big-cat-dad-energy · 3 years
Don't even start with that "so much for the tolerant left" bullshit because this isn't political you're just an ugly virgin💔 and Very Fucking Bold of You to assume I'm EVER going to be tolerant.
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Hey there! Been a minute, I know. Thank you all for being patient and checking in on me lol. I wasn't struggling, not with writer's block or anything. Quite the opposite technically. I was moving to my new place the first three weeks and the last two or three I was on 'vacation'. Eid was the end of last month and I went to my hometown to meet up with my adopted Muslim family. Would have met with my parents but thanks to the virus, their doctor said "No way!" and I had to video chat them while less than thirty minutes from them (cue sarcastic angry face). We all got struggles yeah? ANyway, home and moved in, for the most part, I finished my final edit of my book and got it out for review. So while I sit, waiting, I'll be working on the MANY promised projects, including this fic!
Many of you guessed what was coming here; a kiss, a lemon, and even that the guy at the door wasn't really Inuyasha! And I gotta say you were all... completely wrong! LOL! As far as a lemon or a kiss... this is a slllooooowwww burn guys, so strap in. And we aren't even halfway done with all the crazy crap this world has in store for the characters. You will be learning a lot more about that in this chapter and get an idea of how much more is to come from this.
We ain't close to done folks...
Fanfiction HERE
Chapter Ten
He gently pushed her aside and walked in. The guards by the door flared but said nothing, a strange sight for sure.
"I got a migraine." He said, more for the guards than for her.
She shut and locked the door, a habit she had gotten into since Kagura's visit a few days ago. Inuyasha hopped up on a gurney and stretched out, relaxing as if to stay. "What are you doing?"
He shrugged, still smirking. "Told ya, I got a migraine. I get one once a month around this time."
Right before her eyes, he changed. His ears twitched and then folded into his head, disappearing completely. The white of his hair turned black, starting at his scalp and dripping like ink from a bottle to his tips. His eyes on her, she watched as they dulled and darkened, their bright gold shifting to black as well.
"What...what's going on?!"
He held a finger to his lips to hush her, then glanced at the door for a moment. She grabbed the curtain closest to him and wrenched it shut, hiding him from any immediate eyes that might enter. Usually, the guards would leave around this time, having no need to guard her all night as she was no threat.
They didn't care that others were a threat to her, something she had been thinking about all day since taking Shippo to his cell to rest. It would be nothing for someone to attack her in the middle of the night here.
"On the night of a new moon," Inuyasha whispered, bringing her focus back to him, "I become...human."
"It's a half-demon thing. Happens every month."
She shifted her weight, feeling overwhelmed with information. "If it's monthly then how is this the first time.."
"Because I was in solitary the first month and then you moved in here. So you've missed it. I used to spend these nights in here anyway…"
"You would come to the infirmary to sleep as a human?"
He shrugged again, "can't let the others know when I'm at my weakest. Especially the guards."
She didn't understand, coming to sit on the end of his 'bed'. "If it's an important secret then why are you telling me?"
Grabbing her hand, he played with her fingers, watching his touch on her. "Seemed only fair, you showing me yours," his eyes danced up to hers, "besides if you tell mine I could just tell yours. But you'd never do that, would you Kagome?" She slowly shook her head, feeling as if she was in a trance. "I figured as much."
He shifted on the bed, getting comfortable. She rose, grabbing him a blanket and climbing onto the gurney next to his. The lights flicked off as soon as they were settled, on a timer, and it was completely black as usual. But she felt far less uneasy about it with Inuyasha here.
She still couldn't sleep, too curious and keyed up. "Can you...will you tell me some things?"
Kagome didn't want to ask specifics, she just wanted to learn more about him without having to tell him what she wanted to hear. And to her delight, he understood her perfectly. "When I was a kid, it was just me and my mom. She didn't know shit about being a demon, only how to get knocked up by one I guess. Or she just hoped I'd never learn. Naraku knew what I was at first glance and tried to take me. I screamed, he flinched, and I saw the darkness in him. I didn't really know what a demon was but I knew he was one. So then I screamed that he was a demon and the cops came quickly. He blames me but really it was his own damn fault if you ask me."
She could hear him shift in the bed, turning and probably looking at her in the dark. His silence was short but she knew it was her turn. "My mother told me what I was when I freaked out. We were in a grocery store and people started glowing. It runs in my family, apparently. My father was like me but died long before we got to talk about it. My grandfather taught me how to use my gifts, telling me to tell no one and that anyone with a red-tinted aura should be avoided. I always thought he meant they were bad people. But now I know he just meant they were demons."
"Demons are bad."
"Not all of them."
"Yeah, but if a demon had ever caught on to what you are? It wouldn't be good."
"You don't seem to have a problem with it?"
She couldn't see him and with his human eyes, she was sure he couldn't see her. But she still turned in his direction, knowing he was doing the same in the dark.
"I used to be on the anti-demon squad with Miroku. We had the highest catch rate without casualties, even though they would have liked it if we killed a few of 'em. When things changed and we became the targets, we split. My girlfriend ran with me but…" he paused, taking a deep breath, "she was like you, Kagome. But not nearly as strong. And I'd never seen her heal anyone but herself. She refused to heal others out of fear I guess. Even me. She got caught and traded me for her freedom." He huffed loud and sad into the air. "I can't even blame her for it. She never would have survived in here."
Brushing away her tears, the bed squeaked loudly with her movements. "My fiancé was shot. His father is a politician and not well-liked by many. I was with him and… he would have died. So, I didn't hesitate but the cops were called. Hojo visited me once here, only to tell me that he couldn't help me. The coward."
"I'm sorry." He said, sincerity dripping off his tone.
She shook her head, "I'm sorry too."
He chuckled darkly, "we aren't all that different, are we?" She didn't answer him because it wasn't really a question. Inuyasha laughed harder. "Miroku was caught by a demon hunter. The idiot fell in love with her while she was just targeting him the entire time. I heard she handcuffed him to the bed and left him to collect her fee!"
"He told me he was caught getting groceries?!"
"He likes to tell people that. Less pathetic."
"He mentioned an enchantress… Poor Miroku."
"That fool has no one else to blame but himself. And his penis."
A giggle rolled out of her even though she felt it was wrong. She sobered quickly when he grew silent.
"Did you love him?"
There was an edge to his tone that she couldn't understand. "I thought I did. But...yeah now I'll never feel anything for him. It's a good thing I saw his true self before I married him."
"Probably would have been better if you saw it before you saved his worthless ass!"
"I still would have saved him. I just would have run before the cops came." She said with a sad laugh. "Did you love her?"
He sighed heavily, waiting for a beat before answering. "No. I thought I did too. But after meeting you and seeing what you can do… I made excuses for her and her fear. Gave her too many chances to change. The truth is, she was selfish. You're even more powerful than she is… maybe that makes you fearless…"
"I'm always afraid, Inuyasha. Always. I don't let it stop me from doing the right thing."
"God damnit, you shouldn't be here!" He yelled at no one and everyone. "You don't deserve it and those fucking humans should feel the loss of you! I would!"
Her cheeks burned, probably glowing in the darkness. "I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Especially, in here."
"Feh. Don't take it too seriously. I'm more… emotional in my human state. It's fucking annoying."
Twisting, she stared at the ceiling, tracking the same cracks she did every night. "Is that why they put me in a cell with you? Because you're half-human?"
"If you think for one second they did that for your benefit then you're truly naive. The Warden put you in with me to mess with me. Believe it or not but beating the shit out of the Thunder Bro's was my first time in solidarity."
"Really?!" She cringed at the disbelief in her tone.
His response was to huff, "they may hate me in here but they're scared of me. They know what I can do even with the damn runes. Being half-human only makes me stronger."
"Why would Onigumo want to mess with you? You're half-human and you used to work with them? What reason could they have to dislike you that much?"
"What reason do humans have to hate any of us? They don't understand us so they fear and hate us." He growled.
"Do you think… we'll ever get out of here?"
He chewed on her words for a moment then released an exasperated sigh. "If any of us ever had a chance, it was you."
The bed squeaked, he was shifting in it, turning to face her fully. "Before you went in the goddamn basement and got on Naraku's bad side, yeah you could've gotten released."
"Naraku doesn't have any say…"
"Not because of him. Because of what you know. You drew the damn blood yourself!"
Now she turned, facing him and she could just make out his silhouette in the darkness now. "What do they do with it?"
"If I tell you, they'll never let you leave."
"I'm not leaving. Not by myself. Just tell me!"
She couldn't see it but she was sure he was grimacing at her. "They juice with it."
It took her tired mind a second but then she gasped. "That's crazy! It's so dangerous! And extremely illegal!"
"How else do you think the guards handle us in here? The runes may take away our powers but it doesn't take away nearly enough of our strength." He twisted, glancing at the door for a second and then back at her. "You've noticed, haven't you? The guards, they're hollow."
"You can see that too?"
"No. But I've heard stories about the effects of using demon blood. Sess says they've been taking more lately. Three times as much the day you did it. Have you done it since?"
She had. Two times now and each time Naraku tried to burn her soul with his evil intent. "Yes."
"Have the amounts increased?"
"Shit. Naraku is really going to have it out for you now."
"Gee, thanks."
He chuckled, "don't worry. I won't let him or anyone else touch you."
Narrowing her eyes, she looked as hard as she could right at his face, hoping to make out some of the details in the dark. "Why? You told me you would never help me. Ever. And yet all you've done is save my ass."
"It's a nice ass." He chuckled softly, showing he could see the bewildered look on her face while she could still only make out his nose. "You're special, Kagome. And you should be protected. Worshiped really. I'll do all I can to keep you safe, I promise. Even if that means keeping you at a distance. But I'll make sure Koga gets his and leaves you alone."
"From a distance?"
The loud squeak told her he had turned away from her. The conversation was coming to a swift end. "That's how I can protect you the most. Keeping you as far away from me as I can."
Shippo healed the rest of his wounds on his own quickly enough. And the wolves involved looked pretty disappointed he was alive. But it started a rumor that Shippo was unkillable.
Meanwhile, the kitsune still jumped and shrank away anytime someone large got close. Even when Kagome and Miroku were by his side. Shippo started spending his nights in the infirmary with her and Inuyasha kept his distance. More than he had before.
The trips, pushes, and pulls stopped. Koga and his buddies also kept their distance. Kagome was starting to relax, it looked like it was all over and she didn't know how much of that was thanks to Inuyasha.
None of this solved her main puzzle right now, Kagura's pregnancy. Kagome had made a promise and three weeks later, she was still coming up short with a solution.
Kagura sat, swinging her legs on the gurney, arms crossed in irritation. "I told Sessy yesterday."
"You did?" Kagome asked with genuine shock. "Was that why he was in such a foul mood on his way back to solitary?"
Kagura nodded. She really felt for the woman, she did. But it was hard to get upset with Sesshomaru for his poor reaction. No one wanted their child to be born in this kind of situation.
"Did he say anything about it? Did he have any ideas…"
"No, he has no clue what to do. But I know he's down there thinking it over right now. He won't rest." Kagura said sadly.
"I'm sorry. I'm still trying to figure something out. So far, the best I have is to sneak the baby out somehow after it's born."
Kagura shook her head, "the guards won't let it get that far. They'll be on me as soon as I start to give birth and won't let me or the baby out of their sights until they take it from me."
Sitting across from her, Kagome watched Kagura who watched her feet swing. "Who will come, Kagura? Who will take the baby?"
Kagura glanced at the door just as Inuyasha had weeks ago before telling her his secrets. Then looked her right in the eyes. "Ever heard of a company called Shikon?" When Kagome shook her head, Kagura huffed in irritation. "Of course not. They wouldn't want the public knowing about them, would they?"
"Who are they?"
"They are the ones who run experiments on demons. The blood you draw? It goes to them for processing and cleaning, turning it into a drug the guards use here to keep us in line. And for other clientele like rich humans."
Kagome was already shaking her head, "No. No way. It's illegal! How could they get away with that?"
She was angry. Angry that such risks were being taken and terrible things all done in the name of science. Her science. All while she was thrown in here for saving a life. There were real criminals running around out there and she had done nothing wrong!
Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. She was not the issue here, there were more important things then the slights against her.
Kagura sat back on her hands, smirking over at Kagome. "Is it really that surprising? Humans fear our power so, of course, they try to find ways to get their own."
"They should just have a baby with a demon. Half demons seem to be more powerful than the rest of you against these runes." She muttered.
Worried that was offensive too late, Kagome opened her mouth with an apology but Kagura just laughed. "Figures you would think that. What with your… relationship with Inuyasha…"
"We don't have a relationship…"
"But Inuyasha doesn't have the thing the Shikon people want the most. It's why they don't take his blood."
"And what's that?"
Kagome cringed, realizing she probably should ask Inuyasha this and not Kagura. But the question was out there now and she found she wanted to know more than anything.
"Inuyasha has the strength of a demon, more than many due to his training more than anything. But he ages just like any other human. Maybe a little slower but not enough for Shikon. He doesn't heal quite as fast as we do either. He's like… a human that's extra. Strength beyond a human but with mortality. They want to obtain longevity. Some demons here have nearly eternal life and that's why they take the most blood from Naraku. That bastard just won't die."
"So what you're telling me is…" she paused, needing to swallow her disgust back down her throat, "they experiment on demons to find a cure for death?"
Kagura snickered, "You humans. You're so much weaker than us, a cold could kill you. It causes you all to be terrified all the time of… well, time."
Kagome didn't fear death and that had nothing to with her gifts. She had never healed herself, not even from a cold like Kagura 'joked'. She had always held the belief that everything happens for a reason. She may not know the why at first but she always figured it out eventually. Like being thrown in this jail. Kagome was sure it was so she could help everyone like Kagura, Shippo, even Miroku. And that she was supposed to meet… all of them. Meet all of them and not just Inuyasha.
Grabbing Kagura by the shoulders, she held the demon completely still. "It's wrong. Dangerous or not, no one should be treated that way, experimented on. And I refuse to let that happen to your child."
Kagura's eyes were wide and unmoving. "So you have a plan then?"
Lowering her head, Kagome looked at the floor. "I do… but it's a last resort and I won't tell you what it is because…" Kagura would try to stop her, Kagome thought to herself, "it's dangerous and don't want to put anyone at risk. But I will if I have to to get you and your baby to safety."
"Me and my child?!"
She had said too much but Kagome had the hopes of keeping Kagura with her child since the beginning. Every child deserves to be loved and no one would love the child like it's mother undoubtedly would.
But the plan Kagome had at present would expose her to everyone; the guards, the Warden, and… Inuyasha and Naraku. And she didn't know which of those finding out would be worse.
Not gonna lie, I’ve forgotten who’s asked for tags on this fic... Just gonna tag at random... sorry if I bug you!!
@underwater0phelia @lavendertwilight89 @mamabearcat @nartista @nopenname22 @echobows @superpixie42 @smmahamazing @redflamesofpassion @jme-chan @cstorm86 @cicleydark-light @ruddcatha @lavaffair @kirrtash @sistasecbhere @inusgirl @obsessandfangirl @britonell @lordofthechips @mcornilliac @faolenwolf @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz @phoenix-before-the-flame @artisticloveexpressitsall @lamuertadehambre @noyourenotreal @mitty-san @thenoammonster @little-deeluna @royaltrashpanda @sailorbabydoll92 @storyweaver2017 @malditamigs @adorabubblesblog @lilms-obsessed @petri808 @anniehcresta @fan-dumpp @itzatakahashi @utakuprincess @theschultinator @all-too-ale​ @little-inukag-obsessed @theseagullqueen @queenofthesquirps @inusgirl @jolinaaa00​ @knowall7k
Spoiler alert, the one bed sharing thing comes into play again next chapter ^_~
So this is random but you guys do know I write SM fanfiction too? Just putting it out there, if you like my Inu then you’re likely to love my Sm. I’m an AU freak but I do have some stuff that’s cannon. I try to keep it even. Something to consider since I love SM and Inu I’m sure there are more of you like me. And I have A LOT of SM fics done and posted lol!
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Can I ask for more context on the Alpha teams worst deeds, you've mad me wanna know more 😅
Of course!
1. Making racist/homophobic/sexist comments the girls on Epsilon and Omega, especially after Irey gives birth to Asha.
This one is pretty self explanatory. All the girls have had to deal with the Alpha boys calling them b**ches, sl*ts (especially Mar’i), and other derogatory names, plus comments about what the girls should be doing.
Kathy and Maya get a bunch of comments about what their sex life must be like, or being asked if Maya ever wants a guy to “show her what she’s missing.” (Because in my cannon Maya is bi and I’ve had that said to me.) Someone told Sin, who’s ace aro, that one of them can “fix her.”
It’s brought up at a dinner with Espilon when Ireys clearly upset while holding Asha. She’d been told she was “just another stupid girl who couldn’t keep her legs shut.” The girls talk about what they’ve dealt with, mostly to provide support for each other, while the omega boys are pisses. The respect those four have for the girls on both teams is astronomical. To this day they deny doing anything to the Alpha boys that night, but the Alpha boys had more than a few bruises and broken noses.
2. Taking Asha’s favorite blanket while she was ‘wresting’ her Uncle Jai-Jai. (Damian and Irey were in a meeting, so Jai’s babysitting.)
First and foremost: Jai absolutely loves his niece. Like, if Damian and Irey need a babysitter, he always volunteers first. So while Damian, Irey, and Lian are in a leader meeting, Jai’s ‘wrestling’ Asha (aka letting her jump on his back and chest and giggling like crazy). She’s about 1.5-2 years old.
Asha’s favorite blanket is one of Damian’s old capes, lovingly called her ‘capabankie.’ While she and Jai wrestle, it sits on the bench. Alpha comes in, sees it, and thinks it would be funny to take. Jai notices and tells them to give it back, nicely because he’s aware Asha’s in the room. Alpha refuses, saying they can find a better use for it in their tower.
Asha starts crying and wanting her blanket back. Jai has her go to the bench, as far from Alpha as possible. He tells them they’re going to give it back or he’ll make them give it back. While he does get the blanket back, Jai also gets his ass kicked by all them. Jai was smart and got the hallway footage showing no one else had come into the gym while he and Asha were there.
Alpha got suspended for a month. That night, while Omega planned some revenge, Jai was resting on the couch. Asha came over, covered him with her capabankie, and climbed into his arms for snuggles.
3. Making Maya feel fat when she’s pregnant with Azalea.
Maya already runs a bit heavier compared to Kathy, but she’s growing a human inside her. I also think Maya has so many self image issues after spending a good chunk of her childhood as temporary in people’s lives. It’s been better since joining Epsilon and she does lead a pretty healthy life style, but being asked if she’s sure she’s not carrying twins or triplets hurts. Also insinuating that Maya cheated on Kathy and is just pretending Azalea is from the donor they used.
Kathy, who has been dealing with their shit long enough, sees her wife visibly upset and is fucking done. They went too far by saying Maya would cheat on Kathy and making Maya feel any less than the gorgeous woman Kathy loves. They don’t get to say that and turn around to tell Kathy that Azalea won’t really be her kid.
4. Commenting how ‘gross’ Charlie’s scars are. (The only time Mar’i has punched any of them in the face.)
Charlie has very thick burn scars on her back, which are mostly hidden by her shirts/jackets. Jon and Mar’i both encourage her to wear what makes her comfortable. When Charlie’s about 8 1/2, she decided to try wearing something that shows more of her scars than normal, like a dress that shows part of her back. 
Most adults compliment her outfit or tell her she’s beautiful (specifically not mentioning the scars), but Alpha leader, Jackson, makes a comment about Charlie’s “fucked up back.” Hearing this, Charlie gets very self concious and scared when he asks how she got them. Literally triggers her PTSD remembering ‘the bad place.’
Mar’i normally ignores Alpha. However, they made her baby cry. They made her baby feel ugly and unsafe. She wordlessly walks over, punches Jackson into a wall, before picking Charlie up and carrying her away to a quiet area. Jackson tried to call Mar’i out (in public like a coward) for ‘setting a bad example.’ Mar’i, who’s still holding Charlie, narrows her eyes and says, “Last time I checked, you are not my husband or their father. You do not get to comment on what I teach my children, especially when what I’m most concerned with teaching them is that they’re safe. If you come near my daughters or son again, I won’t leave it at one punch.”
5. Kom Yor saying they finally got rid of the dead weight when Mar’i almost dies having Laney.  He said this in front of Charlie, Peter and M&M, who all started crying because they’re scared for their momma.
Kom Yor is based off Val Yor from the early 2000′s Teen Titans. You know, the one who called Starfire a ‘Troq’ (slur against Tamaraneans meaning ‘nothing, worthless.’) Mar’i puts up with this for much longer that she should, but she doesn’t want to confirm what he thinks of her.
When Mar’i delivers Laney earlier, both them almost dying, Jon brings the older kids to the Watchtower. He’s barely been keeping it together for his children. Kom Yor and the other Alpha members happen to be talking about Mar’i as Jon brings the kids in, M&M clinging to her daddy. 
Kom Yor makes his comment about Mar’i being dead weight and that her being gone would be a good thing. Her and Laney. The kids hear this and start crying because they’re so scared for Momma and Loo-Loo. Jon keeps his calm long enough to get them to Dick and Clark, promising he’ll be right back.
Alpha doesn’t mess with any of them for a while after Jon’s done.
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bulbastory-blog · 4 years
Prompt: In Traditional “Will You Press the Button” Fashion, there is a consequence to any benefit you would receive.___ One morning you receive superpowers out the blue, later realizing that your dad pressed a button that grants him and the person he hates most in the world extraordinary powers.
A loud scream pierced through the house, into the walls of my room. I shot awake and jumped up out of bed. The scream unmistakenly came from my mother, but I have never heard such fear in it. I throw on the closest jumper to me, to cover myself up. I then run to the door. I shoot down the stairs, not noticing how quickly I was moving.
In the Kitchen, I find my mother by the hob and next to her my father, standing with a flame in his hand. “It’s okay Honey, I asked for this. I’m just going to light the hob for you, then you can start breakfast.”
“okay?... But David? You’re holding fire!”
“Mum? Are you okay?” My mum jumps back, banging herself on the breakfast island. “Fuck! Where did you come from?” she rubs her back, and my father bursts into laughter. I can’t remember ever seeing him laugh. “Dad?” I stared at his hand, it has only just dawned on me he was holding an open flame. His face suddenly went stern and he clenched his fist, the flames dispersing at the same time. 
“This isn’t your problem. Me and her are talking, get dressed and go out.”  As usual, he is trying to dismiss me, I came to the conclusion at a young age that he doesn’t like having me around.  
I turn around and begin to leave, arguing is pointless even with something so extraordinary happening. It would cause more problems for my mother and me.
I slowly climb the stairs to my room, I leave the door open and begin to scout for clothes. All that is going through my head is how he was able to hold that flame. He has been out a lot lately, maybe he learnt some magic? That has to be it! 
As I contemplate how he performed the magic, I begin to hear their loud discussion, I couldn’t make out words but I knew it was closer to an argument than a conversation. I try to block it out, a “discussion” at this level is normal and nothing to worry about. Being awake so early, I’m tired and think something easy to wear is the best option, so some jeans and a hoody is the best option. Nice and comfy. 
I wish I could disappear into these clothes. ignore the world and have the world ignore me. Life would be so much easier if I could just hide for a while. While sighing, I walk to the door. Their “discussion” is still happening, so in an attempt to hear it, I head to the neighboring living room. 
“I TOLD YOU!”“ he shouted, there was a pause and he continued “There was this button. I pressed it and now I have these awesome powers, like a fuking superhero” he chuckles to himself. 
“I don’t understand...”
“I am, I promise, I just don’t get why a button would just give you powers?” she remained calm, even while he was clearly losing his temper and becoming impatient. But then I heard his loud sigh, his angry sigh. Then SMASH. 
“Look what you made me do” he was eerily calm at this moment, I felt a shiver go down my spine. I begin to move to the kitchen to check everything is okay, but then I hear him slam the kitchen door and he storms into the living room. Rushing backward, as not to get in his way I knock the sofa. He looks at where the knock happened but turns away and sits in his spot. I sit in my chair, on the other side of the room in the corner. As long as I stay quiet, there shouldn’t be an issue. 
“Is it clean yet?” he calls through to the kitchen. Then the sound of glass being swept up and thrown in the bin can be heard. He begins to play with the fire in his hand igniting it and then putting it out. under his breath, he mutters “stupid bitch.” I stare at him, he always makes mean comments, usually to himself.
Raising his voice “Now if I get angry things go flying, literally. You’ve got to be more careful.” He spat the last words out like he was talking to a dog. My mum carefully walks into the room, clearly trying to hold back tears. She doesn’t like crying in front of anyone, it used to just get her in more trouble with her family and now her partner.  
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know...”
“It’s okay, come here.” he gestures for her to come over for a hug, he then holds on to her. “This is a blessing, we have more options now. I can do better now.”
“I know baby, thank you. I love you.” 
I sigh, how can she just put up with this? She should stick up for herself. She forgives him too quickly. 
“What was that?” my mum pulls her head away and looks around, she doesn’t seem to see me. Then my dad pushes at her thigh, “There’s nothing there.” she catches her balance, gets up and sits next to him. 
I choose to stay quiet, clearly, he doesn’t want me to talk, and it’s easier to just stay silent. Children shouldn’t be seen or heard.
“I should probably mention, there is one cost to pressing the button. No big deal though.” 
My mum looks worried and begins to panic “We can’t afford that. I don’t work and your job isn’t enough. You just bought parts for your car and the budget is always...”
“SHUT UP.” My mum closes her mouth and lowers her head. “It’s not that kind of cost, and you don’t need to worry about money anyway cause you don’t make shit.” she makes a quiet apology. “Anyway... by pressing the button, I got these powers. But it also gave powers to the person I hate the most.”
My mum looks at him shocked, then she looks at her hands, opens and closes them clearly concentrating. “It’s not you.” Again he spat the words out like he was talking to something worthless. He probably didn’t want to waste the energy hating her. “I put up with you.” he does his mean chuckle, so then he can act like it was a joke when you can see in his eyes that he means it. “Of course I love you.” His words sounded scripted and forced. 
“who?” she asked quietly again, not sure if she should speak. 
“I assume it’s my boss, I hate that cunt, and he’s old as fuck, probably one foot in the grave, so he won’t be an issue. Probably have a heart attack when he realizes he got them.” he chuckled 
“What a horrible thing to say” 
“Who asked you?” he spat the words out instinctively, it was then that I realized I had made my mental comment out loud. 
They both look around, neither seeing me. “Where are you, you trouble maker.” 
At this point I lost my temper, “I’M SAT RIGHT HERE. I’M HERE. I’M ALWAYS HERE”
“Stop messing around and come out you coward”
“I AM HERE” I stand to make it obvious, how can he still ignore me when I am here. My mum then screams like she did first thing this morning. Then I look around and see the room shaking. My dad’s face is full of fear. My mum then breaks the silence, the room stops shaking “Y-Y-You...Just....A-A-Appeared.” she looks like she has seen a ghost. 
“YOU?” His face turns from fear to rage. “But? I?...” he takes a pause and then stands staring at me with such hate. “GET OUT.” 
“what?” my mum slowly comes to the realisation of what he said. she looks between me and him. 
Mum then stands up and faces him, “YOUR HOUSE? DAVID, THAT IS OUR CHILD?” I stand, like a deer in headlights, I have never seen my mum stand up to him like this. “WE ARE NOT THROWING OUT OUR CHILD!”
My mum’s body language changed, she was no longer on the attack, she became small again. “David? You said you wanted a family with me.” 
“mum?” she looked so hurt, she turned to me. I think she had forgotten I was in the room. She then turned back to him, stepped forward slightly “I love You.”
He sniggered and quietly said “Your mistake.” 
They remembered I was here. He pointed to me “GET OUT.”
Then suddenly I am in my room, I can feel tears rolling down my face. when did I start crying? I brushed them away. He hates me more than anything? I know he’s a dick and he treats me like shit, but he’s my dad? I just thought he didn’t like kids or didn’t like me. I didn’t think he hated me. Parents are supposed to have unconditional love for their parents... aren’t they? I have to go. I grab a bag from the back of the door and start grabbing clothes and chargers and anything meaningful and important to me. Speeding around the room, I create burn marks in the carpet.
Then I hear them leave the living room and start storming up the stairs. 
“Why is this only coming out now David? 15 years together?”
“It was all below the surface, I just kept my mouth shut.” There was still anger in his voice but he seemed to have calmed down considerably. Maybe, they would let me stay?
“Why didn’t you just break up with me, if you were so unhappy?” 
“But why not end it yourself?” 
There was a pause, they must be outside my room at this point. “WELL, WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT, WHAT CAN ANYONE DO ABOUT IT NOW?” The house starts shaking as if there is an earthquake happening. I then I hear some bangs and then a loud hard thump. 
Bag in hand, I rip the door off the hinges and throw it down the hall. “MUM?” At the bottom of the stairs lies my mum, crying and in a slump. He is walking down towards her. 
“WELL, WHAT CAN YOU DO? YOU ARE TRAPPED LIKE ME. YOU ONLY HAVE ME. YOU’RE FAMILY WON’T TAKE YOU BACK, YOU CAN’T WORK. WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY GONNA DO?” He raises his fist and goes to hit her. Instead, he hits a large invisible wall, protecting my mum from his fists. He goes to hit again and again hits the wall. 
“DON’T TOUCH HER” I scream. 
I then appear behind her, I lift her up off the floor and take her hand leading her to the door. He just stands there watching, he can’t touch us. He then starts making the fire in his hand again, playing, taunting. 
We get to the door, that I have opened and then she stops walking. “Mum?” I feel so weak and defeated at this point, I don’t want to hurt her, I just want her to come. 
“I have no one. I can’t go.”
“You have me.” we both talk quietly and we both sound tired. She lifts her head and looks me in the eyes. 
“You’re too young. you can’t help your self, how are you supposed to help me?”
I drop her hand, “but...mum? we can’t stay here.” she takes a step back, “you said... mum... you said if he ever hit one of us you would leave with me, you promised.”
“I love him.... You don’t understand now but you will. “
She grabs the door. 
“I CAN’T HELP YOU IF YOU AREN’T WILLING TO HELO YOURSELF. MUM. You don’t deserve this. Mum?” She slowly begins to close the door, tears falling down her face. But her face was emotionless. 
“I’m sorry, but you have to go. “ 
She then closed the door on me. 
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dontcareajot · 7 years
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#30 – I was scared and I ran.
Two years ago, Suzy would never have imagined herself in this position. She never would’ve thought she’d get to spend the night with her two favorite people in the world, that she’d get to sleep with both her boys curled up around her, keeping her warm and safe. She would never have thought she’d be allowed to be this satisfied, this content, and she wakes up with a smile on her face, reaches over instinctively. First for Arin, and then for Dan.
But where Dan should be-where he was last night, clinging to her like he might never let go- her hand finds only cold, rumpled sheets.
She sits up, abruptly disquieted. On her right, Arin is still sleeping soundly, mouth slightly agape as he takes soft, even breaths. She climbs carefully out of bed, pauses by the door long enough to pick one of Arin’s shirts up off the carpet and pull it on. It smells like him. She takes comfort in it as she picks her way through the house, searching for Dan.
She finds him in the kitchen. He’s half-dressed, jeans on but t-shirt still clutched in one hand. He’s staring out the little window over the sink, brow furrowed, so deep in thought he doesn’t hear her approach, and he jumps when she slides her arms around him from behind, palms against his chest. She presses a kiss to his shoulder blade and mumbles a good morning.
Immediately she can tell that something is different. Last night Dan was eager. He kissed her with no hesitation, and let Arin pick him up and carry him to bed with a grin on his face. Now, in the light of day, he shies away from her touch, pulls out of her grasp, and he won’t quite meet her eye.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, stung. He flinches at the question. She can see a mark near his hipbone that she put there last night while he moaned her name. Suddenly the memory isn’t as nice as it was mere seconds ago.
“Nothing,” he says. He twists the shirt around in his hands. “I- nothing. I just. Need to go.”
“Oh,” Suzy says, blinking. She tells herself it’s nothing personal. She tells herself that maybe he has plans, maybe he has somewhere he needs to be. She tells herself it’s not what it seems like, that he isn’t regretting last night and looking for a way out, despite evidence to the contrary. “Well, Arin will want to say bye, probably. I can go get him-“
“No,” Dan says, a little too quickly. He turns fully away from her, finally tugs the shirt on over his head. He repeats, “No. I, uh. I don’t wanna wake him. I’ll just… See you guys later. At the office or something.”
“At the… Office?” she parrots. It sounds like a brush off. “Dan, what’s going on? Whatever it is, we can talk about it-“
“It’s nothing, Suzy,” he snaps, and this time it’s her turn to flinch. Dan’s never snapped at her before, not really, and suddenly she feels foolish for thinking that what happened last night meant anything. That maybe it was the start of something better, a new chapter in their lives. And she feels silly standing there in nothing but Arin’s t-shirt, just barely long enough to hit the tops of her thighs. She hates that her instinct is to cover up. To hide. But she can feel the tears starting to prick the backs of her eyes. This morning was supposed to be about the three of them. It was supposed to be happy. They were supposed to get to be together after all this time. She was stupid to hope for that, she’s realizing, and with that realization comes anger.
“Liar,” she accuses, raising her voice. “If you regret last night, then just say so. Don’t just walk out like a coward.” She hisses the word, and some part of her is happy to see him look so wounded.
“I don’t fucking regret it. Don’t put words in my mouth.”
His slumped shoulders and wary eyes tell her otherwise. She’s never seen him this way before. Not with her, definitely not with Arin. She wraps her arms around herself, jerks her chin toward the door. “You said you needed to go, so go.”
He doesn’t have to be told twice. He leaves without so much as another glance in her direction. As soon as the door shuts behind him, Suzy sinks to the floor. She doesn’t cry. She doesn’t let herself. But Arin finds her barely a minute later with her face buried in her hands. He doesn’t ask what happened. Maybe it’s obvious, or maybe he’s just being considerate. Either way, she’s grateful, and she clings to him while she tries to figure out what the hell went wrong.
Over the next three days, it’s like Dan may as well have dropped off the face of the planet. Arin tries calling, tries texting, to no avail. He even tries getting a hold of Brian, who’s only advice is to “let Dan think about things”. Suzy gets impatient. She gets mad. She feels strung-along and worthless, and on the third night she can’t sleep. She tosses and turns. Then she picks up her phone, tip-toes to the living room, and calls Dan.
He answers on the fourth ring, right as she’s about to hang up. He sounds tired, but also somehow relieved.
“Suzy,” he says. Just that. She can hear the tell-tale hum in the line that means he must be driving. She can picture him behind the wheel, lit only by passing street lamps, phone pressed to his ear with one hand while the other steers.
She places her hand over her mouth. She wonders if she should go wake Arin. It’s three in the morning and she didn’t realize how badly she wanted to hear Dan’s voice until just now. She didn’t expect him to answer and now that he has she isn’t sure what she wants to say. She wants to ask him why he answered, where he’s going, when is he coming back. She doesn’t even know where to start.
“Scuze,” Dan says, with a little hiccuping laugh. “I’m so sorry. Tell Arin- I mean, I wasn’t trying to avoid him. I just didn’t know what to say. And I was… I had to sort my shit out, you know? I had to- to figure out what was right-“
“You left,” she says.
“I did. And I don’t… I don’t have an excuse. I got scared and ran-“
“Scared?” Suzy scoffs. “Dan, it’s me and Arin. We love you. Even before that night. You should’ve talked to us. Arin’s been blaming himself. He thinks you don’t want him, that he fucked up your friendship-“
“God, of course I want him! Both of you! It didn’t fuck up anything, I was just being stupid. I thought- I mean, you guys have each other. You know? No matter what, you have each other, and I was scared I wouldn’t… Fit into that. That I couldn’t fit into that. But I read Arin’s messages today.” Dan sounds hopelessly endeared when he says, “The man’s a sap.”
“Sometimes,” Suzy agrees. She can’t help the way her lips twitch up at the corners. Can’t help the little flare of hope sparking to life in her chest. “Does this mean… You’ll come back?”
“If you’ll forgive me for being an idiot.”
“You might have to grovel at Arin’s feet, but I’m sure we can work something out.”
Dan’s laugh is definitely relieved, this time. “Tomorrow?” he asks.
“Now,” Suzy says. “I think we’ll both sleep better with you beside us.”
There’s a pause. Then, “Thank you,” Dan says, softly.
Suzy’s not sure anything is fixed, but given a little time she thinks it could be.
[more prompt fills]
[If you like what I do, please consider buying me a coffee!]
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Goner (2)//Josh Dun Fanfiction
Part 1
“Let me guess, it’s why me? Why me? Like, as you would say a little bitch?”
               “Hey bitch boy!” Josh heard someone yell from somewhere behind him, great. Only 2 days into being at a new school this happens. All because he didn’t want to pick a fight the other day. “Hey! I’m talking to you.” Football quarterback Witland Cos stormed up, grabbing Josh by the shoulder. “Buddy, I only want to hang out. Is that so bad?” He laughed, wrapping his arm over Josh’s shoulders. “You see, we know you’re the new kid. So we took it upon ourselves to teach you the hierarchy of this place.” Josh resisted rolling his eyes at the words spewing from the jock’s mouth.
               “Athletes are on top. We can make or break the school—so everyone stays on our good side, or they learn the hierarchy the hard way.” Another jock added.
               “Then it’s the beautiful cheerleaders. They’re our second in command. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be able to push on day, after day.” Witland continued, leading Josh over to the picnic tables on the far side of the schoolyard. “After them comes everyone else. They know the rules, if you get picked to fight. You man up and fight.” Josh chose to stare at the ground, forcing his eyes to stay there, rather than roll at the utter stupidity rolling off this jock’s tongue. “Now where does that leave you? Hm.” The football player pretended to think, looking at his buddies with a smile. “That means he’s at the bottom, isn’t that right guys?” The rest of the football team laughed in response, leaving Josh sitting there eyebrow arched.
               “Okay, I’m at the bottom—I get it. Can I go now?” He mumbled, frustrated in the fact that he was being kept here to be ridiculed.
               “Is that attitude we’re hearing?” Witland stood in front of the smaller boy, hands in fists at his sides. “Because if that’s the case, I’ll knock your fucking teeth in.” He growled, only to be cut off by the English teacher walking out.
               “Boys, what are you all doing out here?” She snapped, walking over to the picnic table where Josh sat, surrounded by walking-talking steroid syringes. “All of you back to class—and I expect to see you all in detention. Except you Mr. Dun get a warning, don’t let me see you cutting class again young man.” She pointed a finger at him, though he knew she wasn’t angry. She commented on how soft-spoken and polite he was after being in her class for a couple of days; she seemed to like getting someone who was at least half interested in the material.
               “You’re lucky, Dun.” Witland snapped, shoving him forward as they walked back into the school.
               I must say Witland, you’re amazing at welcomes. Your hierarchy, is it still going strong? Or has it dissipated since you got kicked from the football team. Hmm?
               “Dun!” Josh cringed as he heard his surname being yelled from across the hallway. “This is all your fucking fault!” The man backed him into the locker—none other than Cos himself. “I’m off the fucking football team, because Mrs. B thinks I was intentionally trying to cause harm the other fucking day. I’m about to fucking cause harm.” Josh felt his heartbeat escalate within his chest—pounding so hard and fast that he was surprised it didn’t bust out and spray everyone in the hallway.
               Now Cos, you and I both know that you got kicked because of your less than impressive track record at school. I was only there for 2 days and heard that you skipped almost all your classes—and were borderline failing too. But you needed a scapegoat, and who else than the new kid who had the glory of showing up a few days before karma hit you.
               “I didn’t ask to go outside with you, or sit there. So I don’t see how it’s my fault.” Josh started, only to be stopped when a force hit his jaw. Such a force that it sent him to the ground—leaving him coughing as he felt his mouth fill with a warm liquid. Blood. Wonderful.
               “Get up bitchboy!” He snarled, grabbing Josh by the arm and pulling him off the floor. “Fucking look at me you coward. I want to see your fear before I beat the shit out of you.” Witland scoffed, dropping the boy to the floor when a spray of spit and blood hit his face. Josh wasn’t about to go down without some sort of fight. “That’s it.” Witland growled, dropping to the floor, sending punches to the smaller male—who was currently using his arms to try and deflect them.
               “Hey, hey!” A teacher yelled, walking through the mass pile of kids to intervene the fight. “Cos, my office, now! Someone take Mr. Dun to the nurse please.”
               You froze in place, that’s the first time you met the mysterious boy. Or at least officially met him.
               “I will sir.” You piped up, considering everyone else just gawked at the site. “Do you need help getting up?” You asked, crouching to the guys level, as he was laying on the floor—blood smeared all over his face. He slowly began pushing himself up into a sitting position, coughing violently as he did so. You silently picked up his stuff, putting it all away in his bag, before slinging it over your shoulder and helping the boy up. “Are you feeling okay?” You whispered, walking along with the boy, keeping a hand on his back. Praying to whoever would listen that he wouldn’t faint—considering he was a fair amount taller than you.
               “I’m fine.” He groaned, falling back into a chair when you reached the nurses office. The nurse walked out, taking one look at Josh before ushering him back. “Are you coming? Free pass out of math.” He laughed quietly, nodding toward where the nurse was.
               “If you’re okay with it, I guess I could stick around to make sure you’re alright.” You grinned softly. Picking up his backpack before following him back.
               You sat in the corner of the room, watching as the nurse cleaned off Josh’s face—looking at his nose, and mouth—the two areas where the most blood was coming from.
               “It’s not as bad as it looks Josh—face and head bleeds look a lot worse than they actually are.” You mumbled, hoping to provide some comfort for the boy. “Don’t ask how I know—that’s a long story.” He laughed at your last comment, looking over at you when the nurse walked to the cupboard to grab something.
               “You seem pretty smart, so I’m guessing you studied up?” He tried smiling at you, only lifting a part of his mouth before cringing in pain. “Did I break something?” He asked the nurse, who nodded with a sigh.
               “Your nose seems a bit broken, take these.” She handed the boy 2 pills. “And sit tight for now. They’re Tylenol, which will hopefully ease up the pain you have now, and after I put things back in place.” She explained, fingers lightly touching his nose.
               “You can do that?” Josh asked, after taking the pills—watching as the nurse happily explained her second official title of paramedic. “Are you ready to comfort me when I cry like a baby, miss…whatsername?” He laughed, shifting his weight so he was leaning on his one side looking over at you.
               “It’s Y/N, and if you want me to try and comfort you I’m more than happy to help?” You laughed.
               As it turned out, he groaned—bit his lip so hard it started bleeding again and you, like you promised were there to comfort him through the pain.
               That wasn’t the end of it, was it Cos? You felt pain shoot through your insides at the ironic smile the boy on your screen held. It looked like he was about to cry—but his smirk said he was enjoying every second of this. You continued to hunt me down day after day just so I knew how worthless I was in your stupid hierarchy.
               “Joshy, how are you this wonderful day?” Witland walked up, hands in his pockets as he gave the cockiest smirk to the shorter boy. Who rolled his eyes in response. “Because, everyone’s talking man, you’re having a hard time climbing up that social ladder. Seems like every time you get a step up, you get knocked back down.” Josh let out an aggravated sigh, but never quit walking on his journey home.
               “I’m actually happy with where I am, thanks though.” Josh muttered, no emotion held in his voice. If he learned one thing over his 17 years of life—it was that you don’t add fuel to a fire you can’t contain.
               “Well that’s too bad, because I’m going to help you out. I’ll take you under my wing, and you might just climb to the top there bud.” Witland smiled, giving Josh a nudge with his elbow.
               “I politely decline.” Josh smiled back at the man, making his way up to the familiar driveway. His families new driveway to their new house. Wonderful.
               “You’ll regret that, bitchboy.” Witland called, making his way down the street, leaving Josh a feeling of dread in his stomach.
               So that’s it. That is how you, Mr. Cos assisted in my decline to destruction. Not that I’m blaming you for what I did—no. This isn’t a guilt trip to try and bring everyone down with me. You know the saying, every story has 2 sides. Well here’s mine, sounds a bit different from what was passed around school, huh?
               You felt nauseas. You remember going to school and everyone whispering about how rude Josh was to Witland. The story was he asked for it. Told the football team to get fucked and bring on all they could.
               For a second back then, you believed Josh to be rebellious enough to try.
               Maybe that’s why you felt so sick hearing the truth.
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kariachi · 7 years
More fic from the same ‘Ossys own Pern’ au! Kevin’s firelizards cause a very important conversation between him and Gwen, one that saves them a lot of pain in the long-run.
It was a lucky thing that his shoulders were so wide, because Kevin was coated in flits. They perched on his shoulders, clung to his sleeves. Zan was wrapped around his throat with Ja- the smallest of his brothers- laid out over him, Kaph hung off Kevin’s back, half covered by his hair with his cheek pressed protectively against the splay of small pink flowers tattooed under his ear. Aran had curled herself up on his head like a dark green hat. Their eyes all swirled in blueish purples except for her and mild unease came to Kevin through their bond. She, on the other hand, was annoyed at everything, as evidenced by the orange in hers.
Kevin wasn’t sure if their emotions were rubbing off on him or his were rubbing off on them, it could be hard to tell when you were bonded together like they were, but sitting across from Gwen, otherwise alone, he agreed with them entirely.
The air between them was tense enough he was surprised his onion rings hadn’t burst into tears and from the way she’d taken one sip of her milkshake and then ignored it he was fairly sure it’d curdled. Not that this was surprising. She’d asked him to come out to Mr Smoothie, just the two of them, so they could talk things out. A lot of things. Including the bandages on her cheek.
“Okay,” she said, finally, once she was halfway through her food, “we need to get all this sorted out, because this is fucked up.”
“It’s not that ba-”
“Your little pet-” she gestured at Aran, carefully neutral expression dropping into one of anger in a heartbeat- “attacked me!” The flit raised her head and hissed in response, flicks of red coming into her and the others eyes. Kevin stroked her head and sent out a wave of calm.
“In her defense, I think she’s going into heat and flits get testy then.” Gwen’s frown got deeper, eyes narrowing.
“Testy enough to attack people for no reason?”
She didn’t seem to notice Kevin’s jaw clench, just slightly, or how anger was rising in his fair, her eyes focused on his. The strong urge came over him to point out that Aran hadn’t attacked without reason. The she’d attacked when Gwen invaded his personal space, pointedly and blatantly to repel a young man that had been trying to flirt with him. Kevin had had no intention of returning the affection, he was still a little young by Osmosian standards to be involved with romance and far too young for the sort’ve looks the other alien- and at times Gwen- gave him, but that hadn’t stopped her from laying a hand on his arm and stepping close with a pointed look at the man. This, after weeks calling him a coward for not pursuing her despite her earlier disinterest. After leaving him for dead in a warehouse. (Kevin wonders, sometimes, how long he would’ve sat there waiting for help had he not has his fair to eventually send to see if they had been hurt or killed, because surely they wouldn’t have just left him there if they could’ve come back for him. How they would’ve explained themselves if he’d been there when they came to get him, driven by angry flits, instead of having drawn from Vis and teleported home once he’d seen their views of his ‘friends’ going about their lives. The picture he sees isn’t pretty. But then, neither were the hospital bills once Argit got him to one.)
She’d tried to make a silent claim on him only days after Hari and Aran had gone out of their way to burn the flier for her school’s spring social in front of her, just to make it clear that they wouldn’t let him go.
Aran had been perched on his shoulder.
Really, with the mood the flit had been in recently Gwen was lucky she hadn’t lost her eye.
But Kevin didn’t mention any of this. He did like Gwen, she was smart and fun and a very good person when she wasn’t acting like he was doing her wrong by not making a move on her. He wanted to learn some tricks from her, maybe some new ways of handling energy, and he enjoyed just hanging out. In no way did he want to antagonize her. He wanted her apologies about forgetting he needed help to be real, he wanted her to be his friend. For that, he needed to play his cards properly.
“She’s territorial right now,” he said, not lying. “If you’d kept a respectful distance she wouldn’t have done anything.” Gwen’s face started going pink, and something like embarrassment crossed her face for a split second.
“I was just-” she started to say before Kevin interrupted her.
“Acting like I belong to you. Again.” Her face got darker and she was good enough to looked ashamed for a moment, face softening and eyes darting to the side before she squared her shoulders her gave him another firm gaze.
“Look, everyone knows you like me-”
“So?” Kevin let some of his anger come through in his voice. Three years ago, he probably would have rolled with her, felt that he didn’t deserve to be treated better, but he’d grown in that time. He’d had Argit and his fair to bolster him up, a culture to be welcomed into, the occasional therapist of his species one of which he was still face-timing with once a week. He didn’t feel like a worthless monster anymore.
“Even if I like you, Gwen, I don’t owe you anything! I mean, fuck! You shot me down then gave me shit for not asking you out anyway!” Her eyes went wide and she frowned.
“I did not shoot you down!”
“If a guy flirts with you, and your response is essentially ‘uh-huh, yeah, I’m sure’? You just shot him down. Only someone clueless or an asshole would keep trying after that. And fuck if you’re gonna get anyone interested if you call them a coward for respecting you.” This time the message seemed to really sink in. The aggression started melting from Gwen.
“I never used that word.”
“You didn’t have no, you’re not a subtle person.” Face still pink, Gwen sighed and her anger seemed to leave with the breath. His fair relaxed, eyes going blue-green as her shoulders slumped.
“Kevin,” she started, clearly searching for the right words, “I’m sorry. I never meant to make you upset or uncomfortable.” Tearing apart an onion ring for his fair, Kevin considered his next move. People in shows and books always patted the other person’s hand at this point, to be reassuring, but that didn’t sound like a good idea…
“It’s okay,” he said instead. “I do like you-” Gwen’s eyes brightened for a moment “-but I think I’d rather be your friend than your boyfriend.” And darkened again. Biting her lip, Gwen nodded slowly.
“Alright,” she said, though it clearly hurt her to do so. “I can, respect that.” Kevin fidgeted. Most of his fair slowly climbed off him and began tearing apart what was left of his meal. Was alright, he’d ordered the fish sandwich for them anyway.
“I’m sorry Aran hurt you,” Kevin said after a pause. “I’ll try to keep a better handle on her from now on.” Gwen nodded again.
“It’s alright. Her eyes were red, she was tense, if I’d been paying any attention I would’ve known to give her space. She’s an animal, it’s not all her fault.”
“See, that sorta smarts,” Kevin said with a small smile, rescuing another onion ring and offering it to his fellow hybrid, “is why I want to be friends with you.” Gwen’s smile back was sad, but true, and she accepted the peace offering.
“If I’d known spending a summer with my Great-Aunt Mary and her cats would teach me so much, I wouldn’t have done so much sulking.”
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sparkesink · 4 years
Chapter 7:
Wake Up
Wake Up.
Wake Up TJ…
(Wake Up.)
The Lights Flickered, 
My Irises Fumbled Through Focus.
 Wake Up.
 Why Can I Not Break This Consistent Dormancy?
I Have Been Stuck Here,
In The Dusk Of A New Day,
(Waiting For The Sun to Rise, 
Stirring The Everlasting Slumber I Battle To Escape.)
 Wake Up.
 My Blurred Vision Ceases To Encase My Apperception.
Nearly Brushing The Tip Of My Nose With Her Immortal Eye Lashes:
Exasperated In Glee Of My Cognizant Acknowledgement,
(Her Existence Before Me.)
 “Jade, Where Am I?”
 She Hesitated, 
(Dawdling For The Correct Definition Of Which I Currently Reside.)
 “Um…Well…This Is My Home.”
Jade, Seemingly Nervous,
“The Others Won’t Find You Here, 
This Is A Reality, 
(Only I,) 
Allow Myself To Access.
I Wouldn’t Have Brought You Here,
But I Couldn’t Find Anywhere To Take You,
At least, 
Nowhere She Wouldn’t Find You.
 I’m Good At Hiding. 
I Have Been Doing It My Whole Existence…
I’ve Perfected Realities For This Soul Purpose!
(You Know, Hiding From Monsters And Such.)
 The Round Top Is My Pride And Joy,
Everyone Really Seems To Exist Well Within That One…
You Know! 
You Are The Only One To Come Across Realities With Me!
That Is Quite Something!
We Should Celebrate!
Do You Want Some Cake?
I Haven’t Any Here…
But I Could Certainly Go Get Some…
Somewhere Else…
And Bring It Back…
If You’d Like?
 You Can’t Come With Me Though,
Not Until Your All Healed Up…
I Nearly Killed You Just Transporting You Here In The First Place.”
I Began To Explore The Room Surrounding My Being…
 “Is This… A Hospital Of Some Sort?”
Jade Lowered Her Voice To That Of A Rodents Whisper,
 “The Infirmary.”
 She Began To Shuffle Through The Ash,
(Scattered Across Every Inch Of Open Surface.”
“I Have To Go…
I Have To Leave…
Right Now…
You Want Cake?
I Will Get You Cake!
We Will Celebrate!
I Will Get You Cake…
Cake…With Ice-cream…
And Cake.
Her Demeanor Shuffled, 
(Lost In Thought,)
Terrifyingly Absurd…
(Lost for Words,)
Timorous To My Avowal Of “Her Reality”.
 She Giggled, 
Discordant In Nature, 
(A Sound I Could Never Expect This Beaming Beauty To Produce.)
She Made Haste Toward The Opening Of The Room,
(Leading To An Abandoned Hallway, 
Lined Florescent…
Flickering As A Light-bug,
Once More.) 
She Turns,
(Body Unrecognizable,
Contorted Within A Vibrant Vortex,)
Showing Only Her Face As She Evaporated.
 “I Left Your Book Upon Your Night Table,
Beware Of The Nurse,
She Is The Puppet Master,
Teeth Stained In Blood Fable.
Do Not Believe The Coroner,
His Smile Is Warm,
He Will Try To Play Games,
Make You Feel Weak,
He Is Only Filled With Lies And Deceit.
 I Love You TJ, 
I Will Be Back,
But First You Must See The Story Through My Eyes
That Is, 
If You Desire Truth, Through Fact.”
A Glimpse Of Her Silhouette Wreathed Within My Soul,
This Beautiful Young Girl Was Melted From Right Nose, To Ear.
Her Prevalent, Grinning, Acquisition…
Now Pinned With Fish-hooks,
From Ear, To Ear…
This Sight Shivered Through My Spine, A Transportation Toll.
 The Ash Rained, 
Without a Doubt.
My Book,
Lying Stagnant, 
Upon The Side Night Nook.
 My Fingerprints Graze,
Across This Wooden Cover,
A Lyrical Maze,
Imprinted With An Alternate Wonder.
(Now Smudged,)
Across The Pages Of My Thought,
Opening A Labyrinth,
A Battle Separately Fought. 
“Chapter 9: Hot And Ready…”
Jade’s Story,
Pieces Of The Puzzle,
An Emancipation Of A Lost Girl’s Muzzle.
 The Pages Feel Like Home, As I Finger Through The Folio.
A Stagnant Sickness, 
Equivalent, Death By Polio.
The Nurse Will Wait,
The Coroner Will Get His Turn…
Responsibility Ten Years To Late,
The Cause Of This Young Girl’s Burn.
 The Laceration,
(Splintered Through Victoria’s Constant Control,)
Throbbed In Consequence Of My Perpetual Cowardice.
Wreathing Within My Caudal,
Slithering As A River Throughout My Skull.
Her Voice Whispering,
(An Aside,)
Valid Only To Those Who Listen.
“You Should Stop.”
“You Won’t Finish.”
“No-one Cares.”
“You’re Going To Fail.”
“Why Would You Even Continue To Try?”
“It’s All Shit.”
“You Will Never Matter, Anyways.”
“You’re Such A Fucking Coward!”
“You Are Sloth. A Waste Of Brilliant Potential.”
(Grinding My Palms Amongst The Ratted Mess Upon My Head.)
“You’re Going To Fail. You’re Worthless. Everyone You Love, Would Benefit From Your Perish.”
(Stumbling, Collapsing Upon The Cold Laminate Floor.)
(Scurrying, Grasping, Closer, Closer Towards The Bathroom Shore.)
(Climbing, Shifting, Comforted Within The Walls Of The Clawfoot Tub.)
(Shivering, Shaking, Slamming My Mind Against The Porcelain, Drub.)
 I Scour For The Faucet,
(Water, Hot As Flame.)
 Her Voice Starts To Wither,
Thoughts Manageable, Tame.
 I Sat Under The Scorching Rain,
Allowing The Shivering, Come To Bay.
 Tears, Masked, Within The Droplets: Surround.
There Lie A Beaten Woman, To Demented To Say.
Jade’s Skeletons Lay Within This Porcelain Drain,
Reaching Out,
Attempting to Ensnare My Ankles As I Pull Away,
Chilled Quiver Shoots Through My Veins.
 I Scrub My Eyes,
(“This Is Just A Bad Dream,”)
Pulling Myself Together,
“This Has To Be Some Grand Scheme.”
I Crawled Out Of The Bathtub,
Blood Covered In Fear,
Floundered Through This Nightmare,
Pulled Myself Up, Into The Mirror.
I Saw My Own Reflection, 
Though Warped In Some Sick Game,
I Wasn’t Pretty,
I Was Drenched In Shame.
The Mirror Wrote Back,
“You Will Always Be Thick,
Now Go, You Sad Little Girl,
Go Make Yourself Sick.”
 I Ran,
(Back To The Bed, Jade Left Me, Once Before.)
What A Horrible Place,
(Such Glamorous Gore.)
It’s Time I Face My Suppressed Past.
I Opened Her Book, 
Make Peace At Last.
 “Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Just… Write It Down. 
Just Write It Down.
 Strings Are Fun And Interesting,
Strings Keep You Flowing “A-boot”
These Things On Your Strings Seem Tantalizing,
And I’m Off On A Tangent, To Boot.
These Things You String Are Compromising,
Your Shadow Of Spire Compare
For These Strings Of Things Come Promising
Golds To High To Compare.
Oh, These Interesting Things, 
Surely, Keep You Flowing About.
These Tantalizing Things, 
(You’re Reassuring,)
Pouring Such Emptiness, 
(Such A Jester: He Sings;) 
The Contents Of My Mine, 
(Flourished With Doubt.)
These Compromising Doubts,
(Filled With Hatred And Despair:)
Backed Only With Superficial Lies,
(To Weak To Compare.)
 I Found A Way, To Escape Your World;
A Vortex Of Purples, Yellows, Blues…
(Such Birthed Realities To Be Whirled.)
Conceived Through Strengthening, Thoughtful News,
You Cannot Find Me Within My Beautiful Round-top,
Your Strings Cut In Such Transfer Of Belief,
You Cannot Survive Where I Am Going, Pop;
No Longer Forced To Grin Bloody Teeth. 
Running, I Am Aware, Will Never Solve My Problems.
They Will Not Be Going Away,
Though, For Now, I Find Solitude
In A Land To Complex To Sway.
Pulling, Stretching, Contorting;
(Everlasting Impoverish Fear;)
Once Humble, Such A Soft Façade,
A Longing, 
Such A Ponder; What Blinds Your Mirror?
(A False Pretense Of Covenants From Your God?)
I Cannot Follow In Footsteps So Sheer,
For Your Deadly Sins Will Not Be Masked,
When Faced When Mortality Come Near.
Such Money Saved… A Dollar Earned Mad,
A Lost, Disowned Kin…
Are You Proud Of Me Now Dad?
{Silence, *Keep Face}
Stop Talking, You Mustn’t Be Sad.
Such Things Are Not Allowed; 
Put On Your Mask, Covered In Lace. 
Our Blood Runs As Water, Transparently Fair,
A Thank You Towards Wavering Support: 
A Book, In Fact, ‘A Simple Silly Dream’, 
Here For All To Stare.
 Dear World,
I’m Sad Today.
(Regardless How Hard I Cry,)
I Cannot Will These Pangs To Wash Away.
My Skies,
Always Grey…
I Cannot Help But Beg For This To All Go Away.
Every Moment,
Every Fucking Lonely Second…
A False Smile, Permanently Painted.”
I Set Down Her Thoughts,
Feet Cool, Pressed Amongst Unfamiliar Substructure,
(At Best.)
Checkered Appearance,
Providing Loss To Sanity’s Capture.
One Foot Amongst Another,
Towing A Chain,
To A Mind With Substantial Fracture.
Down Toward The Corridor,
Elevator Marking It’s Deadline.
One Room, One Passage, 
One Floor, One Entrance…
(The Office Of The Medical Examiner.) 
 A Click,
The Clock: 
Scurry Little Mouse,
Back To Your Bed,
The Nurse Is Coming,
She Will Fill Your Head.
Pretend To Sleep.
Close Your Eyes Tight,
Don’t Whisper A Peep…
“Grab Our Book,”
Jade’s Voice Transparently Singing:
“We Mustn’t Let Anyone Steal A Look.”
 Hide Your Head,
(Beneath The Covers,)
Time For Bed.
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