#Satoshi Ishino
berrychanx · 4 months
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STUDIO Hercules vol 42 Cover
Art by Keisuke Watabe
Released by Satoshi Ishino on his Twitter, at the moment it's contents are unknown
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kuro93 · 1 year
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Tokyo Mew Mew New ~ Satoshi Ishino Artbook -  Team Imozuka - History of Hercules Vol.39 ❤
HD Version Here 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Scanned by KuRo93
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myjudsie · 7 months
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History of Hercules - vol. 41 (Satoshi Ishino)
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Unsurprisingly, the official TMMN Twitter just confirmed that Satoshi Ishino is the animation director for episode 13.
He also directed episode 6, and IMO it was the most beautiful episode of S1. Ishino’s work is stunning.
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wotcherangie · 1 year
History of HERCULES vol.40
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Finally being able to scan (not perfect as I wished to) and edit all the Tokyo Mew Mew New content from my volume of History of HERCULES vol. 40;
If you weren’t able to purchase your copy online from Japan, you can see it here (of course Mew related content only).
You will find (as previous volume) the douga from Tokyo Mew Mew New episode 6 directed by Satoshi Ishino - that also drew the cover with Mew Lettuce - the attack sequence of Mew Ichigo and Mew Mint and a Mew Lettuce sketch made by Michinori Chiba.
**UPDATE - you can also download the pdf from MediaFire here
Also, I scanned and cleaned a very HD resolution transparent version of Mew Lettuce on the cover, click here if you want to download just that
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hikayagami · 2 years
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Mew Lettuce sketch, made by Satoshi Ishino.
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sjsnowyowl · 2 years
I went up on Amazon to find the new Tokyo Mew Mew New art book coming out in a bit. I found a couple of interesting (and low-res) shots in it from the anime! You can see here that Ichigo is shocked with her new transformation. Minto is probably there to teach Ichigo now to fight as a Mew. On the bottom left, there are some visuals of the Chimera Anima (which look really cool!) On the right page, we can see the visual of the girls in uniforms as well as Cafe Mew Mew! It looks really pretty and makes me feel nostalgic for the 2002 anime!
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On the bottom of the right page, we can see some visuals of the girls in their normal clothes, as well as Ichigo and Aoyama on their first date. I like how they kept the kiss part from the first chapter of the manga >w<
They even have an idea of the transformations of each of the girls! The transformations look really neat so far! I like the new idea of showing their Mew Marks before they transform. They even brought back Zakuro’s moon background from the 2002 version!
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There are also some character profiles in this, of course. First up is Ichigo! We can see her facial expressions as well as her StrawBell Bell designs! There is also a really cute image of her angry in her maid outfit XD We can see another image of Quiche and Pie as well! X3
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So far, even though there is a bit of waiting to do before the anime comes out, I’ll just say that I’m excited and really happy that we’re able to see this series shine again!
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qwertbrosmasters · 1 year
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Tokyo Mew Mew vs Tokyo Mew Mew New art style comparison and recreation, for a deep dive on the comparison: https://www.deviantart.com/qwertbro/gallery/87084232/tokyo-mew-mew-style-study
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sasusakucore · 1 year
Got some images for tokyo mew mew new ep 13.
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ichisaya being a cute couple like always
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Pai and tart crumbs. Pai looks like he is having second thoughts about something while tart looks smug.
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Jumpscare!! Honestly quiche looks so scary and deranged. I really love it.
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"Do you get deja vu, huh"🎵
Update: The character designer is Satoshi ishino.
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ephemewra · 8 months
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Media: Mew Mew Mint Sketch • Satoshi Ishino, Tokyo Mew Mew Original Pictures File Vol. 3 Book, 2004. Source: Personal Collection Full Resolution Download: ♡
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sprinkanao · 1 month
possibly weird question but i’ve noticed you’ve slowly started drawing ichigos chest larger and it’s very different from how you started, has this been a conscious decision or like just kinda happened as your art has grown? im not mad or upset about it, my partner and i have been so curious and im not even sure why, it’s been eating away at me 😂😂
Hahaha interesting question Anon 🤣 first, thanks for take a look of my every ichigo art ^^
- in canon, Ichigo New is 16/15 and Ichigo OG is 13, so i notice her body shape would kinda different. She's teenage on growing phase now. (maybe it just me who draw some part larger)
- red Ichigo (on my latest art) on half bowing position
- I really love Ichigo on this Satoshi Ishino's art. Look at this!!! 👀
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- time by time I learn drawing female anatomy and I prefer to draw her like that *bonk* 😂😆🙏
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berrychanx · 3 months
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Mew Zakuro by Satoshi Ishino
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kuro93 · 8 months
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myjudsie · 1 year
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Satoshi Ishino - History of Hercules vol. 5 - Artbook (2003)
Part 1
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💥 Choose your fighter💥: mildly disappointing recent TMMN art edition
Challenger 1: Everyone on the S2 poster fighting but also looking mildly confused ??
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Challenger 2: Bad Costume Physics™️ featuring floating bunny ears behind character heads, half-assed patterns and Lettuce’s legs in this weird skirt
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mewscarrafone · 7 months
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- Le torte alla panna hanno troppe calorie!
Al rogo la diet culture!
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E alla giustissima obiezione di Ichigo di godersi la vita prima di trovarti circondato da gente che ti fa l'IMC sbagliato a vista, l'adorabile marmocchia risponde dandole della vecchia e grassa. Almeno ci ha regalato una delle poche volte in cui Masaya mostra un'emozione nel vecchio anime, nello specifico 'Dio aiutami non sono abbastanza forte per prevenire un massacro'.
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- Io il passaggio l'avevo offerto a Zakuro, ma tu ti sei fiondata in auto!
Minuto di silenzio per Minto e i suoi sogni di una sana limonata sul retro della macchina. Tanto il guidatore non vede e non sente.
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Scena dolcissima in cui Zakuro tira fuori il suo lato più gentile ... oltre che a quanto sia gnocca in gilet e cravatta.
Comunque urrà per il messaggio 'non stare a fare i conteggi delle calorie, se vuoi esser sana fai una dieta equilibrata ed esercizio fisico', oltre che alla critica implicita agli standard assurdi del mondo della moda che Momoka sembra seguire.
Certo, nella mia esperienza personale i danni non arrivano tanto dalle famigerate modelle stecchino quanto dalle famiglie convinte che una pancia non perfettamente piatta sia la definizione di obesità grave, ma intanto è uno sforzo in positivo anzichè in negativo.
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Finalmente qualcuno sbatte in faccia a Ryou i punti deboli dei suoi piani!
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Kisshu prova l'approccio Yuebin.
Scherzi a parte, è l'unica volta in cui abbia provato a farsi cedere spontaneamente la Mew Aqua invece di strapparla di prepotenza. Mi chiederei se non fosse un riguardo per l'età di Momoka se non fosse che passa a darle il tormento e a spingerla via dieci secondi dopo.
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Frame gloriosi e dove trovarli, parte 2.
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Eccolo! Il momento di gloria che tutti stavamo aspettando!
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Unico momento in 52 episodi in cui Kisshu riterrà opportuno tirarsi su le braghe.
Filler carino, che non storpia i personaggi ma anzi li approfondisce, mostrandoci un minimo del passato di Zakuro e il suo lato più gentile. Oltre a darci la chicca del celeberrimo cazzotto, e per questo rimarrà un episodio importante degno del team di Satoshi Ishino.
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