ulthaddouk · 7 months
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Redundant Industrial Heritage in Britain: Snowdown Colliery an adaptive re-use exercise.
The images of this post are part of my dissertation entitled as written above and is an attempt to conciliate between the hostile built heritage and the environmental reclamation. The political speech of a nation’s lost industry, is displaying a major conundrum regarding collieries and other mining sites. Yet prosperous businesses involving local communities are able to set aside the environmental stakes of post mining site management and ownership economic concerns and other challenging phenomenons peculiar to the British culture. The aim of the study is to expose the relevant paradigm with a real case scenario, to discuss its successes and failures and to set a model of adaptive re-use in coherence with the conservation strategies of modern derelict heritage in a challenging environmental setting. It is also our responsibility, as architects, to revisit and think adaptive re-use of industrial redundant sites and disadvantaged areas like British collieries.
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le-amewzing · 2 years
Special Agent Barker
It happened again: I drew a thing that also wanted to be a fic. ;P
Fic: "Special Agent Barker" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Alden Parker/Jess Knight, Timothy McGee, Nick Torres, & an OC ;D
Rating: K+
Words: ~2,690
Additional info: romance, humor, 3rd person POV
Summary: Knight's giant heart means Parker suffers the "consequences." -—Or, Parker gets a mini-me.
      "Sorry I'm late," Parker announced once he'd taken two steps off the elevator. He lifted his coffee ahead of him and tipped his head with a weary sigh. "That big accident on the Beltway appears to be ensnaring just about everyone this morning."
      Surprisingly, none on his team remarked about his tardiness. In fact…none of them sat at their desks, even.
      Parker's ears pricked up, catching the chatter in the bullpen before he rounded the cubicle wall that formed one side of Knight's area. His eyes immediately landed on the trio gathered in the middle of their office, and he quirked an eyebrow at Knight's back since she and McGee sat on the floor. "…all right, what'd I miss?"
      Knight glanced at him over her shoulder, grin wide and eyes shining. "'Morning, Parker! We, uh, have a guest this morning."
      He narrowed his eyes at her and approached with caution. Parker dropped his attention to the middle of the circle and suddenly felt a whole hell of a lot more tired. "Just one question: Why?"
      Torres snickered at that and Knight's shoulders fell a fraction, but her enthusiasm didn't dim with her guest—some scraggly pooch—sitting happily on the floor, wagging its tail while having its ears scratched by her and back stroked by McGee. "I brought him in with me," Knight answered.
      "Still not clearing things up here, Knight."
      She leaned to one side so Parker could get by and at least set his jacket and coffee down on his desk. But Knight turned her head to follow him and continued, "I had to bring him in. I'm in the middle of wheeling and dealing with my landlord to let me keep him. And I only found him last night." She paused for a second while the dog, as if sensing they discussed him, stood on all fours, turned to peer up at Parker, and sat back down. Knight and McGee smiled the way some people did at babies, whereas Torres snorted and Parker met the dog's stare head-on. "He was wandering around last night, looking lost and lonely, when I hit my favorite takeout place—"
      Ah, finally something he knew. "The Italian place with the cheesy garlic knots?"
      Knight picked her head up, raising her eyebrows at Parker. "You remembered."
      "Mozzarella stuffed inside—that's goodness that's hard to forget."
      Knight laughed. "Fair. But I crossed paths with this little fella on my way into the shop. My order wasn't quite ready yet, so I got to watch him through their window for a while, too. People ignored him, and the person running the register said they see him often and sometimes toss him scraps to keep him from rooting in their trash around back." She shrugged and gave the dog a hearty pat between the ears, ruffling them and causing the pup to shake his head happily. "So…I took him home. Gave him a bath and a warm place to sleep."
      Parker touched his brow, wondering if they'd given him decaf this morning at the coffee shop by mistake… Clearly, things weren't firing right in his brain. "That's a nice story, Knight, but again—why here?"
      She exchanged a look with McGee, whose quizzical expression made it clear Parker hadn't leapt to the appropriate conclusions yet. "Well, I texted Kasie about him, so she used the RFID reader she has in the lab to scan for chips. Nothing."
      All right. Not an appropriate use of NCIS resources, but closer to making sense now.
      "And the Beltway traffic…didn't affect me so much," Knight confessed, suddenly sheepish. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "I, um, spent my morning checking my neighborhood as well as by the restaurant for missing dog posters, to no avail. So, aside from waiting and posting info that I've found a dog to see if anyone comes forward…" Her dark eyes were back on him, but they were pretty imploring this time.
      Parker's next clues were the return of Torres' snickers and McGee's pleading expression that matched Knight's. Hell, he could've sworn McGee pouted at him, complete with lower lip jutting out. Parker looked at each of them in turn, Torres, McGee, and ending on Knight, and opened his mouth to utter "no."
      "Oh, come on, Parker! Please?" Knight asked. She smiled and tilted her head slightly. "I just said my landlord hasn't given me a final word yet."
      He gestured to Torres. "What about Mr. Not-So-Quiet over here?"
      Torres unfolded his arms and stood straighter on McGee's right. "Ah, yeah, no. I've already got a fish, and Carl and I have a good thing going. Besides…the dog's cute, but I, uh. I have a history with dogs. I'm not very good with them, especially sizable ones."
      The rest of them dropped their eyes to the dog in question. It was somewhere between small and medium in terms of size—absolutely not a dog anyone would call "sizable." Parker settled Torres with a dry look, but the younger man wouldn't be swayed and shook his head. So Parker next gazed at McGee; after all, his Senior Field Agent had the audacity to pout at him.
      But now McGee floundered, rather literally, his mouth opening and closing while he scrambled for an excuse and stopped petting the dog in the meantime. "I mean—I'm delighted. I would be delighted," McGee corrected when Parker raised his eyebrows. "But Delilah would kill me for just bringing home a dog out of the blue without discussing it with her first, especially if the twins got excited about the dog and we then realized we couldn't keep him." He sighed.
      So, once more, Parker locked eyes with Knight, especially now that it was abundantly clear to him what she really meant to ask. Since it weren't as though she could leave the dog overnight at NCIS and none of them mentioned Jimmy or Kasie as viable options, Knight must've already come to this conclusion. Still, Parker pursed his lips while he absorbed the facts.
      Knight was determined, though, to make Parker budge. She brushed back the mutt's ears from the sides of his face and coaxed his chin up so they both stared up at Parker. "Oh, just look at him, Parker! Look at these eyebrows. This deep-set pout." She grinned while she scratched the dog's head some more, a chuckle in her tone at her next observation. "He's even got your salt-and-pepper hair…" Although, as she said it, there was a glint in Knight's eye, as if something occurred to her right then and there. She caught McGee's and Torres' eyes before glancing back at Parker and trying to tamp down an even bigger grin. "Oh, my God. He's Special Agent Barker."
      Yeah, he must've been given decaf by mistake. Parker enjoyed a good joke, but suddenly he regretted getting out of bed this morning.
      He dragged a hand down his face while McGee and Torres shared a laugh over the pun, but the laughter wasn't uproarious, just appreciative of Knight's creativity. Plus it faded quickly when Knight got to her feet to meet Parker at his desk once he finally took a seat in his chair. "Seriously, though, Parker. I plan to keep him, for real, as long as things work out with my building," Knight said, dropping her volume. Some of the humor had left her tone, too, but her eyes were big as ever.
      Parker stared up at her for a moment. He twisted his lips around but didn't look away. If she really planned to keep the stray mutt in earnest… "…one night," Parker conceded.
      Knight's face lit up. "Thank you so much!" And her thanks seemed genuine.
      But there was a different glint in her eye this time, which conveyed to Parker that she'd suspected he was going to cave and take the dog in anyway…
      How he'd gone from Beltway accident to sheltering a stray in one morning, he didn't know. But Parker definitely knew he needed more coffee—real coffee—by then.
      "Go figure the day you show up is one of those rare quiet days at the office," Parker muttered to the pooch as he pulled into his spot outside the painted brick building—his condo complex—later that evening. He angled his mirror and glanced at the dog in the reflection.
      The dog tilted his head as if saying, Who, me?
      Parker scoffed and shook his head. He got out and let the dog out after him, and the dog padded along rather quietly as Parker headed up the front steps. Inside, too, on the first floor and up to Parker's place on the second, the dog was pleasantly quiet except for the gentle clacking of too-long claws on the floor. Parker was surprised by the dog's manners when the canine planted himself, waiting for Parker to unlock his door. …huh. "Well, I would've preferred Knight's company, but you're pretty well-behaved, pup," Parker remarked.
      Inside, too, the dog's behavior didn't change much. Sure, he sniffed around a lot, as dogs were wont to do, but he didn't get into Parker's shoes by the door, he left the coffee table and magazines alone in the living room, and he didn't go wandering very far from Parker's side at all. It were almost as though he understood he was a guest (an uninvited one, at that) and was doing his best to be a good boy.
      "Or maybe I ended up getting too much swill from the break room," Parker thought aloud, trying to recall just how much coffee he'd fetched while at the office. Not that it could be called "coffee," but still. When one was desperate, one was desperate, and caffeine was still caffeine.
      Parker swapped his work clothes for a soft t-shirt and comfy sweatpants, yet again surprised that the dog didn't get into his business, preferring instead to wait for Parker outside his bedroom door. Either this dog really did belong to someone because he was trained exceptionally well or he'd spent enough time around people to pick up on, in some way or shape or form, the concept of personal space. He preferred to think it was either of those options, and not that the dog had learned to be wary of humans the hard way. Though, if that were the case, then Parker could commiserate; learning life lessons the hard way stank.
      Parker and his canine guest left the tiny hallway behind and headed for the kitchen. For himself, Parker pulled the leftover burger from the fridge (it would've been burgers, plural, had they not split a third one the other night, he thought absentmindedly) and grabbed the last portion of frozen fries from his freezer. It wasn't the healthiest meal, but it'd do on short notice and with an extra responsibility tonight.
      Of course, while the fries crisped in the oven and Parker pulled his burger from the microwave to dig in, the dog licked his chops.
      "Hey. You have good taste, but you've got kibble you're still working on." Parker put his food down on the counter for a second to retrieve the remnants of the small bag Knight had purchased and been feeding the dog all day long, and he poured a portion into the first bowl he grabbed from his cupboards and placed it on the floor.
      The dog sniffed it, licked his lips, and gazed up at Parker again.
      Parker sighed and broke off the tiniest bit of ground beef, aiming for the bowl, but the dog caught it midair instead and barked his thanks. Parker chuckled to himself and shook his head, wondering if he'd gone soft on the creature.
      When the fries were ready, Parker plated his own meal and went out to the living room, turning the TV on to scroll quickly, catching bits of news here and there. He didn't linger on any one show long, although sometimes certain commercials made him groan.
      By the third echo, he realized the dog was grumping at the same commercials he did.
      Parker finished eating and set his plate down on his coffee table, peering down at the dog.
      The dog stared back up at him. The team hadn't been wrong earlier, poking fun at Torres for thinking this tiny thing was sizable. He was some kind of mutt—had some terrier in him, judging by those fluffy eyebrows and that crazy moustache and the short but shaggy coat—and was likely little longer than Parker's thigh if the dog hopped up on the couch and joined the federal agent in his TV surfing. The dog was on the thin side, but that was to be expected for a stray acquainted with living on the streets. His fur was mostly deep grays with speckles of lighter shades throughout, especially marked around his face, ears, and crown, so Parker couldn't quite hold Knight's comparison against her.
      But Parker exhaled, thinking again of Knight's moniker for the dog and Torres' and McGee's amused reactions to it. Special Agent Barker—honestly, why did they see him in this dog?
      Obviously, the dog had no answer. But he exhaled, too, a huffy little sound, and curled up on the floor by Parker's feet, content to watch TV silently with him, grumping at each annoying commercial and infomercial.
      After a blessedly uneventful night, Parker showered and dressed in the morning. He fixed eggs and toast for himself and, taking some pity on the pup, tossed the dog his crust. Not a single crumb made it to the floor, which Parker appreciated. That really was a handy trick.
      But, more than that, he appreciated the sight that greeted them when they exited his building that morning, finding Knight leaning against his car, hers pulled into the space behind his along the street. She grinned at the pair of them. "Good morning, Parker," she said as Parker came down the front steps, the dog following in his wake. "I thought I'd pick you up for work."
      Parker quirked an eyebrow. "As thanks for letting your dog stay the night? Not exactly an even barter, Knight."
      She gave him a tiny shrug, but her lips fought to stay smiling and not crack with laughter. Then her dark eyes alighted on the dog. "And Spab! C'mere, Spabby, come on. Did you have a nice sleepover?"
      Stunningly, the dog reacted to the name or her voice—which, Parker wasn't certain. And, though he enjoyed the cute sight of her and the dog getting along, he couldn't help but ask, "What the hell is 'Spab'?"
      "Well, his full name's way too long, so 'Spab' it is," she replied, scratching the dog's chin and straightening up to turn that blinding grin on Parker.
      He stifled a groan but settled her with a look. "You don't mean—"
      Knight's grin grew impossibly bigger. She rifled through the pockets of her burgundy coat, withdrawing from the right one a few seconds later a little dog tag in the shape of a police badge. The front in large letters read "SPAB," with "Special Agent Barker" below it in minuscule print. On the back was printed Knight's cellphone number. "Kasie had it made at a place by her home last night. Isn't it cute? He's as close to being a real Special Agent as can be." She couldn't withhold her chuckle this time.
      And neither could Parker hold back his groan. So this was his new reality…
      But the dog—Spab—butted his head against Parker's leg, several times, as if bugging him to loosen up. It was the first hint of impoliteness Spab had shown in the past twenty-four hours. But Spab insisted on bumping into Parker's leg before settling on the ground between the two agents and looking up expectantly at them.
      Knight cocked her head at Parker, smiling but also patiently waiting.
      …and so, for the second time in less than a day, Parker caved to Knight's whims. But he assured her he was good, expressed with a quick kiss before all three of them piled in to her car.
OKAY, SO. Another animal fic from me, BUT! Technically, I've been sitting on this pun for AGES and it's been so, so, SO HARD to keep it under wraps. XDDD Writing "Soaring" came about kinda by accident, whereas this story was completely on purpose, for the sake of this delightful pun and the adorable imagery. :D AND COME ON. Is anyone srsly going to tell me that the idea of a cute lil' stray mutt who's reminiscent of Parker isn't adorable? XDDD Granted, the show has a history with dogs (we're not gonna talk s18 here, but whatever happened to McGee's German shepherd, Jethro?!), but this was too sweet to pass up. Also, yes, I'm aware Knight the following morning didn't inform Parker whether she can take Spab home, so… :3c Open to interpretation? Or does this need a sequel?? Idfk, but I just had a lot of fun imagining this cuteness (and also dropping hints of Parknight—with how she cons him into taking Spab, and the implication that they ate at his place the other night…plus he wanted Knight's company, not Spab's!!! XD). ANYWAY. Rly had to get this fic off my chest. And the doodles. Pls enjoy everything, fic and art alike, and then make sure you catch up on my other Parknight content, folks~ Feel free to come dither with me about them and even request a fic, if you like! (Or art. I actually take art requests, too, btw. :3) And don't forget to pop on over to the Parknight tumblr I made for more fun content~
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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1dragon-mustard1 · 1 year
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Ok, the void kingdom in hollow knight I headcanon like I'm pretty sure most people do to have been submerged by the void sea because snail shamans and the whole history of evolution of life theme in game
In the background of the abyss we see bark like pillars with dalek eggs
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(not my image, found on 2019 wiki guide)
And lots of circular shell structures
It wouldn't be remiss to assume that the abyss was alot like earths deep oceans but bug or these guys
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It wouldn't be wrong to assume the geo caches and really just geo are what used to be void citizens assuming because of the statues the void kingdom encompassed all of hallowsnest
It's also fun to imagine alot of the stuff we explore in game are what used to be underwater, under void lol, caves
And because I like Aerial, mixing these assumptions together you get that the void kingdom was likely made of large shell structures as seen in the first drawing
As for the life blood, that where life blood beast and Deepnest come in, specifically glowing shrooms
So, the life blood cocoons are the life blood beast babies and that's where the whole taboo thing came from, but the butterfly structure around it is more like an unfertilized egg, it's what your meant to eat
Don't let the movement and flying trick you, the life blood beast is probably some kind of literal god that was dating the void - it has magic sperm we don't know what that does
Cause its in God's home, probably meaning the void kingdom was rich in ores like pale ore n stuff, so everything was probably covered in those copper swirls but void er ized
Anyway that stuff was fine to eat, cause these are fish bugs not humans or homosapiens
But like the rocks and stones in studio giblies Laputa, the way to extract the healing properties of the egg sperm butterfly things was lost with the arrival of the radiance
Head canon the radiance was with this guy
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(gamer walkthroughs)
Which is either how she got the in or they was like fuck this and she killed them
Mosquitoes have a water stage as larvae, whoes to say they didn't string together like frogs and make illuminating grasses
Whoes to say plants weren't like that too, for all we know coral could talk and then diverged into mushrooms in the fungal wastes and the glowy shrooms in Deepnest
Making the shroom warriors and stuff not plants, but animals
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k12academics · 1 month
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CWT Transportation understands the importance and value of these school sponsored events and to our children these events are lasting memories carried well beyond adult hood. This is why we take the care and provide only the highest level of service for all school bus and Charter Activity Buses.
Although CWT offers a wide variety of services we take pride in our SPAB training programs and our impeccable visits from The California Highway Patrol. Please call our friendly staff today to talk more about your upcoming event.
Services we offer:
Field Trips
Sporting Events
Senior Trips/Grad Night
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thatsonehellofahabit · 9 months
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the spab
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urmomandanothermom · 9 months
Things I have accidentally called The Spot:
The Spit
The Splurt
The Squirt
The Sparm
The Spab
The Spam
The Spoot
The Spleet
The Spleef
The Queef
The Pot
The Squint
The Sporng
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PRIVATE Pieces Scattered Across the Board, Encounter at the Event Horizon
EEH: Think they're done? SPAB: Done with what? EEH: New folk! What else? EEH: I heard that the last one came online a couple cycles ago. EEH: They're a way's off from here, but from what I'm hearing in the global chatrooms, it doesn't sound like there'll be any more... SPAB: Not immediately. SPAB: A new property regarding the Void Sea has been found, and ways to better replicate it are being researched. SPAB: In fact, some of the recent Iterators have been put to that task, in opposition to our own. EEH: Opposition!? SPAB: That may not be the appropriate word, actually. Maybe "parallel" would make more sense. EEH: Hmph, sounds like you were trying to scare me on purpose! EEH: Is Battles also allocated to that research? She only vaguely addressed her work, I couldn't get a good read on what he was doing... SPAB: Inconclusive, it's best you just ask her. SPAB: Was there anything else you needed me for? EEH: Well duh! You can't just say that there's been a discovery made on the Void Sea and *not* tell me about it! SPAB: That is confidential information, at least for now. EEH: Because apparently they're allergic to sharing anything with the rest of us. EEH: Would it kill you to tell me, just this once? ~ SPAB: Inconclusive. SPAB: Talk to you later, Horizon.
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purekhocaine · 1 year
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This morning I was thinking about how people always say someone completes them. What exactly does that mean? And then I realized this is it. I’m living that right now because my husband makes my days better, my life better, fills all the missing gaps there ever were. I’m so much happier when he’s with me. Just being around you is all I need to be ok. I love you SPAB.
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baliportalnews · 6 months
PMI Buleleng Komitmen Lakukan Pembinaan PMR, Pemberdayaan SPAB dan Bentuk KSB Seluruh Buleleng
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Keberadaan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kabupaten Buleleng dalam layanan kemanusiaan peranannya sangat besar. Bukan sekedar menjadi relawan untuk jalan-jalan, melainkan kesungguhan membantu seluruh lapisan masyarakat yang mengalami bencana dengan berbekal keahlian yang mumpuni. Tidak hanya itu, berbagai upaya pembinaan generasi penerus hingga pembentukan kelompok siaga bencana tingkat desa pun dilakukan PMI Buleleng dalam rangka mendukung kesiapsiagaan bencana di Kabupaten Buleleng. Hal ini terungkap dalam Podcast Bikom (Bincang Komunikasi) Dinas Kominfosanti Buleleng, Rabu (11/10/2023). Kepala Markas PMI Buleleng, Made Pasek Yasa menyampaikan bahwasannya hingga sekarang ini PMI Buleleng terus melakukan pembinaan Palang Merah Remaja (PMR) dari perwakilan masing-masing sekolah di Buleleng. Menurutnya, pembinaan PMR berkelanjutan sangat penting dalam rangka mencetak generasi penerus PMI Buleleng. “Kami berikan mereka (PMR, red) pelatihan kepemimpinan secara semi militer selama empat hari. Setelah itu seluruh PMR kami kembalikan ke sekolah asal masing-masing untuk nantinya menularkan ilmu yang didapat,” terang Made Pasek. Lebih lanjut dijelaskan, dalam program kerja PMI Buleleng juga melakukan pemberdayaan Satuan Pendidikan Aman Bencana (SPAB) untuk mewujudkan sekolah tanggap bencana. Upaya pemberdayaan itu sudah dilakukan dibanyak sekolah di Buleleng, hal tersebut dapat terwujud berkat langkah kerjasama yang dilakukan Made Pasek dengan Perusahaan OASIS. Pihaknya mengakui dalam melakukan berbagai kegiatan pembinaan PMR dan pemberdayaan SPAB di wilayah terluas di Bali ini sangat sulit tanpa dukungan banyak pihak, baik dari pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat. “PMI Buleleng banyak mendapat dukungan dari Pemkab Buleleng, OASIS dan juga masyarakat, sehingga mampu secara maksimal menjalankan program-program. Tidak hanya dalam hal pembinaan dan pemberdayaan, tapi juga dalam hal penyaluran air bersih ke desa-desa yang mengalami bencana kekeringan,” tegas Made Pasek. Atas capaian kinerja yang luar biasa itu, pada 29 September 2023 lalu di Markas PMI Kebumen, PMI Kabupaten Buleleng menerima penghargaan Center of Excellence (PMI Pusat Unggulan) oleh PMI Pusat bersama dengan enam PMI lainnya di Indonesia. Raihan itu menjadi penyemangat bagi Made Pasek untuk lebih genjar melakukan layanan kemanusiaan di Buleleng. Pihaknya menambahkan, selain pembinaan PMR dan pemberdayaan SPAB, PMI Buleleng juga telah membentuk Kelompok Siaga Bencana (KSB) tingkat desa. Namun demikian, kelompok yang sudah terbentuk belum mencakup 9 kecamatan di Buleleng. “Memang belum semua desa kami bentuk KSB, untuk sementara setiap kecamatan kami bentuk satu desa. Jadi Kami membentuk KSB berdasarkan skala priorita melalui data wilayah rawan bencana,” terang Made Pasek. Ditambahkan, hingga pada saat ini di Kabupaten Buleleng sudah terbentuk KSB di 6 kecamatan berdasarkan data wilayah rawan bencana. Pihaknya meyakini komitmen seluruh pengurus dalam kesungguhan melayani kemanusiaan akan mampu lebih meningkatkan lagi capaian kinerja PMI Buleleng dalam membina PMR, memberdayakan SPAB dan membentuk KSB pada setiap desa di Kabupaten Buleleng.(adv/bpn) Read the full article
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nicklloydnow · 9 months
“One of a series of films attempting to give a cinematic voice to the post-grunge Generation X scene, S.F.W. (So Fucking What?) hardly registered on the cultural landscape when released in 1994. This was around the time when Reality Bites – the more audience-friendly spin on the mini-phenomenon – was bringing in the crowds, but it wasn’t just cinemagoers who were indifferent to the film.
Roger Ebert was pretty unforgiving in his review, claiming the film qualified «Forrest Gump for a genius grant». It currently resides on Rotten Tomatoes with a 12% rating. Undoubtedly an uneven film, S.F.W is also an unfairly maligned one. Loose comparisons were made with Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers around the time of its initial release, and both films do share an irritating trait in their self-conscious need to be categorised under the ‘cult cinema’ banner. But underneath S.F.W’s subversive posturing lies a smart depiction of misplaced hero worship. The film’s Big Brother-style rolling ‘reality’ content and YouTube megastar/cult of non-celebrity premise looks increasingly prescient in hindsight.
Given the film’s central theme, it may come as little surprise to learn that Levy actually screened it for Kurt Cobain, a figure who was very much the real-world counterpart of Spab in regards to his unease at being appointed a sudden spokesperson for the 90s disfranchised youth (the director has claimed the Nirvana frontman “really connected” with the material). While S.F.W is unlikely to be mentioned in the same breath as the teen nihilism works of Greg Araki from that era, or even its cinematic slacker contemporaries, it remains a flawed but intermittently fascinating portrayal of an outsider trying to fathom his imposed celebrity. Spab himself would probably offer up his titular motto if he was told the film failed to connect with audiences upon release, and it’s difficult not to agree with him.
“Cliff Spab is no hero. He's just another loser, a kid just out of high school raised on TV and fast food, working minimum wage without a dream. S.F.W. (1994) could be dismissed as a cookie-cutter Gen X movie in the mold of Pump Up the Volume (1990) and subUrbia (1996), but for the fact that its critique on how the media trivializes and commodifies tragedy has, if anything, become stronger twenty years later in the wake of 9/11, reality TV, and alternative facts.
S.F.W. is grim satire: an indictment on the dehumanizing effect 24/7 media coverage has on real emotions, and a caricature of early-'90s Gen X culture. Cliff is an amalgam of apathetic icons Kurt Cobain, Christian Slater, and Beavis & Butthead; the soundtrack features a theme song by GWAR and tracks from Hole, Marilyn Manson, Soundgarden, and Suicidal Tendencies. Thankfully, terrorist group Split Image remain a colorless, domestic threat that's never explained, so international politics don't creep into the story. The point is more about how the media feeds on any pain as entertainment, and demands a hightened level of gore as viewers become numb to torture and murder.
S.F.W. is not a great movie, at times making its point about a careless media with after-school-special simplicity. But it's a damned entertaining glimpse into a bygone era of pre-internet America, where music videos reflected the culture of hopelessness felt by the emerging generation, dozens of cable channels broadcast pop culture junk 24/7, and violence was consumed like candy by a reality-hungry public. If only we could return to those innocent times.”
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ulthaddouk · 7 months
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When I joined the MSc course of Architectural Conservation at the University of Kent, I didn’t know much about British heritage and practice. Driven by my passion for historic sites, I came to discover astonishing architectural styles and historic preservation practices and philosophies. The ‘Conservation Principles’ module confronted me with some tricky questions. Should a historic building be saved partially or totally? Why do we care about its preservation? When was the building destroyed and what has been lost? How should we preserve? I soon realized that answers based only on personal views and culture can be biased… Only by studying the cultural, geographical, socio-economic and political context of a historic building can we really understand its significance and proceed to restoration.
There are different attitudes to conservation. It was fascinating to compare philosophies as different as those of Violet le Duc, John Ruskin, Cesare Brandi, and Camillo Boito, as well as conservation charters such as those of Venice and Athens. In addition to conservation philosophy, the programme introduced us to historical societies, charities, trusts, funding bodies and community involvement regarding heritage. I realized that besides understanding the UK planning system, one should be familiar with the work of amenity societies and funding bodies. After all, successful historic preservation in the UK lies in the combination of a robust legislation with the work of societies such as the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) and the Victorian society, organizations such as English Heritage, and funding bodies such as the Heritage Lottery Fund.
After this initial focus on policies, laws and philosophies, it was time for action… I was very excited to hear that the Spring Term module ‘Intervention at Historic Sites’ (January through April) would be delivered in collaboration with the SPAB and would be based on the Society’s ‘Old House Project’, the preservation of St. Andrew’s Chapel, near Maidstone. Alas, I missed the first guided visit to the chapel. Visiting it a few days later with a classmate was one of most exciting moments of the programme. This was a unique chance to experience an unspoiled medieval building, which is very little known. Formerly part of the Cistercian Boxley Abbey, the chapel was converted into a dwelling in the 16th century. Abandoned for decades, the chapel is now in an advanced state of decay, but is not entirely derelict. Some of its features, such as the late-Gothic mullioned window, the Tudor chimneys, the post-dissolution half-timbered extension, and the early 20th-century fireplaces survive and reveal the complex history of the building.
Drawing the chapel, looking at its decay, retracing its history, and reflecting on repair methods was rewarding, and designing a proposal of adaptive reuse added to the pleasure… Here are some samples of my analysis of the decay of the chapel.
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le-amewzing · 2 years
Finished this second even tho these doodles inspired my oneshot of the same name, "Special Agent Barker," which is a pun I've been sitting on since spring, well before s19 ended. X'DDD (Also while this art isn't shippy, the oneshot is mildly so, bc I can't resist my OTP. :3) But it was fun drawing this mut who looks like a certain mustachioed team leader...! ;D | Done in Clip Studio Paint.
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paranormalmushroom · 10 months
Hoping you get your page back
Have you been able to find all your people?
Thanks babes, I appreciate that.
I haven't been able to get everyone yet. Like I said before, its was a spab of like collecting and building over years. Some people only posted once a month and others we chatted sporadically. I'm trying, but I dunno if I'll get everyone back.
Its alright, such is life.
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findusales · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Furnis Spielwelt Doll Viel -case not included.
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stephanieinge · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RAVENSBURGER Wer kennt die Uhr? GERMANY spielend NEUES LER 🎁 White Elephant 🎁.
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siciliatv · 2 years
Spab, azioni buone di Favara: presentati i progetti per il 2023
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Spab, azioni buone di Favara: presentati i progetti per il 2023 Spab, la Società per azioni buone, nata a Favara lo scorso anno con l’obiettivo di rigenerare la... #SiciliaTV #SiciliaTvNotiziario Read the full article
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