anghraine · 2 months
cressida-jayoungr replied to this post:
Wait, what's this about squirrels? That's one I haven't run across!
It's one of the many factoids from Tolkien's essay on Númenor in The Nature of Middle-earth! He talks about gender and relationships with animals there:
they [Númenórean women] were generally nearer to men than is the case with most races in stature and strength, and were agile and fleet of foot in youth. Their great delight was in dancing (in which many men also took part) at feasts or in leisure time ... But nearly all women could ride horses, treating them honourably, and housing them more nobly than any other of their domestic animals. The stables of a great man were often as large and as fair to look upon as his own house. Both men and women rode horses for pleasure ... and in ceremony of state both men and women of rank, even queens, would ride, on horseback amid their escorts or retinues ... The Númenóreans trained their horses to hear and understand calls (by voice or whistling) from great distances; and also, where there was great love between men or women and their favorite steeds, they could (or so it is said in ancient tales) summon them at need by their thought alone. So it was also with their dogs. For the Númenóreans kept dogs, especially in the country, partly by ancestral tradition, since they had few useful purposes any longer ... It was men rather than women who had a liking to keep dogs as "friends". Women loved more the wild (or "unowned") birds and beasts, and they were especially fond of squirrels, of which there were great numbers in the wooded country. ...The woods of Númenor abounded in squirrels, mostly red, but some dark brown or black. These were all unafraid, and readily tamed. The women of Númenor were specially fond of them. Often they would live in trees near a homestead, and would come when invited into the house. (NOME 325-326, 335-6)
Conclusion: a) Númenóreans were, as a people, significantly larger than other humans, b) Númenórean women were more similar in size and strength to the men of their people than is usual among humans, and c) these gigantic women liked to befriend normal squirrels.
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somos-deseos · 2 months
Yo fui la persona que le mostró que realmente podía ser amado y él fue la persona que me mostró que yo necesitaba amarme de verdad.
R: También sufrí de eso... No más.
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suenosyfantasmas · 2 months
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"Las únicas respuestas interesantes son las que destruyen las preguntas".
Susan Sontag.
Arte: MAVi.
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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s-a-d-h-u-m-a-n · 4 months
Antes quería encontrar una respuesta, pero ahora me doy cuenta que no hace falta que pregunte, porque cuando miro atrás, cada detalle es una respuesta...
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psychopath-99 · 7 months
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Considerando salir de ahí :((
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welele · 3 months
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heart-in-pieces-95 · 2 months
¿Alguien de ustedes, me podría decir que se supone es ser un buen amigo?
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cartas-de-luchi · 2 months
¿Vale la pena arriesgarse tanto por alguien?
Pues creo que no hay una respuesta correcta para eso, ¿sabes?
Porque a veces va más allá de eso, de pensar en si vale o no la pena, o si la persona lo merece siquiera. Creo que todo parte de la base de como esa persona nos hace sentir, independientemente de lo que la otra persona sienta. Porque cuando quieres a alguien las acciones dejan de sen lógicas y terminas guiandote un poco por ese amor, vas un poco a la deriva.
Yo, por ejemplo, me arriesgué entera por alguien una vez y fue precioso, aunque el final fuese tan amargo como lo fue. Y valió la pena, claro que la valió. Porque ahora tengo los recuerdos más bonitos de mi vida atesorados en el corazón. Pero arriesgarse también es aceptar que algún día puede doler de forma desgarradora e inaguantable. Arriesgarse significa aceptar las diversas posibilidades y los distintos finales que puede haber. Bueno y malos. O ambos a la vez. Y volvería a arriesgarme por otra persona si siento que, ara mi, vale la pena.
Así que, desde mi punto de vista y basándome en mis experiencias, te diría que vale totalmente la pena. Pero que no hay que perderse a uno/a mismo/a en el camino, que nosotros tenemos que ir por delante de cualquier persona que entre a nuestra vida, porque al final del día, solo nos tenemos a nosotros mismos.
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danna8ne · 24 days
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anghraine · 2 months
isaidnothankyou replied to this post:
Wait. Do you think Caroline knew the specifics? Or just that Darcy and Wickham had had a falling out?
She doesn't know the specifics (she says so herself, and for sure none of the Bingleys know about Georgiana), but she's been given some information. This is what she says to Elizabeth before she gets distracted by snobbery:
"Your sister [Jane] has been talking to me about him [Wickham], and asking me a thousand questions; and I find that the young man forgot to tell you, among his other communications, that he was the son of old Wickham, the late Mr Darcy's steward. Let me recommend you, however, as a friend, not to give implicit confidence to all his assertions: for as to Mr Darcy's using him ill, it is perfectly false; for, on the contrary, he has been always remarkably kind to him, though George Wickham has treated Mr Darcy in a most infamous manner. I do not know the particulars, but I know very well that Mr Darcy is not in the least to blame, that he cannot bear to hear George Wickham mentioned, and that though my brother thought he could not well avoid including him in his invitation to the officers, he was excessively glad to find that he had taken himself out of the way."
Bingley also doesn't know the whole story (according to both himself and the narrator), but Darcy told him the history of Wickham and the living he was supposed to have received. Jane's information from Bingley is this:
"[Bingley] is perfectly convinced that Mr Wickham has deserved much less attention from Mr Darcy than he has received; and I am sorry to say that by his account as well as his sister's, Mr Wickham is by no means a respectable young man. I am afraid he has been very imprudent, and has deserved to lose Mr Darcy's regard."
"He [Bingley] does not exactly recollect the circumstances [of Wickham and the inheritance he was supposedly robbed of], though he has heard them from Mr Darcy more than once, but he believes that it [the living] was left to him [Wickham] conditionally only."
Bingley and Caroline seem to have fairly similar information and both tried to get warnings out in their own ways.
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somos-deseos · 1 year
Como se puede olvidar a alguien que fue tan importante en tu vida? Ayuda.
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caballero-de-libra · 7 months
Que tipo de chicas te gustan?
Desde mi infancia hasta hoy, no he sentido atracción fácilmente. Las chicas que me atraían fueron aquellas que destacaban por su inteligencia, su presencia (elegancia), su fluidez al hablar y sus valores. Me atrapa lo mental, espiritual y afectivo primero. Aprecio a las científicas, poetas, psicólogas, educadoras, artistas, etc. Esto no quiere decir que me enamore si veo alguna así. He tenido amistades y no necesariamente siento más allá. uwu
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sinfonia-relativa · 5 months
Tras las preguntas, el tren responde. Siempre responde, pero no descifra las respuestas, solo responde.
Su sonido: un grito sin respuestas, solo me hace saber que existes, que fuiste y que tu recuerdo, insiste en quedarse cerca.
B. Owl🦉
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betweenthebarses · 4 months
¿Se puede tener miedo a la vida?
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welele · 5 months
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mememakerart15 · 5 months
Ejem! Here we go Again
Para mí besti waifu Brisck ✨
¿Cómo es tu relación con Sassy? ¿Que les gusta hacer?
Te amio meme, mua ✨❄️
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