#Saturn Return
teresajoan · 6 months
Astrology: Saturn in the houses and what we feel chained to
The only way to unchain yourself is to master the subject
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1st house - Your whole outlook is depressing and predictable. It's hard to shake off your melancholy.
2nd house - Chained by your financial worries or habit of hording, chained by your lack of self-worth and self-criticism. Weighed down by your physical belongings.
3rd house - There is weight on your mind, caused by your siblings, everyday thoughts, and the immediate environment that you can't escape.
4th house - Chained by your mum, home life, family history, and expectations. A belief that your origin story defines you.
5th house - Weighed down by your childhood, pushed to be creative, chained by your lack of creativity and your responsibilities towards children.
6th house - Chained by everyday work, your community, your extended family responsibilities, or their trauma. Maintaining your health can be a drag.
7th house - Chained to legal issues, fines, and contracts. Chained by relationships and partnerships. A weighted feeling that your peers are against you.
8th house - Chained to sexual trauma, a complex relationship with the father, shared finances and inheritance. This inheritance may come in the form of family karma or obligation.
9th house - Chained to your religious or philosophical beliefs, perhaps grew up in a strict religious household. Or the opposite and actually chained to a resistance of belief in anything that can't be scientifically proven.
10th house - Chained by your ambition, your career goals. A feeling that you must do what you have been told to do. Controlled by your boss or father.
11th house - Shackled to your peers and social groups, even when they hurt you.  Restricted by society and social norms. Wishful thinking and daydreams feel pointless or empty, yet you can not break out of them.
12th house - Locked in by your own subconscious or generational trauma. Chained to the mental health industry, institutions, or prisons. Chained to a far away home that is not your own.
You can also follow me on Instagram @12thHouseFeels
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harmoonix · 2 months
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations I made pt 19
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with mars in a water sign (Pisces especially) tend to love water sports and dislike activities that are too strenuous on the bones
-a Saturn return for someone with Saturn in the 3rd house will involve learning how to express themselves effectively and with intention and speak up when they or others are being wronged. It can also mean reconnecting with siblings, and extended family, and picking up some new hobbies
-libra placements are either the peacemakers/mediators of their friend group or the biggest instigators
-at best, Leo moons may have seen their mother as someone who helped them foster their creativity and was always supportive of their endeavors no matter how out-there they sounded
-at worst, Leo moons see their mother as someone who often made everything about herself and used her children’s accomplishments to brag. Comparison among siblings could have been a huge issue as well
-people with mars conjunct ascendant tend to have a lot of physical strength and often look angry and quick to offend especially if it sits in the 1st house. If it’s sitting in the 12th house, people often feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you and they often can’t put their finger on why that is
-Mars in the 12th house conjunct ascendant can mean that in your immediate past life you may have died in battle, in a fire or during a very turbulent time in general.
-Chiron in the 6th house can sometimes indicate an unhealthy relationship with food. If it’s aspected with Jupiter it can indicate a tendency to binge and overindulge. Aspects with Saturn can indicate following a strict diet and punishing yourself when you eat something that you consider unhealthy
-people with the Sun squaring or opposing their ascendant tend to not relate with the stereotypes associated with their Sun signs and are most likely to be skeptical of astrology because of it
-if the moons are squaring each other in a synastry chart, there will be an emotional disconnect in the relationship and therefore a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings and clashes. If regular check-ins aren’t done, one person will feel like their feelings are always being disregarded by the other person and resentment will build over time
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
Saturn's Shadows
Saturn is associated with "the shadow", things that are unacceptable or unknown. One form of maturity the planet stands for is accepting, recognizing, or transforming "the shadow". "By accepting the despised qualities of the shadow, the soul becomes whole, free from fear and self-condemnation." - Judy Hall. Saturn in Aries: Impulsiveness, anger, competitiveness, and ego are all buzzwords that can be used to describe Saturn in Aries's "shadow" side. But there is a lot to look at in terms of empowerment and loss of power. Please remember Saturn in Aries may not always mean the individual has a bad temper, but that they may be greatly shaped by anger from others. Saturn in Aries can struggle with the sharpest sides of impulsiveness and foolhardiness. There can also be a great fear of acting with decisiveness, confidence, and action. They may have a complex relationship with their hotter, passionate side. Maybe they believe a temper and confidence are the only ways to assert ones self and yet at the same time finds great shame when they do show anger, passion, enthusiasm, or bravery. Independence and separation may be a great shadow for this placement too. There can be unhealthy self-reliance and detachment or a reckless person who tends to burn and self-sabotage relationships. From ideas of separation, individuality, and independence is also someone who can grow to be very selfish OR may need to grow more towards self-focus. Accepting their flaws and introspection in general will be a great challenge but is necessary for freedom and personal power for this placement. Their shadow is a burning one and there is more than just taming or dousing it to address their unaccepted side.
Saturn in Taurus: Control and possessiveness are murky parts of this placement. The unaccepted or doubtful side of themselves may involve stubbornness and a fear of losing control or the unknown. Saturn in Taurus is associated with finding inner security as part of their growth. It may be this placement strives for security through control or learned from others control is how you find safety and reliability. It may not be a matter of control but of stagnation, caution, and a closed mind that this placement struggles with. Patience, peace, and determination may all be areas this Saturn has a complicated relationship with. These individuals may feel like the traits above are not valued or respected, or they may view these as traits out of reach somehow. Saturn in Taurus grows through steadiness, tenacity, and learning when to wait and when to steamroll. The real and practical world plays a big role in their maturity, growth, and also parts of themselves they hide or label as negative/dark. This could mean they fall victim too easily to society's standards or maybe they face many challenges with money, possessions, and property. They may face issues around jealousy, vanity, greed, and materialism as well. I would also believe all forms of security are a matter of importance from emotional to physical. There is a desire to be strong, sturdy, and content, comforted, or safe for this placement and from this comes parts of themselves they don't like, accept, or understand.
Saturn in Gemini: A struggle to communicate and express is a common interpretation of Saturn in Gemini's shadow. Insecurities around learning, knowledge, and education may exist too. Saturn in Gemini may lean into or be frequently exposed to things like gossip, mockery, vilifying, trickery, and harmful persuasion or charm. Saturn is an outer planet that rules over a group of people rather than a personal placement. Within this group intelligence may be deeply respected or criticized. The sharing of ideas is something that makes members of this group distinct in some way. Depending on the individual's placement and aspects to Saturn they may overcome fears of communication with scattered energy, shallowness, and social competitiveness or hostility. While others may deal with their shadow through restriction, awkwardness, and detachment. Valuing one's mind, deep side, and following curiosity is important. Connection and learning are desires for this Saturn and a place they may always find themselves growing and transforming in. One important thing is to never let their voice and thoughts be hindered by outside forces.
Saturn in Cancer: A refusal to move on is a shadowy side for this placement. Saturn in Cancer is known to stay tethered to the past, making moody or heated decisions based on past hurts. They may find themselves feeling haunted or that insecurities commonly drag them into old behaviors. They may have an intense relationship to things like nurturing, protection, affection, depth, understanding, and caring - maybe a desire for it, lack of it, or unhealthy attachment to those ideals/traits. Getting in touch with one's emotions, insecurities, fears, and intuition is important for them. Attitudes towards family, parents, mothers, or the most emotionally influential parent can be questioned, restricted, or overwhelmed for this group. Embracing motherhood, parenthood, family responsibility, family karma, or lineage may be a shadow these people have to dance with. Saturn in Cancer may gain great insight throughout their life and find a lot of meaning and attachment. But they may also be overprotective, rigid, possessive, easily jealous, and possibly manipulative. They can be security-driven and find challenges similar to Taurus that revolve around safety and endurance. Compassion, adaptability, and introspection or self-mastery are virtues for this Saturn placement.
Saturn in Leo: Challenges and shame revolve around confidence, empowerment, creativity, vitality, and individuality. The ego is most likely inflated or deflated, far from a healthy balance. These individuals may be prone to being bossy or authoritative, stubborn, selfish, and heated. There may be a lot of power plays and struggles with this group's relationships and dynamics among each other. There can be unfairness, suppression, and a restriction towards pleasure, generosity, warmth, creation, pride, and bravery. These people have to be fighters in some sense in their life. There is an admiration or hatred towards power, royalty, entitlement, and divinity. The conflicts this group faces together swing from being hyper individualistic to collective. Saturn in Leo may find that they frequently become the victims of being used and exploited. In turn their shadowy side may involve this tendency to use others. Naivety, generosity, optimism and misuse of power, control, and selfishness are major themes here. Developing pride, individuality, and self-love is vital for growth or understanding the shadow.
Saturn in Virgo: This placement has an unexpected shadow that hides passion, obsession, harshness, judgment, and self-righteousness. Corruption and tarnishing have connections to Virgo and may be seen in the planet that rules over the inner shadow. Here Saturn has an unhealthy practice of self-discipline, disconnection, and devotion. They may be overly prude, frugal, practical, or emotionally restrained. There can be a lot of worry and nervous energy for these individuals. Acceptance is a crucial desire for this placement, along with finding freedom that does not threaten calmness and stability. Fear of failure, losing, or not being perfect are great insecurities for this placement. Hardworking, intelligence, and skill are all highly valued by this group or are areas that are frequently discussed and focused on. Embracing and appreciating the need for their sterner traits like efficiency, pragmatism, and dependability combined with appreciating their messier side is important. Seeing things in black and white vs. grey is a conflict this group may face among each other. Humility may also be a hot subject for these people- what level is healthy or acceptable? Is it useful, needed, or suffocating? Education, establishing common sense, teamwork, and promoting care and support are helpful to this group understanding each other and themselves better.
Saturn in Libra: The dark side of Saturn in Libra tends to involve selfishness, isolation or detachment, and judgment. Logic and objectivity are considered strengths for this placement, but its shadow can live in pettiness, jealousy, vengeful feelings, be deceitful, and have a coldness. Persuasion, art, beauty, connection, and giving may all be areas of healing and importance for this group, but opinions, gossip, betrayals, shallowness, competition, vanity, and unfairness may plague them. Romantic relationships may take the stage during this time period and among this group. The importance of romance can be exaggerated or the opposite - neglected. Questions about relationships and dynamics are asked and evaluated. The darker side of Saturn here can be argumentative, opinionated, lack reassurance, and may fall into too much hesitance and indecision. Saturn is exalted in Libra, but even with that ease and potency, Saturn here finds themselves struggling with fears of loneliness, conflict, intimacy, pressure and regret or dissatisfaction. Saturn in Libra is known for lessons revolving around self-love, independence, relating to others, fairness and unfairness, and behaving more tactfully, polite, understanding, and patient. But to find use and value from these lessons, to face the shadow involves facing their ugly side, imperfection, depth, blunt honesty, and aspects of life that may lack respect, equality, and harmony.
Saturn in Scorpio: This Saturn's "shadow" is dark and spooky, filled with secrets, spite, jealousy, possessiveness, resentment, manipulation, and self-destructive. However Saturn is about restriction and limitation and here emotional expression, passion, and intensity are likely suppressed. Saturn in Scorpio was likely taught at a young age to try to control their emotions or learn that being sensitive and vulnerable are dangerous - weak. Self-mastery is associated with the sign Scorpio and that is an important lesson for this Saturn. Self-mastery for Saturn in Scorpio is not necessarily trying to push emotions to the side, ignore them, or bury them. Self-mastery comes from introspection, healing, understanding, acceptance, and allowing emotions to flow in a healthy way. These people may come off as highly reserved, private, secretive, or maybe even cool-headed and logical, they hide their true selves and feelings fervently. Learning forgiveness and adaptability are common "lessons" for Saturn in Scorpio. In their shadow are extreme emotions but also a sense of unchanging or stagnation. This placement might not easily recognize or accept their more stubborn, hard-headed side. Getting in touch with one's intuition or even ideas around inner magic are important. Scorpio is a sign of empowerment and Saturn will put these people through all the hoops and rings of fires to obtain that power. Emotional intelligence and maturity, responsible authority or confidence, embracing passion, and healing wounds of betrayal or abandonment are areas that address this shadow.
Saturn in Sagittarius: Here Saturn faces struggles of dishonesty, controlling belief systems, a lack of confidence, selfishness, rebellion, and shallowness or scatteredness. These individuals may have felt trapped by a belief system in their life somehow. They may be the ones to question a system OR zealously fight for it. This Saturn gets carried away with impulsiveness, last minute decisions and promises, newness, and ideas. Saturn's restriction dulls and starves the Sagittarian flame that seeks truth, knowledge, openness, and depth. Ignorance may be a big shadow for these people and education/knowledge is the path out of that darkness. Learning to accept and admit ignorance is important here along with a desire for change and information. Saturn in Sagittarius has a great desire to be liked by others and to also like themselves. A possible oppression of their own self-belief can cause inner spite or confusion. Saturn in Sagittarius may put on a show for others, dazzles to impress others and then burns out the relationships or influence quickly. Saturn in Sagittarius may find challenges but also empowerment through roles of the teacher, student, showman, stranger, or philosopher. Personal truth and freedom are focuses when it comes to dealing with their inner demons.
Saturn in Capricorn: A narrow-mind, control, rigidness, coldness, and sternness are part of this shadow. Here Saturn craves validation or purpose. Saturn in Capricorn typically falls in line with their society's values and traditions. Saturn is expressed clearly in Capricorn and this is a group of people who may feel intensely controlled, trapped, restrained. Passions, affection, sensitivity, desires, warmth, and self can all be buried or chained. Maturity comes to these people with responsibility and hard work. Conformity may in itself be vital to their growth, but Saturn will cause pressure or challenges, and this may mean Saturn in Capricorn can have some of the loudest, most obvious, or most surprising revelations and rebellions. It may be that there is a need to balance and accept the nature of conformity vs. rebellion, understand the need for both. Capricorn is associated with pessimism, realism, cynicism, depression, melancholy. This placement may surprisingly address questions and issues surrounding mental health or may find that those with this sign greatly struggle with mental health. Saturn in Capricorn may struggle with greed, materialism, over work, burnout, and harmful priorities. Saturn in Capricorn's work is cut out for them. They should approach changes with caution but there is a great need to get in touch with their emotional and spiritual self. Emotional expression is key to embracing the shadow.
Saturn in Aquarius: Here Saturn becomes an eccentric, chaotic, intellectually focused teacher that promotes independence, individuality, and self-respect. But even with forward-thinking, idealistic, humanitarian Aquarius does this placement have frightening shadows. Saturn in Aquarius's shadow involves fear of rejection and loneliness yet a possible desire for separation, detachment, maybe even isolation. Saturn in Capricorn addresses conformity while Saturn in Aquarius addresses nonconformity, rebellion, and standing out. This group will value what makes each person unique, they value going against the norm. But there are struggles with hypocrisy, shallowness, impulsiveness, and general unpredictability. There is a lack of stability and extreme changes or forces for these people and their path to growth. To understand the "shadow" of Aquarius as a sign I want to quote Judy Hall - "With two powerful co-rulers (Saturn & Uranus), Aquarius can have one of two shadows. The Saturnine shadow is cold, rigid, and disapproving, a perfectionist craving control, which it may achieve through anarchy. The second, dominated by Uranus, is unconventional...doing things simply for the sake of being different. Sometimes psychotic, this shadow figure aspires to anarchy and annihilation." Here Saturn may find the most healing, strength, or acceptance through space, unusual boundaries, practicing more rest and flexibility, and addressing conflicts surrounding the individual vs. the group. Saturn in Aquarius reshapes individuality and may reshape maturity. Ideas that seemed strange are more accepted among them. Saturn in Aquarius must accept both inner and outer chaos, find inner stability through cooperation, adaptability, and knowledge.
Saturn in Pisces: Guilt, lack of boundaries, playing the victim, addiction, and fear of not belonging, loneliness, and hard truths may exist here. Pisces is known for escapism, illusions, disillusionment, fantasies, dreams, spirituality, healing, and magic. This is a group that dreams big but may struggle with practicality, logic, reality. Saturn in Pisces shadow may run from responsibilities, maybe accountability, and sometimes from the self or independence. Saturn here can be manipulative, hypersensitive, reactionary, lethargic, and flaky. Saturn in Pisces may frequently be victims to con artists, illusions, false promises, and unrealistic standards. Change during this time and with these people don't happen with cycles, exploding, breaking, or building but comes and goes with fluidity. This is a time where things are not set in stone, there are too many questions and not enough answers, things may seem opposite or confusing, and lines become blurred, or ideas melt together. Misunderstandings, general frustration, instability, and a dynamic between over-sharing vs. secrecy exist in this group's relationships and dynamic with each other. But this placement has great potential for empathy, intuition, emotional and spiritual healing, forgiveness, and generosity. This group may have to address hard questions around union, completion, what it means to be whole, to belong, to be fulfilled. They may learn the extremes of separation and coming together. Saturn in Pisces finds growth, empowerment, and can feel safe or conquering towards their shadow side with self-love, acceptance, healthy boundaries, compassion, and imagination. There is a huge push towards learning to help, care, and empathize without taking on other's pain or shame. Through love and expressing love can they overcome the part of them that doubts their ability to be warm, stable, providing, and nurturing.
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catmarlowastrology · 2 months
🍃 Saturn represents your long-term goals and the legacy you're striving to create through hard work.
It's not about quick rewards, but about patiently building something meaningful. Take a step back. What patterns do you see in your life? Which paths have you frequently chosen?
When Saturn returns to its natal position in your chart, it's time to reassess your accomplishments. Are they sturdy enough to support you in the years ahead? Can you depend on them? Are they bringing you satisfaction? Is there room for enhancement, or is it better to begin anew?
Saturn is about constructing something that resonates with you. It's not concerned with external opinions, despite its association with Capricorn. So, ask yourself: Are you building a life that truly fulfills you? Or have you succumbed to societal expectations, constructing what you were told you should build?
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starshapedjello · 3 months
Anyone else worried about Bianca Censori?
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She’s probably fine, right? I mean, I’m pretty sure Ye isn’t holding her hostage, right? 🤔🤔🤔
Then I saw her age.
SHE’S 29 🪐
Her Saturn Return is happening to her. That makes sense. Her north node is in Scorpio, which sounds scary, but the photos look on point for this vibe lol. Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler) has always been a formidable plant. It’s also the death card in the Tarot. It represents transformation. It has never been easy to completely transform and it never will be. It takes work and a lot of it is subconscious. The subconscious is where our mind hides all the skeletons in our closet.
Scorpio is also about power struggles. In Greek mythology Pluto is the ruler of the underworld.
I am very intrigued by people with a north node in Scorpio. I want to know what y’all are learning right now. Whats happening in your lives? Please illuminate me.🥀✨
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supermoongirl9 · 5 months
That first Saturn return really is about realizing that all these fantasies I had about someone saving me, I can actually fulfill them myself and become my own savior.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🌚🌚🌚
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🌚🌛I mentioned previously your 4th house rules your surname. If you have:
Venus in the 4th house: your surname can perhaps mean an animal, a bird for example.
Moon in the 4th house: you probably always wanted your mother’s surname more or prefer it. If you also have Saturn in the 4th house too, you might have your father’s and your mother’s surname, so two surnames.
Mercury in the 4th house: you might have a surname that means a merchant/salesperson or even a thief. There could be two versions of your same surname in the family. Like some family members use one way of writing the surname and the others have another, like one uses Hawk and othe Hawke😅. Or your surname changed throughout family generations.
Saturn in the 4th house: you mostly likely have only your father’s surname. You have a unique, rare surname. Maybe just your family members have it and there is no other family with this surname.
Pluto in the 4th house: very very rare surname. Your combination of your first name and your surname name is so rare, you might go extinct😂 No, but all jokes aside, you could draw a lot of attention due to your surname, however since it’s Pluto, it’s mostly likely negative attention more often than positive. But you could make money off your surname easily.
Sun in the 4th house: ahh THE BRAND surname. Your surname can also be the name of a family business or a company. Your family could be in politics, like a family member of yours was in the government or was a mayor of the city. It could be just well-known too, a lot of people know you, because of your family’s surname and past.
Neptune in the 4th house: a surname that people rarely know, like they seldom come across this surname. They might mispronounce it a lot or misinterpret it. 😬 It’s like people don’t hear well when you say your surname.
Uranus in the 4th house: you are quite known or recognized in your local community, but people tend to confuse you with someone else’s family. Like people would ask you if you are someone’s son/daugther? But it’s actually completely other family. People might also think your friends are your sisters/brothers just because you are always seen with them. Also, a rare, unique, maybe at times odd surname.
🌚🌛There was a question under my post. What do you mean by "🍬 Saturn shows how long the chart owner will have to wait for success and how stable their career will be. " How do I read that?
First, look at the degree of Saturn. It’s at 14 degree, you might have felt the most accomplished at that age. Saturn in the 10th would mean you becoming successful after age of 30 or even after your second Saturn Return, maybe around age 54. Check aspects too, with Mars, Moon, Mercury you can become more successful/have a breakthrough career wise when younger (before the age of 30). Also, check Saturn house: 12th, 10th, 11th house can mean later success. 0 degrees Saturn is tricky; it means you will make a lot of new beginning in career, which might make your career less stable. You might lack follow through. Saturn retrograde means that you will overthink the direction of your career, which again results in later success.
🌚🌛 There was a question under my post: what does mars’s house placement say exactly for career? I have mars in Leo 7/6th house
Mars sign and house shows what you do as a job, work activities, routine and duty and how you go about them, your attitude towards them.
Aries Mars/1st house: you might do a physical job, you can move around a lot, even get into frequent fights at work, you might work on your own tasks or have your own space/office away from everyone else.
Taurus Mars/2nd house: you work with women, in a pleasant environment (hotel, coffee shop, restaurant, clothing store etc.). You might speak or sing a lot for your job.
Gemini Mars/3rd house: you work at a library. You might need to communicate a lot in your job, small local/regional trips, you could work with people with disabilities, toddlers, animals, plants, elementary and high school folks.
Cancer Mars/4th house: your work ethic fluctuates A LOT. Sometimes you are extremely diligent and other times you are passive, lazy. You could work from home, with females, families, for a family business, with children, with your family members. You want to make your coworkers just like your family members.
Leo Mars/5th house: you might work in politics, event planning, at a theatre, movie theatre, from home, you might take leisure trips from your job often.
Virgo Mars/6th house: you work with a computer, you communicate a lot (social media, fairs, emails, phone calls, booking), you work at a reception, you work in broadcasting, radio especially.
Libra Mars/7th house: you work at a coffee shop, bakery, pastry, spa, sauna, beauty salon, hair salon, hotel, restaurant, in court.
Scorpio Mars/8th house: you work at a bank, centre for homeless people, with famous people/celebrities, politicians, in government or with heavy tools.
Sagittarius Mars/9th house: in college, you travel a lot for your job, locally and out of country, you go to fairs.
Capricorn Mars/10th house: you work at a farm, with land, from home, with your parents, in a family business. You work with elderly people, special care or you are of assistance to a person older than you.
Aquarius Mars/11th house: you work at a non-profit, thrift shop, in government, with vehicles, bikes, broadcasting. Everybody knows you at work.
Pisces Mars/12th house: you might work in a hotel, you could act or sign. You might work with drunk people lol. So at a bar, restaurant, at degustations, a wine production, distillery. You work at a vintage store, library or record shop. You work with photography, at a museum, hospital or gallery.
🌚🌛 People under this post asked to explain this further. 📕 This might be TMI for some, just to preface it. But I noticed a lot of Saturn in the 8th house, Mars Saturn aspects, Chiron in the 8th house, Capricorn in the 8th in people’s chart that seem to really wait with physical intimacy and sex way past 23 and up.
Everything Capricorn takes its time. They can doubt themselves often, so they don’t pursue something, if they are not at a professional level from the get go. So apply this logic to sex and you’ll understand. It also take them A LONG time to become enough physically comfortable with someone. Saturn in the 8th especially is a master of holding back as well, they know self-control. And I think for them is also more of a maturity thing, they just feel they are not as prepared when younger. Usually this energy has more consistent, steady sexual life after the age of 30 or around first Saturn Return.
🌚🌛You will find that a lot of actors in period dramas with colourful costumes and luxurious background have Taurus placements.
🌚🌛A lot of people see Capricorn Rising being very similar to Scorpio Rising. It’s because some have Scorpio over 10th house/Scorpio MC.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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skeletonpandas · 25 days
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Moon Placements in a Saturn Return Chart
While the Sun was something like a gift in your Saturn Return Chart... the Moon represents more of a difficulty. While the aspect between Moon and Saturn can bring great emotional maturity to the native, it also represents loneliness, isolation, feeling unsupported; needing to consolidate resources... That's why I see that the place/sign that your Moon is in your Saturn Return Chart shows the area where you will feel more isolated and without help from others, needing to solve all pending issues on your own, but also where you should use all your instintive and use your sixth sense without fear. The Saturn Return Chart can change due to retrogradation, I for example have 3 types from my 28 to 30 years old, that's why it’s written "during", as it won't always be the same.
Moon in the 1st house/Aries
During the Saturn Return, if you have the Moon in the 1st house/Aries, you may experience a range of emotions and become more sensitive to your surroundings. You may feel a stronger need for self-expression and may struggle to balance your emotions with your responsibilities. This can manifest in various ways, such as mood swings, heightened anxiety, or a tendency to overreact to situations. However, this placement can also bring about positive changes. You may become more intuitive and empathetic, able to pick up on subtle emotional cues and understand others' perspectives more deeply. This can make you more attuned to your own emotions and help you navigate challenging situations with greater ease.In addition, this heightened sensitivity can allow you to experience the world in a richer, more profound way. You may find that you are more aware of the beauty around you, and that you are able to appreciate the subtleties of human interaction to a greater degree. This can make your experiences more meaningful and fulfilling.Furthermore, this placement can help you develop a deeper connection with your inner self. You may find that you are more in tune with your own emotions and that you have a greater capacity for self-reflection. This can lead to greater self-awareness and a more profound understanding of your own needs and desires.
Moon in the 2nd house/Taurus
Having the Moon in the 2nd house/Taurus during the Saturn Return can be a difficult time for your financial situation. You may find yourself experiencing heightened emotions such as anxiety, fear or frustration. You might feel like you're not earning enough, struggling to pay bills or debts or feeling insecure about your financial future. This can lead to a sense of instability and uncertainty, making it difficult to find emotional balance and stability. However, this period can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.During this time, it's important to take a step back and reassess your values and priorities. Ask yourself what truly matters to you and what you want to achieve in your life. Moreover, this period can also be a time to focus on non-material aspects of your life. You could explore new hobbies, cultivate new friendships or deepen existing relationships. By investing in these areas, you may find greater joy and satisfaction in life, even if your financial situation remains challenging.
Moon in the 3rd house/Gemini
If you have the Moon in the 3rd house/Gemini during this time, you may face particular emotional challenges related to communication and relationships with close friends, siblings, and those around you. These challenges could manifest as heightened emotions and sensitivity, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts. To successfully navigate these challenges, it is important to practice open and honest communication with those around you. This means expressing your feelings and needs clearly and respectfully, and being open to feedback from others. Additionally, working on developing greater emotional intelligence and self-awareness can help you better manage your emotions during this time. This could involve recognizing and regulating your own emotions, understanding subconscious patterns and triggers, and showing compassion for yourself and others. Other strategies that may be helpful during the Saturn Return include seeking out support from loved ones, participating in therapy or counseling, and engaging in self-care practices such as meditation or journaling. Remember that while this can be a challenging time, it can also be a time of growth and transformation, and with the right tools and support, you can emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.
Moon in the 4th house/Cancer
During the Moon in the 4th house/Cancer, you may feel a sense of emotional instability or insecurity related to your home environment, family relationships, or sense of belonging. You may feel a need for greater emotional support and nurturing, but struggle to find it within your existing relationships or living situation. It may be helpful to work on creating a more nurturing and supportive environment for yourself. This may involve creating physical changes in your living space, such as decluttering, redecorating, or creating a space that feels more comfortable and welcoming. You may also need to work on cultivating deeper connections with your family members or building new relationships with people who share similar values and interests. This may involve healing past wounds or resentments, learning to communicate more effectively, or setting healthy boundaries in your relationships. Additionally, you may need to work on developing greater self-nurturing and self-care practices. This may involve prioritizing activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, such as hobbies, self-care rituals, or spending time in nature. By doing this inner and outer work, you can create a more stable and supportive emotional foundation for yourself, even amidst family and home-related challenges. You may discover new ways to find emotional fulfillment and connection, leading to a greater sense of overall wellbeing.
Moon in the 5th house/Leo
During the Moon in the 5th house/Leo, you may feel a strong desire for self-expression and creative fulfillment, but struggle to balance this with your emotional needs and responsibilities. You may find yourself feeling more emotionally reactive in your creative pursuits or romantic relationships, leading to conflicts or misunderstandings. To navigate these challenges, it may be helpful to work on finding a healthy balance between your emotional needs and your desire for self-expression. This may involve setting boundaries around your creative work or hobbies, prioritizing self-care and emotional wellness, and learning to communicate your needs and feelings effectively with your romantic partners. It may also be helpful to work on developing greater self-awareness around your emotional triggers and patterns. This may involve exploring past experiences or trauma that may be affecting your emotional wellbeing, or practicing mindfulness and meditation to cultivate greater emotional regulation and awareness.
Moon in the 6th house/Virgo
During the Moon in the 6th house/Virgo, you may feel emotionally overwhelmed by work-related stress or health issues. You may feel like you are not doing enough, or that your efforts are not being recognized or appreciated. Alternatively, you may feel like you are giving too much of yourself in service to others, leading to feelings of burnout or resentment. To navigate these challenges, it may be helpful to find ways to manage stress and prioritize self-care. This may involve developing healthy work habits, such as taking regular breaks, delegating tasks when possible, and setting realistic goals for yourself. It may also involve finding ways to cultivate a sense of purpose or meaning in your work, such as by connecting with colleagues or clients, or volunteering for causes that align with your values. In terms of your health, it may be important to prioritize self-care practices such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough rest. It may also be helpful to seek out support from healthcare professionals, such as therapists or doctors, if you are experiencing chronic stress or health issues. By prioritizing self-care and finding healthy ways to manage stress in your work and health, you can navigate the emotional challenges of the Saturn Return with greater ease and resilience. This can lead to a greater sense of overall wellbeing and fulfillment in your work and personal life.
Moon in the 7th house/Libra
During the Moon in the 7th house/Libra you may experience challenges in your relationships, particularly in the areas of communication and boundaries. You may find yourself feeling emotionally reactive in your interactions with others, leading to conflicts or misunderstandings. Alternatively, you may struggle to assert your needs and boundaries in your relationships, leading to feelings of resentment or dissatisfaction. To navigate these challenges, it may be helpful to work on developing stronger boundaries and communication skills. This may involve being clear and assertive in expressing your needs and expectations in your relationships, while also being open and receptive to the needs and desires of others. You may also benefit from setting aside time for introspection and self-reflection to gain greater clarity on your emotional needs and values. This can help you to establish clearer boundaries and communicate more effectively in your relationships.It may also be helpful to seek out support from a therapist or counselor, particularly if you are struggling with past traumas or unresolved emotional issues that may be impacting your relationships.
Moon in the 8th house/Scorpio
During the Moon in the 8th house/Scorpio, you may experience challenges in developing emotional intimacy and trust in your relationships. You may struggle to open up and share your deepest emotions and desires with your partner, or you may feel a sense of emotional distance or lack of connection. Additionally, you may experience challenges related to shared resources, such as money, property, or possessions. This may involve difficulties in managing joint finances with your partner, or conflicts related to inheritances, debts, or other shared resources.To navigate these challenges, it may be helpful to work on developing greater trust and emotional intimacy in your relationships. This may involve being more vulnerable and open with your partner about your emotions, desires, and fears. It may also involve taking steps to build a stronger foundation of trust in your relationship, such as through honest communication and shared experiences. In terms of shared resources, it may be helpful to establish clear boundaries and agreements with your partner, and to work together to manage your finances and assets in a way that feels fair and equitable to both parties. You may also benefit from exploring your own emotions and desires around intimacy and shared resources, and seeking support from a therapist or counselor to work through any unresolved issues or traumas that may be impacting your relationships.
Moon in the 9th house/Sagittarius
During the Moon in the 9th house/Sagittarius you may face emotional challenges related to your beliefs and perspective on the world. This period may be a time of questioning your belief system and exploring new ideas and perspectives. You may be called to expand your horizons through travel or education. You may also experience a sense of disillusionment with your current belief system, leading you to seek out new sources of inspiration and guidance. It's important to approach this period with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. You may find it helpful to engage in activities such as meditation, journaling, or therapy to help you process any emotional challenges that arise. Ultimately, this period can be a time of profound personal growth and transformation if you are willing to confront your beliefs and embrace new perspectives.
Moon in the 10th house/Capricorn
During the Moon in the 10th house/Capricorn you may feel a strong need to succeed and be recognized for your achievements, and may be willing to work long hours and make sacrifices in order to advance in your career. However, this can also create tension between your emotional needs and your professional responsibilities. It's important to find a way to balance your personal and public lives to avoid burnout and maintain your well-being. You may need to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that nurture your emotional health, such as spending time with loved ones or pursuing hobbies and interests outside of work. It's also important to set realistic goals and boundaries for yourself, so that you don't become overwhelmed by the pressure to succeed. During this period, you may also benefit from seeking out mentorship or guidance from more experienced professionals in your field. This can help you gain valuable insights and perspectives on your career trajectory, and may also help you navigate any challenges or obstacles that arise.
Moon in the 11th house/Aquarius
During the Moon in the 11th house/Aquarius you may find yourself feeling a sense of loneliness or disconnectedness, and may struggle to find a sense of belonging within your social circles. This can be a challenging time, as social support and a sense of community are important for our emotional well-being. To overcome these challenges, it's important to work on cultivating supportive friendships and finding a sense of community. This may involve reaching out to old friends or acquaintances, joining clubs or organizations that align with your interests, or volunteering in your community. You may also benefit from seeking out counseling or therapy to help you process any underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to your feelings of disconnection. It's important to remember that building meaningful friendships and connections takes time and effort, and it's okay to start small. Focus on cultivating authentic relationships with people who share your values and interests, and be open to new experiences and opportunities for connection. During this period, you may also benefit from examining your own beliefs and values around friendship and community.
Moon in the 12th house/Pisces
During the Moon in the 12th house/Pisces you may feel a sense of disconnection from your inner wisdom and intuition, and may struggle to understand or make sense of your emotions. You may also feel a sense of existential angst or a longing for deeper spiritual meaning in your life. To overcome these challenges, it's important to work on developing a stronger connection to your intuition and inner wisdom. This may involve practicing mindfulness and meditation, engaging in creative or spiritual practices that seak to your soul, or seeking out guidance from a trusted spiritual teacher or counselor. During this period, it's important to allow yourself the time and space to explore your emotions and beliefs without judgment or expectation. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate these inner waters, and trust that the answers and guidance you seek are already within you. It's important to remember that the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth is a deeply personal one, and there is no one "right" way to approach it. You may find that certain practices or teachings resonate with you more than others, and that your path to self-discovery and spiritual growth may be different from that of others.
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Template by sparklypalace on deviantart PSD by wildfireresources on deviantart Sailor Moon Render
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deepmochi · 8 months
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If you are Pisces moon or have Pisces placements in your big three. Are you feeling tired? Restless? Happy? Moody? Dreamy? Also, those with Saturn return in Psices, are you feeling drained or emotional?
Use this time to release all those issues you have in your head or mind. Read between the lines, why you feel drained when you are with x? Why Y responds to me like that? Why Z look at me? Start to listening to your intuition that soft voice that answers " Z trust you; she is your friend"
My girlies, are you on your period 🤺?! If you are, you are really connected to the moon, so try to listen to your INTUTION. If you have cramps, what part of your body are you rejecting? Or are you rejecting an internal part? What is this pain teaching you? Talk to your body, make yourself feel safe, again.
Maybe, you are feeling emotional or moody; it's completely fine, go and take out your emotional baggage.
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 Things to do:
𓆝 GO and repeat your affirmations.
𓆞 Take a nap
𓆞 Relax
𓆝 Talk to your body, be grateful with your body.
𓆝 Be grateful
𓆟 Trust your inner voice / intuition
𓆝 Ask for help if you need it.
𓆞 Help someone if needed
𓆝 Drink water
𓆟 Be dreamy, be delusional without hurting anyone. (Trust that good things happen).
𓆟 Be proud of who you are
Also, I don't recommend you to get wasted, smoke weed, or any kind of drug under this full moon. Escapism isn't the answer; try to be honest with yourself. Why are you doing it?
For those who practice spells to attract an specific person, don't don't do it. It can provide you the biggest illusion. True love comes without force or magic attachments.
Flow in the water as the fish does it. Pisces is a fish, and it goes deep too. This full moon invites you to go with the flow.
Take care, babies. 💚
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Credit: @deepmochi
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crystalsenergy · 8 months
Saturn Return in Pisces in each house 2023-2026
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Saturn Return in Pisces in each house 2023-2026
(Sat in Pis dates 1935-1937; 1964-1967; 1994-1996; 2023-2026)
for those who have Saturn in Pisces in their natal chart, their Saturn Return is in progress or upcoming.
Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, 2023, since that time, we have been dealing with many feelings of the collective unconscious brought about by hardness, trying to teach us something, but everything is so difficult to be seen in a practical way, which ends up turning into pain, rather than quick learning and practicality.
This is because Pisces is not a sign of practical life, it is sign of the unconscious, of contact, of feeling; that is why, on Saturn, we have difficulties in understanding what needs to be done in order for us to evolve, to mature.
There are many lessons... but the focus of this post is not to talk about collective issues, but the individual issues that the natives of Saturn in Pisces are going through in their SATURN RETURN. at another time I will speak of the impacts on other beings, who do not have Saturn in Pisces in the natal chart, but have Pisces on planets/asteroids, or at least on the cusp of some house, if it is not intercepted.
let's go?
Saturn Return
marks a significant moment in people's lives, it's the moment when Saturn's energy, in an archetypal way, is brought to our life with great intensity, so that we REMEMBER. While in other years you have been experiencing other Saturns, in other signs, here, you come home.
And it's the moment when you are led to reflect on what you did during those 23-24 years, what happened, if something has changed; if you matured, if you learned something about your difficulties, that is, about what you already had to deal with inside.
Saturn is the planet of discipline, planting, watering, harvesting, learning, it represents structures, ethics, order.
On the natal chart, Saturn will mean the importance of learning something that is DIRECTLY connected to the sign and house we have there. It's not a mere fatality, no wonder. The natal chart represents our soul lessons, what we have, what we don't have, it represents who we are. Therefore, as I explained on another post here, the natal chart is not a mere record of your birth, which happened to happen that day. The day you were born is extremely special and matters a lot for understanding YOURSELF.
Soon, your sign and house in which Saturn is found in the natal chart will represent the biggest core of your difficulties.
Saturn in Pisces is the difficulty of putting Piscean issues into practice. It is the need to mature with Pisces, to mature like Pisceans.
- Empathy - Recognize your true essence - Appreciation of vulnerabilities, yours and others - Recognize and appreciate the sensibility - Look deeper, deeper and deeper into the different situations of life - Learning to look at what is deepest in yourself, your personality - Acceptance of your unconscious - Greater contact with your creative and fluid expression - Release more, control less - Less attachment to practical life and routines, and development of greater inner contact
Things a natal Saturn in Pisces needs to transform:
- Escapisms of any kind - Poor processing of your emotions - Fear of opening up to others, for leading or being led to believe that there is no value in opening up - Constant isolation that does not bear good fruit - Hiding your true vulnerabilities - Feeling unworthy, especially unworthy of help - Understand why you feel so inadequate and lost, without a true place in the world - Why would spirituality and/or inner contact be useless to you?
Before we start, I would like to explain that Saturn is the planet that brings us the most learning precisely because it is the planet most connected to the meaning of our life on Earth.
Life is primarily about evolving, growing, learning, and if it is about that, and Saturn talks about it, when he appears, he is not shy, he makes noise.
Saturnian experiences never go unnoticed. On the contrary, they always leave marks. If we are all here to learn, the difference will be in how we learn. If the lessons are quite evident from the natal chart, the difference will be whether we learn them through acceptance, active participation, or through escape, and sometimes, through pain - which we end up indirectly generating by not taking responsibility for what we do. We need to evolve.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 1st house: this Saturn Return primarily represents learning the Pisces experience, but in a healthy, harmonious way, especially in your individual experiences, you-you. this Saturn Return touches your experiences with self-esteem again, it's a moment when you find yourself reflecting MUCH more on what you've done in these last few years to assume who you are. Saturn in Pisces in the 1st house in the natal chart represents a fear, a block about assuming who you really are to others, in a deep way. you have probably lived/live pruning your more creative, sensitive sides, your more introspective side, you can be rigid with yourself in these aspects, as well as in others Pisces aspects. now is the time to review what has been done so far to assume the truth of who you are, to unlock fears and blockages in relation to acting, showing yourself and living in a more creative, sensitive, open, intuitive way. another issue that is being revisited/revised at the moment is how much you don't work on your self-esteem in a profound way, it may be that you live on autopilot, in an automatic cycle in which you don't realize yourself, don't understand who you are deeply, just live in a way more automatic. Saturn is making you reflect on this, within your reality.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 2nd house: The Saturn Return in Pisces in the 2nd house brings up life's lessons about how much you can have practical difficulties with stability, comfort, self-worth, personal values. Saturn in Pisces in the 2nd house translates someone who has difficulties with money, a sense of self-worth, everything that involves something earthly and practical brings confusion and difficulties to the person. it may also reflect a person with difficulty in empathy, altruism in relation to personal possessions. with this Saturn Return, we have the return of the greater lesson of self-worth, learning to value yourself more deeply, not seeing material things just for what they are, seeing the meanings that lie behind possessions, of the money. it is important to develop a more stable view of yourself and life.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 3rd house: Those with Saturn in Pisces in the 3rd house have difficulties communicating in a deeper, more creative, and sometimes even empathetic way, depending on the person we are talking about. there may be a block in the way of expressing yourself. internal, creative, deep issues can’t flow through speech and other forms of communication. the lesson that the Saturn Return brings is in the sense of making you review which actions contribute to increasing this difficulty in communicating in an empathetic, open, creative, sensitive way. the Return can also make you realize what generates this, or even the effects of a little Piscean communication. It is possible that in this Saturn Return you also understand the value of seeking more Piscean learning and exchanges, with more creativity, openness, empathy, altruism, connections.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 4th house: This Saturn Return is all about revisiting your inner blocks, especially in terms of emotions and inner life. how disconnected and blocked have you been from your emotional issues? how is your relationship with your home (physical and abstract home)? are you more connected to practical life, routine, practically living on autopilot, without realizing the real motivations of your feelings? it's a Return that makes you face a lot everything that involves emotions, family, home, roots, past, interior life.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 5th house: this Saturn Return brings important lessons in the area of Creativity, Ego, Empathy as a personality trait, Love, Affective expressions. Saturn in Pisces in the 5th house of the natal chart means a lot of difficulty for a native with creativity and expression of what involves Pisces in his individuality. 5th house is ego, expression, art, creation. much of what involves creating, expressing, is connected to the 5th house. as Pisces is also a sign of creations, especially abstract creations (music, for example), a person with this placement has blocks with light, loose expressions. everything seems to be very hard, serious, closed, without lightness, creativity, without color. it is necessary to learn to integrate / develop Piscean characteristics in your personality, in order to have a more fluid life, without so much control, methodism, excessive practicality that, in the end, can be generating cycles of being overly self-demand, perfectionism and even self-punishment. this Saturn Return increases the importance of you working on empathy for yourself, the one that is also embedded in the Ego and that is transmitted to others, because it is something that you already know from the inside. in love, the Return of Saturn in Pisces in the 5th house represents learning to give more voice to sensitivity, and especially to understanding how your unconscious and your past impact your current affective expression. find yourself.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 6th house: Those with this natal placement have difficulties putting Pisces into practice. therefore, expect reflections on: the routine life, your organization, habits, which may be lacking in Piscean gestures and actions. all these things will come to the fore with more intensity. it may be that the person has immense difficulty including relaxation and self-care practices in their daily lives. natives may have difficulty disconnecting from things, often living full of stress, psychosomatizing what they think, what they deal with, due to the difficulty of integrating Pisces into their routine and daily life. Pisces wants and knows the importance of disintegrate, clean, connect, let go, release, escape. Saturn in Pisces in 6th house represents big difficulties with this. we’re talking about a person who needs to take a lot more care of mental health and how much the unconscious affect the physical body. don't sacrifice yourself.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 7th house: the Saturn Return in Pisces through the 7th house marks a great learning experience that involves sacrifice in relationships, sensitivity and empathy in relationships, how much you face yourself in your relationships, how much you require yourself or is required. considering that you have this placement in your natal chart, it is something that will touch you much more, after all, it reflects who you are. this moment bring a lot of inner sensitivity, a lot of revisiting things from the past, however, it can be difficult to practice. Is there balance between giving and receiving? do you demand more and give less? do you give too much, and receive less? how is the balance within your relationships - [which are not restricted to love, ok]? it is also a time to review your openness to truly connect with those around you, without fears of being vulnerable. they are lessons for your life.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 8th house: a Saturn Return deeply connected to spirituality and invisible issues - from you, like your personal unconscious, your mind, your inner issues, or something much bigger. you naturally have an issue with truly opening yourself up to the unknown, by the way, I'm glad you're here reading this and I honor and value your choice. thank you for the opportunity. for you, it's hard to trust the unknown, it's like a breath of uncertainty that you'd rather not hang on to. however, Saturn has been trying to make you review and revisit this, understanding that spirituality, mind, personal unconscious, everything that is dense, deep, unknown, none of this will generate the feeling of being controlled if we are open to FEEL. the biggest lesson of this placement involves control... controlling emotions, experiences, sensations. especially the unknown experiences. issues of difficulty with intimacy may increase during this period. recognize your depth and give voice to it.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 9th house: Saturn Return that touches a lot on your beliefs and faith system. faith even in humanity, in existence. it will be a time to revisit your internal difficulty of trusting, letting go, believing. you may be a person with difficulty connecting with bigger things, who tend to want proof, to understand everything mentally. and probably you believe that this is the best way. but probably it frustrates you, mentally drains you. because is not just about rational mind. we can also experience connection, feel, believe and let go. it's a time to deeply review your belief system, your values, life philosophies, and revisit what you've been doing these 23-24 years in order to mature in this difficulty.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 10th house: this Saturn Return meansreview empathy and expression of your sensitivity/vulnerability in the social arena, in professional life, career. it is a Saturn Return that is also all about finding yourself and understanding your life path. it is a time to finally accept that your sensitivity, creativity, empathy, and everything that involves Pisces, needs to be integrated in a balanced way in your career and professional life. it is necessary to understand that having sensitivity and assuming it to the world does not make anyone weak, quite the contrary, it is a true strength that needs to be used in favor of larger, social issues, or for individual issues that are still relevant, for example, follow and achieve your life path.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 11th house: moment when Saturn returns to make you review your fears of being vulnerable in groups, as well as review your sensitivity issues with the collective. Is your vulnerability experienced collectively? if not, why are you afraid to open up to others? Does your mind point you to any reason for that? Do you struggle with empathy and sensitivity to social issues? or, on the other hand, are you extremely sensitive to others, but hide that face, for fear of criticism, judgment? all these points will be much more touched at this moment, when Saturn returns to bring the revisitation of what still affects you and stops you from experiencing a lighter and more fluid life in society.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 12th house: this Saturn Return is deeply related to learning to integrate Pisces energy into your life. those with Saturn in Pisces in 12th house are always running away from facing themselves, but the things that need to be faced, on the other hand, keep coming up. they come again and again – by the way, in quite abstract ways. this Saturn Return involves learning to CONNECT, let go, trust, stop trying to understand everything through the mental, logical, rational way. and understanding that the more you escape, the more the things that still need to be transformed will be felt in incomprehensible, abstract ways. take care of your mental health, connect with yourself. accept your personality. accept your vulnerability.
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations I made pt 26
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-saturn in the 1st or 6th house aspected with the moon (especially conjunction) can indicate your emotional state greatly reflecting on your physical appearance, namely the tendency to lose a lot of weight in stressful times
-people with the 6th house cusp in Pisces with the ruler (Jupiter or in modern astrology Neptune) in the 12th house daydream a lot when they really should be focusing on other things
-people with the 12th house cusp in Pisces with Jupiter or Neptune in the 1st house have the tendency to stare off into space and often feel themselves slipping in and out of consciousness even if they’re wide awake
-The 2nd saturn return is when people usually start experiencing major life changes involving their physical health
-when you have the moon in the 6th or 10th house or the moon aspecting your MC, your emotional state of being is evident to the public and in professional settings even if you don’t share your personal business with anyone.
-people with the moon or Neptune in the 7th house tend to genuinely believe in the idea of finding “the one”
-having neptune in the 12th house aspected with Saturn can indicate having addictions and not realizing you have them for a long time until you hit rock bottom
-people with Saturn in the 3rd house usually make great teachers. Even if they don’t become professional educators, they are good at explaining and teaching things
-people with Saturn in the 1st house are always loved and trusted by the people around them, especially older people and authority figures. Wherever they go, whatever institution they get into, they always find someone older who cares about them and wants to guide them. When they get older, younger people look up to them and follow them around
-people with Pisces placements tend to be very talented but hate/avoid the attention that comes with being talented, because they don’t know how to deal with the attention
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astromancy-divinare · 1 month
‼️🚨‼️If you have the same ascendant in both your tropical and sidereal natal charts AND Saturn is in the same sign in both charts…
Then your Saturn Return will last approx. 6 years 🪐
The reason why is because Tropical astrology operates one zodiac sign ahead of Vedic astrology.
For example:
Let’s say you have a Leo ascendant in both your tropical natal chart and sidereal natal chart AND you have Saturn in Aquarius in both charts.
In Tropical astrology Saturn was in Aquarius recently from March 2020 until March 2023.
However, in Vedic astrology Saturn was in Capricorn during that time. It wasn’t until January 2023 that Saturn entered Aquarius in Vedic astrology and won’t leave Aquarius until March 2025.
This means that transiting Saturn is activating 2 different houses in your tropical and sidereal natal charts at all times.
So after you experience your Saturn Return in your tropical natal chart, it’s going to be prolonged for another 2-3 years because transiting Saturn in Vedic astrology will then enter that same sign in your sidereal natal chart.
If you have a different ascendant in both your tropical and sidereal natal charts and Saturn is in a different sign in each chart, then you’ll experience your Saturn Return in your tropical and sidereal natal charts at the same time.
For example:
I have a Virgo ascendant in my tropical natal chart and a Leo ascendant in my sidereal natal chart.
Saturn is in Scorpio in the 3rd house in my tropical natal chart.
Saturn is in Libra in the 3rd house in my sidereal natal chart.
I had my Saturn Return during the same time in both charts.
In Tropical astrology Saturn was in Scorpio from October 2012 until September 2015.
In Vedic astrology Saturn was in Libra from November 2011 until November 2014.
There was a bit of overlap but my Saturn Return was happening at the same time in the same house in both charts, just different signs.
If you need help figuring out when you’ll experience your Saturn Return and how it’ll change your life (for the better!) then DM me for an affordable Saturn Return reading 🥰
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lailoken · 20 days
The past year has been the roughest one I've had in quite a while now. I've been dealing with a lot of loss, death, pain, and hardship. However, I've also experienced a lot of personal growth, I began working with my apprentice, and I started some important projects, such as my own Tarot deck.
As it turns out, I am currently going through my Saturn Return. I've never been especially drawn to, or gifted with, classical Astrology, but I know enough to realize that this sheds a meaningful light on my circumstances.
Perhaps it's time to seek out an Astrologer I can book a session with. I haven't commissioned the divinatory services of someone else in over a decade now, and I'm not even sure where I would find/recognize a suitably trustworthy astrologer at this point, but I keep coming back to it.
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