#Ruler of Hell (Davoth)
expvrgction · 14 days
Nobody insults villain getup. A certain king deserves better than that shade the Slayer gave him.
Davoth already got called a stars-damned lobster because of his mech armor. It looks NOTHING like one-- It's more a beetle than a lousy sea creature!
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four-4-dream-land · 2 years
[expvrgction] The Crimson Dunes-- A territory of Hell known for its grains of sand in various shades of red, and one notorious among more arid places in the dark realm for getting even the most well-traveled demons lost for however long it took. Here was a location with lesser concentration of populace, and where the recent victim of its ruler's whims was placed.
Were any other demon to see King Dedede like this, he would have been taken in and used for any purpose they would deem fit-- He would have been lost forever this way.
That was about to change, however, as a portal ripped open from a rift in space. Stepping out of it was none other than the bane of the demons' existence himself, the Doom Slayer.
He wasn't alone today, as there were others tied to the currently possessed king who sought to free him from being brainwashed. The upcoming battle would be easier said than done though, and it would be disastrous if Dedede had to be killed.
(Doomguy @ possessed King Dedede)
A lumbering mass slowly shuffled through the ruby sands, unthinking and without goals of its own. The life that once dwelled within it was locked away, a demonic face plastered upon it. With no orders, it would continue to wander, perhaps until the end of the Void itself...
The two Dream Land youths insisted that they join the Slayer in retrieving Davoth's hostage. After all, they knew the king best, including the kind of destructive power he was capable of. Meta Knight, on the other hand, was still in recovery from his own unfortunate possession and unable to assist.
Kirby didn’t want to jump in without an ability. Of all the possible powers at his disposal, he ended up choosing Water. Bandanna suggested it due to how harsh the desert was bound to be, and the pink puff certainly didn’t regret it upon their arrival. The heat alone was brutal, and he could give the others a drink if needed.
The scarcity of life and landmarks among the dunes, along with the strong winds, made it difficult to trace the group’s path. It would’ve taken ages to give the desert a thorough combing, if not for a keen eye on one of the tallest sandy peaks in the distance.
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“Hey, look up there!”
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There stood the cursed ruler himself, looking different due to Hell’s enhancements. His usual grand mallet was replaced by one fueled with Argent energy, and his mask...it seemed to bear the visage of the Icon of Sin.
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He had yet to notice them, though. This could be advantageous.
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the-rat-house · 2 years
[expvrgction] A lone lobster seemed to be lost among one crate full of crabs while the crew was busy with the dinner! Having a stray in the massive catch of other specific seafood might not be common, but such cases exist, and this was one of them.
Something else about this lobster, aside from its unfortunate capture and crowding with the crabs was unique in its own right-- It had some tiny, gold-flecked spots on its otherwise crimson form, some of which were more focused on the tail, the sides of its long torso and its pincers.
Question was, was this lobster truly an 'it'?
(the rats and co. have been visited by the literal ruler of hell davoth. who finds him in his disguise first though?)
The Squeak to stumble upon it happen to be Spinni! Everyone had been tasked to help in some capacity, even if that just meant sorting through the crabs to make sure that they were all actually dead; they weren't going to cook them alive, after all.
A lobster being there really wouldn't have been that interesting if it had been a normal lobster. But this one definitely seemed different. Spinni is no expert in marine biology or anything, but she knows that this is not the norm.
"Huh." She pulls the lobster out of the crate, holding it by the tail in one paw while spinning it slowly to get a good look at it. "Don't think I've ever heard of lobsters with gold on em." Well, there was that Heavy Lobster thing that the Halberd had, but that was a robot. One that she... may or may not know the dangers of from first hand experience.
The Squeaks were interested in all sorts of treasures.
BUT! Nonetheless, she decides this is interesting enough to warrant a break. At the very least, asking Galacta if the thing was, like, poisonous or something.
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times-immora · 2 years
[expvrgction] A portal with blue borders-- And surprisingly, shaped like a bunch of eyes patterned in a circular motif opened from a rift in space. Out came but a mere man, but a quick life signature reading would indicate that he was so much more.
Why did he come in such a casual outfitting in a place like Hell, though? Had he little regard in formalities (and not to mention safety)? Or was this all he had coming in? Worlds may never know.
What he presented was intriguing, if even a little-- Toy figurines and plushies made in the liking of the other Ruler of Hell could be seen placed on the ground-- From his humanoid disguise, his various forms of monstrosity, and even right up to his true form.
What was this out-of-nowhere of a guest implying?
"I managed to procure a couple figurines and plushies made after your visage while I was hopping realms. I wonder if your notoriety has earned you fame among mortalkind as well." (kahann being himself @ davoth)
The being who appeared before the demon Lord was not one he knew. It was enough to make Davoth bristle up in a precaution of threat breaching the sanctity of his domain - until the stranger presented baubles. Harsh cinder glancing to the little inanimate creatures littering Kahann's palms, whelping toys from the look of them, a brow then furrows at their familiarity.
He wasn't sure how to respond to the toys, only that they were heralded by something leaking power that could be a danger.
'...Mortals are a strange sort. They get enamoured with all sorts of things.'
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brymstcne-a · 3 years
Continued from here! @agcnt1ne
...Even Davoth could feel some kind of dread washing over him. He was warned of what would happen if he kept pushing someone long enough for them to retaliate.
Guess it fell on deaf ears, after all. But despite all that, the Dark Lord stood his ground.
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“You and your companions-- And even your bloodline, bring violence and war to thwart the Dark Realm. But conflict was born in Hell; It is inevitable.”
“...A fire that fuels creation, and gives purpose, where there is none.” The bane of Wesley’s existence finally came down, jumping right into the arena bounds.
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“Stand and fight, bearer of the Maykr Key. Show me what you’ve learned. Do *not* dishonor me as you did before.“ Oh, he remembered HOW this man humiliated him last time...
“If only that cerulean runt was here to witness this fight...” This would take Wesley a while to figure it out. “But he doesn’t have to be upset if I do end up killing you right now. He’s too busy rebuilding his little world, after all...”
And thus, a sword and shield of gargantuan proportions came to life. Just like old times.
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savior-of-humanity · 2 years
Lore Dump™ about some of my Doom muses (mainly the Father + Davoth) below the cut:
- The Father and Davoth both are related to each other. Maybe not by blood, but technically in the Doom Eternal universe/timeline they were the first conscious beings to ever exist, starting with the Big Bang. Thus they were pretty much born as gods right from the get-go.
- Both the Father and Davoth have “true” names. Davoth’s full name is Davanoth, and the Father’s full name is Lanrviel.
- Both Urdak and Jekkad were the first realms to exist within the universe. Urdak was created by Lanrviel, and Jekkad was created by Davanoth.
- Both are technically considered as ‘The Father’ by their respective civilizations; Lanrviel as the Father of Dawn, and Davanoth as the Father of Dusk.
- Samuel/Samur was the first Maykr to be created, and the first of a caste of Maykrs known as Seraphim, which operated as personal servants of Lanrviel. Samur in particular was considered as the Right Hand of the Father.
- Lanrviel and Davanoth were also responsible for the creation and/or influence of various races around the universe. Some notable examples being the Wraiths, and the Argenta. The Argenta in particular are biologically related to humans, and originated from very early in human existence (when Neanderthals were still a thing) when they were transplanted onto Argent D’nur.
- Lanrviel and Davanoth are fully immortal. The only beings in existence that can kill them are either themselves, or each other. Although this would cause the universe to undergo a sort of cataclysm as they themselves are 'connected’ to said universe.
- Hell is... complicated. It does not have a ruler despite Davoth holding the title of the Dark Lord; it would be more accurate to state that Davoth is a puppet for Hell itself. The Dark Realm is ‘controlled’ by an extremely powerful and extremely ancient entity that could be likened to something along the minds of a hivemind or an incorporeal consciousness. Ultimately, Davoth’s purpose is to act as a ‘sock puppet’, and to be a conduit through which Hell can better control it’s denizens.
- Y’shua is completely fluent in Argenta tongue, and is capable of holding full conversations in the language. Unfortunately, few individuals that aren’t Argenta themselves can actually understand said language.
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biomecharnotaurus · 3 years
Uno reverse. 💢 for Doom. I need the essay
*cracks knuckles*
First of all. People always come up with "original Doom never had a lore, that's why is so much better than Doom 2016-2020" BULLSHIT.
Original Doom had a fuck ton of lore, 2016-2020 got rid of it, AND I'M PISSED.
Listen, I like the slayer's lore, but it sounds more like a remake rather than a sequel of the 90's series.
Original Doom started from Wolfenstein, to Quake and to Commander Keen. The whole mess with demons started with FUCKING NAZIS OPENING A PORTAL TO GET HELL ENERGY FOR THEIR WEAPONS, Hitler even straight up made a deal with the devil, basically, he could take how much energy he wanted, but if B.J. killed him, the Apocalypse with natural disasters amd demonic invasions would have started. Of fucking course B.J. killed him, and that's how we got doomed (pun intended). Now. WHERE IS ALL OF THIS IN DOOM 2016???
Characters we know that exist, such as Crash that is only mentioned in Quake, she was the drill sergeant that trained Flynn, how the fuck didn't we get more stuff about her?? Also, Stan Blazkowicz in Doom RPG, he is mentioned being Flynn's twin brother, mind you, an engineer space marine, AND ALSO A FUCKING SERGEANT, where is him?? Did he die?? Isn't him technically a primeval too???
Something that pisses me off the most. 90's Doom was Bible based, we got biblical demons such as Satan and Baphomet, but in Eternal they just got reduced to...DAVOTH??? We even got a freaking weapon shaped like an ophanim in Doom 3, C'MON HUGO.
ANOTHER THING CAUSED BY MODERN DOOM: the new Doom 64 ending. Listen, Doom 64 ended in the worst way possible, our man basically closed himself in Hell, in order to murder all demons that tried to reopen the portals and probably died doing so, but with the extra levels we got only recently...it ruined the sad ass ending. Y'all are telling me the demons fucking teleported this man back to the UAC facility because he was annoying as fuck, and now it's basically just him and the demons throwing a temper tantrum because every time they yeet him away he just fucking goes back to Hell because that is where he decided to go, despite literally being banished from it??? All of this to add the Path of Perpetual Torment screen. Couldn't you just slap that screen in the original ending without fucking up the lore?? Jesus.
If you guys also didn't notice, I absolutely despise TAG 2 and whatever the fuck Hugo came up with after the chapter in the livestreams. He basically turned every fucking not human character in to glorified aliens nicknamed demons, slayer included. Don't turn this shit in to full sci fi...Halo it's a thing for a reason, no one needs another space marine vs aliens game, c'mon it's so fucking overused nowadays. Also, Davoth's bossfight was crap. Hayden's bossfight was more entertaining and complex, and we got hyped about Flynn vs THE RULER OF FUCKING HELL since the 90's, and it's reduced...to this?? A guy in a mecha??? (We are gonna ignore the fact that now apparently there is another Super Evil Satan™ guy that is much stronger than Davoth, but still).
The wife and son thing. Sure, we all suspected he always had a family, but...MORE LORE??? NOT JUST FUCKING SLAP A PNG ON THE FLOOR OF THE FORTRESS???? BRO. We can assume she was probably a UAC scientist, since she is wearing a UAC uniform, but...other than that...?
Probably there is more I need to complain about, I'll add more stuff later, if I remember exactly what.
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dinua · 3 years
TAG2 really happened, huh?
it has been about less than a day since I beat it, and I'm still reeling from it. but now that I've got a good night's sleep and stuff like that, I'll have to say,
everything was fantastic except for the writing.
this is all my opinion of course.
spoilers under the cut, you have been warned.
where the fuck do I even begin? it felt like all of the plot points were thrown at you at breakneck speeds. I know we're in a pandemic and all and that id's on a deadline (the Year One Pass), but they really should've saved the Davoth fight for a full game. on the topic of the Dark Lord,
  - Davoth, Ruler of Everything
so apparently id thought it would be a good idea to shamelessly retcon The Father being God, by instead having Davoth being God with The Father being his creation. it just seems like a twist put in there just to seem surprising.
nevermind the fact that this contradicts everything back in the main campaign and TAG1. the fact that TAG2 handwaves the Book of the Seraphs as "lies" only puts salt in the wound.
and also, it mentions that absolutely everything was just a part of Davoth's plan to get revenge on the Maykrs, from Doomguy’s existence, to the deal with Khan Maykr, and Samur rebelling.
not only does this mean that none of the characters really have any agency of their own in the story (which sucks because I liked Doomguy being the human-turned-demigod wildcard that messes up everyone's plans), but this once again contradicts previous lore, for after you kill the Khan Maykr back in Urdak, the Dark Lord can be clearly seen shouting "No!" at her demise.
oh yeah, speaking of the maykrs,
   - where the fuck is Sam? (and other loose ends)
seriously, after The Father teleported him away after the fight with him in TAG1, he's never to be seen again. no closure, just nothing. despite the fact that, y'know, he has played a massive role in the story since 2016 and that he's still alive.
also, what even happened to the Fortress of Doom and the Demonic Crucible? are they just floating in Earth's orbit for eternity? and will no one even question it? (well considering no one's questioning the literal portal to Hell's capital, they probably won't.)
   - Valen and the Intern should've gotten more screen time
exactly what it says on the tin. I say that the Intern should've gotten more screentime because I'm heavily biased towards him (he's adorable, what can I say) but Valen should've also gotten screen time considering that he, along with the rest of the Loyalist Night Sentinels, are participating in the siege of Immora. even a cutscene of Valen hatching up a plan with the Sentinels to assist the Slayer would've been nice, considering that he's a commander for crying out loud!
and finally, we reach the ending.
   - Doomguy fucking dies
yes, before anyone asks, I am aware that Doomguy may not be dead and is instead sleeping like he was before 2016, but still.
what. why?
Doomguy deserves better, and being forced into a sarcophagus after finally killing off the dude who's been responsible for all of his suffering up to that point is just... unfair. and if the powers that be decide only to let him out when he is needed, that's basically them viewing him as a weapon, which greatly insults his character and what he's been through. my man deserves a happy ending.
 I have more grievances with Doom's new lore and stuff, expanding beyond TAG2, like how with each and every game + DLC starting from 2016, things keep on getting more wackier and insane, Samuel Hayden being Samur Maykr all along (even though it clashes with his 2016 characterization), and the unsolved mystery of the family photo, but that's for another time. that doesn't mean I hated it as a whole though.
   + Environments
dear god, the world looks absolutely amazing in the DLC. the high tech city of Immora, the Argenta countryside + the World Spear, and the abandoned yet stunning in Reclaimed Earth.. credits to the artists for crafting such landscapes.
   + Gameplay
it's almost as if TAG2 had struck a balance between the decently hard main campaign and the tough-as-platinum-nails difficulty of TAG1. combat flows well, and the game gives you a challenge while not reaching the levels of pain TAG1 gave you. though I've heard that they nerfed a lot of difficult things in Eternal as a whole, much to the chargin of speedrunners.
that hammer tho;;
it's like pure adrenaline condensed into a weapon. It lends itself well to the combat of the game, considering that late-DLC and the Davoth fight was built around it. I reckon that it would be overpowered to hell and back if you were able to use it outside TAG2 though.
 so yeah, that was my rant/review of The Ancient Gods Part 2. some may have liked the writing better than I did, who knows. but, lemme just say one more thing:
intern’s best boy, fight me
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lcdylucifer · 2 years
[expvrgction] "What do you mean I can't revel in seeing war zones on literal fire?" (Meet Davoth, Ruler of Hell and generally an asshole.)
The man-child ruler finally crawls out of his cave.
For a brief moment she considers refusing to dignify him with a response—he sounds like a spoiled little boy complaining about not being allowed to do whatever he wants—but her ire at his actions overwhelms that thought.
"You claim to be a ruler, yet you are no better than a child kicking sand over others' creations. What point is there in needless war? You are only wiping out the people you claim to protect."
She flares her wings, the missing portion on her left blatantly obvious as she—despite being shorter than him—stares down with contempt.
"Come back with your claims of royalty when you have truly suffered for your people, instead of forcing them to suffer for you."
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death-sentinel-a · 3 years
(I have written some of the more dark and upsetting AUs for Kahann, but haven’t published it until now. Without further ado...)
Madness Made Flesh (Ruler of Hell)
Kahann has failed his mission due to temptation, and instead of helping to put Hell’s reign down once and for all, he inherits Davoth’s previous position as the Dark Lord. The war against Hell continues as a result, now with the Primeval of Argent D’nur having betrayed his previous allies.
Divine Insanity (Ruler of Hell + Davoth being alive)
The scenario is similar to that of Madness Made Flesh, but this time, Kahann ends up accepting Davoth’s offer to join him and “reset” the universe together, rather than to kill him.
Sacrifice (Kahann ruling Hell to prevent further invasions)
What Davoth said to him at death’s door made him realize something.
Hell can never back down, and if he falls, someone else will take his position as the Dark Lord. This sounds like the ultimate risk to Kahann-- Not only will he forgo his status as the guardian of Argent D’nur, but everyone he knows will lost their trust towards him.
But he had already made his mind.
“Then I will take your place. But not to continue to spread your madness.” And thus, Davoth’s life was forfeit there and then.
All of Hell felt dread upon having known the loss of their leader, but the emergence of a new one even more so. Eventually, the demons were left with little choice but to adhere to his new laws.
Hell must not any longer step foot on any other realm, and they are only allowed to punish evildoers.
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expvrgction · 6 months
Continued from here! @moonlightsdew
Even if this was an act, the Reploid before X and Zero appeared genuinely, visibly shaken by the sudden Mechaniloid attack to the market district in this port. But as he had heard of berserk machinery cases, he was better armed with knowledge and preparation for such events-- After all, his delivery service job wasn't always a walk in the park. There had been Mavericks who tried to target him before, and it was a good thing he was built for heavy duty tasks, as well as basic defense in emergencies. A technical self-first aid shouldn't hurt.
For the other red Reploid to look skeptical though earned a teensy bit, barely noticeable gaze of judgment by this Reploid-- In fact, he wondered if Zero had ever seen heavy-duty Reploids for civilian services before (albeit such a case likely being rare), though the currently disguised Dark Lord of Hell wouldn't fault that much alert. He does, to extent, inspire fear, after all.
The blue-armored robot, however... He could tell that he was the most sensitive of all these robots. Perhaps he would be the kind to easily be able to defuse conflicts, if those involved would cooperate.
"That Mechaniloid came from the direction of this road." The Reploid whom had yet to share his name to the two Maverick Hunters pointed at the damaged road ahead, with some debris from destroyed market equipment. Some unlucky merchants and workers here suffered losses, and would require every aid possible to restore their premises-- Not to mention insurance coverage. "I was parking my delivery truck here when the attack took place, and many here scrambled to safety in buildings nearest to them, like I did. I led other civilians nearby for cover before I called to report the incident to Hunter HQ."
The Reploid, then, showed the aforementioned delivery truck that was flipped. It would have been devastating if the parts of this truck containing fuel was instead destroyed, which would cause explosions and fire to the nearest vicinity. "And there went the supplies... My boss would be scratching his head at this."
"Hey, Rhagon!" One of the shop staff working where this Reploid was making his delivery rounds called to him. "Can you come here and help with clearing up rubble?"
"Hold on, I'm answering some questions from the Hunters! I'll be there when I'm done." Rhagon responded before looking back to X with a smile. "Those are some of my clients. I deliver supplies to their premises often, be it food products or shop equipment."
"Is there anything you require of me before I go help the others? I would have made more delivery rounds if this hot mess didn't happen."
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glorykill-a · 3 years
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          “    i   don’t   know   what   He   sees   in   you.    “          voice   laced   with   the   echo   of   fallen   divinity    ,    the   ruler   of   hell’s   infernal   forces   spoke   in   such   a   condescending   tone    ,    it   could   almost   be   mistaken   for   disdain.    perhaps   it   was   bitterness    ,    a   resentment   for   those   that   had   received   more   love   than   his   own   people...          what   made   you   so   deserving   of   His   care    ?    His   new   favorite   pets...          to   davoth    ,    they   were   nothing   but   cattle...          “    humanity.    you’re   all   so   fragile    ,    so   weak.    “          nothing   but   a   plague.          “    though   i   must   say    ,    i   do   admire   your   pension   for   violence.    makes   my   neck   bristle   with   ecstacy.    “
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/   /   one   liner   call   (    open    )    :    @spcialist​
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expvrgction · 5 months
Chinchiro is bonking Davoth on the head with a plastic bat. "No. Bad."
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Ask answered! @chiromutt
"Ow!" Davoth instinctively takes one of his hands over to where he is hit. "Was that for earlier? It was just a simple taunt! Whatever happens next is on that pirate." While this is true, maaaaaybe he shouldn't have said that to one of those pirates because who knows if it would be taken as a suggestion rather than a taunt.
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expvrgction · 1 year
Continued from here! @errantwish
Standing before Fate was a pitch-black, shadowed form. It was, however, made recognizable as a humanoid shape.
This form almost looked like a man Fate met some time ago, but a lot of things were just as off-putting as when the being before him called him by his name. For starters, he was much taller than B.J. There were burning red highlights indicating his eyes and what appeared to be markings of unholy nature, from neck to arms to lower torso.
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"You know my name. Most in Hell have forgotten about it by now, only referring to me as the Nameless, or the Dark Lord." Davoth stated rather plainly, for one who rules a realm full of strife, war and (un)death.
"It is only fair that I ask of you, your name. You obviously are no mere mortal, if at all; That much I know. As for how I found you? You may or may not have found someone touched by a curse I inflict upon his bloodline."
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expvrgction · 8 months
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Like this post for this sonofabitch Davoth coming to your inbox! Specify muse if you run a multimuse blog.
Non-roleplay blogs, hands off!
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expvrgction · 6 months
Davoth is in the mood to terrorize someone again.
It was exhilarating to see various beings' reaction to him as a lobster. A shame that some have been alerted to his particular disguise.
He may or may not need to make things... More interesting.
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