#Queerphobia tw
uncanny-tranny · 5 months
It's honestly frustrating that I've seen non-Russian queer people almost bragging about how they would be illegal in Russia, labeled an extremist or terrorist. Russian queers are in danger, their government has made it clear where it stands, and it's made this effort for the better part of a decade (even longer, perhaps). This will kill people, don't mistake this for a quirky little proclamation from a government, akin to somebody saying the sky is pink. Russian queer people were already expressing their fear, and the least we can do now is express our love for them, and advocate with them.
Russian queer people, I love you. I love you all so much. I am so sorry, I cannot begin to express the grief that I feel, and I hope that you are safe. Words cannot encapsulate how I feel as a non-Russian, and I cannot hope to comprehend how it feels to actually be in this situation.
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The Saskatchewan government says schools must now seek parental consent when children under 16 want to change their names or pronouns.
Education Minister Dustin Duncan said Tuesday that the province wants to standardize pronoun and naming policies, as they varied from one school division to another.
A similar move earlier this year in New Brunswick was faced by intense opposition by LGBTQ groups.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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intersexfairy · 1 year
trans people, especially transmascs in the US, if you are triggered by violence and transphobia... do yourself a favor now and blacklist the terms "audrey hale," "aiden hale," "nashville," and "shooting" on every platform you can. do not look at the posts or articles. don't. it's okay to not know. there are others who can know about this without harming/endangering their health.
to those who already know and aren't okay. i know you're scared; i am too, and the feeling will pass. you're not alone. you deserve a happy, safe, joyous life, and there will always be people fighting for you, even when you can't see them or hear them or know them. please be gentle with yourself, and know your wellbeing comes first. do something comforting, talk to a friend, eat something yummy. breathe. sleep. you got this.
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genderqueerpositivity · 11 months
We're getting closer to Pride month and my nerves are already fried.
I am legitimately afraid. If we get through the next month without a major tragedy happening it will be a miracle. The pressure is so high right now and the news is worse for us every day.
I am also furious. Because this was done to our community on purpose. Intentionally and deliberately.
And it's unlikely that those responsible for bringing us to this point will ever be held accountable.
What I wish I could say to everyone in our community is that I hope you stay safe next month. Be as loud and as visible as you feel you need to be, but also don't give in to any outside pressures to put yourself at unnecessary risk. If it comes down to it, do whatever it takes to protect yourself.
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
Mikey was wearing a dress.
Leo had never been so confusingly angry before in his life.
Draxum was in the other room, arguing loudly with Dad.
Raph had employed Donnie to help him set up his new punching bag.
Mikey was fucking twirling.
The skirt technically wasn’t a skirt. It was some weird yokai fashion thing that was just long fabric draped over a pair of shorts, like a one-piece of some kind. It was fucking neon orange and Mikey was doing his weird arm shaking thing he did when he was happy, dancing in place and singing to himself.
Leo gripped tight onto the book Draxum had given him. He hadn’t even looked at the cover yet.
He heard Dad screech something that sounded like “faggot” (or was Leo’s mind just deciding it sounded like that?) and he bristled angrily.
“Did Draxum forget we’re boys or some shit?” He heard himself say, “You look like a dumb girl.”
Mikey ignored him, even spinning around to put his back to Leo.
There was a bow against the back of his neck, draping over the curve of his shell, bouncing playfully as he danced. It almost perfectly matched the color of his mask.
He thought of the dress their father tossed out a sewer grate into the street years back. It wasn’t for him. If it was lucky then some little girl would find it.
It had had a big blue bow on the back.
“Why can’t you just be happy that they’re happy?” April had asked him once, “Who fucking cares if it’s weird? Just enjoy the happiness of your family, man.”
He wanted to be happy that Mikey was happy.
He tried to force a smile.
Just be happy that Mikey is happy.
Just be fucking happy.
He looked back at his brother, the way his hips swayed to the beat of a song only he could hear, how his hands flapped at a completely different pace, how his eyes were closed with pure delight and his smile practically took up his entire face.
His little brother was happy.
He finally looked down at the book in his hands. It was a comic book, hardcover, with a yokai samurai printed on the front. It wasn’t Samurai Rabbit, but it looked similar.
He looked back at Mikey.
He could share the book with him. They could sit together and talk about samurai and how they were different from ninja and maybe the anger that still lingered in his chest would die away.
Mikey immediately stopped his dance, freezing in place.
Splinter came over, grabbing Mikey’s arm in a hard grip, scowling, “This gift is not for you. Draxum brought the wrong thing.” He pushed Mikey off toward the bathroom, “Change and give it back. Draxum will bring you something else next time he visits.”
Mikey stumbled, his hands immediately going to the skirt (not a skirt) and gripping the fabric. He looked ready to either fight or cry.
(You’re learning to sew. Offer to take off the skirt. Offer to make it better, to make it fit. Take off the skirt (not a skirt) and the bow and make it into just a romper. You can do it. It wouldn’t even be hard, just a couple clipped strings and it would probably come apart easily. The fabric could even be repurposed.)
Leo said nothing.
Draxum left with Mikey’s gift and not another word said to anyone.
I’m having my own Weird Gender Times and projecting.
-Monster Anon
FUCK i forgot to release this beauty to the PUBLIC because i wanted to wait until I drew art for it but,, i dont think thats happeninga anytime soon fsadfsadhf anyway i loved it and i loved how you showed leo trying to fight against his irrational jealousy fdsfsd
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Someone's opinion on furries is a good litmus test to see whether they're a reactionary bigot or not. If someone at the mention of a furry recoils and talks about how "disgusting" they are, you can make a pretty good guess on what their opinions on minorities, especially LGBTQ+ people are.
Yeah honestly! Like if you're busy getting at ANYONE just for being weird in completely harmless ways, then you probably suck a lot
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perytonpred · 1 month
Even if Nex's cause of death was suicide and not directly linked to brain trauma from the beating they received, the fact they were bullied for a year, ganged up on and beaten up and ultimately fucking died as a result of the bullying and beating doesn't make their death ""their own fault"", which we all know why it was ruled a fucking suicide and not the murder it was.
Nex was a non binary CHILD who ultimately died because their school wouldn't do anything about their bullying and their state wouldn't see them as who they were. It does not MATTER if it was suicide or if it was directly caused by the trauma to their brain, Nex fucking died because of queerphobia in the state of Oklahoma.
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gaylactic-fire · 10 months
wtf goin on with linked universe rn
Nothing to do with the comic or Jojo. Some rando decided it would be a good idea to make a conservative christian LOZ/LU server and advertise it on the main tag. Which in of itself is weird, though hardly a crime, but they specifically spouted queerphobic nonsense and talked about queer ideology being "predatory" and not allowed on the server. Just your average spewed bigoted bile, but coming from an especially bizarre place considering they are on the Gay Trans Website advertising to a Gay Trans Fandom. Not sure what they thought they'd accomplish here other than a wave of spite posting, which the LU fandom is great at any time some snivelling conservative with a victim complex shows up. God speed guys
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giving-into · 2 years
tbh its almost not worth going on queer nsft tumblr bc of how stressful it is ??? so many posts have DNIs like wlw only or fems only, and so on. and like... I'm a queer person. my gender and sexuality are so fluid i barely worry about them. but every post i have to think "am i allowed to like this post? i come off kinda masc sometimes" or "will this person accept me as wlw?" and it's exhausting. i feel like at every turn im being told to either assign myself labels that don't fit quite right or get off queer nsft tumblr.
i notice misandry and transandrophobia a lot more now the more masculine i seem because of T. people considering me predatory instead of safe, which was actually my greatest fear when i started hrt. people saying "women and non-binary people" and wondering what they mean. maybe they're polysexual. maybe they're bio essentialist t erfs [turfs]. do they think enben, (non-binary people), are just "women-lite"? do they hate men? how do they feel about enben AMAB? what about enben who aren't androgynous? would they even accept me as non-binary because i've been on T for 4 years?
i know people have boundaries, and thats super important! but i wonder what motivates those boundaries, what logic underlies them. are they saying what they really mean?
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
I think a lot of homophobes and transphobes don't just feel hatred toward queer people, but they genuinely fear us in an almost literal sense, and so they assume the inverse is true for gay and trans people.
I think that's why you have so many cishet people who smugly say that they're going to make queer people angry, afraid, "triggered" by displays of heterosexuality and/or displays of traditional gender - they think we aren't used to living in a cishet world, that we fear cishet people for their identities as much as they fear us for ours.
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At an anti-SOGI rally in downtown Kelowna, B.C., protesting against gender and sexual diversity education at schools, some of the words uttered by one of the speakers were shocking and appalling to some.
“It’s alarming and frightening at the same time.” said Wilbur Turner, chair of Advocacy Canada, which supports the LGTBQ2 community.
The speaker in question is David Lindsay, well-known in the city for organizing many anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown protests, which eventually got dubbed as so-called “freedom rallies”.
During his speech at the rally, Lindsay said, “It’s a pretty sad day when you get queers coming out. You know, every society that has let the queers take over has self-destructed from within and if it continues, Canada will self-destruct.”
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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airlocksandaviaries · 26 days
To the friend of a friend at my college who said to my face that I 'couldn't be butch' because I'm 'too energetic' and to the girl who was friends with my roommate who told me I didn't seem like I'd ever be able to top because I don't have 'the vibes' and to the group of my classmates in my who all told me they thought I was asexual because they agreed nobody wanted to touch me, I will never let you win. Your words may fill my thoughts during all of my waking hours but you'll never be right. Every single second I spend alone is not a testament to how you were correct in my being unloveable. I hope you all get hit by a violent realization of how cruel and nasty you were and I hope I never think of you again.
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I promise you that lgbt people calling queer a slur are not victims of terf propaganda. is it terf propaganda when I've literally heard right wing dipshits in a small town in indiana yelling queer as a slur? go ahead. I'm waiting for your excuse as to how it's still terf propaganda.
except that wasn't what i was talking about
being aspec exclusionist (or any type of queer exclusionist) IS terf rhetoric
also i was screamed gay and trans at so many times yet you dont see me harassing fellow gays and trans people for calling them and their community the gay community or the trans community
if you dont want to be called queer then okay fine whatever. but dont go into the queer community tags and harass people for calling themselves that or by using the term queer community bc if you aren't queer/dont want to be called queer, then you're not a part of the queer community? Just like nonbinary people who dont consider themselves trans aren't a part of the trans community... because they dont consider themselves to be.
fuck off and maybe after blocking me after calling you out dont send hate anon bc i know for a fact that its you. thanks :)
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is-this-trans · 2 months
Sending anonymous hugs to everyone I follow
There are people at Pride who give people "dad hugs" and "mom hugs," it's very appreciated. I've seen stories of people just breaking down in tears at a parental hug.
Although this hug isn't being offered because I'm at Pride, because I'm in a group that experiences much higher rates of parental rejection than cisgender and gender conforming people, it's still reminiscent of it.
Conclusion: This hug is trans.
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queerbauten · 5 months
What’s the overlap between people who are insisting Palestinians are homophobic/transphobic/queerphobic and the people who would mock Motaz for having his pronouns in his Insta bio? It’s probably a significant overlap.
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I would also argue that plurality can often be a coping mechanism for trauma, without necessarily following the pattern described in DID. It's fairly new that DID has even been described thoroughly. Until recently in most of the world, who uses ICD, there was a vague "other dissociative disorders -multiple personalities" which had zero description or clinical requirements. What's now diagnosed as DID, would for a long time get diagnosed as schizophrenia.
The diagnostic categories are always changing and it's ok to use them as a definition, but you can't use them as a Truth, in the sense that any one type of experience could only occur within The Disorder...
Yeah like while it isn't this bad today, in the past everything from being queer to "hysteria" to protesting slavery has been "mental illnesses" in the DSM and I wouldn't assume the ICD has a much better history. So like. It's kinda important that we keep questioning and editing that thing. Even as most of the more horrendous stuff has been cut through the years, the DSM (and also the ICD) is still a work in progress, not The Final Truth. It's definitely not apolitical and inherently above criticism
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