#Samuel Jean Pozzi
digitalfashionmuseum · 2 months
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Oil painting, 1881, French.
Painted by John Singer Sargent.
Portraying Samuel Jean de Pozzi in a red robe de chambre.
Hammer Museum.
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antonio-m · 10 months
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“Dr. Pozzi at Home” (portrait of Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi), c.1881 by John Singer Sargent (1856–1925). American expatriate artist. Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA. oil on canvas
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portraitsgallery · 4 months
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John Singer Sargent, Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi, 1881
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lindahall · 7 months
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Samuel Pozzi – Scientist of the Day
Samuel-Jean Pozzi, a French surgeon and gynecologist, was born Oct. 3, 1846, in Bergerac, Dordogne. 
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lovelyangryheart · 10 months
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John Singer Sargent (American 1856–1925) "Dr. Pozzi at Home” (portrait of Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi), ca 1881
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pleasereadmeok · 1 year
Can't get this question out of my head and what better place than here to ask: What's Matthew's natural hair colour? Yes, he's more on the grey side now, but in some movies and on some pics it seems like he's got dark brown/almost black hair? IDK which of those instances are ones in which he had to dye it. It was fairly dark in My Family and Other Animals, though, if I remember correctly. And also, this picture makes me wish that someone would cast him as Ludwig Wittgenstein in a biopic.
Hi - best answer I can give is - getting very grey! Matthew has had grey hair showing for years and when all of the dye has been shaven off - this is what you have -
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[📷 Kerry Hulme]
You can see he's got quite a lot of grey hairs back in 2010 in Leap Year and earlier.
He had is dyed for ADOW, Downton, The Offer etc. and it looked pretty dark for Silent Night as well, but when it is natural then you see the truth -
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Sorry that last one is a bit rubbish - but just zoomed in on a shot from 2018 when he took his cap off.
Anyway - that's all I have observed from pics and in person.
Conclusion = SILVER FOX!!!
Hope that helps.
OMG yes - I looked up some photos of Ludwig and yes I see it. Interesting part for him. Personally I've wanted him to play this guy since I saw this portrait -
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Samuel Jean Pozzi - 'Dr Love' - look him up. Brilliant bio by Julian Barnes as well. Amazing life. I mean look at that pic - that's Matthew right?
Thanks for the question @he-feels-deeply
📷 Birthmarked and Official Secrets screenshots/Uli Webber/Tom Jamieson/Me/ john singer sargent
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orestescomplex · 2 years
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Left: Dr. Pozzi at Home (1881) by John Singer Sargent, a portrait of the French pioneer gynecologist Samuel-Jean Pozzi (1846–1918)
Right: Dead Ringers (1988) dir. David Cronenberg, depicting a gynecologist in preparation for the operation room
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cristianemagalhaes · 1 year
O homem do casaco vermelho – Julian Barnes
Um livro que é resultante de uma grande pesquisa histórica sobre o personagem central – Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi – um ginecologista que colecionava arte, que foi muito importante a ser um dos primeiro a adotar, na França, o listerismo – um processo que evitava que as feridas se infectassem, pontos com categute (ao invés de fios de prata), uso de curativos esterilizados e drenos – processos que diminuíam significativamente as taxas de mortalidade após amputações. Também traduziu um livro de Darwin – A expressão das emoções no homem e nos animais. Enfim, um personagem interessante! Mas a história é contada através das histórias de outros contemporâneos – o conde de Montesquiou e o Príncipe Polignac. E muito se faz de comparação entre o conde e um personagem de um livro de Huysmans. Também se trata muito das aventuras amorosas de Pozzi e dos problemas de sua mulher e filha.
Enfim, o livro é chato de ler... Infelizmente! Um bom trecho é transcrito abaixo:
“’Nós não podemos saber’. Se usada com parcimônia, essa é uma das frases mais fortes na linguagem de um biógrafo. Ela nos faz lembrar que o encantador estudo de uma vida que estamos lendo, apesar de tantos detalhes, tamanho e notas de rodapé, apesar de todas as suas certezas factuais e hipóteses confiantes, só pode ser uma versão pública de uma vida pública, e uma versão parcial de uma vida privada. Biografia é um conjunto de buracos amarrados com um barbante, e mais ainda no que se refere à vida sexual e amorosa. ... Pozzi tinha a reputação de ser um “sedutor incorrigível”, um médico que dormia com suas pacientes, que pode até mesmo ter usado suas consultas como preliminares sexuais. Ele também guardou todas as cartas que recebeu de mulheres ao longo de uma careira sexual de meio século ou mais. Entretanto, após a morte dele, Mme. Pozzi instruiu seu filho Jean a queimar todas elas.. Então há muita coisa que não podemos saber.”
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leechhouse · 1 year
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Fifteen French doctors wearing aprons and holding various by Adrien Barrère
Left to right: André Chantemesse; Anne Gabriel Pouchet, holding toadstool; Paul Julien Poirier, in white tie holding a flower; P. Georges Dieulafoy; Maurice-Georges Debove; Paul C.H. Brouardel, smoking cigar; Samuel J. Pozzi, with saw and other surgical instruments; Paul Jules Tillaux, in an overcoat and top hat; Georges Hayem; André Victor Cornil, holding heart and lungs; Paul Berger; Jean-Casimir-Félix Guyon, holding syringe; Pierre-Émile Launois; Adolphe Pinard, holding baby; Pierre Constant Budin, with foetuses and forceps. To the right below, exit Father Time pursued by a proctoscope.
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wurcuburcu · 2 years
Čaławiek u čyrwonym palito
"Čaławiek u čyrwonym palito" anhielskaha piśmieńnika Džulijana Barnza [The Man in the Red Coat by Julian Barnes]
Histaryčna-bijahrafičny twor raskazwaje pra Pieknuju epochu (La Belle Époque) — peryjad francuskaj historyi pamiž Franka-pruskaj i Pieršaj suświetnaj wojnami (1871-1914), jaki charaktaryzawaŭsia miram, kulturnym, ekanamičnym i technalahičnym roskwitam — praz žyćcio chirurha j hinekolaha Samuel Jean Pozzi. Sama nazwa knihi kaža nam, pra kaho pojdzie haworka - čaławiek u čyrwonym palito j jość Pozzi; takim jaho napisaŭ mastak John Sargent.
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Apowied pačynajecca letam 1885 roku, kali try francuzy — Prync, Hraf i zwyčajny čaławiek biez dwaranskaha tytułu dy z italjanskim proźwiščam — prybywajuć u Londan. Apošni j jość Samuel Pozzi— niepraduziaty j razumny nawukowiec z zabłytanym asabistym žyćciom, jakoje razyhrywajecca na fonie Pieknaha wieku. Ale nawat u toj pieknaści byli swaje ahidnyja baki: histeryja, samalubawańnie, dekadenctwa, praduziataść, skandały, plotki — karaciej, usio toje, što dahetul charaktaryzuje ludziej. Kali prawieści paraŭnańni pamiž tym i sučasnym hramadztwam — što aŭtar dazwalaje sabie rabić niešmatlikimi trapnymi kamentarami — ŭzhadwajecca fraza "ničoha nie źmianiłasia".
Twor, adnak, nie źjaŭlajecca suchoj bijahrafijaj Pozzi — aŭtar majsterski pieraplataje žyćci znakamitych dwaranaŭ, piśmieńnikaŭ, mastakoŭ, filozafaŭ, nawukoŭcaŭ, i h.d. Siarod imionaŭ, jakija ŭzhadwajucca ŭ knizie: Guy de Maupassant, Robert de Montesquiou, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Oscar Wilde, Marcel Proust, John Singer Sargent, Sarah Bernhardt, Alfred Dreyfus,  Rudyard Kipling, i inšyja.
Da taho-ž, jak anhielski piśmieńnik, aŭtar nie zabywaje ŭzhadwać Brytaniju j składanaje staŭleńnie francuzaŭ da brytanskaha hramadztwa. Naprykład, Pozzi apiswajecca, jak adkryty čaławiek, jaki hrebawaŭ šawinizmam; jon paraŭnoŭwaŭ šawinizm ź nieadukawanaściu, stanoŭča stawiŭsia da Amerycy, uwažaŭsia za anhłafiła. Na kantraście ŭzhadwajecca Guy de Maupassant, jaki paśla wizytu ŭ Londan žaliŭsia na choład i doždž, a taksama niekarektna adzywaŭsia pra tutejšych łedzi, i bolš nikoli ŭ žyćci nie wiartaŭsia tudy.
U knizie zatronuty temy homaseksualizmu, seksizmu, šawinizmu, relihii, šlubu, adnosinaŭ pamiž baćkami j dziećmi, taksama na asobnych prykładach raskazwajecca, jak pracawała sudowaja systema, jak raźwiwałasia chirurhija, i hetak dalej — byli zatronutyja amal usie temy, jakija možna było zatronuć, kab jak maha lepš acharaktaryzawać hramadzstwa toj epochi.
Naprykład, u časie adnaho sudowaha pracesu, praŭnik śćwiardžaŭ, što jaho klijent stralaŭ nia ŭ Drejfusa-čaławieka, a ŭ ideju Drejfusizmu. Arhument byŭ pryniaty j strałka apraŭdali. Francuski sud taho času prymaŭ abstraktnyja idei j lubiŭ kiemliwyja arhumenty bolš za fakty. Oskar Ŭajłd, jaki widočna zachaplaŭsia Francyjaj, sprabawaŭ prawiarnuć padobnaje ŭ Brytanskim sudzie, ale marna.
Postaci Oskara Ŭajłda pryświečana šmat radkoŭ. Jon śćwiardžaŭ, što mastactwa isnuje dziela mastactwa, što mastactwa nia maje dačynieńnia da pytańniaŭ maralnaści j amaralnaści, i što meta mastactwa prosta charastwo, a samo mastactwa "nie ŭpływaje na dziejańnie". Śćwiardžajecca, što małady Ŭajłd zachaplaŭsia pohladami Flauberta na pytańnie mastactwa. Toj byŭ upeŭnieny, što mastactwam niemažliwa źmianić čaławiectwa, i što historyi z hepi-endam ničomu nia wučać čytačoŭ. Mastacwa pawinna pakazwać praŭdu, a što z hetaj praŭdaj rabić čytaču — nia aŭtarawa sprawa.
Jašče adnoj jaskrawaj charakterystykaj taho času źjaŭlajucca šluby pamiž francuskimi (i nia tolki) arystakratami j amerykanskimi spadčyńnicami. Pieršym byli patrebny hrošy, druhim — sacyjalny status. Tak što termin "gold digger", jaki tak lubiać wykarystoŭwać u dačynieńni da žanok, papraŭdzie naležyć francuskim i brytanskim mužčynam-dwaranam. Prykładam takoha šlubu byli Prync Edmond de Polignac i Winnaretta Singer — spadčyńnica karparacyi šwejnych mašynaŭ Singer. Samaje cikawaje ŭ hetym šlubie było toje, što Polignac byŭ hiej, a Winnaretta — leśbijanka; i na šok Hrafa Montesquiou, jaki sam-ža hety šlub i arhanizawaŭ, dy j usich astatnich, šlub akazaŭsia wielmi paśpiachowy.
Dumaju, što nia budu dalej raskazwać pra ŭsich cikawych i niewynosnych asobaŭ z hetaj knihi, choć wypisała dastatkowa cytataŭ, kab zrabić z hetaha ese na kolki staronak. Zakonču asobaj samoha aŭtara, bo ŭ jaho atrymaŭsia dawoli daścipny historyka-bijahrafičny twor z mastackimi elementami, jaki zachapiŭ mianie nia ź pieršych staronak, a pastupowa j trapna — kali brałasia za hetuju knihu, nia dumała, što niešta bijahrafičnaje moža być nastolki zajmalnym. Finalnyja natatki aŭtara — pra mowy, krytyku breksitu, eŭrapejskaść, i čamu jon abraŭ fihuru Pozzi ŭ jakaści hałoŭnaj asoby tworu — nia horšyja za samu knihu.
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conformi · 2 years
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John Singer Sargent, Dr. Pozzi at Home, 1881 VS Santa Claus, Vintage Christmas Card
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queerographies · 2 years
[L'uomo con la vestaglia rossa][Julian Barnes]
Chi è l'uomo con la vestaglia rossa che compare nel famoso dipinto di John Singer Sargent?
Chi è l’uomo con la vestaglia rossa che compare nel famoso dipinto di John Singer Sargent? Quel dandy «vergognosamente bello» è il dottor Samuel-Jean Pozzi, intraprendente ginecologo della noblesse parigina di fine Ottocento, instancabile uomo di scienza ed esteta decadente. È seguendo le sue tracce che Julian Barnes ci porta nella rutilante Belle Époque europea, fra le celebrità che la animano,…
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imkeepinit · 3 years
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Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi at Home (1882) by John Singer Sargent
Dr. Pozzi was a Parisian surgeon and gynecologist. Sargent noted his admiration for Pozzi’s charisma in a letter to Henry James, describing him as a “very brilliant creature.” Two of Pozzi’s patients, who were also reputed to be his lovers, were Madame Pierre Gautreau and Sarah Bernhardt. For the portrait, he struck a flamboyant pose in a red dressing gown against a red carpet and drape. When the portrait was exhibited at the Royal Academy in London Sargent’s friend Vernon Lee described it in a letter to her mother as possessing an “insolent kind of magnificence.”
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carloskaplan · 2 years
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John Singer Sargent:  O Doutor Samuel Jean Pozzi na casa  (1881)
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leelooel · 3 years
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Dr. Pozzi at Home,1881 by John Sargent (1856-1925).
Samuel- Jean Pozzi (1846-1918) was a pioneer in the field of modern gynecology in France
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museoweb · 3 years
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John Singer Sargent - Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi - 1881
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