#Should I be working on ATW number 5?
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Reminder: this behavior is also seen in the movies
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junhaoshua · 2 years
a Taylor jukebox musical concept
So in honour of Taylor day, I had planned to put together a playlist of my favourite Tay songs... which somehow turned into a whole jukebox musical based on her work LOL
Presenting "Us": a musical in two acts, with 12 and 13 songs respectively (because 12/13). you can listen along here!
ACT 1: MR WRONG (tracks 1-12)
The first act has 12 tracks - because it's just short of lucky.
Track 1: i knew you were trouble
Spotlight focuses on Main Character (MC). She introduces Wrong (W) to us. Flashback to the first moment she saw him at a party; she knew he was trouble when he walked in, but reflects that she couldn’t resist.
Track 2: don’t blame me
MC narrates falling in love with W, trying to explain that he’d made her crazy and she was hopelessly drawn to him, even though she knew it was a bad idea.
Tracks 3 & 4: love story + starlight
Montage of MC and W’s relationship. She wants to believe that it’s a secret love that society won’t approve of, a Romeo and Juliet relationship, but looking at the starlight, she’s dreaming impossible dreams of being with him, and she fantasizes about him proposing.
Track 5: style
The cracks start to appear in the relationship; a rollercoaster of ups and downs, breakups and getting back together. Still, MC doesn’t want to see it; she insists that they’ll never go out of style… until she realizes that the “other girl” W’s been out and about with is his fiancee.
Track 6: illicit affairs
MC’s realisation that she’s been the third party, a million little things lining up and making sense in her mind as we revisit the scenes in Love Story. It wasn’t a secret love story, it was an illicit affair.
Track 7: wonderland
MC reflects on their relationship: it was wonderland, never meant to last, and that’s why people were watching and talking all along.
Track 8: getaway car
The flashback finally catches up to the moment in I Knew You Were Trouble, where MC began her story. MC breaks up with W. She admits she was lying to herself (after all, she knew he was trouble from the start) and tells him that he should have expected this outcome, driving off in tears and leaving him.
Track 9: death by a thousand cuts
MC’s driving off when she hits a red light and stops. She asks the traffic lights if she’ll be alright, and the song begins. Montage of MC moping around brokenhearted.
Track 10: all too well (10 mins)
MC looks back on her relationship with W. Montage of the same scenes from Love Story + Style + Starlight, but now we realise those scenes are the ones that ATW mentions. She’s broken, miserable, but then she sees him with a new lover, another young girl.
Track 11: clean
That night, MC goes home and cries, thunder echoing as the sky cries with her. But the realisation that W is just plain bad news finally snaps MC out of her misery. She wakes up the morning after the rain and decides to move on. She throws out all the gifts he gave her, blocks his number, and finally feels clean of him.
Track 12: august
MC has finally moved on. She looks back, accepts that W was never hers to lose, and puts the summer romance behind her.
ACT 2: MR RIGHT (tracks 13-25)
The second act has 13 tracks - because she’s finally lucky and in love now.
Track 13: new romantics
Time skip. MC’s at another party, and she’s older here. She seems to have moved on entirely from W, defiant and unashamed, joking that heartbreak is the national anthem, and showing off her “scarlet letter” (from being known as the “other woman” - she was a "scarlet letter" in Love Story). Then Right (R) walks in, and he’s gorgeous.
Track 14: gorgeous
R immediately catches MC’s eye - and she, his. She’s clearly dazzled by him, but tries to avoid him to avoid making a fool of herself. The party ends, as we hear “ocean blue eyes, looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die”.
Track 15: gold rush
MC’s alone in her apartment. She thinks of R - “gleaming, twinkling, eyes like sinking ships on water, so inviting, I almost jump in” and resolves to stay far away. The last time she felt this immediate attraction, it was with W.
Track 16: mirrorball
MC and R continue to cross paths at various parties. But instead of MC’s facade we saw in New Romantics, we get her internal monologue: she’s still shattered from W, and just trying to fit in and keep people’s attention, even if it means being mocked or having to treat her wounds as though they’re nothing (e.g. showing off her scarlet letters). But somehow, R seems to actually care about her as a person, unlike the other revelers. He asks her out.
Track 17: the archer
MC decides to give R a chance, desperately hoping that it’ll work and she can hold on to him this time. He seems to see right through her and understand her - an idea which terrifies her. To be loved, she knows she must go through the mortifying ordeal of being known - but every friend who’s truly known her has eventually turned into her enemy.
Track 18: cruel summer
Another relationship montage - this one between MC and R. Going on dates, wandering around the city (specifically Centennial Park). She tries to act tough and keep it casual, as though everything’s fine. She’s guarded, believing that he might betray her at any moment, not knowing if he’s leading her on. (It’s obvious to the audience that he’s head over heels in love with her though). It seems to be all fine until she impulsively tells him “I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” before running away.
Tracks 19 & 20: delicate + you are in love
MC’s actions explained as she looks back on their relationship. The delicate beginnings as she tries to figure out how and why R wants to be with her. And the sudden, “oh shit” realisation that she’s in love with him, blurts it out - and runs away.
Track 21: cornelia street
R comes back to their apartment to find that MC’s packed and gone. He calls her frantically, finds out where she is, and chases after her. When he finally catches up to her, he shows his hand and confesses to her that he’s been in love with her all along.
Track 22: this is me trying (+ cruel summer)
MC finally opens up to R about her fears and her feelings, and how hard she’s been trying. She doesn’t know if it’s enough to try - but he’s grateful to have what she can give. He asks her to give him another chance to react. She tells him that she loves him, and “he looks up, grinning like a devil” before kissing her.
Track 23: invisible string (+ cornelia street)
R walks MC back to her apartment, holding her hand. They wander through the city, back to their old haunts like Centennial Park, as they talk about all the ways they were meant to be. They’re barefoot in the kitchen, dancing in the refrigerator light (a deliberate callback to ATW), laughing and in love.
Track 24: long story short
Spotlight on MC. She turns back to the audience, the way she did at the start when she narrated the way she fell in love with W. A bold boast that she’s survived - then the reveal that the whole musical has been her story to R, telling him about her past.
Track 25: lover
Another montage - winter, snowfall, decorating their apartment for Christmas and leaving the lights up, inviting friends over for parties that MC truly enjoys instead of forces a smile for. As the bridge begins - “ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand” - she walks down the aisle to him. They say their vows.
Curtain down on the kiss. Finis.
(if you read to the end, thank you!! and i hope you enjoyed this ~)
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