#S01E01 Pilot part I
myrefugeblog · 10 days
Legends of Tomorrow S01E01 - Pilot (part 1)
How do show someone is bad. Make him kill a mother and a son. Ok it's so random!
Let's start!
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This makes me think about something, just don't remember what...
Humans? The time masters are humans?
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Please tell me his suit gets better. This is horrible!
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Oh i like her!
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Oh! I know them!
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These costumes are so bad! What did happen to Kendra's boobs?
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Hey can you explain WHY Len and Mick are the only ones introduced by Gideon?
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Oh the diapers line.
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Why are they separated? Better question HOW did Rip get Mick there? Like the others are heavy too but Mick is huge. Ray still using the suit. Like imagine Rip trying to lift Mick without future mechanism.
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What did you do to my gun?!?
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Lord this hurts me.
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I'm so so sorry but I only have eyes to Len in this scene. Why they are talking about Barry?
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ffs What did you do this time, kid?
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yOu ArE lEgEnDs. No I don't like you. Are you the boy at the first scene?
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Ok i guess that without the mask isn't so bad...
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Not sure how I fell about them as a couple... 2 of 3 scenes they are arguing. Explain to my ace ass is it supposed to be sexual tension?
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You lived on the shadows long enough. <3 Sweet
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I saw a couple of days before an analysis about this scene... And I agree, Len isn't in it about a easy robbery, but neither is Mick he put that 25.000.000 art piece on fire.
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Nononononononoooooooooo. I hate it. I hate it so much.
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He drank something that didn't agree with him. DO YOU THINK? DO YOU?
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omg I would like to see it happening. Did Mick grab him like a bag of potatoes or more carefully?
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Yeah... Why are you rubbing me the wrong way? Is the actor's name Chris?
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I'm glad to se that no one is buying Stein shit. Hope Jax have a lot of people helping him, he is the only one that didn't have a real choice.
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I already said I love Sara, but may I add I love chaotic Mick that grabs a fucking stool as a bar weapon.
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UnLeSs OuR sOn Is CoMiNg WiTh Us. People! Stein said that something was happening to Jax. Rip said the ship was being attacked (ok he is a liar, but you don't know yet). And you want to bring a civil that is going to die soon under mysterious circumstances.
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Beginning my experimental journey by downloading 22 episodes each of four different podcasts and giving them all a try (not all 22 episodes of each one, just enough of each one to decide which I like best, and then I'll dedicate a massive chunk of my life to listening to every episode of that one). Starting with Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown, mainly because the first episode (well, the first non-pilot episode, but I'd already heard the pilot) features Andy Zaltzman.
The very first thing he said on the show was "You know I'm Jewish, right?" when told he has to spend the episode fighting to get out of paying a gas bill. Which I found hilarious just because I have listened to literally hundreds and hundreds of hours of Andy Zaltzman, and I have never heard him play that card before. I've heard him make jokes about how he is a "terrible Jew" because he does things like eat bacon and ignore religious holidays and not believe in God. I have, on a couple of extremely rare occasions, heard him talk seriously about how his Judaism (as part of his culture and heritage and ethnicity, even though he does not follow the religion) at times impacts his views on significant issues (it's come up a few times recently as he's argued that he is too Jewish for people to be allowed to call him anti-Semitic when he says genocide of Palestinians is bad). Once or twice I've heard him work his family's Jewish-ness into a comedy bit, but not for jokes about them adhering to Jewish stereotypes, the bit I'm thinking of is the time he managed to do comedy about his ancestors fleeing across Lithuanian borders during the Holocaust.
I have heard him do all those things, though to be honest, the vast majority of times that Andy Zaltzman mentions being Jewish it's just to say he loves pork and is therefore a terrible Jew. I have never, ever heard him make a straightforward "riff on Jewish stereotypes" joke. It's not his style. The only time I've heard Andy interact with jokes like that at all were when he went on Marc Maron's podcast, and Marc Maron kept trying to bond with him over "Oh, don't we know what Jewish families are like?" jokes, and Andy sounded wildly uncomfortable with the whole thing, and said he's not really in the Jewish community and can't speak to that.
Anyway, I'm five minutes into s01e01 of Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown and so far it's already got a laugh out of me for setting Andy Zaltzman up so nicely for the Jewish stereotype joke (hello Jewish man, we'd like you to argue for why you shouldn't have to pay money) that he had to step out of his usual style and go for the low-hanging fruit. Good for him. You take that fruit, Andy. That's what it's there for.
...I assume there will be more to the episode than that. Richard Herring is there as well (this was recorded in 2011, before John Oliver left The Bugle but after he started getting quite famous in America, so I'll be shocked if Richard Herring doesn't get in at least one joke about how both guests are the less successful member of their respective double acts, bonus points if he also names a counterpart in Pappy's), and he's been growing on me lately (not enough for me to put RHLSTP on my list of podcasts I might get into, but he doesn't annoy me as much as he used to), so this should be fun.
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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Superjail #2: “Superbar” | September 28, 2008 - 11:45PM | S01E01
Superjail! It’s back, baby! The darling of The Night of 1000 Pilots roars back onto our small screens. Glad to have it back; It’s been a very long time since I’ve watched through this show, and I’m not entirely positive I saw every single episode.
Superjail is formulaic. But, it’s also very, very funny and well animated, so you rarely feel how formulaic it is. Jailbot apprehends the recidivist Jackknife who commits crimes in the real world. Jailbot brings Jackknife to Superjail. A Thematic story unfolds that builds towards a big fight filled with violent sight-gags. Jackknife is seen escaping in the background. Repeat. 
In this one, Jackknife is at a carnival on a pier, where he darts a guy in the face to steal the carnival prize and tries to make a getaway on a rich family’s speedboat. Jailbot shows up in boat form and takes Jackknife away. 
At Superjail, the Warden wants to ask Alice out for a drink. For this to happen, he needs to build a bar in Superjail, which he does. This hearkens back to Bar Fight, Christy Karacas and  Stephen Warbrick’s 2001 short film that is set in a bar where a crazy fight breaks out. I’m pretty sure I mentioned this on the write-up for Superjail’s Bunny Love pilot, but it’s basically a prototype for this show.
The Warden gets jealous when Alice agrees to meet him at Superjail’s new watering hole, but brings a date; a prisoner she wants to bone. The prisoner is not there on his own accord; in fact he at one point bites his own head off to free himself from bondage when Alice ties him up at the bar. Despite now being a severed head squirming around on the bar counter, the Warden still tries to drunkenly pick a fight with him.
One of the bar patrons is disgusted by the condition of the men’s room (where a pile of naked prisoners are playing a lewd game of Twister), so he enters the pristine and empty ladies room. He gets fed up with an animatronic wall-display of the Warden and punches it, which puts a hole through the wall. That’s when he finds out that Superjail’s Seagate is just on the other side of the bathroom, and he enacts a plan to escape through it. 
Jared, a recovering alcoholic who is cruelly shoved into the role of Superjail’s bartender, winds up getting a drop of alcohol on his tongue which triggers a full-on relapse. He bitterly goes into the Warden’s office while puzzled on hooch and starts pushing random buttons, one of which open the seagate, causing the ocean to rush into Superjail’s bar and spurring the episode’s customary themed melee. This involves Jellyfish, Swordfish, Tridents wielded by mermen on sea horses, piranhas, et al. The part where the squid squirts so much ink it fills the entire screen is really cool. The show is very good at mixing up the visuals to keep things engaging. 
Jackknife escapes, and he creepily visits the teenage daughter of the rich family, in a final scene that looks like it’s more from a horror movie than a comedy. It’s difficult to watch comedy of almost any significant vintage and think YOU COULD NEVER MAKE BLAZING SADDLES, I MEAN, SUPERJAIL TODAY! But the show’s spirit is so fun despite it’s unpleasant-on-paper subject matter that it’s difficult to get truly mad at it. I said a lot of this in the Bunny Love. This applies to Alice, the walking trans joke. As misguided as some of that humor may seem today, I get the sense that the creators of the show like her as a character, and she's rarely (if ever) misgendered by her co-workers. It's not perfect, but it's not nothing.
There’s also a new prisoner guy, I think. He’s the guy who punches the hole in the wall. Maybe he was in “Bunny Love” but I remember thinking “oh, this is the main character on this show, now” the first time I saw this. He sorta seemed like an attempt to make a likable main prisoner guy. It’s the one added element to this show that felt like the biggest evolution from pilot to series. It’s fairly subtle, but it stuck out to me. It sorta makes the show feel more like a sitcom and less like an artsy-but-funny short film like Bunny Love does. 
Stray stuff: I think my favorite joke on this is when Alice shoves a plate of hot wings into a prisoner’s face, and it melts his skin off, so he dunks his whole head into a big barrel of bleu cheese to cool off. The Twins are in this, but they just sorta observe. At one point they go shirtless, and you can see they have quadruple nips. Didn't catch a Sealab 2021 reference when the prisoners were observing the underwater civilization, which I consider to be a good thing, fuck Sealab.
This episode is very good, and if it were my introduction to the series I’d probably be pretty impressed with it. But I feel the same way watching this as I do watching Robocop 2; that it’s about 80% as good as the original, but the original is one of the best things ever made, so it’s still satisfying. 
KON writes:
The Robin Bain bit (specifically her being nude and uncensored on DVD) never quite sat right with me because it seemed like it was by design a way to get easy-access nude tits into the hands of every 12 year old boy. Though I guess most kids would have had smartphones or at least unfettered internet access by then. And I didn't complain when the Whitest Kids I Like did it. Still, weird!
Yes, I agree! I think it's weird and suspicious when a show that doesn't have a built-in outlet for sleaze suddenly has sleaze in it. Not that I am saying nude female presenting nipples are SLEAZY, per-se, I just mean they are when Seth Green is involved.
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sh17poster187 · 1 year
Anyone ever think about the psychological ramifications of the shit that happens in Futurama on its characters?
TW: mention of suicide, survivor's guilt, psychology, war, hostage situations, mental illness, blood, violence
Anyone ever think about all of the psychological ramifications of the shit that happens in Futurama on its characters? I'll use the example of S04E12 "The Sting": Fry fucking dies because of something Leela does, and she effectively tries to kill herself because, not only does she feel insanely guilty and blame herself for his death, she also loved him, and keeps hallucinating that he's still alive (which also ties into the pseudo-suicide plan, in which she would consume three spoonfuls of royal jelly, which would put her into a permanent sleep state in which she could dream that she was together with Fry and that he was alive). And after *all of that*, it turns out that *Leela* was the one that got stung, and it was all a coma dream, and that Fry had been by her side the entire time doing whatever he could to make sure she pulled through. Like, that's some *deeply* traumatic shit.
There's plenty of other examples too:
S02E09 "A Bicyclops Built for Two" (Leela thinks she's found the last living member of her alien race and then it turns into a Married... with Children parody and it eventually turns out he's just a shapeshifting con man who's been gaslighting her and multiple others).
S02E17 "War is the H-Word" (Fry and Bender enlist in the Army as part of a scheme to get 5% off gum, and instead get drafted into a war on an alien planet where they both almost end up KIA and Bender specifically is horribly wounded and gets a bomb planted in his chest by his own military in order to subjugate the planet).
S03E11 "Insane in the Mainframe" (Bender and Fry get forced by an insane robot to aid him in robbing a bank, and are then committed to a robot mental institution where Fry ends up being conditioned to believe that he's a robot. Fry fully believes this with every fiber of his being by the end of their stay in the institution, and only snaps out of it when he gets cut by aforementioned robot in a hostage situation and finds out that he bleeds blood and not oil).
Hell, even S01E01 "Space Pilot 3000" (Fry "accidentally" ends up ~1000 years in the future, where everyone he ever knew is dead, *which he's overjoyed about*). There's still multiple other examples I could list. Like, *a lot*.
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Where I met a sailor gay
by Whothrewawayhershot
Day one: Pilot
Stede felt rather hot, all of a sudden. "Yes, well, I do rather think the paycheck keeps the crew happy. That was the goal, anyway. Alleviate the anxieties brought on by money, to focus on the–" Well, it sounded a bit silly, now. Best find the proper adjective. "The– The gayer elements!" "Mate–"
The Queen Anne was tailing Captain Badminton's ship way back in episode one, and Stede's accidental murdering of Nigel puts a bit of a wrench in their plans. Alternate first meeting.
Words: 3970, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Note the gusto (ofmd prompts 2023)
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Buttons (Our Flag Means Death), Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death), Nigel Badminton, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Episode: s01e01 Pilot (Our Flag Means Death), Ed is tracking the Revenge because of... the English. Sure, fuck me how do I tag this, Poor attempts at humor, Stede Bonnet Being Stede Bonnet, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Endlessly fascinated by the angst opportunities of Nigel haunting Stede in front of Ed, none of those opportunities were explored here, both stede and ed give up straight away when things don't go their way
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45433501
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ao3feed-kimparis · 2 years
And We’ll Stand Up, Up, Up At the Bow
by Castlewood_Bard
Tom meets Harry, Harry meets Tom. Need I say more. (They fall in love)
Words: 488, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of TAD Titles
   Fandoms: Star Trek: Voyager    Rating: General Audiences    Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply    Categories: M/M    Characters: Harry Kim, Tom Paris    Relationships: Harry Kim/Tom Paris    Additional Tags: Fluff, Pining, Mutual Pining, Flirting, Uncertainty, Episode: s01e01 Pilot, bits of dialogue taken for the first episode, Dating, Developing Relationship, New Relationship, Idiots in Love, Loverun2022
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timelesstimesgoneby · 2 years
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EPISODE SEASON 1 DISC 1 S01E01 PILOT S01E02 METAMORPHOSIS S01E03 HOTHEAD S01E04 X-RAY S01E05 COOL DISC 2 S01E06 HOURGLASS S01E07 CRAVING S01E08 JITTERS S01E09 ROGUE S01E10  Shimmer S01E11 HUG DISC 3 S01E12 LEECH S01E13 KINETIC S01E14 ZERO S01E15 NICODEMUS S01E16 STRAY DISC 4 S01E17 REAPER S01E18 DRONE S01E19 CRUSH S01E20 OBSCURA S01E21 TEMPEST Season 2 Disc 8 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Intro The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 1 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 2 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 3 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume I: Video 4 SEASON 2 DISC 5 S02E01 VORTE S02E02 HEAT S02E03 DUPLICITY S02E04 RED 02E05 NOCTURNE S02E06 REDUX S02E07 Lineage S02E08 Ryan S02E09 Dichotic DISC 6 S02E10 SKINWLKER S02E11 VISAGE S02E12 INSURGENCE DISC 7 S02E13 SUSPECT S02E14 RUSH S02E15 PRODIGAL S02E16 FEVER S02E17 ROSETTA S02E18 VISITOR DISC 8 S02E19 PRECIPICE S02E20 WITNESS S02E20 ACCELERATE S02E21 CALLING S02E22 EODUS Season 3 Disc 12 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 1 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 2 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 3 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 4 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 5 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 6 The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II: Chronicle 7 DISC 9 S03E01 EXILE (1) S03E02 PHOENIX (2) S03E03 EXTINCTION S03E04 SLUMBER S03E05 PERRY S03E06 RELIC DISC 10 S03E07 MAGNETIC S03E08 SHATTERED S03E09 ASYLUM S03E10 WHISPER S03E11 DELETE S03E12 HEREAFTER DISC 11 S03E13 VELOCITY S03E14 OBSESSION S03E15 RESURRECTION S03E16 CRISIS S03E17 LEGACY S03E18 TRUTH DISC 12 S03E19 MEMORIA S03E20 TALISMAN S03E21 FORSAKEN S03E22 COVENANT SEASON 4 DISC 13
S04E01 CRUSADE S04E02 GONE S04E03 FAÇADE S04E04 DEVOTED S04E05 RUN S04E06 TRANSFERENCE DISC 14 S04E07 JINX S04E08  SPELL S04E09 BOUND S04E10 SCARE S04E11 UNSAFE S04E12 PARIAH DISC 15 S04E13 RECRUIT S04E14 KRYPTO S04E15 SACRED S04E16 LUCY S04E17 ONYX S04E18 SPIRIT DISC 16 S04E19 BLANK S04E20 AGELESS S04E21 FOREVER S04E22 COMMENCEMENT SEASON 5 DISC 17 S05E01 ARRIVAL S05E02 MORTAL S05E03 HIDDEN S05E04 AQUA S05E05 THIRST S05E06 EXPOSED DISC 18 S05E07 SPLINTER S05E08 SOLITUDE "S05E09 LEXMAS C" S05E10 FANATIC S05E11 LOCKDOWN S05E12 RECKONING DISC 19 S05E13 VENGEANCE S05E14 TOMB S05E15 CYBORG Season 5 dvd only Disc 4 Vengeance Chronicles 1 Vengeance Chronicles 2 Vengeance Chronicles 3 Vengeance Chronicles 4 Vengeance Chronicles 5 S05E16 HYPNOTIC S05E17 VOID S05E18 FRAGILE DISC 20 S05E19 MERCY S05E20 FADE S05E21 ORACLE S05E22 VESSEL Season 6 Disc 22 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 1 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 2 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 3 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 4 Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom: Part 5 SEASON 6 DISC 21 S06E01 ZOD S06E02 SNEEZE S06E03 WITHER S06E04 ARROW S06E05 REUNION S06E06 FALLOUT DISC 22 S06E07 RAGE S06E08 STATIC S06E09 SUBTERRANEAN S06E10 HYDRO S06E11 JUSTICE S06E12 LABYRINTH DISC 23 S06E13 CRIMSON S06E14 TRESPASS S06E15 FREAK S06E16 PROMISÉ S06E17 COMBAT S06E18 PROGENY DISC 24 S06E19 NEMESIS S06E20 NOIR S06E21 PROTOTYPE S06E22 PHANTOM SEASON 7 DISC 25 S07E01 BIZARRO S07E02 KARA S07E03 FIERCE S07E04 CURE S07E05 ACTION DISC 26 S07E06 LARA S07E07 WRATH S07E08 BLUE "S07E09 GEMINI C" S07E10 PERSONA DISC 27 S07E11 SIREN KNIGHT S07E12 FRACTURE S07E13 HERO S07E14 TRAVELER S07E15 VERITAS DISC 28 S07E16 DESCENT S07E17 SLEEPER S07E18 APOCALYPSE S07E19 QUEST S07E20 ARCTIC Season 7 Disc 28 Supergirl The Lost Daughter of Krypton Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 1 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 2 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 3 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 4 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 5 Smallville Legends: Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton Episode 6 SEASON 8 DISC 29 S08E01 ODYSSEY S08E02 PLASTIQUE S08E03 TOXIC S08E04 INSTINCT S08E05 COMMITTED S08E06 PREY DISC 30 S08E07 IDENTITY S08E08 BLOODLINE S08E09 ABYSS S08E10 BRIDE S08E11 LEGION S08E12 BULLETPROOF DISC 31 S08E13 POWER S08E14 REQUIEM S08E15 INFAMOUS S08E16 TURBULENCE S08E17 HEX S08E18 ETERNAL DISC 32 S08E19 STILETTO S08E20 BEAST S08E21 INJUSTICE S08E22 DOOMSDAY SEASON 9 DISC 33 S09E01 SAVIOR S09E02 METALLO S09E03 RABID S09E04 ECHO S09E05 ROULETTE S09E06 CROSSFIRE DISC 34 S09E07 KANDOR S09E08 IDOL S09E09 PANDORA S09E10 DISCIPLE S09E11 ABSOLITTE JUSTICE PART 1-2 DISC 35 S09E12 WARRIOR S09E13 PERSUASION S09E14 CONSPIRACY S09E15 ESCAPE S09E16 CHECKMATE S09E17 UPGRADE DISC 36 S09E18 CHARADE S09E19 SACRIFICE S09E20 HOSTAGE S09E21 SALVATION SEASON 10 DISC 37 S10E01 LAZARUS S10E02 SHIELD S10E03 SUPERGIRL S10E04 HOMECOMING S10E05 ISIS S10E06 HARVEST DISC 38 "S10E07 AMBUSH H" S10E08 ABANDONED S10E09 PATRIOT S10E10 LUTHOR S10E11  Icarus S10E12 COLLATERAL DISC 39 S10E13 BEACON S10E14 MASQUERADE S10E15 FORTUNE S10E16 SCION S10E17 KENT S10E18 BOOSTER DISC 40 S10E19 DOMINION S10E20 PROPHECY S10E21 FINALL Bonus 1 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERBOY -the Original 1961 Pilot AQUAMAN Pilot
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ao3feeddestiel · 7 months
You got the same eyes as your father And you carry the same kind of temper too(In the back room of the bar In the back seat of my car I'm the ending he's the start)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qyhs60P by Humanzoul “Hello?” He eventually croaked and Dean’s smile softened. “Hey, are you okay?” The boy only shrugged, so Dean asked, “What’s your name?” It almost looked like the boy needed a moment to think before he said, “Castiel. My name is Castiel.” Dean frowned, “Interesting name. I’m Dean.” Castiel blinked, as if remembering something, yet, he didn’t seem to know what it was that he remembered, “Where are your parents?” “Gone?” He looked at him, as if he was unsure of that himself as well, “My family left me.” Cas didn't remember falling, all he remembered was waking up in the rain, on the side of the road, looking into a pair of green eyes. Words: 5657, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of I can't help falling(All I want in life's a little bit of love to take the pain away) Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Minor - Gabriel/Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Hunter Castiel (Supernatural), Fallen Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Bisexual Dean Winchester, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Abusive John Winchester, Friends to Lovers, Episode: s01e01 Pilot (Supernatural), No Beta We Get Swallowed By The Empty Like Cas read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qyhs60P
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 7 months
You got the same eyes as your father And you carry the same kind of temper too(In the back room of the bar In the back seat of my car I'm the ending he's the start)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wr5kAdy by Humanzoul “Hello?” He eventually croaked and Dean’s smile softened. “Hey, are you okay?” The boy only shrugged, so Dean asked, “What’s your name?” It almost looked like the boy needed a moment to think before he said, “Castiel. My name is Castiel.” Dean frowned, “Interesting name. I’m Dean.” Castiel blinked, as if remembering something, yet, he didn’t seem to know what it was that he remembered, “Where are your parents?” “Gone?” He looked at him, as if he was unsure of that himself as well, “My family left me.” Cas didn't remember falling, all he remembered was waking up in the rain, on the side of the road, looking into a pair of green eyes. Words: 5657, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of I can't help falling(All I want in life's a little bit of love to take the pain away) Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Minor - Gabriel/Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Hunter Castiel (Supernatural), Fallen Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Bisexual Dean Winchester, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Abusive John Winchester, Friends to Lovers, Episode: s01e01 Pilot (Supernatural), No Beta We Get Swallowed By The Empty Like Cas read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wr5kAdy
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gabrielokun · 4 years
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emachinescat · 2 years
Psych Season 1: Ranked!
I've been rewatching Psych again, and I thought it would be fun to rank the episodes from "worst" (though there are rarely any "bad" episodes IMO) to best for each season as I watch through. I'd love to know your order as well!
A couple of disclaimers: I'm on season 5 now in my rewatch, so it's been over a month since I watched season 1. Also, this is just my opinion. In no way is this meant to be a definitive list.
#15 - Game, Set ... Muurder? (S01E13)
Honestly, though this is last on my list, it's not because it's bad. For me, it's just pretty unmemorable. I watched it about a month ago and I barely remember any details. It's a pretty run-of-the-mill episode, and a decent mystery, but in my mind, it is what it is. Not bad. Not great. It just exists, and I enjoy it when I do watch it, and then its details slip my mind. Can't put my finger on exactly why, though.
#14 - Pilot (S01E01)
Hear me out. I do love the pilot, and everything it introduced us to. I especially love what an amazing marksman Shawn is shown to be -- that whole scene with Lucinda is one of the best in the season, if not the series, in my opinion. And Don S. Davis (General Hammond from SG1) guest stars! But -- and this is honestly the case of most pilot episodes for any show -- it's not Psych. Not yet. The characters are still cooking; they're not quite themselves yet, and though that's true through here and there most of the first season, it's most obvious in this episode. I think the main reason it's next to last on my list is because when I decide I'm going to watch an episode of Psych, the first one rarely, if ever, comes to mind, unless I'm doing a full rewatch. Ooh, I wrote a whumpier AU of this one, (you can read it on AO3)!
#13 - Woman Seeking Dead Husband: Smokers Okay, No Pets (S01E04)
This really is a fun episode with some great twists. I always enjoy watching it. Some of my favorite parts are Juliet and Lassiter trying to get a feel for one another as partners. Honestly, the only reason it's this low on my list is because I just like the other episodes better.
#12 - Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece (S01E03)
I do enjoy this episode a lot, honestly, and I also wrote a whumpier AU of it (you can read it on AO3). There are a lot of great bits in it, and I love seeing what a people person Shawn is, how easily he's able to worm his way into the lives of the wedding party. It's fun seeing him "divine" and use people's own likes and dislikes against them as well, like with the Anglophile and the germaphobe. Again, good episode, but the others are better.
#11 - Who Ya Gonna Call? (S0107)
This is an interesting episode for me, with a pretty crazy twist. It does deal with some pretty serious topics that often weren't taken super seriously or represented well in the media at that time (trans folks and borderline personality disorder), and I'm not qualified to say how well the show handled either of these. Sometimes, I've noticed, you have to take things in shows from this era with a grain of salt. Not many forms of media were very "woke" at this time, and the fact that the transition was treated with a relative amount of respect is pretty impressive (again, though, I'm not qualified to make judgments on this). Either way, it's a pretty fun mystery, and the twist is unexpected for sure!
#10 - He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops, He's Dead (S01E11)
This episode has some good Shules scenes, and I lose it every time the gang is forced to go speed dating to solve the mystery. I do really like this episode a lot, honestly. It's got some fun character interactions. The mystery's okay in this one for me -- the characters are where it's at.
#9 - Shawn vs. the Red Phantom (S01E08)
This is a great episode overall -- superheroes and comic cons are a great theme! Also, it gave us Magic Head. My favorite bits will always be those between Lassie and Vick. Their dynamic is amazing in this episode, and the scene in the hospital when Iris is born is both heartwarming and hilarious. The only reason this particular episode isn't higher on the list is because I feel like Shawn isn't quite himself here. The Shawn we know later in the show wouldn't be "too good" for super heroes and comics, I don't think. Much like in the pilot, he doesn't feel "done" yet.
#8 - Poker? I Barely Know Her (S01E14)
I love this episode for a number of reasons. I'm always a fan of Shawn using his skills in a super crazy and impressive way, and his poker playing is a perfect example of this. I also love the deeper level of maturity we see when Shawn has to deal with Brandon. I also love the confidence Henry has in his son at the end. I do NOT love the way Shawn gambles away their money at the end, especially since I know it's just a way for the writers to "reset" the story so they aren't suddenly loaded in the next episode.
#7 - Weekend Warriors (S01E06)
Somehow, this episode to me is both quintessential Psych and one I never really choose to watch unless I'm doing a full watch through. It's fun to see everyone in Civil War era garb, and it's one of the first times we see another interest of Lassiter's. It's a classic Psych episode in my mind, but despite this, it's just not my favorite. This episode does have one of my favorite scenes in all of the show, though, something that I still feel it's a shame they dropped in later seasons: Shawn's perfect recollection and recreation of the battlefield in minute detail is astounding, and I don't know why later seasons painted him so often as a lazy guy who doesn't know how to do real police work, because here, he absolutely shines. And I live for it.
#6 - Cloudy with a Chance of Murder (S01E12)
I honestly don't know why this was the episode they redid (and so poorly, I might add). I think this episode is super fun. Seeing Shawn in court is always a blast, and watching Adam Hornstock grow in confidence and competence because of Shawn is wonderful as well. But honestly, the main reasons this episode is so high on my list are the argument between Shawn and Henry about Shawn's motorcycle accident and the way everyone tries to get Shawn's bike back for him -- but Lassie beats them all to the punch.
#5 - Forget Me Not (S01E09)
This episode deals with a sensitive issue -- memory loss -- so well. It's funny, emotional, and so much fun to watch every time. It's just so well executed, and has some great interactions between Henry and Shawn. The scene where Captain Connors waltzes into the police station thinking he's back on the force gets me in the feels every single time.
#4 - 9 Lives (S01E05)
This episode is one of the most classic of the classics for me. The little boy cat who turns out to be a girl may be one of my biggest factors for loving this episode. Other than that, I don't know how solid of a reason I have for loving this episode other than that when I think of Psych episodes that I'd like to watch at any given time, this one is already high on my list.
#3 - From the Earth to the Starbucks (S01E10)
This episode is in my top three because of the way we see Shawn invest in Lassiter for the first time. It's one of the first times we see him act with completely selfless motives, and it shows us that Shawn truly does care about his frenemy. The mystery is fine, I suppose, but when I'm watching this episode, I'm here for the Shassiter friendship, full stop.
#2- Scary Sherry: Bianca's Toast (S01E15)
I mean, what's not to love about this episode? (Other than Shawn and Gus being 28-year-old-men ogling college girls, but I truly believe that was a sign of the times when the show was made; doesn't make it right, but, remember: grain of salt.) It's creepy, and we get to see Jules go all in undercover for the first time. The scene where Shawn and Gus flee the house, Gus leaving Shawn behind, the way we find ourselves sympathizing with the villain, the "Oh, no -- Gus!" moment, and the ending, where Shawn and Gus are just hanging with Jules... Oh, and anything with Lassie and his new partner! Basically, this episode is top tier.
#1 - Spellingg Bee (S01E02)
This might be the most classic Psych episode in my mind. It has it all: whump, father/son angst, Juliet, the Super Sniffer, and possibly the single funniest scene in the entire show: "BaNAna." This episode is pure, unadulterated perfection. You can also read my whumpier AU on AO3!
So there's season 1 of Psych, ranked from least favorite to most favorite! Feel free to reblog with your own episode order. I'll post my season 2 ranked soon!
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noxsoulmate · 3 years
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Title: Make A New Beginning
Author: noxsoulmate
Ship: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Read on ao3
Tags: Firefighter Carlos Reyes AU, Carlos Reyes & Judd Ryder Friendship, Episode: s01e01 Pilot (9-1-1 Lone Star), Pre-Relationship, Basically a rewrite of Judd's interview but with Carlos added
“You ready for this?” Carlos asked instead, studying his brother’s face closely.
Judd looked up at the firehouse – at their firehouse. Except… it wasn’t theirs anymore. This wasn’t the 126 they’d grown up in. This definitely wasn’t the house where Judd had been a probie some eighteen years ago, nor was it the one where Judd had taken Carlos under his wing when he had been the probie.
This was a new house now. At least, it felt this way.
After the tragic accident that took the lives of their brothers, Carlos and Judd have to face the reality that there is a new captain in town. And if they ever want to be part of the 126 again, they better convince him that they are ready to come back.
A Firefighter!Carlos AU
My entry for Day 1 of the @911auweekend: “This is the job I was meant to do.” - Different career path
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statusquoergo · 3 years
Can we talk about how much of the ending montage of the finale was just marvey moments? They weren't even chronological, it was all these other moments with other people (the one clip of Jessica was from the 'How do you know I'm thinking about Mike Ross?' 'Who else would it be?' scene) interspersed with classic marvey faves especially from the pilot, like Harvey just kept coming back to meeting Mike as the thing tying it all together, his underlying theme at the end of his journey was Mike Ross.
p.s. re: the ending montage, it's even more obvious if you watch it without the music somehow
We sure can talk about that ending montage! (Before we get into the Marvey-ness of it all, though, I just gotta say that especially watching it out of context, and especially with the soundtrack muted, Donna approaching Louis at the elevators and then him biting his lip and them holding hands as the doors close definitely reads to me as a Lonna moment.)
So. Structural critique. A couple of things read weirdly about this whole setup; first of all, they cut immediately, and I mean immediately, from Harvey looking...nostalgically? Mournfully? Reverently? at the painting his mother gave him of baby!Harvey watching Lily paint that stupid duck painting to the first clip of the montage, i.e., Mike’s briefcase breaking open at the interview. So this is either a “Look how far we’ve come” overview, in which case I’m confused that it starts off with a reference to Lily, since she doesn’t come up again so the painting has no referential anchor point, and the montage itself doesn’t specifically reference Harvey’s childhood or life before coming to the firm in any way (which isn’t to say it’s not a nostalgic overview, but if so, it’s very poorly arranged), or it’s a commentary on important people in Harvey’s life, in which case it sure is interesting that we go straight from Harvey’s mother to Mike, given that literally the only link between them is that Mike showed up at her funeral to support Harvey.
Getting down to a granular level, the clips in the montage are:
1. Mike crashes Harvey’s interview (s01e01) 2. Harvey lectures Mike about the importance of a good first impression (s01e03) 3. Jessica advises Harvey to support Mike in being himself (s04e02) 4. [Flashback] Harvey and Louis give each other shit right after Louis becomes a junior partner (s02e08) 5. [Flashback] Harvey and Donna's first meeting (s04e16) 6. Harvey invites Mike to come with him to visit Ava Hessington (s03e03) 7. Harvey yells at Mike for not coming to him when Jessica threatened him (s03e01) 8. Mike tells Rachel he’s a fraud (s02e16) 9. General cycle of clips of everyone supporting each other over Harvey’s dialogue that “We’re not just colleagues, or even friends. We’re family.” (s05e10) 10. Mike does finger guns and Harvey swerves out of the way (s01e01) 11. “Life is like this. And I like this.” (s01e10) 12. Mike and Rachel reunite when Mike gets out of Danbury (s06e09) 13. Harvey and Donna make out (s08e16)
And for a bit of analytical commentary:
1. The start of the series and introduction of the premise, this is an obvious choice. 2. An interesting direction; possibly a commentary on Harvey’s general life philosophy, this could also be interpreted as a continuation of the Harvey-Mike dyad established in the pilot being the show’s central focus, particularly when one considers that it comes on the heels of Harvey’s rather...interesting first impression of Mike. 3. Lacking context, this is just an excuse to showcase Jessica in the montage as Harvey’s mentor; with context, it’s easy to interpret as another reminder that the show is centered around Harvey and Mike as a pair. 4. This is a weird moment to choose because while it fits the direction of Louis’s ultimate story line quite well, from struggling in Harvey’s shadow despite his considerable accomplishments to becoming head of the firm, it doesn’t fit in with the other incidents Harvey’s recalled up to this point; this is for the benefit of summarizing the show, not consistency with the direction of Harvey’s thought process. 5. Another moment for the benefit of summarizing the show that comes otherwise out of nowhere. 6. While this gets us back on track with Harvey’s train of thought prior to the Louis interruption, it really has nothing to do with anyone other than Mike and Harvey; in fact, it’s very much about a moment of reconciliation between the two of them. (On the surface, it’s merely circling back around to the Harvey-Mike dyad, but if you want to go full conspiracy theorist, it’s like...an apology to the viewer, or to Mike, that the narrative got distracted for a minute. And that’s an extremist interpretation that I’m not advocating as truth, but it’s also kind of funny, so I’m mentioning it anyway.) 7. Harvey needs Mike. Harvey needs Mike to need him. There’s not a whole lot of maneuverability in that one. 8. The interesting thing here is that the clip stops right before Mike and Rachel kiss. Showing it would require an extra two seconds of footage and could have been fit in, but the way it’s cut puts the emphasis not on them as a couple but on Rachel’s sense of betrayal after Mike’s deception. 9. The first clip of this montage-within-a-montage is of Rachel hugging Louis, which follows naturally from Rachel interacting with Mike as a way to ease the focus from Harvey-and-Mike to...literally anyone else, but also sets up this quick cycle of clips as kind of a catchall for “characters being supportive of one another because they’re not just colleagues they’re also family but also we need to fit in everyone who isn’t Harvey and Mike because this is technically an Ensemble Show™.” 10. Okay what the fuck, there’s absolutely no reason for this to be in here except to emphasize Harvey and Mike’s camaraderie and easy friendship. It’s from the pilot, for crying out loud. 11. This one is a little bit of a wildcard in that it both re-centers us on Harvey and Mike as partners (reading just slightly deeper into things, Harvey hired Mike in the first place in part because he likes taking risks, but also, having Mike around makes his life exciting), and could also serve as another general commentary on Harvey’s life philosophy. 12. Yet again, this is a Mike-Rachel moment that ends right before the Machel part. Mike walks out of the prison gates and Rachel gets out of the car, but they don’t noticeably move toward one another, let alone actually hug. Maybe this is out of sensitivity toward Meghan’s status as the Duchess of Sussex? (Or it’s a liability issue, I don’t know.) 13. This makes sense as a conclusion to the montage because the final season is largely focused on the Darvey narrative, or trying to establish the Darvey narrative, but it also comes out of nowhere in that very little of the rest of the montage has featured Harvey and Donna as a couple, or even a pair, with the exception of their first meeting (which was right on the heels of Harvey and Louis interacting, making it less an intimate start-of-something type of scene and more of a “Hey remember when the show was just about these six specific central characters, well, now we only have three of them left” tag).
In summary: Boy that sure is a lot of Marvey and Marvey-adjacent content for a series of clips that are supposed to be about everyone but are in fact badly disordered and don’t tell much of a cohesive story. Looking back, especially with this legend of episode citations, it really does seem to be a pretty slapdash collection of some editor’s favorite scenes, or more likely Korsh’s; it doesn’t even have a very smooth emotional trajectory, it’s just a bunch of stuff that happened in no particular order. Oh well, I’m sure they had fun putting it together probably.
Thank you for...asking? Well, thank you for bringing this up, anyway!
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adultswim2021 · 2 months
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Titan Maximum #1: "Pilot" | September 27, 2009 - 11:30PM | S01E01
Ah, thank goodness I’m done with Robot Chicken. Now I can finally move onto greener pastures to… oh, eat shit.
TItan Maximum was created by one or some of the Robot Chicken people and animated by Shadow Machine, who animated Robot Chicken and Moral Orel and oh! So much more.  It’s fairly Robot Chicken-eseque in it’s look and humor. It’s a fairly straight-forward sitcom, parodying Voltron and shows like it. It’s more grounded than Robot Chicken; there’s no fourth-wall breaking gags and the violence isn’t as gratuitous. There’s an attempt at making the action have legitimate stakes, like you’re supposed to care about the stuff happening and root for the good guys. 
The main problem is the characters and the writing. Most of the show’s dialogue involves characters just being mean to each other. Everyone is snippy at each other, and the show mainly consists of characters being petty and combative. You almost get the sense that this is actually a show about a dystopian future where being friends is illegal.
I get that there’s a time-honored tradition of comedies that star unlikable protagonists. Make no mistake, I’m not saying all of these characters are complete dickheads. Some are bigger dicks than others, obviously. I just mean I can’t come up with a single example of two characters who seem like they have a nice, life-affirming relationship with one another. Everyone is dismissive and contentious of one another. It just feels so meaningless.
This pilot episode was a half hour and for some reason wouldn’t play properly on the Roku adult swim app, which is a terrible, terrible app. Like, literally, for some weird reason you can’t stream a lot of shit through it, and if you go to the browser version you get way more stuff. I don’t know why. The Roku app also puts an autoplay overlay over the closing credits and obscures what’s on screen, even when it’s technically still part of the episode.
That’s maybe the only thing the show has going for it, by the way: the closing credits song, which is (I assume) in Japanese and is very typical of your average poppy anime closing theme.  
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Adult Swim Shows Transition to High Definition (September 27, 2009)
In case you’re wondering, yes, I do feel bad that sometimes these little spotlights into Adult Swim’s non-episodic Miscellanea are dashed off by me, just joylessly marking the date something happened. I just sat down to type this paragraph and thought “this would’ve actually been a good thing to do research for.” I do recall this happening, though. The network had already begun future-proofing certain shows by producing them in HD. Metalocalypse, Squidbillies, Aqua Teen, and The Venture Bros. to name a few.
Also, I remember being very curious as to how 4:3 material would be handled on the network. Disappointingly, it was stretched to fill the screen. I remember people reporting that it was stretched in a manner so that the center of the screen was less warped than the edges, but I’m not sure if that was true. At the very least, I couldn’t discern such a thing. In fact, I would record certain shows on Adult Swim that were stretched on my DVD recorder, which hadn’t been calibrated to to record native 16:9 content. This meant that 16:9 stuff would wind up squished, which was an easier fix on my TV than the other way around. So it would effectively unstretch the 4:3 stuff and it looked very normal to me.
I’m not sure if they started producing the “bumps” in 16:9 before the switch. There’s definitely a noticeable difference in text size of the bumps in the early days compared to later, and I don’t know if that’s specifically attributed to the aspect ratio change or what. Also, I’m not sure why I’m wondering stuff like this out loud. Sorta makes me sound like a huge fucking loser???? (!)
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queen-valois · 3 years
Top 10 Francis and Mary moments on Reign:
10. Proposal (S01E08 Fated)
After finally making it official at the end of the last episode, Francis and Mary have a pretty sweet moment in the episode 8 when Francis proposes to Mary and she says yes. She’s full of worry about England, but Francis reassures her they’ll have a lifetime to face things together once they’re married. He vows to pressure her, and listen to her, and argue with her, and love her until the day he dies, practically explaining what marriage is all about. By the end of the scene they’re engaged when he lifts her for a hug and they happily run toward the castle.
9. First kiss (S01E03 Kissed)
Even though Francis was reluctant at first, it took him only 3 episodes to express his adoration for  Mary which was executed perfectly at the end of the episode when Francis tells Mary to marry another because he is worried his father won’t make his promise worth and let them marry anytime soon. He knows Mary needs a strong alliance for her country, so he tells her to find it in Portugal with another where it’s for sure it will happen instead of waiting for his father premission, knowing that this could damage his own country. He seals everything with a passionate kiss, and Mary’s surprised face tells it all.
8. Francis and Mary get back together (S02E22 Burn)
After very unlucky season for Francis and Mary, and a very painful season for their fans, they finally reunite in the season finale. After everything that happened and tore them apart, they spent most of the season separated, with Mary even finding comfort in the arms of another man, Francis’ cousin Conde. But, after Conde commits a treason and stages a coup, Mary is forced to chose between the two man she loves and she choses Francis, while taking down Conde. Then she asks him to make a choice with her, a choice to commit their hearts to each others no matter what and Francis responds with a kiss.
7. Mary tells Francis she is pregnant and loses the baby (S02E04 The Lamb and the Slaughter)
Equally happy and devastating episode of season 2 starts with a very happy news: Mary is pregnant and Francis couldn’t be more happy as he lifts her and spins her in the air as a respond to this happy news and says he’s never been as happy in his entire life. But, at the end of the episode Mary has lost the baby and it’s even more devastating to watch her put this horrible news on the side so she could be there for Francis and her friend Lola on their’s son christening. And as that wasn’t sad enough, after Mary tells news to Francis and cries in his arms, he then arranges dozens of lanterns for Mary, saying yet another adorable story from their childhood when they would sneak out and wait for the fireflies that would never come, but for him it was the waiting with her that mattered. As she opens the window and sees all the fireflies he arranged, he tells her she is his light, no matter what. I’m not crying, you’re crying moment, indeed.
6. Francis dies saving Mary (S03E05 In a Clearing)
Probably the most painful thing after seeing Francis die and then come back to life in the episode before is seeing him die once again, but this time forever, just one episode later. After having all the beautiful moments throughout the whole episode, Francis dies saving Mary’s life and they get to say a final goodbye as Mary holds Francis in tears while he tells her how much beauty she’s brought him. The flashbacks of their most important moments together don’t make it any easier to watch either, and by the end of the episode we're all screaming into void with Mary.
5. Stay with me dance (S03E03 Extreme Measures)
This is possibly the greatest musical moment of the show. Francis is dying and getting weaker and weaker by the moment, but he still has to keep appareances so that France wouldn’t look weak too. Mary is with him every step of the way, and when they get into a situation where they are to dance in front of everyone, with Francis’ condition getting worse, Mary takes the lead and they dance beautifully while instrumental version of Sam Smith’s Stay with me plays in the background. Mary saying the words just as the song reaches the Stay with me part to encourage Francis that he can do it just hits straight into the heart.
4. Mary chooses Francis and they marry (S01E13 The Consummation)
After fearing that their marriage could brought Francis’ death, Mary leaves with Bash and a love triangle between two brothers and a queen is born. And, after episodes of Mary being with Bash and falling for him too, she gets the information that she can in fact marry Francis without that being the reason for him dying, and it’s time for her to decide between the two brothers. She runs into Francis’ arms saying it’s always been him, and the result is one whole minute of just pure bliss when Francis and Mary marry and dance together in possibly the most beautiful scene of the show.
3. “Because I love you!” (S01E07 Left Behind)
In one of the strongest Reign episodes, stakes are high as king Henry is out of the country and the castle is overran by a man hungry for revenge. Catherine, Mary and Francis conduct a plan to get everyone out safely, but as plan goes south and Mary, her ladies and Cahtherine end up trapped in the castle with bad men, Francis comes to their rescue just in time. After that, Mary asks him why would he come back for her when it was a clear suicide, and he practially yells “because I love you” to her and makes all of our hearts stop, including Mary’s. After that they finally completely give into their emotions and make love for the first time.
2. Back to you scene (S01E01 Pilot)
Is there any scene on this show more iconic than the Back to you scene in the Pilot? I don’t think so. After Mary arrives at the French court after being away and not seeing Francis for years, the old feelings come rushing back to both Mary and Francis as their eyes lock while Mary is dancing with her ladies to iconic Back to you song by Twin Forks. As their childhood memories are shown as a parallel to leathers falling on them in the present, it is an intense moment as they look at each other with so many emotions. 
1. Francis and Mary reunite in the afterlife (S04E16 All it Cost Her...)
After breaking our hearts in season 3 by killing off Francis and making us believe that was the end to Francis and Mary’s love story, Reign gave us everything we didn’t even know we needed - Frary reunion in the afterlife. After the hard life Mary has had, she met her end by Elizabeth in the show’s finale, but the last scene wasn’t out heart breaking once again seeing Mary being executed. No, instead Reign healed all of our broken hearts with one last Frary scene. They are once again young and in France, their home. They finally have forever to be happy toghether and can be free as they are no longer rulers with their countries to think of, but simply just a boy and just a girl, as they dreamed to be even back in season 1.
Honorable mentions:
Mary arrives at the French court (S01E01 Pilot)
“But I’d save you” (S01E01 Pilot)
"Just a girl, and just a boy” (S01E05 A Chill in the Air)
Mary leaves with Bash to save Francis (S01E08 Fated)
Francis and Mary get crowned (S02E03 The Coronation)
Francis tells Mary he's dying (S03E01 Three Queens, Two Tigers)
Francis and Mary talk about their dream future (S03E04 The Price)
Mary tells Francis he is her home (S03E05 In a Clearing)
Francis and Mary in the lake (S03E05 In a Clearing)
Francis' letter to Mary (S03E15 Safe Passage)
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tiarnanabhfainni · 3 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Major Character Death Characters: Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester Additional Tags: Episode: s01e01 Pilot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dead Mary Winchester, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Banshees, Celtic Mythology & Folklore,Fire,Pre-Stanford Era (Supernatural), look fair warning there's a description of mary winchester dying in this fic so keep that in mind!, ghost mary who haunts her family, is something i hold very dear to my heart, also this started as a tumblr post but i have not got the strength to go looking for it on my blog,just know that it was basically just an outline of this, also finally i write something where sam actually gets to feature, bean sí is just the irish for banshee btw its pronounced the same
As the moon at midnight moves through the starry sky Out there in the bog land the Banshee's shrill cry The one seldom heard and that human eyes cannot see Some say the ghost of one who died in agony.
- The Cry Of The Banshee By: Francis Duggan.
For the Prompt: AU on Day 2 of @spnwomenweek
Fire. She is burning and it is pain like she has never felt. Her body is not her own, it is stiff, unable to even react to the agony. Strapped to the ceiling. The smell of her own burning flesh overpowers her. The pain from the wound in her stomach pales in comparison to the feeling of eyeballs boiling in her skull and the skin sloughing off her bones.
She should have known. Hunting is a black hole - an inexorable votex. How could she have ever thought she could escape? Even as her nerve endings fry and her limbs screech in agony, she finds it within herself to hope that at least her family might survive her.
The pain fades away, exceeding the limits of human comprehension. A single-minded purpose takes its place in her consciousness. Her sacrifice will be worth it if it protects her family, if her two beautiful boys never live the life that she has. The deal is done, the demon should have no more business with her family. In her death she can make sure they are safe.
The last thing Mary sees is the horror on John’s face.
There has always been a ghost in Sam’s life. A woman who exists in the corner of his eyes and flickers when he shakes his head. Her haunting screams are as familiar to him as led zeppelin tapes crackling through the car radio. Together they form the soundtrack of his childhood.
She is pale. Completely washed of colour. Limp grey hair frames her wan face and there’s a suspicious darkness that stains the front of her long white nightgown.
When he was younger he couldn’t understand her erratic and ever changing moods. She seems to flip between disinterested floating to terrified wails between breaths and he can find no rhyme or reason.
Sam would ask his brother if he knew the reason but Dean cannot see her. No one can. He tried to tell Dean - once - after the woman kept him from sleeping for eight hours straight with screams. The response kept him from ever bringing her up again. Shut up Sammy. There’s no one there. You’re imagining things. Don’t tell dad. I mean it Sammy. Keep your mouth shut.
Eventually Sam finds a pattern for himself. His teachers always tell him that he’s clever. She only ever appears when his father is gone on one of his trips.
When Dean finally caves and tells him about the monsters, Sam finally understands the insistence on keeping the woman a secret from their dad. As a ghost she is a part of the supernatural that his father fights.
And since Sam is the only one that can see her then that means - What does it mean?
As soon as the library opens again after the holidays he’s straight in the door and into the folklore section. He needs to understand what (who) this spectre is. After hours of research, there is only one real conclusion to be made. She must be a banshee. A death omen.
Armed with the truth of his dad’s trips, he makes the inevitable connection. She is a banshee and she screams when Sam’s dad is gone. And yet his dad is not yet dead. She has to be screaming for the monsters at the other end of the knife.
An uncomfortable thought drifts into view. If she screams for monsters and he's the only one who can hear her then does that mean that-? No. He slams the book closed and shoves his pile haphazardly back onto the shelf. Dean is expecting home in an hour.
But even as these fevered thoughts rattle through Sam’s brain on the walk home, he still never connects this woman to the other ghost that haunts their family. Mother Mary. Patron Saint of the Winchesters. The spectre that pushes all of them forward on this reckless self-destructive odyssey of vengeance.
She is so changed after death as to be unrecognisable even to one raised on her legend.
Sam is relentless now. He sneaks off to study whenever he gets a minute to himself between hunting, training and research. No time to sleep - he just reads. Textbook after textbook until all he sees are diagrams and his dreams are drafted in legalese. Over dinner he scrawls as many practice essays as he can for his final exams and attempts to ignore the sniping from his dad
It’s a struggle to keep his grades up as he moves from school to school across state lines and curriculums and sometimes it’s all Sam can do not to cry. He knows his dad is annoyed that he hasn’t dropped out yet. Like Dean. That he wants a high-school diploma and not just a GED.
Sam doesn’t care. The banshee appears more often to him now. She stands in his line of sight and blocks his view of his family when they hunt. She screams and screams and drowns out all of his doubts. God only knows how his eardrums remain intact.
He knows more now than he did on that first day in the library. Has been on a million hunts. With enough time and research he could probably find her bones and shut her up for good. Salt and Burn. He never does. She is a reminder of all he wants to escape. An omen his dad cannot tell him to ignore.
Sam sits on the edge of his bed with his law school acceptance letter in his hands. He’d picked it up from the post office earlier that day. Compulsively, he smoothes the creases over and over again, listening with half an ear to his family clattering around downstairs.
This is a good day. Dad is cheerful. The case had been a simple one - a poltergeist - easy to get rid off. Another suburban home rid of the monster. Dean is happy too. He’s been talking all day about the steaks he’d picked up in the bargain section of the supermarket. Now they can have a small celebration before moving out to a new town.
Sam looks down at the letter and knows that he won’t be going with them.
The fight is world-ending. Of cataclysmic proportions. Sam’s never seen his dad so angry in his life.
He sits on the lonely greyhound bus to California, his only possessions in the bag he’s clutching to his chest. His lungs are still burning, hours after the argument and he can’t tell whether it’s anger or choked back tears or if it even matters.
But even here, alone on the bus, his clearest memory is that of blessed silence as he walked out the door. The woman standing stock still in his path.
She made no sound.
Instead. For the first and only time that he can remember.  She smiled.
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