kafkasapartment · 8 months
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Composition 8 (Komposition 8), 1923. Wassily Kandinsky. Oil on canvas
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indeedgoodman · 4 months
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Mechanical Rhythms
I opened the door to the engine room, ready to declare “Lunch delivery!” but the place was so loud with machinery that I decided to wait. Instead I shut the door behind me and carried the tray of sealed containers past all the viewscreens, gauges, and schematics, and into the labyrinth of passages beyond.
They call it the engine room, but really it’s a whole complex on this spaceship. And it’s not usually this loud. All the thumps, roars, and dings seemed to be at max volume somehow.
When I reached the part that was normally smooth walls and amorphous shapes, I saw why. All the covers were off. Some were retracted into the ceiling, some swung open like window shutters, and more lay cluttering up the walkway along with a chaotic spread of tools.
From somewhere among the exposed wires and pipes, a gruff voice muttered angrily.
“Hey Mimi,” I said over the whooshing noises of the pipes. “I’ve got lunch for you.”
“Thanks,” said the voice, sounding tired. And gravely. I found it amusing that our engineer sounded just like any number of crusty old mechanics back home. Mimi’s voice was balanced out by the fact that his name was Mimi, and he looked like an octopus. “Put it on top of the big toolbox, will you?” he said, sticking a tentacle out from behind something shaped like a pipe organ.
“Sure,” I said. I was pretty sure I knew which one he meant. “It’s heated but sealed, so you can get to it when you’re ready.”
“Think I’ll take a break now,” he said. “This is obnoxious and a half.” More pale green tentacles emerged, followed by his round octopus head, and Mimi clambered expertly over the mess to plop down next to the food tray.
I looked around. “What’s happening? Eggskin said you were working on something that might take a while.”
“It wasn’t supposed to,” Mimi griped as he twisted a lid off. “I was just checking for efficient fuel use, since something wasn’t firing right, and now I’ve been tracking the flipping-flailing problem all day!” He dumped something into his mouth that looked like grapes. “I had other thingzh I wuz gonna do,” he grumbled.
“Sounds annoying,” I said. “Made any progress, at least?”
“Oh sure,” he replied, pointing a tentacle over his head at the set of pipes. “Tracked the problem to that area. One of ‘em isn’t in synch with the rest, and I am not looking forward to disassembling the housing so I can figure out which.”
The pipes were a dull coppery-brown, without any of the translucence of certain other engine parts. “Yeah, I guess you can’t really see from here, huh?”
“Nope,” Mimi said, prying at another container. “If I ever meet the pebble-brain who designed this ship, I will have words for them.”
I moved closer, picking out the sounds of these engine parts over the others. Kind of a whoosh-whirr-wheet. “Can you tell anything by listening?”
Mimi spoke over a mouthful of food. “Like what?”
“You said one was out of synch. Does it make a different noise?”
With a wave of tentacles that I took to mean I doubt it, or maybe You’re welcome to try, Mimi focused on his lunch.
Well. Whyever not.
I stepped over more tools to where I could stick my face up close to the noisy things. At least this part wasn’t the loudest — that honor was reserved for the whump-screech rhythm from the boiler-looking dealie down the way. I didn’t know what any of this stuff did.
When I listened from up close, I found a surprisingly catchy beat to the noises. It reminded me of the dishwasher my parents had when I was a kid. Fond memories of dancing in front of it. I’ve always taken my small joys where I find them, and I’m pretty sure that stemmed from a good upbringing. Any family that encouraged kids to dance to dishwasher noises is one that can find fun anywhere.
I moved along the row of pipes, listening to each in turn, nodding to the beat until I found something that didn’t match.
“It’s this one,” I said, standing back and pointing.
“What? How can you tell?” Mimi demanded.
“It dropped the beat,” I said.
“It doesn’t match the rhythm of the others.”
Mimi scrambled over, lunch forgotten. “You can hear that?”
“Well yeah, it’s pretty obvious when you listen for it,” I said, giving him space. I watched as he clambered around, listening intently with the little ear holes in the side of his squishy head, sometimes pressing between the pipes in a way someone with solid bones could never manage. There was a reason Strongarms made good mechanics.
But apparently not all the reasons.
“I have no idea what you’re hearing,” Mimi declared, pulling back out.
“It’s this one,” I repeated. “The other ones are going whoosh-whirr-wheet, but this one gets stuck on the whirr.”
Mimi stared at me for a moment. “Stay right there,” he said, scrambling down to a bank of dials and levers. “Tell me if you hear any change. The third one, right?”
“Yeah.” I listened from close to the pipes while he adjusted things down at the bottom. Gradually, the rhythm shifted. “Oh, it’s getting better!”
“See if you can tell me when it matches,” Mimi said.
“Almost there,” I said. “It’s making the wheet noise now, just at the wrong time.” I nodded along, drumming on the air to the rhythm of the other pipes while Pipe Number Three gradually synched up. “Wait, too far,” I told Mimi. “It’s too early now.”
Muttering something indistinct, Mimi adjusted more dials.
“There! You got it!” I stood back, grinning.
“You’re sure?” Mimi asked from the console.
“Yeah, it’s a perfect match now. Ready to dance to.” I shimmied in place, appreciating the beat and not particularly caring if it wasn’t dignified.
“I’ll run the diagnostic again,” Mimi said as he tentacle-walked over to a different control panel. “If that fixed it, I will be amazed.”
I danced among the tools for the few seconds it took to run the diagnostic.
“Welp,” Mimi said. “It’s official. I’m amazed.”
“Did we fix it?” I asked, standing up with a grin.
“It appears that we did,” he said. Waving his tentacles in a baffled sort of way, he looked from me to the panel. “Thanks. You’re useful to have around.”
“And you’re welcome!” I replied. “Happy to help. Now you can finish your lunch before Eggskin starts griping about organic maintenance.”
“We can’t have that, now can we?” Mimi said. “Maybe I’ll eat somewhere quieter, and put the sound baffles back in place afterward.”
“Great idea,” I agreed. “As catchy as this music is, it’s a bit loud for lunch.”
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character in this book. More to come!
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viejospellejos · 1 year
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
Sometimes I am forced to come to terms with the fact that most people don't think of prose in terms of Rhythm
[am reminded of a John Rogers blog post where he talks about the sound driving how he directs a show]
[Also those Hunger Games text analyses talking about how the prose sentence structure changes depending on the setting and the stress that Katniss is under.]
I was really into "this is how poetry works" in middle school.
Considered poetry as a direction for my writing, never quite fit, but the format of "this is how stress and diction and punctuation affect the tone and mood" has been in my prose pretty much ever since.
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Nobody who understands the experiences of melody, harmony, and rhythm will doubt their value. Not only are they the distillation of centuries of social life: they are also forms of knowledge, providing the competence to reach out of ourselves through music. Through melody, harmony, and rhythm, we enter a world where others exist besides the self, a world that is full of feeling but also ordered, disciplined but free. That is why music is a character-forming force, and the decline of musical taste a decline in morals.
- Sir Roger Scruton, The Aesthetics of Music
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videogamepolls · 29 days
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Requested by anon
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pithia · 4 months
Loneliness has been no stranger to me... and neither has that dreadful sense of being out of step with everyone else, of being the only one who can't quite find the rhythm to which the rest of the world moves.
from Teach the Torches to Burn by Caleb Roehrig
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jaubaius · 2 years
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ozgur-ce · 1 year
Müziği duyunca ben 😋💃💃💃
Müziğin ritmi değil sadece, kalbinizin ritmini değiştirenler eksik olmasın hayatınızda... ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Haftanız güzel eğlenceli başlasın 🥳🥳🥳
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courtingwonder · 7 months
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How Sentence Length Affects The Readability, Rhythm, And Aesthetic of Writing
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photo credit Fubiz
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"There is no time in nature. There is rhythm in nature, yes. There is motion in nature. But the clock as a measure of motion is a human artifact. The world, as it spins on its axis, doesn’t tick."
-Alan Watts, excerpt from seminar TIME AND THE FUTURE, July 1967
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noosphe-re · 2 months
From a new rhythmic-form, a new movement-form. From a new movement-form, a new thought-form. From a new thought-form, a new material-form.
Ahmed Salman
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viejospellejos · 1 year
¿Safri Duo?
aporte: @c_nagrass3
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rainbowdonkee · 7 months
What's funny about this Kurode and Merold situation is that Fragaria Memories could have just made knights for My Melody and Kuromi's actual siblings.
Romina is Kuromi's older sister. Rhythm is My Melody's younger brother
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grrl-beetle · 6 months
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Patagonia Rhythm
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