#Sharky and Hurk are my best friends and i love them so much
thewanderer-000 · 2 years
The Random Adventures of Daniella "Danie" Spadina
(Note: this'll be random fanfic series with miscellaneous themes, many media themes, other thing and a touch of nonsense)
The neon sign illuminated the back wall of the bar Daniella inhabited, her new friend Sharky invited her to an after party at his cousins Hurk Jr.'s house. What could it hurt, Sharky said the magic word moonshine, a 'shine called Eden's Bliss, made specifically from a cults special tonic- narcotic, or something. But she was curious, what could go wrong, Danie already jumped time-lines already. What could a drink of another cultist beverage hurt? Plus Mayor Hancock gave her addictal stuff that makes addiction less addicting, like.
"Thanks for driving us Pratt, you're not as much of a dick everyone says you are. Maybe you'd like to try this 'shine me and Hurk made, I haven't tried it yet, but considering you're not on duty maybe you could take a load off" Sharky said as Officer Pratt drove us to Hurk Jr's dads. He kept looking at me as Sharky ramble on, obviously knew I wouldn't from around here, though I could understand the suspicion. Odd characters out there tonight, me, them three brothers that dropped me off at the edge of town were suspicious. Cute but suspicious. Big red asked a lot of questions, felt like a survey so I fired back questions as well. Except the marriage question, people never answered truthfully about that. They're attached to one person, or many, you never know.
"Hey, so you rode with the Seeds?" Pratt asked as we got there, Sharky went to go find Hurk Jr., I was startled since I zoned out reflecting on them three handsome brothers.
"Uh, yeah. Odd bunch, attractive but odd. All of them named with "J" initial, John, Joseph, and Jacob. If they have another brother I'll bet his name is James. The older brother asked a lot of questions, I answered but I asked questions too, it seemed like I passed their survey" Pratt chuckled at my jib, but he looked haunted after a moment which made me feel uneasy. Was that bad? Did I want to ask what it was about, probably best not to, not tonight I wanted to try this 'shine. Couldn't be worse than that brotherhood of steel cultist radioactive juice on Far Harbor.
"Hey! Hurk already started and Nick and Kim and some others are here. Senior is drunk out of his mind, the moonshine is a hit" Sharky said happily, I look and see the truck the three brothers were riding as I get out of Pratts car. I wave just to be friendly since they drove me through mountains and the country side to the edge of town, probably didn't see me but maybe they did.
Lovely people the Reyes, they left early since Nick had to be ready for a couple flight lessons in the morning. They didn't try the moonshine but it was understanding. Hurk senior was put to bed by his son and nephew, that was a shock to them since the old man can handle his drink, I didn't think much of it. But how could I when I kept seeing a few of the Seed brothers here and there when I blink. I drink more and more to see what would happen, Pratt/John/Joseph/Jacob take the bottle from me as I stagger to a lawn chair. And as he goes inside to grab me some water, minutes pass then a big wolf goes running, red lines was set on the head, I go to check on the creature. Grabbing the bottle of moonshine to help the big animal since it wasn't going to help me, except to get drunk.
"Hey, come here boy-, girl? You poor creature come on- back here, you're hurt. Come on, puppy, puppy. Come on- baby" I say chasing this behemoth of a wolf around the Drubman fishing hole, the beast out runs me. I still head in the direction of where I can hear distant foot steps ahead of me once we-, I cross the main road. I chase till I reach a cabin, and it's suspicious and it oddly stinks of the moonshine.
"Oh shit, where'd you go. I can't hear you, baby. Come on, you're hurt-, oh God, I'm outta shape and hella drunk" I looked down and realized that I took off without my boots, that explains why I could feel everything as I ran. I sit on the cabins stoop since I couldn't catch up. Taking a drink as I accept that I couldn't help the big beast.
"Oh, now that packs a punch. I wonder what the survey thing was, I wonder if big red was attached to anyone-" a howl made me jump as I take another long and unfortunate big gulp, I hiccup and burp feeling like I am either very lucky or unlucky for that.
"Hck, shit. Oh- mm" I lay back on the floor feeling weirder than usual and hot, the smell of the green barrels fueling my disorientation.
"Are you ok?" A cool voice said, I look over my form drunkenly and it's big red, I feel a warm tingle after, warm tingle all over. I try to not think about that and suppress it or that warmth would be running down my leg. Not the first time I pissed myself in front of people though this would be the first I wasn't on a toilet. And giving a sample for a bunch of lab coats.
"Why'd you- hck-, look so good?" I say not suppressing the warm tingle, and carefully laying my head back. I close my eyes then that was it as I fell asleep, I had the craziest dreams of mountains and this floating feeling, like I was being carried by the warmest clouds. I go through a door to an office like setting, very familiar like a lobby or activity room. I could only focus on how felt sticky the clouds feel but I enjoyed them since they didn't smell like the green barrels.
I woke up in a room that I didn't remember entering, I roll out of the bed I was sleeping in and wonder why my pants weren't on. I remember seeing the one balcony door open and someone telling me to "go to sleep", then I think I turned to the voice and obnoxiously cuddled on to them. I don't know what happened after, most likely fell asleep.
I walk over to the balcony door and opened it to see everyone out there moving around and then I heard him, the voice from last night, far off yelling orders and encouragement to people. It was the handsome older brother, I get out and lean on the balcony to see where he was. We made eye contact once I found him, I wave and smile before going back inside to look for my pants and my boots. And that bottle of moonshine, but I might have drank it all.
"Where the hell did I leave my pants and boots? What happened to my socks, they're all dirty?" I say picking them up, at least I think these are mine, I rethink that they were mine. Just then a knock at the door startled me, I drop the random socks and stand as inconspicuous and alluring as possible.
"Come in" I answered quickly. "Jacob" entered, his stare made me realize that I forgot my pants, and the fact his face went a few shades red hinted at it. He immediately looked up so as not to stare at my cute panties, it made me blush because of course I'd forget.
"Well ain't you doing all the good?" Jacob remarked as he went to leave but I cross the room and pulled him back, man is tall and heavy. No easy feat pulling him back but I did it, I had questions and needed answers for what, how and why.
"Hold up, I have questions, nevermind my half dressed bawdy?" I say the last bit jokingly to lighten this awkward situation, though I felt a bit dizzy like the moonshine was still in effect. He made eye contact for the sake of not looking down than needed, I wasn't very tall.
"OK, shoot honey. I ain't got all day" I'm slightly caught off guard with his little southern twang, then I focus because I felt a cool breeze through the open balcony door.
"Where's my pants and boots, where am I and how'd I get here?" I asked hands on my hips, Jacob looked down then up and away.
"Look here. I don't care and besides didn't we sleep together-." I think and grow red as Jacob begins to pinken.
"Uh-, nevermind. You know what I meant-. I'm hungover and just waking up, my way with words has left me" I say just going and grabbing a drawer and grabbing the first pair of pants and slipping them on, my slutty mouth has to say the worst sentence at the moment. Could I make this more awkward, I had to leave before I said more gonk things, I suppose Johnny was right. My talking when awkward or intoxicated is too much, I swear he was the best and worst. How the hell was it cute though, fuck that guy and his Silverhand, it grabbed too hard during sexy times. Well not all the time but sometime. Jacob stood there as I quickly grabbed things that weren't mine, probably confused by the fact that I was grabbing stuff and heading out the door.
"Uh- did you want to? It can be arranged, Danie, if you wish?" Jacob said, I dropped the jacket and looked at him intrigued, not declining but interested. He's got a good physic, from what I could remember, granted I was just using part of him like a pillow. But who knows how long I'll be here, did it matter I'd have to leave this universe too eventually. And he oddly felt familiar but I couldn't place what it was that made me feel a degree of comfort about him.. This wouldn't be the first time I unintentionally joined a cult, hopefully they wouldn't deny. The amount of cults I came across they'd deny it.
"Ummkay, I could stay for a while, then look for my pants later" I picked up the jacket and put it back on the desk and dropped trou-, more like wiggle and boom I was pants less once more. But he quickly pulled them back up and came very close pushing me towards the double doors leading to the hall.
"Come on, I know a place" he said in my ear before laying a kiss below my neck, I immediately suspected this would be a good outdoor trip.
"What the hell!?" I whisper as I couldn't be more wrong as the tent we fell asleep in, after sexy time activities were done. A bunch of wolves surrounded us, well, me. Jacob must have went out for a bit, I could hear the wolves play fighting with an animal limb or something they hunted, I just seen their shadow. I wasn't ready for that, I was looking for my clothes but unfortunately I can't find them. This is probably what I get for making fun of that TV show about the naked people in the woods in that one dimension. I sift through the sleeping bags and blankets and find Jacob's shirt, I put it on then hear the distant sound of a vehicle. The wolves weren't forgotten just because it got quiet out, till I heard a rustling at the opening of the tent, a wolfy snout pushed its way in.
"Shit, this is where and how I end, or just get mauled a bit more. Jacob Seed, you were great in sleeping bag, and by camp fire" I whisper as the tent zipper gave way with a whole wolf pushing in to the tent as the vehicle got closer and closer. But the wolf made way and clumsily got in sniffling and snuffling, I was expecting hungry, vicious animal. The wolf seemed to be looking for something or someone as the large thing started to paw at sleeping bags and blankets. Then found me as the scent it was tracking was on me or me?
"Oh fuck" I murmur as the large beast snuffle Jacob's shirt, the size of the wolf was humongous, this looked larger than any wolf I saw before. I waited for it to bite and rip me out of the tent but nothing. Plop, she rested in my lap just cozy, I go to pat but she sees and naws on my hand.
"Oh! I'm sorry" I panic for a moment but realized that this wasn't a mad bite but something else. I wonder if they knew Jacob, maybe they followed us and watched us last night. I wouldn't remember or hadn't noticed since I was immensely preoccupied.
"Hm? You are pretty nice, like domesticated and very cute but still dangerous" I say as cautious as ever while the wolf licked and softly naw on my hand as my other hand pet her. The vehicle finally made it, after a moment the engine cut and a door opened and closed.
"Danie?" Jacob called, probably suspected that the wolves scared me off, but this isn't the oddest thing to happen, I've seen odd and experienced it quite a bit.
"Yeah, I'm being weighed down by a large soft girl with the cutest ears" I hear a sigh of relief as Jacob walked over to the tent.
"I brought you some clothes since I didn't know where the wolves took yours. We'll let you change" a sentence I had never heard from anyone, yet, I liked it. Because, well, wolves. Jacob handed me the bag and whistle to the wolf to follow him as he closed the tent.
"Thank you, oddly this isn't new, I lose clothes here and there, and judging by the shirt and jacket they took your stuff too" he chuckled lightly as his shadow displayed him giving affection to his wolves.
"They did, underwear, and jacket. If you're not careful they'll take your important shit, if not them the raven's will take stuff too. And now I have questions as to how, why and where you've lost clothing, sounds like interesting stories and adventures" I ponder on that, as I pull on the donated clothes, which smells like campfire and Jacob's fancy smell good spray. I found it in one of the drawers, I don't remember putting it back in my search for pants. I absent-mindedly left it out to smell later, though once Jacob came into his room it was instantly forgotten.
"I'm aware, wolves, raven's and corvids. All in cahoots, kinda cute. Though. I think I may have too many stories, it's all usually shoes, jackets, hats, though maybe few times I lost full outfits. That's not including the ruined clothes" I step out of the tent while doing a quick braid, I think on my adventures and remember.
"Once, I fooled around with a musician/former military guy. I went to a bar where this after party was, the guy was drunk, flirty and hella forward too. I avoided him at first but then when I was at the bar getting a few drinks for me and the group I befriended, yeah. He shot, his shot, my drunk self said something flirty and insulting an hour later we were getting busy in a restroom stall at the bar. Then I went to his place where it continued on the way to then against his apartment door. So clothes have been shed, sexy times have been had, I wake up clean myself up and as I'm about to look for my clothes I hear him talking to an irate woman on the phone" I stand trying to remember what happened next, being young, drunk and trying to hide from a one night stands significant others is stupidity I gradually learned not be in, in the past. I've been kinda better just had time-line jumping added to my messy mix.
"And shit, she was mad, and for good reason, her friends saw him a couple days before taking a woman to his place. I only grab what I can see, which are my bag and phone, he rushes in and says 'I don't have time for this' wrapped me in his bedsheet and told me to wait on the fire escape. I don't, I go down, duck in the nearest unlocked window grab some random shoes that fit while I hear him and the woman argue. I hear his window open and luckily I'm in some random apartment, I laugh out of regret because I've been in that same situation before. Their fight is louder, I change into some random woman's clothes, because Johnny and his woman are still arguing, even as I'm clothed and leaving out the front door of some apartment. I return the bedsheet, the fight isn't as loud she still sounds suspicious but he's putting on a good enough act to sway her. I just leave the bedsheet on the floor next to his door, and shake my head then leave, I had stuff to do and was so ashamed. I didn't want to add to the number of women she said he cheated with, three other women, ugh. I didn't see him for weeks but she broke up with him then we fooled around some more, I was cross with him but damn was he charming. His band mates seemed unphased, but they were nice like, I only was around for-, I think roughly half a year. Then work took me elsewhere, that was long ago, definitely a time to remember" who could forget a world with robotic like limbs and Night City, what a trip. Jacob gave me a look I wasn't quite ready for, did he know I wasn't from this time-line. I look away thinking of another memory where I lost clothing and nothing too out of the ordinary but that was difficult since I myself wasn't ordinary or from this time line.
"You're not from here, huh?" Jacob said inquisitive tone level as his eyes looked for evidence of my birth home. I see his eyes, searching me for answers, like he could recognize the truth through all my false efforts.
"Hehe, uh. What are you on about, like I'm not from Montana but-" he moved close caressing my cheek in a very familiar way, and like that I remember it. We met before, a long, long time ago, I knew those eyes, we found each other.
"You're Jake, Jake from Juvie" I say softly, remembering how I got picked up by police because the portal dropped me on a cop car. Luckily, they were patrolling kinda slow but the drop still hurt, I think I was 16. 16, no id card, my bag of belongings didn't help me, I was thrown in a juvenile detention facility for putting up a fight with the police. The lady who was my case worker fudged some documents for me, I knew enough but they took my time travel stuff. Plus, I had to wait for it to charge, this universe beat the earth that had human size bugs on it. Or I think it was earth. And there he stood, a husky tall redhead, big, bruised and bloody knuckles. I wasn't sure about this, I had a weakness for boys like him and I was right. We insulted each other but I knew, I knew it would only inspire more down the line.
"Hey, jailbait" I fumed at that Insult, why did guys use that and on me. Johnny Silverhand, Eddie, that Ted boys dad, and my professors snarky assistant.
"And good bye" I turn to leave only for Jacob Seed to laugh then close the space and wrapped me up in his arms. I thought I'd never feel this again or see him or this universe again.
"Don't be like that. You know, I never thought I'd see you again, I actually hoped that I would again. And for awhile I pushed the idea you ever happened away, for a long time, I looked all over for you once I was well. But the information given was false and the case worker had passed on, I only knew you by Danie. But any trace of you was gone like that light" I hold on to his hands, it's been too long since we been close. Too long, I seen his one coat had been from the army and I wonder what life he lived once I left.
"I hoped to see you again too, I never thought I would, sadly. I just had to keep moving, well, more like I had to buck up. Moving wasn't my choice, I wished it could be my choice" Jacob let me go to turn me to him, I did and look into his eyes and I felt like the teenager I met before was back in front of me. Then realization hit me, we were both 16 in juvie, Jacob looked older, I wasn't 40. Shit, shit, shit.
"So what's it like time traveling?" Jacob asked, I felt like my soul left my body, he wasn't going to beat around the bush. At least I won't have make up a long ass lie, besides I don't think I could make up a lie to cover the fact I am very much in my twenties. Late twenties but still, I smile at him not being freaked out, though he probably was freaking out before he returned to this here campsite.
"Ah, yeah. It feels confusing and I don't know how I got back to "this", this time-line. And the fact that we met in our teens. And it's given me more questions but I'll figure it out, and if I find my professor I'll have to talk about this and a hypothesis on why my device brought me back. The bonds maybe tied to this, we bonded while in juvie before I jumped-." I say giving it plenty of thought on it.
"Huh? Well, we did more than bond from what I remember back then" I blush, male ego. But can't deny he was my first relationship, amongst other things. I could choke him, or smother him in kisses, I try to think of something, anything else but how could I? I was fixing to take him with me, we'd have been jumping through time. Almost to adulthood but shy off 2 years, instead of a car I had a time traveling device that could take me to any point. All that stuff is the past now. We had some catching up to do till the particles magnetize and put me somewhere else. And who knew when, I had a reader for it but sometimes it moved faster than I could keep up at times.
"I'm almost surprised that we didn't get caught sneaking out or were caught going at it. You were always so loud, still are actually" Jacob rolled his eyes but smiled wickedly. I knew what that meant, I stepped back only to be lifted as Jacob roughly snuffled me while rubbing his beard into me. I scream and laugh, he stops to steal a few kisses.
"You're not going to make me say uncle? Are you, I kinda don't mind this as opposed to that stubble you had back then" he grimace at me then laugh.
"I think I'll shave now, thank you" I gasp, knowing I should have just enjoyed it and not said anything, I'll be sporting beard burn now.
"So rude, you're lucky you are handsome" Jacob stuck his tongue out.
"And you're beautiful, even when covered in beard burn and hickies" I couldn't help but blush at the prospect of doing that again, we could have some fun before I have to leave this universe/ time-line.
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☕ + Far Cry 5?
Honestly I fell in love with this game, from the very beginning the story and the characters intrigued me and the whole look of the game is just gorgeous!! I'm a sucker for religious stories and the way the game handles the cult is really interesting to me, and not to mention all of the characters are so well written to me. I'm not amazing at the fighting aspect of the game but the story and characters make the struggle of getting through it worth it for me.
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4,13,19,26 for Gigi?
Amanda my beloved! Thank you so much for asking these 💕
4. What type of weapons do they prefer?
previously answered here
Her trusty rusty bat aka Ol’ Reliable™.
This bitch grew up with SpongeBob like all of us.
13. From the GFH/FGH which one they get along with the most?
previously answered here
I could never pick just one 🙈 so instead I’ll describe Gigi’s relationship with each a bit more in detail and hope that’s okay with you too. ♡
Boomer: Her good boy!! She is always so grateful to see him whenever she visits the Ryes and he senses that she is usually in need of some good old-fashioned canine comforting. Gigi’s heart breaks every time for his because despite having lost his Rea Rea, the were best friends for sure, and having to go through some brutal peggies shit too, he is still such a friendly loveable loyal companion. So they will cuddle and play and frolick around. Boomer thinks it’s good for his human to get some exercise with him and he‘ll gladly fetch the tennis ball for her any time because throwing it seems to really excite her.
After baby Carmina arrives and Joey is finally free he moves in with her though. Just like Gigi she is in need of a loyal caring partner and he takes great pride in caring for her.
Nick: She’d not only die for him but give him a kidney. He made her godmother to his baby after all! The first time she firmly declines his offer for a flight he is a bit hurt though but understands soon enough that it’s not because she doubts his abilities as a pilot but because she has yet to process the helicopter crash. Gigi also does have a little crush on Kim and him but doesn’t make a move in fear of putting them off. (They do share a bed though from time to time. Whatever that might mean.)
Grace: Gigi is deeply in awe of her and has nothing but respect for the amazing Grace. She can sometimes be a little reserved about Gigi‘s loud side but that’s just her personality. She is all the more down to listen to the softer notes of her mix though and has her back from the first moment they talk. Grace knows gigi is a good person a really respects how much she does for the county.
Cheeseburger: Big. Wonderful. Cuddlebug. Most adventures they go on consist of hiking and napping. Cheeseburger loves how the deputy can scratch all of her itches that develop under that enormous coat soooo well and she will often bring dried fish as a treat for her. The understand each other without words and spending time with Cheeseburger really relaxes the deputy. Who could resist snuggling up against that big plushie after all?
Hurk: Shenanigans galore ensured! They bond over meming and scheming and their shared love for cartoons and tiddies. Gigi loves listening to his stories of his travels but doubts the accuracy of the them at least 70% of the time. He basically treats her like a little sister, showed her how to light farts on fire. They once got drunk and were REALLY committed to giving each other tongue piercings (but luckily did not follow through).
Jess: They bond over cartoons and tiddies too but soon get much closer than that. Jess finds real comfort in spending time with Gigi, something she had secretly been missing for a long time. Gigi always wishes she could “fix” everything that shattered the huntress so many times that she has grown a shell of steel by now so she is happiest when she can just hold her to her chest when she has fallen asleep.
Peaches: magical 👏🏽 hands 👏🏽 the murderous secret cuddle bug can always rely on Gigi finding the right spot to pet on her head and under her chin. She just naturally is a cat person and they get along like littermates. Sometimes Peaches even licks her for a bit and will run off to rip some peggies’ throat out before Gigi has even spotted them. She’s the only FFH allowed in her bed.
Sharky: Another best buddy power couple! Both love to just hang out, sip some beer and share snacks. Sometimes they will play guitar together and Sharky is absolutely enchanted by her singing. He calls her Stinky or Shorty. They also smash a lot. He is in awe of how he can get this bundle of nerves and tension to unwind and let go of herself and he’d be the only person she’d ever potentially allow to knock her up. (Not gonna happen though.)
Adelaide: A bit of her mum and a bit of her bad influence-friend. They often enable each other but generally in positive ways. Addie is one of the only people who at least suspects how much Gigi is sleeping around. She is none to judge though and even helps her through a pregnancy scare once. Our queen has been there, done that and some things you just cannot be alone with. They’ll always be there for each other.
@adelaidedrubman also asked to know more about the relationship between my dep and the Ryes so I shall expand on that in a future post 💕
19. How do they feel about Faith?
Definitely the most positive out of the Seeds. Gigi, especially initially, fails to realise that Faith is just as bad as the others, just different. She knew before arriving that Joseph got her to join the family when she was 17 and won’t stop viewing her as the vulnerable teenage addict for a while, completely disregarding all of her actions which are literally just as bad as her brothers’. So congrats to my deputy for being a dum dum and literally falling for their narrative of innocence and all that blah. (Wanna implement a little disclaimer here that, yes, the abuse she faced was bad and Faith/Rachel is not a bad person for it, also not for it making her especially deceptible for joining the cult of a much older man who manipulated her into it. She is still very much responsible for her actions though and drugs and trauma are not an excuse for harmful bahaviour and deeds. Of course y’all know that bc ur smart but it felt important to make this clear again.)
The first times my deputy experiences very bad bliss trips, she also does not make the connection to Faith being responsible for it which she very much is though. The siren has a habit of making people go through the worst shit in their minds while only being present for the aftermath, to “rescue” them from their trip and pull them out of the bliss. She only ever appears in positive visions.
Has stolen Gigi’s shoes on numerous occasions. They always turn up again somewhere after a while though. But it’s enough to make Gigi question her sanity every time it happens.
26. What do they feel about Joseph?
this is a lot like 24, previously answered here, so I’m taking this as an opportunity to add more
If you were to ask Gigi she’d tell you that he has never outright hurt her which is… kinda true? He has a great way of concealing his violence by having it carried out through his brothers, sister and followers. Joseph is also never the first one to lash out at her, always finding “reasons” to do so, always staying calm during it and reassuring her that it is something he does not want to but has to do. She basically only has herself to blame anyways.
Gigi unfortunately eats that shit up but is still peripherally aware that he is definitely not doing the right thing. She couldn’t kill him, at least not of her own accord. If he basically pounced her and tried to choke her to death then probably yes but she would never walk up to a “peaceful civillian” and stab them right in the eye. She tries to reason with him though whenever possible but stinky little preacher man would of course never accept that.
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johnseedfanclub · 3 years
microscope, mixtape, ufo, and parachute for Angel please!!
okay....This one’s quiiiiite lengthy sorry about that 😅😅😅
Thanks for the ask! ♥️
Hope y’all like this one~
microscope: zoom in – describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
Angel loves Thai iced tea and sweet drinks! He only drinks coffee for the caffeine but doesn’t actually like coffee (he prefers his with a lot of sugar/flavoring to cover up the bitter coffee taste)
Angel wishes he could have a pet but is scared he might hurt them with his bad mood swings
He secretly loves and wants plushies. He also has an attachment to them but never admits it because he’s “too old” for them.
His type is brunette, charming, suave, rich/wealthy men (not literally but is a nice add on yk~) , with light colored eyes (coincidentally it sounds like John but he can’t stand him)
Actually acts out/badly for a bit of attention he usually does it for shits and giggles but does it to receive a reaction out of someone whether it be from the person he’s talking to or the audience watching
He actually wishes people gave him more affection and reassurance. He never truly knows how much his friends appreciate him an a lot of times he feels like they don’t much. He doesn’t tell them the truth though because he doesn’t want to come off as jealous, needy or as an “attention seeker”
Likes dressing feminine more than masculine. He absolutely HATES men’s clothing Hawaiian shirts, turtlenecks, tuxedos/formal wear are the only exceptions (he would pretend to like the boxes of men’s clothing he would receive from friends as gifts. Would never even wear them. Maybe once if he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings)
Canonically he is “blonde” but he’s actually a brunette (light brown hair) but likes to dye his hair blonde instead
ufo: identity! what are some key identifying qualities or traits of your OC(s)? how to they identify in regards to gender/sexuality?
Special Qualities: his personality. Angel has a very unique personality compared to everyone he knows. He has this funny, mean/sarcastic, chill vibe to him. He always teases and plays around with his friends, not to mention he’s quite blunt and honest with anyone (even more harsh to people who annoy him). And though he seems like a small angry chihuahua at times, he’s a real sweetheart to everyone. He is never afraid to try anything new, no matter now fucking crazy or dangerous it may be he’s totally down to do it. That’s why both Eden’s Gate and the Resistance fear
Good Traits: He’s comedic (even at the worst times or when you need it), is the best at throwing house parties (even at 30 years old), he can help you with any favor it doesn’t even matter what it is (almost impossible to ask him of something he can’t do), he’ll take care of you when you’re sick/hungover/injured/depressed/having a panic attack, he’s a great cook and willing to share whatever he makes with anyone (if there’s enough), and he’s always generous (a big gift giver)
Bad Traits: He can a bit overly aggressive/rude (sometimes accidentally), he’s bad at remembering/keeping tract of things (he knows everyone’s favorite animal but totally forgets their birthdays and/or names), tends to crack under too much (bad) pressure and become extremely aggressive or violent, holds in his true feelings and emotions, has really bad mood swings, can be easy to piss off, can be too loud (mouthed) at times
Sexuality: Gay (attracted to men)
Gender identity: depends on the way he dresses/his mood normally he prefers he/him/they/them but if he dresses more feminine (wears makeup, tight dresses, feminine accessories) you could call him by she/him, or even they/them. (No pronoun preferences when he cross dresses)
#squad: who’s friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
Angel has few friends outside Hope County. The main people he’s friends with are Mary May, Jerome, Staci Pratt, Sharky Boshaw, Hurk Drubman Jr, Adelaide, Faith Seed, the Angel Twins (Jeremiah and Isaiah), the Whitetails, and a few of the peggies of Eden’s Gate
The only squads that Angel are apart of are
Sharky + Hurk = The Bomb Squad
Peggies = Eden’s “Gays”
Angel, Sharky, and Hurk are like the best and worst pairing. They’re all sweet, funny, and humble but can be obnoxious and destructive as FUCK. Anytime they go somewhere to find/finish some mission. It always ends in them leaving a trail of either, fire, gunpowder, or an explosion of some sort (either vehicle, silo, bliss tank, or outpost/building). Don’t even ask or mention what they do for leisure time. More crazy stunts and tricks that could put any normal person with a normal brain in the ER in critical condition. And at the bar? Jesus Christ. They order enough alcohol to kill 5 men but somehow make it through the night. And if they aren’t drinking, they’re sure as hell smoking weed or whatever the fuck Sharky has been brewing in his trailer (it’s most likely a 50/50 chance that you’ll pass out or die from it). They’re definitely one crazy ass group, nothing you would ever even expect, not even out of a crazy...Hollywood...Michael Bay movie. A feminine Latino city gay, an old cheery bomb-rocket enthusiast, and a insane pyromaniac that has a warrant. There definitely isn’t a dull moment with these three. But...you’re good as gone if you’re stuck with them for more than 11 minutes.
Angel and the Eden’s “Gays” are a pretty decent sized group of 6 men (plus the Twins some days) that are the few queer men of Eden’s Gate. Originally they seemed quite closeted because of the cult’s religion and some of its rules. But with Angel around they soon became another loud, obnoxious group of men. Before the whole group was “founded” the original 6 peggies (including John Seed himself) didn’t like Angel at all because of how loud and “out” he seemed (not to mention the carelessness). But as Angel visited the bunkers more often (after he was kidnapped by John) they slowly grew fond of him. Angel would always do kind gestures to learn more about Eden’s followers by helping them with chores, tasks, bringing them food and treats from outside the compound (though he wasn’t supposed to), and even help them find comfort in their own troubles. Though Angel liked a lot of the members he really favored 6 different followers in particular Connor, Michael, Anthony, Jace, and Jefferey (those who were the first followers he interacted with). Now they’re known as Eden’s Gays troublemakers. They sneak out to the Spread Eagle to drink, host secret parties in Hope County, and smoke as well. There isn’t a moment where they aren’t breaking the cult’s rules. They’re the only group of peggies some of the resistance members trust mostly because Angel made a rule of not attacking or harming them and actually enjoy being around. They’re definitely always getting into trouble with both sides too, much like Angel, starting small fights during church/sermons, fooling around on the job, or going around Hope County not to attack the locals but pester the living shit out of them. They almost stop being violent mean peggies and instead just become this goofy comedic group of young men. (Fun Fact: the “Eden’s Gays” were actually a thing before the cult became hostile *during its first few years in Hope County* and John was mostly the “leader” of the crazy group)
mixtape: 5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like.
(The possibilities are endless for this one so I’m sticking to a Baddie playlist he would listen to)
May I ~ Flo Mili
Literal Legend ~ Ayesha Erotica
Yikes ~ Nicki Minaj
I like it ~ Cardi B
Sway With Me ~ Saweetie & GALAXARA
parachute: who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
Missy (my U.S. Marshal oc), is one of the few people he trusts the most. During the time from when he was arrested to when he was released out of jail (and transferring to Hope County Jail), she was always like a mother figure to him. And though she was supposed to investigate Angel’s murder and drug charges, she treated him kindly and respect, instead of a criminal. Without Missy, Angel might as well been as good as dead since she was the one that helped him move to a psychiatric ward instead of federal prison after discovering who he really was. Even after he was released, Missy still treated him as if he was her own son. She allowed him to stay at her penthouse apartment when Angel told her his father had disown him and he had no where to go. She always cared about him, made sure he ate, drank water, took care of himself, and even helped him get a better mindset. Though Angel still teases Missy by calling her “Mama Bear (Missy)” or “Mother Goose (or hen)” he’s forever grateful she was always there for him.
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llucy-san · 4 years
Tagged by @nightwingshero @pd3 ❤️ ❤️
Three ships: okay, I'm gonna cheat over here cause I don't have only three AND I'm not going to write about mine OC's. Just need to mention some people. There are a lot of people over here who got unique characters and personalities so I will mention those who I know. I will put it under the cut.
Deputy / Seed family
× my first deputy interaction was from fanfiction of talented @nightwingshero and her deputy Wren. She got my heart from the start. Jo creats her story in every way possible. Like, it's always blows my mind when I read Wren's new adventure. Jo not only connects Wren with John, no sir, THIS GIRL IS GODDES OF SHIPS, seriously!!!! I mean just look at those spicy snippets of her work with other deputies. . . It's just 👀👀 I can't describe it, okay. She is wonderful.
× next one is my love Joanne Burton created by oh so talented @tomexraider. My lord this character have *balls* even though she is woman. Dovie created such an angle. And when I'm at it I can't forget to mention her handsome (non-deputy) Michael Hughes. This dude is great and I love the relationship between him and Joanne and other characters. And if my dreams come true, and Dovie write down the fanfiction of any of her characters I will be waiting for it with my bated breath. LOVE YOU 😘
× then comes Rey Jackson, created by lovely @pd3 . I don't have to say more because everyone here knows this name and Lindsay created such a great universe for her. It's from Rey's life as a deputy fighting in Hope County, living in peace in bunker, to living in apocalyptic Hope County.
× Wesley Brooks created by lovely @risenlucifer . KATE, you wonderful human being. You have such a handsome man. Just seeing him and what you do with every piece you post here it's *chefs kiss * I love it and you❤️❤️
× then there is deputy Rheese Bennett created by @xbaebsae . Angy, ignore those who says that your beautiful bean is not worth it. BECAUSE SHE IS!!! ❤️ The gifs and work you are making for us is, THANK YOU!!! Just keep posting whatever and how many Rheese stuff cause We LOVE HER AND YOU!!!
× okay now I'm going to mention this sweet and soft lady that won my heart. And so does the artist. Miss Elizabeth Parker, created by @spicevalleys . This lady is my pudin, okay. I love every art and every tiny detail. This person gives me daily dose of soft moment, so thank you!! ❤️
× must say this character is new for me but from the very first moment I fall in love. Miss Joy created by the wonderful @fromathelastoveritaserum . Just a few weeks ago we started talking and also played the fc5 and had the best time of day. I'm still laughing at the moment when I accidentally set on fire Hurks place *ops*🔥🤷‍♀️🔥. But I need to get back to the lady. She is wonderful and love her story and her relationship with each Seed. I really recommend to read that fanfiction. This lady is beautiful, soft but also sassy.
× Moving on, @ja-crispea . Jaye, you dearie. Hannah is such a sweetheart. The story you creates for her is wonderful every single time. Like come on, every time you post something from her life I'm like, yeaaaahaww. *so sorry*.
× Deputy Natalie created by lovely @dieguzguz . I adore this child. I adore her eyes. Sam, you have talent to write such a awesome stories and the last one you did was amazing. I just can't wait to see more because I'll not have enough your work.
Non-deputy / Seed family
× the queen Lyra Fairbanks, created by another queen @faithchel . This lady is my love. She doesn't have the best history, survived so many pain and traitorous things and yet she's survivor. Dear Stela, I love your child and love you. Keep up the good work.
Deputy / GFH
okay there is not much of this option I know but I love those few I know. Sooo
× this lady is the first I saw in here from art. Deputy Callahan, created by @minilev also know as leavenopathuntaken. Anna, what can I say, you are the best. The art 10/10, the friend and support for all of us in here 10/10. And Deputy Callahan and Sharky, ❤️❤️❤️. I love them and love Sharky. He's my man and the best character. It was so long since I saw her art but I'd love to see her again.
Moving on.
Geralt of Rivia and Yennerfer from Vegenburg (witcher, best relationship ever)
Arthur Morgan and John Marston (Red dead redemption 2, family love)
Last song: Until the Leeve (Joy Williams
Currently reading: you got me over here. Nothing. I have so much work that I can't find the time to do anything just sleep and go to work again so nothing.
Currently watching: 911
Currently craving: nothing special
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belorage · 4 years
Wes for the full clear on the OC asks? 😘😘😘
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What’s their full name? Wesley Daniel Brooks
What does their name mean? Why were they named that? Wesley means “western meadow,” Daniel means “God is my judge,” and Brooks means “stream.” You can find my real world reasoning for choosing his name here. As for the canon reasoning, Wesley is a family name on his father’s side and Daniel is a good Christian name. 
Do they have any nicknames? Lots. Wes is the big one (Hwes if you’re Hurk Jr.), Rook, Dep (Deputy if you're as extra as John Seed), Bright Eyes (Raf only), Sundance (Nick only), Darling (Lyra, when she’s being cheeky), and probably a handful more that I’m forgetting.
How old are they? 28, almost 29 as of the start of FC5.
When’s their birthday? November 11, 1989
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance? Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Aquarius rising. Year of the snake. Birthstones are topaz and citrine. He isn’t aware enough of any of this to believe in it.
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities? He is a natural disaster in human form. His special ability is that he somehow manages to survive that for as long as he does.
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor? A revolver (Steel & Ivory), a sawed-off shotgun (Sin Eater), or basic hand-to-hand. Close combat is preferable to range. He also uses homemade C4 in his tireless crusade against cult infrastructure.
What do they look like? He’s 6′3″, has brown-ish hair (specifically, a warm golden bronze color) and hazel eyes with long eyelashes. Fit, moderate-to-lean build. Sharp features, angular jaw, a pronounced Cupid’s bow. He has the facial hair of a man who has forgotten to shave for two weeks, because he is—you guessed it—a man who has forgotten to shave for two weeks.
Do they have a face claim? Tomas Skoloudik
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup? Casual clothing—flannels (often tied around the waist), t-shirts, henleys, jeans, boots, jewelry (gold, leather), leather jacket, cargo jacket. His hair is messy and soft, just like he is, because he doesn’t overload it with hair products unlike some people. He’s got an ouroboros tattooed around the lower part of his right forearm and (universe-dependent) John and Lyra’s names on the inside of his wrists.
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression? He attempts to project swagger and indifference, but to anyone who knows him and is paying attention, he’s an open book. In a comfortable environment, he’s loose and casual. His default expression is fixated if he has something to occupy his mind and distant if he doesn’t.
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities? No, but he’s got bruises and flesh wounds aplenty! He’s got bite marks and scratches galore! You want knife-slashing scars? He’s got twenty. But who cares? No big deal. Wes wants mooooore! 🎵
What’s their alignment? Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? ISFP
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? I answered for his favorite films and TV here, and his favorite book is Watership Down. He likes the Beatles and bar snacks and black coffee. His favorite cultists are Lyra, John, and Shaggy—please don’t judge him.
What are they bad at? Dancing!
What kind of things do they dislike/hate? Hates being controlled, dislikes very sweet things.
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? Impulsiveness, reactive behaviors. He smokes and drinks, although neither of those are done with a shocking amount of excess. Previously, harder drugs. 
What are their goals and motivations? Freedom and acceptance.
What are their manners like? Any habits? He’s not a jerk; he has passable manners when the situation calls for them, but Emily Post would like him not. His habits are covered in much more detail here, but the big one is that he tends to busy his hands and/or mouth with things wherever possible.
What are they most afraid of? Rejection, abandonment, enclosed spaces, death (specifically, the possibility of an afterlife). 
Where were they born? What was their childhood like? Born in Hope County. He was an only child and his home life was suspect, but made moderately more bearable by his best friend. Once he realized trying to please his father was a losing battle, he said hell yeah to a downward spiral of rebelliousness and troublemaking.
What’s their family like? His dad was a jerk of the sort that would never be satisfied. Big on toxic masculinity, short on acceptance. His mother loved him, but she fell in line more often than not.
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold? Hope County Sheriff’s Office (probationary sheriff’s deputy), Hope County Resistance (figurehead, pot stirrer, problem magnet). 
How do they fit into their “story”? Barely. Next question. I hate to use this word yet again, but it’s the only one that fits: his story is mostly about acceptance—self, fate, fault, sorrow, joy—because as much as he desired acceptance from others, he denied a lot of it for himself.
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like? He grew up in the Silver Lake trailer park, way up on the northeastern end of Holland Valley, near the Whitetails. For the duration of the game timeline, I picture him spending more time crashing where he can—with the Ryes, in the woods, wherever—but his own place would be sparse and fairly untidy, with clothes tossed everywhere. 
How do they eventually die? Wesley intends to live forever. How dare you insinuate—
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend? Within the timeline of the game, he has quite a few. Raf is his best friend (and has been since they were kids), but Nick (and Kim) are both up there. He has a soft spot for Mary May; that seems to be reciprocal. He appreciates Grace because she doesn’t ask unnecessary questions. Sharky and Hurk offer unconditional friendship, which he appreciates and sorely needs. Adelaide is the vodka aunt who thirsts after his ex. She tries to rile him up sometimes (in a myriad of ways), but he likes her. And if you account for other universes, his friend count goes way up thanks to the various and sundry brat squad kids.
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it? When he was younger, he was the introvert-adopted-by-an-extrovert. He was a bit too withdrawn to have friends outside of that, though he wasn’t unfriendly. For a bulk of the current timeline, his friend group is “ragtag misfits” status and he basically gets ping-ponged between them as they try—with varying amounts of success—to fight a cult.  
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids? Depends on the universe. In canon, it’s messy but becomes significantly healthier later on. His previous relationship was promising and likely would have been ideal, except that they were young and unable (or unready) to deal with the realities of their situation. In AU, he is enemies-with-benefits but also grossly in love with the Judge of Eden’s Gate and her husband (who was a fun surprise, but it’s fine, because Wes got Lyra back by giving her a gracious two-for-one deal on children)!
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust? Whitehorse is something of a father figure, though Wes would never say that out loud. For the record, neither would Whitehorse (at least not directly to Wes)—mostly for Wes’s benefit. He trusts Raf, Pastor Jerome, and the rest of his friends listed above.
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies? Joseph, because Joseph is daddy issues incarnate. Jacob, because Jacob understands Wes well enough to yank him around like a dog on a leash. By the time the Collapse hits, everyone is his enemy to some extent (as evidenced by the adorable horns and pointy tails drawn all over his wanted posters). Notable exceptions are John, Sharky, Hurk, and Whitehorse; however, all but the first are functionally unknown to him.
Do they have any pets? Just Boomer, who is the best emotional support animal a disaster could ask for.
Are they good with kids? Animals? He’s naturally good with both children and animals, but he lacks practical experience, especially with the former (shout-out to the Ryes for finally adding that to his resume).
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes? Tropewise, he’s Troubled, but Cute and I can’t refute it; apart from the high school thing, it’s a full BINGO clear. He’s also Bruiser with a Soft Center, Inferiority Superiority Complex, Cosmic Plaything, Desperately Craves Affection, Hero with Bad Publicity, I Am Not My Father, and almost certainly a whole host of shameful others that I don’t dare brave the rest of TVTropes to find. Of the twelve classic archetypes, he’s some combination of The Hero and The Outlaw. Otherwise: fallen angel, antihero, byronic hero, prodigal son. 
Do they play any instruments? Sports? He can play guitar, but only at an intermediate level. He’s not big on sports, but he can ice skate and he likes to swim.
What are some items they always carry? Steel & Ivory and a lighter; later, Sin Eater. In New Dawn he carries John’s watch.
Do they collect anything? Bad decisions. Minicultists, apparently. Nothing in particular.
What position do they sleep in? His default position when he’s alone and in a comfortable place is on his belly. There are exceptions listed in greater detail here.
Which emoji would they use the most? Honestly, he’s not really the type to use emojis, but he will send his love interest pictures of things he likes or finds pretty with no context. Otherwise, his texts tend to be short, to-the-point, and lacking in punctuation or capitalization. Believe it or not, he’d much rather communicate in person. My most frequently used emojis for him are 🍰 and 🐍. (Awww, cake and snake... They rhyme. How precious!)
What languages do they speak? English. He knows a limited amount of Spanish, but he’s better at understanding it than he is at speaking it.
What’s their favorite expletive? Damn or fuck.
What’s their favorite candle scent? Pine.
What songs remind you of them? I have a playlist for him here, but it—much like him—is a bit of a mess. I also have a playlist based on his own taste in music here.
Which animal would you say represents them? Snakes, stags, swans, scorpions.
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into? Loners or troublemakers, probably. Stoners on a technicality—he doesn’t fit the stereotype, but he does have a history. He has some of the soul of an art kid but, tragically, none of the talent.
What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be? At a real amusement park, probably the roller coasters. At something more lowkey like a carnival, he’d like the classic, aesthetically pleasing rides like the Ferris wheel or the carousel.
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else? He’s not an “I Want to Believe” sort of guy, but he still can’t explain the Larry Parker debacle. He tries very hard not to believe (or at least not to think about) any sort of afterlife, because he fears it.
Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays? His family was Catholic, but he endeavors not to be. He likely wouldn’t celebrate holidays as a bachelor overmuch, but he would take part in holiday activities with others.
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue? Pride and Fortitude.
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be? The Tower, The Devil, The Wheel of Fortune.
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nightwingshero · 4 years
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Happy birthday, hun!!! @joeyhxdson and I collaborated to bring you an awesome birthday gift! Em, you did fantastic as always!!! Such a beautiful background and you captured the girls beautifully!!!
Thank you @xbaebsae​ and @returnofthepd3​ for allowing me to include your lovely deps!!!!
I wrote a fic to go along with it, since I can’t be there to party with you, Em and I decided that it was important that our deps threw something together for Veronica. You’re a total sweetheart and my best friend. We love you and I hope you have an awesome 21st birthday!!! 💖💖💖💖
“Happy birthday, asshole.” Wren said with a smirk as she elbowed Veronica. She rolled her eyes at her best friend, swatting her on the shoulder with the back of her hand.
“Yeah, thanks.” Veronica replied sarcastically.
Wren hummed, taking a sip of her beer as she watched Mary May walk back to some other customers on the other side of the bar. “Any big plans?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Veronica fought the urge to sigh. Chances were that she would just go to her mom’s and hang out for a bit. She knew she would whip up a cake, despite her mom trying hard to keep it a secret. It wasn’t exactly a secret when she did it every year, but it warmed her heart at the thought behind it. “Maybe go see my mom, then rent a movie to watch with Olive.”
“Lame.” Wren threw her head back and groaned. Veronica shot her a look.
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, you love my mom.”
“Yeah, but that means you’re getting cake without me. Also, why not throw a party?”
Veronica hesitated before pressing her own bottle to her lips and taking a drink. It wasn’t that Veronica hadn’t thought about it, it was just that…well, she didn’t really know what to do or who to even invite. She stopped having birthday parties after her dad left, and it wasn’t like she ever felt the need to start that back up again. But each year, as she contemplated, she would end up just doing the same damn thing.
It was the first birthday she was celebrating since Wren became her partner at the Sherriff’s Department. Wren was a bit older than her, by only a few years, and Veronica was worried at first that it would make a difference. But it really hadn’t. They became fast friends and had each other’s back. Wren was the voice of reason when Ronnie needed it and Ronnie always had a way of helping Wren loosen up a bit when it was called for.
Placing her bottle on the bar, she glanced at Wren. “I don’t know, I guess I just never get around to it.”
Wren threw her a look, her hair shifting and showing off her new blue flannel. “Says the person who makes sure that every single one of us is here on St. Patrick’s Day. You know how to throw a party.”
“I’m okay with drinking with my best friend.” Veronica turned away, fidgeting with her jean vest. “I got some new stuff from Sharky to smoke later, so I’m good.”
Glancing at her phone, Wren hopped off the barstool. “Hey, I have this really cool idea. Come on!”
“We’ve been drinking, Wren. Where the hell should we be going?” Veronica snorted and she knew she wasn’t wrong. They had been here as soon as Spread Eagle opened, Whitehorse being kind enough to give them the day to enjoy Ronnie’s day. To say they had a few would be an understatement, but Wren threw a mischievous look over her shoulder.
“Don’t tell me that Veronica Rook is scared?”
With a huff, Ronnie followed suit, calling to Mary May to keep their tab open. The brunette gave a triumphant smile and Veronica rolled her eyes. Stepping outside, she frowned as she watched Sharky jump out of his jeep, with a weird trailer hooked to the back of it, the loud barking almost making Veronica flinch. What the fuck was going on?
“Hey there, Shorty!” Sharky waved at her before adjusting his cap and turning to Wren. “It’s all ready. Whenever you are.”
“And he’s still at the station?” Wren asked, throwing him a worried glance.
“Well, that’s what Hurk said.”
Relief washed over her partner’s face. “Good. That’s good.”
“Yeah, what the hell is going on here?” Veronica finally cut in, causing Wren and Sharky to exchange glances. Wren shrugged, throwing Veronica a smirk.
“You remember when we had to arrest Zip at the farm a while back? And we had to run after him?”
Veronica wrinkled her nose. Of course she did. It hadn’t been that long ago, about three weeks if she had to guess. Her and Wren both had to chase the guy down, not only was he causing issues for the farmers, but he had a few counts of slander against him. John Seed, Grace Armstrong, and Adelaide Drubman being a few of his victims in that damn magazine he wrote.
He had taken one look at them before he had dropped his protesting sign and ran, jumping a fence and flinging mud as he went. They were right on his heels, trying their best to herd him in the pasture they were in, but they were almost certain he was on something. He had been seen hanging around Tweak the last few months, so it wouldn’t have been too shocking, and they later found out that they were right. But it was bringing him in that made Veronica cringe, because all three of them ended up in the mud, both deputies trying the best they could to keep the man down, and still, long enough to cuff him.
Veronica would’ve paid serious money for COPS to have been there to film it.
Or at least, that’s what she originally had thought. While her partner seethed in the driver’s seat on their way back to the station, Veronica couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. And she told her partner as such, adding that there was never a dull moment in Hope County, in which she received a withering glare from Wren in return. She had only shrugged. It wasn’t until they got to the station that her mood took a dark turn, with John Seed’s stupid smug face. She could still hear his damn taunting. It took damn near a week to remove all the mud from her hair.
“What about it?” Veronica asked, not pleased at the reminder of the incident.
Wren’s smirk twisted more, and Veronica immediately recognized the dark mischief in her eyes. “Are you ready for vengeance, my friend?”
Taking a step forward with her hands on her hips, Veronica narrowed her eyes. “What are you up to?”
“Get in and you’ll find out.”
The brunette turned, taking the keys Sharky offered up, and hoped in behind the wheel. Veronica grumbled, wanting to go back into the bar for another round. She wanted to celebrate her birthday, not do…whatever the hell these two had in mind. And once she was buckled and ready to go, she turned to her best friend.
“Dude, seriously, what are we doing?”
“We’re going to break into John’s ranch and leave him a present.” She replied, finally, and Veronica’s eyes widened.
“We’re what?!” she gasped, both from shock and excitement. But being the cop that she was, Veronica felt the apprehension set in. “You know that’s illegal, right? What if we get caught?”
“Is it so illegal if I have these?” Wren fished a set of keys out of her pocket, dangling them in front of Veronica’s face. “Besides, didn’t you just say that you bought a little something from Sharky to smoke later?”
“That’s different!” It wasn’t. Not really, but Veronica was focused on the set of house keys that hung delicately from Wren’s pointer finger. “How the hell did you get John’s house keys?”
“It’s not at all different!” She snatched the keys back with a wicked grin. “And a lady never reveals her secrets.”
“Bold of you to call yourself a lady, Wren.”
“I’ve been called worse.” She teased, starting the car and putting it in gear. “Besides, if you stopped staring at John’s ass, you would catch on to the things that go on around you.”
Ronnie threw her head back and laughed as the wind gently played with her hair as Wren drove. “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.”
“I can multitask.” Wren smirked with a shrug and Veronica laughed harder.
The rest of the drive was in comfortable silence, Veronica giving up trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Wren wouldn’t say a damn word, and Ronnie knew it. Part of her was okay with allowing it to be a surprise, even if she wasn’t entirely sure what was going on. The idea that they were getting revenge was sweet enough. She couldn’t wait to see his damn face when they…well, when they did whatever they were going to do.
Ronnie didn’t know what to expect when they got to the ranch but being completely empty wasn’t it. Wren pulled off to the side, putting the Jeep in park and looking over. “Okay, I’m gonna jump out and guide you. You think you can back this thing up to the door?”
“Wren…” Ronnie started, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“Just back it up! You’ll be fine!” Wren gave a bright smile and jumped out. Veronica huffed, climbing over, and adjusting the seat before shutting the door so she could use her mirror. With Wren’s guidance, she began to align and back the trailer up slowly to the double doors of John’s ranch. Finally, with Wren giving her the signal, Veronica stopped and put the car in park and shut if off.
She found Wren already unlocking the doors to the house as the barking continued. “You gonna fill me in now?”
“You know how John is a dog person?”
Veronica threw Wren a look as if she were insane. “No, he hates dogs. Him and Jacob were giving each other shit over some of the wolves that Jake was training at the F.A.N.G Center.”
“Exactly.” Wren breathed out, pushing the doors open, lining them up with the trailer as makeshift borders. “He loves them so much, we’re gonna leave him some.”
It was like her brain short-circuited. Ronnie could’ve sworn that she had heard Wren wrong, and she was trying to put it together. “You…holy shit!” she breathed out as a wide smile made its way across her face, her hands running through her hair as it all came together. “Oh my god, he’s going to be so pissed! Where did you get all the dogs?”
“Yeah, about that.” Wren looked sheepish. “They have some domesticated wolves up at the Center, the same ones that Jake was training and working with. They’re from that guy that had that illegal zoo, I think? Well, some of them got transferred here since they had the room. I called in a favor, and well…”
“Wolves. We’re going to put wolves in John Seed’s house?”
“Muddy wolves.” Wren corrected. “It rained, and the owners let them run along and play in the mud. Just for the occasion.”
“Remind me to never fuck with you.” Veronica laughed. “You wrathful ass.”
Her best friend scoffed as she approached the trailer. “Oh, like you’re any better.”
“Hmm. Maybe we should get matching wrath tattoos.”
“I suffer from more than just the one sin, Ronnie.” Wren laughed. “Alright, I’m gonna open this quick, and jump to the side. Make sure to keep the door steady, we don’t want any to get away. They’ll have my ass.”
“I gotcha.”
Ronnie grabbed a hold of John’s door, holding it in place as Wren unlocked the metal door. She was fast, opening the trailer door and getting out of the way. And it was a good thing, too. Wolves, as Ronnie learned, were hyper. They darted out, at least five of them, and into John’s ranch and they were caked in mud.
“Close the doors!”
Before the wolves had a chance to turn back around, they slammed the doors shut, Wren locking it quickly.
“Holy shit, I wish I had their energy.”
“They’re young.” Wren replied with a heavy exhale before throwing Ronnie a bright smile, her hands resting on her hips. She gave the front doors another thoughtful glance. “Still technically pups, I think.”
“Wren, puppies chew on things.”
“Hmm, yeah?” She twisted on her heel, finally facing Veronica with a curious look on her face.
Veronica gave a light scoff. “I’m pretty sure there are some things in there that they’re gonna chew on. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t think John is gonna like that too much.”
Wren tensed, a crease forming in her brow as Ronnie’s words processed. Veronica bit her lip to try and hold back her laughter. She couldn’t believe it. Wren clicked her tongue, glaring at the ground with a sour look on her face, making Veronica lose it.
“Oh my fucking god! Of all the times you gave me shit for not thinking things through—”
“Shut up, Ronnie!”
The blonde doubled over, her arms wrapping around her abdomen as tears formed. “Oh, John is going to be so pissed! I can’t believe you didn’t even consider that!”
“Hey, it’s not like he isn’t rich enough to replace the furniture!” Wren insisted, throwing her hands in the air. “He can just buy more! And it’s not like he’s going to know who did it. Right?”
Veronica stood straight, wiping away her tears. “The man is a lawyer, Wren. I don’t think he’s stupid. No one else would dare do this shit.” She shook her head.
Wren huffed. “Well, he ain’t got proof. I was told to leave the trailer here so they could transport them back to the Center.”
They decided to leave it on the other side of John’s hangar, out of sight to not immediately tip him off. Veronica helped Wren unlatch the trailer, both working up a sweat from the summer heat. It was starting to get dark, but the humidity was still hanging heavy around them. Veronica sighed, hopping up on some black crates.
“I need a cigarette.” She groaned as she pulled the pack out of her vest pocket, putting one in her mouth as she lit it.
Wren opened the back of the jeep, grabbing a couple of beers and using her shirt to pop the tops. “I hear that. Have a beer, too.”
Veronica grabbed it, saying thank you as Wren leaned against the crates. Ronnie took a quick swig then sat it down beside her. Wren checked her phone again making Veronica roll her eyes. “Checking to see if you got any sexy texts?”
“Not likely.” Wren muttered, but Ronnie could see the light blush on her face.
“How’s Game of Thrones going? Did you get to the part where—”
Wren’s blue green eyes snapped to Ronnie’s blue ones, piercing her with a glare. “Don’t you dare ruin that for me, Veronica Rook, so help me god.”
She only laughed in response, taking a pull from her cancer stick. “I won’t ruin it, I promise. But hurry up, I wanna talk about it with you!”
“Tsk, I’ll get around to it eventually.”
“Which means you’ll finish it in a year.”
They both laughed and it stayed that way for a little while. Ronnie did know why they were just hanging around; she was starting to get antsy. John could come home any moment, and as fun as it would be to see his reaction, Ronnie didn’t wanna be the receiving end of that man’s rage. Pointing that out to Wren, she checked her phone, and agreed that it was time to go. Hoping in the driver’s seat, Wren sent a quick text, probably an update to the people at F.A.N.G Center, before they were on their way.
Pulling off to park, Ronnie eyed the bar suspiciously. There were more cars here than when they left, but it was strangely quiet. Never had she seen something like this, and she was about to voice her concern to Wren, but she was already out of the jeep and shutting her door. If Wren wasn’t concerned, it was fine.
Veronica wasn’t so sure, and she suddenly missed her service pistol. She both chose not to carry since they were going to the bar to celebrate. At the time, it made a lot of sense. But now? Not so much. Her heart was pounding, not sure of what to expect, so she had no issue going in first when Wren motioned for her to. She was ready for anything.
Well, almost anything.
What she wasn’t expecting was the bar being so full of people, or for those people to hope up from hiding. From behind the bar, out of the kitchen, and even behind the chairs.
Someone, somewhere, had a confetti gun and made it rain in rainbow paper. Veronica eyed the green and pink birthday banner that was definitely homemade. Her hands found her mouth, covering it as tears swelled, pure happiness taking over completely as Wren threw her arm around her shoulders.
Everyone was there. Adelaide stood with Mary May, Evie with Joey hugging her from behind, Rey waving with Sharky and Hurk jr, and even Rheese had been able to make it as she stood with the Rye’s and Grace. It was overwhelming, and she was passed around, greeted and hugged. Veronica was smiling so much, her face was starting to get sore, and she was sure her makeup was done for with all the crying. She couldn’t find it in herself to care.
To say she had a blast, was an understatement of the century. A game of darts with Rey that ended up proving Veronica had terrible aim while drinking, but neither of them cared. It only roped her into a drinking contest with Rheese, the blonde bound and determined to beat her this time. Rey and Wren placed their bets as Evie took her job as referee seriously. It got to the point where they had just started chugging with their friends chanting and cheering them on. Rheese placed her arms around her, pulling her close in a tight hug.
It got Wren and Evie rowdy, and one thing led to another, resulting in a karaoke battle. Wren dragged her with her, Evie following with Hudson in tow.
They all agreed to one song. But one turned to three, and eventually, they had lost count. All that mattered was that Sharky was singing along in the audience as Hurk jr waved a lighter in the air. When they were fully out of breath and sweaty, they stopped, asking which team had won. Sharky just shrugged.
“I just thought y’all were havin’ fun, didn’t know I was s’pose to be judgin’.”
They just laughed, stumbling away from the karaoke machine giving their friends high fives as they went. It was then Veronica’s mom came out of the kitchen, her and Ronnie’s friends leading the entire bar in singing Happy Birthday. The cake was bigger than Ronnie was used to having, two tiered and the icing matching the banner.
“Make a wish!” Rey called with a wide smile once the singing died down. Veronica giggled, racking her brain for something to wish for, but for once, she couldn’t think of anything. She had everything she wanted right here…well, almost everything.
With the thought of pretty green eyes, Veronica blew out the candles, everyone clapping and cheering. It was Mary May who cut the cake, helping Ronnie’s mom pass out slices to everyone. The group of friends finding a table for themselves. Wren leaning back, resting a leg on Ronnie’s chair, and Ronnie doing the same. Evie plopped herself down on Joey’s lap while Rey pulled her knee up, her arm holding it close as she took a bite. Rheese, dragged a chair loudly across the floor, making a few people stare as she swung it around and straddled it. Evie winked at her, running a finger in the icing of her cake.
“Hey babe, watch this.” Evie teased before smearing it over the side of Joey’s face. Wren snorted before taking a bite, and Joey eyed Evie mischievously. Grabbing the icing flower on her cake, Joey moved to smash it on Evie, but the blonde shifted, moving out of the way last minute.
Rey, however, wasn’t so lucky.
The flower smacked Rey in the chest, sliding down. She carefully grabbed it, eyeing Hudson as she set her foot back on the ground. Moving forward, she took a chunk of her cake before throwing it back. The alcohol, unfortunately, affected Rey’s aim, making it Rheese in the face. The table grew quiet, but Wren cackled, laughing loudly and Rheese fixed her glare on her.
A smirk made its way across her face as she grabbed the whole cake, flinging it at Wren. She squealed when the cake hit it’s mark against her own face. “Motherfu—”
The table erupted, cake and frosting painting the table and floor. Ronnie ducked, pushing away from the table in hopes to escape as Wren smashed her piece in Rey’s hair, but she wasn’t so lucky. Rheese grabbed Veronica’s plate and smashed it against her face. She could taste the icing and she was almost certain some of it made it in her nose.
“Guys! Seriously?!” Mary May called, her hands on her hips as she assessed the damage.
“And that’s my que.” Rey said with a laugh. “I’ll catch you later, dears. Don’t have too much fun.”
They hugged before Rey made her exit, waving as she walked out. Wren called back, promising to clean up when everything was done. Fairgrave gave her a look before shaking her head and returning back to the bar. They erupted in laughter, ordering another round of drinks.
Slowly, things began to die down, Evie and Joey announcing their departure, leaving hand in hand. Rheese stayed for a bit longer before she, too, called it a night. She gave quick hugs, wishing another loud happy birthday that made Veronica blush. Wren and Veronica sat in comfortable silence a little longer before Ronnie felt a gentle touch against her shoulder, and looking, she found the familiar green eyes and bright smile.
“Hey.” Ronnie said, her voice just a bit shaky.
“I heard it was your birthday.” Faith replied, her soft voice almost drowned out by the music still playing. “Wren mentioned that you were having a party.” Ronnie whipped around to throw a look at Wren, but she was taking another drink and looking innocent as the bottle hid her smirk. She smiled, turning back to Faith as her heart pounded.
“Oh, yeah. It was a bit of a surprise. I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to say hi earlier.”
Faith just laughed. “No worries! You were having fun with your friends. Unfortunately, my brothers couldn’t join. Joseph had some counseling to do with some troubled followers and Jacob isn’t exactly the social type. And John, well…” Faith glanced at Wren briefly. “He’s a bit busy dog sitting, I heard.”
Wren barked out a laugh and Ronnie couldn’t fight the smile on her face. “You heard about that?”
“I’ve heard a few things.” Faith replied with a twinkle in her eye. Leaning forward, she placed a kiss against Veronica’s cheek. “Happy birthday, Veronica.” She whispered in her ear. Ronnie couldn’t bring herself to say anything as Faith walked away. She touched her cheek, still feeling the warmth of Faith’s lips still burning against her skin. Guess her birthday wish came true after all.
“So?” Wren asked, looking at Veronica. “Good day?”
Before Veronica could answer, the bar door flew open. John Seed, muddy and disheveled, stood in the entryway. “Blake!”
Wren’s eyes widened as she paled, and Veronica howled. “The best!”
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
2 and 19 from each of the OC development questions? 😊
Okay I am going to do three of my OCs for this one. I will do Chance, Hypatia, and Liz! Thank you so much for asking my dear!
Hypatia Caro
2. Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
She cannot play an instrument, unless you count the bongos she messes with from time to time when she would come across groups of other travelers. Other than that she never had much interest in learning an instrument, but she admires those that play them.
19. If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
Hypatia is on the run as she escaped from an organization that was created to help the human world from intermingling too much with the vampiric one so at any moment she very well would be arrested for that. I mean it doesn’t help that there was some property damage and broken bones along the way out but that’s hardly her worry. Hypatia would be arrested for a legitimate crime as she’s not afraid to do things like commit arson, shoot a weapon, fight her way out of a situation, steal, and overall do what needs to be done to survive. She cares but she finds that the law can be flexible in the name of survival.
2. Does your oc have dreams or nightmares? What are they like? Is there a recurring one?
Tia has a mix of both dreams and nightmares, though once the events of her story start she has more nightmares than dreams. The Alchemists were far from kind and before that there was a near death experience with her Coven, so she has some issues there. 
19. If someone was describing your oc to someone who had never met them, what distinguishing features would they mention? How would one identify your oc in a crowd?
People would start with her hair that has highlights in it to make it look like an oil slick in the sunlight. She’s also quite tall standing at 5′9″ with the occasional heeled boots. Her style is also one that unless you’re at a music festival like Coachella you’ll spot her as she loves to wear her fish net tights, shorts, tank tops, and her jean jacket with some patches on it. The other most definable feature on her is the golden lily tattoo that wraps around her left hand and does shine as it is actual gold in the ink. (There are a few other tattoos that I have yet to decide on but that’s her major one)
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2. Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
Chance cannot play an instrument. He tried to learn how to play electric guitar but to no avail as he didn’t have the patience or time to really commit to it. He sometimes contemplates learning but he doesn’t ever really go through with it. 
19. If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
Chance has gotten arrested before for drunken disorderly, noise complaints while at parties, and public intoxication. Surprisingly he never got arrested for stealing a car and going on a joy ride at night. Once sober Chance tries to stay on the straight and narrow but when you have friends like Sharky and Hurk Jr. well it can be hard at times.  
2. Does your oc have dreams or nightmares? What are they like? Is there a recurring one?
Chance never had nightmares until the reaping, after that its a near constant stream of them ranging from his death, death of his father, friends, and Faith, the various tortures of Jacob, John, and even Faith. The nightmares don’t stop once its all over either and Chance can be too proud to go and get help for something like PTSD. 
19. If someone was describing your oc to someone who had never met them, what distinguishing features would they mention? How would one identify your oc in a crowd?
He’s got a scar on the back of neck, just off of the center. Chance also has chemical formulas on his left hand and a chemical structure on his right hand that looks like a mountain range. There’s one more tattoo on his back between his shoulder blades that’s a crescent moon with a rose rising up in front of it look like the Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick with the Silver Crystal attached to it. He’s also got some brown hair that never seems to stay as it should with some of the curls sticking up as if he’s just woken up(which is honestly probably the truth). Other than that he can be very nondescript.
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2. Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
Liz can play the guitar! She’s actually pretty good for someone that was mostly self taught in main canon. She picked it up while she waited for her mom to pick her up from school as a small child and the teacher helped in showing her some very basic skills. After that she just took off with wanting to learn and teaching herself, more so once she found her passion for social justice and wanting to play the songs of power and bringing forth the new age. She loses the amount of time to practice as she starts high school but she plays and sings alone or around her best friend Val.
19. If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
Liz would be arrested for protesting and her direct actions that can be taken in the name of doing the right thing. She gets away with it a lot when she’s younger but does have to learn restraint as she gets older, but she still gets away with it a lot of times as she becomes a lawyer for this reason specifically. So yes Liz would be arrested for legitimate crimes against the system. 
2. Does your oc have dreams or nightmares? What are they like? Is there a recurring one?
Liz has mostly dreams, even after nearly killing Joseph she is young enough and gets the help early enough to not have the level of nightmares her mom has. Liz does have a reoccurring dream when she’s stressed or hasn’t gotten enough sleep, that involves her trying to search for her mom in a fog/mist turning into her child self and at times when she finds her mom, Cat disappears from her or the face changes to something more scary. 
19. If someone was describing your oc to someone who had never met them, what distinguishing features would they mention? How would one identify your oc in a crowd?
Look for the brightest, loudest, and most out there prints and colors and you’ve spotted her. To really confirm that it’s her she has a scar on her upper lip on the left side of her face, its not huge but its still fairly noticeable. Though go for the clothes first and she’s hard to miss in the crowd, she also can stand a lot taller as she wears white go go boots almost everywhere.
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isobel-thorm · 4 years
Gatthew for the ship meme? 👀💕
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs | Gohn is gone, Blood on My Name is dead, and Gatthew is CANON
How long will they last? - 4 Lyfe
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Slowly, but all at once, just kinda ‘oh he’s kinda cute - shutthefuckupNicIdon’tneedawingwoman- what do you mean he’s interested? Oh no, there goes my heart.’
How was their first kiss? - Grant counts the undercover distraction fiasco as their first kiss, because it was fleeting and quick but made both of them go ‘Huh...’ once they got home. 
Who proposed? - Iirc Grant does first, but Matt was planning on it. It was very very oversimplified and “hey do you wanna get married? We should.” 
Who is the best man/men/maid of honor/bridesmaids? - Nic’s Grant’s best woman, Jacob’s his best man. Nick and Sharky are Matt’s best men.
Who did the most planning? - Neither planned shit bc they’re not planners with the big events like this. John and Nic took the reigns for them and threatened them on pain of death not to interfere bc they were determined to make it as special as possible for them. 
Who stressed the most? - Matt. He was anxious about it all. Grant was a little bit of anxious but had the fallback “I’ve had a building fall on top of me, I can handle this” to consider. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.  Call it 7.5 because they wanted small and quiet but considering their two self appointed wedding planners it was small-ish and quiet but also the decor was top notch. They caved and had it at John’s house so the whole place was decorated to the nines. 
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Hurk Sr. Also, Cajun and Sundance and any of their other horse friends. 
Who is on top? - Matt, more often than not.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Also Matt.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - A couple of rounds, they keep it at one once their family starts growing. 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Absolutely
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Zero
How many children will they adopt? - Four
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - All of their kids were beyond the potty training stage at adoption time and they were never so grateful for that in their lives. 
Who is the stricter parent? - It’s Grant, but by a hair, just because he’s harder to break. Both of them are pretty laid back, spoiling-friendly dads. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Grant. He’s caught Ezra midair straight off the jungle gym on more than one occasion. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Both
Who is the more loved parent? - Also both, no contest. 
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Matt, for the sole reason of free baked goods. 
Who cried the most at graduation? - Both again.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Both, but it also depends on just what the trouble is. As cops themselves, they want their kids to learn that actions have consequences and the consequences need to be carried out.  Except if they know the cop who caught the kids doing something ‘Wrong’ was having a bad day/week/etc and they even feel the issue was blown out of proportion professionally, then they’d try to run interference. 
Who does the most cooking? - Either. They tend to alternate or just work together on a meal. 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Matt, though its not as much picky as much as ‘this could be way way sweeter.’
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both
How often do they bake desserts? - At least a couple of times a week. Matt can’t be stopped, and Grant knows better than to keep his man from baked goods. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Neither are big on salads, so they lean more towards the meat end. Grant occasionally tries to give vegetarian stuff a try just to see how/why Jacob would choose to suffer like that. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - That would be another one of those cases where they just happen to do it at the same time so they end up having to rearrange schedules so both work out. 
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Neither. They’re both homebodies and are content staying home, unless Nic, John, Sharky or Mary May twist their arm to swing by the Spread Eagle. 
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Matt, probably, but it would take one Hell of a distraction for it to get that dire. 
Who cleans the room? - Both
Who is really against chores? - Both
Who cleans up after the pets? - Both, unless they’re on vacation and visiting Grant’s uncles. If there are horses involved, Grant’s on his own. 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Matt, though he’s usually good about resisting the urge. 
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Neither. A lot of their friends show up unannounced so they’re ready for anything anytime after a while. 
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Matt
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Matt
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Both
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - A couple of weeks before for Non-Christmas holidays, Christmas stuff will be up the week after Thanksgiving. 
What are their goals for the relationship? - Not scare the other person away, get married, have kids, raise happy family.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Matt
Who plays the most pranks? - Matt
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solesurvivorkat · 4 years
FC5 Deputy GFH Dialogue
(Quickie ‘Katie IRL’ Update: So sorry for lack of writing... to be succinct, I might have a sleep disorder, possibly Sleep Apnea - been very tired/lethargic for several months now, finally have a test scheduled for late August. Will have to ‘make do’/power through fatigue until then. I will do my best to jump-start my writing {and my YT channel} until then!
Also - as for ‘I Need to Tell You’ (FC5 no-cult AU fic) - I don’t think I have a ton of readers for that one, so I’m just gonna stick to the movie-plot where I can & finish it up {the end is nearing!}. If anyone wants to read anything else from that ‘verse, lemme know & I’ll whip something up - otherwise, I’m gonna finish that up & get back to working on ‘The Book of John’ again, which is loooong overdue {poor Sarah’s been in John’s bunker forever, lol!}. THAT said... )
Deputy Sarah Rook
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(NOTE: My apologies if Sarah’s dialogue is similar to anyone else’s OC’s... I promise and swear that if it happens, it’s purely coincidental. I am adamant about not {purposely} stealing anyone else’s creativity! <3  Also, this is quite long... but it’s not everything in FC5, so if you like it & want even more, just lemme know, lol.)
With Fangs for Hire:
Boomer: “Aww, who’s my sweet, brave boy?” (kisses forehead) - “Good boy, Boomer!” - “I know what it’s like to have someone you love taken away from you... but don’t worry boy, you’re not alone. And I’ll do everything I can to make sure you never are again.” - “I won’t let Eden’s Gate use you, I promise.” - “Boomer, go!” - “Rae-Rae won’t have died in vain, I promise you.”
Peaches: “I’m... usually more of a dog person - but as long as I get to keep all my fingers and limbs, I’m satisfied.” - “Peaches, attack!” - “Us girls gotta stick together, right?” - “Hmm... one blue eye, one brown. Unique!” - “Needless to say, a cougar’s a very dangerous pet. Miss Mable never should have tried to raise you in captivity. Still... it can be handy to have a cougar for an ally.” - (gives affectionate pets) “Aww, my sweet little ‘danger kitty’...”
Cheeseburger: “You’re like a... big, dangerous teddy.” (laughs) - “Cheeseburger! How are ya, buddy?” - “Wade was sweet to look after you. I promise I’ll try to do the same.” - “I will not let Jacob take you.” - “Ohh, those big brown eyes of yours...” - “I can’t believe Wade not only found a collar to fit you, but also one that had cheeseburgers on it. Wow.” - “I’m glad you’re on my side, boy.” - “No, I can’t give you any more cheeseburgers. ...Stop looking at me like that, you know they’re not good for you. ...You’re on a diet, remember? ...  (sighs)  .....Okay, ONE burger. Don’t tell anyone.”
With other Guns for Hire:
(serious) “Sharky... just between us... you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” - “Sharky... never change.” (smiles)
“Sharky, I know fire is your, uh- ‘specialty’, but... you need to try not burning down half the forest with us!” 
“Anything you say, Charlemagne.” 
“You and Hurk are a dangerous duo - in more ways than one.” 
(horrified, after hearing about his mom/parents) “Anyone who'd do that to an innocent baby doesn’t deserve them. You’re better off, Shark.” 
(cheesy grin) “I hope Eden’s Gate stocked up on ‘Shark repellent’!” 
(when fighting together) “Time for a ‘Shark attack’!” - “You’ve got us between a rock and a shark place!” - “Sarah and Shark, makin’ their mark!” - “You might be better off using your gun here, Sharky.”
“Disco, Sharky? Really? (sighs) ...All right, to each his own.”
“Hey Sharky, got a bad joke for ya - what’s a shark’s favorite bible story? ...’Noah’s Shark’!”
“Ride or die, buddy!”
“No matter what, I’ve always got your back, Sharky.”
(chuckles nervously/anxiously after seeing ‘serious/deadpan Grace’) “Sorry, I... joking around is kind of my ‘defense mechanism’...”
“A medal in the Olympics... that’s amazing, Grace. ...Er- no pun intended.”
“For what it’s worth... thank you for your service to our country.”
(after Grace mentions destroying copies of ‘Only You’, Sarah chuckles sadly) “Y’know, it’s funny... I actually used to like that song...”
“I know you want to protect your dad’s grave, I do completely understand... but we also need to help protect innocent people that’re still living too, you know? They need us... need you.”
"Hercules Drubman Junior - as I live and breathe." (smiles)
“Hurk, I... don’t think a rocket launcher is the best weapon to use right now...”
“As... ‘tempting’ as ‘Hurk’s Gate’ sounds, I... don’t think it’s quite for me.”
(at a loss for words) “...Oh Hurk...”
“Y’know Hurk... there is a lot more to life than beer, drugs, and sex...” - (Hurk {looks horrified}: “...Say whaat? What’choo talkin’ ‘bout, Dep??”)
“Hurk, just... be careful.”
(stares blankly, then slowly raises an eyebrow) “...Monkey... King/God??”
“No offense dude, but... if your dad doesn’t stop talking I may have to ‘accidentally’ shoot him.”
(sneaking around) “You’re not exactly the ‘king of stealth’. Why don’t... you hang back here for a minute? I’ll signal you or call out if I need you.”
“To each their own, but ‘partying’ is... not really my thing.”
(pointing in turn to Sharky, Hurk, then Addie, during ‘tongue-in-cheek’ suggestions for Sarah) “No, no, and HELL no.”
(Addie: "Punch it Chewie! ...Bet you got a kick out of that, you fuckin’ nerd.") “Hey- I love the reference, and I’m proud of who I am. ...Mostly.” (smiles)
“Addie, for the last time - no, I did not inspect John's underwear drawer when I was at Seed Ranch. I was a little occupied at the time.” (turns bright red as Addie looks thrilled) “...That- that’s not what I meant!”
(reluctantly) “Addie? I kind of need some... ‘womanly advice’.” - (Addie, eyebrows raised: “And you came to me?? Oh hunny...”)
“While I appreciate your... ‘openness’, no - I do not need ‘tips’ from you and Xander about ‘positions’.”
“Addie... ‘showing more cleavage’ is not going to help me with the Seed brothers or Eden’s Gate, despite your insistence.”
“...I am not playing ‘Fuck, Marry, Kill’...”
(after flying Carmina - and puking once landed) “Nick... if you ever make me do that again... I don’t know what I’ll do, but it’ll be bad.”
“Flying may be great for you, but I’m much happier with my feet on the ground.”
“I’ll protect you and your family as much as I can - that’s a promise.”
“Defending your business, plane, home, family, and friends like you have been... I’m sure your family would be very proud of you.”
“There he is, ‘King of the Skies’!”
“You and Kim... you’re lucky to have each other. I kind of envy that.”
“Rook and Rye - on land and in the sky!“
“I know fighting Eden’s Gate is important, but... don’t forget to be there for Kim too. We’ve [the Resistance] got this... Kim and your baby need you more.” 
(After Carmina's born) "How's Kim and the baby? You'd better be taking good care of my goddaughter!"
“I know we grew up in very different ‘environments’, but... I also know what it’s like to feel alone for a long time. No pressure, but... I’m here if you ever need someone to lend an ear.”
(re: Jess’s insane survival skills) “...You’ve got to teach me that/how to do that sometime.”
“You’re related to Dutch? Wow, that’s... kinda cool.”
“I thought I swore a lot, but... wow.”
“Yeah... I’m not one for small talk, either.”
In Combat
(to herself, stressed) “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...”
“Aw shit...”
“Fucking Peggies!”
(to herself, quickly and quietly) “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day...”
“Let’s kick some Peggie ass!”
(to herself) “I can do all things through him who strengthens me...”
“May God have mercy on you.”
“I don’t think my soul is the one that needs saving!”
(hears ‘Oh John’ on the radio & starts humming along. After a couple seconds, realizes what she’s doing and shakes her head, murmuring to herself) “...Damnit...”
“I’m driving? If you say so.”
“ ‘Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need... roads.’ “ (smug grin)
“I used to like driving. Found it kind of relaxing, most of the time. ...That was before I started having to get used to being pursued and chased down by Eden’s Gate trucks.”
“Time for... LUDICROUS SPEED!”
“Fasten your seatbelts... it’s going to be a bumpy ride!”
“Everything okay? Do you need a break?”
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but I spent most of my life in New England - Connecticut, actually. Born and raised. I moved out to Hope County only a few years ago, when the Deputy job opened up. Thought it’d be... a ‘fresh start’. ...Definitely didn’t expect anything like all this to happen.”
“I used to roll my eyes - or want to - every time the Sheriff and the other Deps called me ‘Rookie’. They thought it was so funny, on account of my last name and all, and me being the newest addition to the department. Now that we’re all spread out and fighting against the cult... I think I kind of miss it.”
“Some of the most horrible things imaginable... have been done by people who claim they had ‘good reasons’ behind their actions.”
“There’s an old proverb that states, ‘Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works’. ...There’s a lot of wisdom in that.”
“God has a reason for everything, even if we don’t always understand why...”
“The right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do...”
“Faith is believing in things when common sense tell you not to.“
“Imagine the things we could accomplish... if we would just try.”
“ ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.’ ...Make fun of me all you want, but it’s true.”
“I do love nature. ...You know... when it’s not being interrupted by religious idiots.”
“Courage isn’t the absence of fear... it’s deciding that something is more important than fear.”
“I’ll do everything I can... you can count on it.”
“Good to see you again.”
“Let’s do this.”
“Stronger together!”
“Until we meet again - stay safe.”
“Call me if you need me.”
“Done already? Aww, you’re killin’ me, Smalls.”
“God damnit... not yet...”
“This can’t be it...”
“I’m sorry... I tried...”
“I need some help!”
“Thanks... now let’s teach these assholes a lesson they won’t soon forget.”
“Never tell me the odds!”
“Never give up, never surrender!”
“Thanks for the help!”
“Thanks... our work’s not done yet!”
“Shh... ‘silence is golden’, remember?“
“Keep a low profile!”
“Be cautious...”
“Don’t let ‘em see you comin’...”
“ ‘Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise...’ ”
Being aimed at
“Watch where you’re pointing that.”
“I’m a much better shot than I let on. Just remember that.”
“Two hits - me hitting you, and you hitting the ground. I suggest you aim elsewhere.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
By any body of water: “When I lived in Connecticut, I loved seeing the ocean. The lakes in Montana can be beautiful, but... it’s not quite the same.”
The Henbane: “Freakin’ Bliss.” / “Please promise me... that you’ll never, ever let me end up like one of Faith’s Angels.” / “Exploiting people’s weaknesses and fears to get them to do what you want... it’s wrong on so many levels.” / “Rachel Jessop wasn’t the first, or even the second ‘Faith Seed’... I wonder if she’s ever afraid of ending up like them.” / “God wants people to follow him willingly, to choose to do good - not be forced into it with trickery and fear. Even if - in an insane world - Joseph was right, it doesn’t excuse the things that Eden’s Gate has done. If they have a message to spread, this isn’t the way to do it.”
Holland Valley: “Saying ‘Yes’ to everything doesn’t make you a better person.” /  “Many people know the seven deadly sins... but few people can name - let alone even know about - the 'seven virtues': chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. ...But you don’t see John tattooing those on people.” / John is... he’s done some horrible things. Committed heinous acts. But knowing the life he had to endure as a child when the Duncans adopted him... I hate so many of the things he’s done, but... part of me can’t help feeling sorry for him, too.” / “Underneath all those layers of ‘jackass’, way, waaaay deep down... I think there’s a lot of hurt and pain in John.”
The Whitetails: “Jacob acts like having feelings, friends, caring for things and people makes you weak. It’s just the opposite... having things to fight for - people to fight for - is a strength. More than just a ‘purpose’ - it’s a blessing.” / (angry) Jacob turning me into a weapon of destruction... he’s going to pay for that. / Forcing Bliss on animals to turn them into Judges... it’s wrong on multiple levels. / “I’m ‘weak’, Jacob? I’ll show you what a ‘weak’ person can do.”
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deputyrhiannonhale · 4 years
Tagged by @returnofthepd3 thanks hun this was hella fun!!
Interview with Deputy Rhiannon Hale
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Name: Rhiannon Hale, but pretty much everyone calls me Rhi....not sure who called me Rhiannon last *chuckles*
Are you single: No...it's, um, definitely complicated.
Are you happy: *chuckles nervously* On the surface......sure.
Are you angry: At this very moment? No. Do I get triggered easily...yeah. I do hold a lot of resentment from my childhood...of people who had a nice childhood....
Are your parents still married: *scoffs* My "parents" are dead...if you wanna call them parents. I miss my biological father though....
Nine Facts
Birthplace: Billings, Montana
Hair color: Light Brunette
Eye color: Hazel
Birth date: October 30, 1988
Mood: For the most part, I'm pessimistic. But I do still have that naivete of maybe if i make everyone happy, they'll love me...
Morning or afternoon: Afternoon, right as the sun is beginning to set. Also....I HATE mornings, so there's that *laughs*
Summer or winter: Neither, to be honest, I'm an autumn person, I love that crisp air!! And all the colors!
Gender: Last time I checked, I'm female, yo!
Eight things about your love life
Are you in love: Sure, but I won't admit it out loud to him *laughs hard*
Do you believe in love at first sight: HELL NO, I'm not even sure if I believe in true love to be honest, verdict is still out on that one!
Who ended your last relationship: I definitely did. He started getting way to serious and I panicked and ran.
Have you ever broken someones heart: Possibly....since, you know, the commitment thing
Are you afraid of commitment: I'm afraid of losing myself in that commitment is more like it. After watching the way my mother obsessed over my step-douche and how she went from a loving mother to not giving a shit about her own daughter? If that's love, that's much too high a cost for me.
Have you hugged someone in the last week: My uncle, Earl Whitehorse, and Addie!
Have you ever broken your own heart: Numerous times....
Six Choices
Love or Lust: *chuckles* Probably lust...still new to the thought of actual "love:
Lemonade or Iced Tea: Hmmmm....probably sweet tea, have you tried the stuff? It's the bomb if done right!!
Cats or Dogs: *taps chin with index finger* Bears, I fucking LOVE Cheeseburger! *whispers* but really, I love all animals!
A few Best friends or Regular Friends: Definitely a few best friends, only people I trust with my life!
Wild night out or romantic night in: I'd much rather stay in, I get too uncomfortable around too many people, especially if they're being boisterous.
Day or night: Night. It's much more calm!
Five Have You Evers
Been caught sneaking out: *snorts* my mother nor step ass cared enough about me to even check if I was still in the house.
Fallen Down/Up the Stairs: Yes, I'm clumsy as shit
Wanted someone/something so badly it hurt: That seems like a very human thing, so yes I have wanted someone or soemthing that badly
Wanted to disappear: Yes...but only to see if anyone would care...damn sorry that got deep...
Four preferences
Smile or eyes: Definitely eyes...they'll let you know if someone is lying to you....
Shorter or taller: Everyone is taller than me I think *laughs* I'm 5'1 on a good day
Intelligence or Attraction: I want someone who I can have fun with? So I guess I'm more of a personality type person...
Hook up or Relationship: *blushes slightly* I'm currently having...two hook ups, so...yeah *laughs*
Do you and your family get along: Me and Whitehorse, definitely! My chosen family of Addie and Hurk Jr, hell yeah!
Would you say you have a messed up life: Hell yeah...I was neglected...my biological father was killed in a robbery gone wrong...my step brother ended up killing our parents and then himself...yeah pretty fucked up in my opinion...
Have you ever ran away from home: I wanted too, but I couldnt leave my step brother Deeter alone with his abusive father. We always had each others backs...I miss him.
Have you ever got kicked out: Yeah, I suppose, but not for misbehaving....just my fucking mother didnt wanna deal with me in the summer, so when I got my license to drive. She started making me visit my uncle in Hope County. I hated it at first, but now I would never have changed it! It's how I met Johanna, Addie, Hurk Jr and eventually Sharky!
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: *laughs and considers it* Hate is a strong word...I guess I dislike how upbeat Hurk Jr is first thing in the morning. Sorry Hurk...
Do you consider all of your friends good friends: No, only a handful know the deepest things about me...
Who is your best friend: Hmmmm...that's a tough one. It's a tie between Johanna and Addie!
Who knows everything about you: Adelaide definitely *laughs*
Tagging: @thosetwistedtales @yancy-trash @f0xyboxes @ramadiiiisme and anyone else who wants to join!!
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littlegoldfinchh · 4 years
Far Cry 5 Gun for Hire
Tagged by @shallow-gravy, thank you!💖
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Deputy Holly Johnson
With Fangs for Hire
*scratching his ears* "What is it boy? You having fun?"
"You're the best boy ever lived"
*after Boomer kills an enemy* "Oh boy, now I have to give you a bath again"
"Here kitty kitty!"
"Remind me later to get you a laser pointer"
"C'mon girl, let's hunt"
"My big boy. My chonky angel"
"Stop looking at me with those big brown eyes, you know you can't eat that"
"We're just like Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin. Except we kill people"
With other Guns for Hire
"Hey Shark"
"You're my best friend, but your piss bottle collection has to go"
*singing You've got a friend in me together*
"Yo Sharknado!" *fist bump*
"Addie, wanna play a game? How about 'fuck, marry, kill' with the Seed brothers?"
"I love you but please, stop putting condoms in my back pocket when I'm not looking, it's really embarrassing"
"I hope I will be as cool as you when I get old" *gets smacked* "You're not old!! I'm sorry!"
"Jesus, you scared me. You really move like a ghost you know"
"What's up broody?"
"Stop frowning so much, you're gonna get wrinkles, Jess"
"Dinner at your place?"
"I'm just saying, if you ever need a babysitter, look no further"
"Nicholas, what do your elf-eyes see?"
Hurk Jr.:
"Tell me more about this monkey god"
"Don't listen to your dad, you're doing amazing, he's just an asshole"
"It's pretty impressive that you can carry that rocket launcher all the time. I can't even lift it"
*after Grace shoots someone in the head* "Wow you gotta teach me that!"
"It's good to have you watch my back"
"Hey, uh, can I borrow your bandana a little? I've got this nasty bug bite on my neck, and I want to hide it"
In combat
Seeing an enemy:
"Get down, quick!"
*whispering* "Just like in Assassin's Creed"
"You can't see me, I'm a ghost"
*humming the Mission Impossible theme song really quietly*
Killing an enemy:
"Got them!"
*sighs* "I'm sorry"
"Right between the eyes!"
"Here, I got you!"
"Don't worry, I'm here!"
"Come on now, I won't let you die on me!"
"Fuck, that hurt!
"Oh God, that's gonna leave a mark"
"No no no, not yet!" 
"Fuck, not like this!" 
"Help, I'm bleeding out here!"
*if player fails to revive her in time* “Jacob!”
if asked to drive: 
"You sure about that? Alright"
“Okay, hop in!”
reckless driving: 
"My mom will be sad if we crash and I die, you know!" 
"Did you learn to drive from GTA or what!?"
changing the radio stations: 
"I know they're basically crazy fanatics, but you gotta admit, their music is good"
*sings along, even to cultist songs*
*when changing the station from the cultist radio* "Hey, that was my favorite!"
"I always enjoyed watching true crime documentaries, but I never imagined myself actually being in one, you know. It's crazy"
"Sometimes I really miss my home. I'm not used to sleeping in an empty house, and to be honest, I'm really fucking scared that I'm gonna bleed out in the middle of nowhere, all alone... Anyways, I'm glad you're here with me right now”
"I'm sure my mom is freaking out now that I went missing. My dad died when I was little, so it was always just her and me against the world. Sheriff Whitehorse became my father figure, he's the reason I became a deputy, you know. I just wanted to help people, like he helped me. *sighs* I hope they're doing well"
Location Specific:
At the Seed ranch: 
"John may be a crazy bastard, but he has style. Look at that chandelier, it screams 'I'm a serial killer'"
"John is trying really hard to get me, you know. Adelaide says he's got a crush on me, but that can't be right. *nervous laugh* Right?"
Upon entering the Henbane region: 
"God, I hate this fucking place. Can't even trust my own eyes"
"Faith reminds me of that girl from the Ring. They have the same creepy aura"
"Watch out for the water, it's blissed"
At the Whitetail Mountains:
"I love the smell of the forest. It reminds me of home. Except at home we didn't have drugged up super wolves and mutilated corpses"
"Do you think Jacob has surveillance cameras installed on the trees? How else would he know where we are all the time?"
"Did you hear that? Watch out, there might be Judges around here"
Near Joseph's island: 
"Isn't he afraid of getting skin cancer? Being shirtless all the time can't be healthy. Not that I mind"
"I still remember the night I tried to arrest him so vividly. Look, I got goosebumps just thinking about it"
"Somehow dealing with John and Jacob's bullshit isn't that challenging to me. But Joseph? That man scares me"
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all 👉🏻👈🏻?
jk (unless..) basics 234, appearance 124 and personality 2, relationships 3 and fun facts 12-17?💞💞
I'm so sorry that it took me eleven fucking days to respond to this but I have finally managed to answer all the remaining questions (and had a blast!!) Thank you! <3 Love you!
1. What’s their full name?
Deputy Gigi 😏
Yes, the Emoji is part of it.
2. What does their name mean? Why were they named that?
originally answered here
the incredibly deep and thoughtful meaning behind Deputy Gigi’s name is that she is the deputy and Gigi is my nickname and she is named that way because she is my fun little self-insert lady with a fun little hat. 😎
On a more serious note: I have thought a lot about her name by now and have come to the conclusion that I find it highly amusing if she were to just go by her first name (which is possibly a nickname, I haven’t decided yet) and title and nobody really knew that much about her full name because it does not really matter in the end anyway. She’ll introduce herself as the Junior Deputy or Deputy Gigi and people are all confused and will be like..? “Is Gigi your surname? Is this a nickname? Your nametag says Rook.” in absolute confusion. She’d just shrug and leave them in the dark.
although I have considered making Rook her last name but I am somewhat hesitant about that for some reason I do not know
according to some mediocre ecosia research (use ecosia btw! it’s great!) Gigi can be the diminutive of Virginia, which can mean “virginal” or “virgin woman”, something I find equally amusing considering how much of a thot my character and I are, but also “pure” which I find kinda endearing. under all of this wrath and energy and grief and confusion and stress, there are pure intentions and those are what motivates her. it is a stretch but I like the connection nonetheless.
3. Do they have any nicknames?
originally answered here
Yes! Sharky calls her Shorty, Hurk has adopted the practice. (I love them.) Staci, she likes to call him Stace, used to call her Stinky but not as much anymore after he is freed from Jacob’s capture. Addie sometimes uses sweet pea, sweetcorn, or sweet greens for her. Everybody respects that and nobody dares to make fun of it. Also because they are scared of the ass whooping they would get from both.
4. How old are they?
(It was previously 26 but I aged her down a little. ppl of tungles pls forgive me!)
5. When’s their birthday?
August 4
6. What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance?
zodiac sign: Leo, something I think is very cool because my mental image of her as a lioness is very fitting imho
element: fire → properties: warmth and dryness → key notions: energy, activity, idea → People of fire element are characterized by fiery temper, lively wit, and quick intelligence. People of fire element are not predisposed to long explanations, are impatient in trifles, but are smart and capable to grasp quickly the meaning of the main things. People of fire element frequently make thoughtless actions.
Chinese zodiac: dog 甲 → element: wood → polarity: yang → lucky numbers: 3, 4, 9 → lucky colors: green, red, purple → most compatible signs: dog, tiger, horse → People born under the Dog sign in Chinese zodiac are brave, friendly and reliable. People born in the year of the Dog are endowed with the best qualities. They are kind and faithful. Like their animal counterparts, they are extremely loyal friends that are always ready to help. They appreciate their families more than career. However, they tend to be too straightforward and criticizing. Their self-doubt might make them too pessimistic. Dog women tend to have man character. They are ambitious and can make a good career. At the same time, they can make good wives and caring mothers. Dog men are brave and have a strong sense of justice. However, to succeed in something they need a support and appraisal. [source]
birthstone: carnelian, moonstone, onyx, peridot, sardonyx, spinel, or topaz [depends on what system you go by]
She does not believe in any of that but likes the birthstone thing just for funsies and will sometimes buy jewelry if it's birthstone-themed.
7. What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities?
Homo sapiens (sorry I cannot quit the nerd shit!)
She does not have magical abilities but rather mundane “superpowers” all of us have in some form. The ability to make friends wherever she goes, great sense of direction, always has the exact change she needs, can find out how to learn pretty much anything, can befriend every cat she meets, always finds what she’s looking for in a large and even unfamiliar supermarket.
8. What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor?
Baseball bat, baby! She carries it everywhere and can really whack the shit out of anyone. She also likes it because it does not run out of ammo, can be used as a lever in pinch, and she feels like she has much more control over it than she would ever have over a gun. Despite being a fucking cop she still is a little weary of firearms and I fucking respect her for it.
1. What do they look like?
smol and hopefully kind to the ppl she cares about. bruised and scratched all over, hair always a liiiittle messy. if there were face-Olympics, she’d win gold in all categories. ~plush~ lips, big nose, dark hair, eyes, and eyebrows. also: fat fucking tiddies. she has to hold them frequently when she runs and therefore desperately clings to the one good bra she came to hope county with. her face is heart-shaped (I think? generally weird to describe). otherwise, she is just pretty average..? I think. I honestly wouldn’t know because I did not give her any special features or anything and she literally has the face I know best 😅 but maybe you can tell me something that you think is remarkable about her appearance (if you know what she looks like but I think I have posted at least a wip drawing before)..?
2 . Do they have a face claim?
originally answered here
Hm kinda but also kinda not…? I based her design on my face for obvious self-insert reasons but also because I cannot draw without tracing photos to save my life.
If I had to pick a face-claim with a gun to my head I’d probably say Gal Gadot, but also because I am a HUGE wonder woman fan. Maybe throw in some Priyanka Chopra - especially during her Quantico days - and Zoë Kravitz in there too.
3. What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup?
originally answered here
ooooh fun fun fun! I love talking about style and this specifically!
At first, Gigi was really attached to her uniform. To a point where it took a good bit of persuasion from Dutch until she finally agreed to at least take it off to let it dry. (She then also gave it a rinse because lake water stinks and she eventually came to the realization that she cannot be a respectable deputy if she smells like days-old fish pee.)
But during the first few weeks after the helicopter crash, she will absolutely not take that damn uniform off. Not even if it gets really hot under the shirt. It is so ingrained in her that she is responsible for protecting the citizens of Hope County, especially now that the situation has escalated. She. Cannot. Possibly. Fail. Them. It’s not only her job but her duty and the uniform that represents this role as Junior Deputy is the only thing that she can cling to for at least a brief sense of security and pre-reaping normalcy.
Then, after having witnessed one too many deaths, presumably on the resistance side - that she of course secretly blames herself for - something in her snaps and she ditches the uniform because at this point it does not mean anything anymore anyways. So from then on, she sports her skinny jeans and the trouble maker crop top. John swears it’s a deliberate decision to taunt them because her new clothes show off the scars he gave her all too well and OH MY GOD IT’S NAKED SKIN! LITTLE JOHNNY JUST HAS TO STARE!
She also ditches her old boots eventually for a pair of trainers which she takes from an abandoned home. It’s something she hates doing but her boots are basically falling apart by then and decent shoes in her size are hard to come by when nobody gets in or out of the county. She makes a mental note to get whoever they previously belonged to a new pair if they are both still alive when the cult is finally defeated though.
And of course, not to forget, her cowboy hat! It was something Dutch allowed her to take from his bunker. It belonged to a family member once but they have stopped visiting him quite a while ago and he figures she can keep it. Also a little ref to Sheriff Whitehorse who she respects a lot and who is someone my dep looks up to.
4. How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression?
When Dep Gigi is on the job she can sometimes seem a bit stiff due to stress. She chose this job to help people and serve the community but has absolutely no clue how to handle genuine disrespect from other people (except for the occasional post-work-shower cry) which unfortunately is also part of it tho. Not super often, especially not in a small place like Hope County though. So she’s usually just… pretty normal? Okay, she can charming and insanely flirtatious but those qualities really get to shine when she’s off the clock.
Apart from that, being polite and having good manners are very important to her. At least initially. When people get to know her better her naivité can sometimes make her seem a little bit like an idiot but she doesn’t care if it does because she’s being her authentic self and she embraces that part of her personality. Any person who is disrespectful to her, because of this specifically but because of anything else too, can suck a bag of dicks anyway and she will make sure they know that. Her politeness does not extend that far.
5. Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities?
Fortunately nothing major (a real privilege, especially in the US eofhibduedvbiu). She does grind her teeth though. Oh boy! If it’s especially bad her jaw will make sounds akin to volcanic eruptions every time she tries to open her mouth the next few days.
Despite being super young her joints, especially knees and ankles, sound worse than firing shotguns. It does not hurt or anything, just special effects. It absolutely cracks Sharky up. You’d think it would get old after the first few times of her crouching down but apparently, it doesn't. Eli says it's a security risk when they have to go full stealth somewhere though which Gigi thinks is a joke at first but he is actually serious about it.
1. What’s their alignment?
chaotic good ✨
2 . Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into?
originally answered here
okay, okay, okay. I’m getting a little ranty again so I’ll try to keep it short but my stance on this is that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is complete and utter bullshit. give it a google if you’re interested, I’m too tired of this to explain.
3. What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)?
originally answered here
The easiest way to Gigi’s heart is food. Food and horses. She has been riding horses as long as she can walk and she absolutely loves spending time with those animals. And she loves to cook and eat! She loves taking care of people by cooking for them and getting cared for in the same way. If you get her takeout after she had a long day of work she’ll basically be down to get married on the spot (John, take note! You should have brought Bang Bang Broccoli with Tofu to the church instead of those dead ravens).
During the reaping, she would love nothing more than to catch a break with a book. She prefers non-fiction but at the time she would take basically anything to just take her mind off the whole mess for a while...
4. What are they bad at?
Everything car maintenance. Not because she is dumb or doesn’t care but she just never properly learned and definitely would learn much better if someone took the time and showed her instead of her trying to teach it herself. She also needs insanely long to do math, something she is highly embarrassed about. And, blame the ADHD once more, her mind often just leaves the conversation like a soon-to-be-parent to get a pack of smokes. Something she feels bad about too but cannot really help.
Otherwise, she can be bad at taking care of herself. Setting boundaries, especially with her beloveds ✨? Hardly ever heard of her. She’d honestly cut her leg off in a heartbeat if it would help a friend. This has not happened yet (let’s hope for the best) but she pulls many all-nighters or runs on little sleep just to help out someone else. Unlike John, she is not looking for more things to say yes to but simply cannot stop it. Good thing she was actually mentally present back in the bunker otherwise she’d probably have said yes to him super absentmindedly.
John: “Just say yes.”
Gigi, thinking about the seven hundred other tasks she still has on hand, if the escape route she has in mind actually is one and bothered by the tag in her pants that’s itching like crazy: “Yeah, sure, don’t worry about it. I got your back! No problem at all.”
John: “???¿??¿??”
5. What kind of things do they dislike/hate?
There are… so many things she doesn’t like. Where should I even start?
when people are late/do not care to stick to agreements; waiting in general; loud noises (very very practical in Hope County during the reaping); when socks have weird seams that hurt in her boots; mascot suits, they freak her out; soft veggies; disrespectful af people; her collarbones being touched; snide comments towards ~alternative~ hairstyles; chart music, at least the current; having cold feet and therefore going barefoot, seriously, she almost never does it, even when fucking; cucumbers; yelling; touching unglazed clay, raw wood or aluminum foil; using stickers; insects, especially when camping; improper communication; when snake breeders keep their animals in those drawers???; comments regarding her veganism, dogs saliva
I could go on for hours but I'll spare you that haha
6. Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses?
a n g y: she cannot forgive easily
crankiness: boy, it's so easy to aggravate her! especially when she's off her meds. that often leads to...
recklessness: not always but she can definitely be much more reckless than normal. but again, usually not with bad intentions.
complainer: self-explanatory, also gets worse off her meds
obsessive: she is aware and Cannot Help It
masochist: not only sexually (she does not like admit it but she mostly is a sub/bottom) but she also cannot say no, keep pushing herself and will work herself to death :))
vengefulness: linked to the above. everyone needs a hobby I guess.
Gigi, fortunately, does not really have any addictions, although she lets others hit it so often that some have worried about her possibly being a nymphomaniac before. It's all good though, a girl just likes to fuck. 🙈
In regards to mental illnesses, she does have ADHD and suffers all the consequences that come with it. Especially after going off her meds when she runs out after the helicopter crash. But she survives it. It took until adulthood for her to get diagnosed, so she does know how to at least somewhat handle her own unmedicated ass. Tweak has offered to make her her own Ritalin but so far she has always politely declined.
She does sporadically get some nihilistic and depressed feelings as a fun extra BUT Hope County keeps her so busy that she at least does not have much time to dwell on them when they turn up.
7. What are their goals and motivations?
My deputy is an idealist and her biggest goal and motivation is helping people and making the world a better place. Cheesy but that is what she really wants.
8. What are their manners like? Any habits?
Spot fucking on! As mentioned, manners are super important to her. To her, it's a sign of respect to be well-behaved. (At least around new people. When she gets comfortable around someone her chaotic side takes over.)
As far as habits go, she can be a bit compulsive. Additionally, she can be a forgetful bean and when she's excited will not shut up.
9. What are they most afraid of?
first and foremost losing her loved ones. They mean the world to her and no matter the circumstances she would definitely see herself at fault. Gigi is very scared that she will not be able to protect Hope County from the cult. (As if that was her destiny but then again, what do you expect from someone with Chronic Hero Syndrome™ and masochistic tendencies?)
secondarily it is probably John. Sure, Jacob's trials get to her, and Faith's Bliss-induced nightmare trips are something she could very well do without but John has simply found a way to get in her head, he doesn't even have to try hard for it. Him being so blatantly sexual is something my deputy cannot shake off. It reminds her of past encounters she would rather remove from her conscience in a heartbeat if possible. John is having a field day poking around at her trauma and over time the seeds just fuck her up enough that she ends up in bed with them somehow.
1. Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
Gigi was born in "some shithole in the woods" in Montana. A small town with people she did not like that much. Her childhood was pretty uneventful which is probably not bad. It was spent mostly around animals (something she is very grateful for today). When her time came she left the judgmental dicks but also her childhood friends behind and moved to Missoula.
2 . What’s their family like?
originally answered here
Things with her parents are tense but not completely terrible. They don’t talk often. She has a bunch of cousins she loves but doesn’t get to see as much as she’d like. At least that means nobody is worried about her when she does not text or call for a while… She hates when people worry about her.
3. What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
originally answered here
Hope County Sheriff’s Department – current – Junior Deputy
The Resistance – current – bad bitch trying her best
Girl Scouts of the USA – age 10 – Junior
 yes, she used to be a girl scout but unfortunately only briefly
4. How do they fit into their “story”?
I am not sure how this is supposed to be answered so I'm just gonna skip it. Sorry!
5. Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
*Mary May voice* Montana... Big Sky Country... The Treasure State... People got a lot of names for it. I just call it home.
Ahem but yeah, even though she did not really plan on it, when she heard of a position as junior deputy being available further out from the city she jumped at the opportunity hoping to enjoy the country life again and the job being a bit quieter than in Missoula. That, unfortunately, did not go according to plan though. When Gigi got concerned about not being able to find a future place to live for weeks, not even right before she was supposed to start at the new department, it was already too late to beg her old boss for her job back. At least she had not given up her city apartment yet but her lease was going to be up soon too. Her plan B was to start looking for a place when she'd be a little better known by the locals, hoping someone would have mercy on her and let her at least rent a spare room. Until then she'd have to suck it up and just commute. That worked out until her second day.
Now she doesn't stay in one place long enough to call it home anyways. The closest to that would probably be the room above the Spread Eagle Mary May "rents" out to her sometimes. (Gigi promises to pay her back when she can access her bank account again, Mary May insist that it is the least she can do for her after getting back the Widowmaker and doesn't wanna hear about money no more, for the last fucking time Gigi!) Otherwise, she will crash at a friend's or lover's place. Sometimes on a couch, an air mattress, occasionally in a tent or car. She also tried squatting in someone's abandoned home once but felt too guilty to catch more than a few minutes of sleep at a time.
Later on, John asks her to move in with him on the ranch – needy little cunt – if she'd just join the project which is simply an amazing topic for pillow talk! Of course, she declines but she'd be lying if she did not think about how nice and easy things would be if she could just stay in the luxurious house for at least a little while.
6. How do they eventually die?
Not at all. :)))))))
1. Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
So many!! SO SO MANY!
If they are not with the project they are basically already friends with her. But seriously, just like back in school Gigi is well-known and liked in the county. She has so much love to give and will show it to everyone willing to accept it, especially during those tough times.
She is closest with her coworkers, the guns for hire, their families, Eli, Tammy, and Wheaty though.
2. What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
originally answered here
Deputy Gigi is absolutely chaotic good. A very loud, very fun, and caring mom-friend. Okay, maybe not exactly mum but fun auntie-friend? She always wants to take care of everybody and can make friends wherever she goes but she can also quickly get too much for people when she’s having a good time and really excited about life.
That, fortunately, attracts a bunch of queerdos though! But the job has taken a toll on her social life and does not get to see and talk to her old friends as much as she would like anymore…
3. What’s their love life like? Do they have any kids?
originally answered here
Active describes it the best. My deputy is definitely a people-person. She also values her alone-time but she is naturally outgoing flirty and sexual (when she is not on the job) so she does date and sleep around. That stops for a while with the reaping but once she is back to her old self, virtually no cheeks in hope county will escape the clapping!
I forgot to mention this previously but she does not wanna have kids. She’d get her tubes tied in an instant if someone offered it to her. But she can be the must fun Auncle in the world! 😎
4. Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
Even though she has not known him for long, Whitehorse has already taken on a mentor role to the dep and she deeply respects and appreciates him. Just like her, he is very focused on being humane and staying humble in a job that often attracts rather ... aggressive and self-centered individuals. She wishes she had even just a quarter of his calmness (and maybe she is viewing him as a bit of a work-dad, oops).
Generally, she trusts everyone who is in the resistance. They are working for the same cause after all. She does not have the time or brain space to worry about anyone acting suspiciously. The locals know each other better anyway so that is something that can lose sleep about.
5. Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
The Seeds and their followers. No explanation needed I think.
6. Do they have any pets?
Unfortunately not. please ignore the fact that Jacob would love to make her his tho and have her in front of him, on all fours and on a pretty pretty leash but shhh
7. Are they good with kids? Animals?
she is okay with kids but also really appreciates not being responsible for one 24/7. Gigi will babysit Carmina day and night though! She would absolutely take a bullet for that child.
With animals she is fantastic. Cats love her, fish do not fear her (that much). She instantly bonds with every horse she comes across and could smooch cow noses all day.
1. Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes?
originally answered here
I have to admit that my general knowledge of tropes and archetypes is still in need of improvement so I used this website, this one, and tvtropes.org for some help. :3 Chronic Hero Syndrome: The hero can't resist helping out anyone and everyone in need who they may come across. The Paladin: They combat the forces of evil wherever they are found, and defend the helpless as much as possible. Survivor: One who somehow survives, even against insurmountable odds. Never gives up and always pulls through. Work Hard, Play Hard: A character who is serious and hard working at their job, but loves to party and have fun when at home. Cuddle Bug: Character who enjoys giving hugs. Action Girl: A female badass who is tough and kicks butt. Damsel in Distress? Not her (most of the time). Insists on Paying: A character who, even when offered a freebie, insists on using their money to pay for it. Jack-of-All-Trades: A character with all the basic skills and is able to do a little bit of everything. [Gigi is absolutely guilty of that. Blame it on the ADHD tho. But she can teach you how to knot intricate bracelets so everyone's winning!] The Genki Girl: A character possessed of an over-abundance of energy. She lives her life full-throttle. [I am not familiar at all with this trope but it sounded fitting. Please correct me if I particularly misinterpreted this one though!] OOC Is Serious Business: If a character is behaving outside his usual characterization, the situation must be serious. [This bitch is so annoying and her only coping mechanisms are humor and getting drunk so when she gets real silent when confronted with John you know shit is real and she is shitting her pants.] The Temptress: A beautiful woman who seduces the hero. [Maybe not seducing the hero... but literally everyone in her close proximity lol.] Characterization Marches On: Character's personality is different in later episodes than they were in the beginning. Write Who You Know: A character is based off a Real Life person the author knows or knew. [It's me :3] Caretaker: The character who insists on taking care of others before themselves. Empath: An archetype that feels the pain of others deeply and wants to help. Gifted Child: A child with extraordinary talents, whether natural or supernatural, often a saviour for the story. [Again, blame the ADHD.] Girl-Next-Door: Wholesome girl who is pretty. Hardworker: A person who is willing to work long, hard hours for the betterment of themselves. Hedonist: One whose life goal is the pursuit of pleasure. [This woman fucks. It's what she's known for.] Masochist: A character that keeps engaging in a situation that leads to their pain and suffering. They’re often a visionary who regards their toil as necessary for their cause. Mr. Fix It: That one guy who insists he can fix anything, whether physical or emotional. [She does not exactly insist but feels obligated to. Whatever it is, she will do her best to make it right.] Prey: A victim of the predator. [You are meat much?] Student: Person who is always trying to learn new things in the context of school or life. Vigilante: This character takes justice into their own hands.
2. Do they play any instruments? Sports?
originally answered here
She plays guitar. Not super well but it's enough to accompany her singing and that she does well! Same for playing the piano. Generally, she is musically inclined she just lacks any formal education, and now the time to practice.
Dep Gigi does not play sports apart from horse riding but she starts to learn bat tricks when it becomes her trusty companion.
3. What are some items they always carry?
originally answered here
a chewed up pen, cliff bars, ibuprofen an,d a knife plus her trusty rusty bat for more insight into her pockets pls refer to the OC inventory tag thing I made ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
4. Do they collect anything?
originally answered here
not specifically anything physical, although she is really bad at throwing things away, but she does collect ༓・‧͙⁺˚*friends*˚⁺‧͙・༓
5. What position do they sleep in?
originally answered here
My deputy is a wiggly af sleeper. She will never stay in the same position for long but mostly comes back to sleeping on her side, preferably wrapped around a pillow or partner eventually.
6. Which emoji would they use the most?
originally answered here
7. What languages do they speak?
originally answered here
Besides English, of course, she speaks some basic Spanish and Norwegian.
8. What’s their favorite expletive?
originally answered here
hmmm... impeccable question! probably fuck. or shit. or shit-fuck. (but that's pretty basic. I wish I had a more interesting answer.)
9. What’s their favorite candle scent?
originally answered here
the goop x Heretic This Smells Like My Vagina Candle oof this is a tough one because I am not really into candles :D I think she would like fresh and simple scents so probably something like a citrus, jasmine, or rosemary candle would be up her alley.
10. What songs remind you of them?
originally answered here
Demons by Sleigh Bells
You're gonna pay for it They will purify block by block by block [...] I wanna know Which way will the heavenly go [...] Demons Live on And when I die, hang me high
pls listen to them I have been obsessed ever since playing Lillipop Chainsaw (on another note: I still wanna cosplay Juliet lol) also pls listen to Pussy Riot, they're so good!
11. Which animal would you say represents them?
originally answered here
another tough nut! possibly a wolverine or fox I'd say.
12. What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into?
originally answered here
this is cheesy, but probably the popular kids. she is an absolute social butterfly and people-pleaser after all. she has always been friendly, kind, and outgoing. who wouldn't love her? 🥺
13. What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be?
originally answered here
Two words: Wing. Coaster. She generally enjoys rollercoasters but those are her favorite. Staci and Joey took her to an amusement park shortly before her first day to bond a bit and get to know her. Stace made the mistake of betting who could endure more consecutive rides. Joey wasn't having it - smart - he ended up throwing up and Gigi was on her approximately 400th ride, smiling wide and giggling happily.
14. Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else?
originally answered here
Not really. Still... she does not like to be home alone at night after watching supernatural horror movies.
15. Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays?
originally answered here
No, but she still enjoys going to church for the occasional holiday service. More so for nostalgia reasons and the feeling of community though. She'd also be really honored if friends were to invite her to their places of worship as a guest for the same reasons. Generally, that's why she also still celebrates the most popular Christian holidays. Food, family, being together - it's what she thrives on.
16. Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue?
originally answered here
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wrath, baby! but also kinda lust
for the virtues I'm very torn between kindness and charity...
17. If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be?
originally answered here
once again, my knowledge on this topic is not very broad (I also do not really "believe" in tarot cards other than liking their aesthetic) so I tarot.com for some more info
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"Let your light shine. Be confident in the sacred power of your original nature."
"The Sun Tarot card radiates with optimism and positivity." [source]
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Far Cry 5 + ND : the characters’ reaction after finding out the Judge is the Deputy.
Posting two headcanons posts in a row because I just finished writing this and I absolutely love it. Just... thanks to the anon who requested this. 💖😭 Writing this made me really happy and I think I needed it.
Also, please request more stuff with Nick because I love writing about him omg.
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Kim Rye
From the first moment she sets her eyes on the silhouette, she knows it’s the Dep.
She doesn’t really know how to react because she’s just speechless.
So, one evening, when the Judge is alone in a corner of Prosperity, Kim takes Carmina with her and decides to introduce them.
She doesn’t confront the Judge about who they are.
“Hey, I just thought you might have wanted to meet my daughter, Carmina”
The Judge acts all nervous and she hears an anxious and nostalgic sob behind their mask.
“Someone really brave and caring helped us on the day of her birth.”
Carmina is weirded out by that comment. Like wtf mom ??
But at that moment, the Judge understands that Kim knows.
She takes their hand and the Judge squeezes it a little.
They’re happy to meet again after all this time, even if they both stay silent.
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Nick Rye
Kim is the one who told him about it.
He’s hot with rage when she talks about how devoted they are to Joseph now.
“That’s bullshit ! After all this time, the Dep just betrays us like this ??”
So he goes to find them, determined to give them a piece of his mind.
But when he finds them, he suddenly recognizes all of their mannerisms ; the way they move, their hand gestures...
And he just breaks down in front of them.
“Hey, Partner,” he cries.
The Judge stops moving, shocked.
Nick sits next to them. He’s crying but acts like he’s not.
“It’s been a while, huh ?... You’ve seen- huh... You’ve seen your goddaughter ? She grew up quite a bit. Would’ve loved to have you around to teach her how to live... Kim says she makes her think about you, how you were back in the days... ”
The Judge puts their shoulder against Nick’s. He gives them a little push.
“We all missed you.”
They spend the whole night talking together... Or rather Nick talks and the Judge listen quietly, sometimes snickering or grunting a little.
The partners are back in business together.
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Sharky Boshaw
It takes him a while to realize it.
But he slowly starts to notice how similar the Judge and the Dep are...
And it always seems like they’re trying to reach out to him ? But they never do it.
So he starts dropping hints about his suspicions when the Judge is around...
“Once, my best friend and I took back a whole outpost with nothing but our flamethrowers. It was wild, man. Do you... like flamethrowers ?”
“My best friend’s favorite weapon was a bow as well... What a coincidence, huh ?”
So eventually, the Judge understands what he’s trying to do and they reveal who they are to Sharky.
At which point he just hugs them. He’s a bit angry at them for disappearing for so long, but his happiness is just so much stronger that he can’t stay mad.
“Man, I knew it was you. I knew you couldn’t have died... You’re too awesome to die !!! We’ve got a lot of things to catch up on, huh ? Come on, let’s grab a drink.”
So the Judge follows Sharky and the spend the next few days together.
Sharky talks about the good old days or what happened to him after the Collapse.
He’s a bit frustrated that his best friend won’t talk to him (and he has tons of questions)... But they’ve never been a big talker so he’s just happy to have them by his side again.
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Hurk Jr.
He sees Sharky hanging out with the Judge more and more so finally he wonders why.
“Sharky man, why are you hangin’ out with that weird masked dude so much ?”
“Hurk, that’s the Dep.”
“WHAT ?!”
Almost instantaneously, Hurk goes to find the Dep and make sure it’s them.
When he confronts them, the Judge nods quietly and Hurk just breaks down.
“DUDE, it’s really you ?? I missed you, man. All those crazy adventures we had ? Man, that was some good time. OMG, I’ve got a kid now dude. I’m a daddy ! You wanna meet Blade ? We could teach him some cool shit together !!!”
So the Judge follows Hurk and he introduce them to Blade. They’re really careful and afraid to hurt this little kid.
“Hey, I know you’re already Carmina’s godparent and all... But I was thinking that, maybe, you could be Blade’s too ? I don’t know man, I just want him to grow up as awesome as me and Sharky and... you. You know ?”
The Judge hugs Hurk. They’re crying behind their mask...
Taglist : @theeonlyroman @krenee1drful @followedbyhell @zacklover24 @swatchdcg @onl-you @casifer-fan
And also tagging @youhavebeenmarked because I wanna share this with you. 😂💖
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llucy-san · 4 years
OC Mannerisms
tagged by my lovely friends @risenlucifer @faithchel​ thank you beauties, ❤️❤️ and maybe somebody else but tumblr won't show it to me. 🤷‍♀️
@ja-crispea @nightwingshero @dieguzguz @pd3 @v3ryvelvet @fromathelastoveritaserum @chazz-anova @chyrstis @tommymillers @tomexraider @smithandrogers @f0xyboxes @fadedjacket @deathvalleyqueen @lobanhart @goodboiboomer-fc5 @geronimo-11 @gracethornwood @xbaebsae sorry for double tagg, no obligation just have fun with your own unique characters. 😘❤️
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Hayley Moore
how the smile
~ gentle smile at the corners of her lips
~ infections laughter
~ endless giggling after few drink at the gathering where she can relax and be herself
what their "tells" is for lying
~ Hayley is not good to be two-faced, and especially in front of her loved ones because they know her body language and they know that something is wrong
~ lack of eye contact, she usually look at anything else in the room but at the person. She is trying to find the best possible connection to her story just to make it sound as good as possible.
~ she cares about her figure because her character and style of dress reflects her name and career
~ the most common is white blouses with black pencil skirts and heels but if she doesn't have to dress properly she likes to wear comfortable clothes such as shirts, hoodies
~ hair down or in bun
standing: shoulders back, chest pushed forward, head high, hands usually locked behind her back or in front while she's holding another one of her documents for her cases
sitting: back pressed against couch while reading or watching a good movie or book and eating something good
~ cuddling with her husband late in the evenings, these are the moments she values the most because only then are they truly alone and no one disturbs them
volume of speech, if they're verbal
~ as the southern girl, she speaks feverishly and melodiously with slight accent (french is her mother language)
~ raises her voice only when she is hurt and agitated, speaks really fast, breathing quicken and very often slipping into her southern new orleans accent
~ soflty whisper only in the morning when she finds herself day after day in the arms of her husband who does not want to let her go. "No, it's too early, sweetpie, stay or I'll make you and you know I'll. Choice is yours."
nervous tics
~ turning off and turning on pen against desk, tapping with her nails against any surface
~ pacing back and forth
~ running her nails through her hair
~ spinning her wedding ring
how much eye contact do they make
~ always makes eye contact, the only time she breaks it is when she's lying or flirts or tease
in group conversation, how close do they stand to others? Are they off to the side just listening and occasionally speaking or are they right next to people?
~ Hayley does not cross the personal space, but the time with her husband taught her a thing or two
~ she gently place her hand on their shoulder and lean closer (depending on the relationship)
when standing, what do they do with their hands? talk with their hands, cross their arms, put hands in pockets, prop up against the wall, etc
~ in morning, it's most common cup of black coffee
~ gestures with her hands while talking
~ see postures
the sound of their footsteps
~ if she's in her converse she is pretty silent, long and steady strides
~ if she's in her heels, her arrival is perceptible, she moves with elegance and ease
nonverbal greetings: do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, high five, something else?
~ most often address verbally
~ her husband with gentle kiss on cheek or the lips, which John almost always will go after her to show her his own affections
~ Jacob’s like her older brother she never had, and she likes to joke with him. The have very close relationship (brother and sister relationship)
how do they get other's attention? raise hand, clear throat, etc
~ she doesn't need to get other's attention because she always gets it with her charm
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Hope Lansdowne
how the smile
~ soflty with the dimples in her cheeks, she smiles when she relaxed for a bit and doesn't have to deal with the problems that await her every day
~ loud and infections laughter with head tilted back and holding her abdomen (most often due to Sharky or Hurk)
what their "tells" is for lying
~ she is very good at fooling people, even the best who try to release even the slightest secret from her will fail. Hope can look in the eye of the person she's talking to and lie, tell him the exact opposite
~ however, her closest friends know her very well and know how her body language. They know when she is trying to hide something from them. Her brother is the one who can read her the most, and vice versa.
~ general: physically in the best condition. Even though she is not tall, she can easily deal with a man a head taller than herself and put him on the ground. Training and the military taught her how to survive in the worst situations. Hair usually wears in ponytail or bun and she only wears pants and t-shirts because she despises to dressing up like a lady in a dress
standing: shoulders pushed back, head titled aside or held high, hands most often hovering over her knife or loosely folded behind her back
sitting: leaning against the couch or loveseat and sitting on her feet and enjoying the good company of her friends and family
~ legs crossed in Indian style and bent over the work that usually takes all her attention.
volume of speech, if they're verbal
~ gentle voice, light with a bit of an accent
~ raises her voice when she is angry and lets herself be carried away by her temperament and heat. Her eyes are sharply pierced in the eyes of the person she's arguing with, breathing hard and says everything she was bottling inside all this time, the things she'd rather not say
nervous tics
~ stomping her with her feet impatiently
~ biting her lips or the inside of her cheeks
~ unable to sit still, she has to do something to occupy herself
how much eye contact do they make
~ always makes eye contact. It depends mainly in what situation she finds herself, whether she threatenes and plays with fire while standing close to her enemy or when she flirts and then comes the moment when she breaks her eye contact
in group conversation, how close do they stand to others? Are they off to the side just listening and occasionally speaking or are they right next to people?
~ she has her own style
~ Hope most often breaks the rules and crosses the boundaries of personal space to show intimacy (lover) or intimidation - laying a hand on shoulder or arm, face - draw the line of jaw this is the time when she breaks eye contact to follow her finger with her eyes
~ but when she starts a very interesting conversation, she prefers to stay in the background and listen to everything they talk about and consider what she could use to her advantage
when standing, what do they do with their hands? talk with their hands, cross their arms, put hands in pockets, prop up against the wall, etc
~ arms crossed her chest while leaning on against wall or tree or playing with a knife while making small gestures
the sound of their footsteps
~ as a soldier, she was taught to walk silently and easily so no one would notice her. She doesn't like to wear heel because a) she doesn't know how to walk in that things, and b) she prefers to wear converse or her combat boots in which she feels most comfortable
~ her steps are long and brisk when she wants them to be and moves with ease
nonverbal greetings: do they wave, nod, hug, glare, punch, high five, something else?
~ it depends on who the person is and what bond she has with them. She most often welcomes friends with open arms, enemies with a knife at their necks and lovers in her own way
how do they get other's attention? raise hand, clear throat, etc
~ she doesn't like to be centrum of attention, but when she needs to, she speaks out loud and almost every time with a sarcastic undertone, such as when she came to Jacob’s office when Alexis ( one of his judge trainer) was occupying his office and Hope came in.
"I saw the door open and, oh, and I though I would see a half naked judge trainer, seems I gambled and lost."
"Few minutes ago I was fully naked."
"Ou, then you've served your purpose! Don't let me hold you up!"
They don't like each other very much
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frankensteined · 4 years
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DEPUTY ROXANNE BAILEY (made using this template, edited to add/remove some stuff like body temperature who needs that)
FULL NAME: roxanne bailey (no middle name~) PRONUNCIATION: rox-ann bay-lee MEANING: roxanne means “dawn/dawn of day” or “bright, radiant one” (which i did not know until right now!) REASONING: she was named after her father’s baby sister, who passed away when she was four years old (her father had been eight at the time). NICKNAME(S): roxie, rox, deputy/dep, rook/rookie (by the entire hope county sheriff’s department), “kid” (by dutch), shorty (by unexpected bff sharky boshaw, though he, along with most of her allies, tend to stick with “roxie”), brosenkrantz (by hurk jr, after a very intense debate over which of them was brosenkrantz and which was guildenstern), Various Terms Of Endearment from adelaide (but she calls everyone by those names so it doesn’t really count) re: the seeds and how they address her: • jacob’s taken to condescendingly calling her “precious”. as in, he did not take her seriously at first, so her attempts at bravado when they first met were greeted with a patronizing “aw, that’s cute. that’s just...precious.” so now he calls her ‘precious’ instead of ‘deputy’ half the time and she hate hate hates it.  • joseph has a way of saying her first name that somehow makes her feel like he’s the one that gave it to her, so she prefers him to use “deputy” as well. it makes her feel too exposed, otherwise.  • it doesn’t matter what john calls her; it always sounds like he’s playing with the name like it’s a toy she can’t get back from him.    • and faith asked during their first encounter if she could use ‘roxie’ for her “like we’re friends”, so even though that’s just her regular nickname, the way faith uses it always feels a little like a trap. or an invitation. roxie isn’t sure which is worse, especially since she isn’t entirely sure that it isn’t both.  
PREFERRED NAME(S): “just...anything but what the seeds call me. or the way they call me. ..you know what i mean.” BIRTH DATE: april 10, 1987  AGE: 31 (circa fc5 time, set in 2018) ZODIAC: aries GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual NATIONALITY: american CURRENT LOCATION: hell hope county, montana LIVING CONDITIONS: UHHHHHH....currently not. awesome??? (”occasionally, i’ll find a house that hasn’t been riddled with bullet holes that i can rest in for a couple of hours? that’s fancy.”) often crashes either in fall’s end or nick rye’s house, but will catch a few hours of sleep at various locations that she’s helped liberate when she’s not in that area. nothing has become a sort of “home” for her yet, though. pretty much, as soon as she finds a place with a working shower she’ll plop down for a bit to recuperate and then moves on. likes to talk/joke about moving into the seed ranch now that it’s out of john’s hands, but also worries that if she does that he’ll harm hudson worse than he already has, out of revenge (so for now it’s just stops there to do laundry and shower and that’s probably pushing her luck enough).  TITLE(S):  junior dep-yoo-tee with the hope county sheriff’s department 
BIRTH PLACE: america  HOMETOWN: gunnison, colorado  SOCIAL CLASS: lower-middle class EDUCATION LEVEL: high school graduate; was attending columbia unversity on a scholarship (studying psychology), but didn’t complete her program  FATHER: jameson “jim” bailey -- owner of a local hardware store in gunnison MOTHER: elizabeth “liza” bailey (nee wright) -- high school art/music teacher SIBLING(S): none BIRTH ORDER: only child! CHILDREN: hahahaha no  PET(S): she grew up with a bunch of cats and no dogs, though she desperately wanted one. currently, her parents have four cats back home: ginger, roy, caesar, and bunny. in hope county, she has boomer (which is why she got so attached to him so quickly). there’s also cheeseburger and peaches, but they’re....not really pets, exactly (even if she pets them all the time)  OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: lloyd bailey (paternal uncle, lives in missoula, montana), richard bailey (paternal grandfather, lives in flathead county, montana), sarah wright (maternal grandmother, lives in gunnison, colorado) PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: michael lennon; ex-fiance. (he insisted on going by “len” which, now that she’s long out of that relationship, she jokes “should have been my first red flag that we weren’t going to last”. gets roasted pretty regularly by her friends in hope county over it after they find out: “your judgment’s been pretty good so far, but then again: you were gonna marry some dude who wanted people to call him len...so...”, etc)  ARRESTS?: nope! PRISON TIME?: ...not unless you could the literal cage that jacob’s kept her in~ DETAILED BACKGROUND:
• her father, jim, was born and raised in flathead county; he was the middle child, with an older brother and a younger sister, but lost his sister to an accident when she was four years old. he and his older brother became inseparable, and on his twenty-first birthday they set off on a roadtrip around the country, just to see what else was out there
• her mother was born out of wedlock to a woman who “found god” after she discovered that she was pregnant and was subsequently abandoned by her lover; liza wright never knew who her father was, as her mother refused to tell her, but she was assured that she was considered a gift, rather than a punishment.
•  jim and liza met when the brothers ventured through gunnison while on their trip; initially, it was lloyd who was interested in her, but jim’s soft-hearted demeanor was much more appealing in the face of his brother’s louder presence, and lloyd bowed out graciously. it quickly became a whirlwind romance, but liza called it off once he started talking about just staying in gunnison instead of completing his trip. jim told her he’d be back once he was done, but she didn’t believe him. she should have; he returned that fall, hoping she hadn’t moved on. she hadn’t. they resumed their romance, much to her mother’s displeasure, and were married the following spring (also to her mother’s displeasure)
• jim got work at the local hardware store, while liza began her career of teaching at the local high school. she’d planned on just teaching one subject, but due to a series of administrative mishaps she took on an additional role as the music teacher as well. within a year, though, she discovered that she was pregnant. they hadn’t planned on having kids so soon, but there was no helping it. jim ended up taking over the store, while liza worked until she couldn’t anymore. their daughter was born the next spring; they named her in honor of jim’s baby sister 
• roxanne was a healthy, happy baby, but her parents were finally beginning to come down from their whirlwind relationship, and began to worry about money more and more. they did their very best, and they loved their daughter, but roxanne grew up thinking that it was normal that her father was only around for dinner time at 6 pm, and that he was in bed by 8 o’clock. she grew up thinking that it was normal for mothers to stay up late into the night with work, so she’d need to put herself to bed from the earliest age she could. she grew up entertaining herself, but needing to be quiet about it, lest she wake her father, or interrupt her mother’s grading or lesson planning.
• she grew up lonely. roxanne has very vivid memories of sitting on the school steps, watching parents picking up their children one by one, and having to wait until well after everyone else had gone home before one of hers remembered to get her. she remembers being embarrassed as her teachers had to sit and wait with her, and she remembers being in third grade and deciding to try to just walk home on her own; naturally, she got lost, and was found crying on a corner by the sheriff. after he drove her home, arrangements were made for her grandmother to begin picking her up and keeping her at her house until one of her parents were done work
• sarah wright might have disapproved in her daughter’s choice of career, her choice of husband, and her choice in her granddaughter’s name (she had been hoping that liza would have at least given roxanne her name as a middle name!), but she wasn’t a cruel person, and she tried her best to make her home accommodating for her increasingly moody granddaughter. roxie would later go on to recall how her grandmother would refrain from bludgeoning her with “too much church talk”, but she would make comments such as “i’ve been praying for you lately, because i know you aren’t doing it for yourself”, and other such things that would sour her on faith in general, but she shrugs it off by adding “at least i wasn’t alone all the time”. it was her grandmother who suggested she try some sort of physical activity to get her frustrations out, and she enrolled her in dance lessons, which roxanne would stick with for much of her adolescence.
• by middle school, roxanne’s moodiness had given way to real, proper anger. she was angry at her father for always being at work instead of spending time with her. she was angry with her mother for prioritizing other people’s children over her own. she was angry with her teachers for innocent infractions, such as not realizing that casually suggesting that her parents could help her with her homework felt like the equivalent to open mockery to her. eventually, the anger turned into acting out, which eventually landed her in a chair opposite a children’s counselor; here, she’d actually begin to voice these issues, which delivered a much needed wake up call to her parents. they began to seek out ways to better balance their lives, and roxanne began to realize that she rather enjoyed being able to see where her anger was stemming from, and see where it was going. it was her first brush with understanding psychology, and that redirected her focus towards the subject once she hit high school.   
• speaking of which, things improved by the time she entered high school. it helped that she was now seeing her mother regularly in school, and she got a part time job as a waitress in the diner across the street from her father’s store so she could see him on his breaks, but beyond that she simply...had a place to put her energy now. more accurately: her goal was to get out of gunnison, and to study psychology. everything else seemed to fall into a strange, but welcome place in the background. her family began taking yearly trips to visit her uncle and grandparents in montana, where they would go hiking and camping, and her uncle would introduce her to bird watching. those trips became some of her fondest memories
 •  she worked her ass off in high school, academically-speaking, in order to have a shot at a scholarship. her mother’s position definitely helped her to at least get the audience she needed to apply for one, but roxie somehow, miraculously, managed to get one to her top school of choice mostly through her own merit. she left for columbia university, and while she was feeling wildly out of her depth there, she managed to attract a small bunch of (much more well-off) friends who saw her as a “project”. it wasn’t a flattering comparison, but by this point she had come to attach herself to anyone who actively appeared to choose her over others, and so she was inducted into their numbers and it shielded her from getting too in over her head, financially and emotionally 
• one member of that social circle was michael lennon, a bio-med student, son of a senator, asked that everyone just refer to him as “len”, who, for reasons she still doesn’t understand, decided that he needed to pursue her. he was far from her type, and she turned him down initially to focus on her classes, but that only increased his interest. despite herself, roxanne was flattered by the attention, even if he was self-important. eventually, they began dating, whereupon he introduced her to things like galas (which she hated), yachts (which she hated), and how to fly his own, personal, two-seater plane (ridiculous...but she kind of enjoyed that). eventually, he asked her to marry him, and, again, for reasons she still doesn’t understand, she accepted his proposal. (...it was because it was the ultimate “i choose you” display. that’s the reason, even if she doesn’t want to acknowledge that)  
• back home, her father’s struggles with money only increased, and her mother returned to throwing herself into her work at the school. it became the perfect storm needed for a man by the name of “cal jethrow” to waltz on in and offer jim help, only to turn around and con him out of everything. jim had thought that he was going to expand his business, and that could keep him afloat, but by the time that cal vanished (with his fakey-fake name), he was left with nothing. as soon as roxanne had all the details, she was already on a flight back home. her parents had told her not to return, but she ignored them. len had told her not to go, but she ignored him. her return home was bittersweet, but she was in a better position than any of them were to dig her heels in and try to help her parents back on their feet
• len told her that if she stayed, their engagement was off. with a detachment that really should have tipped her off to how little she actually loved him, roxie replied “then it’s off.” he then went on and told her to hold onto the ring “for when she came back around” (because he’s a jackass). she turned around and pawned it as soon as she got off the phone with him, so her father could keep the store running for the next month. with her life firmly turned on its head, she began looking for work that would help her help her parents, and found herself facing that same sheriff that had helped her all those years ago. she was trained up, and joined the ranks of the sheriff’s department as soon as possible.
• eventually, financial matters smoothed, somewhat, but issues between jim and liza only worsened. their relationship, which had never exactly been on anything other than shaky legs to begin with, had been strained to the point of fraying. they were forced to admit that they were struggling during another trip to montana, after jim’s mother’s passing, and roxie, attempting to keep her own anger in check, asked them what she could do to help beyond what she’d already done for them. they admitted that they were blaming themselves, and each other, for her returning home, so she suggested that she just stay in montana, with her uncle lloyd, for a while in order to give them space to figure their own shit out (direct quote). so, that’s what she did. 
• her uncle was (self-appointedly) tasked with helping her find a job in montana, initially in missoula, where he lived, but he heard from an old friend, earl whitehorse, out in hope county, that he was looking for a new deputy. lloyd and his niece debated the position, with him filling her in on hope county’s history, and the cult that was operating within it, framing it as nothing she couldn’t handle, given her psychology background.  “you think i can, what, deprogram people in a cult?” she asked.  “christ, no! you just won’t get scared from it, is all i’m sayin’! anyways, those seeds are keeping to themselves, so i hear. you probably won’t even see them very often. it’ll be breaking up barfights and handling domestics, just like you’re used to!”  she considered her uncle’s sales pitch. “alright,” she shrugged. “give your buddy a call. what’s the worst that can happen?”     
• freshly relocated to hope county, roxie found herself immediately taking a liking to sheriff whitehorse, as well a fellow deputies joey hudson and staci pratt. they welcomed her with genuine warmth, taking it upon themselves to give her rides to work, as well as good-natured hazing (referring to her exclusively as “rook” when it wasn’t just ‘rookie’, and teasing her when she decided to wear the nickname as a badge of honor, since she already was a bit of a dork as far as bird knowledge went). by the time us marshal cameron burke appeared, tasking them all to accompany him in his arrest of joseph seed, pratt and hudson had delivered her one last prank: they’d had her uniform shirt ordered with the name “rook” on it instead of “bailey”. roxie found it hilarious, but nancy, the dispatcher, assured her that she’d already placed a new order for a proper uniform shirt for her. roxie dramatically thanked her for being the only person to have her back. (*sad trombone noises*)
• on the way over to the compound, while on the helicopter, roxie was checking her phone for the briefest of refreshers on the project at eden’s gate. her mother attempted to call her, but she dismissed it, intending to call back later than night, after the arrest was done and they’d all gone home.
• and. well. ....here we are. (note: at the time that i’m writing this, roxie’s sitting just shy of full resistance points in all three territories, but she’s yet to confront any of the heralds in their final encounters yet. so, that’s where i’ll be imagining her at for the most part, because it’s a fun dynamic to be playing around with, in terms of her relationships with all the other characters)  
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: does “deputy with the HCSD” even mean anything anymore? she isn’t exactly getting paid right now... SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: ummm...selling pelts?  TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: UMMM....looting peggies? APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: $Who, cares, about, money, right, now. ?? CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: “...y’know...i think my job could be better these days...”  PAST JOB(S): waitress, deputy with the gunnison county sheriff department  SPENDING HABITS: she’s actually always been pretty frugal, but given her current situation she’s more willing to part with funds for the sake of better supplies (or clothing). mostly, her response has been “why are you making me pay for this when i’m helping--no. you know what? fine. just give me the keys to the helicopter.” (Capitalism Never Sleeps, roxanne)  MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: a necklace with a gold wishbone pendant; her mother gave it to her when she was leaving for university, “for luck”. it has since absolutely gone missing thanks to the nightmare that is her current life in hope county, but she doesn’t know when she lost it. could have been when john had her in his bunker and he was prepping her for confession. could have been when she was being dragged into a cage at jacob’s behest. could have been while she was wandering around in some bliss-fueled hallucination. she doesn’t know, it does upset her, and, yes, she’s taking it as a sign that her luck’s running out.   
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: 7/10 (she’s stronger than she looks and has decent enough upper arm strength to pull herself up ledges and ropes without struggling, but she’s also not going to win any brawls unless she ends up with an unexpected advantage) OFFENSE: 6/10 (knows how to fight, But Would Prefer Not To) DEFENSE: 8/10 (knows how to defend herself And Prefers That Very Much Actually) SPEED: 8/10 (outruns a lot of chosen in their helicopters. pisses them off. pisses the seeds off. feels good. ♥) INTELLIGENCE: 7/10 (she was a good student and has a good enough head on her shoulders, but generally isn’t too above average outside of her preferred interests) ACCURACY: depends on her condition 8/10 (generally, pretty good! she hates it!) AGILITY: 8/10 (can successfully walk in a straight line and run without tripping, can dance well, but has also slipped off a dock and fallen into the water while trying to be sneaky, so...) STAMINA: 5/10 (running on fumes most of the time these days, but still does just enough to keep going!) TEAMWORK: 9/10 (she prefers to work with others! the only times that she tries to go it alone is either if she thinks a situation is going to be too dangerous for them, or if she’s experienced something especially upsetting. she can quickly get called out of that funk by someone simply reaching out to her, however, so all in all she’s a really good team player) TALENTS: ignoring the practical skills she is honing during this ordeal (ie: picking locks), she has a stupid amount of knowledge about birds and how to get by in the woods, thanks to her uncle. she’s also a fairly skilled dancer (she was absolutely That Person who went out to clubs to actually just dance when she was in university), but generally just prefers to dance like an idiot to relieve stress. she’s a little bit crafty, too, thanks to her mother’s background in the arts, but her talents are limited to making non-fancy jewelry (though she will friendship bracelet the hell out of someone if given the chance)   SHORTCOMINGS: not so great with melee weapons/hand to hand sorts of situations and has been knocked on her ass too many times to count. she’s also not super wild on heights, so every time she needs to climb something high her heart’s firmly lodged in her throat.     LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english is the only language she speaks fluently, alas DRIVE?: she’s a great driver! [footage not found] JUMP-STAR A CAR?: she can get it eventually, but definitely not on the first try. luckily, she travels with much more competent car-lifters :’) CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: if she has to but there are so many abandoned vehicles everywhere is it really worth it when you can just take a new one?  RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes!  SWIM?: yep, and she’s had to do a lot of it lately, unfortunately. she’s always in need of dry socks :( PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: her mom tried to get her into playing instruments when she was younger, and she can pluck away at guitars well enough, but she never stuck with anything long enough to get really good at it PLAY CHESS?: hahahahahahaha no. BRAID HAIR?: yeah, but she can’t remember the last time she’s braided anyone’s hair (including her own) TIE A TIE?: yep! PICK A LOCK?: heck yes that was the second or third perk i unlocked for her
FACE CLAIM: krysten ritter EYE COLOR: hazel  HAIR COLOR: black HAIR TYPE/STYLE: shoulder length, straight. ties it back when it’s hot out.  GLASSES/CONTACTS?: thankfully unneeded (though she will wear sunglasses if she finds a cool pair)  DOMINANT HAND: right handed HEIGHT: 5′9″ WEIGHT: 130 lbs BUILD: slight EXERCISE HABITS: running and hiding and climbing and crouching and swimming and absolutely none of it is done for fun :) SKIN TONE: fair TATTOOS: none yet PEIRCINGS: she has her ears pierced once in each ear, but nothing more fun than that MARKS/SCARS: she’s absolutely covered in scars across her torso/arms/back/legs these days (or, if they aren’t scars already, they’re definitely going to be once they’ve healed up properly!). by far her most concerning scar is the one on her neck that came from a wolf attack, uncomfortably close to a spot that’d have been pretty fatal if she’d been less fortunate. she’s also got a burn scar on her upper left arm thanks to being too close to sharky being sharky (she doesn’t blame him, though. honest accident!)     USUAL EXPRESSION: lately it’s been like this when it comes to seeing what an epic shitstorm she’s landed herself in, but prior to this she was much more relaxed and oftentimes open, if not downright playful, with others. that side still shines through when she’s with her friends in hope county, but it’s getting harder and harder to feel that way the worse and worse it gets. still, she’s trying to keep it together.  CLOTHING STYLE: currently she’s stomping around in a tank top, jeans, combat boots, and a hat on, but even before coming here she was always a pretty basic jeans/t-shirt type of person. doesn’t get too attached to clothing these days, because it always gets damaged if not literally torn off her JEWELRY: the aforementioned necklace that’s gone missing, as well as some larger rings that she’s found in abandoned houses throughout the county that she keeps on to add extra insult to any punch she might need to deliver.  ALLERGIES: n/a DIET: ironically, she eats fresher food now than she did before coming here. her current diet mostly consists of whatever gets hunted/fished up and whatever canned foods she finds in prepper stashes around the county, though now that the resistance has reclaimed a number of farms she’s been able to enjoy more variety. is gonna storm john’s bunker for a chocolate bar someday, though, seriously PHYSICAL AILMENTS: just...basically perpetually injured at this point. always at least a little Fucked Up 
JUNG TYPE: i took three different tests to see and in two of them she got the “hero/champion” archetype, so that’s what she is (as much as it pains her) MBTI: ENFP ENNEAGRAM TYPE: six “the skeptic” MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good TEMPERAMENT: choleric ELEMENT: fire PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: interpersonal/intrapersonal MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: she was neglected for much of her early upbringing, and with that came issues involving anger and attachment. while she was in a much healthier place recently, some of those issues are resurfacing as she’s feeling more and more pressure from dealing with This Mess  SOCIABILITY: prior to all of this, roxanne was slow to engage with others, but quick to befriend and trust them if they showed her an equal level of enthusiasm towards her. that’s essentially still the case, and she certainly excels when she’s in groups of people, but she’s becoming obviously more withdrawn and jumpy, finding it hard to accept praise or to feel like others are being honest with her when they thank her. but she still thrives off of that validation, so she keeps herself surrounded by other people as often as possible.   EMOTIONAL STABILITY: L O L it’s all over the fucking place these days. she has a hard time controlling her anger, but on the flip side she’s also become even more fiercely affectionate and protective towards her friends. some days, she will swallow back every feeling she has, and the next she might end up crying over any little thing. her emotional state is kind of like sharky’s homemade, duct tape reinforced flamethrower: it’s holding together, but you’re always gonna be a little worried that it’s gonna blow up and take out everyone around it under the wrong circumstances.  OBSESSION(S): for the sake of keeping sane, she’s 100% thrown herself into collecting the comics and bobbleheads and whatnot that she comes across. sometimes, roxie and her team will search a house that contains nothing but a baseball card for her collection and still consider it a success COMPULSION(S): she’s compelled to...break every tv set she comes across that’s broadcasting something she doesn’t want to see on it :) PHOBIA(S): shockingly, she’s developed an extreme fear of drowning! wonder where that came from. ADDICTION(S): she’s addicted to validation and having people choose her (going all the way back to her childhood, where her parents often did not prioritize her over others, despite their best efforts). this really, really isn’t something that she acknowledges in herself, but it does explain her responses to the accolades the people of hope county throw at her: even though she absolutely doesn’t think she deserves it, it keeps her going. she tells herself it’s because she has to keep going for them, and that’s true(!), but there’s a part of her that is sated in having others validate her. unfortunately, that also subconsciously influences her responses to the focus the cult has on her as well.      DRUG USE: recreationally in her youth, but hasn’t done any for some time. (unless you count helping aaron kirby/tweak out once by being his guinea pig) ALCOHOL USE: occasionally; more so when stressed, though she tries to keep a clear head as often as possible. still, if it’s there, she’s gonna drink it. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: ........guilty.
SPEECH STYLE: she’s fairly blunt, but surprisingly playful even now. keeping a sense of glibness to her responses, hopefully, masks just how poorly she’s coping with all of this. it isn’t all a front, though: she does genuinely speak with levity when she’s with her friends, enjoying being able to banter and joke with them, because they bring out the best in her. she used to be much more mouthy towards her enemies, until she saw firsthand how her allies were faring in their clutches. now, she saves those kinds of comments for just the right level of tension. there’s no sense in antagonizing them verbally when they’re in a better position to hurt her friends than she is to save them.
ACCENT: american QUIRKS: • even before coming to hope county, she was someone you could count on to always have gum on her person, and that’s especially true now. she’ll use pieces of gum as a peace offering/extending of an olive branch to people who don’t quite trust her, figuring that even the grumpiest of people can be won over thanks to the promise of fresh breath these days.  •  she also tends to “ask permission” of her animal companions before doing something dumb or reckless. if cheeseburger didn’t say no, then it’s fine, right? NERVOUS TICKS: fidgeting and picking at her hangnails  DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: • from the beginning, her main drive was to understand herself, which fortunately branched out to understanding others. that’s how she came to understand and make peace with her parents, it’s what made her able to harness her own negative emotions (...usually), and it’s what made her think that she’d fare okay in hope county in the first place. she’s still trying to understand these people, as much as she is trying to survive them. •  she also, of course, wants a place to belong to. so much of what she grew up tolerating was in the name of being wanted and appreciated, and whenever she finds that it becomes dear to her, even if it isn’t necessarily a positive thing (ie: frickin’ len). thankfully, the friends she’s made here are quite happy to accept her into their numbers, so she doesn’t need to pull validation from elsewhere (even though...it’s out there, in some twisted form)  • also, revenge? vengeance? not a positive goal, but!! it’s in there, simmering! FEARS: she fears so much lately it’s easier to list what she isn’t scared of, but obviously the biggest one is failing everyone that’s counting on her. it’s dying here. it’s her own mind, thanks to jacob. it’s joseph. but also, it’s turkeys, because those assholes are bloodthirsty. POSITIVE TRAITS: roxie is loyal to a fault, and absolutely fails any attempt she makes to turn her back on someone that she could help. she’s genuinely affectionate with her friends, and enjoys having inside jokes and opportunities to be silly with the people who like having her around, which, all in all, makes her a really good friend. she grew up without many of those, so she tries to be better than what she started with.      NEGATIVE TRAITS: roxie’s prone to flashes of anger and tends to hold grudges because of it. it makes her somewhat vengeful (part of why she leaned toward law enforcement was because she liked to imagine taking down the guy who conned her dad), which can sometimes make her take risks she really shouldn’t. she has a stubborn streak that borders on foolishness at times, and that makes her unable to just walk away when it would be better for everyone involved. she also does not handle loneliness well at all.
also she’s been turned into a brainwashed attack dog whenever jacob plays his gd song SENSE OF HUMOR: her own brand of humor is pretty dry/sarcastic/it’s-a-defense-mechanism, but in the right company she’ll lean into being silly/absurd and goofing off a fair bit (traveling with sharky and hurk together really brings that side out the most often, though nick and adelaide can get that too. she at least tries to be more serious with grace and jess, but between the three of them she’s probably the most likely to goof off). roxie does find sharky and hurk’s nonsense genuinely hilarious about....85% of the time, and although adelaide’s style doesn’t match her own at all, it still cracks her up a lot of the time as well (in an incredulous way). DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: only when stressed :) which :) i mean... :) :) :)
ACTIVITY: dancing ♥ ANIMAL: birds (except turkeys. she knew true betrayal when a wild turkey first attacked her)  BEVERAGE: no one believes her when she says this, but it’s really just any herbal tea! COLOR: the kind of deep orange you associate with autumn FOOD: blueberries! she likes blueberry flavoured anything. (least favourite: peas) FLOWER:  peonies  (least favourite is.....bliss flowers. obviously. but also roses, because she associates them with cheap apologies) GEM: citrine HOLIDAY: halloween! (all about that fall aesthetic) MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: cars, though she’s getting less rammy with big fuckoff trucks in hope county :) (least favourite is probably the quad because she. tends to crash them.) MOVIE: the wizard of oz (least favourite: moulin rouge, entirely because of “el tango de roxanne”. or, more specifically, how it influenced people to say her name for like five years after the movie came out)  SCENERY: as shitty as her situation is, montana really is beautiful, and she appreciates a lot of the natural sights around when she’s moving from place to place SCENT: fresh laundry is always a good one, but she’ll be the first person to admit that a really nice cologne or perfume will turn her head quickly. it’s a weakness. (least favourite is....uh. the smell of burning bodies, which wasn’t something she’d ever expect to have firsthand experience with, but here we are.) SPORTS TEAM: “uh....go cougars?” WEATHER: the kind you get right before a storm is rolling in, though she’s also fond of a good ol’ thunderstorm as well. (least favourite is snowy anything. she does not enjoy winter) VACATION DESTINATION: ironically, it used to be camping in montana. now it’d be...literally anywhere but here.
GREATEST DREAM: being able to see her parents again GREATEST FEAR: “i just don’t want to die here.”  MOST AT EASE WHEN: she’s taken to setting some time aside for herself to play with boomer, or to lounge against cheeseburger when there’s some precious downtime. sometimes peaches will come lay across her lap then, too, and there’s something really reassuring about having these apex predators just relaxing with her, knowing that they’ll keep her safe.  also, the jukebox at the spread eagle often gets hijacked after really stressful days, and being able to dance for a bit without worrying about an airstrike or something interrupting does wonders for putting her at ease. sometimes, her friends will put the music on for her and force her to dance with them when she’s in an especially bad funk, and it’s hard to really stay up in her own head when she sees them go to that much trouble for her sake ♥ worth noting: most of this dancing is not, strictly speaking, good, but it is ridiculous and fun. (and that’s valid!) LEAST AT EASE WHEN: joseph seed is making very intense eye contact with her (which is the only way he seems to make eye contact with anybody, in his defense) WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: she literally can’t think of anything at this point that could make things worse for her, save a literal, actual apocalypse hahaha :( BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: retaking the hope county jail and saving sheriff whitehorse. having him back has been the first real sense of normalcy to return to her life, and was the push she needed to press on towards trying to locate and rescue hudson and pratt.  BIGGEST REGRET: ...failing thus far to save either hudson or pratt. in joey’s case, roxie can sort of forgive herself, because she wasn’t in the absolute best position to be able to rescue her, but having been so close to her that she could see the tear tracks on her cheeks while john was wheeling her out of the room still weighs on roxie even now. she can’t stop to think about what she left hudson to deal with in there without feeling sick.  in staci’s case, the feelings of regret and guilt are even worse because they’d come so close to being able to escape jacob together, but it was never enough. pratt had saved her, and he was left behind to suffer for it. she’s taken to smashing every tv she comes across that’s looping that video of him being left to die.    MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: probably this moment when she first met hurk. it was a Class Act. BIGGEST SECRET: the seeds get to her. they’re in her head, she can’t shake certain things that each of them have said to her, and it all really boils down to the fact that a part of her -not even a part that she wants to recognize or acknowledge - thrills at the attention they have fixed on her. that part of her that yearns to be a priority is grateful, in a twisted way, that she’s apparently worth more than just a bullet in the head to them. that’s the part of her that’s keeping her skirting between territories, rather than just finishing it with the heralds one by one. roxie doesn’t accept that that’s what’s happening to her, but if she’d just stop to really think about it...she’d see that it’s true.   • despite the warnings, she can’t help but...wonder if maybe faith is actually sincere but has been manipulated. if maybe she could be reasoned with. she doubts it, but roxie has to admit that hearing faith’s accusatory “i thought you were different!” made her feel. well. bad. (roxie’s totally wrong about her, and she’s been warned against faith by loads of people, but. oops.)  •  she isn’t....not attracted to john. like. aesthetically. it’d be an absolutely terrible idea, she would hate herself if it happened, and she loudly rejected both sharky and adelaide’s observations on their dynamic, so she’s not even thinking about it, but. ...well, anyway. that’s one of those take-it-to-the-grave secrets so shh  •  out of all of them, despite what everyone else has done to her, the one that’s gotten to the her the most, the one that scares her the most, the one that’s seen through her the most, is joseph 
TOP PRIORITIES: “stay alive, save my team, save my friends, save the rest of the county, if i can. stay alive some more, finish this, then sleep, for a long, long time.” 
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