first-of-july · 6 months
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“ Is it better to Speak, or to Die? ”
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Prumano grenade
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
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one of my main arguments for prussia uke
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pastacat48 · 1 year
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some doodles wohhoo
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keiksy-cake · 2 years
118 - Edible Aftereffect [Request; CW]
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I know they got their booties out and everything but, trust me, it’s not some cringe yaoi or anything!! Probably just meant to be clickbait but it has a pretty interesting story!! Well there’s a rather lewd kiss at the end but it’s just like two panels 😖
Anyway, as per usual, I had the artist’s permission to translate and post 😎 
CW: war themes, and there’s an injury at some point that might be considered a bit graphic to some, but it’s not super bloody
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Afterwards, I found out the character for “bear” is actually used like a nickname for Russia
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Rus text: greetings/hello
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Rus text: rest in peace
*connected: meaning like bonded, he might’ve also meant that the rus and prus soldiers being next to each other was a sign that the two of themselves are connected as well, but that’s kind of reach so idk
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Rus text: thank you
*ur ears r ready: I think it actually means “your ear is healed already?” but att I wasn’t sure
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*“If we get hit by a stray bullet we can be together” I wasn’t sure how to translate this but the original phrasing was a lot romantic than this, sort of implying like “let’s die together for the sake of love”? Idr anymore actually, I should’ve taken screenshots of the explanations I found
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The phrasing in these last two pages was very confusing:
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I feel bad to the person who requested this one! They were requesting a lot att (I think), but then I got busy with the Collezione and everything but at last I have gotten to it :)
I’ve been a lot more productive these days, I hope it doesn’t wear off!
Pixiv ID is 87836261
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Germanic Rarepairs: Prussia and Romania
Prussia was sitting and writing down his thoughts before they vanished. It was an unsettled night, and his mind felt equally tumultuous. He was taking down notes of which of his old allies could be counted on to support Germany.
He was running through scenarios in his head. He was already planning on wars that were not yet declared or fought. This was one of Graf von Bismarck’s many lessons that he should be prepared to be several steps ahead. Germany had given Prussia a prominent position in the government and he intended to be useful.
It was strange and stressful to contemplate alliances that were all contingent on his brother securing them. Those who he had cultivated ties with could easily slip away if Germany did not handle them deftly. For the moment Bismarck would be enough to keep things stable. But once he retired it would be hard to say. The uncertainty was enough to give Prussia a headache, especially when he could no longer control diplomacy directly.
Romania settled himself on the divan right next to Prussia and put his head on the man’s shoulder. He said, glancing at the diary in Prussia’s lap, “What are you doing?”
Prussia bit the inside of his lip and tried to decide how much he could say. Romania was a new ally, and was not nearly as comfortable as the old ones. Prussia was counting on his grudge against Hungary to provide a counterbalance against Austria’s empire, but that hardly made him trustworthy. If he were talking to Russia, he would simply voice his thoughts. But the man beside him was not Russia, and it was no longer that easy.
Instead, he snapped the book closed and said, “Just thinking about the future. I want to be prepared.”
Romania gave him a skeptical glance and said, as he put a hand on Prussia’s thigh, “You do look stressed though. Too much of that isn’t good for you.”
Prussia chuckled and replied, “And are you going to offer me something to help me relax?”
He felt like he already knew the answer, and the look in Romania’s eyes only confirmed it. In the dim candlelight his eyes were the most perplexing shade of hazel, and it reminded Prussia distinctly of a wolf. The man seemed to be part predator, both alluring and foreboding.
Romania moved his hand assertively up Prussia’s leg and answered, “Only the best kind of stress relief.” He leaned closer and said in the other’s ear, “Put away the boring work, and I promise I’ll make you forget it.”
Prussia thought for a moment about turning him down, but the temptation was too great with a handsome man pressed against his body. He replied, “Very well. Do your worst.”
Romania smirked and climbed fully into his lap, pushing the book to the side as he did so. He then took Prussia’s face assertively in his hands, and kissed him deeply.
The man tasted like vice. Like sin and lust. Prussia had never experienced quite the same sensation of doing something deeply sinful before, even when he had kissed other in absolute secret. Stolen kisses were not like one made with full knowledge of how damning it was. But it was impossible to pull away.
Romania only paused briefly to shift his attention to the other’s neck right above the stiff collar of his uniform. Prussia exhaled sharply as he felt teeth against his skin. It was equal parts exhilarating and taboo, like he should not allow a mark where the world would see it. Germany already looked at him with suspicion when he returned from his trips to Bucharest.
The urge to push Romania away passed quickly as the man said, in a voice that caused goosebumps on Prussia’s pale skin, “You know you like it. Let me spoil you.”
His mind already made up for the night, Prussia turned his head and allowed Romania to kiss him again.
Historical notes under cut:
- After the removal of Alexandru Iona Cuza from power in 1866, a coalition offered the throne to a Hohenzollern prince.
- He accepted the throne and ruled as King Carol I, creating a dynastic link between Prussia and Romania.
- Romania was officially internationally recognized with the backing of the German government at the treaty of Berlin in 1879.
-An independent Romanian kingdom was declared in 1881, with the house of Hohenzollern-Sigmarigen as the royal house.
-Romania remained effectively pro-German in its international politics until the outbreak of the first World War. When any pro-German sentiment was overridden by the desire to oppose both Hungary and Bulgaria.
-Romania benefited immensely from dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire and the Treaty of Trianon.
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kitaychan · 3 years
Can you do 42 fluff for RoPru (Romania x Prussia)
~Sorry it took a while, I wasn't sure of what Romania's human name was, so I went with Vladimir, I hope that's ok, thanks for the ask and I hope you like it!~
The prompt was: "Darling, I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen."
The windows shined proudly, Gilbert wiped the frame slowly, smiling at his perfectly done cleaning.
He liked to spare a whole day for it, finding it easier to focus on this sole activity and restoring order around the house. Keeping your hands busy is always useful if you want to escape from your thoughts.
Though these days, he didn't have to hide from his own mind, he was satisfied with his life, with his job, and most of all, with his partner. He sighed, stretching his arms and retrieving the cleaning supplies, a sweet smell emanating from the kitchen.
Peering his head, Gilbert gazed at Vladimir, he was folding dough, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, his arms tense as he carefully arranged the desserts, his eyebrows knitted and his hand steady, precise.
The oven was lit, a tray with Brânzoaică was baking on it, the sight made Gilbert crave the sweet delicacies. He was growing familiar with the romanian's food, sometimes he found himself craving dishes with names he didn't remember. It was annoying at first, but Vladimir made sure to spoil him constantly with different dishes, so Gilbert was not complaining, he never would.
"Luring you into the kitchen is easier than I thought." Vladimir said, placing his hand on the counter, staining the surface with a bit of flour. "These have to sit here for a while but I can give you a taste of it if you want."
Gilbert approached, the mischievous smile on Vladimir's face made his stomach flutter with anticipation. Both of the scenarios his mind had come up with after the other's words were appealing. Vladimir embraced him, giving him a soft but long kiss.
When their kiss ended Gilbert gazed around, there were traces of flour and butter fingerprints covering a tray. He chuckled. “Darling, I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.”
"I can't believe you're still thinking about cleaning." Vladimir laughed, walking away, he paused by the door frame, squinting his red eyes. "Don't let the Brânzoaică burn or I'll have to punish you."
Gilbert nodded slowly, his mind debating whether or not he should pay heed to Vladimir's warning.
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 4 years
A Stormy Night
This is for the second day of @aphrarepairweek2020 . The theme for today was Thunderstorm
Lightning cracked across a turbulent sky over Bucharest. Prussia was looking at one of the windows, as the rain lashed at it. The room was dimly lit behind him and it made it easy to see the majesty of the storm.
There were a series of stained glass showing a series of moments in the history of Romania. It was not particularly modest, though Prussia could not pretend that he did not also have his memories in a room in his house. But, his was not so public.
Though, he supposed that this was not really public. Romania had invited him into his house, and allowed him access to this because they now shared a royal family. Perhaps this was a privilege that he granted to few people.
His mind wandered as he watched the rain drops stream down the outside of the multicolored panes. As the lightning flash bathed the room momentarily in multicolored light, he found himself thinking about his little brother.
Germany was far away in Berlin, probably busy doing something political since he was now a country on his own. He did not need his older brother always at his elbow to tell him what to do.
The thought was still uncomfortable, like a new pair of shoes whose leather was still stiff. He had chosen to crown Germany in Paris, but now it felt strange to acknowledge that his brother was a country in his own right.
In his mind, he could see the face of a little boy who had tried so hard to pretend that he wasn’t scared of the thunder. Germany had never wanted to show his fear, but Prussia could see it in the way that he would insist that he just wasn’t ready to go to bed by himself yet. He would quickly take the offer to come to bed with Prussia, even if he wanted to insist that he was not scared.
It was strange for him to think that the little boy who had been so scared of the thunder was now confidently dealing with other countries.
Another crashing wave of thunder struck, strong enough that Prussia felt it through the floor. This was a particularly raucous storm.
Then, as it faded, he heard a voice, “What are you thinking about Gilbert?”
The albino turned his head to see that Romania was standing next to him. He had two glasses of wine in his hands, and Prussia assumed that one of them was for him. It was polite of him to offer, though it was something of an expected courtesy with the political closeness of their union.
He knew he should return the polite gesture with at least an answer to the question. He said, “I was thinking about Ludwig.”
Romania’s face was half illuminated by the low light of the storm outside, the other half by the flickering lights of the candles inside. Something about the uniquely uneven light made the look on his face seem particularly rakish. There was a tilt to his eyebrow that was provocative.
He said, “Why are you thinking about him? He’s not here.”
Prussia felt himself smirk. It was so strange to say it, but he knew that it was because he felt paternal towards his little brother. He replied, “He used to be scared of thunderstorms when he was little.” Romania said softly, “He’s not invited here, not even in your mind. It’s just you and me tonight.”
Prussia turned his gaze directly towards Romania. He noticed that the other man had unbuttoned his own jacket and the top most buttons of his undershirt. There was a tantalizing section of open skin on display.
Prussia felt like he had not payed any attention to Romania before, since his mind had been wandering. But, once he turned his attention to the man, he found himself staring at the sharp line of Romania’s collarbone as he said, “And why did you want it to be just the two of us? You share a royal family with my brother as well.”
He hadn’t questioned the invitation when he had gotten it, but the details of this moment were beginning to make him question if there were intentions he had missed. There was wine, privacy, and Romania’s curious state of undress. It was adding together into a very clear picture.
Romania turned to put down the wine, apparently accepting that no one was going to drink them. Then he turned back with a look of deep cunning, and he said, “Do you know why I chose to accept your prince?”
Prussia scoffed at the question, “You needed a monarch, and you have seen my success. You also need an ally against Hungary.”
He knew the unification of Germany had made an impact in European politics, and Romania must be aware of it. It was not a huge step to think that he had accepted the offer because he wanted someone powerful on his side.
But Romania took a step towards him and the curl of his lips turned into a suggestive smirk. He replied, fiddling with one of the buttons on his shirt as he did, “Your confidence is very attractive. But, I could have taken anyone. I chose you, because I wanted to be closer to you.”
Prussia felt himself start to blush, but he was not sure if he was understanding correctly. This felt like he was being propositioned, and it was strangely unfamiliar. That had not happened in a very long time, and he did not dislike the feeling. It was flattering to think that someone was looking at him with a rakish smile. And that someone was attractive, especially in this flattering light.
He replied, “Well, I am powerful now, so you made a good choice.”
He was trying to ignore his own pounding heart, which only got worse when Romania unbuttoned the button that he was fiddling with, revealing even more skin.
He stepped forward, causing Prussia to flush, and said, “You are also very handsome, and that’s what I am interested in.”
The answer was enough to make Prussia certain that he was not misinterpreting that this was a carnal offer. The though caused a kind of rising excitement that he had not felt in centuries.
His voice did not have his usual bravado as he said, “You are handsome too."
It was clumsy, and he knew it. But, he had not flirted with anyone in a very long time, and he hardly remembered how to do it. He had been busy with raising Germany.
But, his clumsy attempt was enough for Romania to continue, and he said, “Tell me, how long has it been since you touched someone?”
His tone made it perfectly clear what he meant. Prussia knew he could not be dishonest; it would be obvious if this interaction continued the way he thought it would. He replied, “A very long time.”
He added to himself: Not since Fritz died.
Romania took his hand in his own and said, in a tone of mock sympathy, “Oh, you poor man.”
He took the albino’s hand and placed it on the bare skin of his chest.
His skin was warm to the touch, and Prussia felt no reason to pull his hand away. He looked at his hand on the pale skin. Romania’s skin was almost as pale as his own, and they seemed to fit together.
He tried to clarify, “I have been working hard for Ludwig.”
Romania said, his voice low and smooth, “He is a country now. He’s not a little boy who is scared of the thunder. And I think his big brother is allowed to do something for his own pleasure."
Then he leaned forward enough to kiss Prussia on the lips. It was a short kiss, but it was enough to make Prussia realize how much he had been missing intimate contact.
Romania asked, one eyebrow cocked, “Don’t you agree?” Prussia moved his hand from the other man’s chest to his face and said, “Yes, I do.”
He then joined their lips more deeply. Romania seemed to melt happily against him, which made him even more certain of what he was doing. He felt teeth against his lower lip, and the feeling was exhilarating.
As Romania pulled away, he said, “Come to my bed.” Prussia nodded without a second thought.
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
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THIS IS SO OLD but i jazzed it up lol me when i take a break from drawing hetalia by drawing hetalia
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hollyroses-vault · 10 years
The checkpoints opened.
"Please don't go."
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keiksy-cake · 3 years
89 - Prussia’s Nendroids
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Same Prussia, same. I’m lower class but came SO close to emptying my savings to buy at least one nendroid TwT (the russia one, I’m still so tempted 😭 )
Also, by being paired as brothers, Prussia means he thought he would be paired w Germany and Italy with Romano (and not romantically ofc), I didn’t know how to better phrase it lol
“Old man” is also referring to Old Fritz I believe :3
Translated w permission! Pixiv ID is 78587570
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Any of your favorite prussia ships ? Also your least favorite ones ??😊
Hmmm....my favorite?
Gilbert X Some actual therapy
I'm kidding, but he seriously could benefit from talking to someone about his feelings instead of bottling them up. His relationship with his brother would also benefit from them both knowing how to express their frustrations in a mature and reasonable way.
In all seriousness, this question would have been so easy to answer a few years ago when I wrote RusPru almost exclusively. But, I'm not sure what the answer is at this point. I've been mostly writing RoPru (romania, not Romano) because it intrigues me and they are so rare in the fandom.
But least favorite is easy:
I do not like PruPol, PruHun or PruCan.
PruPol for the reasons I mentioned in my other post. The other two because of paper thin or nonexistent historical connections.
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