#RWBY relics
anthurak · 11 months
Wait a minute...
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Holy SHIT guys, the Relics were made to represent aspects of the TREE and the process of ASCENSION!
And Ruby went through all four of these.
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iamafanofcartoons · 6 months
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Seshirukun gives us Alyx from RWBY with 3/4 of the Relics.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
Holy crap
The four relics (and the entities within) are a compartmentalized recreation of the Blacksmith/Tree
They possess great knowledge
They offer choice
They "Destroy"
And from that destruction comes new raw materials to create
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aspennntree · 7 months
guys who
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who put the lamp on etsy
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Yknow, random thought, but I'm curious about the relics
The spirits inside the Relics, so far, have neither lied nor shown bias. Both Jinn and Ambrosius have done what both sides asked of them, and have freely offered up information, even when technically they shouldn't have (like Jinn with Ruby using her to pause time). Jinn answered Cinders question despite not wanting to do so, and Ambrosius created the fire Cinder asked for.
I think it's really interesting, bc I think it says a lot about what Light might have done. Light clearly doesn't like it when people go against him or think on their own, so why would the spirits be completely autonomous?
Both Jinn and Ambrosius have shackles and chains on them. It could symbolize, of course, being shackled to the physical Relics themselves (like the genie in the lamp), but it could also be metaphorical. RWBY really likes symbolism, and I wouldn't put it past the writers to make those chains symbolize that they aren't free from Lights rules.
I have the feeling that they can't stray from what Light believes is the truth (i.e. Light being the elder brother. The two are twins, obviously they're gonna argue over smth as petty as age, they squabble over everything). And, obviously, Light doesn't like it when people act on their own, so why would the spirits be able to lie or act biased?
Furthermore I believe they can't act as the opposite of their purpose. Ambrosius flat out says that he can't destroy things (and tacks on that he can't bring people back to life). I wouldn't be surprised if Jinn can't answer questions in a way that isn't the 100% truth; after all, lies, bias and misinformation are the opposite of knowledge. Of course, you get what you asked for (Ruby asked what Ozpin was hiding- he was hiding the truth, so Jinn showed them the truth), and possibly even what you need (Jinn showed the full backstory, qrwby didn't WANT all that or ask for it, but they got it anyways).
I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the Relics act the same way- not lying and not acting with bias. I'd eat my left shoe if it isn't revealed that they straight up can't do those things.
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autumnsorbet · 1 year
Cinder lied about the relics
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She didn't add more fire to atlas,I think cinder use the staff to make the real relics small some how and all so make 2 fake relics and gave the fake relics to Salem it's why we see Salem in the trailer looking
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upset the relics she has don't work and cinder will lie and say there out of uses, so she will send cinder to vacuo to help get the sword,well Salem use her grim pools to make more grim for her last stand at vale so she can get the last relic
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pedrovrc · 1 year
The Power of Destruction - A theory on RWBY’s Relics
I have a theory about the Relics, particularly the Relic of Destruction and what its power might be.
This is just a thought I had a few weeks ago. It does have flaws, but I think it's something fun to think about.
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Just as a recap - The relics are powerful artifacts created by the gods of Remnant as manifestations of the gifts they bestowed upon humanity.
They are:
The Relic of Knowledge
The Relic of Creation
The Relic of Choice
The Relic of Destruction
I will now go through all four of them in that order.
First up - The Relic of Knowledge (Lamp)
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This is the relic we know the most about, being revealed since Volume 5 and used more than once in the show already. The relic is capable of answering any 3 questions per century regarding anything from the past. Since this relic can only provide information regarding the past, I will be referring to it as the Relic of the Past.
As it hopefully will become apparent shortly, the concept of time could be a theme common to all the relics.
Second - The Relic of Creation (Staff)
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This relic is the most recent one shown in the series. It allows the user to create any one creation at a time. If there was a creation before, it will cease to exist as soon as the new one is created. One could say, then, that the creations exist only in the present. As in, the relic allows only for the existence of one singular creation at a point in time. For that, I will be referring to it as the Relic of the Present. This logic applied to this relic is not completely flawless, but it does carry some sense to it.
Third - The Relic of Choice (Crown)
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We don't have much information on this one. The only account regarding its powers come from a fairy tale - The Indecisive King. In it, the crown shows its user visions of the future, and the user has no control over what visions those might be. This is not a lot of information, as fairy tales can be cryptic and have points changed over time and retellings. The fact still remains, as to all we know about it, this relic provides information about the future. I will, then, be referring to it as the Relic of the Future.
Fourth and last - The Relic of Destruction (Sword)
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This is the only relic we have almost no information on. The only things we know is that it has the form of a sword and that it is located in the summer maiden's vault in Shade Academy.
And here is where my theory comes in. Looking at the relics through a time-related lens, the first three cover Past, Present and Future. What is left to the Relic of Destruction then?
I say it either acts on all of time, or stands completely apart from it. I propose that a fourth category regarding time in this way must cover all of time or be independent of it.
It is not hard, then, to imagine the destructive power to be something like complete erasure from existence. As in, whatever its user wishes to destroy not only ceases to exist in the present, but will never exist in the future and also has never existed in the past. This last part sounds weird because we are not used to being able to change the past, so the language doesn’t really have a way of communicating that properly.
So, by acting on all parts of time, the relic also stands apart from it all, creating new time. This could basically be a "new timeline creation" type of thing, where the new timeline does not contain whatever was destroyed. In that case, it could be called the Relic of Time. It is useful to note I think the effects of this new timeline creation would deliberately be left vague, so that it might play into the “genie” aspect of the relic’s spirits.
Also from that, this would probably mean the Relic of Destruction is the most powerful of them all.
Now, onto two possible flaws in this theory:
One thing that might come up to refute this theory is the World of Remnant series episode regarding the Great War. In it, we see the Warrior King wearing a special crown and wielding a special sword. It is never explicitly stated, but those are probably the relics.
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So one could say the Warrior King used the sword to win that battle, and that would go against the relic power I theorized about. However, not much is known about the details of said battle, only that it was very violent and devastating for Mistral and Mantle.
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Since the king is seen with both relics then and there, it is not that much of a stretch to believe he had both maidens there as well. And as we know, maiden's powers are a massive tide changer when it comes to battles. So that would explain why that battle was won in that way, with the destruction caused not being necessarily related to the relic’s powers. For that, I believe this theory still stands in relation to that story.
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Another, unrelated point that might be a flaw in this theory comes from Volume 5 Chapter 10. In that episode, Ruby asks Ozpin if Salem had already found the relic of beacon (the crown), since Cinder had gotten the full powers of the fall maiden by then.
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Ozpin then tells her that he made the relic at Beacon a bit more challenging to find. This implies that Ozpin felt the need to take additional measures to hide the crown and ensure Salem didn't get to that one, specifically.
While not much is known about both the crown and the sword, seeing as the sword might actually be the most powerful of them all, why would Ozpin choose to hide specifically the crown in a different way? Why not do that to the most powerful relic?
That's, of course, provided that the sword is actually the most powerful one and that Ozpin didn't do anything special with the way he hid it, while not telling anyone about it. Judging by how he kept secrets from everyone, that is very much possible.
That was all for this post. It was just a fun thought that popped into my mind one day and I wanted to share with whoever wanted to know about it. I hope it was a fun read for you! Thank you for reading until the end :D
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Based on how each Relic Vault is embodied by the season following the Maiden that unlocks it (Knowledge/Spring Maiden/Summer Setting), (Creation/Winter Maiden/Spring Setting), here’s my predictions for the other two Vaults:
The Vault of Destruction is one of an eternal autumn, a parallel of the God of Light’s Domain. A massive twisted maple bends over a lake of still water, eternally raining leaves, which coalesce under the feet of those who approach it. The Sword of Destruction & its accompanying Spirit, Vivienne, are embedded in a stone floating within the centre.
The Vault of Choice lays empty, its Relic spirited elsewhere. It is a desolate mirror of Beacon Academy’s front hall, frozen over by a vicious winter. Two empty thrones, made completely of ice, reside on its far wall. A pedestal sits between them, where the Crown of Choice once sat, its Spirit, Cowl, stood attendant at the side of these Thrones once upon a time.
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purplepoisonthorn · 1 year
Rwby fun fact
I just realized that the relic spirits, much like the kindom’s they reside in symbol, has something on them referencing their relic, Jinn has hoop earrings resembling her lamp and ambrosias has a center price on his chest that resembles his staff. It’s clear the Crown of choice’s spirit is going to be wearing a crown but what about destruction, what are they going to have to reference the sword, or will they just straight up have a sword.
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anthurak · 6 months
What if Salem can’t actually use the relics herself?
This is actually something I've been pretty long curious about myself.
Like it's pretty easy to imagine any number of reasons why that might be the case. Since the Relics seem to have been made specifically by the God of Light, perhaps Salem having been imbued with power/essence of the God of Darkness keeps her from using them. Or perhaps Salem's 'curse' of immortality placed on her by the Brothers might block her. Or maybe the God of Light SPECIFICALLY made it so the Relics won't work for Salem when he made them. He does seem the type to be that petty.
And this would certainly have some interesting implications for Salem's plans. On the one hand, it shows why she needs followers, as she would actually need others to use the Relics FOR her. At the same time however, this wouldn't actually hinder her ultimate goal, as Salem simply needs to bring the four relics TOGETHER, not actually use them herself.
Plus, given RWBY's recurring nods to the Lord of the Rings, this could represent an interesting nod to the Silmarils and how they can only be held by certain beings.
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lovingdabeessss · 16 days
“Why is Yang lying about raven??? That’s so out of character she’s so against lying ” is a BROKE take
she’s NOT lying about raven as a betrayal to her group no one there really cares about raven!!! Except obviously qrow but not for maiden reasons so whatever
She’s lying as PART OF HER DEAL WITH RAVEN!!! The deal was that raven didn’t want the danger that came with having the relic or with being the maiden so Yang convinced her that she could have that target on her back instead this is a pivotal moment for them cause it shows raven would rather let Yang be in danger then her and Yang accepting this and using it
She traded safety for the relic
And she stuck to that deal
And Yang lying about about the maiden thing (really just not actively bringing it up she only really lied the one time) shows that she still cares about raven and is in character because her problem isn’t lying in general it’s the betrayal of it
Like she’s not going around leading them on failed pretenses that someone else is the maiden or anything
Ozpin had been leading them to do something that he was told by like the GOD OF WISDOM was not possible and NEVER TOLD THEM
Their friend DIED for this cause
SUMMER died for this cause
That SOOO messed up
Also snitches get stitches
Happy eclipse!!!
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short-wooloo · 1 year
I don't like how some RWBY fanfics set in the hypothetical post series have that "magic goes away" thing
Like, A. That idea is played out and dumb in fiction as a whole (and I'm pretty sure RWBY is leading to a "magic comes back" world)
But the lengths some people take it with RWBY after the end fics...
Like, you see fics not just doing away with the relics or maidens, those are at least kinda understandable (but not really), some have the Grimm and semblances, and even dust go away
Why would you want that?
Why would you want to strip away everything that makes the world of RWBY special and unique? Why would you want to reduce this incredible setting to just "our world with different geography, a busted moon, and animal people"?
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rontra · 6 months
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fucking around with women my ex knows
i was looking in my sketchbook from like 2019 and found some salem and glynda pictures so i felt like drawing them again. and then i just started drawing salem with other women tooMDHBJG
anyway we glynda crown relic ???? conspiracists never give up (the ???? is because i dont know what it means but BIG if true)
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strqyr · 5 months
i was doing fine before finding out that yang had tears in her eyes before she even entered the vault this isn't fair. also like how long did she spent crying in the vault. alone. how long ಥ_ಥ
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erros429 · 2 months
gonna start a bake sale so i can eventually buy rwby from warner bros yall i’m gonna save us don’t worry
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autumnsorbet · 1 year
The relic of choice 👑
Alot of fans thin the relic is hidden here athe ruins where the characters during their first test to get into beacon academy and become partners along the way fans have theorized that The relic is hidden here
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Think about oz and all the life's he's had why is it work so hard to hide the relic of choice, if anything the most deadliest relic seems to be the relic of creation you can create anything you could even if you wanted to create a new form of ground to just kill more people if you knew how to actually make ground like Salem does which I think is something
she's going to do when she gets that staff working at some point during the next few volume so why oz/the king of vale watch over the staff instead but it was stated to us in volume 8 that the staff was being used to help keep at atlas up in the sky along with the bit of gravity dust, the relics seem to be more powerful than we think
But then in the Rwby fairytale book and show we read/saw how the relic of choice is used and it can give some on a clear vision of the future or show them so many outcomes it drives them mad,
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So maybe out of fear of the crown driving ppl and even Salem of she got it mad oz fide the crown instead of putting it in a vault like the other relics
And I think oz maybe knew that it was hard to keep the maidens in one place I believe before that the maidens were just roaming around using the powers he gave them for good
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but I think he maybe at one point maybe as the king of veil or maybe when he became ozpin use the crown and possibly I saw an outcome where the maiden Powers will be hunted down by Salem's forces so that's maybe another reason why he hid it in a different place because it's never really made sense to me why he decided to tie the maidens to the vault especially considering there's a possibility
that if Salem wanted she could send someone after maidens and steal the maiden powers for herself because the maiden powers can only go to female women in Salem is a woman and although she is old technically Salem stopped aging at the age of 17 to
18 years old there is a possibility she could reabsorb that power and as we saw in volume 3 Salem has a bug that can help someone absorb that power
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so who's to say Salem at some point couldn't absorb that power I mean after all that is why she's sending cinder around to get the maiden Powers
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there's a possibility she's trying to get those Powers not just off of Oz's side but make sure that she can keep the powers needed to access the relics in case they get locked up again by oz
But as to were oz hide the relic I believe it's in the forest but not in the emerald forest or forever fall I believe it somewhere in between them both
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in the middle of the red and green forest the red and green the match Salem and oz and the 2 character that parallel them Oscar and Ruby with both red and green as well
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This is about ships by the way just the color and how they match
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