, as my face was just lit up with him caressing me and kissing me everywhere, even on my neck…
“mnm...este vestido está me deixando louca...deixe-me tirá-lo de você. um tempo...” neymar whispered, begged in my ear, before kissing amongst it, causing me to get lost in the pleasure. [mnm...this dress is driving me crazy...just let me take it off of you. one time...]
this shit felt so damn good…
“p-papi! íamos ser pegos! pare com isso.” i muttered in his ear, feeling his hands slide up down the entrance, playing with my panties. [“we were going to get caught! stop this." ]
“shhh…just jump for me.” neymar looked at me, wrapping his hands around my ass, helping me to sit on the table.
“no! i can’t…oh fuck.” i threw my head back before i felt my eyes roll back…just disappearing in the back of my skull, this shit was euphoric.
his thumb rubbed my folds up and down in slow, circular movements, before his face was inches apart from yours, just teasing you.
“fala comigo princesa, assim mesmo com esses seus lindos gemidos...” those words rolled off of his tongue like magic, just staring at me throughout the whole encounter. [“talk to me princess, just like that with those pretty moans of yours..."]
eye contact made me fold with so much ease.
“q-quit teasing me papi…” i breathed out, feeling my body jolt at the movements speeding up, before my words got cut off with a loud moan, before we heard a voice in the distance.
neymar taking his fingers from under my dress as his fingers were wet, covered in my juices before slowly smirking, smacking the side of my thigh, catching my attention.
“suck.” neymar demanded, before i grabbed his wrist, swirling my tongue all around his fingers as the tension rose between me and him…it was nothing but pure bliss.
before releasing, he groaned softly, leaving a string of spit, before biting my lip…talk about a interrupted quicky.
“we have to go ney!” his manager loudly reminded as he looked back me, before kissing my lips, helping me down and fixing my dress.
such a gentlemen.
“vamos terminar esta sessão mais tarde, amor.” neymar smirked, before he grabbed my hand, walking out with me to his event. [“let's finish this session later, love.”]
this was gonna be a good night.
a solid two hours at the event, i took pictures and smiled and gave it my all as neymar seemed to be doing the same, just having fun.
but his eyes never left me at all, dropping a item, i bent over to pick it up, slightly seeing my dress slide up, revealing my thin stringed panties, causing me to mentally smirk.
i knew he was watching…so why not make him beg for it? and tease him while we’re at it. to make the night a bit interesting…
neymar was in a trance all night, just plainly looking at me all night…
he just wanted to touch you again…just seeing your dress slide up..turned him on even more.
i was reserved at a sitting table from behind neymar, who was still staring at me as i made small talk with my makeup artist, as everyone greeted and hugged each other.
before you could retaliate, your makeup artist excused herself to the bathroom, feeling wet lips kissing my cheek, catching me off guard like hell-
“ney!-stop it-” i gasped as he kissed both sides of my neck, making me flutter eyes in satisfaction, before his hands sat around my waist again, hearing him groan in every kiss he made…my plan must be working.
“mnm…you smell so good.” neymar spoke against your neck, hitting your sweet spot…let me stop before a tape airs, because he’s not gonna stop…but this felt tooo good.
“papi, we’re in a public placeee…and that’s my sweet s-spot…” i struggled to spit out, but came out a jumbled moans in between.
ouuu he knows what he’s doing to me…
“você esteve me provocando a noite toda princesa... e este vestido está me deixando louca pra caralho e você sabe disso...” neymar whispered, kissing trails against your neck again before kissing onto your ear, his hands feeling all up and down my body… [you’ve been teasing me all night princess...and this dress is driving me fucking crazy and you know that...]
i completely snapped out of it because the event was over, but it was still people here…let me stoppp.
“i know but you kissing on me like this and there’s people around.” i bit down in my lip before i felt him lightly kissing and sucking at certain spots on my neck, causing me to moan, but only for him to hear.
“that’s why im saying…let’s go back to my house, i wanna see this dress around your ankles amor.” as his kisses intensified, causing me to smile at that idea…just persuading me so easily…
thank god no one really was near.
oooo child.
“that sounds good, papi…how about you do the honors? “ i responded, a slick response as it made neymar released his lips away from my neck before neymar grabbed my hand.
“that sounds good baby.” neymar agreed, him watching you walk out after him as he slapped your ass, making you jump.
guess this was another good night…
heyy! y’all know i gotta thank y’all for the support, i seen u wanted more and stuff so my requests are mostly closed until i get situated!
but let me know how i did! and thanks to @bnksisre for the idea y’all 😩!
lmk if i did good! 🥺
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imakemywings · 7 months
do you have any good female fics to rec?
DO I. LOL. Putting this immediately under a cut because there are a lot! There are so many talented writers in this fandom who do ENORMOUS justice to female characters, both original and book-based. Couple of blog recs at the bottom too!
(I'm assuming this is asking for Tolkien fanfic since that's mostly what I'm on about these days, but if you'd rather see Mass Effect or Dragon Age I can do that too.)
I'm glad you asked! φ(* ̄0 ̄)
I'm going to keep all of these to 1 rec per author just so we don't get totally out of control here.
Forging Gold by @swanmaids ft. Curufin's wife, Dwarf OCs. Heather is an amazing source of female character fic in this fandom; she has well-developed OCs for all of Feanor's daughters-in-law and treats canon female characters with such care and love. Absolutely recommend checking out the rest of her stuff!
Prick a Finger, Cut Your Hand by @welcomingdisaster ft. Indis, Miriel. A really great look at the dynamic between these two. Lena has lots of other good takes on female Tolkien characters too!
Friendship and Stern Demand by @polutrope ft. Elwing. Fantastic exploration of what the communications between Elwing and Maedhros might have looked like!
Untitled by @outofangband ft. Aerin, Morwen. Nelyo focuses a lot on the human characters so if you want to read more about what the mortal women went through in the First Age, definitely browse through their blog!
Abide, Abound by Elleth ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Elleth also has lots of works centering on female Tolkien characters.
And by their blazing signify that a great princess falls, but doth not die by TheLionInMyBed ft. Elwing. One of my favorite takes on Elwing's suicide.
Keeper of Kings by batshape ft. Lalwen. What did Lalwen get up to in Middle-earth? Seeing a lot of people die, for one thing.
Into the Heart of a Fey Thing by @amethysttribble ft. Aredhel, Galadriel, Luthien. Fun "behind-the-scenes" look at some adventures with these three!
A Fish Hook, an Open Eye by simaetha ft. Elwing, f!Maglor. Fascinating AU take on a meeting between Elwing and Maglor prior to the Third Kinslaying.
The Sleep of Flowers by Innin ft. Galadriel, Melian. Very beautiful scene, and plenty of other female-centric works by Innin!
Light Words About Nothing by Margo_Kim ft. Dis, Belladonna. I ship it.
Elwing's Strategy by lifeisyetfair ft. Elwing. Another great take on Elwing at the Third Kinslaying.
Out of Dreams, Into the Sun by solanaceae ft. Miriel, Indis.
Games and Fantasy by Genesis_Grey ft. Arwen, Eowyn. Ohh it captures that chivalric WLW so well.
Over the Unclear Eyes of Memory by Loriand_Lost ft. Anaire, Aredhel. Addresses Anaire's complicated feelings about Fingolfin's return to Valinor. This author also has a number of other great female-centric fics, highly recommend!
The Carriage Held but Just Ourselves by @starspray ft. Luthien, Elwing, Arwen. Amazing look at the line of Thingol's relationship with death. This author also has a whole series on Lalwen and an OFC!
Before the Breath of Storm by tinnurin ft. Dis, Dwarf OC. "Behind-the-scenes" look at the Dwarves before the battle of Azanulbizar.
This Now, This Us by crownlessliestheking ft. Indis, Miriel. Indis and Miriel talk after Miriel's return to Valinor.
The Tapestry by Zdenka ft. Thedowyn, Miriel. The ghost of Miriel Serinde offers some aid. This author also has a lot of female-centric works!
Not Undevoted by SatiricalDraperies ft. Galadriel, Melian.
Winter Sea by Tallulah ft. Finduilas, OFC. Finduilas had a girlfriend in the Falas. Another author with a great selection of female-centric works.
The Hunt by @cuarthol ft. Amarie. Amarie is trans and closeted in Valinor, but Finrod understands.
Come Home to Chaos (Get a Crush on a Queen) by ncfan ft. Arwen, Firiel. When Firiel of Gondor takes refuge in Rivendell, Arwen takes an interest.
Do I Hurt to Hold? by Anonymous ft. Galadriel, Melian. A darker look at their relationship.
That Time Elanor Gardner Had A Crush On Her Employer by Anonymous ft. Arwen, Elanor.
All My Shadows Fade by amyfortuna ft. Arwen, OFC. Unsent letter from a female friend of Arwen's as her wedding to Aragorn approaches. This author is also a good one to look at for more female-centric fic!
Orlaya by yeaka ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Cute!
Of All the Stars, the Fairest by whatiwouldnotgive ft. Arwen, Eowyn.
Or They Would Go On Aching Still by Farasha ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Oh, the grief!
Berrypicking Time by swamp_diamonds ft. Finduilas, Nienor.
Things They Don't Talk About by eris_of_imladris ft. Findis. Findis and Feanor have a complicated relationship.
Easily Sever What Never was One by vauquelin ft. Haleth. If you like Halenthir at all as a ship, you'll like this.
The One With All The Birds by clothono ft. Elwing, Nerdanel. I've said it before I'll say it again--my favorite Elwing fic.
Greensleeves by bravelittlscrib ft. Nerdanel. Little scenes of Nerdanel's life and her relationships.
Emerie by the_artifice_of_eternity ft. Erendis, Ancalime. Ancalime's last visit with her mother before taking the throne.
In the Family by arriviste ft. Celebrian, Galadriel.
At the Water's Edge by crackinthecup ft. Elwing, Idril.
And that's what I've got for you right now, I hope that helps! I would also advise checking out the blogs @tolkien-heroines and @sapphictolkien both of which focus on female characters in Tolkien's work. Happy reading, anon! ♪(^∇^*)
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hansolsticio · 11 days
eu ando mto inspirada, e nesses cenários que eu criei até agr, tem um com o jun que tipo..... só acompanha, só acompanha.
vc chega em casa do trabalho, cansada dms, e vê a casa arrumada, e o jun sentadinho no sofá, mais quieto que o normal. vc se aproxima dele, curiosa para saber oq ele tem, e ele te olha com os olhinhos brilhando e fala "eu senti sua falta.." e te dá um beijinho bem chamêguinho. vc senta no sofá e abraça ele, sentindo algumas lágrimas caírem do rostinho triste dele.
o resto eu deixo pra vc imaginar, bjss girl!
E SÉRIO QUE BONITINHO ISSO (eu adoro um homem chorando, te amo muito namoral) 😭 vem comigo:
Eu vejo duas circunstâncias possíveis nas quais isso poderia acontecer, porque (na minha cabeça) o junnie guarda muita coisa pra ele mesmo e é meio tímido expressando os próprios sentimentos (os seventinhos já falaram disso inclusive 🤓☝🏽). Então, mesmo que você seja o porto seguro dele, vão haver algumas "travas" na hora do jun se deixar ser vulnerável com você.
A primeira circunstância seria se ele estivesse tendo um dia muito ruim, daqueles de acordar batendo o dedinho na quina dos móveis e uma série de coisas dando muito errado. Com o acúmulo de situações e cansaço dos dias anteriores ele provavelmente se sentiria muito sobrecarregado.
A segunda seria se, por algum motivo, vocês estivessem meio distantes. Seja por trabalhar demais, por alguma discussão mal resolvida entre vocês dois... mas eu sinto que ficar distante de você em qualquer aspecto (emocional ou fisicamente) deixe o jun muito balançado. Ele fica com a cabeça cheia e não consegue pensar em outra coisa — e isso acaba mexendo com a produtividade dele também, vira uma bola de neve.
E isso de chegar em casa e dar de cara com ele todo choroso??? (tô passando mal) Ele é um homem super manhoso, daqueles que só aceita conversar sobre o que tá sentindo depois de muito denguinho. Vai querer cafuné, beijinho e ficar abraçadinho contigo até conseguir parar de chorar.
Mas como ele sabe que você tá cansada, tenta não "abusar" muito da sua boa vontade e começa a falar todo acanhadinho sobre o motivo do choro. Vocês conversam bem baixinho com ele enfiado no seu pescoço se recusando a olhar pra ti (todo envergonhadinho). E, dependendo da razão, vocês costumam resolver ali mesmo. Pois, ainda que o jun sinta um tiquinho de dificuldade nesse aspecto, ele sabe que a situação exige que ele seja comunicativo contigo — senão vocês nunca vão resolver o problema.
Ele provavelmente vai querer mais denguinho ainda depois que vocês finalmente conversarem direitinho. Mas dessa vez é mais como uma tentativa de provar para si mesmo que vocês estão bem de verdade. Vai te encher de carinho, não quer largar de ti de jeito nenhum. Se a coisa estiver muito "séria", vai até tomar banho contigo pra não ter que te soltar.
Normalmente, essas situações não costumam terminar em sexo — no geral, porque ele ainda se sente meio receoso por ter "te incomodado" com o que ele tava sentindo (loucura da cabeça dele). Mas se o motivo de tudo isso for saudades, pelo distanciamento que eu mencionei anteriormente, ele não consegue e nem tenta evitar.
Nesses casos, não deixa você fazer absolutamente nada (pillow princess 💖🥺). Faz amorzinho contigo super lentinho e mesmo que tente não prolongar muito as coisas, porque quer te deixar descansar, ele quer fazer o momento durar. É mais uma tentativa de se convencer de que vocês estão bem e mostrar o quanto ele te ama e precisa de você. Vai te segurar pertinho, escolhendo qualquer posição que deixe ele ver e beijar o seu rostinho. Não economiza nos "eu te amo's" que, no início do relacionamento, deixavam ele todo vermelhinho em falar. Mas que agora haviam se tornado hábito.
Enfim, ele ia se esforçar muito para não deixar seja lá o que tenha feito ele se sentir daquele jeito se repetir novamente. Mesmo que ele fosse muito grato por ter você com ele nesses momentos.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 5 months
Rafal is the King of the Golden Mountain
"The King of the Golden Mountain" is such a Never fairy tale, and a canonical one at that (not in SGE, I mean classic, fairy-tale canon). Since the protagonist becomes royalty, he's probably an Ever, even if he uses violent means to reach his end. So, maybe Good is only Good relatively speaking in this tale. At first, the king does try for the peaceful solution, and some Good fairy tales do end in gruesome punishment for the villains. However, a mass of people standing in the way of you getting your throne back aren't all exactly villains, which is why I'm insinuating that the seemingly Ever king is probably a Never king at heart.
The protagonist reminds me of Rafal immensely, in terms of his reactions and everything. The tale is brutal, and it's basically a revenge-fantasy story, which seems odd considering how most of the Brothers Grimm stories, or the better-known ones, at least, have fairly "happy" endings. This one just reeks of bloodlust and victory and smug satisfaction. Like, seriously, it's insane. And, you'd think that by the title, it'd be more Midas-like, but no, I'd say it's Rafal-like. Really.
The poor, suffering king is just deservedly unhinged at this point, like how Rafal should have gotten his proper, very plausible villain arc. I'm still bitter over the Fall identity-swap plot twist! Rafal deserved real vengeance! Especially after he slaved away for Rhian, to fix mess after mess, problem after problem. By the Storian, can't he just get a break! I suppose that, at best, he could be in Purgatory. He was never truly Good enough for Heaven because I don't think a sudden turn realistically can make up for a lifetime of Evil deeds.
Also, this is a tale where practically everyone's beheaded, so just a little advance notice.
Anyway, here's an excerpt from the ending section:
When he was near his palace, he heard sounds of joy, and fiddles, and flutes, and the people told him that his wife was celebrating her wedding with another. Then he fell into a rage, and said, "False woman, she betrayed and deserted me whilst I was asleep!" So he put on his cloak, and unseen by all went into the palace. When he entered the dining-hall a great table was spread with delicious food, and the guests were eating and drinking, and laughing, and jesting. She sat on a royal seat in the midst of them in splendid apparel, with a crown on her head. He placed himself behind her, and no one saw him. When she put a piece of meat on a plate for herself, he took it away and ate it, and when she poured out a glass of wine for herself, he took it away and drank it. She was always helping herself to something, and yet she never got anything, for plate and glass disappeared immediately. Then dismayed and ashamed, she arose and went to her chamber and wept, but he followed her there. She said, "Has the devil power over me, or did my deliverer never come?" Then he struck her in the face, and said, "Did thy deliverer never come? It is he who has thee in his power, thou traitor. Have I deserved this from thee?" Then he made himself visible, went into the hall, and cried, "The wedding is at an end, the true King has returned." The kings, princes, and councillors who were assembled there, ridiculed and mocked him, but he did not trouble to answer them, and said, "Will you go away, or not?" On this they tried to seize him and pressed upon him, but he drew his sword and said, "All heads off but mine," and all the heads rolled on the ground, and he alone was master, and once more King of the Golden Mountain.
The ending is just so vicariously satisfying! I'm hoping someone will see what I mean because it can't just be me who sees the likeness. This protagonist has his petty, chaotic fun, and is mischievous, like Fala's presence at the Circus. And, he suffered at the hands of various men, for his princess, later his wife, a supposed True Love (the cheater!), just like Rafal sacrificed and went through so much physical pain for Rhian, his True Love and the equivalent of the wife in this story. And, Rafal was almost imprisoned with a life-sentence, and was overthrown by Vulcan just like this king was replaced by another, a false hero. After all that he did for Rhian! The injustice! Besides, it feels like a very Rafal thing to cleverly fleece people out of their belongings, even if it seems somewhat accidental in nature in this particular tale. (This happened earlier in the tale, before this scene. And, the wife didn't completely deserve death, I'll admit. The king himself also erred at times, so they're both at fault.)
Side note from while I was writing this: this has got to be the best, most fitting typo I have ever made: "overthrone" instead of "overthrown," and yet, it still applies to tyranny and thrones! Haha!
If you want to read the entire tale, here's one source from which the excerpt came:
And the Wikipedia page for further analysis/a shorthand summary:
If anyone is interested in reading about another fairy tale parallel to the prequels, here's a link to an old "Faithful John" post of mine.
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noattentionsstuff · 14 days
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Ice cream day
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rubymoon-snape · 1 year
Disclaimer: I don't own Beast King GoLion.
Author Note: This is Fem Akira/Fala pairing, but the duo are just realizing their feelings for the other. This has three scenes that could have gone slightly different if Akira had been born female.
"Fem Akira"
~Episode 2~
"Daibazaal plundered all the treasure on Altea, destroying us." Raible paused before he swung his cane at the group. Hiroshi and Tsuyoshi jumped while Akira and Isamu ducked briefly before Isamu and Takashi jumped out of the way. Akira straightened up and blocked with her spear.
"What gives?" Tsuyoshi demanded.
"I knew it. He was just making us let our guard down!" Hiroshi exclaimed.
"What the hell's going on here?" Akira questioned.
Raible was surprised to see that there was a woman in the group.
"I had to test your skills," Raible answered. "Especially since one of you is a woman."
"Just because Chief is a woman doesn't mean she can't fight," Isamu jumped in. "She's as capable as any of us!"
"Moody, that's enough," Akira said.
"Agreed. The princess will welcome you five indeed."
The group looked up the staircase to see a lovely young woman in a pink dress. She smiled and slowly descended the staircase. Raible explained how he and the princess survived the attack as Fala came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
Akira had to figuratively pick her jaw off the ground. The princess was breathtakingly gorgeous. She had to gather her wits about her because she barely heard the princess asking for their names.
"Kogane Akira." Akira had no idea how she was able to say her name without stuttering.
"Shirogane Takashi."
"Kurogane Isamu."
"Seidou Tsuyoshi."
"Suzuishi Hiroshi."
As the princess told her sad tale, Akira couldn't help but feel for her. As the tears fell from her blue eyes, Akira wanted to brush those tears away and perhaps even comfort her. Akira mentally shook herself as Raible interjected himself into the conversation, but she still missed the entire conversation until GoLion was mentioned. The leader focused on what was being told to her team. Even thought she was hesitant, there was no way she was going to make the decision for everyone. She looked to her right at Takashi, who said, "If we don't kill Daibazaal, there's no way we'll survive!"
"He's right. Let's fight Daibazaal!" Akira agreed. She was happy to see the tears were no longer coursing down the princess's face. The smile on her face drew Akira's attention even as Isamu, Tsuyoshi, and Hiroshi added their comments.
Fala held her hand out, clearly indicating that the team should kiss the back of it.
Everyone laid down their spears, and Akira approached, knelt down, and grasped her hand. She laid a kiss on it and stood up, nodding to the princess. Before she stood aside for her teammates to do the same, Fala realized that she was female as well. "A woman?"
Fala's eyes sparkled at the idea of a woman in the leadership position. Takashi stepped up to kiss her hand.
~Episode 7~
Hiroshi, Akira, and Isamu stopped running once they were a few corridors away from the royal governess.
"Geez, now we have some old lady on our hands," Isamu groused.
You said it. I can imagine what's waiting for us," Akira replied. "Especially when she finds out that I'm female."
"No sweat. Just leave this to me," Hiroshi stated.
Just then, the alarms sounded. Of all the reasons for the alarm, the princess trying to fly the Blue Lion wasn't on Akira's list at all. She was impressed with Fala's actions and willingness to put herself in harm's way to protect her planet. Akira found herself wanting to see what the princess could do, and no ranting from the governess could make change her mind.
~Later in Episode 7~
"Just a moment! In a lonely village in the Pierrane Mountains live strong hunters. Maybe one of their men is qualified," Hys stated.
"Men? Women are just as qualified. Kogane is a  woman after all," Fala mentioned.
"Kogane?" Hys questioned.
"The one wearing red and white," Raible clarified.
"The ingrate who told me to shut up is a girl?!" Hys was indignant.
"She is not an ingrate," Fala countered. "She's brave, selfless, intelligent, and beautiful." Fala couldn't help but blush when she thought of the female pilot, and no ranting from either Raible or Hys could prevent her from wanting to get closer to her.
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thelostsshoe · 19 days
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ᴅᴏ ʟɪxᴏ ᴀᴏ 𝐋𝐔𝐗𝐎 🪄
a história da gata borralheira que virou princesa.
𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐞. Cinderela
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬. Ela/Dela
𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞. 29 anos
𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐨. Ella, Cindy
𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚çã𝐨. Rainha, Princesa, Empresária e Florista
𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚. 1.70
𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞. "meu marido??"
aesthetic . blooming affairs . headcanons . conexões .
Proprietária do Blooming Affairs, uma floricultura que foi comprada e lhe dada de presente por seu marido após Cinderela mostrar interesse em arranjos de flores. A loja conta com as flores mais belas e frescas, e além dos arranjos prontos o local também dispõe de funcionários dispostos a ajudar os clientes ajudar a montar seu próprio arranjo. A Blooming Affairs é a única floricultura que conta com o famoso buquê de diamantes (Boatos que a Guinevere ganhou um recentemente), os modelos de buquê de diamantes vão de um inteiramente de diamantes ao de flores naturais com diamantes no centro.
Além das flores, o Blooming Affairs também conta com um clube de membros especiais que se encontram quinzenalmente para um brunch com direito a uma one-day-class (modalidade onde os membros tem aula de um dia sobre um ofício), os boatos é de que o clube foi criado para acabar com a solidão da princesa.
Nada de fato foi ideia de Cinderela, a marca e o clube nem eram dela antes do reino dos perdidos, inclusive o/a antigo/a dono/a trabalha para ela atualmente. Não foi nem a Cinderela que escolheu a lista de membros do clube. Cinderela também não é a melhor florista da loja ou a melhor anfitriã, mas ainda é a dona.
* Cinderela mal se lembra de sua mãe, uma das poucas pinturas que tinha dela em sua casa foi descartada quando ainda era criança.
* Visita regularmente o túmulo de seus pais. Quando era mais jovem, uma aveleira brotou próximo aos túmulos da sua mãe. Em tempos de tristeza a sombra da árvore era seu refúgio.
* Poucos sabem, mas Cinderela já chegou a tentar fugir da casa da onde vivia com a madrasta. Tentou fugir com a companhia de teatro que ~ secretamente ~ fazia parte, mas teve seus planos frustrados por sua madrasta.
* Cinderela fazia parte de uma companhia de teatro, que tinha o costume de manter a identidade dos atores em segredo do público com uso de máscaras. Cinderela usava a máscara (e o pseudônimo) beija - flor.
* Cinderela já pensou em voltar a atuar, mas foi frustrada pelo conselheiro real que prontamente lhe afirmou que rainhas não podem ser atrizes.
ops. you're not invited . muses não foram convidadas/es a compor o clube da cinderela e ficaram sentidas/us e indignadas/us por isso. elas/us podem estar de mal com a princesa ou tentando bajular-la para entrar. p.s: cinderela não faz a lista de convidadas. (0/3)
os camaradas . o nome da companhia de teatro secreta que cinderela e muses faziam parte. atualmente não estão mais ativos, mas por que? cinderela não sabe, já que antes perdeu contato com a trupe antes deles se desfazerem. (0/3 - canon)
first kiss . será que muse sabe que foi o primeiro beijo da rainha de castle dreams? foi em cena? sim, mas cinderela sempre lembra dele como seu primeiro beijo. (0/1 - canon)
favorite princess . cinderela é a princesa favorita de MUSE que decidiu tietar a princesa e lhe dar todaaaas as informações sobre quem é cinderela em seu mundo. cinderela não pode negar que acha tudo que MUSE fala interessantíssimo. (0/1 - perdido)
one day class . MUSE 01 foi convidadu para dar um dia de aula sobre seu ofício (seja qual for) no blooming affairs e acabou se aproximando de cinderela. MUSE 02 é um perdidu que acabou conversando com cinderela sobre o que faz em seu mundo e ela está convencida de que elu deveria ensinar sobre seu ofício no clube. (0/2)
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bleh1bleh2 · 7 months
Welcome to Voltron: Space Mice Rankings!!! Brought to you by me having so many thoughts about them (which I never thought would happen)
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1. Beast King Golion (!!!) - The best version of the mice <3 They have wonderful personalities and are a family who a) love to help Fala (basically Allura) and the rest of the paladins, and b) want to help with the fight against the Galra. You have a father who is insistant on training his family how to fight because they are in a war, and his (a bit cowardly/lazy) family who doesn't want to train. But!! They are determined to fight for Altea and they do such a great job. It is mostly Princess Fala and Shorty who talk to the mice, and they did so by learning their language. Also!!!! The mice get a super cute mini mech that they use to fight <3 And they get actual plotpoints because Honerva tries to infultrate the castle multiple times but she is scared of mice (which is why she has her cat), so it causes problems. None of the other shows use the mice in any plot relevant way. Also, this is the only version of the mice that I think about often <3
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2. Voltron: Legendary Defender - I think Allura having mice telepathy is so cool and epic. It's a great addition to voltron, and I wish they had done literally anything fun with it throughout the show (but that was sadly never going to happen). I get excited whenever they show the mice doing silly things with Allura. The mice themselves dont have any distinct personalities, and are very flat, forgettable characters (I have actually forgotten about their existance multiple times). The designs themselves are interesting, but lack the familial element that were there in Golion (and I miss it dearly). I just wish there was a trait that connected them a bit more, like all of them having a connecting ear shape or marking.
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3. Voltron: Defender of the Universe - My general thoughts about this show is that it's like if Golion was worse, and this theme continues with the mice. No one is able to speak directly to the mice and have conversations, which is very sad, and they got rid of us being able to tell what the mice were saying. Which means that their space mice episode was boring (in comparison) because you couldn't hear their conversations and silly dialogue!! The only thing they have going for them at that point is that they're cute (but also it's the same design in Golion-)
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4. Voltron Force - Eh. They're robot mice. Idk what else to say, they're just kinda boring. I can appreciate wanting to switch it up and make them robots, but I want my space mice to have personality. The show breaks the fourth wall and ponders why they're called space mice when they are from Arus and were named by Arusians, but thats the only notable thing about them.
And there it is!!! If you want to see the mice in their bestest form ever then watch Beast King Golion ep 46, where the mice help fight the Galra in their mech (absolute icons!!!)
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