badrrr · 9 months
Be women of the akhira. Do things with the intention of it benefiting you in the next life. Sacrifice for the Ummah. My beautiful sister, we don’t live in the golden ages so we shouldn’t live a life as if we do. Life isn’t just about girl parties, shopping and cute dates with spouse.
My precious sister in Islam, your role is big and your responsibilities are many. There are a plethora of captives and a shortage of those willing to free them. Raise up young men and women of Tawheed. Usool ath- Thalatha has dwindled from us and the youth. Memorize it and teach it the young to live upon it. Our elders, May Allah grant them a long life full of good deeds, are unaware of the plight of the Muslims. Where is your beautiful handwriting in making leaflets to spread awareness? The deviants and slanderers have increased and are poisoning the masses. Learn the deen and educate the new generation of muslimaat. Sell your jewelry for ransom. Spend from your money in charity. Give up some sleep for tahajjud.
My beloved sister, your husband is not just for you. As much as you adore him, he is for the Ummah and should be encouraged to get dirty in the path of Allah. Don’t stop him or discourage him. Make dua for him, motivate him, prepare him accordingly. If you hold him back from his duties, then you have deprived the captives of their freedom and Islam of spreading far and wide. If you love him for the sake of Allah, stand with him in the path of Allah ﷻ. Encourage even the men in your family to get dusty for the sake of Allah.
My sister, keep company with the sisters on the same path. You will only flock regularly with those who are the same as you. You will become like those who you are around mostly. Righteous, pious akhawaat should be your company. Gatherings of knowledge and the remembrance of Allah should be your dates with them. If they advise you, keep them close. If you sin and they encourage you, they don’t truly love you. If they only care about the glitter and glamor of this dunya, it’ll only pull you towards that and away from the ultimate goal.
Focus and stay on track. Learn skills to benefit the Ummah. Have very high aspirations because it only befits the people of the best nations. Make continuous istighfaar and rush to the good deeds. Be mindful of Allah in private so it translate to that in public. Ask Allah for a soft heart that weeps at disobedience and sinning. Build up a heart that is so attached to Allah it weeps for missing acts of sunnah. Think about the captives and the oppressed muslimeen. When is the last time you shed tears because of them ? May those tears be a witness for you on the day of judgement.
The path isn’t aesthetic nor is it easy. It is not smooth and it never ends until the Angel of death takes our soul. Any khayr you put forth is not because of your actions or your intellect. Rather it is from the mercy Allah has bestowed upon you . Ask Allah for steadfastness. Constantly clean off you slate with istighfaar and keep the mindest that your life is for the sake of Allah and you must live accordingly.
You are the backbone of the Ummah Ukhti. You are a precious jewel and you have an honorable status. Be a women like how the sahabiyat were. Be a woman who corrects what others have corrupted.
May Allah aid you and honor you. May Allah increase us all in thabat and make us from the forerunners of the deen.
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sheherrzaad · 6 months
How to be a high value woman?
Focus only on your relationship with Allah subhanahuwata'ala. Keep yourself busy in seeking His pleasure... beneficial knowledge, upgrading yourself mentally, emotionally, physically. Speak less, but speak with eloquence. Be honest in your interactions with Every single individual around you. Do not entertain inconsistency and dishonesty. Do not look at influencers to learn what's "best life"...build your lifestyle from that of Sahaba - Sahabiyat RadiyAllahu anhuma through beneficial books. Limit your circle. Build boundaries. Trust actions, not words. Always, ALWAYS trust your intuitions and settle where you're valued, respected and appreciated. Don't go for mere words.
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abujunayd · 1 year
As salamu alaikum, can you recommend books on women in Islam or about prophets wives? And books about the sahabi? JazakAllah brother
Wa alaykum assalam.
- The ideal Muslimah
- Great women of Islam
- An excellent wife
- Guidelines for raising children
- The honourable wives of the Prophet
- A happy home: The islamic way
- 60 great enshrined in islamic history
- The sahabiyat
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strivingislam · 1 year
These bloggers need to understand - my hijab, my niqab, my jilbab are not your fashion statements. You do it for the gram or the tiktoks, we do it fisabeelillaah. And we do it facing every single consequence whether that is stares, shoves or entire governments imposing bans. Alhamdulillah ala kulli haal.
The clothing of the Sahabiyat is not a fashion statement.
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bastawihashimqasmi · 2 months
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lagtrovert · 4 months
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu <2
11 22 56 66 98? (hope this doesn't scare you lol)
Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakathuhu <3
No worries; questions don't scare me no matter the amount :D
11. What do you have for breakfast on an average day?
My (almost) black coffee and some brown bread with butter and jam.
22. Role model?
Multiple historical personalities. From the Sahaba and Sahabiyat to Malcolm X. Also my mum to some extend; I admire her kindness.
56. Favorite tradition?
The ethiopian/eritrean bunaa/boun (transl.: coffee) ceremony. It's basically making, serving and drinking coffee in the traditional way. We usually do it about 3 times a week during the late afternoon when everyones back home. And when we get guests. Loving (actually good) coffee is basically carved into my soul.
66. Favorite flower(s)?
98. Favorite historical area?
I have multiple favorite ones but the closest to my heart has to be the area of the Rashidun Caliphate; the first one after Muhammad's (ﷺ) death under Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with all of them).
Just the thought of how Khalid ibn Walid (Raḍiya 'llāhu 'an-hu) obliterated the Byzantine and Persian Empire at the same time, while their armies had double and triple the size of his army. And staying undefeated in his whole career as a general (making him one of the few generals in history to truly stay undefeated), is insane to me.
Reading and listening to leactures of how some of the battles played out is one of my favorite things to do ngl.
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asif2022 · 8 months
101 Sahabiyat Stories and Dua
Product Description 101 Sahabiyat Stories and Dua is a richly illustrated collection of 101 great stories of the female companions of the Prophet Muhammad, told in simple language that children will easily understand and relate to. Each story comes with delightful illustrations, a hadith and a beautiful prayer. The book includes well known tales of Khadija, Sawda, ‘Aisha, Safiyyah, Fatima,…
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ifahnotes · 10 months
Kajian Wanita (15)
Harapan Para Wanita
Hadits Abu Sa'id Al Khudri tentang harapan para wanita di masa Nabi.
Dari Abu Sa'id Khudri yang menyatakan bahwa kaum wanita menyampaikan kepada Nabi. "Kaum pria telah mengalahkan kami memperoleh waktumu, maka tentukanlah bagi kami (wanita) untuk menghadap engkau". Maka beliau menjanjikan kepada mereka suatu hari untuk menemui mereka. Lalu beliau menasehati dan mengajari mereka. Antara lain yang disabdakan:"Seorang wanita dari kamu yang kematian 3 orang anak, tentu merupakan dinding baginya dari neraka". Mereka bertanya:"Kalau dua?". Jawab beliau:"Duapun juga!". (HR. Bukhari)
Pesan dari hadits ini:
Bagaimana wanita sahabiyat memiliki semangat belajar, semangat untuk dibimbing. Harapan wanita pada zaman Nabi adalah mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Ucapan Imam Ahmad, "Manusia itu lebih membutuhkan ilmu dibanding kebutuhan mereka terhadap makan dan minum". Kemungkinan terburuk jika kita tidak mendapat ilmu yang bermanfaat, kita akan kehilangan surga, akhirat, dan kebahagiaan dunia. Kebutuhan wanita untuk dibimbing sangat primer. Laki-laki pemimpin bagi wanita. Fitrah wanita adalah dibimbing/diarahkan. QS At Tahrim:6 -> memelihara diri dan keluarga dari api neraka maksudnya mendidik istri dan anak dengan agama dan adab yang mulia. Wanita yang tidak mau dididik akan berdosa karena tidak menjalankan perintah Allah untuk tholabul 'ilm. Dan hal ini menyelesihi fitrahnya untuk dibimbing.
Respon positif Nabi terhadap para wanita yang ingin belajar menunjukkan bahwa wanita tidak boleh ditinggalkan.
Kabar gembira bagi wanita untuk orang tua yang kehilangan 3 anaknya akan menjadikannya benteng dari neraka. Para ulama menitik beratkan anak-anak kecil yang meninggal sebelum baligh akan masuk surga. Dan menjadi benteng dari api neraka bagi orang tuanya. Asalkan orang tuanya menerima dengan sabar dan ikhlas kematian anaknya.
Pastikan harapan kita adalah mendaptkan ilmu yang bermanfaat.
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basicsofislam · 1 year
ISLAM 101: Basic Islamic Phrases: Part 5
Islamic Terms
Qadr: This term is often translated as “Destiny” or “Pre-destination.” This is not entirely accurate. It means literally “to measure.” The religious idea behind it is that Allah measured everything in the universe. The length of your life is “measured,” as is your fortune and your life’s circumstances.
Qiblah: The direction of Prayer. All Muslims make their prayers, or salat, facing Mecca. Allah commanded us to do this in the Qur'an as a show of unity and to remember Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who built the first shrine there in that place so many thousands of years ago. Prophet Adam is said to have built an even older shrine many thousands of years before that in that very place.
Qur'an: This is the name of the Book Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad from the years 610-632. Allah revealed it in stages, one section at a time, as the Muslims were ready to follow it. It has 114 chapters called surahs. It was revealed in the Arabic language and has never been lost, changed or edited, like the Bible or Buddhist books have.
We have lots of translations of the Qur'an into English, but a translation can never be as good as the original words and their full meaning. All Muslims try to learn Arabic so they can read the Qur'an. Be advised, there are two different types of Arabic. The first is the language of the Qur'an, in other words, whatever vocabulary words are used in the Qur'an. The second type of Arabic is everyday Arabic, in other words, things that would help you talk about a sports game, a vacation or a day at the office. Many Muslims get bogged down by studying the second type of Arabic. You should work towards the first type if your main goal is to understand the Qur'an.

Pbuh: Peace Be Upon Him (said to invoke peace and blessings on the Prophet Mohammad)

Rab: Lord
Ramadan: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims are required to fast from before sunrise to sunset every day of this month. There are many details concerning this so consult the section on beliefs and practices.
Rasul: This term means Messenger.
Ruh: Your spirit or soul. Allah gave it to you on loan and thus you had better not sin and dirty it up.

Sabr: Patience
Sadaqah: Charity.
Sahaba: A companion of the Prophet.
Sahabiyat: The female companions of the Prophet.
Sajda: (Sujood) Bowing on the floor in prayer; prostration.
Salafi: This is the name of a group of Muslims who took stance of Abdul Wahaab who was a reformer. Their name is derived from the Salaf, (ancestors) which is a reference to the Sahaba and the generation immediately after them. They tend not to follow a madhab.
Salat: (or Salah) This means prayer, the prayer in which you stand, bow and prostrate. The literal meaning of the word is: to make a connection with.

Seerah: The biography of the life of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Shahadah: The Declaration of Faith. By believing in and declaring the following phrase, a person becomes a Muslim: “Ash hadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadar rasulullah.” “I declare that there is no god but Allah, and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” There are other ways to say this formula but this is the most common one. When a person accepts Islam, all his or her past sins are forgiven and his or her record is wiped clean and they start again from that moment as if they were just born.
Shaykh: Literally: Chief or Boss. It is the title that Muslims sometimes give to their scholars. It is not required in Islam but many people like to use this term.  Muslim clergy
Shari'ah: It is usually translated as Islamic Law. It means the path of Islam.
Shirk: This is the greatest and most terrible sin. It is the one sin that can keep your soul out of Paradise and doom you to Hellfire. It means making partners with Allah. If a person says that there are many gods, or says that Allah is divided up into different people (such as the Trinity teaching of Christianity) then they are committing Shirk. Allah said it is the one sin He won’t forgive if you die while doing it. The Blessed Prophet Muhammad once mentioned also that a person who likes to feel greatness in their heart was also committing a kind of Shirk. This is because all greatness is for Allah and we should always try to be humble. The Prophet also said, “La Yad khulu al Jannah min kana fee qal beehee mith qalu habbatin min kibr.” “They won’t enter Paradise, the one who has even a little bit of the love of greatness in their heart.”
Shaytan: (or Shaytan) It means Satan. (The literal meaning is to separate from.) Islam teaches that a Jinn named Iblis didn’t want to bow when Allah commanded a bunch of angels to bow down to Adam in respect of his knowledge. Iblis thought he was better than both humans and angels. Allah banished him to earth and let him have extended life until the Day of Judgment. That is because Iblis challenged Allah and said if he had time he would corrupt all human beings. Iblis’s name literally means “Frustrated.” He is also known as the Shaytan, or Satan.
Siyam (or Saum) Fasting.
Subhanullah: “Glory to Allah.” This phrase is said whenever we’re happy or when we see something wonderful or hear about something wonderful.We as Muslims should say it as often as we can because of its GREAT rewards.
Sufi: This is the name for a group of another sect of Muslims who want to be super-spiritually oriented. Sufis tend to try and be as close to the Sunnah as possible and they like to do group dhikr and chanting. While most Sufis are okay Islamically, there are a few groups that go way out and are close to being outside of Islam. Most Sufis you will encounter are of the okay kind. They are distinguished by their traditional Islamic dress and turbans. The word Sufi comes from the term for wool cloth, which was a material early Sufis liked to wear to emphasize how they didn’t want to be captured by the love of fineries in this world.
Sufis organize themselves into “orders” or groups, called Tariqas. These groups are headed by a leader called a Shaykh who is considered the most spiritual man with the most Taqwa among them. Some famous Sufi Tariqas that operate all over the world are the Naqshabandis and Qadiriyya. The most famous Sufi Muslim scholars that ever lived are Jalaluddin Rumi, Muhammad al Ghazali and Abdul Qadir Jilani.
Suhoof: “Scrolls.” This is the name of the revelation given to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) about 4,000 years ago. It was lost.
Sunnah: The example or “way” of the Prophet. How he lived his life and what his practices were.
Sunni: This is the name of the largest sect or group of Muslims. This group amounts to about 85-90% of all Muslims world-wide. Sunni’s believe in the mission of the Prophet as he taught it and try very hard to adhere to the Prophet’s example with no changes. This doesn’t mean that Sunni’s are somehow the only 'true’ Muslims, however, because the Prophet never taught that we should even label ourselves Sunni’s or Shi'as.
Sunni Islam is just closer to real Islam because it is the way of the Prophet and his companions as well as the righteous predecessors. The best thing for a Muslim to do is to drop all the labels and just say, “I’m a Muslim."But there are many Muslims in the world who get emotional about wanting to call themselves some kind of label besides the basic, "I’m a Muslim.” Have patience with them and do what is right. The term Sunni comes from the title, “Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jam'a” which means, “People of the Example (of the Prophet) and the Main Group (of First Muslims).”
Surah: It is a chapter of the Qur'an. The word literally means “a step up in progression” or a “fence.”
Tafseer: Commentary or explanation of the Qur'an. Many Qur'an translations will have footnotes on the bottom of the page to help you understand the meaning of an ayah. That would be called Tafseer.
Taqwa: This term means many things at once. The first meaning is that you are always aware that Allah is watching you. This brings you to the second meaning and that is that you will try to be good always. Do you see how the two things wrapped together can be so beautiful? When a Muslim has Taqwa, we say they are “Aware of Allah” “Conscious of Allah” and striving to be righteous.The main meaning is the fear of allah, because if we fear him then we will not go astray.Allah loves those most who fear him the most.
Tauhid: Sometimes it’s spelled Tawheed. It means the Oneness of Allah. Allah has no partners, He is not divided up into parts and He is not in need of anyone to help Him in anything whatsoever.
Taurah: The revelation given to Prophet Musa (Moses). The first five books of the old testament in the Bible are said to be the “Torah” of Moses, but no serious Bible scholar, whether Jewish or Christian believes that anymore. Musa’s message was lost long ago. Just take a look, everything about Prophet Moses in the Bible is written in third person: “And Moses said this,” and “Moses went there,” Someone else wrote those things, certainly not Moses!

Tawakkol: Reliance on God
Ukhtee: Means “My sister.”
Wahy: This word means revelation or inspiration. When Allah was revealing His messages to the Prophet, we would say the Prophet was receiving “Wahy.” The Blessed Prophet once said that after him, all Wahy from Allah was finished except for one thing: dreams that can come true.
Wuduu: Washing for prayer.
Yowm ul Qiyamah: The Day of Judgment. (Literally: Day of rising.)Because that is the day all creation from the begining till the end will rise on the plains of arafat and be judged on their life and actions.
Zabur: The revelation given to Prophet Dawud (David). The Psalms in the Bible are not the pure Zabur. Christian scholars admit that at least half of the verses in Psalms were written by temple priests, government workers, etc, in ancient Israel. And no one knows which half are from Prophet Dawud and how many have been lost or altered.
Zakah: This is often translated as “Charity” or “Poor-due” but the literal meaning of the word is actually, “Purifying."Zakah is the third pillar of Islam. It involves giving 2.5% of your yearly wealth, after expenses, for the benefit of the poor and the needy. The "purifying” part comes in by learning not to be greedy. If you give some of your money for the sake of Allah to the poor, you make your heart less prone to greed.
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hasmatiah · 2 years
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Setiap orang punya luka. Setiap orang punya kisah yang membuatnya terluka dan kecewa hingga berkali-kali meneteskan air mata.
Ketika engkau dapati dirimu bersedih, berduka, maka menangislah karena sejatinya air mata juga perlu dikeluarkan. Air mata pada hakikatnya memang untuk jatuh.
Sudah berapa kali air mata kita menetes?
Mungkin bila ditanya seperti ini kita akan senantiasa menjawab bahwa air mata kita jatuh bukan hanya sekali, dua kali, akan tetapi berkali-kali hingga kita tak tahu lagi cara menghitungnya.
Waktu kecil mungkin sering menangis karena ejekan teman.
Suka nangis karena uang jajan yang kurang.
Mungkin juga sering kali menangis hanya karena perkara rebutan mainan.
Tangisan pada masa kanak-kanak adalah hal yang biasa.
Namun, di usia remaja hingga tua tangisan pun masih kerab kali terjadi. Entah karena persoalan hubungan, pekerjaan atau hal lain.
Ada yang menangis karena dipecat oleh atasan.
Ada yang bersedih karena ditinggal nikah.
Ada yang sedih karena kehilangan orang yang ia cintai.
Ada yang bersedih karena harapan begitu sulit untuk dicapai.
Dan maaih banyak lagi hal rumit yang dapat menjadi sebab menetesnya air mata.
Ya ketika hal tersebut terjadi, maka menangislah hingga sesak di dada dapat terkendali. Semoga lebih tenang dan siap untuk berjuang kembali dan menatap masalah itu jauh lebih mudah ditaklukkan.
Allah Ta'ala memang tak melarang kita menangis, bahkan mungkin baiknya tangisan itu kita tumpahkan di dalam sujud-sujud mustajab kita.
Akan tetapi, kalau melihat kisah-kisah para sahabat & sahabiyat Nabi mareka juga sering kali ditimpa kesedihan. Jadi, Abu Bakar, Umar bin Khattab dan banyak lagi yang tak bisa disebut satu per satu juga memiliki air mata yang sesekali ia tumpah dengan alasan yang pantas.
Tangisan mereka adalah tangisan yang berkualitas. Mereka tak akan menangis hanya karena perkara dunia. Air mata mereka tak rela jatuh hanya karena rasa khawatir akan kehilangan dunia, melainkan karena takut kehilangan kebahagiaan di akhirat kelak.
Sementara kita hingga hari ini, berkali-kali menumpahkan air mata, namun mungkin semuanya hanya karena perkara dunia. Bahkan semua yang membuat air mata kita menetes adalah perkara dunia yang fana ini.
Pernahkah kita sesekali menagis karena takut kehilangan kenikmatan di akhirat kelak?
Ataukah semuanya memang karena rasa takut kita akan kehilangan dunia?
Bila salama ini yang memumpahkan air mata kita hanya perkara dunia, maka berusahalah untuk lebih kuat lagi. Jangan terlalu mudah menumpahkan air mata hanya untuk perkara dunia. Lebih sabarlah lagi dan semoga dengannya kita menjadi golongan orang-orang yang mendapatkan pahala tanpa batas sebagiamana Allah berfirman dalam Qs. Az-Zumar ayat 10.
Hal yang lebih pantas membuat kita menangis adalah;
Rasa takut kita akan azab Allah atas diri kita yang tak pernah luput dari dosa.
Rasa khawatir kita akan perkara kualitas ibadah.
Rasa takut akan siksa-Nya.
Rasa takut akan hisab-Nya kelak.
Rasa takut akan akhir hidup yang tak diinginkan.
Rasa sedih karena tak bisa merasakan nikmatnya beribadah kepada Allah.
Merasa kecewa pada diri sendiri yang masih sering lalai.
Semoga kita menjadi pemilik air mata yang berkualitas. Air mata yang tak mudah jatuh hanya karena perkara dunia. Dan berharap air mata kita lebih sering kita tumpahkan dalam sujud-sujud berkualitas dengan penuh rasa takut, harap dan cinta kepada Allah Ta'ala.
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realsabr · 5 years
Aa’ishah رضي الله عنها said:
“Ask Allah to facilitate everything, even the string to your sandal, for if Allah had not made facilitation, it would not be facilitated.”
— [Ash-Shu’ab, 2/1142]
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aishabintabibakr · 6 years
Is ʿĀʾishah (رضي الله عنها) Invited too? The Prophet’s Treatment and Care of His Wife – By Imām an-Nawawī (رحمه الله)
Anas (رضي الله عنه) reported that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ had a Persian neighbour who could prepare a good soup. One day he cooked soup for the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and came to him to invite him. The Messenger of Allāh asked: ‘And is ʿĀʾishah invited too?’ He replied; ‘No’. So the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: ‘No, (in declining the invitation)’. The neighbour returned once more and invited him again, and the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ asked; ‘Is ʿĀʾishah invited too?’ He replied; ‘No’, and so the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said; ‘No (in declining the invitation)’. He returned a third time to invite him and Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ again asked: ‘And is ʿĀʾishah invited too?’ the neighbour replied; ‘Yes’, so the Prophet and ʿĀʾishah made their way until they reached his house.
Imām an-Nawawī (رحمه الله):
“As for the second narration about the story of the Persian, then that is another issue all together. It is conceived to mean that there was an excuse that prevented the Prophet ﷺ from the obligation of accepting the invitation. The Prophet had the permissible options which were to either accept or reject the invitation, and since ʿĀʾishah was in a state of hunger or some situation similar, he chose to reject it unless she was invited.
The Prophet ﷺ hated to be singled out for food without her, and this (insisting on ʿĀʾishah’s attendance) is the from the beautiful dealings, rights of companionship and recommended social conduct [that is enjoined by Islām]. So when she was permitted to attend, the Prophet ﷺ chose the second permissible option for the sake of a greater benefit. And that was to achieve what he desired of honouring his wife, the fulfilment of good conduct towards her and his compassion in what occurred.”
Reference: Sharḥ Ṣaḥiḥ Muslim : lil-Imām an-Nawawī, (pp.7.87)
Posted on 09 Nov, 2017. Translated by Ṣalaḥ al-Irānī
[Source: Masjid Daar us Sunnah, Shepherd’s Bush, UK]
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The Beloved Daughter of the Messenger of Allāh (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and Khadījah ( رضي الله عنها) – Fātimah ( رضي الله عنها)
Name: Faatimah the daughter of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه و سلم Ibn 'Abdillah Ibn 'Abdil-Mutallib al-Qurashiyyah al-Haashimiyyah
(Her mother: Khadijah رضي الله عنها, first wife of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم).
Birth: Shortly before the Prophethood - which was when Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم was 40 years old, in some reports it states 7 years before that, i.e. she was born when Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم was 33. Other reports state the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم was actually around 40 years old when she was born.
Reported that she was the youngest daughter of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم: older sisters - Oldest: Zainab, then Ruqayyah, then Umm Kulthuum then Faatimah the youngest. 
Marriage: Married with 'Ali Ibn Abi Taalib رضي الله عنه in the year 2h/3h after the battle of Badr. 
Children: al-Hasan, al-Hussain, Muhsin, Umm Kulthuum, Zainab. 
Character: She was patient, pious, content with what has been apportioned for her, grateful to Allah.
Death: Died very soon after the death of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم, some reports state 6 months later, others state 3 months later, some state 100 days after.
It is reported she was only 24/25, some reports state 27/28, and some 30 approximately. 
Reference: ‎(المراجع: السير للذهبي، تهذيب الكمال للمزي، أسد الغابة لابن الأثير) (Source: Telegram Channel of Salafi Dawah Lancashire)
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masailworld · 2 years
کسی صحابی کی صحابیت کے منکر کا کیا حکم ہے؟
کسی صحابی کی صحابیت کے منکر کا کیا حکم ہے؟
کسی صحابی کی صحابیت کے منکر کا کیا حکم ہے؟ سوال:- کسی صحابی کی صحابیت کا منکر کیا ہے؟ الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب: جن صحابہ کرام رضوان اللہ تعالی علیہم اجمعین کی صحابیت نص سے ثابت ہے ان کی صحابیت کا منکر کافر ہے جیسے کہ حضرت صدیق اکبر رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کہ ان کی صحابیت نص(اذ یقول لصاحبه لا تحزن ان الله معنا)سے ثابت ہے اور ان کے علاوہ دیگر صحابہ کرام رضوان اللہ تعالی علیہم اجمعین جن کی صحابیت نص سے…
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bastawihashimqasmi · 2 months
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