#Schools normally earn thousands of dollars every year through student donations
portiamarie02 · 3 years
Do people outside of Canada know who Terry Fox is? I recently learned that Terry fox day is only really done in Canada which is mind blowing to me because who wouldn’t want to raise money for cancer?!
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 6 years
Really loving these ARC family scenes! So for the promptathon, how about ARC going public to the DEO family? Or maybe the next topic in gossip rags/PTA meetings?
Rhonda Thompson prides herself on knowing everything about everyone. It’s not much, as far as superpowers go, but it gives her a sense of purpose, to know that people can come to her for information, and that she can provide it.
So she’s already well aware of the fact that Samantha Arias is uncommonly close with her employer. Lena Luthor has collected Ruby after school many times since the girl enrolled in Parkland Intermediate, and has pitched in with several fundraisers– manning booths and providing baked goods when Samantha proves herself unavailable.
Rhonda presumes it’s a symptom of Samantha’s young motherhood, and the lack of appropriate role models. She doesn’t expect anything else, when Samantha is too busy to socialize with other mothers among her daughters age group. And it certainly doesn’t hurt Lena Luthor’s public image, to be seen vending cling-wrapped brownies and exacting change at the track meet.
But to have your boss attend a PTA meeting in your place?
Even as a stay-at-home mother, Rhonda knows it isn’t appropriate.
As the president of the parent board, she takes it upon herself to welcome Miss Luthor to the meeting.
“Excuse me,” Rhonda says, pulling Miss Luthor’s gaze from the phone in her hand. Sharp green eyes regard her from beneath dark lashes, making Rhonda’s words trip on her tongue. “Hi. You must be Lena Luthor.”
“Guilty as charged,” comes the casual quip. The phone disappears, and a pale hand extends for a handshake. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Rhonda Thompson, PTA President.”
Lena’s eyebrows lift at the information, features warming in an curious smile. “You’re Rhonda. I see.” The dazzling grin only grows wider. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Only good, I hope!”
“The best.”
Rhonda pauses at the deadpan, but the pearly smile is still in place, without a hint of disingenuity. She blinks, struggling to reconnect her thoughts. “Samantha couldn’t make it?”
“She got caught up in a call at the office. But she knows how important tonight is, and asked me to fill in.”
“Oh, how thoughtful.”
Tonight they’re voting on how to apply the funds raised by this year’s boosters. Surely Samantha and her boss understood that non-parents can’t contribute– no matter how involved they are in the student’s upbringing.
Before Rhonda can say so, Lena’s gaze flickers to the front of the room. “It looks like it’s time to begin,” she observes. “It was lovely to meet you, Rhonda.”
Rhonda returns to the front table, where the parent board sits, and waits for the room to come to order. From her vantage point, she can see just what kind of effect their unexpected guest is having on their gathering. The parents seated nearest to her manage to maintain a veneer of disinterest, but the members seated further away murmur behind their minutes, shooting long glances to the woman who outglams all of them.
She certainly stands out from the crowd, Rhonda acknowledges, with her houndstooth pencil skirt and navy blouse. Her watch alone is likely worth more than Rhonda’s monthly car payment. But there’s an aura about her as well. Where the other parents have congregated to their usual groups, Lena sits separately, among them but distinctly apart.
It doesn’t seem to bother her.
She hardly seems to notice it at all.
“All right,” their teacher liaison– Principal Flores herself, in deference of the important vote– calls gently. “Let’s come to order!”
The room quickly settles.
“As you all know, last meeting we discussed the possible ways to apply the funds of this year’s booster efforts. Our dedicated president has proposed two options: refinishing the gymnasium floor, and replacing the stadium bleachers. Since I know everyone’s eager to get home and watch the game tonight, if we’re ready I propose we– Yes, Miss Luthor?”
Principal Flores calls on their visitor as though she were a student, and Rhonda realizes belated that it’s because Lena has raised her hand like one.
“I apologize if you’ve gone over this before, but do you mind explaining how these options were selected?”
To Rhonda’s surprise, the principal turns to glance at her. “I’m sure our parent president will be happy to share some light on that for you.”
Unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight, Rhonda freezes for several heartbeats. Instead of a sea of bored faces, every gaze is riveted on her, captivated by the disruption to their normal order. All the way, green eyes gaze at her expectantly.
“I’m not sure I understand the question–”
“I’m curious as to why the two options both benefit the athletics department.”
“Many of our students strive towards athletic scholarship for college. It’s our responsibility to ensure they have the best opportunity.”
Lena nods, breaking eye contact to briefly scroll through her phone. “Yes, I can see that. I’ve reviewed the public booster records, and it appears that the athletics department has been provided every opportunity. 80% of the past ten years of booster funds, to be exact. The remaining 20% has gone towards improvements in multi-purpose areas, but still predominantly benefits sports. Such as the gymnasium.”
Rhonda scoffs, a nervous smile reflexively curling her lips. “In our area, needs-based scholarships are difficult to obtain. As a result, athletic scholarship has been the predominant source of funding–”
“My research indicates that less than 4% of the graduating student body over the past ten years have received athletic scholarships. By comparison, 32% have received partial scholarships based on academic performance.”
Rhonda shifts forward in her seat. “Miss Luthor–”
“I had the opportunity to tour the gymnasium prior to meeting tonight,” Lena continues, undaunted. “The floor is in pristine condition. And the stadium bleachers were just replaced six years ago. According to the manufacturer, their product is designed to last fifteen years.”
“The mascot depicted on them is now out of date.”
The room sits in total silence, riveted by the exchange. Not one of them jumps to Rhonda’s defense, leaving Lena clear to nod. “Right. The mascot was redesigned last year, requiring the replacement of all branded sports equipment– some of which was less than three years old.”
Her hackles lift on reflex at the unspoken implication. Rhonda stiffens in her seat, folding her hands tightly over her minutes. “There simply is no other department that requires funds at this time.”
At that, the room starts to titter. In an instant, she knows that Lena has won. What’s worse is that Lena knows it as well.
Perfectly painted lips curl into a smile.
“Ruby mentioned just last week that her French teacher was wishing for language software in the computer lab. And Mr. Brenneman confirmed that the youngest microscope in the science department was purchased in 2003. 20% of them are broken or unusable.”
Rhonda grits her teeth, refusing to wilt under the woman’s stare even as she realizes that it doesn’t matter what she does. Lena doesn’t need anything from her.
“But if you’re certain that Parkland doesn’t have use for these funds,” Lena continues, “there’s always the option of donating it.”
The proposal earns its own bevy of murmurings. But to Rhonda’s shock, it’s not in outrage. In the quiet twitter she hears curiosity, and interest. When Principal Flores calls the room to order, her voice is calm.
Whatever game Luthor is playing, she’s not surprised by it.
Perhaps she’s even in on it.
“You make a strong case, Miss Luthor,” Flores replies. She turns to the rest of the room. “Does anyone second her motion–?”
“Actually,” Lena cuts in again, gentling noticeably as she rises to her feet. “I move that we allow the student body to decide. Language lab, science equipment, or donating to a school in need.”
“You can’t be serious!” Rhonda sputters.
“I am.”
“They’re children! We can’t expect them to act responsibly when thousands of dollars are on the line!”
Lena meets her gaze coolly. “They had a hand in raising these funds. Why not have a hand in choosing how it’s spent?”
Rhonda smacks her hands against the table in outrage, surging to her feet. “This is a parent-teacher conference! You are not empowered to put forth a motion!”
It’s less than the gotcha moment Rhonda hopes for. The room stares at her, as Lena smiles lazily. “Yes, I am.”
Ashley Walsh rolls her eyes. “She adopted Ruby two summers ago, Rhonda.”
Rhonda blinks. What? “But Alex Danvers is–”
“They’re all married,” her vice president Todd informs her, incredulous that he, for once, has more information than his wife.
“Welcome to the 21st century,” Ashley drawls. “Now sit down before you embarrass yourself.”
Rhonda lowers herself back to her chair, every muscle coiled tight in anger and humiliation. Her cheeks feel hot, and only burn hotter when not a single person speaks up.
Principal Flores lifts her hand to focus the room once more. “All right then– all in favor of putting it to a student body vote?”
The room erupts in a chorus of ayes. Rhonda can only gape as the principal makes a note and adjourns the meeting. “That’s all the time we have tonight– remember! Next month is planning for the spring formal!”
Lena starts slowly gravitating towards to the door. Rhonda stares as she pauses to chat briefly with the parents to approach her. More than a few shake her hand, and there’s something in the energetic clasps that hints that it’s more than introduction.
When the woman’s gaze softens into a warm smile, Rhonda sees that Samantha waits by the door, keys in hand. They lean together for a kiss, and Samantha murmurs a quiet question. Lena nods, the first sign of self-satisfaction creeping into her smile.
Then Samantha glances across the room, locking gazes with Rhonda. The woman winks with a sly smile, and Rhonda doesn’t even have the time to glare before the two women are gone, leaving the board to pack up and clear out.
“Don’t worry, Rhonda,” Todd tells her. “It’s not like we’re offering to buy them a milkshake machine for the cafeteria.”
No, it’s not.
But it’s not a new stadium either.
More importantly, Rhonda’s learned something new to add to her arsenal.
She’s learned that Lena Luthor is not a woman to be trifled with.
And neither are her wives.
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beyoncesfursona · 5 years
I know no one is really active on here anymore — most of my mutuals and followers have left, I think — but I figured it couldn’t hurt to post this here.
I’m about to have a major, major surgery, and although the GoFundMe Story goes into a lot of detail (like, a lot of detail), here’s a tl;dr, since the original is 9,000ish words, and includes a lot of info on Donation Rewards.
I have a skin disease that causes painful lesions. It’s not leprosy, but someone, at some point in history, had to have gotten the two mixed up. One of these lesions came up in a terrible place at one point (Late Nov/Early Dec 2017) and didn’t go away — I didn’t have health insurance at the time, so I ignored it as long as I could. At my breaking point, two weeks (!) before I regained insurance, I went to the emergency room, got knocked out with Ketamine, and had it taken care of. They told me I needed immediate surgery, because since I had waited too long and tried to put it off for, like, a month, it had tunneled a hole several inches deep into my skin, almost down to the bone. I put it on hold due to not having insurance, then classes started, I dismissed it, and nothing happened for a year.
Fast forward to November 2018, I’ve long been insured again by that point. Another one comes up in the same area, and I know what’s coming this time. I get through a week of work and school, sitting on my hip and getting funny looks but not missing anything because of pain. Friday night, the week is over, my fiance takes me to the hospital, they cut it (with me awake this time) and promise me a referral to a surgeon, now that I was insured. I did not get a referral, but I did get several thousands of dollars in bills.
Now, here I am again, less than two months after my last one, and I’m in the same shape, with a third one. I’ve already been to the ER, and this time I actually got a referral. I was so thrilled! I met with the surgeon, and she burst my bubble really quick. I thought, you know, “oh, in and out, cut out the thing, send me home,” no. This surgery is going to be extremely complicated and, to be honest, since it’s so close to the base of my spine, kind of dangerous. There isn’t just the one sinus from the first cyst, no — the first cyst, then every cyst afterward made its own sinus, filled with scar tissue and infection. Three of them, total. They want to biopsy them when they come out to make sure nothing’s cancerous, or something else horrible.
This surgery will be so bad, and the recovery process so difficult, that I won’t even be able to sit for two months, minimum. I’ll have to go to my checkups in a vehicle I can lie flat in. No wheelchair or being driven anywhere — completely and totally horizontal. If I bend my back too much, I could rip staples and stitches and have to start completely over again. Not to mention that the blood flow to that area of the human back is already horrible, because why wouldn’t it be, and there is a high chance of flesh dying when stitched back together. Anyway, because of all of that, I can’t sit. For a long damn time. I work in an office, which means if I literally can’t sit at my desk for two months, the most basic function of my job, then I can’t work for two months. I may even lose my job because of this. I hope not (I mean, I really hope not), but I mean, of course they can’t just live without an office assistant for 2+ months, and I don’t know why they’d hold out for me just because I’m a good employee.
If I’m not working and earning money, I don’t know how I’m going to pay bills. I’m already making the minimum payments on almost everything because, even though I’m in a “cushy” office job, it’s more of an internship than anything and barely pays at all. I make less in this job than I have ever made in any retail or food job — I made more at Domino’s and quit there because I wasn’t making enough money. I’m paid fifty cents above minimum wage for my area, and I’m lucky to break $500 a month working my normal, scheduled hours. When that income is gone, I will have no money for groceries, no money for gas, and no money for my car insurance. Sure, I won’t be able to drive, but I still have to put gas in other people’s cars to take me wherever, and I still have to keep insurance on my car, otherwise when a tree inevitably falls on it, I’ll be up shit creek. I’ll have no money for my credit card bills I have to pay every month to keep them from going to collections on me. Or for the medical bills I’m already making the most miniature, tiny payments on. I’ll also have no money to keep refilling the several medications I have to take every day (most importantly my epilepsy medicine, my heart rhythm medicine, and my depression/anxiety medicines), all of which total about $90-$110 a month, depending on whether I have to fill the “as-needed” prescriptions that month.
Even though my house is paid for until May (thanks, student loans), I may have to move back home if I cannot come up with some money to support myself through this, and to pay back some of these massive medical bills. However, my mother is Borderline, a former addict, a thief, and can be extremely abusive — and my grandmother takes too many pills and starts fights. I lived with that for 18 years, and I didn’t move three counties away and start a good, peaceful life for myself just to have a disease ruin it.
To make a long story short, I really need help. If you can’t donate, please, please reblog this. Any of my mutuals that are still around and all of my followers still here know that this isn’t a typical post from me. This, in general, is not typical of me. But I don’t have a choice. I either have to ask for help or I’ll drown in these expenses. So, I’m asking.
Please reblog, and if you can spare a bit right now to donate, I will always be grateful. Also, I’m gay, so. Figured I’d throw that in the pot, too. 
If anyone would rather donate some other way than GoFundMe, please let me know. I’ll make a PayPal or something. Also, please ignore my real name on there. I try not to use that whenever possible, because I prefer to go by Micah.
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Trumps Cabinet
Secretary of State
Rex Tillerson (Oil Tycoon)
He broke the law by illegally doing deals with State Sponsors of Terrorism.
He broke the law by illegally doing $50 million dollars worth of deals with Iran and selling their military "chemicals" while they were under sanctions.
He bragged about being a personal friend of Putin and estimates put that he has spent more time with Putin then any other American citizen.
He lied under oath to Congress when asked about him lobbying against Russian Sanctions.
He was sued for anti-gay discrimination.
He was Director of a Russian Oil Firm in the Bahamas that helped companies use offshore tax haven loopholes to avoid paying taxes.
When the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change were brought up his response was, "We'll adapt to that."
He is being sued for ignoring environmental regulations.
He was fined after he ignored safety regulations and that resulted in 2 people being killed and another 13 injured.
He refused to agree that Saudi Arabia violates human rights or Putin has committed war crimes.
He has been investigated for fraud.
He was personally mentioned in court documents where at least 14 different witnesses have testified private military security forces employed by Exxon Mobil working in Indonesia had engaged in serious human rights abuses, including murder, torture, sexual violence, kidnapping, battery, assault, rape, arbitrary arrest, detention and false imprisonment. Instead of denying these things occurred his lawyers have argued he shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of employees even though he directly was involved in the management.
Secretary of the Treasury:
Steven Mnuchin (Worked for Goldman Sachs)
He has been accused of racism by enacting company policies to refuse to give loans to minorities and giving Latinos higher mortgage rates than whites.
If you were a Latino who didn't pay your morgue to Steven Mnuchin's bank you are 20% more likely to be foreclosed on than if you are white and in the same situation.
The bank he headed broke the law numerous times with unethical and illegal foreclosure practices. Such as trying to evict an elderly couple who had already paid them $525,000 in mortgages for a house that was only worth $200,000.
He has been sued dozens of times and settled or was found guilty in multi-million dollar lawsuits on several separate occasions.
He has been forced to testify and received subpoenas from the Department of Housing and Urban Development multiple times during government investigations against him.
He tried to take a 90 year old woman's house because a clerical error made it seem like her payment was 27 cents short.
Secretary of Defense:
James Mattis (Former General)
He says it's fun to shoot people.
He's been implicated in committing war crimes.
After his own soldiers were hit by friendly fire he refused to send rescue and left them to die.
He is on the board of executives of a medical company currently going through bankruptcy after they committed fraud and misrepresented their products.
Attorney General:
Jeff Sessions (Alabama Senator)
He said he supported The K.K.K until he learned they smoked pot.
He admitting to making racist jokes during the investigation of two Klansman whom had kidnapped, beaten, tortured, slit the throat and murdered a young black man in 1981 before hanging his body in a tree at a local park in Mobile, Alabama.
He called an attorney a "race traitor" for defending a black client in a voting rights case.
He was considered by the Reagan administration to racist to be a Judge 30 years ago.
He called the ACLU and the NAACP "un-american" and "communist" for forcing civil rights down Americas throat.
He used racial slurs to address black co-workers. And told one Black Attorney, "You best be careful how you talk to white folks, boy."
He referred to the only black commissioner in Mobile Alabama as "the n*gger"
Dozens of former co-workers allege he is a racist and when asked about racist comments he has refused to give a straight answer.
Q: "Did you refer to him as the N-Word? Yes or no?"
A: "I am not the Jeff Sessions my detractors have tried to create."
He tried to fight against the passage of the violence against women act and fought against laws to make spousal rape a crime.
He said if a person is gay it should automatically disqualify them from getting a job as a judge.
He attempted to pass laws that would defund any school that allowed gay student groups or clubs such as the Gay-Straight Alliances. "An organization that professes to be comprised of homosexuals and/or lesbians must not receive state funding or use state-supported facilities to foster or promote those illegal, and sexually deviate activities that break the sodomy and sexual misconduct laws."
He voted in favor of laws that would make it legal for the U.S military to perform torture.
He supports seizing peoples homes without due process.
He has received a 0% rating from The Human Rights Campaign.
Secretary of Interior
Ryan Zinke (Former Congressman)
When he was in the military he was caught in a pattern of fraud.
He used techniques thought up by Stephen Colbert as a joke as part of a campaign money scheme to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations.
He repeatedly voted in support of logging, drilling, and mining on federally protected land.
He tried to make it legal for hunters to be able to hunt endangered species.
He fought to give federal park land to a coal company who donated $160,000 to his campaign.
Secretary of Agriculture
Sonny Perdue (Former Georgia Governor)
His solution to a drought was to organize a group to go outside the capital building and pray for rain.
He cheated on his property taxes by avoiding to include any mention of his vacation homes to the IRS.
He appointed people to government position in exchange for them selling him land for a cheaper price on at least two separate occasions.
He snuck a bizarre measure into a state law bill about State Safety Regulations that said people don't have to pay property taxes if they buy properties in other states. This saved him $100,000 in property taxes.
He moved all of his money to Florida so he wouldn't have to pay state taxes in Georgia.
He diverted $4.3 million dollars that was supposed to go into building a reservoir into buying massive amounts of land for himself.
Even far right websites managed to create a 22 incident long, 3 year timeline just of scandals involving Perdue either unethically buying or stealing land. Or Perdue trying to use his political power to find bizarre ways to not pay taxes.
Secretary of Commerce
Wilbur Ross (Billionaire coal mine owner, his nickname is "the king of bankruptcy")
He was fined $2.3 million dollars by the SEC for swindling over 10 million in unnecessary fees out of investors.
He killed a dozen miners by knowing violating safety regulations that he was warned would lead to deaths.
He once bailed Trump out of bankruptcy.
Secretary of Labor:
Andrew Puzder (CEO of Carl’s Jr)
He had been accused of beating his wife, medical records prove it was long term and the police were called on atleast two separate occasions.
When asked about the domestic violence charges in court while his wife was trying to get a restraining order he gave bizarrely worded excuses.
Instead of saying:
"Yes I shoved her to the ground so she couldn't call 911."
He said:
"I didn't shove her, I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back I don't know if her foot caught or what happened.”
A year before this incident when he was in court again and asked to describe what happen when he was driving drunk, crashed his car and then punched his wife.
Instead of saying:
"I don't remember what happen that night, I did have a minor accident but it wasn't because of my wife it was because I was driving drunk."
He said:
"I recall no such incident. I do recall going up on a curb but it had nothing to do with my reaction to Lisa. I think it had to do with the liquid refreshment we had with our dinner more than anything else."
At the time of these Domestic Violence allegations he was chair of an anti-abortion task force created by the Governor of Missouri.
When asked if he would resign he said:
"This is a personal matter and has nothing to do with issues I'm speaking out on. The fact that I was appointed to the task force, I don't think is relevant to these issues. This is what normally happens in a divorce case. You're blowing it way out of proportion."
He later was forced to resign from the state run Anti-Abortion task force...
Neighbors called the police on another occasion when he started breaking furniture and plates.
The U.S. Department of Labor found that more than half of his restaurants were committing wage violations.
He was sued and found guilty for discriminating against the physically disabled.
He was sued and found guilty for refusing to pay employees overtime.
He was sued and found guilty for refusing to pay employees overtime again. This time he was forced to pay $9 million dollar.
He was sued and found guilty for refusing to follow safety regulations.
He was sued and found guilty in a class action lawsuit for refusing to compensate employees for work expenses.
He was sued and found guilty for allowing sexual harassment to continue.
He has been accused of racial discrimination.
His company is one of the highest ranked in the country in terms of employees reporting gender discrimination or harassment.
He hired Illegal Immigrants and paid them below minimum wage.
He is against there being a minimum wage.
He argues overtime pay shouldn't exist.
He blames poor people for being in poverty while he earns more money every day than employees at his fast food restaurant earn in an entire year.
He wants to replace employees with machines.
Secretary of Homeland Security:
John F. Kelly (Former General)
He doesn't believe women should be allowed be in the military.
He argues Guantanamo Bay, "Isn't as bad as it seems."
He supports Trump building a wall because Terrorists might sneak in through the Mexican boarder, aided by illegal immigrants.
He lied and said Narcoterrorism have killed 500,000 Americans since 9/11.
Secretary of Energy:
Rick Perry (Former Texas Governor)
He was indicted on Felony Abuse of Power charges.
He promised to abolish the Department of Energy before being picked to lead it.
He allowed the execution of a man later proven to be innocent and stalled the investigation to clear the mans name until after he was executed. Then fired all the people who warned him the man was innocent from the start.
He carries a semi-automatic handgun while jogging, “because he is afraid of snakes.” and for the past several years has bragged during interviews he used it to kill a coyote with a single shot. Though everytime he retold the story there were more inconsistencies.
He has told blacks that racism doesn't exist anymore while at the same time having owned for 33 years a hunting camp named simply, N*ggerhead.
He made sexist comments against the former Governor and then argued against a woman who said she was insulted by them by arguing she wasn't really offended.
He said income inequality isn't a problem because there are poor people in the bible.
He proposed a plan to lower taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor to compensate, when a New York Time reporter brought up how this would create massive levels of income inequality his response was, "I don’t care about that."
He gave a lengthy speech about how Atheists deserve hell and will go there when they die, and how they have to much power in society.
A whistle blower discovered that state juvenile detention facilities had employed sex offenders and had been covering up complaints of abuse in what may of been the largest child sex abuse ring in U.S history, the whistle blower contacted Governor Perry and spoke to him numerous times but Perry refused to do anything about it. Three years later in 2007 the FBI determined that at least 750 girls age 10-17 had been sexually abused by guards and several high ranking administrators who either covered up the abuse or participated in it were arrested. Many of these administrators were personally appointed by Perry himself.
He said the BP Oil spill had nothing to do with poor safety regulations and was actually caused by god.
In college he got a D in a class titled, "Meats."
He vetoed a bill saying the state can't execute the mentally ill.
He has threatened that Texas can secede from the United States more than once.
He said drugs were the cause of the Charleston Church shooting not racism.
He compares being gay to alcoholism.
He suggested Immigrants trying to cross the boarder should be drone striked to keep them from getting in.
He signed an executive order making it so all girls over the age of 12 had to receive a vaccination against sexually transmitted diseases. Then it was revealed his chief of staff was an executive for the company that made the vaccine.
He threatened the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and accused him of treason.
Secretary of Education:
Betsy DeVos (Billionaire private education advocate )
She wants creationism taught in public schools.
Her family made their fortune through a literal pyramid scheme.
She wants to get rid of Child Labor Laws.
She owes millions of dollars in government fines for election fraud.
She lied during Senate Hearings.
She illegally omitted anti-union donations on disclosure forum.
She wants to use American Schools to "Build Gods Kingdom."
She hired a Felon to run her school lobbying group.
She thinks schools should be armed in order to protect themselves against bears.
White House chief strategist:
Steve Bannon (CEO of Breitbart News)
He was arrested for three counts of domestic violence in the 90s.
The charges were dropped after him and his attorney threatened his ex-wife into fleeing the state.
He choked his ex-wife and smashed her phone so she couldn't call 911.
He was accused of sexual harassment by female co-workers. “Saftey Regulations? I’m going to ram those Safety Regulations down her fucking throat,”
“There are some unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement, the women that should lead this country would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children. They wouldn’t be a bunch of dykes that came from the Seven Sisters schools up in New England.” ― Bannon during interview when asked about women in government
He was outraged when he found out that Jews were allowed at his daughters school and complained to them over it.
He helped promote the white supremacist novel The Camp of the Saints which depicts non-white immigrants as barbaric invaders whoes goals for moving to Europe and America is to bring forth the downfall of civilization.
He was a member of a Facebook group that produced racist rants and death threats against President Obama.
He complained about there being to many Asian CEOs.
National Security Adviser:
Michael Flynn (Disgraced former General)
He says Islam is Cancer and it's irrational for people not to be afraid of Muslims.
He ordered female Defense Intelligence Agency employees to "dress sexy" and wear short skirts and makeup.
He was fired from the Military for trying to demand too much power and authority. Though he says the reason was, "political correctness."
Leaked Bush Administration emails show he show he had extreme anger issues, refused to follow orders, went against policy and became, "physcially abusive with staff."
He wants to bring back torture.
He retweeted anti-semetic Tweets.
He is a Board Member for what The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the largest Anti-Muslim Hate Group in America.
His son and top adviser is famous for posting online Conspiracy Theories and racist memes.
Leaked 2010 memo reveals he shared Top Secret Information without permission.
He facilitated the murder of civilians in Afghanistan.
Domestic Policy Adviser
Ken Blackwell (Former Ohio Secretary of State)
He says, "Gays can be reformed, just like arsonists."
He works for an anti-gay hate group who wants gays deported.
He advised Trump to change the laws so youth Homeless shelters could legally refuse to help gay and transgender youth.
He believes mass shooting are caused by America's lack of morality which stems from the country allowing gays to exist.
He wrote an article saying Mosques don't have a right to exist in New York City.
He was accused of rigging the 2004 election in Ohio for George Bush. After he was called to testify in legal hearings by Congress he just refused to show up.
During his term he had 18 major lawsuits.
He accidentally published a list of 1.2 million Social Security numbers of Ohio citizens.
He fought tooth and nail to move too electronic touch screen voting machines instead of paper ballots, after it was discovered the machines had a backdoor software "glitch" it was revealed that Blackwell owned the company that made the voting machines.
A group of 31 pastors contacted the IRS alleging that a number of Churches in the state had been secretly funding Blackwell which violates laws prohibiting charity groups involvement in political campaigns
Blackwell sent an email claiming he had never heard of any of the churches that he was accused of getting illegal donations from. But after media outlets traced the I.P address of the email it was revealed he sent the email inside of the church that he was claiming he had never heard of in the email he was sending from their building...
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